Aluminum Wire and Cable From the People's Republic of China: Final Negative Scope Ruling With Respect to the Kingdom of Cambodia; Final Negative Determination of Circumvention With Respect to the Kingdom of Cambodia, 104085-104087 [2024-30388]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.310(c), interested parties who wish to request a hearing, limited to issues raised in the case and rebuttal briefs, must submit a written request to the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance, U.S. Department of Commerce via ACCESS within 30 days after the date of publication of this notice. Requests should contain (1) the party’s name, address, and telephone number; (2) the number of participants and whether any participant is a foreign national; and (3) a list of the issues to be discussed. If a request for a hearing is made, Commerce intends to hold the hearing at a time and date to be determined. Parties should confirm by telephone the date, time, and location of the hearing two days before the scheduled date. U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) Notification Notification to Interested Parties This determination is issued and published in accordance with sections 703(f) and 777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19 CFR 351.205(c). Dated: December 16, 2024. Abdelali Elouaradia, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance. ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Appendix I Scope of the Investigation The merchandise covered by the investigation is certain tungsten spheres or balls, also known as shot, that are 92.6 percent or greater tungsten by weight, not including the weight of any additional coating. In scope shot have a diameter ranging from 1.5 millimeters (mm) to 10.0 mm. Subject shot can be referred to as ‘‘Tungsten Super Shot.’’ Merchandise is covered regardless of the combination of compounds that comprise the non-tungsten material and whether or not the tungsten shot is additionally coated with another material, including but not limited to copper, nickel, iron, or metallic alloys. Tungsten shot subject to the investigation may be classified under the following Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheading: 9306.29.0000. Merchandise may also be entered under HTSUS subheading 8101.99.8000. The HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs 20:12 Dec 19, 2024 Jkt 265001 Appendix II List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum I. Summary II. Background III. Injury Test IV. Analysis of China’s Financial System V. Diversification of China’s Economy VI. Use of Facts Otherwise Available and Adverse Inferences VII. Subsidies Valuation VIII. Benchmarks To Determine the Adequacy of Remuneration IX. Analysis of Programs X. Recommendation [FR Doc. 2024–30478 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration In accordance with section 703(f) of the Act, Commerce will notify the ITC of its preliminary determination. If the final determination is affirmative, the ITC will determine before the later of 120 days after the date of this preliminary determination or 45 days after the final determination whether imports of tungsten shot from China are materially injuring, or threaten material injury to, the U.S. industry. VerDate Sep<11>2014 purposes only. The written description of the scope of the investigation is dispositive. [A–570–095, C–570–096] Aluminum Wire and Cable From the People’s Republic of China: Final Negative Scope Ruling With Respect to the Kingdom of Cambodia; Final Negative Determination of Circumvention With Respect to the Kingdom of Cambodia Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that imports of aluminum wire and cable (AWC) completed in the Kingdom of Cambodia (Cambodia) using certain AWC inputs manufactured in the People’s Republic of China (China) are not covered by the scope of the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on AWC from China. In addition, Commerce determines that AWC completed in Cambodia using certain AWC inputs manufactured in China are not circumventing the AD and CVD orders on AWC from China. DATES: Applicable December 20, 2024. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gene H. Calvert, AD/CVD Operations, Office VII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–3586. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: AGENCY: Background On August 7, 2024, Commerce published in the Federal Register its Preliminary Determinations that imports of AWC completed in Cambodia using PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 104085 certain AWC inputs manufactured in China are not covered by the scope of the AD and CVD orders on AWC from China and that imports of AWC completed in Cambodia using certain AWC inputs are not circumventing Orders.1 Pursuant to section 781(e) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), on August 13, 2024, Commerce notified the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) of its preliminary negative determination of circumvention with respect to Cambodia.2 The ITC did not request consultations with Commerce. Between September 20 and September 27, 2024, Commerce conducted verification of the questionnaire responses submitted by the Cambodian respondents, Ruito Wire and Cable Co., Ltd. (Ruito Wire) and Xiantong Wire and Cable Co., Ltd. (Xiantong Wire).3 On November 18, 2024, Ruito Wire and Xiantong Wire each submitted a letter in lieu of a case brief for Commerce to consider for these final determinations.4 In their letters, Ruito Wire and Xiantong Wire each stated that the facts underlying Commerce’s negative preliminary scope and circumvention determinations have been verified as accurate and, as a result, that Commerce should issue final negative scope and circumvention determinations with respect to Cambodia.5 No other party submitted comments for Commerce to consider for these final determinations. Scope of the Orders The product covered by the scope of the Orders is AWC from China. For a full description of the scope of the Orders, see Appendix I of this notice. 1 See Aluminum Wire and Cable from the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Negative Scope Determinations with Respect to Cambodia, Korea, and Vietnam; Preliminary Affirmative Determinations of Circumvention with Respect to Korea and Vietnam; Preliminary Negative Determination of Circumvention with Respect to Cambodia, 89 FR 64406 (August 7, 2024) (Preliminary Determinations), and accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum (PDM); see also Aluminum Wire and Cable from the People’s Republic of China: Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders, 84 FR 70496 (December 23, 2019) (Orders). 2 See Commerce’s Letter, ‘‘Notification of Affirmative and Negative Preliminary Determinations of Circumvention,’’ dated August 13, 2024. 3 See Memoranda, ‘‘Verification of the Responses Submitted by Ruito Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.,’’ and ‘‘Verification of the Responses Submitted by Xiantong Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.,’’ both dated November 8, 2024. 4 See Ruito Wire’s Letter, ‘‘Letter in Lieu of Case Brief,’’ dated November 18, 2024; see also Xiantong Wire’s Letter, ‘‘Letter in Lieu of Case Brief,’’ dated November 18, 2024. 5 Id. E:\FR\FM\20DEN1.SGM 20DEN1 104086 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices Merchandise Subject to the Scope and Circumvention Inquiries These inquiries cover AWC assembled or completed in Cambodia using Chinese-origin AWC inputs (e.g., stranded wire and cables or unfinished AWC) that is subsequently exported from Cambodia to the United States (inquiry merchandise). These inquiries cover exports of AWC from Cambodia that are assembled or completed using inputs of Chinese origin which undergo further processing in Cambodia. For a full description of the merchandise subject to these scope and circumvention inquiries, see Appendix II of this notice. Analysis of Comments Received Commerce received no comments objecting to its findings in the Preliminary Determinations with regard to its scope analysis conducted under 19 CFR 351.225(k)(1), nor did Commerce receive any comments objecting to its findings in the Preliminary Determinations regarding its analysis under the circumvention factors of section 781(b) of the Act. Accordingly, Commerce made no changes to its Preliminary Determinations, and no decision memoranda accompany this Federal Register notice. For a complete description of the Commerce’s analysis, see the Preliminary Determinations. ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Methodology and Final Scope Ruling Commerce conducted this scope inquiry in accordance with 19 CFR 351.225(k)(1), and it made no changes to its methodology for this final scope ruling. Specifically, as discussed in the Preliminary Determinations, Commerce finds that AWC produced in Cambodia using Chinese-origin inputs that do not satisfy the physical description of the scope of the Orders is not subject to the Orders.6 Methodology and Final Circumvention Determination Commerce conducted this circumvention inquiry in accordance with section 781(b) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.226. Commerce made no changes to its methodology for this final circumvention determination. Specifically, as discussed in the Preliminary Determinations, Commerce determines that U.S. imports of inquiry merchandise from Cambodia are not circumventing the Orders.7 As a result, in accordance with section 781(b) of the Act, Commerce determines that the inquiry merchandise exported from Cambodia should not be included 6 See Preliminary Determinations PDM at 5–8. 7 Id. VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:12 Dec 19, 2024 Jkt 265001 within the scope of the Orders. Commerce is making this negative determination of circumvention of the Orders on a country-wide basis. Dated: December 13, 2024. Abdelali Elouaradia, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance. Termination of Suspension of Liquidation and Refund of Cash Deposits Appendix I—Scope of the Orders Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.225(l)(1) and 19 CFR 351.226(l)(1), Commerce notified U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the initiation of these scope and circumvention inquiries and directed CBP to continue the suspension of liquidation of entries of products subject to these scope and circumvention inquiries that were already subject to the suspension of liquidation under the Orders and to apply the cash deposit rate that would be applicable if the products were determined to be covered by the scope of the Orders.8 In accordance with 19 CFR 351.225(l)(4) and 19 CFR 351.226(l)(4), Commerce will order CBP to terminate the suspension of liquidation and refund cash deposits for any entries of inquiry merchandise that are suspended under the case numbers applicable to this inquiry (i.e., A–570–095 and C– 570–096). Administrative Protective Order (APO) This notice will serve as the only reminder to all parties subject to an APO of their responsibility concerning the destruction of proprietary information disclosed under APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely written notification of the return or destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective order is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation. Notification to Interested Parties Commerce is issuing and publishing this notice in accordance with sections 781(b) and 777(i) of the Act, 19 CFR 351.225(h), and 19 CFR 351.226(g)(2). 8 See CBP Message No. 3299401, ‘‘Initiation of Circumvention Inquiry—Antidumping/ Countervailing Orders on Aluminum Wire Cable from the People’s Republic of China (China) (A– 570–095; C–570–096),’’ dated October 26, 2023; see also CBP Message No. 3299402, ‘‘Initiation of Scope Inquiry—Antidumping/Countervailing Duty Orders on Aluminum Wire Cable from the People’s Republic of China (China) (A–570–095; C–570– 096),’’ dated October 26, 2023. These CBP messages are publicly available on CBP’s AD/CVD website at PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 The merchandise subject to the Orders is aluminum wire and cable, which is defined as an assembly of one or more electrical conductors made from 8000 Series Aluminum Alloys (defined in accordance with ASTM B800), Aluminum Alloy 1350 (defined in accordance with ASTM B230/ B230M or B609/B609M), and/or Aluminum Alloy 6201 (defined in accordance with ASTM B398/B398M), provided that: (1) at least one of the electrical conductors is insulated; (2) each insulated electrical conductor has a voltage rating greater than 80 volts and not exceeding 1000 volts; and (3) at least one electrical conductor is stranded and has a size not less than 16.5 thousand circular mil (kcmil) and not greater than 1000 kcmil. The assembly may: (1) include a grounding or neutral conductor; (2) be clad with aluminum, steel, or other base metal; or (3) include a steel support center wire, one or more connectors, a tape shield, a jacket or other covering, and/or filler materials. Most aluminum wire and cable products conform to National Electrical Code (NEC) types THHN, THWN, THWN–2, XHHW–2, USE, USE–2, RHH, RHW, or RHW–2, and also conform to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards UL–44, UL–83, UL–758, UL– 854, UL–1063, UL–1277, UL–1569, UL–1581, or UL–4703, but such conformity is not required for the merchandise to be included within the scope. The scope of the Orders specifically excludes aluminum wire and cable products in lengths less than six feet, whether or not included in equipment already assembled at the time of importation. The merchandise covered by the Orders is currently classifiable under subheading 8544.49.9000 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Products subject to the scope may also enter under HTSUS subheading 8544.42.9090. The HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes. The written description of the scope of the Orders is dispositive. Appendix II—Merchandise Subject to the Scope and Circumvention Inquiries The scope and circumvention inquiries cover AWC completed in Cambodia using AWC inputs (e.g., stranded wire and cables or unfinished AWC) of Chinese-origin that is subsequently exported from Vietnam to the United States. Available evidence shows that AWC inputs from China are processed in Cambodia and subsequently exported to the United States. These inquiries cover exports of AWC made using inputs of Chinese-origin that undergo further processing in Cambodia. These final determinations apply to all shipments of inquiry merchandise on or after the date of the initiation of these circumvention and scope inquiries (i.e., October 19, 2023). Importers and exporters of AWC from Cambodia, even where E:\FR\FM\20DEN1.SGM 20DEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 245 / Friday, December 20, 2024 / Notices determined to be out of scope, must still certify that merchandise is not subject to our country-wide finding of circumvention.9 Otherwise, their merchandise may be subject to antidumping and countervailing duties. [FR Doc. 2024–30388 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration People’s Republic of China (China) Notice of Scope Rulings Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. AGENCY: DATES: Applicable December 20, 2024. SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) hereby publishes a list of scope rulings and circumvention determinations made during the period July 1, 2024, through September 30, 2024. We intend to publish future lists after the close of the next calendar quarter. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marcia E. Short, AD/CVD Operations, Customs Liaison Unit, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–1560. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background Commerce regulations provide that it will publish in the Federal Register a list of scope rulings on a quarterly basis.1 Our most recent notification of scope rulings was published on November 15, 2024.2 This current notice covers all scope rulings made by Enforcement and Compliance between July 1, 2024, and September 30, 2024. Final Scope Rulings Made July 1, 2024, Through September 30, 2024 Mexico ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Requestor: Amsted Rail Company, Inc. and its affiliated company ASF–K de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. Certain steel freight rail couplers (i.e., E type 9 In such instances, see Appendix II of the Preliminary Determinations for certification requirements. Although the importer certification requirements in the Preliminary Determinations at Appendix II reference the Republic of Korea and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, U.S. importers may modify these certification requirements to reference Cambodia. 1 See 19 CFR 351.225(o). 2 See Notice of Scope Rulings, 89 FR 90266 (November 15, 2024). 20:12 Dec 19, 2024 Jkt 265001 A–570–979 and C–570–980: Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Assembled into Modules, From China Requestor: GameChange Solar Corp. The off-grid solar charging module with part numbers GC4291F, GC4291FE, GC3291F, or GC3291FE is covered by the scope of the AD and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells, whether or not assembled into modules, from China because the solar cells in the charging module do not differ physically from the crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells covered by the scope of the orders and the charging module does not meet any of the exclusions in the scope of the orders. August 13, 2024. A–570–090 and C–570–091: Certain Steel Wheels 12 to 16.5 Inches in Diameter From China Requestor: Allied Wheel Components, Inc. (Allied Wheel). Certain models of passenger vehicle and light truck discs and rims imported by Allied Wheel are outside the scope of the AD and CVD orders on certain steel wheels 12 to 16.5 inches in diameter from China because the requested products are distinguishable from in-scope trailer wheels on the basis of hub bore size, offset, load rating, and/or bolt pattern that make them unsuitable for use on trailer or towable equipment. August 21, 2024. Taiwan A–201–857: Certain Freight Rail Couplers and Parts Thereof From Mexico VerDate Sep<11>2014 yokes and F type yokes) as defined in the AAR specification of M–211 ‘‘Foundry and Product Approval Requirements for the Manufacture of Couplers, Coupler Yokes, Knuckles, Follower Blocks, and Coupler Parts’’ are not covered by the antidumping duty (AD) order on certain freight rail couplers from Mexico because of the plain language of the scope of the order. July 2, 2024. A–583–869: Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires From Taiwan Requestor: Cheng Shin Rubber Ind. Co. Ltd. (Chen Shin Rubber) Certain light-truck spare tires models, identified under part code TP10657100, produced by Cheng Shin Rubber and imported by its U.S. affiliate, Cheng Shin Rubber USA Inc., are not covered by the scope of the AD order on passenger vehicle and light truck tires from Taiwan because the product’s technical specs and prefix designations meet the exclusionary language of the order as they are not at this time included within the TRA Yearbook. However, we PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 104087 acknowledge that a future version of the TRA Yearbook could bring previously excluded tires into the scope. August 5, 2024. Notification to Interested Parties Interested parties are invited to comment on the completeness of this list of completed scope inquiries and scope/circumvention inquiry combinations made during the period July 1, 2024, through September 30, 2024. Any comments should be submitted to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, via email to This notice is published in accordance with 19 CFR 351.225(o). Dated: December 13, 2024. Scot Fullerton, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations. [FR Doc. 2024–30477 Filed 12–19–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Evaluation of National Estuarine Research Reserve; Notice of Public Meeting; Request for Comments Office for Coastal Management, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of public meeting and opportunity to comment. AGENCY: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office for Coastal Management, will hold a virtual public meeting to solicit input on the performance evaluation of the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (JCNERR). NOAA also invites the public to submit written comments. SUMMARY: NOAA will hold a virtual public meeting at 12 p.m. noon Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Monday, February 24, 2025. NOAA may close the meeting 10 minutes after the conclusion of public testimony and after responding to any clarifying questions from hearing participants. NOAA will consider all relevant written comments received by Friday, March 7, 2025. ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted by one of the following methods: DATES: E:\FR\FM\20DEN1.SGM 20DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 245 (Friday, December 20, 2024)]
[Pages 104085-104087]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-30388]



International Trade Administration

[A-570-095, C-570-096]

Aluminum Wire and Cable From the People's Republic of China: 
Final Negative Scope Ruling With Respect to the Kingdom of Cambodia; 
Final Negative Determination of Circumvention With Respect to the 
Kingdom of Cambodia

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that 
imports of aluminum wire and cable (AWC) completed in the Kingdom of 
Cambodia (Cambodia) using certain AWC inputs manufactured in the 
People's Republic of China (China) are not covered by the scope of the 
antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on AWC from 
China. In addition, Commerce determines that AWC completed in Cambodia 
using certain AWC inputs manufactured in China are not circumventing 
the AD and CVD orders on AWC from China.

DATES: Applicable December 20, 2024.

Office VII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue 
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3586.



    On August 7, 2024, Commerce published in the Federal Register its 
Preliminary Determinations that imports of AWC completed in Cambodia 
using certain AWC inputs manufactured in China are not covered by the 
scope of the AD and CVD orders on AWC from China and that imports of 
AWC completed in Cambodia using certain AWC inputs are not 
circumventing Orders.\1\ Pursuant to section 781(e) of the Tariff Act 
of 1930, as amended (the Act), on August 13, 2024, Commerce notified 
the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) of its preliminary 
negative determination of circumvention with respect to Cambodia.\2\ 
The ITC did not request consultations with Commerce.

    \1\ See Aluminum Wire and Cable from the People's Republic of 
China: Preliminary Negative Scope Determinations with Respect to 
Cambodia, Korea, and Vietnam; Preliminary Affirmative Determinations 
of Circumvention with Respect to Korea and Vietnam; Preliminary 
Negative Determination of Circumvention with Respect to Cambodia, 89 
FR 64406 (August 7, 2024) (Preliminary Determinations), and 
accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum (PDM); see also 
Aluminum Wire and Cable from the People's Republic of China: 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders, 84 FR 70496 (December 
23, 2019) (Orders).
    \2\ See Commerce's Letter, ``Notification of Affirmative and 
Negative Preliminary Determinations of Circumvention,'' dated August 
13, 2024.

    Between September 20 and September 27, 2024, Commerce conducted 
verification of the questionnaire responses submitted by the Cambodian 
respondents, Ruito Wire and Cable Co., Ltd. (Ruito Wire) and Xiantong 
Wire and Cable Co., Ltd. (Xiantong Wire).\3\

    \3\ See Memoranda, ``Verification of the Responses Submitted by 
Ruito Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.,'' and ``Verification of the 
Responses Submitted by Xiantong Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.,'' both 
dated November 8, 2024.

    On November 18, 2024, Ruito Wire and Xiantong Wire each submitted a 
letter in lieu of a case brief for Commerce to consider for these final 
determinations.\4\ In their letters, Ruito Wire and Xiantong Wire each 
stated that the facts underlying Commerce's negative preliminary scope 
and circumvention determinations have been verified as accurate and, as 
a result, that Commerce should issue final negative scope and 
circumvention determinations with respect to Cambodia.\5\ No other 
party submitted comments for Commerce to consider for these final 

    \4\ See Ruito Wire's Letter, ``Letter in Lieu of Case Brief,'' 
dated November 18, 2024; see also Xiantong Wire's Letter, ``Letter 
in Lieu of Case Brief,'' dated November 18, 2024.
    \5\ Id.

Scope of the Orders

    The product covered by the scope of the Orders is AWC from China. 
For a full description of the scope of the Orders, see Appendix I of 
this notice.

[[Page 104086]]

Merchandise Subject to the Scope and Circumvention Inquiries

    These inquiries cover AWC assembled or completed in Cambodia using 
Chinese-origin AWC inputs (e.g., stranded wire and cables or unfinished 
AWC) that is subsequently exported from Cambodia to the United States 
(inquiry merchandise). These inquiries cover exports of AWC from 
Cambodia that are assembled or completed using inputs of Chinese origin 
which undergo further processing in Cambodia. For a full description of 
the merchandise subject to these scope and circumvention inquiries, see 
Appendix II of this notice.

Analysis of Comments Received

    Commerce received no comments objecting to its findings in the 
Preliminary Determinations with regard to its scope analysis conducted 
under 19 CFR 351.225(k)(1), nor did Commerce receive any comments 
objecting to its findings in the Preliminary Determinations regarding 
its analysis under the circumvention factors of section 781(b) of the 
Act. Accordingly, Commerce made no changes to its Preliminary 
Determinations, and no decision memoranda accompany this Federal 
Register notice. For a complete description of the Commerce's analysis, 
see the Preliminary Determinations.

Methodology and Final Scope Ruling

    Commerce conducted this scope inquiry in accordance with 19 CFR 
351.225(k)(1), and it made no changes to its methodology for this final 
scope ruling. Specifically, as discussed in the Preliminary 
Determinations, Commerce finds that AWC produced in Cambodia using 
Chinese-origin inputs that do not satisfy the physical description of 
the scope of the Orders is not subject to the Orders.\6\

    \6\ See Preliminary Determinations PDM at 5-8.

Methodology and Final Circumvention Determination

    Commerce conducted this circumvention inquiry in accordance with 
section 781(b) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.226. Commerce made no changes 
to its methodology for this final circumvention determination. 
Specifically, as discussed in the Preliminary Determinations, Commerce 
determines that U.S. imports of inquiry merchandise from Cambodia are 
not circumventing the Orders.\7\ As a result, in accordance with 
section 781(b) of the Act, Commerce determines that the inquiry 
merchandise exported from Cambodia should not be included within the 
scope of the Orders. Commerce is making this negative determination of 
circumvention of the Orders on a country-wide basis.

    \7\ Id.

Termination of Suspension of Liquidation and Refund of Cash Deposits

    Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.225(l)(1) and 19 CFR 351.226(l)(1), Commerce 
notified U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the initiation of 
these scope and circumvention inquiries and directed CBP to continue 
the suspension of liquidation of entries of products subject to these 
scope and circumvention inquiries that were already subject to the 
suspension of liquidation under the Orders and to apply the cash 
deposit rate that would be applicable if the products were determined 
to be covered by the scope of the Orders.\8\

    \8\ See CBP Message No. 3299401, ``Initiation of Circumvention 
Inquiry--Antidumping/Countervailing Orders on Aluminum Wire Cable 
from the People's Republic of China (China) (A-570-095; C-570-
096),'' dated October 26, 2023; see also CBP Message No. 3299402, 
``Initiation of Scope Inquiry--Antidumping/Countervailing Duty 
Orders on Aluminum Wire Cable from the People's Republic of China 
(China) (A-570-095; C-570-096),'' dated October 26, 2023. These CBP 
messages are publicly available on CBP's AD/CVD website at

    In accordance with 19 CFR 351.225(l)(4) and 19 CFR 351.226(l)(4), 
Commerce will order CBP to terminate the suspension of liquidation and 
refund cash deposits for any entries of inquiry merchandise that are 
suspended under the case numbers applicable to this inquiry (i.e., A-
570-095 and C-570-096).

Administrative Protective Order (APO)

    This notice will serve as the only reminder to all parties subject 
to an APO of their responsibility concerning the destruction of 
proprietary information disclosed under APO in accordance with 19 CFR 
351.305(a)(3). Timely written notification of the return or destruction 
of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective order is hereby 
requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the terms of an 
APO is a sanctionable violation.

Notification to Interested Parties

    Commerce is issuing and publishing this notice in accordance with 
sections 781(b) and 777(i) of the Act, 19 CFR 351.225(h), and 19 CFR 

    Dated: December 13, 2024.
Abdelali Elouaradia,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.

Appendix I--Scope of the Orders

    The merchandise subject to the Orders is aluminum wire and 
cable, which is defined as an assembly of one or more electrical 
conductors made from 8000 Series Aluminum Alloys (defined in 
accordance with ASTM B800), Aluminum Alloy 1350 (defined in 
accordance with ASTM B230/B230M or B609/B609M), and/or Aluminum 
Alloy 6201 (defined in accordance with ASTM B398/B398M), provided 
that: (1) at least one of the electrical conductors is insulated; 
(2) each insulated electrical conductor has a voltage rating greater 
than 80 volts and not exceeding 1000 volts; and (3) at least one 
electrical conductor is stranded and has a size not less than 16.5 
thousand circular mil (kcmil) and not greater than 1000 kcmil. The 
assembly may: (1) include a grounding or neutral conductor; (2) be 
clad with aluminum, steel, or other base metal; or (3) include a 
steel support center wire, one or more connectors, a tape shield, a 
jacket or other covering, and/or filler materials.
    Most aluminum wire and cable products conform to National 
Electrical Code (NEC) types THHN, THWN, THWN-2, XHHW-2, USE, USE-2, 
RHH, RHW, or RHW-2, and also conform to Underwriters Laboratories 
(UL) standards UL-44, UL-83, UL-758, UL-854, UL-1063, UL-1277, UL-
1569, UL-1581, or UL-4703, but such conformity is not required for 
the merchandise to be included within the scope.
    The scope of the Orders specifically excludes aluminum wire and 
cable products in lengths less than six feet, whether or not 
included in equipment already assembled at the time of importation.
    The merchandise covered by the Orders is currently classifiable 
under subheading 8544.49.9000 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of 
the United States (HTSUS). Products subject to the scope may also 
enter under HTSUS subheading 8544.42.9090. The HTSUS subheadings are 
provided for convenience and customs purposes. The written 
description of the scope of the Orders is dispositive.

Appendix II--Merchandise Subject to the Scope and Circumvention 

    The scope and circumvention inquiries cover AWC completed in 
Cambodia using AWC inputs (e.g., stranded wire and cables or 
unfinished AWC) of Chinese-origin that is subsequently exported from 
Vietnam to the United States.
    Available evidence shows that AWC inputs from China are 
processed in Cambodia and subsequently exported to the United 
States. These inquiries cover exports of AWC made using inputs of 
Chinese-origin that undergo further processing in Cambodia.
    These final determinations apply to all shipments of inquiry 
merchandise on or after the date of the initiation of these 
circumvention and scope inquiries (i.e., October 19, 2023). 
Importers and exporters of AWC from Cambodia, even where

[[Page 104087]]

determined to be out of scope, must still certify that merchandise 
is not subject to our country-wide finding of circumvention.\9\ 
Otherwise, their merchandise may be subject to antidumping and 
countervailing duties.

    \9\ In such instances, see Appendix II of the Preliminary 
Determinations for certification requirements. Although the importer 
certification requirements in the Preliminary Determinations at 
Appendix II reference the Republic of Korea and the Socialist 
Republic of Vietnam, U.S. importers may modify these certification 
requirements to reference Cambodia.

[FR Doc. 2024-30388 Filed 12-19-24; 8:45 am]
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