Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory Safety Standards, 80944-80948 [2024-22975]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices
021–C), but the Proposed Decision and
Order (PDO) was denied by MSHA on
June 4, 2024.
(b) Peabody currently uses Motorola
and Kenwood permissible radios in its
underground mine to communicate
between miners. Such communication
facilitates movement of equipment,
assignment of necessary work as well as
communication with the surface control
(c) The mines also use wired
communication systems and the
communication and tracking systems
required in the mine’s Emergency
Response Plan. Such communication
facilitates efficiency and safety. It occurs
along the face areas and in other areas
covered by this standard. It facilitates
communication in case of emergencies
such as injuries both on the section and
to the surface.
(d) Motorola and Kenwood have
discontinued the manufacture and sale
of MSHA-approved permissible radios.
Such radios were the only permissible
radios available for the underground
coal mine industry. The notices
indicated that for a period of time the
radios were sold out of stock but that
ceased as indicated in the notes.
Peabody is not aware of any other radio
which is economically feasible.
(e) Peabody seeks modification of 30
CFR 75.500(d) as it applies to use of low
voltage battery-powered nonpermissible radios. It intends to use the
following equipment:
(1) Motorola R–7 Portable Two-Way
Radio. Other safe portable radios may
subsequently be used if approved in
advance by the MSHA District Manager.
(f) Peabody mines utilize the
continuous miner method of mining.
Some sections utilize two continuous
miners and use of the radios permits
coordination of the coal haulers and
between the two continuous miners as
well as communication near pillar and
sealed area workings.
(g) Effective communication is critical
to the safety of the miners at the mine.
It reduces the potential for collisions
and pedestrian accidents and facilitates
communication in an emergency.
(h) The alternative method proposed
in the petition will at all times
guarantee no less than the same measure
of protection afforded by the standard.
The petitioner proposes the following
alternative method:
(a) Non-permissible intrinsically safe
radios to be used include the Motorola
R7 Portable Two-Way Radio.
(b) All such radios shall be rated IP 66
or higher.
(c) All non-permissible radios used in
or inby the last open crosscut will be
examined by a qualified person as
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defined in 30 CFR part 75.153 prior to
use to ensure the equipment is being
maintained in a safe operating
condition. These examinations results
shall be recorded in the weekly
examination book and will be made
available to MSHA and the miners at the
(d) A qualified person as defined in
30 CFR part 75.151 shall continuously
monitor for methane immediately before
and during the use of non-permissible
radios used in or inby the last open
(e) Non-permissible radios shall not
be used if methane is detected in
concentrations at or above one percent.
When one percent or more methane is
detected while the non-permissible
radios are being used, the radios shall be
de-energized immediately by turning
them off and withdrawn outby the last
open crosscut.
(f) All hand-held methane detectors
shall be MSHA approved and
maintained in permissible and proper
operating condition as defined in 30
CFR 75.320. Each miner using a radio
shall be trained in the use of handheld
methane details.
(g) All radios shall be used in
accordance with the safe use procedures
recommended by the manufacturer.
(h) Personnel who use nonpermissible radios shall be properly
trained to recognize the hazards and
limitations associated with use of the
(i) The radio battery is designed to last
more than the length of a shift. The
radio shall not be charged underground
and shall be charged on the surface in
accordance with the procedure for other
battery-operated devices such as
methane detectors.
(j) The operator shall post the PDO
granted by MSHA in unobstructed
locations on the bulletin boards and/or
in other conspicuous places where
notices to miners are ordinarily posted,
at all the mines for which the PDO
granted by MSHA applies, for a period
of not less than 60 consecutive days and
a copy shall be made available to all
miners’ representatives.
(k) The proposed radios will be
available for inspection and testing
during MSHA’s investigation. As other
radios are acquired, if the petition is
granted, such radios shall be made
available for MSHA inspection. The
radios shall be made available for
MSHA testing during the investigation.
(l) The Motorola radio is rated IP 66
and IP 68. It is powered by a lithium
cell. Two such radios have been
purchased by Peabody and are available
at Gateway North for examination and
testing by MSHA. Peabody has not,
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itself, tested such radios because it is
presumed that MSHA will intend to
conduct tests at the mine and would be
unlikely to accept Peabody’s results.
(m) The miners at Gateway North
Mine are not currently represented by a
labor organization and this petition is
posted at the mine.
In support of the proposed alternative
method, the petitioner has also
submitted manufacturer product
specification sheets for MSHA-approved
permissible radios indicating they are
no longer available and manufacturer
product specification sheets for the
proposed Motorola R–7 Portable TwoWay Radio.
The petitioner asserts that the
alternative method in the petition will
at all times guarantee no less than the
same measure of protection afforded to
the miners by the standard.
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations,
and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2024–22918 Filed 10–3–24; 8:45 am]
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Petition for Modification of Application
of Existing Mandatory Safety
Mine Safety and Health
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice is a summary of
a petition for modification submitted to
the Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) by Iron
Cumberland, LLC.
DATES: All comments on the petition
must be received by MSHA’s Office of
Standards, Regulations, and Variances
on or before November 4, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Docket No. MSHA–2024–
0030 by any of the following methods:
1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
for MSHA–2024–0030.
2. Fax: 202–693–9441.
3. Email:
4. Regular Mail or Hand Delivery:
MSHA, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th
Street South, Suite 4E401, Arlington,
Virginia 22202–5452.
Attention: S. Aromie Noe, Director,
Office of Standards, Regulations, and
Variances. Persons delivering
documents are required to check in at
the receptionist’s desk, 4th Floor West.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices
Individuals may inspect copies of the
petition and comments during normal
business hours at the address listed
above. Before visiting MSHA in person,
call 202–693–9455 to make an
appointment, in keeping with the
Department of Labor’s COVID–19
policy. Special health precautions may
be required.
Aromie Noe, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances at 202–693–
9440 (voice), Petitionsformodification@ (email), or 202–693–9441 (fax).
[These are not toll-free numbers.]
101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and
Health Act of 1977 and title 30 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part
44 govern the application, processing,
and disposition of petitions for
I. Background
Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine
Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine
Act) allows the mine operator or
representative of miners to file a
petition to modify the application of any
mandatory safety standard to a coal or
other mine if the Secretary of Labor
determines that:
1. An alternative method of achieving
the result of such standard exists which
will at all times guarantee no less than
the same measure of protection afforded
the miners of such mine by such
standard; or
2. The application of such standard to
such mine will result in a diminution of
safety to the miners in such mine.
In addition, sections 44.10 and 44.11
of 30 CFR establish the requirements for
filing petitions for modification.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
II. Petition for Modification
Docket Number: M–2024–013–C.
Petitioner: Iron Cumberland, LLC, 576
Maple Run Road, Waynesburg, PA
Mine: Cumberland Mine, MSHA ID
No. 36–05018, located in Greene
County, Pennsylvania.
Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.1700,
Oil and gas wells.
Modification Request: The petitioner
requests a modification of 30 CFR
75.1700 as it relates to unconventional
gas wells at the mine. Specifically, the
petitioner is petitioning to mine within
the 300-feet barrier established by 30
CFR 75.1700.
The petitioner states that:
(a) Cumberland is a large coal mine
that produces coal from the Pittsburgh
seam. It utilizes continuous miners to
develop panels for retreat mining by
longwall mining equipment.
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(b) The Cumberland Mine employs
approximately 754 miners and produces
approximately 32,000 tons of
bituminous coal per day from the
Pittsburgh #8 coal seam with an average
height of 96 inches. At this time, there
are no coal seams being mined
stratigraphically down section from the
Pittsburgh seam. The mine is accessed
through one slope and five airshafts.
The mine operates one longwall, two
advancing gate sections, and a mains
section utilizing continuous mining
(c) The planning for the layout of a
longwall mining panel and district is a
complex one that necessarily must take
into account various factors related to
ventilation, roof control, coal quality
and production.
(d) The petition is necessary to
facilitate mining of the No. 83 South
longwall panel. The longwall shearer
will mine through and intersect the
Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus gas wells.
Altering mining projections to avoid the
Alpha Unit 2 gas wells would require a
‘‘longwall move’’ in the middle of a
panel. This would require driving an
additional set up face and could
potentially create adverse ventilation
and roof control conditions. It would
also require an additional longwall
‘‘move,’’ which has certain inherent
hazards related to moving longwall
equipment through the mine.
(e) The Cumberland Mine desires to
plug eight unconventional gas wells in
the Marcellus shale so that mining may
occur within the 300-foot diameter or so
that they may be mined through. These
(1) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well American Petroleum Institute
(API) #: 37–059–25679(1 H)
(2) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well (API) #: 37–059–25763(1.1H)
(3) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well (API) #: 37–059–25979(2H)
(4) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well (API) #: 37–059–25764(3H)
(5) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well (API) #: 37–059–26051(5H)
(6) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well API #: 37–059–25980 (6H)
(7) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well API #: 37–059–26052 (7H)
(8) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas
Well API #: 37–059–25981 (8H)
(f) The requested petition is necessary
because the existing granted petitions
do not specifically apply to
unconventional wells, and, if a 300-foot
barrier around the AU2 wells is required
in accordance with the provisions of
75.1700, the roof control plan would be
adversely affected and the mine
ventilation plan would be unduly
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complicated. Mining an additional setup face and bleeder entries would be
required, additional conveyer belt
drives would need to be installed, and
an entire longwall mining unit in the
middle a panel would need to be
moved, unnecessarily exposing miners
to transportation hazards as well as
hazards associated with mine roof.
Further, other safe methods and
procedures are available to achieve the
result intended by the standard. The
wells would be ‘‘killed’’ and depleted of
all gas and effectively plugged prior to
intersection. Effective, safe methods of
plugging wells are established and
addressed in the proposed petition.
(g) The alternative method provides
an equivalent level of protection as
many previous petitions. It permits
identification of wells and contains
provisions that prevent the introduction
of methane or natural gas within the
mine by appropriate and extensive
plugging of the wells. Additional
precautions provide for the detection of
gas and the prevention of accumulations
of gas with oversight by MSHA.
The petitioner proposes the following
alternative method:
(a) A safety barrier of 300 feet in
diameter shall be maintained around the
Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H,
7H and 8H gas wells until the District
Manager approves proceeding with
(b) A sworn affidavit or declaration
executed by the company official who is
in charge of health and safety at the
mine stating that all mandatory
procedures in the Proposed Decision
and Order (PDO) granted by MSHA for
cleaning out, preparing, and plugging
each gas well have been completed shall
be provided to the District Manager
prior to mining within the safety barrier
around these wells. The affidavit or
declaration shall be accompanied by all
logs, electronic or otherwise, described
in section (d)(7) and any other records
the District Manager requires.
(c) The terms and conditions of the
PDO granted by MSHA shall apply to all
types of underground coal mining.
(d) The following procedures shall be
followed for cleaning out and preparing
the Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H,
6H, 7H and 8H gas wells prior to
(1) Test for gas emissions inside the
hole before cleaning out, preparing, and
plugging gas wells. The District Manager
shall be contacted if the well is actively
producing gas.
(2) Since these wells are
unconventional and greater than 4,000
feet in depth, a diligent effort shall be
made to remove all the casing in the
well and clean the well down to the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices
original arrowset packer installed just
above the ‘‘kick off point’’ in the well.
The well shall be completely cleaned
from the surface to at least the same
arrowset packer originally installed. The
District Manager shall be provided with
all information it possesses concerning
the geological nature of the strata and
the pressure of the well. A diligent effort
shall be made to remove all material
from the entire diameter of the well,
wall to wall.
(3) Since these wells will no longer be
producing and will be cleaned and
prepared subject to the PDO granted by
MSHA, a diligent effort shall be made to
remove all of the casing and comply
with all other applicable provisions of
the PDO granted by MSHA.
(4) A diligent effort to remove the
casing shall require a minimum of 150
percent of the casing string weight and/
or at least three attempts to spear the
casing for the required minimum pull
effort. A record of these efforts,
including casing length and weight shall
be kept and made available for MSHA
(5) Perforations or rips shall be made
at least every 50 feet from 400 feet
below the base of the coal seam up to
100 feet above the uppermost mineable
coal seam. Appropriate steps shall be
taken to ensure that the annulus
between the casing and the well walls
are filled with expanding (minimum 0.5
percent expansion upon setting) cement
and contain no voids.
(6) Jet/sand cutting is one method for
cutting, ripping, or perforating the
casing with three or more strings of
casing in the coal seam in preparation
for mining. This method uses
compressed nitrogen gas and sand to cut
the well casings. On active wells, cuts
start at 200 feet above the bottom of the
casing, at 200 feet intervals, to 200 feet
below the bottom of the coal seam.
(7) The operator shall prepare downhole logs for each well. Logs shall
consist of a caliper survey, a bond log
if appropriate, a deviation survey, and a
gamma survey for determining the top,
bottom, and thickness of all coal seams
down to the coal seam to be mined or
the lowest mineable coal seam,
whichever is lower, potential
hydrocarbon producing strata, and the
location of any existing bridge plug. In
addition, a log shall be maintained
describing: the depth of each material
encountered; the nature of each material
encountered; bit size and type used to
drill each portion of the hole; length and
type of each material used to plug the
well; length of casings removed,
perforated or ripped, or left in place;
any sections where casing was cut or
milled; and other pertinent information
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concerning cleaning and sealing the
well. Invoices, workorders, and other
records relating to all work on the well
shall be maintained as part of this
journal and provided to MSHA upon
(8) A diligent effort shall be made to
remove the casing down to the arrowset
packer installed just above the ‘‘kick off
point’’ (where the well transitions from
vertical to horizontal). If the entire
vertical casing above the existing packer
can be removed, the well shall be
prepared for plugging and sealed and
using seals described in section (d)(10).
(9) If the District Manager concludes
that the completely cleaned out well is
emitting excessive amounts of gas, an
additional mechanical bridge plug shall
be placed in the well.
(10) The mechanical bridge plug shall
be placed in a competent stratum at
least 400 feet below the base of the
lowest mineable coal seam, but above
the top of the uppermost hydrocarbonproducing stratum, unless the District
Manager requires a greater distance
based on the geological strata or the
pressure within the well. The District
Manager shall be provided with all
available information concerning the
geological nature of the strata and the
pressure of the well. If it is not possible
to set a mechanical bridge plug, an
appropriately sized packer may be used.
The measures taken to ‘‘kill the well’’
and plug the hydrocarbon producing
strata shall be documented.
(11) If the upper-most hydrocarbonproducing stratum is within 300 feet of
the base of the coal seam, mechanical
bridge plugs shall be properly placed to
isolate the hydrocarbon-producing
stratum from the expanding cement
(12) A minimum of 400 feet of
expanding cement shall be placed below
the coal seam, unless the District
Manager requires a greater distance
based the geological strata or to the
pressure within the well.
(e) The following procedures shall be
followed for plugging the Alpha Unit 2
1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H
gas wells to the surface after completely
cleaning out the well:
(1) Cement shall be used as a plugging
(2) The mine operator shall pump
cement slurry down the well to form a
plug which runs from the original
arrowset packer installed just above the
‘‘kick off point’’ in the well to 400 feet
below the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam. The
cement shall be placed in the well
under a pressure of at least 200 pounds
per square inch (psi). The mine operator
shall pump expanding cement slurry
down the well to form a plug which
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runs from 400 feet below the coal seam
to the surface. The District Manager can
modify the cementing plan based on the
geological strata or the pressure within
the well.
(3) The mine operator shall embed
steel turnings or other small magnetic
particles in the top of the cement near
the surface to serve as a permanent
magnetic monument of the well. In the
alternative, a 4-inch or larger diameter
casing, set in cement, shall extend at
least 36 inches above the ground level
with the API well number engraved or
welded on the casing. When the hole
cannot be marked with a physical
monument (e.g., prime farmland), highresolution GPS coordinates (one-half
meter resolution) are required.
(f) The following procedures shall be
followed for preparing and plugging or
re-plugging the Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H,
2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H gas wells:
(1) If it is not possible to remove all
the casing, the District Manager shall be
notified before any other work is
(2) If the well cannot be cleaned out
or the casing removed, the well shall be
prepared from the surface to at least 400
feet below the base of the Pittsburgh #8
coal seam, unless the District Manager
requires cleaning out and removal of
casing to a greater depth based on the
geological strata or the pressure within
the well.
(3) If the casing cannot be removed
from the total depth, the well shall be
filled with cement from the lowest
possible depth to 400 feet below the
Pittsburgh #8 coal seam, and the other
applicable provisions in the PDO
granted by MSHA shall apply.
(4) If the casing cannot be removed,
the casing shall be perforated from 400
feet below the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam,
the annuli shall be cemented or
otherwise filled, and the other
applicable provisions in the PDO
granted by MSHA shall apply.
(5) If the casing cannot be removed,
the casing shall be cut, milled,
perforated, or ripped at sufficient
intervals to facilitate the removal of any
remaining casing in the coal seam by the
mining equipment. Any casing which
remains shall be cut, perforated, or
ripped to permit the injection of cement
into voids within and around the well.
All casing remaining at the Pittsburgh
#8 coal seam shall be cut, perforated, or
ripped at least every 5 feet from 10 feet
below the coal seam to 10 feet above the
coal seam.
(g) The following procedures shall be
followed when mining within a 100-foot
diameter barrier around the Alpha Unit
2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H
gas wells.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices
(1) A representative of the mine
operator, a representative of the miners,
the appropriate State agency, or the
MSHA District Manager may request
that a conference be conducted prior to
intersecting any plugged well. The party
requesting the conference shall notify
all other parties listed above within a
reasonable time prior to the conference
to provide opportunity for participation.
The purpose of the conference shall be
to review, evaluate, and accommodate
any abnormal or unusual circumstance
related to the condition of the well or
surrounding strata when such
conditions are encountered.
(2) Each well shall be intersected on
a shift approved by the District
Manager. The District Manager and the
miners’ representative shall be notified
in sufficient time prior to intersecting a
well to provide an opportunity to have
representatives present.
(3) Drivage sites shall be installed at
the last open crosscut near the place to
be mined to ensure intersection of the
well when using continuous mining
methods. The drivage sites shall not be
more than 50 feet from the well. When
using longwall-mining methods,
distance markers shall be installed on 5foot centers for a distance of 50 feet in
advance of the well in the headgate
entry and in the tailgate entry.
(4) When either the conventional or
continuous mining method is used,
firefighting equipment including fire
extinguishers, rock dust, and sufficient
fire hose to reach the working face area
of the well intersection shall be
available and operable during all well
intersections. The fire hose shall be
located in the last open crosscut of the
entry or room. A water line shall be
maintained to the belt conveyor
tailpiece along with a sufficient amount
of fire hose to reach the farthest point
of penetration on the section. When the
longwall mining method is used, a hose
to the longwall water supply is
(5) Sufficient supplies of roof support
and ventilation materials shall be
available and located at the last open
crosscut. In addition, emergency plugs
and suitable sealing materials shall be
available in the immediate area of the
well intersection.
(6) Testing and permissibility
examinations of all equipment shall be
made on the shift prior to intersecting
the well. Water sprays, water pressures,
and water flow rates used for dust and
spark suppression shall be examined
and any deficiencies corrected.
(7) The methane monitor(s) on the
longwall, continuous mining machine,
or cutting machine and loading machine
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shall be calibrated on the shift prior to
intersecting the well.
(8) When mining is in progress, tests
for methane shall be made with a
handheld methane detector at least
every 10 minutes from when mining
with the continuous mining machine or
longwall face is within 30 feet of the
well until the well is intersected. During
the actual cutting process, no individual
shall be allowed on the return side until
the well intersection has been
completed and the area has been
examined and declared safe. All
workplace examinations on the return
side of the shearer shall be conducted
while the shearer is idle. The most
current Approved Ventilation Plan shall
be followed at all times unless the
District Manager requires a greater air
velocity for the intersect.
(9) When using continuous or
conventional mining methods, the
working place shall be free from
accumulations of coal dust and coal
spillages. Rock dust shall be placed on
the roof, rib, and floor to within 20 feet
of the face when intersecting the well.
On longwall sections, rock dusting shall
be conducted and placed on the roof,
rib, and floor up to both the headgate
and tailgate gob.
(10) When the well is intersected, all
equipment shall be de-energized and
thoroughly examined and the area
determined to be safe before permitting
mining to resume.
(11) After a well has been intersected
and the working place determined to be
safe, mining shall continue inby the
well a sufficient distance to permit
adequate ventilation around the area of
the well.
(12) If the casing is cut or milled at
the coal seam level, the use of torches
should not be necessary. When
necessary, torches may be used for
inadequately or inaccurately cut or
milled casings. No open flame shall be
permitted in the area until adequate
ventilation has been established around
the well bore and methane levels of less
than 1.0 percent are present in all areas
that will be exposed to flames and
sparks from the torch. A thick layer of
rock dust shall be applied to the roof,
face, floor, ribs, and any exposed coal
within 20 feet of the casing prior to the
use of torches.
(13) Non-sparking (brass) tools shall
be available and used exclusively to
expose and examine cased wells.
(14) No person shall be permitted in
the area of the well intersection except
those actually engaged in the operation,
including company personnel,
representatives of the miners, personnel
from MSHA, and personnel from the
appropriate State agency.
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(15) All personnel in the mine shall
be alerted to the planned intersection of
the well prior to their going
underground if the planned intersection
is to occur during their shift. This
warning shall be repeated for all shifts
until the well has been mined through.
(16) The well intersection shall be
under the direct supervision of a
certified individual. Instructions
concerning the well intersection shall be
issued only by the certified individual
in charge.
(17) If the well in the longwall panel
cannot be located or if a development
section misses the anticipated
intersection, mining shall cease, and an
examination for hazardous conditions at
the projected location of the well shall
be conducted, the District Manager shall
be notified, and reasonable measures
shall be taken to locate the well,
including visual observation/inspection
or through survey data. Mining may
resume if the well is located, and no
hazardous conditions exist. If the well
cannot be located, the mine operator
shall work with District Manager to
resolve any issues before mining
(18) The provisions of the requested
petition do not impair the authority of
representatives of MSHA to interrupt or
halt the well intersection and to issue a
withdrawal order when they deem it
necessary for the safety of the miners.
MSHA may order an interruption or
cessation of the well intersection and/or
a withdrawal of personnel by issuing
either a verbal or written order to that
effect to a representative of the mine
operator. Operations in the affected area
of the mine may not resume until a
representative of MSHA permits
resumption. The mine operator and
miners shall comply with verbal or
written MSHA orders immediately. All
verbal orders shall be committed to
writing within a reasonable time as
conditions permit.
(19) A copy of the PDO granted by
MSHA shall be maintained at the mine
and available to the miners.
(20) If the well is not plugged to the
total depth of all minable coal seams
identified in the core hole logs, any coal
seams beneath the lowest plug shall
remain subject to the bander
requirements of 30 CFR 75.1700, should
those coal seams be developed in the
(21) All necessary safety precautions
and safe practices according to industry
standards and required by MSHA
regulations and State regulatory
agencies having jurisdiction over the
plugging site shall be followed to
provide the upmost protection to the
miners involved in the process.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices
(22) All miners involved in the
plugging or re-plugging operations shall
be trained on the contents of the PDO
granted by MSHA prior to starting the
process. A copy of the PDO granted by
MSHA shall be posted at the well site
until the plugging or re-plugging has
been completed.
(23) Mechanical bridge plugs shall
incorporate the best available
technologies that are either required or
recognized by the State regulatory
agency and/or oil and gas industry.
(24) Within 30 days after the PDO
granted by MSHA becomes final,
proposed revisions for the approved 30
CFR part 48 training plan shall be
submitted to the District Manager. These
proposed revisions shall include initial
and refresher training on compliance
with the terms and conditions stated in
the PDO granted by MSHA. All miners
involved in well intersection shall be
provided with training on the
requirements of the PDO granted by
MSHA prior to mining within 150 feet
of the well intended to be mined
(25) The responsible person required
under 30 CFR 75.1501, shall be
responsible for well intersection
emergencies. The well intersection
procedures shall be reviewed by the
responsible person prior to any planned
(26) Within 30 days after the PDO
granted by MSHA becomes final,
proposed revisions shall be submitted
for the approved mine emergency
evacuation and firefighting program of
instruction required under 30 CFR
75.1502. The program of instruction
shall be revised to include the hazards
and evacuation procedures to be used
for well intersections. All underground
miners shall be trained in this revised
plan within 30 days of submittal.
(h) The following detailed cleaning
and plugging procedures are additional
specifics and guidelines for cleaning out
and preparing the Alpha Unit 2 IH,
1.1H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H gas wells
prior to plugging and for plugging the
Alpha Unit 2 gas wells to the surface:
(1) Record the shut-in pressure and
monitor the casing pressure.
(2) Move in equipment. Rig up the
wireline rig and the pumping unit to the
well head. Load fresh water (8.3 lbs/
gallon) and weighted brine water (10.0
lbs/gallon) into their respective tanks.
(3) Pump sufficient amount of
weighted brine water into the wellbore
first. Switch to fresh water and finish
loading the wellbore. Fresh and brine
water shall be pumped until the well is
officially ‘‘killed,’’ which means the
well is dead and has no gas delivered to
the surface.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:26 Oct 03, 2024
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(4) Rig up the wireline well head
control. Run into the hole with a 51⁄2″–
10,000 psi rated Cast Iron Bridge Plug
(CIBP) and set the CIBP within the 51⁄2″
production tubing at the location where
the existing arrowset packer is installed
(located just above the ‘‘kick off point’’
in the well). Pull out of the hole and rig
down the wireline rig.
(5) Pressure test the installed 51⁄2″–
10,000 psi CIBP up to 80 percent of its
working pressure for a minimum of one
hour (surface + hydrostatic). Record
pressure test results.
(6) Rig up the drill rig and install a
10,000 psi Wellhead Blowout Preventer.
(7) Pressure test the Wellhead
Blowout Preventer up to 90 percent of
its working pressure for one hour.
Record pressure test results.
(8) Rig up the wireline rig and
perform a cement bond log to determine
the ‘‘top of cement’’ within the annulus
of the 51⁄2″ casing. Pull out of the hole
and rig down the wireline rig.
Preliminarily, based on the existing
bond logs, the ‘‘top of cement’’ is
expected to be located below the 95⁄8″
casing seat.
(9) Pick up the drill pipe and trip in
the hole down to the installed 51⁄2″
CIBP. Set a cement plug with a gas
blocker additive from the existing 51⁄2″
CIBP up to the ‘‘top of cement’’ of the
51⁄2″ casing (determined by the new
bond log results). Wait on cement to
cure for a minimum of eight hours.
(10) Rig up the wireline rig, run into
the hole to the top of the existing
cement plug and cut the 51⁄2″ casing.
Run out of the hole and rig down the
wireline rig.
(11) Using the drill rig, pull all of the
free 51⁄2″ casing out of the hole. Load the
hole with fresh water as required.
(12) After removing the 51⁄2″ casing,
shut-in the well and monitor the gas
pressure for a minimum of one hour.
Record shut-in test results. If any gas
pressure is encountered during the shutin test, an additional CIBP or packers
may be used to mitigate gas migration.
(No gas pressure is acceptable.)
(13) Rig up the wireline rig and
perform a cement bond log on the 95⁄8″
casing. Pull out of the hole and rig down
the wireline rig. Preliminarily, the 95⁄8″
casing is expected to be fully cemented
within the annulus. It was reported that
cement was circulated to the surface
upon install for the 95⁄8″ casing, the
133⁄8″ casing, and the 20″ casing. Any
voids encountered within the 95⁄8″
annulus shall be addressed
(14) Pick up the drill pipe and trip in
the hole down to the previous cement
plug. Set an additional cement plug
with a gas blocker additive from the
PO 00000
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existing cement plug up to 100′ above
the 95⁄8″ casing seat. Wait on cement to
cure for a minimum of eight hours.
(15) Shut-in the well and monitor the
gas pressure while the cement is curing.
Record shut-in test results. If additional
gas pressure is encountered during the
shut-in test, an additional CIBP or
packers may be used to mitigate gas
(16) Pick up the drill pipe and trip in
the hole down to the previous cement
plug. Set an additional cement plug
with a gas blocker additive from the
existing cement plug up to 400’ below
the bottom of the Pittsburgh #8 coal
seam. Wait on cement to cure for a
minimum of eight hours.
(17) Shut-in the well and monitor the
gas pressure while the cement is curing.
Record shut-in test results. If any gas
pressure is encountered during the shutin test, an additional CIBP or packers
may be used to mitigate gas migration.
(No gas pressure is acceptable.)
(18) At this point, the well has been
effectively plugged from the original
arrowset packer which was installed
just above the ‘‘kick off point’’ (vertical
to horizontal) up to 400’ below the
Pittsburgh #8 coal seam. (Effectively
plugged means no sign of any gas
detected in the well bore.) The
remaining procedures to complete the
plugging process from 400’ below the
Pittsburgh #8 coal seam to the surface
can be found above.
(i) The miners at Cumberland mine
are currently represented by a labor
organization and this petition is posted
at the mine and has been served on the
miners’ representative on May 8, 2024,
as indicated in the Certificate of Service.
In support of the proposed alternative
method, the petitioner has also
submitted: a schematic for cutting,
milling, perforating or ripping well
casing above and below the Pittsburgh
#8 coal seam; a schematic for general
proposed permanent plugging for an
unconventional gas well; a copy of a
previously granted PDO; a map of the
proposed workings in Willow Grove
District; a map showing the AU2
geologic summary (well location plats
and well site); well record and
completion data; and other relevant
The petitioner asserts that the
alternative method proposed will at all
times guarantee no less than the same
measure of protection afforded the
miners under the mandatory standard.
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations,
and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2024–22975 Filed 10–3–24; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 193 (Friday, October 4, 2024)]
[Pages 80944-80948]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-22975]
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory
Safety Standards
AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice is a summary of a petition for modification
submitted to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) by Iron
Cumberland, LLC.
DATES: All comments on the petition must be received by MSHA's Office
of Standards, Regulations, and Variances on or before November 4, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Docket No. MSHA-2024-
0030 by any of the following methods:
1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow
the instructions for submitting comments for MSHA-2024-0030.
2. Fax: 202-693-9441.
3. Email: [email protected].
4. Regular Mail or Hand Delivery: MSHA, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Suite 4E401,
Arlington, Virginia 22202-5452.
Attention: S. Aromie Noe, Director, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances. Persons delivering documents are required
to check in at the receptionist's desk, 4th Floor West.
[[Page 80945]]
Individuals may inspect copies of the petition and comments during
normal business hours at the address listed above. Before visiting MSHA
in person, call 202-693-9455 to make an appointment, in keeping with
the Department of Labor's COVID-19 policy. Special health precautions
may be required.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: S. Aromie Noe, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances at 202-693-9440 (voice),
[email protected] (email), or 202-693-9441 (fax). [These
are not toll-free numbers.]
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety
and Health Act of 1977 and title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) part 44 govern the application, processing, and disposition of
petitions for modification.
I. Background
Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
(Mine Act) allows the mine operator or representative of miners to file
a petition to modify the application of any mandatory safety standard
to a coal or other mine if the Secretary of Labor determines that:
1. An alternative method of achieving the result of such standard
exists which will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure
of protection afforded the miners of such mine by such standard; or
2. The application of such standard to such mine will result in a
diminution of safety to the miners in such mine.
In addition, sections 44.10 and 44.11 of 30 CFR establish the
requirements for filing petitions for modification.
II. Petition for Modification
Docket Number: M-2024-013-C.
Petitioner: Iron Cumberland, LLC, 576 Maple Run Road, Waynesburg,
PA 15370.
Mine: Cumberland Mine, MSHA ID No. 36-05018, located in Greene
County, Pennsylvania.
Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.1700, Oil and gas wells.
Modification Request: The petitioner requests a modification of 30
CFR 75.1700 as it relates to unconventional gas wells at the mine.
Specifically, the petitioner is petitioning to mine within the 300-feet
barrier established by 30 CFR 75.1700.
The petitioner states that:
(a) Cumberland is a large coal mine that produces coal from the
Pittsburgh seam. It utilizes continuous miners to develop panels for
retreat mining by longwall mining equipment.
(b) The Cumberland Mine employs approximately 754 miners and
produces approximately 32,000 tons of bituminous coal per day from the
Pittsburgh #8 coal seam with an average height of 96 inches. At this
time, there are no coal seams being mined stratigraphically down
section from the Pittsburgh seam. The mine is accessed through one
slope and five airshafts. The mine operates one longwall, two advancing
gate sections, and a mains section utilizing continuous mining
(c) The planning for the layout of a longwall mining panel and
district is a complex one that necessarily must take into account
various factors related to ventilation, roof control, coal quality and
(d) The petition is necessary to facilitate mining of the No. 83
South longwall panel. The longwall shearer will mine through and
intersect the Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus gas wells. Altering mining
projections to avoid the Alpha Unit 2 gas wells would require a
``longwall move'' in the middle of a panel. This would require driving
an additional set up face and could potentially create adverse
ventilation and roof control conditions. It would also require an
additional longwall ``move,'' which has certain inherent hazards
related to moving longwall equipment through the mine.
(e) The Cumberland Mine desires to plug eight unconventional gas
wells in the Marcellus shale so that mining may occur within the 300-
foot diameter or so that they may be mined through. These are:
(1) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well American Petroleum Institute
(API) #: 37-059-25679(1 H)
(2) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well (API) #: 37-059-25763(1.1H)
(3) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well (API) #: 37-059-25979(2H)
(4) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well (API) #: 37-059-25764(3H)
(5) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well (API) #: 37-059-26051(5H)
(6) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well API #: 37-059-25980 (6H)
(7) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well API #: 37-059-26052 (7H)
(8) The Alpha Unit 2 Marcellus Gas Well API #: 37-059-25981 (8H)
(f) The requested petition is necessary because the existing
granted petitions do not specifically apply to unconventional wells,
and, if a 300-foot barrier around the AU2 wells is required in
accordance with the provisions of 75.1700, the roof control plan would
be adversely affected and the mine ventilation plan would be unduly
complicated. Mining an additional set-up face and bleeder entries would
be required, additional conveyer belt drives would need to be
installed, and an entire longwall mining unit in the middle a panel
would need to be moved, unnecessarily exposing miners to transportation
hazards as well as hazards associated with mine roof. Further, other
safe methods and procedures are available to achieve the result
intended by the standard. The wells would be ``killed'' and depleted of
all gas and effectively plugged prior to intersection. Effective, safe
methods of plugging wells are established and addressed in the proposed
(g) The alternative method provides an equivalent level of
protection as many previous petitions. It permits identification of
wells and contains provisions that prevent the introduction of methane
or natural gas within the mine by appropriate and extensive plugging of
the wells. Additional precautions provide for the detection of gas and
the prevention of accumulations of gas with oversight by MSHA.
The petitioner proposes the following alternative method:
(a) A safety barrier of 300 feet in diameter shall be maintained
around the Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H gas wells
until the District Manager approves proceeding with mining.
(b) A sworn affidavit or declaration executed by the company
official who is in charge of health and safety at the mine stating that
all mandatory procedures in the Proposed Decision and Order (PDO)
granted by MSHA for cleaning out, preparing, and plugging each gas well
have been completed shall be provided to the District Manager prior to
mining within the safety barrier around these wells. The affidavit or
declaration shall be accompanied by all logs, electronic or otherwise,
described in section (d)(7) and any other records the District Manager
(c) The terms and conditions of the PDO granted by MSHA shall apply
to all types of underground coal mining.
(d) The following procedures shall be followed for cleaning out and
preparing the Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H gas
wells prior to plugging:
(1) Test for gas emissions inside the hole before cleaning out,
preparing, and plugging gas wells. The District Manager shall be
contacted if the well is actively producing gas.
(2) Since these wells are unconventional and greater than 4,000
feet in depth, a diligent effort shall be made to remove all the casing
in the well and clean the well down to the
[[Page 80946]]
original arrowset packer installed just above the ``kick off point'' in
the well. The well shall be completely cleaned from the surface to at
least the same arrowset packer originally installed. The District
Manager shall be provided with all information it possesses concerning
the geological nature of the strata and the pressure of the well. A
diligent effort shall be made to remove all material from the entire
diameter of the well, wall to wall.
(3) Since these wells will no longer be producing and will be
cleaned and prepared subject to the PDO granted by MSHA, a diligent
effort shall be made to remove all of the casing and comply with all
other applicable provisions of the PDO granted by MSHA.
(4) A diligent effort to remove the casing shall require a minimum
of 150 percent of the casing string weight and/or at least three
attempts to spear the casing for the required minimum pull effort. A
record of these efforts, including casing length and weight shall be
kept and made available for MSHA review.
(5) Perforations or rips shall be made at least every 50 feet from
400 feet below the base of the coal seam up to 100 feet above the
uppermost mineable coal seam. Appropriate steps shall be taken to
ensure that the annulus between the casing and the well walls are
filled with expanding (minimum 0.5 percent expansion upon setting)
cement and contain no voids.
(6) Jet/sand cutting is one method for cutting, ripping, or
perforating the casing with three or more strings of casing in the coal
seam in preparation for mining. This method uses compressed nitrogen
gas and sand to cut the well casings. On active wells, cuts start at
200 feet above the bottom of the casing, at 200 feet intervals, to 200
feet below the bottom of the coal seam.
(7) The operator shall prepare down-hole logs for each well. Logs
shall consist of a caliper survey, a bond log if appropriate, a
deviation survey, and a gamma survey for determining the top, bottom,
and thickness of all coal seams down to the coal seam to be mined or
the lowest mineable coal seam, whichever is lower, potential
hydrocarbon producing strata, and the location of any existing bridge
plug. In addition, a log shall be maintained describing: the depth of
each material encountered; the nature of each material encountered; bit
size and type used to drill each portion of the hole; length and type
of each material used to plug the well; length of casings removed,
perforated or ripped, or left in place; any sections where casing was
cut or milled; and other pertinent information concerning cleaning and
sealing the well. Invoices, workorders, and other records relating to
all work on the well shall be maintained as part of this journal and
provided to MSHA upon request.
(8) A diligent effort shall be made to remove the casing down to
the arrowset packer installed just above the ``kick off point'' (where
the well transitions from vertical to horizontal). If the entire
vertical casing above the existing packer can be removed, the well
shall be prepared for plugging and sealed and using seals described in
section (d)(10).
(9) If the District Manager concludes that the completely cleaned
out well is emitting excessive amounts of gas, an additional mechanical
bridge plug shall be placed in the well.
(10) The mechanical bridge plug shall be placed in a competent
stratum at least 400 feet below the base of the lowest mineable coal
seam, but above the top of the uppermost hydrocarbon-producing stratum,
unless the District Manager requires a greater distance based on the
geological strata or the pressure within the well. The District Manager
shall be provided with all available information concerning the
geological nature of the strata and the pressure of the well. If it is
not possible to set a mechanical bridge plug, an appropriately sized
packer may be used. The measures taken to ``kill the well'' and plug
the hydrocarbon producing strata shall be documented.
(11) If the upper-most hydrocarbon-producing stratum is within 300
feet of the base of the coal seam, mechanical bridge plugs shall be
properly placed to isolate the hydrocarbon-producing stratum from the
expanding cement plug.
(12) A minimum of 400 feet of expanding cement shall be placed
below the coal seam, unless the District Manager requires a greater
distance based the geological strata or to the pressure within the
(e) The following procedures shall be followed for plugging the
Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H gas wells to the
surface after completely cleaning out the well:
(1) Cement shall be used as a plugging material.
(2) The mine operator shall pump cement slurry down the well to
form a plug which runs from the original arrowset packer installed just
above the ``kick off point'' in the well to 400 feet below the
Pittsburgh #8 coal seam. The cement shall be placed in the well under a
pressure of at least 200 pounds per square inch (psi). The mine
operator shall pump expanding cement slurry down the well to form a
plug which runs from 400 feet below the coal seam to the surface. The
District Manager can modify the cementing plan based on the geological
strata or the pressure within the well.
(3) The mine operator shall embed steel turnings or other small
magnetic particles in the top of the cement near the surface to serve
as a permanent magnetic monument of the well. In the alternative, a 4-
inch or larger diameter casing, set in cement, shall extend at least 36
inches above the ground level with the API well number engraved or
welded on the casing. When the hole cannot be marked with a physical
monument (e.g., prime farmland), high-resolution GPS coordinates (one-
half meter resolution) are required.
(f) The following procedures shall be followed for preparing and
plugging or re-plugging the Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H
and 8H gas wells:
(1) If it is not possible to remove all the casing, the District
Manager shall be notified before any other work is performed.
(2) If the well cannot be cleaned out or the casing removed, the
well shall be prepared from the surface to at least 400 feet below the
base of the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam, unless the District Manager
requires cleaning out and removal of casing to a greater depth based on
the geological strata or the pressure within the well.
(3) If the casing cannot be removed from the total depth, the well
shall be filled with cement from the lowest possible depth to 400 feet
below the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam, and the other applicable provisions
in the PDO granted by MSHA shall apply.
(4) If the casing cannot be removed, the casing shall be perforated
from 400 feet below the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam, the annuli shall be
cemented or otherwise filled, and the other applicable provisions in
the PDO granted by MSHA shall apply.
(5) If the casing cannot be removed, the casing shall be cut,
milled, perforated, or ripped at sufficient intervals to facilitate the
removal of any remaining casing in the coal seam by the mining
equipment. Any casing which remains shall be cut, perforated, or ripped
to permit the injection of cement into voids within and around the
well. All casing remaining at the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam shall be cut,
perforated, or ripped at least every 5 feet from 10 feet below the coal
seam to 10 feet above the coal seam.
(g) The following procedures shall be followed when mining within a
100-foot diameter barrier around the Alpha Unit 2 1H, 1.1H, 2H, 3H, 5H,
6H, 7H and 8H gas wells.
[[Page 80947]]
(1) A representative of the mine operator, a representative of the
miners, the appropriate State agency, or the MSHA District Manager may
request that a conference be conducted prior to intersecting any
plugged well. The party requesting the conference shall notify all
other parties listed above within a reasonable time prior to the
conference to provide opportunity for participation. The purpose of the
conference shall be to review, evaluate, and accommodate any abnormal
or unusual circumstance related to the condition of the well or
surrounding strata when such conditions are encountered.
(2) Each well shall be intersected on a shift approved by the
District Manager. The District Manager and the miners' representative
shall be notified in sufficient time prior to intersecting a well to
provide an opportunity to have representatives present.
(3) Drivage sites shall be installed at the last open crosscut near
the place to be mined to ensure intersection of the well when using
continuous mining methods. The drivage sites shall not be more than 50
feet from the well. When using longwall-mining methods, distance
markers shall be installed on 5-foot centers for a distance of 50 feet
in advance of the well in the headgate entry and in the tailgate entry.
(4) When either the conventional or continuous mining method is
used, firefighting equipment including fire extinguishers, rock dust,
and sufficient fire hose to reach the working face area of the well
intersection shall be available and operable during all well
intersections. The fire hose shall be located in the last open crosscut
of the entry or room. A water line shall be maintained to the belt
conveyor tailpiece along with a sufficient amount of fire hose to reach
the farthest point of penetration on the section. When the longwall
mining method is used, a hose to the longwall water supply is
(5) Sufficient supplies of roof support and ventilation materials
shall be available and located at the last open crosscut. In addition,
emergency plugs and suitable sealing materials shall be available in
the immediate area of the well intersection.
(6) Testing and permissibility examinations of all equipment shall
be made on the shift prior to intersecting the well. Water sprays,
water pressures, and water flow rates used for dust and spark
suppression shall be examined and any deficiencies corrected.
(7) The methane monitor(s) on the longwall, continuous mining
machine, or cutting machine and loading machine shall be calibrated on
the shift prior to intersecting the well.
(8) When mining is in progress, tests for methane shall be made
with a handheld methane detector at least every 10 minutes from when
mining with the continuous mining machine or longwall face is within 30
feet of the well until the well is intersected. During the actual
cutting process, no individual shall be allowed on the return side
until the well intersection has been completed and the area has been
examined and declared safe. All workplace examinations on the return
side of the shearer shall be conducted while the shearer is idle. The
most current Approved Ventilation Plan shall be followed at all times
unless the District Manager requires a greater air velocity for the
(9) When using continuous or conventional mining methods, the
working place shall be free from accumulations of coal dust and coal
spillages. Rock dust shall be placed on the roof, rib, and floor to
within 20 feet of the face when intersecting the well. On longwall
sections, rock dusting shall be conducted and placed on the roof, rib,
and floor up to both the headgate and tailgate gob.
(10) When the well is intersected, all equipment shall be de-
energized and thoroughly examined and the area determined to be safe
before permitting mining to resume.
(11) After a well has been intersected and the working place
determined to be safe, mining shall continue inby the well a sufficient
distance to permit adequate ventilation around the area of the well.
(12) If the casing is cut or milled at the coal seam level, the use
of torches should not be necessary. When necessary, torches may be used
for inadequately or inaccurately cut or milled casings. No open flame
shall be permitted in the area until adequate ventilation has been
established around the well bore and methane levels of less than 1.0
percent are present in all areas that will be exposed to flames and
sparks from the torch. A thick layer of rock dust shall be applied to
the roof, face, floor, ribs, and any exposed coal within 20 feet of the
casing prior to the use of torches.
(13) Non-sparking (brass) tools shall be available and used
exclusively to expose and examine cased wells.
(14) No person shall be permitted in the area of the well
intersection except those actually engaged in the operation, including
company personnel, representatives of the miners, personnel from MSHA,
and personnel from the appropriate State agency.
(15) All personnel in the mine shall be alerted to the planned
intersection of the well prior to their going underground if the
planned intersection is to occur during their shift. This warning shall
be repeated for all shifts until the well has been mined through.
(16) The well intersection shall be under the direct supervision of
a certified individual. Instructions concerning the well intersection
shall be issued only by the certified individual in charge.
(17) If the well in the longwall panel cannot be located or if a
development section misses the anticipated intersection, mining shall
cease, and an examination for hazardous conditions at the projected
location of the well shall be conducted, the District Manager shall be
notified, and reasonable measures shall be taken to locate the well,
including visual observation/inspection or through survey data. Mining
may resume if the well is located, and no hazardous conditions exist.
If the well cannot be located, the mine operator shall work with
District Manager to resolve any issues before mining resumes.
(18) The provisions of the requested petition do not impair the
authority of representatives of MSHA to interrupt or halt the well
intersection and to issue a withdrawal order when they deem it
necessary for the safety of the miners. MSHA may order an interruption
or cessation of the well intersection and/or a withdrawal of personnel
by issuing either a verbal or written order to that effect to a
representative of the mine operator. Operations in the affected area of
the mine may not resume until a representative of MSHA permits
resumption. The mine operator and miners shall comply with verbal or
written MSHA orders immediately. All verbal orders shall be committed
to writing within a reasonable time as conditions permit.
(19) A copy of the PDO granted by MSHA shall be maintained at the
mine and available to the miners.
(20) If the well is not plugged to the total depth of all minable
coal seams identified in the core hole logs, any coal seams beneath the
lowest plug shall remain subject to the bander requirements of 30 CFR
75.1700, should those coal seams be developed in the future.
(21) All necessary safety precautions and safe practices according
to industry standards and required by MSHA regulations and State
regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the plugging site shall be
followed to provide the upmost protection to the miners involved in the
[[Page 80948]]
(22) All miners involved in the plugging or re-plugging operations
shall be trained on the contents of the PDO granted by MSHA prior to
starting the process. A copy of the PDO granted by MSHA shall be posted
at the well site until the plugging or re-plugging has been completed.
(23) Mechanical bridge plugs shall incorporate the best available
technologies that are either required or recognized by the State
regulatory agency and/or oil and gas industry.
(24) Within 30 days after the PDO granted by MSHA becomes final,
proposed revisions for the approved 30 CFR part 48 training plan shall
be submitted to the District Manager. These proposed revisions shall
include initial and refresher training on compliance with the terms and
conditions stated in the PDO granted by MSHA. All miners involved in
well intersection shall be provided with training on the requirements
of the PDO granted by MSHA prior to mining within 150 feet of the well
intended to be mined through.
(25) The responsible person required under 30 CFR 75.1501, shall be
responsible for well intersection emergencies. The well intersection
procedures shall be reviewed by the responsible person prior to any
planned intersection.
(26) Within 30 days after the PDO granted by MSHA becomes final,
proposed revisions shall be submitted for the approved mine emergency
evacuation and firefighting program of instruction required under 30
CFR 75.1502. The program of instruction shall be revised to include the
hazards and evacuation procedures to be used for well intersections.
All underground miners shall be trained in this revised plan within 30
days of submittal.
(h) The following detailed cleaning and plugging procedures are
additional specifics and guidelines for cleaning out and preparing the
Alpha Unit 2 IH, 1.1H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 7H and 8H gas wells prior to
plugging and for plugging the Alpha Unit 2 gas wells to the surface:
(1) Record the shut-in pressure and monitor the casing pressure.
(2) Move in equipment. Rig up the wireline rig and the pumping unit
to the well head. Load fresh water (8.3 lbs/gallon) and weighted brine
water (10.0 lbs/gallon) into their respective tanks.
(3) Pump sufficient amount of weighted brine water into the
wellbore first. Switch to fresh water and finish loading the wellbore.
Fresh and brine water shall be pumped until the well is officially
``killed,'' which means the well is dead and has no gas delivered to
the surface.
(4) Rig up the wireline well head control. Run into the hole with a
5\1/2\''-10,000 psi rated Cast Iron Bridge Plug (CIBP) and set the CIBP
within the 5\1/2\'' production tubing at the location where the
existing arrowset packer is installed (located just above the ``kick
off point'' in the well). Pull out of the hole and rig down the
wireline rig.
(5) Pressure test the installed 5\1/2\''-10,000 psi CIBP up to 80
percent of its working pressure for a minimum of one hour (surface +
hydrostatic). Record pressure test results.
(6) Rig up the drill rig and install a 10,000 psi Wellhead Blowout
(7) Pressure test the Wellhead Blowout Preventer up to 90 percent
of its working pressure for one hour. Record pressure test results.
(8) Rig up the wireline rig and perform a cement bond log to
determine the ``top of cement'' within the annulus of the 5\1/2\''
casing. Pull out of the hole and rig down the wireline rig.
Preliminarily, based on the existing bond logs, the ``top of cement''
is expected to be located below the 9\5/8\'' casing seat.
(9) Pick up the drill pipe and trip in the hole down to the
installed 5\1/2\'' CIBP. Set a cement plug with a gas blocker additive
from the existing 5\1/2\'' CIBP up to the ``top of cement'' of the 5\1/
2\'' casing (determined by the new bond log results). Wait on cement to
cure for a minimum of eight hours.
(10) Rig up the wireline rig, run into the hole to the top of the
existing cement plug and cut the 5\1/2\'' casing. Run out of the hole
and rig down the wireline rig.
(11) Using the drill rig, pull all of the free 5\1/2\'' casing out
of the hole. Load the hole with fresh water as required.
(12) After removing the 5\1/2\'' casing, shut-in the well and
monitor the gas pressure for a minimum of one hour. Record shut-in test
results. If any gas pressure is encountered during the shut-in test, an
additional CIBP or packers may be used to mitigate gas migration. (No
gas pressure is acceptable.)
(13) Rig up the wireline rig and perform a cement bond log on the
9\5/8\'' casing. Pull out of the hole and rig down the wireline rig.
Preliminarily, the 9\5/8\'' casing is expected to be fully cemented
within the annulus. It was reported that cement was circulated to the
surface upon install for the 9\5/8\'' casing, the 13\3/8\'' casing, and
the 20'' casing. Any voids encountered within the 9\5/8\'' annulus
shall be addressed appropriately.
(14) Pick up the drill pipe and trip in the hole down to the
previous cement plug. Set an additional cement plug with a gas blocker
additive from the existing cement plug up to 100' above the 9\5/8\''
casing seat. Wait on cement to cure for a minimum of eight hours.
(15) Shut-in the well and monitor the gas pressure while the cement
is curing. Record shut-in test results. If additional gas pressure is
encountered during the shut-in test, an additional CIBP or packers may
be used to mitigate gas migration.
(16) Pick up the drill pipe and trip in the hole down to the
previous cement plug. Set an additional cement plug with a gas blocker
additive from the existing cement plug up to 400' below the bottom of
the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam. Wait on cement to cure for a minimum of
eight hours.
(17) Shut-in the well and monitor the gas pressure while the cement
is curing. Record shut-in test results. If any gas pressure is
encountered during the shut-in test, an additional CIBP or packers may
be used to mitigate gas migration. (No gas pressure is acceptable.)
(18) At this point, the well has been effectively plugged from the
original arrowset packer which was installed just above the ``kick off
point'' (vertical to horizontal) up to 400' below the Pittsburgh #8
coal seam. (Effectively plugged means no sign of any gas detected in
the well bore.) The remaining procedures to complete the plugging
process from 400' below the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam to the surface can
be found above.
(i) The miners at Cumberland mine are currently represented by a
labor organization and this petition is posted at the mine and has been
served on the miners' representative on May 8, 2024, as indicated in
the Certificate of Service.
In support of the proposed alternative method, the petitioner has
also submitted: a schematic for cutting, milling, perforating or
ripping well casing above and below the Pittsburgh #8 coal seam; a
schematic for general proposed permanent plugging for an unconventional
gas well; a copy of a previously granted PDO; a map of the proposed
workings in Willow Grove District; a map showing the AU2 geologic
summary (well location plats and well site); well record and completion
data; and other relevant facts.
The petitioner asserts that the alternative method proposed will at
all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection
afforded the miners under the mandatory standard.
Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2024-22975 Filed 10-3-24; 8:45 am]