Applications for New Awards; From Seedlings to Scale Grant Program and Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice, 51317-51320 [2024-13268]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 117 / Monday, June 17, 2024 / Notices
Estimated Annual Number of
Responses per Respondent: 3,000.
Estimated Total Annual Number of
Responses: 375,000.
Estimated Annual Number of Burden
Hours per Respondent: 60.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 7,500.
Type of Respondents: FCMs.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
There are no new capital or start-up
or operations costs associated with this
information collection, nor are there any
maintenance costs associated with this
information collection.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
Dated: June 12, 2024.
Robert Sidman,
Deputy Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2024–13254 Filed 6–14–24; 8:45 am]
Applications for New Awards; From
Seedlings to Scale Grant Program and
Research Networks Focused on
Critical Problems of Education Policy
and Practice
Institute of Education Sciences,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of Education
(Department) is issuing a notice inviting
applications for new awards for fiscal
year (FY) 2025 for the Education
Research Grant Programs.
Application Packages Available: June
20, 2024.
Deadline for Transmittal of
Applications: August 15, 2024.
ADDRESSES: For the addresses for
obtaining and submitting an
application, please refer to our Common
Instructions for Applicants to
Department of Education Discretionary
Grant Programs, published in the
Federal Register on December 7, 2022
(87 FR 75045) and available at
Higgins. Telephone: 202–987–1531.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability and wish to
access telecommunications relay
services, please dial 7–1–1.
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Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: In awarding
research grants, the Institute of
Education Sciences (IES) intends to
provide national leadership in
expanding knowledge and
understanding of (1) education
outcomes for all learners from early
childhood education through
postsecondary and adult education, and
(2) employment and wage outcomes
when relevant (such as for those
engaged in career and technical,
postsecondary, or adult education). The
IES research grant programs are
designed to provide interested
individuals and the general public with
reliable and valid information about
education practices that support
learning and improve academic
achievement and access to education
opportunities for all learners. These
interested individuals include parents,
educators, learners, researchers, and
policymakers. In carrying out its grant
programs, IES provides support for
programs of research in areas of
demonstrated national need.
Assistance Listing Numbers: 84.305I
and 84.305N.
OMB Control Number: 4040–0001.
Competitions in This Notice:
The IES National Center for Education
Research (NCER) is announcing two
competitions: From Seedlings to Scale
and Research Networks Focused on
Critical Problems of Education Policy
and Practice. We published a request for
information in the Federal Register on
October 12, 2023 (88 FR 70652)
describing the purpose and goals for the
From Seedlings to Scale program.
From Seedlings to Scale (ALN
84.305I). Through this program, IES will
invest in innovative products, policies,
and processes within an identified focus
area through three phases of increasing
funding and time duration to support
ideas as they grow from seedlings to
scalable solutions. In this notice, IES is
inviting applications to Phase One.
During this initial phase, teams will
clarify their understanding of the
problem, refine their solution—which
could be a product, policy, or process—
through engagement with relevant
stakeholders, and build out a detailed
plan for further research and
development (R&D). Phase One teams
will apply for Phase Two funding and
will need to provide a compelling
rationale generated from the Phase One
work that the idea is worth further
investment and a detailed R&D plan for
how they will develop their idea into a
scalable solution and generate evidence
of impact. Teams that move onto Phase
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Two will develop their concept into a
fully functioning initial version of the
solution. IES may, at its discretion,
support additional work in Phase Three.
This third phase would focus on
evaluating the impact of the solution
across multiple settings and contexts
and laying the foundation to scale the
solution to users. Additional
information about the phased nature of
this competition is provided in the
request for applications (RFA). Projects
will incorporate high-quality research,
solution development, and attention to
sustainability and scaling throughout all
phases. For the FY 2025 competition,
NCER will consider only applications
that address the following topic:
Æ Phase One projects for the Seamless
Personalized Education Experiences
Delivered at Scale (SPEED at Scale)
focus area. The SPEED at Scale focus
area aims to develop innovative
solutions that allow teachers to
seamlessly provide personalized
instruction for PreK–12 grade students.
Research Networks Focused on
Critical Problems of Education Policy
and Practice (ALN 84.305N). For the FY
2025 competition, NCER will only
consider applications that address the
following topic:
Æ Accelerate, Transform, Scale (ATS)
Initiative Hub. The ATS Initiative
supports education R&D to create
scalable solutions to improve education
outcomes for all learners and eliminate
persistent achievement and attainment
gaps. The ATS Initiative Hub will
support the establishment of new ATS
Initiative programs and provide highlevel support to IES in coordinating
existing programs that fall under this
new initiative.
Multiple Submissions: You may
submit applications to more than one of
the FY 2025 research grant programs
offered through the Department,
including those offered through IES as
well as those offered through other
offices and programs within the
Department. You may submit multiple
applications to each IES grant program
announced here as long as they address
different key issues, programs, or
policies. However, you may submit a
given application only once for the IES
FY 2025 grant competitions, meaning
you may not submit the same
application or similar applications to
multiple grant programs within IES, to
multiple topics within a grant
competition, or multiple times within
the same topic. If you submit multiple
similar applications, IES will determine
whether and which applications will be
accepted for review and/or will be
eligible for funding. In addition, if you
submit the same or similar application
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 117 / Monday, June 17, 2024 / Notices
to IES and to another funding entity
within or external to the Department
and receive funding for the non-IES
application prior to IES scientific peer
review of applications, you must
withdraw the same or similar
application submitted to IES, or IES may
otherwise determine you are ineligible
to receive an award. If reviews are
happening concurrently, IES staff will
consult with the other potential funder
to determine the degree of overlap and
which entity will provide funding if
both applications are being considered
for funding.
Exemption from Proposed
Rulemaking: Under section 191 of the
Education Sciences Reform Act, 20
U.S.C. 9581, IES is not subject to section
437(d) of the General Education
Provisions Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232(d), and
is therefore not required to offer
interested parties the opportunity to
comment on matters relating to grants.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 9501 et
Note: Projects will be awarded and
must be operated in a manner consistent
with the nondiscrimination
requirements contained in Federal civil
rights laws.
Applicable Regulations: (a) The
Education Department General
Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR
parts 77, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98, and 99.
In addition, the regulations in 34 CFR
part 75 are applicable, except for the
provisions in 34 CFR 75.100, 75.101(b),
75.102, 75.103, 75.105, 75.109(a),
75.200, 75.201, 75.209, 75.210, 75.211,
75.217(a)–(c), 75.219, 75.220, 75.221,
75.222, 75.230, 75.250(a), and 75.708.
(b) The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Guidelines to Agencies
on Governmentwide Debarment and
Suspension (Nonprocurement) in 2 CFR
part 180, as adopted and amended as
regulations of the Department in 2 CFR
part 3485. (c) The Guidance for Federal
Financial Assistance in 2 CFR part 200,
as adopted and amended as regulations
of the Department in 2 CFR part 3474.
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part
86 apply to institutions of higher
education only.
Note: The open licensing requirement
in 2 CFR 3474.20 does not apply to
these competitions.
Note: The Department will implement
the provisions in the OMB final rule
OMB Guidance for Federal Financial
Assistance, which amends 2 CFR parts
25, 170, 175, 176, 180, 182, 183, 184,
and 200, on October 1, 2024. Grant
applicants that anticipate a performance
period start date on or after October 1,
2024 should follow the provisions in the
OMB Guidance for Federal Financial
Assistance (89 FR 30046) when
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preparing an application. For more
information about these updated
regulations please visit:
II. Award Information
Types of Awards: Discretionary grants
and cooperative agreements.
Fiscal Information: Although
Congress has not yet enacted an
appropriation for FY 2025, IES is
inviting applications for these
competitions now so that applicants can
have adequate time to prepare their
applications. The actual level of
funding, if any, depends on final
congressional action. IES may announce
additional competitions later in 2024.
Estimated Range of Awards:
From Seedlings to Scale (SPEED at
Scale Phase One): $300,000 to $500,000
for the entire project period of 1 year.
ATS Initiative Hub: $500,0000 to
$1,500,000 annually across an entire
project period of 5 years.
The size of the awards will depend on
the scope of the projects proposed.
Estimated Number of Awards: The
number of awards made under each
competition will depend on the quality
of the applications received for that
competition and the availability of
IES may waive any of the following
limits on awards in the special case that
the peer review process results in a tie
between two or more grant applications,
making it impossible to adhere to the
limits without funding only some of the
equally ranked applications. In that
case, IES may make a larger number of
awards to include all applications of the
same rank.
For the From Seedlings to Scale grant
program (ALN 84.305I), we intend to
fund up to 12 Phase One SPEED at Scale
teams. However, should funding be
available, we may consider making
additional awards to high-quality
applications that remain unfunded after
12 awards are made.
For the Research Networks Focused
on Critical Problems of Education Policy
and Practice (ALN 84.305N), we intend
to fund one ATS Initiative Hub team.
Note: The Department is not bound by
any estimates in this notice.
Project Period:
From Seedlings to Scale (Phase One):
Up to 1 year.
ATS Initiative Hub: Up to 5 years.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: Eligible
applicants are organizations that have
the demonstrated ability and capacity to
conduct rigorous research and
development. Eligible applicants
include, but are not limited to,
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institutions of higher education and
non-profit, for-profit, public, or private
2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: The
competitions in this notice do not
require cost sharing or matching.
b. Indirect Cost Rate Information:
These programs use an unrestricted
indirect cost rate. For more information
regarding indirect costs, or to obtain a
negotiated indirect cost rate, please see
3. Subgrantees: Under 34 CFR
75.708(b) and (c) a grantee under these
competitions may award subgrants—to
directly carry out project activities
described in its application—to the
following types of entities: nonprofit
and for-profit organizations and public
and private agencies and institutions of
higher education. The grantee may
award subgrants to entities it has
identified in an approved application.
IV. Application and Submission
1. Application Submission
Instructions: Applicants are required to
follow the Common Instructions for
Applicants to Department of Education
Discretionary Grant Programs,
published in the Federal Register on
December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and
available at https://
2022/12/07/2022-26554/commoninstructions-for-applicants-todepartment-of-education-discretionarygrant-programs, which contain
requirements and information on how to
submit an application.
2. Other Information: Information
regarding program and application
requirements for the competitions can
be found in the currently available IES
Application Submission Guide and in
the NCER Request for Applications
(RFA), which will be available on or
before June 20, 2024, on the IES website
at: The
application packages for these
competitions will also be available on or
before June 20, 2024.
3. Content and Form of Application
Submission: Requirements concerning
the content of an application are
contained in the RFA for the specific
competition. The forms that must be
submitted are in the application package
for the specific competition.
4. Submission Dates and Times: The
deadline date for transmittal of
applications for each competition is
August 15, 2024.
We do not consider an application
that does not comply with the deadline
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 117 / Monday, June 17, 2024 / Notices
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5. Intergovernmental Review: These
competitions are not subject to
Executive Order 12372 and the
regulations in 34 CFR part 79.
6. Funding Restrictions: We reference
regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
V. Application Review Information
1. Selection Criteria: For all of its
grant competitions, IES uses selection
criteria based on a peer review process
that has been approved by the National
Board for Education Sciences. The Peer
Review Procedures for Grant
Applications can be found on the IES
website at
For the 84.305I competition, peer
reviewers will evaluate the
breakthrough potential, R&D strategy,
and team capacity.
For the 84.305N competition, peer
reviewers will evaluate the ATS
Initiative hub activities, personnel, and
For all IES competitions, applications
must include budgets no higher than the
relevant maximum award as set out in
the relevant RFA. IES will not make an
award exceeding the maximum award
amount as set out in the relevant RFA.
2. Review and Selection Process: We
remind potential applicants that in
reviewing applications in any
discretionary grant competition, IES
may consider, under 34 CFR
75.217(d)(3), the past performance of the
applicant in carrying out a previous
award, such as the applicant’s use of
funds, achievement of project
objectives, compliance with the IES
policy regarding public access to
research, and compliance with grant
conditions. IES may also consider
whether the applicant failed to submit
a timely performance report or
submitted a report of unacceptable
In addition, in making a competitive
grant award, IES requires various
assurances including those applicable to
Federal civil rights laws that prohibit
discrimination in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance
from the Department (34 CFR 100.4,
104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
3. Risk Assessment and Specific
Conditions: Consistent with 2 CFR
200.206, before awarding grants under
these competitions, the Department
conducts a review of the risks posed by
applicants. Under 2 CFR 200.208, IES
may impose specific conditions and,
under 2 CFR 3474.10, in appropriate
circumstances, high-risk conditions on a
grant if the applicant or grantee is not
financially stable; has a history of
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unsatisfactory performance; has a
financial or other management system
that does not meet the standards in 2
CFR part 200, subpart D; has not
fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant;
or is otherwise not responsible.
4. Integrity and Performance System:
If you are selected under these
competitions to receive an award that
over the course of the project period
may exceed the simplified acquisition
threshold (currently $250,000), under 2
CFR 200.206(a)(2) we must make a
judgment about your integrity, business
ethics, and record of performance under
Federal awards—that is, the risk posed
by you as an applicant—before we make
an award. In doing so, we must consider
any information about you that is in the
integrity and performance system
(currently referred to as the Federal
Awardee Performance and Integrity
Information System (FAPIIS)),
accessible through the System for
Award Management. You may review
and comment on any information about
yourself that a Federal agency
previously entered and that is currently
Please note that, if the total value of
your currently active grants, cooperative
agreements, and procurement contracts
from the Federal Government exceeds
$10,000,000, the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 200, Appendix XII,
require you to report certain integrity
information to FAPIIS semiannually.
Please review the requirements in 2 CFR
part 200, Appendix XII, if this grant
plus all the other Federal funds you
receive exceed $10,000,000.
5. In General: In accordance with the
OMB’s guidance located at 2 CFR part
200, all applicable Federal laws, and
relevant Executive guidance, the
Department will review and consider
applications for funding pursuant to this
notice inviting applications in
accordance with:
(a) Selecting recipients most likely to
be successful in delivering results based
on the program objectives through an
objective process of evaluating Federal
award applications (2 CFR 200.205);
(b) Prohibiting the purchase of certain
telecommunication and video
surveillance services or equipment in
alignment with section 889 of the
National Defense Authorization Act of
2019 (Pub. L. 115–232) (2 CFR 200.216);
(c) Providing a preference, to the
extent permitted by law, to maximize
use of goods, products, and materials
produced in the United States (2 CFR
200.322); and
(d) Terminating agreements in whole
or in part to the greatest extent
authorized by law if an award no longer
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effectuates the program goals or agency
priorities (2 CFR 200.340).
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application
is successful, we notify your U.S.
Representative and U.S. Senators and
send you a Grant Award Notification
(GAN); or we may send you an email
containing a link to access an electronic
version of your GAN. We also may
notify you informally.
If your application is not evaluated or
not selected for funding, we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy
Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy
requirements in the application package
and reference these and other
requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining
the terms and conditions of an award in
the Applicable Regulations section of
this notice and include these and other
specific conditions in the GAN. The
GAN also incorporates your approved
application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Grant Administration: Applicants
should budget for an annual meeting of
up to three days for project directors to
be held in Washington, DC.
4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a
grant under a competition announced in
this notice, you must ensure that you
have in place the necessary processes
and systems to comply with the
reporting requirements in 2 CFR part
170 should you receive funding under
the competition. This does not apply if
you have an exception under 2 CFR
(b) At the end of your project period,
you must submit a final performance
report, including financial information,
as directed by IES. If you receive a
multiyear award, you must submit an
annual performance report that provides
the most current performance and
financial expenditure information as
directed by IES under 34 CFR 75.118.
IES may also require more frequent
performance reports under 34 CFR
75.720(c). For specific requirements on
reporting, please go to
5. Performance Measures: To evaluate
the overall success of its education
research grant programs, IES annually
assesses the percentage of projects that
result in peer-reviewed publications and
the number of IES-supported
interventions with evidence of efficacy
in improving learner education
outcomes. School readiness outcomes
include pre-reading, reading, prewriting, early mathematics, early
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 117 / Monday, June 17, 2024 / Notices
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science, and social-emotional skills that
prepare young children for school.
Student academic outcomes include
learning and achievement in academic
content areas, such as reading, writing,
math, and science, as well as outcomes
that reflect students’ successful
progression through the education
system, such as course and grade
completion; high school graduation; and
postsecondary enrollment, progress, and
completion. Social and behavioral
competencies include social and
emotional skills, attitudes, and
behaviors that are important to
academic and post-academic success.
Employment and earnings outcomes
include hours of employment, job
stability, and wages and benefits, and
may be measured in addition to student
academic outcomes.
6. Continuation Awards: In making a
continuation award under 34 CFR
75.253, IES considers, among other
things: whether a grantee has made
substantial progress in achieving the
goals and objectives of the project;
whether the grantee has expended funds
in a manner that is consistent with its
approved application and budget;
whether a grantee is in compliance with
the IES policy regarding public access to
research; and if IES has established
performance measurement
requirements, whether the grantee has
made substantial progress in achieving
the performance targets in the grantee’s
approved application.
In making a continuation award, IES
also considers whether the grantee is
operating in compliance with the
assurances in its approved application,
including those applicable to Federal
civil rights laws that prohibit
discrimination in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance
from the Department (34 CFR 100.4,
104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
VII. Other Information
Accessible Format: On request to the
relevant program contact person listed
well as in the relevant RFA and
application package, individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document
and a copy of the RFA in an accessible
format. The Department will provide the
requestor with an accessible format that
may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or
text format (txt), a thumb drive, an MP3
file, braille, large print, audiotape,
compact disc, or other accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. You may access the official
edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations at
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:00 Jun 14, 2024
Jkt 262001 At this site you can
view this document, as well as all other
Department documents published in the
Federal Register, in text or Portable
Document Format (PDF). To use PDF
you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader,
which is available free at the site.
You may also access Department
documents published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Matthew Soldner,
Acting Director, Institute of Education
[FR Doc. 2024–13268 Filed 6–14–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket No.: ED–2024–SCC–0081]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request; Impact
Aid Electronic Data Collection (EDC)
Program Questionnaire
Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education (OESE),
Department of Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, the Department is proposing an
extension without change of a currently
approved information collection request
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before August
16, 2024.
ADDRESSES: To access and review all the
documents related to the information
collection listed in this notice, please
use by
searching the Docket ID number ED–
2024–SCC–0081. Comments submitted
in response to this notice should be
submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// by selecting the
Docket ID number or via postal mail,
commercial delivery, or hand delivery.
If the site is not
available to the public for any reason,
the Department will temporarily accept
comments at
Please include the docket ID number
and the title of the information
collection request when requesting
documents or submitting comments.
Please note that comments submitted
after the comment period will not be
accepted. Written requests for
information or comments submitted by
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postal mail or delivery should be
addressed to the Manager of the
Strategic Collections and Clearance
Governance and Strategy Division, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Ave. SW, LBJ, Room 6W203,
Washington, DC 20202–8240.
specific questions related to collection
activities, please contact Andrew Brake,
Department, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)
(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the
general public and Federal agencies
with an opportunity to comment on
proposed, revised, and continuing
collections of information. This helps
the Department assess the impact of its
information collection requirements and
minimize the public’s reporting burden.
It also helps the public understand the
Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. The
Department is soliciting comments on
the proposed information collection
request (ICR) that is described below.
The Department is especially interested
in public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Impact Aid
Electronic Data Collection (EDC)
Program Questionnaire.
OMB Control Number: 1810–0764.
Type of Review: An extension without
change of a currently approved ICR.
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
Local, and Tribal Governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 30.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 8.
Abstract: The Impact Aid Program
(IAP) in the Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education (OESE) at the U.S.
Department of Education (ED) requests
an extension without change of the U.S.
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) collection 1810–0764 for the
Electronic Data Collection (EDC)
Program Questionnaire. Local
educational agencies (LEAs) are
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 117 (Monday, June 17, 2024)]
[Pages 51317-51320]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-13268]
Applications for New Awards; From Seedlings to Scale Grant
Program and Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education
Policy and Practice
AGENCY: Institute of Education Sciences, Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of Education (Department) is issuing a notice
inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2025 for the
Education Research Grant Programs.
Application Packages Available: June 20, 2024.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: August 15, 2024.
ADDRESSES: For the addresses for obtaining and submitting an
application, please refer to our Common Instructions for Applicants to
Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the
Federal Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and available at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Erin Higgins. Telephone: 202-987-1531.
Email: [email protected].
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability and
wish to access telecommunications relay services, please dial 7-1-1.
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: In awarding research grants, the Institute of
Education Sciences (IES) intends to provide national leadership in
expanding knowledge and understanding of (1) education outcomes for all
learners from early childhood education through postsecondary and adult
education, and (2) employment and wage outcomes when relevant (such as
for those engaged in career and technical, postsecondary, or adult
education). The IES research grant programs are designed to provide
interested individuals and the general public with reliable and valid
information about education practices that support learning and improve
academic achievement and access to education opportunities for all
learners. These interested individuals include parents, educators,
learners, researchers, and policymakers. In carrying out its grant
programs, IES provides support for programs of research in areas of
demonstrated national need.
Assistance Listing Numbers: 84.305I and 84.305N.
OMB Control Number: 4040-0001.
Competitions in This Notice:
The IES National Center for Education Research (NCER) is announcing
two competitions: From Seedlings to Scale and Research Networks Focused
on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice. We published a
request for information in the Federal Register on October 12, 2023 (88
FR 70652) describing the purpose and goals for the From Seedlings to
Scale program.
From Seedlings to Scale (ALN 84.305I). Through this program, IES
will invest in innovative products, policies, and processes within an
identified focus area through three phases of increasing funding and
time duration to support ideas as they grow from seedlings to scalable
solutions. In this notice, IES is inviting applications to Phase One.
During this initial phase, teams will clarify their understanding of
the problem, refine their solution--which could be a product, policy,
or process--through engagement with relevant stakeholders, and build
out a detailed plan for further research and development (R&D). Phase
One teams will apply for Phase Two funding and will need to provide a
compelling rationale generated from the Phase One work that the idea is
worth further investment and a detailed R&D plan for how they will
develop their idea into a scalable solution and generate evidence of
impact. Teams that move onto Phase Two will develop their concept into
a fully functioning initial version of the solution. IES may, at its
discretion, support additional work in Phase Three. This third phase
would focus on evaluating the impact of the solution across multiple
settings and contexts and laying the foundation to scale the solution
to users. Additional information about the phased nature of this
competition is provided in the request for applications (RFA). Projects
will incorporate high-quality research, solution development, and
attention to sustainability and scaling throughout all phases. For the
FY 2025 competition, NCER will consider only applications that address
the following topic:
[cir] Phase One projects for the Seamless Personalized Education
Experiences Delivered at Scale (SPEED at Scale) focus area. The SPEED
at Scale focus area aims to develop innovative solutions that allow
teachers to seamlessly provide personalized instruction for PreK-12
grade students.
Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy
and Practice (ALN 84.305N). For the FY 2025 competition, NCER will only
consider applications that address the following topic:
[cir] Accelerate, Transform, Scale (ATS) Initiative Hub. The ATS
Initiative supports education R&D to create scalable solutions to
improve education outcomes for all learners and eliminate persistent
achievement and attainment gaps. The ATS Initiative Hub will support
the establishment of new ATS Initiative programs and provide high-level
support to IES in coordinating existing programs that fall under this
new initiative.
Multiple Submissions: You may submit applications to more than one
of the FY 2025 research grant programs offered through the Department,
including those offered through IES as well as those offered through
other offices and programs within the Department. You may submit
multiple applications to each IES grant program announced here as long
as they address different key issues, programs, or policies. However,
you may submit a given application only once for the IES FY 2025 grant
competitions, meaning you may not submit the same application or
similar applications to multiple grant programs within IES, to multiple
topics within a grant competition, or multiple times within the same
topic. If you submit multiple similar applications, IES will determine
whether and which applications will be accepted for review and/or will
be eligible for funding. In addition, if you submit the same or similar
[[Page 51318]]
to IES and to another funding entity within or external to the
Department and receive funding for the non-IES application prior to IES
scientific peer review of applications, you must withdraw the same or
similar application submitted to IES, or IES may otherwise determine
you are ineligible to receive an award. If reviews are happening
concurrently, IES staff will consult with the other potential funder to
determine the degree of overlap and which entity will provide funding
if both applications are being considered for funding.
Exemption from Proposed Rulemaking: Under section 191 of the
Education Sciences Reform Act, 20 U.S.C. 9581, IES is not subject to
section 437(d) of the General Education Provisions Act, 20 U.S.C.
1232(d), and is therefore not required to offer interested parties the
opportunity to comment on matters relating to grants.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 9501 et seq.
Note: Projects will be awarded and must be operated in a manner
consistent with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in Federal
civil rights laws.
Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General
Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR parts 77, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98,
and 99. In addition, the regulations in 34 CFR part 75 are applicable,
except for the provisions in 34 CFR 75.100, 75.101(b), 75.102, 75.103,
75.105, 75.109(a), 75.200, 75.201, 75.209, 75.210, 75.211, 75.217(a)-
(c), 75.219, 75.220, 75.221, 75.222, 75.230, 75.250(a), and 75.708. (b)
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Guidelines to Agencies on
Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) in 2 CFR part
180, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2 CFR
part 3485. (c) The Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance in 2 CFR
part 200, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2
CFR part 3474.
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to institutions of
higher education only.
Note: The open licensing requirement in 2 CFR 3474.20 does not
apply to these competitions.
Note: The Department will implement the provisions in the OMB final
rule OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance, which amends 2 CFR
parts 25, 170, 175, 176, 180, 182, 183, 184, and 200, on October 1,
2024. Grant applicants that anticipate a performance period start date
on or after October 1, 2024 should follow the provisions in the OMB
Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance (89 FR 30046) when preparing
an application. For more information about these updated regulations
please visit:
II. Award Information
Types of Awards: Discretionary grants and cooperative agreements.
Fiscal Information: Although Congress has not yet enacted an
appropriation for FY 2025, IES is inviting applications for these
competitions now so that applicants can have adequate time to prepare
their applications. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on
final congressional action. IES may announce additional competitions
later in 2024.
Estimated Range of Awards:
From Seedlings to Scale (SPEED at Scale Phase One): $300,000 to
$500,000 for the entire project period of 1 year.
ATS Initiative Hub: $500,0000 to $1,500,000 annually across an
entire project period of 5 years.
The size of the awards will depend on the scope of the projects
Estimated Number of Awards: The number of awards made under each
competition will depend on the quality of the applications received for
that competition and the availability of funds.
IES may waive any of the following limits on awards in the special
case that the peer review process results in a tie between two or more
grant applications, making it impossible to adhere to the limits
without funding only some of the equally ranked applications. In that
case, IES may make a larger number of awards to include all
applications of the same rank.
For the From Seedlings to Scale grant program (ALN 84.305I), we
intend to fund up to 12 Phase One SPEED at Scale teams. However, should
funding be available, we may consider making additional awards to high-
quality applications that remain unfunded after 12 awards are made.
For the Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education
Policy and Practice (ALN 84.305N), we intend to fund one ATS Initiative
Hub team.
Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.
Project Period:
From Seedlings to Scale (Phase One): Up to 1 year.
ATS Initiative Hub: Up to 5 years.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: Eligible applicants are organizations that
have the demonstrated ability and capacity to conduct rigorous research
and development. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to,
institutions of higher education and non-profit, for-profit, public, or
private entities.
2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: The competitions in this notice do
not require cost sharing or matching.
b. Indirect Cost Rate Information: These programs use an
unrestricted indirect cost rate. For more information regarding
indirect costs, or to obtain a negotiated indirect cost rate, please
3. Subgrantees: Under 34 CFR 75.708(b) and (c) a grantee under
these competitions may award subgrants--to directly carry out project
activities described in its application--to the following types of
entities: nonprofit and for-profit organizations and public and private
agencies and institutions of higher education. The grantee may award
subgrants to entities it has identified in an approved application.
IV. Application and Submission Information
1. Application Submission Instructions: Applicants are required to
follow the Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of
Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal
Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and available at, which contain requirements and information on how to
submit an application.
2. Other Information: Information regarding program and application
requirements for the competitions can be found in the currently
available IES Application Submission Guide and in the NCER Request for
Applications (RFA), which will be available on or before June 20, 2024,
on the IES website at: The application
packages for these competitions will also be available on or before
June 20, 2024.
3. Content and Form of Application Submission: Requirements
concerning the content of an application are contained in the RFA for
the specific competition. The forms that must be submitted are in the
application package for the specific competition.
4. Submission Dates and Times: The deadline date for transmittal of
applications for each competition is August 15, 2024.
We do not consider an application that does not comply with the
deadline requirements.
[[Page 51319]]
5. Intergovernmental Review: These competitions are not subject to
Executive Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79.
6. Funding Restrictions: We reference regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice.
V. Application Review Information
1. Selection Criteria: For all of its grant competitions, IES uses
selection criteria based on a peer review process that has been
approved by the National Board for Education Sciences. The Peer Review
Procedures for Grant Applications can be found on the IES website at
For the 84.305I competition, peer reviewers will evaluate the
breakthrough potential, R&D strategy, and team capacity.
For the 84.305N competition, peer reviewers will evaluate the ATS
Initiative hub activities, personnel, and resources.
For all IES competitions, applications must include budgets no
higher than the relevant maximum award as set out in the relevant RFA.
IES will not make an award exceeding the maximum award amount as set
out in the relevant RFA.
2. Review and Selection Process: We remind potential applicants
that in reviewing applications in any discretionary grant competition,
IES may consider, under 34 CFR 75.217(d)(3), the past performance of
the applicant in carrying out a previous award, such as the applicant's
use of funds, achievement of project objectives, compliance with the
IES policy regarding public access to research, and compliance with
grant conditions. IES may also consider whether the applicant failed to
submit a timely performance report or submitted a report of
unacceptable quality.
In addition, in making a competitive grant award, IES requires
various assurances including those applicable to Federal civil rights
laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities receiving
Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5,
106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
3. Risk Assessment and Specific Conditions: Consistent with 2 CFR
200.206, before awarding grants under these competitions, the
Department conducts a review of the risks posed by applicants. Under 2
CFR 200.208, IES may impose specific conditions and, under 2 CFR
3474.10, in appropriate circumstances, high-risk conditions on a grant
if the applicant or grantee is not financially stable; has a history of
unsatisfactory performance; has a financial or other management system
that does not meet the standards in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D; has not
fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant; or is otherwise not
4. Integrity and Performance System: If you are selected under
these competitions to receive an award that over the course of the
project period may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold
(currently $250,000), under 2 CFR 200.206(a)(2) we must make a judgment
about your integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under
Federal awards--that is, the risk posed by you as an applicant--before
we make an award. In doing so, we must consider any information about
you that is in the integrity and performance system (currently referred
to as the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System
(FAPIIS)), accessible through the System for Award Management. You may
review and comment on any information about yourself that a Federal
agency previously entered and that is currently in FAPIIS.
Please note that, if the total value of your currently active
grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from the
Federal Government exceeds $10,000,000, the reporting requirements in 2
CFR part 200, Appendix XII, require you to report certain integrity
information to FAPIIS semiannually. Please review the requirements in 2
CFR part 200, Appendix XII, if this grant plus all the other Federal
funds you receive exceed $10,000,000.
5. In General: In accordance with the OMB's guidance located at 2
CFR part 200, all applicable Federal laws, and relevant Executive
guidance, the Department will review and consider applications for
funding pursuant to this notice inviting applications in accordance
(a) Selecting recipients most likely to be successful in delivering
results based on the program objectives through an objective process of
evaluating Federal award applications (2 CFR 200.205);
(b) Prohibiting the purchase of certain telecommunication and video
surveillance services or equipment in alignment with section 889 of the
National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (Pub. L. 115-232) (2 CFR
(c) Providing a preference, to the extent permitted by law, to
maximize use of goods, products, and materials produced in the United
States (2 CFR 200.322); and
(d) Terminating agreements in whole or in part to the greatest
extent authorized by law if an award no longer effectuates the program
goals or agency priorities (2 CFR 200.340).
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application is successful, we notify your
U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and send you a Grant Award
Notification (GAN); or we may send you an email containing a link to
access an electronic version of your GAN. We also may notify you
If your application is not evaluated or not selected for funding,
we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy requirements in the application
package and reference these and other requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining the terms and conditions of
an award in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice and
include these and other specific conditions in the GAN. The GAN also
incorporates your approved application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Grant Administration: Applicants should budget for an annual
meeting of up to three days for project directors to be held in
Washington, DC.
4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a grant under a competition
announced in this notice, you must ensure that you have in place the
necessary processes and systems to comply with the reporting
requirements in 2 CFR part 170 should you receive funding under the
competition. This does not apply if you have an exception under 2 CFR
(b) At the end of your project period, you must submit a final
performance report, including financial information, as directed by
IES. If you receive a multiyear award, you must submit an annual
performance report that provides the most current performance and
financial expenditure information as directed by IES under 34 CFR
75.118. IES may also require more frequent performance reports under 34
CFR 75.720(c). For specific requirements on reporting, please go to
5. Performance Measures: To evaluate the overall success of its
education research grant programs, IES annually assesses the percentage
of projects that result in peer-reviewed publications and the number of
IES-supported interventions with evidence of efficacy in improving
learner education outcomes. School readiness outcomes include pre-
reading, reading, pre-writing, early mathematics, early
[[Page 51320]]
science, and social-emotional skills that prepare young children for
school. Student academic outcomes include learning and achievement in
academic content areas, such as reading, writing, math, and science, as
well as outcomes that reflect students' successful progression through
the education system, such as course and grade completion; high school
graduation; and postsecondary enrollment, progress, and completion.
Social and behavioral competencies include social and emotional skills,
attitudes, and behaviors that are important to academic and post-
academic success. Employment and earnings outcomes include hours of
employment, job stability, and wages and benefits, and may be measured
in addition to student academic outcomes.
6. Continuation Awards: In making a continuation award under 34 CFR
75.253, IES considers, among other things: whether a grantee has made
substantial progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the
project; whether the grantee has expended funds in a manner that is
consistent with its approved application and budget; whether a grantee
is in compliance with the IES policy regarding public access to
research; and if IES has established performance measurement
requirements, whether the grantee has made substantial progress in
achieving the performance targets in the grantee's approved
In making a continuation award, IES also considers whether the
grantee is operating in compliance with the assurances in its approved
application, including those applicable to Federal civil rights laws
that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities receiving
Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5,
106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
VII. Other Information
Accessible Format: On request to the relevant program contact
person listed in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT, as well as in the
relevant RFA and application package, individuals with disabilities can
obtain this document and a copy of the RFA in an accessible format. The
Department will provide the requestor with an accessible format that
may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or text format (txt), a thumb drive,
an MP3 file, braille, large print, audiotape, compact disc, or other
accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this
document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may
access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of
Federal Regulations at At this site you can view this
document, as well as all other Department documents published in the
Federal Register, in text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF
you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the
You may also access Department documents published in the Federal
Register by using the article search feature at Specifically, through the advanced search
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published
by the Department.
Matthew Soldner,
Acting Director, Institute of Education Sciences.
[FR Doc. 2024-13268 Filed 6-14-24; 8:45 am]