Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Gainful Employment/Financial Value Transparency Reporting Requirements, 13059-13060 [2024-03512]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2024 / Notices
terms of any licenses or other legal
restrictions on the use of pre-existing
Additionally, a grantee or subgrantee
that is awarded competitive grant funds
must have a plan to disseminate these
public grant deliverables. This
dissemination plan can be developed
and submitted after your application has
been reviewed and selected for funding.
For additional information on the open
licensing requirements please refer to 2
CFR 3474.20.
4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a
grant under this competition, you must
ensure that you have in place the
necessary processes and systems to
comply with the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 170 should you receive
funding under the competition. This
does not apply if you have an exception
under 2 CFR 170.110(b).
(b) At the end of your project period,
you must submit a final performance
report, including financial information,
as directed by the Secretary. If you
receive a multiyear award, you must
submit an annual performance report
that provides the most current
performance and financial expenditure
information as directed by the Secretary
under 34 CFR 75.118. The Secretary
may also require more frequent
performance reports under 34 CFR
75.720(c). For specific requirements on
reporting, please go to
5. Performance Measures: For the
purposes of Department reporting under
34 CFR 75.110, the Department has
established a set of performance
measures, including long-term
measures, that are designed to yield
information on various aspects of the
effectiveness and quality of the
Personnel Development to Improve
Services and Results for Children with
Disabilities program. These measures
include (1) the percentage of
preparation programs that incorporate
scientifically based research or EBPs
into their curricula; and (2) the
percentage of scholars completing the
preparation program who are
knowledgeable and skilled in EBPs that
improve outcomes for children with
The measures apply to projects
funded under this competition, and
grantees are required to submit data on
these measures as directed by the Office
of Special Education Programs.
Grantees will be required to report
information on their project’s
performance in annual and final
performance reports to the Department
(34 CFR 75.590).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:43 Feb 20, 2024
Jkt 262001
The Department will also closely
monitor the extent to which the
products and services provided by the
project meet needs identified by
stakeholders and may require the
project to report on such alignment in
its annual and final performance
6. Continuation Awards: In making a
continuation award under 34 CFR
75.253, the Secretary considers, among
other things: whether a grantee has
made substantial progress in achieving
the goals and objectives of the project;
whether the grantee has expended funds
in a manner that is consistent with its
approved application and budget; and,
if the Secretary has established
performance measurement
requirements, whether the grantee has
made substantial progress in achieving
the performance targets in the grantee’s
approved application.
In making a continuation award, the
Secretary also considers whether the
grantee is operating in compliance with
the assurances in its approved
application, including those applicable
to Federal civil rights laws that prohibit
discrimination in programs or activities
receiving Federal financial assistance
from the Department (34 CFR 100.4,
104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
VII. Other Information
Accessible Format: On request to the
program contact person listed under FOR
individuals with disabilities can obtain
this document and a copy of the
application package in an accessible
format. The Department will provide the
requestor with an accessible format that
may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or
text format (txt), a thumb drive, an MP3
file, braille, large print, audiotape, or
compact disc, or other accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. You may access the official
edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations at At this site you can
view this document, as well as all other
documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Portable Document Format
(PDF). To use PDF you must have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
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your search to documents published by
the Department.
Glenna Wright-Gallo,
Assistant Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services.
[FR Doc. 2024–03439 Filed 2–20–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket No.: ED–2024–SCC–0030]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request; Gainful
Employment/Financial Value
Transparency Reporting Requirements
Federal Student Aid (FSA),
Department of Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, the Department is proposing a
new information collection request
Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before April 22,
ADDRESSES: To access and review all the
documents related to the information
collection listed in this notice, please
use by
searching the Docket ID number ED–
2024–SCC–0030. Comments submitted
in response to this notice should be
submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// by selecting the
Docket ID number or via postal mail,
commercial delivery, or hand delivery.
If the site is not
available to the public for any reason,
the Department will temporarily accept
comments at
Please include the docket ID number
and the title of the information
collection request when requesting
documents or submitting comments.
Please note that comments submitted
after the comment period will not be
accepted. Written requests for
information or comments submitted by
postal mail or delivery should be
addressed to the Manager of the
Strategic Collections and Clearance
Governance and Strategy Division, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Ave. SW, LBJ, Room 6W203,
Washington, DC 20202–8240.
specific questions related to collection
activities, please contact Beth
Grebeldinger, 202–377–4018.
Department, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 21, 2024 / Notices
(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the
general public and Federal agencies
with an opportunity to comment on
proposed, revised, and continuing
collections of information. This helps
the Department assess the impact of its
information collection requirements and
minimize the public’s reporting burden.
It also helps the public understand the
Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. The
Department is soliciting comments on
the proposed information collection
request (ICR) that is described below.
The Department is especially interested
in public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Gainful
Employment/Financial Value
Transparency Reporting Requirements.
OMB Control Number: 1845–NEW.
Type of Review: A new ICR.
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
local, and Tribal governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 149,800.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 2,665,823.
Abstract: The regulations in § 668.408
in Subpart Q—Financial Value
Transparency, that were negotiated in
2022 and the Final Rule published in
2023, establish reporting requirements
for postsecondary institutions who
participate in the title IV programs
under the Higher Education Act of 1965,
as amended, to report on their students
who enroll in, complete, or withdraw
from a gainful employment (GE)
program or an eligible non-GE program
in specified award years. The new
regulations also define the timeframes
for institutions to report the required
information. This is a request for a new
collection to allow the Department to
obtain the required information and
assess the burden on institutions. The
average burden hours of 2,665,823 is for
the average 149,860 responses for 4,518
respondents over 3 years. We divided
the total 3 year burden hours of
7,997,468, and the 499,580 responses by
3 to obtain these averages.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:43 Feb 20, 2024
Jkt 262001
Dated: February 15, 2024.
Kun Mullan,
PRA Coordinator, Strategic Collections and
Clearance, Governance and Strategy Division,
Office of Chief Data Officer, Office of
Planning, Evaluation and Policy
[FR Doc. 2024–03512 Filed 2–20–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket No.: ED–2024–SCC–0029]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Comment Request;
Application Package for the Graduate
Assistance in Areas of National Need
(GAANN) Program (1894–0001)
Office of Postsecondary
Education (OPE), Department of
Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, the Department is proposing a
reinstatement without change of a
previously approved information
collection request (ICR).
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before March
22, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for proposed
information collection requests should
be submitted within 30 days of
publication of this notice. Click on this
PRAMain to access the site. Find this
information collection request (ICR) by
selecting ‘‘Department of Education’’
under ‘‘Currently Under Review,’’ then
check the ‘‘Only Show ICR for Public
Comment’’ checkbox.
provides two links to view documents
related to this information collection
request. Information collection forms
and instructions may be found by
clicking on the ‘‘View Information
Collection (IC) List’’ link. Supporting
statements and other supporting
documentation may be found by
clicking on the ‘‘View Supporting
Statement and Other Documents’’ link.
specific questions related to collection
activities, please contact Rebecca Ell,
(202) 453–6348.
Department is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
PO 00000
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processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Application
package for the Graduate Assistance in
Areas of National Need (GAANN)
Program (1894–0001).
OMB Control Number: 1840–0604.
Type of Review: Reinstatement
without change of a previously
approved ICR.
Respondents/Affected Public: Private
Sector; State, Local, and Tribal
Governments Total Estimated Number
of Annual Responses: 325.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 8,954.
Abstract: This information collection
provides the U.S. Department of
Education with information needed to
evaluate, score and rank the quality of
the projects proposed by institutions of
higher education applying for a
Graduate Assistance in Areas of
National Need grant. Title VII, Part A,
Subpart 2 of the Higher Education Act
of 1965, as amended, requires the
collection of specific data that are
necessary for applicant institutions to
receive an initial competitive grant and
non-competing continuation grants for
the second and third years.
This collection is being submitted
under the Streamlined Clearance
Process for Discretionary Grant
Information Collections (1894–0001).
Therefore, the 30-day public comment
period notice will be the only public
comment notice published for this
information collection.
Dated: February 15, 2024.
Kun Mullan,
PRA Coordinator, Strategic Collections and
Clearance Governance and Strategy Division,
Office of Chief Data Officer, Office of
Planning, Evaluation and Policy
[FR Doc. 2024–03465 Filed 2–20–24; 8:45 am]
Proposed Agency Information
Collection Revision
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 35 (Wednesday, February 21, 2024)]
[Pages 13059-13060]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-03512]
[Docket No.: ED-2024-SCC-0030]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request;
Gainful Employment/Financial Value Transparency Reporting Requirements
AGENCY: Federal Student Aid (FSA), Department of Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995,
the Department is proposing a new information collection request (ICR).
DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before
April 22, 2024.
ADDRESSES: To access and review all the documents related to the
information collection listed in this notice, please use by searching the Docket ID number ED-2024-SCC-0030.
Comments submitted in response to this notice should be submitted
electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at by selecting the Docket ID number or via postal
mail, commercial delivery, or hand delivery. If the
site is not available to the public for any reason, the Department will
temporarily accept comments at [email protected]. Please include the
docket ID number and the title of the information collection request
when requesting documents or submitting comments. Please note that
comments submitted after the comment period will not be accepted.
Written requests for information or comments submitted by postal mail
or delivery should be addressed to the Manager of the Strategic
Collections and Clearance Governance and Strategy Division, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, LBJ, Room 6W203,
Washington, DC 20202-8240.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For specific questions related to
collection activities, please contact Beth Grebeldinger, 202-377-4018.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)
[[Page 13060]]
(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general public and Federal
agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed, revised, and
continuing collections of information. This helps the Department assess
the impact of its information collection requirements and minimize the
public's reporting burden. It also helps the public understand the
Department's information collection requirements and provide the
requested data in the desired format. The Department is soliciting
comments on the proposed information collection request (ICR) that is
described below. The Department is especially interested in public
comment addressing the following issues: (1) is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the Department; (2) will this
information be processed and used in a timely manner; (3) is the
estimate of burden accurate; (4) how might the Department enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and
(5) how might the Department minimize the burden of this collection on
the respondents, including through the use of information technology.
Please note that written comments received in response to this notice
will be considered public records.
Title of Collection: Gainful Employment/Financial Value
Transparency Reporting Requirements.
OMB Control Number: 1845-NEW.
Type of Review: A new ICR.
Respondents/Affected Public: State, local, and Tribal governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 149,800.
Total Estimated Number of Annual Burden Hours: 2,665,823.
Abstract: The regulations in Sec. 668.408 in Subpart Q--Financial
Value Transparency, that were negotiated in 2022 and the Final Rule
published in 2023, establish reporting requirements for postsecondary
institutions who participate in the title IV programs under the Higher
Education Act of 1965, as amended, to report on their students who
enroll in, complete, or withdraw from a gainful employment (GE) program
or an eligible non-GE program in specified award years. The new
regulations also define the timeframes for institutions to report the
required information. This is a request for a new collection to allow
the Department to obtain the required information and assess the burden
on institutions. The average burden hours of 2,665,823 is for the
average 149,860 responses for 4,518 respondents over 3 years. We
divided the total 3 year burden hours of 7,997,468, and the 499,580
responses by 3 to obtain these averages.
Dated: February 15, 2024.
Kun Mullan,
PRA Coordinator, Strategic Collections and Clearance, Governance and
Strategy Division, Office of Chief Data Officer, Office of Planning,
Evaluation and Policy Development.
[FR Doc. 2024-03512 Filed 2-20-24; 8:45 am]