Cast Iron Soil Pipe From China; Scheduling of Expedited Five-Year Reviews, 68202-68203 [2024-18924]

Download as PDF 68202 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 164 / Friday, August 23, 2024 / Notices Kugusugaruk site (49–BAR–00003) located 6.6 miles southwest of presentday Utqiagvik, Alaska; available records are unable to link these items to specific human remains from northern Alaska at the Penn Museum, the Smithsonian Institute (SI), National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), or any other museum. Dated: August 15, 2024. Mariah Soriano, Acting Manager, National NAGPRA Program. Determinations [Investigation Nos. 701–TA–597 and 731– TA–1407 (Review)] The BLM Alaska has determined that: • The 69 unassociated funerary objects described above are reasonably believed to have been placed intentionally with or near individual human remains, and are connected, either at the time of death or later as part of the death rite or ceremony and are believed, by a preponderance of the evidence, to have been removed from a specific burial site of an individual or individuals with cultural affiliation to an Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian organization. • There is a reasonable connection between the human remains and funerary objects described in this notice and the Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Requests for Repatriation Additional, written requests for repatriation of the cultural items in this notice must be sent to the authorized representative identified in this notice under ADDRESSES. Requests for repatriation may be submitted by any lineal descendant, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice who shows, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the requestor is a lineal descendant or a culturally affiliated Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian organization. Repatriation of the cultural items in this notice to a requestor may occur on or after September 23, 2024. If competing requests for repatriation are received, the BLM Alaska must determine the most appropriate requestor prior to repatriation. Requests for joint repatriation of the cultural items are considered a single request and not competing requests. The BLM Alaska is responsible for sending a copy of this notice to the Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations identified in this notice and to any other consulting parties. Authority: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 25 U.S.C. 3004 and the implementing regulations, 43 CFR 10.9. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Aug 22, 2024 Jkt 262001 [FR Doc. 2024–18953 Filed 8–22–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4312–52–P INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION Cast Iron Soil Pipe From China; Scheduling of Expedited Five-Year Reviews International Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Commission hereby gives notice of the scheduling of expedited reviews pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (‘‘the Act’’) to determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty order and countervailing duty order on cast iron soil pipe from China would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. DATES: July 5, 2024. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alexis Yim (202–708–1446), Office of Investigations, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Hearingimpaired persons can obtain information on this matter by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal on 202– 205–1810. Persons with mobility impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access to the Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at 202–205–2000. General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server (https:// The public record for this proceeding may be viewed on the Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS) at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background.—On July 5, 2024, the Commission determined that the domestic interested party group response to its notice of institution (89 FR 22448, April 1, 2024) of the subject five-year reviews was adequate and that the respondent interested party group response was inadequate. The Commission did not find any other circumstances that would warrant conducting full reviews.1 Accordingly, SUMMARY: 1A record of the Commissioners’ votes, the Commission’s statement on adequacy, and any individual Commissioner’s statements will be available from the Office of the Secretary and at the Commission’s website. PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 the Commission determined that it would conduct expedited reviews pursuant to section 751(c)(3) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)(3)). For further information concerning the conduct of these reviews and rules of general application, consult the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, part 201, subparts A and B (19 CFR part 201), and part 207, subparts A, D, E, and F (19 CFR part 207). Staff report.—A staff report containing information concerning the subject matter of the reviews has been placed in the nonpublic record, and will be made available to persons on the Administrative Protective Order service list for these reviews on September 18, 2024. A public version will be issued thereafter, pursuant to § 207.62(d)(4) of the Commission’s rules. Written submissions.—As provided in § 207.62(d) of the Commission’s rules, interested parties that are parties to the reviews and that have provided individually adequate responses to the notice of institution,2 and any party other than an interested party to the reviews may file written comments with the Secretary on what determination the Commission should reach in the reviews. Comments are due on or before 5:15 p.m. on September 26, 2024 and may not contain new factual information. Any person that is neither a party to the five-year reviews nor an interested party may submit a brief written statement (which shall not contain any new factual information) pertinent to the reviews by September 26, 2024. However, should the Department of Commerce (‘‘Commerce’’) extend the time limit for its completion of the final results of its reviews, the deadline for comments (which may not contain new factual information) on Commerce’s final results is three business days after the issuance of Commerce’s results. If comments contain business proprietary information (BPI), they must conform with the requirements of §§ 201.6, 207.3, and 207.7 of the Commission’s rules. The Commission’s Handbook on Filing Procedures, available on the Commission’s website at https:// on_filing_procedures.pdf, elaborates upon the Commission’s procedures with respect to filings. In accordance with §§ 201.16(c) and 207.3 of the rules, each document filed 2 The Commission has found the responses submitted on behalf of Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute, Charlotte Pipe & Foundry, and McWane, Inc. to be individually adequate. Comments from other interested parties will not be accepted (see 19 CFR 207.62(d)(2)). E:\FR\FM\23AUN1.SGM 23AUN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 164 / Friday, August 23, 2024 / Notices by a party to these reviews must be served on all other parties to the reviews (as identified by either the public or BPI service list), and a certificate of service must be timely filed. The Secretary will not accept a document for filing without a certificate of service. Determination.—The Commission has determined these reviews are extraordinarily complicated and therefore has determined to exercise its authority to extend the review period by up to 90 days pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1675(c)(5)(B). Authority: These reviews are being conducted under authority of title VII of the Act; this notice is published pursuant to § 207.62 of the Commission’s rules. By order of the Commission. Issued: August 19, 2024. Sharon Bellamy, Supervisory Hearings and Information Officer. [FR Doc. 2024–18924 Filed 8–22–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7020–02–P INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation No. 337–TA–1232 (Enforcement)] Certain Chocolate Milk Powder and Packaging Thereof; Notice of Request for Submissions on the Public Interest International Trade Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: Notice is hereby given that on August 16, 2024, the presiding administrative law judge (‘‘ALJ’’) issued an Initial Determination (‘‘ID’’) Granting Complainant’s Motion for Summary Determination of Violation of the General Exclusion Order (‘‘GEO’’), combined with a Recommended Determination (‘‘RD’’) to issue cease and desist orders (‘‘CDOs’’) against four defaulting enforcement respondents. The Commission is soliciting submissions on public interest issues raised by the recommended relief should the Commission find a violation of the GEO. This notice is soliciting comments from the public and interested government agencies only. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Lall, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 205–2043. Copies of non-confidential documents filed in connection with this investigation may be viewed on the Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS) at https:// khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Aug 22, 2024 Jkt 262001 For help accessing EDIS, please email General information concerning the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server at https:// Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter can be obtained by contacting the Commission’s TDD terminal on (202) 205–1810. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On November 9, 2023, the Commission determined to institute an enforcement proceeding under Commission Rule 210.75 on behalf of complainant Meenaxi Enterprise Inc. (‘‘Meenaxi’’) to investigate alleged violations of the GEO by four respondents: (1) Bharat Bazar Inc. of Union City, California (‘‘Bharat Bazaar’’); (2) Coconut Hill Inc. d/b/a Coconut Hill of Sunnyvale, California (‘‘Coconut Hill’’); (3) Organic Ingredients Inc. d/b/a Namaste Plaza Indian Super Market (‘‘Organic Ingredients’’) of San Diego, California; and (4) New India Bazar Inc. d/b/a New India Bazar of San Jose, California (‘‘New India’’) (collectively the ‘‘Enforcement Respondents’’). See Comm’n Notice (Nov. 9, 2023); see also 88 FR 78786–87 (Nov. 16, 2023); 89 FR 15220 (Mar. 1, 2024). On January 10, 2024, the presiding ALJ issued an order directing the Enforcement Respondents to show cause why they should not be found in default and why judgment should not be rendered against them for failing to respond to the enforcement complaint and notice of investigation. See Order No. 6 (Jan. 10, 2024). Order No. 6 directed the Enforcement Respondents to make any showing of good cause by no later than February 2, 2024. Id. at 3. No party responded to Order No. 6. See Order No. 8 at 1 (Feb. 13, 2024). On March 14, 2024, the Commission determined that the four Enforcement Respondents are in default. See Order No. 8 (Feb. 13, 2024), unreviewed by Comm’n Notice (Mar. 14, 2024). On March 15, 2024, Meenaxi filed a motion requesting summary determination of violation of the GEO and the issuance of CDOs against the four Enforcement Respondents. See ID at 5. On August 16, 2024, the presiding ALJ issued the ID and RD granting Meenaxi’s motion and recommending issuance of the requested CDOs. Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 provides that, if the Commission finds a violation, it shall exclude the articles concerned from the United States unless, after considering the effect of such exclusion upon the public health and welfare, competitive conditions in the United States economy, the PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 68203 production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, and United States consumers, it finds that such articles should not be excluded from entry. (19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1)). A similar provision applies to cease and desist orders. (19 U.S.C. 1337(f)(1)). The Commission is soliciting submissions on public interest issues raised by the recommended relief should the Commission find a violation of the GEO, specifically: CDOs against the four Enforcement Respondents: (1) Bharat Bazaar; (2) Coconut Hill; (3) Organic Ingredients; and (4) New India. Parties are to file public interest submissions pursuant to 19 CFR 210.50(a)(4). The Commission is interested in further development of the record on the public interest in this investigation. Accordingly, members of the public and interested government agencies are invited to file submissions of no more than five (5) pages, inclusive of attachments, concerning the public interest in light of the ALJ’s Recommended Determination. Comments should address whether issuance of the recommended CDOs in this investigation, should the Commission find a violation of the GEO, would affect the public health and welfare in the United States, competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, or United States consumers. In particular, the Commission is interested in comments that: (i) explain how the articles potentially subject to the recommended CDOs are used in the United States; (ii) identify any public health, safety, or welfare concerns in the United States relating to the recommended CDOs; (iii) identify like or directly competitive articles that complainant, its licensees, or third parties make in the United States which could replace the subject articles if they are subject to CDOs; (iv) indicate whether complainant, complainant’s licensees, and/or thirdparty suppliers have the capacity to replace the volume of articles potentially subject to the recommended CDOs within a commercially reasonable time; and (v) explain how the recommended CDOs would impact consumers in the United States. Written submissions must be filed no later than by close of business on September 9, 2024. Persons filing written submissions must file the original document E:\FR\FM\23AUN1.SGM 23AUN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 164 (Friday, August 23, 2024)]
[Pages 68202-68203]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-18924]



[Investigation Nos. 701-TA-597 and 731-TA-1407 (Review)]

Cast Iron Soil Pipe From China; Scheduling of Expedited Five-Year 

AGENCY: International Trade Commission.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives notice of the scheduling of 
expedited reviews pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act'') to 
determine whether revocation of the antidumping duty order and 
countervailing duty order on cast iron soil pipe from China would be 
likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within 
a reasonably foreseeable time.

DATES: July 5, 2024.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alexis Yim (202-708-1446), Office of 
Investigations, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, 
Washington, DC 20436. Hearing-impaired persons can obtain information 
on this matter by contacting the Commission's TDD terminal on 202-205-
1810. Persons with mobility impairments who will need special 
assistance in gaining access to the Commission should contact the 
Office of the Secretary at 202-205-2000. General information concerning 
the Commission may also be obtained by accessing its internet server 
( The public record for this proceeding may be 
viewed on the Commission's electronic docket (EDIS) at

    Background.--On July 5, 2024, the Commission determined that the 
domestic interested party group response to its notice of institution 
(89 FR 22448, April 1, 2024) of the subject five-year reviews was 
adequate and that the respondent interested party group response was 
inadequate. The Commission did not find any other circumstances that 
would warrant conducting full reviews.\1\ Accordingly, the Commission 
determined that it would conduct expedited reviews pursuant to section 
751(c)(3) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)(3)).

    \1\ A record of the Commissioners' votes, the Commission's 
statement on adequacy, and any individual Commissioner's statements 
will be available from the Office of the Secretary and at the 
Commission's website.

    For further information concerning the conduct of these reviews and 
rules of general application, consult the Commission's Rules of 
Practice and Procedure, part 201, subparts A and B (19 CFR part 201), 
and part 207, subparts A, D, E, and F (19 CFR part 207).
    Staff report.--A staff report containing information concerning the 
subject matter of the reviews has been placed in the nonpublic record, 
and will be made available to persons on the Administrative Protective 
Order service list for these reviews on September 18, 2024. A public 
version will be issued thereafter, pursuant to Sec.  207.62(d)(4) of 
the Commission's rules.
    Written submissions.--As provided in Sec.  207.62(d) of the 
Commission's rules, interested parties that are parties to the reviews 
and that have provided individually adequate responses to the notice of 
institution,\2\ and any party other than an interested party to the 
reviews may file written comments with the Secretary on what 
determination the Commission should reach in the reviews. Comments are 
due on or before 5:15 p.m. on September 26, 2024 and may not contain 
new factual information. Any person that is neither a party to the 
five-year reviews nor an interested party may submit a brief written 
statement (which shall not contain any new factual information) 
pertinent to the reviews by September 26, 2024. However, should the 
Department of Commerce (``Commerce'') extend the time limit for its 
completion of the final results of its reviews, the deadline for 
comments (which may not contain new factual information) on Commerce's 
final results is three business days after the issuance of Commerce's 
results. If comments contain business proprietary information (BPI), 
they must conform with the requirements of Sec. Sec.  201.6, 207.3, and 
207.7 of the Commission's rules. The Commission's Handbook on Filing 
Procedures, available on the Commission's website at, elaborates 
upon the Commission's procedures with respect to filings.

    \2\ The Commission has found the responses submitted on behalf 
of Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute, Charlotte Pipe & Foundry, and 
McWane, Inc. to be individually adequate. Comments from other 
interested parties will not be accepted (see 19 CFR 207.62(d)(2)).

    In accordance with Sec. Sec.  201.16(c) and 207.3 of the rules, 
each document filed

[[Page 68203]]

by a party to these reviews must be served on all other parties to the 
reviews (as identified by either the public or BPI service list), and a 
certificate of service must be timely filed. The Secretary will not 
accept a document for filing without a certificate of service.
    Determination.--The Commission has determined these reviews are 
extraordinarily complicated and therefore has determined to exercise 
its authority to extend the review period by up to 90 days pursuant to 
19 U.S.C. 1675(c)(5)(B).
    Authority: These reviews are being conducted under authority of 
title VII of the Act; this notice is published pursuant to Sec.  207.62 
of the Commission's rules.

    By order of the Commission.

    Issued: August 19, 2024.
Sharon Bellamy,
Supervisory Hearings and Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024-18924 Filed 8-22-24; 8:45 am]
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