Applications for New Awards; National Professional Development, 17836-17842 [2024-05206]

Download as PDF 17836 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 12, 2024 / Notices 20, 2024, prior to the meeting, then it may not be provided to, or considered by, the Committee during the March 21, 2024 meeting. The DFO, Dr. Kimberly Spangler will review all timely submissions with the SERDP SAB Chair and ensure such submissions are provided to the members of the SERDP SAB before the meeting. Dated: February 29, 2024. Aaron T. Siegel, Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense. [FR Doc. 2024–05244 Filed 3–11–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6001–FR–P DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION [Docket No.: ED–2024–SCC–0046] Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Application for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program Office of Communication and Outreach (OCO), Department of Education (ED). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the Department is proposing an extension without change of a currently approved information collection request (ICR). DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before May 13, 2024. ADDRESSES: To access and review all the documents related to the information collection listed in this notice, please use by searching the Docket ID number ED– 2024–SCC–0046. Comments submitted in response to this notice should be submitted electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// by selecting the Docket ID number or via postal mail, commercial delivery, or hand delivery. If the site is not available to the public for any reason, the Department will temporarily accept comments at Please include the docket ID number and the title of the information collection request when requesting documents or submitting comments. Please note that comments submitted after the comment period will not be accepted. Written requests for information or comments submitted by postal mail or delivery should be addressed to the Manager of the Strategic Collections and Clearance Governance and Strategy Division, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Mar 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 Ave. SW, LBJ, Room 4C210, Washington, DC 20202–8240. For specific questions related to collection activities, please contact Simone Olson, 202–987–0886. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed, revised, and continuing collections of information. This helps the Department assess the impact of its information collection requirements and minimize the public’s reporting burden. It also helps the public understand the Department’s information collection requirements and provide the requested data in the desired format. The Department is soliciting comments on the proposed information collection request (ICR) that is described below. The Department is especially interested in public comment addressing the following issues: (1) is this collection necessary to the proper functions of the Department; (2) will this information be processed and used in a timely manner; (3) is the estimate of burden accurate; (4) how might the Department enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (5) how might the Department minimize the burden of this collection on the respondents, including through the use of information technology. Please note that written comments received in response to this notice will be considered public records. Title of Collection: Application for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. OMB Control Number: 1860–0504. Type of Review: An extension without change of a currently approved ICR. Respondents/Affected Public: Individuals and Households. Total Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 3,300. Total Estimated Number of Annual Burden Hours: 52,800. Abstract: The United States Presidential Scholars Program is a national recognition program to honor outstanding graduating high school seniors. Candidates are invited to apply based on academic achievements on the SAT or ACT assessments, through nomination from Chief State School Officers, other recognition program partner organizations, on artistic merits based on participation in a national talent program and achievement in career and technical education programs. This program was established by Presidential Executive Orders 11155, 12158 and 13697. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Dated: March 7, 2024. Stephanie Valentine, PRA Coordinator, Strategic Collections and Clearance, Governance and Strategy Division, Office of Chief Data Officer, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. [FR Doc. 2024–05176 Filed 3–11–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4000–01–P DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Applications for New Awards; National Professional Development Office of English Language Acquisition, Department of Education. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Department of Education (Department) is issuing a notice inviting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2024 for the National Professional Development (NPD) program, Assistance Listing Number 84.365Z. This notice relates to the approved information collection under OMB control number 1894–0006. DATES: Applications Available: March 12, 2024. Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: April 11, 2024. Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: May 13, 2024. Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: July 10, 2024. ADDRESSES: For the addresses for obtaining and submitting an application, please refer to our Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and available at 2022/12/07/2022–26554/commoninstructions-for-applicants-todepartment-of-education-discretionarygrant-programs. Please note that these Common Instructions supersede the version published on December 27, 2021. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Francisco J. Lo´pez, Jr., U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20202. Telephone: (202) 558–4880. Email: NPD2024@ If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability and wish to access telecommunications relay services, please dial 7–1–1. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SUMMARY: Full Text of Announcement I. Funding Opportunity Description Purpose of Program: Under the NPD program, authorized by sections E:\FR\FM\12MRN1.SGM 12MRN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 12, 2024 / Notices 3111(c)(1)(C) and 3131 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA), the Department awards grants to public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education (IHEs) and public and private entities with relevant experience and capacity, in consortia with State educational agencies (SEAs) and/or local educational agencies (LEAs) to implement pre-service and in-service professional development activities intended to improve instruction for English learners (ELs) and assist education personnel working with ELs to meet high professional standards. Grants awarded under this program may be used for effective pre-service professional development programs that will increase the number and diversity of fully licensed or certified bilingual or multilingual teachers. The purpose of the grants to be awarded under this competition is to increase the number of bilingual and multilingual teachers supporting ELs. Background: ‘‘Raise the Bar (RTB): Lead the World’’ is the Department’s call to action to transform prekindergarten through postsecondary learning and unite around what truly works by promoting academic excellence, boldly improving learning conditions, and preparing our Nation’s students for global competitiveness.1 To achieve these goals, we must work to eliminate the educator shortage, increase services for EL students, and expand pathways to multilingualism for all students. The NPD program, specifically the pre-service component of NPD, is uniquely positioned to support the Department’s RTB goals by helping to ensure that ELs have access to wellprepared educators and by quickly growing the number of qualified bilingual and multilingual educators needed to expand the availability of bilingual programs. As supported by the Native American Language Act of 1990 (NALA 1990) as amended by the Durbin Feeling Languages Act and sections 3127 and 3124(3) of the ESEA, we welcome participation from applicants proposing projects that increase the number of teachers who are bilingual or multilingual in a Native American language and a second language to support the unique needs of Native American EL students and expand pathways to multilingualism for all Native American students. As described in the absolute priority, this competition is designed to support pre-service projects that recruit bilingual or multilingual teacher 2 strategies-for-educators.pdf. 1 VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Mar 11, 2024 candidates and that propose to implement at least one grow-your-own (GYO) strategy as part of their overall objective of increasing the number of fully licensed or certified bilingual and multilingual teachers. Drawing upon partnerships with community-based organizations, school districts, and IHEs, GYO programs recruit students from local areas through outreach, close collaboration with school counselors and teachers, and meaningful opportunities to learn about and engage in the teaching profession. Along with financial support, participating students are provided academic, social and other support to ensure completion of the program (e.g., stipends, licensure preparation, mentoring, and peer groups).2 These programs may be designed for high school students who want to become educators or adults such as paraprofessionals who are working in schools but need the credentials to teach. For example, bilingual and multilingual students who have earned the Seal of Biliteracy have demonstrated competencies in English and one or more other languages and could be strong potential participants in a GYO project. Since the inception of the Seal of Biliteracy in California in 2011, the program has been replicated in 48 States and the District of Columbia, each of which has approved its own statewide Seal of Biliteracy. Through the NPD program, we encourage projects that incentivize high school graduates who have received the seal to pursue a career as a bilingual or multilingual teacher. These students could also be supported through dual enrollment, early college, and Career and Technical Education programs that provide students interested in teaching with opportunities to earn related credits and other experiential related opportunities. Additionally, bilingual and multilingual paraprofessionals, high-quality substitute teachers, and others in a community who are interested in becoming bilingual or multilingual teachers are a valuable resource and may have strong connections to the local community. Providing them with support through GYO strategies may result in a quicker pathway to certification or licensure given any postsecondary credits they may already have. As part of the FY 2024 NPD competition, we also aim to diversify the teacher workforce. Students, particularly emerging bilingual and multilingual students, from low-income Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 17837 backgrounds are a critical part of addressing the need to provide culturally and linguistically relevant teaching in underserved schools and to give all students the opportunity to benefit from diverse educators. Consistent with the Secretary’s overall priorities, applicants are encouraged to propose projects that recruit, prepare, and retain students from low-income backgrounds, including those who live in rural areas or who are first-generation candidates, as they transition to and enroll in postsecondary education, including by helping students complete the FAFSA and secure additional financial support such as service scholarships. This may also include designing a pre-service program that removes barriers to participation by helping candidates who are from lowincome backgrounds with tuition, fees, books, supplies, childcare, and transportation to and from pre-service classes as a few examples. As the EL population continues to grow, and as our global economy becomes more interconnected, it is critical that we give every student every educational opportunity, which begins with teachers who are well prepared and supported and have the language, skills, knowledge, and cultural competencies to serve EL students. Priorities: This notice includes one absolute priority, one competitive preference priority, and one invitational priority. In accordance with 34 CFR 75.105(b)(2)(iv), the absolute priority is from the notice of priorities, requirements, and definitions for this program published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register (2024 NFP). The competitive preference priority is from the Administrative Priorities for Discretionary Grants Programs (Administrative Priorities), published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2020 (85 FR 13640). Absolute Priority: For FY 2024 and any subsequent year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition, the following priority is an absolute priority. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3) we consider only applications that meet this priority. The priority is: Increase the Number of Bilingual or Multilingual Teachers Through a GrowYour-Own (GYO) Pre-Service Program that Recruits Teacher Candidates who are Bilingual or Multilingual. Projects that propose to increase the number of fully licensed or certified bilingual or multilingual teachers working in language instruction educational programs or serving ELs, and improve their qualifications and E:\FR\FM\12MRN1.SGM 12MRN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES 17838 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 12, 2024 / Notices skills, through evidence-based (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1(c)) pre-service programs. Applicants must describe their plan for recruiting, supporting, and retaining teacher candidates who are bilingual or multilingual. Applicants must include in their proposed plan for a pre-service program, one or more of the following GYO strategies that are designed to address shortages of bilingual or multilingual teachers and increase the diversity of qualified individuals entering the educator workforce: (a) Implementing evidence-based GYO strategies for bilingual or multilingual individuals (e.g., creating dual enrollment, early college, and Career and Technical Education programs in teaching for middle and high school students paired with offering seals of biliteracy or supporting bilingual or multilingual paraprofessionals actively working in P– 12 schools in becoming teachers). (b) Recruiting bilingual or multilingual individuals who may have a teaching credential, but who are not certified to teach bilingual or multilingual education, and supporting them in earning the additional certification. (c) Implementing evidence-based teacher residencies in bilingual or multilingual education, including scaling these evidence-based pathways through a registered teacher apprenticeship program. Competitive Preference Priority: For FY 2024 and any subsequent year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this competition, this priority is a competitive preference priority. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(2), we award up to an additional five points to an application that meets the competitive preference priority. An applicant must clearly identify in the project abstract and the project narrative section of its application that it is addressing the competitive preference priority for purposes of earning competitive preference priority points. This priority is: Applications From New Potential Grantees (0 or 5 points). (a) Under this priority, an applicant must demonstrate that it does not, as of the deadline date for submission of applications, have an active grant, including through membership in a group application submitted in accordance with 34 CFR 75.127–75.129, under the program from which it seeks funds. (b) For the purpose of this priority, a grant or contract is active until the end of the grant’s or contract’s project or VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Mar 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 funding period, including any extensions of those periods that extend the grantee’s or contractor’s authority to obligate funds. Invitational Priority: For FY 2024, this priority is an invitational priority. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(1), we do not give an application that meets this invitational priority a competitive or absolute preference over other applications. This priority is: Service to Students from FirstGeneration or Low-Income Backgrounds. Projects to recruit, prepare, and retain students in the pre-service program who are first-generation postsecondary students (i.e., whose parents’ highest level of education is a high school diploma or less) or who are from lowincome backgrounds. Application Requirements: An applicant must provide the indicators it proposes to use to determine if a participant meets the definition of ‘‘bilingual or multilingual.’’ Applicants may provide this information in response to the selection criteria, or otherwise as applicable, in their applications. (2024 NFP) Definitions: The following definitions of ‘‘bilingual or multilingual’’ and ‘‘preservice’’ are from the 2024 NFP. Bilingual or multilingual means able to listen, speak, read, and write in two or more languages with at least a high level of proficiency in each language, as determined based on indicators of proficiency established by the grantee. Note, bilingual or multilingual means a high level of proficiency in the domains that exist for the language, which may be fewer than four domains for some languages. Pre-service means the period of preparation for a person who does not have a prior teaching certificate or license and who is enrolled in a Stateapproved teacher education program that leads to a full State-approved certificate or license. Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6861. Note: Projects will be awarded and must be operated in a manner consistent with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in Federal civil rights laws. Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98, and 99. (b) The Office of Management and Budget Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) in 2 CFR part 180, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2 CFR part 3485. (c) The Uniform PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in 2 CFR part 200, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2 CFR part 3474. (d) The 2024 NFP. (e) The Administrative Priorities. Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to IHEs only. II. Award Information Type of Award: Discretionary grants. Estimated Available Funds: $8,400,000. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final congressional action. However, we are inviting applications to allow enough time to complete the grant process if Congress appropriates funds for this program. Contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of applications, we may make additional awards in subsequent years from the list of unfunded applications from this competition. Estimated Range of Awards: $600,000-$700,000. Maximum Award: $700,000 per year. Estimated Number of Awards: 12. Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice. Project Period: 60 months. III. Eligibility Information 1. Eligible Applicants: IHEs, or public or private entities with relevant experience and capacity, in consortia with LEAs or SEAs. 2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: This program does not require cost sharing or matching. b. Indirect Cost Rate Information: This program uses a training indirect cost rate. This limits indirect cost reimbursement to an entity’s actual indirect costs, as determined in its negotiated indirect cost rate agreement, or eight percent of a modified total direct cost base, whichever amount is less. For more information regarding training indirect cost rates, see 34 CFR 75.562. For more information regarding indirect costs, or to obtain a negotiated indirect cost rate, please see intro.html. c. Administrative Cost Limitation: This program does not include any program-specific limitation on administrative expenses. All administrative expenses must be reasonable and necessary and conform to Cost Principles described in 2 CFR part 200 subpart E of the Uniform Guidance. d. Limitation on Awards: To maximize student population needs and geographic diversity, the number of awards per single entity will be limited to one per DUNS or UEI number. E:\FR\FM\12MRN1.SGM 12MRN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 12, 2024 / Notices khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES 3. Subgrantees: A grantee under this competition may not award subgrants to entities to directly carry out project activities described in its application. IV. Application and Submission Information 1. Application Submission Instructions: Applicants are required to follow the Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and available at https:// 2022/12/07/2022-26554/commoninstructions-for-applicants-todepartment-of-education-discretionarygrant-programs. Please note that these Common Instructions supersede the version published on December 27, 2021. 2. Submission of Proprietary Information: Given the types of projects that may be proposed in applications for the NPD competition, your application may include business information that you consider proprietary. In 34 CFR 5.11 we define ‘‘business information’’ and describe the process we use in determining whether any of that information is proprietary and, thus, protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552, as amended). Consistent with the process followed in prior NPD competitions, we may post the project narrative section of funded NPD applications on the Department’s website so you may wish to request confidentiality of business information. Identifying proprietary information in the submitted application will help facilitate this public disclosure process. Consistent with Executive Order 12600, please designate in your application any information that you believe is exempt from disclosure under Exemption 4. In the appropriate Appendix section of your application, under ‘‘Other Attachments Form,’’ please list the page number or numbers on which we can find this information. For additional information please see 34 CFR 5.11(c). 3. Intergovernmental Review: This competition is subject to Executive Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79. Information about Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs under Executive Order 12372 is in the application package for this competition. 4. Funding Restrictions: We reference regulations outlining funding restrictions in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Mar 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 5. Recommended Page Limit: The application narrative is where you, the applicant, address the selection criteria that reviewers use to evaluate your application.We recommend that you (1) limit the application narrative to no more than 35 pages and (2) use the following standards: • A ‘‘page’’ is 8.5’’ x 11’’, on one side only, with 1’’ margins at the top, bottom, and both sides. • Double space (no more than three lines per vertical inch) all text in the application narrative, including titles, headings, footnotes, quotations, references, and captions. • Use a font that is either 12 point or larger or no smaller than 10 pitch (characters per inch). • Use one of the following fonts: Times New Roman, Courier, Courier New, or Arial. The recommended page limit for the application does not apply to the cover sheet; the budget section, including the narrative budget justification; the assurances and certifications; or the one-page abstract, the bibliography, or the letters of support of the application. However, the recommended page limit does apply to the entire narrative section of the application. An application will not be disqualified if it exceeds the recommended page limit. 6. Notice of Intent to Apply: The Department will be able to review grant applications more efficiently if we know the approximate number of applicants that intend to apply. Therefore, we strongly encourage each potential applicant to notify us of their intent to submit an application. To do so, please email the program contact person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT with the subject line ‘‘Intent to Apply,’’ and include the applicant’s name and a contact person’s name and email address. Applicants that do not submit a notice of intent to apply may still apply for funding; applicants that do submit a notice of intent to apply are not bound to apply or bound by the information provided. V. Application Review Information 1. Selection Criteria: The selection criteria for this competition are from section 34 CFR 75.210. The maximum score for all of these criteria is 100 points (not including competitive preference priority points). The maximum score for each criterion is indicated in parentheses. (a) Quality of the project design. (up to 33 points) (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the design of the proposed project. PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 17839 (2) In determining the quality of the design of the proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors: (i) The extent to which the goals, objectives, and outcomes to be achieved by the proposed project are clearly specified and measurable. (ii) The extent to which the design for implementing and evaluating the proposed project will result in information to guide possible replication of project activities or strategies, including information about the effectiveness of the approach or strategies employed by the project. (iii) The extent to which the proposed project demonstrates a rationale (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1(c)). (b) Quality of project personnel. (up to 12 points) (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the personnel who will carry out the proposed project. (2) In determining the quality of project personnel, the Secretary considers the extent to which the applicant encourages applications for employment from persons who are members of groups that have traditionally been underrepresented based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. (3) In addition, the Secretary considers the following factors: (i) The qualifications, including relevant training and experience, of the project director or principal investigator. (ii) The qualifications, including relevant training and experience, of key project personnel. (c) Quality of the management plan. (up to 28 points) (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the management plan for the proposed project. (2) In determining the quality of the management plan for the proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors: (i) The adequacy of the management plan to achieve the objectives of the proposed project on time and within budget, including clearly defined responsibilities, timelines, and milestones for accomplishing project tasks. (ii) The extent to which the time commitments of the project director and principal investigator and other key project personnel are appropriate and adequate to meet the objectives of the proposed project. (d) Adequacy of resources. (up to 6 points) (1) The Secretary considers the adequacy of resources for the proposed project. E:\FR\FM\12MRN1.SGM 12MRN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES 17840 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 12, 2024 / Notices (2) In determining the adequacy of resources for the proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors: (i) The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives, design, and potential significance of the proposed project. (ii) The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the number of persons to be served and to the anticipated results and benefits. (e) Quality of the project evaluation. (up to 21 points) (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the evaluation to be conducted of the proposed project. (2) In determining the quality of the evaluation, the Secretary considers the following factors: (i) The extent to which the methods of evaluation are thorough, feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the proposed project. (ii) The extent to which the methods of evaluation will provide performance feedback and permit periodic assessment of progress toward achieving intended outcomes. (iii) The extent to which the methods of evaluation will provide valid and reliable performance data on relevant outcomes. 2. Review and Selection Process: The Department will screen applications that are submitted for NPD grants in accordance with the requirements in this notice and determine which applications meet the eligibility and other requirements. Peer reviewers will review all eligible applications for NPD grants that are submitted by the established deadline. Applicants should note, however, that we may screen for eligibility at multiple points during the competition process, including before and after peer review; applicants that are determined to be ineligible will not receive a grant award regardless of peer reviewer scores or comments. If we determine that an application does not meet an NPD requirement, the application will not be considered for funding. For NPD grant applications, the Department intends to conduct a thorough and impartial review process to review and score all eligible applications. Content reviewers will review and score all eligible applications on the following selection criteria: (a) Quality of the project design; (b) Quality of project personnel; (c) Quality of the management plan; and (d) Adequacy of resources. Peer reviewers with evaluation expertise will review and score selection criterion (e) Quality of the project evaluation. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Mar 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 We remind potential applicants that in reviewing applications in any discretionary grant competition, the Secretary may consider, under 34 CFR 75.217(d)(3), the past performance of the applicant in carrying out a previous award, such as the applicant’s use of funds, achievement of project objectives, and compliance with grant conditions. The Secretary may also consider whether the applicant failed to submit a timely performance report or submitted a report of unacceptable quality. In addition, in making a competitive grant award, the Secretary requires various assurances including those applicable to Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23). 3. Risk Assessment and Specific Conditions: Consistent with 2 CFR 200.206, before awarding grants under this program the Department conducts a review of the risks posed by applicants. Under 2 CFR 200.208, the Secretary may impose specific conditions and, under 2 CFR 3474.10, in appropriate circumstances, high-risk conditions on a grant if the applicant or grantee is not financially stable; has a history of unsatisfactory performance; has a financial or other management system that does not meet the standards in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D; has not fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant; or is otherwise not responsible. 4. Integrity and Performance System: If you are selected under this competition to receive an award that over the course of the project period may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold (currently $250,000), under 2 CFR 200.206(a)(2) we must make a judgment about your integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal awards—that is, the risk posed by you as an applicant—before we make an award. In doing so, we must consider any information about you that is in the integrity and performance system (currently referred to as the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS)), accessible through the System for Award Management. You may review and comment on any information about yourself that a Federal agency previously entered and that is currently in FAPIIS. Please note that, if the total value of your currently active grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from the Federal Government exceeds $10,000,000, the reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 200, appendix XII, require you to report certain integrity PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 information to FAPIIS semiannually. Please review the requirements in 2 CFR part 200, appendix XII, if this grant plus all the other Federal funds you receive exceed $10,000,000. 5. In General: In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget’s guidance located at 2 CFR part 200, all applicable Federal laws, and relevant Executive guidance, the Department will review and consider applications for funding pursuant to this notice inviting applications in accordance with— (a) Selecting recipients most likely to be successful in delivering results based on the program objectives through an objective process of evaluating Federal award applications (2 CFR 200.205); (b) Prohibiting the purchase of certain telecommunication and video surveillance services or equipment in alignment with section 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (Pub. L. 115–232) (2 CFR 200.216); (c) Providing a preference, to the extent permitted by law, to maximize use of goods, products, and materials produced in the United States (2 CFR 200.322); and (d) Terminating agreements in whole or in part to the greatest extent authorized by law if an award no longer effectuates the program goals or agency priorities (2 CFR 200.340). VI. Award Administration Information 1. Award Notices: If your application is successful, we notify your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and send you a Grant Award Notification (GAN); or we may send you an email containing a link to access an electronic version of your GAN. We may notify you informally, also. If your application is not evaluated or not selected for funding, we notify you. 2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: We identify administrative and national policy requirements in the application package and reference these and other requirements in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice. We reference the regulations outlining the terms and conditions of an award in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice and include these and other specific conditions in the GAN. The GAN also incorporates your approved application as part of your binding commitments under the grant. 3. Open Licensing Requirements: Unless an exception applies, if you are awarded a grant under this competition, you will be required to openly license to the public grant deliverables created in whole, or in part, with Department grant funds. When the deliverable E:\FR\FM\12MRN1.SGM 12MRN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 12, 2024 / Notices consists of modifications to pre-existing works, the license extends only to those modifications that can be separately identified and only to the extent that open licensing is permitted under the terms of any licenses or other legal restrictions on the use of pre-existing works. Additionally, a grantee or subgrantee that is awarded competitive grant funds must have a plan to disseminate these public grant deliverables. This dissemination plan can be developed and submitted after your application has been reviewed and selected for funding. For additional information on the open licensing requirements please refer to 2 CFR 3474.20. 4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a grant under this competition, you must ensure that you have in place the necessary processes and systems to comply with the reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 170 should you receive funding under the competition. This does not apply if you have an exception under 2 CFR 170.110(b). (b) At the end of your project period, you must submit a final performance report, including financial information, as directed by the Secretary. If you receive a multiyear award, you must submit an annual performance report that provides the most current performance and financial expenditure information as directed by the Secretary under 34 CFR 75.118. The Secretary may also require more frequent performance reports under 34 CFR 75.720(c). For specific requirements on reporting, please go to https:// appforms.html. (c) The Secretary may provide a grantee with additional funding for data collection, analysis, and reporting. In this case the Secretary establishes a data collection period. 5. Performance Measures: (a) The Department has established the following performance measures for the purpose of Department reporting under 34 CFR 75.110: Measure 1: The percentage of projectspecific annual goals the program met. Measure 2: The number of bilingual or multilingual pre-service program participants enrolled annually. Measure 3: Under measure 2, the number of bilingual or multilingual participants who are making progress toward becoming fully State certified, licensed, or endorsed in EL instruction. Measure 4: Under measure 2, the number of bilingual or multilingual participants who have become fully State certified, licensed, or endorsed annually. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Mar 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 (b) Indicators of success. These measures constitute the Department’s indicators of success for this program. Consequently, we advise an applicant for a grant under this program to carefully consider these measures in conceptualizing the approach for its proposed project plan. (c) Baseline data. Applicants must provide baseline (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1) data in their applications for each of the project performance measures listed in (a) and explain how each proposed baseline is related to program outcomes; or, if the applicant has determined that there are no established baseline data for a particular performance measure, explain why there is no established baseline and explain how and when, during the project period, the applicant will establish a baseline for the performance measure. (d) Performance measure targets. In addition, the applicant must propose in its application annual targets for the measures listed in paragraph (a). Applications must also include the following information as directed under 34 CFR 75.110(b): (1) An explanation of how each proposed performance target is ambitious (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1) yet achievable compared to the baseline for the performance measure. (2) An explanation of the data collection and reporting methods the applicant would use and why those methods are likely to yield reliable, valid, and meaningful performance data; and (3) An explanation of the applicant’s capacity to collect and report reliable, valid, and meaningful performance data, as evidenced by high-quality data collection, analysis, and reporting in other projects or research. Note: If the applicant does not have experience with collection and reporting of performance data through other projects or research, the applicant should provide other evidence of capacity to successfully carry out data collection and reporting for its proposed project. The reviewers of each application will score related selection criteria based on how well an applicant has considered these measures in conceptualizing the approach and evaluation of the project. (e) Performance Reports. All grantees must submit an annual performance report and final performance report with information that is responsive to these performance measures. The Department will consider this data in making annual continuation awards. (f) Department Evaluations. Consistent with 34 CFR 75.591, grantees funded under this program must comply with the requirements of any evaluation PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 17841 of the program conducted by the Department or an evaluator selected by the Department. 6. Continuation Awards: In making a continuation award under 34 CFR 75.253, the Secretary considers, among other things: Whether a grantee has made substantial progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the project; whether the grantee has expended funds in a manner that is consistent with its approved application and budget; and, if the Secretary has established performance measurement requirements, whether the grantee has made substantial progress in achieving the performance targets in the grantee’s approved application. In making a continuation award, the Secretary also considers whether the grantee is operating in compliance with the assurances in its approved application, including those applicable to Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23). VII. Other Information Accessible Format: On request to the program contact person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT, individuals with disabilities can obtain this document and a copy of the application package in an accessible format. The Department will provide the requestor with an accessible format that may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or text format (txt), a thumb drive, an MP3 file, braille, large print, audiotape, or compact disc, or other accessible format. Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations at At this site you can view this document, as well as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal Register, in text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the site. You may also access documents of the Department published in the Federal Register by using the article search feature at Specifically, through the advanced search feature at this site, you can limit E:\FR\FM\12MRN1.SGM 12MRN1 17842 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 49 / Tuesday, March 12, 2024 / Notices your search to documents published by the Department. • Public Comment • Adjourn Montserrat Garibay, Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director for the Office of English Language Acquisition. Breaks taken as appropriate. Public Participation: The meeting is open to the public. A webcast of this meeting will be available. Please check the website below for updates and information on how to view the meeting. If you would like to file a written statement with the Committee, you may do so either before or after the meeting. If you would like to make oral statements regarding any of the items on the agenda, you should contact Kerry Hochberger at kerry.hochberger@ You must request an oral statement at least five business days before the meeting. Reasonable provisions will be made to include the scheduled oral statements on the agenda. The Chairperson of the Committee will conduct the meeting to facilitate the orderly conduct of business. Public comment will follow the 10-minute rule. If you have any questions or need a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act for this event, please send your request to Kerry Hochberger at kerry.hochberger@ two weeks but no later than 48 hours, prior to the event. Closed captions will be enabled. Information about the committee can be found at: Minutes: The minutes of this meeting will be available for review on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences website at: https:// Signing Authority: This document of the Department of Energy was signed on March 7, 2024, by David Borak, Deputy Committee Management Officer, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of Energy. That document with the original signature and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon publication in the Federal Register. [FR Doc. 2024–05206 Filed 3–8–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4000–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Office of Science, Department of Energy. ACTION: Notice of open meeting. AGENCY: This notice announces a virtual meeting of the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC). The Federal Advisory Committee Act requires that public notice of these meetings be announced in the Federal Register. DATES: Tuesday, April 9, 2024; 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EDT. Wednesday, April 10, 2024; 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT. ADDRESSES: This meeting is open to the public. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Information to participate can be found on the website closer to the meeting date at https:// FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kerry Hochberger; Office of Basic Energy Sciences; U.S. Department of Energy; Germantown Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585; Telephone: (301) 903–7661 or email: kerry.hochberger@ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Purpose of the Committee: The purpose of this Committee is to make recommendations to DOE–SC concerning the basic energy sciences research program. SUMMARY: khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Tentative Agenda Tuesday, April 9, 2024 • Call to Order, Introductions, Review of the Agenda • Updates on 2023 BESAC Charges • Update from the Office of Science • Update from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences • Panel Discussion: Scientific Progress in Biomolecular Materials • Additional Discussions of 2023 BESAC Charges • Public Comment • Adjourn Wednesday, April 10, 2024 • 2023 BESAC Facilities Charge ReportOut/Discussion VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:36 Mar 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Signed in Washington, DC, on March 7, 2024. Treena V. Garrett, Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP24–68–000] National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation; Notice of Application and Establishing Intervention Deadline Take notice that on February 23, 2024, National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation (National Fuel), 6363 Main Street, Williamsville, New York 14221, filed an application under section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA), and Part 157 of the Commission’s regulations, requesting authorization to abandon by sale to Lenape Resources LLC its Derby Storage Field, including all facilities associated with the field, located in the Town of Evans, and three other wells (the New Oregon Road Wells) located in the Town of North Collins, Erie County, New York, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file with the Commission and open for public inspection. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the internet through the Commission’s Home Page ( using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the document. Public access to records formerly available in the Commission’s physical Public Reference Room, which was located at the Commission’s headquarters, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426, are now available via the Commission’s website. For assistance, contact the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at or call tollfree, (866) 208–3676 or TTY (202) 502– 8659. Any questions regarding the proposed project should be directed to Alice A. Curtiss, Deputy General Counsel, National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation, 6363 Main Street, Williamsville, New York 14221, by phone at (716) 857– 7075, or by email at curtissa@ Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure,1 within 90 days of this Notice the Commission staff will either: complete its environmental review and place it into the Commission’s public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or issue a Notice of Schedule for [FR Doc. 2024–05243 Filed 3–11–24; 8:45 am] 1 18 BILLING CODE 6450–01–P PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 157.9. E:\FR\FM\12MRN1.SGM 12MRN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 49 (Tuesday, March 12, 2024)]
[Pages 17836-17842]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-05206]



Applications for New Awards; National Professional Development

AGENCY: Office of English Language Acquisition, Department of 

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Education (Department) is issuing a notice 
inviting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2024 for the National 
Professional Development (NPD) program, Assistance Listing Number 
84.365Z. This notice relates to the approved information collection 
under OMB control number 1894-0006.

    Applications Available: March 12, 2024.
    Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: April 11, 2024.
    Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: May 13, 2024.
    Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: July 10, 2024.

ADDRESSES: For the addresses for obtaining and submitting an 
application, please refer to our Common Instructions for Applicants to 
Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the 
Federal Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and available at Please note that these Common Instructions supersede 
the version published on December 27, 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Francisco J. L[oacute]pez, Jr., U.S. 
Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20202. 
Telephone: (202) 558-4880. Email: [email protected].
    If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability and 
wish to access telecommunications relay services, please dial 7-1-1.


Full Text of Announcement

I. Funding Opportunity Description

    Purpose of Program: Under the NPD program, authorized by sections

[[Page 17837]]

3111(c)(1)(C) and 3131 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 
1965, as amended (ESEA), the Department awards grants to public and 
private nonprofit institutions of higher education (IHEs) and public 
and private entities with relevant experience and capacity, in 
consortia with State educational agencies (SEAs) and/or local 
educational agencies (LEAs) to implement pre-service and in-service 
professional development activities intended to improve instruction for 
English learners (ELs) and assist education personnel working with ELs 
to meet high professional standards. Grants awarded under this program 
may be used for effective pre-service professional development programs 
that will increase the number and diversity of fully licensed or 
certified bilingual or multilingual teachers. The purpose of the grants 
to be awarded under this competition is to increase the number of 
bilingual and multilingual teachers supporting ELs.
    ``Raise the Bar (RTB): Lead the World'' is the Department's call to 
action to transform prekindergarten through postsecondary learning and 
unite around what truly works by promoting academic excellence, boldly 
improving learning conditions, and preparing our Nation's students for 
global competitiveness.\1\ To achieve these goals, we must work to 
eliminate the educator shortage, increase services for EL students, and 
expand pathways to multilingualism for all students.


    The NPD program, specifically the pre-service component of NPD, is 
uniquely positioned to support the Department's RTB goals by helping to 
ensure that ELs have access to well-prepared educators and by quickly 
growing the number of qualified bilingual and multilingual educators 
needed to expand the availability of bilingual programs. As supported 
by the Native American Language Act of 1990 (NALA 1990) as amended by 
the Durbin Feeling Languages Act and sections 3127 and 3124(3) of the 
ESEA, we welcome participation from applicants proposing projects that 
increase the number of teachers who are bilingual or multilingual in a 
Native American language and a second language to support the unique 
needs of Native American EL students and expand pathways to 
multilingualism for all Native American students.
    As described in the absolute priority, this competition is designed 
to support pre-service projects that recruit bilingual or multilingual 
teacher candidates and that propose to implement at least one grow-
your-own (GYO) strategy as part of their overall objective of 
increasing the number of fully licensed or certified bilingual and 
multilingual teachers. Drawing upon partnerships with community-based 
organizations, school districts, and IHEs, GYO programs recruit 
students from local areas through outreach, close collaboration with 
school counselors and teachers, and meaningful opportunities to learn 
about and engage in the teaching profession. Along with financial 
support, participating students are provided academic, social and other 
support to ensure completion of the program (e.g., stipends, licensure 
preparation, mentoring, and peer groups).\2\ These programs may be 
designed for high school students who want to become educators or 
adults such as paraprofessionals who are working in schools but need 
the credentials to teach.


    For example, bilingual and multilingual students who have earned 
the Seal of Biliteracy have demonstrated competencies in English and 
one or more other languages and could be strong potential participants 
in a GYO project. Since the inception of the Seal of Biliteracy in 
California in 2011, the program has been replicated in 48 States and 
the District of Columbia, each of which has approved its own statewide 
Seal of Biliteracy. Through the NPD program, we encourage projects that 
incentivize high school graduates who have received the seal to pursue 
a career as a bilingual or multilingual teacher. These students could 
also be supported through dual enrollment, early college, and Career 
and Technical Education programs that provide students interested in 
teaching with opportunities to earn related credits and other 
experiential related opportunities. Additionally, bilingual and 
multilingual paraprofessionals, high-quality substitute teachers, and 
others in a community who are interested in becoming bilingual or 
multilingual teachers are a valuable resource and may have strong 
connections to the local community. Providing them with support through 
GYO strategies may result in a quicker pathway to certification or 
licensure given any postsecondary credits they may already have.
    As part of the FY 2024 NPD competition, we also aim to diversify 
the teacher workforce. Students, particularly emerging bilingual and 
multilingual students, from low-income backgrounds are a critical part 
of addressing the need to provide culturally and linguistically 
relevant teaching in underserved schools and to give all students the 
opportunity to benefit from diverse educators. Consistent with the 
Secretary's overall priorities, applicants are encouraged to propose 
projects that recruit, prepare, and retain students from low-income 
backgrounds, including those who live in rural areas or who are first-
generation candidates, as they transition to and enroll in 
postsecondary education, including by helping students complete the 
FAFSA and secure additional financial support such as service 
scholarships. This may also include designing a pre-service program 
that removes barriers to participation by helping candidates who are 
from low-income backgrounds with tuition, fees, books, supplies, 
childcare, and transportation to and from pre-service classes as a few 
    As the EL population continues to grow, and as our global economy 
becomes more interconnected, it is critical that we give every student 
every educational opportunity, which begins with teachers who are well 
prepared and supported and have the language, skills, knowledge, and 
cultural competencies to serve EL students.
    Priorities: This notice includes one absolute priority, one 
competitive preference priority, and one invitational priority. In 
accordance with 34 CFR 75.105(b)(2)(iv), the absolute priority is from 
the notice of priorities, requirements, and definitions for this 
program published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register (2024 
NFP). The competitive preference priority is from the Administrative 
Priorities for Discretionary Grants Programs (Administrative 
Priorities), published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2020 (85 FR 
    Absolute Priority: For FY 2024 and any subsequent year in which we 
make awards from the list of unfunded applications from this 
competition, the following priority is an absolute priority. Under 34 
CFR 75.105(c)(3) we consider only applications that meet this priority.
    The priority is:
    Increase the Number of Bilingual or Multilingual Teachers Through a 
Grow-Your-Own (GYO) Pre-Service Program that Recruits Teacher 
Candidates who are Bilingual or Multilingual.
    Projects that propose to increase the number of fully licensed or 
certified bilingual or multilingual teachers working in language 
instruction educational programs or serving ELs, and improve their 
qualifications and

[[Page 17838]]

skills, through evidence-based (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1(c)) pre-
service programs. Applicants must describe their plan for recruiting, 
supporting, and retaining teacher candidates who are bilingual or 
multilingual. Applicants must include in their proposed plan for a pre-
service program, one or more of the following GYO strategies that are 
designed to address shortages of bilingual or multilingual teachers and 
increase the diversity of qualified individuals entering the educator 
    (a) Implementing evidence-based GYO strategies for bilingual or 
multilingual individuals (e.g., creating dual enrollment, early 
college, and Career and Technical Education programs in teaching for 
middle and high school students paired with offering seals of 
biliteracy or supporting bilingual or multilingual paraprofessionals 
actively working in P-12 schools in becoming teachers).
    (b) Recruiting bilingual or multilingual individuals who may have a 
teaching credential, but who are not certified to teach bilingual or 
multilingual education, and supporting them in earning the additional 
    (c) Implementing evidence-based teacher residencies in bilingual or 
multilingual education, including scaling these evidence-based pathways 
through a registered teacher apprenticeship program.
    Competitive Preference Priority: For FY 2024 and any subsequent 
year in which we make awards from the list of unfunded applications 
from this competition, this priority is a competitive preference 
priority. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(2), we award up to an additional five 
points to an application that meets the competitive preference 
priority. An applicant must clearly identify in the project abstract 
and the project narrative section of its application that it is 
addressing the competitive preference priority for purposes of earning 
competitive preference priority points.
    This priority is:
    Applications From New Potential Grantees (0 or 5 points).
    (a) Under this priority, an applicant must demonstrate that it does 
not, as of the deadline date for submission of applications, have an 
active grant, including through membership in a group application 
submitted in accordance with 34 CFR 75.127-75.129, under the program 
from which it seeks funds.
    (b) For the purpose of this priority, a grant or contract is active 
until the end of the grant's or contract's project or funding period, 
including any extensions of those periods that extend the grantee's or 
contractor's authority to obligate funds.
    Invitational Priority: For FY 2024, this priority is an 
invitational priority. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(1), we do not give an 
application that meets this invitational priority a competitive or 
absolute preference over other applications.
    This priority is:
    Service to Students from First-Generation or Low-Income 
    Projects to recruit, prepare, and retain students in the pre-
service program who are first-generation postsecondary students (i.e., 
whose parents' highest level of education is a high school diploma or 
less) or who are from low-income backgrounds.
    Application Requirements: An applicant must provide the indicators 
it proposes to use to determine if a participant meets the definition 
of ``bilingual or multilingual.'' Applicants may provide this 
information in response to the selection criteria, or otherwise as 
applicable, in their applications. (2024 NFP)
    Definitions: The following definitions of ``bilingual or 
multilingual'' and ``pre-service'' are from the 2024 NFP.
    Bilingual or multilingual means able to listen, speak, read, and 
write in two or more languages with at least a high level of 
proficiency in each language, as determined based on indicators of 
proficiency established by the grantee. Note, bilingual or multilingual 
means a high level of proficiency in the domains that exist for the 
language, which may be fewer than four domains for some languages.
    Pre-service means the period of preparation for a person who does 
not have a prior teaching certificate or license and who is enrolled in 
a State-approved teacher education program that leads to a full State-
approved certificate or license.
    Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 6861.
    Note: Projects will be awarded and must be operated in a manner 
consistent with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in Federal 
civil rights laws.
    Applicable Regulations: (a) The Education Department General 
Administrative Regulations in 34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 
97, 98, and 99. (b) The Office of Management and Budget Guidelines to 
Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) in 
2 CFR part 180, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department 
in 2 CFR part 3485. (c) The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost 
Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards in 2 CFR part 
200, as adopted and amended as regulations of the Department in 2 CFR 
part 3474. (d) The 2024 NFP. (e) The Administrative Priorities.
    Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to IHEs only.

II. Award Information

    Type of Award: Discretionary grants.
    Estimated Available Funds: $8,400,000.
    The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final congressional 
action. However, we are inviting applications to allow enough time to 
complete the grant process if Congress appropriates funds for this 
program. Contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of 
applications, we may make additional awards in subsequent years from 
the list of unfunded applications from this competition.
    Estimated Range of Awards: $600,000-$700,000.
    Maximum Award: $700,000 per year.
    Estimated Number of Awards: 12.
    Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.
    Project Period: 60 months.

III. Eligibility Information

    1. Eligible Applicants: IHEs, or public or private entities with 
relevant experience and capacity, in consortia with LEAs or SEAs.
    2. a. Cost Sharing or Matching: This program does not require cost 
sharing or matching.
    b. Indirect Cost Rate Information: This program uses a training 
indirect cost rate. This limits indirect cost reimbursement to an 
entity's actual indirect costs, as determined in its negotiated 
indirect cost rate agreement, or eight percent of a modified total 
direct cost base, whichever amount is less. For more information 
regarding training indirect cost rates, see 34 CFR 75.562. For more 
information regarding indirect costs, or to obtain a negotiated 
indirect cost rate, please see
    c. Administrative Cost Limitation: This program does not include 
any program-specific limitation on administrative expenses. All 
administrative expenses must be reasonable and necessary and conform to 
Cost Principles described in 2 CFR part 200 subpart E of the Uniform 
    d. Limitation on Awards: To maximize student population needs and 
geographic diversity, the number of awards per single entity will be 
limited to one per DUNS or UEI number.

[[Page 17839]]

    3. Subgrantees: A grantee under this competition may not award 
subgrants to entities to directly carry out project activities 
described in its application.

IV. Application and Submission Information

    1. Application Submission Instructions: Applicants are required to 
follow the Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of 
Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal 
Register on December 7, 2022 (87 FR 75045) and available at Please note that these Common Instructions supersede 
the version published on December 27, 2021.
    2. Submission of Proprietary Information: Given the types of 
projects that may be proposed in applications for the NPD competition, 
your application may include business information that you consider 
proprietary. In 34 CFR 5.11 we define ``business information'' and 
describe the process we use in determining whether any of that 
information is proprietary and, thus, protected from disclosure under 
Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552, as 
    Consistent with the process followed in prior NPD competitions, we 
may post the project narrative section of funded NPD applications on 
the Department's website so you may wish to request confidentiality of 
business information. Identifying proprietary information in the 
submitted application will help facilitate this public disclosure 
    Consistent with Executive Order 12600, please designate in your 
application any information that you believe is exempt from disclosure 
under Exemption 4. In the appropriate Appendix section of your 
application, under ``Other Attachments Form,'' please list the page 
number or numbers on which we can find this information. For additional 
information please see 34 CFR 5.11(c).
    3. Intergovernmental Review: This competition is subject to 
Executive Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79. 
Information about Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs under 
Executive Order 12372 is in the application package for this 
    4. Funding Restrictions: We reference regulations outlining funding 
restrictions in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice.
    5. Recommended Page Limit: The application narrative is where you, 
the applicant, address the selection criteria that reviewers use to 
evaluate your application.We recommend that you (1) limit the 
application narrative to no more than 35 pages and (2) use the 
following standards:
     A ``page'' is 8.5'' x 11'', on one side only, with 1'' 
margins at the top, bottom, and both sides.
     Double space (no more than three lines per vertical inch) 
all text in the application narrative, including titles, headings, 
footnotes, quotations, references, and captions.
     Use a font that is either 12 point or larger or no smaller 
than 10 pitch (characters per inch).
     Use one of the following fonts: Times New Roman, Courier, 
Courier New, or Arial.
    The recommended page limit for the application does not apply to 
the cover sheet; the budget section, including the narrative budget 
justification; the assurances and certifications; or the one-page 
abstract, the bibliography, or the letters of support of the 
application. However, the recommended page limit does apply to the 
entire narrative section of the application. An application will not be 
disqualified if it exceeds the recommended page limit.
    6. Notice of Intent to Apply: The Department will be able to review 
grant applications more efficiently if we know the approximate number 
of applicants that intend to apply. Therefore, we strongly encourage 
each potential applicant to notify us of their intent to submit an 
application. To do so, please email the program contact person listed 
under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT with the subject line ``Intent to 
Apply,'' and include the applicant's name and a contact person's name 
and email address. Applicants that do not submit a notice of intent to 
apply may still apply for funding; applicants that do submit a notice 
of intent to apply are not bound to apply or bound by the information 

V. Application Review Information

    1. Selection Criteria: The selection criteria for this competition 
are from section 34 CFR 75.210. The maximum score for all of these 
criteria is 100 points (not including competitive preference priority 
points). The maximum score for each criterion is indicated in 
    (a) Quality of the project design. (up to 33 points)
    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the design of the 
proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of the design of the proposed 
project, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The extent to which the goals, objectives, and outcomes to be 
achieved by the proposed project are clearly specified and measurable.
    (ii) The extent to which the design for implementing and evaluating 
the proposed project will result in information to guide possible 
replication of project activities or strategies, including information 
about the effectiveness of the approach or strategies employed by the 
    (iii) The extent to which the proposed project demonstrates a 
rationale (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1(c)).
    (b) Quality of project personnel. (up to 12 points)
    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the personnel who will 
carry out the proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of project personnel, the Secretary 
considers the extent to which the applicant encourages applications for 
employment from persons who are members of groups that have 
traditionally been underrepresented based on race, color, national 
origin, gender, age, or disability.
    (3) In addition, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The qualifications, including relevant training and experience, 
of the project director or principal investigator.
    (ii) The qualifications, including relevant training and 
experience, of key project personnel.
    (c) Quality of the management plan. (up to 28 points)
    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the management plan for 
the proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of the management plan for the 
proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The adequacy of the management plan to achieve the objectives 
of the proposed project on time and within budget, including clearly 
defined responsibilities, timelines, and milestones for accomplishing 
project tasks.
    (ii) The extent to which the time commitments of the project 
director and principal investigator and other key project personnel are 
appropriate and adequate to meet the objectives of the proposed 
    (d) Adequacy of resources. (up to 6 points)
    (1) The Secretary considers the adequacy of resources for the 
proposed project.

[[Page 17840]]

    (2) In determining the adequacy of resources for the proposed 
project, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to the 
objectives, design, and potential significance of the proposed project.
    (ii) The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to 
the number of persons to be served and to the anticipated results and 
    (e) Quality of the project evaluation. (up to 21 points)
    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the evaluation to be 
conducted of the proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of the evaluation, the Secretary 
considers the following factors:
    (i) The extent to which the methods of evaluation are thorough, 
feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the 
proposed project.
    (ii) The extent to which the methods of evaluation will provide 
performance feedback and permit periodic assessment of progress toward 
achieving intended outcomes.
    (iii) The extent to which the methods of evaluation will provide 
valid and reliable performance data on relevant outcomes.
    2. Review and Selection Process: The Department will screen 
applications that are submitted for NPD grants in accordance with the 
requirements in this notice and determine which applications meet the 
eligibility and other requirements. Peer reviewers will review all 
eligible applications for NPD grants that are submitted by the 
established deadline.
    Applicants should note, however, that we may screen for eligibility 
at multiple points during the competition process, including before and 
after peer review; applicants that are determined to be ineligible will 
not receive a grant award regardless of peer reviewer scores or 
comments. If we determine that an application does not meet an NPD 
requirement, the application will not be considered for funding.
    For NPD grant applications, the Department intends to conduct a 
thorough and impartial review process to review and score all eligible 
applications. Content reviewers will review and score all eligible 
applications on the following selection criteria: (a) Quality of the 
project design; (b) Quality of project personnel; (c) Quality of the 
management plan; and (d) Adequacy of resources. Peer reviewers with 
evaluation expertise will review and score selection criterion (e) 
Quality of the project evaluation.
    We remind potential applicants that in reviewing applications in 
any discretionary grant competition, the Secretary may consider, under 
34 CFR 75.217(d)(3), the past performance of the applicant in carrying 
out a previous award, such as the applicant's use of funds, achievement 
of project objectives, and compliance with grant conditions. The 
Secretary may also consider whether the applicant failed to submit a 
timely performance report or submitted a report of unacceptable 
    In addition, in making a competitive grant award, the Secretary 
requires various assurances including those applicable to Federal civil 
rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities 
receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 
100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
    3. Risk Assessment and Specific Conditions: Consistent with 2 CFR 
200.206, before awarding grants under this program the Department 
conducts a review of the risks posed by applicants. Under 2 CFR 
200.208, the Secretary may impose specific conditions and, under 2 CFR 
3474.10, in appropriate circumstances, high-risk conditions on a grant 
if the applicant or grantee is not financially stable; has a history of 
unsatisfactory performance; has a financial or other management system 
that does not meet the standards in 2 CFR part 200, subpart D; has not 
fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant; or is otherwise not 
    4. Integrity and Performance System: If you are selected under this 
competition to receive an award that over the course of the project 
period may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold (currently 
$250,000), under 2 CFR 200.206(a)(2) we must make a judgment about your 
integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under Federal 
awards--that is, the risk posed by you as an applicant--before we make 
an award. In doing so, we must consider any information about you that 
is in the integrity and performance system (currently referred to as 
the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System 
(FAPIIS)), accessible through the System for Award Management. You may 
review and comment on any information about yourself that a Federal 
agency previously entered and that is currently in FAPIIS.
    Please note that, if the total value of your currently active 
grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from the 
Federal Government exceeds $10,000,000, the reporting requirements in 2 
CFR part 200, appendix XII, require you to report certain integrity 
information to FAPIIS semiannually. Please review the requirements in 2 
CFR part 200, appendix XII, if this grant plus all the other Federal 
funds you receive exceed $10,000,000.
    5. In General: In accordance with the Office of Management and 
Budget's guidance located at 2 CFR part 200, all applicable Federal 
laws, and relevant Executive guidance, the Department will review and 
consider applications for funding pursuant to this notice inviting 
applications in accordance with--
    (a) Selecting recipients most likely to be successful in delivering 
results based on the program objectives through an objective process of 
evaluating Federal award applications (2 CFR 200.205);
    (b) Prohibiting the purchase of certain telecommunication and video 
surveillance services or equipment in alignment with section 889 of the 
National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (Pub. L. 115-232) (2 CFR 
    (c) Providing a preference, to the extent permitted by law, to 
maximize use of goods, products, and materials produced in the United 
States (2 CFR 200.322); and
    (d) Terminating agreements in whole or in part to the greatest 
extent authorized by law if an award no longer effectuates the program 
goals or agency priorities (2 CFR 200.340).

VI. Award Administration Information

    1. Award Notices: If your application is successful, we notify your 
U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and send you a Grant Award 
Notification (GAN); or we may send you an email containing a link to 
access an electronic version of your GAN. We may notify you informally, 
also. If your application is not evaluated or not selected for funding, 
we notify you.
    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: We identify 
administrative and national policy requirements in the application 
package and reference these and other requirements in the Applicable 
Regulations section of this notice.
    We reference the regulations outlining the terms and conditions of 
an award in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice and 
include these and other specific conditions in the GAN. The GAN also 
incorporates your approved application as part of your binding 
commitments under the grant.
    3. Open Licensing Requirements: Unless an exception applies, if you 
are awarded a grant under this competition, you will be required to 
openly license to the public grant deliverables created in whole, or in 
part, with Department grant funds. When the deliverable

[[Page 17841]]

consists of modifications to pre-existing works, the license extends 
only to those modifications that can be separately identified and only 
to the extent that open licensing is permitted under the terms of any 
licenses or other legal restrictions on the use of pre-existing works. 
Additionally, a grantee or subgrantee that is awarded competitive grant 
funds must have a plan to disseminate these public grant deliverables. 
This dissemination plan can be developed and submitted after your 
application has been reviewed and selected for funding. For additional 
information on the open licensing requirements please refer to 2 CFR 
    4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a grant under this competition, 
you must ensure that you have in place the necessary processes and 
systems to comply with the reporting requirements in 2 CFR part 170 
should you receive funding under the competition. This does not apply 
if you have an exception under 2 CFR 170.110(b).
    (b) At the end of your project period, you must submit a final 
performance report, including financial information, as directed by the 
Secretary. If you receive a multiyear award, you must submit an annual 
performance report that provides the most current performance and 
financial expenditure information as directed by the Secretary under 34 
CFR 75.118. The Secretary may also require more frequent performance 
reports under 34 CFR 75.720(c). For specific requirements on reporting, 
please go to
    (c) The Secretary may provide a grantee with additional funding for 
data collection, analysis, and reporting. In this case the Secretary 
establishes a data collection period.
    5. Performance Measures: (a) The Department has established the 
following performance measures for the purpose of Department reporting 
under 34 CFR 75.110:
    Measure 1: The percentage of project-specific annual goals the 
program met.
    Measure 2: The number of bilingual or multilingual pre-service 
program participants enrolled annually.
    Measure 3: Under measure 2, the number of bilingual or multilingual 
participants who are making progress toward becoming fully State 
certified, licensed, or endorsed in EL instruction.
    Measure 4: Under measure 2, the number of bilingual or multilingual 
participants who have become fully State certified, licensed, or 
endorsed annually.
    (b) Indicators of success. These measures constitute the 
Department's indicators of success for this program. Consequently, we 
advise an applicant for a grant under this program to carefully 
consider these measures in conceptualizing the approach for its 
proposed project plan.
    (c) Baseline data. Applicants must provide baseline (as defined in 
34 CFR 77.1) data in their applications for each of the project 
performance measures listed in (a) and explain how each proposed 
baseline is related to program outcomes; or, if the applicant has 
determined that there are no established baseline data for a particular 
performance measure, explain why there is no established baseline and 
explain how and when, during the project period, the applicant will 
establish a baseline for the performance measure.
    (d) Performance measure targets. In addition, the applicant must 
propose in its application annual targets for the measures listed in 
paragraph (a). Applications must also include the following information 
as directed under 34 CFR 75.110(b):
    (1) An explanation of how each proposed performance target is 
ambitious (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1) yet achievable compared to the 
baseline for the performance measure.
    (2) An explanation of the data collection and reporting methods the 
applicant would use and why those methods are likely to yield reliable, 
valid, and meaningful performance data; and
    (3) An explanation of the applicant's capacity to collect and 
report reliable, valid, and meaningful performance data, as evidenced 
by high-quality data collection, analysis, and reporting in other 
projects or research.

    Note:  If the applicant does not have experience with collection 
and reporting of performance data through other projects or 
research, the applicant should provide other evidence of capacity to 
successfully carry out data collection and reporting for its 
proposed project. The reviewers of each application will score 
related selection criteria based on how well an applicant has 
considered these measures in conceptualizing the approach and 
evaluation of the project.

    (e) Performance Reports. All grantees must submit an annual 
performance report and final performance report with information that 
is responsive to these performance measures. The Department will 
consider this data in making annual continuation awards.
    (f) Department Evaluations. Consistent with 34 CFR 75.591, grantees 
funded under this program must comply with the requirements of any 
evaluation of the program conducted by the Department or an evaluator 
selected by the Department.
    6. Continuation Awards: In making a continuation award under 34 CFR 
75.253, the Secretary considers, among other things: Whether a grantee 
has made substantial progress in achieving the goals and objectives of 
the project; whether the grantee has expended funds in a manner that is 
consistent with its approved application and budget; and, if the 
Secretary has established performance measurement requirements, whether 
the grantee has made substantial progress in achieving the performance 
targets in the grantee's approved application.
    In making a continuation award, the Secretary also considers 
whether the grantee is operating in compliance with the assurances in 
its approved application, including those applicable to Federal civil 
rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities 
receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department (34 CFR 
100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).

VII. Other Information

    Accessible Format: On request to the program contact person listed 
under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT, individuals with disabilities 
can obtain this document and a copy of the application package in an 
accessible format. The Department will provide the requestor with an 
accessible format that may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or text 
format (txt), a thumb drive, an MP3 file, braille, large print, 
audiotape, or compact disc, or other accessible format.
    Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this 
document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may 
access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of 
Federal Regulations at At this site you can view this 
document, as well as all other documents of this Department published 
in the Federal Register, in text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To 
use PDF, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at 
the site.
    You may also access documents of the Department published in the 
Federal Register by using the article search feature at Specifically, through the advanced search 
feature at this site, you can limit

[[Page 17842]]

your search to documents published by the Department.

Montserrat Garibay,
Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director for the Office of English 
Language Acquisition.
[FR Doc. 2024-05206 Filed 3-8-24; 8:45 am]

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