National Credit Union Administration June 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment
On January 23, 2017, the NCUA Board (Board) published an interim final rule amending its regulations to adjust the maximum amount of each civil monetary penalty (CMP) within its jurisdiction to account for inflation. This action, including the amount of the adjustments, is required under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended by the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 and the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015. This rule finalizes those amendments.
Revisions to the Freedom of Information Act Regulation
The NCUA Board (Board) is finalizing its interim final rule amending its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regulation. The FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 amended the FOIA and required agencies to review their FOIA regulations and issue certain amendments by December 27, 2016. The amendments included revised procedures for disclosing records under the FOIA, assessing fees, and notifying requestors of options for resolving disputes through the NCUA FOIA Public Liaison and the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) within the National Archives and Records Administration. The interim final rule became effective on December 22, 2016. This rulemaking finalizes the interim rule with minor edits for consistency and clarification.
Safe Harbor
The NCUA Board (``Board'') is issuing this final rule to amend its regulations regarding the treatment by the Board, as liquidating agent or conservator (``liquidating agent'' or ``conservator,'' respectively) of a federally insured credit union (``FICU''), of financial assets transferred by the credit union in connection with a securitization or a participation. The final rule replaces NCUA's current safe harbor for financial assets transferred in connection with securitizations and participations in which the financial assets were transferred in compliance with the existing regulation, and defines the conditions for safe harbor protection for securitizations and participations for which transfers of financial assets would be made after the effective date of this rule.
Request for Comment Regarding Revised Overhead Transfer Rate Methodology
In a voluntary effort to invite input from stakeholders, the NCUA Board (Board) is seeking comments on proposed changes to the Overhead Transfer Rate (OTR) methodology. The primary goal of the proposed changes are to reduce the complexity of the OTR methodology. The proposed changes would also reduce the resources needed to administer the OTR. This document provides a summary of and response to comments received on the current OTR methodology, and explains and solicits comments on the proposed changes to the OTR methodology.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Contractor Budget, Representation, and Certification
The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), as part of a continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on the following renewal of a currently approved collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35).
Bylaws; Bank Conversions and Mergers; and Voluntary Mergers of Federally Insured Credit Unions
The NCUA Board (Board) proposes to revise the procedures a federal credit union (FCU) must follow to merge voluntarily with another credit union. The proposed changes: Revise and clarify the contents and format of the member notice; require merging FCUs to disclose all merger-related financial arrangements for covered persons; increase the minimum member notice period; and provide procedures to allow reasonable member-to-member communications regarding the proposed merger. The proposed changes also make conforming amendments to NCUA regulations governing termination of federal share insurance when the continuing credit union is not an FCU.
Supervisory Review Committee; Procedures for Appealing Material Supervisory Determinations
The NCUA Board (Board) proposes to amend its procedures for appealing material supervisory determinations to the NCUA Supervisory Review Committee (SRC) to enhance due process and to be more consistent with the practices of the federal banking agencies. The proposed rule would expand the number of supervisory determinations appealable to the SRC and provide credit unions with the opportunity for additional review by the Director of the Office of Examinations and Insurance (E&I). The Board proposes to codify these procedures of our regulations.
Appeals Procedures
The NCUA Board (Board) proposes to adopt procedures to govern appeals to the Board that would apply to agency regulations that currently have their own embedded appeals provisions and will replace those current provisions. The procedures would apply in cases in which a decision rendered by a regional director or other program office director is subject to appeal to the Board. The proposed procedures are intended to result in greater efficiency, consistency, and better understanding of the way in which matters under covered regulations may be appealed to the Board. Excluded from the scope of this proposal are formal adjudications required under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) to be accompanied by ``notice and an opportunity for a hearing on the record.'' Matters that are not covered include formal enforcement actions, challenges to orders imposing prompt corrective action and matters that are within the jurisdiction of the NCUA's Supervisory Review Committee (SRC). With the issuance of this proposed rule, the Board is also proposing a new rule to govern the SRC, including the appeal to the Board of adverse determinations made by the SRC.
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