General Services Administration December 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 22 of 22
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-48; Introduction
This document summarizes the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) rules agreed to by DOD, GSA, and NASA in this Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-48. A companion document, the Small Entity Compliance Guide (SECG), follows this FAC. The FAC, including the SECG, is available via the Internet at
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Repeal of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program
DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to remove FAR coverage of the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program, to meet the requirements of section 1335 of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel
DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to provide additional regulatory coverage to reinforce the requirement of collecting from contractors all forms of Government-provided identification once they are no longer needed to support a contract.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Terminating Contracts
DoD, GSA, and NASA are issuing a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to clarify the applicability of procedures regarding the termination of contracts to the acquisition of commercial items.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Payrolls and Basic Records
DoD, GSA, and NASA have adopted as final, with one change, the interim rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to revise the FAR clause, Payrolls and Basic Records. This revision implements a Department of Labor rule that protects the privacy of workers.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-48; Small Entity Compliance Guide
This document is issued under the joint authority of DOD, GSA, and NASA. This Small Entity Compliance Guide has been prepared in accordance with section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. It consists of a summary of rules appearing in Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-48, which amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Interested parties may obtain further information regarding these rules by referring to FAC 2005-48, which precedes this document. These documents are also available via the Internet at
General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation; Submission for OMB Review; GSA Form 1217, Lessor's Annual Cost Statement
Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the Regulatory Secretariat will be submitting to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and approve a new information collection requirement regarding Lessor's Annual Cost Statement. A request for public comments was published in the Federal Register at 74 FR 63704, on December 4, 2009. No comments were received. Public comments are particularly invited on: Whether this collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of functions of the FAR, and whether it will have practical utility; whether our estimate of the public burden of this collection of information is accurate, and based on valid assumptions and methodology; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and ways in which we can minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, through the use of appropriate technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Privately Owned Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates
The General Services Administration's (GSA) annual privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rate reviews have resulted in new CY 2011 rates for the use of privately owned automobiles (POA), POAs when Government owned automobiles (GOA) are authorized, and motorcycles for official purposes. No change resulted for the use of privately owned airplanes. FTR Bulletin 11-03 establishes these new CY 2011 mileage reimbursement rates, pursuant to the process discussed below. This notice of subject bulletin is the only notification of revisions to the POV rates to agencies other than the changes posted on the GSA website. GSA determines these rates by reviewing the annual standard automobile study conducted by the Internal Revenue Service, as well as conducting motorcycle and aircraft studies, and/or by applying consumer price index data.
Federal Travel Regulation; Removal of Privately Owned Vehicle Rates; Privately Owned Automobile Mileage Reimbursement When Government Owned Automobiles Are Authorized; Miscellaneous Amendments; Correction
GSA is correcting a final rule that appeared in the Federal Register on November 29, 2010. The applicability date for the final rule was incorrectly designated December 29, 2010. This final rule correction document corrects the applicability date to January 1, 2011.
Semiannual Regulatory Agenda
This agenda provides summary descriptions of regulations being developed by the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council in compliance with Executive Order 12866 ``Regulatory Planning and Review.'' This agenda is being published to allow interested persons an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking process.
Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions
This agenda announces the proposed regulatory actions that GSA plans for the next 12 months and those that were completed since the spring 2010 edition. This agenda was developed under the guidelines of Executive Order 12866 ``Regulatory Planning and Review.'' GSA's purpose in publishing this agenda is to allow interested persons an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking process. GSA also invites interested persons to recommend existing significant regulations for review to determine whether they should be modified or eliminated. Proposed rules may be reviewed in their entirety at the Government's rulemaking website at
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment, Request for Comments on Environmental Issues, and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting
The General Services Administration (GSA) will prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) that will analyze and discuss the environmental impacts of constructing and operating a proposed new Downtown Federal Building in Kansas City, Missouri. Through the project, GSA proposes to relocate its current operations from the Bannister Federal Complex in Kansas City, Missouri, and co-locate with other federal tenants at a proposed new Downtown Federal Building. The target property(ies) subject to this proposed action are those within an area bounded by 11th Street on the north, 12th Street on the south, Charlotte Street on the east, and Cherry Street on the west (known as city blocks 99 and 100), and could also include some level of development of 701 E. 12th Street, bounded by 12th Street, on the north, 13th Street, on the south, Holmes Street, on the west and Charlotte Street on the east. City blocks 99 and 100 lie within the downtown East Village development and tax increment financing (TIF) district, on the East-side of downtown, in Missouri's 5th Congressional District. In the EA, GSA will discuss impacts that could occur as a result of the construction and operation of the proposed project. GSA will also evaluate the ``No Action'' and other reasonable alternatives to the proposed project, or portions of the project, and consider how to lessen or avoid impacts on the various resource areas.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-47; Small Entity Compliance Guide
This document is issued under the joint authority of the Secretary of Defense, the Administrator of General Services and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This Small Entity Compliance Guide has been prepared in accordance with section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. It consists of a summary of rules appearing in Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-47, which amend the FAR. An asterisk (*) next to a rule indicates that a regulatory flexibility analysis has been performed. Interested parties may obtain further information regarding these rules by referring to FAC 2005-47, which precedes this document. These documents are also available via the Internet at http:/ /
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Technical Amendments
This document makes amendments to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in order to make editorial changes.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Limitation on Pass-Through Charges
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) have adopted as final, with changes, the interim rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement section 866 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009, which applies to executive agencies other than DoD. DoD is subject to section 852 of the John Warner NDAA for FY 2007, which is also implemented in this final rule. Section 866 requires the Councils to amend the FAR, and section 852 requires the Secretary of Defense to prescribe regulations to minimize excessive pass-through charges by contractors from subcontractors, or from tiers of subcontractors, that add no or negligible value, and to ensure that neither a contractor nor a subcontractor receives indirect costs or profit/fee (i.e., pass-through charges) on work performed by a lower-tier subcontractor to which the higher-tier contractor or subcontractor adds no or negligible value.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Uniform Suspension and Debarment Requirement
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (the Councils) are issuing an interim rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement section 815 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010. Section 815 extends the flowdown of the restriction on subcontracting to lower tier subcontractors that have been suspended or debarred, with some exceptions for contracts for the acquisition of commercial items and commercially available off-the-shelf items.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Small Disadvantaged Business Self-Certification
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) are issuing an interim rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to incorporate changes made by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to its Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Program.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Preventing Abuse of Interagency Contracts
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) are issuing an interim rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement provisions regarding, the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2009 requirements for preventing abuse of interagency contracts.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; HUBZone Program Revisions
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) are issuing a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement revisions to the Small Business Administration's HUBZone Program. This case requires that, for award of a HUBZone contract, a HUBZone small business concern must be a HUBZone small business concern both at the time of its initial offer and at the time of contract award. In addition, for general construction or construction by special trade contractors, a HUBZone small business concern must spend at least 50 percent of the cost of contract performance incurred for personnel on its own employees or subcontract employees of other HUBZone small business concerns. The 50 percent requirement may be waived in some circumstances.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Notification of Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) are issuing an interim rule to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement Executive Order 13496, Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Laws, as implemented by the Department of Labor (DoL). This Executive Order requires contractors to display a notice to employees of their rights under Federal labor laws, and the DoL has determined that the notice shall include employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-47; Introduction
This document summarizes the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) rules agreed to by the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) in this Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-47. A companion document, the Small Entity Compliance Guide (SECG), follows this FAC. The FAC, including the SECG, is available via the Internet at
Draft Concept for Government-Wide “ExpertNet” Platform and Process To Elicit Expert Public Participation in Response to Government Questions
With this notice, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) requests input, comment, and ideas from the public on a draft concept for next-generation citizen consultation, namely a government- wide software tool and process to elicit expert public participation (working title ``ExpertNet''). ExpertNet would tap the expertise of the public in a manageable and structured format. The goal of ExpertNet is to enable government officials to search for and communicate with citizens who have expertise on a topic, giving them the opportunity to participate in a public consultation relevant to their areas of interest and know-how, and pose questions to and interact with the public to receive useful, relevant, and manageable feedback. This Request for Information (RFI) will be active from December 8, 2010 to January 7, 2011. Respondents are invited to provide comments about or edits directly to the draft of the concept paper via an online discussion forum and wiki hosted by the White House Open Government Initiative and GSA and located at (the ``Wiki''). In addition, respondents who cannot access the Wiki are welcome to download a copy of the concept paper at https:// and e-mail comments to
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