Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq PHLX LLC; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Exchange's Fees for Top of PHLX Options (TOPO), PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders, 99925-99930 [2024-29040]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 238 / Wednesday, December 11, 2024 / Notices All submissions should refer to file number SR–Phlx–2024–65. This file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission’s internet website ( rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in the Commission’s Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. Do not include personal identifiable information in submissions; you should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. We may redact in part or withhold entirely from publication submitted material that is obscene or subject to copyright protection. All submissions should refer to file number SR–Phlx–2024–65, and should be submitted on or before December 31, 2024. For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated authority.12 Sherry R. Haywood, Assistant Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–29035 Filed 12–10–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8011–01–P SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 [Release No. 34–101822; File No. SR–Phlx– 2024–67] Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq PHLX LLC; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Exchange’s Fees for Top of PHLX Options (TOPO), PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders December 5, 2024. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 12 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12), (59). VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:17 Dec 10, 2024 Jkt 265001 (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that on November 27, 2024, Nasdaq PHLX LLC (‘‘Phlx’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II, and III, below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons. I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule Change The Exchange proposes to amend the Exchange’s proprietary data fees for Top of PHLX Options (‘‘TOPO’’), PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders at Options 7, Section 10, as described further below. The text of the proposed rule change is available on the Exchange’s website at rulebook/phlx/rules, at the principal office of the Exchange, and at the Commission’s Public Reference Room. II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such statements. 1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). CFR 240.19b–4. 3 See Options 3, Section 23(a)(1) (‘‘Top of PHLX Options (‘TOPO’) is a direct data feed product that includes the Exchange’s best bid and offer price, with aggregate size, based on displayable order and quoting interest on Phlx and last sale information for trades executed on Phlx. The data contained in the TOPO data feed is identical to the data simultaneously sent to the processor for the OPRA and subscribers of the data feed. The data provided for each options series includes the symbols (series and underlying security), put or call indicator, expiration date, the strike price of the series, and whether the option series is available for trading on Phlx and identifies if the series is available for closing transactions only.’’). 4 See Options 3, Section 23(a)(1) (‘‘PHLX Orders is a real-time full Limit Order book data feed that provides pricing information for orders on the PHLX Order book for displayed order types as well as market participant capacity. PHLX Orders is currently provided as part of the TOPO Plus Orders data product. PHLX Orders provides real-time information to enable users to keep track of the single and complex order book(s). The data provided for each options series includes the symbols (series and underlying security), put or call 2 17 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 99925 A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change 1. Purpose The purpose of the proposed rule change is to amend the Exchange’s proprietary data fees for Top of PHLX Options (‘‘TOPO’’),3 PHLX Orders,4 and TOPO Plus Orders at Options 7, Section 10.5 Top of PHLX Options (‘‘TOPO’’) TOPO is a direct data feed that provides subscribers with PHLX Best Bid and Offer (‘‘BBO’’) 6 and last sale information.7 The data distributed on TOPO is identical to the data simultaneously sent to the Options Price Reporting Authority (‘‘OPRA’’).8 The TOPO feed also provides administrative information to facilitate trading on the Exchange such as, for example, the list of symbols trading on a particular day.9 TOPO reduces the transmission and processing latencies for top of book information relative to the OPRA feed by avoiding the latencies generated by the latter in consolidating data. indicator, expiration date, the strike price of the series, leg information on complex strategies and whether the option series is available for trading on Phlx and identifies if the series is available for closing transactions only. The feed also provides auction and exposure notifications and order imbalances on opening/reopening (size of matched contracts and size of the imbalance)’’). 5 The proposed changes were initially filed on November 16, 2023, as SR–Phlx–2023–51. On December 5, 2023, SR–Phlx–2023–51 was withdrawn and replaced with SR–Phlx–2023–57. On January 29, 2024, SR–Phlx–2023–57 was withdrawn and replaced with SR–Phlx 2024–03. On March 20, 2024, SR–Phlx–2024–03 was withdrawn and replaced with SR–Phlx–2024–15. On May 16, 2024, the Commission instituted proceedings to determine whether to approve or disapprove the proposed rule change. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 100160 (May 16, 2024), 89 FR 45036 (May 22, 2024). On November 19, 2024, SR–Phlx– 2024–15 was withdrawn and replaced with SR– Phlx–2024–60. On November 27, 2024, SR–Phlx– 2024–60 was withdrawn and replaced with the instant filing. 6 The Best Bid and Offer includes aggregate size information based on displayable order and quoting interest on the Exchange. 7 See PHLX, ‘‘Top of Phlx Options,’’ available at TOPO#:∼:text=Top%20of%20PHLX%20Options %20(TOPO,in%20the%20consolidated%20market %20feed. 8 See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(1) (Data Feeds and Trade Information) (‘‘The data contained in the TOPO data feed is identical to the data simultaneously sent to the processor for the OPRA and subscribers of the data feed.’’). 9 See, e.g., Nasdaq, ‘‘Top of Phlx Options Interface Specifications, Version 3.4’’ Section 4.3 available at technicalsupport/specifications/dataproducts/ topofphlx.pdf (describing the start of day options directory message, which lists all symbols eligible for the auction process). E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM 11DEN1 99926 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 238 / Wednesday, December 11, 2024 / Notices Monthly fees for TOPO are currently $2,000 for Internal Distributors,10 $2,500 for External Distributors,11 $1 for a Non-Professional Subscriber,12 and $40 for a Professional Subscriber.13 None of these fees have changed for over a decade, since January 2013.14 PHLX Orders lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 PHLX Orders is a real-time order book feed with pricing information for displayed orders on the PHLX order book.15 The data provided for each options series includes the symbols (series and underlying security), a put or call indicator, expiration date, and the strike price of the series. It also provides the real-time status of simple and complex orders 16 on the order book, including new orders and changes to orders resting on the PHLX book for all PHLX-listed options.17 The PHLX Orders feed includes data on the opening imbalance, Price Improvement 10 See Options 7, Section 10 (Proprietary Data Feed Fees) (Top of PHLX Options) (‘‘A ‘distributor’ of Nasdaq PHLX data is any entity that receives a feed or data file . . . directly from Nasdaq PHLX or indirectly through another entity and then distributes it either internally (within that entity) or externally (outside that entity). All distributors execute a Nasdaq PHLX distributor agreement.’’). 11 See id. 12 See id. (‘‘A Non-Professional Subscriber is a natural person who is neither: (i) registered or qualified in any capacity with the Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, any state securities agency, any securities exchange or association, or any commodities or futures contract market or association; (ii) engaged as an ‘investment adviser’ as that term is defined in Section 201(11) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 (whether or not registered or qualified under that Act); nor (iii) employed by a bank or other organization exempt from registration under federal or state securities laws to perform functions that would require registration or qualification if such functions were performed for an organization not so exempt. A Non-Professional Subscriber may only use the data provided for personal purposes and not for any commercial purpose.’’). 13 See id. (‘‘A Professional Subscriber is any Subscriber that is not a Non-Professional Subscriber. If the Nasdaq Subscriber agreement is signed in the name of a business or commercial entity, such entity would be considered a Professional Subscriber.’’). 14 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68576 (January 3, 2013), 78 FR 1886 (January 9, 2013) (SR– Phlx–2012–145). 15 See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(2) (Data Feeds and Trade Information). 16 See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(2) (Data Feeds and Trade Information); Section 14(a)(i) (‘‘Complex Order. For purposes of the electronic trading of Complex Orders, a Complex Order is an order involving the simultaneous purchase and/or sale of two or more different options series in the same underlying security, priced as a net debit or credit based on the relative prices of the individual components, for the same account, for the purpose of executing a particular investment strategy.’’). 17 See Nasdaq, ‘‘PHLX Orders,’’ available at Micro.aspx?id=PHLXOrders. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:17 Dec 10, 2024 Jkt 265001 XL (PIXL),18 and Complex Order Live Auction (COLA).19 A notification message is sent for symbols entering an auction.20 PHLX Orders also furnishes an historical record of all simple and complex order message data from the PHLX Orders data feed. PHLX Orders information is not sent to OPRA.21 PHLX Orders is an alternative to PHLX Depth of Market. It is an optimized technical channel designed to lower technology costs, reduce processing time, and facilitate the ingestion of data while still providing customers insight beyond the top of book by viewing active buy and sell orders. PHLX Orders excludes quotations by market makers and other authorized entities that is included in PHLX Depth of Market.22 What is the utility of an orders-only data feed? It provides customers with the opportunity to reduce bandwidth (and therefore data processing costs) by several orders of magnitude relative to the full depth of book feed, while retaining a view of market participant orders (setting aside symbols where participants have not placed orders). The December 2023 bandwidth report shows that the PHLX Depth of Market feed transmitted a maximum of 14.3 billion messages per day during the month of December,23 while the PHLX 18 See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(2); Section 13 (Price Improvement XL) (‘‘A member may electronically submit for execution an order it represents as agent on behalf of a Public Customer, broker-dealer, or any other entity (‘PIXL Order’) against principal interest or against any other order (except as provided in sub-paragraph (a)(6) below) it represents as agent (an ‘Initiating Order’) provided it submits the PIXL Order for electronic execution into the PIXL Auction (‘Auction’) pursuant to this Rule.’’). 19 See Options 3, Section 14(e) (describing the process for the Complex Order Live Auction (‘‘COLA’’)). 20 Nasdaq, ‘‘PHLX Orders Interface Specification,’’ (Version 1.92) available at https:// specifications/dataproducts/topoplusorders.pdf (describing auction notification message). 21 See Limited Liability Company Agreement of Options Price Reporting Authority, LLC Article V, Section 5.2(c)(i) (January 1, 2010), available at 5ba40927ac854d8c97bc92d7/5d0bd57d87 d3ccca102102d7_OPRA%20Plan%20with%20 Updated%20Exhibit%20A%20-%2006-19-2019.pdf (describing last sale and best bid and offer information disseminated by OPRA). 22 See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(3) (Data Feeds and Trade Information) (‘‘PHLX Depth of Market is a data product that provides: (i) order and quotation information for individual quotes and orders on the order book . . .’’) (emphasis added); Section 4(b) (Entry and display of Quotes) (identifying the market participants authorized to submit quotes to the Exchange). 23 See Nasdaq, ‘‘December 2023 Bandwidth Report,’’ available at com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2 Ftechnicalsupport%2Fspecifications%2 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Orders feed transmitted a maximum of 53.6 million messages over the same period (41.5 million messages for simple orders, and 12.1 million messages for complex orders). The Exchange’s full depth of book feed requires the customer to process over 200 times more messages than the orders feed over the course of a day; replacing a depth of book feed with an orders feed allows a customer to reduce the maximum number of daily messages it receives by 99.6%. To cite another example, the 1millisecond bandwidth peak for PHLX Depth of Market was 13.96 million messages; the comparable number of messages for orders was 1.45 million (891 thousand for simple and 561 thousand for complex orders). Replacing depth of book with orders can therefore reduce the number of messages processed at peak at the 1 millisecond bandwidth by nearly 90%. Approximately 56% of customers who take any data feed at all from the PHLX exchange take an orders feed (either Orders only or TOPO Plus Orders) without depth of book. Another 38% of customers take both orders and depth feeds. The remaining 6% take either top of book or depth of book alone. What type of customer takes an orders feed in lieu of depth? In general, firms that only need information on actively trading options do so. There are a great number of use cases that fit this broad description, but, for purposes of illustration, the Exchange is aware of at least two such types of customers. The first is the market participant that does not engage in order routing. These are broker dealers that use third parties to route orders, either because the originating broker-dealer is not a member of the exchange or to save costs. Without the need for additional information to inform routing decisions, such customers often focus on active trading alone, and therefore purchase the orders feed. A second category of customers are those that use options data to analyze trends in other markets. One example of this type of customer is the equity trader that analyzes equity-based options orders to gauge market sentiment in the underlying equity. For such customers, there is relatively little utility in the full depth feed. Fdataproducts%2Fbandwidthreport.xls&wdOrigin =BROWSELINK. E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM 11DEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 238 / Wednesday, December 11, 2024 / Notices As noted above, there are some customers that purchase both orders and depth. Vendors are one example of this type of customer. They purchase market data solely for resale, not for trading on behalf of themselves or others. Another example is the firm that uses orders for analysis and depth for order routing. As noted above, the orders feed can be useful for assessing sentiment in equity markets, while depth is often used in order routing decisions. Firms that engage in both functions can lower overall processing requirements by using orders for analytics and depth for routing. Customers can obtain all of the data contained in PHLX Orders from PHLX Depth of Market feed and may purchase the latter if they do not realize the cost savings offered by PHLX Orders. PHLX Orders is a derivative product designed as a lower-cost alternative to a depth of book feed. It is not a complement to any other product offered by the Exchange or any of its competitors. Customers are free to purchase PHLX Orders or not, and can reject the feed for any reason, including the fee charged. Current monthly fees for PHLX Orders are $3,000 for Internal Distributors, $3,500 for External Distributors, $1 for a Non-Professional Subscriber, and $40 for a Professional Subscriber. None of these fees have changes for over a decade, since January 2013.24 TOPO Plus Orders lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 TOPO Plus is a direct market data product that offers subscribers both TOPO and PHLX Orders for a consolidated fee that is less than the combined fee of the two products.25 Monthly fees for TOPO Plus Orders are currently $4,500 for Internal Distributors, $5,000 for External Distributors, $1 for a Non-Professional Subscriber, and $40 for a Professional Subscriber. Internal Distributor fees for TOPO Plus Orders were modified in January 2018, over five years ago,26 but the other TOPO Plus Orders fees have not changed since January 2013.27 24 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68576 (January 3, 2013), 78 FR 1886 (January 9, 2013) (SR– Phlx–2012–145). 25 See PHLX, TOPO Plus PHLX Orders, available at Micro.aspx?id=TOPOPlusOrders. 26 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82495 (January 12, 2018), 83 FR 2839 (January 19, 2018) (SR–Phlx–2018–08). 27 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68576 (January 3, 2013), 78 FR 1886 (January 9, 2013) (SR– Phlx–2012–145). VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:17 Dec 10, 2024 Jkt 265001 Usage of TOPO, PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders Different types of market participants purchase TOPO, PHLX Orders and TOPO Plus Orders, including market makers, vendors, banks, proprietary traders, agency brokers (brokers that route trades on behalf of other market participants), hedge funds, index providers and other firms. In characterizing market participants, we must be clear that firms use data feeds for multiple tasks. A market maker, for example, may use market data for order routing, or for risk analysis used in quoting in their assigned option series. Banks may use market data for prime brokerage services, proprietary trading, or risk management. Market data vendors do not directly use the data at all, but rather disseminate data to market participants that use the data for a multiplicity of purposes. Other firms purchase options data to assess the value of equity securities.28 Characterizing firms based on what we understand to be their primary market activity, and understanding that firms play multiple roles, we estimate that approximately half of the customers that take top of book data in any form, in combination with other products or alone, are market makers, and the remaining half are market data vendors, banks, proprietary traders, agency brokers, hedge funds, index providers, and others. Roughly the same distribution applies to customers that purchase PHLX Orders, whether alone or in combination with other products. Although the distributions are roughly similar, different customers are purchasing different products in different combinations. As explained above, firms generally purchase PHLX Orders rather than depth of book data to lower technology costs and reduce processing time, while still providing customers insight into open executable orders that could impact the BBO. A more specific explanation of how TOPO, PHLX Orders and TOPO Plus Orders is used will vary based on use case, with many firms employing multiple use cases. Market makers, banks, hedge funds, and proprietary traders often use top of book and orders feeds for trading, order routing and analysis. Banks may use market data for prime brokerage services, proprietary 28 We do not include ‘‘High Frequency Trading Firm’’ as a distinct category because many market participants may engage in low latency trading strategies to some degree, but the Exchange does not have sufficient information to be able to characterize any particular firm as a high frequency trader. PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 99927 trading, or risk management. The clients of market data vendors will utilize the data for many different purposes. We do not have sufficient visibility into our customers’ businesses and proprietary processes to be able to determine precise data usage by customer category. Proposed Changes For TOPO, the Exchange proposes to increase the monthly charge for Internal Distributors from $2,000 to $2,500, and the monthly charge for External Distributors from $2,500 to $3,000. No changes are proposed for NonProfessional and Professional Subscriber fees. For PHLX Orders, the Exchange proposes to increase the monthly charge for Internal Distributors from $3,000 to $3,500, and the monthly charge for External Distributors from $3,500 to $4,000. No changes are proposed for Non-Professional and Professional Subscriber fees. For TOPO Plus Orders, the Exchange proposes to increase the monthly charge for Internal Distributors from $4,500 to $5,500, and the monthly charge for External Distributors from $5,000 to $6,000. No changes are proposed for Non-Professional and Professional Subscriber fees. 2. Statutory Basis The Exchange believes that its proposal is consistent with Section 6(b) of the Act,29 in general, and furthers the objectives of Sections 6(b)(4) and 6(b)(5) of the Act,30 in particular, in that it provides for the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees and other charges among members and issuers and other persons using any facility, and is not designed to permit unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers. The proposal provides for the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees and other charges because the proposed fees are comparable to, and in some cases less than, those of similarly situated exchanges. The proposal is not designed to permit unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers because: (i) it is not unfair discrimination to charge external distributors more for the product because external distributors receive additional value not available to internal distributors by disseminating information externally and typically charging for the service; and (ii) the market data feeds subject to the proposed fee will be available to 29 15 30 15 E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM U.S.C. 78f(b). U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5). 11DEN1 lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 t+ ~ Cl) BXOP ~ l/l NOM Q,) 3 ~ ......, N n ,..,. TABLE 1 Internal distribution Sfmt 4703 Figure 1 Exchange, Inc. (‘‘Cboe’’) (for external distribution), as summarized in Table 1: External distribution $3,000. $6,000 ($3,000 for simple orders; $3,000 for complex orders). $3,500. ($1,750 for simple orders; $1,750 for complex orders). $8,000. ($5,000 for simple orders; $3,000 for complex orders). Monthly fees (top of book) Securities Exchange, LLC (‘‘MIAX’’), MIAX Emerald (for both internal and external distribution) and Cboe Market share % 9.1 5.7 3.6 Fmt 4703 N E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM 11DEN1 32 See MIAX Options Exchange Fee Schedule (October 1, 2024), available at https:// schedule-files/MIAX_Options_Fee_Schedule_ 10012024.pdf. proposed fee of $2,500 for internal distribution is much less than the $4,000 charged by MIAX for less information. For external distribution, MIAX charges $3,000 for Top of Market feed, and another $3,000 for its complex top $2,500 ................................................................... $4,000 ................................................................... ($2,000 for simple orders; $2,000 for complex orders). $2,500 ................................................................... ($1,250 for simple orders; $1,250 for complex orders). N/A ........................................................................ (fee is part of a package of multiple products) ..... MIAX charges different fees for internal distribution of its simple and complex top of book feeds: $2,000 for its Top of Market feed, and another $2,000 for its complex Top of Market feed, for a total of $4,000.32 PHLX TOPO includes both simple and complex orders in a single feed, and therefore the 17.9 traded in 2024 through October 28, 2024, as set forth in the following graph: 31 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 238 / Wednesday, December 11, 2024 / Notices ARCA 99928 :r Equitable Allocation of Reasonable Dues, Fees and Other Charges The Exchange assesses the market share for each of the eighteen options markets utilizing total options contracts ~ :::1-~ Frm 00102 Sapphire g. ~ Cl) AMEX ports. Total contracts include both multi-list options and proprietary options products. Proprietary options products are products with intellectual property rights that are not multi-listed. BX does not list proprietary products. PO 00000 Pearl .., MEMX m !if customers on a non-discriminatory basis. The proposed fees for Top of PHLX Options are comparable to those charged by Miami International Exchange PHLX ...................................................................... MIAX ...................................................................... MIAX Emerald ........................................................ Cboe ...................................................................... A more detailed discussion of the comparison follows. Jkt 265001 Ill .;,. 0 0 N 8 Emerald :::J ~o MIAX MIAX, with a market share of approximately 5.7%, provides less information in its top of book feeds than PHLX, yet charges more for those feeds than the PHLX proposal. 18:17 Dec 10, 2024 Miax ~ "' N SYJ 0.. llJ .Q (0 31 Market share is the percentage of volume on a particular exchange relative to the total volume across all exchanges, and indicates the amount of order flow directed to that exchange. High levels of market share enhance the value of trading and VerDate Sep<11>2014 EN11DE24.030</GPH> 3 ;:;· 11) 0 BOX V, 0ct> zQI 0 MCRY 0 N .;,. Gemini tl !1! 0 n fl ..,, 0 PHLX C: ::r ISE 0 U) ;:1, Q,) Edge-X 0 u, "'8 s: Bats C: ~ "$. ~::::, C2 s· "'C o s,... t+ -· Cboe cl" l/l ..... ..... 4)1, ..... ..... ..... N 0 N O"I (X) 0 "$. "$. "$. "$. "$. "$. 'B- "$. (X) O"I N ~c 2024 Market Share Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 238 / Wednesday, December 11, 2024 / Notices of market feed,33 for a total of $6,000. The proposed fees of $3,000 for the PHLX TOPO feed, which includes both simple and complex orders, is far less than the fees charged by MIAX for less information. MIAX Emerald The same analysis applies to MIAX Emerald, with a market share of 3.6%. Similar to MIAX, MIAX Emerald charges different fees for simple and complex top of book feeds: $1,250 for internal distribution of its Top of Market feed, and another $1,250 for internal distribution of its Complex Top of Market feed, for a total of $2,500.34 This is the same amount proposed for TOPO internal distribution, for less information. MIAX Emerald charges $1,750 for external distribution of its Top of Market feed, and another $1,750 for external distribution of its complex Top of Market feed, for a total of $3,500.35 MIAX Emerald therefore charges more than PHLX’s proposed monthly charges of $3,000 for external distribution of TOPO, notwithstanding the fact that MIAX Emerald provides less market information. This supports the proposition that the proposed PHLX fees are comparable to those of other exchanges and therefore reasonable. Cboe Cboe has an approximately 17.9% market share, nearly twice the PHLX market share of 9.1%.36 99929 The Cboe fee for external distribution of the top of book feed is $5,000 per month.37 If a customer also wants Cboe’s Complex Order Book (‘‘COB’’), the customer would pay an additional $3,000.38 These fees are comparable to the proposed PHLX fee of $3,000 per month for external distribution of a combined simple and complex orders feed because the higher fee for Cboe reflects the higher market share of the Cboe exchange. PHLX Orders The proposed fees for PHLX Orders are comparable to the fees charged by MIAX, MIAX Emerald, and Nasdaq ISE, LLC (‘‘ISE’’), an affiliate of PHLX, as set forth in Table 2 below. TABLE 2 Market share % Exchange PHLX .......................................................... MIAX ........................................................... MIAX Emerald ............................................ ISE .............................................................. 9.1 5.7 3.6 6.2 MIAX MIAX has a market share of approximately 5.7%, somewhat more than half of PHLX’s market share of 9.1%. MIAX charges $3,000 for internal distribution of its orders feed.39 PHLX, with a market share over 50 percent more than MIAX, proposes to charge $3,500 for the same service. The PHLX fee is only about 17% more than the MIAX fee. MIAX charges $3,500 for external distribution of its orders feed.40 PHLX, with a market share over 50 percent more than MIAX, proposes to charge $4,000 for the same service. The PHLX fee is only about 14% more than the MIAX fee. MIAX Emerald MIAX Emerald also has a market share of 3.6%, less than half of PHLX’s market share of 9.1%. 33 See id. MIAX Emerald Options Schedule (December 8, 2022), available at https:// schedule-files/MIAX_Emerald_Fee_Schedule_ 12082022c.pdf. 35 See id. 36 See Nasdaq, Options Market Statistics (Last updated November 3, 2023), available at https:// Trader.aspx?id=OptionsVolumeSummary. 37 See id. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 34 See VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:17 Dec 10, 2024 Jkt 265001 Monthly fees (orders) Internal distribution External distribution $3,500 ........................................................ 3,000 .......................................................... 3,000 .......................................................... 3,000 .......................................................... $4,000. $3,500. $3,500. $3,000 per month plus $20 per month per controlled device. Like MIAX, MIAX Emerald charges $3,000 for internal distribution of its orders feed.41 PHLX, with a market share over twice that of MIAX Emerald, proposes to charge $3,500 for the same service. The PHLX fee is only about 17% more than the MIAX fee. MIAX Emerald also charges $3,500 for external distribution of its orders feed.42 PHLX, with a market share over twice that of MIAX Emerald, proposes to charge $4,000 for the same service. The PHLX fee is only about 14% more than the MIAX Emerald fee. and the ISE feed does not include information on complex orders. For external distribution, ISE charges $3000 per month, plus an additional $20 per month for each controlled device, up to a maximum fee of $5,000 per month.44 This is comparable to the proposed PHLX fee of $4,000 (the ISE fee may be above or below the PHLX fee, depending on the number of controlled devices) and the proposed fee is reasonable given PHLX’s larger market share. ISE TOPO Plus Orders ISE has a market share of approximately 6.2%, below PHLX’s market share of 9.1%. ISE charges $3,000 for internal distribution of its Order Feed.43 This is comparable to the proposed PHLX Orders feed for internal distribution of $3,500 because PHLX has a larger share The separate fees for TOPO and PHLX Orders are each reasonable because, as shown above, they are comparable to other SRO fees. The TOPO Plus Orders product offers a discount for the purchase of these two separate feeds together. A discount from fees that have already been shown to be reasonable is 38 As explained in note 32, Cboe waives its Complex Order Book feed for internal distribution of top of book and depth, but not for external distribution of top of book. 39 See MIAX Options Exchange Fee Schedule (October 1, 2024), available at https:// schedule-files/MIAX_Options_Fee_Schedule_ 10012024.pdf. 40 See id. 41 See MIAX Emerald Options Schedule (December 8, 2022), available at https:// schedule-files/MIAX_Emerald_Fee_Schedule_ 12082022c.pdf. 42 See id. 43 See Nasdaq ISE, LLC Rules, Options 7, Section 10(G) (Nasdaq ISE Order Feed). The ISE Order feed differs from the PHLX Orders feed in that it provides information only on simple orders, whereas the PHLX Orders feed provides information on both simple and complex orders. 44 See id. PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM 11DEN1 99930 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 238 / Wednesday, December 11, 2024 / Notices reasonable and consistent with the Exchange Act. In summary, (i) the proposed fees for Top of PHLX Options are comparable to those of MIAX, MIAX Emerald and Cboe; (ii) the proposed fees for PHLX Orders are comparable to those of MIAX, MIAX Emerald, and ISE; and (iii) the proposed PHLX TOPO Plus Orders fees offer a discount from the amount the customer would pay for TOPO and Orders separately, and, because these separate fees are comparable to those charged by other exchanges, the proposed discount for TOPO Plus Orders is reasonable. No Unfair Discrimination Between Customers, Issuers, Brokers, or Dealers The proposal is not designed to permit unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers because: (i) external distributors receive additional value not available to internal distributors; and (ii) these market data feeds will be available on a non-discriminatory basis. External Distributors receive additional value not available to Internal Distributors by disseminating information externally and typically charging for the service. This additional value supports higher fees for external distribution for TOPO, PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders. Higher fees for external distribution of data are common throughout the industry, and nearly universal among exchanges. The difference in value between internal and external distribution is also reflected in the current fee schedule, which has previously been shown to be consistent with the Exchange Act. The three market data feeds at issue here—TOPO, PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders—are used by a variety of market participants for a variety of purposes. Users include regulators, market makers, competing exchanges, media, retail, academics, portfolio managers. Market data feeds will be available to members of all of these groups on a non-discriminatory basis. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement on Burden on Competition The Exchange does not believe that the proposed rule change will impose any burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. Nothing in the Proposal burdens inter-market competition (the competition among self-regulatory organizations) because approval of the Proposal does not impose any burden on the ability of other options exchanges to compete. PHLX fees are comparable VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:17 Dec 10, 2024 Jkt 265001 to, and in some cases less than, those of other exchanges, as discussed above. Nothing in the Proposal burdens intra-market competition (the competition among consumers of exchange data) because PHLX market data is available to any customer under the same fee schedule as any other customer, and any market participant that wishes to purchase PHLX market data can do so on a non-discriminatory basis. C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others No written comments were either solicited or received. III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for Commission Action Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register or within such longer period (i) as the Commission may designate up to 90 days of such date if it finds such longer period to be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to which the Exchange consents, the Commission shall: (a) by order approve or disapprove such proposed rule change, or (b) institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule change should be disapproved. submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in the Commission’s Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. Do not include personal identifiable information in submissions; you should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. We may redact in part or withhold entirely from publication submitted material that is obscene or subject to copyright protection. All submissions should refer to file number SR–Phlx–2024–67 and should be submitted on or before December 31, 2024. For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated authority.45 Sherry R. Haywood, Assistant Secretary. IV. Solicitation of Comments Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods: [FR Doc. 2024–29040 Filed 12–10–24; 8:45 am] Electronic Comments • Use the Commission’s internet comment form ( rules/sro.shtml); or • Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include file number SR– Phlx–2024–67 on the subject line. Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend Its Fee Schedule Regarding Dedicated Cores Paper Comments • Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090. All submissions should refer to file number SR–Phlx–2024–67. This file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission’s internet website ( rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that on November 26, 2024, Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc. (the ‘‘Exchange’’ or ‘‘BZX’’) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II, and III below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing this notice to PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 BILLING CODE 8011–01–P SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Release No. 34–101825; File No. SR– CboeBZX–2024–122] December 5, 2024 45 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12). U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). 2 17 CFR 240.19b–4. 1 15 E:\FR\FM\11DEN1.SGM 11DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 238 (Wednesday, December 11, 2024)]
[Pages 99925-99930]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-29040]



[Release No. 34-101822; File No. SR-Phlx-2024-67]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; Nasdaq PHLX LLC; Notice of Filing 
of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the Exchange's Fees for Top of PHLX 
Options (TOPO), PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders

December 5, 2024.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that 
on November 27, 2024, Nasdaq PHLX LLC (``Phlx'' or ``Exchange'') filed 
with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') the 
proposed rule change as described in Items I, II, and III, below, which 
Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing 
this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from 
interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
of the Proposed Rule Change

    The Exchange proposes to amend the Exchange's proprietary data fees 
for Top of PHLX Options (``TOPO''), PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders 
at Options 7, Section 10, as described further below.
    The text of the proposed rule change is available on the Exchange's 
website at, at the 
principal office of the Exchange, and at the Commission's Public 
Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements 
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in 
sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such 

    \3\ See Options 3, Section 23(a)(1) (``Top of PHLX Options 
(`TOPO') is a direct data feed product that includes the Exchange's 
best bid and offer price, with aggregate size, based on displayable 
order and quoting interest on Phlx and last sale information for 
trades executed on Phlx. The data contained in the TOPO data feed is 
identical to the data simultaneously sent to the processor for the 
OPRA and subscribers of the data feed. The data provided for each 
options series includes the symbols (series and underlying 
security), put or call indicator, expiration date, the strike price 
of the series, and whether the option series is available for 
trading on Phlx and identifies if the series is available for 
closing transactions only.'').
    \4\ See Options 3, Section 23(a)(1) (``PHLX Orders is a real-
time full Limit Order book data feed that provides pricing 
information for orders on the PHLX Order book for displayed order 
types as well as market participant capacity. PHLX Orders is 
currently provided as part of the TOPO Plus Orders data product. 
PHLX Orders provides real-time information to enable users to keep 
track of the single and complex order book(s). The data provided for 
each options series includes the symbols (series and underlying 
security), put or call indicator, expiration date, the strike price 
of the series, leg information on complex strategies and whether the 
option series is available for trading on Phlx and identifies if the 
series is available for closing transactions only. The feed also 
provides auction and exposure notifications and order imbalances on 
opening/reopening (size of matched contracts and size of the 
    \5\ The proposed changes were initially filed on November 16, 
2023, as SR-Phlx-2023-51. On December 5, 2023, SR-Phlx-2023-51 was 
withdrawn and replaced with SR-Phlx-2023-57. On January 29, 2024, 
SR-Phlx-2023-57 was withdrawn and replaced with SR-Phlx 2024-03. On 
March 20, 2024, SR-Phlx-2024-03 was withdrawn and replaced with SR-
Phlx-2024-15. On May 16, 2024, the Commission instituted proceedings 
to determine whether to approve or disapprove the proposed rule 
change. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 100160 (May 16, 
2024), 89 FR 45036 (May 22, 2024). On November 19, 2024, SR-Phlx-
2024-15 was withdrawn and replaced with SR-Phlx-2024-60. On November 
27, 2024, SR-Phlx-2024-60 was withdrawn and replaced with the 
instant filing.

A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    The purpose of the proposed rule change is to amend the Exchange's 
proprietary data fees for Top of PHLX Options (``TOPO''),\3\ PHLX 
Orders,\4\ and TOPO Plus Orders at Options 7, Section 10.\5\
Top of PHLX Options (``TOPO'')
    TOPO is a direct data feed that provides subscribers with PHLX Best 
Bid and Offer (``BBO'') \6\ and last sale information.\7\ The data 
distributed on TOPO is identical to the data simultaneously sent to the 
Options Price Reporting Authority (``OPRA'').\8\ The TOPO feed also 
provides administrative information to facilitate trading on the 
Exchange such as, for example, the list of symbols trading on a 
particular day.\9\ TOPO reduces the transmission and processing 
latencies for top of book information relative to the OPRA feed by 
avoiding the latencies generated by the latter in consolidating data.

    \6\ The Best Bid and Offer includes aggregate size information 
based on displayable order and quoting interest on the Exchange.
    \7\ See PHLX, ``Top of Phlx Options,'' available at https://
    \8\ See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(1) 
(Data Feeds and Trade Information) (``The data contained in the TOPO 
data feed is identical to the data simultaneously sent to the 
processor for the OPRA and subscribers of the data feed.'').
    \9\ See, e.g., Nasdaq, ``Top of Phlx Options Interface 
Specifications, Version 3.4'' Section 4.3 available at (describing the start of day options 
directory message, which lists all symbols eligible for the auction 


[[Page 99926]]

    Monthly fees for TOPO are currently $2,000 for Internal 
Distributors,\10\ $2,500 for External Distributors,\11\ $1 for a Non-
Professional Subscriber,\12\ and $40 for a Professional Subscriber.\13\ 
None of these fees have changed for over a decade, since January 

    \10\ See Options 7, Section 10 (Proprietary Data Feed Fees) (Top 
of PHLX Options) (``A `distributor' of Nasdaq PHLX data is any 
entity that receives a feed or data file . . . directly from Nasdaq 
PHLX or indirectly through another entity and then distributes it 
either internally (within that entity) or externally (outside that 
entity). All distributors execute a Nasdaq PHLX distributor 
    \11\ See id.
    \12\ See id. (``A Non-Professional Subscriber is a natural 
person who is neither: (i) registered or qualified in any capacity 
with the Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, any 
state securities agency, any securities exchange or association, or 
any commodities or futures contract market or association; (ii) 
engaged as an `investment adviser' as that term is defined in 
Section 201(11) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 (whether or 
not registered or qualified under that Act); nor (iii) employed by a 
bank or other organization exempt from registration under federal or 
state securities laws to perform functions that would require 
registration or qualification if such functions were performed for 
an organization not so exempt. A Non-Professional Subscriber may 
only use the data provided for personal purposes and not for any 
commercial purpose.'').
    \13\ See id. (``A Professional Subscriber is any Subscriber that 
is not a Non-Professional Subscriber. If the Nasdaq Subscriber 
agreement is signed in the name of a business or commercial entity, 
such entity would be considered a Professional Subscriber.'').
    \14\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68576 (January 3, 
2013), 78 FR 1886 (January 9, 2013) (SR-Phlx-2012-145).

PHLX Orders
    PHLX Orders is a real-time order book feed with pricing information 
for displayed orders on the PHLX order book.\15\ The data provided for 
each options series includes the symbols (series and underlying 
security), a put or call indicator, expiration date, and the strike 
price of the series. It also provides the real-time status of simple 
and complex orders \16\ on the order book, including new orders and 
changes to orders resting on the PHLX book for all PHLX-listed 
options.\17\ The PHLX Orders feed includes data on the opening 
imbalance, Price Improvement XL (PIXL),\18\ and Complex Order Live 
Auction (COLA).\19\ A notification message is sent for symbols entering 
an auction.\20\ PHLX Orders also furnishes an historical record of all 
simple and complex order message data from the PHLX Orders data feed. 
PHLX Orders information is not sent to OPRA.\21\

    \15\ See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(2) 
(Data Feeds and Trade Information).
    \16\ See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(2) 
(Data Feeds and Trade Information); Section 14(a)(i) (``Complex 
Order. For purposes of the electronic trading of Complex Orders, a 
Complex Order is an order involving the simultaneous purchase and/or 
sale of two or more different options series in the same underlying 
security, priced as a net debit or credit based on the relative 
prices of the individual components, for the same account, for the 
purpose of executing a particular investment strategy.'').
    \17\ See Nasdaq, ``PHLX Orders,'' available at
    \18\ See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(2); 
Section 13 (Price Improvement XL) (``A member may electronically 
submit for execution an order it represents as agent on behalf of a 
Public Customer, broker-dealer, or any other entity (`PIXL Order') 
against principal interest or against any other order (except as 
provided in sub-paragraph (a)(6) below) it represents as agent (an 
`Initiating Order') provided it submits the PIXL Order for 
electronic execution into the PIXL Auction (`Auction') pursuant to 
this Rule.'').
    \19\ See Options 3, Section 14(e) (describing the process for 
the Complex Order Live Auction (``COLA'')).
    \20\ Nasdaq, ``PHLX Orders Interface Specification,'' (Version 
1.92) available at 
(describing auction notification message).
    \21\ See Limited Liability Company Agreement of Options Price 
Reporting Authority, LLC Article V, Section 5.2(c)(i) (January 1, 
2010), available at (describing last sale and best bid and offer 
information disseminated by OPRA).

    PHLX Orders is an alternative to PHLX Depth of Market. It is an 
optimized technical channel designed to lower technology costs, reduce 
processing time, and facilitate the ingestion of data while still 
providing customers insight beyond the top of book by viewing active 
buy and sell orders. PHLX Orders excludes quotations by market makers 
and other authorized entities that is included in PHLX Depth of 

    \22\ See Options 3 (Options Trading Rules), Section 23(a)(3) 
(Data Feeds and Trade Information) (``PHLX Depth of Market is a data 
product that provides: (i) order and quotation information for 
individual quotes and orders on the order book . . .'') (emphasis 
added); Section 4(b) (Entry and display of Quotes) (identifying the 
market participants authorized to submit quotes to the Exchange).

    What is the utility of an orders-only data feed? It provides 
customers with the opportunity to reduce bandwidth (and therefore data 
processing costs) by several orders of magnitude relative to the full 
depth of book feed, while retaining a view of market participant orders 
(setting aside symbols where participants have not placed orders).
    The December 2023 bandwidth report shows that the PHLX Depth of 
Market feed transmitted a maximum of 14.3 billion messages per day 
during the month of December,\23\ while the PHLX Orders feed 
transmitted a maximum of 53.6 million messages over the same period 
(41.5 million messages for simple orders, and 12.1 million messages for 
complex orders). The Exchange's full depth of book feed requires the 
customer to process over 200 times more messages than the orders feed 
over the course of a day; replacing a depth of book feed with an orders 
feed allows a customer to reduce the maximum number of daily messages 
it receives by 99.6%.

    \23\ See Nasdaq, ``December 2023 Bandwidth Report,'' available 

    To cite another example, the 1millisecond bandwidth peak for PHLX 
Depth of Market was 13.96 million messages; the comparable number of 
messages for orders was 1.45 million (891 thousand for simple and 561 
thousand for complex orders). Replacing depth of book with orders can 
therefore reduce the number of messages processed at peak at the 1 
millisecond bandwidth by nearly 90%.
    Approximately 56% of customers who take any data feed at all from 
the PHLX exchange take an orders feed (either Orders only or TOPO Plus 
Orders) without depth of book. Another 38% of customers take both 
orders and depth feeds. The remaining 6% take either top of book or 
depth of book alone.
    What type of customer takes an orders feed in lieu of depth? In 
general, firms that only need information on actively trading options 
do so. There are a great number of use cases that fit this broad 
description, but, for purposes of illustration, the Exchange is aware 
of at least two such types of customers.
    The first is the market participant that does not engage in order 
routing. These are broker dealers that use third parties to route 
orders, either because the originating broker-dealer is not a member of 
the exchange or to save costs. Without the need for additional 
information to inform routing decisions, such customers often focus on 
active trading alone, and therefore purchase the orders feed.
    A second category of customers are those that use options data to 
analyze trends in other markets. One example of this type of customer 
is the equity trader that analyzes equity-based options orders to gauge 
market sentiment in the underlying equity. For such customers, there is 
relatively little utility in the full depth feed.

[[Page 99927]]

    As noted above, there are some customers that purchase both orders 
and depth. Vendors are one example of this type of customer. They 
purchase market data solely for resale, not for trading on behalf of 
themselves or others. Another example is the firm that uses orders for 
analysis and depth for order routing. As noted above, the orders feed 
can be useful for assessing sentiment in equity markets, while depth is 
often used in order routing decisions. Firms that engage in both 
functions can lower overall processing requirements by using orders for 
analytics and depth for routing.
    Customers can obtain all of the data contained in PHLX Orders from 
PHLX Depth of Market feed and may purchase the latter if they do not 
realize the cost savings offered by PHLX Orders.
    PHLX Orders is a derivative product designed as a lower-cost 
alternative to a depth of book feed. It is not a complement to any 
other product offered by the Exchange or any of its competitors. 
Customers are free to purchase PHLX Orders or not, and can reject the 
feed for any reason, including the fee charged.
    Current monthly fees for PHLX Orders are $3,000 for Internal 
Distributors, $3,500 for External Distributors, $1 for a Non-
Professional Subscriber, and $40 for a Professional Subscriber. None of 
these fees have changes for over a decade, since January 2013.\24\

    \24\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68576 (January 3, 
2013), 78 FR 1886 (January 9, 2013) (SR-Phlx-2012-145).

TOPO Plus Orders
    TOPO Plus is a direct market data product that offers subscribers 
both TOPO and PHLX Orders for a consolidated fee that is less than the 
combined fee of the two products.\25\

    \25\ See PHLX, TOPO Plus PHLX Orders, available at

    Monthly fees for TOPO Plus Orders are currently $4,500 for Internal 
Distributors, $5,000 for External Distributors, $1 for a Non-
Professional Subscriber, and $40 for a Professional Subscriber.
    Internal Distributor fees for TOPO Plus Orders were modified in 
January 2018, over five years ago,\26\ but the other TOPO Plus Orders 
fees have not changed since January 2013.\27\

    \26\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82495 (January 12, 
2018), 83 FR 2839 (January 19, 2018) (SR-Phlx-2018-08).
    \27\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 68576 (January 3, 
2013), 78 FR 1886 (January 9, 2013) (SR-Phlx-2012-145).

Usage of TOPO, PHLX Orders, and TOPO Plus Orders
    Different types of market participants purchase TOPO, PHLX Orders 
and TOPO Plus Orders, including market makers, vendors, banks, 
proprietary traders, agency brokers (brokers that route trades on 
behalf of other market participants), hedge funds, index providers and 
other firms.
    In characterizing market participants, we must be clear that firms 
use data feeds for multiple tasks. A market maker, for example, may use 
market data for order routing, or for risk analysis used in quoting in 
their assigned option series. Banks may use market data for prime 
brokerage services, proprietary trading, or risk management. Market 
data vendors do not directly use the data at all, but rather 
disseminate data to market participants that use the data for a 
multiplicity of purposes. Other firms purchase options data to assess 
the value of equity securities.\28\

    \28\ We do not include ``High Frequency Trading Firm'' as a 
distinct category because many market participants may engage in low 
latency trading strategies to some degree, but the Exchange does not 
have sufficient information to be able to characterize any 
particular firm as a high frequency trader.

    Characterizing firms based on what we understand to be their 
primary market activity, and understanding that firms play multiple 
roles, we estimate that approximately half of the customers that take 
top of book data in any form, in combination with other products or 
alone, are market makers, and the remaining half are market data 
vendors, banks, proprietary traders, agency brokers, hedge funds, index 
providers, and others. Roughly the same distribution applies to 
customers that purchase PHLX Orders, whether alone or in combination 
with other products. Although the distributions are roughly similar, 
different customers are purchasing different products in different 
    As explained above, firms generally purchase PHLX Orders rather 
than depth of book data to lower technology costs and reduce processing 
time, while still providing customers insight into open executable 
orders that could impact the BBO.
    A more specific explanation of how TOPO, PHLX Orders and TOPO Plus 
Orders is used will vary based on use case, with many firms employing 
multiple use cases. Market makers, banks, hedge funds, and proprietary 
traders often use top of book and orders feeds for trading, order 
routing and analysis. Banks may use market data for prime brokerage 
services, proprietary trading, or risk management. The clients of 
market data vendors will utilize the data for many different purposes. 
We do not have sufficient visibility into our customers' businesses and 
proprietary processes to be able to determine precise data usage by 
customer category.
Proposed Changes
    For TOPO, the Exchange proposes to increase the monthly charge for 
Internal Distributors from $2,000 to $2,500, and the monthly charge for 
External Distributors from $2,500 to $3,000. No changes are proposed 
for Non-Professional and Professional Subscriber fees.
    For PHLX Orders, the Exchange proposes to increase the monthly 
charge for Internal Distributors from $3,000 to $3,500, and the monthly 
charge for External Distributors from $3,500 to $4,000. No changes are 
proposed for Non-Professional and Professional Subscriber fees.
    For TOPO Plus Orders, the Exchange proposes to increase the monthly 
charge for Internal Distributors from $4,500 to $5,500, and the monthly 
charge for External Distributors from $5,000 to $6,000. No changes are 
proposed for Non-Professional and Professional Subscriber fees.
2. Statutory Basis
    The Exchange believes that its proposal is consistent with Section 
6(b) of the Act,\29\ in general, and furthers the objectives of 
Sections 6(b)(4) and 6(b)(5) of the Act,\30\ in particular, in that it 
provides for the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees and 
other charges among members and issuers and other persons using any 
facility, and is not designed to permit unfair discrimination between 
customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers.

    \29\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
    \30\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5).

    The proposal provides for the equitable allocation of reasonable 
dues, fees and other charges because the proposed fees are comparable 
to, and in some cases less than, those of similarly situated exchanges.
    The proposal is not designed to permit unfair discrimination 
between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers because: (i) it is not 
unfair discrimination to charge external distributors more for the 
product because external distributors receive additional value not 
available to internal distributors by disseminating information 
externally and typically charging for the service; and (ii) the market 
data feeds subject to the proposed fee will be available to

[[Page 99928]]

customers on a non-discriminatory basis.
Equitable Allocation of Reasonable Dues, Fees and Other Charges
    The Exchange assesses the market share for each of the eighteen 
options markets utilizing total options contracts traded in 2024 
through October 28, 2024, as set forth in the following graph: \31\

    \31\ Market share is the percentage of volume on a particular 
exchange relative to the total volume across all exchanges, and 
indicates the amount of order flow directed to that exchange. High 
levels of market share enhance the value of trading and ports. Total 
contracts include both multi-list options and proprietary options 
products. Proprietary options products are products with 
intellectual property rights that are not multi-listed. BX does not 
list proprietary products.

Figure 1

    The proposed fees for Top of PHLX Options are comparable to those 
charged by Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (``MIAX''), 
MIAX Emerald (for both internal and external distribution) and Cboe 
Exchange, Inc. (``Cboe'') (for external distribution), as summarized in 
Table 1:

                                                     Table 1
                                                                      Monthly fees (top of book)
                 Exchange                    Market  -----------------------------------------------------------
                                            share %       Internal distribution         External distribution
PHLX.....................................        9.1  $2,500......................  $3,000.
MIAX.....................................        5.7  $4,000......................  $6,000
                                                      ($2,000 for simple orders;    ($3,000 for simple orders;
                                                       $2,000 for complex orders).   $3,000 for complex orders).
MIAX Emerald.............................        3.6  $2,500......................  $3,500.
                                                      ($1,250 for simple orders;    ($1,750 for simple orders;
                                                       $1,250 for complex orders).   $1,750 for complex orders).
Cboe.....................................       17.9  N/A.........................  $8,000.
                                                      (fee is part of a package of  ($5,000 for simple orders;
                                                       multiple products).           $3,000 for complex orders).

    A more detailed discussion of the comparison follows.
    MIAX, with a market share of approximately 5.7%, provides less 
information in its top of book feeds than PHLX, yet charges more for 
those feeds than the PHLX proposal.
    MIAX charges different fees for internal distribution of its simple 
and complex top of book feeds: $2,000 for its Top of Market feed, and 
another $2,000 for its complex Top of Market feed, for a total of 
$4,000.\32\ PHLX TOPO includes both simple and complex orders in a 
single feed, and therefore the proposed fee of $2,500 for internal 
distribution is much less than the $4,000 charged by MIAX for less 

    \32\ See MIAX Options Exchange Fee Schedule (October 1, 2024), 
available at

    For external distribution, MIAX charges $3,000 for Top of Market 
feed, and another $3,000 for its complex top

[[Page 99929]]

of market feed,\33\ for a total of $6,000. The proposed fees of $3,000 
for the PHLX TOPO feed, which includes both simple and complex orders, 
is far less than the fees charged by MIAX for less information.

    \33\ See id.

MIAX Emerald
    The same analysis applies to MIAX Emerald, with a market share of 
3.6%. Similar to MIAX, MIAX Emerald charges different fees for simple 
and complex top of book feeds: $1,250 for internal distribution of its 
Top of Market feed, and another $1,250 for internal distribution of its 
Complex Top of Market feed, for a total of $2,500.\34\ This is the same 
amount proposed for TOPO internal distribution, for less information.

    \34\ See MIAX Emerald Options Schedule (December 8, 2022), 
available at

    MIAX Emerald charges $1,750 for external distribution of its Top of 
Market feed, and another $1,750 for external distribution of its 
complex Top of Market feed, for a total of $3,500.\35\ MIAX Emerald 
therefore charges more than PHLX's proposed monthly charges of $3,000 
for external distribution of TOPO, notwithstanding the fact that MIAX 
Emerald provides less market information.

    \35\ See id.

    This supports the proposition that the proposed PHLX fees are 
comparable to those of other exchanges and therefore reasonable.
    Cboe has an approximately 17.9% market share, nearly twice the PHLX 
market share of 9.1%.\36\

    \36\ See Nasdaq, Options Market Statistics (Last updated 
November 3, 2023), available at

    The Cboe fee for external distribution of the top of book feed is 
$5,000 per month.\37\ If a customer also wants Cboe's Complex Order 
Book (``COB''), the customer would pay an additional $3,000.\38\ These 
fees are comparable to the proposed PHLX fee of $3,000 per month for 
external distribution of a combined simple and complex orders feed 
because the higher fee for Cboe reflects the higher market share of the 
Cboe exchange.

    \37\ See id.
    \38\ As explained in note 32, Cboe waives its Complex Order Book 
feed for internal distribution of top of book and depth, but not for 
external distribution of top of book.

PHLX Orders
    The proposed fees for PHLX Orders are comparable to the fees 
charged by MIAX, MIAX Emerald, and Nasdaq ISE, LLC (``ISE''), an 
affiliate of PHLX, as set forth in Table 2 below.

                                                     Table 2
                                                                         Monthly fees (orders)
                 Exchange                    Market  -----------------------------------------------------------
                                            share %       Internal distribution         External distribution
PHLX.....................................        9.1  $3,500......................  $4,000.
MIAX.....................................        5.7  3,000.......................  $3,500.
MIAX Emerald.............................        3.6  3,000.......................  $3,500.
ISE......................................        6.2  3,000.......................  $3,000 per month plus $20
                                                                                     per month per controlled

    MIAX has a market share of approximately 5.7%, somewhat more than 
half of PHLX's market share of 9.1%.
    MIAX charges $3,000 for internal distribution of its orders 
feed.\39\ PHLX, with a market share over 50 percent more than MIAX, 
proposes to charge $3,500 for the same service. The PHLX fee is only 
about 17% more than the MIAX fee.

    \39\ See MIAX Options Exchange Fee Schedule (October 1, 2024), 
available at

    MIAX charges $3,500 for external distribution of its orders 
feed.\40\ PHLX, with a market share over 50 percent more than MIAX, 
proposes to charge $4,000 for the same service. The PHLX fee is only 
about 14% more than the MIAX fee.

    \40\ See id.

MIAX Emerald
    MIAX Emerald also has a market share of 3.6%, less than half of 
PHLX's market share of 9.1%.
    Like MIAX, MIAX Emerald charges $3,000 for internal distribution of 
its orders feed.\41\ PHLX, with a market share over twice that of MIAX 
Emerald, proposes to charge $3,500 for the same service. The PHLX fee 
is only about 17% more than the MIAX fee.

    \41\ See MIAX Emerald Options Schedule (December 8, 2022), 
available at

    MIAX Emerald also charges $3,500 for external distribution of its 
orders feed.\42\ PHLX, with a market share over twice that of MIAX 
Emerald, proposes to charge $4,000 for the same service. The PHLX fee 
is only about 14% more than the MIAX Emerald fee.

    \42\ See id.

    ISE has a market share of approximately 6.2%, below PHLX's market 
share of 9.1%.
    ISE charges $3,000 for internal distribution of its Order Feed.\43\ 
This is comparable to the proposed PHLX Orders feed for internal 
distribution of $3,500 because PHLX has a larger share and the ISE feed 
does not include information on complex orders.

    \43\ See Nasdaq ISE, LLC Rules, Options 7, Section 10(G) (Nasdaq 
ISE Order Feed). The ISE Order feed differs from the PHLX Orders 
feed in that it provides information only on simple orders, whereas 
the PHLX Orders feed provides information on both simple and complex 

    For external distribution, ISE charges $3000 per month, plus an 
additional $20 per month for each controlled device, up to a maximum 
fee of $5,000 per month.\44\ This is comparable to the proposed PHLX 
fee of $4,000 (the ISE fee may be above or below the PHLX fee, 
depending on the number of controlled devices) and the proposed fee is 
reasonable given PHLX's larger market share.

    \44\ See id.

TOPO Plus Orders
    The separate fees for TOPO and PHLX Orders are each reasonable 
because, as shown above, they are comparable to other SRO fees. The 
TOPO Plus Orders product offers a discount for the purchase of these 
two separate feeds together. A discount from fees that have already 
been shown to be reasonable is

[[Page 99930]]

reasonable and consistent with the Exchange Act.
    In summary, (i) the proposed fees for Top of PHLX Options are 
comparable to those of MIAX, MIAX Emerald and Cboe; (ii) the proposed 
fees for PHLX Orders are comparable to those of MIAX, MIAX Emerald, and 
ISE; and (iii) the proposed PHLX TOPO Plus Orders fees offer a discount 
from the amount the customer would pay for TOPO and Orders separately, 
and, because these separate fees are comparable to those charged by 
other exchanges, the proposed discount for TOPO Plus Orders is 
No Unfair Discrimination Between Customers, Issuers, Brokers, or 
    The proposal is not designed to permit unfair discrimination 
between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers because: (i) external 
distributors receive additional value not available to internal 
distributors; and (ii) these market data feeds will be available on a 
non-discriminatory basis.
    External Distributors receive additional value not available to 
Internal Distributors by disseminating information externally and 
typically charging for the service. This additional value supports 
higher fees for external distribution for TOPO, PHLX Orders, and TOPO 
Plus Orders. Higher fees for external distribution of data are common 
throughout the industry, and nearly universal among exchanges. The 
difference in value between internal and external distribution is also 
reflected in the current fee schedule, which has previously been shown 
to be consistent with the Exchange Act.
    The three market data feeds at issue here--TOPO, PHLX Orders, and 
TOPO Plus Orders--are used by a variety of market participants for a 
variety of purposes. Users include regulators, market makers, competing 
exchanges, media, retail, academics, portfolio managers. Market data 
feeds will be available to members of all of these groups on a non-
discriminatory basis.

B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

    The Exchange does not believe that the proposed rule change will 
impose any burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in 
furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
    Nothing in the Proposal burdens inter-market competition (the 
competition among self-regulatory organizations) because approval of 
the Proposal does not impose any burden on the ability of other options 
exchanges to compete. PHLX fees are comparable to, and in some cases 
less than, those of other exchanges, as discussed above.
    Nothing in the Proposal burdens intra-market competition (the 
competition among consumers of exchange data) because PHLX market data 
is available to any customer under the same fee schedule as any other 
customer, and any market participant that wishes to purchase PHLX 
market data can do so on a non-discriminatory basis.

C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed 
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others

    No written comments were either solicited or received.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the 
Federal Register or within such longer period (i) as the Commission may 
designate up to 90 days of such date if it finds such longer period to 
be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to 
which the Exchange consents, the Commission shall: (a) by order approve 
or disapprove such proposed rule change, or (b) institute proceedings 
to determine whether the proposed rule change should be disapproved.

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule 
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of 
the following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's internet comment form (; or
     Send an email to [email protected]. Please include 
file number SR-Phlx-2024-67 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to file number SR-Phlx-2024-67. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's internet website ( Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all 
written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are 
filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to 
the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other 
than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the 
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and 
printing in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, 
Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10 
a.m. and 3 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for 
inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. Do not 
include personal identifiable information in submissions; you should 
submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. We 
may redact in part or withhold entirely from publication submitted 
material that is obscene or subject to copyright protection. All 
submissions should refer to file number SR-Phlx-2024-67 and should be 
submitted on or before December 31, 2024.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\45\

    \45\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Sherry R. Haywood,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-29040 Filed 12-10-24; 8:45 am]

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