June 20, 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 97 of 97
Safety Fitness Determinations; Virtual Public Listening Sessions
FMCSA announces that it will host two virtual public listening sessions pertaining to development of an updated methodology to determine when a motor carrier is not fit to operate commercial motor vehicles in or affecting interstate commerce. Specifically, the Agency would like to hear from members of the public on issues of concern relating to the current Safety Fitness Determination (SFD), including, for example, the three-tiered rating system (Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Conditional) versus changing to a proposed single rating only when a carrier is found to be Unfit; utilizing inspection data and FMCSA's Safety Measurement System (SMS); incorporating driver behavior into SFD ratings; and revising the list of safety violations used to calculate the rating, and adjusting the weights allocated to particular violations including increasing the weight for unsafe driving violations. In a separate notice, FMCSA announced and provided registration information for a related in-person listening session on the same topics to be held in June 2024.
Public Combined Board and Board Committees Meeting
The FirstNet Authority Board will convene an open public meeting of the Board and Board Committees.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) and DOT Order 1351.29A, this notice confirms DOT's intention to reinstate the previously approved information collection request (ICR) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 2105-0552, "Reports by Air Carriers on Incidents Involving Animals During Air Transport."
Certain WI-FI Access Points, Routers, Range Extenders, Controllers and Components Thereof; Notice of Institution of Investigation
Notice is hereby given that a complaint was filed with the U.S. International Trade Commission on May 7, 2024, under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, on behalf of TP-Link USA Corporation of Irvine, California and TP-Link Corporation PTE Ltd. of Singapore. A supplement was filed on May 15, 2024. The complaint, as supplemented, alleges violations of section 337 based upon the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain wi-fi access points, routers, range extenders, controllers and components thereof by reason of the infringement of certain claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,636,550 ("the '550 patent"); U.S. Patent No. 8,176,148 ("the '148 patent"); U.S. Patent No. 8,229,357 ("the '357 patent"); U.S. Patent No. 7,672,268 ("the '268 patent"); and U.S. Patent No. 8,774,008 ("the '008 patent"). The complaint further alleges that an industry in the United States exists or is in the process of being established in the United States as required by the applicable Federal Statute. On June 10, 2024, counsel for respondent Netgear Inc. filed a Supplemental Submission on the Public Interest and Request for Leave to File Out of Time. On June 12, 2024, an Opposition to Netgear's Motion to Submit a Supplemental Submission on the Public Interest was filed on behalf of complainants. The Commission has determined to accept both filings. The complainant requests that the Commission institute an investigation and, after the investigation, issue a limited exclusion order and cease and desist orders.
Notice of Public Meeting of the Nebraska Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of the rules and regulations of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act that the Nebraska Advisory Committee (Committee) to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will hold a series of public business meetings via web conference. The purpose of the meetings will be to discuss their project on to the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on K-12 Education in the state.
Second Call for Nominations for the Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site Advisory Commission
The National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Department of the Interior, is requesting nominations for qualified persons to serve as members of the Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site Advisory Commission (Commission).
Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site Advisory Commission Notice of Public Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, as amended, the National Park Service (NPS) is hereby giving notice that the Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site Advisory Commission (Commission) will meet as indicated below.
Advisory Committee on Reconciliation in Place Names Request for Nominations
The U.S. Department of the Interior (Department) is requesting nominations for qualified persons to serve as members of the Advisory Committee on Reconciliation in Place Names (Committee).
Quarterly Rail Cost Adjustment Factor
The Surface Transportation Board has adopted the third quarter 2024 Rail Cost Adjustment Factor and cost index filed by the Association of American Railroads.
Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint Certain Storage Containers and Toolboxes, Organizers, Components Boxes, Coolers and Accessories Used Therewith, DN 3755; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure.
Request for Information on Identifying and Tracking Data Related to Early Childhood Education Providers
This notice is a request for information in the form of written comments that include information, research, and suggestions regarding operational aspects of the possible inclusion of for-profit early childhood education providers as eligible employers for the purpose of Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
Agency Information Collection Activity: VHA Fraud, Waste and Abuse Complaint Form
Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), is announcing an opportunity for public comment on the proposed collection of certain information by the agency. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Federal agencies are required to publish notice in the Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information, including each proposed extension of a currently approved collection, and allow 60 days for public comment in response to the notice.
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, Shell Companies, and Projections; Correction
This document makes a correction to an amendatory instruction in Release No. 33-11265 (Jan. 24, 2024), which was published in the Federal Register on February 26, 2024.
Information Collection Request; Submission for OMB Review
The Peace Corps will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in the Federal Register preceding submission to OMB. We are conducting this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Information Collection Request; Submission for OMB Review
The Peace Corps will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in the Federal Register preceding submission to OMB. We are conducting this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Information Collection Request; Submission for OMB Review
The Peace Corps will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in the Federal Register preceding submission to OMB. We are conducting this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Information Collection Request; Submission for OMB Review
The Peace Corps will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in the Federal Register preceding submission to OMB. We are conducting this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Revision of Information Collection; Peace Corps Volunteer Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment, CA-15 (OMB Control No. 1240-0059)
The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a pre-clearance request for comment to provide the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This request helps to ensure that: requested data can be provided in the desired format; reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized; collection instruments are clearly understood; and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Currently, the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Division of Federal Employees' Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation, (OWCP/ DFELHWC) is soliciting comments on the information collection for Peace Corps Volunteer Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment, CA-15.
Proposed Revision of Information Collection; FECA Medical Report Forms, Claim for Compensation, OMB Control No. 1240-0046
The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a pre-clearance request for comment to provide the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This request helps to ensure that: requested data can be provided in the desired format; reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized; collection instruments are clearly understood; and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Currently, the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Division of Federal Employees' Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation, (OWCP/DFELHWC) is soliciting comments on the information collection for FECA Medical Report Forms, Claim for Compensation, Authorization for Examination And/Or Treatment, CA-16.
Proposed New Information Collection; Form CA-21, Attending Physician's Certification of Continuing Workers' Compensation Disability (OMB Control No. 1240-0NEW)
The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a pre-clearance request for comment to provide the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This request helps to ensure that: requested data can be provided in the desired format; reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized; collection instruments are clearly understood; and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Currently, OWCP/DFELHWC is soliciting comments on the new information collection for Attending Physician's Certification of Continuing Workers' Compensation Disability, CA-21.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Extension
The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC" or "Commission") requests that the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") extend for an additional three years the current Paperwork Reduction Act ("PRA") clearance for information collection requirements contained in the Commission's rules and regulations under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act ("Textile Rules"). That clearance expires on June 30, 2024.
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Nevada
This notice announces an in-person/virtual hybrid meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Nevada. The Federal Advisory Committee Act requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Extension
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC or Commission) is seeking public comment on its proposal to extend for an additional three years the current Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) clearance for its rule governing Care Labeling of Textile Wearing Apparel and Certain Piece Goods As Amended ("Care Labeling Rule"). This clearance expires on June 30, 2024.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Extension
The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC" or "Commission") requests that the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") extend for an additional three years the current Paperwork Reduction Act ("PRA") clearance for information collection requirements contained in the Commission's rules and regulations under the Fur Products Labeling Act ("Fur Rules" or "Rules"). That clearance expires on October 31, 2024.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Extension
The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC" or "Commission") requests that the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") extend for an additional three years the current Paperwork Reduction Act ("PRA") clearance for information collection requirements contained in the Commission's rules and regulations under the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939 ("Wool Rules"). That clearance expires on June 30, 2024.
President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities
This notice is to advise members of the public of the cancellation of the open meeting of the President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities scheduled to be held on June 20, 2024 at 10:30 p.m. (EDT). The open meeting was announced in the Federal Register on Monday, May 20, 2023, in FR Doc. 2024-10920 page 43840-43841.
Reinstatement of Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review: Aircraft Operator Security
This notice announces that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has forwarded the Information Collection Request (ICR), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number 1652-0003, abstracted below, to OMB to review and approve the reinstatement of this previously approved collection under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected burden. Aircraft operators must provide certain information to TSA and adopt and implement a TSA-approved security program. These programs require aircraft operators to maintain and update records to ensure compliance with security provisions set forth in 49 CFR part 1544.
Southern California Regional Rail Authority's Request To Amend Its Positive Train Control System
This document provides the public with notice that, on June 7, 2024, the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (Metrolink) submitted a request for amendment (RFA) to its FRA-certified positive train control (PTC) system. FRA is publishing this notice and inviting public comment on the railroad's RFA to its PTC system.
Railroads' Joint Request To Amend Their Positive Train Control Safety Plans
This document provides the public with notice that on June 7, 2024, 21 host railroads submitted a joint request for amendment (RFA) to their FRA-approved Positive Train Control Safety Plans (PTCSP), to seek FRA's approval of proposed Onboard Software Version 6.5.4. As this joint RFA involves requests for FRA's approval of proposed material modifications to FRA-certified PTC systems, FRA is publishing this notice and inviting public comment on the railroads' joint RFA to their PTCSPs.
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to the Revised Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (RPEIS) for the Morganza to the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction Project (MTG)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mississippi Valley Division, New Orleans District (CEMVN), is announcing its intent to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to evaluate design changes to the authorized MTG project to meet the one percent Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) Storm Surge Risk Reduction (100-year level of risk reduction (LORR)). This EIS supplements the Revised Programmatic EIS (RPEIS), MTG, Louisiana, that was integrated with the 2013 Final Post Authorization Change Report (PACR). The 2013 Integrated RPEIS and PACR was approved in the Chief's Report that was signed July 8, 2013. The Record of Decision (ROD) was signed on December 9, 2013.
Clean Water Act Section 303(d): Availability of List Decisions
The Clean Water Act (CWA) requires that states periodically submit, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approve or disapprove, lists of waters (called "Section 303(d) lists") for which existing technology- based pollution controls are not stringent enough to attain or maintain State water quality standards and for which total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) must be prepared. Waters identified on Section 303(d) lists are called "water quality-limited segments." This notice describes the EPA's Decision Document, which identified certain additional water quality-limited segments for the Arkansas 2020 Section 303(d) list, and requests public comment on those additions.
Advisory Committee on Civil Rules; Meeting of the Judicial Conference
The Advisory Committee on Civil Rules will hold a meeting in a hybrid format with remote attendance options on October 10, 2024 in Washington, DC. The meeting is open to the public for observation but not participation. An agenda and supporting materials will be posted at least 7 days in advance of the meeting at: https://www.uscourts.gov/ rules-policies/records-and-archives-rules-committees/agenda-b ooks.
Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules; Meeting of the Judicial Conference
The Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules will hold a meeting in a hybrid format with remote attendance options on September 12, 2024 in Washington, DC. The meeting is open to the public for observation but not participation. An agenda and supporting materials will be posted at least 7 days in advance of the meeting at: https:// www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/records-and-archives-rules-co mmittees/ agenda-books.
Safety Zone; Kemah Fireworks; Sector Houston-Galveston Captain of the Port
The Coast Guard will enforce safety zone regulations for the Kemah Board Walk Summer Season Fireworks Display every Friday night in June and July 2024, and Thursday, July 4, 2024, to provide for the safety of life on navigable waterways during the events. Our regulation for marine events within the Eighth Coast Guard District identifies the regulated area for the events in Clear Lake, TX. During the enforcement periods, the operator of any vessel in the regulated area must comply with directions from the Captain of the Port or designated representative.
Advisory Committee on Appellate Rules; Meeting of the Judicial Conference
The Advisory Committee on Appellate Rules will hold a meeting in a hybrid format with remote attendance options on October 9, 2024 in Washington, DC. The meeting is open to the public for observation but not participation. An agenda and supporting materials will be posted at least 7 days in advance of the meeting at: https://www.uscourts.gov/ rules-policies/records-and-archives-rules-committees/agenda-b ooks.
Notice of Determinations; Culturally Significant Objects Being Imported for Exhibition-Determinations: “Arts of North America” Exhibition
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: I hereby determine that certain objects being imported from abroad pursuant to an agreement with their foreign owner or custodian for temporary display in the exhibition "Arts of North America" at the Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, and at possible additional exhibitions or venues yet to be determined, are of cultural significance, and, further, that their temporary exhibition or display within the United States as aforementioned is in the national interest. I have ordered that Public Notice of these determinations be published in the Federal Register.
Notice of Determinations; Culturally Significant Object Being Imported for Exhibition-Determinations: “2nd Fl: 206, Illusions of Life” Exhibition
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: I hereby determine that a certain object being imported from abroad pursuant to an agreement with its foreign owner or custodian for temporary display in the exhibition "2nd Fl: 206, Illusions of Life" at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, and at possible additional exhibitions or venues yet to be determined, is of cultural significance, and, further, that its temporary exhibition or display within the United States as aforementioned is in the national interest. I have ordered that Public Notice of these determinations be published in the Federal Register.
Petition for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding
Petition for Reconsideration (Petition) has been filed in the Commission's proceeding by David Goldman on behalf of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC.
Section 8e Import Inspection Fee Structure
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposes to revise the regulations governing the inspection and certification for fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products by amending certain fees charged for Section 8e import inspections from a per-carlot basis to a per-pound basis, reducing the fee for each additional sublot by 50 percent, and establishing a new fee calculation for lots less than a carlot. These revisions are necessary to recover, as nearly as practicable, the costs of performing inspection services on imported commodities in accordance with the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 767-200, -300, and -300F series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report of a main landing gear (MLG) collapse event following maintenance where a grinder was operating outside of its input parameters, resulting in possible heat damage to the outer cylinder of the MLG. This proposed AD would require replacing any affected outer cylinders. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company (Boeing) Model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-100B SUD, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747-200F, 747-300, 747-400, 747-400D, 747- 400F, 747SP, and 747SR series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report of improper inner diameter grinding of landing gear outer cylinders, resulting in possible heat damage to the outer cylinder of the nose landing gear (NLG), body landing gear (BLG), and wing landing gear (WLG). This proposed AD would require replacing any affected outer cylinders. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Establishment of Class E Airspace; Fort Yates, ND
This action establishes Class E airspace at Fort Yates, ND. This action is due to the development of new public instrument procedures at The Standing Rock Airport, Fort Yates, ND, and supports instrument flight rule (IFR) operations.
Rules of Practice and Procedure
The Delaware River Basin Commission is amending its Rules of Practice and Procedure to: resolve ambiguities around the automatic termination of project approvals issued by the Commission and make conforming amendments to related provisions as appropriate; update the Commission's Water Resources Program and Project Review procedures to better conform them to current practice; remove incorrect references to the Federal Freedom of Information Act in the Commission's regulations providing for access to public records; align pronouns with the Commission's policies regarding diversity, inclusion, and belonging; and correct certain cross-references.
Airworthiness Directives; Embraer S.A. Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Embraer S.A. (Embraer) Model EMB-505 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by analysis of the left-hand (LH) refreshment center and LH forward cabinet that identified the need for installing structural reinforcements. This proposed AD would require installing structural reinforcements as specified in an Ag[ecirc]ncia Nacional de Avia[ccedil][atilde]o Civil (ANAC) AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2024
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending the licensing, inspection, special project, and annual fees charged to its applicants and licensees. These amendments are necessary to comply with the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act, which requires the NRC to recover, to the maximum extent practicable, approximately 100 percent of its annual budget less certain amounts excluded from this fee-recovery requirement.
Clean Air Act Reclassification of the San Antonio, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Ozone Nonattainment Areas; TX
Pursuant to the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is granting a request from the Governor of the State of Texas to voluntarily reclassify the San Antonio, Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) ozone nonattainment areas from Moderate to Serious for the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The EPA is also setting the date for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or State) to submit revised State Implementation Plans (SIPs) addressing the Serious ozone nonattainment area requirements and for the first transportation control demonstrations for these areas. The EPA is also setting the deadlines for implementation of new rules addressing Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) and for any new or revised Enhanced vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) programs. Finally, the TCEQ is no longer required to submit SIP revisions addressing the following requirements related to the prior classification level for these three ozone nonattainment areas: a demonstration of attainment by the prior attainment date; a Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) analysis tied to the prior attainment date; and contingency measures specifically related to the area's failure to attain by the prior attainment date.
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