National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity; Notice of Meeting, 7677-7679 [2025-01459]
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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 13 / Wednesday, January 22, 2025 / Notices
spectrum of kinetic energy and small
arms fire threats. The JLTV also has
other survivability enhancements,
notably automatic fire extinguishing
protection and structural rollover
protection of 150 percent of the
vehicle’s Ground Vehicle Weight Rating.
4. The AN/VAS–5 Driver’s Vision
Enhancer is compact thermal camera
providing armored vehicle drivers with
day or nighttime visual awareness in
clear or reduced vision (fog, smoke,
dust) situations. The system provides
the driver a 180-degree viewing angle
using a high-resolution infrared sensor
and image stabilization to reduce the
effect of shock and vibration. The
viewer and monitor are ruggedized for
operation in tactical environments.
5. The Common Remote Operated
Weapon Station (CROWS) is an
externally mounted weapon mounting
and control system that allows the
gunner to remain inside the vehicle’s
protected armor while firing a variety of
crew-served weapons. The CROWS
provides remote day and night sighting
and ballistic control capacity, enabling
first-burst engagement of targets at
maximum effective weapon range while
on the move.
6. The highest level of classification of
defense articles, components, and
services included in this potential sale
7. If a technologically advanced
adversary were to obtain knowledge of
the specific hardware and software
elements, the information could be used
to develop countermeasures that might
reduce weapon system effectiveness or
be used in the development of a system
with similar or advanced capabilities.
8. A determination has been made
that North Macedonia can provide the
same degree of protection for the
sensitive technology being released as
the U.S. Government. This sale is
necessary in furtherance of the U.S.
foreign policy and national security
objectives outlined in the Policy
9. All defense articles and services
listed in this transmittal are authorized
for release and export to the
Government of North Macedonia.
[FR Doc. 2025–01493 Filed 1–21–25; 8:45 am]
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
National Advisory Committee on
Institutional Quality and Integrity;
Notice of Meeting
National Advisory Committee
on Institutional Quality and Integrity
(NACIQI or Committee), Office of
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Postsecondary Education, U.S.
Department of Education.
ACTION: Announcement of an open
This notice sets forth the
agenda, time, and instructions to access
or participate in the February 19–20,
2025 meeting of NACIQI, and provides
information to members of the public
regarding the meeting, including
requesting to make written or oral
comments. Committee members will
meet in-person while accrediting agency
representatives and public attendees
will participate virtually.
DATES: The NACIQI meeting will be
held on February 19–20, 2025 from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern standard time.
ADDRESSES: U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW,
Barnard Auditorium, Washington, DC
20202 [Only NACIQI members and
Department of Education staff will
participate in the meeting at this
address]. There is a possibility that the
meeting could shift to a virtual meeting
for all participants. If that happens, the
published registration link and
supporting information described in this
notice for public attendees will remain
the same.
George Alan Smith, Executive Director/
Designated Federal Official (DFO),
NACIQI, U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20202, telephone: (202) 453–7757, or
Statutory Authority and Function:
NACIQI is established under Section
114 of the Higher Education Act (HEA)
(20 U.S.C. 1011c). NACIQI advises the
Secretary of Education with respect to:
• The establishment and enforcement
of the standards of accrediting agencies
or associations under subpart 2, part H,
title IV of the HEA, as amended;
• The recognition of specific
accrediting agencies or associations;
• The preparation and publication of
the list of nationally recognized
accrediting agencies and associations;
• The eligibility and certification
process for institutions of higher
education under Title IV of the HEA,
together with recommendations for
improvement in such process;
• The relationship between (1)
accreditation of institutions of higher
education and the certification and
eligibility of such institutions, and (2)
State licensing responsibilities with
respect to such institutions; and
• Any other advisory function
relating to accreditation and
institutional eligibility that the
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Secretary of Education may prescribe by
The notice of this meeting is required
under 5 U.S.C. chapter 10 (commonly
known as the Federal Advisory
Committee Act) and section 114(d)(1)(B)
of the HEA of 1965, as amended.
Meeting Agenda
The purpose of the meeting is to
conduct a review of compliance reports
submitted by the following agencies.
Compliance Reports
1. American Occupational Therapy
Association, Accreditation Council for
Occupational Therapy Education. Scope
of Recognition: The accreditation and
preaccreditation of occupational therapy
educational programs offering the
professional master’s degree and
occupational therapy doctorate (OTD)
degree; the accreditation of occupational
therapy assistant programs offering a
baccalaureate degree and associate
degree; and the accreditation of these
programs offered via distance education.
Geographic Area of Accrediting
Activities: The United States. The
compliance report includes findings of
noncompliance with certain criteria in
34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
part 602 identified in the October 19,
2022, letter from the senior Department
official (SDO) following the July 19,
2022, NACIQI meeting. The SDO letter
is available under NACIQI meeting date
7/19/2022, at https://
2. Accrediting Council for Pharmacy
Education. Scope of Recognition: The
accreditation and pre-accreditation of
professional degree programs in
pharmacy leading to the degree of
Doctor of Pharmacy, including those
programs offered via distance education.
Geographic Area of Accrediting
Activities: The United States. The
compliance report includes findings of
noncompliance with certain criteria in
34 CFR part 602 identified in the
November 7, 2022, letter from the SDO
following the July 19, 2022, NACIQI
meeting. The SDO letter is available
under NACIQI meeting date 7/19/2022,
3. Middle States Commission on
Secondary Schools. Scope of
Recognition: The accreditation of
institutions with postsecondary, nondegree granting career and technology
programs, to include the accreditation of
postsecondary, non-degree granting
institutions that offer all or part of their
educational programs via distance
education modalities. Geographic Area
of Accrediting Activities: The United
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 13 / Wednesday, January 22, 2025 / Notices
States. The compliance report includes
findings of noncompliance with certain
criteria in 34 CFR part 602 identified in
the October 19, 2022, letter from the
SDO following the July 19, 2022,
NACIQI meeting. The SDO letter is
available under NACIQI meeting date 7/
19/2022, at
4. Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools, Commission on Colleges.
Scope of Recognition: The accreditation
and pre-accreditation (‘‘Candidate for
Accreditation’’) of degree-granting
institutions of higher education in
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and
Virginia, including the accreditation of
educational programs offered via
distance and correspondence education,
and direct assessment within these
institutions. The accreditation status of
these institutions and their recognition
extends to the SACSCOC Board of
Trustees, Executive Council, and the
Appeals Committee of the Collegiate
College Delegate Assembly on cases of
initial candidacy or initial accreditation
and for continued accreditation or
candidacy. The compliance report
includes findings of noncompliance
with certain criteria in 34 CFR part 602
identified in the November 7, 2022,
letter from the SDO following the July
19, 2022, NACIQI meeting. The SDO
letter is available under NACIQI
meeting date 7/19/2022, at https://
To ensure sufficient time for all
agency reviews, including NACIQI
questions and discussion, the
Department requests that the agencies
limit their opening statements to 10
minutes (total for one or more
statements), and that the agencies avoid
extended discussions about agency
representatives and their backgrounds.
Following the brief opening statement,
the agency’s presentation should focus
on the regulatory criteria, and in
particular, responses to areas where the
staff has recommended a finding of
noncompliance or substantial
compliance, or where other concerns
have been raised that the agency would
like to address. However, the agency
should expect that questions from
NACIQI members may focus on other
Policy Discussion
In addition to its review of accrediting
agencies and State approval agencies for
Secretarial recognition, there will be
time for Committee discussions
regarding any of the categories within
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NACIQI’s statutory authority in its
capacity as an advisory committee.
Instructions for Accessing the Meeting
Committee members will meet inperson while agency representatives and
public attendees will participate
You may register for the meeting on
your computer using the link below.
After you register, you will receive a
confirmation email containing
personalized participation links for each
day of the two-day meeting no later than
8 a.m. eastern standard time on
February 19, 2025.
Registration Link
Public Comment
Submission of requests to make an
oral comment regarding a specific
accrediting agency under review, or to
make an oral comment or written
statement regarding other issues within
the scope of NACIQI’s authority:
Opportunity to submit a written
statement regarding a specific
accrediting agency under review was
solicited by a previous Federal Register
notice published on November 6, 2023
(88 FR 76194; Document Number 2023–
24434). The period for submission of
such statements is now closed.
Additional written statements regarding
a specific accrediting agency or state
approval agency under review will not
be accepted at this time. However,
members of the public may submit
written statements regarding other
issues within the scope of NACIQI’s
authority, as outlined under section 114
of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1011c).
Members of the public may make oral
comments regarding a specific
accrediting agency under review and/or
other issues within the scope of
NACIQI’s authority. Oral comments may
not exceed three minutes. Oral
comments about an agency’s recognition
when a compliance report has been
required by the SDO or the Secretary
must relate to the criteria for recognition
cited in the SDO’s letter that requested
the report, or in the Secretary’s appeal
decision, if any. Oral comments about
an agency seeking expansion of scope
must be directed to the agency’s ability
to serve as a recognized accrediting
agency with respect to the kinds of
institutions or programs requested to be
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added. Oral comments about the
renewal of an agency’s recognition must
relate to its compliance with the criteria
for the Recognition of Accrediting
Agencies, which are available at https://
Instructions on Requesting To Make
Public Comment
To request to make oral comments of
three minutes or less during the
February 19–20, 2025 meeting, please
follow either Method One or Method
Two below. To submit a written
statement to NACIQI concerning its
work outside a specific accrediting
agency under review, please follow
Method One.
Method One: Submit an email to the mailbox.
Please do not send material directly to
NACIQI members. In order to be
considered for the current cycle review,
written statements and requests to make
oral comment must be received by
February 12, 2025 and include the
subject line ‘‘Oral Comment Request:
(agency name),’’ ‘‘Oral Comment
Request: (subject)’’ or ‘‘Written
Statement: (subject).’’ The email must
include the name(s), title, organization/
affiliation, mailing address, email
address, and telephone number, of the
person(s) submitting a written statement
or requesting to speak. All individuals
submitting an advance request in
accordance with this notice will be
afforded an opportunity to speak.
Method Two (Only available to those
seeking to make oral comments): Submit
a request by email on February 19, 2025,
between 7:45 a.m.–8:45 a.m. eastern
standard time to the mailbox.
The email must include the subject on
which the requestor wishes to comment,
in addition to his or her name, title,
organization/affiliation, mailing
address, email address, and telephone
number. If you intend to make your
comments by dialing into the meeting
rather than using a computer, please be
sure to include that information in your
email request. A total of up to fifteen
minutes for each agenda item will be
allotted for oral commenters who
register on February 19, 2025 between
7:45 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. eastern standard
time. Individuals will be selected on a
first-come, first-served basis. If selected,
each commenter may not exceed three
Access to Records of the Meeting: The
Department will post the official report
of the meeting on the NACIQI website within 90 days after the
meeting. In addition, pursuant to 5
Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 13 / Wednesday, January 22, 2025 / Notices
U.S.C. 1009, the public may request to
inspect records of the meeting at 400
Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC,
by emailing
or by calling (202) 453–7415 to schedule
an appointment. The SDO’s (as defined
in 34 CFR 602.3) decisions, pursuant to
34 CFR 602.36, associated with all
NACIQI meetings can be found at the
following website: https://
Reasonable Accommodations: The
dial-in information and weblink access
to the meeting are accessible to
individuals with disabilities. If you will
need an auxiliary aid or service to
participate in the meeting (e.g.,
interpreting service, assistive listening
device, or materials in an alternate
format), notify the contact person listed
in this notice at least two weeks before
the scheduled meeting date. Although
we will attempt to meet a request
received after that date, we may not be
able to make available the requested
auxiliary aid or service because of
insufficient time to arrange it.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. Free internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register
and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you
can view this document, as well as all
other documents of the Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF). To use PDF, you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site. You also may
access documents of the Department
published in the Federal Register by
using the article search feature at: Specifically,
through the advanced search feature at
this site, you can limit your search to
documents published by the
Authority: Section 114 of the HEA of
1964, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1011c).
Nasser Paydar,
Assistant Secretary, Office of Postsecondary
[FR Doc. 2025–01459 Filed 1–21–25; 8:45 am]
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Notice; Request for Comment;
Election Assistance
ACTION: Notice; correction.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:16 Jan 21, 2025
Jkt 265001
The U.S. Election Assistance
Commission published a document in
the Federal Register on December 16,
2024 regarding the U.S. Election
Assistance Commission proposed
information collection in the National
Mail Voter Registration Form. The
notice contained an incorrect subject
Raymond Williams at 202–924–0794, or
email; U.S. Election
Assistance Commission, 633 3rd Street
NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20001.
In the Federal Register of December
16, 2024 in FR Doc. 2024–29679, at 89
FR 101596 in the third column, correct
the SUBJECT HEADING to read:
Agency Information Collection
Activities: National Mail Voter
Registration Form
Camden Kelliher,
General Counsel, U.S. Election Assistance
[FR Doc. 2025–01455 Filed 1–21–25; 8:45 am]
Environmental Management SiteSpecific Advisory Board, Paducah
Office of Environmental
Management, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of open meeting.
This notice announces a
meeting of the Environmental
Management Site-Specific Advisory
Board (EM SSAB), Paducah. The
Federal Advisory Committee Act
requires that public notice of this
meeting be announced in the Federal
Thursday, February 20, 2025;
5:30–7p.m. CST.
ADDRESSES: West Kentucky Community
and Technical College, Emerging
Technology Center, Room 215, 5100
Alben Barkley Drive, Paducah,
Kentucky 42001.
Robert ‘‘Buz’’ Smith, Federal
Coordinator, by Phone: (270) 441–6821
or Email:
Purpose of the Board: The purpose of
the Board is to provide advice and
recommendations concerning the
following EM site-specific issues: cleanup activities and environmental
restoration; waste and nuclear materials
management and disposition; excess
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facilities; future land use and long-term
stewardship. The Board may also be
asked to provide advice and
recommendations on any EM program
Tentative Agenda:
• Administrative Activities
• Public Comment Period
Public Participation: The meeting is
open to the public. The EM SSAB,
Paducah will make every effort to
accommodate persons with physical
disabilities or special needs. If you
require special accommodations due to
a disability, please contact Robert ‘‘Buz’’
Smith in advance of the meeting. The
Department of Energy will hear oral
public comments during the meeting. A
15-minute public comment period will
take place at the end of the agenda.
Individual oral comments are to be
limited to two minutes per speaker to
ensure time for all who wish to speak.
Written statements may be filed either
before or after the meeting. Written
comments submitted by 5 p.m. CST on
Friday, February 28, 2025, will be
included in the minutes. Please submit
written comments to Zachery Boyarski
at with
‘‘Public Comment’’ in the subject line.
The Deputy Designated Federal Officer
is empowered to conduct the meeting in
a fashion that will facilitate the orderly
conduct of business.
Minutes: Minutes will be available by
writing or calling Eric Roberts, Board
Support Manager, Emerging Technology
Center, Room 221, 4810 Alben Barkley
Drive, Paducah, KY 42001; Phone: (270)
554–3004. Minutes will also be
available at the following website:
Signing Authority: This document of
the Department of Energy was signed on
January 15, 2025, by David Borak,
Committee Management Officer,
pursuant to delegated authority from the
Secretary of Energy. That document
with the original signature and date is
maintained by DOE. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DOE Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of
the Department of Energy. This
administrative process in no way alters
the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
[Federal Register Volume 90, Number 13 (Wednesday, January 22, 2025)]
[Pages 7677-7679]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2025-01459]
National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and
Integrity; Notice of Meeting
AGENCY: National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and
Integrity (NACIQI or Committee), Office of Postsecondary Education,
U.S. Department of Education.
ACTION: Announcement of an open meeting.
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the agenda, time, and instructions to
access or participate in the February 19-20, 2025 meeting of NACIQI,
and provides information to members of the public regarding the
meeting, including requesting to make written or oral comments.
Committee members will meet in-person while accrediting agency
representatives and public attendees will participate virtually.
DATES: The NACIQI meeting will be held on February 19-20, 2025 from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern standard time.
ADDRESSES: U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW,
Barnard Auditorium, Washington, DC 20202 [Only NACIQI members and
Department of Education staff will participate in the meeting at this
address]. There is a possibility that the meeting could shift to a
virtual meeting for all participants. If that happens, the published
registration link and supporting information described in this notice
for public attendees will remain the same.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: George Alan Smith, Executive Director/
Designated Federal Official (DFO), NACIQI, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202, telephone:
(202) 453-7757, or email: [email protected].
Statutory Authority and Function: NACIQI is established under
Section 114 of the Higher Education Act (HEA) (20 U.S.C. 1011c). NACIQI
advises the Secretary of Education with respect to:
The establishment and enforcement of the standards of
accrediting agencies or associations under subpart 2, part H, title IV
of the HEA, as amended;
The recognition of specific accrediting agencies or
The preparation and publication of the list of nationally
recognized accrediting agencies and associations;
The eligibility and certification process for institutions
of higher education under Title IV of the HEA, together with
recommendations for improvement in such process;
The relationship between (1) accreditation of institutions
of higher education and the certification and eligibility of such
institutions, and (2) State licensing responsibilities with respect to
such institutions; and
Any other advisory function relating to accreditation and
institutional eligibility that the Secretary of Education may prescribe
by regulation.
The notice of this meeting is required under 5 U.S.C. chapter 10
(commonly known as the Federal Advisory Committee Act) and section
114(d)(1)(B) of the HEA of 1965, as amended.
Meeting Agenda
The purpose of the meeting is to conduct a review of compliance
reports submitted by the following agencies.
Compliance Reports
1. American Occupational Therapy Association, Accreditation Council
for Occupational Therapy Education. Scope of Recognition: The
accreditation and preaccreditation of occupational therapy educational
programs offering the professional master's degree and occupational
therapy doctorate (OTD) degree; the accreditation of occupational
therapy assistant programs offering a baccalaureate degree and
associate degree; and the accreditation of these programs offered via
distance education. Geographic Area of Accrediting Activities: The
United States. The compliance report includes findings of noncompliance
with certain criteria in 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 602
identified in the October 19, 2022, letter from the senior Department
official (SDO) following the July 19, 2022, NACIQI meeting. The SDO
letter is available under NACIQI meeting date 7/19/2022, at
2. Accrediting Council for Pharmacy Education. Scope of
Recognition: The accreditation and pre-accreditation of professional
degree programs in pharmacy leading to the degree of Doctor of
Pharmacy, including those programs offered via distance education.
Geographic Area of Accrediting Activities: The United States. The
compliance report includes findings of noncompliance with certain
criteria in 34 CFR part 602 identified in the November 7, 2022, letter
from the SDO following the July 19, 2022, NACIQI meeting. The SDO
letter is available under NACIQI meeting date 7/19/2022, at
3. Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools. Scope of
Recognition: The accreditation of institutions with postsecondary, non-
degree granting career and technology programs, to include the
accreditation of postsecondary, non-degree granting institutions that
offer all or part of their educational programs via distance education
modalities. Geographic Area of Accrediting Activities: The United
[[Page 7678]]
States. The compliance report includes findings of noncompliance with
certain criteria in 34 CFR part 602 identified in the October 19, 2022,
letter from the SDO following the July 19, 2022, NACIQI meeting. The
SDO letter is available under NACIQI meeting date 7/19/2022, at
4. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on
Colleges. Scope of Recognition: The accreditation and pre-accreditation
(``Candidate for Accreditation'') of degree-granting institutions of
higher education in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and
Virginia, including the accreditation of educational programs offered
via distance and correspondence education, and direct assessment within
these institutions. The accreditation status of these institutions and
their recognition extends to the SACSCOC Board of Trustees, Executive
Council, and the Appeals Committee of the Collegiate College Delegate
Assembly on cases of initial candidacy or initial accreditation and for
continued accreditation or candidacy. The compliance report includes
findings of noncompliance with certain criteria in 34 CFR part 602
identified in the November 7, 2022, letter from the SDO following the
July 19, 2022, NACIQI meeting. The SDO letter is available under NACIQI
meeting date 7/19/2022, at
To ensure sufficient time for all agency reviews, including NACIQI
questions and discussion, the Department requests that the agencies
limit their opening statements to 10 minutes (total for one or more
statements), and that the agencies avoid extended discussions about
agency representatives and their backgrounds. Following the brief
opening statement, the agency's presentation should focus on the
regulatory criteria, and in particular, responses to areas where the
staff has recommended a finding of noncompliance or substantial
compliance, or where other concerns have been raised that the agency
would like to address. However, the agency should expect that questions
from NACIQI members may focus on other areas.
Policy Discussion
In addition to its review of accrediting agencies and State
approval agencies for Secretarial recognition, there will be time for
Committee discussions regarding any of the categories within NACIQI's
statutory authority in its capacity as an advisory committee.
Instructions for Accessing the Meeting
Committee members will meet in-person while agency representatives
and public attendees will participate virtually.
You may register for the meeting on your computer using the link
below. After you register, you will receive a confirmation email
containing personalized participation links for each day of the two-day
meeting no later than 8 a.m. eastern standard time on February 19,
Registration Link
Public Comment
Submission of requests to make an oral comment regarding a specific
accrediting agency under review, or to make an oral comment or written
statement regarding other issues within the scope of NACIQI's
Opportunity to submit a written statement regarding a specific
accrediting agency under review was solicited by a previous Federal
Register notice published on November 6, 2023 (88 FR 76194; Document
Number 2023-24434). The period for submission of such statements is now
closed. Additional written statements regarding a specific accrediting
agency or state approval agency under review will not be accepted at
this time. However, members of the public may submit written statements
regarding other issues within the scope of NACIQI's authority, as
outlined under section 114 of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1011c).
Members of the public may make oral comments regarding a specific
accrediting agency under review and/or other issues within the scope of
NACIQI's authority. Oral comments may not exceed three minutes. Oral
comments about an agency's recognition when a compliance report has
been required by the SDO or the Secretary must relate to the criteria
for recognition cited in the SDO's letter that requested the report, or
in the Secretary's appeal decision, if any. Oral comments about an
agency seeking expansion of scope must be directed to the agency's
ability to serve as a recognized accrediting agency with respect to the
kinds of institutions or programs requested to be added. Oral comments
about the renewal of an agency's recognition must relate to its
compliance with the criteria for the Recognition of Accrediting
Agencies, which are available at
Instructions on Requesting To Make Public Comment
To request to make oral comments of three minutes or less during
the February 19-20, 2025 meeting, please follow either Method One or
Method Two below. To submit a written statement to NACIQI concerning
its work outside a specific accrediting agency under review, please
follow Method One.
Method One: Submit an email to the [email protected]
mailbox. Please do not send material directly to NACIQI members. In
order to be considered for the current cycle review, written statements
and requests to make oral comment must be received by February 12, 2025
and include the subject line ``Oral Comment Request: (agency name),''
``Oral Comment Request: (subject)'' or ``Written Statement:
(subject).'' The email must include the name(s), title, organization/
affiliation, mailing address, email address, and telephone number, of
the person(s) submitting a written statement or requesting to speak.
All individuals submitting an advance request in accordance with this
notice will be afforded an opportunity to speak.
Method Two (Only available to those seeking to make oral comments):
Submit a request by email on February 19, 2025, between 7:45 a.m.-8:45
a.m. eastern standard time to the [email protected] mailbox.
The email must include the subject on which the requestor wishes to
comment, in addition to his or her name, title, organization/
affiliation, mailing address, email address, and telephone number. If
you intend to make your comments by dialing into the meeting rather
than using a computer, please be sure to include that information in
your email request. A total of up to fifteen minutes for each agenda
item will be allotted for oral commenters who register on February 19,
2025 between 7:45 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. eastern standard time. Individuals
will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. If selected, each
commenter may not exceed three minutes.
Access to Records of the Meeting: The Department will post the
official report of the meeting on the NACIQI website within 90 days after the
meeting. In addition, pursuant to 5
[[Page 7679]]
U.S.C. 1009, the public may request to inspect records of the meeting
at 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC, by emailing
[email protected] or by calling (202) 453-7415 to schedule an
appointment. The SDO's (as defined in 34 CFR 602.3) decisions, pursuant
to 34 CFR 602.36, associated with all NACIQI meetings can be found at
the following website:
Reasonable Accommodations: The dial-in information and weblink
access to the meeting are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
If you will need an auxiliary aid or service to participate in the
meeting (e.g., interpreting service, assistive listening device, or
materials in an alternate format), notify the contact person listed in
this notice at least two weeks before the scheduled meeting date.
Although we will attempt to meet a request received after that date, we
may not be able to make available the requested auxiliary aid or
service because of insufficient time to arrange it.
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Authority: Section 114 of the HEA of 1964, as amended (20 U.S.C.
Nasser Paydar,
Assistant Secretary, Office of Postsecondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2025-01459 Filed 1-21-25; 8:45 am]