Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory Safety Standard, 96692-96694 [2024-28422]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2024 / Notices
requirements of the PDO granted by
MSHA in accordance with 30 CFR 48.6
shall be given. The operator shall keep
a record of such training and provide
such record to MSHA upon request.
(k) The miners at Kanawha Eagle
Mining, LLC, Winchester Peerless
Rachel Mine are not represented by a
labor organization and there are no
representatives of miners at the mine. A
copy of this petition has been posted on
the bulletin board at Kanawha Eagle
Mining, LLC, Winchester Peerless
Rachel Mine, on November 5, 2024.
The petitioner asserts that the
alternative method in the petition will
at all times guarantee no less than the
same measure of protection afforded to
the miners by the standard.
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations,
and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2024–28421 Filed 12–4–24; 8:45 am]
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Petition for Modification of Application
of Existing Mandatory Safety Standard
Mine Safety and Health
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice is a summary of
a petition for modification submitted to
the Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) by South32
Hermosa Inc.
DATES: All comments on the petition
must be received by MSHA’s Office of
Standards, Regulations, and Variances
on or before January 6, 2025.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Docket No. MSHA–2024–
0088 by any of the following methods:
1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
for MSHA–2024–0088.
2. Fax: 202–693–9441.
3. Email:
4. Regular Mail or Hand Delivery:
MSHA, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th
Street South, 4th Floor West, Arlington,
Virginia 22202–5452.
Attention: S. Aromie Noe, Director,
Office of Standards, Regulations, and
Variances. Persons delivering
documents are required to check in at
the receptionist’s desk, 4th Floor West.
Individuals may inspect copies of the
petition and comments during normal
business hours at the address listed
above. Before visiting MSHA in person,
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES
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(b) South32 Hermosa Inc. requests
approval to use portable MineARC
Refuge Chambers with occupancies of 4,
8, 12, 16 and 20 miners. As the
Aromie Noe, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances at 202–693– MineARC Refuge Chamber is equipped
with a minimum of 72-hours of onboard
9440 (voice), Petitionsformodification@
breathable air supply and 2.25 quarts of (email), or 202–693–9441 (fax).
water per person per day as required by
[These are not toll-free numbers.]
30 CFR 75.1507(d)(1), South32 Hermosa
Inc. seeks relief from having to provide
101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and
an external compressed air and
Health Act of 1977 and title 30 of the
waterline as required by 30 CFR
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part
44 govern the application, processing,
(c) In support of the Petition, South32
and disposition of petitions for
Hermosa Inc. ensures that the proposed
alternative is as safe as 30 CFR
I. Background
57.11052(d) by the following means:
(1) The reliability of the refuge is
Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine
by making it self-contained as
Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine
the source of water and air would not
Act) allows the mine operator or
be dependent on the installation of
representative of miners to file a
petition to modify the application of any external airlines or waterlines that
would be susceptible to rock fall, fire, or
mandatory safety standard to a coal or
mechanical damage in an emergency.
other mine if the Secretary of Labor
(2) Waterlines in the mine would not
determines that:
1. An alternative method of achieving be potable and therefore not drinkable.
the result of such standard exists which Supplying onboard water ensures refuge
occupants do not succumb to
will at all times guarantee no less than
the same measure of protection afforded dehydration.
(3) The compressor feeding the
the miners of such mine by such
compressed air lines shall be located on
standard; or
2. The application of such standard to the surface, which is more than 2,500
such mine will result in a diminution of vertical feet to the refuge. Over this
distance there is substantial pressure
safety to the miners in such mine.
loss making it difficult to provide 12.5
In addition, sections 44.10 and 44.11
of 30 CFR establish the requirements for cubic feet per minute (cfm) of breathable
air for each person as required by 30
filing petitions for modification.
CFR 7.506(c). Supplying onboard
II. Petition for Modification
breathable air for a minimum of 72
hours guarantees oxygen and carbon
Docket Number: M–2024–003–M.
Petitioner: South32 Hermosa, Inc., 749 dioxide levels remain within requisite
Harshaw Rd., Patagonia, AZ 85624.
limits respectively.
Mine: Hermosa Mine, MSHA ID No.
(4) The portable refuge chambers are
02–03398, located in Santa Cruz
designed to be moved regularly to be as
County, Arizona.
close as possible to the miners’ work
Regulation Affected: 30 CFR
locations. This ensures that miners have
57.11052(d) (Refuge areas).
quicker access to a refuge chamber in
Modification Request: The petitioner
the event of an emergency.
is seeking a modification for 30 CFR
(5) Internal/external gas monitoring
57.11052(d), Refuge areas. Specifically,
ensures occupants can maintain
the petitioner is seeking the use of
breathable air inside of the refuge and
compressed air in lieu of compressed
monitor the conditions outside in case
airlines and bottled water in lieu of
of a need to exit the refuge.
(6) A split-system air conditioning
The petitioner states that:
system ensures that the internal
(a) South32 Hermosa Inc. (Mine ID
apparent temperature remains below
No. 02–03398) is a green field project
95 °F regardless of the mine
located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
The mine will be an underground open
(7) An airlock significantly reduces
stoping mining method, and the ore
the risk of carbon monoxide entering the
zones will be accessed through both a
refuge and ensures mine rescue crews
surface decline and a 25 feet diameter
do not need to barricade into a
vertical shaft. The mine plans to operate potentially unknown atmosphere.
24 hours per day, 7 days per week with
(8) A carbon monoxide scrubbing
plans to employ between 400 and 500
system removes any carbon monoxide
miners across 4 rotations working on 4brought inside during the entry process
to 10-person crews. The mine is located from the occupants.
(9) Permitting the use of compressed
approximately 10 miles southeast of
oxygen and carbon dioxide scrubbing
Patagonia, Arizona.
call 202–693–9455 to make an
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2024 / Notices
and onboard water improves the
portability of the refuge area, allowing
the flexibility of installing refuge areas
near the working areas in the mine.
(10) Locating portable refuges
throughout the mine where they can be
reached within 2,500 ft exceeds 30 CFR
(d) The mine is not yet in operation
and there are currently no MineARC
refuge chambers onsite. If MSHA needs
to view a refuge chamber as a part of its
PFM investigation, one can be made
available to view at MineARC Systems’
facility in Dallas, Texas.
(e) The Petitioner asserts that the
alternate method proposed will at all
times guarantee no less than the same
measure of protection afforded the
miners under the mandatory standard.
The petitioner proposes the following
alternative method:
(a) Refuge areas shall be:
(1) Of fire-resistant construction,
preferably in untimbered areas of the
(2) Large enough to accommodate
readily the normal number of persons in
the particular area of the mine;
(3) Constructed so they can be made
gastight; and
(4) Provided with compressed air
lines, waterlines, suitable hand tools,
and stopping materials.
(b) The MineARC Refuge Chambers
shall provide the same measure of
protection afforded to miners by the
standard by including the following
(1) A flame-resistant exterior steel
(2) An entry door with double locking
handles and seals on all four sides.
(3) An airlock with a supply of high
pressure compressed air cylinders
(Grade D) capable of providing 2 x
volumetric flushes per entry.
(4) One-way pressure relief valves to
limit the internal pressure to less than
400 pascals (Pa).
(5) A supply of 1.32 cubic feet of
compressed oxygen (aviator’s) per hour
per person for the rated duration of
refuge as required by 30 CFR
(6) A primary and backup flowmeter
for regulating the flow of oxygen inside
the refuge.
(7) Pre-packaged carbon dioxide
removal chemicals capable of removing
carbon dioxide at the rate of 1.08 cubic
feet per person per hour for the
maximum rated occupancy and
duration as required by 30 CFR
(8) Pre-packaged chemical for the
removal of carbon monoxide for the
rated duration.
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(9) Internal atmosphere monitoring for
apparent temperature, oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and carbon monoxide.
(10) External gas monitoring for
oxygen and carbon monoxide.
(11) Drinking water supply of 2.25
quarts per person per day for the rated
duration as required by 30 CFR
(12) Emergency food rations supply of
2,000 calories per person per day for the
rated duration as required by 30 CFR
(13) A split system air conditioning
system to maintain the internal
temperature below an internal 95 °F
Apparent Temperature as required by 30
CFR 7.504(b).
(14) A 20-pound multipurpose dry
chemical fire extinguisher.
(15) A first aid kit that complies with
MSHA Standard 30 CFR 75.1713–7.
(16) Repair materials and tools in case
there is any damage during use.
(17) A means of communication with
the surface (e.g., radio, phone).
(18) An uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) battery backup system designed
for the rated duration.
(19) A 5-gallon chemical toilet for
human waste.
(20) Written operating instructions for
activating the refuge in an emergency.
(c) Each refuge shall be examined
regularly per the manufacturer’s
instructions. This includes the below
(1) Weekly Inspection:
(i) Confirm entry door tamper proof
seal is in place.
(ii) Ensure external status lights are
(iii) Check for damage and walkaround exterior.
(iv) Check expiration dates of
consumables (decal viewable from
outside of refuge via portal window).
(2) Bi-Annual Inspection:
(i) Replace one way pressure relief
(ii) Confirm operation of all life
support systems.
(iii) Check pressures for all
compressed air and oxygen cylinders.
(iv) Confirm quantities and
expirations of all consumables.
(v) Load test batteries.
(vi) Calibrate gas monitors.
(vii) Service air conditioning system.
(viii) Test communication system(s).
(d) Every miner at Hermosa shall be
trained on the use and operation of the
refuge chamber at least bi-annually.
This shall include the following:
(1) Watching the manufacturer’s
operator training video.
(2) Instructions on when to deploy the
refuge chamber.
(3) Being aware that interior carbon
dioxide levels shall maintain less than
1 percent.
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(4) Being aware that the interior
oxygen levels shall remain between 18.5
percent and 23 percent.
(5) Hazards associated with
compressed oxygen systems.
(6) Where to locate items such as first
aid, repair materials, and
communications inside the refuge.
(e) MineARC Refuge chambers, with
capacities ranging in size from 4 to 20
miners and a rated duration of 72 hours,
shall be utilized. Each refuge shall be
conspicuously labelled with ‘REFUGE’
and the maximum designated number of
miners on the front wall.
(f) The MineARC models shall be
selected dependent on number of mine
workers in each area of the underground
mine. Refuge chambers shall be
strategically located underground
considering the higher of the below
(1) The amount of personnel
underground at any one time
considering additional capacity for
visitors, geologists, engineers, and
management, etc.
(2) A maximum travel distance of
2,500 ft to any refuge chamber.
(g) Prior to locating a portable refuge
chamber the location shall be examined
for the following:
(1) Located a safe distance away from
any hazardous areas that are potentially
explosive or a fire source such as:
(i) Explosive magazines or storage
(ii) Electrical transformers.
(iii) Fuel storage facilities.
(iv) Blasting operations.
(v) Vehicle parking bays.
(2) Located in competent ground (the
surrounding area examined for faults,
fractures, and dykes).
(3) Located where water cannot
(4) Located in a position that does not
expose the refuge chamber to vehicle or
machinery damage.
(5) Posted with directional signs and/
or a green light leading to the refuge
(6) Before being placed back into
service, the refuge shall be examined for
any damage.
(h) The introduction of any new piece
of equipment shall be evaluated in
terms of the mine’s emergency response
plan and safety of the miners.
(i) Permanently built refuge chambers
shall be on the main intake haulages.
These permanent refuges shall include
all of the same features as the portables
except for using bulkhead walls to seal
a dead-end heading in lieu of an exterior
steel structure.
(j) Applicable revisions or appropriate
changes to the MSHA 30 CFR part 48
training plan regarding the conditions in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 234 / Thursday, December 5, 2024 / Notices
the Proposed Decision and Order
granted by MSHA shall be submitted to
the MSHA District Manager for revision
and approval prior to implementation of
the training plan by South32 Hermosa.
(k) The Petitioner asserts that this
Petition for Modification of Application
of Mandatory Standard has been posted
on the mine bulletin board at the
Hermosa Mine as of October 17, 2024,
and there are no representatives of
miners at this operation.
In support of the proposed alternative
method, the Petitioner has also
submitted: a schematic diagram of a
typical MineARC refuge chamber, a
table of MineARC refuge chamber
models, a table of fire hazards in the
mine, a mine map showing locations of
initial refuges, a MineARC refuge
chamber layout drawing example,
MineARC refuge chamber operating
procedures, and a MineARC refuge
chamber brochure.
The Petitioner asserts that the
alternate method proposed will at all
times guarantee no less than the same
measure of protection afforded the
miners under the mandatory standard.
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations,
and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2024–28422 Filed 12–4–24; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Comment Request;
Antarctic Emergency Response Plan
and Environmental Protection
National Science Foundation.
The National Science
Foundation (NSF) is announcing plans
to renew this collection. In accordance
with the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, we are providing
opportunity for public comment on this
action. After obtaining and considering
public comment, NSF will prepare the
submission requesting Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
clearance of this collection for no longer
than 3 years.
DATES: Written comments on this notice
must be received by February 3, 2025 to
be assured consideration. Comments
received after that date will be
considered to the extent practicable.
Send comments to address below.
Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance
Officer, National Science Foundation,
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:31 Dec 04, 2024
Jkt 265001
2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite
W18200, Alexandria, Virginia 22314;
telephone (703) 292–7556; or send email
to Individuals who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339, which is accessible 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a
year (including Federal holidays).
Title of Collection: Antarctic
emergency response plan and
environmental protection information.
OMB Approval Number: 3145–0180.
Current Expiration Date of Approval:
April 30, 2025.
Abstract: NSF, pursuant to the
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 (16
U.S.C. 2401 et seq.) (‘‘ACA’’) regulates
certain non-governmental activities in
Antarctica. The ACA was amended in
1996 by the Antarctic Science, Tourism,
and Conservation Act. On August 13,
2001, NSF published a final rule in the
Federal Register (66 FR 42451)
implementing certain of these statutory
amendments. The rule requires nongovernmental Antarctic expeditions
using non-U.S. flagged vessels to ensure
that the vessel owner has an emergency
response plan. The rule also requires
persons organizing a non-governmental
expedition to provide expedition
members with information on their
environmental protection obligations
under the Antarctic Conservation Act.
Expected Respondents. Respondents
may include non-profit organizations
and small and large businesses. The
majority of respondents are anticipated
to be U.S. tour operators, currently
estimated to number twenty-one.
Burden on the Public. The Foundation
estimates that a one-time paperwork and
recordkeeping burden of 40 hours or
less, at a cost of $500 to $1400 per
respondent, will result from the
emergency response plan requirement
contained in the rule. Presently, all
respondents have been providing
expedition members with a copy of the
Guidance for Visitors to the Antarctic
(prepared and adopted at the Eighteenth
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
as Recommendation XVIII–1). Because
this Antarctic Treaty System document
satisfies the environmental protection
information requirements of the rule, no
additional burden shall result from the
environmental information
requirements in the proposed rule.
Dated: December 2, 2024.
Suzanne H. Plimpton,
Reports Clearance Officer, National Science
[FR Doc. 2024–28443 Filed 12–4–24; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00059
Fmt 4703
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Agency Information Collection
Activities: Comment Request; Survey
of Doctorate Recipients
National Center for Science and
Engineering Statistics, National Science
ACTION: Notice.
The National Center for
Science and Engineering Statistics
(NCSES) within the National Science
Foundation (NSF) is announcing plans
to request renewal of the Survey of
Doctorate Recipients (SDR)(OMB
Control Number 3145–0020). In
accordance with the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
NCSES is providing opportunity for
public comment on this action. After
obtaining and considering public
comment, NCSES will prepare the
submission requesting that OMB
approve clearance of this collection for
three years.
DATES: Written comments on this notice
must be received by February 3, 2025 to
be assured of consideration. Comments
received after that date will be
considered to the extent practicable.
Send comments to the address below.
Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance
Officer, National Science Foundation,
2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite E6300,
Alexandria, Virginia 22314; telephone
(703) 292–7556; or send email to Individuals who use
a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339 between 8:00 a.m. and
8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday
through Friday.
Title of Collection: 2025 Survey of
Doctorate Recipients.
OMB Control Number: 3145–0020.
Expiration Date of Current Approval:
July 31, 2026.
Type of Request: Intent to seek
approval to extend an information
collection for three years.
Abstract: Established within the NSF
by the America COMPETES
Reauthorization Act of 2010 section 505,
codified in the National Science
Foundation Act of 1950, as amended,
the National Center for Science and
Engineering Statistics (NCSES) serves as
a central federal clearinghouse for the
collection, interpretation, analysis, and
dissemination of objective data on
science, engineering, technology, and
research and development for use by
practitioners, researchers, policymakers,
and the public.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 234 (Thursday, December 5, 2024)]
[Pages 96692-96694]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-28422]
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory
Safety Standard
AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice is a summary of a petition for modification
submitted to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) by
South32 Hermosa Inc.
DATES: All comments on the petition must be received by MSHA's Office
of Standards, Regulations, and Variances on or before January 6, 2025.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Docket No. MSHA-2024-
0088 by any of the following methods:
1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow
the instructions for submitting comments for MSHA-2024-0088.
2. Fax: 202-693-9441.
3. Email: [email protected].
4. Regular Mail or Hand Delivery: MSHA, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, 4th Floor West,
Arlington, Virginia 22202-5452.
Attention: S. Aromie Noe, Director, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances. Persons delivering documents are required
to check in at the receptionist's desk, 4th Floor West. Individuals may
inspect copies of the petition and comments during normal business
hours at the address listed above. Before visiting MSHA in person, call
202-693-9455 to make an appointment.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: S. Aromie Noe, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances at 202-693-9440 (voice),
[email protected] (email), or 202-693-9441 (fax). [These
are not toll-free numbers.]
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety
and Health Act of 1977 and title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) part 44 govern the application, processing, and disposition of
petitions for modification.
I. Background
Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
(Mine Act) allows the mine operator or representative of miners to file
a petition to modify the application of any mandatory safety standard
to a coal or other mine if the Secretary of Labor determines that:
1. An alternative method of achieving the result of such standard
exists which will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure
of protection afforded the miners of such mine by such standard; or
2. The application of such standard to such mine will result in a
diminution of safety to the miners in such mine.
In addition, sections 44.10 and 44.11 of 30 CFR establish the
requirements for filing petitions for modification.
II. Petition for Modification
Docket Number: M-2024-003-M.
Petitioner: South32 Hermosa, Inc., 749 Harshaw Rd., Patagonia, AZ
Mine: Hermosa Mine, MSHA ID No. 02-03398, located in Santa Cruz
County, Arizona.
Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 57.11052(d) (Refuge areas).
Modification Request: The petitioner is seeking a modification for
30 CFR 57.11052(d), Refuge areas. Specifically, the petitioner is
seeking the use of compressed air in lieu of compressed airlines and
bottled water in lieu of waterlines.
The petitioner states that:
(a) South32 Hermosa Inc. (Mine ID No. 02-03398) is a green field
project located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. The mine will be an
underground open stoping mining method, and the ore zones will be
accessed through both a surface decline and a 25 feet diameter vertical
shaft. The mine plans to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week with
plans to employ between 400 and 500 miners across 4 rotations working
on 4- to 10-person crews. The mine is located approximately 10 miles
southeast of Patagonia, Arizona.
(b) South32 Hermosa Inc. requests approval to use portable MineARC
Refuge Chambers with occupancies of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 miners. As the
MineARC Refuge Chamber is equipped with a minimum of 72-hours of
onboard breathable air supply and 2.25 quarts of water per person per
day as required by 30 CFR 75.1507(d)(1), South32 Hermosa Inc. seeks
relief from having to provide an external compressed air and waterline
as required by 30 CFR 57.11052(d).
(c) In support of the Petition, South32 Hermosa Inc. ensures that
the proposed alternative is as safe as 30 CFR 57.11052(d) by the
following means:
(1) The reliability of the refuge is enhanced by making it self-
contained as the source of water and air would not be dependent on the
installation of external airlines or waterlines that would be
susceptible to rock fall, fire, or mechanical damage in an emergency.
(2) Waterlines in the mine would not be potable and therefore not
drinkable. Supplying onboard water ensures refuge occupants do not
succumb to dehydration.
(3) The compressor feeding the compressed air lines shall be
located on the surface, which is more than 2,500 vertical feet to the
refuge. Over this distance there is substantial pressure loss making it
difficult to provide 12.5 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of breathable air
for each person as required by 30 CFR 7.506(c). Supplying onboard
breathable air for a minimum of 72 hours guarantees oxygen and carbon
dioxide levels remain within requisite limits respectively.
(4) The portable refuge chambers are designed to be moved regularly
to be as close as possible to the miners' work locations. This ensures
that miners have quicker access to a refuge chamber in the event of an
(5) Internal/external gas monitoring ensures occupants can maintain
breathable air inside of the refuge and monitor the conditions outside
in case of a need to exit the refuge.
(6) A split-system air conditioning system ensures that the
internal apparent temperature remains below 95 [deg]F regardless of the
mine temperature.
(7) An airlock significantly reduces the risk of carbon monoxide
entering the refuge and ensures mine rescue crews do not need to
barricade into a potentially unknown atmosphere.
(8) A carbon monoxide scrubbing system removes any carbon monoxide
brought inside during the entry process from the occupants.
(9) Permitting the use of compressed oxygen and carbon dioxide
[[Page 96693]]
and onboard water improves the portability of the refuge area, allowing
the flexibility of installing refuge areas near the working areas in
the mine.
(10) Locating portable refuges throughout the mine where they can
be reached within 2,500 ft exceeds 30 CFR 57.11050(b).
(d) The mine is not yet in operation and there are currently no
MineARC refuge chambers onsite. If MSHA needs to view a refuge chamber
as a part of its PFM investigation, one can be made available to view
at MineARC Systems' facility in Dallas, Texas.
(e) The Petitioner asserts that the alternate method proposed will
at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection
afforded the miners under the mandatory standard.
The petitioner proposes the following alternative method:
(a) Refuge areas shall be:
(1) Of fire-resistant construction, preferably in untimbered areas
of the mine;
(2) Large enough to accommodate readily the normal number of
persons in the particular area of the mine;
(3) Constructed so they can be made gastight; and
(4) Provided with compressed air lines, waterlines, suitable hand
tools, and stopping materials.
(b) The MineARC Refuge Chambers shall provide the same measure of
protection afforded to miners by the standard by including the
following features:
(1) A flame-resistant exterior steel structure.
(2) An entry door with double locking handles and seals on all four
(3) An airlock with a supply of high pressure compressed air
cylinders (Grade D) capable of providing 2 x volumetric flushes per
(4) One-way pressure relief valves to limit the internal pressure
to less than 400 pascals (Pa).
(5) A supply of 1.32 cubic feet of compressed oxygen (aviator's)
per hour per person for the rated duration of refuge as required by 30
CFR 7.506(d)(2).
(6) A primary and backup flowmeter for regulating the flow of
oxygen inside the refuge.
(7) Pre-packaged carbon dioxide removal chemicals capable of
removing carbon dioxide at the rate of 1.08 cubic feet per person per
hour for the maximum rated occupancy and duration as required by 30 CFR
(8) Pre-packaged chemical for the removal of carbon monoxide for
the rated duration.
(9) Internal atmosphere monitoring for apparent temperature,
oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.
(10) External gas monitoring for oxygen and carbon monoxide.
(11) Drinking water supply of 2.25 quarts per person per day for
the rated duration as required by 30 CFR 75.1507(d)(1).
(12) Emergency food rations supply of 2,000 calories per person per
day for the rated duration as required by 30 CFR 75.1507(d)(1).
(13) A split system air conditioning system to maintain the
internal temperature below an internal 95 [deg]F Apparent Temperature
as required by 30 CFR 7.504(b).
(14) A 20-pound multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguisher.
(15) A first aid kit that complies with MSHA Standard 30 CFR
(16) Repair materials and tools in case there is any damage during
(17) A means of communication with the surface (e.g., radio,
(18) An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) battery backup system
designed for the rated duration.
(19) A 5-gallon chemical toilet for human waste.
(20) Written operating instructions for activating the refuge in an
(c) Each refuge shall be examined regularly per the manufacturer's
instructions. This includes the below intervals.
(1) Weekly Inspection:
(i) Confirm entry door tamper proof seal is in place.
(ii) Ensure external status lights are correct.
(iii) Check for damage and walk-around exterior.
(iv) Check expiration dates of consumables (decal viewable from
outside of refuge via portal window).
(2) Bi-Annual Inspection:
(i) Replace one way pressure relief valves.
(ii) Confirm operation of all life support systems.
(iii) Check pressures for all compressed air and oxygen cylinders.
(iv) Confirm quantities and expirations of all consumables.
(v) Load test batteries.
(vi) Calibrate gas monitors.
(vii) Service air conditioning system.
(viii) Test communication system(s).
(d) Every miner at Hermosa shall be trained on the use and
operation of the refuge chamber at least bi-annually. This shall
include the following:
(1) Watching the manufacturer's operator training video.
(2) Instructions on when to deploy the refuge chamber.
(3) Being aware that interior carbon dioxide levels shall maintain
less than 1 percent.
(4) Being aware that the interior oxygen levels shall remain
between 18.5 percent and 23 percent.
(5) Hazards associated with compressed oxygen systems.
(6) Where to locate items such as first aid, repair materials, and
communications inside the refuge.
(e) MineARC Refuge chambers, with capacities ranging in size from 4
to 20 miners and a rated duration of 72 hours, shall be utilized. Each
refuge shall be conspicuously labelled with `REFUGE' and the maximum
designated number of miners on the front wall.
(f) The MineARC models shall be selected dependent on number of
mine workers in each area of the underground mine. Refuge chambers
shall be strategically located underground considering the higher of
the below criteria:
(1) The amount of personnel underground at any one time considering
additional capacity for visitors, geologists, engineers, and
management, etc.
(2) A maximum travel distance of 2,500 ft to any refuge chamber.
(g) Prior to locating a portable refuge chamber the location shall
be examined for the following:
(1) Located a safe distance away from any hazardous areas that are
potentially explosive or a fire source such as:
(i) Explosive magazines or storage containers.
(ii) Electrical transformers.
(iii) Fuel storage facilities.
(iv) Blasting operations.
(v) Vehicle parking bays.
(2) Located in competent ground (the surrounding area examined for
faults, fractures, and dykes).
(3) Located where water cannot accumulate.
(4) Located in a position that does not expose the refuge chamber
to vehicle or machinery damage.
(5) Posted with directional signs and/or a green light leading to
the refuge location.
(6) Before being placed back into service, the refuge shall be
examined for any damage.
(h) The introduction of any new piece of equipment shall be
evaluated in terms of the mine's emergency response plan and safety of
the miners.
(i) Permanently built refuge chambers shall be on the main intake
haulages. These permanent refuges shall include all of the same
features as the portables except for using bulkhead walls to seal a
dead-end heading in lieu of an exterior steel structure.
(j) Applicable revisions or appropriate changes to the MSHA 30 CFR
part 48 training plan regarding the conditions in
[[Page 96694]]
the Proposed Decision and Order granted by MSHA shall be submitted to
the MSHA District Manager for revision and approval prior to
implementation of the training plan by South32 Hermosa.
(k) The Petitioner asserts that this Petition for Modification of
Application of Mandatory Standard has been posted on the mine bulletin
board at the Hermosa Mine as of October 17, 2024, and there are no
representatives of miners at this operation.
In support of the proposed alternative method, the Petitioner has
also submitted: a schematic diagram of a typical MineARC refuge
chamber, a table of MineARC refuge chamber models, a table of fire
hazards in the mine, a mine map showing locations of initial refuges, a
MineARC refuge chamber layout drawing example, MineARC refuge chamber
operating procedures, and a MineARC refuge chamber brochure.
The Petitioner asserts that the alternate method proposed will at
all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection
afforded the miners under the mandatory standard.
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2024-28422 Filed 12-4-24; 8:45 am]