Administration for Children and Families May 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Head Start Program
Document Number: E6-8222
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2006-05-30
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
This notice of proposed rulemaking authorizes approval of annual waivers, under certain circumstances, from two provisions in the current Head Start transportation regulation (45 CFR part 1310): The requirement that each child be seated in a child restraint system while the vehicle is in motion, and the requirement that each bus have at least one bus monitor on board at all times. Waivers would be granted when the Head Start or Early Head Start grantee demonstrates that compliance with the requirement(s) for which the waiver is being sought will result in a significant disruption to the Head Start program or the Early Head Start program and that waiving the requirement(s) is in the best interest of the children involved. The proposed rules also would revise the definition of child restraint system in the regulation. The proposed change in the definition would remove the reference to weight which now conflicts with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The regulation also is being amended to reflect new effective dates for Sec. Sec. 1310.12(a) and 1310.22(a) on the required use of school buses or allowable alternate vehicles and the required availability of such vehicles adapted for use of children with disabilities, as the result of enactment of Section 224 of Public Law 109-149.
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4851
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-25
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority
Document Number: 06-4758
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-23
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Child Support Enforcement Program; Reasonable Quantitative Standard for Review and Adjustment of Child Support Orders
Document Number: 06-4731
Type: Rule
Date: 2006-05-23
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
This rule finalizes without change the provisions of the Interim Final Rule published on December 28, 2004 and responds to public comments received as a result of the interim final rule. The rule permits States to use a reasonable quantitative standard to determine whether or not to proceed with an adjustment of an existing child support award amount after conducting a review of the order, regardless of the method of review used.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4636
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-18
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4635
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-18
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4634
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-18
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4633
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-18
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4632
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-18
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4584
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-16
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4577
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-16
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 06-4576
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-16
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
Office of Community Services; Program Announcement for Assets for Independence Program Grants
Document Number: E6-6784
Type: Notice
Date: 2006-05-05
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children and Families Administration
On February 9, 2005, the Office of Community Services (OCS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published an announcement seeking applications for the Assets for Independence Demonstration Program. This program provides grant support for Individual Development Account (IDA) projects administered by government agencies and non-profit organizations. This Notice amends the final Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 application due date. This Notice announces a change in the final FY 2006 application due date from June 15, 2006 to July 18, 2006. This Notice also announces two conference call series. The first series will provide an overview of the Assets for Independence Demonstration Program, including application procedures and requirements. The second series will provide an orientation to administering effective Individual Development Account (IDA) projects with support from the Assets for Independence Demonstration Program. The Program Announcement for the Assets for Independence Demonstration Program is a standing announcement. It is effective until canceled or changed by the Office of Community Services (OCS). Applicants may submit applications at any time throughout the year. (Any changes to application due dates in successive years will be announced through publication of a Notice in the Federal Register, on the ACF Grant Opportunities Web page at https://www.acf. index.html, and on OCS will review and make funding decisions about applications in three separate funding cycles annually. For FY 2006, the due dates are: November 1, 2005; March 15, 2006; and July 18, 2006. For example, starting in mid-March, OCS reviews all applications submitted November 2 through March 15. Starting in mid- July, OCS reviews all applications submitted March 16 through July 18. And, starting in early November, OCS reviews all applications submitted July 19 through November 1. Unsuccessful applicants may submit a new application in any succeeding application period. (1) Under the Executive Summary section of the original Program Announcement, please delete the following: The Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services (OCS) will accept applications for financial assistance to establish and administer Assets for Independence (AFI) Projects. These projects assist low-income people in becoming economically self- sufficient. They do so by teaching project participants about economic and consumer issues and enabling them to establish matched savings accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDA) in order to save for a first home, a business, or higher education. Grantees must participate in an on going national evaluation of the impact of AFI Projects and IDAs. This is a standing announcement. It is effective until canceled or changed by the Office of Community Services. Applicants may submit applications at any time throughout the year. OCS will review and make funding decisions about applicants submitted by any of three due dates: March 15, June 15 and November 1. (If a date falls on a weekend, the due date will be the following Monday.) For example, starting in mid- March annually, OCS will review all applications submitted November 2 through March 15. Starting in early June, OCS will review all applications submitted March 16 through June 15. And, starting in early November, OCS will review all applications submitted June 16 through November 1. Unsuccessful applicants may submit a new application in any succeeding application period. Please replace the deleted paragraphs under the Executive Summary section of the original Program Announcement with the following: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS) will accept applications for financial assistance to establish and administer Assets for Independence (AFI) Projects. These projects assist people with low incomes to become economically self-sufficient. They do so by teaching project participants about economic and consumer issues and enabling them to establish matched savings accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDA) in order to save for a first home, a business, or higher education. Grantees must participate in an on going national evaluation of the impact of AFI Projects and IDAs. This is a standing announcement. It is effective until canceled or changed by the Office of Community Services. Applicants may submit applications at any time throughout the year. OCS will review and make funding decisions about applicants submitted by any of three due dates in FY 2006: November 1, 2005; March 15, 2006; and July 18, 2006. Unsuccessful applicants may submit a new application in any succeeding application cycle. (2) Under Priority Area 1, Section I. Funding Opportunity Description of the original Program Announcement please delete the following: The Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services (OCS) will accept applications for financial assistance to establish and administer Assets for Independence (AFI) Projects. These projects assist low-income people in becoming economically self- sufficient. They do so by teaching project participants about economic and consumer issues and enabling them to establish matched savings accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDA) in order to save for a first home, a business or higher education. Grantees must participate in an ongoing national evaluation of the impact of AFI Projects and IDAs. This is a standing announcement. It is effective until canceled or changed by the Office of Community Services. Applicants may submit applications at any time throughout the year. OCS will review and make funding decisions about applicants submitted by any of three due dates: March 15, June 15, and November 1. (If a date falls on a weekend, the due date will be the following Monday.) For example, starting in mid- March annually, OCS will review all applications submitted November 2 through March 15. Starting in early June, OCS will review all applications submitted March 16 through June 15. And, starting in early November, OCS will review all applications submitted June 16 through November 1. Unsuccessful applicants may submit a new application in any succeeding application period. Please replace the deleted paragraphs under Priority Area 1, Section I. Funding Opportunity Description with the following: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS) will accept applications for financial assistance to establish and administer Assets for Independence (AFI) Projects. These projects assist people with low incomes to become economically self-sufficient. They do so by teaching project participants about economic and consumer issues and enabling them to establish matched savings accounts called Individual Development Accounts (IDA) in order to save for a first home, a business, or higher education. Grantees must participate in an on going national evaluation of the impact of AFI Projects and IDAs. This is a standing announcement. It is effective until canceled or changed by the Office of Community Services. Applicants may submit applications at any time throughout the year. OCS will review and make funding decisions about applicants submitted by any of three due dates in FY 2006: November 1, 2005; March 15, 2006; and July 18, 2006. Unsuccessful applicants may submit a new application in any succeeding application cycle. (3) Please insert the following in Section VIII. Other: The Office of Community Services announces Two Informational Conference Call Series: The Office of Community Services, through its Assets for Independence Resource Center, will sponsor a series of Overview Conference Calls featuring general information about the program and the application requirements and procedures. These calls will be held on May 9, May 16, and May 23, 2006 at 2-3:30 p.m., eastern daylight time. The Resource Center will also host a series of Orientation Conference Calls with information and tips on administering effective Individual Development Account projects supported by the Assets for Independence Demonstration Program. These calls are scheduled for May 11, May 17, May 18, May 25, June 1, June 7 and June 8, 2006. Each of the calls will be held from 2-3:30 p.m., eastern daylight time. The Resource Center may also schedule additional calls. Please go to the OCS Asset Building Web site at https://www. building for a schedule of calls and other details. The Web site also includes dial-in numbers and pre-registration information. Participants are strongly encouraged to pre-register, as the number of lines is limited. The Resource Center will provide background information to all individuals who pre-register. All information in this Notice of amendment is accurate and replaces information specified in the February 9, 2005 Notice, the Notice of correction published on June 10, 2005, and the notice of amendment published on November 17, 2005. Announcement Availability: The Assets for Independence Demonstration Program announcement and all application materials are available at Standard forms and certifications may also be found at https://www. ofs/forms.htm. Finally, the OCS Asset Building Web site at assetbuilding provides extensive information about the Assets for Independence Demonstration Program and the application process. The page includes links to all required forms, a guidebook for developing an AFI Project, and information on applying for an AFI grant.
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