Agencies and Commissions September 20, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 32 of 32
Agency Information Collection Activities Under OMB Review
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected costs and burden.
Technology Advisory Committee; Meeting
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announces that on October 5, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) will hold a public meeting in the Conference Center at the CFTC's Washington, DC, headquarters. At this meeting, the TAC will hear presentations and actionable recommendations from select TAC subcommittees (potentially including Automated and Modern Trading Markets; Distributed Ledger Technology and Market Infrastructure; Virtual Currencies; and Cyber Security subcommittees); and discuss how RegTech is opening up the possibility of machine readable and executable regulatory rulebooks (i.e., Robo Rulebooks), as well as the potential role of regulators.
New Postal Products
The Commission is noticing a recent Postal Service filing for the Commission's consideration concerning negotiated service agreements. This notice informs the public of the filing, invites public comment, and takes other administrative steps.
Audit and Financial Management Advisory Committee (AFMAC)
The SBA is issuing this notice to announce the location, date, time and agenda for the next meeting of the Audit and Financial Management Advisory Committee (AFMAC). The meeting will be open to the public.
Notice of Public Meeting
In accordance with the Presidio Trust Act, and in accordance with the Presidio Trust's bylaws, notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the Presidio Trust Board of Directors will be held commencing 5:00 p.m. on October 18, 2018, at the Officers' Club, 50 Moraga Avenue, Presidio of San Francisco, California. The purposes of this meeting are to: Provide the Board Chair's report; provide the Chief Executive Officer's report; hold a National Environmental Policy Act scoping workshop for the Fort Winfield Scott project; and receive public comment on these and other matters pertaining to Trust business. Individuals requiring special accommodation at this meeting, such as needing a sign language interpreter, should contact Mollie Matull at 415.561.5300 prior to October 9, 2018.
Audit and Financial Management Advisory Committee (AFMAC)
The SBA is issuing this notice to announce the location, date, time and agenda for the next meeting of the Audit and Financial Management Advisory Committee (AFMAC). The meeting will be open to the public.
Protection Against Malevolent Use of Vehicles at Nuclear Power Plants
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is withdrawing Regulatory Guide (RG) 5.68, ``Protection against Malevolent use of Vehicles at Nuclear Power Plants,'' dated August 1994. This document is being withdrawn because it is outdated and has been superseded by other NRC guidance. Therefore, it no longer provides methods that the NRC staff finds acceptable to protect against the malevolent use of vehicles as a means to gain unauthorized access to protected areas and vital areas and to ensure that these vehicles are operated only by authorized persons with a legitimate need for access.
Certain Network Devices, Related Software and Components Thereof (I): Commission Decision To Terminate the Enforcement Proceeding Based on Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined to grant the private parties' joint motion to terminate the enforcement proceeding based on settlement. The enforcement proceeding is terminated.
Tax Withholding on Court Ordered Payments
This rule deletes regulatory language that provides for the Federal income tax withholding rates on court ordered payments from the Thrift Savings Plan.
Notice of Permit Applications Received Under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is required to publish a notice of permit applications received to conduct activities regulated under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978. NSF has published regulations under the Antarctic Conservation Act in the Code of Federal Regulations. This is the required notice of permit applications received.
Proposed Revisions to Branch Technical Position 5-3: Fracture Toughness Requirements
On July 13, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a request for public comment on draft NUREG-0800, ``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition,'' Branch Technical Position (BTP) 5-3, ``Fracture Toughness Requirements.'' The public comment period was originally scheduled to close on September 11, 2018. The NRC has decided to reopen the public comment period on this document for 30 days to allow more time for members of the public to review additional revisions that the NRC made to BTP 5-3 since the draft was issued on July 13, 2018, and to assemble and submit their comments.
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-26 and DPR-64 to Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy or licensee), for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 (IP2) and 3 (IP3). Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-26 and DPR-64 authorize Entergy to operate IP2 and IP3 at reactor core power levels not in excess of 3,216 megawatts thermal for each unit, in accordance with the provisions of the IP2 and IP3 renewed licenses and technical specifications. In addition, the NRC has prepared a Record of Decision (ROD) that supports the NRC's decision to issue renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-26 and DPR-64.
Product Change-Parcel Select Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain LTE- and 3G- Compliant Cellular Communications Devices, DN 3342; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure.
NASA Astrophysics Advisory Committee; Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announces a meeting of the Astrophysics Advisory Committee. This Committee reports to the Director, Astrophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters. The meeting will be held for the purpose of soliciting, from the scientific community and other persons, scientific and technical information relevant to program planning.
Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of ALASKA
This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of ALASKA (FEMA 4391DR), dated 09/05/2018. Incident: Flooding. Incident Period: 05/11/2018 through 05/13/2018.
Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Minnesota
This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Minnesota (FEMA- 4390-DR), dated 09/05/2018. Incident: Severe Storms, Tornadoes, Straight-line Winds, and Flooding. Incident Period: 06/15/2018 through 07/11/2018.
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