CHIPS National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP) Advanced Packaging Research and Development, 56308-56314 [2024-14980]
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
review and for future deposits of
estimated duties, where applicable.21
If, in the final results, we continue to
find that the administrative review for
the companies listed in Appendix II
should be rescinded, we will instruct
CBP to assess antidumping duties on
any suspended entries that entered
under the CBP case numbers of those
companies (i.e., at those exporters’ rates)
at a rate equal to the cash deposit of
estimated antidumping duties required
at the time of entry, or withdrawal from
warehouse, for consumption, during the
Commerce intends to issue
assessment instructions to CBP no
earlier than 35 days after the date of
publication of the final results of this
review in the Federal Register. If a
timely summons is filed at the U.S.
Court of International Trade, the
assessment instructions will direct CBP
not to liquidate relevant entries until the
time for parties to file a request for a
statutory injunction has expired (i.e.,
within 90 days of publication).
requirements, when imposed, shall
remain in effect until further notice.
Appendix III—Companies Not Selected
for Individual Examination
Final Results of Review
1. Ambrosia Natural Products (India) Private
Limited/Ambrosia Enterprise/Sunlite
India Agro Producer Co., Ltd.
2. Apis India Limited
3. Brij Honey Pvt., Ltd.
4. Ganpati Natural Products
5. GMC Natural Product
6. Hi Tech Natural Products India Ltd.
7. Kejriwal Bee Care India Private Limited
8. KK Natural Food Industries LLP
9. Pearlcot Enterprises
10. Queenbee Foods Pvt. Ltd.
11. Salt Range Foods Pvt. Ltd.
12. Shakti Api Foods Private Limited 23
13. Shiv Apiaries
14. Yieppie Internationals
Cash Deposit Requirements
Notification to Interested Parties
The following cash deposit
requirements will be effective for all
shipments of the subject merchandise
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption on or after the
publication date of the final results of
this administrative review, as provided
by section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) the
cash deposit rate for the companies
listed above will be equal to the
weighted-average dumping margins
established in the final results of this
review, except if the rate is less than
0.50 percent and, therefore, de minimis
within the meaning of 19 CFR
351.106(c)(1), in which case the cash
deposit rate will be zero; (2) for
merchandise exported by a company not
covered in this review, but covered in
a prior segment of the proceeding, the
cash deposit rate will be the companyspecific rate published for the most
recently-completed segment in which it
was reviewed; (3) if the exporter is not
a firm covered in this review or in the
original LTFV investigation, but the
producer is, then the cash deposit rate
will be the rate established for the most
recently-completed segment of this
proceeding for the producer of the
merchandise; and (4) the cash deposit
rate for all other producers or exporters
will continue to be 5.87 percent, the allothers rate established in the LTFV
investigation.22 These cash deposit
Commerce is issuing and publishing
these preliminary results in accordance
with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i) of the
Act, and 19 CFR 351.213 and 19 CFR
21 See
22 See
section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act.
Order, 81 FR at 11176.
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Unless otherwise extended,
Commerce intends to issue the final
results of this administrative review,
including the results of its analysis of
the issues raised in any written briefs,
no later than 120 days after the date of
publication of this notice, pursuant to
section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act and 19
CFR 351.213(h)(1).
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a preliminary
reminder to importers of their
responsibility under 19 CFR
351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of
antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this POR.
Failure to comply with this requirement
could result in Commerce’s
presumption that reimbursement of
antidumping duties occurred and the
subsequent assessment of double
antidumping duties.
Dated: June 28, 2024.
Ryan Majerus,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and
Negotiations, performing the non-exclusive
functions and duties of the Assistant
Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Appendix I—List of Topics Discussed in
the Preliminary Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order
IV. Preliminary Partial Rescission of
Administrative Review
V. Discussion of the Methodology
VI. Currency Conversion
VII. Recommendation
Appendix II—Companies for Which We
Are Preliminarily Rescinding the
Administrative Review
1. AA Food Factory
2. Alpro
3. Aone Enterprises
4. Apl Logistics
5. Bee Hive Farms
6. Dabur India Limited
7. Ess Pee Quality Products
8. Infinator Pvt., Ltd.
9. Natural Agro Foods
10. NYSA Agro Foods
11. Shan Organics
12. Sunlite Organic
13. UTMT
14. Vedic Systems
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[FR Doc. 2024–14988 Filed 7–8–24; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Standards and
CHIPS National Advanced Packaging
Manufacturing Program (NAPMP)
Advanced Packaging Research and
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Department of
ACTION: Notice of intent (NOI).
The CHIPS Research and
Development Office (CHIPS R&D)
intends to announce, via a Notice of
Funding Opportunity (NOFO), an open
competition for new research and
development (R&D) activities to
establish and accelerate domestic
capacity for semiconductor advanced
packaging. The purpose of this NOI is to
offer preliminary information to
potential applicants, facilitating the
development of meaningful
partnerships and strong, responsive
proposals relevant to one or more of five
R&D areas: Equipment, Tools, Processes,
and Process Integration; Power Delivery
and Thermal Management; Connector
Technology, Including Photonics and
Radio Frequency (RF); Chiplets
Ecosystem; and Co-design/Electronic
Design Automation (EDA). In addition
to the R&D areas, the NOFO is expected
to include a specific opportunity for
prototype development in exemplar
application areas such as highperformance computing and low-power
systems needed for AI.
Questions may be directed via email to
23 We also initiated this review on ‘‘Shakti
Apifoods Pvt Ltd,’’ which we are preliminarily
considering to be the same company. See Initiation
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices with ‘‘2024–NIST–
CHIPS–NAPMP–Advanced Packaging’’
in the subject line, or via phone to Bill
Burwell at 240–224–4335. All answers
to questions, provided at the sole
discretion of CHIPS R&D, will be posted
on the CHIPS R&D website at https://, with further information
provided on this site once the open
competition has been announced.
Purpose. The CHIPS Research and
Development Office (CHIPS R&D)
intends to announce, via a Notice of
Funding Opportunity (NOFO), an open
competition for new research and
development (R&D) activities to
establish and accelerate domestic
capacity for semiconductor advanced
packaging. The technical focus and R&D
goals of the NOFO are expected to be
informed by recent industry roadmaps,
which share the common theme that
emerging applications like high
performance computing and low power
electronics, both needed for artificial
intelligence (AI), require leap-ahead
advances in microelectronics
capabilities, including advanced
packaging. Advanced packaging allows
manufacturers to make improvements in
performance and function and to
shorten time to market. Additional
benefits include a reduced physical
footprint, lower power, increased
chiplet reuse, and potentially decreased
costs. Achieving these goals requires
coordinated investments to support
integrated R&D activities to establish
leading-edge domestic capacity for
semiconductor advanced packaging.
In addition to the R&D areas, the
NOFO is expected to include a specific
opportunity for prototype development
in exemplar application areas. These
exemplar applications are likely to focus
on areas such as high-performance
computing and low-power systems
needed for AI. Prototypes should be
designed to demonstrate and validate
research advances and new packaging
flows resulting from projects supported
through this NOFO.
More information about the expected
Packaging Research and Development
NOFO will be available on the CHIPS
for Amercia website at https://
CHIPS R&D anticipates awarding a
total of up to approximately
$1,600,000,000 in cooperative
agreements and other transaction
agreements in amounts up to
approximately $150,000,000 in federal
funds per award. Multiple awards for
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projects varying in scope and funding
amount are expected within this NOFO,
with a period of performance of up to
5 years per award. While co-investment
will not be required, CHIPS R&D will
give preference to applications that
demonstrate credible co-investment
commitments. The purpose of this NOI
is to offer preliminary information to
potential applicants, facilitating the
development of meaningful
partnerships and strong, responsive
proposals relevant to one or more of the
R&D research and prototype 1
development areas described below.
CHIPS R&D Mission. The CHIPS and
Science Act appropriated approximately
$50 billion to the Department of
Commerce—$39 billion in incentives to
onshore semiconductor manufacturing
and $11 billion to advance U.S.
leadership in semiconductor R&D.
Within CHIPS for America, the mission
of CHIPS R&D is to accelerate the
development and commercial
deployment of foundational
semiconductor technologies by
establishing, connecting, and providing
access to domestic research efforts,
tools, resources, workers, and facilities.
NAPMP Objectives. NAPMP, one of
multiple CHIPS R&D initiatives, seeks to
drive U.S. leadership in advanced
packaging and provide the technology
and skilled workforce needed for
packaging manufacturing in the United
States. Within a decade, NAPMP-funded
activities, coupled with CHIPS
manufacturing incentives, will establish
a vibrant, self-sustaining, profitable,
domestic packaging industry where
advanced node chips manufactured in
the United States and abroad can be
packaged in appropriate volumes within
the United States and innovative
designs and architectures are enabled
through leading-edge packaging
capabilities. In combination with other
CHIPS for America education and
workforce efforts, NAPMP-funded
activities will also produce the diverse
and capable workforce needed for the
success of the domestic packaging
Advanced Packaging Research and
Development NOFO Objective. The
intended objective of the NOFO will be
to enable, through R&D, innovative new
advanced packaging flows suitable for
adoption by U.S. industry. To pursue
1 The term ‘‘prototype’’ is used throughout to
refer to a functional system produced through an
end-to-end advanced packaging process flow for the
purpose of demonstrating the characteristics of that
flow and the prototype design, including packaging
process characteristics such as process stability,
yield, reliability, and defectivity; and prototype
characteristics such as functionality, performance,
power/energy consumption, and thermal
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this objective, CHIPS R&D expects to
design the NOFO with the following
elements. First, the NOFO is expected to
set out R&D areas to be supported in
addressing key challenges and
technology gaps in advanced packaging.
Second, it is expected to provide for
coordinated R&D efforts aligned through
common technical targets so that results
collectively contribute to composable
and implementable advanced packaging
flows. Finally, it is expected to provide
for demonstrating the benefits of R&D
results through a combination of
prototypes and baseline packaging
Background. The technical focus and
R&D goals of this NOFO are expected to
be informed by a series of industry
roadmaps, including the 2024 IEEE
Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap
2024-edition.html) and International
Roadmap for Devices and Systems
(, the
Semiconductor Research Corporation
(SRC) Microelectronics Advanced
Packaging Technologies Roadmap
(; the UCLA and
SEMI Manufacturing Roadmap for
Heterogeneous Integration and
Electronics Packaging (https://
MRHIEP Final Report); and the iNEMI
5G/6G mmWave Materials and
Electrical Test Technology Roadmap
article=275). Collectively, these
roadmaps emphasize that emerging
technologies like high performance
computing and artificial intelligence,
advanced telecommunications,
biomedical devices, and autonomous
vehicles require leap-ahead advances in
microelectronics capabilities.
In the past, the semiconductor
industry has largely addressed
performance needs by increasing the
number and density of transistors on a
chip, a process known as
miniaturization. However, the previous
pace of miniaturization, as expressed by
Moore’s Law, is slowing and cannot
alone provide the performance
improvements needed for emerging
microelectronics technologies.
Improving all aspects of system
performance to support the breadth of
new semiconductor applications will
require innovations in advanced
Semiconductor packaging serves two
general purposes. One is to protect the
chip mechanically, thermally, and
environmentally. The other is to enable
reliable inter-chip communication and
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
data processing, power delivery, and a
stable test and system integration
platform. Advanced packaging and
related capabilities, such as
heterogeneous integration, are designed
to increase all aspects of system
performance by linking multicomponent-assemblies with large
numbers of interconnects to achieve a
degree of integration that blurs the line
between chip and package.
Program Drivers: In designing
proposals, applicants should consider in
their planning activities the below five
program drivers guiding the design of
this NOFO.
1. Scale-down and Scale-out
2. Heterogeneous Integration, including
3. End-to-End Advanced Packaging
4. Prototypes for Demonstrating
5. Aligned R&D efforts for
Implementable Advanced
Packaging Flows
These program drivers are aligned
with the industry roadmaps referenced
above and the objectives outlined in the
Vision for the National Advanced
Packaging Manufacturing Program
documents/2023/11/19/NAPMP-VisionPaper-20231120.pdf). The drivers are
outlined below and are expected to be
relevant to all R&D areas under this
NOFO. Review, evaluation, and
selection criteria for the NOFO are
expected to include consideration of
these drivers.
The first program driver is the ability
in advanced packaging to ‘‘scale-down
and scale-out.’’ Scaling-down refers to
shrinking the size of the features on the
package and increasing interconnect
densities. Scaling out refers to
increasing the number of chips
assembled on the substrate and overall
functional density in both 2dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional
(3D) architectures. Examples of scaling
down goals and targets can be found in
the MRHIEP roadmap (https://
Applicants should consider in their
planning activities interdisciplinary
approaches that contribute to scalingdown and scaling-out in advanced
The primary driver for advanced 2D
and 3D packaging technologies is the
need for increased interconnect
densities to support [heterogeneous
integration] and deliver increasing
bandwidth in a power efficient manner
while enabling efficient power delivery.
NIEEE Heterogeneous Integration
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Roadmap 2024 (
The second driver is advancing
capabilities for heterogeneous
integration (HI), including chiplets.2
This driver focuses on the NAPMP
objective for ‘‘creating an advanced
packaging ecosystem based on
heterogeneous chiplet technology to
promote widespread and easy use of the
technologies developed.’’ 3 Applicants
should incorporate considerations for
heterogeneous integration and chipletsbased architectures in their research
Heterogeneous Integration is essential
to maintain the pace of progress with
higher performance, lower latency,
smaller size, lighter weight, lower power
requirement per function, and lower
cost. IEEE Heterogeneous Integration
Roadmap 2021 (
[T]he exponential growth in package
pin counts and I/O power consumption,
domain-specific architectures, technical
and business models of [intellectual
property] reuse, and mixed technology
node chiplets will drive advances in HI
and advanced packaging. SRC MAPT
Roadmap (
The third program driver is enabling
end-to-end advanced packaging flows
suitable for adoption by industry. This
driver addresses the NAPMP objective
to ‘‘develop packaging platforms
capable of both high-volume and
customized manufacturing.’’ 3 To
address this driver, applicants should
plan for implementing their research
outputs in a full packaging flow.
The CHIPS Research and
Development Office has designed the
NAPMP to include an Advanced
Packaging Piloting Facility ([N]APPF)
where successful development efforts
will be transitioned and validated for
scaled transition to U.S. manufacturing.
NAPMP Vision Paper (https://
2 The term ‘‘chiplets’’ refers throughout to the
design of small, functionally targeted
semiconductor chips that, when assembled at tight
pitch and placement, result in a highly functional
subsystem. Examples of chiplets in an ecosystem
include common functions such as CPU, input/
output devices, memory, domain-specific
accelerators, etc.
3 The Vision for the National Advanced Packaging
Manufacturing Program (NAPMP Vision Paper,, Nov.
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The fourth driver is demonstrating
functionality in prototypes to provide
evidence for new capabilities, increased
efficiencies, lowered production costs,
reduced environmental impact, or other
benefits resulting from research
advances. This driver addresses the
NAPMP objective to ‘‘enable successful
advanced packaging development
efforts to be validated and transitioned
at scale to U.S. manufacturing.’’ 3
NAPMP expects to support projects to
design prototypes in application areas
such as high-performance computing
and artificial intelligence and lowpower systems under the NOFO.
The final driver is aligning R&D
efforts so that R&D results are not
isolated or incompatible, but instead
collectively contribute to implementable
advanced packaging flows. Successful
applicants should expect to participate
in coordination and information-sharing
across projects in all R&D areas. The
NOFO is expected to include provisions
for coordination and cooperation
activities connecting all of the R&D
Advanced Packaging Research and
Development NOFO Objectives:
Consistent with the research incentives
areas identified in the NAPMP Vision
Paper (
vision-national-advanced-packagingmanufacturing-program), the NOFO is
expected to focus on proposals in one or
more of five R&D areas with the
potential to strategically enhance
domestic advanced packaging
capabilities through innovation in:
1. Equipment, Tools, Processes, and
Process Integration;
2. Power Delivery and Thermal
3. Connector Technology, Including
Photonics and Radio Frequency (RF);
4. Chiplets Ecosystem; and/or
5. Co-design/Electronic Design
Automation (EDA).
Within these areas, CHIPS R&D
intends to fund R&D activities that
establish and promote relevant domestic
capability and capacity, with the
following objectives:
1. Accelerate domestic R&D and
innovation in advanced packaging;
2. Transition advanced packaging
innovation into U.S. manufacturing,
such that these technologies are
available to U.S. manufacturers and
customers, including to significantly
benefit U.S. economic and national
3. Support the establishment of a
robust, sustainable, domestic capacity
for advanced packaging R&D,
prototyping, commercialization, and
manufacturing; and
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4. Promote a pipeline of skilled and
diverse workers for a sustainable
domestic advanced packaging industry.
To ensure that funded R&D meets the
above objectives, CHIPS R&D expects to
specify technical targets for applicants
to achieve within each of the five R&D
areas described below. Individual
proposals may address one or more of
the R&D areas. Note that these R&D
areas are aligned with the relevant
research investment areas set out in the
NAPMP Vision Paper (https://
R&D Area 1: Equipment, tools,
processes, and process integration: This
R&D area is expected to include
developing: (1) end-to-end packaging
flows that enable a chiplet-based
advanced packaging architecture
suitable for commercial adoption; (2)
advanced, flexible, extensible process
technologies required to produce a
packaged subassembly; and (3) new
packaging equipment needed to run the
packaging processes and to handle the
required substrates, wafers and dies, all
at the scaled down dimensions set out
in the previous NAPMP Materials and
Substrates NOFO, located at https://
(see Table 2, page 14) and designed for
use at commercial scale.
R&D in this area is expected to focus
on five packaging process clusters, with
a cluster defined as a sequence of steps
that enable a key part of the packaging
flow. The five process clusters expected
to be relevant to this NOFO are:
1. Chiplet Singulation: Producing
singulated chiplets from incoming
wafers that are fully patterned with dies,
for subsequent assembly.
2. Chiplet to Substrate Bonding:
Positioning and attaching chiplets with
ultra-fine-pitch bonding pads to
substrates, in dense arrays with close
chiplet-to-chiplet spacing. This includes
bonding techniques designed to
improve bond quality, positioning
precision, process flexibility, process
efficiency, and overall cluster efficiency.
Examples include thermal compression
bonding, fusion bonding, hybrid
bonding, multi-step sequences, and
other methods.
3. Chiplet Reconstitution: Placing and
attaching singulated chiplets on a
carrier. Reconstitution should be
compatible with the scaled down
dimensions set out in the previous
NAPMP Materials and Substrates
NOFO, located at
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napmp-materials-substrates (see table 2,
page 14).
4. 3-Dimensional Integration (3DI):
Forming heterogeneous chiplet stacks
with ultra-fine bonding pad pitches.
5. Finishing: Incorporating advanced
power delivery, passivation, thermal
management, and connectors, including
photonics, into the packaged device.
NAPMP expects that proposals within
this R&D area may address one or more
of these clusters, including the relevant
equipment, tools, and processes. The
NOFO is expected to call for
comprehensive R&D approaches that
encompass interactions between steps
and step sequencing within each
cluster. The NOFO is also expected to
include proposals addressing cluster
assembly, i.e., sequencing of multiple
clusters for end-to-end packaging
process flows suitable for use in
advanced packaging of prototypes. Note
that the specific processes and sequence
of steps within each cluster are expected
to be driven by the requirements of the
prototype to be packaged.
R&D Area 2: Power delivery and
thermal management: The expected
focus of this R&D area is to address the
challenges introduced by advanced
packaging in terms of power delivery,
power efficiency, and thermal
Examples of the associated research
challenges expected to be considered in
this R&D area include the following.
1. New thermal solutions—for
implementation with advanced
substrates, 3D heterogeneous integration
(3DHI), and other design aspects—to
reduce hotspots, maintain thermal
targets, and enable reliability in
multilayer stacks without constraining
2. Innovative approaches for
delivering power at high density with
efficient voltage regulators and dynamic
power management schemes for 3DHI
devices, including modular designs and
devices for use with a variety of
3. Validated, higher fidelity models
and accelerated learning using artificial
intelligence and machine learning (AI/
ML) to accurately predict power and
thermal distribution across chiplet
stacks and enable advanced system
design and evaluation.
4. Integrated power and thermal
management to reach efficiency and
power density goals with modular
designs for use with fine-pitch, bonded
stacks of chiplets.
It is expected that proposals within
this area may consider related research
challenges within other R&D areas, such
as Co-design/Electronic Design
Automation and Chiplets Ecosystem.
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Expected to be in scope are vertical heat
extraction, local heat spreading,
advanced methods for active and
passive cooling of 3DHI devices to
reliably operate at higher power density,
wide bandgap chiplets for 3DHI, and
advanced materials and architectures to
achieve specific thermal and power
goals such as low-resistance thermal
interfaces. Expected to be out of scope
are discrete packaged wide bandgap
devices and conventional cooling
R&D Area 3: Connector Technology,
Including Photonics and RF: The
expected goal for this R&D area is
innovation for high data-rate, low
latency, small footprint, error-free, and
energy-efficient connections between
packaged sub-assemblies. It is expected
that the intended sub-assemblies will be
chiplet populated substrates where the
substrates have the characteristics set
out in Section 1.5 of the NAPMP
Materials and Substrates NOFO, located
NAPMP expects that, depending on
the distance between the packaged
assemblies, the mode of data transfer
may be via flexible wire, such as
serializer/deserializer (SerDes) with or
without repeaters; wireless, including
RF; or low-loss photonics via optical
fiber arrays. It is also expected that
projects may address one or more of
these modes of data transfer. RF
transceivers and optical engines are
expected to be provided using chipletbased technology or embedded directly
into the advanced substrates. Potential
applicants are encouraged to focus on
new scale-down and scale-out
technologies for connections that enable
secure communications and provide for
mechanical, electrical, and thermal
It is expected that chiplet subassemblies to substrate connectors will
be in scope for this R&D area. Expected
to be out of scope are traditional ball
grid array (BGA) or land grid array
(LGA) connectors and conventional wire
R&D Area 4: Chiplets Ecosystem: This
R&D area is expected to focus on
developing a comprehensive set of
novel technologies for chiplet
ecosystems that leverage advanced
packaging to enable application-specific
integrated packages that go beyond the
capabilities of conventional monolithic
ASICs (application-specific integrated
circuits). It is expected that chiplets in
an application-specific integrated
package will need to communicate and
operate together. For this NOI, the term
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‘‘chiplet ecosystem’’ is used to refer to:
(1) a set of chiplets that can be used to
form application-specific integrated
packages and (2) the set of requirements
new chiplets have to follow to be added
to the ecosystem. Consistent with this
definition, chiplets in an ecosystem can
be combined in multiple ways to form
diverse products.
It is expected that successful
proposals should develop a chiplet
ecosystem that meets as many of the
following goals as is possible.
• The ecosystem provides for
increasing performance over time by
continually leveraging the tighter bond
pitch and more intimate interaction that
will be made possible by fine-pitch
packaging, starting at a bond pitch of
∼10 microns.
• The ecosystem enables designs that
consist of a discrete number of chiplets,
include support for 3D stacks, and are
based on a chiplet integration layer
specification that is not adequately
addressed in current open systems and
reduces the cost of adding new chiplets.
• System performance in the
ecosystem can be increased by
increasing the number of chiplets. For
example, a high-performance chiplet
ecosystem can be scaled up by
increasing the number of chiplets rather
than by developing new larger chiplets.
This scaling up strategy enables going
from a multi-chiplet device design
comparable to a monolithic ASIC to a
‘‘rack ‘n’ pack’’ device (i.e., an
application-specific integrated package
comparable to a wafer-scale processor).
• The ecosystem enables designers to
address all supported design
requirements with provisions to
accommodate yield loss in packaging
assembly and optimize power and
energy to meet performance
requirements with the available system
It is expected that proposals should be
centered around exemplar applications
in the areas of high-performance
computing/AI, and low-power
applications. It is expected that the
NOFO will require applicants to plan
for making chiplets resulting from
funded project research available for
purchase at cost in prototype quantities
and in wafer form for research use at the
National Advanced Packaging Piloting
Facility (NAPPF).
It is expected that, in addition to
ecosystem development, chiplets for
packaging process development that
support any of the other five R&D areas
will be in scope. Memory is also
expected to be in scope but must be at
fine bond pitch consistent with NAPMP
scale-down goals (see Section 1.5 of the
NAPMP Materials and Substrates
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NOFO, located at
Expected to be out of scope for this
R&D area are: designs that are
extensions of conventional approaches
based on commodity packaging and that
do not directly leverage advanced
packaging in their architecture; designs
tightly coupled to the choice of an SoCbus (system-on-chip bus) or other highlevel protocols; or standalone chiplet
designs for any function not coupled to
a chiplet ecosystem. Also expected to be
out of scope are ecosystem design
proposals that: focus on unmodified
reuse of existing chiplets; target the
development of new chiplets to
integrate existing chiplets into new
architectures; do not leverage advanced
packaging; or do not provide for the
delivery of chiplets and applicationspecific integrated packages.
R&D Area 5: Co-design/Electronic
Design Automation: The expected focus
of this R&D area is co-design with
automated tools of multi-chiplet
subsystems for advanced packaging in
scaled-down and scaled-out designs (see
NAPMP Materials and Substrates NOFO
Table 2, page 14 for insights into
relevant dimensions and capabilities,
located at
document/nofo-national-advancedpackaging-manufacturing-programnapmp-materials-substrates). This
includes innovations in EDA
interoperability; EDA-enabled
incorporation and co-optimization of
chiplets of different sizes in a large
platform design including logical
electrical, photonic, thermal, and
mechanical models; and advances in
seamless integration of the chip to
package. Additional areas could include
the use of artificial intelligence/machine
learning (AI/ML) in package design and
design approaches for test, repair,
security, and reliability including
graceful failure through designs that
enable continued operation at a reduced
performance level after failure of one or
more components. Applicants should
address comprehensive co-design
capabilities that include a detailed
understanding of the substrate and
processes used for assembly, including
power and thermal management, and
connector solutions. It is expected that
EDA that addresses purely monolithic
applications without consideration of
chiplets, heterogeneity and the multiscale, multi-physics packaging
environment will be out of scope for
this R&D area.
Prototype Development: In addition to
the five R&D areas listed above, the
NOFO is expected to include
PO 00000
Frm 00037
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
opportunities for prototype
development in exemplar application
areas such as high-performance
computing and artificial intelligence,
and low-power systems applications.
The goal in prototype development is to
establish new advanced packaging flows
that leverage the technologies being
developed across the five R&D areas.
Functionality will be a requirement, and
prototypes should be designed to
provide a means for assessing relevant
packaging characteristics such as yield
and preliminary reliability.
Commercial Viability and Domestic
Production: In accordance with 15
U.S.C. 4656(g), the NOFO will include
requirements for a commercial viability
and domestic production plan (https://
Plan%20Guidebook.pdf), describing
activities to be funded as part of the
proposed project and, potentially,
additional commercialization activities
beyond the period of performance. The
CVDP plan must include a realistic
business model for the funded
innovations, include a technology
transition plan, and describe pathways
to benefitting national and economic
security, such as through the domestic
availability of the technology and
successful adoption by commercial or
defense partners.
Education and Workforce
Development: The NOFO is expected to
include requirements for an education
and workforce development plan,
Plan%20Guidebook-508C.pdf), that
leverages capabilities supported through
the proposed project to address
domestic advanced packaging workforce
needs, including educational
opportunities arising from engaging
students in research. NAPMP
encourages applicants to, in providing
an Education and Workforce
Development (EWD) plan, describe any
efforts to attract and retain a diverse
student and trainee population and to
demonstrate that the EWD efforts are
worker centered, industry-aligned, and
promote good jobs with working
conditions consistent with the Good
Jobs Principles (
general/good-jobs/principles), published
by the Department and the U.S.
Department of Labor.
National Advanced Packaging
Piloting Facility: The CHIPS Research
and Development Office has designed
the NAPMP to include a NAPPF, where
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
successful research and development
efforts will be implemented and
validated for suitability for volumescaled manufacturing. The specific tools
and capabilities of the NAPPF will be
aligned with the ‘‘scale down and scale
out’’ strategy described in the NAPMP
Vision Paper (
Additional details regarding the NAPPF
will be posted to the CHIPS for America
website (
chips-RD-funding-opportunities) as they
are announced.
Where applicable, proposers
responding to the NOFO are expected to
be asked to implement their research
outputs in the NAPPF once established.
NAPMP program managers will work
with applicants in the post-award phase
to facilitate work with the NAPPF.
Technical Targets: Each R&D area is
expected to include technical targets
selected by CHIPS R&D for their
potential to guide innovation toward the
scale-down and scale-out goals of the
program. Applicants should review the
previous NAPMP Materials and
Substrates NOFO, located at https://,
which provides detailed insights into
the NAPMP ‘‘scale down and scale out’’
targets. Sections 1.4.3, Technical Areas,
and 1.5, Project-level Technical Targets,
provide detailed information about
substrate materials and technical targets.
Eligible Use of Funds. Funded
activities are expected to include, but
not necessarily be limited to, basic and
applied research, development of
relevant advanced packaging
manufacturing-scale equipment and
processes, the design and demonstration
of prototypes, commercial viability and
domestic manufacturing preparation,
workforce education and training, and
pilot-level fabrication.
Eligibility. CHIPS R&D expects eligible
lead applicants and subrecipients will
include for-profit organizations; nonprofit organizations; accredited
institutions of higher education,
including community and technical
colleges and minority serving
institutions; and state, local, territorial,
and Tribal governments. Entities that
operate Federally Funded Research and
Development Centers (FFRDCs) may be
eligible to receive this funding as
subrecipients to an eligible applicant to
the extent allowed by law, based on the
unique and specific needs of the project.
It is expected that the NOFO will
require that applicants must be
domestic entities, meaning entities
incorporated in the United States
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:00 Jul 08, 2024
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(including U.S. territories) with their
principal place of business in the
United States, including U.S. territories,
and will potentially be subject to other
eligibility requirements.
Subrecipients are those who are
designated by the lead applicant as
subrecipients, included in the proposed
budget, and whose activities are a
continuing part of ongoing project
activities with their work tailored to
specific project goals, such as research
and development activities, education
and workforce activities, and other
integral project efforts. Vendors selling
goods and services to award recipients
in the ordinary course of business are
not considered subrecipients.
It is expected that foreign
organizations may be permitted to
participate as members of a project
team, as sub-subrecipients or
contractors, subject to CHIPS R&D
approval based on a written justification
that the foreign partner’s involvement is
essential to advancing program
objectives, among other considerations.
R&D Collaboration: CHIPS R&D
expects that applicants assembling
teams (i.e., with a lead applicant from
industry or academia and one or more
subrecipients) may be best suited to
collectively provide the full range of
expertise and capabilities needed to
achieve the program objectives and to
successfully strengthen U.S. advanced
packaging innovation. Equally
important, effective partnerships can
promote inventiveness, clarify future
demand, improve transparency and
security, solidify business and domestic
manufacturing plans (including plans
for technology adoption by defense and
commercial partners), help educate the
future workforce, mitigate the risk of
future chip shortages or oversupply, and
support a more productive, efficient,
and self-sustaining semiconductor
CHIPS R&D therefore strongly
encourages applications from teams that
demonstrate collaboration across the
innovation, manufacturing, supply
chain, and customer landscape, as well
as across the industry, non-profit, and
academic sectors. Applications that do
not include teams may be required to
include a justification for the proposed
single-entity approach.
Application Process and Award
Information. The envisioned application
process consists of a mandatory concept
paper and a required full application.
CHIPS R&D anticipates a due date for
concept papers of approximately 60
days after the date of NOFO publication.
Full applications would only be
accepted from applicants invited to
apply after the concept paper stage.
PO 00000
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Submissions from entities other than
those specifically invited to submit a
full application would not be reviewed
or considered in any way.
CHIPS R&D expects to host a webinar
series after this NOI is released to
provide additional opportunities to
learn about the Notice of Intent. Details
regarding the time and date of webinar
events will be posted on the CHIPS R&D
website at
Participation in webinars is not a
prerequisite for submitting a concept
paper or application.
Additionally, to provide the public
with an opportunity to learn more about
the NOFO, CHIPS R&D expects to host
a Proposers Day after the NOFO is
released to familiarize potential
applicants with the NOFO objectives
and program structure. CHIPS R&D will
announce details regarding the date and
location of Proposers Day via the CHIPS
R&D website at
Attendance is not a prerequisite for
submitting a concept paper or
Competition Information. Once the
open competition has been announced,
further information may be found at
System for Award Management. In
anticipation of the NOFO, CHIPS R&D
encourages potential applicants to
complete the following steps, which are
required to submit concept papers and
full applications for Federal assistance:
• Register with the System for Award
Management (SAM) at https:// CHIPS R&D strongly
encourages applicants to register for as early as possible. While this
process ordinarily takes between three
days and two weeks, in some
circumstances it can take six or more
weeks to complete due to information
verification requirements. Recipients
will be required to maintain an active
registration in SAM and re-validate
registration annually.
• Register for a (https:// account. It is
advisable also to go to ‘‘manage
subscriptions’’ on and sign
up to receive automatic updates when
amendments to a funding opportunity
are posted.
Disclaimer. This NOI does not
constitute a solicitation. No applications
may be submitted in response to this
NOI. Any inconsistency between
information within this Notice and the
eventual NOFO announcing CHIPS
R&D/NAPMP Advanced Packaging
awards competition shall be resolved in
favor of the NOFO.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
Authority. DOC CHIPS activities are
authorized by Title XCIX—Creating
Helpful Incentives to Produce
Semiconductors for America of the
William M. (Mac) Thornberry National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2021 (Pub. L. 116–283, often
referred to as the CHIPS Act).
Alicia Chambers,
NIST Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2024–14980 Filed 7–8–24; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XE063]
Fisheries of the U.S. Caribbean;
Southeast Data, Assessment, and
Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of SEDAR 84 Assessment
Webinar VII for U.S Caribbean
Yellowtail Snapper and Stoplight
The SEDAR 84 assessment
process of U.S. Caribbean yellowtail
snapper and stoplight parrotfish will
consist of a Data Workshop, and a series
of assessment webinars, and a Review
The SEDAR 84 assessment
webinar VII will be held July 26, 2024,
from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Eastern Time.
Meeting address: The meeting will be
held via webinar. The webinar is open
to members of the public. Those
interested in participating should
contact Julie A. Neer at SEDAR (see FOR
request an invitation providing webinar
access information. Please request
webinar invitations at least 24 hours in
advance of each webinar.
SEDAR address: 4055 Faber Place
Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC
A. Neer, SEDAR Coordinator; phone:
(843) 571–4366; email: Julie.neer@
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
The Gulf
of Mexico, South Atlantic, and
Caribbean Fishery Management
Councils, in conjunction with NOAA
Fisheries and the Atlantic and Gulf
States Marine Fisheries Commissions
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:00 Jul 08, 2024
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have implemented the Southeast Data,
Assessment and Review (SEDAR)
process, a multi-step method for
determining the status of fish stocks in
the Southeast Region. SEDAR is a multistep process including: (1) Data
Workshop, (2) a series of assessment
webinars, and (3) A Review Workshop.
The product of the Data Workshop is a
report that compiles and evaluates
potential datasets and recommends
which datasets are appropriate for
assessment analyses. The assessment
webinars produce a report that describes
the fisheries, evaluates the status of the
stock, estimates biological benchmarks,
projects future population conditions,
and recommends research and
monitoring needs. The product of the
Review Workshop is an Assessment
Summary documenting panel opinions
regarding the strengths and weaknesses
of the stock assessment and input data.
Participants for SEDAR Workshops are
appointed by the Gulf of Mexico, South
Atlantic, and Caribbean Fishery
Management Councils and NOAA
Fisheries Southeast Regional Office,
HMS Management Division, and
Southeast Fisheries Science Center.
Participants include data collectors and
database managers; stock assessment
scientists, biologists, and researchers;
constituency representatives including
fishermen, environmentalists, and
NGO’s; International experts; and staff
of Councils, Commissions, and state and
federal agencies.
The items of discussion during the
Assessment webinar VII are as follows:
Panelists will review and discuss and
finalize the assessment modeling for
stoplight parrotfish in St. Croix.
Although non-emergency issues not
contained in this agenda may come
before this group for discussion, those
issues may not be the subject of formal
action during this meeting. Action will
be restricted to those issues specifically
identified in this notice and any issues
arising after publication of this notice
that require emergency action under
section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act, provided the public has been
notified of the intent to take final action
to address the emergency.
Special Accommodations
The meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to the
Council office (see ADDRESSES) at least 5
business days prior to each workshop.
Note: The times and sequence specified in
this agenda are subject to change.
PO 00000
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Frm 00039
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Dated: July 3, 2024.
Rey Israel Marquez,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–14998 Filed 7–8–24; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XE077]
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management
Council (MAFMC); Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; public meeting.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council’s Summer
Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass
Monitoring Committee will hold a
public webinar meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 9 a.m.
until 1 p.m. For agenda details, see
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held
via webinar. Connection information
will be posted at prior
to the meeting.
Council address: Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council, 800 N State
Street, Suite 201, Dover, DE 19901;
telephone: (302) 674–2331;
Christopher M. Moore, Ph.D., Executive
Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council, telephone: (302)
Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea
Bass Monitoring Committee will meet
via webinar to discuss management
measures for all three species. The
objectives of this meeting are for the
Monitoring Committee to: (1) Review
recent stock assessment information,
fishery performance, and
recommendations from the Advisory
Panel, Scientific and Statistical
Committee, and staff; (2) Recommend
2025 commercial and recreational
annual catch limits, annual catch
targets, commercial quotas, and
recreational harvest limits for black sea
bass; (3) review previously specified
2025 catch and landings limits for
summer flounder and scup, and
recommend changes if warranted; (4)
Review commercial management
measures for all three species and
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 131 (Tuesday, July 9, 2024)]
[Pages 56308-56314]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-14980]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
CHIPS National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP)
Advanced Packaging Research and Development
AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of
ACTION: Notice of intent (NOI).
SUMMARY: The CHIPS Research and Development Office (CHIPS R&D) intends
to announce, via a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), an open
competition for new research and development (R&D) activities to
establish and accelerate domestic capacity for semiconductor advanced
packaging. The purpose of this NOI is to offer preliminary information
to potential applicants, facilitating the development of meaningful
partnerships and strong, responsive proposals relevant to one or more
of five R&D areas: Equipment, Tools, Processes, and Process
Integration; Power Delivery and Thermal Management; Connector
Technology, Including Photonics and Radio Frequency (RF); Chiplets
Ecosystem; and Co-design/Electronic Design Automation (EDA). In
addition to the R&D areas, the NOFO is expected to include a specific
opportunity for prototype development in exemplar application areas
such as high-performance computing and low-power systems needed for AI.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions may be directed via email to
[[Page 56309]]
[email protected] with ``2024-NIST-CHIPS-NAPMP-Advanced Packaging'' in
the subject line, or via phone to Bill Burwell at 240-224-4335. All
answers to questions, provided at the sole discretion of CHIPS R&D,
will be posted on the CHIPS R&D website at, with further information provided on
this site once the open competition has been announced.
Purpose. The CHIPS Research and Development Office (CHIPS R&D)
intends to announce, via a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), an
open competition for new research and development (R&D) activities to
establish and accelerate domestic capacity for semiconductor advanced
packaging. The technical focus and R&D goals of the NOFO are expected
to be informed by recent industry roadmaps, which share the common
theme that emerging applications like high performance computing and
low power electronics, both needed for artificial intelligence (AI),
require leap-ahead advances in microelectronics capabilities, including
advanced packaging. Advanced packaging allows manufacturers to make
improvements in performance and function and to shorten time to market.
Additional benefits include a reduced physical footprint, lower power,
increased chiplet reuse, and potentially decreased costs. Achieving
these goals requires coordinated investments to support integrated R&D
activities to establish leading-edge domestic capacity for
semiconductor advanced packaging.
In addition to the R&D areas, the NOFO is expected to include a
specific opportunity for prototype development in exemplar application
areas. These exemplar applications are likely to focus on areas such as
high-performance computing and low-power systems needed for AI.
Prototypes should be designed to demonstrate and validate research
advances and new packaging flows resulting from projects supported
through this NOFO.
More information about the expected CHIPS R&D NAPMP Advanced
Packaging Research and Development NOFO will be available on the CHIPS
for Amercia website at
CHIPS R&D anticipates awarding a total of up to approximately
$1,600,000,000 in cooperative agreements and other transaction
agreements in amounts up to approximately $150,000,000 in federal funds
per award. Multiple awards for projects varying in scope and funding
amount are expected within this NOFO, with a period of performance of
up to 5 years per award. While co-investment will not be required,
CHIPS R&D will give preference to applications that demonstrate
credible co-investment commitments. The purpose of this NOI is to offer
preliminary information to potential applicants, facilitating the
development of meaningful partnerships and strong, responsive proposals
relevant to one or more of the R&D research and prototype \1\
development areas described below.
\1\ The term ``prototype'' is used throughout to refer to a
functional system produced through an end-to-end advanced packaging
process flow for the purpose of demonstrating the characteristics of
that flow and the prototype design, including packaging process
characteristics such as process stability, yield, reliability, and
defectivity; and prototype characteristics such as functionality,
performance, power/energy consumption, and thermal dissipation.
CHIPS R&D Mission. The CHIPS and Science Act appropriated
approximately $50 billion to the Department of Commerce--$39 billion in
incentives to onshore semiconductor manufacturing and $11 billion to
advance U.S. leadership in semiconductor R&D. Within CHIPS for America,
the mission of CHIPS R&D is to accelerate the development and
commercial deployment of foundational semiconductor technologies by
establishing, connecting, and providing access to domestic research
efforts, tools, resources, workers, and facilities.
NAPMP Objectives. NAPMP, one of multiple CHIPS R&D initiatives,
seeks to drive U.S. leadership in advanced packaging and provide the
technology and skilled workforce needed for packaging manufacturing in
the United States. Within a decade, NAPMP-funded activities, coupled
with CHIPS manufacturing incentives, will establish a vibrant, self-
sustaining, profitable, domestic packaging industry where advanced node
chips manufactured in the United States and abroad can be packaged in
appropriate volumes within the United States and innovative designs and
architectures are enabled through leading-edge packaging capabilities.
In combination with other CHIPS for America education and workforce
efforts, NAPMP-funded activities will also produce the diverse and
capable workforce needed for the success of the domestic packaging
Advanced Packaging Research and Development NOFO Objective. The
intended objective of the NOFO will be to enable, through R&D,
innovative new advanced packaging flows suitable for adoption by U.S.
industry. To pursue this objective, CHIPS R&D expects to design the
NOFO with the following elements. First, the NOFO is expected to set
out R&D areas to be supported in addressing key challenges and
technology gaps in advanced packaging. Second, it is expected to
provide for coordinated R&D efforts aligned through common technical
targets so that results collectively contribute to composable and
implementable advanced packaging flows. Finally, it is expected to
provide for demonstrating the benefits of R&D results through a
combination of prototypes and baseline packaging flows.
Background. The technical focus and R&D goals of this NOFO are
expected to be informed by a series of industry roadmaps, including the
2024 IEEE Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap ( and
International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (, the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)
Microelectronics Advanced Packaging Technologies Roadmap (; the UCLA and SEMI Manufacturing Roadmap for
Heterogeneous Integration and Electronics Packaging ( Final Report); and the iNEMI
5G/6G mmWave Materials and Electrical Test Technology Roadmap ( Collectively, these roadmaps emphasize that emerging technologies
like high performance computing and artificial intelligence, advanced
telecommunications, biomedical devices, and autonomous vehicles require
leap-ahead advances in microelectronics capabilities.
In the past, the semiconductor industry has largely addressed
performance needs by increasing the number and density of transistors
on a chip, a process known as miniaturization. However, the previous
pace of miniaturization, as expressed by Moore's Law, is slowing and
cannot alone provide the performance improvements needed for emerging
microelectronics technologies. Improving all aspects of system
performance to support the breadth of new semiconductor applications
will require innovations in advanced packaging.
Semiconductor packaging serves two general purposes. One is to
protect the chip mechanically, thermally, and environmentally. The
other is to enable reliable inter-chip communication and
[[Page 56310]]
data processing, power delivery, and a stable test and system
integration platform. Advanced packaging and related capabilities, such
as heterogeneous integration, are designed to increase all aspects of
system performance by linking multi-component-assemblies with large
numbers of interconnects to achieve a degree of integration that blurs
the line between chip and package.
Program Drivers: In designing proposals, applicants should consider
in their planning activities the below five program drivers guiding the
design of this NOFO.
1. Scale-down and Scale-out
2. Heterogeneous Integration, including Chiplets
3. End-to-End Advanced Packaging Flows
4. Prototypes for Demonstrating Functionality
5. Aligned R&D efforts for Implementable Advanced Packaging Flows
These program drivers are aligned with the industry roadmaps
referenced above and the objectives outlined in the Vision for the
National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program ( The drivers are outlined below and are expected to be
relevant to all R&D areas under this NOFO. Review, evaluation, and
selection criteria for the NOFO are expected to include consideration
of these drivers.
The first program driver is the ability in advanced packaging to
``scale-down and scale-out.'' Scaling-down refers to shrinking the size
of the features on the package and increasing interconnect densities.
Scaling out refers to increasing the number of chips assembled on the
substrate and overall functional density in both 2-dimensional (2D) and
3-dimensional (3D) architectures. Examples of scaling down goals and
targets can be found in the MRHIEP roadmap ( Applicants should
consider in their planning activities interdisciplinary approaches that
contribute to scaling-down and scaling-out in advanced packaging.
The primary driver for advanced 2D and 3D packaging technologies is
the need for increased interconnect densities to support [heterogeneous
integration] and deliver increasing bandwidth in a power efficient
manner while enabling efficient power delivery. NIEEE Heterogeneous
Integration Roadmap 2024 (
The second driver is advancing capabilities for heterogeneous
integration (HI), including chiplets.\2\ This driver focuses on the
NAPMP objective for ``creating an advanced packaging ecosystem based on
heterogeneous chiplet technology to promote widespread and easy use of
the technologies developed.'' \3\ Applicants should incorporate
considerations for heterogeneous integration and chiplets-based
architectures in their research planning.
\2\ The term ``chiplets'' refers throughout to the design of
small, functionally targeted semiconductor chips that, when
assembled at tight pitch and placement, result in a highly
functional subsystem. Examples of chiplets in an ecosystem include
common functions such as CPU, input/output devices, memory, domain-
specific accelerators, etc.
\3\ The Vision for the National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing
Program (NAPMP Vision Paper,, Nov. 2023.
Heterogeneous Integration is essential to maintain the pace of
progress with higher performance, lower latency, smaller size, lighter
weight, lower power requirement per function, and lower cost. IEEE
Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap 2021 (
[T]he exponential growth in package pin counts and I/O power
consumption, domain-specific architectures, technical and business
models of [intellectual property] reuse, and mixed technology node
chiplets will drive advances in HI and advanced packaging. SRC MAPT
Roadmap (
The third program driver is enabling end-to-end advanced packaging
flows suitable for adoption by industry. This driver addresses the
NAPMP objective to ``develop packaging platforms capable of both high-
volume and customized manufacturing.'' \3\ To address this driver,
applicants should plan for implementing their research outputs in a
full packaging flow.
The CHIPS Research and Development Office has designed the NAPMP to
include an Advanced Packaging Piloting Facility ([N]APPF) where
successful development efforts will be transitioned and validated for
scaled transition to U.S. manufacturing. NAPMP Vision Paper (
The fourth driver is demonstrating functionality in prototypes to
provide evidence for new capabilities, increased efficiencies, lowered
production costs, reduced environmental impact, or other benefits
resulting from research advances. This driver addresses the NAPMP
objective to ``enable successful advanced packaging development efforts
to be validated and transitioned at scale to U.S. manufacturing.'' \3\
NAPMP expects to support projects to design prototypes in application
areas such as high-performance computing and artificial intelligence
and low-power systems under the NOFO.
The final driver is aligning R&D efforts so that R&D results are
not isolated or incompatible, but instead collectively contribute to
implementable advanced packaging flows. Successful applicants should
expect to participate in coordination and information-sharing across
projects in all R&D areas. The NOFO is expected to include provisions
for coordination and cooperation activities connecting all of the R&D
Advanced Packaging Research and Development NOFO Objectives:
Consistent with the research incentives areas identified in the NAPMP
Vision Paper (, the NOFO is expected to focus on
proposals in one or more of five R&D areas with the potential to
strategically enhance domestic advanced packaging capabilities through
innovation in:
1. Equipment, Tools, Processes, and Process Integration;
2. Power Delivery and Thermal Management;
3. Connector Technology, Including Photonics and Radio Frequency
4. Chiplets Ecosystem; and/or
5. Co-design/Electronic Design Automation (EDA).
Within these areas, CHIPS R&D intends to fund R&D activities that
establish and promote relevant domestic capability and capacity, with
the following objectives:
1. Accelerate domestic R&D and innovation in advanced packaging;
2. Transition advanced packaging innovation into U.S.
manufacturing, such that these technologies are available to U.S.
manufacturers and customers, including to significantly benefit U.S.
economic and national security;
3. Support the establishment of a robust, sustainable, domestic
capacity for advanced packaging R&D, prototyping, commercialization,
and manufacturing; and
[[Page 56311]]
4. Promote a pipeline of skilled and diverse workers for a
sustainable domestic advanced packaging industry.
To ensure that funded R&D meets the above objectives, CHIPS R&D
expects to specify technical targets for applicants to achieve within
each of the five R&D areas described below. Individual proposals may
address one or more of the R&D areas. Note that these R&D areas are
aligned with the relevant research investment areas set out in the
NAPMP Vision Paper (
R&D Area 1: Equipment, tools, processes, and process integration:
This R&D area is expected to include developing: (1) end-to-end
packaging flows that enable a chiplet-based advanced packaging
architecture suitable for commercial adoption; (2) advanced, flexible,
extensible process technologies required to produce a packaged
subassembly; and (3) new packaging equipment needed to run the
packaging processes and to handle the required substrates, wafers and
dies, all at the scaled down dimensions set out in the previous NAPMP
Materials and Substrates NOFO, located at (see Table 2, page 14) and designed for use at
commercial scale.
R&D in this area is expected to focus on five packaging process
clusters, with a cluster defined as a sequence of steps that enable a
key part of the packaging flow. The five process clusters expected to
be relevant to this NOFO are:
1. Chiplet Singulation: Producing singulated chiplets from incoming
wafers that are fully patterned with dies, for subsequent assembly.
2. Chiplet to Substrate Bonding: Positioning and attaching chiplets
with ultra-fine-pitch bonding pads to substrates, in dense arrays with
close chiplet-to-chiplet spacing. This includes bonding techniques
designed to improve bond quality, positioning precision, process
flexibility, process efficiency, and overall cluster efficiency.
Examples include thermal compression bonding, fusion bonding, hybrid
bonding, multi-step sequences, and other methods.
3. Chiplet Reconstitution: Placing and attaching singulated
chiplets on a carrier. Reconstitution should be compatible with the
scaled down dimensions set out in the previous NAPMP Materials and
Substrates NOFO, located at (see table 2, page 14).
4. 3-Dimensional Integration (3DI): Forming heterogeneous chiplet
stacks with ultra-fine bonding pad pitches.
5. Finishing: Incorporating advanced power delivery, passivation,
thermal management, and connectors, including photonics, into the
packaged device.
NAPMP expects that proposals within this R&D area may address one
or more of these clusters, including the relevant equipment, tools, and
processes. The NOFO is expected to call for comprehensive R&D
approaches that encompass interactions between steps and step
sequencing within each cluster. The NOFO is also expected to include
proposals addressing cluster assembly, i.e., sequencing of multiple
clusters for end-to-end packaging process flows suitable for use in
advanced packaging of prototypes. Note that the specific processes and
sequence of steps within each cluster are expected to be driven by the
requirements of the prototype to be packaged.
R&D Area 2: Power delivery and thermal management: The expected
focus of this R&D area is to address the challenges introduced by
advanced packaging in terms of power delivery, power efficiency, and
thermal management.
Examples of the associated research challenges expected to be
considered in this R&D area include the following.
1. New thermal solutions--for implementation with advanced
substrates, 3D heterogeneous integration (3DHI), and other design
aspects--to reduce hotspots, maintain thermal targets, and enable
reliability in multilayer stacks without constraining connectivity.
2. Innovative approaches for delivering power at high density with
efficient voltage regulators and dynamic power management schemes for
3DHI devices, including modular designs and devices for use with a
variety of chiplets.
3. Validated, higher fidelity models and accelerated learning using
artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to accurately
predict power and thermal distribution across chiplet stacks and enable
advanced system design and evaluation.
4. Integrated power and thermal management to reach efficiency and
power density goals with modular designs for use with fine-pitch,
bonded stacks of chiplets.
It is expected that proposals within this area may consider related
research challenges within other R&D areas, such as Co-design/
Electronic Design Automation and Chiplets Ecosystem. Expected to be in
scope are vertical heat extraction, local heat spreading, advanced
methods for active and passive cooling of 3DHI devices to reliably
operate at higher power density, wide bandgap chiplets for 3DHI, and
advanced materials and architectures to achieve specific thermal and
power goals such as low-resistance thermal interfaces. Expected to be
out of scope are discrete packaged wide bandgap devices and
conventional cooling approaches.
R&D Area 3: Connector Technology, Including Photonics and RF: The
expected goal for this R&D area is innovation for high data-rate, low
latency, small footprint, error-free, and energy-efficient connections
between packaged sub-assemblies. It is expected that the intended sub-
assemblies will be chiplet populated substrates where the substrates
have the characteristics set out in Section 1.5 of the NAPMP Materials
and Substrates NOFO, located at
NAPMP expects that, depending on the distance between the packaged
assemblies, the mode of data transfer may be via flexible wire, such as
serializer/deserializer (SerDes) with or without repeaters; wireless,
including RF; or low-loss photonics via optical fiber arrays. It is
also expected that projects may address one or more of these modes of
data transfer. RF transceivers and optical engines are expected to be
provided using chiplet-based technology or embedded directly into the
advanced substrates. Potential applicants are encouraged to focus on
new scale-down and scale-out technologies for connections that enable
secure communications and provide for mechanical, electrical, and
thermal reliability.
It is expected that chiplet sub-assemblies to substrate connectors
will be in scope for this R&D area. Expected to be out of scope are
traditional ball grid array (BGA) or land grid array (LGA) connectors
and conventional wire bonding.
R&D Area 4: Chiplets Ecosystem: This R&D area is expected to focus
on developing a comprehensive set of novel technologies for chiplet
ecosystems that leverage advanced packaging to enable application-
specific integrated packages that go beyond the capabilities of
conventional monolithic ASICs (application-specific integrated
circuits). It is expected that chiplets in an application-specific
integrated package will need to communicate and operate together. For
this NOI, the term
[[Page 56312]]
``chiplet ecosystem'' is used to refer to: (1) a set of chiplets that
can be used to form application-specific integrated packages and (2)
the set of requirements new chiplets have to follow to be added to the
ecosystem. Consistent with this definition, chiplets in an ecosystem
can be combined in multiple ways to form diverse products.
It is expected that successful proposals should develop a chiplet
ecosystem that meets as many of the following goals as is possible.
The ecosystem provides for increasing performance over
time by continually leveraging the tighter bond pitch and more intimate
interaction that will be made possible by fine-pitch packaging,
starting at a bond pitch of ~10 microns.
The ecosystem enables designs that consist of a discrete
number of chiplets, include support for 3D stacks, and are based on a
chiplet integration layer specification that is not adequately
addressed in current open systems and reduces the cost of adding new
System performance in the ecosystem can be increased by
increasing the number of chiplets. For example, a high-performance
chiplet ecosystem can be scaled up by increasing the number of chiplets
rather than by developing new larger chiplets. This scaling up strategy
enables going from a multi-chiplet device design comparable to a
monolithic ASIC to a ``rack `n' pack'' device (i.e., an application-
specific integrated package comparable to a wafer-scale processor).
The ecosystem enables designers to address all supported
design requirements with provisions to accommodate yield loss in
packaging assembly and optimize power and energy to meet performance
requirements with the available system resources.
It is expected that proposals should be centered around exemplar
applications in the areas of high-performance computing/AI, and low-
power applications. It is expected that the NOFO will require
applicants to plan for making chiplets resulting from funded project
research available for purchase at cost in prototype quantities and in
wafer form for research use at the National Advanced Packaging Piloting
Facility (NAPPF).
It is expected that, in addition to ecosystem development, chiplets
for packaging process development that support any of the other five
R&D areas will be in scope. Memory is also expected to be in scope but
must be at fine bond pitch consistent with NAPMP scale-down goals (see
Section 1.5 of the NAPMP Materials and Substrates NOFO, located at
Expected to be out of scope for this R&D area are: designs that are
extensions of conventional approaches based on commodity packaging and
that do not directly leverage advanced packaging in their architecture;
designs tightly coupled to the choice of an SoC-bus (system-on-chip
bus) or other high-level protocols; or standalone chiplet designs for
any function not coupled to a chiplet ecosystem. Also expected to be
out of scope are ecosystem design proposals that: focus on unmodified
reuse of existing chiplets; target the development of new chiplets to
integrate existing chiplets into new architectures; do not leverage
advanced packaging; or do not provide for the delivery of chiplets and
application-specific integrated packages.
R&D Area 5: Co-design/Electronic Design Automation: The expected
focus of this R&D area is co-design with automated tools of multi-
chiplet subsystems for advanced packaging in scaled-down and scaled-out
designs (see NAPMP Materials and Substrates NOFO Table 2, page 14 for
insights into relevant dimensions and capabilities, located at This includes innovations in EDA
interoperability; EDA-enabled incorporation and co-optimization of
chiplets of different sizes in a large platform design including
logical electrical, photonic, thermal, and mechanical models; and
advances in seamless integration of the chip to package. Additional
areas could include the use of artificial intelligence/machine learning
(AI/ML) in package design and design approaches for test, repair,
security, and reliability including graceful failure through designs
that enable continued operation at a reduced performance level after
failure of one or more components. Applicants should address
comprehensive co-design capabilities that include a detailed
understanding of the substrate and processes used for assembly,
including power and thermal management, and connector solutions. It is
expected that EDA that addresses purely monolithic applications without
consideration of chiplets, heterogeneity and the multi-scale, multi-
physics packaging environment will be out of scope for this R&D area.
Prototype Development: In addition to the five R&D areas listed
above, the NOFO is expected to include opportunities for prototype
development in exemplar application areas such as high-performance
computing and artificial intelligence, and low-power systems
applications. The goal in prototype development is to establish new
advanced packaging flows that leverage the technologies being developed
across the five R&D areas. Functionality will be a requirement, and
prototypes should be designed to provide a means for assessing relevant
packaging characteristics such as yield and preliminary reliability.
Commercial Viability and Domestic Production: In accordance with 15
U.S.C. 4656(g), the NOFO will include requirements for a commercial
viability and domestic production plan (
Domestic%20Production%20CVDP%20Plan%20Guidebook.pdf), describing
activities to be funded as part of the proposed project and,
potentially, additional commercialization activities beyond the period
of performance. The CVDP plan must include a realistic business model
for the funded innovations, include a technology transition plan, and
describe pathways to benefitting national and economic security, such
as through the domestic availability of the technology and successful
adoption by commercial or defense partners.
Education and Workforce Development: The NOFO is expected to
include requirements for an education and workforce development plan,
(, that leverages capabilities supported through the proposed
project to address domestic advanced packaging workforce needs,
including educational opportunities arising from engaging students in
research. NAPMP encourages applicants to, in providing an Education and
Workforce Development (EWD) plan, describe any efforts to attract and
retain a diverse student and trainee population and to demonstrate that
the EWD efforts are worker centered, industry-aligned, and promote good
jobs with working conditions consistent with the Good Jobs Principles
(, published by the
Department and the U.S. Department of Labor.
National Advanced Packaging Piloting Facility: The CHIPS Research
and Development Office has designed the NAPMP to include a NAPPF, where
[[Page 56313]]
successful research and development efforts will be implemented and
validated for suitability for volume-scaled manufacturing. The specific
tools and capabilities of the NAPPF will be aligned with the ``scale
down and scale out'' strategy described in the NAPMP Vision Paper
( Additional details regarding the NAPPF will be
posted to the CHIPS for America website ( as they are announced.
Where applicable, proposers responding to the NOFO are expected to
be asked to implement their research outputs in the NAPPF once
established. NAPMP program managers will work with applicants in the
post-award phase to facilitate work with the NAPPF.
Technical Targets: Each R&D area is expected to include technical
targets selected by CHIPS R&D for their potential to guide innovation
toward the scale-down and scale-out goals of the program. Applicants
should review the previous NAPMP Materials and Substrates NOFO, located
at, which provides
detailed insights into the NAPMP ``scale down and scale out'' targets.
Sections 1.4.3, Technical Areas, and 1.5, Project-level Technical
Targets, provide detailed information about substrate materials and
technical targets.
Eligible Use of Funds. Funded activities are expected to include,
but not necessarily be limited to, basic and applied research,
development of relevant advanced packaging manufacturing-scale
equipment and processes, the design and demonstration of prototypes,
commercial viability and domestic manufacturing preparation, workforce
education and training, and pilot-level fabrication.
Eligibility. CHIPS R&D expects eligible lead applicants and
subrecipients will include for-profit organizations; non-profit
organizations; accredited institutions of higher education, including
community and technical colleges and minority serving institutions; and
state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. Entities that
operate Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) may
be eligible to receive this funding as subrecipients to an eligible
applicant to the extent allowed by law, based on the unique and
specific needs of the project. It is expected that the NOFO will
require that applicants must be domestic entities, meaning entities
incorporated in the United States (including U.S. territories) with
their principal place of business in the United States, including U.S.
territories, and will potentially be subject to other eligibility
Subrecipients are those who are designated by the lead applicant as
subrecipients, included in the proposed budget, and whose activities
are a continuing part of ongoing project activities with their work
tailored to specific project goals, such as research and development
activities, education and workforce activities, and other integral
project efforts. Vendors selling goods and services to award recipients
in the ordinary course of business are not considered subrecipients.
It is expected that foreign organizations may be permitted to
participate as members of a project team, as sub-subrecipients or
contractors, subject to CHIPS R&D approval based on a written
justification that the foreign partner's involvement is essential to
advancing program objectives, among other considerations.
R&D Collaboration: CHIPS R&D expects that applicants assembling
teams (i.e., with a lead applicant from industry or academia and one or
more subrecipients) may be best suited to collectively provide the full
range of expertise and capabilities needed to achieve the program
objectives and to successfully strengthen U.S. advanced packaging
innovation. Equally important, effective partnerships can promote
inventiveness, clarify future demand, improve transparency and
security, solidify business and domestic manufacturing plans (including
plans for technology adoption by defense and commercial partners), help
educate the future workforce, mitigate the risk of future chip
shortages or oversupply, and support a more productive, efficient, and
self-sustaining semiconductor ecosystem.
CHIPS R&D therefore strongly encourages applications from teams
that demonstrate collaboration across the innovation, manufacturing,
supply chain, and customer landscape, as well as across the industry,
non-profit, and academic sectors. Applications that do not include
teams may be required to include a justification for the proposed
single-entity approach.
Application Process and Award Information. The envisioned
application process consists of a mandatory concept paper and a
required full application. CHIPS R&D anticipates a due date for concept
papers of approximately 60 days after the date of NOFO publication.
Full applications would only be accepted from applicants invited to
apply after the concept paper stage. Submissions from entities other
than those specifically invited to submit a full application would not
be reviewed or considered in any way.
CHIPS R&D expects to host a webinar series after this NOI is
released to provide additional opportunities to learn about the Notice
of Intent. Details regarding the time and date of webinar events will
be posted on the CHIPS R&D website at Participation in webinars is not a
prerequisite for submitting a concept paper or application.
Additionally, to provide the public with an opportunity to learn
more about the NOFO, CHIPS R&D expects to host a Proposers Day after
the NOFO is released to familiarize potential applicants with the NOFO
objectives and program structure. CHIPS R&D will announce details
regarding the date and location of Proposers Day via the CHIPS R&D
website at
Attendance is not a prerequisite for submitting a concept paper or
Competition Information. Once the open competition has been
announced, further information may be found at
System for Award Management. In anticipation of the NOFO, CHIPS R&D
encourages potential applicants to complete the following steps, which
are required to submit concept papers and full applications for Federal
Register with the System for Award Management (SAM) at CHIPS R&D strongly encourages applicants to
register for as early as possible. While this process
ordinarily takes between three days and two weeks, in some
circumstances it can take six or more weeks to complete due to
information verification requirements. Recipients will be required to
maintain an active registration in SAM and re-validate registration
Register for a (
account. It is advisable also to go to ``manage subscriptions'' on and sign up to receive automatic updates when amendments to
a funding opportunity are posted.
Disclaimer. This NOI does not constitute a solicitation. No
applications may be submitted in response to this NOI. Any
inconsistency between information within this Notice and the eventual
NOFO announcing CHIPS R&D/NAPMP Advanced Packaging awards competition
shall be resolved in favor of the NOFO.
[[Page 56314]]
Authority. DOC CHIPS activities are authorized by Title XCIX--
Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America of
the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2021 (Pub. L. 116-283, often referred to as the CHIPS Act).
Alicia Chambers,
NIST Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2024-14980 Filed 7-8-24; 8:45 am]