Agencies and Commissions September 18, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 14 of 14
Submission for Review: OPM Form 1203-FX, Occupational Questionnaire, 3206-0040
The Automated Systems Management Group, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the general public and other federal agencies the opportunity to comment on an existing information collection request (ICR) 3206-0040, Occupational Questionnaire, OPM Form 1203-FX. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35) as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act (Pub. L. 104- 106), OPM is soliciting comments for this collection. The Office of Management and Budget is particularly interested in comments that:
Proposed Standard Review Plan; Branch Technical Position 18-1 on Guidance for Evaluating Minimum Inventory of Alarms, Controls, and Displays for New Light-Water Reactor Plant Designs
The NRC is requesting public comment on NUREG-0800, ``Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants,'' Branch Technical Position (BTP) 18-1, on Guidance for Evaluating Minimum Inventory of Alarms, Controls, and Displays for New Light Water Reactor Plant Designs (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML092330826). This BTP is to be cited as the acceptance criteria for the minimum inventory of controls, displays, and alarms in the Standard Review Plan (SRP) Chapter 18, Section II.A.7, item 8 for those standard designs that have not been certified prior to the date of this BTP. When BTP 18-1 is issued as final, Chapter 18, Section II.A.7, item 8, which currently states, ``8. A minimum inventory of controls, displays, and alarms,'' will be revised to read, ``8. A minimum inventory of controls, displays, and alarms (See the guidance in BTP 18-1 for designs that the NRC has not previously certified).'' (Material in parenthesis is added as a pointer to the BTP.)
Michigan Disaster #MI-00018
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the State of Michigan dated 09/11/2009.
Approval of Amendment to Special Withdrawal Liability Rules for Service Employees International Union Local 1 Pension Trust Fund
The Service Employees International Union Local 1 Pension Trust Fund requested the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (``PBGC'') to approve a plan amendment providing for special withdrawal liability rules for employers that maintain the Plan. PBGC published a Notice of Pendency of the Request for Approval of the amendment on March 2, 2009 (74 FR 9114) (``Notice of Pendency''). In accordance with the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (``ERISA''), PBGC is now advising the public that the agency has approved the requested amendment.
Procurement List Proposed Addition
The Committee is proposing to add to the Procurement List a service to be provided by nonprofit agency employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Radio Broadcasting Services; Batesville, Texas
The Audio Division grants a Petition for Rule Making issued at the request of Katherine Pyeatt, proposing the allotment of Channel 250A at Batesville, Texas, as its first local service. Channel 250A at Batesville can be allotted, consistent with the minimum distance separation requirements of the Commission's Rules with the imposition of a site restriction located 11.4 kilometers (7.1 miles) east of the community at reference coordinates 28-58-27 NL and 99-30-12 WL.
Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individuals With Hearing and Speech Disabilities; E911 Requirements for IP-Enabled Service Providers
In this document, the Commission via the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (Bureau) extends the registration deadline established in the Telecommunications Relay Services and Speech-to- Speech Services for Individuals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities; E911 Requirements for IP-Enabled Service Providers, Second Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration (Second Internet-based TRS Order), during which Internet-based Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) providers may continue to complete the non-emergency calls of unregistered users. This action is necessary because extending the deadline will ensure a more orderly transition to ten-digit numbering for users of Internet-based TRS by allowing for additional time for
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