Arizona State University, et al.; Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments, 8261-8262 [2025-01792]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 17 / Tuesday, January 28, 2025 / Notices Commerce postpone the preliminary determinations in the LTFV investigations of CORE from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Africa, Taiwan, Türkiye, the UAE, and Vietnam.3 The petitioners stated, ‘‘{p}ostponement of the preliminary determinations is necessary and appropriate given the size and complexity of these investigations, the number of participating respondents, and the numerous extensions of time received by respondents to submit responses to Commerce’s initial questionnaire,’’ and that the postponement ‘‘will allow Commerce adequate time to issue supplemental questionnaires and develop a comprehensive record in these investigations.’’ 4 For the reasons stated above, and because there are no compelling reasons to deny the request, in accordance with section 733(c)(1)(A) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.205(e), Commerce is postponing the deadline for the preliminary determinations by 50 days (i.e., to 190 days after the date on which these investigations were initiated). As a result, Commerce will issue its preliminary determinations in the above-referenced investigations no later than April 3, 2025. In accordance with section 735(a)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.210(b)(1), the deadline for the final determinations of these investigations will continue to be 75 days after the date of the preliminary determinations, unless postponed at a later date. Notification to Interested Parties This notice is issued and published pursuant to section 733(c)(2) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.205(f)(1). Dated: January 21, 2025. Abdelali Elouaradia, Deputy Assistant Secretary For Enforcement and Compliance. [FR Doc. 2025–01791 Filed 1–27–25; 8:45 am] ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P Wheeling-Nippon Steel, Inc., and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, AFL–CIO, CLC. 3 See Petitioners’ Letter, ‘‘Postponement of the Preliminary Determinations,’’ dated January 10, 2025. 4 Id. at 2. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:49 Jan 27, 2025 Jkt 265001 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Arizona State University, et al.; Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments Pursuant to section 6(c) of the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials Importation Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89–651, as amended by Pub. L. 106– 36; 80 Stat. 897; 15 CFR part 301), we invite comments on the question of whether instruments of equivalent scientific value, for the purposes for which the instruments shown below are intended to be used, are being manufactured in the United States. Comments must comply with 15 CFR 301.5(a)(3) and (4) of the regulations and be postmarked on or before February 18, 2025. Address written comments to Statutory Import Programs Staff, Room 41006, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Please also email a copy of those comments to Docket Number: 24–028. Applicant: Arizona State University, 1711 S Rural Road, Tempe, AZ 85281. Instrument: Ultra High Pressure Multi-Anvil apparatus with DIA module. Manufacturer: Max Voggenreiter GmbH, Germany. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be used to enable materials to be processed under a much wider range of pressure and temperature than currently available in the United States. Materials subjected to extreme pressure (and temperature) undergo significant changes in shape, bonding and atomic-scale structure. The goal of the FORCE Mid-Scale Research Instrumentation Project is to establish a Facility for High Pressure Research located at Arizona State University (ASU), but accessible to researchers throughout the U.S., and the rest of the World, through the acquisition and implementation of highly specialized high-pressure instrumentation. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: August 15, 2024. Docket Number: 24–034. Applicant: University of Colorado JILA Department, Campus Box 440, UCB, JILA Building, Room S/175, Boulder, CO 80309. Instrument: Thulium-doped fiber laser. Manufacturer: Shanghai Precilasers Technology Co., Ltd., China. Intended Use: According to the applicant, the instrument is intended to be used with the purchase of a laser PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 8261 with a center wavelength of 502.88 nm and 1 watt of output power. This laser will couple certain vibrational and electronic states of the molecule YO, which is the system under study in our lab. Currently, we use a 649 nm laser (also from Precilasers) to couple a different set of levels. Integrating this laser into our experiment, we expect a significant enhancement in the number of molecules we can trap enabling new scientific goals. Justification for DutyFree Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: October 8, 2024. Docket Number: 24–035. Applicant: University of Colorado JILA Department, Campus Box 440 UCB, JILA Building, Room S/175, Boulder, CO 80309. Instrument: Soft X-ray scientific CMOS camera. Manufacturer: Fuzhou Tucsen Photonics, Ltd., China. Intended Use: According to the applicant, the instrument is intended to be used as a low-dose soft X-ray ptychographic imaging, for biological samples, which can benefit from an imaging sensor with high frame rates, low read out noise and high quantum efficiency. Our current generation tabletop soft X-ray source is limited to low flux, further adding to the need for a high sensitivity X-ray camera. Most of our current cameras utilize backside illuminated CCD technology, which is somewhat limited in all of those categories. Justification for DutyFree Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: July 23, 2024. Docket Number: 24–036. Applicant: Cornell University, Clark Hall, 142 Sciences Drive, Room 272, Ithaca, NY 14853–2501. Instrument: Narrow Linewidth Fiber Laser. Manufacturer: Shanghai Precilasers Technology Company, Ltd., China. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be used for the trapping and controlling chains of singly ionized barium atoms. The materials to be investigated are quantum information aspects associated with the internal level structure of the atoms and their quantum mechanical motion. Studying the efficiency of quantum algorithms using trapped ion systems and utilizing trapped ion systems as precision probes for search of new physics. Graduate students in the Katz Lab will use the lasers to assemble the trapped ion setup, gaining advanced knowledge in optics and quantum information processing. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the E:\FR\FM\28JAN1.SGM 28JAN1 ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 8262 Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 17 / Tuesday, January 28, 2025 / Notices applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: October 22, 2024. Docket Number: 24–037. Applicant: Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118. Instrument: Multi-collector high resolution inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer with collision cell. Manufacturer: Nu Instruments, United Kingdom. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be used to enhance the research capabilities of the Earth and Environmental Sciences department. Currently planned experiments include using thallium isotopes and selenium isotopes to study past ocean oxygen variations from rock samples, strontium and calcium isotopes to investigate calcium carbonate saturation states, and boron isotopes to reconstruct past ocean acidity from corals. These analyses will provide important insights of past climate change and geochemical cycles of various elements. This instrument maybe used for demonstration purposes only for high level analytical chemistry and geochemistry classes. The goal of this course is to introduce the use of stable and radioactive isotopes as tools to trace the movement of air, water, and sediments through the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: October 22, 2024. Docket Number: 24–038. Applicant: Harvard University, 17 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 01238. Instrument: Narrow linewidth lasers with accompanying accessories (2). Manufacturer: Shanghai Precilasers Technology Co., Ltd., China. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be used for research focusing on using ultracold Strontium monohydroxide (SrOH) molecules for precision measurements of physics beyond the Standard Model, including the electron Electric Dipole Moment (eEDM) and dark matter. To conduct these precision measurements, the SrOH molecules must first be laser-slowed and lasercooled to extremely low temperatures and high densities. A high-power, single-frequency 688 nm laser system from Shanghai Precilasers will be used to cool the SrOH molecules inside a magneto-optical trap (MOT). This process requires precise addressing of a transition with MHz precision and a high photon scattering rate for eRective trapping. Justification for Duty-Free VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:49 Jan 27, 2025 Jkt 265001 Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: November 13, 2024. Docket Number: 24–039. Applicant: University of Chicago, High Bay Research Building, 5602 S Maryland, Chicago, IL 60637. Instrument: Telescope Mirror Test Stand. Manufacturer: Carpenteria Colombo Ferruccio SRL, Italy. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be used to study the thermal and gravitational deformation of a 5.5 meter diameter, monolithic aluminum mirror which serves as the primary reflecting mirror on a telescope designed to study primordial gravitational waves. The objectives are to characterize the deformation of the mirror under different thermal gradients and changing elevation angles to allow development of algorithms to correct the optical images. Justification for DutyFree Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: August 27, 2024. Docket Number: 24–040. Applicant: University of California, Santa Barbara, 2509 Broida Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106–9530. Instrument: Low Noise Laser Amplifier. Manufacturer: Shanghai Precilaser Technology Co., Ltd., China. Intended Use: The low noise laser amplifier at 1064 nm will be used in a cold atom experiment at University of California, Santa Barbara, for opCcal trapping and manipulaCon of ultracold potassium-39 atoms. It will be seeded by our own 500 mW 1064 laser and will produce 100 W output power. Potassium-39 atoms at low temperature will be loaded into the opCcal traps created by the laser amplifier. Combining with acousto-opCcal modulators, we will be able to alter the quantum state of the atoms in the opCcal potenCals, and perform experiments about quantum interacCve dynamics and other quantum simulaCons. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: December 4, 2024. Dated: January 22, 2025. Gregory W. Campbell, Director, Subsidies and Economic Analysis, Enforcement and Compliance. [FR Doc. 2025–01792 Filed 1–27–25; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A–549–849] Certain Paper Plates From Thailand: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Final Affirmative Determination of Critical Circumstances, in Part Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that imports of certain paper plates (paper plates) from Thailand are being, or are likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV) for the period of investigation (POI) January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. DATES: Applicable January 28, 2025. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ted Pearson, AD/CVD Operations, Office I, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–2631. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: AGENCY: Background On September 5, 2024, Commerce published in the Federal Register its preliminary affirmative determination in the LTFV investigation of paper plates from Thailand and invited interested parties to comment.1 For a complete description of the events that followed the Preliminary Determination, see the Issues and Decision Memorandum.2 The Issues and Decision Memorandum is a public document and is on file electronically via Enforcement and Compliance’s Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic Service System (ACCESS). ACCESS is available to registered users at In addition, a complete version of the Issues and Decision Memorandum can be accessed directly at public/FRNoticesListLayout.aspx. 1 See Certain Paper Plates from Thailand: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Critical Circumstances, in Part, and Postponement of Final Determination and Extension of Provisional Measures, 89 FR 72370 (September 5, 2024) (Preliminary Determination), and accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum. 2 See Memorandum, ‘‘Issues and Decision Memorandum for the Final Affirmative Determination in the Less-Than-Fair-Value Investigation of Certain Paper Plates from Thailand,’’ dated concurrently with, and hereby adopted by, this notice (Issues and Decision Memorandum). E:\FR\FM\28JAN1.SGM 28JAN1


[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 17 (Tuesday, January 28, 2025)]
[Pages 8261-8262]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-01792]



International Trade Administration

Arizona State University, et al.; Application(s) for Duty-Free 
Entry of Scientific Instruments

    Pursuant to section 6(c) of the Educational, Scientific and 
Cultural Materials Importation Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89-651, as amended 
by Pub. L. 106-36; 80 Stat. 897; 15 CFR part 301), we invite comments 
on the question of whether instruments of equivalent scientific value, 
for the purposes for which the instruments shown below are intended to 
be used, are being manufactured in the United States.
    Comments must comply with 15 CFR 301.5(a)(3) and (4) of the 
regulations and be postmarked on or before February 18, 2025. Address 
written comments to Statutory Import Programs Staff, Room 41006, U.S. 
Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Please also email a copy 
of those comments to [email protected].
    Docket Number: 24-028. Applicant: Arizona State University, 1711 S 
Rural Road, Tempe, AZ 85281. Instrument: Ultra High Pressure Multi-
Anvil apparatus with DIA module. Manufacturer: Max Voggenreiter GmbH, 
Germany. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be used to enable 
materials to be processed under a much wider range of pressure and 
temperature than currently available in the United States. Materials 
subjected to extreme pressure (and temperature) undergo significant 
changes in shape, bonding and atomic-scale structure. The goal of the 
FORCE Mid-Scale Research Instrumentation Project is to establish a 
Facility for High Pressure Research located at Arizona State University 
(ASU), but accessible to researchers throughout the U.S., and the rest 
of the World, through the acquisition and implementation of highly 
specialized high-pressure instrumentation. Justification for Duty-Free 
Entry: According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same 
general category manufactured in the United States. Application 
accepted by Commissioner of Customs: August 15, 2024.
    Docket Number: 24-034. Applicant: University of Colorado JILA 
Department, Campus Box 440, UCB, JILA Building, Room S/175, Boulder, CO 
80309. Instrument: Thulium-doped fiber laser. Manufacturer: Shanghai 
Precilasers Technology Co., Ltd., China. Intended Use: According to the 
applicant, the instrument is intended to be used with the purchase of a 
laser with a center wavelength of 502.88 nm and 1 watt of output power. 
This laser will couple certain vibrational and electronic states of the 
molecule YO, which is the system under study in our lab. Currently, we 
use a 649 nm laser (also from Precilasers) to couple a different set of 
levels. Integrating this laser into our experiment, we expect a 
significant enhancement in the number of molecules we can trap enabling 
new scientific goals. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to 
the applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category 
manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner 
of Customs: October 8, 2024.
    Docket Number: 24-035. Applicant: University of Colorado JILA 
Department, Campus Box 440 UCB, JILA Building, Room S/175, Boulder, CO 
80309. Instrument: Soft X-ray scientific CMOS camera. Manufacturer: 
Fuzhou Tucsen Photonics, Ltd., China. Intended Use: According to the 
applicant, the instrument is intended to be used as a low-dose soft X-
ray ptychographic imaging, for biological samples, which can benefit 
from an imaging sensor with high frame rates, low read out noise and 
high quantum efficiency. Our current generation tabletop soft X-ray 
source is limited to low flux, further adding to the need for a high 
sensitivity X-ray camera. Most of our current cameras utilize backside 
illuminated CCD technology, which is somewhat limited in all of those 
categories. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the 
applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category 
manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner 
of Customs: July 23, 2024.
    Docket Number: 24-036. Applicant: Cornell University, Clark Hall, 
142 Sciences Drive, Room 272, Ithaca, NY 14853-2501. Instrument: Narrow 
Linewidth Fiber Laser. Manufacturer: Shanghai Precilasers Technology 
Company, Ltd., China. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be 
used for the trapping and controlling chains of singly ionized barium 
atoms. The materials to be investigated are quantum information aspects 
associated with the internal level structure of the atoms and their 
quantum mechanical motion. Studying the efficiency of quantum 
algorithms using trapped ion systems and utilizing trapped ion systems 
as precision probes for search of new physics. Graduate students in the 
Katz Lab will use the lasers to assemble the trapped ion setup, gaining 
advanced knowledge in optics and quantum information processing. 
Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the

[[Page 8262]]

applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category 
manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner 
of Customs: October 22, 2024.
    Docket Number: 24-037. Applicant: Tulane University, 6823 St. 
Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118. Instrument: Multi-collector high 
resolution inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer with collision 
cell. Manufacturer: Nu Instruments, United Kingdom. Intended Use: The 
instrument is intended to be used to enhance the research capabilities 
of the Earth and Environmental Sciences department. Currently planned 
experiments include using thallium isotopes and selenium isotopes to 
study past ocean oxygen variations from rock samples, strontium and 
calcium isotopes to investigate calcium carbonate saturation states, 
and boron isotopes to reconstruct past ocean acidity from corals. These 
analyses will provide important insights of past climate change and 
geochemical cycles of various elements. This instrument maybe used for 
demonstration purposes only for high level analytical chemistry and 
geochemistry classes. The goal of this course is to introduce the use 
of stable and radioactive isotopes as tools to trace the movement of 
air, water, and sediments through the atmosphere, hydrosphere, 
biosphere, and lithosphere. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: 
According to the applicant, there are no instruments of the same 
general category manufactured in the United States. Application 
accepted by Commissioner of Customs: October 22, 2024.
    Docket Number: 24-038. Applicant: Harvard University, 17 Oxford 
Street, Cambridge, MA 01238. Instrument: Narrow linewidth lasers with 
accompanying accessories (2). Manufacturer: Shanghai Precilasers 
Technology Co., Ltd., China. Intended Use: The instrument is intended 
to be used for research focusing on using ultracold Strontium 
monohydroxide (SrOH) molecules for precision measurements of physics 
beyond the Standard Model, including the electron Electric Dipole 
Moment (eEDM) and dark matter. To conduct these precision measurements, 
the SrOH molecules must first be laser-slowed and laser-cooled to 
extremely low temperatures and high densities. A high-power, single-
frequency 688 nm laser system from Shanghai Precilasers will be used to 
cool the SrOH molecules inside a magneto-optical trap (MOT). This 
process requires precise addressing of a transition with MHz precision 
and a high photon scattering rate for eRective trapping. Justification 
for Duty-Free Entry: According to the applicant, there are no 
instruments of the same general category manufactured in the United 
States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: November 13, 
    Docket Number: 24-039. Applicant: University of Chicago, High Bay 
Research Building, 5602 S Maryland, Chicago, IL 60637. Instrument: 
Telescope Mirror Test Stand. Manufacturer: Carpenteria Colombo 
Ferruccio SRL, Italy. Intended Use: The instrument is intended to be 
used to study the thermal and gravitational deformation of a 5.5 meter 
diameter, monolithic aluminum mirror which serves as the primary 
reflecting mirror on a telescope designed to study primordial 
gravitational waves. The objectives are to characterize the deformation 
of the mirror under different thermal gradients and changing elevation 
angles to allow development of algorithms to correct the optical 
images. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the applicant, 
there are no instruments of the same general category manufactured in 
the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner of Customs: 
August 27, 2024.
    Docket Number: 24-040. Applicant: University of California, Santa 
Barbara, 2509 Broida Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530. Instrument: 
Low Noise Laser Amplifier. Manufacturer: Shanghai Precilaser Technology 
Co., Ltd., China. Intended Use: The low noise laser amplifier at 1064 
nm will be used in a cold atom experiment at University of California, 
Santa Barbara, for opCcal trapping and manipulaCon of ultracold 
potassium-39 atoms. It will be seeded by our own 500 mW 1064 laser and 
will produce 100 W output power. Potassium-39 atoms at low temperature 
will be loaded into the opCcal traps created by the laser amplifier. 
Combining with acousto-opCcal modulators, we will be able to alter the 
quantum state of the atoms in the opCcal potenCals, and perform 
experiments about quantum interacCve dynamics and other quantum 
simulaCons. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: According to the 
applicant, there are no instruments of the same general category 
manufactured in the United States. Application accepted by Commissioner 
of Customs: December 4, 2024.

    Dated: January 22, 2025.
Gregory W. Campbell,
Director, Subsidies and Economic Analysis, Enforcement and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2025-01792 Filed 1-27-25; 8:45 am]

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