Certain Semiconductor Devices and Products Containing the Same; Notice of Institution of Investigation, 70667-70668 [2024-19542]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 169 / Friday, August 30, 2024 / Notices who requested the opportunity were permitted to participate. The Commission made these determinations pursuant to §§ 703(a) and 733(a) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1671b(a) and 1673b(a)). It completed and filed its determinations in these investigations on August 26, 2024. The views of the Commission are contained in USITC Publication 5542 (August 2024), entitled Tungsten Shot from China: Investigation Nos. 701–TA–732 and 731–TA–1701 (Preliminary). By order of the Commission. Issued: August 26, 2024. Sharon Bellamy, Supervisory Hearings and Information Officer. [FR Doc. 2024–19511 Filed 8–29–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7020–02–P INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation No. 337–TA–1414] Certain Semiconductor Devices and Products Containing the Same; Notice of Institution of Investigation U.S. International Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on July 26, 2024, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on behalf of Infineon Technologies Americas Corp. of El Segundo, California and Infineon Technologies Austria AG of Villach, Austria. Supplements to the complaint were filed on July 29 and August 13, 2024. The complaint alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain semiconductor devices and products containing the same by reason of the infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent No. 9,899,481 (‘‘the ’481 patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 8,686,562 (‘‘the ’562 patent’’); U.S. Patent No. 9,070,755 (‘‘the ’755 patent’’); and U.S. Patent No. 8,264,003 (‘‘the ’003 patent’’). The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists as required by the applicable Federal Statute. The complainants request that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the investigation, issue a limited exclusion order and cease and desist orders. ADDRESSES: The complaint, except for any confidential information contained therein, may be viewed on the ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:35 Aug 29, 2024 Jkt 262001 Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov. For help accessing EDIS, please email EDIS3Help@usitc.gov. Hearing impaired individuals are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal on (202) 205–1810. Persons with mobility impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at (202) 205– 2000. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server at https://www.usitc.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Orndoff, The Office of Docket Services, U.S. International Trade Commission, telephone (202) 205–1802. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Authority: The authority for institution of this investigation is contained in section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, and in section 210.10 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10 (2024). Scope of Investigation: Having considered the complaint, the U.S. International Trade Commission, on August 26, 2024, ordered that— (1) Pursuant to subsection (b) of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, an investigation be instituted to determine whether there is a violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of section 337 in the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, or the sale within the United States after importation of certain products identified in paragraph (2) by reason of infringement of one or more of claims 1–4, 6, 9, and 17 of the ’481 patent; claims 1, 2, 8–10, and 13–15 of the ’562 patent; claims 1–4, 8, and 9 of the ’755 patent; and claims 1, 2, and 10 of the ’003 patent, and whether an industry in the United States exists as required by subsection (a)(2) of section 337; (2) Pursuant to section 210.10(b)(1) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10(b)(1), the plain language description of the accused products or category of accused products, which defines the scope of the investigation, is ‘‘GaN-on-Si semiconductor devices, GaN Field Effect Transistors (‘FETs’), GaN high electron mobility transistors, and products incorporating such transistors, which are discrete chips, integrated circuits (ICs), wafers, modules, and demo boards’’; (3) For the purpose of the investigation so instituted, the following are hereby named as parties upon which PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 70667 this notice of investigation shall be served: (a) The complainants are: Infineon Technologies Americas Corp., 101 North Pacific Coast Highway, El Segundo, California 90245 Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Siemensstra+e 2, A–9500, Villach, Austria (b) The respondents are the following entities alleged to be in violation of section 337, and are the parties upon which the complaint is to be served: Innoscience (Suzhou) Technology Company, Ltd., No. 98, Xinli Road, Lili Town, Wujiang, District Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215000 China Innoscience (Suzhou) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., No. 98, Xinli Road, Lili Town, Wujiang, District Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215000 China Innoscience (Zhuhai) Technology Company, Ltd., No. 39, Jinyuan 2nd Road, High-Tech Zone, Zhuhai, Guangdong, 519099 China Innoscience America, Inc., 5451 Great America Parkway, Suite 125, Santa Clara, CA 95054 (4) For the investigation so instituted, the Chief Administrative Law Judge, U.S. International Trade Commission, shall designate the presiding Administrative Law Judge. The Office of Unfair Import Investigations will not participate as a party in this investigation. Responses to the complaint and the notice of investigation must be submitted by the named respondents in accordance with section 210.13 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. Pursuant to 19 CFR 201.16(e) and 210.13(a), as amended in 85 FR 15798 (March 19, 2020), such responses will be considered by the Commission if received not later than 20 days after the date of service by the complainant[s] of the complaint and the notice of investigation. Extensions of time for submitting responses to the complaint and the notice of investigation will not be granted unless good cause therefor is shown. Failure of the respondents to file a timely response to each allegation in the complaint and in this notice may be deemed to constitute a waiver of the right to appear and contest the allegations of the complaint and this notice, and to authorize the administrative law judge and the Commission, without further notice to the respondents, to find the facts to be as alleged in the complaint and this notice and to enter an initial determination and a final determination containing such findings, and may E:\FR\FM\30AUN1.SGM 30AUN1 70668 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 169 / Friday, August 30, 2024 / Notices result in the issuance of an exclusion order or a cease and desist order or both directed against the respondents. By order of the Commission. Issued: August 27, 2024. Sharon Bellamy, Supervisory Hearings and Information Officer. [FR Doc. 2024–19542 Filed 8–29–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7020–02–P INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation No. 337–TA–1368] Certain Vaporizer Devices, Cartridges Used Therewith, and Components Thereof; Notice of Request for Submissions on the Public Interest U.S. International Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: Notice is hereby given that on August 23, 2024, the presiding administrative law judge (‘‘ALJ’’) issued an Initial Determination on Violation of Section 337. The ALJ also issued a Recommended Determination on remedy and bonding should a violation be found in the above-captioned investigation. The Commission is soliciting submissions on public interest issues raised by the recommended relief should the Commission find a violation. This notice is soliciting comments from the public and interested government agencies only. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard P. Hadorn, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 205–3179. Copies of non-confidential documents filed in connection with this investigation may be viewed on the Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov. For help accessing EDIS, please email EDIS3Help@usitc.gov. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server at https://www.usitc.gov. Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal, telephone (202) 205–1810. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 provides that, if the Commission finds a violation, it shall exclude the articles concerned from the United States unless, after considering the effect of such exclusion upon the public health and welfare, competitive conditions in ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:35 Aug 29, 2024 Jkt 262001 the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, and United States consumers, it finds that such articles should not be excluded from entry. (19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1)). A similar provision applies to cease and desist orders. (19 U.S.C. 1337(f)(1)). The Commission is soliciting submissions on public interest issues raised by the recommended relief should the Commission find a violation, specifically: a limited exclusion order directed to certain vaporizer devices, cartridges used therewith, and components thereof imported, sold for importation, and/or sold after importation by respondents (1) NJOY, LLC of Phoenix, Arizona; (2) NJOY Holdings, Inc. of Scottsdale, Arizona; (3) Altria Group, Inc. of Richmond, Virginia; (4) Altria Group Distribution Company of Richmond, Virginia; and (5) Altria Client Services LLC of Richmond, Virginia (collectively, ‘‘Respondents’’); and cease and desist orders directed to Respondents. Parties are to file public interest submissions pursuant to 19 CFR 210.50(a)(4). The Commission is interested in further development of the record on the public interest in this investigation. Accordingly, members of the public and interested government agencies are invited to file submissions of no more than five (5) pages, inclusive of attachments, concerning the public interest in light of the ALJ’s Recommended Determination on Remedy and Bonding issued in this investigation on August 23, 2024. Comments should address whether issuance of the recommended remedial orders in this investigation, should the Commission find a violation, would affect the public health and welfare in the United States, competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, or United States consumers. In particular, the Commission is interested in comments that: (i) explain how the articles potentially subject to the recommended remedial orders are used in the United States; (ii) identify any public health, safety, or welfare concerns in the United States relating to the recommended orders; (iii) identify like or directly competitive articles that complainant, its licensees, or third parties make in the United States which could replace the subject articles if they were to be excluded; (iv) indicate whether complainant, complainant’s licensees, and/or third- PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 party suppliers have the capacity to replace the volume of articles potentially subject to the recommended orders within a commercially reasonable time; and (v) explain how the recommended orders would impact consumers in the United States. Written submissions must be filed no later than by close of business on September 24, 2024. Persons filing written submissions must file the original document electronically on or before the deadlines stated above. The Commission’s paper filing requirements in 19 CFR 210.4(f) are currently waived. 85 FR 15798 (Mar. 19, 2020). Submissions should refer to the investigation number (‘‘Inv. No. 337–TA–1368’’) in a prominent place on the cover page and/or the first page. (See Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures, https://www.usitc.gov/ secretary/fed_reg_notices/rules/ handbook_on_electronic_filing.pdf). Persons with questions regarding filing should contact the Secretary (202–205– 2000). Any person desiring to submit a document to the Commission in confidence must request confidential treatment by marking each document with a header indicating that the document contains confidential information. This marking will be deemed to satisfy the request procedure set forth in Rules 201.6(b) and 210.5(e)(2) (19 CFR 201.6(b) & 210.5(e)(2)). Documents for which confidential treatment by the Commission is properly sought will be treated accordingly. Any non-party wishing to submit comments containing confidential information must serve those comments on the parties to the investigation pursuant to the applicable Administrative Protective Order. A redacted non-confidential version of the document must also be filed simultaneously with any confidential filing and must be served in accordance with Commission Rule 210.4(f)(7)(ii)(A) (19 CFR 210.4(f)(7)(ii)(A)). All information, including confidential business information and documents for which confidential treatment is properly sought, submitted to the Commission for purposes of this investigation may be disclosed to and used: (i) by the Commission, its employees and Offices, and contract personnel (a) for developing or maintaining the records of this or a related proceeding, or (b) in internal investigations, audits, reviews, and evaluations relating to the programs, personnel, and operations of the Commission including under 5 U.S.C. appendix 3; or (ii) by U.S. Government employees and contract E:\FR\FM\30AUN1.SGM 30AUN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 169 (Friday, August 30, 2024)]
[Pages 70667-70668]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-19542]



[Investigation No. 337-TA-1414]

Certain Semiconductor Devices and Products Containing the Same; 
Notice of Institution of Investigation

AGENCY: U.S. International Trade Commission.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the 
U.S. International Trade Commission on July 26, 2024, under section 337 
of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on behalf of Infineon 
Technologies Americas Corp. of El Segundo, California and Infineon 
Technologies Austria AG of Villach, Austria. Supplements to the 
complaint were filed on July 29 and August 13, 2024. The complaint 
alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the 
United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United 
States after importation of certain semiconductor devices and products 
containing the same by reason of the infringement of certain claims of 
U.S. Patent No. 9,899,481 (``the '481 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 
8,686,562 (``the '562 patent''); U.S. Patent No. 9,070,755 (``the '755 
patent''); and U.S. Patent No. 8,264,003 (``the '003 patent''). The 
complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists 
as required by the applicable Federal Statute. The complainants request 
that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the 
investigation, issue a limited exclusion order and cease and desist 

ADDRESSES: The complaint, except for any confidential information 
contained therein, may be viewed on the Commission's electronic docket 
(EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov. For help accessing EDIS, please email 
[email protected]. Hearing impaired individuals are advised that 
information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the 
Commission's TDD terminal on (202) 205-1810. Persons with mobility 
impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the 
Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at (202) 205-
2000. General information concerning the Commission may also be 
obtained by accessing its internet server at https://www.usitc.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Orndoff, The Office of Docket 
Services, U.S. International Trade Commission, telephone (202) 205-

    Authority: The authority for institution of this investigation is 
contained in section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 
U.S.C. 1337, and in section 210.10 of the Commission's Rules of 
Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10 (2024).
    Scope of Investigation: Having considered the complaint, the U.S. 
International Trade Commission, on August 26, 2024, ordered that--
    (1) Pursuant to subsection (b) of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 
1930, as amended, an investigation be instituted to determine whether 
there is a violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of section 337 in the 
importation into the United States, the sale for importation, or the 
sale within the United States after importation of certain products 
identified in paragraph (2) by reason of infringement of one or more of 
claims 1-4, 6, 9, and 17 of the '481 patent; claims 1, 2, 8-10, and 13-
15 of the '562 patent; claims 1-4, 8, and 9 of the '755 patent; and 
claims 1, 2, and 10 of the '003 patent, and whether an industry in the 
United States exists as required by subsection (a)(2) of section 337;
    (2) Pursuant to section 210.10(b)(1) of the Commission's Rules of 
Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10(b)(1), the plain language 
description of the accused products or category of accused products, 
which defines the scope of the investigation, is ``GaN-on-Si 
semiconductor devices, GaN Field Effect Transistors (`FETs'), GaN high 
electron mobility transistors, and products incorporating such 
transistors, which are discrete chips, integrated circuits (ICs), 
wafers, modules, and demo boards'';
    (3) For the purpose of the investigation so instituted, the 
following are hereby named as parties upon which this notice of 
investigation shall be served:
    (a) The complainants are:

Infineon Technologies Americas Corp., 101 North Pacific Coast Highway, 
El Segundo, California 90245
Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Siemensstra[szlig]e 2, A-9500, 
Villach, Austria

    (b) The respondents are the following entities alleged to be in 
violation of section 337, and are the parties upon which the complaint 
is to be served:

Innoscience (Suzhou) Technology Company, Ltd., No. 98, Xinli Road, Lili 
Town, Wujiang, District Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215000 China
Innoscience (Suzhou) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., No. 98, Xinli Road, Lili 
Town, Wujiang, District Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215000 China
Innoscience (Zhuhai) Technology Company, Ltd., No. 39, Jinyuan 2nd 
Road, High-Tech Zone, Zhuhai, Guangdong, 519099 China
Innoscience America, Inc., 5451 Great America Parkway, Suite 125, Santa 
Clara, CA 95054

    (4) For the investigation so instituted, the Chief Administrative 
Law Judge, U.S. International Trade Commission, shall designate the 
presiding Administrative Law Judge.
    The Office of Unfair Import Investigations will not participate as 
a party in this investigation.
    Responses to the complaint and the notice of investigation must be 
submitted by the named respondents in accordance with section 210.13 of 
the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. 
Pursuant to 19 CFR 201.16(e) and 210.13(a), as amended in 85 FR 15798 
(March 19, 2020), such responses will be considered by the Commission 
if received not later than 20 days after the date of service by the 
complainant[s] of the complaint and the notice of investigation. 
Extensions of time for submitting responses to the complaint and the 
notice of investigation will not be granted unless good cause therefor 
is shown.
    Failure of the respondents to file a timely response to each 
allegation in the complaint and in this notice may be deemed to 
constitute a waiver of the right to appear and contest the allegations 
of the complaint and this notice, and to authorize the administrative 
law judge and the Commission, without further notice to the 
respondents, to find the facts to be as alleged in the complaint and 
this notice and to enter an initial determination and a final 
determination containing such findings, and may

[[Page 70668]]

result in the issuance of an exclusion order or a cease and desist 
order or both directed against the respondents.

    By order of the Commission.

    Issued: August 27, 2024.
Sharon Bellamy,
Supervisory Hearings and Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024-19542 Filed 8-29-24; 8:45 am]

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