Proposed Exemption From Certain Prohibited Transaction Restrictions Involving Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC or the Applicant) Located in New York, New York, 56422-56432 [2024-14961]
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
Affected Public: Private sector,
Business or other for profits, Not-forprofit institutions.
Respondents: 3,259.
Responses: 3,409.
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 815.
Estimated Total Burden Cost
(Operating and Maintenance): $0.
Description: The three prohibited
transaction class exemptions (PTEs)
included in this ICR, (1) PTE 76–1, (2)
PTE 77–10, and (3) PTE 78–6, exempt
certain types of transactions commonly
entered into by ‘‘multiemployer’’ plans
from certain of the prohibitions
contained in sections 406 and 407(a) of
ERISA. The Department determined
that, in the absence of these exemptions,
the affected plans would not be able to
operate efficiently or to enter into
routine types of transactions necessary
for their operations. In order to ensure
that the class exemptions for these
necessary transactions meet the
statutory standards, the Department
imposed conditions contained in the
exemptions that are information
collections. The information collections
consist of recordkeeping and third-party
The Department has received
approval from OMB for this ICR under
OMB Control No. 1210–0058. The
current approval is scheduled to expire
on June 30, 2025.
Agency: Employee Benefits Security
Administration, Department of Labor.
Title: Notice for Health
Reimbursement Arrangements
Integrated with Individual Health
Insurance Coverage.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection of
OMB Number: 1210–0160.
Affected Public: Private sector,
Business or other for profits, Not-forprofit institutions, Individuals or
Respondents: 177,480.
Responses: 2,140,197.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
Estimated Total Burden Cost
(Operating and Maintenance): $24,831.
Description: On June 21, 2018, the
Department published the Definition of
Employer under Section 3(5) of ERISA—
Association Health Plans final rule. On
August 3, 2018, the Department of
Labor, HHS and the Treasury
Department (the Departments)
published the Short-Term, LimitedDuration Insurance final rule. These
final rules remove the prohibition on
integrating health reimbursement
arrangements (HRAs) with individual
health insurance coverage, if certain
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conditions are met. The final rules also
set forth conditions under which certain
HRAs are as limited excepted benefits.
In addition, the Treasury Department
and the IRS finalized rules regarding
premium tax credit (PTC) eligibility for
individuals offered coverage under an
HRA integrated with individual health
insurance coverage, and DOL finalized a
safe harbor to provide HRA plan
sponsors with assurance that the
individual health insurance coverage
that is integrated with an HRA would
not become part of an ERISA plan if the
conditions of the safe harbor are met.
Finally, HHS finalized rules that
provide a special enrollment period in
the individual market for individuals
who gain access to an HRA that is
integrated with individual health
insurance coverage or who are provided
a qualified small employer health
reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA).
The following five information
Collections are contained in the final
rules: (1) Verification of Enrollment in
Individual Coverage; (2) HRA Notice to
Participants; (3) Notice to Participants
that Individual Policy is not Subject to
Title I of ERISA; (4) Participant
Notification of Individual Coverage
HRA of Cancelled or Discontinued
Coverage; (5) Notice for Excepted
Benefit HRAs. These information
collections notify the HRA that
participants are enrolled in individual
health insurance coverage, help
individuals understand the impact of
enrolling in an HRA on their eligibility
for the PTC, and help individuals
understand that coverage is not subject
to the rules and consumer protections of
the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act (ERISA).
The Department has received
approval from OMB for this ICR under
OMB Control No. 1210–0160. The
current approval is scheduled to expire
on June 30, 2025.
II. Focus of Comments
The Department is particularly
interested in comments that:
• Evaluate whether the collections of
information are necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the collections of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
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electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., by permitting electronic
submissions of responses.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the ICR for OMB approval
of the information collection; they will
also become a matter of public record.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 2nd day of
July, 2024.
Lisa M. Gomez,
Assistant Secretary, Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of
[FR Doc. 2024–15030 Filed 7–8–24; 8:45 am]
Employee Benefits Security
[Exemption Application No. D–12073]
Proposed Exemption From Certain
Prohibited Transaction Restrictions
Involving Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center (MSKCC or the
Applicant) Located in New York, New
Employee Benefits Security
Administration, Department of Labor.
ACTION: Notice of proposed exemption.
This document provides
notice of the pendency before the
Department of Labor (the Department) of
a proposed individual exemption from
certain of the prohibited transaction
restrictions of the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA or
the Act) and/or the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 (the Code) for the
reinsurance of risks and the receipt of a
premium by MSK Insurance US, Inc.
(the Captive), a captive insurance and
reinsurance subsidiary that is whollyowned by MSKCC, in connection with
a single premium group insurance
contract sold by an unrelated fronting
insurer (the Fronting Insurer) to provide
pension annuities to Plan participants
and beneficiaries if the conditions in
Section III are met in conformance with
the definitions in Section I.
DATES: If granted, this proposed
exemption will be in effect on the date
specified by the Department in a grant
notice published in the Federal
Comments due: Written comments
and requests for a public hearing on the
proposed exemption must be submitted
to the Department by August 23, 2024.
ADDRESSES: All written comments and
requests for a hearing should be
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
submitted to the Employee Benefits
Security Administration (EBSA), Office
of Exemption Determinations,
Attention: Application No. D–12073, via
email to or online
Any such comments or requests should
be sent before the end of the scheduled
comment period. The application for
exemption and the comments received
will be available for public inspection in
the Public Disclosure Room of the
Employee Benefits Security
Administration, U.S. Department of
Labor, Room N–1515, 200 Constitution
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.
for additional information regarding
Joseph Brennan of the Department at
(202) 693–8456. (This is not a toll-free
Persons are encouraged to submit all
comments electronically and not to
follow their submissions with paper
copies. Comments should state the
nature of the person’s interest in the
proposed exemption and how the
person would be affected by the
exemption, if granted. Any person who
may be adversely affected by an
exemption can request a hearing on the
exemption. A hearing request must
state: (1) the name, address, telephone
number, and email address of the
person making the request; (2) the
nature of the person’s interest in the
exemption and how the person would
be adversely affected by the exemption;
and (3) a statement of the issues to be
addressed and a general description of
the evidence to be presented at the
hearing. The Department will grant a
request for a hearing made in
accordance with the requirements above
where a hearing is necessary to fully
explore material factual issues
identified by the person requesting the
hearing. A notice of such hearing would
be published by the Department in the
Federal Register. The Department may
decline to hold a hearing if: (1) the
hearing request does not meet the
requirements above; (2) the only issues
identified for exploration at the hearing
are matters of law; or (3) the factual
issues identified can be fully explored
through the submission of evidence in
written (including electronic) form.
WARNING: All comments received
will be included in the public record
without change and may be made
available online at https://, including any
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personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be confidential, or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. If you submit a
comment, EBSA recommends that you
include your name and other contact
information in the body of your
comment, but DO NOT submit
information that you consider to be
confidential, or otherwise protected
(such as a Social Security number or an
unlisted phone number), or confidential
business information that you do not
want publicly disclosed. If EBSA cannot
read your comment due to technical
difficulties and cannot contact you for
clarification, EBSA might not be able to
consider your comment.
Additionally, the https:// website is an
‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means EBSA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide such information in the
body of your comment. If you send an
email directly to EBSA without going
your email address will be
automatically captured and included as
part of the comment that is placed in the
public record and made available on the
In connection with the Reinsurance
Arrangement, all Plan participants and
beneficiaries would receive an increase
to their monthly pension benefit that is
currently expected to be 5.37 percent.2
The Department expects that this benefit
increase would add a total of
$64,440,000 in additional benefits to the
Plan’s participants and beneficiaries in
the form of a 5.37 percent increase to
their monthly annuity payment for the
rest of their lives. Importantly, this
increase will remain in place for the
entirety of Plan participants’ and
beneficiaries’ lives and, as a condition
of this exemption, MSKCC would not
reduce any benefits that employees
receive from MSKCC, including the
benefits Plan participants receive from
the Plan, as a result of the Reinsurance
Arrangement described in this proposed
exemption. Absent this exemption,
participants and beneficiaries would not
receive this benefit increase.
2 As discussed in more detail below, the
exemption requires that Plan participants and
beneficiaries receive the majority of the benefits
derived from the Reinsurance Arrangement. While,
as noted above, it is ‘‘currently expected’’ that a
5.37% increase in Plan’s participants’ and
beneficiaries’ monthly pension benefits will achieve
this objective, the exact percentage increase needed
to ensure that Plan participants and beneficiaries
receive the majority of the benefits derived from the
proposed arrangement will not be known until the
Plan actually enters into the GAC, which will occur
after the Fronting Insurer is selected by Fiduciary
Counselors, the independent fiduciary appointed to
solicit bids and select the Fronting Insurer in accord
with the requirements of IB 95–1. As described in
further detail below, once the Plan enters into the
GAC, Milliman, a second independent fiduciary
acting solely on behalf of the Plan, must determine,
based on objective data, that the Plan participants’
and beneficiaries’ monthly pension benefits have
been increased by a percentage that ensures they
will receive the majority of the benefits derived
from the Reinsurance Arrangement. The
methodology for making this calculation is
discussed below. Milliman as independent
fiduciary must, among other things, calculate and
demonstrate to the Department in a written report
that Plan participants and beneficiaries received the
appropriate percentage increase in their monthly
pension benefits. The written report of the
independent fiduciary would be available to the
publicly contacting EBSA’s Public Disclosure Office
and referencing Exemption Application D–12073.
3 For purposes of this proposed exemption: (1)
references to specific provisions of ERISA Title I,
unless otherwise specified, should be read to refer
as well to the corresponding provisions of Code
section 4975; and (2) if granted, this proposed
exemption does not provide relief from the
requirements of any law not noted above.
Accordingly, the Applicant is responsible for
Under the proposed exemption, the
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Pension Plan (the Plan) would enter into
a single premium group annuity
insurance contract (the GAC) with an
unrelated insurance company (the
Fronting Insurer) who would be selected
by an independent fiduciary in
compliance with the requirements of the
Department’s Interpretive Bulletin 95–
1.1 The Fronting Insurer would, in turn,
enter into a reinsurance contract (the
Reinsurance Arrangement) with MSK
Insurance US, Inc. (MSK US or the
Captive), a captive reinsurer that is
wholly owned by MSKCC, the Plan
sponsor. Under the Reinsurance
Arrangement, MSK US would reinsure
100 percent of the Plan’s risks.
Importantly, the Fronting Insurer would
remain fully responsible for the benefits
of participants and beneficiaries for the
entire duration of the GAC and
Reinsurance Arrangement if MSK US
does not fulfill its contractual
obligations to the Fronting Insurer,
without any caveats, contingencies, or
conditions that would relieve or limit
the Fronting Insurer’s contractual
obligation to pay benefits to the Plan’s
participants and beneficiaries.
PO 00000
1 29
Proposed Exemption
The Department is considering
granting an exemption under the
authority of ERISA section 408(a) and
Code section 4975(c)(2) and in
accordance with the procedures set
forth in 29 CFR part 2570, subpart B (75
FR 66637, 66644, October 27, 2011).3 If
CFR 2509.95–1.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
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the proposed exemption is granted, the
Plan will purchase the GAC from an
unrelated Fronting Insurer, and the
Fronting Insurer will, in turn, enter into
a reinsurance contract with MSK US.
As described below, MSKCC is
expected to receive a financial benefit
from this exemption that will equal
approximately $126,444,000. This
exemption would require MSKCC to
ensure that Plan participants and
beneficiaries will receive the majority of
that derived benefit in the form of a
uniform percentage increase to the
monthly retirement benefit of all
participants and beneficiaries.
Currently, the Department expects that
MSKCC would implement a 5.37%
increase in each participant’s and
beneficiary’s monthly annuity payment.
This benefit increase will continue,
without reduction, for the lifetime of
each participant and beneficiary until
the final annuitant is paid their final
monthly annuity payment under the
This proposed exemption also would
require MSKCC to delegate fiduciary
oversight of the Plan and Reinsurance
Arrangement to a qualified fiduciary
who is independent of MSKCC and
MSKCC’s affiliates (the Independent
Fiduciary). Among other things, the
Independent Fiduciary must approve
the Reinsurance Arrangement in
advance, ensure that the Reinsurance
Arrangement is in the interest of and
protective of the Plan’s participants and
beneficiaries, and submit written annual
reports to the Department confirming
that MSKCC has met all of the
exemption’s conditions.4
This exemption would provide relief
from certain restrictions described in
ERISA section 406 and Code section
4975(c)(1). These restrictions are
discussed below. No relief or waiver of
a violation of any other law is provided
by the exemption. When interpreting
and implementing this exemption,
MSKCC, the Captive, the Independent
Fiduciary, and the Fronting Insurer
would resolve any ambiguities by
considering the exemption’s protective
purposes. To the extent additional
clarification is necessary, these persons
or entities should immediately contact
ensuring compliance with any other laws
applicable to the transactions described herein.
4 The Department notes that the Independent
Fiduciary’s annual written reports are essential to
the Department’s tentative finding that this
proposed exemption is, and will continue to be, in
the interest of and protective of the Plan and its
participants and beneficiaries. The Independent
Fiduciary must clearly, prudently, and loyally
determine whether MSKCC and its affiliates have
complied with each term and condition of the
exemption and include its findings in its reports.
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EBSA’s Office of Exemption
Determinations at 202–693–8540.
Summary of Facts and
Representations 5
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1. MSKCC is a cancer center that is
committed to patient care, research, and
educational programs. Headquartered in
New York City, MSKCC had 29,732
employees as of December 31, 2022.
MSKCC’s total operating revenue in
2022 was approximately $6.63 billion,
with net assets of $8.74 billion. MSKCC
is a non-profit entity designated as a
501(c)(3) organization.
The Plan
2. The Plan is a defined benefit
pension plan that provides retirement
and death benefits for eligible
participants. Under the Plan, the normal
form of payment for an unmarried
participant is a single-life annuity, and
the normal form of payment for a
married participant is a joint and 50%
survivor annuity. The Plan
administrator and named fiduciary is
the MSK Executive Benefits Committee
and the Plan trustee is JPMorgan Chase.
In 2012, MSKCC amended the Plan to
close enrollment to employees hired on
or after December 16, 2012. In 2020,
MSKCC amended the Plan to freeze
future benefit accruals effective
December 20, 2020. As of December 31,
2022, the Plan covered 8,263
participants and held $1,347,320,040 in
total assets.
The Captive
3. MSK US is MSKCC’s wholly-owned
captive insurance and reinsurance
subsidiary. MSK US was organized on
August 21, 2003, to provide coverage to
operating subsidiaries of MSKCC, and
on August 28, 2003, received a
Certificate of Authority to transact
insurance business in the State of
Vermont. MSK US insures the property
and equipment of MSKCC. Today, MSK
US writes approximately $75 million in
premiums and has expanded its
business to include other insurance
product lines for MSKCC, such as
5 The Summary of Facts and Representations is
based on the Applicant’s representations provided
in its exemption application and does not reflect
factual findings or opinions of the Department
unless indicated otherwise. The Department notes
that the availability of this exemption is subject to
the express condition that the material facts and
representations contained in application D–12073
are true and complete at all times, and accurately
describe all material terms of the transactions
covered by the exemption. If there is any material
change in a transaction covered by the exemption,
or in a material fact or representation described in
the application, the exemption will cease to apply
as of the date of the change.
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warranty coverage for health care
equipment and bio-medical health care
equipment, group life insurance, and
group long-term disability insurance. In
December 2008, MSKCC received a
prohibited transaction exemption from
the Department that permits MSK US to
reinsure the risks of MSKCC’s Group
Term Life and Long Term Disability
Programs (PTE 08–22E).6
MSK Employee Benefits IC (MSK EB)
is a segregated cell within MSK US that
will be used to reinsure the risks related
to the Reinsurance Arrangement and
this exemption. While MSK US will
contract with the Fronting Insurer as
part of the Reinsurance Arrangement,
MSK EB will hold the reserves that will
be used to pay benefits to the Plan’s
participants and beneficiaries under the
GAC. MSK US and MSK EB are
collectively referred to herein as ‘‘the
The Reinsurance Arrangement
4. The transaction at issue involves
the purchase by the Plan of the GAC
from an unrelated Fronting Insurer, and
the reinsurance of the GAC through the
Captive. The Plan has engaged
Milliman, Inc. (Milliman) to serve as its
Independent Fiduciary with respect to
the Reinsurance Arrangement (the
Independent Fiduciary).
Fiduciary Counselors Inc. and the
Selection of the Fronting Insurer
5. MSKCC has engaged Fiduciary
Counselors Inc. of Washington, DC to
select a Fronting Insurer with respect to
the Reinsurance Arrangement based on
a competitive bidding process. The
Applicant represents that Fiduciary
Counselors will send requests for
proposals to potential Fronting Insurers
and will then select a Fronting Insurer
in compliance with the Department’s
Interpretive Bulletin (IB) 95–1,7 which
provides several factors that fiduciaries
must consider to ensure they select the
safest annuity available for a plan.8 The
6 The Fronting Insurers under PTE 08–22E are
Prudential Insurance Company of America and First
Unum Life Insurance Company.
7 Fiduciary Counselors must submit a written
representation in writing to the Department’s Office
of Exemption Determinations that the selection of
the Fronting Insurer met the requirements of IB 95–
1 and also that it would have been consistent with
IB 95–1 to select the Fronting Insurer as the insurer
for a final termination buy-out annuity had MSKCC
adopted that approach.
8 29 CFR 2509–95–1. As stated in IB 95–1, when
conducting a search, a fiduciary must evaluate a
number of factors relating to a potential annuity
provider’s claims-paying ability and
creditworthiness. Reliance solely on ratings
provided by insurance rating services would not be
sufficient to meet this requirement. In this regard,
the types of factors a fiduciary should consider
would include, among other things: (a) the quality
and diversification of the annuity provider’s
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
Fronting Insurer ultimately selected by
Fiduciary Counselors must be unrelated
to MSKCC. Given the importance of a
highly rated Fronting Insurer to the
security of the pension benefits
provided to the Plan’s participants and
beneficiaries, Fiduciary Counselors
must provide the Department with a
written submission that identifies the
Fronting Insurer selected along with a
written representation detailing the
methodology that it used to select the
Fronting Insurer and how that
methodology, and the Fronting Insurer
selected, met the requirements of IB 95–
1. Fiduciary Counselors also must
represent to the Department that it
would have been consistent with IB 95–
1 to select the Fronting Insurer as the
insurer for a final termination buy-out
annuity, had MSKCC adopted that
approach. This information will be
available to the public as part of the
record attributable to D–12073.
Mechanics of the Reinsurance
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
6. The Plan would purchase the GAC
from the Fronting Insurer by using
current Plan assets (including an inkind transfer) to pay a one-time
premium amount to the Fronting
Insurer. The Fronting Insurer would
simultaneously enter into an indemnity
reinsurance contract with the Captive,
which would cede the Plan’s risk from
the Fronting Insurer to the Captive.
Subsequently, the Fronting Insurer
would transfer the premium amount
paid by the Plan to the Captive where
it would be held in reserve within the
captive cell (MSK EB) throughout the
duration of the Reinsurance
Arrangement. The GAC would cover all
of the Plan’s liabilities and have two
phases: (1) a Buy-In Phase and (2) a
Buy-Out Phase that are explained
Buy-In Phase: During the Buy-in
Phase, the Plan would hold the GAC as
a plan asset. This means that the
Fronting Insurer and Captive would
guarantee the payment of Plan benefits
and the Plan would remain in place.
During the Buy-In Phase, the payment of
the participants’ and beneficiaries’
benefits would be secured by the Plan,
the Plan Sponsor, ERISA, and the PBGC,
while the Plan’s funding of benefit
investment portfolio; (b) the size of the insurer
relative to the proposed contract; (c) the level of the
insurer’s capital and surplus; (d) the lines of
business of the annuity provider and other
indications of an insurer’s exposure to liability; (e)
the structure of the annuity contract and guarantees
supporting the annuities, such as the use of separate
accounts; and (f) the availability of additional
protection through state guaranty associations and
the extent of their guarantees.
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payments would be secured by the
Fronting Insurer and Captive.
During the Buy-In Phase, the Fronting
Insurer would send funds to the Plan
Trustee (JPMorgan Chase) to make
benefit distribution payments to the
Plan’s participants and beneficiaries
and, every three months, the Fronting
Insurer would submit payment requests
to the Captive requesting reimbursement
to cover participant and beneficiary
distributions paid during the preceding
three months and the Fronting Insurer’s
ongoing fees.9 If the Fronting Insurer
and Captive fail to pay benefits during
the Buy-In Phase, the Plan Sponsor
would still be required to fund the Plan,
and the Plan would still be required to
pay all benefits due to participants and
Following the purchase of the GAC,
and while the Plan is still active, the
Plan’s fiduciaries would be obligated to
manage all Plan assets, including those
assets not used to purchase the GAC,
solely in the interest of participants and
beneficiaries and exclusively for their
benefits. Any payments for Plan
expenses that do not clearly and
exclusively benefit participants and
beneficiaries would be subject to
additional scrutiny.
Buy-Out Phase: The GAC would
contain a ‘‘conversion option’’ (the
Conversion Option) that the Plan
Sponsor could exercise (at any time) if
and when it decides to terminate the
Plan.10 If exercised, the Conversion
Option would transition the GAC from
the Buy-in Phase to the Buy-Out
Phase,11 and the following events would
occur: (a) the GAC would no longer be
held by the Plan as a Plan asset; (b) the
Plan Sponsor would replace the Plan as
the holder of the GAC; (c) the Fronting
Insurer would issue annuity certificates
to all Plan participants and
beneficiaries; and (d) the Fronting
Insurer would take complete control of
the administration of the GAC and make
benefit payments directly to the former
Plan participants and beneficiaries that
have become annuitants.12 During the
9 See Representation 7 below for more
information on the Fronting Insurer’s fees.
10 This exemption would not relieve the Plan’s
fiduciaries from their express ERISA duties to
manage the assets of the plan solely in the interest
of the plan and its participants and beneficiaries,
including when the fiduciaries are contemplating
terminating the plan.
11 The effective date of the conversion would be
aligned with the Plan’s termination (i.e., the
Conversion Option will be exercised only if and
when the Plan terminates).
12 As a condition of this exemption, after the BuyIn phase for the Reinsurance Arrangement is
completed and MSKCC exercises the Conversion
Option, MSKCC will terminate the Plan in
compliance with all applicable Code and ERISA
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Buy-Out Phase, the Captive would
continue to hold the reserves and the
Fronting Insurer would continue to
provide quarterly reimbursement
payment requests to the Captive to
cover: (1) participant and beneficiary
distributions paid by the Fronting
Insurer over the preceding three
months, plus (2) the Fronting Insurer’s
ongoing fees.
The relationship between the Fronting
Insurer and Captive would remain the
same during both the Buy-In and BuyOut Phases; therefore, the Fronting
Insurer would assume full responsibility
for benefit obligations to participants
and beneficiaries, without conditions or
caveats, and the Captive would assume
the reinsurance risk. Accordingly, both
the Fronting Insurer and the Captive
would assume full responsibility for
making pension benefit payments to
participants and beneficiaries
throughout the duration of the
Reinsurance Arrangement (during both
the Buy-In and Buy-Out Phases). Thus,
even after conversion to the Buy-Out
phase, the Fronting Insurer and the
Captive would remain 100 percent
liable for making benefit payments to
participants and beneficiaries.
As a condition of this exemption, the
Fronting Insurer would be required to
have a direct contractual relationship
with the Plan during the Buy-In phase
of the GAC and with the Plan’s
participants and beneficiaries after
MSKCC exercises the Conversion
Option under the GAC during the BuyOut phase, without any caveats,
contingencies, or conditions that would
relieve or limit the Fronting Insurer’s
contractual obligation to pay benefits to
the Plan’s participants and beneficiaries
in accordance with the terms of this
exemption and the Plan.
Fees and Other Costs
7. Throughout the duration of the
Reinsurance Arrangement, the Captive
would pay fees to the Fronting Insurer
that are based on a percentage of the
reserve held by the Captive. The
Applicant represents that the Fronting
Insurer’s fee would be less than one
percent of the total reserve amount held
by the Captive and would remain the
same throughout the duration of the
Reinsurance Arrangement. The Fronting
Insurer’s fees cover both the risk
assumed by the Fronting Insurer to
make benefit payments to participants
and beneficiaries and the services the
Fronting Insurer provides (including
administering benefit payments during
the Buy-Out Phase). All costs associated
with the operation of the Captive would
be paid by the Captive (or MSKCC) and
not by the Plan. Further, no
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
commissions would be associated with
the Reinsurance Arrangement and no
fees would be shared by the Fronting
Insurer with MSKCC, the Captive, or
any affiliates thereof.
Collateral Under the Reinsurance
8. As part of the Reinsurance
Arrangement, the Captive would be
collateralized by MSKCC, and all
collateral will be separate and apart
from the Plan assets used to purchase
the GAC. The Applicant represents that
the collateral would be distinct from the
reserves and that pursuant to the GAC,
MSKCC would establish a collateral
account that the Fronting Insurer can
access: (1) in the event the Captive fails
to make a required quarterly payment to
the Fronting Insurer; or (2) to reduce the
financial risk that would arise if, for
example, the Captive is holding too
large a portion of the reserves in illiquid
investments. The assets held in the
collateral account would be legally
owned by MSKCC, but the Fronting
Insurer would have a statutory reserve
credit on the assets.13 The collateral
requirements will be determined by the
Fronting Insurer and will be based on
the reserve requirements mandated by
the State of Vermont.
MSKCC would also provide a Parental
Guarantee to the Captive and would
provide cash as needed if the Captive’s
general and separate account asset
balances were extinguished. In its
Feasibility Report submitted to the
Vermont Department of Financial
Regulation (Vermont DFR), MSKCC
noted that it has a substantial
endowment of approximately $6.4B that
would provide the Parental Guarantee.
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Oversight by the Vermont DFR
9. Before submitting this exemption
request, the Captive requested and
received formal approval from the
Vermont DFR to enter into the
Reinsurance Arrangement and operate
the Captive to reinsure the Plan’s
pension benefits. The Vermont DFR
issued its formal approval after
reviewing the Captive’s Feasibility
Report, which included, among other
13 The Department understands that a statutory
reserve is the amount of money, securities, or assets
that must be set aside as a legal requirement by the
Fronting Insurer to cover claims or obligations due.
This pool of funds is called a statutory reserve
because state laws and regulations require the
Fronting Insurer to hold these funds in reserve on
their balance sheet. A reserve credit is a financial
statement credit to the Fronting Insurer for the
reinsurance ceded by the Fronting Insurer to the
Captive. The Fronting Insurer would receive a
credit because the reserves and collateral would be
held by the Captive. Thus, the Fronting Insurer will
not have to carry the equivalent statutory reserve on
its balance sheet.
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things, actuarial projections, an
investment policy statement, and a
business plan. If this exemption is
granted and the Reinsurance
Arrangement takes effect, the Captive
would be required to submit an
independent audit report and actuarial
report to the Vermont DFR on an annual
basis. Further, at least every five years,
the Vermont DFR would conduct a
thorough review of the Captive and
issue an Exam Report.
This proposed exemption requires the
Independent Fiduciary to obtain and
review all independent audit reports
and actuarial reports submitted by the
Captive to the Vermont DFR as well as
all Exam Reports issued to the Captive
by the Vermont DFR. The Independent
Fiduciary would be required to provide
the Department with a detailed
summary of each Exam Report in its
annual Independent Fiduciary Reports,
as described below. This proposed
exemption also would require the
Captive to request a Certificate of Good
Standing from the Vermont DFR on an
annual basis. Also, as part of this
proposed exemption, MSKCC must
provide the Department with any Exam
Reports it receives no later than 30 days
after MSKCC receives such report.
Investing the Reserves
10. The Captive would be required to
invest the reserves in accordance with
the regulations, and under the
supervision, of the State of Vermont.
Under Vermont state law all captives
must file an annual audit report with
the state insurance commissioner and
such audit report must include the
auditor’s opinion as to the adequacy of
the captive’s reserves. In addition, the
Fronting Insurer would have oversight
of the reserves throughout the duration
of the Reinsurance Arrangement.
Prohibition on Distributions From the
Captive to MSKCC
11. The Applicant represents that the
amount of the premium is expected to
match the value of the Plan’s liabilities
and that no excess amounts will be
transferred to the Fronting Insurer when
the GAC is purchased. When the
Fronting Insurer pays the premium to
the Captive, the assets held by the
Captive will be set aside to fund the
liabilities under the GAC until all
benefits are paid to participants and
beneficiaries, which MSKCC expects
will occur after more than 20 years.
Financial Benefit to MSKCC
12. The Applicant represents that
purchasing the GAC in conjunction with
the Reinsurance Arrangement is
estimated to result in a ten percent
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savings on the overall cost of purchasing
the GAC without the Captive. For
instance, if the single premium cost to
acquire the GAC from the Fronting
Insurer without the Captive was $1.2
billion, the cost to acquire it with the
Captive in place would be $1.08 billion.
Since the financial benefit of the cost
reduction would ultimately flow to
MSKCC, this exemption requires a
majority of the cost reduction to
purchase the GAC to be provided to the
Plan’s participants and beneficiaries in
the form of a benefit enhancement to
their monthly annuity payment, as
described below.
The Applicant represents that because
MSKCC is a non-profit entity, there will
be no associated tax advantages flowing
to MSKCC from the Reinsurance
The Primary Benefits Test
13. The proposed exemption requires
the Plan to receive the majority of the
financial benefits flowing from the
Reinsurance Arrangement (the Primary
Benefits Test). For the purposes of the
Primary Benefits Test, the Independent
Fiduciary must quantify all of the
benefits derived from the Reinsurance
Arrangement, including all benefits
directly and indirectly received by
MSKCC and any entity affiliated with
MSKCC. The Primary Benefits Test
requires MSKCC to provide Plan
participants and beneficiaries with a
meaningful benefit enhancement that
must exceed 50 percent of the total
financial benefit MSKCC derives from
the Reinsurance Arrangement. So, for
example, if the Independent Fiduciary
determines that MSKCC will receive a
total financial benefit of $126,444,000
over the term of the Reinsurance
Arrangement, the Independent
Fiduciary would be required to ensure
that MSKCC enhances the Plan’s
benefits that would be paid to
participants and beneficiaries by more
than 50 percent of that amount.
Throughout the Reinsurance
Arrangement, the Independent
Fiduciary must continuously review
and confirm that the majority of the
financial benefits flowing from the
Reinsurance Arrangement inure to the
Plan’s participants and beneficiaries.
MSKCC-Provided Benefit Enhancement
14. MSKCC represents that it would
implement a one-time benefit increase
sufficient to pass the Primary Benefits
Test (the Benefit Enhancement). MSKCC
represents that if the savings generated
from the Captive Arrangement equals 10
percent, it will implement a Benefit
Enhancement in the form of a 5.37
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
percent 14 increase to the monthly
benefits of all Plan participants and
beneficiaries that will continue without
reduction for the remainder of their
lives. Collectively, Plan participants and
beneficiaries would receive $64,440,000
in increased pension benefit payments,
and Plan participants and beneficiaries
would therefore receive the majority of
the financial benefit derived from the
Reinsurance Arrangement. So, for
example, a participant with a monthly
benefit of $4,000 under the original plan
terms would receive a 5.37 percent
increase that would increase their
monthly benefit payment to $4,214.80
as a result of the Reinsurance
Arrangement. This Benefit
Enhancement will be applied uniformly
to the monthly benefit of all of the
Plan’s participants and beneficiaries and
will continue to be applied for the
remainder of all of their lives.
MSKCC represents that: (1) apart from
the conditions of this exemption, if
granted, MSKCC otherwise had no
preexisting obligation to provide a
benefit increase to the Plan participants
and beneficiaries; and (2) before its
submission of the exemption
application for this exemption, MSKCC
had not considered or offered any
increase to the current value of the
benefits of the Plan’s participants and
The amount of the Benefit
Enhancement must be adjusted to the
extent that the Independent Fiduciary
determines such an adjustment is
necessary to pass the Primary Benefits
Test. Ultimately, the Independent
Fiduciary would determine the actual
benefit to MSKCC from the proposed
Reinsurance Arrangement and would
ensure that the Plan’s participants and
beneficiaries receive the majority of that
amount. The Applicant submits that the
value of the Benefit Enhancement is
transparent, easily determined, and
simplifies compliance and oversight
with respect to the terms of the
exemption, if granted.
requirements of this exemption, and
Milliman’s consultants, actuaries, and
analysts would support this work. Ms.
Ely and Milliman represent that they are
independent of all parties associated
with the Reinsurance Arrangement,
including the Plan, MSKCC, and the
Captive. Ms. Ely and Milliman do not
have: (a) an interest in any party
involved in the Reinsurance
Arrangement; (b) any economic stake or
financial interest that is contingent
upon the implementation of the
Reinsurance Arrangement; or (c) an
ownership interest in MSKCC, the
Captive, or the Fronting Insurer, nor are
they directly or indirectly, controlled
by, or under common control with
Milliman and Ms. Ely have
acknowledged to the Department in
writing that they accept the fiduciary
obligations associated with the duties of
the Independent Fiduciary and have
agreed not to participate in any
decisions with respect to any
transaction in which they may have an
interest that may affect their best
judgment. Milliman represents that its
gross income received from parties in
interest to the Plan in connection with
the Reinsurance Arrangement represents
less than 0.1 percent of Milliman’s gross
annual income from all sources.
This proposed exemption requires the
Applicant to represent that no party
involved in this exemption transaction
has or will indemnify Milliman or Ms.
Ely in whole or in part for negligence
and/or for any violation of state or
federal law that may be attributable to
the Independent Fiduciary in
performing its duties under the
Reinsurance Arrangement. In addition,
no contract or instrument may purport
to waive any liability under state or
federal law for any such violation.
Further, as a condition of this proposed
exemption, neither Milliman nor Ms.
Ely will enter into any agreement or
instrument that violates ERISA section
410 or 29 CFR 2509.75–4.15
Independent Fiduciary
15. Milliman would serve as the
Plan’s Independent Fiduciary with
respect to the Reinsurance Arrangement.
Kathleen E. Ely of Milliman would
perform the functions required of the
independent fiduciary on behalf of
Milliman with respect to the
Independent Fiduciary Duties
16. As the Plan’s Independent
Fiduciary, Milliman must represent the
Plan in accordance with the obligations
of prudence and loyalty under ERISA
sections 404(a)(1)(A) and (B) and
determine whether the Reinsurance
Arrangement is in the interests of the
14 The formula underlying the 5.37 percent
calculation is based on the actual percentage of
savings in the annuity purchase, including the
value of the pension benefit enhancement. All
details regarding the formula used to calculate the
Benefit Enhancement are included in the exemption
application file and available to the public upon
15 ERISA section 410 provides, in part, that
‘‘except as provided in ERISA sections 405(b)(1)
and 405(d), any provision in an agreement or
instrument which purports to relieve a fiduciary
from responsibility or liability for any
responsibility, obligation, or duty under this part
[meaning Part 4 of Title I of ERISA] shall be void
as against public policy.’’
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Plan’s participants and beneficiaries. In
this regard, before the GAC purchase
and consummation of the Reinsurance
Arrangement, Milliman must confirm
that the Benefit Enhancement is
sufficient to meet the Primary Benefits
Test under this exemption.
Further, not later than 30 days after
the purchase of the GAC and
consummation of the Reinsurance
Arrangement, Milliman must confirm to
the Department in writing that all terms
and conditions of the exemption have
been met (or, due to timing
requirements, can reasonably be
expected to be met consistent with the
terms of this proposed exemption). This
confirmation must include copies of
each document relied on and the steps
taken to make this determination. In this
written determination, the Independent
Fiduciary must confirm the actual cost
savings associated with the Reinsurance
Arrangement by obtaining
documentation from the Fronting
Insurer that compares the cost to
purchase the GAC without the Captive
in place to the cost to purchase the GAC
with the Captive in place. The
Independent Fiduciary must include
this documentation from the Fronting
Insurer with its written determination to
the Department.
Milliman would be required to
continue monitoring, enforcing, and
ensuring compliance with all conditions
of this exemption throughout the
duration of the Reinsurance
Arrangement, including all conditions
and obligations imposed on any party
dealing with the Plan, and report any
instance of non-compliance
immediately to the Department’s Office
of Exemption Determinations. Milliman
must also take all appropriate actions to
safeguard the interests of the Plan and
its participants and beneficiaries, and
review all contracts pertaining to the
Reinsurance Arrangement, and any
renewals of such contracts, to determine
whether the requirements of this
proposed exemption and the terms of
Benefit Enhancement continue to be
Throughout the duration of the
Reinsurance Arrangement, Milliman
would be required to submit written
annual Independent Fiduciary Reports
to the Department certifying under
penalty of perjury whether each term
and condition of the exemption has
been met over the applicable period.
Each report would be: (a) completed
within six months after the end of the
twelve-month period to which it relates
(the first twelve-month period would
begin on the effective date of the
exemption grant); and (b) submitted to
the Department within 60 days
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
thereafter. In preparing the Independent
Fiduciary Report, Milliman must
review: (a) the Captive’s annual audit
and actuarial reports as submitted to the
Vermont DFR; (b) any Certificate of
Good Standing received by the Captive;
and (c) any Exam Report completed by
the Vermont DFR.
Finally, the Independent Fiduciary
must monitor and ensure that any assets
that remain in the Plan during the BuyIn phase of the Reinsurance
Arrangement are managed and used
exclusively to provide benefits to Plan
participants and beneficiaries and to
defray reasonable expenses of
administering the Plan in compliance
with ERISA sections 403(c)(1) and
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The Independent Fiduciary Report
17. On June 27, 2023, Ms. Ely
completed an Independent Fiduciary
Report in which she confirms that the
Benefit Enhancement would provide the
Plan’s participants and beneficiaries
with the majority of the benefits derived
from the Reinsurance Arrangement. Ms.
Ely confirms that the Benefit
Enhancement will be provided to all
Plan participants and beneficiaries at no
cost to them, and that MSKCC will not
offset the cost of the Benefit
Enhancement by making any
corresponding reductions to other
benefits already received by participants
and beneficiaries. Ms. Ely also affirms
that the Plan will pay no more than
adequate consideration for the GAC and
that no commissions will be payable
with respect to the GAC or the
Reinsurance Arrangement.
In the Independent Fiduciary Report,
Ms. Ely states the purchase of the GAC
to fund the Plan’s participant and
beneficiary pension benefit payments
will protect the participants and
beneficiaries from investment risk that
may impact the reserves used to fund
future distributions. With the GAC and
Reinsurance Arrangement in place,
participant and beneficiary pension
benefit payments will be guaranteed by
the Fronting Insurer, with an additional
layer of security provided by the
Also in her Report, Ms. Ely confirms
that the Captive was organized as a
captive insurer in the State of Vermont
on August 28, 2003, and that under
Vermont captive insurance law captives
may conduct reinsurance operations.
Ms. Ely confirms further that on June
22, 2023, she received written
confirmation from the Vermont DFR
that the Captive has an active license, is
in good standing, and underwent an
examination by an independent
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certified public accounting firm for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.
ERISA Analysis
18. MSKCC is a party in interest with
respect to the Plan pursuant to ERISA
section 3(14)(C) because it is an
employer whose employees are covered
by the Plan. In addition, the Captive is
a party in interest with respect to the
Plan pursuant to ERISA section
3(14)(G) 16 because it is wholly owned
ERISA section 406(a) prohibits a wide
variety of transactions between plans
and parties in interest. For example,
ERISA section 406(a)(1)(D) prohibits a
plan fiduciary from causing a plan to
engage in a transaction that results in
the transfer of plan assets to a party in
interest. The Reinsurance Arrangement
would violate ERISA section
406(a)(1)(D) because it would result in
the premium payment used to purchase
the GAC (which consists of plan assets)
being transferred indirectly from the
Plan, via the Fronting Insurer, to the
Captive, a party in interest to the Plan.
ERISA section 406(b)(1) prohibits a
fiduciary from dealing with plan assets
for its own interest or own account,
ERISA section 406(b)(2) prohibits a
fiduciary from acting in any transaction
involving the plan on behalf of a party
whose interests are adverse to the
interests of the plan, and ERISA section
406(b)(3) prohibits a fiduciary from
receiving any consideration for the
fiduciary’s personal account from any
party dealing with the plan in
connection with a transaction involving
the plan’s assets. The MSK Executive
Benefits Committee is comprised of
individuals who also serve as officers of
MSKCC. The Reinsurance Arrangement
would thus raise issues under ERISA
sections 406(b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3)
because the plan fiduciaries on the
Committee would cause the Plan
premium to be paid to the Fronting
Insurer with the understanding that
Fronting Insurer will enter into a
reinsurance arrangement with, and the
Plan premium will ultimately be paid
to, the Captive.
Statutory Findings
19. Based on the conditions included
in this proposed exemption, the
Department has tentatively determined
that the relief sought by the Applicant
16 Under ERISA section 3(14)(G), a corporation is
a ‘‘party in interest’’ with respect to an employee
benefit plan if 50 percent or more of the combined
voting power of all classes of the corporation’s stock
entitled to vote, or the total value of shares of all
classes of stock of the corporation, is owned by an
employer any of whose employees are covered by
the employee benefit plan.
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would satisfy the statutory requirements
for an exemption under ERISA section
20. The Proposed Exemption is
‘‘Administratively Feasible.’’ The
Department has tentatively determined
that this proposed exemption is
administratively feasible for the
Department. This determination is
based on the Department’s
understanding that the Independent
Fiduciary will provide important
oversight with respect to the
Reinsurance Arrangement and will
represent the Plan throughout the
duration of the Reinsurance
Arrangement by monitoring, enforcing,
and ensuring compliance with all
conditions of this exemption. This
proposed exemption also requires the
Independent Fiduciary to submit annual
written reports to the Department
confirming that all conditions of this
exemption have been met. This
determination is also based upon the
Department’s understanding that the
Vermont DFR will provide meaningful
ongoing oversight of the Captive’s
21. The Proposed Exemption is ‘‘In
the Interest of the Plan and its
Participants and Beneficiaries.’’ The
Department has tentatively determined
that the proposed exemption is in the
interest of the Plan and its participants
and beneficiaries. The Department notes
that the Benefit Enhancement represents
significant value that will apply equally
across the Plan and help MSKCC’s more
than 8,000 participants and
beneficiaries enjoy a more secure
retirement. Importantly, the Department
notes that the Plan is not conceding
anything in exchange for the Benefit
Enhancement because, as confirmed by
the Independent Fiduciary, MSKCC will
not make any corresponding reductions
to other benefits the Plan currently
provides to the Plan’s participants and
22. The Proposed Exemption is
‘‘Protective of the Rights of the Plan’s
Participants and Beneficiaries.’’ The
Department has tentatively determined
that the proposed exemption is
protective of the rights of the Plan’s
participants and beneficiaries. The
selection of the Fronting Insurer by
Fiduciary Counselors is critical to the
Department’s finding that the proposed
exemption is protective of the rights of
participants and beneficiaries. The
Department would not have proposed
this exemption without a requirement
that Fiduciary Counselors provides the
Department with a written submission
that identifies the Fronting Insurer
selected along with a written
representation detailing the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
methodology that it used to select the
Fronting Insurer and how that
methodology, and the Fronting Insurer
selected, meets the requirements of IB
In addition, the Department notes that
the Captive would guarantee to pay the
annuitized Plan benefits, which would
provide a second layer of protection for
the Plan’s participants and beneficiaries
that would not exist if only the Fronting
Insurer were insuring the benefits.
Finally, the Department notes that the
Independent Fiduciary will represent
the Plan’s interests for all purposes with
respect to the Reinsurance Arrangement
and will: (1) monitor, enforce, and
ensure compliance with the exemption
conditions, in accordance with its
obligations of prudence and loyalty
under ERISA; (2) report any instance of
non-compliance immediately to the
Department; and (3) submit written
annual reports to the Department
throughout the Reinsurance
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23. Based on compliance with the
conditions that are included in this
proposed exemption, the Department
has tentatively determined that the
relief sought by the Applicant would
satisfy the statutory requirements for an
individual exemption under ERISA
section 408(a) and Code section
Notice to Interested Persons
Notice of the proposed exemption
will be provided to all interested
persons within fifteen (15) days of the
publication of the notice of this
proposed exemption in the Federal
Register. The notice will be provided to
all interested persons in the manner
approved by the Department and will
contain the documents described
therein and a supplemental statement,
as required pursuant to 29 CFR
2570.43(a)(2). The supplemental
statement will inform interested persons
of their right to comment on and to
request a hearing with respect to the
pending exemption. All written
comments and/or requests for a hearing
must be received by the Department
within forty-five (45) days of the date of
publication of this proposed exemption
in the Federal Register. All comments
will be made available to the public.
Warning: If you submit a comment,
EBSA recommends that you include
your name and other contact
information in the body of your
comment, but DO NOT submit
information that you consider to be
confidential, or otherwise protected
(such as a Social Security number or an
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unlisted phone number), or confidential
business information that you do not
want publicly disclosed. All comments
may be posted on the internet and can
be retrieved by most internet search
General Information
The attention of interested persons is
directed to the following:
(1) The fact that a transaction is the
subject of an exemption under ERISA
section 408(a) and/or Code section
4975(c)(2) does not relieve a fiduciary or
other party in interest or disqualified
person from certain other provisions of
ERISA and/or the Code, including any
prohibited transaction provisions to
which the exemption does not apply
and the general fiduciary responsibility
provisions of ERISA section 404, which,
among other things, require a fiduciary
to discharge their duties respecting the
plan solely in the interest of the
participants and beneficiaries of the
plan and in a prudent fashion in
accordance with ERISA section
404(a)(1)(B); nor does it affect the
requirement of Code section 401(a) that
the plan must operate for the exclusive
benefit of the employees of the
employer maintaining the plan and their
(2) Before an exemption may be
granted under ERISA section 408(a)
and/or Code section 4975(c)(2), the
Department must find that the
exemption is administratively feasible,
in the interests of the plan and its
participants and beneficiaries, and
protective of the rights of participants
and beneficiaries of the plan;
(3) The proposed exemption would be
supplemental to, and not in derogation
of, any other provisions of ERISA and/
or the Code, including statutory or
administrative exemptions and
transitional rules. Furthermore, the fact
that a transaction is subject to an
administrative or statutory exemption is
not dispositive of whether the
transaction is, in fact, a prohibited
transaction; and
(4) The Department notes that all of
the material facts and representations
set forth in the Summary of Facts and
Representations must be true and
accurate at all times and that the relief
provided herein is conditioned upon the
veracity of all material representations
made by the Applicant.
Proposed Exemption
The Department is considering
granting an exemption under the
authority of ERISA section 408(a) and
Internal Revenue Code (or Code) section
4975(c)(2) in accordance with the
Department’s exemption procedures
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regulation.17 Effective December 31,
1978, section 102 of Reorganization Plan
No. 4 of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 1 (1996),
transferred the authority of the Secretary
of the Treasury to issue exemptions of
the type requested by the Applicant to
the Secretary of Labor. Therefore, this
notice of proposed exemption is issued
solely by the Department.
Section I. Definitions
(a) An ‘‘affiliate’’ of MSKCC or MSK
US includes: (1) any person or entity
who controls MSKCC or MSK US or is
controlled by or under common control
with MSKCC or MSK US; (2) any officer,
director, employee, relative, or partner
with respect to MSKCC or MSK US; and
(3) any corporation or partnership of
which a person described in (2) above
in this paragraph is an officer, director,
partner, or employee;
(b) The term ‘‘Benefit Enhancement’’
means the benefit increase, as
determined by the Independent
Fiduciary based upon the Primary
Benefits Test, that will be applied
equally to all participants and
beneficiaries across the Plan and last
throughout the duration of the group
annuity contract (the GAC) and
Reinsurance Arrangement.
(c) The term ‘‘Captive’’ means MSK
Insurance US, Inc. a captive insurance
and reinsurance subsidiary that is
wholly-owned by MSKCC, and MSK
Employee Benefits IC, a segregated cell
within MSK Insurance US, Inc., that
will be used to reinsure the risks related
to the Reinsurance Arrangement and are
domiciled in the state of Vermont.
(d) The term ‘‘control’’ means the
power to exercise a controlling
influence over the management or
policies of a person other than an
individual; and
(e) The term ‘‘Independent Fiduciary’’
means a person who:
(1) Is not MSKCC or an affiliate of
MSKCC, or the Captive and does not
hold an ownership interest in MSKCC,
the Captive, or their affiliates;
(2) Was not a fiduciary with respect
to the Plan before its appointment to
serve as the Independent Fiduciary;
(3) Has acknowledged in writing that:
(i) It is a fiduciary and has agreed not
to participate in any decision with
respect to any transaction in which it
has an interest that might affect its best
judgment as a fiduciary; and
(ii) Has appropriate technical training
or experience to perform the services
17 29 CFR part 2570, subpart B (75 FR 66637
October 27, 2011). For purposes of this proposed
exemption, references to ERISA section 406, unless
otherwise specified, should be read to refer as well
to the corresponding provisions of Code section
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
contemplated by this proposed
(4) For purposes of this definition, no
organization or individual may serve as
Independent Fiduciary for any fiscal
year if the gross income received by
such organization or individual from
MSKCC, the Captive, or their affiliates
for that fiscal year exceeds two percent
of such organization’s or individual’s
gross income from all sources for the
prior fiscal year. This provision also
applies to a partnership or corporation
of which such organization or
individual is an officer, director, or 10
percent or more partner or shareholder
and includes as gross income amounts
received as compensation for services
provided as an independent fiduciary
under any prohibited transaction
exemption granted by the Department;
(5) No organization or individual that
is an Independent Fiduciary and no
partnership or corporation of which
such organization or individual is an
officer, director, or ten percent or more
partner or shareholder may acquire any
property from, sell any property to, or
borrow any funds from MSKCC, the
Captive, or their affiliates while the
individual serves as an Independent
Fiduciary. This prohibition would
continue for a period of six months after
the party ceases to be an Independent
Fiduciary and/or the Independent
Fiduciary negotiates any transaction on
behalf of the Plan during the period that
the organization or individual serves as
an Independent Fiduciary; and
(6) In the event a successor
Independent Fiduciary is appointed to
represent the interests of the Plan with
respect to the subject transaction, no
time should elapse between the
resignation or termination of the former
Independent Fiduciary and the
appointment of the successor
Independent Fiduciary.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Section II. Covered Transactions
This exemption would provide relief
from the prohibited transactions
provisions of ERISA sections
406(a)(1)(D), 406(b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3),
and the excise tax imposed by Code
section 4975(a) and (b) (due to the
operation of parallel prohibited
transaction provisions contained in
Code section 4975(c)(1) (D), (E), and (F))
with respect to: (1) the reinsurance of
risks; and (2) the receipt of a premium
by the Captive in connection with a
single premium group insurance
contract sold by an unrelated fronting
insurer (the Fronting Insurer) to provide
pension annuities to Plan participants
and beneficiaries. To receive this relief,
the conditions in Section III must be
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met in conformance with the definitions
in Section I.
Section III. Conditions
(a) MSKCC must improve the Plan by
amending the Plan document to provide
a universal, benefit increase to all
participants and beneficiaries that will
apply immediately once the GAC is
purchased and will continue with no
reduction or offsets for the remainder of
the participants and beneficiaries’ lives
(the Benefit Enhancement). The
additional benefit provided by the
Benefit Enhancement to participants
and beneficiaries must be greater than
50 percent of the total benefit, including
cost savings, derived by MSKCC from
the Reinsurance Arrangement (the
Primary Benefits Test). Stated another
way, MSKCC cannot derive a greater
benefit from the Reinsurance
Arrangement than the Plan’s
participants and beneficiaries;
(b) Following the Plan’s purchase of
the GAC from the Fronting Insurer and
the consummation of the Reinsurance
Arrangement between the Fronting
Insurer and the Captive, the
Independent Fiduciary must determine
in writing whether the Primary Benefits
Test has been met. The Independent
Fiduciary must submit this written
determination to the Department within
30 days after the consummation of the
Reinsurance Arrangement. In this
written determination, the Independent
Fiduciary must confirm the actual cost
savings associated with the Reinsurance
Arrangement by obtaining
documentation from the Fronting
Insurer that compares the cost to
purchase the GAC without the Captive
in place to the cost to purchase the GAC
with the Captive in place. The
Independent Fiduciary must include
this documentation from the Fronting
Insurer with its written determination to
the Department;
(c) The Captive must:
(1) Be a party in interest with respect
to the Plan based on an affiliation with
MSKCC that is described in ERISA
section 3(14)(G);
(2) Be licensed to sell insurance or
conduct reinsurance operations in
(3) Have obtained a Certificate of
Authority from the Insurance
Commissioner of Vermont to transact
business as a captive insurance
company and such certificate must not
have been revoked or suspended;
(4) Have undergone a financial
examination (within the meaning of the
law of its domiciliary State, Vermont) by
the Insurance Commissioner of Vermont
within five years before the end of the
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year preceding the year in which the
reinsurance transaction occurred;
(5) Have undergone, and continue to
undergo, an examination by an
independent certified public accountant
for its last completed taxable year
immediately before the taxable year of
the Reinsurance Arrangement covered
by this proposed exemption; and
(6) Be licensed to conduct reinsurance
transactions by a state whose law
requires an actuarial review of reserves
to be conducted annually by an
independent firm of actuaries and
reported to the appropriate regulatory
(d) The Plan must pay no
commissions with respect to the
purchase of the GAC or the Reinsurance
(e)(1) The Fronting Insurer must be
selected by Fiduciary Counselors, an
independent fiduciary to the Plan, in
compliance with the Department’s
Interpretive Bulletin 95–1 (29 CFR
2509–95–1). Before this proposed
exemption is granted, Fiduciary
Counselors must provide the
Department with a written submission
that identifies the Fronting Insurer
selected, details the methodology used
to select the Fronting Insurer, and
explains how the methodology used,
and the Fronting Insurer selected, meets
the requirements of IB 95–1. Fiduciary
Counselors must also represent in
writing to the Department that it would
have been consistent with IB 95–1 to
select the Fronting Insurer as the insurer
for a final termination buy-out annuity
had MSKCC adopted that approach. To
meet its fiduciary responsibility owed to
the Plan’s participants and beneficiaries
to select and purchase the ‘‘safest
available annuity,’’ before selecting the
Fronting Insurer, Fiduciary Counselors
must evaluate such insurer’s claimspaying ability and creditworthiness in
full compliance with guidance provided
in the Department’s Interpretive
Bulletin 95–1 (29 CFR 2509.95–1);
(f) (1) The Reinsurance Arrangement
between MSK US and the Fronting
Insurer must be indemnity insurance
only and must not relieve the Fronting
Insurer from any responsibility or
liability to the Plan’s participants and
beneficiaries, including liability that
would result if MSK US fails to meet
any of its contractual obligations to the
Fronting Insurer or any successor
Fronting Insurer under the Reinsurance
(2) The Fronting Insurer must have a
direct contractual relationship with the
Plan during the Buy-In phase of the
GAC and with the Plan’s participants
and beneficiaries after MSKCC exercises
the Conversion Option under the GAC,
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
without any caveats, contingencies, or
conditions that would relieve or limit
the Fronting Insurer’s contractual
obligation to pay benefits to the Plan’s
participants and beneficiaries in
accordance with the Plan and the terms
of this exemption;
(g) MSKCC must not offset or reduce
any benefits provided to Plan
participants and beneficiaries in relation
to its implementation of the Benefit
Enhancement. In this regard, MSKCC
must not implement any benefit cuts or
offsets of any kind to the benefits the
Plan provides to any Plan participant or
(h) The Independent Fiduciary must:
(1) In compliance with its fiduciary
obligations of prudence and loyalty
under ERISA sections 404(a)(1)(A) and
(B): (i) review the Reinsurance
Arrangement and the terms of the
exemption; (ii) obtain and review all
current objective, reliable, third-party
documentation necessary to make the
determinations required of the
Independent Fiduciary by the
exemption; and (iii) confirm in writing
that all of the exemption’s terms and
conditions have been met (or, due to
timing requirements, can reasonably be
expected to be met consistent with the
terms of the exemption) and send this
confirmation to the Department’s Office
of Exemption Determinations not later
than 30 days after the Captive enters
into the Reinsurance Arrangement. In
this written report, the Independent
Fiduciary must also confirm that the
Fronting Insurer selected and the
methodology used by Fiduciary
Counselors to make the selection meets
the requirements of IB 95–1 and that it
would have been consistent with IB 95–
1 to select the Fronting Insurer as the
insurer for a final termination buy-out
annuity had MSKCC adopted that
(2) Approve the Reinsurance
Arrangement in advance and ensure that
the Reinsurance Arrangement is in the
interest of the Plan’s participants and
beneficiaries and protective of the Plan’s
participants and beneficiaries;
(3) Monitor, enforce, and ensure
compliance with all conditions of this
exemption in accordance with its
obligations of prudence and loyalty
under ERISA sections 404(a)(1)(A) and
(B), including all conditions and
obligations imposed on any party
dealing with the Plan, throughout the
period during which the Captive’s assets
are directly or indirectly used in
connection with a transaction covered
by this exemption;
(4) Represent and protect the interests
of the participants and beneficiaries of
the Plan during both the Buy-In and
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Buy-Out Phases to ensure they receive
everything that they are entitled to
receive under this exemption, the terms
of the Plan, and the GAC;
(5) Monitor and ensure that any assets
that remain in the Plan during the BuyIn Phase of the Reinsurance
Arrangement are managed and used
exclusively to provide benefits to Plan
participants and beneficiaries and to
defray reasonable expenses of
administering the Plan in compliance
with ERISA sections 403(c)(1) and
(6) Report any instance of noncompliance immediately to the
Department’s Office of Exemption
(7) Take all appropriate actions to
safeguard the interests of the Plan and
its participants and beneficiaries; and
(8) Review all contracts pertaining to
the Reinsurance Arrangement, and any
renewals of such contracts, to determine
whether the requirements of this
proposed exemption and the terms of
Benefit Enhancement continue to be
(i)(1) The Independent Fiduciary must
submit an annual Independent
Fiduciary Report to the Department’s
Office of Exemption Determinations
certifying under penalty of perjury
whether each term and condition of the
proposed exemption has been met over
the applicable period. Each report must
be completed within six months after
the end of the twelve-month period to
which it relates (the first twelve-month
period would begin on the effective date
of the exemption grant); and submitted
to the Department’s Office of Exemption
Determinations within 60 days
(2) In preparing the Independent
Fiduciary Report, the Independent
Fiduciary must:
(i) Review the Captive’s annual audit
and actuarial reports as submitted to the
Vermont Department of Financial
Regulation (Vermont DFR);
(ii) Review any Certificate of Good
Standing received by the Captive;
(iii) Review Any Exam Report
completed by the Vermont DRF and
include a detailed summary of the Exam
(iv) confirm that MSKCC has not
reduced or offset any benefits in relation
to its implementation of the Benefit
Enhancement; and
(v) confirm that MSKCC has not
reduced the Benefit Enhancement
amount at any point during the year
(3) Finally, the Independent Fiduciary
must confirm in each Report that the
Primary Benefits Test was met for the
year covered. In this regard, the
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Independent Fiduciary must determine
the value of the Benefit Enhancement
and the total value of the Reinsurance
Arrangement to MSKCC, including cost
savings, and confirm that MSKCC has
not received any additional financial
benefit that the Independent Fiduciary
did not account for when it previously
used the Primary Benefits Test to derive
the Benefit Enhancement amount;
(j) Neither MSKCC nor any related
entity may use participant or
beneficiary-related data or information
generated by or derived from the
Reinsurance Arrangement in a manner
that benefits MSKCC or a related entity;
(k) All the facts and representations
set forth in the Summary of Facts and
Representations must be true and
accurate at all times;
(l) No party related to this exemption
request has or will indemnify the
Independent Fiduciary or Fiduciary
Counselors, in whole or in part, for
negligence and/or for any violation of
state or federal law that may be
attributable to the Independent
Fiduciary’s or Fiduciary Counselor’s
performance of its duties in connection
with the Reinsurance Arrangement. In
addition, no contract or instrument may
purport to waive any liability under
state or federal law for any such
(m) MSKCC must provide the
Department’s Office of Exemption
Determinations with all Exam Reports
issued by the State of Vermont
throughout the duration of the
Reinsurance Arrangement within 30
days after such Exam Report is received;
(n) The Captive must request a
Certificate of Good Standing from the
State of Vermont on an annual basis;
(o) MSKCC must notify the
Department’s Office of Exemption
Determinations if there is any change in
the Captive’s business plan, auditor, or
the composition of its board of directors;
(p) MSKCC may not receive a
dividend or any other form of
distribution from the Captive at any
point during the Reinsurance
(q) Following the discharge of all
liabilities under the GAC (the Discharge
Date), MSK Employee Benefits IC will
determine the amount of assets, if any,
that remain in MSK EB after all
payments and distributions have been
made to the Plan’s participants and
beneficiaries (the Excess Amount), and
MSKCC will distribute the Excess
Amount in conformity with the Primary
Benefits Test within twelve months after
the Discharge Date by remitting the
majority of the Excess Amount (at least
50.1 percent) as an employer
contribution to another ERISA-covered
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 131 / Tuesday, July 9, 2024 / Notices
employee benefit plan sponsored by
MSKCC (without any benefit cuts or
offsets to other benefits MSKCC
provides to its employees) in a manner
that does not discriminate in favor of
highly compensated employees
pursuant to standards set forth in in
sections 401(a)(4) and 410(b) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or under
similar standards if these provisions no
longer are in effect on the Discharge
(r) MSKCC and the Captive must
maintain all the records necessary to
demonstrate that the conditions of this
exemption have been met for a period
of six years from the date of each record.
MSKCC must provide these records to
the Department’s Office of Exemption
Determinations within 30 days from the
date of the Department’s request;
(s) MSKCC must provide a Parental
Guarantee to the Captive and provide
cash as needed if the Captive’s general
and separate account asset balances
have been extinguished;
(t) The Captive must invest the
reserves in accordance with the
regulations and under the supervision of
the State of Vermont;
(u) MSKCC must amend the Plan
document to memorialize the Benefit
Enhancement and provide a copy of the
amended plan document to the
Department’s Office of Exemption
Determinations no later than 30 days
after the date the Captive enters into the
Reinsurance Arrangement;
(v) After the Buy-In phase for the
Reinsurance Arrangement is completed
and MSKCC exercises the Conversion
Option, MSKCC will terminate the Plan
in compliance with all applicable Code
and ERISA requirements;
(w) MSKCC must notify the
Department of any change in the
independent fiduciary no later than 30
days after the engagement of a substitute
or subsequent independent fiduciary
and must provide an explanation for the
substitution or change including a
description of any material disputes
between the terminated independent
fiduciary and MSKCC; and
(x) Once the Benefit Enhancement
percentage amount is set (in conformity
with the Primary Benefits Test), MSKCC
may not reduce that Benefit
Enhancement percentage amount at any
Applicability Date: If granted, the
exemption will be in effect on the date
the Department publishes a grant notice
in the Federal Register.
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Signed at Washington, DC, this 2nd day of
July 2024.
George Christopher Cosby,
Director, Office of Exemption Determinations,
Employee Benefits Security Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor.
[FR Doc. 2024–14961 Filed 7–8–24; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request; Monthly
Employment Utilization Report (CC–
Notice of availability; request
for comments.
The Department of Labor
(DOL) is submitting this Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs
(OFCCP)-sponsored information
collection request (ICR) to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). Public comments on the ICR are
DATES: The OMB will consider all
written comments that the agency
receives on or before August 8, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Michael Howell by telephone at 202–
693–6782, or by email at DOL_PRA_
Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs
(OFCCP) is requesting Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) review
and approval of the Monthly
Employment Utilization Report (CC–
257). The proposed CC–257 would
require covered construction contractors
and subcontractors to submit monthly
reports on their employee count and
work hours by race/ethnicity, gender,
and trade in the covered area.
OFCCP previously collected the CC–
257 under OMB control number 1215–
0163 but discontinued the report in
1995. Since that time, DOL restructured
OFCCP as a stand-alone agency and
OMB transferred OFCCP’s information
collections to OMB control numbers
that begin with a ‘‘1250’’ agency code.
PO 00000
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As such, OFCCP is requesting a new
‘‘1250’’ OMB control number for the
CC–257 report. This information
collection request (ICR) outlines the
legal authority, procedures, burden, and
costs associated with the collection. For
additional substantive information
about this ICR, see the related notice
published in the Federal Register on
February 26, 2024 (89 FR 14109).
Comments are invited on: (1) whether
the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
the agency’s estimates of the burden and
cost of the collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information collection; and
(4) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
This information collection is subject
to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
of information, and the public is
generally not required to respond to an
information collection, unless the OMB
approves it and displays a currently
valid OMB Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information that does not
display a valid OMB Control Number.
See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6.
DOL seeks PRA authorization for this
information collection for three (3)
years. OMB authorization for an ICR
cannot be for more than three (3) years
without renewal. The DOL notes that
information collection requirements
submitted to the OMB for existing ICRs
receive a month-to-month extension
while they undergo review.
Agency: DOL–OFCCP.
Title of Collection: Monthly
Employment Utilization Report (CC–
OMB Control Number: 1250–0NEW.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
Total Estimated Number of
Respondents: 9,982.
Total Estimated Number of
Responses: 119,784.
Total Estimated Annual Time Burden:
179,676 hours.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
Burden: $23,237.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 131 (Tuesday, July 9, 2024)]
[Pages 56422-56432]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-14961]
Employee Benefits Security Administration
[Exemption Application No. D-12073]
Proposed Exemption From Certain Prohibited Transaction
Restrictions Involving Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC or
the Applicant) Located in New York, New York
AGENCY: Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor.
ACTION: Notice of proposed exemption.
SUMMARY: This document provides notice of the pendency before the
Department of Labor (the Department) of a proposed individual exemption
from certain of the prohibited transaction restrictions of the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA or the Act) and/or the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code) for the reinsurance of risks
and the receipt of a premium by MSK Insurance US, Inc. (the Captive), a
captive insurance and reinsurance subsidiary that is wholly-owned by
MSKCC, in connection with a single premium group insurance contract
sold by an unrelated fronting insurer (the Fronting Insurer) to provide
pension annuities to Plan participants and beneficiaries if the
conditions in Section III are met in conformance with the definitions
in Section I.
DATES: If granted, this proposed exemption will be in effect on the
date specified by the Department in a grant notice published in the
Federal Register.
Comments due: Written comments and requests for a public hearing on
the proposed exemption must be submitted to the Department by August
23, 2024.
ADDRESSES: All written comments and requests for a hearing should be
[[Page 56423]]
submitted to the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA),
Office of Exemption Determinations, Attention: Application No. D-12073,
via email to [email protected] or online through Any such comments or requests should be sent
before the end of the scheduled comment period. The application for
exemption and the comments received will be available for public
inspection in the Public Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-1515, 200
Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210. See SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION below for additional information regarding comments.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Joseph Brennan of the Department
at (202) 693-8456. (This is not a toll-free number.)
Persons are encouraged to submit all comments electronically and
not to follow their submissions with paper copies. Comments should
state the nature of the person's interest in the proposed exemption and
how the person would be affected by the exemption, if granted. Any
person who may be adversely affected by an exemption can request a
hearing on the exemption. A hearing request must state: (1) the name,
address, telephone number, and email address of the person making the
request; (2) the nature of the person's interest in the exemption and
how the person would be adversely affected by the exemption; and (3) a
statement of the issues to be addressed and a general description of
the evidence to be presented at the hearing. The Department will grant
a request for a hearing made in accordance with the requirements above
where a hearing is necessary to fully explore material factual issues
identified by the person requesting the hearing. A notice of such
hearing would be published by the Department in the Federal Register.
The Department may decline to hold a hearing if: (1) the hearing
request does not meet the requirements above; (2) the only issues
identified for exploration at the hearing are matters of law; or (3)
the factual issues identified can be fully explored through the
submission of evidence in written (including electronic) form.
WARNING: All comments received will be included in the public
record without change and may be made available online at, including any personal information provided,
unless the comment includes information claimed to be confidential, or
other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. If you
submit a comment, EBSA recommends that you include your name and other
contact information in the body of your comment, but DO NOT submit
information that you consider to be confidential, or otherwise
protected (such as a Social Security number or an unlisted phone
number), or confidential business information that you do not want
publicly disclosed. If EBSA cannot read your comment due to technical
difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, EBSA might not
be able to consider your comment.
Additionally, the website is an
``anonymous access'' system, which means EBSA will not know your
identity or contact information unless you provide such information in
the body of your comment. If you send an email directly to EBSA without
going through, your email address will be
automatically captured and included as part of the comment that is
placed in the public record and made available on the internet.
Under the proposed exemption, the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center Pension Plan (the Plan) would enter into a single premium group
annuity insurance contract (the GAC) with an unrelated insurance
company (the Fronting Insurer) who would be selected by an independent
fiduciary in compliance with the requirements of the Department's
Interpretive Bulletin 95-1.\1\ The Fronting Insurer would, in turn,
enter into a reinsurance contract (the Reinsurance Arrangement) with
MSK Insurance US, Inc. (MSK US or the Captive), a captive reinsurer
that is wholly owned by MSKCC, the Plan sponsor. Under the Reinsurance
Arrangement, MSK US would reinsure 100 percent of the Plan's risks.
Importantly, the Fronting Insurer would remain fully responsible for
the benefits of participants and beneficiaries for the entire duration
of the GAC and Reinsurance Arrangement if MSK US does not fulfill its
contractual obligations to the Fronting Insurer, without any caveats,
contingencies, or conditions that would relieve or limit the Fronting
Insurer's contractual obligation to pay benefits to the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries.
\1\ 29 CFR 2509.95-1.
In connection with the Reinsurance Arrangement, all Plan
participants and beneficiaries would receive an increase to their
monthly pension benefit that is currently expected to be 5.37
percent.\2\ The Department expects that this benefit increase would add
a total of $64,440,000 in additional benefits to the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries in the form of a 5.37 percent increase
to their monthly annuity payment for the rest of their lives.
Importantly, this increase will remain in place for the entirety of
Plan participants' and beneficiaries' lives and, as a condition of this
exemption, MSKCC would not reduce any benefits that employees receive
from MSKCC, including the benefits Plan participants receive from the
Plan, as a result of the Reinsurance Arrangement described in this
proposed exemption. Absent this exemption, participants and
beneficiaries would not receive this benefit increase.
\2\ As discussed in more detail below, the exemption requires
that Plan participants and beneficiaries receive the majority of the
benefits derived from the Reinsurance Arrangement. While, as noted
above, it is ``currently expected'' that a 5.37% increase in Plan's
participants' and beneficiaries' monthly pension benefits will
achieve this objective, the exact percentage increase needed to
ensure that Plan participants and beneficiaries receive the majority
of the benefits derived from the proposed arrangement will not be
known until the Plan actually enters into the GAC, which will occur
after the Fronting Insurer is selected by Fiduciary Counselors, the
independent fiduciary appointed to solicit bids and select the
Fronting Insurer in accord with the requirements of IB 95-1. As
described in further detail below, once the Plan enters into the
GAC, Milliman, a second independent fiduciary acting solely on
behalf of the Plan, must determine, based on objective data, that
the Plan participants' and beneficiaries' monthly pension benefits
have been increased by a percentage that ensures they will receive
the majority of the benefits derived from the Reinsurance
Arrangement. The methodology for making this calculation is
discussed below. Milliman as independent fiduciary must, among other
things, calculate and demonstrate to the Department in a written
report that Plan participants and beneficiaries received the
appropriate percentage increase in their monthly pension benefits.
The written report of the independent fiduciary would be available
to the publicly contacting EBSA's Public Disclosure Office and
referencing Exemption Application D-12073.
Proposed Exemption
The Department is considering granting an exemption under the
authority of ERISA section 408(a) and Code section 4975(c)(2) and in
accordance with the procedures set forth in 29 CFR part 2570, subpart B
(75 FR 66637, 66644, October 27, 2011).\3\ If
[[Page 56424]]
the proposed exemption is granted, the Plan will purchase the GAC from
an unrelated Fronting Insurer, and the Fronting Insurer will, in turn,
enter into a reinsurance contract with MSK US.
\3\ For purposes of this proposed exemption: (1) references to
specific provisions of ERISA Title I, unless otherwise specified,
should be read to refer as well to the corresponding provisions of
Code section 4975; and (2) if granted, this proposed exemption does
not provide relief from the requirements of any law not noted above.
Accordingly, the Applicant is responsible for ensuring compliance
with any other laws applicable to the transactions described herein.
As described below, MSKCC is expected to receive a financial
benefit from this exemption that will equal approximately $126,444,000.
This exemption would require MSKCC to ensure that Plan participants and
beneficiaries will receive the majority of that derived benefit in the
form of a uniform percentage increase to the monthly retirement benefit
of all participants and beneficiaries. Currently, the Department
expects that MSKCC would implement a 5.37% increase in each
participant's and beneficiary's monthly annuity payment. This benefit
increase will continue, without reduction, for the lifetime of each
participant and beneficiary until the final annuitant is paid their
final monthly annuity payment under the GAC.
This proposed exemption also would require MSKCC to delegate
fiduciary oversight of the Plan and Reinsurance Arrangement to a
qualified fiduciary who is independent of MSKCC and MSKCC's affiliates
(the Independent Fiduciary). Among other things, the Independent
Fiduciary must approve the Reinsurance Arrangement in advance, ensure
that the Reinsurance Arrangement is in the interest of and protective
of the Plan's participants and beneficiaries, and submit written annual
reports to the Department confirming that MSKCC has met all of the
exemption's conditions.\4\
\4\ The Department notes that the Independent Fiduciary's annual
written reports are essential to the Department's tentative finding
that this proposed exemption is, and will continue to be, in the
interest of and protective of the Plan and its participants and
beneficiaries. The Independent Fiduciary must clearly, prudently,
and loyally determine whether MSKCC and its affiliates have complied
with each term and condition of the exemption and include its
findings in its reports.
This exemption would provide relief from certain restrictions
described in ERISA section 406 and Code section 4975(c)(1). These
restrictions are discussed below. No relief or waiver of a violation of
any other law is provided by the exemption. When interpreting and
implementing this exemption, MSKCC, the Captive, the Independent
Fiduciary, and the Fronting Insurer would resolve any ambiguities by
considering the exemption's protective purposes. To the extent
additional clarification is necessary, these persons or entities should
immediately contact EBSA's Office of Exemption Determinations at 202-
Summary of Facts and Representations 5
\5\ The Summary of Facts and Representations is based on the
Applicant's representations provided in its exemption application
and does not reflect factual findings or opinions of the Department
unless indicated otherwise. The Department notes that the
availability of this exemption is subject to the express condition
that the material facts and representations contained in application
D-12073 are true and complete at all times, and accurately describe
all material terms of the transactions covered by the exemption. If
there is any material change in a transaction covered by the
exemption, or in a material fact or representation described in the
application, the exemption will cease to apply as of the date of the
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
1. MSKCC is a cancer center that is committed to patient care,
research, and educational programs. Headquartered in New York City,
MSKCC had 29,732 employees as of December 31, 2022. MSKCC's total
operating revenue in 2022 was approximately $6.63 billion, with net
assets of $8.74 billion. MSKCC is a non-profit entity designated as a
501(c)(3) organization.
The Plan
2. The Plan is a defined benefit pension plan that provides
retirement and death benefits for eligible participants. Under the
Plan, the normal form of payment for an unmarried participant is a
single-life annuity, and the normal form of payment for a married
participant is a joint and 50% survivor annuity. The Plan administrator
and named fiduciary is the MSK Executive Benefits Committee and the
Plan trustee is JPMorgan Chase. In 2012, MSKCC amended the Plan to
close enrollment to employees hired on or after December 16, 2012. In
2020, MSKCC amended the Plan to freeze future benefit accruals
effective December 20, 2020. As of December 31, 2022, the Plan covered
8,263 participants and held $1,347,320,040 in total assets.
The Captive
3. MSK US is MSKCC's wholly-owned captive insurance and reinsurance
subsidiary. MSK US was organized on August 21, 2003, to provide
coverage to operating subsidiaries of MSKCC, and on August 28, 2003,
received a Certificate of Authority to transact insurance business in
the State of Vermont. MSK US insures the property and equipment of
MSKCC. Today, MSK US writes approximately $75 million in premiums and
has expanded its business to include other insurance product lines for
MSKCC, such as warranty coverage for health care equipment and bio-
medical health care equipment, group life insurance, and group long-
term disability insurance. In December 2008, MSKCC received a
prohibited transaction exemption from the Department that permits MSK
US to reinsure the risks of MSKCC's Group Term Life and Long Term
Disability Programs (PTE 08-22E).\6\
\6\ The Fronting Insurers under PTE 08-22E are Prudential
Insurance Company of America and First Unum Life Insurance Company.
MSK Employee Benefits IC (MSK EB) is a segregated cell within MSK
US that will be used to reinsure the risks related to the Reinsurance
Arrangement and this exemption. While MSK US will contract with the
Fronting Insurer as part of the Reinsurance Arrangement, MSK EB will
hold the reserves that will be used to pay benefits to the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries under the GAC. MSK US and MSK EB are
collectively referred to herein as ``the Captive.''
The Reinsurance Arrangement
4. The transaction at issue involves the purchase by the Plan of
the GAC from an unrelated Fronting Insurer, and the reinsurance of the
GAC through the Captive. The Plan has engaged Milliman, Inc. (Milliman)
to serve as its Independent Fiduciary with respect to the Reinsurance
Arrangement (the Independent Fiduciary).
Fiduciary Counselors Inc. and the Selection of the Fronting Insurer
5. MSKCC has engaged Fiduciary Counselors Inc. of Washington, DC to
select a Fronting Insurer with respect to the Reinsurance Arrangement
based on a competitive bidding process. The Applicant represents that
Fiduciary Counselors will send requests for proposals to potential
Fronting Insurers and will then select a Fronting Insurer in compliance
with the Department's Interpretive Bulletin (IB) 95-1,\7\ which
provides several factors that fiduciaries must consider to ensure they
select the safest annuity available for a plan.\8\ The
[[Page 56425]]
Fronting Insurer ultimately selected by Fiduciary Counselors must be
unrelated to MSKCC. Given the importance of a highly rated Fronting
Insurer to the security of the pension benefits provided to the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries, Fiduciary Counselors must provide the
Department with a written submission that identifies the Fronting
Insurer selected along with a written representation detailing the
methodology that it used to select the Fronting Insurer and how that
methodology, and the Fronting Insurer selected, met the requirements of
IB 95-1. Fiduciary Counselors also must represent to the Department
that it would have been consistent with IB 95-1 to select the Fronting
Insurer as the insurer for a final termination buy-out annuity, had
MSKCC adopted that approach. This information will be available to the
public as part of the record attributable to D-12073.
\7\ Fiduciary Counselors must submit a written representation in
writing to the Department's Office of Exemption Determinations that
the selection of the Fronting Insurer met the requirements of IB 95-
1 and also that it would have been consistent with IB 95-1 to select
the Fronting Insurer as the insurer for a final termination buy-out
annuity had MSKCC adopted that approach.
\8\ 29 CFR 2509-95-1. As stated in IB 95-1, when conducting a
search, a fiduciary must evaluate a number of factors relating to a
potential annuity provider's claims-paying ability and
creditworthiness. Reliance solely on ratings provided by insurance
rating services would not be sufficient to meet this requirement. In
this regard, the types of factors a fiduciary should consider would
include, among other things: (a) the quality and diversification of
the annuity provider's investment portfolio; (b) the size of the
insurer relative to the proposed contract; (c) the level of the
insurer's capital and surplus; (d) the lines of business of the
annuity provider and other indications of an insurer's exposure to
liability; (e) the structure of the annuity contract and guarantees
supporting the annuities, such as the use of separate accounts; and
(f) the availability of additional protection through state guaranty
associations and the extent of their guarantees.
Mechanics of the Reinsurance Arrangement
6. The Plan would purchase the GAC from the Fronting Insurer by
using current Plan assets (including an in-kind transfer) to pay a one-
time premium amount to the Fronting Insurer. The Fronting Insurer would
simultaneously enter into an indemnity reinsurance contract with the
Captive, which would cede the Plan's risk from the Fronting Insurer to
the Captive. Subsequently, the Fronting Insurer would transfer the
premium amount paid by the Plan to the Captive where it would be held
in reserve within the captive cell (MSK EB) throughout the duration of
the Reinsurance Arrangement. The GAC would cover all of the Plan's
liabilities and have two phases: (1) a Buy-In Phase and (2) a Buy-Out
Phase that are explained below.
Buy-In Phase: During the Buy-in Phase, the Plan would hold the GAC
as a plan asset. This means that the Fronting Insurer and Captive would
guarantee the payment of Plan benefits and the Plan would remain in
place. During the Buy-In Phase, the payment of the participants' and
beneficiaries' benefits would be secured by the Plan, the Plan Sponsor,
ERISA, and the PBGC, while the Plan's funding of benefit payments would
be secured by the Fronting Insurer and Captive.
During the Buy-In Phase, the Fronting Insurer would send funds to
the Plan Trustee (JPMorgan Chase) to make benefit distribution payments
to the Plan's participants and beneficiaries and, every three months,
the Fronting Insurer would submit payment requests to the Captive
requesting reimbursement to cover participant and beneficiary
distributions paid during the preceding three months and the Fronting
Insurer's ongoing fees.\9\ If the Fronting Insurer and Captive fail to
pay benefits during the Buy-In Phase, the Plan Sponsor would still be
required to fund the Plan, and the Plan would still be required to pay
all benefits due to participants and beneficiaries.
\9\ See Representation 7 below for more information on the
Fronting Insurer's fees.
Following the purchase of the GAC, and while the Plan is still
active, the Plan's fiduciaries would be obligated to manage all Plan
assets, including those assets not used to purchase the GAC, solely in
the interest of participants and beneficiaries and exclusively for
their benefits. Any payments for Plan expenses that do not clearly and
exclusively benefit participants and beneficiaries would be subject to
additional scrutiny.
Buy-Out Phase: The GAC would contain a ``conversion option'' (the
Conversion Option) that the Plan Sponsor could exercise (at any time)
if and when it decides to terminate the Plan.\10\ If exercised, the
Conversion Option would transition the GAC from the Buy-in Phase to the
Buy-Out Phase,\11\ and the following events would occur: (a) the GAC
would no longer be held by the Plan as a Plan asset; (b) the Plan
Sponsor would replace the Plan as the holder of the GAC; (c) the
Fronting Insurer would issue annuity certificates to all Plan
participants and beneficiaries; and (d) the Fronting Insurer would take
complete control of the administration of the GAC and make benefit
payments directly to the former Plan participants and beneficiaries
that have become annuitants.\12\ During the Buy-Out Phase, the Captive
would continue to hold the reserves and the Fronting Insurer would
continue to provide quarterly reimbursement payment requests to the
Captive to cover: (1) participant and beneficiary distributions paid by
the Fronting Insurer over the preceding three months, plus (2) the
Fronting Insurer's ongoing fees.
\10\ This exemption would not relieve the Plan's fiduciaries
from their express ERISA duties to manage the assets of the plan
solely in the interest of the plan and its participants and
beneficiaries, including when the fiduciaries are contemplating
terminating the plan.
\11\ The effective date of the conversion would be aligned with
the Plan's termination (i.e., the Conversion Option will be
exercised only if and when the Plan terminates).
\12\ As a condition of this exemption, after the Buy-In phase
for the Reinsurance Arrangement is completed and MSKCC exercises the
Conversion Option, MSKCC will terminate the Plan in compliance with
all applicable Code and ERISA requirements.
The relationship between the Fronting Insurer and Captive would
remain the same during both the Buy-In and Buy-Out Phases; therefore,
the Fronting Insurer would assume full responsibility for benefit
obligations to participants and beneficiaries, without conditions or
caveats, and the Captive would assume the reinsurance risk.
Accordingly, both the Fronting Insurer and the Captive would assume
full responsibility for making pension benefit payments to participants
and beneficiaries throughout the duration of the Reinsurance
Arrangement (during both the Buy-In and Buy-Out Phases). Thus, even
after conversion to the Buy-Out phase, the Fronting Insurer and the
Captive would remain 100 percent liable for making benefit payments to
participants and beneficiaries.
As a condition of this exemption, the Fronting Insurer would be
required to have a direct contractual relationship with the Plan during
the Buy-In phase of the GAC and with the Plan's participants and
beneficiaries after MSKCC exercises the Conversion Option under the GAC
during the Buy-Out phase, without any caveats, contingencies, or
conditions that would relieve or limit the Fronting Insurer's
contractual obligation to pay benefits to the Plan's participants and
beneficiaries in accordance with the terms of this exemption and the
Fees and Other Costs
7. Throughout the duration of the Reinsurance Arrangement, the
Captive would pay fees to the Fronting Insurer that are based on a
percentage of the reserve held by the Captive. The Applicant represents
that the Fronting Insurer's fee would be less than one percent of the
total reserve amount held by the Captive and would remain the same
throughout the duration of the Reinsurance Arrangement. The Fronting
Insurer's fees cover both the risk assumed by the Fronting Insurer to
make benefit payments to participants and beneficiaries and the
services the Fronting Insurer provides (including administering benefit
payments during the Buy-Out Phase). All costs associated with the
operation of the Captive would be paid by the Captive (or MSKCC) and
not by the Plan. Further, no
[[Page 56426]]
commissions would be associated with the Reinsurance Arrangement and no
fees would be shared by the Fronting Insurer with MSKCC, the Captive,
or any affiliates thereof.
Collateral Under the Reinsurance Agreement
8. As part of the Reinsurance Arrangement, the Captive would be
collateralized by MSKCC, and all collateral will be separate and apart
from the Plan assets used to purchase the GAC. The Applicant represents
that the collateral would be distinct from the reserves and that
pursuant to the GAC, MSKCC would establish a collateral account that
the Fronting Insurer can access: (1) in the event the Captive fails to
make a required quarterly payment to the Fronting Insurer; or (2) to
reduce the financial risk that would arise if, for example, the Captive
is holding too large a portion of the reserves in illiquid investments.
The assets held in the collateral account would be legally owned by
MSKCC, but the Fronting Insurer would have a statutory reserve credit
on the assets.\13\ The collateral requirements will be determined by
the Fronting Insurer and will be based on the reserve requirements
mandated by the State of Vermont.
\13\ The Department understands that a statutory reserve is the
amount of money, securities, or assets that must be set aside as a
legal requirement by the Fronting Insurer to cover claims or
obligations due. This pool of funds is called a statutory reserve
because state laws and regulations require the Fronting Insurer to
hold these funds in reserve on their balance sheet. A reserve credit
is a financial statement credit to the Fronting Insurer for the
reinsurance ceded by the Fronting Insurer to the Captive. The
Fronting Insurer would receive a credit because the reserves and
collateral would be held by the Captive. Thus, the Fronting Insurer
will not have to carry the equivalent statutory reserve on its
balance sheet.
MSKCC would also provide a Parental Guarantee to the Captive and
would provide cash as needed if the Captive's general and separate
account asset balances were extinguished. In its Feasibility Report
submitted to the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation (Vermont
DFR), MSKCC noted that it has a substantial endowment of approximately
$6.4B that would provide the Parental Guarantee.
Oversight by the Vermont DFR
9. Before submitting this exemption request, the Captive requested
and received formal approval from the Vermont DFR to enter into the
Reinsurance Arrangement and operate the Captive to reinsure the Plan's
pension benefits. The Vermont DFR issued its formal approval after
reviewing the Captive's Feasibility Report, which included, among other
things, actuarial projections, an investment policy statement, and a
business plan. If this exemption is granted and the Reinsurance
Arrangement takes effect, the Captive would be required to submit an
independent audit report and actuarial report to the Vermont DFR on an
annual basis. Further, at least every five years, the Vermont DFR would
conduct a thorough review of the Captive and issue an Exam Report.
This proposed exemption requires the Independent Fiduciary to
obtain and review all independent audit reports and actuarial reports
submitted by the Captive to the Vermont DFR as well as all Exam Reports
issued to the Captive by the Vermont DFR. The Independent Fiduciary
would be required to provide the Department with a detailed summary of
each Exam Report in its annual Independent Fiduciary Reports, as
described below. This proposed exemption also would require the Captive
to request a Certificate of Good Standing from the Vermont DFR on an
annual basis. Also, as part of this proposed exemption, MSKCC must
provide the Department with any Exam Reports it receives no later than
30 days after MSKCC receives such report.
Investing the Reserves
10. The Captive would be required to invest the reserves in
accordance with the regulations, and under the supervision, of the
State of Vermont. Under Vermont state law all captives must file an
annual audit report with the state insurance commissioner and such
audit report must include the auditor's opinion as to the adequacy of
the captive's reserves. In addition, the Fronting Insurer would have
oversight of the reserves throughout the duration of the Reinsurance
Prohibition on Distributions From the Captive to MSKCC
11. The Applicant represents that the amount of the premium is
expected to match the value of the Plan's liabilities and that no
excess amounts will be transferred to the Fronting Insurer when the GAC
is purchased. When the Fronting Insurer pays the premium to the
Captive, the assets held by the Captive will be set aside to fund the
liabilities under the GAC until all benefits are paid to participants
and beneficiaries, which MSKCC expects will occur after more than 20
Financial Benefit to MSKCC
12. The Applicant represents that purchasing the GAC in conjunction
with the Reinsurance Arrangement is estimated to result in a ten
percent savings on the overall cost of purchasing the GAC without the
Captive. For instance, if the single premium cost to acquire the GAC
from the Fronting Insurer without the Captive was $1.2 billion, the
cost to acquire it with the Captive in place would be $1.08 billion.
Since the financial benefit of the cost reduction would ultimately flow
to MSKCC, this exemption requires a majority of the cost reduction to
purchase the GAC to be provided to the Plan's participants and
beneficiaries in the form of a benefit enhancement to their monthly
annuity payment, as described below.
The Applicant represents that because MSKCC is a non-profit entity,
there will be no associated tax advantages flowing to MSKCC from the
Reinsurance Arrangement.
The Primary Benefits Test
13. The proposed exemption requires the Plan to receive the
majority of the financial benefits flowing from the Reinsurance
Arrangement (the Primary Benefits Test). For the purposes of the
Primary Benefits Test, the Independent Fiduciary must quantify all of
the benefits derived from the Reinsurance Arrangement, including all
benefits directly and indirectly received by MSKCC and any entity
affiliated with MSKCC. The Primary Benefits Test requires MSKCC to
provide Plan participants and beneficiaries with a meaningful benefit
enhancement that must exceed 50 percent of the total financial benefit
MSKCC derives from the Reinsurance Arrangement. So, for example, if the
Independent Fiduciary determines that MSKCC will receive a total
financial benefit of $126,444,000 over the term of the Reinsurance
Arrangement, the Independent Fiduciary would be required to ensure that
MSKCC enhances the Plan's benefits that would be paid to participants
and beneficiaries by more than 50 percent of that amount. Throughout
the Reinsurance Arrangement, the Independent Fiduciary must
continuously review and confirm that the majority of the financial
benefits flowing from the Reinsurance Arrangement inure to the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries.
MSKCC-Provided Benefit Enhancement
14. MSKCC represents that it would implement a one-time benefit
increase sufficient to pass the Primary Benefits Test (the Benefit
Enhancement). MSKCC represents that if the savings generated from the
Captive Arrangement equals 10 percent, it will implement a Benefit
Enhancement in the form of a 5.37
[[Page 56427]]
percent \14\ increase to the monthly benefits of all Plan participants
and beneficiaries that will continue without reduction for the
remainder of their lives. Collectively, Plan participants and
beneficiaries would receive $64,440,000 in increased pension benefit
payments, and Plan participants and beneficiaries would therefore
receive the majority of the financial benefit derived from the
Reinsurance Arrangement. So, for example, a participant with a monthly
benefit of $4,000 under the original plan terms would receive a 5.37
percent increase that would increase their monthly benefit payment to
$4,214.80 as a result of the Reinsurance Arrangement. This Benefit
Enhancement will be applied uniformly to the monthly benefit of all of
the Plan's participants and beneficiaries and will continue to be
applied for the remainder of all of their lives.
\14\ The formula underlying the 5.37 percent calculation is
based on the actual percentage of savings in the annuity purchase,
including the value of the pension benefit enhancement. All details
regarding the formula used to calculate the Benefit Enhancement are
included in the exemption application file and available to the
public upon request.
MSKCC represents that: (1) apart from the conditions of this
exemption, if granted, MSKCC otherwise had no preexisting obligation to
provide a benefit increase to the Plan participants and beneficiaries;
and (2) before its submission of the exemption application for this
exemption, MSKCC had not considered or offered any increase to the
current value of the benefits of the Plan's participants and
The amount of the Benefit Enhancement must be adjusted to the
extent that the Independent Fiduciary determines such an adjustment is
necessary to pass the Primary Benefits Test. Ultimately, the
Independent Fiduciary would determine the actual benefit to MSKCC from
the proposed Reinsurance Arrangement and would ensure that the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries receive the majority of that amount. The
Applicant submits that the value of the Benefit Enhancement is
transparent, easily determined, and simplifies compliance and oversight
with respect to the terms of the exemption, if granted.
Independent Fiduciary
15. Milliman would serve as the Plan's Independent Fiduciary with
respect to the Reinsurance Arrangement. Kathleen E. Ely of Milliman
would perform the functions required of the independent fiduciary on
behalf of Milliman with respect to the requirements of this exemption,
and Milliman's consultants, actuaries, and analysts would support this
work. Ms. Ely and Milliman represent that they are independent of all
parties associated with the Reinsurance Arrangement, including the
Plan, MSKCC, and the Captive. Ms. Ely and Milliman do not have: (a) an
interest in any party involved in the Reinsurance Arrangement; (b) any
economic stake or financial interest that is contingent upon the
implementation of the Reinsurance Arrangement; or (c) an ownership
interest in MSKCC, the Captive, or the Fronting Insurer, nor are they
directly or indirectly, controlled by, or under common control with
Milliman and Ms. Ely have acknowledged to the Department in writing
that they accept the fiduciary obligations associated with the duties
of the Independent Fiduciary and have agreed not to participate in any
decisions with respect to any transaction in which they may have an
interest that may affect their best judgment. Milliman represents that
its gross income received from parties in interest to the Plan in
connection with the Reinsurance Arrangement represents less than 0.1
percent of Milliman's gross annual income from all sources.
This proposed exemption requires the Applicant to represent that no
party involved in this exemption transaction has or will indemnify
Milliman or Ms. Ely in whole or in part for negligence and/or for any
violation of state or federal law that may be attributable to the
Independent Fiduciary in performing its duties under the Reinsurance
Arrangement. In addition, no contract or instrument may purport to
waive any liability under state or federal law for any such violation.
Further, as a condition of this proposed exemption, neither Milliman
nor Ms. Ely will enter into any agreement or instrument that violates
ERISA section 410 or 29 CFR 2509.75-4.\15\
\15\ ERISA section 410 provides, in part, that ``except as
provided in ERISA sections 405(b)(1) and 405(d), any provision in an
agreement or instrument which purports to relieve a fiduciary from
responsibility or liability for any responsibility, obligation, or
duty under this part [meaning Part 4 of Title I of ERISA] shall be
void as against public policy.''
Independent Fiduciary Duties
16. As the Plan's Independent Fiduciary, Milliman must represent
the Plan in accordance with the obligations of prudence and loyalty
under ERISA sections 404(a)(1)(A) and (B) and determine whether the
Reinsurance Arrangement is in the interests of the Plan's participants
and beneficiaries. In this regard, before the GAC purchase and
consummation of the Reinsurance Arrangement, Milliman must confirm that
the Benefit Enhancement is sufficient to meet the Primary Benefits Test
under this exemption.
Further, not later than 30 days after the purchase of the GAC and
consummation of the Reinsurance Arrangement, Milliman must confirm to
the Department in writing that all terms and conditions of the
exemption have been met (or, due to timing requirements, can reasonably
be expected to be met consistent with the terms of this proposed
exemption). This confirmation must include copies of each document
relied on and the steps taken to make this determination. In this
written determination, the Independent Fiduciary must confirm the
actual cost savings associated with the Reinsurance Arrangement by
obtaining documentation from the Fronting Insurer that compares the
cost to purchase the GAC without the Captive in place to the cost to
purchase the GAC with the Captive in place. The Independent Fiduciary
must include this documentation from the Fronting Insurer with its
written determination to the Department.
Milliman would be required to continue monitoring, enforcing, and
ensuring compliance with all conditions of this exemption throughout
the duration of the Reinsurance Arrangement, including all conditions
and obligations imposed on any party dealing with the Plan, and report
any instance of non-compliance immediately to the Department's Office
of Exemption Determinations. Milliman must also take all appropriate
actions to safeguard the interests of the Plan and its participants and
beneficiaries, and review all contracts pertaining to the Reinsurance
Arrangement, and any renewals of such contracts, to determine whether
the requirements of this proposed exemption and the terms of Benefit
Enhancement continue to be satisfied.
Throughout the duration of the Reinsurance Arrangement, Milliman
would be required to submit written annual Independent Fiduciary
Reports to the Department certifying under penalty of perjury whether
each term and condition of the exemption has been met over the
applicable period. Each report would be: (a) completed within six
months after the end of the twelve-month period to which it relates
(the first twelve-month period would begin on the effective date of the
exemption grant); and (b) submitted to the Department within 60 days
[[Page 56428]]
thereafter. In preparing the Independent Fiduciary Report, Milliman
must review: (a) the Captive's annual audit and actuarial reports as
submitted to the Vermont DFR; (b) any Certificate of Good Standing
received by the Captive; and (c) any Exam Report completed by the
Vermont DFR.
Finally, the Independent Fiduciary must monitor and ensure that any
assets that remain in the Plan during the Buy-In phase of the
Reinsurance Arrangement are managed and used exclusively to provide
benefits to Plan participants and beneficiaries and to defray
reasonable expenses of administering the Plan in compliance with ERISA
sections 403(c)(1) and 404(a)(1)(A).
The Independent Fiduciary Report
17. On June 27, 2023, Ms. Ely completed an Independent Fiduciary
Report in which she confirms that the Benefit Enhancement would provide
the Plan's participants and beneficiaries with the majority of the
benefits derived from the Reinsurance Arrangement. Ms. Ely confirms
that the Benefit Enhancement will be provided to all Plan participants
and beneficiaries at no cost to them, and that MSKCC will not offset
the cost of the Benefit Enhancement by making any corresponding
reductions to other benefits already received by participants and
beneficiaries. Ms. Ely also affirms that the Plan will pay no more than
adequate consideration for the GAC and that no commissions will be
payable with respect to the GAC or the Reinsurance Arrangement.
In the Independent Fiduciary Report, Ms. Ely states the purchase of
the GAC to fund the Plan's participant and beneficiary pension benefit
payments will protect the participants and beneficiaries from
investment risk that may impact the reserves used to fund future
distributions. With the GAC and Reinsurance Arrangement in place,
participant and beneficiary pension benefit payments will be guaranteed
by the Fronting Insurer, with an additional layer of security provided
by the Captive.
Also in her Report, Ms. Ely confirms that the Captive was organized
as a captive insurer in the State of Vermont on August 28, 2003, and
that under Vermont captive insurance law captives may conduct
reinsurance operations. Ms. Ely confirms further that on June 22, 2023,
she received written confirmation from the Vermont DFR that the Captive
has an active license, is in good standing, and underwent an
examination by an independent certified public accounting firm for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.
ERISA Analysis
18. MSKCC is a party in interest with respect to the Plan pursuant
to ERISA section 3(14)(C) because it is an employer whose employees are
covered by the Plan. In addition, the Captive is a party in interest
with respect to the Plan pursuant to ERISA section 3(14)(G) \16\
because it is wholly owned by MSKCC.
\16\ Under ERISA section 3(14)(G), a corporation is a ``party in
interest'' with respect to an employee benefit plan if 50 percent or
more of the combined voting power of all classes of the
corporation's stock entitled to vote, or the total value of shares
of all classes of stock of the corporation, is owned by an employer
any of whose employees are covered by the employee benefit plan.
ERISA section 406(a) prohibits a wide variety of transactions
between plans and parties in interest. For example, ERISA section
406(a)(1)(D) prohibits a plan fiduciary from causing a plan to engage
in a transaction that results in the transfer of plan assets to a party
in interest. The Reinsurance Arrangement would violate ERISA section
406(a)(1)(D) because it would result in the premium payment used to
purchase the GAC (which consists of plan assets) being transferred
indirectly from the Plan, via the Fronting Insurer, to the Captive, a
party in interest to the Plan.
ERISA section 406(b)(1) prohibits a fiduciary from dealing with
plan assets for its own interest or own account, ERISA section
406(b)(2) prohibits a fiduciary from acting in any transaction
involving the plan on behalf of a party whose interests are adverse to
the interests of the plan, and ERISA section 406(b)(3) prohibits a
fiduciary from receiving any consideration for the fiduciary's personal
account from any party dealing with the plan in connection with a
transaction involving the plan's assets. The MSK Executive Benefits
Committee is comprised of individuals who also serve as officers of
MSKCC. The Reinsurance Arrangement would thus raise issues under ERISA
sections 406(b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) because the plan fiduciaries on
the Committee would cause the Plan premium to be paid to the Fronting
Insurer with the understanding that Fronting Insurer will enter into a
reinsurance arrangement with, and the Plan premium will ultimately be
paid to, the Captive.
Statutory Findings
19. Based on the conditions included in this proposed exemption,
the Department has tentatively determined that the relief sought by the
Applicant would satisfy the statutory requirements for an exemption
under ERISA section 408(a).
20. The Proposed Exemption is ``Administratively Feasible.'' The
Department has tentatively determined that this proposed exemption is
administratively feasible for the Department. This determination is
based on the Department's understanding that the Independent Fiduciary
will provide important oversight with respect to the Reinsurance
Arrangement and will represent the Plan throughout the duration of the
Reinsurance Arrangement by monitoring, enforcing, and ensuring
compliance with all conditions of this exemption. This proposed
exemption also requires the Independent Fiduciary to submit annual
written reports to the Department confirming that all conditions of
this exemption have been met. This determination is also based upon the
Department's understanding that the Vermont DFR will provide meaningful
ongoing oversight of the Captive's operations.
21. The Proposed Exemption is ``In the Interest of the Plan and its
Participants and Beneficiaries.'' The Department has tentatively
determined that the proposed exemption is in the interest of the Plan
and its participants and beneficiaries. The Department notes that the
Benefit Enhancement represents significant value that will apply
equally across the Plan and help MSKCC's more than 8,000 participants
and beneficiaries enjoy a more secure retirement. Importantly, the
Department notes that the Plan is not conceding anything in exchange
for the Benefit Enhancement because, as confirmed by the Independent
Fiduciary, MSKCC will not make any corresponding reductions to other
benefits the Plan currently provides to the Plan's participants and
22. The Proposed Exemption is ``Protective of the Rights of the
Plan's Participants and Beneficiaries.'' The Department has tentatively
determined that the proposed exemption is protective of the rights of
the Plan's participants and beneficiaries. The selection of the
Fronting Insurer by Fiduciary Counselors is critical to the
Department's finding that the proposed exemption is protective of the
rights of participants and beneficiaries. The Department would not have
proposed this exemption without a requirement that Fiduciary Counselors
provides the Department with a written submission that identifies the
Fronting Insurer selected along with a written representation detailing
[[Page 56429]]
methodology that it used to select the Fronting Insurer and how that
methodology, and the Fronting Insurer selected, meets the requirements
of IB 95-1.
In addition, the Department notes that the Captive would guarantee
to pay the annuitized Plan benefits, which would provide a second layer
of protection for the Plan's participants and beneficiaries that would
not exist if only the Fronting Insurer were insuring the benefits.
Finally, the Department notes that the Independent Fiduciary will
represent the Plan's interests for all purposes with respect to the
Reinsurance Arrangement and will: (1) monitor, enforce, and ensure
compliance with the exemption conditions, in accordance with its
obligations of prudence and loyalty under ERISA; (2) report any
instance of non-compliance immediately to the Department; and (3)
submit written annual reports to the Department throughout the
Reinsurance Arrangement.
23. Based on compliance with the conditions that are included in
this proposed exemption, the Department has tentatively determined that
the relief sought by the Applicant would satisfy the statutory
requirements for an individual exemption under ERISA section 408(a) and
Code section 4975(c)(2).
Notice to Interested Persons
Notice of the proposed exemption will be provided to all interested
persons within fifteen (15) days of the publication of the notice of
this proposed exemption in the Federal Register. The notice will be
provided to all interested persons in the manner approved by the
Department and will contain the documents described therein and a
supplemental statement, as required pursuant to 29 CFR 2570.43(a)(2).
The supplemental statement will inform interested persons of their
right to comment on and to request a hearing with respect to the
pending exemption. All written comments and/or requests for a hearing
must be received by the Department within forty-five (45) days of the
date of publication of this proposed exemption in the Federal Register.
All comments will be made available to the public.
Warning: If you submit a comment, EBSA recommends that you include
your name and other contact information in the body of your comment,
but DO NOT submit information that you consider to be confidential, or
otherwise protected (such as a Social Security number or an unlisted
phone number), or confidential business information that you do not
want publicly disclosed. All comments may be posted on the internet and
can be retrieved by most internet search engines.
General Information
The attention of interested persons is directed to the following:
(1) The fact that a transaction is the subject of an exemption
under ERISA section 408(a) and/or Code section 4975(c)(2) does not
relieve a fiduciary or other party in interest or disqualified person
from certain other provisions of ERISA and/or the Code, including any
prohibited transaction provisions to which the exemption does not apply
and the general fiduciary responsibility provisions of ERISA section
404, which, among other things, require a fiduciary to discharge their
duties respecting the plan solely in the interest of the participants
and beneficiaries of the plan and in a prudent fashion in accordance
with ERISA section 404(a)(1)(B); nor does it affect the requirement of
Code section 401(a) that the plan must operate for the exclusive
benefit of the employees of the employer maintaining the plan and their
(2) Before an exemption may be granted under ERISA section 408(a)
and/or Code section 4975(c)(2), the Department must find that the
exemption is administratively feasible, in the interests of the plan
and its participants and beneficiaries, and protective of the rights of
participants and beneficiaries of the plan;
(3) The proposed exemption would be supplemental to, and not in
derogation of, any other provisions of ERISA and/or the Code, including
statutory or administrative exemptions and transitional rules.
Furthermore, the fact that a transaction is subject to an
administrative or statutory exemption is not dispositive of whether the
transaction is, in fact, a prohibited transaction; and
(4) The Department notes that all of the material facts and
representations set forth in the Summary of Facts and Representations
must be true and accurate at all times and that the relief provided
herein is conditioned upon the veracity of all material representations
made by the Applicant.
Proposed Exemption
The Department is considering granting an exemption under the
authority of ERISA section 408(a) and Internal Revenue Code (or Code)
section 4975(c)(2) in accordance with the Department's exemption
procedures regulation.\17\ Effective December 31, 1978, section 102 of
Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 1 (1996), transferred
the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to issue exemptions of
the type requested by the Applicant to the Secretary of Labor.
Therefore, this notice of proposed exemption is issued solely by the
\17\ 29 CFR part 2570, subpart B (75 FR 66637 October 27, 2011).
For purposes of this proposed exemption, references to ERISA section
406, unless otherwise specified, should be read to refer as well to
the corresponding provisions of Code section 4975.
Section I. Definitions
(a) An ``affiliate'' of MSKCC or MSK US includes: (1) any person or
entity who controls MSKCC or MSK US or is controlled by or under common
control with MSKCC or MSK US; (2) any officer, director, employee,
relative, or partner with respect to MSKCC or MSK US; and (3) any
corporation or partnership of which a person described in (2) above in
this paragraph is an officer, director, partner, or employee;
(b) The term ``Benefit Enhancement'' means the benefit increase, as
determined by the Independent Fiduciary based upon the Primary Benefits
Test, that will be applied equally to all participants and
beneficiaries across the Plan and last throughout the duration of the
group annuity contract (the GAC) and Reinsurance Arrangement.
(c) The term ``Captive'' means MSK Insurance US, Inc. a captive
insurance and reinsurance subsidiary that is wholly-owned by MSKCC, and
MSK Employee Benefits IC, a segregated cell within MSK Insurance US,
Inc., that will be used to reinsure the risks related to the
Reinsurance Arrangement and are domiciled in the state of Vermont.
(d) The term ``control'' means the power to exercise a controlling
influence over the management or policies of a person other than an
individual; and
(e) The term ``Independent Fiduciary'' means a person who:
(1) Is not MSKCC or an affiliate of MSKCC, or the Captive and does
not hold an ownership interest in MSKCC, the Captive, or their
(2) Was not a fiduciary with respect to the Plan before its
appointment to serve as the Independent Fiduciary;
(3) Has acknowledged in writing that:
(i) It is a fiduciary and has agreed not to participate in any
decision with respect to any transaction in which it has an interest
that might affect its best judgment as a fiduciary; and
(ii) Has appropriate technical training or experience to perform
the services
[[Page 56430]]
contemplated by this proposed exemption;
(4) For purposes of this definition, no organization or individual
may serve as Independent Fiduciary for any fiscal year if the gross
income received by such organization or individual from MSKCC, the
Captive, or their affiliates for that fiscal year exceeds two percent
of such organization's or individual's gross income from all sources
for the prior fiscal year. This provision also applies to a partnership
or corporation of which such organization or individual is an officer,
director, or 10 percent or more partner or shareholder and includes as
gross income amounts received as compensation for services provided as
an independent fiduciary under any prohibited transaction exemption
granted by the Department;
(5) No organization or individual that is an Independent Fiduciary
and no partnership or corporation of which such organization or
individual is an officer, director, or ten percent or more partner or
shareholder may acquire any property from, sell any property to, or
borrow any funds from MSKCC, the Captive, or their affiliates while the
individual serves as an Independent Fiduciary. This prohibition would
continue for a period of six months after the party ceases to be an
Independent Fiduciary and/or the Independent Fiduciary negotiates any
transaction on behalf of the Plan during the period that the
organization or individual serves as an Independent Fiduciary; and
(6) In the event a successor Independent Fiduciary is appointed to
represent the interests of the Plan with respect to the subject
transaction, no time should elapse between the resignation or
termination of the former Independent Fiduciary and the appointment of
the successor Independent Fiduciary.
Section II. Covered Transactions
This exemption would provide relief from the prohibited
transactions provisions of ERISA sections 406(a)(1)(D), 406(b)(1),
(b)(2), and (b)(3), and the excise tax imposed by Code section 4975(a)
and (b) (due to the operation of parallel prohibited transaction
provisions contained in Code section 4975(c)(1) (D), (E), and (F)) with
respect to: (1) the reinsurance of risks; and (2) the receipt of a
premium by the Captive in connection with a single premium group
insurance contract sold by an unrelated fronting insurer (the Fronting
Insurer) to provide pension annuities to Plan participants and
beneficiaries. To receive this relief, the conditions in Section III
must be met in conformance with the definitions in Section I.
Section III. Conditions
(a) MSKCC must improve the Plan by amending the Plan document to
provide a universal, benefit increase to all participants and
beneficiaries that will apply immediately once the GAC is purchased and
will continue with no reduction or offsets for the remainder of the
participants and beneficiaries' lives (the Benefit Enhancement). The
additional benefit provided by the Benefit Enhancement to participants
and beneficiaries must be greater than 50 percent of the total benefit,
including cost savings, derived by MSKCC from the Reinsurance
Arrangement (the Primary Benefits Test). Stated another way, MSKCC
cannot derive a greater benefit from the Reinsurance Arrangement than
the Plan's participants and beneficiaries;
(b) Following the Plan's purchase of the GAC from the Fronting
Insurer and the consummation of the Reinsurance Arrangement between the
Fronting Insurer and the Captive, the Independent Fiduciary must
determine in writing whether the Primary Benefits Test has been met.
The Independent Fiduciary must submit this written determination to the
Department within 30 days after the consummation of the Reinsurance
Arrangement. In this written determination, the Independent Fiduciary
must confirm the actual cost savings associated with the Reinsurance
Arrangement by obtaining documentation from the Fronting Insurer that
compares the cost to purchase the GAC without the Captive in place to
the cost to purchase the GAC with the Captive in place. The Independent
Fiduciary must include this documentation from the Fronting Insurer
with its written determination to the Department;
(c) The Captive must:
(1) Be a party in interest with respect to the Plan based on an
affiliation with MSKCC that is described in ERISA section 3(14)(G);
(2) Be licensed to sell insurance or conduct reinsurance operations
in Vermont;
(3) Have obtained a Certificate of Authority from the Insurance
Commissioner of Vermont to transact business as a captive insurance
company and such certificate must not have been revoked or suspended;
(4) Have undergone a financial examination (within the meaning of
the law of its domiciliary State, Vermont) by the Insurance
Commissioner of Vermont within five years before the end of the year
preceding the year in which the reinsurance transaction occurred;
(5) Have undergone, and continue to undergo, an examination by an
independent certified public accountant for its last completed taxable
year immediately before the taxable year of the Reinsurance Arrangement
covered by this proposed exemption; and
(6) Be licensed to conduct reinsurance transactions by a state
whose law requires an actuarial review of reserves to be conducted
annually by an independent firm of actuaries and reported to the
appropriate regulatory authority;
(d) The Plan must pay no commissions with respect to the purchase
of the GAC or the Reinsurance Arrangement;
(e)(1) The Fronting Insurer must be selected by Fiduciary
Counselors, an independent fiduciary to the Plan, in compliance with
the Department's Interpretive Bulletin 95-1 (29 CFR 2509-95-1). Before
this proposed exemption is granted, Fiduciary Counselors must provide
the Department with a written submission that identifies the Fronting
Insurer selected, details the methodology used to select the Fronting
Insurer, and explains how the methodology used, and the Fronting
Insurer selected, meets the requirements of IB 95-1. Fiduciary
Counselors must also represent in writing to the Department that it
would have been consistent with IB 95-1 to select the Fronting Insurer
as the insurer for a final termination buy-out annuity had MSKCC
adopted that approach. To meet its fiduciary responsibility owed to the
Plan's participants and beneficiaries to select and purchase the
``safest available annuity,'' before selecting the Fronting Insurer,
Fiduciary Counselors must evaluate such insurer's claims-paying ability
and creditworthiness in full compliance with guidance provided in the
Department's Interpretive Bulletin 95-1 (29 CFR 2509.95-1);
(f) (1) The Reinsurance Arrangement between MSK US and the Fronting
Insurer must be indemnity insurance only and must not relieve the
Fronting Insurer from any responsibility or liability to the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries, including liability that would result
if MSK US fails to meet any of its contractual obligations to the
Fronting Insurer or any successor Fronting Insurer under the
Reinsurance Arrangement;
(2) The Fronting Insurer must have a direct contractual
relationship with the Plan during the Buy-In phase of the GAC and with
the Plan's participants and beneficiaries after MSKCC exercises the
Conversion Option under the GAC,
[[Page 56431]]
without any caveats, contingencies, or conditions that would relieve or
limit the Fronting Insurer's contractual obligation to pay benefits to
the Plan's participants and beneficiaries in accordance with the Plan
and the terms of this exemption;
(g) MSKCC must not offset or reduce any benefits provided to Plan
participants and beneficiaries in relation to its implementation of the
Benefit Enhancement. In this regard, MSKCC must not implement any
benefit cuts or offsets of any kind to the benefits the Plan provides
to any Plan participant or beneficiary;
(h) The Independent Fiduciary must:
(1) In compliance with its fiduciary obligations of prudence and
loyalty under ERISA sections 404(a)(1)(A) and (B): (i) review the
Reinsurance Arrangement and the terms of the exemption; (ii) obtain and
review all current objective, reliable, third-party documentation
necessary to make the determinations required of the Independent
Fiduciary by the exemption; and (iii) confirm in writing that all of
the exemption's terms and conditions have been met (or, due to timing
requirements, can reasonably be expected to be met consistent with the
terms of the exemption) and send this confirmation to the Department's
Office of Exemption Determinations not later than 30 days after the
Captive enters into the Reinsurance Arrangement. In this written
report, the Independent Fiduciary must also confirm that the Fronting
Insurer selected and the methodology used by Fiduciary Counselors to
make the selection meets the requirements of IB 95-1 and that it would
have been consistent with IB 95-1 to select the Fronting Insurer as the
insurer for a final termination buy-out annuity had MSKCC adopted that
(2) Approve the Reinsurance Arrangement in advance and ensure that
the Reinsurance Arrangement is in the interest of the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries and protective of the Plan's
participants and beneficiaries;
(3) Monitor, enforce, and ensure compliance with all conditions of
this exemption in accordance with its obligations of prudence and
loyalty under ERISA sections 404(a)(1)(A) and (B), including all
conditions and obligations imposed on any party dealing with the Plan,
throughout the period during which the Captive's assets are directly or
indirectly used in connection with a transaction covered by this
(4) Represent and protect the interests of the participants and
beneficiaries of the Plan during both the Buy-In and Buy-Out Phases to
ensure they receive everything that they are entitled to receive under
this exemption, the terms of the Plan, and the GAC;
(5) Monitor and ensure that any assets that remain in the Plan
during the Buy-In Phase of the Reinsurance Arrangement are managed and
used exclusively to provide benefits to Plan participants and
beneficiaries and to defray reasonable expenses of administering the
Plan in compliance with ERISA sections 403(c)(1) and 404(a)(1)(A);
(6) Report any instance of non-compliance immediately to the
Department's Office of Exemption Determinations;
(7) Take all appropriate actions to safeguard the interests of the
Plan and its participants and beneficiaries; and
(8) Review all contracts pertaining to the Reinsurance Arrangement,
and any renewals of such contracts, to determine whether the
requirements of this proposed exemption and the terms of Benefit
Enhancement continue to be satisfied;
(i)(1) The Independent Fiduciary must submit an annual Independent
Fiduciary Report to the Department's Office of Exemption Determinations
certifying under penalty of perjury whether each term and condition of
the proposed exemption has been met over the applicable period. Each
report must be completed within six months after the end of the twelve-
month period to which it relates (the first twelve-month period would
begin on the effective date of the exemption grant); and submitted to
the Department's Office of Exemption Determinations within 60 days
(2) In preparing the Independent Fiduciary Report, the Independent
Fiduciary must:
(i) Review the Captive's annual audit and actuarial reports as
submitted to the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation (Vermont
(ii) Review any Certificate of Good Standing received by the
(iii) Review Any Exam Report completed by the Vermont DRF and
include a detailed summary of the Exam Report;
(iv) confirm that MSKCC has not reduced or offset any benefits in
relation to its implementation of the Benefit Enhancement; and
(v) confirm that MSKCC has not reduced the Benefit Enhancement
amount at any point during the year covered.
(3) Finally, the Independent Fiduciary must confirm in each Report
that the Primary Benefits Test was met for the year covered. In this
regard, the Independent Fiduciary must determine the value of the
Benefit Enhancement and the total value of the Reinsurance Arrangement
to MSKCC, including cost savings, and confirm that MSKCC has not
received any additional financial benefit that the Independent
Fiduciary did not account for when it previously used the Primary
Benefits Test to derive the Benefit Enhancement amount;
(j) Neither MSKCC nor any related entity may use participant or
beneficiary-related data or information generated by or derived from
the Reinsurance Arrangement in a manner that benefits MSKCC or a
related entity;
(k) All the facts and representations set forth in the Summary of
Facts and Representations must be true and accurate at all times;
(l) No party related to this exemption request has or will
indemnify the Independent Fiduciary or Fiduciary Counselors, in whole
or in part, for negligence and/or for any violation of state or federal
law that may be attributable to the Independent Fiduciary's or
Fiduciary Counselor's performance of its duties in connection with the
Reinsurance Arrangement. In addition, no contract or instrument may
purport to waive any liability under state or federal law for any such
(m) MSKCC must provide the Department's Office of Exemption
Determinations with all Exam Reports issued by the State of Vermont
throughout the duration of the Reinsurance Arrangement within 30 days
after such Exam Report is received;
(n) The Captive must request a Certificate of Good Standing from
the State of Vermont on an annual basis;
(o) MSKCC must notify the Department's Office of Exemption
Determinations if there is any change in the Captive's business plan,
auditor, or the composition of its board of directors;
(p) MSKCC may not receive a dividend or any other form of
distribution from the Captive at any point during the Reinsurance
(q) Following the discharge of all liabilities under the GAC (the
Discharge Date), MSK Employee Benefits IC will determine the amount of
assets, if any, that remain in MSK EB after all payments and
distributions have been made to the Plan's participants and
beneficiaries (the Excess Amount), and MSKCC will distribute the Excess
Amount in conformity with the Primary Benefits Test within twelve
months after the Discharge Date by remitting the majority of the Excess
Amount (at least 50.1 percent) as an employer contribution to another
[[Page 56432]]
employee benefit plan sponsored by MSKCC (without any benefit cuts or
offsets to other benefits MSKCC provides to its employees) in a manner
that does not discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees
pursuant to standards set forth in in sections 401(a)(4) and 410(b) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or under similar standards if these
provisions no longer are in effect on the Discharge Date).
(r) MSKCC and the Captive must maintain all the records necessary
to demonstrate that the conditions of this exemption have been met for
a period of six years from the date of each record. MSKCC must provide
these records to the Department's Office of Exemption Determinations
within 30 days from the date of the Department's request;
(s) MSKCC must provide a Parental Guarantee to the Captive and
provide cash as needed if the Captive's general and separate account
asset balances have been extinguished;
(t) The Captive must invest the reserves in accordance with the
regulations and under the supervision of the State of Vermont;
(u) MSKCC must amend the Plan document to memorialize the Benefit
Enhancement and provide a copy of the amended plan document to the
Department's Office of Exemption Determinations no later than 30 days
after the date the Captive enters into the Reinsurance Arrangement;
(v) After the Buy-In phase for the Reinsurance Arrangement is
completed and MSKCC exercises the Conversion Option, MSKCC will
terminate the Plan in compliance with all applicable Code and ERISA
(w) MSKCC must notify the Department of any change in the
independent fiduciary no later than 30 days after the engagement of a
substitute or subsequent independent fiduciary and must provide an
explanation for the substitution or change including a description of
any material disputes between the terminated independent fiduciary and
MSKCC; and
(x) Once the Benefit Enhancement percentage amount is set (in
conformity with the Primary Benefits Test), MSKCC may not reduce that
Benefit Enhancement percentage amount at any point.
Applicability Date: If granted, the exemption will be in effect on
the date the Department publishes a grant notice in the Federal
Signed at Washington, DC, this 2nd day of July 2024.
George Christopher Cosby,
Director, Office of Exemption Determinations, Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
[FR Doc. 2024-14961 Filed 7-8-24; 8:45 am]