CSA Group Testing & Certification Inc.: Applications for Expansion of Recognition, 34271-34273 [2024-09190]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 84 / Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / Notices
that it submits to the Commission
during these investigations may be
disclosed to and used: (i) by the
Commission, its employees and Offices,
and contract personnel (a) for
developing or maintaining the records
of these or related investigations or
reviews, or (b) in internal investigations,
audits, reviews, and evaluations relating
to the programs, personnel, and
operations of the Commission including
under 5 U.S.C. Appendix 3; or (ii) by
U.S. government employees and
contract personnel, solely for
cybersecurity purposes. All contract
personnel will sign appropriate
nondisclosure agreements.
Authority: These investigations are
being conducted under authority of title
VII of the Tariff Act of 1930; this notice
is published pursuant to § 207.12 of the
Commission’s rules.
By order of the Commission.
Issued: April 24, 2024.
Lisa Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2024–09183 Filed 4–29–24; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request;
Mechanical Power Presses Standard
Notice of availability; request
for comments.
The Department of Labor
(DOL) is submitting this Occupational
Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)sponsored information collection
request (ICR) to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). Public comments on the ICR are
DATES: The OMB will consider all
written comments that the agency
receives on or before May 30, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to www.reginfo.gov/public/do/
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Nicole Bouchet by telephone at 202–
693–0213, or by email at DOL_PRA_
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
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inspection and certification records
required by the Standard on Mechanical
Power Presses are intended to ensure
that mechanical power presses are in
safe operating condition, and that all
safety devices are working properly. The
failure of these safety devices could
cause serious injury or death to a
worker. For additional substantive
information about this ICR, see the
related notice published in the Federal
Register on February 15, 2024 (89 FR
Comments are invited on: (1) whether
the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
the agency’s estimates of the burden and
cost of the collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information collection; and
(4) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
This information collection is subject
to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
of information, and the public is
generally not required to respond to an
information collection, unless the OMB
approves it and displays a currently
valid OMB Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information that does not
display a valid OMB Control Number.
See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6.
DOL seeks PRA authorization for this
information collection for three (3)
years. OMB authorization for an ICR
cannot be for more than three (3) years
without renewal. The DOL notes that
information collection requirements
submitted to the OMB for existing ICRs
receive a month-to-month extension
while they undergo review.
Agency: DOL–OSHA.
Title of Collection: Mechanical Power
Presses Standard.
OMB Control Number: 1218–0229.
Affected Public: Private Sector—
Businesses or other for-profits.
Total Estimated Number of
Respondents: 104,035.
Total Estimated Number of
Responses: 62,421.
Total Estimated Annual Time Burden:
20,807 hours.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
Burden: $0.
PO 00000
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(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D))
Nicole Bouchet,
Certifying Official.
[FR Doc. 2024–09193 Filed 4–29–24; 8:45 am]
Occupational Safety and Health
[Docket No. OSHA–2006–0042]
CSA Group Testing & Certification Inc.:
Applications for Expansion of
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
In this notice, OSHA
announces the applications of CSA
Group & Testing Certification Inc., for
expansion of the recognition as a
Nationally Recognized Testing
Laboratory (NRTL) and presents the
agency’s preliminary finding to grant
the applications.
DATES: Submit comments, information,
and documents in response to this
notice, or requests for an extension of
time to make a submission, on or before
May 15, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted as follows:
Electronically: You may submit
comments, including attachments,
electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov, the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency’s name and the
docket number for this rulemaking
(Docket No. OSHA–2006–0042). All
comments, including any personal
information you provide, are placed in
the public docket without change and
may be made available online at https://
www.regulations.gov. Therefore, OSHA
cautions commenters about submitting
information they do not want made
available to the public, or submitting
materials that contain personal
information (either about themselves or
others), such as Social Security numbers
and birthdates.
Docket: To read or download
comments or other material in the
docket, go to https://
www.regulations.gov. Documents in the
docket (including this Federal Register
notice) are listed in the https://
www.regulations.gov index; however,
some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to
read or download through the website.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 84 / Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / Notices
All submissions, including copyrighted
material, are available for inspection
through the OSHA Docket Office.
Contact the OSHA Docket Office at (202)
693–2350 (TTY (877) 889–5627) for
assistance in locating docket
Extension of comment period: Submit
requests for an extension of the
comment period on or before May 15,
2024 to the Office of Technical
Programs and Coordination Activities,
Directorate of Technical Support and
Emergency Management, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue NW, Room N–3653,
Washington, DC 20210, or by fax to
(202) 693–1644.
Information regarding this notice is
available from the following sources:
Press inquiries: Contact Mr. Frank
Meilinger, Director, OSHA Office of
Communications, phone: (202) 693–
1999 or email: meilinger.francis2@
General and technical information:
Contact Mr. Kevin Robinson, Director,
Office of Technical Programs and
Coordination Activities, Directorate of
Technical Support and Emergency
Management, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, phone: (202)
693–1911 or email: robinson.kevin@
I. Notice of the Applications for
OSHA is providing notice that CSA
Group Testing & Certification Inc.
(CSA), is applying for expansion of the
current recognition as a NRTL. CSA
requests the addition of ten test
standards, and one new testing site, to
the NRTL scope of recognition.
OSHA recognition of a NRTL signifies
that the organization meets the
requirements specified in 29 CFR
1910.7. Recognition is an
acknowledgment that the organization
can perform independent safety testing
and certification of the specific products
covered within the scope of recognition.
Each NRTL’s scope of recognition
includes: (1) the type of products the
NRTL may test, with each type specified
by the applicable test standard; and (2)
the recognized site(s) that has/have the
technical capability to perform the
product-testing and productcertification activities for test standards
within the NRTL’s scope. Recognition is
not a delegation or grant of government
authority; however, recognition enables
employers to use products approved by
the NRTL to meet OSHA standards that
require product testing and certification.
The agency processes applications by
a NRTL for initial recognition and for an
expansion or renewal of this
recognition, following requirements in
Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.7. This
appendix requires that the agency
publish two notices in the Federal
Register in processing an application. In
the first notice, OSHA announces the
application and provides a preliminary
finding. In the second notice, the agency
provides a final decision on the
application. These notices set forth the
NRTL’s scope of recognition or
modifications of that scope. OSHA
maintains an informational web page for
each NRTL, including CSA, which
details the NRTL’s scope of recognition.
These pages are available from the
OSHA website at https://www.osha.gov/
CSA currently has twenty-one
facilities (sites) recognized by OSHA for
product testing and certification, with
the headquarters located at: CSA Group
Testing & Certification Inc., 178 Rexdale
Boulevard, Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W
1R3, Canada. A complete list of CSA’s
scope of recognition is available at
II. General Background on the
CSA submitted two applications to
OSHA for expansion of the NRTL scope
of recognition. The first application,
received on January 18, 2022 (OSHA–
2006–0042–0037), requested the
addition of four standards to the NRTL
scope of recognition. The second
application, received on July 28, 2022
(OSHA–2006–0042–0038), requested the
addition of six standards to the NRTL
scope of recognition, as well as the
recognition of an additional testing site
on the CSA Cleveland Ohio campus.
The additional test facility is located at
8801 East Pleasant Valley Road,
Cleveland, Ohio 44131. This expansion
notice covers the ten standards included
in both applications as well as the
additional recognized site. OSHA staff
performed a detailed analysis of the
application packets and reviewed other
pertinent information. OSHA performed
an on-site review of the additional
Cleveland, Ohio site from May 16–17,
2023, in which assessors found some
nonconformances with the requirements
of 29 CFR 1910.7. CSA addressed these
issues sufficiently, and OSHA staff has
preliminarily determined that OSHA
should grant the applications for test
standard expansion and recognition of
the additional testing site.
Table 1, below, lists the appropriate
test standards found in CSA’s
applications for expansion for testing
and certification of products under the
NRTL Program.
Test standard
Test standard title
UL 6A ..............................................
UL 60079–25 ..................................
UL 60079–30–1 ..............................
Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit-Aluminum, Red Brass, and Stainless Steel.
Explosive Atmospheres—Part 25: Intrinsically Safe Electrical Systems.
Explosive Atmospheres—Part 30–1: Electrical Resistance Trace Heating—General and Testing Requirements.
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 4–1: Contactors and Motor-Starters—Electromechanical
Contactors and Motor-Starters.
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 5–1: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements—
Electromechanical Control Circuit Devices.
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear—Part 5–2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements—
Proximity Switches.
Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification—Part 1: Requirements for Construction.
Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification—Part 2: Requirements for Testing.
Low Voltage Transformers—Part 2: General Purpose Transformers.
Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 2: Particular Requirements for Electric Shavers, Hair
Clippers and Similar Appliances.
UL 60947–4–1 ................................
UL 60947–5–1 ................................
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
UL 60947–5–2 ................................
61730–1 ....................................
61730–2 ....................................
5085–2 ......................................
60335–2–8 ................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 84 / Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / Notices
V. Authority and Signature
III. Preliminary Findings on the
CSA submitted acceptable
applications for expansion of the scope
of recognition. OSHA’s review of the
application files and pertinent
documentation indicates that CSA has
met the requirements prescribed by 29
CFR 1910.7 for expanding the
recognition to include the addition of
the ten test standards for NRTL testing
and certification listed in Table 1. In
addition, CSA has met the requirements
for recognition of the additional testing
site. This preliminary finding does not
constitute an interim or temporary
approval of CSA’s applications.
OSHA seeks comment on this
preliminary determination.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
IV. Public Participation
OSHA welcomes public comment as
to whether CSA meets the requirements
of 29 CFR 1910.7 for expansion of
recognition as a NRTL. Comments
should consist of pertinent written
documents and exhibits.
Commenters needing more time to
comment must submit a request in
writing, stating the reasons for the
request by the due date for comments.
OSHA will limit any extension to 10
days unless the requester justifies a
longer time period. OSHA may deny a
request for an extension if it is not
adequately justified.
To review copies of the exhibits
identified in this notice, as well as
comments submitted to the docket,
contact the Docket Office, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor. These materials
also are generally available online at
https://www.regulations.gov under
Docket No. OSHA–2006–0042 (for
further information, see the ‘‘Docket’’
heading in the section of this notice
titled ADDRESSES).
OSHA staff will review all comments
to the docket submitted in a timely
manner. After addressing the issues
raised by these comments, staff will
make a recommendation to the Assistant
Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health on whether to grant
CSA’s application for expansion of the
scope of recognition. The Assistant
Secretary will make the final decision
on granting the application. In making
this decision, the Assistant Secretary
may undertake other proceedings
prescribed in Appendix A to 29 CFR
OSHA will publish a public notice of
the final decision in the Federal
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James S. Frederick, Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health, authorized the
preparation of this notice. Accordingly,
the agency is issuing this notice
pursuant to 29 U.S.C. 657(g)(2),
Secretary of Labor’s Order No. 8–2020
(85 FR 58393, Sept. 18, 2020), and 29
CFR 1910.7.
Signed at Washington, DC.
James S. Frederick,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2024–09190 Filed 4–29–24; 8:45 am]
Occupational Safety and Health
[Docket No. OSHA–2010–0056]
Notice of Alleged Safety and Health
Hazards (OSHA–7 Form); Extension of
the Office of Management and
Budget’s (OMB) Approval of
Information Collection (Paperwork)
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Request for public comments.
OSHA solicits public
comments concerning the proposal to
extend the Office of Management and
Budget’s (OMB) approval of the
information collection requirements
specified in the Notice of Alleged Safety
and Health Hazards (OSHA–7 Form).
DATES: Comments must be submitted
(postmarked, sent, or received) by July
1, 2024.
Electronically: You may submit
comments and attachments
electronically at https://
www.regulations.gov, which is the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the
instructions online for submitting
Docket: To read or download
comments or other material in the
docket, go to https://
www.regulations.gov. Documents in the
docket are listed in the https://
www.regulations.gov index; however,
some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to
read or download through the websites.
All submissions, including copyrighted
material, are available for inspection
through the OSHA Docket Office.
Contact the OSHA Docket Office at (202)
693–2350 (TTY (877) 889–5627) for
PO 00000
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assistance in locating docket
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and OSHA
docket number (OSHA–2010–0056) for
the Information Collection Request
(ICR). OSHA will place all comments,
including any personal information, in
the public docket, which may be made
available online. Therefore, OSHA
cautions interested parties about
submitting personal information such as
social security numbers and birthdates.
For further information on submitting
comments, see the ‘‘Public
Participation’’ heading in the section of
this notice titled SUPPLEMENTARY
Seleda Perryman, Directorate of
Standards and Guidance, OSHA, U.S.
Department of Labor; telephone (202)
I. Background
The Department of Labor, as part of
the continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent (i.e.,
employer) burden, conducts a
preclearance consultation program to
provide the public with an opportunity
to comment on proposed and
continuing information collection
requirements in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)
(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). This program
ensures that information is in the
desired format, reporting burden (time
and costs) is minimal, the collection
instruments are clearly understood, and
OSHA’s estimate of the information
collection burden is accurate. The
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970 (OSH Act) (29 U.S.C. 651 et seq.)
authorizes information collection by
employers as necessary or appropriate
for enforcement of the OSH Act or for
developing information regarding the
causes and prevention of occupational
injuries, illnesses, and accidents (29
U.S.C. 657). The OSH Act also requires
that OSHA obtain such information
with minimum burden upon employers,
especially those operating small
businesses, and to reduce to the
maximum extent feasible unnecessary
duplication of effort in obtaining
information (29 U.S.C. 657).
The following sections describe who
uses the information collected under
each requirement, as well as how they
use it. The purpose of these
requirements is the agency uses the
information collected on the OSHA–7
Form to determine whether or not
reasonable grounds exist to conduct an
inspection of the workplace. The
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 84 (Tuesday, April 30, 2024)]
[Pages 34271-34273]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-09190]
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
[Docket No. OSHA-2006-0042]
CSA Group Testing & Certification Inc.: Applications for
Expansion of Recognition
AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this notice, OSHA announces the applications of CSA Group &
Testing Certification Inc., for expansion of the recognition as a
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) and presents the
agency's preliminary finding to grant the applications.
DATES: Submit comments, information, and documents in response to this
notice, or requests for an extension of time to make a submission, on
or before May 15, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted as follows:
Electronically: You may submit comments, including attachments,
electronically at https://www.regulations.gov, the Federal eRulemaking
Portal. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.
Instructions: All submissions must include the agency's name and
the docket number for this rulemaking (Docket No. OSHA-2006-0042). All
comments, including any personal information you provide, are placed in
the public docket without change and may be made available online at
https://www.regulations.gov. Therefore, OSHA cautions commenters about
submitting information they do not want made available to the public,
or submitting materials that contain personal information (either about
themselves or others), such as Social Security numbers and birthdates.
Docket: To read or download comments or other material in the
docket, go to https://www.regulations.gov. Documents in the docket
(including this Federal Register notice) are listed in the https://www.regulations.gov index; however, some information (e.g., copyrighted
material) is not publicly available to read or download through the
[[Page 34272]]
All submissions, including copyrighted material, are available for
inspection through the OSHA Docket Office. Contact the OSHA Docket
Office at (202) 693-2350 (TTY (877) 889-5627) for assistance in
locating docket submissions.
Extension of comment period: Submit requests for an extension of
the comment period on or before May 15, 2024 to the Office of Technical
Programs and Coordination Activities, Directorate of Technical Support
and Emergency Management, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW,
Room N-3653, Washington, DC 20210, or by fax to (202) 693-1644.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Information regarding this notice is
available from the following sources:
Press inquiries: Contact Mr. Frank Meilinger, Director, OSHA Office
of Communications, phone: (202) 693-1999 or email:
[email protected].
General and technical information: Contact Mr. Kevin Robinson,
Director, Office of Technical Programs and Coordination Activities,
Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, phone: (202) 693-1911 or email:
[email protected].
I. Notice of the Applications for Expansion
OSHA is providing notice that CSA Group Testing & Certification
Inc. (CSA), is applying for expansion of the current recognition as a
NRTL. CSA requests the addition of ten test standards, and one new
testing site, to the NRTL scope of recognition.
OSHA recognition of a NRTL signifies that the organization meets
the requirements specified in 29 CFR 1910.7. Recognition is an
acknowledgment that the organization can perform independent safety
testing and certification of the specific products covered within the
scope of recognition. Each NRTL's scope of recognition includes: (1)
the type of products the NRTL may test, with each type specified by the
applicable test standard; and (2) the recognized site(s) that has/have
the technical capability to perform the product-testing and product-
certification activities for test standards within the NRTL's scope.
Recognition is not a delegation or grant of government authority;
however, recognition enables employers to use products approved by the
NRTL to meet OSHA standards that require product testing and
The agency processes applications by a NRTL for initial recognition
and for an expansion or renewal of this recognition, following
requirements in Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.7. This appendix requires
that the agency publish two notices in the Federal Register in
processing an application. In the first notice, OSHA announces the
application and provides a preliminary finding. In the second notice,
the agency provides a final decision on the application. These notices
set forth the NRTL's scope of recognition or modifications of that
scope. OSHA maintains an informational web page for each NRTL,
including CSA, which details the NRTL's scope of recognition. These
pages are available from the OSHA website at https://www.osha.gov/dts/otpca/nrtl/.
CSA currently has twenty-one facilities (sites) recognized by OSHA
for product testing and certification, with the headquarters located
at: CSA Group Testing & Certification Inc., 178 Rexdale Boulevard,
Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 1R3, Canada. A complete list of CSA's scope of
recognition is available at https://www.osha.gov/nationally-recognized-testing-laboratory-program/csa.
II. General Background on the Application
CSA submitted two applications to OSHA for expansion of the NRTL
scope of recognition. The first application, received on January 18,
2022 (OSHA-2006-0042-0037), requested the addition of four standards to
the NRTL scope of recognition. The second application, received on July
28, 2022 (OSHA-2006-0042-0038), requested the addition of six standards
to the NRTL scope of recognition, as well as the recognition of an
additional testing site on the CSA Cleveland Ohio campus. The
additional test facility is located at 8801 East Pleasant Valley Road,
Cleveland, Ohio 44131. This expansion notice covers the ten standards
included in both applications as well as the additional recognized
site. OSHA staff performed a detailed analysis of the application
packets and reviewed other pertinent information. OSHA performed an on-
site review of the additional Cleveland, Ohio site from May 16-17,
2023, in which assessors found some nonconformances with the
requirements of 29 CFR 1910.7. CSA addressed these issues sufficiently,
and OSHA staff has preliminarily determined that OSHA should grant the
applications for test standard expansion and recognition of the
additional testing site.
Table 1, below, lists the appropriate test standards found in CSA's
applications for expansion for testing and certification of products
under the NRTL Program.
Table 1--Proposed Appropriate Tests Standards for Inclusion in CSA's
NRTL Scope of Recognition
Test standard Test standard title
UL 6A............................. Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit-
Aluminum, Red Brass, and Stainless
UL 60079-25....................... Explosive Atmospheres--Part 25:
Intrinsically Safe Electrical
UL 60079-30-1..................... Explosive Atmospheres--Part 30-1:
Electrical Resistance Trace
Heating--General and Testing
UL 60947-4-1...................... Low-Voltage Switchgear and
Controlgear--Part 4-1: Contactors
and Motor-Starters--
Electromechanical Contactors and
UL 60947-5-1...................... Low-Voltage Switchgear and
Controlgear--Part 5-1: Control
Circuit Devices and Switching
Elements--Electromechanical Control
Circuit Devices.
UL 60947-5-2...................... Low-Voltage Switchgear and
Controlgear--Part 5-2: Control
Circuit Devices and Switching
Elements--Proximity Switches.
UL 61730-1........................ Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety
Qualification--Part 1: Requirements
for Construction.
UL 61730-2........................ Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety
Qualification--Part 2: Requirements
for Testing.
UL 5085-2......................... Low Voltage Transformers--Part 2:
General Purpose Transformers.
UL 60335-2-8...................... Household and Similar Electrical
Appliances, Part 2: Particular
Requirements for Electric Shavers,
Hair Clippers and Similar
[[Page 34273]]
III. Preliminary Findings on the Applications
CSA submitted acceptable applications for expansion of the scope of
recognition. OSHA's review of the application files and pertinent
documentation indicates that CSA has met the requirements prescribed by
29 CFR 1910.7 for expanding the recognition to include the addition of
the ten test standards for NRTL testing and certification listed in
Table 1. In addition, CSA has met the requirements for recognition of
the additional testing site. This preliminary finding does not
constitute an interim or temporary approval of CSA's applications.
OSHA seeks comment on this preliminary determination.
IV. Public Participation
OSHA welcomes public comment as to whether CSA meets the
requirements of 29 CFR 1910.7 for expansion of recognition as a NRTL.
Comments should consist of pertinent written documents and exhibits.
Commenters needing more time to comment must submit a request in
writing, stating the reasons for the request by the due date for
comments. OSHA will limit any extension to 10 days unless the requester
justifies a longer time period. OSHA may deny a request for an
extension if it is not adequately justified.
To review copies of the exhibits identified in this notice, as well
as comments submitted to the docket, contact the Docket Office,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of
Labor. These materials also are generally available online at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. OSHA-2006-0042 (for further
information, see the ``Docket'' heading in the section of this notice
titled ADDRESSES).
OSHA staff will review all comments to the docket submitted in a
timely manner. After addressing the issues raised by these comments,
staff will make a recommendation to the Assistant Secretary of Labor
for Occupational Safety and Health on whether to grant CSA's
application for expansion of the scope of recognition. The Assistant
Secretary will make the final decision on granting the application. In
making this decision, the Assistant Secretary may undertake other
proceedings prescribed in Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.7.
OSHA will publish a public notice of the final decision in the
Federal Register.
V. Authority and Signature
James S. Frederick, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health, authorized the preparation of this
notice. Accordingly, the agency is issuing this notice pursuant to 29
U.S.C. 657(g)(2), Secretary of Labor's Order No. 8-2020 (85 FR 58393,
Sept. 18, 2020), and 29 CFR 1910.7.
Signed at Washington, DC.
James S. Frederick,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2024-09190 Filed 4-29-24; 8:45 am]