Applications for New Awards; Comprehensive Centers Program, 41409-41422 [2024-09876]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Notices
and infrastructure assessments,
surveys, planning, programming,
design, acquisition, contract
administration, construction
management, and other technical
services. The overall project
includes over twenty facilities,
including primary headquarters
facilities for both civilian and
military leadership, as well as any
and all engineering studies, designs,
construction, and construction
management services necessary in
order to provide a fully functioning
headquarters complex.
(iv) Military Department: Army (KU–
(v) Prior Related Cases, if any: KU–B–
(vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid,
Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None
(vii) Sensitivity of Technology
Contained in the Defense Article or
Defense Services Proposed to be Sold:
(viii) Date Report Delivered to
Congress: February 22, 2022
*As defined in Section 47(6) of the
Arms Export Control Act.
Policy Justification
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Kuwait—Design and Construction of the
Kuwait Ministry of Defense
Headquarters Complex
The Government of Kuwait has
requested to buy planning, design,
construction, and associated
procurement of Kuwait Ministry of
Defense (KMOD) Headquarters Complex
in Kuwait. This includes provisions for
all physical building and infrastructure
construction costs. The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers will provide life
cycle design, construction, and project
management, engineering services,
technical support, facility and
infrastructure assessments, surveys,
planning, programming, design,
acquisition, contract administration,
construction management, and other
technical services. The overall project
includes over twenty facilities,
including primary headquarters
facilities for both civilian and military
leadership, as well as any and all
engineering studies, designs,
construction, and construction
management services necessary in order
to provide a fully functioning
headquarters complex. The estimated
total cost is $1 billion.
This proposed sale will support the
foreign policy and national security
objectives of the United States by
helping to improve the infrastructure of
a Major Non-NATO ally that has been
an important force for political stability
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and economic progress in the Middle
This proposed sale will improve
Kuwait’s capability to meet current and
future threats by modernizing the
KMOD headquarters and associated
infrastructure. Kuwait will have no
difficulty absorbing this infrastructure,
support, and associated services into its
armed forces.
The proposed sale of this
infrastructure and support will not alter
the basic military balance in the region.
No principal contractor has been
identified for this sale. Contracts funded
by this case are likely to be competitive
acquisitions. The host nation has the
ability to limit competition if they so
choose, but has not requested to do so
at this time. There are no known offset
agreements proposed in connection
with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale
will require the assignment of as many
as ten (10) additional U.S. Government
or U.S. contractor representatives to
Kuwait for a duration of up to seven (7)
years to provide construction
management and oversight. It may be
possible to utilize locally available labor
to provide some oversight services in
lieu of the assignment of U.S. personnel
to the program.
There will be no adverse impact on
U.S. defense readiness as a result of this
proposed sale.
[FR Doc. 2024–10384 Filed 5–10–24; 8:45 am]
Applications for New Awards;
Comprehensive Centers Program
Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of Education
(Department) is issuing a notice inviting
applications for new awards for fiscal
year (FY) 2024 for the Comprehensive
Centers (CC) Program, Assistance
Listing Number 84.283B. This notice
relates to the approved information
collection under OMB control number
Applications Available: May 16, 2024.
Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply:
June 7, 2024. Potential applicants are
strongly encouraged to notify the
Department of their intent to apply to
support us in planning for a more
efficient review of applications.
Notification is optional and nonbinding. For more information see
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Section IV: Application and Submission
Deadline for Transmittal of
Applications: June 24, 2024.
Deadline for Intergovernmental
Review: August 22, 2024.
Pre-Application Webinar Information:
No later than May 30, 2024, the
Department will begin holding webinars
to provide technical assistance to
interested applicants on key
application-related topics. Interested
applicants are strongly encouraged to
participate or review the accompanying
materials available online. Updated
information can be found on the
Comprehensive Center website at Recordings of all
webinars will be available on the
Comprehensive Center website
following the sessions.
ADDRESSES: For the addresses for
obtaining and submitting an
application, please refer to our Common
Instructions for Applicants to
Department of Education Discretionary
Grant Programs, published in the
Federal Register on December 7, 2022
(87 FR 75045), and available at https://
Michelle Daley, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW,
Room 4B112, Washington, DC 20202–
5970. Telephone: (202) 987–1057.
Email: OESE.ComprehensiveCenters@
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability and wish to
access telecommunications relay
services, please dial 7–1–1.
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The
Comprehensive Centers Program
supports the establishment of
Comprehensive Centers to provide
capacity-building services to State
educational agencies (SEAs), regional
educational agencies (REAs), local
educational agencies (LEAs), and
schools that improve educational
opportunities and outcomes, close
achievement gaps, and improve the
quality of instruction for all students,
and particularly for groups of students
with the greatest need, including
students from low-income families and
students attending schools
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Notices
implementing comprehensive support
and improvement or targeted or
additional targeted support and
improvement activities under section
1111(d) of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965, as
amended (ESEA).
Background: We have published
elsewhere in this issue of the Federal
Register a notice of final priorities,
requirements, definitions, and selection
criteria (NFP) for use in this and future
Comprehensive Center Program
competitions. In developing priorities
for this program, the Department
consulted with education stakeholders,
including through Regional Advisory
Committees (RACs) established under
section 206 of the Educational
Technical Assistance Act of 2002
(ETAA), Tribes, chief State school
officers, chief executive officers of
States, and Regional Educational
Laboratory (REL) governing boards.
Additionally, the Department received
public comment on a notice of proposed
priorities, requirements, definitions, and
selection criteria for this program
published in the Federal Register on
January 23, 2024 (89 FR 4228).
The Department designed the
priorities, requirements, definitions, and
selection criteria for the Comprehensive
Centers to support high-quality
capacity-building services to State,
regional, and local educational agencies
and schools that improve educational
opportunities and outcomes, close
opportunity and achievement gaps, and
improve the quality of instruction for all
students. The Department seeks to
maximize the ability of the
Comprehensive Centers to be flexible
and responsive to specific State and
local client needs while also providing
leadership and focused support on
issues of national importance to support
education systems through a time of
continued challenge and transition. This
approach aligns with ‘‘Raise the Bar:
Lead the World’’ (RTB)—the
Department’s call to action to all
stakeholders to transform prekindergarten through postsecondary
education and unite the field around
evidence-based strategies that advance
educational equity and excellence for all
students. Specifically, through the
absolute priorities in this competition,
the Department will establish a network
of Comprehensive Centers (CCNetwork)
comprised of a National Comprehensive
Center (National Center), Regional
Comprehensive Centers (Regional
Centers), and Content Centers working
together to support SEAs, REAs, Tribal
education agencies (TEAs), LEAs, and
schools to address areas of national
need and advance several key focus
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areas, including to assist States and
districts in academic achievement and
excellence, to offer all students a
comprehensive and rigorous education,
to eliminate the educator shortage, to
provide every student with a pathway to
multilingualism, and to provide schools
with adequate and equitable funding.
Priorities: This competition includes
three absolute priorities and one
competitive preference priority.
Absolute Priorities 1, 2, and 3 are from
the NFP. The competitive preference
priority is from the Administrative
Priorities for Discretionary Grant
Programs published in the Federal
Register on March 9, 2020 (85 FR
13640) (Administrative Priorities).
Absolute Priorities: For FY 2024 and
any subsequent year in which we make
awards from the list of unfunded
applications from this competition,
these priorities are absolute priorities.
Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), we consider
only applications that meet one of these
priorities. If an applicant wishes to
apply to operate more than one Center,
the applicant must submit a separate
application for each Center it wishes to
serve. See the ‘‘Limitation on
Applications’’ section for more
These priorities are:
Absolute Priority 1: National
Comprehensive Center.
Projects that propose to establish a
National Center to (1) provide highquality, high-impact technical
assistance and capacity-building
services to the Nation that are designed
to improve educational opportunities,
educator practice, and student outcomes
and (2) coordinate the work of the
CCNetwork to effectively use program
resources to support evidence use and
the implementation of evidence-based
(as defined in 34 CFR 77.1) practices to
close opportunity gaps and improve
educational outcomes, particularly
accelerating academic achievement in
math and literacy for all students, and
particularly for groups of students with
the greatest need, including students
from low-income families and students
attending schools implementing
comprehensive support and
improvement or targeted or additional
targeted support and improvement
activities under section 1111(d) of the
ESEA, in a manner that reaches and
supports as many SEAs, REAs, TEAs,
LEAs, and schools in need of services as
The National Center must design and
implement an effective approach to
providing high-quality, useful, and
relevant universal, targeted, and, as
appropriate and in partnership with
Regional Centers, intensive capacity-
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building services that are likely to
achieve desired recipient outcomes. The
approach must be driven by adult
learning principles and incorporate
implementation, improvement, and
systems change frameworks, and must
promote alignment across
interconnected areas of need, programs,
and agency systems.
The National Center must implement
effective strategies for coordinating and
collaborating with the Regional Centers
and Content Centers to assess
educational needs; coordinate common
areas of support across Centers;
communicate about the work of the
CCNetwork, including sharing and
disseminating information about
CCNetwork services, tools, and
resources to maximize the reach of the
CCNetwork across clients and education
stakeholders; coordinate with other
federally funded providers regarding the
work of the CCNetwork and help clients
navigate available support; and support
the selection, implementation, scale-up,
and dissemination of evidence-based
practices that will improve educational
opportunities and outcomes,
particularly academic achievement in
math and literacy, and close
achievement gaps for all students,
particularly for groups of students with
the greatest need, including students
from low-income families and students
attending schools implementing
comprehensive support and
improvement or targeted or additional
targeted support and improvement
activities under section 1111(d) of the
Services must address: common highleverage problems identified in Regional
Center service plans (as outlined in the
Program Requirements for the National
Center); findings from finalized
Department monitoring reports or audit
findings; implementation challenges
faced by States and LEAs related to
teaching, learning, and development;
needs of schools designated for
improvement; needs related to closing
opportunity and achievement gaps;
needs to improve core academic
instruction; and emerging education
topics of national importance.
The National Center must provide
universal and targeted capacity-building
services that demonstrably assist SEAs,
REAs, TEAs, LEAs, and Regional Center
clients and recipients to—
(1) Implement approved ESEA
Consolidated State Plans, with
preference given to implementing and
scaling evidence-based programs,
practices, and interventions that directly
benefit entities that have high
percentages or numbers of students from
low-income families as referenced in
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Notices
title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec.
(2) Implement and scale up evidencebased programs, practices, and
interventions that lead to the increased
capacity of SEAs and LEAs to address
the unique educational challenges and
improve outcomes of schools
implementing comprehensive support
and improvement activities or targeted
or additional targeted support and
improvement activities as referenced in
title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec.
1111(d)) and their students;
(3) Implement State accountability
and assessment systems consistent with
title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA section
1111(b)–(d)), including the requirement
for States to conduct resource allocation
reviews under ESEA section
(4) Implement and scale up evidencebased programs, practices, and
interventions that improve instruction
and outcomes in core academic subjects,
including math and literacy instruction;
(5) Address the unique educational
obstacles faced by rural and Tribal
students; and
(6) Implement and scale up evidencebased programs, practices, and
interventions that address other
emerging education topics of national
importance that are not being met by
another federally funded technical
assistance provider (e.g., best practices
in the use of education technology,
student support strategies promoting
digital literacy and access, or supporting
asylum seekers and newly arrived
immigrant children and youth or
migratory students and their families).
An applicant under this priority must
demonstrate how it will cultivate a
network of national subject matter
experts from a diverse set of
perspectives or organizations to provide
capacity-building support to Regional
Centers and clients regarding the ESEA
topical areas listed above and other
emerging education issues of national
Absolute Priority 2: Regional Centers.
Projects that propose to establish
Regional Centers to provide highquality, useful, and relevant intensive
capacity-building services to State and
local clients and recipients to assist
them in selecting, implementing, and
sustaining evidence-based programs,
practices, and interventions that will
result in improved educator practice
and student outcomes, especially in
math and literacy. The approach must
be driven by adult learning principles
and incorporate implementation,
improvement, and systems change
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Each Regional Center must provide
high-quality, useful, and relevant
capacity-building services that
demonstrably assist clients and
recipients in—
(1) Carrying out Consolidated State
Plans approved under the ESEA, with
preference given to the implementation
and scaling up of evidence-based
programs, practices, and interventions
that directly benefit recipients that have
high percentages or numbers of students
from low-income families as referenced
in title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec.
1113(a)(5)) and recipients that are
implementing comprehensive support
and improvement activities or targeted
or additional targeted support and
improvement activities as referenced in
title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec.
1111(d)), including the requirement for
States to conduct resource allocation
reviews required under ESEA section
(2) Implementing, scaling up, and
sustaining evidence-based programs,
practices, or interventions that focus on
key initiatives that lead to LEAs and
schools improving student outcomes.
Key initiatives may include
implementing evidence-based practices
to help accelerate academic
achievement in math and literacy
(including high-impact tutoring, highquality summer and after-school
learning and enrichment, and effective
interventions to reduce chronic
absenteeism and increase student
engagement), improving core academic
instruction, implementing innovative
and promising approaches to systems of
high-quality assessment (including
diagnostic, formative and interim
assessments to inform instructional
design), addressing educator shortages
(including recruitment, preparation, and
retention), or developing aligned and
integrated agency systems;
(3) Addressing the unique educational
obstacles faced by underserved
populations, including students from
low-income families, students of color,
students living in rural areas, Tribal
students, English learners, students in
foster care, migratory children,
immigrant children and youth, and
other student populations with specific
needs defined in the ESEA, which may
include neglected, delinquent, and atrisk children and youth, and homeless
children and youths; and
(4) Improving implementation of
ESEA programs including collecting and
reporting program data and addressing
corrective actions or results from audit
findings and ESEA program monitoring,
conducted by the Department, that are
programmatic in nature, at the request
of the client.
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Regional Centers must effectively
work with the National Center and
Content Centers, as needed, to assist
clients in selecting, implementing, and
sustaining evidence-based programs,
policies, practices, and interventions;
and must develop cost-effective
strategies to make their services
available to as many SEAs, REAs, TEAs,
LEAs, and schools within the region in
need of support as possible.
Applicants must propose to operate a
Regional Center in one of the following
Region 1 (Northeast): Connecticut,
Massachusetts, Maine, New
Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island,
Region 2 (Islands): Puerto Rico, Virgin
Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic): Delaware,
District of Columbia, Maryland, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania
Region 4 (Appalachia): Kentucky,
Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 5 (Southeast): Georgia, North
Carolina, South Carolina
Region 6 (Gulf): Alabama, Florida,
Region 7 (Midwest): Indiana, Michigan,
Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota,
Region 8 (Central): Colorado, Kansas,
Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Wyoming
Region 9 (Southwest): Arkansas,
Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Region 10 (West): Arizona, California,
Nevada, Utah
Region 11 (Northwest): Alaska, Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana
Region 12 (Pacific 1): American Samoa,
Hawaii, Republic of the Marshall
Region 13 (Pacific 2): Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands,
Federated States of Micronesia, Guam,
Region 14: Bureau of Indian Education
Absolute Priority 3: Content Centers.
Projects that propose to establish
Content Centers to provide high-quality,
useful, and relevant targeted and
universal capacity-building services in a
designated content area of expertise to
SEA, REA, TEA, and LEA clients
designed to improve educational
opportunities, educator practice, and
student outcomes.
Content Centers must be designed to
build the capacity of practitioners,
education system leaders, public
schools serving preschool through 12th
grades (P–12) (which may include Head
Start and community-based preschool),
LEAs, and SEAs to use evidence in the
designated content area. Capacity-
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Notices
building services may include, for
example, developing evidence-based
products and tools, and providing
services that directly inform the use of
evidence in a State or local policy or
program or improved program
implementation to achieve desired
educational outcomes. The approach
must be driven by adult learning
principles and incorporate
implementation, improvement, and
systems change frameworks. Services
must promote the use of the latest
evidence, including research and data;
be effectively delivered using best
practices in technical assistance and
training; and demonstrate a rationale for
how they will result in improved
recipient outcomes.
Content Centers must support
Regional Centers, as needed, with
subject matter expertise to enhance the
intensive capacity-building services
provided by the Regional Centers or to
design universal or targeted capacitybuilding services to meet identified
SEA, REA, TEA, or LEA needs.
Content Centers must effectively
coordinate and align targeted and
universal capacity-building services
with the National Center, Regional
Centers, and other federally funded
providers, as appropriate, to address
high-leverage problems and provide
access to urgently needed services to
build Centers’ capacity to support SEAs
and local clients. Content Centers must
effectively coordinate with the National
Center, Regional Centers, and other
federally funded providers to assess
potential client needs, avoid duplication
of services, and widely disseminate
products or tools to practitioners,
education system leaders, and
policymakers in formats that are high
quality, easily accessible,
understandable, and actionable to
ensure the use of services by as many
SEA, REA, TEA, and LEA recipients as
Applicants must propose to operate a
Content Center in one of the following
(1) English Learners and
Multilingualism. The Center on English
Learners and Multilingualism must
provide universal, targeted, and, as
appropriate and in partnership with
Regional Centers, intensive capacitybuilding services designed to support
SEAs and LEAs to meet the needs of
English learners beginning with early
language acquisition and development,
meet the needs of English learners with
disabilities, and increase access to highquality language programs so that they,
along with all students, have the
opportunity to become multilingual.
The Center must also support the
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selection, implementation, and scale-up
of evidence-based practices, in
coordination with the National
Clearinghouse for English Language
Acquisition, related to meeting the
needs of English learners.
(2) Early School Success: The Center
for Early School Success must provide
universal, targeted, and, as appropriate,
and in partnership with Regional
Centers, intensive capacity-building
services designed to support SEAs and
LEAs to implement comprehensive and
aligned preschool to third-grade (PK–3)
early learning systems in order to
increase the number of children who
experience success in early learning and
achievement, including by increasing
the number of children who meet
challenging State academic standards;
supporting effective transitions to
kindergarten; partnerships with parents
and families on everyday school
attendance; and developmentally
informed and evidence-based
instructional practices in social and
emotional development, early literacy,
and math. The Center must support the
selection, implementation, and scale-up
of programs, policies, and practices,
informed by research on child
development, that can strengthen the
quality of PK–3 learning experiences
and support social, emotional,
cognitive, and physical development.
(3) Fiscal Equity: The Center on Fiscal
Equity must provide universal, targeted,
and, as appropriate, and in partnership
with Regional Centers, intensive
capacity-building services designed to
support SEAs and LEAs in
strengthening equitable and adequate
resource allocation strategies, including
the allocation of State and local
resources; improving the quality and
transparency of fiscal data at the school
level; and prioritizing supports for
students and communities with the
greatest need, including schools
implementing comprehensive support
and improvement or targeted or
additional targeted support and
improvement activities under section
1111(d) of the ESEA in collaboration
with the National Center. The Center
must support the selection,
implementation, and scale-up of
evidence-based programs, policies, and
practices that promote responsible fiscal
planning and management, and effective
and permissible uses of ESEA formula
funds, including through combining
those funds with other available and
allowable Federal, State, and local funds
(‘‘blending and braiding’’) and
considering how ESEA funds may
interact with and complement other
Federal programs, such as IDEA,
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Medicaid, and Head Start to improve
student opportunities and outcomes.
(4) Strengthening and Supporting the
Educator Workforce: The Center on
Strengthening and Supporting the
Educator Workforce must provide
universal, targeted, and, as appropriate
and in partnership with Regional
Centers, intensive capacity-building
services designed to support SEAs to
support their LEAs, schools, and their
partners (e.g., educator preparation
programs, workforce boards, labor
unions) in designing and scaling
practices that establish and enhance
high-quality, comprehensive, evidencebased, and affordable educator
pathways, including educator residency
and Grow Your Own programs, as well
as emerging pathways into the
profession such as registered
apprenticeship programs for teachers;
and in improving educator diversity,
recruitment, and retention. The Center
must support the selection,
implementation, and scale-up of
evidence-based programs, policies, and
practices that will support States, LEAs,
and their partners in addressing
educator shortages and providing all
students with highly qualified educators
across the P–12 continuum, including
through increased compensation and
improved working conditions; highquality, comprehensive, evidence-based,
and affordable educator preparation,
including educator residency and Grow
Your Own programs, as well as
emerging pathways into the profession
such as registered apprenticeship
programs for teachers; providing
opportunities for teacher leadership and
career advancement; ongoing
professional learning throughout
educators’ careers, including
implementing evidence-based strategies
for effective teaching and learning;
strengthening novice teacher induction;
and supporting and diversifying the
educator workforce, as well as other
actions to improve learning conditions
and educator well-being.
Competitive Preference Priority: For
FY 2024 and any subsequent year in
which we make awards from the list of
unfunded applications from this
competition, this priority is a
competitive preference priority. Under
34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i) we award an
additional 3 points to an application
that meets this priority.
This priority is:
Applications From New Potential
Grantees (0 or 3 points). Under this
priority, an applicant must demonstrate
that the applicant has never received a
grant, including through membership in
a group application submitted in
accordance with 34 CFR 75.127–75.129,
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Notices
under the program from which it seeks
Requirements: For FY 2024 and any
subsequent year in which we make
awards from the list of unfunded
applications from this competition, the
following program requirements and
application requirements apply. These
requirements are from the NFP.
Program Requirements: Grantees must
meet the following program
Program Requirements for All
Centers: National, Regional, and Content
Center grantees under this program
(1) Develop service plans annually for
carrying out the technical assistance and
capacity-building activities to be
delivered by the Center in response to
educational challenges facing students,
practitioners, and education system
leaders. Plans must include: Highleverage problems to be addressed,
including identified client needs,
capacity-building services to be
delivered, time-based outcomes (i.e.,
short-term, mid-term, long-term),
responsible personnel, key technical
assistance partners, milestones, outputs,
dissemination plans, fidelity measures,
if appropriate, and any other elements
specified by the Department. The
annual service plans must be an update
to the Center’s five-year plan submitted
as part of the initial grant application
and account for changes in client needs.
(2) Develop and implement capacitybuilding services, including tools and
resources, in partnership with State and
local clients and recipients to reflect
and address specific client needs and
contexts and promote sustainable
evidence utilization to address
identified educational challenges.
(3) Develop and implement an
effective performance management and
evaluation system that integrates
continuous improvement to promote
effective achievement of client
outcomes. The system must include
methods to measure and monitor
progress towards agreed upon outcomes,
outputs, and milestones and to measure
the reach, use, and impact of the
services being delivered to ensure
capacity-building services are
implemented as intended, reaching
intended clients and recipients, and
achieving desired results. Progress
monitoring must include periodic
assessment of client satisfaction and
timely identification of changes in State
contexts that may impact the project’s
success. The performance management
system must include strategies to report
on defined program performance
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(4) Develop and implement a
stakeholder engagement system to
regularly communicate, engage, and
coordinate, using feedback to inform
improvement, across organizational
levels (Federal, State, and local), and
facilitate regular engagement of
stakeholders involved in or affected by
proposed services. This system must
provide regular and ongoing
opportunities for outreach activities
(e.g., ongoing promotion of services and
products to potential and current
recipients, particularly at the local level)
and regular opportunities for
engagement with potential beneficiaries
or participants involved in or impacted
by proposed school improvement
activities (e.g., students, parents,
educators, administrators, Tribal
leaders) to ensure services reflect their
(5) Develop and implement a highquality personnel management system
to efficiently obtain and retain the
services of nationally recognized
technical and content experts and other
consultants with direct experience
working with SEAs, REAs, and LEAs.
The Center must ensure that personnel
have the appropriate expertise to deliver
high-quality capacity-building services
that meet client and recipient need and
be staffed at a level sufficient for
achieving the goals of its assigned
projects and responsibilities.
(6) Develop and implement a
comprehensive communication and
dissemination plan that includes
strategies to disseminate information in
multiple formats and mediums (e.g.,
evidence-based practice tool kits, briefs,
informational webinars) including
through CCNetwork websites, social
media, and other methods as
appropriate, and strategies to measure
and monitor the use of the information
it disseminates. The plan must include
approaches to determine, at the outset of
each project, in consultation with
clients, the most effective modality and
methodology for capturing evidencebased practices and lessons learned,
dissemination strategies customized and
based on needs of the targeted
audience(s), and strategies to monitor
and measure audience engagement and
use of information and products of the
Center. Centers must work with partners
to disseminate products through
networks in which the targeted
audiences are most likely to seek or
receive information, with the goal of
expanding the reach of Centers to the
largest number of recipients possible.
(7) Identify and enter into partnership
agreements with federally funded
providers, State and national
organizations, businesses, and industry
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experts, as applicable, to support States
in the implementation and scaling-up of
evidence-based programs, practices, and
interventions, as well as reduce
duplication of services and engagement
burden to States. Where appropriate, the
agreements should document how the
partnerships might advance along a
continuum to effectively meet program
and client goals.
(8) Within 90 days of receiving
funding for an award, demonstrate to
the Department that it has secured client
and partner commitments to carry out
proposed annual service plans.
(9) Participate in a national evaluation
of the Comprehensive Centers Program.
Program Requirements for National
Comprehensive Center: In addition to
the requirements for all Centers,
National Center grantees under this
program must:
(1) Design and implement robust
needs-sensing activities and processes
to consult with and integrate feedback
from the Department, Regional and
Content Centers, and advisory boards
that surface high-leverage problems that
could be effectively addressed in
developing the national annual service
(2) Collaborate with Regional and
Content Centers to implement universal
and targeted services for recipients to
address high-leverage problems
identified in the annual service plan. In
providing targeted services (e.g., multiState and cross-regional peer-to-peer
exchanges or communities of practice
on problems), the National Center must
provide opportunities for recipients to
learn from their peers and subject matter
experts and apply evidence-based
practices and must define tangible,
achievable capacity-building outcomes
for recipient participation. Universal
services must be grounded in evidencebased practices, be produced in a
manner that recipients are most likely to
use, be shared via multiple digital
platforms, such as the CCNetwork
website, social media, and other
channels as appropriate, and be relevant
for a variety of education stakeholders,
including the general public.
(3) Develop and implement a strategy
to recruit and retain a comprehensive
cadre of national subject matter experts
that includes qualified education
practitioners, researchers, policy
professionals, and other consultants
with (1) direct experience working in or
with SEAs, REAs, TEAs and LEAs and
(2) in-depth expertise in specific subject
areas with an understanding of State
contexts available to support universal
and targeted services of the National
Center and intensive capacity-building
services of Regional Centers. Cadre
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experts must have a proven record of
designing and implementing effective
capacity-building services, using
evidence effectively, and delivering
quality adult learning experiences or
professional development experiences
that meet client and recipient needs and
must have recognized subject matter
expertise including publishing in peerreviewed journals and presenting at
national conferences on the ESEA
programs or content areas for which
they are engaged as experts to provide
universal, targeted, or intensive capacity
(4) Reserve not less than one half of
the annual budget to provide universal,
targeted, and, as needed, intensive
services to address topics 1–5
enumerated in the priority for this
Center and as approved by the
Department in the annual service plan.
(5) Include in the communications
and dissemination plan, and implement
processes for outreach activities (e.g.,
regular promotion of services and
products to clients and potential and
current recipients), use of feedback
loops across organizational levels
(Federal, State, and local), regular
engagement and coordination with the
Department, Regional Centers, and
partner organizations (e.g., federally
funded providers), and engagement of
stakeholders involved in or impacted by
proposed school improvement
(6) Design and implement
communications and dissemination
vehicles for the CCNetwork, including
maintaining the CCNetwork website
with an easy-to-navigate design that
meets government or industry
recognized standards for accessibility,
including compliance with section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and
maintain a consistent media presence,
in collaboration with Regional and
Content Centers and the Department
Communications office, that promotes
increased engagement.
(7) Develop peer learning
opportunities for Regional and Content
Center staff (and other partners, as
appropriate) to address implementation
challenges and scale effective practices
to improve service delivery across the
(8) Collect and share information
about services provided through the
CCNetwork for the purpose of
coordination, collaboration, and
communication across Centers and
other providers, including an annual
analysis of service plans to identify and
disseminate information about services
rendered across the CCNetwork.
(9) Ensure that the Project Director is
capable of managing all aspects of the
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Center and is either staffed at 1 FTE or
there are two Co-Project Directors each
at a minimum of 0.75 FTE. The Project
Director or Co-Project Directors and all
key personnel must be able to provide
services at the intensity, duration, and
modality appropriate to achieving
agreed-upon milestones, outputs, and
outcomes described in annual service
(10) Reserve not less than one third of
the budget to address the program
requirements for CCNetwork
coordination (requirements 5 through
Program Requirements for Regional
Centers: In addition to the requirements
for all Centers, Regional Center grantees
under this program must:
(1) Actively coordinate and
collaborate with the REL serving their
region. Coordination must include
annual joint need sensing in a manner
designed to comprehensively inform
service delivery across both programs
while reducing burden on State
agencies. The goals of this coordination
and collaboration are to share,
synthesize, and apply information,
ideas, and lessons learned; to enable
each type of provider to focus on its
designated role; to ensure that work is
non-duplicative; to streamline and
simplify service provision to States and
LEAs; and to collaborate on projects to
better support regional stakeholders.
(2) Consult with a broad range of
stakeholders, including chief State
school officers and other SEA leaders,
TEAs, LEAs, educators, students, and
parents, and integrate their feedback in
developing the annual service plan to
reflect the needs of all States (and to the
extent practicable, of LEAs) within the
region to be served.
(3) In developing the annual service
plan, ensure services are provided to
support students and communities with
the highest needs, including recipients:
(i) that have high percentages or
numbers of students from low-income
families as referenced in title I, part A
of the ESEA (ESEA sec. 1113(a)(5)); (ii)
that are implementing comprehensive
support and improvement activities or
targeted or additional targeted support
and improvement activities as
referenced in title I, part A of the ESEA
(ESEA sec. 1111(d)); (iii) in rural areas;
and (iv) serving student populations
with demonstrated needs unmet or
under-met through other Federal, State,
or local interventions.
(4) Explore and provide opportunities
to connect peers within and across
(5) Collaborate with the National
Center and Content Centers, as
appropriate, including to support client
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and recipient participation in targeted
capacity-building services, and obtain
and retain the services of nationally
recognized content experts through
partnership with the National Center,
Content Centers, or other federally
funded providers.
(6) Support the participation of
Regional Center staff in CCNetwork peer
learning opportunities, including
sharing information about effective
practices in the region, to extend the
Center’s reach to as many SEAs, REAs,
TEAs, LEAs, and schools in need of
services as possible while also learning
about effective capacity-building
approaches to enhance the Center’s
ability to provide high-quality services.
(7) Within 90 days of receiving
funding for an award, provide to the
Department copies of partnership
agreements with the REL(s) in the region
that the Center serves and, as
appropriate, other Department-funded
technical assistance providers that are
charged with supporting
comprehensive, systemic changes in
States or Department-funded technical
assistance providers with particular
expertise (e.g., early learning or
instruction for English language
learners) relevant to the region’s service
plan. Partnership agreements must
define processes for coordination and
support collaboration to meet relevant
program requirements.
(8) Be located in the region the Center
serves. The Project Director must be
capable of managing all aspects of the
Center and be either at a minimum of
0.75 FTE or there must be two CoProject Directors each at a minimum of
0.5 FTE. The Project Director or CoProject Directors and key personnel
must also be able to provide on-site
services at the intensity, duration, and
modality appropriate to achieving
agreed-upon milestones, outputs, and
outcomes described in annual service
Program Requirements for Content
Centers: In addition to the requirements
for all Centers, Content Center grantees
under this program must:
(1) Consult and integrate feedback
from the Department and National and
Regional Centers in developing the
annual service plan to inform highquality tools, resources, and overall
technical assistance in priority areas.
(2) Collaborate with Regional Centers
to address specific requests for
assistance from States within the
regions and strengthen Regional Center
staff knowledge and expertise on the
evidence base and effective practices
within its specific content area.
(3) Produce high-quality, universal
capacity-building services, and identify,
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organize, select, and translate existing
key research knowledge and Department
guidance related to the Center’s content
area and examples of workable
strategies and systems for implementing
provisions and programs that have
produced positive outcomes for schools
and students, and communicate the
information in ways that are highly
relevant and useful to State- and locallevel policymakers, practitioners, and
relevant stakeholders.
(4) Collaborate with the National
Center and Regional Centers to convene
States and LEAs, researchers, and other
experts, including other Federal entities
and providers of technical assistance as
identified by the Department, to learn
from each other about practical
strategies for implementing ESEA
provisions and programs related to the
Center’s area of focus.
(5) Support the participation of
Content Center staff in CCNetwork peer
learning opportunities with the goal of
providing high-quality services while
reaching as many SEAs, REAs, TEAs,
LEAs, and schools in need of services as
(6) Within 90 days of receiving
funding for an award, provide copies to
the Department of partnership
agreements with Department-funded
technical assistance providers that are
charged with supporting
comprehensive, systemic changes in
States or Department-funded technical
assistance providers with particular
expertise relevant to the Center’s
content area. Partnership agreements
must define processes for coordination
and support collaboration to meet
relevant program requirements.
(7) The Project Director must be
capable of managing all aspects of the
Center and be either at a minimum of
0.75 FTE or there must be two CoProject Directors each at a minimum of
0.5 FTE. The Project Director or CoProject Directors and all key personnel
must be able to provide services at the
intensity, duration, and modality
appropriate to achieving agreed-upon
milestones, outputs, and outcomes
described in annual service plans.
Application Requirements:
Applicants must meet the following
application requirements.
Application Requirements for All
(1) Present an approach to the
proposed project for operating the
Comprehensive Center that clearly
establishes the critical educational
challenges proposed to be addressed by
the Center, the impact the Center plans
to achieve, including the proposed
scope of services in relation to the
number of SEAs, REAs, TEAs, LEAs,
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and, as appropriate, schools served,
with respect to specific State and local
outcomes that would represent
significant achievement in advancing
the efforts of State and local systems to
improve educational opportunities and
student outcomes, and proposes how
the Center will efficiently and
effectively provide appropriate capacitybuilding services to achieve the desired
(2) Present applicable regional, State,
and local educational needs, including
relevant data demonstrating the
identified needs, and including the
perspectives of underrepresented
groups, that could be addressed through
the proposed capacity-building
approach to implement and scale up
evidence-based programs, practices, and
(3) Demonstrate how key personnel
possess subject matter expert knowledge
of statutory requirements, regulations,
and policies related to ESEA programs,
current education issues, and policy
initiatives for supporting the
implementation and scaling up of
evidence-based programs, practices, and
(4) Demonstrate expertise in
providing highly relevant and highly
effective technical assistance (e.g., that
is co-designed with clients;
demonstrably addresses authentic needs
based on needs-sensing activities; is
timely, relevant, useful, clear and
measurable; and results in demonstrable
improvements or outcomes), including
by demonstrating expertise in the
current research on adult learning
principles, coaching, and
implementation science that will drive
the applicant’s capacity-building
services; how the applicant has
successfully supported clients to
achieve desired outcomes; and how the
applicant will promote self-sufficiency
and sustainability of State- and local-led
school improvement activities.
(5) Present a logic model (as defined
in this notice) informed by research or
evaluation findings that demonstrates a
rationale (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1)
explaining how the project is likely to
improve or achieve relevant and
expected outcomes. The logic model
must communicate how the proposed
project would achieve its expected
outcomes (short-term, mid-term, and
long-term), and provide a framework for
both the formative and summative
evaluations of the project consistent
with the applicant’s performance
management plan. Include a description
of underlying concepts, assumptions,
expectations, beliefs, and theories, as
well as the relationships and linkages
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among these variables, and any
empirical support for this framework.
(6) Present a management plan that
describes the applicant’s proposed
approach to managing the project to
meet all program requirements related
to needs assessment, stakeholder
engagement, communications and
dissemination, personnel management,
and partnerships.
(7) Present a performance
management and evaluation plan that
describes the applicant’s proposed
approach to meeting the program
requirements related to performance
management, including the applicant’s
proposed strategy to report on defined
program performance measures, and
describes the criteria for determining
the extent to which capacity-building
services proposed in annual service
plans were implemented as intended;
recipient outcomes were met (shortterm, midterm, and long-term); recipient
capacity was developed; and services
reached and were used by intended
(8) Include in the budget a line item
for an annual set-aside of five percent of
the grant amount to support emerging
needs that are consistent with the
proposed project’s intended outcomes,
as those needs are identified in
consultation with, and approved by, the
OESE program officer. With approval
from the program officer, the project
must reallocate any remaining funds
from this annual set-aside no later than
the end of the third quarter of each
budget period.
Application Requirements for the
National Center: In addition to meeting
the application requirements for all
Centers, a National Center applicant
(1) Describe the proposed approach to
leading coordination and collaboration
of the CCNetwork, and demonstrate
expertise and experience in leading
communication and digital engagement
strategies to attract and sustain the
involvement of education stakeholders,
including, but not limited to:
implementing a robust web and social
media presence, overseeing customer
relations management, providing
editorial support to Regional and
Content Centers, and utilizing web
analytics to improve content
(2) Describe the proposed approach to
providing targeted capacity-building
services, including how the applicant
intends to collaborate with Regional
Centers to identify potential recipients
and estimate how many SEAs, REAs,
TEAs, and LEAs it has the capacity to
reach; how it will measure the readiness
and capacity of potential recipients; and
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how it will measure the extent to which
targeted capacity-building services
achieve intended recipient outcomes
and result in increased recipient
capacity (and specifically, increase
capacity in one or more of the four
dimensions of capacity-building).
(3) Describe the proposed approach to
universal capacity-building services,
including how many and which
recipients it plans to reach and how the
applicant intends to: measure the extent
to which products and services
developed address common problems;
support recipients in the selection,
implementation, and monitoring of
evidence-based practices; improve the
use of evidence with regard to emerging
national education trends; and build
recipient capacity in at least one of the
four dimensions of capacity-building.
Application Requirements for
Regional Centers: In addition to meeting
the application requirements for all
Centers, a Regional Center applicant
(1) Describe the proposed approach to
intensive capacity-building services,
including identification of intended
recipients based on available data in
each of the content areas identified,
alignment of proposed capacity-building
services to client needs, and engagement
of clients who may not initiate contact
to request services. The applicant must
also describe how it intends to measure
the readiness of clients and recipients to
work with the Center; co-design projects
and define outcomes; measure and
monitor client and recipient capacity
across the four dimensions of capacitybuilding; and measure the outcomes
achieved throughout and at the
conclusion of a project.
(2) Demonstrate that proposed key
personnel have the appropriate subject
matter and technical assistance
expertise to deliver high-quality,
intensive services that meet client and
recipient needs similar to those in the
region to be served.
Application Requirements for Content
Centers: In addition to meeting the
application requirements for all Centers,
a Content Center applicant must—
(1) Describe the proposed approach to
carry out targeted capacity-building
services that increase the use of
evidence-based products or tools
regarding the designated content area
amongst practitioners, education system
leaders, elementary schools and
secondary schools, LEAs, REAs and
TEAs, and SEAs.
(2) Describe the proposed approach to
providing universal capacity-building
services, including how it will develop
evidence-based products or tools
regarding the designated content area;
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widely disseminate such products or
tools to practitioners, education system
leaders, and policymakers in formats
that are high quality, easily accessible,
understandable, and actionable; identify
intended recipients; and align proposed
capacity-building services to client
(3) Demonstrate that key personnel
have appropriate subject matter and
technical assistance expertise to
translate evidence into high-quality
technical assistance services and
products for State and local clients,
including expertise applying adultlearning principles and implementation
science to the delivery of technical
assistance services and products.
Definitions: The definitions of
‘‘capacity-building services,’’ ‘‘client,’’
‘‘collaboration,’’ ‘‘coordination,’’
‘‘educator,’’ ‘‘English learner,’’ ‘‘four
dimensions of capacity-building
services,’’ ‘‘high-leverage problem,’’
‘‘immigrant children and youth,’’
‘‘intensive capacity-building services,’’
‘‘key personnel,’’ ‘‘migratory child,’’
‘‘outcomes,’’ ‘‘recipient,’’ ‘‘regional
educational agency,’’ ‘‘targeted capacitybuilding services,’’ ‘‘three tiers of
capacity-building services,’’ ‘‘tribal
educational agency,’’ and ‘‘universal
capacity-building services’’ are from the
The definitions of ‘‘milestone,’’ and
‘‘outputs’’ are from the Notice of Final
Priorities, Requirements, Definitions,
and Performance Measures—
Comprehensive Centers Program
published in the Federal Register on
April 4, 2019 (84 FR 13122) (2019 NFP).
The definitions of ‘‘logic model’’ and
‘‘demonstrates a rationale’’ are from 34
CFR 77.1.
Capacity-building services means
assistance that strengthens an
individual’s or organization’s ability to
engage in continuous improvement and
achieve expected outcomes.
Client means the organization with
which the Center enters into agreement
for negotiated capacity-building
services. The client is engaged in
defining the high-leverage problems,
capacity-building services, and timebased outcomes for each project noted
in the Center’s annual service plan.
Representatives of clients include but
are not limited to Chief State School
Officers or their designees, LEA leaders,
and other system leaders.
Collaboration means exchanging
information, altering activities, and
sharing in the creation of ideas and
resources to enhance the capacity of one
another for mutual benefit to
accomplish a common goal.
Coordination means exchanging
information, altering activities, and
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synchronizing efforts to make unique
contributions to shared goals.
Demonstrates a rationale means a key
project component included in the
project’s logic model is informed by
research or evaluation findings that
suggest the project component is likely
to improve relevant outcomes.
Educator means an individual who is
a teacher (including an early education
teacher), principal or other school
leader, administrator, specialized
instructional support personnel (e.g.,
school psychologist, counselor, school
social worker, librarian, early
intervention service personnel),
paraprofessional, faculty, and others.
English learner means an individual
who is an English learner as defined in
section 8101(20) of the ESEA, or an
individual who is an English language
learner as defined in section 203(7) of
the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act.
Four dimensions of capacity-building
services are:
(1) Human capacity means
development or improvement of
individual knowledge, skills, technical
expertise, and ability to adapt and be
resilient to policy and leadership
(2) Organizational capacity means
structures that support clear
communication and a shared
understanding of an organization’s
visions and goals, and delineated
individual roles and responsibilities in
functional areas.
(3) Policy capacity means structures
that support alignment, differentiation,
or enactment of local, State, and Federal
policies and initiatives.
(4) Resource capacity means tangible
materials and assets that support
alignment and use of Federal, State,
private, and local funds.
High-leverage problems means
problems that (1) if addressed could
result in substantial improvements for
groups of students with the greatest
need, including for students from lowincome families and for students
attending schools implementing
comprehensive support and
improvement or targeted or additional
targeted support and improvement
activities under ESEA section 1111(d));
(2) are priorities for education
policymakers, particularly at the State
level; and (3) require intensive capacitybuilding services to achieve outcomes
that address the problem.
Immigrant children and youth have
the meaning ascribed in section 3201(5)
of the ESEA.
Intensive capacity-building services
means assistance often provided on-site
and requiring a stable, ongoing
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relationship between the
Comprehensive Center and its clients
and recipients, as well as periodic
reflection, continuous feedback, and use
of evidence-based improvement
strategies. This category of capacitybuilding services should support
increased recipient capacity in more
than one dimension of capacity-building
services and result in medium-term and
long-term outcomes at one or more
system levels.
Key personnel means any personnel
considered to be essential to the work
being performed on the project.
Logic model (also referred to as a
theory of action) means a framework
that identifies key project components
of the proposed project (i.e., the active
‘‘ingredients’’ that are hypothesized to
be critical to achieving the relevant
outcomes) and describes the theoretical
and operational relationships among the
key project components and relevant
Migratory child has the meaning
ascribed it in section 1309(3) of the
Milestone means an activity that must
be completed. Examples include:
Identifying key district administrators
responsible for professional
development, sharing key observations
from needs assessment with district
administrators and identified
stakeholders, preparing a logic model,
planning for State-wide professional
development, identifying subject matter
experts, and conducting train-the-trainer
Outcomes means demonstrable effects
of receiving capacity-building services
and must reflect the result of capacity
built in at least one of the four
dimensions of capacity building.
‘‘Outcomes’’ includes short-term
outcomes, medium-term outcomes, and
long-term outcomes:
(1) Short-term outcomes means effects
of receiving capacity-building services
after 1 year.
(2) Medium-term outcomes means
effects of receiving capacity-building
services after 2 to 3 years.
(3) Long-term outcomes means effects
of receiving capacity-building services
after 4 or more years.
Outputs means products and services
that must be completed. Examples
include: Needs assessment, logic model,
training modules, evaluation plan, and
12 workshop presentations.
Note: A product output under this
program would be considered a
deliverable under the open licensing
regulations at 2 CFR 3474.20.
Recipient means organizations
including, but not limited to, SEAs,
LEAs, REAs, TEAs, and schools that
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have received ‘‘intensive’’ and
‘‘targeted’’ capacity-building services
and products from Regional Centers, or
that received ‘‘targeted’’ or ‘‘universal’’
capacity-building services and products
from the National Center or Content
Regional educational agency means
educational agencies that serve regional
areas within a State.
Targeted capacity-building services
means assistance based on needs
common to multiple clients and
recipients and not extensively
individualized. A relationship is
established between the recipient(s), the
National Center or Content Center, and
Regional Center(s), as appropriate. This
category of capacity-building services
includes one-time, labor-intensive
events, such as facilitating strategic
planning or hosting national or regional
conferences. It can also include services
that extend over a period of time, such
as facilitating a series of conference
calls, virtual or in-person meetings, or
learning communities on single or
multiple topics that are designed around
the needs of the recipients. Facilitating
communities of practice can also be
considered targeted capacity-building
Tribal educational agency has the
meaning ascribed in section 6132(b)(3)
of the ESEA.
Universal capacity-building services
means assistance and information
provided to independent users through
their own initiative, involving minimal
interaction with National or Content
Center staff. This category of capacitybuilding services includes information
or products, such as newsletters,
guidebooks, policy briefs, or research
syntheses, downloaded from the
Center’s website by independent users,
and may include one-time, invited or
offered webinar or conference
presentations by National or Content
Center staff. Brief communications or
consultations by National or Content
Center staff with recipients, either by
telephone or email, are also considered
universal services.
Program Authority: Section 203 of the
Educational Technical Assistance Act of
2002 (ETAA) (20 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.).
Note: Projects will be awarded and
must be operated in a manner consistent
with the nondiscrimination
requirements contained in Federal civil
rights laws.
Applicable Regulations: (a) The
Education Department General
Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR
parts 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98,
and 99. (b) The Office of Management
and Budget Guidelines to Agencies on
Governmentwide Debarment and
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Suspension (Nonprocurement) in 2 CFR
part 180, as adopted and amended as
regulations of the Department in 2 CFR
part 3485. (c) The Uniform
Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirements for
Federal Awards in 2 CFR part 200, as
adopted and amended as regulations of
the Department in 2 CFR part 3474. (d)
The NFP. (e) The 2019 NFP. (f) The
Administrative Priorities.
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part
86 apply to institutions of higher
education only.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative
Note: The details of the Department’s
involvement will be included in the
Cooperative Agreement with each
Estimated Available Funds:
The total amount of funds available
for the Comprehensive Center program
for FY 2024 is $50 million, of which we
intend to use an estimated $46,153,544
for this competition. Of that, an
estimated $6 million will be used to
fund the National Center, an estimated
$35,153,544 will be used to fund
Regional Centers, and an estimated $5
million will be used to fund Content
Centers. FY 2024 funds will support
awards for the first budget period of the
project, which is the first 12 months of
the project period. Funding for the
subsequent budget periods of years two
through five (FY 2025 through FY 2028)
is contingent on appropriation levels.
Estimates of funding levels for FY 2024
and subsequent budget periods are
provided below, as well as the estimated
range of awards.
Contingent upon the availability of
funds and the quality of applications,
we may make additional awards in
subsequent years from the list of
unfunded applications from this
Estimated Range of Awards:
For the National Center: $6,000,000 to
National Center: $6,000,000
For Regional Centers: $1,000,000 to
The following are the estimated
annual award amounts by region.
Applicants should propose project
budgets that do not exceed the
estimated amounts for each Center.
Annual funding estimates are based on
a funding formula that considers factors
aligned to regional needs as outlined in
section 203 of the ETAA. Regional
Center awards will be allocated in FY
2024 and subsequent years based on the
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Notices
established formula and may take into
consideration changes in regional needs
and the availability of funds.
Region 1 (Northeast): $2,380,489
Region 2 (Islands): $1,250,000
Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic): $1,931,528
Region 4 (Appalachia): $1,804,312
Region 5 (Southeast): $2,262,959
Region 6 (Gulf): $2,450,688
Region 7 (Midwest): $4,608,921
Region 8 (Central): $2,379,571
Region 9 (Southwest): $5,039,769
Region 10 (West): $4,487,656
Region 11 (Northwest): $3,057,651
Region 12 (Pacific 1): $1,250,000
Region 13 (Pacific 2): $1,250,000
Region 14 (Bureau of Indian Education):
For Content Centers: $1,150,000 to
Center on English Learners and
Multilingualism: $1,150,000
Center for Early School Success:
Center on Fiscal Equity: $1,150,000
Center on Strengthening and Supporting
the Educator Workforce: $1,550,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 19. The
Secretary intends to make 14 awards to
support Regional Centers to serve States
within defined geographic boundaries; 1
award to support the National Center;
and 4 awards to support Content
Note: The Department is not bound by
any estimates in this notice.
Note: An additional Content Center,
funded in response to 2016
appropriations language and a new
authority in the ESEA, focuses on
students at risk of not attaining full
literacy skills due to a disability. That
Center is not being awarded as part of
this competition.
Project Period: Up to 60 months.
b. Indirect Cost Rate Information: This
program uses an unrestricted indirect
cost rate. For more information
regarding indirect costs, or to obtain a
negotiated indirect cost rate, please see
c. Administrative Cost Limitation:
This program does not include any
program-specific limitation on
administrative expenses. All
administrative expenses must be
reasonable and necessary and conform
to Cost Principles described in 2 CFR
part 200 subpart E of the Uniform
3. Subgrantees: Under 34 CFR
75.708(b) and (c) a grantee under this
competition may award subgrants—to
directly carry out project activities
described in its application—to the
following types of entities: Research
organizations, institutions, agencies,
IHEs, or partnerships among such
entities, or individuals, with the
demonstrated ability or capacity to carry
out the activities described in this
notice. The grantee may award
subgrants to entities it has identified in
an approved application.
4. Limitation on Applications: An
application must clearly respond to
either Priority 1—National Center,
Priority 2—Regional Centers, or Priority
3—Content Centers. If an applicant
wishes to apply to operate more than
one Center, the applicant must submit a
separate application for each Center it
wishes to serve. The Department
intends to create 19 separate funding
slates, one for the National Center, one
for each Regional Center, and one for
each Content Center. The Department
anticipates funding a single award on
each funding slate.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: Research
organizations, institutions, agencies,
IHEs, or partnerships among such
entities, or individuals, with the
demonstrated ability or capacity to carry
out the activities described in this
notice, including regional entities that
carried out activities under the
Educational Research, Development,
Dissemination, and Improvement Act of
1994 (as such Act existed on the day
before November 5, 2002) and title XIII
of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965 (as such title
existed on the day before January 8,
2002). A group of eligible entities may
apply as a consortium, in accordance
with the requirements in 34 CFR
2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: This
competition does not require cost
sharing or matching.
IV. Application and Submission
1. Application Submission
Instructions: Applicants are required to
follow the Common Instructions for
Applicants to Department of Education
Discretionary Grant Programs,
published in the Federal Register on
December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and
available at
common-instructions-for-applicants-todepartment-of-education-discretionarygrant-programs, which contain
requirements and information on how to
submit an application.
2. Submission of Proprietary
Information: Given the types of projects
that may be proposed in applications for
the Comprehensive Center Program FY
2024 competition, your application may
include business information that you
consider proprietary. In 34 CFR 5.11 we
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define ‘‘business information’’ and
describe the process we use in
determining whether any of that
information is proprietary and, thus,
protected from disclosure under
Exemption 4 of the Freedom of
Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552, as
amended). Because we plan to make
successful applications available to the
public, you may wish to request
confidentiality of business information.
Consistent with Executive Order
12600, please designate in your
application any information that you
believe is exempt from disclosure under
Exemption 4. In the appropriate
Appendix section of your application,
under ‘‘Other Attachments Form,’’
please list the page number or numbers
on which we can find this information.
For additional information please see 34
CFR 5.11(c).
3. Intergovernmental Review: This
program competition is subject to
Executive Order 12372 and the
regulations in 34 CFR part 79.
Information about Intergovernmental
Review of Federal Programs under
Executive Order 12372 is in the
application package for this
4. Funding Restrictions: We reference
regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
5. Recommended Page Limit: The
application narrative is where you, the
applicant, address the selection criteria
that reviewers use to evaluate your
application. We recommend that you (1)
limit the application narrative to no
more than 100 pages and (2) use the
following standards:
• A ‘‘page’’ is 8.5″ x 11″, on one side
only, with 1″ margins at the top, bottom,
and both sides.
• Double space (no more than three
lines per vertical inch) all text in the
application narrative, including titles,
headings, footnotes, quotations,
references, and captions, as well as all
text in charts, tables, figures, and
• Use a font that is either 12 point or
larger or no smaller than 10 pitch
(characters per inch).
• Use one of the following fonts:
Times New Roman, Courier, Courier
New, or Arial.
The recommended page limit does not
apply to the cover sheet; the budget
section, including the narrative budget
justification; the assurances and
certifications; or the one-page abstract,
the resumes, the bibliography, or the
letters of support. However, the
recommended page limit does apply to
all of the application narrative.
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6. Notice of Intent to Apply: The
Department will be able to review grant
applications more efficiently if we know
the approximate number of applicants
that intend to apply. Therefore, we
strongly encourage each potential
applicant to notify us of their intent to
submit an application. To do so, please
email the program contact person listed
CONTACT with the subject line ‘‘Intent to
Apply,’’ and include the applicant’s
name and a contact person’s name and
email address. Applicants that do not
submit a notice of intent to apply may
still apply for funding; applicants that
do submit a notice of intent to apply are
not bound to apply or bound by the
information provided.
V. Application Review Information
1. Selection Criteria: The selection
criteria for this competition are from the
The maximum possible score for
addressing all selection criteria is 100
points for Regional and Content Centers,
and 125 points for the National Center.
The maximum score for each criterion is
included in parentheses following the
title of the specific selection criterion.
Each criterion also includes the factors
that reviewers will consider in
determining the extent to which an
applicant meets the criterion.
Priority 1—National Center Selection
(a) Approach to Capacity Building
(Up to 35 points). In determining the
overall quality of the approach to
capacity building of the proposed
project, the Secretary considers the
following factors.
(1) The extent to which the applicant
demonstrates an exceptional approach
to developing and delivering highquality, useful, and relevant capacitybuilding services that are likely to
achieve desired recipient outcomes,
including targeted and universal
capacity-building services that would be
expected to assist SEAs, REAs, TEAs,
LEAs, and Regional Center clients and
recipients, including those who do not
proactively request assistance, to
address the activities described in the
priority. (20 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed
approach to capacity building provides
strategies that address the technical
assistance needs of State and local
educational systems in key areas of
identified need, as evidenced by indepth knowledge and understanding of
implementation challenges faced by
States; evidence-based practices related
to teaching, learning, and development;
needs of schools designated for
improvement; needs to improve core
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instruction; and emerging education
topics of national importance. (15
(b) Quality of Project Design (Up to 50
points). In determining the quality of the
project design of the proposed center for
which the applicant is applying, the
Secretary considers the following
(1) The extent to which the proposed
performance management and
evaluation system and processes
demonstrate an exceptional approach to
integrating continuous improvement
processes and evaluation that will result
in regular and ongoing improvement in
the quality of the services provided and
increase the likelihood that recipient
outcomes are achieved. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed
stakeholder engagement system is likely
to result in a high level of engagement
with multiple potential beneficiaries or
participants involved in or impacted by
the proposed capacity-building
activities to ensure that the proposed
services reflect their needs, are relevant
and useful, and reach the largest
number of recipients possible. (10
(3) The extent to which the proposed
personnel management system includes
effective processes to enable hiring,
developing, supervising, and retaining a
team of subject matter and technical
assistance experts, consultants, and
professional staff, and ensure
availability of appropriate expertise and
staffing at a level sufficient to effectively
execute the responsibilities of key
personnel to achieve the goals of the
project. (10 points)
(4) The extent to which the proposed
partnerships represent an intentional
approach to collaboration that is likely
to reduce client burden and to ensure
that Federal resources are being used
most efficiently and effectively to meet
a variety of needs across federally
funded providers. (5 points)
(5) The extent to which the proposed
project represents an exceptional
management approach to coordination,
collaboration, and communication of
the complex work of the CCNetwork.
(15 points)
(c) Subject Matter and Technical
Assistance Expertise (Up to 40 points).
In determining the subject matter and
technical assistance expertise of key
project personnel, the Secretary
considers the extent to which the
applicant encourages applications for
employment from persons who are
members of groups that have
historically been underrepresented
based on race, color, national origin,
gender, age, or disability. (5 points)
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In addition, the Secretary considers
the following factors.
(1) The extent to which key project
personnel demonstrate the required
subject matter expertise and relevant
knowledge, understanding, and
experience in operating and
administering State and local
educational systems to effectively
support recipients. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the applicant
has demonstrated exceptional technical
assistance expertise in providing highquality, timely, relevant, and useful
technical assistance and capacitybuilding services to State and local
educational systems. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the applicant
has demonstrated the ability to develop
new and ongoing partnerships with
leading experts and organizations
nationwide or regionally, as
appropriate, that enhance its ability to
provide high-quality technical
assistance and subject-matter expertise.
(10 points)
(4) The extent to which the applicant
has demonstrated ability in operating a
project of such scope. (5 points)
Priority 2—Regional Centers Selection
(a) Approach to Capacity Building
(Up to 35 points). In determining the
overall quality of the approach to
capacity building of the proposed
project, the Secretary considers the
following factors.
(1) The extent to which the applicant
demonstrates an exceptional approach
to developing and delivering highquality, useful, and relevant capacitybuilding services that are likely to
achieve desired recipient outcomes,
including intensive capacity services
that would be expected to assist clients
and recipients to address the activities
described in the priority. (20 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed
approach to capacity building provides
strategies that address the technical
assistance needs of State and local
educational systems in key areas of
identified need, as evidenced by indepth knowledge and understanding of
the specific educational goals and
priorities of the States to be served by
the applicant, including emerging
priorities based on State-led reform
efforts, and the applicable State and
regional demographics, policy contexts,
and other factors and their relevance to
improving educational opportunities
and outcomes, closing achievement
gaps, and improving instruction. (15
(b) Quality of Project Design (Up to 35
points). In determining the quality of the
project design of the proposed Center
for which the applicant is applying, the
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Secretary considers the following
(1) The extent to which the proposed
performance management and
evaluation system and processes
demonstrate an exceptional approach to
integrating continuous improvement
processes and evaluation that will result
in regular and ongoing improvement in
the quality of the services provided and
increase the likelihood that recipient
outcomes are achieved. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed
stakeholder engagement system is likely
to result in a high level of engagement
with multiple potential beneficiaries or
participants involved in or impacted by
the proposed capacity-building
activities to ensure that the proposed
services reflect their needs, are
delivered in a manner that is relevant
and useful, and reach the largest
number of recipients possible. (10
(3) The extent to which the proposed
personnel management system includes
effective processes to enable hiring,
developing, supervising, and retaining a
team of subject matter and technical
assistance experts, consultants and
professional staff, and ensure
availability of appropriate expertise and
staffing at a level sufficient to effectively
execute the responsibilities of key
personnel to achieve the goals of the
project. (10 points)
(4) The extent to which the proposed
partnerships represent an intentional
approach to collaboration that is likely
to reduce client burden and to ensure
that Federal resources are being used
most efficiently and effectively to meet
a variety of needs across federally
funded providers. (5 points)
(c) Subject Matter and Technical
Assistance Expertise (Up to 30 points).
In determining the subject matter and
technical assistance expertise of key
project personnel, the Secretary
considers the extent to which the
applicant encourages applications for
employment from persons who are
members of groups that have
historically been underrepresented
based on race, color, national origin,
gender, age, or disability. (5 points)
In addition, the Secretary considers
the following factors.
(1) The extent to which key project
personnel demonstrate the required
subject matter expertise and relevant
knowledge, understanding, and
experience in operating and
administering State and local
educational systems to effectively
support recipients. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the applicant
has demonstrated exceptional technical
assistance expertise in providing high-
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quality, timely, relevant, and useful
technical assistance and capacitybuilding services to State and local
educational systems. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the applicant
has demonstrated the ability to develop
new and ongoing partnerships with
leading experts and organizations
nationwide or regionally, as
appropriate, that enhance its ability to
provide high-quality technical
assistance and subject-matter expertise.
(5 points)
Priority 3—Selection Criteria for
Content Centers.
(a) Approach to Capacity Building
(Up to 35 points). In determining the
overall quality of the approach to
capacity building of the proposed
project, the Secretary considers the
following factors.
(1) The extent to which the applicant
demonstrates an exceptional approach
to developing and delivering highquality, useful, and relevant capacitybuilding services that are likely to
achieve desired recipient outcomes,
including targeted and universal
capacity-building services that would be
expected to assist clients and recipients,
including those who do not proactively
request assistance, to address activities
described in the priority related to the
designated content area. (20 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed
approach to capacity building provides
strategies that address the technical
assistance needs of State and local
educational systems in key areas of
identified need, as evidenced by indepth knowledge and understanding of
State technical assistance needs and
evidence-based practices related to the
Content Center priority for which the
applicant is applying. (15 points)
(b) Quality of Project Design (Up to 35
points). In determining the quality of the
project design of the proposed Center
for which the applicant is applying, the
Secretary considers the following
(1) The extent to which the proposed
performance management and
evaluation system and processes
demonstrate an exceptional approach to
integrating continuous improvement
processes and evaluation that will result
in regular and ongoing improvement in
the quality of the services provided and
increase the likelihood that recipient
outcomes are achieved. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed
stakeholder engagement system is likely
to result in a high level of engagement
with multiple potential beneficiaries or
participants involved in or impacted by
the proposed capacity-building
activities to ensure that the proposed
services reflect their needs, are
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delivered in a manner that is relevant
and useful, and reach the largest
number of recipients possible. (10
(3) The extent to which the proposed
personnel management system includes
effective processes to enable hiring,
developing, supervising, and retaining a
team of subject matter and technical
assistance experts, consultants and
professional staff, and ensure
availability of appropriate expertise and
staffing at a level sufficient to effectively
execute the responsibilities of key
personnel to achieve the goals of the
project. (10 points)
(4) The extent to which the proposed
partnerships represent an intentional
approach to collaboration that is likely
to reduce client burden and to ensure
that Federal resources are being used
most efficiently and effectively to meet
a variety of needs across federally
funded providers. (5 points)
(c) Subject Matter and Technical
Assistance Expertise (Up to 30 points).
In determining the subject matter and
technical assistance expertise of key
project personnel, the Secretary
considers the extent to which the
applicant encourages applications for
employment from persons who are
members of groups that have
historically been underrepresented
based on race, color, national origin,
gender, age, or disability. (5 points)
In addition, the Secretary considers
the following factors.
(1) The extent to which key project
personnel demonstrate the required
subject matter expertise and relevant
knowledge, understanding, and
experience in operating and
administering State and local
educational systems to effectively
support recipients. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the applicant
has demonstrated exceptional technical
assistance expertise in providing highquality, timely, relevant, and useful
technical assistance and capacitybuilding services to State and local
educational systems. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the applicant
has demonstrated the ability to develop
new and ongoing partnerships with
leading experts and organizations
nationwide or regionally, as
appropriate, that enhance its ability to
provide high-quality technical
assistance and subject-matter expertise.
(5 points)
2. Review and Selection Process: We
remind potential applicants that in
reviewing applications in any
discretionary grant competition, the
Secretary may consider, under 34 CFR
75.217(d)(3), the past performance of the
applicant in carrying out a previous
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award, such as the applicant’s use of
funds, achievement of project
objectives, and compliance with grant
conditions. The Secretary may also
consider whether the applicant failed to
submit a timely performance report or
submitted a report of unacceptable
In addition, in making a competitive
grant award, the Secretary requires
various assurances, including those
applicable to Federal civil rights laws
that prohibit discrimination in programs
or activities receiving Federal financial
assistance from the Department (34 CFR
100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
Additional factors we consider in
selecting an application for an award are
as follows:
Geographic distribution: Under the
ETAA (20 U.S.C. 9602 (a)(2)(A)), the
Secretary must ensure that not less than
one Comprehensive Center is
established in each of the 10 geographic
regions served by the Regional
Educational Laboratories. The Secretary
will consider the location of the
proposed Regional Centers in the
selection and negotiation of cooperative
agreements to ensure that this
requirement is met.
Tiebreaker: If two or more applicants
for any one Center receive the same total
scores, the Secretary will select among
the tied applications, as appropriate,
according to the following factors:
1. An application that scores higher
on a selection criterion following this
order will be ranked higher than an
application with the same overall score:
Quality of Project Design; Subject Matter
and Technical Assistance Expertise; and
the Approach to Capacity Building.
2. If still tied after implementing the
first tiebreaker, the applicant that is a
new potential grantee (as measured by
the Competitive Preference Priority) will
be ranked higher than an application
with the same overall score.
3. If still tied after implementing the
second tiebreaker, the applicant that has
gone the longest without receiving a
Comprehensive Centers grant will be
ranked higher than an applicant with
the same overall score.
4. If still tied after implementing the
third tiebreaker, an applicant that has
not received the highest overall score in
this competition for any other Center
will be ranked higher than an applicant
that has received the highest overall
score in this competition for any other
3. Risk Assessment and Specific
Conditions: Consistent with 2 CFR
200.206, before awarding grants under
this program the Department conducts a
review of the risks posed by applicants.
Under 2 CFR 200.208, the Secretary may
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impose specific conditions and, under 2
CFR 3474.10, in appropriate
circumstances, high-risk conditions on a
grant if the applicant or grantee is not
financially stable; has a history of
unsatisfactory performance; has a
financial or other management system
that does not meet the standards in 2
CFR part 200, subpart D; has not
fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant;
or is otherwise not responsible.
4. Integrity and Performance System:
If you are selected under this
competition to receive an award that
over the course of the project period
may exceed the simplified acquisition
threshold (currently $250,000), under 2
CFR 200.206(a)(2) we must make a
judgment about your integrity, business
ethics, and record of performance under
Federal awards—that is, the risk posed
by you as an applicant—before we make
an award. In doing so, we must consider
any information about you that is in the
integrity and performance system
(currently referred to as the Federal
Awardee Performance and Integrity
Information System (FAPIIS)),
accessible through the System for
Award Management. You may review
and comment on any information about
yourself that a Federal agency
previously entered and that is currently
Please note that, if the total value of
your currently active grants, cooperative
agreements, and procurement contracts
from the Federal Government exceeds
$10,000,000, the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 200, appendix XII, require
you to report certain integrity
information to FAPIIS semiannually.
Please review the requirements in 2 CFR
part 200, appendix XII, if this grant plus
all the other Federal funds you receive
exceed $10,000,000.
5. In General: In accordance with the
Office of Management and Budget’s
guidance, 2 CFR part 200, all applicable
Federal laws, and relevant Executive
guidance, the Department will review
and consider applications for funding
pursuant to this notice inviting
applications in accordance with:
(a) Selecting recipients most likely to
be successful in delivering results based
on the program objectives through an
objective process of evaluating Federal
award applications (2 CFR 200.205);
(b) Prohibiting the purchase of certain
telecommunication and video
surveillance services or equipment in
alignment with section 889 of the
National Defense Authorization Act of
2019 (Pub. L. 115—232) (2 CFR
(c) Providing a preference, to the
extent permitted by law, to maximize
use of goods, products, and materials
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produced in the United States (2 CFR
200.322); and
(d) Terminating agreements in whole
or in part to the greatest extent
authorized by law if an award no longer
effectuates the program goals or agency
priorities (2 CFR 200.340).
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application
is successful, we notify your U.S.
Representative and U.S. Senators and
send you a Grant Award Notification
(GAN); or we may send you an email
containing a link to access an electronic
version of your GAN. We may notify
you informally, also.
If your application is not evaluated or
not selected for funding, we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy
Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy
requirements in the application package
and reference these and other
requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining
the terms and conditions of an award in
the Applicable Regulations section of
this notice and include these and other
specific conditions in the GAN. The
GAN also incorporates your approved
application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Open Licensing Requirements:
Unless an exception applies, if you are
awarded a grant under this competition,
you will be required to openly license
to the public grant deliverables created
in whole, or in part, with Department
grant funds. When the deliverable
consists of modifications to pre-existing
works, the license extends only to those
modifications that can be separately
identified and only to the extent that
open licensing is permitted under the
terms of any licenses or other legal
restrictions on the use of pre-existing
works. Additionally, a grantee or
subgrantee that is awarded competitive
grant funds must have a plan to
disseminate these public grant
deliverables. This dissemination plan
can be developed and submitted after
your application has been reviewed and
selected for funding. For additional
information on the open licensing
requirements please refer to 2 CFR
4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a
grant under this competition, you must
ensure that you have in place the
necessary processes and systems to
comply with the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 170 should you receive
funding under the competition. This
does not apply if you have an exception
under 2 CFR 170.110(b).
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(b) At the end of your project period,
you must submit a final performance
report, including financial information,
as directed by the Secretary. If you
receive a multiyear award, you must
submit an annual performance report
that provides the most current
performance and financial expenditure
information as directed by the Secretary
under 34 CFR 75.118. The Secretary
may also require more frequent
performance reports under 34 CFR
75.720(c). For specific requirements on
reporting, please go to
Note: Consistent with 2 CFR
200.315(b) and other applicable law, the
Department may make reports,
deliverables, outputs, or materials
produced by Comprehensive Centers
publicly available. This may include
requesting that the Comprehensive
Centers disseminate reports,
deliverables, outputs, or materials to a
wide audience (e.g., through their
websites, social media, or other publicfacing channels).
5. Performance Measures: For the
purposes of reporting under 34 CFR
75.110, the following measures
established in the 2019 NFP will be
used by the Department to evaluate the
effectiveness of each Center, as well as
the Comprehensive Centers Program as
a whole:
Measure 1: The extent to which
Comprehensive Center clients are
satisfied with the quality, usefulness,
and relevance of services provided.
Measure 2: The extent to which
Comprehensive Centers provide services
and products to a wide range of
Measure 3: The extent to which
Comprehensive Centers demonstrate
that capacity-building services were
implemented as intended.
Measure 4: The extent to which
Comprehensive Centers demonstrate
recipient outcomes were met.
6. Continuation Awards: In making a
continuation award under 34 CFR
75.253, the Secretary considers, among
other things, whether a grantee has
made substantial progress in achieving
the goals and objectives of the project;
whether the grantee has expended funds
in a manner that is consistent with its
approved application and budget; and,
if the Secretary has established
performance measurement
requirements, whether the grantee has
made substantial progress in achieving
the performance targets in the grantee’s
approved application.
In making a continuation award, the
Secretary also considers whether the
grantee is operating in compliance with
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:33 May 10, 2024
Jkt 262001
the assurances in its approved
application, including those applicable
to Federal civil rights laws that prohibit
discrimination in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance
from the Department (34 CFR 100.4,
104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
VII. Other Information
Accessible Format: On request to the
program contact person listed under FOR
individuals with disabilities can obtain
this document and a copy of the
application package in an accessible
format. The Department will provide the
requestor with an accessible format that
may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or
text format (txt), a thumb drive, an MP3
file, braille, large print, audiotape, or
compact disc, or other accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register.You may access the official
edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations at At this site, you can
view this document, as well as all other
documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Portable Document Format
(PDF). To use PDF, you must have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Adam Schott,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary,
Delegated the Authority to Perform the
Functions and Duties of the Assistant
Secretary, Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2024–09876 Filed 5–10–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket No.: ED–2024–SCC–0034]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Comment Request;
Follow-Up Surveys to the 2023–24
NTPS: 2024–25 Teacher Follow-Up
Survey (TFS) and 2024–25 Principal
National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), Department of
Education (ED).
PO 00000
Frm 00051
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, the Department is proposing a
revision of a currently approved
information collection request (ICR).
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before June 12,
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for proposed
information collection requests should
be submitted within 30 days of
publication of this notice. Click on this
PRAMain to access the site. Find this
information collection request (ICR) by
selecting ‘‘Department of Education’’
under ‘‘Currently Under Review,’’ then
check the ‘‘Only Show ICR for Public
Comment’’ checkbox.
provides two links to view documents
related to this information collection
request. Information collection forms
and instructions may be found by
clicking on the ‘‘View Information
Collection (IC) List’’ link. Supporting
statements and other supporting
documentation may be found by
clicking on the ‘‘View Supporting
Statement and Other Documents’’ link.
specific questions related to collection
activities, please contact Carrie Clarady,
(202) 245–6347.
Department is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Follow-Up Surveys
to the 2023–24 NTPS: 2024–25 Teacher
Follow-Up Survey (TFS) and 2024–25
Principal Follow-Up.
OMB Control Number: 1850–0617.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved ICR.
Respondents/Affected Public:
Individuals or Households.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 25,427.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 3,868.
Abstract: This request is to conduct
data collection for the two follow-up
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 93 (Monday, May 13, 2024)]
[Pages 41409-41422]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-09876]
Applications for New Awards; Comprehensive Centers Program
AGENCY: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of Education (Department) is issuing a notice
inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 2024 for the
Comprehensive Centers (CC) Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.283B.
This notice relates to the approved information collection under OMB
control number 1894-0006.
Applications Available: May 16, 2024.
Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: June 7, 2024. Potential
applicants are strongly encouraged to notify the Department of their
intent to apply to support us in planning for a more efficient review
of applications. Notification is optional and non-binding. For more
information see Section IV: Application and Submission Information.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: June 24, 2024.
Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: August 22, 2024.
Pre-Application Webinar Information: No later than May 30, 2024,
the Department will begin holding webinars to provide technical
assistance to interested applicants on key application-related topics.
Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to participate or review
the accompanying materials available online. Updated information can be
found on the Comprehensive Center website at Recordings of all webinars will be
available on the Comprehensive Center website following the sessions.
ADDRESSES: For the addresses for obtaining and submitting an
application, please refer to our Common Instructions for Applicants to
Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the
Federal Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045), and available at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Michelle Daley, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Room 4B112, Washington, DC 20202-
5970. Telephone: (202) 987-1057. Email:
[email protected].
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability and
wish to access telecommunications relay services, please dial 7-1-1.
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The Comprehensive Centers Program supports the
establishment of Comprehensive Centers to provide capacity-building
services to State educational agencies (SEAs), regional educational
agencies (REAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools that
improve educational opportunities and outcomes, close achievement gaps,
and improve the quality of instruction for all students, and
particularly for groups of students with the greatest need, including
students from low-income families and students attending schools
[[Page 41410]]
implementing comprehensive support and improvement or targeted or
additional targeted support and improvement activities under section
1111(d) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as
amended (ESEA).
Background: We have published elsewhere in this issue of the
Federal Register a notice of final priorities, requirements,
definitions, and selection criteria (NFP) for use in this and future
Comprehensive Center Program competitions. In developing priorities for
this program, the Department consulted with education stakeholders,
including through Regional Advisory Committees (RACs) established under
section 206 of the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002 (ETAA),
Tribes, chief State school officers, chief executive officers of
States, and Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) governing boards.
Additionally, the Department received public comment on a notice of
proposed priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria
for this program published in the Federal Register on January 23, 2024
(89 FR 4228).
The Department designed the priorities, requirements, definitions,
and selection criteria for the Comprehensive Centers to support high-
quality capacity-building services to State, regional, and local
educational agencies and schools that improve educational opportunities
and outcomes, close opportunity and achievement gaps, and improve the
quality of instruction for all students. The Department seeks to
maximize the ability of the Comprehensive Centers to be flexible and
responsive to specific State and local client needs while also
providing leadership and focused support on issues of national
importance to support education systems through a time of continued
challenge and transition. This approach aligns with ``Raise the Bar:
Lead the World'' (RTB)--the Department's call to action to all
stakeholders to transform pre-kindergarten through postsecondary
education and unite the field around evidence-based strategies that
advance educational equity and excellence for all students.
Specifically, through the absolute priorities in this competition, the
Department will establish a network of Comprehensive Centers
(CCNetwork) comprised of a National Comprehensive Center (National
Center), Regional Comprehensive Centers (Regional Centers), and Content
Centers working together to support SEAs, REAs, Tribal education
agencies (TEAs), LEAs, and schools to address areas of national need
and advance several key focus areas, including to assist States and
districts in academic achievement and excellence, to offer all students
a comprehensive and rigorous education, to eliminate the educator
shortage, to provide every student with a pathway to multilingualism,
and to provide schools with adequate and equitable funding.
Priorities: This competition includes three absolute priorities and
one competitive preference priority. Absolute Priorities 1, 2, and 3
are from the NFP. The competitive preference priority is from the
Administrative Priorities for Discretionary Grant Programs published in
the Federal Register on March 9, 2020 (85 FR 13640) (Administrative
Absolute Priorities: For FY 2024 and any subsequent year in which
we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this
competition, these priorities are absolute priorities. Under 34 CFR
75.105(c)(3), we consider only applications that meet one of these
priorities. If an applicant wishes to apply to operate more than one
Center, the applicant must submit a separate application for each
Center it wishes to serve. See the ``Limitation on Applications''
section for more information.
These priorities are:
Absolute Priority 1: National Comprehensive Center.
Projects that propose to establish a National Center to (1) provide
high-quality, high-impact technical assistance and capacity-building
services to the Nation that are designed to improve educational
opportunities, educator practice, and student outcomes and (2)
coordinate the work of the CCNetwork to effectively use program
resources to support evidence use and the implementation of evidence-
based (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1) practices to close opportunity gaps
and improve educational outcomes, particularly accelerating academic
achievement in math and literacy for all students, and particularly for
groups of students with the greatest need, including students from low-
income families and students attending schools implementing
comprehensive support and improvement or targeted or additional
targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111(d) of
the ESEA, in a manner that reaches and supports as many SEAs, REAs,
TEAs, LEAs, and schools in need of services as possible.
The National Center must design and implement an effective approach
to providing high-quality, useful, and relevant universal, targeted,
and, as appropriate and in partnership with Regional Centers, intensive
capacity-building services that are likely to achieve desired recipient
outcomes. The approach must be driven by adult learning principles and
incorporate implementation, improvement, and systems change frameworks,
and must promote alignment across interconnected areas of need,
programs, and agency systems.
The National Center must implement effective strategies for
coordinating and collaborating with the Regional Centers and Content
Centers to assess educational needs; coordinate common areas of support
across Centers; communicate about the work of the CCNetwork, including
sharing and disseminating information about CCNetwork services, tools,
and resources to maximize the reach of the CCNetwork across clients and
education stakeholders; coordinate with other federally funded
providers regarding the work of the CCNetwork and help clients navigate
available support; and support the selection, implementation, scale-up,
and dissemination of evidence-based practices that will improve
educational opportunities and outcomes, particularly academic
achievement in math and literacy, and close achievement gaps for all
students, particularly for groups of students with the greatest need,
including students from low-income families and students attending
schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement or targeted
or additional targeted support and improvement activities under section
1111(d) of the ESEA.
Services must address: common high-leverage problems identified in
Regional Center service plans (as outlined in the Program Requirements
for the National Center); findings from finalized Department monitoring
reports or audit findings; implementation challenges faced by States
and LEAs related to teaching, learning, and development; needs of
schools designated for improvement; needs related to closing
opportunity and achievement gaps; needs to improve core academic
instruction; and emerging education topics of national importance.
The National Center must provide universal and targeted capacity-
building services that demonstrably assist SEAs, REAs, TEAs, LEAs, and
Regional Center clients and recipients to--
(1) Implement approved ESEA Consolidated State Plans, with
preference given to implementing and scaling evidence-based programs,
practices, and interventions that directly benefit entities that have
high percentages or numbers of students from low-income families as
referenced in
[[Page 41411]]
title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec. 1113(a)(5));
(2) Implement and scale up evidence-based programs, practices, and
interventions that lead to the increased capacity of SEAs and LEAs to
address the unique educational challenges and improve outcomes of
schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities
or targeted or additional targeted support and improvement activities
as referenced in title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec. 1111(d)) and
their students;
(3) Implement State accountability and assessment systems
consistent with title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA section 1111(b)-(d)),
including the requirement for States to conduct resource allocation
reviews under ESEA section 1111(d)(3)(A)(ii);
(4) Implement and scale up evidence-based programs, practices, and
interventions that improve instruction and outcomes in core academic
subjects, including math and literacy instruction;
(5) Address the unique educational obstacles faced by rural and
Tribal students; and
(6) Implement and scale up evidence-based programs, practices, and
interventions that address other emerging education topics of national
importance that are not being met by another federally funded technical
assistance provider (e.g., best practices in the use of education
technology, student support strategies promoting digital literacy and
access, or supporting asylum seekers and newly arrived immigrant
children and youth or migratory students and their families).
An applicant under this priority must demonstrate how it will
cultivate a network of national subject matter experts from a diverse
set of perspectives or organizations to provide capacity-building
support to Regional Centers and clients regarding the ESEA topical
areas listed above and other emerging education issues of national
Absolute Priority 2: Regional Centers.
Projects that propose to establish Regional Centers to provide
high-quality, useful, and relevant intensive capacity-building services
to State and local clients and recipients to assist them in selecting,
implementing, and sustaining evidence-based programs, practices, and
interventions that will result in improved educator practice and
student outcomes, especially in math and literacy. The approach must be
driven by adult learning principles and incorporate implementation,
improvement, and systems change frameworks.
Each Regional Center must provide high-quality, useful, and
relevant capacity-building services that demonstrably assist clients
and recipients in--
(1) Carrying out Consolidated State Plans approved under the ESEA,
with preference given to the implementation and scaling up of evidence-
based programs, practices, and interventions that directly benefit
recipients that have high percentages or numbers of students from low-
income families as referenced in title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec.
1113(a)(5)) and recipients that are implementing comprehensive support
and improvement activities or targeted or additional targeted support
and improvement activities as referenced in title I, part A of the ESEA
(ESEA sec. 1111(d)), including the requirement for States to conduct
resource allocation reviews required under ESEA section
(2) Implementing, scaling up, and sustaining evidence-based
programs, practices, or interventions that focus on key initiatives
that lead to LEAs and schools improving student outcomes. Key
initiatives may include implementing evidence-based practices to help
accelerate academic achievement in math and literacy (including high-
impact tutoring, high-quality summer and after-school learning and
enrichment, and effective interventions to reduce chronic absenteeism
and increase student engagement), improving core academic instruction,
implementing innovative and promising approaches to systems of high-
quality assessment (including diagnostic, formative and interim
assessments to inform instructional design), addressing educator
shortages (including recruitment, preparation, and retention), or
developing aligned and integrated agency systems;
(3) Addressing the unique educational obstacles faced by
underserved populations, including students from low-income families,
students of color, students living in rural areas, Tribal students,
English learners, students in foster care, migratory children,
immigrant children and youth, and other student populations with
specific needs defined in the ESEA, which may include neglected,
delinquent, and at-risk children and youth, and homeless children and
youths; and
(4) Improving implementation of ESEA programs including collecting
and reporting program data and addressing corrective actions or results
from audit findings and ESEA program monitoring, conducted by the
Department, that are programmatic in nature, at the request of the
Regional Centers must effectively work with the National Center and
Content Centers, as needed, to assist clients in selecting,
implementing, and sustaining evidence-based programs, policies,
practices, and interventions; and must develop cost-effective
strategies to make their services available to as many SEAs, REAs,
TEAs, LEAs, and schools within the region in need of support as
Applicants must propose to operate a Regional Center in one of the
following regions:
Region 1 (Northeast): Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire,
New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Region 2 (Islands): Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic): Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania
Region 4 (Appalachia): Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 5 (Southeast): Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina
Region 6 (Gulf): Alabama, Florida, Mississippi
Region 7 (Midwest): Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota,
Region 8 (Central): Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Wyoming
Region 9 (Southwest): Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Region 10 (West): Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah
Region 11 (Northwest): Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana
Region 12 (Pacific 1): American Samoa, Hawaii, Republic of the Marshall
Region 13 (Pacific 2): Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,
Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Palau
Region 14: Bureau of Indian Education
Absolute Priority 3: Content Centers.
Projects that propose to establish Content Centers to provide high-
quality, useful, and relevant targeted and universal capacity-building
services in a designated content area of expertise to SEA, REA, TEA,
and LEA clients designed to improve educational opportunities, educator
practice, and student outcomes.
Content Centers must be designed to build the capacity of
practitioners, education system leaders, public schools serving
preschool through 12th grades (P-12) (which may include Head Start and
community-based preschool), LEAs, and SEAs to use evidence in the
designated content area. Capacity-
[[Page 41412]]
building services may include, for example, developing evidence-based
products and tools, and providing services that directly inform the use
of evidence in a State or local policy or program or improved program
implementation to achieve desired educational outcomes. The approach
must be driven by adult learning principles and incorporate
implementation, improvement, and systems change frameworks. Services
must promote the use of the latest evidence, including research and
data; be effectively delivered using best practices in technical
assistance and training; and demonstrate a rationale for how they will
result in improved recipient outcomes.
Content Centers must support Regional Centers, as needed, with
subject matter expertise to enhance the intensive capacity-building
services provided by the Regional Centers or to design universal or
targeted capacity-building services to meet identified SEA, REA, TEA,
or LEA needs.
Content Centers must effectively coordinate and align targeted and
universal capacity-building services with the National Center, Regional
Centers, and other federally funded providers, as appropriate, to
address high-leverage problems and provide access to urgently needed
services to build Centers' capacity to support SEAs and local clients.
Content Centers must effectively coordinate with the National Center,
Regional Centers, and other federally funded providers to assess
potential client needs, avoid duplication of services, and widely
disseminate products or tools to practitioners, education system
leaders, and policymakers in formats that are high quality, easily
accessible, understandable, and actionable to ensure the use of
services by as many SEA, REA, TEA, and LEA recipients as possible.
Applicants must propose to operate a Content Center in one of the
following areas:
(1) English Learners and Multilingualism. The Center on English
Learners and Multilingualism must provide universal, targeted, and, as
appropriate and in partnership with Regional Centers, intensive
capacity-building services designed to support SEAs and LEAs to meet
the needs of English learners beginning with early language acquisition
and development, meet the needs of English learners with disabilities,
and increase access to high-quality language programs so that they,
along with all students, have the opportunity to become multilingual.
The Center must also support the selection, implementation, and scale-
up of evidence-based practices, in coordination with the National
Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, related to meeting the
needs of English learners.
(2) Early School Success: The Center for Early School Success must
provide universal, targeted, and, as appropriate, and in partnership
with Regional Centers, intensive capacity-building services designed to
support SEAs and LEAs to implement comprehensive and aligned preschool
to third-grade (PK-3) early learning systems in order to increase the
number of children who experience success in early learning and
achievement, including by increasing the number of children who meet
challenging State academic standards; supporting effective transitions
to kindergarten; partnerships with parents and families on everyday
school attendance; and developmentally informed and evidence-based
instructional practices in social and emotional development, early
literacy, and math. The Center must support the selection,
implementation, and scale-up of programs, policies, and practices,
informed by research on child development, that can strengthen the
quality of PK-3 learning experiences and support social, emotional,
cognitive, and physical development.
(3) Fiscal Equity: The Center on Fiscal Equity must provide
universal, targeted, and, as appropriate, and in partnership with
Regional Centers, intensive capacity-building services designed to
support SEAs and LEAs in strengthening equitable and adequate resource
allocation strategies, including the allocation of State and local
resources; improving the quality and transparency of fiscal data at the
school level; and prioritizing supports for students and communities
with the greatest need, including schools implementing comprehensive
support and improvement or targeted or additional targeted support and
improvement activities under section 1111(d) of the ESEA in
collaboration with the National Center. The Center must support the
selection, implementation, and scale-up of evidence-based programs,
policies, and practices that promote responsible fiscal planning and
management, and effective and permissible uses of ESEA formula funds,
including through combining those funds with other available and
allowable Federal, State, and local funds (``blending and braiding'')
and considering how ESEA funds may interact with and complement other
Federal programs, such as IDEA, Medicaid, and Head Start to improve
student opportunities and outcomes.
(4) Strengthening and Supporting the Educator Workforce: The Center
on Strengthening and Supporting the Educator Workforce must provide
universal, targeted, and, as appropriate and in partnership with
Regional Centers, intensive capacity-building services designed to
support SEAs to support their LEAs, schools, and their partners (e.g.,
educator preparation programs, workforce boards, labor unions) in
designing and scaling practices that establish and enhance high-
quality, comprehensive, evidence-based, and affordable educator
pathways, including educator residency and Grow Your Own programs, as
well as emerging pathways into the profession such as registered
apprenticeship programs for teachers; and in improving educator
diversity, recruitment, and retention. The Center must support the
selection, implementation, and scale-up of evidence-based programs,
policies, and practices that will support States, LEAs, and their
partners in addressing educator shortages and providing all students
with highly qualified educators across the P-12 continuum, including
through increased compensation and improved working conditions; high-
quality, comprehensive, evidence-based, and affordable educator
preparation, including educator residency and Grow Your Own programs,
as well as emerging pathways into the profession such as registered
apprenticeship programs for teachers; providing opportunities for
teacher leadership and career advancement; ongoing professional
learning throughout educators' careers, including implementing
evidence-based strategies for effective teaching and learning;
strengthening novice teacher induction; and supporting and diversifying
the educator workforce, as well as other actions to improve learning
conditions and educator well-being.
Competitive Preference Priority: For FY 2024 and any subsequent
year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications
from this competition, this priority is a competitive preference
priority. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i) we award an additional 3 points
to an application that meets this priority.
This priority is:
Applications From New Potential Grantees (0 or 3 points). Under
this priority, an applicant must demonstrate that the applicant has
never received a grant, including through membership in a group
application submitted in accordance with 34 CFR 75.127-75.129,
[[Page 41413]]
under the program from which it seeks funds.
Requirements: For FY 2024 and any subsequent year in which we make
awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition,
the following program requirements and application requirements apply.
These requirements are from the NFP.
Program Requirements: Grantees must meet the following program
Program Requirements for All Centers: National, Regional, and
Content Center grantees under this program must:
(1) Develop service plans annually for carrying out the technical
assistance and capacity-building activities to be delivered by the
Center in response to educational challenges facing students,
practitioners, and education system leaders. Plans must include: High-
leverage problems to be addressed, including identified client needs,
capacity-building services to be delivered, time-based outcomes (i.e.,
short-term, mid-term, long-term), responsible personnel, key technical
assistance partners, milestones, outputs, dissemination plans, fidelity
measures, if appropriate, and any other elements specified by the
Department. The annual service plans must be an update to the Center's
five-year plan submitted as part of the initial grant application and
account for changes in client needs.
(2) Develop and implement capacity-building services, including
tools and resources, in partnership with State and local clients and
recipients to reflect and address specific client needs and contexts
and promote sustainable evidence utilization to address identified
educational challenges.
(3) Develop and implement an effective performance management and
evaluation system that integrates continuous improvement to promote
effective achievement of client outcomes. The system must include
methods to measure and monitor progress towards agreed upon outcomes,
outputs, and milestones and to measure the reach, use, and impact of
the services being delivered to ensure capacity-building services are
implemented as intended, reaching intended clients and recipients, and
achieving desired results. Progress monitoring must include periodic
assessment of client satisfaction and timely identification of changes
in State contexts that may impact the project's success. The
performance management system must include strategies to report on
defined program performance measures.
(4) Develop and implement a stakeholder engagement system to
regularly communicate, engage, and coordinate, using feedback to inform
improvement, across organizational levels (Federal, State, and local),
and facilitate regular engagement of stakeholders involved in or
affected by proposed services. This system must provide regular and
ongoing opportunities for outreach activities (e.g., ongoing promotion
of services and products to potential and current recipients,
particularly at the local level) and regular opportunities for
engagement with potential beneficiaries or participants involved in or
impacted by proposed school improvement activities (e.g., students,
parents, educators, administrators, Tribal leaders) to ensure services
reflect their needs.
(5) Develop and implement a high-quality personnel management
system to efficiently obtain and retain the services of nationally
recognized technical and content experts and other consultants with
direct experience working with SEAs, REAs, and LEAs. The Center must
ensure that personnel have the appropriate expertise to deliver high-
quality capacity-building services that meet client and recipient need
and be staffed at a level sufficient for achieving the goals of its
assigned projects and responsibilities.
(6) Develop and implement a comprehensive communication and
dissemination plan that includes strategies to disseminate information
in multiple formats and mediums (e.g., evidence-based practice tool
kits, briefs, informational webinars) including through CCNetwork
websites, social media, and other methods as appropriate, and
strategies to measure and monitor the use of the information it
disseminates. The plan must include approaches to determine, at the
outset of each project, in consultation with clients, the most
effective modality and methodology for capturing evidence-based
practices and lessons learned, dissemination strategies customized and
based on needs of the targeted audience(s), and strategies to monitor
and measure audience engagement and use of information and products of
the Center. Centers must work with partners to disseminate products
through networks in which the targeted audiences are most likely to
seek or receive information, with the goal of expanding the reach of
Centers to the largest number of recipients possible.
(7) Identify and enter into partnership agreements with federally
funded providers, State and national organizations, businesses, and
industry experts, as applicable, to support States in the
implementation and scaling-up of evidence-based programs, practices,
and interventions, as well as reduce duplication of services and
engagement burden to States. Where appropriate, the agreements should
document how the partnerships might advance along a continuum to
effectively meet program and client goals.
(8) Within 90 days of receiving funding for an award, demonstrate
to the Department that it has secured client and partner commitments to
carry out proposed annual service plans.
(9) Participate in a national evaluation of the Comprehensive
Centers Program.
Program Requirements for National Comprehensive Center: In addition
to the requirements for all Centers, National Center grantees under
this program must:
(1) Design and implement robust needs-sensing activities and
processes to consult with and integrate feedback from the Department,
Regional and Content Centers, and advisory boards that surface high-
leverage problems that could be effectively addressed in developing the
national annual service plan.
(2) Collaborate with Regional and Content Centers to implement
universal and targeted services for recipients to address high-leverage
problems identified in the annual service plan. In providing targeted
services (e.g., multi-State and cross-regional peer-to-peer exchanges
or communities of practice on problems), the National Center must
provide opportunities for recipients to learn from their peers and
subject matter experts and apply evidence-based practices and must
define tangible, achievable capacity-building outcomes for recipient
participation. Universal services must be grounded in evidence-based
practices, be produced in a manner that recipients are most likely to
use, be shared via multiple digital platforms, such as the CCNetwork
website, social media, and other channels as appropriate, and be
relevant for a variety of education stakeholders, including the general
(3) Develop and implement a strategy to recruit and retain a
comprehensive cadre of national subject matter experts that includes
qualified education practitioners, researchers, policy professionals,
and other consultants with (1) direct experience working in or with
SEAs, REAs, TEAs and LEAs and (2) in-depth expertise in specific
subject areas with an understanding of State contexts available to
support universal and targeted services of the National Center and
intensive capacity-building services of Regional Centers. Cadre
[[Page 41414]]
experts must have a proven record of designing and implementing
effective capacity-building services, using evidence effectively, and
delivering quality adult learning experiences or professional
development experiences that meet client and recipient needs and must
have recognized subject matter expertise including publishing in peer-
reviewed journals and presenting at national conferences on the ESEA
programs or content areas for which they are engaged as experts to
provide universal, targeted, or intensive capacity building.
(4) Reserve not less than one half of the annual budget to provide
universal, targeted, and, as needed, intensive services to address
topics 1-5 enumerated in the priority for this Center and as approved
by the Department in the annual service plan.
(5) Include in the communications and dissemination plan, and
implement processes for outreach activities (e.g., regular promotion of
services and products to clients and potential and current recipients),
use of feedback loops across organizational levels (Federal, State, and
local), regular engagement and coordination with the Department,
Regional Centers, and partner organizations (e.g., federally funded
providers), and engagement of stakeholders involved in or impacted by
proposed school improvement activities.
(6) Design and implement communications and dissemination vehicles
for the CCNetwork, including maintaining the CCNetwork website with an
easy-to-navigate design that meets government or industry recognized
standards for accessibility, including compliance with section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and maintain a consistent media
presence, in collaboration with Regional and Content Centers and the
Department Communications office, that promotes increased engagement.
(7) Develop peer learning opportunities for Regional and Content
Center staff (and other partners, as appropriate) to address
implementation challenges and scale effective practices to improve
service delivery across the CCNetwork.
(8) Collect and share information about services provided through
the CCNetwork for the purpose of coordination, collaboration, and
communication across Centers and other providers, including an annual
analysis of service plans to identify and disseminate information about
services rendered across the CCNetwork.
(9) Ensure that the Project Director is capable of managing all
aspects of the Center and is either staffed at 1 FTE or there are two
Co-Project Directors each at a minimum of 0.75 FTE. The Project
Director or Co-Project Directors and all key personnel must be able to
provide services at the intensity, duration, and modality appropriate
to achieving agreed-upon milestones, outputs, and outcomes described in
annual service plans.
(10) Reserve not less than one third of the budget to address the
program requirements for CCNetwork coordination (requirements 5 through
Program Requirements for Regional Centers: In addition to the
requirements for all Centers, Regional Center grantees under this
program must:
(1) Actively coordinate and collaborate with the REL serving their
region. Coordination must include annual joint need sensing in a manner
designed to comprehensively inform service delivery across both
programs while reducing burden on State agencies. The goals of this
coordination and collaboration are to share, synthesize, and apply
information, ideas, and lessons learned; to enable each type of
provider to focus on its designated role; to ensure that work is non-
duplicative; to streamline and simplify service provision to States and
LEAs; and to collaborate on projects to better support regional
(2) Consult with a broad range of stakeholders, including chief
State school officers and other SEA leaders, TEAs, LEAs, educators,
students, and parents, and integrate their feedback in developing the
annual service plan to reflect the needs of all States (and to the
extent practicable, of LEAs) within the region to be served.
(3) In developing the annual service plan, ensure services are
provided to support students and communities with the highest needs,
including recipients: (i) that have high percentages or numbers of
students from low-income families as referenced in title I, part A of
the ESEA (ESEA sec. 1113(a)(5)); (ii) that are implementing
comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted or
additional targeted support and improvement activities as referenced in
title I, part A of the ESEA (ESEA sec. 1111(d)); (iii) in rural areas;
and (iv) serving student populations with demonstrated needs unmet or
under-met through other Federal, State, or local interventions.
(4) Explore and provide opportunities to connect peers within and
across regions.
(5) Collaborate with the National Center and Content Centers, as
appropriate, including to support client and recipient participation in
targeted capacity-building services, and obtain and retain the services
of nationally recognized content experts through partnership with the
National Center, Content Centers, or other federally funded providers.
(6) Support the participation of Regional Center staff in CCNetwork
peer learning opportunities, including sharing information about
effective practices in the region, to extend the Center's reach to as
many SEAs, REAs, TEAs, LEAs, and schools in need of services as
possible while also learning about effective capacity-building
approaches to enhance the Center's ability to provide high-quality
(7) Within 90 days of receiving funding for an award, provide to
the Department copies of partnership agreements with the REL(s) in the
region that the Center serves and, as appropriate, other Department-
funded technical assistance providers that are charged with supporting
comprehensive, systemic changes in States or Department-funded
technical assistance providers with particular expertise (e.g., early
learning or instruction for English language learners) relevant to the
region's service plan. Partnership agreements must define processes for
coordination and support collaboration to meet relevant program
(8) Be located in the region the Center serves. The Project
Director must be capable of managing all aspects of the Center and be
either at a minimum of 0.75 FTE or there must be two Co-Project
Directors each at a minimum of 0.5 FTE. The Project Director or Co-
Project Directors and key personnel must also be able to provide on-
site services at the intensity, duration, and modality appropriate to
achieving agreed-upon milestones, outputs, and outcomes described in
annual service plans.
Program Requirements for Content Centers: In addition to the
requirements for all Centers, Content Center grantees under this
program must:
(1) Consult and integrate feedback from the Department and National
and Regional Centers in developing the annual service plan to inform
high-quality tools, resources, and overall technical assistance in
priority areas.
(2) Collaborate with Regional Centers to address specific requests
for assistance from States within the regions and strengthen Regional
Center staff knowledge and expertise on the evidence base and effective
practices within its specific content area.
(3) Produce high-quality, universal capacity-building services, and
[[Page 41415]]
organize, select, and translate existing key research knowledge and
Department guidance related to the Center's content area and examples
of workable strategies and systems for implementing provisions and
programs that have produced positive outcomes for schools and students,
and communicate the information in ways that are highly relevant and
useful to State- and local-level policymakers, practitioners, and
relevant stakeholders.
(4) Collaborate with the National Center and Regional Centers to
convene States and LEAs, researchers, and other experts, including
other Federal entities and providers of technical assistance as
identified by the Department, to learn from each other about practical
strategies for implementing ESEA provisions and programs related to the
Center's area of focus.
(5) Support the participation of Content Center staff in CCNetwork
peer learning opportunities with the goal of providing high-quality
services while reaching as many SEAs, REAs, TEAs, LEAs, and schools in
need of services as possible.
(6) Within 90 days of receiving funding for an award, provide
copies to the Department of partnership agreements with Department-
funded technical assistance providers that are charged with supporting
comprehensive, systemic changes in States or Department-funded
technical assistance providers with particular expertise relevant to
the Center's content area. Partnership agreements must define processes
for coordination and support collaboration to meet relevant program
(7) The Project Director must be capable of managing all aspects of
the Center and be either at a minimum of 0.75 FTE or there must be two
Co-Project Directors each at a minimum of 0.5 FTE. The Project Director
or Co-Project Directors and all key personnel must be able to provide
services at the intensity, duration, and modality appropriate to
achieving agreed-upon milestones, outputs, and outcomes described in
annual service plans.
Application Requirements: Applicants must meet the following
application requirements.
Application Requirements for All Centers:
(1) Present an approach to the proposed project for operating the
Comprehensive Center that clearly establishes the critical educational
challenges proposed to be addressed by the Center, the impact the
Center plans to achieve, including the proposed scope of services in
relation to the number of SEAs, REAs, TEAs, LEAs, and, as appropriate,
schools served, with respect to specific State and local outcomes that
would represent significant achievement in advancing the efforts of
State and local systems to improve educational opportunities and
student outcomes, and proposes how the Center will efficiently and
effectively provide appropriate capacity-building services to achieve
the desired outcomes.
(2) Present applicable regional, State, and local educational
needs, including relevant data demonstrating the identified needs, and
including the perspectives of underrepresented groups, that could be
addressed through the proposed capacity-building approach to implement
and scale up evidence-based programs, practices, and interventions.
(3) Demonstrate how key personnel possess subject matter expert
knowledge of statutory requirements, regulations, and policies related
to ESEA programs, current education issues, and policy initiatives for
supporting the implementation and scaling up of evidence-based
programs, practices, and interventions.
(4) Demonstrate expertise in providing highly relevant and highly
effective technical assistance (e.g., that is co-designed with clients;
demonstrably addresses authentic needs based on needs-sensing
activities; is timely, relevant, useful, clear and measurable; and
results in demonstrable improvements or outcomes), including by
demonstrating expertise in the current research on adult learning
principles, coaching, and implementation science that will drive the
applicant's capacity-building services; how the applicant has
successfully supported clients to achieve desired outcomes; and how the
applicant will promote self-sufficiency and sustainability of State-
and local-led school improvement activities.
(5) Present a logic model (as defined in this notice) informed by
research or evaluation findings that demonstrates a rationale (as
defined in 34 CFR 77.1) explaining how the project is likely to improve
or achieve relevant and expected outcomes. The logic model must
communicate how the proposed project would achieve its expected
outcomes (short-term, mid-term, and long-term), and provide a framework
for both the formative and summative evaluations of the project
consistent with the applicant's performance management plan. Include a
description of underlying concepts, assumptions, expectations, beliefs,
and theories, as well as the relationships and linkages among these
variables, and any empirical support for this framework.
(6) Present a management plan that describes the applicant's
proposed approach to managing the project to meet all program
requirements related to needs assessment, stakeholder engagement,
communications and dissemination, personnel management, and
(7) Present a performance management and evaluation plan that
describes the applicant's proposed approach to meeting the program
requirements related to performance management, including the
applicant's proposed strategy to report on defined program performance
measures, and describes the criteria for determining the extent to
which capacity-building services proposed in annual service plans were
implemented as intended; recipient outcomes were met (short-term,
midterm, and long-term); recipient capacity was developed; and services
reached and were used by intended recipients.
(8) Include in the budget a line item for an annual set-aside of
five percent of the grant amount to support emerging needs that are
consistent with the proposed project's intended outcomes, as those
needs are identified in consultation with, and approved by, the OESE
program officer. With approval from the program officer, the project
must reallocate any remaining funds from this annual set-aside no later
than the end of the third quarter of each budget period.
Application Requirements for the National Center: In addition to
meeting the application requirements for all Centers, a National Center
applicant must:
(1) Describe the proposed approach to leading coordination and
collaboration of the CCNetwork, and demonstrate expertise and
experience in leading communication and digital engagement strategies
to attract and sustain the involvement of education stakeholders,
including, but not limited to: implementing a robust web and social
media presence, overseeing customer relations management, providing
editorial support to Regional and Content Centers, and utilizing web
analytics to improve content engagement.
(2) Describe the proposed approach to providing targeted capacity-
building services, including how the applicant intends to collaborate
with Regional Centers to identify potential recipients and estimate how
many SEAs, REAs, TEAs, and LEAs it has the capacity to reach; how it
will measure the readiness and capacity of potential recipients; and
[[Page 41416]]
how it will measure the extent to which targeted capacity-building
services achieve intended recipient outcomes and result in increased
recipient capacity (and specifically, increase capacity in one or more
of the four dimensions of capacity-building).
(3) Describe the proposed approach to universal capacity-building
services, including how many and which recipients it plans to reach and
how the applicant intends to: measure the extent to which products and
services developed address common problems; support recipients in the
selection, implementation, and monitoring of evidence-based practices;
improve the use of evidence with regard to emerging national education
trends; and build recipient capacity in at least one of the four
dimensions of capacity-building.
Application Requirements for Regional Centers: In addition to
meeting the application requirements for all Centers, a Regional Center
applicant must--
(1) Describe the proposed approach to intensive capacity-building
services, including identification of intended recipients based on
available data in each of the content areas identified, alignment of
proposed capacity-building services to client needs, and engagement of
clients who may not initiate contact to request services. The applicant
must also describe how it intends to measure the readiness of clients
and recipients to work with the Center; co-design projects and define
outcomes; measure and monitor client and recipient capacity across the
four dimensions of capacity-building; and measure the outcomes achieved
throughout and at the conclusion of a project.
(2) Demonstrate that proposed key personnel have the appropriate
subject matter and technical assistance expertise to deliver high-
quality, intensive services that meet client and recipient needs
similar to those in the region to be served.
Application Requirements for Content Centers: In addition to
meeting the application requirements for all Centers, a Content Center
applicant must--
(1) Describe the proposed approach to carry out targeted capacity-
building services that increase the use of evidence-based products or
tools regarding the designated content area amongst practitioners,
education system leaders, elementary schools and secondary schools,
LEAs, REAs and TEAs, and SEAs.
(2) Describe the proposed approach to providing universal capacity-
building services, including how it will develop evidence-based
products or tools regarding the designated content area; widely
disseminate such products or tools to practitioners, education system
leaders, and policymakers in formats that are high quality, easily
accessible, understandable, and actionable; identify intended
recipients; and align proposed capacity-building services to client
(3) Demonstrate that key personnel have appropriate subject matter
and technical assistance expertise to translate evidence into high-
quality technical assistance services and products for State and local
clients, including expertise applying adult-learning principles and
implementation science to the delivery of technical assistance services
and products.
Definitions: The definitions of ``capacity-building services,''
``client,'' ``collaboration,'' ``coordination,'' ``educator,''
``English learner,'' ``four dimensions of capacity-building services,''
``high-leverage problem,'' ``immigrant children and youth,''
``intensive capacity-building services,'' ``key personnel,''
``migratory child,'' ``outcomes,'' ``recipient,'' ``regional
educational agency,'' ``targeted capacity-building services,'' ``three
tiers of capacity-building services,'' ``tribal educational agency,''
and ``universal capacity-building services'' are from the NFP.
The definitions of ``milestone,'' and ``outputs'' are from the
Notice of Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Performance
Measures--Comprehensive Centers Program published in the Federal
Register on April 4, 2019 (84 FR 13122) (2019 NFP).
The definitions of ``logic model'' and ``demonstrates a rationale''
are from 34 CFR 77.1.
Capacity-building services means assistance that strengthens an
individual's or organization's ability to engage in continuous
improvement and achieve expected outcomes.
Client means the organization with which the Center enters into
agreement for negotiated capacity-building services. The client is
engaged in defining the high-leverage problems, capacity-building
services, and time-based outcomes for each project noted in the
Center's annual service plan. Representatives of clients include but
are not limited to Chief State School Officers or their designees, LEA
leaders, and other system leaders.
Collaboration means exchanging information, altering activities,
and sharing in the creation of ideas and resources to enhance the
capacity of one another for mutual benefit to accomplish a common goal.
Coordination means exchanging information, altering activities, and
synchronizing efforts to make unique contributions to shared goals.
Demonstrates a rationale means a key project component included in
the project's logic model is informed by research or evaluation
findings that suggest the project component is likely to improve
relevant outcomes.
Educator means an individual who is a teacher (including an early
education teacher), principal or other school leader, administrator,
specialized instructional support personnel (e.g., school psychologist,
counselor, school social worker, librarian, early intervention service
personnel), paraprofessional, faculty, and others.
English learner means an individual who is an English learner as
defined in section 8101(20) of the ESEA, or an individual who is an
English language learner as defined in section 203(7) of the Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act.
Four dimensions of capacity-building services are:
(1) Human capacity means development or improvement of individual
knowledge, skills, technical expertise, and ability to adapt and be
resilient to policy and leadership changes.
(2) Organizational capacity means structures that support clear
communication and a shared understanding of an organization's visions
and goals, and delineated individual roles and responsibilities in
functional areas.
(3) Policy capacity means structures that support alignment,
differentiation, or enactment of local, State, and Federal policies and
(4) Resource capacity means tangible materials and assets that
support alignment and use of Federal, State, private, and local funds.
High-leverage problems means problems that (1) if addressed could
result in substantial improvements for groups of students with the
greatest need, including for students from low-income families and for
students attending schools implementing comprehensive support and
improvement or targeted or additional targeted support and improvement
activities under ESEA section 1111(d)); (2) are priorities for
education policymakers, particularly at the State level; and (3)
require intensive capacity-building services to achieve outcomes that
address the problem.
Immigrant children and youth have the meaning ascribed in section
3201(5) of the ESEA.
Intensive capacity-building services means assistance often
provided on-site and requiring a stable, ongoing
[[Page 41417]]
relationship between the Comprehensive Center and its clients and
recipients, as well as periodic reflection, continuous feedback, and
use of evidence-based improvement strategies. This category of
capacity-building services should support increased recipient capacity
in more than one dimension of capacity-building services and result in
medium-term and long-term outcomes at one or more system levels.
Key personnel means any personnel considered to be essential to the
work being performed on the project.
Logic model (also referred to as a theory of action) means a
framework that identifies key project components of the proposed
project (i.e., the active ``ingredients'' that are hypothesized to be
critical to achieving the relevant outcomes) and describes the
theoretical and operational relationships among the key project
components and relevant outcomes.
Migratory child has the meaning ascribed it in section 1309(3) of
the ESEA.
Milestone means an activity that must be completed. Examples
include: Identifying key district administrators responsible for
professional development, sharing key observations from needs
assessment with district administrators and identified stakeholders,
preparing a logic model, planning for State-wide professional
development, identifying subject matter experts, and conducting train-
the-trainer sessions.
Outcomes means demonstrable effects of receiving capacity-building
services and must reflect the result of capacity built in at least one
of the four dimensions of capacity building. ``Outcomes'' includes
short-term outcomes, medium-term outcomes, and long-term outcomes:
(1) Short-term outcomes means effects of receiving capacity-
building services after 1 year.
(2) Medium-term outcomes means effects of receiving capacity-
building services after 2 to 3 years.
(3) Long-term outcomes means effects of receiving capacity-building
services after 4 or more years.
Outputs means products and services that must be completed.
Examples include: Needs assessment, logic model, training modules,
evaluation plan, and 12 workshop presentations.
Note: A product output under this program would be considered a
deliverable under the open licensing regulations at 2 CFR 3474.20.
Recipient means organizations including, but not limited to, SEAs,
LEAs, REAs, TEAs, and schools that have received ``intensive'' and
``targeted'' capacity-building services and products from Regional
Centers, or that received ``targeted'' or ``universal'' capacity-
building services and products from the National Center or Content
Regional educational agency means educational agencies that serve
regional areas within a State.
Targeted capacity-building services means assistance based on needs
common to multiple clients and recipients and not extensively
individualized. A relationship is established between the recipient(s),
the National Center or Content Center, and Regional Center(s), as
appropriate. This category of capacity-building services includes one-
time, labor-intensive events, such as facilitating strategic planning
or hosting national or regional conferences. It can also include
services that extend over a period of time, such as facilitating a
series of conference calls, virtual or in-person meetings, or learning
communities on single or multiple topics that are designed around the
needs of the recipients. Facilitating communities of practice can also
be considered targeted capacity-building services.
Tribal educational agency has the meaning ascribed in section
6132(b)(3) of the ESEA.
Universal capacity-building services means assistance and
information provided to independent users through their own initiative,
involving minimal interaction with National or Content Center staff.
This category of capacity-building services includes information or
products, such as newsletters, guidebooks, policy briefs, or research
syntheses, downloaded from the Center's website by independent users,
and may include one-time, invited or offered webinar or conference
presentations by National or Content Center staff. Brief communications
or consultations by National or Content Center staff with recipients,
either by telephone or email, are also considered universal services.
Program Authority: Section 203 of the Educational Technical
Assistance Act of 2002 (ETAA) (20 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.).
Note: Projects will be awarded and must be operated in a manner
consistent with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in Federal
civil rights laws.
Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General
Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86,
97, 98, and 99. (b) The Office of Management and Budget Guidelines to
Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) in
2 CFR part 180, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department
in 2 CFR part 3485. (c) The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in 2 CFR part
200, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2 CFR
part 3474. (d) The NFP. (e) The 2019 NFP. (f) The Administrative
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to institutions of
higher education only.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative agreement.
Note: The details of the Department's involvement will be included
in the Cooperative Agreement with each grantee.
Estimated Available Funds: $46,153,544.
The total amount of funds available for the Comprehensive Center
program for FY 2024 is $50 million, of which we intend to use an
estimated $46,153,544 for this competition. Of that, an estimated $6
million will be used to fund the National Center, an estimated
$35,153,544 will be used to fund Regional Centers, and an estimated $5
million will be used to fund Content Centers. FY 2024 funds will
support awards for the first budget period of the project, which is the
first 12 months of the project period. Funding for the subsequent
budget periods of years two through five (FY 2025 through FY 2028) is
contingent on appropriation levels. Estimates of funding levels for FY
2024 and subsequent budget periods are provided below, as well as the
estimated range of awards.
Contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of
applications, we may make additional awards in subsequent years from
the list of unfunded applications from this competition.
Estimated Range of Awards:
For the National Center: $6,000,000 to $6,500,000.
National Center: $6,000,000
For Regional Centers: $1,000,000 to $5,500,000.
The following are the estimated annual award amounts by region.
Applicants should propose project budgets that do not exceed the
estimated amounts for each Center. Annual funding estimates are based
on a funding formula that considers factors aligned to regional needs
as outlined in section 203 of the ETAA. Regional Center awards will be
allocated in FY 2024 and subsequent years based on the
[[Page 41418]]
established formula and may take into consideration changes in regional
needs and the availability of funds.
Region 1 (Northeast): $2,380,489
Region 2 (Islands): $1,250,000
Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic): $1,931,528
Region 4 (Appalachia): $1,804,312
Region 5 (Southeast): $2,262,959
Region 6 (Gulf): $2,450,688
Region 7 (Midwest): $4,608,921
Region 8 (Central): $2,379,571
Region 9 (Southwest): $5,039,769
Region 10 (West): $4,487,656
Region 11 (Northwest): $3,057,651
Region 12 (Pacific 1): $1,250,000
Region 13 (Pacific 2): $1,250,000
Region 14 (Bureau of Indian Education): $1,000,000
For Content Centers: $1,150,000 to $1,550,000.
Center on English Learners and Multilingualism: $1,150,000
Center for Early School Success: $1,150,000
Center on Fiscal Equity: $1,150,000
Center on Strengthening and Supporting the Educator Workforce:
Estimated Number of Awards: 19. The Secretary intends to make 14
awards to support Regional Centers to serve States within defined
geographic boundaries; 1 award to support the National Center; and 4
awards to support Content Centers.
Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.
Note: An additional Content Center, funded in response to 2016
appropriations language and a new authority in the ESEA, focuses on
students at risk of not attaining full literacy skills due to a
disability. That Center is not being awarded as part of this
Project Period: Up to 60 months.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: Research organizations, institutions,
agencies, IHEs, or partnerships among such entities, or individuals,
with the demonstrated ability or capacity to carry out the activities
described in this notice, including regional entities that carried out
activities under the Educational Research, Development, Dissemination,
and Improvement Act of 1994 (as such Act existed on the day before
November 5, 2002) and title XIII of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965 (as such title existed on the day before January
8, 2002). A group of eligible entities may apply as a consortium, in
accordance with the requirements in 34 CFR 75.127-129.
2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: This competition does not require
cost sharing or matching.
b. Indirect Cost Rate Information: This program uses an
unrestricted indirect cost rate. For more information regarding
indirect costs, or to obtain a negotiated indirect cost rate, please
c. Administrative Cost Limitation: This program does not include
any program-specific limitation on administrative expenses. All
administrative expenses must be reasonable and necessary and conform to
Cost Principles described in 2 CFR part 200 subpart E of the Uniform
3. Subgrantees: Under 34 CFR 75.708(b) and (c) a grantee under this
competition may award subgrants--to directly carry out project
activities described in its application--to the following types of
entities: Research organizations, institutions, agencies, IHEs, or
partnerships among such entities, or individuals, with the demonstrated
ability or capacity to carry out the activities described in this
notice. The grantee may award subgrants to entities it has identified
in an approved application.
4. Limitation on Applications: An application must clearly respond
to either Priority 1--National Center, Priority 2--Regional Centers, or
Priority 3--Content Centers. If an applicant wishes to apply to operate
more than one Center, the applicant must submit a separate application
for each Center it wishes to serve. The Department intends to create 19
separate funding slates, one for the National Center, one for each
Regional Center, and one for each Content Center. The Department
anticipates funding a single award on each funding slate.
IV. Application and Submission Information
1. Application Submission Instructions: Applicants are required to
follow the Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of
Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal
Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and available at, which contain requirements and information on how to
submit an application.
2. Submission of Proprietary Information: Given the types of
projects that may be proposed in applications for the Comprehensive
Center Program FY 2024 competition, your application may include
business information that you consider proprietary. In 34 CFR 5.11 we
define ``business information'' and describe the process we use in
determining whether any of that information is proprietary and, thus,
protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of
Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552, as amended). Because we plan to make
successful applications available to the public, you may wish to
request confidentiality of business information.
Consistent with Executive Order 12600, please designate in your
application any information that you believe is exempt from disclosure
under Exemption 4. In the appropriate Appendix section of your
application, under ``Other Attachments Form,'' please list the page
number or numbers on which we can find this information. For additional
information please see 34 CFR 5.11(c).
3. Intergovernmental Review: This program competition is subject to
Executive Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79.
Information about Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs under
Executive Order 12372 is in the application package for this
4. Funding Restrictions: We reference regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice.
5. Recommended Page Limit: The application narrative is where you,
the applicant, address the selection criteria that reviewers use to
evaluate your application. We recommend that you (1) limit the
application narrative to no more than 100 pages and (2) use the
following standards:
A ``page'' is 8.5'' x 11'', on one side only, with 1''
margins at the top, bottom, and both sides.
Double space (no more than three lines per vertical inch)
all text in the application narrative, including titles, headings,
footnotes, quotations, references, and captions, as well as all text in
charts, tables, figures, and graphs.
Use a font that is either 12 point or larger or no smaller
than 10 pitch (characters per inch).
Use one of the following fonts: Times New Roman, Courier,
Courier New, or Arial.
The recommended page limit does not apply to the cover sheet; the
budget section, including the narrative budget justification; the
assurances and certifications; or the one-page abstract, the resumes,
the bibliography, or the letters of support. However, the recommended
page limit does apply to all of the application narrative.
[[Page 41419]]
6. Notice of Intent to Apply: The Department will be able to review
grant applications more efficiently if we know the approximate number
of applicants that intend to apply. Therefore, we strongly encourage
each potential applicant to notify us of their intent to submit an
application. To do so, please email the program contact person listed
under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT with the subject line ``Intent to
Apply,'' and include the applicant's name and a contact person's name
and email address. Applicants that do not submit a notice of intent to
apply may still apply for funding; applicants that do submit a notice
of intent to apply are not bound to apply or bound by the information
V. Application Review Information
1. Selection Criteria: The selection criteria for this competition
are from the NFP.
The maximum possible score for addressing all selection criteria is
100 points for Regional and Content Centers, and 125 points for the
National Center. The maximum score for each criterion is included in
parentheses following the title of the specific selection criterion.
Each criterion also includes the factors that reviewers will consider
in determining the extent to which an applicant meets the criterion.
Priority 1--National Center Selection Criteria:
(a) Approach to Capacity Building (Up to 35 points). In determining
the overall quality of the approach to capacity building of the
proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which the applicant demonstrates an exceptional
approach to developing and delivering high-quality, useful, and
relevant capacity-building services that are likely to achieve desired
recipient outcomes, including targeted and universal capacity-building
services that would be expected to assist SEAs, REAs, TEAs, LEAs, and
Regional Center clients and recipients, including those who do not
proactively request assistance, to address the activities described in
the priority. (20 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed approach to capacity building
provides strategies that address the technical assistance needs of
State and local educational systems in key areas of identified need, as
evidenced by in-depth knowledge and understanding of implementation
challenges faced by States; evidence-based practices related to
teaching, learning, and development; needs of schools designated for
improvement; needs to improve core instruction; and emerging education
topics of national importance. (15 points)
(b) Quality of Project Design (Up to 50 points). In determining the
quality of the project design of the proposed center for which the
applicant is applying, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which the proposed performance management and
evaluation system and processes demonstrate an exceptional approach to
integrating continuous improvement processes and evaluation that will
result in regular and ongoing improvement in the quality of the
services provided and increase the likelihood that recipient outcomes
are achieved. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed stakeholder engagement system
is likely to result in a high level of engagement with multiple
potential beneficiaries or participants involved in or impacted by the
proposed capacity-building activities to ensure that the proposed
services reflect their needs, are relevant and useful, and reach the
largest number of recipients possible. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the proposed personnel management system
includes effective processes to enable hiring, developing, supervising,
and retaining a team of subject matter and technical assistance
experts, consultants, and professional staff, and ensure availability
of appropriate expertise and staffing at a level sufficient to
effectively execute the responsibilities of key personnel to achieve
the goals of the project. (10 points)
(4) The extent to which the proposed partnerships represent an
intentional approach to collaboration that is likely to reduce client
burden and to ensure that Federal resources are being used most
efficiently and effectively to meet a variety of needs across federally
funded providers. (5 points)
(5) The extent to which the proposed project represents an
exceptional management approach to coordination, collaboration, and
communication of the complex work of the CCNetwork. (15 points)
(c) Subject Matter and Technical Assistance Expertise (Up to 40
points). In determining the subject matter and technical assistance
expertise of key project personnel, the Secretary considers the extent
to which the applicant encourages applications for employment from
persons who are members of groups that have historically been
underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or
disability. (5 points)
In addition, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which key project personnel demonstrate the
required subject matter expertise and relevant knowledge,
understanding, and experience in operating and administering State and
local educational systems to effectively support recipients. (10
(2) The extent to which the applicant has demonstrated exceptional
technical assistance expertise in providing high-quality, timely,
relevant, and useful technical assistance and capacity-building
services to State and local educational systems. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the applicant has demonstrated the ability
to develop new and ongoing partnerships with leading experts and
organizations nationwide or regionally, as appropriate, that enhance
its ability to provide high-quality technical assistance and subject-
matter expertise. (10 points)
(4) The extent to which the applicant has demonstrated ability in
operating a project of such scope. (5 points)
Priority 2--Regional Centers Selection Criteria:
(a) Approach to Capacity Building (Up to 35 points). In determining
the overall quality of the approach to capacity building of the
proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which the applicant demonstrates an exceptional
approach to developing and delivering high-quality, useful, and
relevant capacity-building services that are likely to achieve desired
recipient outcomes, including intensive capacity services that would be
expected to assist clients and recipients to address the activities
described in the priority. (20 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed approach to capacity building
provides strategies that address the technical assistance needs of
State and local educational systems in key areas of identified need, as
evidenced by in-depth knowledge and understanding of the specific
educational goals and priorities of the States to be served by the
applicant, including emerging priorities based on State-led reform
efforts, and the applicable State and regional demographics, policy
contexts, and other factors and their relevance to improving
educational opportunities and outcomes, closing achievement gaps, and
improving instruction. (15 points)
(b) Quality of Project Design (Up to 35 points). In determining the
quality of the project design of the proposed Center for which the
applicant is applying, the
[[Page 41420]]
Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which the proposed performance management and
evaluation system and processes demonstrate an exceptional approach to
integrating continuous improvement processes and evaluation that will
result in regular and ongoing improvement in the quality of the
services provided and increase the likelihood that recipient outcomes
are achieved. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed stakeholder engagement system
is likely to result in a high level of engagement with multiple
potential beneficiaries or participants involved in or impacted by the
proposed capacity-building activities to ensure that the proposed
services reflect their needs, are delivered in a manner that is
relevant and useful, and reach the largest number of recipients
possible. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the proposed personnel management system
includes effective processes to enable hiring, developing, supervising,
and retaining a team of subject matter and technical assistance
experts, consultants and professional staff, and ensure availability of
appropriate expertise and staffing at a level sufficient to effectively
execute the responsibilities of key personnel to achieve the goals of
the project. (10 points)
(4) The extent to which the proposed partnerships represent an
intentional approach to collaboration that is likely to reduce client
burden and to ensure that Federal resources are being used most
efficiently and effectively to meet a variety of needs across federally
funded providers. (5 points)
(c) Subject Matter and Technical Assistance Expertise (Up to 30
points). In determining the subject matter and technical assistance
expertise of key project personnel, the Secretary considers the extent
to which the applicant encourages applications for employment from
persons who are members of groups that have historically been
underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or
disability. (5 points)
In addition, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which key project personnel demonstrate the
required subject matter expertise and relevant knowledge,
understanding, and experience in operating and administering State and
local educational systems to effectively support recipients. (10
(2) The extent to which the applicant has demonstrated exceptional
technical assistance expertise in providing high-quality, timely,
relevant, and useful technical assistance and capacity-building
services to State and local educational systems. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the applicant has demonstrated the ability
to develop new and ongoing partnerships with leading experts and
organizations nationwide or regionally, as appropriate, that enhance
its ability to provide high-quality technical assistance and subject-
matter expertise. (5 points)
Priority 3--Selection Criteria for Content Centers.
(a) Approach to Capacity Building (Up to 35 points). In determining
the overall quality of the approach to capacity building of the
proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which the applicant demonstrates an exceptional
approach to developing and delivering high-quality, useful, and
relevant capacity-building services that are likely to achieve desired
recipient outcomes, including targeted and universal capacity-building
services that would be expected to assist clients and recipients,
including those who do not proactively request assistance, to address
activities described in the priority related to the designated content
area. (20 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed approach to capacity building
provides strategies that address the technical assistance needs of
State and local educational systems in key areas of identified need, as
evidenced by in-depth knowledge and understanding of State technical
assistance needs and evidence-based practices related to the Content
Center priority for which the applicant is applying. (15 points)
(b) Quality of Project Design (Up to 35 points). In determining the
quality of the project design of the proposed Center for which the
applicant is applying, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which the proposed performance management and
evaluation system and processes demonstrate an exceptional approach to
integrating continuous improvement processes and evaluation that will
result in regular and ongoing improvement in the quality of the
services provided and increase the likelihood that recipient outcomes
are achieved. (10 points)
(2) The extent to which the proposed stakeholder engagement system
is likely to result in a high level of engagement with multiple
potential beneficiaries or participants involved in or impacted by the
proposed capacity-building activities to ensure that the proposed
services reflect their needs, are delivered in a manner that is
relevant and useful, and reach the largest number of recipients
possible. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the proposed personnel management system
includes effective processes to enable hiring, developing, supervising,
and retaining a team of subject matter and technical assistance
experts, consultants and professional staff, and ensure availability of
appropriate expertise and staffing at a level sufficient to effectively
execute the responsibilities of key personnel to achieve the goals of
the project. (10 points)
(4) The extent to which the proposed partnerships represent an
intentional approach to collaboration that is likely to reduce client
burden and to ensure that Federal resources are being used most
efficiently and effectively to meet a variety of needs across federally
funded providers. (5 points)
(c) Subject Matter and Technical Assistance Expertise (Up to 30
points). In determining the subject matter and technical assistance
expertise of key project personnel, the Secretary considers the extent
to which the applicant encourages applications for employment from
persons who are members of groups that have historically been
underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or
disability. (5 points)
In addition, the Secretary considers the following factors.
(1) The extent to which key project personnel demonstrate the
required subject matter expertise and relevant knowledge,
understanding, and experience in operating and administering State and
local educational systems to effectively support recipients. (10
(2) The extent to which the applicant has demonstrated exceptional
technical assistance expertise in providing high-quality, timely,
relevant, and useful technical assistance and capacity-building
services to State and local educational systems. (10 points)
(3) The extent to which the applicant has demonstrated the ability
to develop new and ongoing partnerships with leading experts and
organizations nationwide or regionally, as appropriate, that enhance
its ability to provide high-quality technical assistance and subject-
matter expertise. (5 points)
2. Review and Selection Process: We remind potential applicants
that in reviewing applications in any discretionary grant competition,
the Secretary may consider, under 34 CFR 75.217(d)(3), the past
performance of the applicant in carrying out a previous
[[Page 41421]]
award, such as the applicant's use of funds, achievement of project
objectives, and compliance with grant conditions. The Secretary may
also consider whether the applicant failed to submit a timely
performance report or submitted a report of unacceptable quality.
In addition, in making a competitive grant award, the Secretary
requires various assurances, including those applicable to Federal
civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or
activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department
(34 CFR 100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
Additional factors we consider in selecting an application for an
award are as follows:
Geographic distribution: Under the ETAA (20 U.S.C. 9602 (a)(2)(A)),
the Secretary must ensure that not less than one Comprehensive Center
is established in each of the 10 geographic regions served by the
Regional Educational Laboratories. The Secretary will consider the
location of the proposed Regional Centers in the selection and
negotiation of cooperative agreements to ensure that this requirement
is met.
Tiebreaker: If two or more applicants for any one Center receive
the same total scores, the Secretary will select among the tied
applications, as appropriate, according to the following factors:
1. An application that scores higher on a selection criterion
following this order will be ranked higher than an application with the
same overall score: Quality of Project Design; Subject Matter and
Technical Assistance Expertise; and the Approach to Capacity Building.
2. If still tied after implementing the first tiebreaker, the
applicant that is a new potential grantee (as measured by the
Competitive Preference Priority) will be ranked higher than an
application with the same overall score.
3. If still tied after implementing the second tiebreaker, the
applicant that has gone the longest without receiving a Comprehensive
Centers grant will be ranked higher than an applicant with the same
overall score.
4. If still tied after implementing the third tiebreaker, an
applicant that has not received the highest overall score in this
competition for any other Center will be ranked higher than an
applicant that has received the highest overall score in this
competition for any other Center.
3. Risk Assessment and Specific Conditions: Consistent with 2 CFR
200.206, before awarding grants under this program the Department
conducts a review of the risks posed by applicants. Under 2 CFR
200.208, the Secretary may impose specific conditions and, under 2 CFR
3474.10, in appropriate circumstances, high-risk conditions on a grant
if the applicant or grantee is not financially stable; has a history of
unsatisfactory performance; has a financial or other management system
that does not meet the standards in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D; has not
fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant; or is otherwise not
4. Integrity and Performance System: If you are selected under this
competition to receive an award that over the course of the project
period may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold (currently
$250,000), under 2 CFR 200.206(a)(2) we must make a judgment about your
integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal
awards--that is, the risk posed by you as an applicant--before we make
an award. In doing so, we must consider any information about you that
is in the integrity and performance system (currently referred to as
the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System
(FAPIIS)), accessible through the System for Award Management. You may
review and comment on any information about yourself that a Federal
agency previously entered and that is currently in FAPIIS.
Please note that, if the total value of your currently active
grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from the
Federal Government exceeds $10,000,000, the reporting requirements in 2
CFR part 200, appendix XII, require you to report certain integrity
information to FAPIIS semiannually. Please review the requirements in 2
CFR part 200, appendix XII, if this grant plus all the other Federal
funds you receive exceed $10,000,000.
5. In General: In accordance with the Office of Management and
Budget's guidance, 2 CFR part 200, all applicable Federal laws, and
relevant Executive guidance, the Department will review and consider
applications for funding pursuant to this notice inviting applications
in accordance with:
(a) Selecting recipients most likely to be successful in delivering
results based on the program objectives through an objective process of
evaluating Federal award applications (2 CFR 200.205);
(b) Prohibiting the purchase of certain telecommunication and video
surveillance services or equipment in alignment with section 889 of the
National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (Pub. L. 115--232) (2 CFR
(c) Providing a preference, to the extent permitted by law, to
maximize use of goods, products, and materials produced in the United
States (2 CFR 200.322); and
(d) Terminating agreements in whole or in part to the greatest
extent authorized by law if an award no longer effectuates the program
goals or agency priorities (2 CFR 200.340).
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application is successful, we notify your
U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and send you a Grant Award
Notification (GAN); or we may send you an email containing a link to
access an electronic version of your GAN. We may notify you informally,
If your application is not evaluated or not selected for funding,
we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy requirements in the application
package and reference these and other requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining the terms and conditions of
an award in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice and
include these and other specific conditions in the GAN. The GAN also
incorporates your approved application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Open Licensing Requirements: Unless an exception applies, if you
are awarded a grant under this competition, you will be required to
openly license to the public grant deliverables created in whole, or in
part, with Department grant funds. When the deliverable consists of
modifications to pre-existing works, the license extends only to those
modifications that can be separately identified and only to the extent
that open licensing is permitted under the terms of any licenses or
other legal restrictions on the use of pre-existing works.
Additionally, a grantee or subgrantee that is awarded competitive grant
funds must have a plan to disseminate these public grant deliverables.
This dissemination plan can be developed and submitted after your
application has been reviewed and selected for funding. For additional
information on the open licensing requirements please refer to 2 CFR
4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a grant under this competition,
you must ensure that you have in place the necessary processes and
systems to comply with the reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 170
should you receive funding under the competition. This does not apply
if you have an exception under 2 CFR 170.110(b).
[[Page 41422]]
(b) At the end of your project period, you must submit a final
performance report, including financial information, as directed by the
Secretary. If you receive a multiyear award, you must submit an annual
performance report that provides the most current performance and
financial expenditure information as directed by the Secretary under 34
CFR 75.118. The Secretary may also require more frequent performance
reports under 34 CFR 75.720(c). For specific requirements on reporting,
please go to
Note: Consistent with 2 CFR 200.315(b) and other applicable law,
the Department may make reports, deliverables, outputs, or materials
produced by Comprehensive Centers publicly available. This may include
requesting that the Comprehensive Centers disseminate reports,
deliverables, outputs, or materials to a wide audience (e.g., through
their websites, social media, or other public-facing channels).
5. Performance Measures: For the purposes of reporting under 34 CFR
75.110, the following measures established in the 2019 NFP will be used
by the Department to evaluate the effectiveness of each Center, as well
as the Comprehensive Centers Program as a whole:
Measure 1: The extent to which Comprehensive Center clients are
satisfied with the quality, usefulness, and relevance of services
Measure 2: The extent to which Comprehensive Centers provide
services and products to a wide range of recipients.
Measure 3: The extent to which Comprehensive Centers demonstrate
that capacity-building services were implemented as intended.
Measure 4: The extent to which Comprehensive Centers demonstrate
recipient outcomes were met.
6. Continuation Awards: In making a continuation award under 34 CFR
75.253, the Secretary considers, among other things, whether a grantee
has made substantial progress in achieving the goals and objectives of
the project; whether the grantee has expended funds in a manner that is
consistent with its approved application and budget; and, if the
Secretary has established performance measurement requirements, whether
the grantee has made substantial progress in achieving the performance
targets in the grantee's approved application.
In making a continuation award, the Secretary also considers
whether the grantee is operating in compliance with the assurances in
its approved application, including those applicable to Federal civil
rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR
100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
VII. Other Information
Accessible Format: On request to the program contact person listed
under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT, individuals with disabilities
can obtain this document and a copy of the application package in an
accessible format. The Department will provide the requestor with an
accessible format that may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or text
format (txt), a thumb drive, an MP3 file, braille, large print,
audiotape, or compact disc, or other accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this
document is the document published in the Federal Register.You may
access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of
Federal Regulations at At this site, you can view this
document, as well as all other documents of this Department published
in the Federal Register, in text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To
use PDF, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at
the site.
You may also access documents of the Department published in the
Federal Register by using the article search feature at Specifically, through the advanced search
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published
by the Department.
Adam Schott,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Delegated the Authority to
Perform the Functions and Duties of the Assistant Secretary, Office of
Elementary and Secondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2024-09876 Filed 5-10-24; 8:45 am]