Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory Safety Standards, 80953-80955 [2024-22928]

Download as PDF khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices Peabody is not aware of any other radio which is economically feasible. (e) Peabody seeks modification of 30 CFR 75.1002(a) as it applies to use of low voltage battery-powered nonpermissible radios. It intends to use the following equipment: (1) Motorola R–7 Portable Two-Way Radio. Other safe portable radios may subsequently be used if approved in advance by the MSHA District Manager. (f) Peabody mines utilize the continuous miner method of mining. Some sections utilize two continuous miners and use of the radios permits coordination of the coal haulers and between the two continuous miners as well as communication near pillar and sealed area workings. (g) Effective communication is critical to the safety of the miners at the mine. It reduces the potential for collisions and pedestrian accidents and facilitates communication in an emergency. (h) The alternative method proposed in the petition will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded by the standard. The petitioner proposes the following alternative method: (a) Non-permissible intrinsically safe radios to be used include the Motorola R7 Portable Two-Way Radio. (b) All such radios shall be rated IP 66 or higher. (c) All non-permissible radios used within 150 feet of pillar workings or longwall faces will be examined by a qualified person as defined in 30 CFR 75.153 prior to use to ensure the equipment is being maintained in a safe operating condition. These examinations results shall be recorded in the weekly examination book and will be made available to MSHA and the miners at the mine. (d) A qualified person as defined in 30 CFR 75.151 shall continuously monitor for methane immediately before and during the use of non-permissible radios used within 150 feet of pillar workings or longwall faces. (e) Non-permissible radios shall not be used if methane is detected in concentrations at or above one percent. When one percent or more methane is detected while the non-permissible radios are being used, the radios shall be de-energized immediately by turning them off and withdrawn from the area. (f) All hand-held methane detectors shall be MSHA approved and maintained in permissible and proper operating condition as defined in 30 CFR 75.320. Each miner using a radio shall be trained in the use of handheld methane details. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:26 Oct 03, 2024 Jkt 265001 (g) All radios shall be used in accordance with the safe use procedures recommended by the manufacturer. (h) Personnel who use nonpermissible radios shall be properly trained to recognize the hazards and limitations associated with use of the equipment. (i) The radio battery is designed to last more than the length of a shift. The radio shall not be charged underground and shall be charged on the surface in accordance with the procedure for other battery-operated devices such as methane detectors. (j) The operator shall post the PDO granted by MSHA in unobstructed locations on the bulletin boards and/or in other conspicuous places where notices to miners are ordinarily posted, at all the mines for which the PDO granted by MSHA applies, for a period of not less than 60 consecutive days and a copy shall be made available to all miners’ representatives. (k) The proposed radios will be available for inspection and testing during MSHA’s investigation. As other radios are acquired, if the petition is granted, such radios shall be made available for MSHA inspection. The radios shall be made available for MSHA testing during the investigation. (l) The Motorola radio is rated IP 66 and IP 68. It is powered by a lithium cell. Two such radios have been purchased by Peabody and are available at Gateway North for examination and testing by MSHA. Peabody has not, itself, tested such radios because it is presumed that MSHA will intend to conduct tests at the mine and would be unlikely to accept Peabody’s results. (m) The miners at Gateway North Mine are not currently represented by a labor organization and this petition is posted at the mine. In support of the proposed alternative method, the petitioner has also submitted manufacturer product specification sheets for MSHA-approved permissible radios indicating they are no longer available and manufacturer product specification sheets for the proposed Motorola R–7 Portable TwoWay Radio. The petitioner asserts that the alternative method in the petition will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded to the miners by the standard. Song-ae Aromie Noe, Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances. [FR Doc. 2024–22919 Filed 10–3–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4520–43–P PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 80953 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Mine Safety and Health Administration Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory Safety Standards Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This notice is a summary of a petition for modification submitted to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) by Gibson County Coal, LLC. DATES: All comments on the petition must be received by MSHA’s Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances on or before November 4, 2024. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Docket No. MSHA–2024– 0037 by any of the following methods: 1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments for MSHA–2024–0037. 2. Fax: 202–693–9441. 3. Email: 4. Regular Mail or Hand Delivery: MSHA, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Suite 4E401, Arlington, Virginia 22202–5452. Attention: S. Aromie Noe, Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances. Persons delivering documents are required to check in at the receptionist’s desk, 4th Floor West. Individuals may inspect copies of the petition and comments during normal business hours at the address listed above. Before visiting MSHA in person, call 202–693–9455 to make an appointment, in keeping with the Department of Labor’s COVID–19 policy. Special health precautions may be required. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: S. Aromie Noe, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances at 202–693– 9440 (voice), Petitionsformodification@ (email), or 202–693–9441 (fax). [These are not toll-free numbers.] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 and title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 44 govern the application, processing, and disposition of petitions for modification. SUMMARY: I. Background Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act) allows the mine operator or representative of miners to file a petition to modify the application of any E:\FR\FM\04OCN1.SGM 04OCN1 80954 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES mandatory safety standard to a coal or other mine if the Secretary of Labor determines that: 1. An alternative method of achieving the result of such standard exists which will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded the miners of such mine by such standard; or 2. The application of such standard to such mine will result in a diminution of safety to the miners in such mine. In addition, sections 44.10 and 44.11 of 30 CFR establish the requirements for filing petitions for modification. II. Petition for Modification Docket Number: M–2024–015–C. Petitioner: Gibson County Coal, LLC, 3455 S 700 W, Owensville, IN 47665. Mine: Gibson South Mine, MSHA ID No. 12–02388, located in Gibson County, Indiana. Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.507– 1(a), Permissible electric equipment. Modification Request: The petitioner requests a modification of 30 CFR 75.507–1(a) to allow the use of unapproved Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) taken into or used inby the last open crosscut or used in the return air outby the last open crosscut. Specifically, the Petitioner is requesting to utilize the CleanSpace EX PAPR and sealed motor/blower/battery power pack assembly, and the 3M Versaflo TR–800 Intrinsically Safe PAPR motor/blower and battery with battery pack. The petitioner states that: (a) The 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPR with motor/blower and battery qualifies as intrinsically safe. (b) The CleanSpace EX PAPR also qualifies as intrinsically safe. (c) Both the CleanSpace EX and the 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPRs provide a constant flow of air inside the mask or helmet. This airflow provides respiratory protection and comfort in hot working conditions. (d) Neither the 3M Versaflo TR–800 nor the CleanSpace EX PAPR is MSHAapproved as permissible. (e) Neither the 3M nor the CleanSpace is pursuing MSHA approval. (f) Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South Mine, currently makes available to all miners NIOSH-approved high efficiency l00 series respirators to protect the miners against potential exposure to respirable coal mine dust, including crystalline silica, during normal mining conditions. Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South Mine, desires to expand the miners’ option in choosing a respirator that provides the greatest degree of protection as well as comfort while being worn. Powered VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:26 Oct 03, 2024 Jkt 265001 PAPRs provide a constant flow of filtered air and serve that purpose. (g) On June 17, 2024, MSHA finalized the rule Lowering Miners’ Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica and Improving Respiratory Protection. The rule requires the mine operator to have a written respiratory protection program in place when miners are required to use respirators. Adding the CleanSpace EX and the 3M TR–800 Versaflo PAPRs to the respiratory protection program as additional options will provide the miners with alternatives to the series 100 high efficiency respirators already in use at the mine. The PAPRs will also serve as a respirator option to protect the miners with facial hair who may not be able to pass the ‘‘fit test’’ requirement of the program. In addition, the positive flow of filtered air provided by the PAPRs will provide a solution for the miners who are unable to wear a tightfitting respirator. (h) Since the 3M Airstream HeadgearMounted PAPR System has been discontinued by the manufacturer, there are no other MSHA-approved units available that can be taken into or used inby the last open crosscut or used in the return air outby the last open crosscut. (i) The alternative method in the petition will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded to the miners by the standard. The petitioner proposes the following alternative method: (a) All miners who will be involved with or affected by the use of the 3M Versaflo TR–800 or CleanSpace EX PAPRs shall receive training in accordance with 30 CFR 48.7 on the requirements of the Proposed Decision and Order (PDO) granted by MSHA and manufacturer guidelines. Such training shall be completed before any 3M Versaflo TR–800 or CleanSpace EX PAPR can be used inby the last open crosscut or in the return air outby the last open crosscut. The operator shall keep a record of such training and provide such record to MSHA upon request. (b) The PAPRs, battery packs, all associated wiring and connections shall be inspected before use to determine if there is any damage to the units that would negatively impact intrinsic safety. If any defects are found, the PAPR shall be removed from service. (c) A separate logbook shall be maintained for the 3M Versaflo TR–800 and CleanSpace EX PAPRs that will be kept with the equipment, or in a location with other mine record books and shall be made available to MSHA upon request. The equipment shall be examined at least weekly by a qualified PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 person as defined in 30 CFR 75.512–1 and the examination results recorded in the logbook. Examination records shall be maintained for one year. (d) All 3M Versaflo TR–800 and CleanSpace EX PAPRs to be used inby the last open crosscut or in the return air outby the last open crosscut shall be physically examined prior to initial use and each unit shall be assigned a unique identification number. Each unit shall be examined by the person to operate the equipment prior to taking the equipment underground to ensure the equipment is used according to the original equipment manufacturer’s recommendations and maintained in a safe operating condition. The examinations for the 3M Versaflo TR– 800 PAPRs shall include: (1) Check the equipment for any physical damage and the integrity of the case. (2) Remove the battery and inspect for corrosion. (3) Inspect the contact points to ensure a secure connection to the battery. (4) Reinsert the battery and power up and shut down to ensure proper connections. (5) Check the battery compartment cover or battery attachment to ensure that it is securely fastened. (6) For equipment utilizing lithium type cells, ensure that lithium cells and/ or packs are not damaged or swelled in size. The CleanSpace EX PAPR does not have an accessible/removable battery. The internal battery and motor/blower assembly are both contained within the ‘‘power unit’’ assembly and the battery cannot be removed, reinserted or fastened. Therefore, examination of the CleanSpace EX PAPR shall include any indications of physical damage. (e) All 3M Versaflo TR–800 and CleanSpace EX PAPR units shall be serviced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. (f) Prior to energizing and during use of the 3M Versaflo TR–800 or the CleanSpace EX PAPR inby the last open crosscut or in the return air outby the last open crosscut, procedures in accordance with 30 CFR 75.323 shall be followed. (g) Only the 3M TR–830 Battery Pack, which meets lithium battery safety standard UL 1642 or IEC 62133, in the 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPR shall be used. Only the CleanSpace EX Power Unit, which meets lithium battery safety standard UL 1642 or IEC 62133, in the CleanSpace EX shall be used. (h) If battery packs for the 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPR are provided, all battery E:\FR\FM\04OCN1.SGM 04OCN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2024 / Notices ‘‘change outs’’ shall occur in intake air outby the last open crosscut. (i) The following maintenance and use conditions shall apply to equipment containing lithium type batteries: (1) Neither the 3M TR–830 Battery Pack nor the CleanSpace EX Power Unit shall be disassembled nor modified by anyone other than permitted by the manufacturer of the equipment. (2) The 3M TR–830 Battery Pack shall be charged only in an area free of combustible material and in intake air outby the last open crosscut. The 3M TR–830 Battery Pack shall be charged only by a manufacturer’s recommended battery charger, such as the: (i) 3M Battery Charger Kit TR–641N, which includes one 3M Charger Cradle TR–640 and one 3M Power Supply TR– 941N, or, (ii) 3M 4-Station Battery Charger Kit TR–644N, which includes four 3M Charger Cradles TR–640 and one 3M 4Station Battery Charger Base/Power Supply TR–944N. (3) The CleanSpace EX internal battery, which is contained within the power unit assembly, shall be charged in areas located outby the last open crosscut in intake air and only the manufacturer’s recommended battery chargers shall be used, such as the CleanSpace EX Battery Charger, Product Code PAF–0066. (4) Neither the 3M TR–830 Battery Pack nor the CleanSpace EX power unit which contains the internal battery, shall be exposed to water, allowed to get wet or immersed in liquid. This does not preclude incidental exposure of the 3M TR–830 Battery Pack or the CleanSpace EX power unit assembly. (5) Neither the 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPR nor the CleanSpace EX PAPR, including the internal battery, shall be used, charged or stored in locations where the manufacturer’s recommended temperature limits are exceeded. Neither the 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPR nor the CleanSpace EX PAPR shall be placed in direct sunlight nor stored near a source of heat. (j) Annual retraining shall be given to all miners who will be involved with or affected by the use of the 3M Versaflo TR–800 or CleanSpace EX PAPRs in accordance with 30 CFR 48.8. Training of new miners on the requirements of the PDO granted by MSHA in accordance with 30 CFR 48.5, and training of experienced miners on the requirements of the PDO granted by MSHA in accordance with 30 CFR 48.6 shall be given. The operator shall keep a record of such training and provide such record to MSHA upon request. (k) The miners at Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South Mine, are not VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:26 Oct 03, 2024 Jkt 265001 80955 represented by a labor organization and there are no representatives of miners at the mine. A copy of this petition has been posted on the bulletin board at Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South Mine, on August 30, 2024. The petitioner asserts that the alternative method in the petition will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded to the miners by the standard. Regulations, and Variances at 202–693– 9440 (voice), Petitionsformodification@ (email), or 202–693–9441 (fax). [These are not toll-free numbers.] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 and title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 44 govern the application, processing, and disposition of petitions for modification. Song-ae Aromie Noe, Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances. I. Background Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act) allows the mine operator or representative of miners to file a petition to modify the application of any mandatory safety standard to a coal or other mine if the Secretary of Labor determines that: 1. An alternative method of achieving the result of such standard exists which will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded the miners of such mine by such standard; or 2. The application of such standard to such mine will result in a diminution of safety to the miners in such mine. In addition, sections 44.10 and 44.11 of 30 CFR establish the requirements for filing petitions for modification. [FR Doc. 2024–22928 Filed 10–3–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4520–43–P DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Mine Safety and Health Administration Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory Safety Standards Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This notice is a summary of a petition for modification submitted to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) by Warrior Coal, LLC. DATES: All comments on the petition must be received by MSHA’s Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances on or before November 4, 2024. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Docket No. MSHA–2024– 0039 by any of the following methods: 1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments for MSHA–2024–0039. 2. Fax: 202–693–9441. 3. Email: 4. Regular Mail or Hand Delivery: MSHA, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Suite 4E401, Arlington, Virginia 22202–5452. Attention: S. Aromie Noe, Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances. Persons delivering documents are required to check in at the receptionist’s desk, 4th Floor West. Individuals may inspect copies of the petition and comments during normal business hours at the address listed above. Before visiting MSHA in person, call 202–693–9455 to make an appointment, in keeping with the Department of Labor’s COVID–19 policy. Special health precautions may be required. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: S. Aromie Noe, Office of Standards, SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 II. Petition for Modification Docket Number: M–2024–017–C. Petitioner: Warrior Coal, LLC, 57 J. E. Ellis Road, Madisonville, KY 42431. Mine: Cardinal Mine, MSHA ID No. 15–17216, located in Hopkins County, Kentucky. Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.507– 1(a), Permissible electric equipment. Modification Request: The petitioner requests a modification of 30 CFR 75.507–1(a) to allow the use of unapproved Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) taken into or used inby the last open crosscut or used in the return air outby the last open crosscut. Specifically, the Petitioner is requesting to utilize the CleanSpace EX PAPR and sealed motor/blower/battery power pack assembly, and the 3M Versaflo TR–800 Intrinsically Safe PAPR motor/blower and battery with battery pack. The petitioner states that: (a) The 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPR with motor/blower and battery qualifies as intrinsically safe. (b) The CleanSpace EX PAPR also qualifies as intrinsically safe. (c) Both the CleanSpace EX and the 3M Versaflo TR–800 PAPRs provide a constant flow of air inside the mask or helmet. This airflow provides respiratory protection and comfort in hot working conditions. E:\FR\FM\04OCN1.SGM 04OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 193 (Friday, October 4, 2024)]
[Pages 80953-80955]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-22928]



Mine Safety and Health Administration

Petition for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory 
Safety Standards

AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice is a summary of a petition for modification 
submitted to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) by Gibson 
County Coal, LLC.

DATES: All comments on the petition must be received by MSHA's Office 
of Standards, Regulations, and Variances on or before November 4, 2024.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Docket No. MSHA-2024-
0037 by any of the following methods:
    1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow 
the instructions for submitting comments for MSHA-2024-0037.
    2. Fax: 202-693-9441.
    3. Email: [email protected].
    4. Regular Mail or Hand Delivery: MSHA, Office of Standards, 
Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Suite 4E401, 
Arlington, Virginia 22202-5452.
    Attention: S. Aromie Noe, Director, Office of Standards, 
Regulations, and Variances. Persons delivering documents are required 
to check in at the receptionist's desk, 4th Floor West. Individuals may 
inspect copies of the petition and comments during normal business 
hours at the address listed above. Before visiting MSHA in person, call 
202-693-9455 to make an appointment, in keeping with the Department of 
Labor's COVID-19 policy. Special health precautions may be required.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: S. Aromie Noe, Office of Standards, 
Regulations, and Variances at 202-693-9440 (voice), 
[email protected] (email), or 202-693-9441 (fax). [These 
are not toll-free numbers.]

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety 
and Health Act of 1977 and title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations 
(CFR) part 44 govern the application, processing, and disposition of 
petitions for modification.

I. Background

    Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 
(Mine Act) allows the mine operator or representative of miners to file 
a petition to modify the application of any

[[Page 80954]]

mandatory safety standard to a coal or other mine if the Secretary of 
Labor determines that:
    1. An alternative method of achieving the result of such standard 
exists which will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure 
of protection afforded the miners of such mine by such standard; or
    2. The application of such standard to such mine will result in a 
diminution of safety to the miners in such mine.
    In addition, sections 44.10 and 44.11 of 30 CFR establish the 
requirements for filing petitions for modification.

II. Petition for Modification

    Docket Number: M-2024-015-C.
    Petitioner: Gibson County Coal, LLC, 3455 S 700 W, Owensville, IN 
    Mine: Gibson South Mine, MSHA ID No. 12-02388, located in Gibson 
County, Indiana.
    Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.507-1(a), Permissible electric 
    Modification Request: The petitioner requests a modification of 30 
CFR 75.507-1(a) to allow the use of unapproved Powered Air Purifying 
Respirators (PAPRs) taken into or used inby the last open crosscut or 
used in the return air outby the last open crosscut. Specifically, the 
Petitioner is requesting to utilize the CleanSpace EX PAPR and sealed 
motor/blower/battery power pack assembly, and the 3M Versaflo TR-800 
Intrinsically Safe PAPR motor/blower and battery with battery pack.
    The petitioner states that:
    (a) The 3M Versaflo TR-800 PAPR with motor/blower and battery 
qualifies as intrinsically safe.
    (b) The CleanSpace EX PAPR also qualifies as intrinsically safe.
    (c) Both the CleanSpace EX and the 3M Versaflo TR-800 PAPRs provide 
a constant flow of air inside the mask or helmet. This airflow provides 
respiratory protection and comfort in hot working conditions.
    (d) Neither the 3M Versaflo TR-800 nor the CleanSpace EX PAPR is 
MSHA-approved as permissible.
    (e) Neither the 3M nor the CleanSpace is pursuing MSHA approval.
    (f) Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South Mine, currently makes 
available to all miners NIOSH-approved high efficiency l00 series 
respirators to protect the miners against potential exposure to 
respirable coal mine dust, including crystalline silica, during normal 
mining conditions. Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South Mine, desires 
to expand the miners' option in choosing a respirator that provides the 
greatest degree of protection as well as comfort while being worn. 
Powered PAPRs provide a constant flow of filtered air and serve that 
    (g) On June 17, 2024, MSHA finalized the rule Lowering Miners' 
Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica and Improving Respiratory 
Protection. The rule requires the mine operator to have a written 
respiratory protection program in place when miners are required to use 
respirators. Adding the CleanSpace EX and the 3M TR-800 Versaflo PAPRs 
to the respiratory protection program as additional options will 
provide the miners with alternatives to the series 100 high efficiency 
respirators already in use at the mine. The PAPRs will also serve as a 
respirator option to protect the miners with facial hair who may not be 
able to pass the ``fit test'' requirement of the program. In addition, 
the positive flow of filtered air provided by the PAPRs will provide a 
solution for the miners who are unable to wear a tight-fitting 
    (h) Since the 3M Airstream Headgear-Mounted PAPR System has been 
discontinued by the manufacturer, there are no other MSHA-approved 
units available that can be taken into or used inby the last open 
crosscut or used in the return air outby the last open crosscut.
    (i) The alternative method in the petition will at all times 
guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded to the 
miners by the standard.
    The petitioner proposes the following alternative method:
    (a) All miners who will be involved with or affected by the use of 
the 3M Versaflo TR-800 or CleanSpace EX PAPRs shall receive training in 
accordance with 30 CFR 48.7 on the requirements of the Proposed 
Decision and Order (PDO) granted by MSHA and manufacturer guidelines. 
Such training shall be completed before any 3M Versaflo TR-800 or 
CleanSpace EX PAPR can be used inby the last open crosscut or in the 
return air outby the last open crosscut. The operator shall keep a 
record of such training and provide such record to MSHA upon request.
    (b) The PAPRs, battery packs, all associated wiring and connections 
shall be inspected before use to determine if there is any damage to 
the units that would negatively impact intrinsic safety. If any defects 
are found, the PAPR shall be removed from service.
    (c) A separate logbook shall be maintained for the 3M Versaflo TR-
800 and CleanSpace EX PAPRs that will be kept with the equipment, or in 
a location with other mine record books and shall be made available to 
MSHA upon request. The equipment shall be examined at least weekly by a 
qualified person as defined in 30 CFR 75.512-1 and the examination 
results recorded in the logbook. Examination records shall be 
maintained for one year.
    (d) All 3M Versaflo TR-800 and CleanSpace EX PAPRs to be used inby 
the last open crosscut or in the return air outby the last open 
crosscut shall be physically examined prior to initial use and each 
unit shall be assigned a unique identification number. Each unit shall 
be examined by the person to operate the equipment prior to taking the 
equipment underground to ensure the equipment is used according to the 
original equipment manufacturer's recommendations and maintained in a 
safe operating condition. The examinations for the 3M Versaflo TR-800 
PAPRs shall include:
    (1) Check the equipment for any physical damage and the integrity 
of the case.
    (2) Remove the battery and inspect for corrosion.
    (3) Inspect the contact points to ensure a secure connection to the 
    (4) Reinsert the battery and power up and shut down to ensure 
proper connections.
    (5) Check the battery compartment cover or battery attachment to 
ensure that it is securely fastened.
    (6) For equipment utilizing lithium type cells, ensure that lithium 
cells and/or packs are not damaged or swelled in size.
    The CleanSpace EX PAPR does not have an accessible/removable 
battery. The internal battery and motor/blower assembly are both 
contained within the ``power unit'' assembly and the battery cannot be 
removed, reinserted or fastened. Therefore, examination of the 
CleanSpace EX PAPR shall include any indications of physical damage.
    (e) All 3M Versaflo TR-800 and CleanSpace EX PAPR units shall be 
serviced according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
    (f) Prior to energizing and during use of the 3M Versaflo TR-800 or 
the CleanSpace EX PAPR inby the last open crosscut or in the return air 
outby the last open crosscut, procedures in accordance with 30 CFR 
75.323 shall be followed.
    (g) Only the 3M TR-830 Battery Pack, which meets lithium battery 
safety standard UL 1642 or IEC 62133, in the 3M Versaflo TR-800 PAPR 
shall be used. Only the CleanSpace EX Power Unit, which meets lithium 
battery safety standard UL 1642 or IEC 62133, in the CleanSpace EX 
shall be used.
    (h) If battery packs for the 3M Versaflo TR-800 PAPR are provided, 
all battery

[[Page 80955]]

``change outs'' shall occur in intake air outby the last open crosscut.
    (i) The following maintenance and use conditions shall apply to 
equipment containing lithium type batteries:
    (1) Neither the 3M TR-830 Battery Pack nor the CleanSpace EX Power 
Unit shall be disassembled nor modified by anyone other than permitted 
by the manufacturer of the equipment.
    (2) The 3M TR-830 Battery Pack shall be charged only in an area 
free of combustible material and in intake air outby the last open 
crosscut. The 3M TR-830 Battery Pack shall be charged only by a 
manufacturer's recommended battery charger, such as the:
    (i) 3M Battery Charger Kit TR-641N, which includes one 3M Charger 
Cradle TR-640 and one 3M Power Supply TR-941N, or,
    (ii) 3M 4-Station Battery Charger Kit TR-644N, which includes four 
3M Charger Cradles TR-640 and one 3M 4-Station Battery Charger Base/
Power Supply TR-944N.
    (3) The CleanSpace EX internal battery, which is contained within 
the power unit assembly, shall be charged in areas located outby the 
last open crosscut in intake air and only the manufacturer's 
recommended battery chargers shall be used, such as the CleanSpace EX 
Battery Charger, Product Code PAF-0066.
    (4) Neither the 3M TR-830 Battery Pack nor the CleanSpace EX power 
unit which contains the internal battery, shall be exposed to water, 
allowed to get wet or immersed in liquid. This does not preclude 
incidental exposure of the 3M TR-830 Battery Pack or the CleanSpace EX 
power unit assembly.
    (5) Neither the 3M Versaflo TR-800 PAPR nor the CleanSpace EX PAPR, 
including the internal battery, shall be used, charged or stored in 
locations where the manufacturer's recommended temperature limits are 
exceeded. Neither the 3M Versaflo TR-800 PAPR nor the CleanSpace EX 
PAPR shall be placed in direct sunlight nor stored near a source of 
    (j) Annual retraining shall be given to all miners who will be 
involved with or affected by the use of the 3M Versaflo TR-800 or 
CleanSpace EX PAPRs in accordance with 30 CFR 48.8. Training of new 
miners on the requirements of the PDO granted by MSHA in accordance 
with 30 CFR 48.5, and training of experienced miners on the 
requirements of the PDO granted by MSHA in accordance with 30 CFR 48.6 
shall be given. The operator shall keep a record of such training and 
provide such record to MSHA upon request.
    (k) The miners at Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South Mine, are 
not represented by a labor organization and there are no 
representatives of miners at the mine. A copy of this petition has been 
posted on the bulletin board at Gibson County Coal, LLC, Gibson South 
Mine, on August 30, 2024.
    The petitioner asserts that the alternative method in the petition 
will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection 
afforded to the miners by the standard.

Song-ae Aromie Noe,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2024-22928 Filed 10-3-24; 8:45 am]

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