Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 251 - 300 of 353
Determination of Rates and Terms for Preexisting Subscription Services and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing their final determination of the rates and terms for the digital transmission of sound recordings and the reproduction of ephemeral recordings by preexisting subscription services and preexisting satellite digital audio radio services for the period beginning January 1, 2013, and ending on December 31, 2017.
Distribution of the 2011 Cable Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2011 cable royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2011 cable royalty funds.
Distribution of 2011 Satellite Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2011 satellite royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2011 satellite royalty funds.
Notice of Intent To Audit
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing receipt of a notice of intent to audit the 2009, 2010, and 2011 statements of account submitted by, Ltd., concerning the royalty payments made pursuant to two statutory licenses.
Determination of Reasonable Rates and Terms for Noncommercial Broadcasting
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing final regulations setting the rates and terms for use of certain works in connection with noncommercial broadcasting for the period commencing January 1, 2013, and ending on December 31, 2017.
Cost of Living Adjustment to Satellite Carrier Compulsory License Royalty Rates
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (``COLA'') of 2.2% in the royalty rates paid by satellite carriers under the satellite carrier compulsory license of the Copyright Act. The COLA is based on the change in the Consumer Price Index from October 2011 to October 2012.
Notice of Intent To Audit
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing receipt of two notices of intent to audit the 2009, 2010, and 2011 statements of account submitted by DKCM, Inc. and Greater Media, Inc., concerning the royalty payments made by each pursuant to two statutory licenses.
Distribution of 2011 DART Sound Recordings Fund Royalties
The Copyright Royalty Judges solicit comments on a motion for partial distribution in connection with 2011 DART Sound Recordings Fund royalties.
Distribution of the 2010 Cable Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2010 cable royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2010 cable royalty funds.
Distribution of 2010 Satellite Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2010 satellite royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2010 satellite royalty funds.
Distribution of the 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Digital Audio Recording Technology Royalty Funds for the Musical Works Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the commencement of a proceeding to determine the distribution of the digital audio recording technology royalty fees in the 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Musical Works Funds. The Judges are also announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in this proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee, if applicable.
Determination of Reasonable Rates and Terms for Noncommercial Broadcasting
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing for comment proposed rates and terms for the performance of musical compositions by Public Broadcasting Service (``PBS''), National Public Radio (``NPR'') and other public broadcasting entities and for the use of published pictorial, graphic and sculptural works by public broadcasting entities pursuant to the statutory license under section 118 of the Copyright Act for the period 2013-2017.
Adjustment of Determination of Compulsory License Rates for Mechanical and Digital Phonorecords
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing for comment proposed regulations that set the rates and terms for the section 115 statutory license for the use of musical works in physical phonorecord deliveries, permanent digital downloads, ringtones, interactive streaming, limited downloads, limited offerings, mixed service bundles, music bundles, paid locker services and purchased content locker services.
Determination of Reasonable Rates and Terms for Noncommercial Broadcasting
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing for comment proposed rates and terms for use of certain works in connection with noncommercial broadcasting for the period commencing January 1, 2013, and ending on December 31, 2017.
Notice of Intent To Audit
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing receipt of two notices of intent to audit the 2009, 2010, and 2011 statements of account submitted by Digitally Imported, Inc., and Beasley Broadcast Group, Inc., concerning the royalty payments made by each pursuant to two statutory licenses.
Notice of Intent to Audit
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing receipt of a notice of intent to audit the 2008 statements of account submitted by Lastfm, Ltd., concerning the royalty payments made pursuant to two statutory licenses.
Determination of Rates and Terms for Business Establishment Services
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the commencement of the proceeding to determine the reasonable rates and terms for the making of an ephemeral recording of a sound recording for a later transmission by entities that transmit performances of a sound recording to business establishments. The Judges also are announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in this rate proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
Distribution of the 2004-2009 Cable and Satellite Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting objections on motions of the Phase I claimants for further distributions in connection with the 2004-2009 cable and satellite royalty funds as well as requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of these royalty funds.
Cost of Living Adjustment for Performance of Musical Compositions by Colleges and Universities
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (``COLA'') of 3.5% in the royalty rates that colleges, universities, and other educational institutions that are not affiliated with National Public Radio pay for the use of published nondramatic musical compositions in the ASCAP, BMI and SESAC repertories. The COLA is based on the change in the Consumer Price Index from October 2010 to October 2011.
Cost of Living Adjustment to Satellite Carrier Compulsory License Royalty Rates
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (``COLA'') of 3.5% in the royalty rates paid by satellite carriers under the satellite carrier compulsory license of the Copyright Act. The COLA is based on the change in the Consumer Price Index from October 2010 to October 2011.
Distribution of 2010 DART Sound Recordings Fund Royalties
The Copyright Royalty Judges solicit comments on a motion for partial distribution in connection with 2010 DART Sound Recordings Fund royalties.
Distribution of the 2009 Satellite Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2009 satellite royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2009 satellite royalty funds.
Distribution of the 2009 Cable Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2009 cable royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2009 cable royalty funds.
Notice and Recordkeeping for Use of Sound Recordings Under Statutory License
The Copyright Royalty Judges are amending their regulations to authorize the use of proxy reports of use to permit distribution of royalties collected for the period April 1, 2004, through December 31, 2009, for the public performance of sound recordings by means of digital audio transmissions pursuant to statutory license. Proxy reports of use will be used for those services for which no reports of use were submitted or for which the reports of use were unusable.
Notice and Recordkeeping for Use of Sound Recordings Under Statutory License
The Copyright Royalty Judges are proposing to amend their regulations to provide reporting of uses of sound recordings performed by means of digital audio transmissions pursuant to statutory license for the period April 1, 2004, through December 1, 2009.
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing their final determination of the rates and terms for two statutory licenses, permitting certain digital performances of sound recordings and the making of ephemeral recordings, for the period beginning January 1, 2011, and ending on December 31, 2015.
Distribution of 2005 Through 2008 DART Musical Works Funds Royalties
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion for partial distribution in connection with 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 DART Musical Works Fund royalties.
Distribution of 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 Cable Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the commencement of a proceeding to determine the Phase II distribution of 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 royalties collected under the cable statutory license. The Judges are also announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in this distribution proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee, if applicable.
Determination of Reasonable Rates and Terms for Noncommercial Broadcasting
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the commencement of the proceeding \1\ to determine the reasonable rates and terms for use of certain works in connection with noncommercial broadcasting. The Copyright Royalty Judges also are announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in the rate proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
Determination of Rates and Terms for Preexisting Subscription and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the commencement of the proceeding \1\ to determine the reasonable rates and terms for preexisting subscription and satellite digital audio radio services for the digital performance of sound recordings and the making of ephemeral recordings for the period beginning January 1, 2013, and ending December 31, 2017. The Copyright Royalty Judges also are announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in the rate determination proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
Adjustment or Determination of Compulsory License Rates for Making and Distributing Phonorecords
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the commencement of the proceeding \1\ to determine the reasonable rates and terms for making and distributing phonorecords. The Copyright Royalty Judges also are announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in the rate proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
Cost of Living Adjustment to Satellite Carrier Compulsory License Royalty Rates
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (``COLA'') of 1.2% in the royalty rates paid by satellite carriers under the satellite carrier compulsory license of the Copyright Act. The COLA is based on the change in the Consumer Price Index from October 2009 to October 2010.
Cost of Living Adjustment for Performance of Musical Compositions by Colleges and Universities
The Copyright Royalty Judges announce a cost of living adjustment (``COLA'') of 1.2% in the royalty rates that colleges, universities, and other nonprofit educational institutions that are not affiliated with National Public Radio pay for the use of published nondramatic musical compositions in the ASCAP, BMI and SESAC repertories. The COLA is based on the change in the Consumer Price Index from October 2009 to October 2010.
Distribution of the 2008 Satellite Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2008 satellite royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2008 satellite royalty funds.
Distribution of the 2008 Cable Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2008 cable royalty funds. The Judges are also requesting comments as to the existence of Phase I and Phase II controversies with respect to the distribution of 2008 cable royalty funds.
Distribution of the 2004 and 2005 Cable Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the final Phase I distribution of cable royalty funds for the years 2004 and 2005.
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing their determination regarding the minimum fee to be paid by Noncommercial Webcasters under two statutory licenses, permitting certain digital performances of sound recordings and the making of ephemeral recordings, in response to an order of remand by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Rate Adjustment for the Satellite Carrier Compulsory License
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing final regulations setting the rates for the satellite carrier statutory license of the Copyright Act for the license period 2010-2014.
Rate Adjustment for the Satellite Carrier Compulsory License
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing for comment negotiated royalty rates for the satellite carrier statutory license of the Copyright Act for the license period 2010-2014.
Rate Adjustment for the Satellite Carrier Compulsory License
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the voluntary negotiation period for the purpose of determining the royalty fees to be paid by satellite carriers under the satellite carrier compulsory license.
Distribution of the 2000-2003 Cable Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the final Phase I distribution of cable royalty funds for the years 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003.
Notice of Intent To Audit
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing receipt of notices of intent to audit the 2009 statements of account submitted by Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. and XM Satellite Radio Inc.
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing for comment proposed regulations governing the rates and terms for the digital performances of sound recordings by broadcasters and noncommercial educational webcasters and for the making of ephemeral recordings necessary for the facilitation of such transmissions for the period commencing January 1, 2011, and ending on December 31, 2015.
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings for a New Subscription Service
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing final regulations setting the rates and terms for the use of sound recordings in transmissions made by new subscription services and for the making of ephemeral recordings necessary for the facilitation of such transmissions for the period commencing January 1, 2011, and ending on December 31, 2015.
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing final regulations governing the statutory minimum fees to be paid by Commercial Webcasters under two statutory licenses, permitting certain digital performances of sound recordings and the making of ephemeral recordings, for the period beginning January 1, 2006, and ending on December 31, 2010.
Determination of Rates and Terms for Preexisting Subscription Services and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing final regulations governing the rates for the preexisting satellite digital audio radio services' use of the ephemeral recordings statutory license under the Copyright Act for the period 2007 through 2012.
Distribution of the 2004 Through 2007 Satellite Royalty Funds
The Copyright Royalty Judges are soliciting comments on a motion of Phase I claimants for partial distribution in connection with the 2004 through 2007 satellite royalty funds.
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings for a New Subscription Service
The Copyright Royalty Judges are publishing for comment proposed regulations that set the rates and terms for the use of sound recordings in transmissions made by new subscription services and for the making of ephemeral recordings necessary for the facilitation of such transmissions for the period commencing January 1, 2011, and ending on December 31, 2015.
Adjustment of Cable Statutory License Royalty Rates
The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing the commencement of the proceeding to adjust the rates for the cable statutory license. The Copyright Royalty Judges also are announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in the rate adjustment proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
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