Agencies and Commissions January 9, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 16 of 16
In the Matter of Certain Tadalafil or Any Salt or Solvate Thereof and Products Containing Same; Notice of Commission Decision Not To Review an Initial Determination Finding a Violation of Section 337; Schedule for Written Submissions on Remedy, Public Interest, and Bonding
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined not to review an initial determination (``ID'') (Order No. 10) issued by the presiding administrative law judge (``ALJ'') finding a violation of section 337 in the subject investigation.
Agency Forms Submitted for OMB Review
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has submitted the following proposal(s) for the collection of information to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval.
Filing Dates for the California Special Election in the 50th Congressional District
California has scheduled a special general election on April 11, 2006, to fill the U.S. House of Representatives seat in the Fiftieth Congressional District vacated by Representative Randy ``Duke'' Cunningham. Under California law, a majority winner in a special election is declared elected. Should no candidate achieve a majority vote, a special runoff election will be held on June 6, 2006, among the top vote-getters of each qualified political party, including qualified independent candidates. Committees participating in the California special elections are required to file pre- and post-election reports. Filing dates for these reports are affected by whether one or two elections are held.
Advisory Committee on Presidential Libraries Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) announces a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Presidential Libraries. NARA uses the Committee's recommendations on NARA's implementation of strategies for preserving the permanently valuable records of the Federal Government.
Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel for Contributions to Private Voluntary Organizations-CFC Pilot Program for Department of Defense (DoD) Personnel Deployed Overseas
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is implementing a Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) pilot program for a selected number of local campaigns. This pilot program will allow Department of Defense (DoD) personnel deployed to certain warfighting areas of responsibility the opportunity to expand their giving options to include the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) activities and/or to the local charities located within the corresponding stateside campaign associated with their home base, in addition to the National and International charities. OPM will assess the results of the pilot program and determine, in coordination with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, if a permanent change should be made to CFC regulations and DoD Directive 5035-1.
Adjustment or Determination of Compulsory License Rates for Making and Distributing Phonorecords
The Copyright Royalty Board of the Library of Congress is announcing the commencement of the proceeding to determine the reasonable rates and terms for making and distributing phonorecords. The Board is also announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in the new rate proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
Determination of Reasonable Rates and Terms for Noncommercial Broadcasting
The Copyright Royalty Board of the Library of Congress is announcing the commencement of the proceeding to determine the reasonable rates and terms for use of certain works in connection with noncommercial broadcasting. The Board is also announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in the new rate proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
Adjustment of Rates and Terms for Preexisting Subscription and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services
The Copyright Royalty Board of the Library of Congress is announcing the commencement of the proceeding to determine the reasonable rates and terms for preexisting subscription and satellite digital audio radio services. The Board is also announcing the date by which a party who wishes to participate in the new rate proceeding must file its Petition to Participate and the accompanying $150 filing fee.
Notice Seeking Public Input on ACHP Formal Comments Regarding the Replacement of Microwave Communications System in Mount Graham, AZ
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation will be accepting public comments in preparation for issuing formal comments, under the National Historic Preservation Act, to the United States Forest Service regarding its intent to issue a special use permit for the replacement of a microwave communications system in Mount Graham, Arizona.
In-Service Hardship Withdrawals From the Thrift Savings Plan
This document contains temporary regulations that lift certain restrictions on financial hardship inservice withdrawals from Federal employees' and uniformed service members' Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) accounts. These temporary regulations are intended to assist TSP participants affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.
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