Agencies and Commissions May 4, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 8 of 8
Approaches to Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering modifying its approach to develop risk-informed and performance-based requirements applicable to nuclear power reactors. The NRC is considering an approach that, in addition to the ongoing effort to revise some specific regulations to make them risk-informed and performance-based, would establish a comprehensive set of risk-informed and performance-based requirements applicable for all nuclear power reactor technologies as an alternative to current requirements. This new rule would take advantage of operating experience, lessons learned from the current rulemaking activities, advances in the use of risk- informed technology, and would focus NRC and industry resources on the most risk-significant aspects of plant operations to better ensure public health and safety. The set of new alternative requirements would be intended primarily for new power reactors although they would be available to existing reactor licensees. At the conclusion of this ANPR phase and taking into consideration public comment, the NRC will determine how to proceed regarding making the requirements for nuclear power plants risk-informed and performance-based.
Implementation of the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act and Modernization of the Commission's Competitive Bidding Rules and Procedures
This document adopts a number of modifications to the Commission's competitive bidding rules and procedures. The Commission believes the rule modifications it adopts will allow it to achieve its statutory mandates to ensure that designated entities are given the opportunity to participate in spectrum-based services and that in providing such opportunity it prevents the unjust enrichment of ineligible entities.
Radio Broadcasting Services; Goldthwaite, TX
This document dismisses an Application for Review filed by Charles Crawford directed to the Report and Order in this proceeding. With this action, the proceeding is terminated.
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