Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Confined Spaces in Construction, 67495-67496 [2024-18588]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 161 / Tuesday, August 20, 2024 / Notices
amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and in Part
210 of the Commission’s Rules of
Practice and Procedure (19 CFR part
By order of the Commission.
Issued: August 14, 2024.
Lisa Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2024–18582 Filed 8–19–24; 8:45 am]
[OMB Number 1105–0104]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Proposed eCollection
eComments Requested; Revision of a
Previously Approved Collection;
District/Aviation Security Officers
(DSO/ASO) Personal Qualifications
U.S. Marshals Service,
Department of Justice.
ACTION: 60-Day notice.
The U.S. Marshals Service,
Department of Justice (DOJ), will be
submitting the following information
collection request to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted for 60 days until
October 21, 2024.
you have additional comments
especially on the estimated public
burden or associated response time,
suggestions, or need a copy of the
proposed information collection
instrument with instructions or
additional information, please contact
Assistant Chief Karl Slazer/Management
Support Division, U.S. Marshals Service
Headquarters, 1215 S Clark St., Ste.
10017, Arlington, VA 22202–4387, by
telephone at 202–360–7359 or by email
comments and suggestions from the
public and affected agencies concerning
the proposed collection of information
are encouraged. Your comments should
address one or more of the following
four points:
—Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Bureau of Justice
Statistics, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
—Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
—Evaluate whether and if so how the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected can be
enhanced; and
—Minimize the burden of the collection
of information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms
of information technology, e.g.,
permitting electronic submission of
Abstract: This form will primarily be
used to collect applicant reference
information. Reference checking is an
objective evaluation of an applicant’s
past job performance based on
information collected from key
individuals (e.g., supervisors, peers,
subordinates) who have now and
worked with the applicant. Reference
checking is a necessary supplement to
the evaluation of resumes and other
Descriptions of training and experience,
and allows the selecting official to hire
applicants with a strong history of
performance. The questions on this form
have been developed following the
OPM, MSPB, and DOJ ‘‘Best Practice’’
guidelines for reference checking.
Overview of This Information
1. Type of Information Collection: No
material or nonsubstantive change to a
currently approved collection.
2. The Title of the Form/Collection:
District/Aviation Security Officers
(DSO/ASO) Personal Qualifications
3. The agency form number, if any,
and the applicable component of the
Department sponsoring the collection:
4. Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as the
obligation to respond:
• Affected Public: District/Aviation
Security Officers Job Applicants.
• The obligation to respond is
5. An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
An estimated 1,000 respondents will
utilize the form, and it will take each
respondent approximately 45 minutes to
complete the form.
6. An estimate of the total annual
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: The estimated annual public
burden associated with this collection is
750 hours, which is equal to 1,000 (total
# of annual responses) * (45 mins).
7. An estimate of the total annual cost
burden associated with the collection, if
Number of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Ex: Survey (individuals or households) ...............................
Unduplicated Totals ......................................................
If additional information is required
contact: Darwin Arceo, Department
Clearance Officer, United States
Department of Justice, Justice
Management Division, Policy and
Planning Staff, Two Constitution
Square, 145 N Street NE, 4W–218,
Washington, DC.
Total annual
Dated: August 14, 2024.
Darwin Arceo,
Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S.
Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 2024–18568 Filed 8–19–24; 8:45 am]
Time per
Total annual
45 min ............
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request; Confined
Spaces in Construction
Notice of availability; request
for comments.
The Department of Labor
(DOL) is submitting this Occupational
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 161 / Tuesday, August 20, 2024 / Notices
Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)sponsored information collection
request (ICR) to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). Public comments on the ICR are
DATES: The OMB will consider all
written comments that the agency
receives on or before September 19,
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Nicole Bouchet by telephone at 202–
693–0213, or by email at DOL_PRA_
Confined Spaces in Construction
Standard permits employers and
employees to systematically evaluate
the dangers in confined spaces before
entry is attempted and ensures that
adequate measures have been
implemented to make the spaces safe for
entry. For additional substantive
information about this ICR, see the
related notice published in the Federal
Register on May 22, 2024 (89 FR 45019).
Comments are invited on: (1) whether
the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
the agency’s estimates of the burden and
cost of the collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information collection; and
(4) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
This information collection is subject
to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
of information, and the public is
generally not required to respond to an
information collection, unless the OMB
approves it and displays a currently
valid OMB Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information that does not
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display a valid OMB Control Number.
See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6.
DOL seeks PRA authorization for this
information collection for three (3)
years. OMB authorization for an ICR
cannot be for more than three (3) years
without renewal. The DOL notes that
information collection requirements
submitted to the OMB for existing ICRs
receive a month-to-month extension
while they undergo review.
Agency: DOL–OSHA.
Title of Collection: Confined Spaces in
OMB Control Number: 1218–0258.
Affected Public: Private Sector—
Businesses or other for-profits.
Total Estimated Number of
Respondents: 32,510.
Total Estimated Number of
Responses: 4,389,056.
Total Estimated Annual Time Burden:
706,653 hours.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
Burden: $1,100,529.
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D))
Nicole Bouchet,
Senior Paperwork Reduction Act Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2024–18588 Filed 8–19–24; 8:45 am]
[NASA Document Number: 24–052; NASA
Docket Number: NASA–2024–0008]
Information Collection; NASA Property
in the Custody of Award Recipients
and Property Management System
Analysis (PMSA)
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA).
ACTION: Notice of a renewal information
NASA, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (PRA).
DATES: Comments are due by October
21, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for this information
collection should be sent within 60 days
of publication of this notice at https:// and search for
NASA Docket NASA–2024–0008.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
PO 00000
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instrument(s) and instructions should
be directed to NASA PRA Clearance
Officer, Stayce Hoult, NASA
Headquarters, 300 E Street SW, JC0000,
Washington, DC 20546, phone 256–714–
8575, or email hq-ocio-pra-program@
I. Abstract
To ensure accurate reporting of
Government-owned, contractor-held
property on the financial statements and
to provide information necessary for
effective property management in
accordance with FAR Part 45, NASA
obtains summary data annually from the
official Government property records
maintained by its award recipients with
contracts, grants and cooperative
agreements. The information is
submitted via the NASA Form 1018, at
the end of each fiscal year. Additional
information submitted to approve the
accuracy of the award recipient property
management system compliance is
submitted via NASA Form 1019, at the
beginning of awards with NASA
property in the hands of award
recipients; and same information
gathered by Federal agencies assisting
NASA according to risk matrix.
Information for property management
system in accordance with FAR Part 45,
NASA is the agency responsible for
contract award administration shall
conduct an analysis of the award
recipient’s property management
policies, procedures, practices, and
II. Methods of Collection
III. Data
Title: NASA Property in the Custody
of Award Recipients.
OMB Number: 2700–0017.
Type of review: Renewal of a
previously approved information
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit and not-for-profit institutions.
Estimated Annual Number of
Activities: 1,200.
Estimated Number of Respondents
per Activity: 1.
Annual Responses: 1,200.
Estimated Time per Response: 1.5
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 1,800.
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of NASA, including
whether the information collected has
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 161 (Tuesday, August 20, 2024)]
[Pages 67495-67496]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-18588]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request; Confined Spaces in Construction
ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting this Occupational
[[Page 67496]]
Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)-sponsored information collection
request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review
and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). Public comments on the ICR are invited.
DATES: The OMB will consider all written comments that the agency
receives on or before September 19, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of
this notice to Find this particular
information collection by selecting ``Currently under 30-day Review--
Open for Public Comments'' or by using the search function.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nicole Bouchet by telephone at 202-
693-0213, or by email at [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Confined Spaces in Construction Standard
permits employers and employees to systematically evaluate the dangers
in confined spaces before entry is attempted and ensures that adequate
measures have been implemented to make the spaces safe for entry. For
additional substantive information about this ICR, see the related
notice published in the Federal Register on May 22, 2024 (89 FR 45019).
Comments are invited on: (1) whether the collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the
Department, including whether the information will have practical
utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimates of the burden and
cost of the collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility and clarity of the information collection; and (4) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are
to respond, including the use of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
This information collection is subject to the PRA. A Federal agency
generally cannot conduct or sponsor a collection of information, and
the public is generally not required to respond to an information
collection, unless the OMB approves it and displays a currently valid
OMB Control Number. In addition, notwithstanding any other provisions
of law, no person shall generally be subject to penalty for failing to
comply with a collection of information that does not display a valid
OMB Control Number. See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6.
DOL seeks PRA authorization for this information collection for
three (3) years. OMB authorization for an ICR cannot be for more than
three (3) years without renewal. The DOL notes that information
collection requirements submitted to the OMB for existing ICRs receive
a month-to-month extension while they undergo review.
Agency: DOL-OSHA.
Title of Collection: Confined Spaces in Construction.
OMB Control Number: 1218-0258.
Affected Public: Private Sector--Businesses or other for-profits.
Total Estimated Number of Respondents: 32,510.
Total Estimated Number of Responses: 4,389,056.
Total Estimated Annual Time Burden: 706,653 hours.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs Burden: $1,100,529.
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D))
Nicole Bouchet,
Senior Paperwork Reduction Act Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2024-18588 Filed 8-19-24; 8:45 am]