Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records, 46870-46883 [2024-11852]
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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
proposed, revised, and continuing
collections of information. This helps
the Department assess the impact of its
information collection requirements and
minimize the public’s reporting burden.
It also helps the public understand the
Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. The
Department is soliciting comments on
the proposed information collection
request (ICR) that is described below.
The Department is especially interested
in public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Maintenance-ofEffort Requirements and Waiver
Requests under the Elementary and
Secondary School Emergency Relief
(ESSER) Fund and the Governor’s
Emergency Education Relief (GEER)
OMB Control Number: 1810–0745.
Type of Review: Extension without
change of a currently approved ICR.
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
Local, and Tribal Governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 81.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 358.
Abstract: This is a request for an
extension without change of an existing
information collection, 1810–0745. This
collection solicits from States, Outlying
Areas, and State educational agencies
(SEAs) maintenance of effort (MOE) data
under section 18008 of the CARES Act.
Under four programs the Governors
Emergency Education Relief Fund
(GEER Fund, section 18002) and the
Elementary and Secondary School
Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund,
section 18003) and two formula grant
programs to the Outlying Areas
authorized under section
18001(a)(1),Education Stabilization
Fund-State Educational Agencies (ESF–
SEA) and Education Stabilization FundGovernors (ESF-Governor) States are
required to maintain fiscal effort on
behalf of elementary, secondary and
postsecondary education. Recipients of
the resources from the ESSER Fund, the
GEER Fund, the ESF–SEA Fund, and
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the ESF-Governor Fund have signed
Certifications and Agreements, in which
they agree to abide by the provisions of
the CARES Act, including MOE
Dated: May 23, 2024.
Kun Mullan,
PRA Coordinator, Strategic Collections and
Clearance, Governance and Strategy Division,
Office of Chief Data Officer, Office of
Planning, Evaluation and Policy
[FR Doc. 2024–11815 Filed 5–29–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket ID ED–2024–FSA–0070]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Federal Student Aid,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice of a modified system of
In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended
(Privacy Act), the U.S. Department of
Education (Department) publishes this
notice of a modified system of records
entitled ‘‘Aid Awareness and
Application Processing’’ (18–11–21).
This system maintains information
necessary for the Department to process
applications for Federal student
financial program assistance under title
IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965,
as amended (HEA); to perform the
responsibilities of the Federal Student
Aid (FSA) Ombudsman; to provide
Federal student loan repayment relief
including under the borrower defense to
repayment regulations; to notify aid
applicants and aid recipients of aid
program opportunities and updates
under title IV of the HEA via digital
communication channels; and to
maintain the website as
the front end for assisting customers
with all of their Federal student
financial aid needs throughout the
student aid lifecycle. The Department’s
Digital and Customer Care (DCC)
Information Technology (IT) system
collects the electronic records
maintained in the Aid Awareness and
Application Processing (AAAP) system.
DATES: Submit your comments on this
modified system of records notice on or
before July 1, 2024.
This modified system of records
notice will become applicable upon
publication in the Federal Register on
May 30, 2024, except for the new and
modified routine uses (1)(p), (1)(q), and
1(s) that are outlined in the section
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which will be applicable July 1, 2024,
unless they need to be changed as a
result of public comment. The
Department will publish any changes to
the modified system of records notice
resulting from public comment.
ADDRESSES: Comments must be
submitted via the Federal eRulemaking
Portal at However, if
you require an accommodation or
cannot otherwise submit your
comments via, please
contact one of the program contact
persons listed under FOR FURTHER
will not accept comments submitted by
fax or by email, or comments submitted
after the comment period closes. To
ensure that the Department does not
receive duplicate copies, please submit
your comments only once. In addition,
please include the Docket ID at the top
of your comments.
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to to submit your
comments electronically. Information
on using, including
instructions for accessing agency
documents, submitting comments, and
viewing the docket, is available on the
site under ‘‘FAQ’’.
Privacy Note: The Department’s
policy is to make comments received
from members of the public available for
public viewing in their entirety on the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at Therefore,
commenters should be careful to
include in their comments only
information that they wish to make
publicly available.
Assistance to Individuals with
Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record: On request, we will
provide an appropriate accommodation
or auxiliary aid to an individual with a
disability who needs assistance to
review the comments or other
documents in the public rulemaking
record for this notice. If you want to
schedule an appointment for this type of
accommodation or aid, please contact
one of the program contact persons
Rachel Coghlan, Central Processing
System (CPS) System Manager, Student
Experience and Aid Delivery, Federal
Student Aid (FSA), U.S. Department of
Education, Union Center Plaza, 830
First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202–
5454. Telephone: (202) 377–3205.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
Corey Johnson, FAFSA® Processing
System (FPS) Information System
Owner, Federal Student Aid, U.S.
Department of Education, Union Center
Plaza, 830 First Street NE, Washington,
DC 20202–5454. Telephone: (202) 377–
3898. Email:
Bonnie Latreille, Ombudsman/
Director, Ombudsman Group, Federal
Student Aid (FSA), U.S. Department of
Education, Union Center Plaza, 830
First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202–
5454. Telephone: (202) 377–3726.
Pardu Ponnapalli, Information System
Owner, Technology Directorate, Federal
Student Aid, U.S. Department of
Education, Union Center Plaza, 830
First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202–
5454. Telephone: (240) 382–5825.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability and wish to
access telecommunications relay
services, please dial 7–1–1.
accordance with the Privacy Act, the
Department proposes to modify the
system of records notice entitled ‘‘Aid
Awareness and Application Processing’’
(18–11–21), which was last published in
full in the Federal Register on February
2, 2024 (89 FR 7381).
The Department is modifying the
section entitled ‘‘PURPOSE(S) OF THE
SYSTEM’’ for the purposes related to
applying for Federal student financial
assistance and administering title IV,
HEA programs to add purpose (18) to
enable institutions of higher education
(IHEs) and State higher education
agencies to provide aid applicants and
aid recipients with information about
certain Federal means-tested benefits for
which they may qualify and to enable
IHEs and State higher education
agencies, with the explicit written
consent of aid applicants or aid
recipients, and parents of dependent aid
applicants or aid recipients and spouses
of married aid applicants or aid
recipients if necessary, to share nonFederal Tax Information (FTI) Free
Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) information directly with
Federal, State, or local government
agencies or tribal organizations to assist
such applicants or recipients, in
applying for or receiving Federal, State,
or local government assistance, or tribal
assistance for any component of the
applicants’ or recipients’ cost of
attendances that may include financial
assistance or non-monetary assistance.
The Department is modifying the
second sentence in the first paragraph in
the section entitled ‘‘CATEGORIES OF
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SYSTEM’’ to remove the category of
individuals that includes those who are
students in attendance at a secondary
school or local educational agency for
which State grant agencies and other
eligible requesting entities submit
information to the Department in order
for the Department to provide such
entities with the student’s FAFSA Filing
Status Information. The Department is
removing this category of individuals
because the Department is no longer
collecting this information and permits
FAFSA filing status to be redisclosed by
State higher education agencies to such
entities, as described in the
modification of routine use 1(p).
The Department is modifying the note
in Category (1) in the section entitled
SYSTEM’’ to clarify that the ‘‘FUTURE
Act System (FAS)’’ (18–11–23) system
of records notice was published in the
Federal Register.
The Department is modifying the
section entitled ‘‘ROUTINE USES OF
USES’’ as follows:
(i) In the first paragraph, the
Department is deleting the last sentence
(which reads, ‘‘Until June 30, 2024,
Section 483(a)(3)(E) of the HEA (20
U.S.C. 1090(a)(3)(E)) restricts the use of
the information gathered from the
electronic version of the FAFSA to the
application, award, and administration
of aid awarded under title IV of the
HEA, aid awarded by States, aid
awarded by eligible institutions, or aid
awarded by such entities as the
Secretary of Education may designate’’)
because Section 483(a)(3)(E) of the HEA
will not be in effect after June 30, 2024;
(ii) Routine use (1)(p) is modified to
revise and limit the entities to which the
Department may disclose a student’s
FAFSA filing status for the purpose of
encouraging a student to complete a
FAFSA that they started but did not
submit and assisting a student with the
completion of a FAFSA to a State higher
education agency in order for such
agency to redisclose such information to
a local educational agency; a secondary
school where the student is or was
enrolled; grantees of the Department;
American Indian and Alaska Native
educational entities; and nonprofit
college access organizations with an
established relationship with the
(iii) Routine use (1)(q) is modified to
remove and replace ‘‘Through June 30,
2024, the Department may disclose
records from this system to State higher
education agencies, eligible IHEs, and
other entities that the Secretary of
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Education has designated under section
483(a)(3)(E) of the HEA (20 U.S.C.
1090(a)(3)(E)) that award and administer
aid to students, to determine an
applicant’s eligibility for the award of
aid by State higher education agencies,
eligible IHEs, or by other entities the
Secretary of Education has designated.
(Beginning July 1, 2024, under
amendments to the HEA made by the
FAFSA Simplification Act and the
FAFSA Simplification Technical
Corrections Act, the Department will no
longer rely on this authority to disclose
records from this system to State higher
education agencies, eligible IHEs, and
other entities that the Secretary of
Education has designated under section
483(a)(3)(E) of the HEA (20 U.S.C.
1090(a)(3)(E))’’ with ‘‘The Department
may disclose records under Sections
483(a)(2)(D)(i), 483(a)(2)(E)(ii), and
483(a)(3)(B)(i) of the HEA (20 U.S.C.
1090(a)(2)(D)(i), 1090(a)(2)(E)(ii), and
1090(a)(3)(B)(i)) from this system to
State higher education agencies, eligible
IHEs, and scholarship organizations that
were designated prior to the date of
enactment (December 19, 2019) of the
FUTURE Act (Pub. L. 116–91, 133 Stat.
1189) that award and administer aid to
students, to determine an applicant’s
eligibility for aid awarded by State
higher education agencies, eligible IHEs,
or designated scholarship organizations,
and to administer Federal aid or aid
awarded by State higher education
agencies, eligible IHEs, or designated
scholarship organizations.’’; and
(iv) Routine use (1)(s) is added to
permit disclosures of records from an
applicant’s FAFSA to IHEs and State
higher education agencies to provide aid
applicants and aid recipients with
information about certain Federal
means-tested benefits for which they
may qualify.
Accessible Format: On request to any
of the program contact persons listed
CONTACT, individuals with disabilities
can obtain this document in an
accessible format. The Department will
provide the requestor with an accessible
format that may include Rich Text
Format (RTF) or text format (txt), a
thumb drive, an MP3 file, braille, large
print, audiotape, compact disc, or other
accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. You may access the official
edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations at At this site you can
view this document, as well as all other
documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
text or Portable Document Format
(PDF). To use PDF, you must have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Richard Cordray,
Chief Operating Officer, Federal Student Aid.
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Chief Operating Officer,
Federal Student Aid (FSA) of the U.S.
Department of Education (Department)
publishes a modified system of records
notice to read as follows:
Aid Awareness and Application
Processing (18–11–21).
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
U.S. Department of Education, 830
First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202.
The following locations are for the
Central Processing System (CPS):
Lee’s Summit Federal Records Center,
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA), 200 Space
Center Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 6464–
1182 (Note: This is where paper
applications are stored);
General Dynamics Information
Technology (GDIT) Image and Data
Capture (IDC) Center, 1084 South Laurel
Road, Building 1, London, KY 40744
(Note: The IDC scans paper financial aid
documents and correspondence, keyenters the data and electronically
transmits the data and related images to
the CPS for processing);
Next Generation Data Center (NGDC),
250 Burlington Drive, Clarksville, VA
23927 (Note: NGDC hosts the
infrastructure that supports CPS
applications including backend
application processing); and
CPS Print Facility, 327 Columbia
Pike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (Note: This
facility handles print operations).
The following locations are for the
Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA®) Processing System (FPS):
Perspecta/Peraton, 15052 Conference
Center Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
(Note: Perspecta supports the FSAprovided development, security, and
operations (DevSecOps) toolchain
configuration; coordinates environment
building; and supports technical
operations activities and application
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Information Capture Solutions (ICS),
25 Air Park Drive, London, KY 40744
(Note: ICS provides image and data
capture, print/mailing operational
services, and builds and operates the
iWorks, 1889 Preston White Drive,
Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191 (Note:
iWorks provides quality control
managers (key personnel); develops and
updates the quality control plan;
oversees/validates service level
measures; supports internal Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
audits; supports Project Management
Office (PMO) activities; and provides
application development support using
Agile methodologies);
Red Cedar Consultancy, LLC, 161 Fort
Evans Road NE, Suite 200, Leesburg, VA
20176 (Note: Red Cedar provides
application development support using
Agile methodologies);
Windsor Group, LLC, 6820 Wisconsin
Avenue, Unit 4004, Chevy Chase, MD
20815 (Note: Windsor Group provides
quality resources in system security,
database administration, and technical
writing); and
Jazz Solutions, LLC, 20745
Williamsport Place, Suite 320, Ashburn,
VA 20147 (Note: Jazz Solutions provides
application development support using
Agile methodologies and supports
application programming interface (API)
management solutions, including
designing, building, and operating
The following locations are for the
Digital and Customer Care (DCC)
Information Technology (IT) System:
Salesforce Government Cloud, 415
Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San
Francisco, CA 94105 (Note: The system
is accessible via the internet to different
categories of users, including
Department personnel, customers, and
designated agents of the Department at
any location where they have internet
access. This site is the location where
customer interactions with contact
center support via all inbound and
outbound channels (phone, email, chat,
webform, email, customer satisfaction
survey, fax, physical mail, and
controlled correspondence) and
customer-provided feedback
(complaints, suspicious activities,
positive feedback, and dispute cases) are
tracked and worked by contractors and
the Department. This site also contains
workflow management for processing
tasks including, but not limited to:
credit appeals, borrower defense to
repayment, commingled Social Security
numbers (SSNs), and archived
document retrieval in the Common
Origination and Disbursement (COD)
System, and the FAFSA special
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correction application process. This site
stores customer-provided
documentation to support the
interactions and processing tasks, as
needed. This site will also be used by
the Department for determining
employer eligibility to support Public
Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), and
Office of Inspector General (OIG) fraud
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
GovCloud (East/West), 410 Terry
Avenue, North Seattle, WA 98109–5210
(Note: The DCC IT system is hosted at
this location. This site is the location
where the Shado (Dynamo) application
collects, processes, stores, and makes
available user activity events from
across the DCC IT system to provide a
complete view of the customer to the
Department and its contractors. This site
is also the location where the Adobe
Marketing Campaign application
delivers strategic and real-time
personalized email and short message
service (SMS) communications); and
Contact Center Fulfillment Center
(Senture facility), 4255 W Highway 90,
Monticello, KY 42633 (Note: This
facility handles mail fulfillment and
imaging operations).
The following 10 listings are the
locations of the Aid Awareness and
Application Processing Customer
Contact Centers: Jacksonville Contact
Center, One Imeson Park Boulevard,
Jacksonville, FL 32118; Knoxville, TN
Servicing Center, 120 N Seven Oaks
Drive, Knoxville, TN 37922; 1600
Osgood Street, Suite 2–120, North
Andover, MA 01845; 11499 Chester
Road, Suite 101, Sharonville, OH 45246;
100 Domain Drive, Suite 200, Exeter,
NH 03833; 221 N Kansas Street, Suite
700, El Paso, TX 79901; 4255 W
Highway 90, Monticello, KY 42633; 555
Vandiver Drive, Columbia, MO 65202;
633 Spirit Drive, Chesterfield, MO
63005; and 820 First Street, NE,
Washington, DC 20002.
CPS—System Manager, Student
Experience and Aid Delivery, FSA, U.S.
Department of Education, Union Center
Plaza (UCP), 830 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20202–5454.
FPS—Information System Owner,
Technology Directorate, Federal Student
Aid, U.S. Department of Education,
Union Center Plaza, 830 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20202–5454.
Ombudsman, FSA, U.S. Department
of Education, UCP, 830 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20202–5454.
DCC—Information System Owner,
Technology Directorate, Federal Student
Aid, U.S. Department of Education,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
Union Center Plaza, 830 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20202–5454.
The authorities are title IV of the
Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended (HEA) (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.);
20 U.S.C. 1018(f); and the Higher
Education Relief Opportunities for
Students Act of 2003 (20 U.S.C. 1098bb)
(including any waivers or modifications
that the Secretary of Education deems
necessary to make to any statutory or
regulatory provision applicable to the
Federal student financial assistance
programs under title IV of the HEA to
achieve specific purposes listed in the
section in connection with a war, other
military operation, or a national
emergency). The collection of SSNs of
individuals, and parents of dependent
students, who apply for or receive
Federal student financial assistance
under programs authorized by title IV of
the HEA is also authorized by 31 U.S.C.
7701 and Executive Order 9397, as
amended by Executive Order 13478
(November 18, 2008).
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
The information contained in this
system is maintained for the following
purposes related to applying for Federal
student financial assistance and
administering title IV, HEA programs:
(Note: Different parts of the HEA use the
terms ‘‘discharge,’’ ‘‘cancellation,’’ or
‘‘forgiveness’’ to describe when a
borrower’s loan amount is reduced in
whole or in part by the Department. To
reduce complexity, this system of
records notice uses the term ‘‘discharge’’
to include all three terms (‘‘discharge,’’
‘‘cancellation,’’ and ‘‘forgiveness’’),
including but not limited to discharges
of student loans made pursuant to
specific benefit programs. At times, the
system of records notice may refer by
name to a specific benefit program, such
as the ‘‘Public Service Loan
Forgiveness’’ program; such specific
references are not intended to exclude
any such program benefits from more
general references to loan discharges.)
(1) Assisting with the determination,
correction, processing, tracking, and
reporting of program eligibility and
benefits for the Federal student financial
assistance programs authorized by title
IV of the HEA, including, but not
limited to, discharge of eligible loans
under title IV, HEA programs;
(2) Making a loan or grant;
(3) Verifying the identity of the
applicant for Federal financial
assistance under title IV of the HEA, the
spouse of a married applicant, the
parent(s) of a dependent applicant, and,
until CPS is decommissioned after
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September 30, 2024, an individual who
applies for an FSA ID; and verifying the
accuracy of the information in this
(4) Reporting the results of the need
analysis and Federal Pell Grant
eligibility determination to applicants,
institutions of higher education (IHEs),
third-party servicers, State agencies
designated by the applicant, and
Departmental and investigative
(5) Reporting the results of duly
authorized matching programs between
the Department and other Federal
agencies and between the Department
and State or local governments, or
agencies thereof, to applicants, IHEs,
third-party servicers, State agencies
designated by the applicant, and
Departmental and investigative
components where the Department is
required by law to do so or where it
would be essential to the conduct of the
matching program to report, such as for
the imposition of criminal, civil, or
administrative sanctions;
(6) Enforcing the terms and conditions
of a title IV, HEA loan or grant;
(7) Servicing and collecting a
delinquent title IV, HEA loan or grant;
(8) Initiating enforcement action
against individuals, IHEs, or other
entities involved in program fraud,
abuse, or noncompliance;
(9) Locating a debtor or recipient of a
grant overpayment;
(10) Maintaining a record of the data
supplied by those requesting title IV,
HEA program assistance;
(11) Ensuring compliance with and
enforcing title IV, HEA programmatic
requirements and various consumer
protection laws;
(12) Acting as a repository and source
for information necessary to fulfill the
requirements of title IV of the HEA;
(13) Evaluating title IV, HEA program
(14) Enabling IHEs and State grant
agencies designated by the applicant to
review and analyze the financial aid
data of their applicant population;
(15) Enabling IHEs and State grant
agencies to assist applicants with the
completion of the application for the
Federal student financial assistance
programs authorized by title IV of the
(16) Assisting State agencies, eligible
IHEs, and other entities that award aid
to students and that are designated by
the Secretary of Education with making
eligibility determinations for the award
of aid and with administering these
(17) Promoting and encouraging
applications for title IV, HEA program
assistance, State assistance, and aid
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awarded by eligible IHEs or by other
entities designated by the Secretary of
Education; and
(18) Enabling IHEs and State higher
education agencies to provide aid
applicants and aid recipients with
information about certain Federal
means-tested benefits for which they
may qualify and to enable IHEs and
State higher education agencies, with
the explicit written consent of aid
applicants or aid recipients, and parents
of dependent aid applicants or aid
recipients and spouses of married aid
applicants or aid recipients if necessary,
to share non-FTI FAFSA information
directly with Federal, State, or local
government agencies or tribal
organizations to assist such applicants
or recipients, in applying for or
receiving Federal, State, or local
government assistance, or tribal
assistance for any component of the
applicants’ or recipients’ cost of
attendances that may include financial
assistance or non-monetary assistance.
The information contained in this
system is also maintained for the
following purposes related to managing
customer engagement:
(1) Carrying out the duties and
responsibilities of the FSA Ombudsman,
including investigating and resolving
complaints, inquiries, and requests for
assistance, updating borrower account
records, correcting errors, analyzing
complaint trends, and making
appropriate recommendations pursuant
to 20 U.S.C. 1018(f);
(2) Carrying out the duties and
responsibilities of the Department to
provide Federal student loan repayment
relief under Federal law;
(3) Verifying the identity of FSA
(4) Recording complaints, suspicious
activities, positive feedback, and
comments as provided by customer
interactions with contact center support
via inbound and outbound channels
(phone, chat, webform, email, customer
satisfaction survey, fax, physical mail,
social media platforms, digital
engagement platforms, and controlled
(5) Tracking individual cases,
including complaints, borrower defense
submissions, general inquiries, and chat
sessions, through final resolution,
reporting trends, and analyzing the data
to recommend improvements in Federal
student financial assistance programs;
(6) Assisting in the informal
resolution of disputes submitted by aid
applicants or aid recipients about issues
related to title IV, HEA program
(7) Carrying out the duties and
responsibilities of the Department under
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
the borrower defense to repayment
regulations at 34 CFR 685.206 and
685.222 and 34 CFR part 685, subpart D,
including receiving, reviewing,
evaluating, and processing requests for
relief under the borrower defense to
repayment regulations; and
(8) Initiating proceedings, where
appropriate, to recover liabilities from
an IHE for losses incurred as a result of
the act or omission of the IHE
participating in the Federal student loan
The information contained in this
system is also maintained for the
following purposes related to assisting
aid applicants and recipients with
Federal student financial assistance
programs authorized by title IV of the
HEA, and managing customer
relationships for marketing and
improving customer service:
(1) Determining employer
qualification for borrowers to receive
discharge under the PSLF Program;
(2) Collecting, processing, storing, and
making available user activity events
and user-submitted documentation from
across the DCC IT system to provide a
complete view of the customer to the
Department and its contractors;
(3) Sending aid applicants and aid
recipients strategic and real-time,
personalized communications via email,
and SMS ‘‘text messages’’ via mobile
phone communications to inform them
of title IV, HEA aid marketing
campaigns (such as encouraging
completion of their FAFSA), and
sending transactional communication to
customers (such as confirmation emails
when a user completes an action);
(4) Measuring customer satisfaction
and analyzing results; and
(5) Promoting and encouraging the
repayment of title IV, HEA program
loans in a timely manner.
The information in this system is also
maintained for the following purposes
relating to the Department’s
administration and oversight of title IV,
HEA programs:
(1) To support the investigation of
possible fraud and abuse and to detect
and prevent fraud and abuse in the title
IV, HEA Federal grant and loan
(2) To support compliance with title
IV, HEA statutory and regulatory
(3) To provide an aid recipient’s
financial aid history, including
information about the recipient’s title
IV, HEA loan defaults, title IV, HEA aid
receipt, and title IV, HEA grant program
(4) To facilitate receiving and
correcting application data, processing
Federal Pell Grants and Direct Loans,
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and reporting Federal Perkins Loan
Program expenditures to the
Department’s processing and reporting
(5) To support pre-claims/
supplemental pre-claims assistance;
(6) To assist in locating holders of title
IV, HEA loan(s);
(7) To assist in assessing the
administration of title IV, HEA program
funds by guaranty agencies, lenders and
loan holders, IHEs, and third-party
(8) To initiate or support a limitation,
suspension, or termination action, an
emergency action, or a debarment or
suspension action;
(9) To inform the parent(s) of a
dependent applicant of information
about the parent(s), or the spouse of a
married applicant of information about
the spouse, in an application for title IV,
HEA funds;
(10) To disclose applicant records to
the parent(s) of a dependent applicant
applying for a PLUS loan (to be used on
behalf of a student), to identify the
student as the correct beneficiary of the
PLUS loan funds, and to allow the
processing of the PLUS loan application
and promissory note;
(11) To expedite the application
(12) To enable an applicant, at the
applicant’s written request, to obtain
income information about the applicant
from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
using the Data Retrieval Tool, until CPS
is decommissioned after September 30,
(13) To identify, prevent, reduce, and
recoup improper payments, prevent
fraud, and conduct at-risk campaigns,
including protecting customers from
Third-Party Debt Relief firms;
(14) To help Federal, State, Tribal,
and local government entities exercise
their supervisory and administrative
powers (including, but not limited to
licensure, examination, discipline,
regulation, or oversight of educational
institutions, Department contractors,
guaranty agencies, lenders and loan
holders, and third-party servicers) or to
respond to individual aid applicant or
recipient complaints submitted
regarding the practices or processes of
the Department and/or the Department’s
contractors, or to update information or
correct errors contained in Department
records regarding the aid applicant’s or
recipient’s title IV, HEA program funds;
(15) To provide eligible applicants for
title IV, HEA aid, and when necessary,
the spouse or parents of an applicant,
with information about certain Federal
means-tested benefits and services for
which they may qualify;
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(16) To collect, track, and process
Office of Inspector General (OIG) fraud
(17) To support research, analysis,
and development, and the
implementation and evaluation of
educational policies in relation to title
IV, HEA programs; and
(18) To conduct testing, analysis, or
take other administrative actions needed
to prepare for or execute programs
under title IV of the HEA.
This system maintains records on
individuals who are, were, or may be
participants in any of the Federal
student financial assistance programs
under title IV of the HEA who request
assistance from the Department, directly
or through State requestors and legal
assistance organizations (‘‘third-party
requestors’’) who may request that the
Secretary of Education form a group of
Federal student loan borrowers for
borrower defense relief.
This system also maintains records on
student and parent applicants (and their
third-party preparers), as well as the
spouse of a married applicant and the
parent(s) of a dependent applicant, who
apply for Federal student financial
assistance under one of the programs
authorized under title IV of the HEA,
including, but not limited to the: (1)
Federal Pell Grant Program; (2) Federal
Perkins Loans Program; (3) Academic
Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program;
(4) National Science and Mathematics
Access to Retain Talent (National
SMART) Grant Program; (5) Teacher
Education Assistance for College and
Higher Education (TEACH) Grant
Program; (6) Iraq and Afghanistan
Service Grant (IASG) Program; (7) Direct
Loan Program, which includes Federal
Direct Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal
Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford
Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans, and
Federal Direct Consolidation Loans; (8)
Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL)
Program; and (9) Federal Insured
Student Loan (FISL) Program.
This system also maintains records on
individuals who apply for an FSA ID in
the Department’s Person Authentication
Service (PAS) system because the
Department uses CPS, which maintains
records that are part of this system, as
a pass-through to send these
individuals’ records from the PAS
system to the Social Security
Administration (SSA) for computer
matching in order to assist the
Department in verifying their identities.
This pass-through will be terminated
when CPS is decommissioned after
September 30, 2024.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
This system maintains records that
contain the following information:
(1) Information provided by
applicants for title IV, HEA program
assistance on an incomplete or
completed FAFSA, including, but not
limited to, the applicant’s name,
address, SSN, DOB, telephone number,
driver’s license number (which will not
be collected on the FAFSA for award
year 2024–2025 and onward, and will
not be collected by FPS), email address,
citizenship status, marital status, legal
residence, status as a veteran,
educational status, and financial
information (including asset and income
information). (Note: The Federal Tax
Information (FTI) that the Department
obtains directly from the IRS under the
Fostering Undergraduate Talent by
Unlocking Resources for Education
(FUTURE) Act, Pub. L. 116–91, is
maintained in a separate system of
records entitled ‘‘FUTURE Act System
(FAS)’’ (18–11–23), the notice for which
was published in the Federal Register
on June 29, 2023 (88 FR 42220));
(2) Information provided about the
parent(s) of a dependent applicant,
including, but not limited to, the
parent’s highest level of schooling
completed (which will not be collected
on the FAFSA starting with award year
2024–2025 and will not be collected by
FPS; after which point the Department
will instead collect on the FAFSA the
parent’s college attendance status),
marital status, SSN, last name and first
initial, DOB, email address, number of
people in the household supported by
the parent, and asset and income
(3) Information about the spouse of a
married applicant including, but not
limited to: the spouse’s name, address,
SSN, DOB, telephone number, email
address, citizenship status, marital
status, legal residence, status as a
veteran, and financial information
(including asset and income information
that is needed for CPS processing until
September 30, 2024);
(4) Information provided by IHEs on
behalf of student and parent applicants,
including, but not limited to,
verification results, dependency
overrides, and resolution of comment
codes or reject codes;
(5) Information calculated by CPS
through the 2023–24 award year on the
applicant’s expected family contribution
(6) Information on the applicant’s
Institutional Student Information
Record (ISIR), and Student Aid Report
(SAR) or the renamed FAFSA
Submission Summary (FSS). The
Department uses the ISIR and SAR or
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FSS to report, among other things, the
EFC, or the SAI results that are
calculated during FPS processing, to
IHEs, State grant agencies, and
applicants. The EFC or SAI is available
to, and used by, IHEs to determine the
applicant’s eligibility for Federal and
institutional program assistance and the
amount of assistance, and State grant
agencies to determine the applicant’s
eligibility for State grants and the
amount of grant assistance. The
Department notifies the applicant of the
results of their application via the SAR
or FSS. The Department provides the
IHEs identified on the applicant’s
FAFSA with the ISIR, which indicates
whether there are discrepant or
insufficient information, school
adjustments, or CPS assumptions that
affect processing of the FAFSA. Other
information in the system includes, but
is not limited to: Secondary EFC (an
EFC that is calculated from the full EFC
formula and is printed in the Financial
Aid Administrator’s (FAA) Information
section of the ISIR), dependency status,
Federal Pell Grant eligibility, duplicate
SSN (an indicator that is set to alert ISIR
recipients that two applications were
processed with the same SSN,
Incarcerated Student Indicator Flag (an
indicator that will be used to identify an
aid applicant as an incarcerated
student), selection for verification,
Simplified Needs Test (SNT) or
Automatic Zero EFC (used for extremely
low family income), CPS and FPS
processing comments, reject codes
(explanation for applicant’s FAFSA not
computing EFC), assumptions made
with regard to the student’s information
due to incomplete or inconsistent
FAFSA information, FAA adjustments
including dependency status overrides,
and CPS and FPS record processing
information (application receipt date,
transaction number, transaction process
date, SAR Serial Number, Compute
Number, Data Release Number (DRN), a
four-digit number assigned to each
application), National Student Loan
Database System (NSLDS) match results,
a bar code, and transaction source);
(7) Information that identifies aid
applicant or aid recipient complaints,
positive feedback, reports of suspicious
activity, requests for assistance, requests
for borrower defense relief, requests for
PSLF reconsideration, or other
inquiries. Such information includes,
but is not limited to: written
documentation of an aid applicant or
aid recipient’s complaint, request for
assistance, request for relief under the
borrower defense to repayment
regulations, case tracking number, case
appeal identifier, or other comment or
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inquiry; and information pertaining to
the aid recipient’s or the aid recipient’s
parent’s student financial assistance
program account(s) under title IV of the
HEA, such as the aid recipient’s and the
aid recipient’s parent’s names and
Federal Student Aid IDs (FSA IDs).
Information may include the name,
address, and phone numbers of the aid
recipient’s counsel or representative,
IHE(s), lender(s), secondary holder(s) or
lender(s), guaranty agency(ies),
servicer(s), private collection
agency(ies), and third-party requestor(s),
as this term is defined in 34 CFR
685.401(a), if applicable, and may
contain other loan-level information;
(8) Information provided and
generated through customer interactions
with contact center support via inbound
and outbound channels (phone, chat,
webform, email, customer satisfaction
survey, fax, physical mail, social media
platforms, digital engagement platforms,
and controlled correspondence).
Information includes, but is not limited
to: chat transcripts, email
communications, audio recordings of
customer calls, and screen recordings of
contact center support desktop during
customer interactions;
(9) Loan discharge eligibility and
verification information for use in
determining whether a title IV, HEA
debt/loan qualifies for discharge;
(10) Aid recipient’s employer
information to determine employer
qualification for borrowers to receive
discharge under PSLF; OIG fraud
referral information; and customer
support interactions including phone,
chat, webform, email, fax, physical mail,
and controlled correspondence;
(11) Information for collecting,
processing, and storing user activity
events from across the DCC IT system:
campaign details, delivery details,
email/SMS sent timestamp, transaction
ID, Federal Account Number (FAN) ID,
activity details, activity date, pages/URL
accessed, user IP address, usersubmitted materials, and user request
(12) Information needed to aid in the
delivery of strategic and real-time
communication to customers, including,
but not limited to, first name, last name,
DOB, state of residence, email, phone
number, mobile device ID, device data,
FAFSA transaction data, uniform
resource locator (URL), computerrelated data, and customer
communication preferences and user
activity (open or clicks) for email and
SMS communications;
(13) Information provided on thirdparty preparers, including, but not
limited to, first name, last name, SSN or
employer identification number,
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
affiliation, address or employer’s
address, signature, and signature date.
Note: This system of records also
maintains information that is collected
in this system and stored in other
systems of records. The following
information about individuals who
apply for or receive a Federal grant or
loan under one of the programs
authorized under title IV of the HEA is
collected in this system and stored in
the ‘‘Common Origination and
Disbursement (COD) System’’ (18–11–
02) system of records: applicant
identifiers including applicant’s name,
SSN, and DOB; demographic
information, including asset and income
information (tax return status, adjusted
gross income, Internal Revenue Service
exemptions, and tax year), and
enrollment information; borrower’s
loan(s) information, including
information about recipients of Direct
Loans, FFEL Program loans, Perkins
Loans, and FISL Program loans, such as
the period from the origination of the
loan through final payment, and
milestones, including, but not limited
to, consolidation, discharge, or other
final disposition including details such
as loan amount, disbursements,
balances, loan status, repayment plan
and related information, collections,
claims, deferments, forbearances, and
refunds; information about students
receiving Federal grants, including
recipients of Pell Grants, ACG, National
SMART Grants, TEACH Grants, Iraq and
Afghanistan Service Grants, and
including grant amounts, grant awards,
verification status, lifetime eligibility
used (LEU), IASG eligible veteran’s
dependent indicator, Children of Fallen
Heroes Scholarship eligibility indicator,
and the Pell Grant additional eligibility
indicator; Pell Grant collection status
indicator and overpayment collection
information; promissory notes, Direct
Loan Entrance Counseling forms,
Federal Student Loan Exit Counseling
forms, PLUS Loan Counseling forms, the
Annual School Loan Acknowledgement
(ASLA), Direct PLUS Loan Requests,
endorser addendums, and counseling in
the Direct Loan and TEACH Grant
programs, such as the date that
applicant completed counseling; PLUS
Loan credit report information;
applicant identifier information for an
electronic request to repay a Direct Loan
under an income-driven repayment plan
and endorser/spouse information, such
as the SSN, date that applicant
completed the income-driven
repayment plan application, and current
loan balances; Electronic Direct
Consolidation Loan borrower identifier
information, such as the borrower’s
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SSN, the date that borrower completed
the Federal Direct Consolidation Loan
application and promissory note, and
current loan balances; and credit check
decisions, credit appeals, credit appeal
identifiers, and credit history
information to support the credit appeal
process. Further, information from the
‘‘Enterprise Data Management and
Analytics Platform Services (EDMAPS)’’
(18–11–22) system of records is
accessible in the DCC IT system to:
allow real-time updates to a customer’s
identifiers, demographic attributes,
address, phone, and email contact
details; update customer preference for
receiving marketing information via text
message; allow the Department and its
contractors to identify customers who
have completed a customer satisfaction
survey; and enable the Department to
contact borrowers who have been
identified by the Department as
potentially having fraudulent activity
from a Third-Party Debt Relief (TPDR)
company and are at risk of loan default.
The following information is modifiable
by the customer through name, DOB, address,
phone number, and email address. The
DCC IT system also sends the following
information to the EDMAPS system for
analytics and reporting: case
information including complaints, and
OIG fraud referral data. Information
includes, but is not limited to: SSN,
DOB, address, phone, and email.
Additionally, some information from
Federal Loan Servicers’ systems
(covered by the ‘‘Common Services for
Borrowers (CSB)’’ (18–11–16) system of
records) is accessible on
to allow customers to view their
payment information, loan information,
and to make payments on as they would on the
various Federal Loan Servicer websites.
Further, customers can use to update their contact
information and access financial aid
history that is stored in the ‘‘National
Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)’’
(18–11–06) system of records.
Additionally, until CPS is
decommissioned after September 30,
2024, CPS is also used as a pass-through
to send information that is stored in the
‘‘Person Authentication Service (PAS)’’
(18–11–12) system of records to SSA for
computer matching on individuals who
apply for an FSA ID in PAS in order to
assist the Department in verifying their
identities. The information includes, but
is not limited to: SSN, name, and DOB.
Finally, beginning with the 2024–25
award year application cycle, the IRS
will disclose directly to the Department
FTI for FAFSA application processing
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and aid eligibility determination; that
FTI will not be maintained in this
system. Beginning July 30, 2023, the IRS
will also disclose directly to the
Department FTI to determine eligibility
and monthly payment amounts under
Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plans;
that FTI also will not be maintained in
this system. All FTI that the Department
will obtain directly from the IRS under
the FUTURE Act will be maintained
within the FTI Module (FTIM) system
that will be compliant with the IRS
Publication 1075, ‘‘Tax Information
Security Guidelines for Federal, State
and Local Agencies, Safeguards for
Protecting Federal Tax Returns and
Return Information,’’ and that will be
covered under the Department’s system
of records notice entitled ‘‘FUTURE Act
System (FAS)’’ (18–11–23). This system
will continue to maintain both historical
income information (obtained from the
IRS until CPS is decommissioned) and
applicant-provided income information
(either through a manual FAFSA entry
or submission of alternative
documentation of income (ADOI)
through the IDR process). Any reference
to income throughout this system of
records notice refers explicitly to
income information that the Department
did not obtain directly from the IRS but
obtained from the applicant or from
another source.
Information maintained in this system
of records is obtained from applicants,
the parents of dependent applicants,
third-party preparers, and the spouse of
married applicants for title IV, HEA
program assistance, on the paper
FAFSA, Portable Document Format
(PDF) FAFSA, the online FAFSA form,
and FAFSA by phone; the authorized
employees or representatives of
authorized entities (namely, IHEs,
institutional third-party servicers, FFEL
Program lenders, FFEL Program
guaranty agencies, Federal loan
servicers, State grant agencies, other
Federal agencies, and research
agencies); and from other persons or
entities from which information is
obtained following a disclosure under
the routine uses set forth below.
The Financial Aid Administrators at
IHEs designated by the applicant and
IHEs’ third-party servicers may correct
the records in this system as a result of
documentation provided by the
applicant or by a dependent applicant’s
parents, such as Federal income
return(s) (IRS Form 1040), Social
Security card(s), and Department of
Homeland Security I–551 Permanent
Resident Card.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
This system maintains information
added during CPS processing and that
will be added during FPS processing
and information received from other
Department systems, including the
NSLDS, the COD System, and the SAIG
Participation Management System. The
results of matching programs with
Federal agencies or State or local
governments, or agencies thereof, are
added to the student’s record during
CPS processing and will be added to the
student’s record during FPS processing.
The Department’s matching programs at
the time of the publication of this
system of records notice are with the
SSA to verify the SSNs of applicants,
dependent applicants’ parent(s), and
spouses of married applicants, as well
as of individuals who apply for an FSA
ID, and to confirm the U.S. citizenship
status of applicants as recorded in SSA
records and date of death (if applicable)
of applicants, and dependent
applicants’ parents, pursuant to title IV
of the HEA, including sections
428B(f)(2), 483(a)(12) (which under the
FAFSA Simplification Act will be
section 483(a)(2)(B)), and 484(g) and (p)
(which the FAFSA Simplification Act
redesignates as section 484(o)) of the
HEA (20 U.S.C. 1078–2(f)(2), 1090(a)(12)
(which the FAFSA Simplification Act
amends to be 1090(a)(2)(B)), and 1091(g)
and (p) (which the FAFSA
Simplification Act redesignates as
1091(o)); with the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) to verify the status
of applicants who claim to be veterans,
pursuant to section 480(c) and (d)(1)(D)
of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1087vv(c) and
(d)(1)(D)); with the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) to confirm
the immigration status of applicants for
assistance as authorized by section
484(g) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1091(g));
with the U.S. Department of Justice
(DOJ) to enforce any requirement
imposed at the discretion of a court,
pursuant to section 5301 of the AntiDrug Abuse Act of 1988, Public Law
100–690, as amended by section 1002(d)
of the Crime Control Act of 1990, Public
Law 101–647 (21 U.S.C. 862), denying
Federal benefits under the programs
established by title IV of the HEA to any
individual convicted of a State or
Federal offense for the distribution or
possession of a controlled substance;
and, through award year 2023–2024
following the implementation of the
FAFSA Simplification Act on July 1,
2024, with the U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD) to identify dependents of
U.S. military personnel who died in
service in Iraq and Afghanistan after
September 11, 2001, to determine if they
are eligible for increased amounts of
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title IV, HEA program assistance,
pursuant to sections 420R and 473(b) of
the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1070h and
1087mm(b)), which will be replaced by
Section 401(c) under the FAFSA
Simplification Act.
During CPS and FPS processing, the
Department’s COD System sends
information to these systems for
students who have received a Federal
Pell Grant. CPS and FPS use this
information for verification analysis and
for end-of-year reporting. These data
elements include, but are not limited to:
Verification Selection and Status,
Potential Over-award Project (POP)
indicator, Institutional Cost of
Attendance, Reporting and Attended
Campus Pell ID and Enrollment Date,
and Federal Pell Grant Program
information (Scheduled Federal Pell
Grant Award, Origination Award
Amount, Total Accepted Disbursement
Amount, Number of Disbursements
Accepted, Percentage of Eligibility Used
At This Attended Campus Institution,
and Date of Last Activity from the
Origination or Disbursement table).
CPS and FPS also receive applicant
information from the Department’s
NSLDS system each time an application
is processed or corrected. This process
assesses student aid eligibility, updates
financial aid history, and ensures
compliance with title IV, HEA
regulations. Some of this information
appears on the applicant’s SAR or FSS
and ISIR. Title IV, HEA award
information is provided to NSLDS from
several different sources. Federal
Perkins Loan information and Federal
Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Grant (FSEOG) overpayment
information is sent from IHEs or their
third-party servicers; the Department’s
COD System provides Federal Pell Grant
and Direct Loan data; and State and
guaranty agencies provide information
on FFEL loans received from lending
institutions participating in the FFEL
programs. Financial aid transcript
information reported by NSLDS
provides aid recipients, IHEs, and thirdparty servicers with information about
the type(s), amount(s), dates, and
overpayment status of prior and current
title IV, HEA funds the aid recipient has
received. FFEL and William D. Ford
Federal Direct Student Loan data
information reported by NSLDS
includes, but is not limited to: (1)
Aggregate Loan Data, such as
Subsidized, Unsubsidized; Combined
Outstanding Principal Balances;
Unallocated Consolidated Outstanding
Principal Balances, Subsidized,
Unsubsidized; Combined Pending
Disbursements, Subsidized,
Unsubsidized; Combined Totals; and
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Unallocated Consolidated Totals; (2)
Detailed Loan Data, such as Loan
Sequence Number; Loan Type Code;
Loan Change Flag; Loan Program Code;
Current Status Code and Date;
Outstanding Principal Balance and Date;
Net Loan Amount; Loan Begin and End
Dates; Amount and Date of Last
Disbursement; Guaranty Agency Code;
School Code; Contact Code; and
Institution Type and Grade Level; and
(3) system flags for Additional
Unsubsidized Loan; Capitalized Interest;
Defaulted Loan Change; Discharged
Loan Change; Loan Satisfactory
Repayment Change; Active Bankruptcy
Change; Overpayments Change;
Aggregate Loan Change; Defaulted Loan;
Discharged Loan; Loan Satisfactory
Repayment; Active Bankruptcy;
Additional Loans; Direct Loan Master
Promissory Note; Direct PLUS Loan
Master Promissory Note; Subsidized
Loan Limit; and the Combined Loan
Limit. Federal Perkins Loan information
reported by NSLDS includes, but is not
limited to: Cumulative and Current Year
Disbursement Amounts; flags for
Perkins Loan Change; Defaulted Loan;
Discharged Loan; Loan Satisfactory
Repayment; Active Bankruptcy;
Additional Loans; and Perkins
Overpayment Flag and Contact (School
or Region). Federal Pell Grant payment
information reported includes, but is
not limited to: Pell Sequence Number;
Pell Attended School Code; Pell
Transaction Number; Last Update Date;
Scheduled Amount; Award Amount;
Amount Paid to Date; Percent
Scheduled Award Used; Pell Payment
EFC; Flags for Pell Verification; and Pell
Payment Change. TEACH Grant Program
information includes, but is not limited
to: TEACH Grant Overpayment Contact;
TEACH Grant Overpayment Flag;
TEACH Grant Loan Principal Balance;
TEACH Grant Total; and TEACH Grant
Change Flag. Iraq and Afghanistan
Service Grants information includes, but
is not limited to, Total Award Amount.
The Department obtains from and
exchanges information that is included
in this system of records with IHEs,
third-party servicers, and State agencies.
These eligible entities register with the
SAIG system to participate in the
information exchanges specified for
their business processes.
During FPS processing, this system
will receive the SAI information from
the Department’s FAS. The SAI is
calculated using FTI that the IRS will
provide directly to the Department
under the FUTURE Act that will not be
maintained in this system, but instead
the system of records entitled ‘‘FUTURE
Act System (FAS)’’ (18–11–23).
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
Additionally, for individuals who
request assistance from the Department,
directly or through State requestors and
legal assistance organizations (‘‘thirdparty requestors’’), as these terms are
defined in 34 CFR 685.401(a), who may
request that the Secretary of Education
form a group of Federal student loan
borrowers for borrower defense relief,
information is obtained from
individuals (e.g., borrowers), their
counsel or representatives, or students
or their parents (when the individual is
a borrower and depending on whether
the individual is a parent or student),
Federal agencies, State agencies, IHEs,
lenders, private collection agencies,
guaranty agencies, accreditors, and from
other persons or entities from whom or
from which data is obtained following a
disclosure under routine uses set forth
Note: Some customer information that
is retrieved from Federal Loan Servicers’
IT systems (covered by the system of
records notice entitled ‘‘Common
Services for Borrowers (CSB)’’ (18–11–
16)) is accessible through to provide customers
with payment and loan information and
to enable customers to make loan
payments as they would on the various
Federal Loan Servicer websites.
Information that is collected in this
system is stored in and retrieved from
the COD System (covered by the system
of records notice entitled ‘‘Common
Origination and Disbursement (COD)
System’’ (18–11–02)) to allow:
applicants and borrowers to submit
Counseling (Entrance, Exit, Financial
Awareness Counseling, PLUS, TEACH
Grant Initial and Subsequent, TEACH
Grant Exit, TEACH Grant Conversion),
Master Promissory Note (MPN),
Endorser Addendum, TEACH Grant
Agreement to Serve or Repay
(Agreement), Loan Consolidation,
Income-Driven Repayment, PLUS Loan
Request, and Annual Student Loan
Acknowledgement (ASLA) applications
through; credit check
decision, credit appeal, and credit
history information to be viewable on to support credit appeal
processing; users to view and search the
PSLF employer database as retrieved
from the COD System and provide
updates to employers’ information; and
the PDF version of the PSLF/Temporary
Expanded PSLF (TEPSLF) certification
and application form that is generated
from the PSLF Help Tool to be
accessible. Information is also retrieved
from the COD System to provide functionality for
creating and updating customer records.
The following information from the
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EDMAPS system is accessible in the
DCC IT system: customer information
that is retrieved to allow real-time
updates to a customer’s identifiers,
demographic attributes, address, phone,
and email contact details; SMS opt-in/
out information for customer
communication preferences to opt-in/
out of receiving marketing information
via text message; information for
customers who have been identified by
the Department and its contractors as
having completed a customer
satisfaction survey; information for
borrowers who will be contacted by the
Department because they have been
identified by the Department as having
potentially fraudulent activity from a
TPDR company; and information on
borrowers who have been identified by
the Department and its contractors as
being at risk for loan default.
The Department may disclose
information maintained in a record in
this system of records under the routine
uses listed in this system of records
notice without the consent of the
individual if the disclosure is
compatible with the purposes for which
the record was collected. These
disclosures may be made on a case-bycase basis or pursuant to a computer
matching agreement that meets the
requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974,
as amended (Privacy Act) (5 U.S.C.
(1) Program Disclosures. The
Department may disclose records from
the system of records for the following
program purposes:
(a) To verify the identity of the
applicant, the spouse of a married
applicant, and the parent(s) of a
dependent applicant, to verify, until
CPS is decommissioned after September
30, 2024, the identities of individuals
who apply for a FSA ID, to determine
the accuracy of the information
contained in the record, to support
compliance with title IV, HEA statutory
and regulatory requirements, and to
assist with the determination,
correction, processing, tracking, and
reporting of program eligibility and
benefits, the Department may disclose
records to applicants, guaranty agencies,
lenders and loan holders participating
in the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party
servicers, and Federal, State, local, or
Tribal agencies;
(b) To provide an applicant’s financial
aid history to IHEs, guaranty agencies
and State agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL
Program, and third-party servicers,
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including information about the
applicant’s title IV, HEA loan defaults,
and title IV, HEA grant program
overpayments, the Department may
disclose records to IHEs, guaranty
agencies and State agencies, lenders and
loan holders participating in the FFEL
Program, and third-party servicers;
(c) To facilitate receiving and
correcting application information,
processing Federal Pell Grants and
Direct Loans, and reporting Federal
Perkins Loan Program expenditures to
the Department’s processing and
reporting systems, the Department may
disclose records to IHEs, State agencies,
and third-party servicers;
(d) To assist loan holders with the
collection and servicing of title IV, HEA
loans, to support pre-claims/
supplemental pre-claims assistance, to
assist in locating borrowers, and to
assist in locating students who owe
grant overpayments, the Department
may disclose records to guaranty
agencies, lenders and loan holders
participating in the FFEL Program, IHEs,
third-party servicers, and Federal, State,
local, and Tribal agencies;
(e) To facilitate assessments of title IV,
HEA program compliance, the
Department may disclose records to
guaranty agencies and IHEs, third-party
servicers, and Federal, State, and local
(f) To assist in locating holders of
loans, the Department may disclose
records to guaranty agencies, lenders
and loan holders participating in the
FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party
servicers, and Federal, State, and local
(g) To assist in assessing the
administration of title IV, HEA program
funds by guaranty agencies, lenders and
loan holders in the FFEL Program, IHEs,
and third-party servicers, the
Department may disclose records to
Federal and State agencies;
(h) To enforce the terms of a loan or
grant or to assist in the collection of
loan or grant overpayments, the
Department may disclose records to
guaranty agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL
Program, IHEs, third-party servicers,
and Federal, State, and local agencies;
(i) To assist borrowers in repayment,
the Department may disclose records to
guaranty agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL
Program, IHEs, third-party servicers,
and Federal, State, and local agencies;
(j) To determine the relief that is
appropriate if the Secretary of Education
grants a borrower defense to repayment
discharge application, as well as to
pursue the recovery of liabilities of such
discharges against the IHE, the
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
Department may disclose records to
Federal, State, and Tribal agencies,
accreditors, IHEs, lenders and loan
holders, guaranty agencies, third-party
servicers, and private collection
(k) To initiate legal action against an
individual or entity involved in an
illegal or unauthorized title IV, HEA
program expenditure or activity, the
Department may disclose records to
guaranty agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL
Program, IHEs, third-party servicers,
and Federal, State, local, and Tribal
(l) To initiate or support a limitation,
suspension, or termination action, an
emergency action, or a debarment or
suspension action, the Department may
disclose records to guaranty agencies,
lenders and loan holders participating
in the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party
servicers, and Federal, State, local, and
Tribal agencies;
(m) To investigate and resolve
complaints, inquiries, requests for
assistance, requests for Federal student
loan repayment relief and other relief
under the borrower defense to
repayment regulations, and to update
borrower account records and to correct
errors, the Department may disclose
records to guaranty agencies, lenders
and loan holders participating in the
FFEL Program, accreditors, IHEs, thirdparty requestors, third-party servicers,
private collection agencies, and Federal,
State, and local agencies;
(n) To inform the parent(s) of a
dependent applicant of information
about the parent(s), or the spouse of a
married applicant of information about
the spouse, in an application for title IV,
HEA funds, the Department may
disclose records to the parent(s), or
spouse, respectively;
(o) To identify the student as the
correct beneficiary of the PLUS loan
funds, and to allow the processing of the
PLUS loan application and promissory
note, the Department may disclose
records to the parent(s) applying for the
parent PLUS loan;
(p) To encourage a student to
complete a FAFSA that they started but
did not submit or to assist a student
with the completion of a FAFSA, the
Department may disclose a student’s
FAFSA filing status to a State higher
education agency so that the agency
may redisclose that information to a
local educational agency; a secondary
school where the student is or was
enrolled; grantees of the Department;
American Indian and Alaska Native
educational entities; and nonprofit
college access organizations with an
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established relationship with the
(q) The Department may disclose
records under Sections 483(a)(2)(D)(i),
483(a)(2)(E)(ii), and 483(a)(3)(B)(i) of the
HEA (20 U.S.C. 1090(a)(2)(D)(i),
1090(a)(2)(E)(ii), and 1090(a)(3)(B)(i))
from this system to State higher
education agencies, eligible IHEs, and
scholarship organizations that were
designated prior to the date of
enactment (December 19, 2019) of the
FUTURE Act (Pub. L. 116–91, 133 Stat.
1189) that award and administer aid to
students, to determine an applicant’s
eligibility for aid awarded by State
higher education agencies, eligible IHEs,
or designated scholarship organizations,
and to administer Federal aid or aid
awarded by State higher education
agencies, eligible IHEs, or designated
scholarship organizations.;
(r) To help Federal, State, Tribal, and
local government entities exercise their
supervisory and administrative powers
(including, but not limited to licensure,
examination, discipline, regulation, or
oversight of IHEs, Department
contractors, guaranty agencies, lenders
and loan holders, and third-party
servicers) or to respond to aid applicant
or recipient complaints submitted
regarding the practices or processes of
the Department and/or the Department’s
contractors, or to update information or
correct errors contained in Department
records regarding the aid applicant’s or
recipient’s title IV, HEA program funds,
the Department may disclose records to
governmental entities at the Federal,
State, Tribal, and local levels. These
records may include all aspects of loans
and grants made under title IV of the
HEA to permit these governmental
entities to verify compliance with
applicable debt collection, consumer
protection, financial, and other
applicable statutory, regulatory, or local
requirements. Before making a
disclosure to these Federal, State, local,
or Tribal governmental entities, the
Department will require them to
maintain safeguards consistent with the
Privacy Act to protect the security and
confidentiality of the disclosed records;
(s) The Department may disclose
records from an applicant’s FAFSA to
IHEs and State higher education
agencies to provide aid applicants and
aid recipients with information about
certain Federal means-tested benefits for
which they may qualify.
Note: Some information that is
maintained in this system of records is
also maintained in other Department
systems of records and, therefore, may
be disclosed pursuant to the routine
uses published in those other systems’
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system of records notices, including the
‘‘Common Origination and
Disbursement (COD) System’’ (18–11–
02), ‘‘National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS)’’ (18–11–06), and
‘‘Common Services for Borrowers
(CSB)’’ (18–11–16).
(2) Enforcement Disclosure. In the
event that information in this system of
records indicates, either on its face or in
connection with other information, a
violation or potential violation of any
applicable statute, regulations, or order
of a competent authority, the
Department may disclose the relevant
records to the appropriate agency,
whether Federal, State, Tribal, or local,
charged with the responsibility of
investigating or prosecuting that
violation or charged with enforcing or
implementing the statute, Executive
Order, rule, regulation, or order issued
pursuant thereto.
(3) Litigation and Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR) Disclosure.
(a) Introduction. In the event that one
of the parties listed in sub-paragraphs (i)
through (v) of this routine use is
involved in judicial or administrative
litigation or ADR, or has an interest in
judicial or administrative litigation or
ADR, the Department may disclose
certain records to the parties described
in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this
routine use under the conditions
specified in those paragraphs:
(i) The Department or any of its
(ii) Any Department employee in their
official capacity;
(iii) Any Department employee in
their individual capacity where the U.S.
Department of Justice (DOJ) agrees to or
has been requested to provide or arrange
for representation of the employee;
(iv) Any Department employee in
their individual capacity where the
Department has agreed to represent the
employee; and
(v) The United States, where the
Department determines that the
litigation is likely to affect the
Department or any of its components.
(b) Disclosure to the DOJ. If the
Department determines that disclosure
of certain records to the DOJ is relevant
and necessary to judicial or
administrative litigation or ADR, the
Department may disclose those records
as a routine use to the DOJ.
(c) Adjudicative Disclosure. If the
Department determines that it is
relevant and necessary to judicial or
administrative litigation or ADR to
disclose certain records to an
adjudicative body before which the
Department is authorized to appear or to
a person or entity designated by the
Department or otherwise empowered to
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
resolve or mediate disputes, the
Department may disclose those records
as a routine use to the adjudicative
body, person, or entity.
(d) Disclosure to Parties, Counsel,
Representatives, and Witnesses. If the
Department determines that disclosure
of certain records is relevant and
necessary to judicial or administrative
litigation or ADR, the Department may
disclose those records as a routine use
to the party, counsel, representative, or
(4) Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) and Privacy Act Advice
Disclosure. The Department may
disclose records to the DOJ or to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) if the Department determines
that disclosure is desirable or necessary
in determining whether records are
required to be disclosed under the FOIA
or the Privacy Act.
(5) Contract Disclosure. If the
Department contracts with an entity to
perform any function that requires
disclosing records in this system of
records to the contractor’s employees,
the Department may disclose the
records to those employees. As part of
such a contract, the Department shall
require the contractor to agree to
establish and maintain safeguards to
protect the security and confidentiality
of the disclosed records.
(6) Congressional Member Disclosure.
The Department may disclose the
records of an individual to a member of
Congress or the member’s staff when
necessary to respond to an inquiry from
the member made at the written request
of and on behalf of the individual whose
records are being disclosed. The
member’s right to the information is no
greater than the right of the individual
who requested it.
(7) Employment, Benefit, and
Contracting Disclosure.
(a) For Decisions by the Department.
The Department may disclose a record
to a Federal, State, or local agency, or
to another public agency or professional
organization, maintaining civil,
criminal, or other relevant enforcement
or other pertinent records, if necessary
to obtain information relevant to a
Department decision concerning the
hiring or retention of an employee or
other personnel action, the issuance of
a security clearance, the letting of a
contract, or the issuance of a license,
grant, or other benefit.
(b) For Decisions by Other Public
Agencies and Professional
Organizations. The Department may
disclose a record to a Federal, State,
local, or other public agency or
professional organization, or the
Department’s contractor in connection
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with the hiring or retention of an
employee or other personnel action, the
issuance of a security clearance, the
reporting of an investigation of an
employee, the letting of a contract, or
the issuance of a license, grant, or other
benefit, to the extent that the record is
relevant and necessary to the receiving
entity’s decision on the matter.
(8) Employee Grievance, Complaint,
or Conduct Disclosure. If a record is
relevant and necessary to an employee
grievance, complaint, or disciplinary
action involving a present or former
employee of the Department, the
Department may disclose a record from
this system of records in the course of
investigation, fact-finding, or
adjudication to any party to the
grievance, complaint, or action; to the
party’s counsel or representative; to a
witness; or to a designated fact-finder,
mediator, or other person designated to
resolve issues or decide the matter.
(9) Labor Organization Disclosure.
The Department may disclose records
from this system of records to an
arbitrator to resolve disputes under a
negotiated grievance procedure or to
officials of labor organizations
recognized under 5 U.S.C. chapter 71
when relevant and necessary to their
duties of exclusive representation.
(10) Disclosure to the DOJ. The
Department may disclose records to the
DOJ to the extent necessary for
obtaining DOJ advice on any matter
relevant to an audit, inspection, or other
inquiry related to the programs covered
by this system.
(11) Research Disclosure. The
Department may disclose records to a
researcher if the Department determines
that the individual or organization to
which the disclosure would be made is
qualified to carry out specific research
related to functions or purposes of this
system of records. The Department may
disclose records from this system of
records to that researcher solely for the
purpose of carrying out that research
related to the functions or purposes of
this system of records. The researcher
must agree to establish and maintain
safeguards to protect the security and
confidentiality of the disclosed records.
(12) Disclosure to the OMB and
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) for
Federal Credit Reform Act (FCRA)
Support. The Department may disclose
records to OMB and CBO as necessary
to fulfill FCRA requirements in
accordance with 2 U.S.C. 661b.
(13) Disclosure in the Course of
Responding to Breach of Data. The
Department may disclose records to
appropriate agencies, entities, and
persons when (a) the Department
suspects or has confirmed that there has
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been a breach of the system of records;
(b) the Department has determined that
as a result of the suspected or confirmed
breach there is a risk of harm to
individuals, the Department (including
its information systems, programs, and
operations), the Federal Government, or
national security; and (c) the disclosure
made to such agencies, entities, and
persons is reasonably necessary to assist
in connection with the Department’s
efforts to respond to the suspected or
confirmed breach or to prevent,
minimize, or remedy such harm.
(14) Disclosure in Assisting another
Agency in Responding to a Breach of
Data. The Department may disclose
records from this system of records to
another Federal agency or Federal
entity, when the Department determines
that information from this system of
records is reasonably necessary to assist
the recipient agency or entity in (a)
responding to a suspected or confirmed
breach, or (b) preventing, minimizing, or
remedying the risk of harm to
individuals, the recipient agency or
entity (including its information
systems, programs, and operations), the
Federal Government, or national
security, resulting from a suspected or
confirmed breach.
(15) Disclosure of Information to State
and Federal Agencies. The Department
may disclose records from this system of
records to (a) a Federal or State agency,
its employees, agents (including
contractors of its agents), or contractors,
or (b) a fiscal or financial agent
designated by the U.S. Department of
the Treasury, including employees,
agents, or contractors of such agent, for
the purpose of identifying, preventing,
or recouping improper payments to an
applicant for, or recipient of, Federal
(16) Disclosure to the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). The Department may disclose
records from this system of records to
NARA for the purpose of records
management inspections conducted
under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904
and 2906.
(17) Disclosure to Consumer
Reporting Agencies. Disclosures
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12): The
Department may disclose the following
information to a consumer reporting
agency regarding a valid, overdue claim
of the Department: (a) the name,
address, taxpayer identification number,
and other information necessary to
establish the identity of the individual
responsible for the claim; (b) the
amount, status, and history of the claim;
and (c) the program under which the
claim arose. The Department may
disclose the information specified in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
this paragraph under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b)(12) and the procedures
contained in subsection 31 U.S.C.
3711(e). A consumer reporting agency to
which these disclosures may be made is
defined at 15 U.S.C. 1681a(f) and 31
U.S.C. 3701(a)(3).
System records are paper-based and
stored in locked rooms or electronic and
stored on secured computer systems and
in the cloud.
Fully processed paper applications
and supporting paper documentation
that are received on or before June 30,
2024, are stored for applicable periods
in standard Federal Records Center
boxes in locked storage rooms at the
contractor facilities in London,
Kentucky. Fully processed paper
applications and supporting paper
documentation requiring retention and
received on or after July 1, 2024, will be
stored in a private records storage
facility, as applicable. The records
storage facilities currently utilized are
listed in the ‘‘System Location’’ section
Digitized paper applicant records,
which include optically imaged
documents, are stored on DADS (disks)
in a virtual disk library, which is also
electronic, in the computer facilities
controlled by the Next Generation Data
Center (NGDC) in Clarksville, VA.
Records that are collected in this
system for applicants of Federal grants
or loans are stored in the COD System
for individuals who apply under one of
the programs authorized under title IV
of the HEA, including, but not limited
to the: (1) Federal Pell Grant Program;
(2) Federal Perkins Loans Program; (3)
ACG Program; (4) National SMART
Grant Program; (5) TEACH Grant
Program; (6) Iraq and Afghanistan
Service Grant Program; (7) Direct Loan
Program, which includes Federal Direct
Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal Direct
Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loans and
Federal Direct PLUS Loans and Federal
Direct Consolidation Loans; (8) FFEL
Program; and (9) FISL Program.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Records in this system pertaining to a
title IV, HEA loan applicant, borrower,
or grant recipient are indexed and
retrieved by a single data element, or a
combination of the following data
elements, to include SSN, name, DOB,
the award year in which the applicant
applied for title IV, HEA program
assistance, and case tracking number.
These data elements are also used to
retrieve information of title IV, HEA
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program applicants for and recipients of
Federal grants or loans from the COD
System (applicant information is
collected in this system of records and
stored in the COD System).
This system also uses a credit appeal
identifier to retrieve credit appeal
information from the COD System to
support the credit appeal process.
Additionally, this system uses a
combination of SSN, DOB, and name
data elements to retrieve some records
from Federal Loan Servicers’ systems
(covered by the system of records notice
entitled ‘‘Common Services for
Borrowers (CSB)’’ (18–11–16)) to allow
customers to access their payment
information, loan information and to
make payments on as
they would on the various Federal Loan
Servicer websites.
This system also uses customer
identifiers to retrieve customer
information data from the EDMAPS
system (covered by the system of
records noticed entitled ‘‘Enterprise
Data Management and Analytics
Platform Services (EDMAPS) System’’
(18–11–22)) to allow real-time updates
to customer information and
communication preferences; and for the
Department and its contractors to
identify customers who have completed
a customer satisfaction survey in the
DCC system; who may have potential
fraudulent activity from a TPDR
company; and who may be at risk for
loan default.
Records maintained in this system are
primarily retained and disposed of in
accordance with the records schedules
listed below. The Department has
submitted amendments to these records
schedules to NARA for its review and
(a) Department Records Schedule 051:
FSA National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS) (DAA–0441–2017–0004) (ED
051). (Records covered by ED 051 will
not be destroyed until NARA-approved
amendments to ED 051 are in effect, as
(b) Department Records Schedule 052:
Ombudsman Case Files (N1–441–09–21)
(ED 052). (Records covered by ED 052
will not be destroyed until NARAapproved amendments to ED 052 are in
effect, as applicable.)
(c) Department Records Schedule 072:
FSA Application, Origination, and
Disbursement Records (DAA–0441–
2013–0002) (ED 072). (Records covered
by ED 072 will not be destroyed until
NARA-approved amendments to ED 072
are in effect, as applicable.)
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All users of the system will have a
unique user ID with a password. All
physical access to the data housed at
system locations is controlled and
monitored by security personnel who
check each individual entering the
building for their employee or visitor
badge. The IT systems employed by the
Department offers a high degree of
resistance to tampering and
circumvention with firewalls,
encryption, and password protection.
This security system limits data access
to Department and contract staff on a
‘‘need-to-know’’ basis and controls
individual users’ ability to access and
alter records within the system. All
interactions by users of the system are
In accordance with the Federal
Information Security Management Act
of 2002 (FISMA), as amended by the
Federal Information Security
Modernization Act of 2014, every
Department system must receive a
signed Authorization to Operate (ATO)
from a designated Department official.
The ATO process includes a rigorous
assessment of security and privacy
controls, a plan of actions and
milestones to remediate any identified
deficiencies, and a continuous
monitoring program.
FISMA controls implemented are
comprised of a combination of
management, operational, and technical
controls, and include the following
control families: access control,
awareness and training, audit and
accountability, security assessment and
authorization, configuration
management, contingency planning,
identification and authentication,
incident response, maintenance, media
protection, physical and environmental
protection, planning, personnel
security, privacy, risk assessment,
system and services acquisition, system
and communications protection, system
and information integrity, and program
If you wish to gain access to a record
in this system, contact the respective
system manager at the address listed
above. You must provide necessary
particulars such as your name, SSN, and
any other identifying information
requested by the Department while
processing the request to distinguish
between individuals with the same
Alternatively, to gain access to a
record in the system, you may make a
Privacy Act request through the U.S.
Department of Education, FOIA Service
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
Center at
gen/leg/foia/request_privacy.html by
completing the applicable request
forms. Requests by an individual for
access to a record must meet the
requirements of the Department’s
Privacy Act regulations at 34 CFR 5b.5,
including proof of identity.
Borrowers are able to access their
financial aid history from NSLDS in this
system. If you wish to gain access to
other records in the NSLDS, please refer
section in the system of records notice
entitled ‘‘National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS)’’ (18–11–06).
For title IV, HEA program applicants
and recipients of Federal grants or
loans, if you wish to gain access to such
information about you from the COD
System, please refer to the RECORD
ACCESS PROCEDURES section in the
system of records notice entitled
‘‘Common Origination and
Disbursement (COD) System’’ (18–11–
If you wish to gain access to the
EDMAPS system information that is
about you and accessible in this system,
please refer to the RECORD ACCESS
PROCEDURES section in the system of
records notice entitled ‘‘Enterprise Data
Management and Analytics Platform
Services (EDMAPS) System’’ (18–11–
If you wish to gain access to the PAS
system information about you that is
maintained in this system until CPS is
decommissioned after September 30,
2024, please refer to the RECORD
ACCESS PROCEDURES section in the
system of records notice entitled
‘‘Person Authentication Service (PAS)’’
If you wish to gain access to the
information in the Federal Loan
Servicers’ IT systems that is about you
and accessible in this system, please
refer to the RECORD ACCESS
PROCEDURES section in the system of
records notice entitled ‘‘Common
Services for Borrowers (CSB)’’ (18–11–
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
If you wish to contest or change the
content of a record about you in the
system of records, provide the
respective system manager with your
name, DOB, SSN, and any other
identifying information requested by the
Department while processing the
request to distinguish between
individuals with the same name.
Identify the specific items to be changed
and provide a written justification for
the change.
To contest information submitted or
included on a FAFSA application for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:03 May 29, 2024
Jkt 262001
the current award year, send your
request to the FOIA Service Center
listed in the Notification Procedures
Financial aid history from NSLDS is
accessible in this system. To contest
name and address records about you,
provide the respective system manager
with your name, DOB, SSN, and any
other identifying information requested
by the Department while processing the
request to distinguish between
individuals with the same name. All
other financial aid history records from
NSLDS must be contested by following
PROCEDURES identified in the system
of records notice entitled ‘‘National
Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)’’
For title IV, HEA program applicants
and recipients of Federal grants or
loans, if you wish to contest such
information about you, please refer to
PROCEDURES section in the system of
records notice entitled ‘‘Common
Origination and Disbursement (COD)
System’’ (18–11–02).
To contest information about you in a
Federal Loan Servicer IT system, such
as the payment and loan information
that is accessible in this system, please
PROCEDURES section in the system of
records notice entitled ‘‘Common
Services for Borrowers (CSB)’’ (18–11–
To contest the EDMAPS system
information that is accessible in this
system, please refer to the
section in the system of records notice
entitled ‘‘Enterprise Data Management
and Analytics Platform Services
(EDMAPS) System’’ (18–11–22).
To contest the PAS system
information about you that is
maintained in this system until CPS is
decommissioned after September 30,
2024, please refer to the CONTESTING
RECORD PROCEDURES section in the
system of records notice entitled
‘‘Person Authentication Service (PAS)’’
Requests to amend a record must meet
the requirements of the Department’s
Privacy Act regulations at 34 CFR 5b.7.
If you wish to determine whether a
record exists about you in the system of
records, contact the respective system
manager at the address listed above.
You must provide necessary particulars
such as your name, SSN, and any other
identifying information requested by the
Department while processing the
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
request to distinguish between
individuals with the same name.
Alternatively, you may make a
Privacy Act request through the U.S.
Department of Education, FOIA Service
Center at
gen/leg/foia/request_privacy.html by
completing the applicable request
If you wish to submit a request for
notification to determine whether a
record exists about you in the COD
System as a title IV, HEA program
applicant or recipient of a Federal grant
or loan, please refer to the
in the system of records notice entitled
‘‘Common Origination and
Disbursement (COD) System’’ (18–11–
Borrowers are able to access their
financial aid history from NSLDS in this
system. If you wish to submit a request
for notification to determine whether a
record exists about you in the NSLDS
system of records, please refer to the
in the system of records notice entitled
‘‘National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS)’’ (18–11–06).
If you wish to submit a request for
notification to determine whether a
record exists about you in a Federal
Loan Servicer IT system, please refer to
section in the system of records notice
entitled ‘‘Common Services for
Borrowers (CSB)’’ (18–11–16).
If you wish to submit a request for
notification to determine whether a
record exists about you in EDMAPS
system, please refer to the
in the system of records notice entitled
‘‘Enterprise Data Management and
Analytics Platform Services (EDMAPS)
System’’ (18–11–22).
If you wish to submit a request for
notification to determine whether a
record exists about you in the PAS
system, please refer to the
in the system of records notice entitled
‘‘Person Authentication Service (PAS)’’
Requests for notification about
whether the system of records contains
information about an individual must
meet the requirements of the
Department’s Privacy Act regulations at
34 CFR 5b.5, including proof of identity.
The system of records entitled ‘‘Aid
Awareness and Application Processing’’
(18–11–21) was last modified and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 105 / Thursday, May 30, 2024 / Notices
published in full in the Federal Register
on February 2, 2024 (89 FR 7381).
[FR Doc. 2024–11852 Filed 5–29–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 2326–054]
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Great Lakes Hydro America, LLC;
Notice of Availability of Draft
Environmental Assessment
In accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and
the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission’s (Commission)
regulations, 18 CFR part 380, the Office
of Energy Projects has reviewed the
application for license for the Cross
Power Hydroelectric Project, located on
the Androscoggin River in Coos County,
New Hampshire and has prepared a
Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA)
for the project. No federal land is
occupied by project works or located
within the project boundary.
The DEA contains staff’s analysis of
the potential environmental impacts of
the project and concludes that licensing
the project, with appropriate
environmental protective measures,
would not constitute a major federal
action that would significantly affect the
quality of the human environment.
The Commission provides all
interested persons with an opportunity
to view and/or print the DEA via the
internet through the Commission’s
Home Page (, using
the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket
number, excluding the last three digits
in the docket number field, to access the
document. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support at, or tollfree at (866) 208–3676, or for TTY, (202)
You may also register online at
eSubscription.aspx to be notified via
email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, contact FERC Online
Any comments should be filed within
30 days from the date of this notice.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filing. Please file comments
using the Commission’s eFiling system
FERCOnline.aspx. Commenters can
submit brief comments up to 6,000
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:03 May 29, 2024
Jkt 262001
characters, without prior registration,
using the eComment system at https://
Comment.aspx. For assistance, please
contact FERC Online Support. In lieu of
electronic filing, you may submit a
paper copy. Submissions sent via the
U.S. Postal Service must be addressed
to: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room
1A, Washington, DC 20426.
Submissions sent via any other carrier
must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne A.
Reese, Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins
Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
The first page of any filing should
include docket number P–2326–054.
Any questions regarding this notice
may be directed to Ryan Hansen at (202)
502–8074 or
Dated: May 23, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–11886 Filed 5–29–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project Nos. 10253–042; 10254–039]
Pelzer Hydro Company, LLC;
Consolidated Hydro Southeast, LLC;
Notice of Application of Transfer of
Licenses and Soliciting Comments,
Motions To Intervene, and Protests
On April 23, 2024, Pelzer Hydro
Company, LLC (Pelzer Hydro) and
Consolidated Hydro Southeast, LLC
(Consolidated Hydro) filed an
application for partial transfer of
licenses of their 3,300-kilowatt Lower
Pelzer Hydroelectric Project No. 10253
and the 1,950-kilowatt Upper Pelzer
Hydroelectric Project No. 10254. The
projects are located on the Saluda River
in Anderson and Greenville counties,
South Carolina and do not occupy
federal land.
Pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 801, the
applicants, co-licensees for the projects,
seek Commission approval to transfer
the licensee interest of Consolidated
Hydro to Pelzer Hydro, which would
become sole licensee for both projects.
Applicants Contacts:
For Pelzer Hydro: Kevin Webb, Hydro
Licensing Manager, Patriot Hydro, LLC,
670 N. Commercial Street, Suite 204,
Manchester, NH 03101, kwebb@
PO 00000
Frm 00031
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
For Consolidated Hydro: Consolidated
Hydro Southeast, LLC, Attn: General
Counsel, 100 Brickstone Sq., Suite 300,
Andover, MA 01810, generalcounsel@
FERC Contact: Steven Sachs, Phone:
(202) 502–8666, Email: Steven.Sachs@
Deadline for filing comments, motions
to intervene, and protests: 30 days from
the date that the Commission issues this
notice. The Commission strongly
encourages electronic filing. Please file
comments, motions to intervene, and
protests using the Commission’s eFiling
system at Commenters can
submit brief comments up to 6,000
characters, without prior registration,
using the eComment system at https://
ecomment.asp. For assistance, please
contact FERC Online Support at, (866)
208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659
In lieu of electronic filing, you may
submit a paper copy. Submissions sent
via U.S. Postal Service must be
addressed to, Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street
NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426.
Submissions sent via any other carrier
must be addressed to, Debbie-Anne A.
Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins
Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
The first page of any filing should
include docket numbers P–10253–042
and P–10254–039. Comments emailed
to Commission staff are not considered
part of the Commission record.
The Commission’s Office of Public
Participation (OPP) supports meaningful
public engagement and participation in
Commission proceedings. OPP can help
members of the public, including
landowners, environmental justice
communities, Tribal members and
others, access publicly available
information and navigate Commission
processes. For public inquiries and
assistance with making filings such as
interventions, comments, or requests for
rehearing, the public is encouraged to
contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@
Dated: May 23, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–11883 Filed 5–29–24; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 105 (Thursday, May 30, 2024)]
[Pages 46870-46883]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-11852]
[Docket ID ED-2024-FSA-0070]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
AGENCY: Federal Student Aid, Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice of a modified system of records.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended
(Privacy Act), the U.S. Department of Education (Department) publishes
this notice of a modified system of records entitled ``Aid Awareness
and Application Processing'' (18-11-21). This system maintains
information necessary for the Department to process applications for
Federal student financial program assistance under title IV of the
Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA); to perform the
responsibilities of the Federal Student Aid (FSA) Ombudsman; to provide
Federal student loan repayment relief including under the borrower
defense to repayment regulations; to notify aid applicants and aid
recipients of aid program opportunities and updates under title IV of
the HEA via digital communication channels; and to maintain the website as the front end for assisting customers with
all of their Federal student financial aid needs throughout the student
aid lifecycle. The Department's Digital and Customer Care (DCC)
Information Technology (IT) system collects the electronic records
maintained in the Aid Awareness and Application Processing (AAAP)
DATES: Submit your comments on this modified system of records notice
on or before July 1, 2024.
This modified system of records notice will become applicable upon
publication in the Federal Register on May 30, 2024, except for the new
and modified routine uses (1)(p), (1)(q), and 1(s) that are outlined in
which will be applicable July 1, 2024, unless they need to be changed
as a result of public comment. The Department will publish any changes
to the modified system of records notice resulting from public comment.
ADDRESSES: Comments must be submitted via the Federal eRulemaking
Portal at However, if you require an accommodation or
cannot otherwise submit your comments via, please
contact one of the program contact persons listed under FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT. The Department will not accept comments submitted
by fax or by email, or comments submitted after the comment period
closes. To ensure that the Department does not receive duplicate
copies, please submit your comments only once. In addition, please
include the Docket ID at the top of your comments.
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to to
submit your comments electronically. Information on using, including instructions for accessing agency documents,
submitting comments, and viewing the docket, is available on the site
under ``FAQ''.
Privacy Note: The Department's policy is to make comments received
from members of the public available for public viewing in their
entirety on the Federal eRulemaking Portal at
Therefore, commenters should be careful to include in their comments
only information that they wish to make publicly available.
Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record: On request, we will provide an appropriate
accommodation or auxiliary aid to an individual with a disability who
needs assistance to review the comments or other documents in the
public rulemaking record for this notice. If you want to schedule an
appointment for this type of accommodation or aid, please contact one
of the program contact persons listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
Rachel Coghlan, Central Processing System (CPS) System Manager,
Student Experience and Aid Delivery, Federal Student Aid (FSA), U.S.
Department of Education, Union Center Plaza, 830 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20202-5454. Telephone: (202) 377-3205. Email:
[email protected].
[[Page 46871]]
Corey Johnson, FAFSA[supreg] Processing System (FPS) Information
System Owner, Federal Student Aid, U.S. Department of Education, Union
Center Plaza, 830 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202-5454.
Telephone: (202) 377-3898. Email: [email protected].
Bonnie Latreille, Ombudsman/Director, Ombudsman Group, Federal
Student Aid (FSA), U.S. Department of Education, Union Center Plaza,
830 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202-5454. Telephone: (202) 377-
3726. Email: [email protected].
Pardu Ponnapalli, Information System Owner, Technology Directorate,
Federal Student Aid, U.S. Department of Education, Union Center Plaza,
830 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202-5454. Telephone: (240) 382-
5825. Email: [email protected].
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability and
wish to access telecommunications relay services, please dial 7-1-1.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with the Privacy Act, the
Department proposes to modify the system of records notice entitled
``Aid Awareness and Application Processing'' (18-11-21), which was last
published in full in the Federal Register on February 2, 2024 (89 FR
The Department is modifying the section entitled ``PURPOSE(S) OF
THE SYSTEM'' for the purposes related to applying for Federal student
financial assistance and administering title IV, HEA programs to add
purpose (18) to enable institutions of higher education (IHEs) and
State higher education agencies to provide aid applicants and aid
recipients with information about certain Federal means-tested benefits
for which they may qualify and to enable IHEs and State higher
education agencies, with the explicit written consent of aid applicants
or aid recipients, and parents of dependent aid applicants or aid
recipients and spouses of married aid applicants or aid recipients if
necessary, to share non-Federal Tax Information (FTI) Free Application
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information directly with Federal,
State, or local government agencies or tribal organizations to assist
such applicants or recipients, in applying for or receiving Federal,
State, or local government assistance, or tribal assistance for any
component of the applicants' or recipients' cost of attendances that
may include financial assistance or non-monetary assistance.
The Department is modifying the second sentence in the first
paragraph in the section entitled ``CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED
BY THE SYSTEM'' to remove the category of individuals that includes
those who are students in attendance at a secondary school or local
educational agency for which State grant agencies and other eligible
requesting entities submit information to the Department in order for
the Department to provide such entities with the student's FAFSA Filing
Status Information. The Department is removing this category of
individuals because the Department is no longer collecting this
information and permits FAFSA filing status to be redisclosed by State
higher education agencies to such entities, as described in the
modification of routine use 1(p).
The Department is modifying the note in Category (1) in the section
entitled ``CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM'' to clarify that the
``FUTURE Act System (FAS)'' (18-11-23) system of records notice was
published in the Federal Register.
The Department is modifying the section entitled ``ROUTINE USES OF
(i) In the first paragraph, the Department is deleting the last
sentence (which reads, ``Until June 30, 2024, Section 483(a)(3)(E) of
the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1090(a)(3)(E)) restricts the use of the information
gathered from the electronic version of the FAFSA to the application,
award, and administration of aid awarded under title IV of the HEA, aid
awarded by States, aid awarded by eligible institutions, or aid awarded
by such entities as the Secretary of Education may designate'') because
Section 483(a)(3)(E) of the HEA will not be in effect after June 30,
(ii) Routine use (1)(p) is modified to revise and limit the
entities to which the Department may disclose a student's FAFSA filing
status for the purpose of encouraging a student to complete a FAFSA
that they started but did not submit and assisting a student with the
completion of a FAFSA to a State higher education agency in order for
such agency to redisclose such information to a local educational
agency; a secondary school where the student is or was enrolled;
grantees of the Department; American Indian and Alaska Native
educational entities; and nonprofit college access organizations with
an established relationship with the student;
(iii) Routine use (1)(q) is modified to remove and replace
``Through June 30, 2024, the Department may disclose records from this
system to State higher education agencies, eligible IHEs, and other
entities that the Secretary of Education has designated under section
483(a)(3)(E) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1090(a)(3)(E)) that award and
administer aid to students, to determine an applicant's eligibility for
the award of aid by State higher education agencies, eligible IHEs, or
by other entities the Secretary of Education has designated. (Beginning
July 1, 2024, under amendments to the HEA made by the FAFSA
Simplification Act and the FAFSA Simplification Technical Corrections
Act, the Department will no longer rely on this authority to disclose
records from this system to State higher education agencies, eligible
IHEs, and other entities that the Secretary of Education has designated
under section 483(a)(3)(E) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1090(a)(3)(E))'' with
``The Department may disclose records under Sections 483(a)(2)(D)(i),
483(a)(2)(E)(ii), and 483(a)(3)(B)(i) of the HEA (20 U.S.C.
1090(a)(2)(D)(i), 1090(a)(2)(E)(ii), and 1090(a)(3)(B)(i)) from this
system to State higher education agencies, eligible IHEs, and
scholarship organizations that were designated prior to the date of
enactment (December 19, 2019) of the FUTURE Act (Pub. L. 116-91, 133
Stat. 1189) that award and administer aid to students, to determine an
applicant's eligibility for aid awarded by State higher education
agencies, eligible IHEs, or designated scholarship organizations, and
to administer Federal aid or aid awarded by State higher education
agencies, eligible IHEs, or designated scholarship organizations.'';
(iv) Routine use (1)(s) is added to permit disclosures of records
from an applicant's FAFSA to IHEs and State higher education agencies
to provide aid applicants and aid recipients with information about
certain Federal means-tested benefits for which they may qualify.
Accessible Format: On request to any of the program contact persons
listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT, individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document in an accessible format. The
Department will provide the requestor with an accessible format that
may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or text format (txt), a thumb drive,
an MP3 file, braille, large print, audiotape, compact disc, or other
accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this
document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may
access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of
Federal Regulations at At this site you can view this
document, as well as all other documents of this Department published
in the Federal Register, in
[[Page 46872]]
text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF, you must have Adobe
Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the Department published in the
Federal Register by using the article search feature at Specifically, through the advanced search
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published
by the Department.
Richard Cordray,
Chief Operating Officer, Federal Student Aid.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Chief Operating
Officer, Federal Student Aid (FSA) of the U.S. Department of Education
(Department) publishes a modified system of records notice to read as
Aid Awareness and Application Processing (18-11-21).
U.S. Department of Education, 830 First Street NE, Washington, DC
The following locations are for the Central Processing System
Lee's Summit Federal Records Center, National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA), 200 Space Center Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 6464-
1182 (Note: This is where paper applications are stored);
General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) Image and Data
Capture (IDC) Center, 1084 South Laurel Road, Building 1, London, KY
40744 (Note: The IDC scans paper financial aid documents and
correspondence, key-enters the data and electronically transmits the
data and related images to the CPS for processing);
Next Generation Data Center (NGDC), 250 Burlington Drive,
Clarksville, VA 23927 (Note: NGDC hosts the infrastructure that
supports CPS applications including backend application processing);
CPS Print Facility, 327 Columbia Pike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 (Note:
This facility handles print operations).
The following locations are for the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA[supreg]) Processing System (FPS):
Perspecta/Peraton, 15052 Conference Center Drive, Chantilly, VA
20151 (Note: Perspecta supports the FSA-provided development, security,
and operations (DevSecOps) toolchain configuration; coordinates
environment building; and supports technical operations activities and
application modernization);
Information Capture Solutions (ICS), 25 Air Park Drive, London, KY
40744 (Note: ICS provides image and data capture, print/mailing
operational services, and builds and operates the IDC);
iWorks, 1889 Preston White Drive, Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191
(Note: iWorks provides quality control managers (key personnel);
develops and updates the quality control plan; oversees/validates
service level measures; supports internal Capability Maturity Model
Integration (CMMI) audits; supports Project Management Office (PMO)
activities; and provides application development support using Agile
Red Cedar Consultancy, LLC, 161 Fort Evans Road NE, Suite 200,
Leesburg, VA 20176 (Note: Red Cedar provides application development
support using Agile methodologies);
Windsor Group, LLC, 6820 Wisconsin Avenue, Unit 4004, Chevy Chase,
MD 20815 (Note: Windsor Group provides quality resources in system
security, database administration, and technical writing); and
Jazz Solutions, LLC, 20745 Williamsport Place, Suite 320, Ashburn,
VA 20147 (Note: Jazz Solutions provides application development support
using Agile methodologies and supports application programming
interface (API) management solutions, including designing, building,
and operating services).
The following locations are for the Digital and Customer Care (DCC)
Information Technology (IT) System:
Salesforce Government Cloud, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San
Francisco, CA 94105 (Note: The system is accessible via the internet to
different categories of users, including Department personnel,
customers, and designated agents of the Department at any location
where they have internet access. This site is the location where
customer interactions with contact center support via all inbound and
outbound channels (phone, email, chat, webform, email, customer
satisfaction survey, fax, physical mail, and controlled correspondence)
and customer-provided feedback (complaints, suspicious activities,
positive feedback, and dispute cases) are tracked and worked by
contractors and the Department. This site also contains workflow
management for processing tasks including, but not limited to: credit
appeals, borrower defense to repayment, commingled Social Security
numbers (SSNs), and archived document retrieval in the Common
Origination and Disbursement (COD) System, and the FAFSA special
correction application process. This site stores customer-provided
documentation to support the interactions and processing tasks, as
needed. This site will also be used by the Department for determining
employer eligibility to support Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF),
and Office of Inspector General (OIG) fraud referrals);
Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovCloud (East/West), 410 Terry Avenue,
North Seattle, WA 98109-5210 (Note: The DCC IT system is hosted at this
location. This site is the location where the Shado (Dynamo)
application collects, processes, stores, and makes available user
activity events from across the DCC IT system to provide a complete
view of the customer to the Department and its contractors. This site
is also the location where the Adobe Marketing Campaign application
delivers strategic and real-time personalized email and short message
service (SMS) communications); and
Contact Center Fulfillment Center (Senture facility), 4255 W
Highway 90, Monticello, KY 42633 (Note: This facility handles mail
fulfillment and imaging operations).
The following 10 listings are the locations of the Aid Awareness
and Application Processing Customer Contact Centers: Jacksonville
Contact Center, One Imeson Park Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32118;
Knoxville, TN Servicing Center, 120 N Seven Oaks Drive, Knoxville, TN
37922; 1600 Osgood Street, Suite 2-120, North Andover, MA 01845; 11499
Chester Road, Suite 101, Sharonville, OH 45246; 100 Domain Drive, Suite
200, Exeter, NH 03833; 221 N Kansas Street, Suite 700, El Paso, TX
79901; 4255 W Highway 90, Monticello, KY 42633; 555 Vandiver Drive,
Columbia, MO 65202; 633 Spirit Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63005; and 820
First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002.
CPS--System Manager, Student Experience and Aid Delivery, FSA, U.S.
Department of Education, Union Center Plaza (UCP), 830 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20202-5454.
FPS--Information System Owner, Technology Directorate, Federal
Student Aid, U.S. Department of Education, Union Center Plaza, 830
First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202-5454.
Ombudsman, FSA, U.S. Department of Education, UCP, 830 First Street
NE, Washington, DC 20202-5454.
DCC--Information System Owner, Technology Directorate, Federal
Student Aid, U.S. Department of Education,
[[Page 46873]]
Union Center Plaza, 830 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20202-5454.
The authorities are title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965,
as amended (HEA) (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.); 20 U.S.C. 1018(f); and the
Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 (20
U.S.C. 1098bb) (including any waivers or modifications that the
Secretary of Education deems necessary to make to any statutory or
regulatory provision applicable to the Federal student financial
assistance programs under title IV of the HEA to achieve specific
purposes listed in the section in connection with a war, other military
operation, or a national emergency). The collection of SSNs of
individuals, and parents of dependent students, who apply for or
receive Federal student financial assistance under programs authorized
by title IV of the HEA is also authorized by 31 U.S.C. 7701 and
Executive Order 9397, as amended by Executive Order 13478 (November 18,
The information contained in this system is maintained for the
following purposes related to applying for Federal student financial
assistance and administering title IV, HEA programs: (Note: Different
parts of the HEA use the terms ``discharge,'' ``cancellation,'' or
``forgiveness'' to describe when a borrower's loan amount is reduced in
whole or in part by the Department. To reduce complexity, this system
of records notice uses the term ``discharge'' to include all three
terms (``discharge,'' ``cancellation,'' and ``forgiveness''), including
but not limited to discharges of student loans made pursuant to
specific benefit programs. At times, the system of records notice may
refer by name to a specific benefit program, such as the ``Public
Service Loan Forgiveness'' program; such specific references are not
intended to exclude any such program benefits from more general
references to loan discharges.)
(1) Assisting with the determination, correction, processing,
tracking, and reporting of program eligibility and benefits for the
Federal student financial assistance programs authorized by title IV of
the HEA, including, but not limited to, discharge of eligible loans
under title IV, HEA programs;
(2) Making a loan or grant;
(3) Verifying the identity of the applicant for Federal financial
assistance under title IV of the HEA, the spouse of a married
applicant, the parent(s) of a dependent applicant, and, until CPS is
decommissioned after September 30, 2024, an individual who applies for
an FSA ID; and verifying the accuracy of the information in this
(4) Reporting the results of the need analysis and Federal Pell
Grant eligibility determination to applicants, institutions of higher
education (IHEs), third-party servicers, State agencies designated by
the applicant, and Departmental and investigative components;
(5) Reporting the results of duly authorized matching programs
between the Department and other Federal agencies and between the
Department and State or local governments, or agencies thereof, to
applicants, IHEs, third-party servicers, State agencies designated by
the applicant, and Departmental and investigative components where the
Department is required by law to do so or where it would be essential
to the conduct of the matching program to report, such as for the
imposition of criminal, civil, or administrative sanctions;
(6) Enforcing the terms and conditions of a title IV, HEA loan or
(7) Servicing and collecting a delinquent title IV, HEA loan or
(8) Initiating enforcement action against individuals, IHEs, or
other entities involved in program fraud, abuse, or noncompliance;
(9) Locating a debtor or recipient of a grant overpayment;
(10) Maintaining a record of the data supplied by those requesting
title IV, HEA program assistance;
(11) Ensuring compliance with and enforcing title IV, HEA
programmatic requirements and various consumer protection laws;
(12) Acting as a repository and source for information necessary to
fulfill the requirements of title IV of the HEA;
(13) Evaluating title IV, HEA program effectiveness;
(14) Enabling IHEs and State grant agencies designated by the
applicant to review and analyze the financial aid data of their
applicant population;
(15) Enabling IHEs and State grant agencies to assist applicants
with the completion of the application for the Federal student
financial assistance programs authorized by title IV of the HEA;
(16) Assisting State agencies, eligible IHEs, and other entities
that award aid to students and that are designated by the Secretary of
Education with making eligibility determinations for the award of aid
and with administering these awards;
(17) Promoting and encouraging applications for title IV, HEA
program assistance, State assistance, and aid awarded by eligible IHEs
or by other entities designated by the Secretary of Education; and
(18) Enabling IHEs and State higher education agencies to provide
aid applicants and aid recipients with information about certain
Federal means-tested benefits for which they may qualify and to enable
IHEs and State higher education agencies, with the explicit written
consent of aid applicants or aid recipients, and parents of dependent
aid applicants or aid recipients and spouses of married aid applicants
or aid recipients if necessary, to share non-FTI FAFSA information
directly with Federal, State, or local government agencies or tribal
organizations to assist such applicants or recipients, in applying for
or receiving Federal, State, or local government assistance, or tribal
assistance for any component of the applicants' or recipients' cost of
attendances that may include financial assistance or non-monetary
The information contained in this system is also maintained for the
following purposes related to managing customer engagement:
(1) Carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the FSA
Ombudsman, including investigating and resolving complaints, inquiries,
and requests for assistance, updating borrower account records,
correcting errors, analyzing complaint trends, and making appropriate
recommendations pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1018(f);
(2) Carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Department
to provide Federal student loan repayment relief under Federal law;
(3) Verifying the identity of FSA customers;
(4) Recording complaints, suspicious activities, positive feedback,
and comments as provided by customer interactions with contact center
support via inbound and outbound channels (phone, chat, webform, email,
customer satisfaction survey, fax, physical mail, social media
platforms, digital engagement platforms, and controlled
(5) Tracking individual cases, including complaints, borrower
defense submissions, general inquiries, and chat sessions, through
final resolution, reporting trends, and analyzing the data to recommend
improvements in Federal student financial assistance programs;
(6) Assisting in the informal resolution of disputes submitted by
aid applicants or aid recipients about issues related to title IV, HEA
program assistance;
(7) Carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Department
[[Page 46874]]
the borrower defense to repayment regulations at 34 CFR 685.206 and
685.222 and 34 CFR part 685, subpart D, including receiving, reviewing,
evaluating, and processing requests for relief under the borrower
defense to repayment regulations; and
(8) Initiating proceedings, where appropriate, to recover
liabilities from an IHE for losses incurred as a result of the act or
omission of the IHE participating in the Federal student loan programs.
The information contained in this system is also maintained for the
following purposes related to assisting aid applicants and recipients
with Federal student financial assistance programs authorized by title
IV of the HEA, and managing customer relationships for marketing and
improving customer service:
(1) Determining employer qualification for borrowers to receive
discharge under the PSLF Program;
(2) Collecting, processing, storing, and making available user
activity events and user-submitted documentation from across the DCC IT
system to provide a complete view of the customer to the Department and
its contractors;
(3) Sending aid applicants and aid recipients strategic and real-
time, personalized communications via email, and SMS ``text messages''
via mobile phone communications to inform them of title IV, HEA aid
marketing campaigns (such as encouraging completion of their FAFSA),
and sending transactional communication to customers (such as
confirmation emails when a user completes an action);
(4) Measuring customer satisfaction and analyzing results; and
(5) Promoting and encouraging the repayment of title IV, HEA
program loans in a timely manner.
The information in this system is also maintained for the following
purposes relating to the Department's administration and oversight of
title IV, HEA programs:
(1) To support the investigation of possible fraud and abuse and to
detect and prevent fraud and abuse in the title IV, HEA Federal grant
and loan programs;
(2) To support compliance with title IV, HEA statutory and
regulatory requirements;
(3) To provide an aid recipient's financial aid history, including
information about the recipient's title IV, HEA loan defaults, title
IV, HEA aid receipt, and title IV, HEA grant program overpayments;
(4) To facilitate receiving and correcting application data,
processing Federal Pell Grants and Direct Loans, and reporting Federal
Perkins Loan Program expenditures to the Department's processing and
reporting systems;
(5) To support pre-claims/supplemental pre-claims assistance;
(6) To assist in locating holders of title IV, HEA loan(s);
(7) To assist in assessing the administration of title IV, HEA
program funds by guaranty agencies, lenders and loan holders, IHEs, and
third-party servicers;
(8) To initiate or support a limitation, suspension, or termination
action, an emergency action, or a debarment or suspension action;
(9) To inform the parent(s) of a dependent applicant of information
about the parent(s), or the spouse of a married applicant of
information about the spouse, in an application for title IV, HEA
(10) To disclose applicant records to the parent(s) of a dependent
applicant applying for a PLUS loan (to be used on behalf of a student),
to identify the student as the correct beneficiary of the PLUS loan
funds, and to allow the processing of the PLUS loan application and
promissory note;
(11) To expedite the application process;
(12) To enable an applicant, at the applicant's written request, to
obtain income information about the applicant from the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) using the Data Retrieval Tool, until CPS is
decommissioned after September 30, 2024;
(13) To identify, prevent, reduce, and recoup improper payments,
prevent fraud, and conduct at-risk campaigns, including protecting
customers from Third-Party Debt Relief firms;
(14) To help Federal, State, Tribal, and local government entities
exercise their supervisory and administrative powers (including, but
not limited to licensure, examination, discipline, regulation, or
oversight of educational institutions, Department contractors, guaranty
agencies, lenders and loan holders, and third-party servicers) or to
respond to individual aid applicant or recipient complaints submitted
regarding the practices or processes of the Department and/or the
Department's contractors, or to update information or correct errors
contained in Department records regarding the aid applicant's or
recipient's title IV, HEA program funds;
(15) To provide eligible applicants for title IV, HEA aid, and when
necessary, the spouse or parents of an applicant, with information
about certain Federal means-tested benefits and services for which they
may qualify;
(16) To collect, track, and process Office of Inspector General
(OIG) fraud referrals;
(17) To support research, analysis, and development, and the
implementation and evaluation of educational policies in relation to
title IV, HEA programs; and
(18) To conduct testing, analysis, or take other administrative
actions needed to prepare for or execute programs under title IV of the
This system maintains records on individuals who are, were, or may
be participants in any of the Federal student financial assistance
programs under title IV of the HEA who request assistance from the
Department, directly or through State requestors and legal assistance
organizations (``third-party requestors'') who may request that the
Secretary of Education form a group of Federal student loan borrowers
for borrower defense relief.
This system also maintains records on student and parent applicants
(and their third-party preparers), as well as the spouse of a married
applicant and the parent(s) of a dependent applicant, who apply for
Federal student financial assistance under one of the programs
authorized under title IV of the HEA, including, but not limited to
the: (1) Federal Pell Grant Program; (2) Federal Perkins Loans Program;
(3) Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program; (4) National Science
and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grant Program;
(5) Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education
(TEACH) Grant Program; (6) Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG)
Program; (7) Direct Loan Program, which includes Federal Direct
Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loans,
Federal Direct PLUS Loans, and Federal Direct Consolidation Loans; (8)
Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program; and (9) Federal Insured
Student Loan (FISL) Program.
This system also maintains records on individuals who apply for an
FSA ID in the Department's Person Authentication Service (PAS) system
because the Department uses CPS, which maintains records that are part
of this system, as a pass-through to send these individuals' records
from the PAS system to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for
computer matching in order to assist the Department in verifying their
identities. This pass-through will be terminated when CPS is
decommissioned after September 30, 2024.
[[Page 46875]]
This system maintains records that contain the following
(1) Information provided by applicants for title IV, HEA program
assistance on an incomplete or completed FAFSA, including, but not
limited to, the applicant's name, address, SSN, DOB, telephone number,
driver's license number (which will not be collected on the FAFSA for
award year 2024-2025 and onward, and will not be collected by FPS),
email address, citizenship status, marital status, legal residence,
status as a veteran, educational status, and financial information
(including asset and income information). (Note: The Federal Tax
Information (FTI) that the Department obtains directly from the IRS
under the Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for
Education (FUTURE) Act, Pub. L. 116-91, is maintained in a separate
system of records entitled ``FUTURE Act System (FAS)'' (18-11-23), the
notice for which was published in the Federal Register on June 29, 2023
(88 FR 42220));
(2) Information provided about the parent(s) of a dependent
applicant, including, but not limited to, the parent's highest level of
schooling completed (which will not be collected on the FAFSA starting
with award year 2024-2025 and will not be collected by FPS; after which
point the Department will instead collect on the FAFSA the parent's
college attendance status), marital status, SSN, last name and first
initial, DOB, email address, number of people in the household
supported by the parent, and asset and income information.
(3) Information about the spouse of a married applicant including,
but not limited to: the spouse's name, address, SSN, DOB, telephone
number, email address, citizenship status, marital status, legal
residence, status as a veteran, and financial information (including
asset and income information that is needed for CPS processing until
September 30, 2024);
(4) Information provided by IHEs on behalf of student and parent
applicants, including, but not limited to, verification results,
dependency overrides, and resolution of comment codes or reject codes;
(5) Information calculated by CPS through the 2023-24 award year on
the applicant's expected family contribution (EFC);
(6) Information on the applicant's Institutional Student
Information Record (ISIR), and Student Aid Report (SAR) or the renamed
FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS). The Department uses the ISIR and SAR or
FSS to report, among other things, the EFC, or the SAI results that are
calculated during FPS processing, to IHEs, State grant agencies, and
applicants. The EFC or SAI is available to, and used by, IHEs to
determine the applicant's eligibility for Federal and institutional
program assistance and the amount of assistance, and State grant
agencies to determine the applicant's eligibility for State grants and
the amount of grant assistance. The Department notifies the applicant
of the results of their application via the SAR or FSS. The Department
provides the IHEs identified on the applicant's FAFSA with the ISIR,
which indicates whether there are discrepant or insufficient
information, school adjustments, or CPS assumptions that affect
processing of the FAFSA. Other information in the system includes, but
is not limited to: Secondary EFC (an EFC that is calculated from the
full EFC formula and is printed in the Financial Aid Administrator's
(FAA) Information section of the ISIR), dependency status, Federal Pell
Grant eligibility, duplicate SSN (an indicator that is set to alert
ISIR recipients that two applications were processed with the same SSN,
Incarcerated Student Indicator Flag (an indicator that will be used to
identify an aid applicant as an incarcerated student), selection for
verification, Simplified Needs Test (SNT) or Automatic Zero EFC (used
for extremely low family income), CPS and FPS processing comments,
reject codes (explanation for applicant's FAFSA not computing EFC),
assumptions made with regard to the student's information due to
incomplete or inconsistent FAFSA information, FAA adjustments including
dependency status overrides, and CPS and FPS record processing
information (application receipt date, transaction number, transaction
process date, SAR Serial Number, Compute Number, Data Release Number
(DRN), a four-digit number assigned to each application), National
Student Loan Database System (NSLDS) match results, a bar code, and
transaction source);
(7) Information that identifies aid applicant or aid recipient
complaints, positive feedback, reports of suspicious activity, requests
for assistance, requests for borrower defense relief, requests for PSLF
reconsideration, or other inquiries. Such information includes, but is
not limited to: written documentation of an aid applicant or aid
recipient's complaint, request for assistance, request for relief under
the borrower defense to repayment regulations, case tracking number,
case appeal identifier, or other comment or inquiry; and information
pertaining to the aid recipient's or the aid recipient's parent's
student financial assistance program account(s) under title IV of the
HEA, such as the aid recipient's and the aid recipient's parent's names
and Federal Student Aid IDs (FSA IDs). Information may include the
name, address, and phone numbers of the aid recipient's counsel or
representative, IHE(s), lender(s), secondary holder(s) or lender(s),
guaranty agency(ies), servicer(s), private collection agency(ies), and
third-party requestor(s), as this term is defined in 34 CFR 685.401(a),
if applicable, and may contain other loan-level information;
(8) Information provided and generated through customer
interactions with contact center support via inbound and outbound
channels (phone, chat, webform, email, customer satisfaction survey,
fax, physical mail, social media platforms, digital engagement
platforms, and controlled correspondence). Information includes, but is
not limited to: chat transcripts, email communications, audio
recordings of customer calls, and screen recordings of contact center
support desktop during customer interactions;
(9) Loan discharge eligibility and verification information for use
in determining whether a title IV, HEA debt/loan qualifies for
(10) Aid recipient's employer information to determine employer
qualification for borrowers to receive discharge under PSLF; OIG fraud
referral information; and customer support interactions including
phone, chat, webform, email, fax, physical mail, and controlled
(11) Information for collecting, processing, and storing user
activity events from across the DCC IT system: campaign details,
delivery details, email/SMS sent timestamp, transaction ID, Federal
Account Number (FAN) ID, activity details, activity date, pages/URL
accessed, user IP address, user-submitted materials, and user request
(12) Information needed to aid in the delivery of strategic and
real-time communication to customers, including, but not limited to,
first name, last name, DOB, state of residence, email, phone number,
mobile device ID, device data, FAFSA transaction data, uniform resource
locator (URL), computer-related data, and customer communication
preferences and user activity (open or clicks) for email and SMS
(13) Information provided on third-party preparers, including, but
not limited to, first name, last name, SSN or employer identification
[[Page 46876]]
affiliation, address or employer's address, signature, and signature
Note: This system of records also maintains information that is
collected in this system and stored in other systems of records. The
following information about individuals who apply for or receive a
Federal grant or loan under one of the programs authorized under title
IV of the HEA is collected in this system and stored in the ``Common
Origination and Disbursement (COD) System'' (18-11-02) system of
records: applicant identifiers including applicant's name, SSN, and
DOB; demographic information, including asset and income information
(tax return status, adjusted gross income, Internal Revenue Service
exemptions, and tax year), and enrollment information; borrower's
loan(s) information, including information about recipients of Direct
Loans, FFEL Program loans, Perkins Loans, and FISL Program loans, such
as the period from the origination of the loan through final payment,
and milestones, including, but not limited to, consolidation,
discharge, or other final disposition including details such as loan
amount, disbursements, balances, loan status, repayment plan and
related information, collections, claims, deferments, forbearances, and
refunds; information about students receiving Federal grants, including
recipients of Pell Grants, ACG, National SMART Grants, TEACH Grants,
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, and including grant amounts, grant
awards, verification status, lifetime eligibility used (LEU), IASG
eligible veteran's dependent indicator, Children of Fallen Heroes
Scholarship eligibility indicator, and the Pell Grant additional
eligibility indicator; Pell Grant collection status indicator and
overpayment collection information; promissory notes, Direct Loan
Entrance Counseling forms, Federal Student Loan Exit Counseling forms,
PLUS Loan Counseling forms, the Annual School Loan Acknowledgement
(ASLA), Direct PLUS Loan Requests, endorser addendums, and counseling
in the Direct Loan and TEACH Grant programs, such as the date that
applicant completed counseling; PLUS Loan credit report information;
applicant identifier information for an electronic request to repay a
Direct Loan under an income-driven repayment plan and endorser/spouse
information, such as the SSN, date that applicant completed the income-
driven repayment plan application, and current loan balances;
Electronic Direct Consolidation Loan borrower identifier information,
such as the borrower's SSN, the date that borrower completed the
Federal Direct Consolidation Loan application and promissory note, and
current loan balances; and credit check decisions, credit appeals,
credit appeal identifiers, and credit history information to support
the credit appeal process. Further, information from the ``Enterprise
Data Management and Analytics Platform Services (EDMAPS)'' (18-11-22)
system of records is accessible in the DCC IT system to: allow real-
time updates to a customer's identifiers, demographic attributes,
address, phone, and email contact details; update customer preference
for receiving marketing information via text message; allow the
Department and its contractors to identify customers who have completed
a customer satisfaction survey; and enable the Department to contact
borrowers who have been identified by the Department as potentially
having fraudulent activity from a Third-Party Debt Relief (TPDR)
company and are at risk of loan default. The following information is
modifiable by the customer through name, DOB, address,
phone number, and email address. The DCC IT system also sends the
following information to the EDMAPS system for analytics and reporting:
case information including complaints, and OIG fraud referral data.
Information includes, but is not limited to: SSN, DOB, address, phone,
and email. Additionally, some information from Federal Loan Servicers'
systems (covered by the ``Common Services for Borrowers (CSB)'' (18-11-
16) system of records) is accessible on to allow
customers to view their payment information, loan information, and to
make payments on as they would on the various Federal
Loan Servicer websites. Further, customers can use to
update their contact information and access financial aid history that
is stored in the ``National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)'' (18-11-
06) system of records. Additionally, until CPS is decommissioned after
September 30, 2024, CPS is also used as a pass-through to send
information that is stored in the ``Person Authentication Service
(PAS)'' (18-11-12) system of records to SSA for computer matching on
individuals who apply for an FSA ID in PAS in order to assist the
Department in verifying their identities. The information includes, but
is not limited to: SSN, name, and DOB. Finally, beginning with the
2024-25 award year application cycle, the IRS will disclose directly to
the Department FTI for FAFSA application processing and aid eligibility
determination; that FTI will not be maintained in this system.
Beginning July 30, 2023, the IRS will also disclose directly to the
Department FTI to determine eligibility and monthly payment amounts
under Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plans; that FTI also will not be
maintained in this system. All FTI that the Department will obtain
directly from the IRS under the FUTURE Act will be maintained within
the FTI Module (FTIM) system that will be compliant with the IRS
Publication 1075, ``Tax Information Security Guidelines for Federal,
State and Local Agencies, Safeguards for Protecting Federal Tax Returns
and Return Information,'' and that will be covered under the
Department's system of records notice entitled ``FUTURE Act System
(FAS)'' (18-11-23). This system will continue to maintain both
historical income information (obtained from the IRS until CPS is
decommissioned) and applicant-provided income information (either
through a manual FAFSA entry or submission of alternative documentation
of income (ADOI) through the IDR process). Any reference to income
throughout this system of records notice refers explicitly to income
information that the Department did not obtain directly from the IRS
but obtained from the applicant or from another source.
Information maintained in this system of records is obtained from
applicants, the parents of dependent applicants, third-party preparers,
and the spouse of married applicants for title IV, HEA program
assistance, on the paper FAFSA, Portable Document Format (PDF) FAFSA,
the online FAFSA form, and FAFSA by phone; the authorized employees or
representatives of authorized entities (namely, IHEs, institutional
third-party servicers, FFEL Program lenders, FFEL Program guaranty
agencies, Federal loan servicers, State grant agencies, other Federal
agencies, and research agencies); and from other persons or entities
from which information is obtained following a disclosure under the
routine uses set forth below.
The Financial Aid Administrators at IHEs designated by the
applicant and IHEs' third-party servicers may correct the records in
this system as a result of documentation provided by the applicant or
by a dependent applicant's parents, such as Federal income return(s)
(IRS Form 1040), Social Security card(s), and Department of Homeland
Security I-551 Permanent Resident Card.
[[Page 46877]]
This system maintains information added during CPS processing and
that will be added during FPS processing and information received from
other Department systems, including the NSLDS, the COD System, and the
SAIG Participation Management System. The results of matching programs
with Federal agencies or State or local governments, or agencies
thereof, are added to the student's record during CPS processing and
will be added to the student's record during FPS processing. The
Department's matching programs at the time of the publication of this
system of records notice are with the SSA to verify the SSNs of
applicants, dependent applicants' parent(s), and spouses of married
applicants, as well as of individuals who apply for an FSA ID, and to
confirm the U.S. citizenship status of applicants as recorded in SSA
records and date of death (if applicable) of applicants, and dependent
applicants' parents, pursuant to title IV of the HEA, including
sections 428B(f)(2), 483(a)(12) (which under the FAFSA Simplification
Act will be section 483(a)(2)(B)), and 484(g) and (p) (which the FAFSA
Simplification Act redesignates as section 484(o)) of the HEA (20
U.S.C. 1078-2(f)(2), 1090(a)(12) (which the FAFSA Simplification Act
amends to be 1090(a)(2)(B)), and 1091(g) and (p) (which the FAFSA
Simplification Act redesignates as 1091(o)); with the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) to verify the status of applicants who claim to
be veterans, pursuant to section 480(c) and (d)(1)(D) of the HEA (20
U.S.C. 1087vv(c) and (d)(1)(D)); with the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) to confirm the immigration status of applicants for
assistance as authorized by section 484(g) of the HEA (20 U.S.C.
1091(g)); with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to enforce any
requirement imposed at the discretion of a court, pursuant to section
5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Public Law 100-690, as amended
by section 1002(d) of the Crime Control Act of 1990, Public Law 101-647
(21 U.S.C. 862), denying Federal benefits under the programs
established by title IV of the HEA to any individual convicted of a
State or Federal offense for the distribution or possession of a
controlled substance; and, through award year 2023-2024 following the
implementation of the FAFSA Simplification Act on July 1, 2024, with
the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to identify dependents of U.S.
military personnel who died in service in Iraq and Afghanistan after
September 11, 2001, to determine if they are eligible for increased
amounts of title IV, HEA program assistance, pursuant to sections 420R
and 473(b) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1070h and 1087mm(b)), which will be
replaced by Section 401(c) under the FAFSA Simplification Act.
During CPS and FPS processing, the Department's COD System sends
information to these systems for students who have received a Federal
Pell Grant. CPS and FPS use this information for verification analysis
and for end-of-year reporting. These data elements include, but are not
limited to: Verification Selection and Status, Potential Over-award
Project (POP) indicator, Institutional Cost of Attendance, Reporting
and Attended Campus Pell ID and Enrollment Date, and Federal Pell Grant
Program information (Scheduled Federal Pell Grant Award, Origination
Award Amount, Total Accepted Disbursement Amount, Number of
Disbursements Accepted, Percentage of Eligibility Used At This Attended
Campus Institution, and Date of Last Activity from the Origination or
Disbursement table).
CPS and FPS also receive applicant information from the
Department's NSLDS system each time an application is processed or
corrected. This process assesses student aid eligibility, updates
financial aid history, and ensures compliance with title IV, HEA
regulations. Some of this information appears on the applicant's SAR or
FSS and ISIR. Title IV, HEA award information is provided to NSLDS from
several different sources. Federal Perkins Loan information and Federal
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) overpayment
information is sent from IHEs or their third-party servicers; the
Department's COD System provides Federal Pell Grant and Direct Loan
data; and State and guaranty agencies provide information on FFEL loans
received from lending institutions participating in the FFEL programs.
Financial aid transcript information reported by NSLDS provides aid
recipients, IHEs, and third-party servicers with information about the
type(s), amount(s), dates, and overpayment status of prior and current
title IV, HEA funds the aid recipient has received. FFEL and William D.
Ford Federal Direct Student Loan data information reported by NSLDS
includes, but is not limited to: (1) Aggregate Loan Data, such as
Subsidized, Unsubsidized; Combined Outstanding Principal Balances;
Unallocated Consolidated Outstanding Principal Balances, Subsidized,
Unsubsidized; Combined Pending Disbursements, Subsidized, Unsubsidized;
Combined Totals; and Unallocated Consolidated Totals; (2) Detailed Loan
Data, such as Loan Sequence Number; Loan Type Code; Loan Change Flag;
Loan Program Code; Current Status Code and Date; Outstanding Principal
Balance and Date; Net Loan Amount; Loan Begin and End Dates; Amount and
Date of Last Disbursement; Guaranty Agency Code; School Code; Contact
Code; and Institution Type and Grade Level; and (3) system flags for
Additional Unsubsidized Loan; Capitalized Interest; Defaulted Loan
Change; Discharged Loan Change; Loan Satisfactory Repayment Change;
Active Bankruptcy Change; Overpayments Change; Aggregate Loan Change;
Defaulted Loan; Discharged Loan; Loan Satisfactory Repayment; Active
Bankruptcy; Additional Loans; Direct Loan Master Promissory Note;
Direct PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note; Subsidized Loan Limit; and the
Combined Loan Limit. Federal Perkins Loan information reported by NSLDS
includes, but is not limited to: Cumulative and Current Year
Disbursement Amounts; flags for Perkins Loan Change; Defaulted Loan;
Discharged Loan; Loan Satisfactory Repayment; Active Bankruptcy;
Additional Loans; and Perkins Overpayment Flag and Contact (School or
Region). Federal Pell Grant payment information reported includes, but
is not limited to: Pell Sequence Number; Pell Attended School Code;
Pell Transaction Number; Last Update Date; Scheduled Amount; Award
Amount; Amount Paid to Date; Percent Scheduled Award Used; Pell Payment
EFC; Flags for Pell Verification; and Pell Payment Change. TEACH Grant
Program information includes, but is not limited to: TEACH Grant
Overpayment Contact; TEACH Grant Overpayment Flag; TEACH Grant Loan
Principal Balance; TEACH Grant Total; and TEACH Grant Change Flag. Iraq
and Afghanistan Service Grants information includes, but is not limited
to, Total Award Amount. The Department obtains from and exchanges
information that is included in this system of records with IHEs,
third-party servicers, and State agencies. These eligible entities
register with the SAIG system to participate in the information
exchanges specified for their business processes.
During FPS processing, this system will receive the SAI information
from the Department's FAS. The SAI is calculated using FTI that the IRS
will provide directly to the Department under the FUTURE Act that will
not be maintained in this system, but instead the system of records
entitled ``FUTURE Act System (FAS)'' (18-11-23).
[[Page 46878]]
Additionally, for individuals who request assistance from the
Department, directly or through State requestors and legal assistance
organizations (``third-party requestors''), as these terms are defined
in 34 CFR 685.401(a), who may request that the Secretary of Education
form a group of Federal student loan borrowers for borrower defense
relief, information is obtained from individuals (e.g., borrowers),
their counsel or representatives, or students or their parents (when
the individual is a borrower and depending on whether the individual is
a parent or student), Federal agencies, State agencies, IHEs, lenders,
private collection agencies, guaranty agencies, accreditors, and from
other persons or entities from whom or from which data is obtained
following a disclosure under routine uses set forth below.
Note: Some customer information that is retrieved from Federal Loan
Servicers' IT systems (covered by the system of records notice entitled
``Common Services for Borrowers (CSB)'' (18-11-16)) is accessible
through to provide customers with payment and loan
information and to enable customers to make loan payments as they would
on the various Federal Loan Servicer websites. Information that is
collected in this system is stored in and retrieved from the COD System
(covered by the system of records notice entitled ``Common Origination
and Disbursement (COD) System'' (18-11-02)) to allow: applicants and
borrowers to submit Counseling (Entrance, Exit, Financial Awareness
Counseling, PLUS, TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent, TEACH Grant Exit,
TEACH Grant Conversion), Master Promissory Note (MPN), Endorser
Addendum, TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve or Repay (Agreement), Loan
Consolidation, Income-Driven Repayment, PLUS Loan Request, and Annual
Student Loan Acknowledgement (ASLA) applications through; credit check decision, credit appeal, and credit
history information to be viewable on to support credit
appeal processing; users to view and search the PSLF employer database
as retrieved from the COD System and provide updates to employers'
information; and the PDF version of the PSLF/Temporary Expanded PSLF
(TEPSLF) certification and application form that is generated from the
PSLF Help Tool to be accessible. Information is also retrieved from the
COD System to provide functionality for creating and
updating customer records. The following information from the EDMAPS
system is accessible in the DCC IT system: customer information that is
retrieved to allow real-time updates to a customer's identifiers,
demographic attributes, address, phone, and email contact details; SMS
opt-in/out information for customer communication preferences to opt-
in/out of receiving marketing information via text message; information
for customers who have been identified by the Department and its
contractors as having completed a customer satisfaction survey;
information for borrowers who will be contacted by the Department
because they have been identified by the Department as having
potentially fraudulent activity from a TPDR company; and information on
borrowers who have been identified by the Department and its
contractors as being at risk for loan default.
The Department may disclose information maintained in a record in
this system of records under the routine uses listed in this system of
records notice without the consent of the individual if the disclosure
is compatible with the purposes for which the record was collected.
These disclosures may be made on a case-by-case basis or pursuant to a
computer matching agreement that meets the requirements of the Privacy
Act of 1974, as amended (Privacy Act) (5 U.S.C. 552a).
(1) Program Disclosures. The Department may disclose records from
the system of records for the following program purposes:
(a) To verify the identity of the applicant, the spouse of a
married applicant, and the parent(s) of a dependent applicant, to
verify, until CPS is decommissioned after September 30, 2024, the
identities of individuals who apply for a FSA ID, to determine the
accuracy of the information contained in the record, to support
compliance with title IV, HEA statutory and regulatory requirements,
and to assist with the determination, correction, processing, tracking,
and reporting of program eligibility and benefits, the Department may
disclose records to applicants, guaranty agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party servicers,
and Federal, State, local, or Tribal agencies;
(b) To provide an applicant's financial aid history to IHEs,
guaranty agencies and State agencies, lenders and loan holders
participating in the FFEL Program, and third-party servicers, including
information about the applicant's title IV, HEA loan defaults, and
title IV, HEA grant program overpayments, the Department may disclose
records to IHEs, guaranty agencies and State agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL Program, and third-party servicers;
(c) To facilitate receiving and correcting application information,
processing Federal Pell Grants and Direct Loans, and reporting Federal
Perkins Loan Program expenditures to the Department's processing and
reporting systems, the Department may disclose records to IHEs, State
agencies, and third-party servicers;
(d) To assist loan holders with the collection and servicing of
title IV, HEA loans, to support pre-claims/supplemental pre-claims
assistance, to assist in locating borrowers, and to assist in locating
students who owe grant overpayments, the Department may disclose
records to guaranty agencies, lenders and loan holders participating in
the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party servicers, and Federal, State,
local, and Tribal agencies;
(e) To facilitate assessments of title IV, HEA program compliance,
the Department may disclose records to guaranty agencies and IHEs,
third-party servicers, and Federal, State, and local agencies;
(f) To assist in locating holders of loans, the Department may
disclose records to guaranty agencies, lenders and loan holders
participating in the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party servicers, and
Federal, State, and local agencies;
(g) To assist in assessing the administration of title IV, HEA
program funds by guaranty agencies, lenders and loan holders in the
FFEL Program, IHEs, and third-party servicers, the Department may
disclose records to Federal and State agencies;
(h) To enforce the terms of a loan or grant or to assist in the
collection of loan or grant overpayments, the Department may disclose
records to guaranty agencies, lenders and loan holders participating in
the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party servicers, and Federal, State, and
local agencies;
(i) To assist borrowers in repayment, the Department may disclose
records to guaranty agencies, lenders and loan holders participating in
the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party servicers, and Federal, State, and
local agencies;
(j) To determine the relief that is appropriate if the Secretary of
Education grants a borrower defense to repayment discharge application,
as well as to pursue the recovery of liabilities of such discharges
against the IHE, the
[[Page 46879]]
Department may disclose records to Federal, State, and Tribal agencies,
accreditors, IHEs, lenders and loan holders, guaranty agencies, third-
party servicers, and private collection agencies;
(k) To initiate legal action against an individual or entity
involved in an illegal or unauthorized title IV, HEA program
expenditure or activity, the Department may disclose records to
guaranty agencies, lenders and loan holders participating in the FFEL
Program, IHEs, third-party servicers, and Federal, State, local, and
Tribal agencies;
(l) To initiate or support a limitation, suspension, or termination
action, an emergency action, or a debarment or suspension action, the
Department may disclose records to guaranty agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL Program, IHEs, third-party servicers,
and Federal, State, local, and Tribal agencies;
(m) To investigate and resolve complaints, inquiries, requests for
assistance, requests for Federal student loan repayment relief and
other relief under the borrower defense to repayment regulations, and
to update borrower account records and to correct errors, the
Department may disclose records to guaranty agencies, lenders and loan
holders participating in the FFEL Program, accreditors, IHEs, third-
party requestors, third-party servicers, private collection agencies,
and Federal, State, and local agencies;
(n) To inform the parent(s) of a dependent applicant of information
about the parent(s), or the spouse of a married applicant of
information about the spouse, in an application for title IV, HEA
funds, the Department may disclose records to the parent(s), or spouse,
(o) To identify the student as the correct beneficiary of the PLUS
loan funds, and to allow the processing of the PLUS loan application
and promissory note, the Department may disclose records to the
parent(s) applying for the parent PLUS loan;
(p) To encourage a student to complete a FAFSA that they started
but did not submit or to assist a student with the completion of a
FAFSA, the Department may disclose a student's FAFSA filing status to a
State higher education agency so that the agency may redisclose that
information to a local educational agency; a secondary school where the
student is or was enrolled; grantees of the Department; American Indian
and Alaska Native educational entities; and nonprofit college access
organizations with an established relationship with the student;
(q) The Department may disclose records under Sections
483(a)(2)(D)(i), 483(a)(2)(E)(ii), and 483(a)(3)(B)(i) of the HEA (20
U.S.C. 1090(a)(2)(D)(i), 1090(a)(2)(E)(ii), and 1090(a)(3)(B)(i)) from
this system to State higher education agencies, eligible IHEs, and
scholarship organizations that were designated prior to the date of
enactment (December 19, 2019) of the FUTURE Act (Pub. L. 116-91, 133
Stat. 1189) that award and administer aid to students, to determine an
applicant's eligibility for aid awarded by State higher education
agencies, eligible IHEs, or designated scholarship organizations, and
to administer Federal aid or aid awarded by State higher education
agencies, eligible IHEs, or designated scholarship organizations.;
(r) To help Federal, State, Tribal, and local government entities
exercise their supervisory and administrative powers (including, but
not limited to licensure, examination, discipline, regulation, or
oversight of IHEs, Department contractors, guaranty agencies, lenders
and loan holders, and third-party servicers) or to respond to aid
applicant or recipient complaints submitted regarding the practices or
processes of the Department and/or the Department's contractors, or to
update information or correct errors contained in Department records
regarding the aid applicant's or recipient's title IV, HEA program
funds, the Department may disclose records to governmental entities at
the Federal, State, Tribal, and local levels. These records may include
all aspects of loans and grants made under title IV of the HEA to
permit these governmental entities to verify compliance with applicable
debt collection, consumer protection, financial, and other applicable
statutory, regulatory, or local requirements. Before making a
disclosure to these Federal, State, local, or Tribal governmental
entities, the Department will require them to maintain safeguards
consistent with the Privacy Act to protect the security and
confidentiality of the disclosed records; and
(s) The Department may disclose records from an applicant's FAFSA
to IHEs and State higher education agencies to provide aid applicants
and aid recipients with information about certain Federal means-tested
benefits for which they may qualify.
Note: Some information that is maintained in this system of records
is also maintained in other Department systems of records and,
therefore, may be disclosed pursuant to the routine uses published in
those other systems' system of records notices, including the ``Common
Origination and Disbursement (COD) System'' (18-11-02), ``National
Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)'' (18-11-06), and ``Common Services
for Borrowers (CSB)'' (18-11-16).
(2) Enforcement Disclosure. In the event that information in this
system of records indicates, either on its face or in connection with
other information, a violation or potential violation of any applicable
statute, regulations, or order of a competent authority, the Department
may disclose the relevant records to the appropriate agency, whether
Federal, State, Tribal, or local, charged with the responsibility of
investigating or prosecuting that violation or charged with enforcing
or implementing the statute, Executive Order, rule, regulation, or
order issued pursuant thereto.
(3) Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Disclosure.
(a) Introduction. In the event that one of the parties listed in
sub-paragraphs (i) through (v) of this routine use is involved in
judicial or administrative litigation or ADR, or has an interest in
judicial or administrative litigation or ADR, the Department may
disclose certain records to the parties described in paragraphs (b),
(c), and (d) of this routine use under the conditions specified in
those paragraphs:
(i) The Department or any of its components;
(ii) Any Department employee in their official capacity;
(iii) Any Department employee in their individual capacity where
the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) agrees to or has been requested to
provide or arrange for representation of the employee;
(iv) Any Department employee in their individual capacity where the
Department has agreed to represent the employee; and
(v) The United States, where the Department determines that the
litigation is likely to affect the Department or any of its components.
(b) Disclosure to the DOJ. If the Department determines that
disclosure of certain records to the DOJ is relevant and necessary to
judicial or administrative litigation or ADR, the Department may
disclose those records as a routine use to the DOJ.
(c) Adjudicative Disclosure. If the Department determines that it
is relevant and necessary to judicial or administrative litigation or
ADR to disclose certain records to an adjudicative body before which
the Department is authorized to appear or to a person or entity
designated by the Department or otherwise empowered to
[[Page 46880]]
resolve or mediate disputes, the Department may disclose those records
as a routine use to the adjudicative body, person, or entity.
(d) Disclosure to Parties, Counsel, Representatives, and Witnesses.
If the Department determines that disclosure of certain records is
relevant and necessary to judicial or administrative litigation or ADR,
the Department may disclose those records as a routine use to the
party, counsel, representative, or witness.
(4) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act Advice
Disclosure. The Department may disclose records to the DOJ or to the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) if the Department determines that
disclosure is desirable or necessary in determining whether records are
required to be disclosed under the FOIA or the Privacy Act.
(5) Contract Disclosure. If the Department contracts with an entity
to perform any function that requires disclosing records in this system
of records to the contractor's employees, the Department may disclose
the records to those employees. As part of such a contract, the
Department shall require the contractor to agree to establish and
maintain safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of the
disclosed records.
(6) Congressional Member Disclosure. The Department may disclose
the records of an individual to a member of Congress or the member's
staff when necessary to respond to an inquiry from the member made at
the written request of and on behalf of the individual whose records
are being disclosed. The member's right to the information is no
greater than the right of the individual who requested it.
(7) Employment, Benefit, and Contracting Disclosure.
(a) For Decisions by the Department. The Department may disclose a
record to a Federal, State, or local agency, or to another public
agency or professional organization, maintaining civil, criminal, or
other relevant enforcement or other pertinent records, if necessary to
obtain information relevant to a Department decision concerning the
hiring or retention of an employee or other personnel action, the
issuance of a security clearance, the letting of a contract, or the
issuance of a license, grant, or other benefit.
(b) For Decisions by Other Public Agencies and Professional
Organizations. The Department may disclose a record to a Federal,
State, local, or other public agency or professional organization, or
the Department's contractor in connection with the hiring or retention
of an employee or other personnel action, the issuance of a security
clearance, the reporting of an investigation of an employee, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant, or other
benefit, to the extent that the record is relevant and necessary to the
receiving entity's decision on the matter.
(8) Employee Grievance, Complaint, or Conduct Disclosure. If a
record is relevant and necessary to an employee grievance, complaint,
or disciplinary action involving a present or former employee of the
Department, the Department may disclose a record from this system of
records in the course of investigation, fact-finding, or adjudication
to any party to the grievance, complaint, or action; to the party's
counsel or representative; to a witness; or to a designated fact-
finder, mediator, or other person designated to resolve issues or
decide the matter.
(9) Labor Organization Disclosure. The Department may disclose
records from this system of records to an arbitrator to resolve
disputes under a negotiated grievance procedure or to officials of
labor organizations recognized under 5 U.S.C. chapter 71 when relevant
and necessary to their duties of exclusive representation.
(10) Disclosure to the DOJ. The Department may disclose records to
the DOJ to the extent necessary for obtaining DOJ advice on any matter
relevant to an audit, inspection, or other inquiry related to the
programs covered by this system.
(11) Research Disclosure. The Department may disclose records to a
researcher if the Department determines that the individual or
organization to which the disclosure would be made is qualified to
carry out specific research related to functions or purposes of this
system of records. The Department may disclose records from this system
of records to that researcher solely for the purpose of carrying out
that research related to the functions or purposes of this system of
records. The researcher must agree to establish and maintain safeguards
to protect the security and confidentiality of the disclosed records.
(12) Disclosure to the OMB and Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
for Federal Credit Reform Act (FCRA) Support. The Department may
disclose records to OMB and CBO as necessary to fulfill FCRA
requirements in accordance with 2 U.S.C. 661b.
(13) Disclosure in the Course of Responding to Breach of Data. The
Department may disclose records to appropriate agencies, entities, and
persons when (a) the Department suspects or has confirmed that there
has been a breach of the system of records; (b) the Department has
determined that as a result of the suspected or confirmed breach there
is a risk of harm to individuals, the Department (including its
information systems, programs, and operations), the Federal Government,
or national security; and (c) the disclosure made to such agencies,
entities, and persons is reasonably necessary to assist in connection
with the Department's efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed
breach or to prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm.
(14) Disclosure in Assisting another Agency in Responding to a
Breach of Data. The Department may disclose records from this system of
records to another Federal agency or Federal entity, when the
Department determines that information from this system of records is
reasonably necessary to assist the recipient agency or entity in (a)
responding to a suspected or confirmed breach, or (b) preventing,
minimizing, or remedying the risk of harm to individuals, the recipient
agency or entity (including its information systems, programs, and
operations), the Federal Government, or national security, resulting
from a suspected or confirmed breach.
(15) Disclosure of Information to State and Federal Agencies. The
Department may disclose records from this system of records to (a) a
Federal or State agency, its employees, agents (including contractors
of its agents), or contractors, or (b) a fiscal or financial agent
designated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, including employees,
agents, or contractors of such agent, for the purpose of identifying,
preventing, or recouping improper payments to an applicant for, or
recipient of, Federal funds.
(16) Disclosure to the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). The Department may disclose records from this system of records
to NARA for the purpose of records management inspections conducted
under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.
(17) Disclosure to Consumer Reporting Agencies. Disclosures
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12): The Department may disclose the
following information to a consumer reporting agency regarding a valid,
overdue claim of the Department: (a) the name, address, taxpayer
identification number, and other information necessary to establish the
identity of the individual responsible for the claim; (b) the amount,
status, and history of the claim; and (c) the program under which the
claim arose. The Department may disclose the information specified in
[[Page 46881]]
this paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(12) and the procedures contained
in subsection 31 U.S.C. 3711(e). A consumer reporting agency to which
these disclosures may be made is defined at 15 U.S.C. 1681a(f) and 31
U.S.C. 3701(a)(3).
System records are paper-based and stored in locked rooms or
electronic and stored on secured computer systems and in the cloud.
Fully processed paper applications and supporting paper
documentation that are received on or before June 30, 2024, are stored
for applicable periods in standard Federal Records Center boxes in
locked storage rooms at the contractor facilities in London, Kentucky.
Fully processed paper applications and supporting paper documentation
requiring retention and received on or after July 1, 2024, will be
stored in a private records storage facility, as applicable. The
records storage facilities currently utilized are listed in the
``System Location'' section above.
Digitized paper applicant records, which include optically imaged
documents, are stored on DADS (disks) in a virtual disk library, which
is also electronic, in the computer facilities controlled by the Next
Generation Data Center (NGDC) in Clarksville, VA.
Records that are collected in this system for applicants of Federal
grants or loans are stored in the COD System for individuals who apply
under one of the programs authorized under title IV of the HEA,
including, but not limited to the: (1) Federal Pell Grant Program; (2)
Federal Perkins Loans Program; (3) ACG Program; (4) National SMART
Grant Program; (5) TEACH Grant Program; (6) Iraq and Afghanistan
Service Grant Program; (7) Direct Loan Program, which includes Federal
Direct Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford
Loans and Federal Direct PLUS Loans and Federal Direct Consolidation
Loans; (8) FFEL Program; and (9) FISL Program.
Records in this system pertaining to a title IV, HEA loan
applicant, borrower, or grant recipient are indexed and retrieved by a
single data element, or a combination of the following data elements,
to include SSN, name, DOB, the award year in which the applicant
applied for title IV, HEA program assistance, and case tracking number.
These data elements are also used to retrieve information of title IV,
HEA program applicants for and recipients of Federal grants or loans
from the COD System (applicant information is collected in this system
of records and stored in the COD System).
This system also uses a credit appeal identifier to retrieve credit
appeal information from the COD System to support the credit appeal
Additionally, this system uses a combination of SSN, DOB, and name
data elements to retrieve some records from Federal Loan Servicers'
systems (covered by the system of records notice entitled ``Common
Services for Borrowers (CSB)'' (18-11-16)) to allow customers to access
their payment information, loan information and to make payments on as they would on the various Federal Loan Servicer
This system also uses customer identifiers to retrieve customer
information data from the EDMAPS system (covered by the system of
records noticed entitled ``Enterprise Data Management and Analytics
Platform Services (EDMAPS) System'' (18-11-22)) to allow real-time
updates to customer information and communication preferences; and for
the Department and its contractors to identify customers who have
completed a customer satisfaction survey in the DCC system; who may
have potential fraudulent activity from a TPDR company; and who may be
at risk for loan default.
Records maintained in this system are primarily retained and
disposed of in accordance with the records schedules listed below. The
Department has submitted amendments to these records schedules to NARA
for its review and approval.
(a) Department Records Schedule 051: FSA National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS) (DAA-0441-2017-0004) (ED 051). (Records covered by ED
051 will not be destroyed until NARA-approved amendments to ED 051 are
in effect, as applicable.)
(b) Department Records Schedule 052: Ombudsman Case Files (N1-441-
09-21) (ED 052). (Records covered by ED 052 will not be destroyed until
NARA-approved amendments to ED 052 are in effect, as applicable.)
(c) Department Records Schedule 072: FSA Application, Origination,
and Disbursement Records (DAA-0441-2013-0002) (ED 072). (Records
covered by ED 072 will not be destroyed until NARA-approved amendments
to ED 072 are in effect, as applicable.)
All users of the system will have a unique user ID with a password.
All physical access to the data housed at system locations is
controlled and monitored by security personnel who check each
individual entering the building for their employee or visitor badge.
The IT systems employed by the Department offers a high degree of
resistance to tampering and circumvention with firewalls, encryption,
and password protection. This security system limits data access to
Department and contract staff on a ``need-to-know'' basis and controls
individual users' ability to access and alter records within the
system. All interactions by users of the system are recorded.
In accordance with the Federal Information Security Management Act
of 2002 (FISMA), as amended by the Federal Information Security
Modernization Act of 2014, every Department system must receive a
signed Authorization to Operate (ATO) from a designated Department
official. The ATO process includes a rigorous assessment of security
and privacy controls, a plan of actions and milestones to remediate any
identified deficiencies, and a continuous monitoring program.
FISMA controls implemented are comprised of a combination of
management, operational, and technical controls, and include the
following control families: access control, awareness and training,
audit and accountability, security assessment and authorization,
configuration management, contingency planning, identification and
authentication, incident response, maintenance, media protection,
physical and environmental protection, planning, personnel security,
privacy, risk assessment, system and services acquisition, system and
communications protection, system and information integrity, and
program management.
If you wish to gain access to a record in this system, contact the
respective system manager at the address listed above. You must provide
necessary particulars such as your name, SSN, and any other identifying
information requested by the Department while processing the request to
distinguish between individuals with the same name.
Alternatively, to gain access to a record in the system, you may
make a Privacy Act request through the U.S. Department of Education,
FOIA Service
[[Page 46882]]
Center at
by completing the applicable request forms. Requests by an individual
for access to a record must meet the requirements of the Department's
Privacy Act regulations at 34 CFR 5b.5, including proof of identity.
Borrowers are able to access their financial aid history from NSLDS
in this system. If you wish to gain access to other records in the
NSLDS, please refer to the RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES section in the
system of records notice entitled ``National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS)'' (18-11-06).
For title IV, HEA program applicants and recipients of Federal
grants or loans, if you wish to gain access to such information about
you from the COD System, please refer to the RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES
section in the system of records notice entitled ``Common Origination
and Disbursement (COD) System'' (18-11-02).
If you wish to gain access to the EDMAPS system information that is
about you and accessible in this system, please refer to the RECORD
ACCESS PROCEDURES section in the system of records notice entitled
``Enterprise Data Management and Analytics Platform Services (EDMAPS)
System'' (18-11-22).
If you wish to gain access to the PAS system information about you
that is maintained in this system until CPS is decommissioned after
September 30, 2024, please refer to the RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES
section in the system of records notice entitled ``Person
Authentication Service (PAS)'' (18-11-12).
If you wish to gain access to the information in the Federal Loan
Servicers' IT systems that is about you and accessible in this system,
please refer to the RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES section in the system of
records notice entitled ``Common Services for Borrowers (CSB)'' (18-11-
If you wish to contest or change the content of a record about you
in the system of records, provide the respective system manager with
your name, DOB, SSN, and any other identifying information requested by
the Department while processing the request to distinguish between
individuals with the same name. Identify the specific items to be
changed and provide a written justification for the change.
To contest information submitted or included on a FAFSA application
for the current award year, send your request to the FOIA Service
Center listed in the Notification Procedures section.
Financial aid history from NSLDS is accessible in this system. To
contest name and address records about you, provide the respective
system manager with your name, DOB, SSN, and any other identifying
information requested by the Department while processing the request to
distinguish between individuals with the same name. All other financial
aid history records from NSLDS must be contested by following the
CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES identified in the system of records notice
entitled ``National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)'' (18-11-06).
For title IV, HEA program applicants and recipients of Federal
grants or loans, if you wish to contest such information about you,
please refer to the CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES section in the system
of records notice entitled ``Common Origination and Disbursement (COD)
System'' (18-11-02).
To contest information about you in a Federal Loan Servicer IT
system, such as the payment and loan information that is accessible in
this system, please refer to the CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES section
in the system of records notice entitled ``Common Services for
Borrowers (CSB)'' (18-11-16).
To contest the EDMAPS system information that is accessible in this
system, please refer to the CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES section in the
system of records notice entitled ``Enterprise Data Management and
Analytics Platform Services (EDMAPS) System'' (18-11-22).
To contest the PAS system information about you that is maintained
in this system until CPS is decommissioned after September 30, 2024,
please refer to the CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES section in the system
of records notice entitled ``Person Authentication Service (PAS)'' (18-
Requests to amend a record must meet the requirements of the
Department's Privacy Act regulations at 34 CFR 5b.7.
If you wish to determine whether a record exists about you in the
system of records, contact the respective system manager at the address
listed above. You must provide necessary particulars such as your name,
SSN, and any other identifying information requested by the Department
while processing the request to distinguish between individuals with
the same name.
Alternatively, you may make a Privacy Act request through the U.S.
Department of Education, FOIA Service Center at by completing the applicable
request forms.
If you wish to submit a request for notification to determine
whether a record exists about you in the COD System as a title IV, HEA
program applicant or recipient of a Federal grant or loan, please refer
to the NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES section in the system of records notice
entitled ``Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System'' (18-11-
Borrowers are able to access their financial aid history from NSLDS
in this system. If you wish to submit a request for notification to
determine whether a record exists about you in the NSLDS system of
records, please refer to the NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES section in the
system of records notice entitled ``National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS)'' (18-11-06).
If you wish to submit a request for notification to determine
whether a record exists about you in a Federal Loan Servicer IT system,
please refer to the NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES section in the system of
records notice entitled ``Common Services for Borrowers (CSB)'' (18-11-
If you wish to submit a request for notification to determine
whether a record exists about you in EDMAPS system, please refer to the
NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES section in the system of records notice
entitled ``Enterprise Data Management and Analytics Platform Services
(EDMAPS) System'' (18-11-22).
If you wish to submit a request for notification to determine
whether a record exists about you in the PAS system, please refer to
the NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES section in the system of records notice
entitled ``Person Authentication Service (PAS)'' (18-11-12).
Requests for notification about whether the system of records
contains information about an individual must meet the requirements of
the Department's Privacy Act regulations at 34 CFR 5b.5, including
proof of identity.
The system of records entitled ``Aid Awareness and Application
Processing'' (18-11-21) was last modified and
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published in full in the Federal Register on February 2, 2024 (89 FR
[FR Doc. 2024-11852 Filed 5-29-24; 8:45 am]