Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Options Clearing Corporation; Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 2 to Proposed Rule Change by The Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Modifications to the Amended and Restated Stock Options and Futures Settlement Agreement Between the Options Clearing Corporation and the National Securities Clearing Corporation, 5974-5990 [2024-01751]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
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All submissions should refer to file
number SR–ISE–2024–04. This file
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post all comments on the Commission’s
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submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
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communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
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provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
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submissions should refer to file number
SR–ISE–2024–04 and should be
submitted on or before February 20,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Sherry R. Haywood,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–01750 Filed 1–29–24; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–99426; File No. SR–OCC–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; The
Options Clearing Corporation; Notice
of Filing of Amendment No. 2 to
Proposed Rule Change by The Options
Clearing Corporation Concerning
Modifications to the Amended and
Restated Stock Options and Futures
Settlement Agreement Between the
Options Clearing Corporation and the
National Securities Clearing
January 24, 2024.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Exchange Act’’ or ‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule
19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby
given that on January 23, 2024, The
Options Clearing Corporation (‘‘OCC’’)
filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
this amendment (‘‘Amendment No. 2’’)
to the proposed rule change as
described in Items I, II, and III below,
which Items have been prepared
primarily by OCC. The Commission is
publishing this notice to solicit
comments on the proposed rule change
from interested persons.
I. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
Terms of Substance of the Proposed
Rule Change
This Amendment No. 2 to the
proposed rule change SR–OCC–2023–
007 would (1) modify the Amended and
Restated Stock Options and Futures
Settlement Agreement dated August 5,
2017 between OCC and National
Securities Clearing Corporation
(‘‘NSCC,’’ and together with OCC, the
‘‘Clearing Agencies’’) (‘‘Existing
Accord’’) 3 to permit OCC to elect to
make a cash payment to NSCC following
the default of a common clearing
participant that would cause NSCC’s
central counterparty trade guaranty to
attach to certain obligations of that
participant and to make certain related
revisions to OCC By-Laws, OCC Rules,4
OCC’s Comprehensive Stress Testing &
Clearing Fund Methodology, and
1 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
3 The Existing Accord was previously approved
by the Commission. See Securities Exchange Act
Release Nos. 81266, 81260 (July 31, 2017) (File Nos.
SR–NSCC–2017–007; SR–OCC–2017–013), 82 FR
36484 (Aug. 4, 2017).
4 OCC By-Laws are available at https:// and OCC Rules
are available at
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2 17
24 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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Liquidity Risk Management Description
and OCC’s Liquidity Risk Management
Framework (‘‘Phase 1’’) and (2) to
improve information sharing between
the Clearing Agencies to facilitate the
upcoming transition to a T+1 standard
securities settlement cycle and allow
OCC, after the compliance date under
amended Exchange Act Rule 15c6–1(a),
to provide certain assurances to NSCC
prior to the default of a common
clearing participant that would enable
NSCC to begin processing E&A/Delivery
Transactions (defined below) before the
central counterparty trade guaranty
attaches to certain obligations of that
participant (‘‘Phase 2’’).5 This
Amendment No. 2 would amend and
replace the Initial Filing and
Amendment No. 1 in their entirety.
The proposed changes are included in
Exhibits 5A and 5B and confidential
Exhibits 5C, 5D, and 5E of Amendment
No. 2 to File No. SR–OCC–2023–007.
Material proposed to be added is
underlined and material proposed to be
deleted is marked in strikethrough text.
II. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the
Proposed Rule Change
In its filing with the Commission,
OCC included statements concerning
the purpose of and basis for the
proposed rule change and discussed any
comments it received on the proposed
rule change. The text of these statements
may be examined at the places specified
in Item IV below. OCC has prepared
summaries, set forth in sections (A), (B),
and (C) below, of the most significant
aspects of these statements.
(A) Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the
Proposed Rule Change
(1) Purpose
Executive Summary
NSCC is a clearing agency that
provides clearing, settlement, risk
management, and central counterparty
services for trades involving equity
5 OCC initially filed a proposed rule change
concerning the proposed Phase 1 changes on
August 10, 2023. See Securities Exchange Act
Release No. 98215 (Aug. 24, 2023), 88 FR 59976
(Aug. 30, 2023) (File No. SR–OCC–2023–007)
(‘‘Initial Filing’’). OCC subsequently submitted a
partial amendment to clarify the proposed
implementation plan for the Initial Filing. See
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 98932 (Nov.
14, 2023), 88 FR 80781 (Nov. 20, 2023) (File No.
SR–OCC–2023–007) (‘‘Amendment No. 1’’). NSCC
also has filed a proposed rule change with the
Commission in connection with this proposal. See
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 98213 (Aug.
24, 2023), 88 FR 59968 (Aug. 30, 2023) (File No.
SR–NSCC–2023–007); Securities Exchange Act
Release No. 98930 (Nov. 14, 2023), 88 FR 80790
(Nov. 20, 2023) (Partial Amendment No. 1 to File
No. SR–NSCC–2023–007).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
securities. OCC is the sole clearing
agency for standardized equity options
listed on national securities exchanges
registered with the Commission,
including options that contemplate the
physical delivery of equities cleared by
NSCC in exchange for cash (‘‘physically
settled’’ options).6 OCC also clears
certain futures contracts that, at
maturity, require the delivery of equity
securities cleared by NSCC in exchange
for cash. As a result, the exercise/
assignment of certain options or
maturation of certain futures cleared by
OCC effectively results in stock
settlement obligations. NSCC and OCC
maintain a legal agreement, generally
referred to by the parties as the
‘‘Accord’’ agreement, that governs the
processing of such physically settled
options and futures cleared by OCC that
result in settlement obligations in
underlying equity securities to be
cleared by NSCC (i.e., the Existing
Accord). The Existing Accord
establishes terms under which NSCC
accepts for clearing certain securities
transactions that result from the exercise
and assignment of relevant options
contracts and the maturity of futures
contracts that are cleared and settled by
OCC.7 It also establishes the time when
OCC’s settlement guaranty in respect of
those transactions ends and NSCC’s
settlement guaranty begins.
The Existing Accord allows for a
scenario in which NSCC could choose
not to guarantee the settlement of such
securities arising out of E&A/Delivery
Transactions. Specifically, NSCC is not
obligated to guarantee settlement until
its member has met its collateral
requirements at NSCC. If NSCC chooses
not to guarantee settlement, OCC would
engage in an alternate method of
settlement outside of NSCC. This
scenario presents two primary
problems. First, the cash required for
OCC and its Clearing Members in
certain market conditions to facilitate
settlement outside of NSCC could be
significantly more than the amount
required if NSCC were to guarantee the
relevant transactions. This is because
settlement of the transactions in the
6 The term ‘‘physically-settled’’ as used
throughout the OCC Rules refers to cleared
contracts that settle into their underlying interest
(i.e., options or futures contracts that are not cashsettled). When a contract settles into its underlying
interest, shares of stock are sent, i.e., delivered, to
contract holders who have the right to receive the
shares from contract holders who are obligated to
deliver the shares at the time of exercise/assignment
in the case of an option and maturity in the case
of a future.
7 Under the Existing Accord, such options and
futures are defined as ‘‘E&A/Delivery
Transactions,’’ which refers to ‘‘Exercise &
Assignment Delivery Transactions.’’
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underlying equity securities outside of
NSCC would mean that they would no
longer receive the benefit of netting
through the facilities of NSCC. In such
a scenario, the additional collateral
required from Clearing Members to
support OCC’s continuing settlement
guarantee would also have to be
sufficiently liquid to properly manage
the risks associated with those
transactions being due on the second
business day following the option
exercise or the relevant futures contract
maturity date. Based on an analysis of
scenarios using historical data where it
was assumed that OCC could not settle
transactions through the facilities of
NSCC, the worst-case outcome resulted
in extreme liquidity demands of over
$300 billion for OCC to effect settlement
via an alternative method, e.g., by way
of gross broker-to-broker settlement, as
discussed in more detail below. OCC
Clearing Members, by way of their
contributions to the OCC Clearing Fund,
would bear the brunt of this demand.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that
OCC Clearing Members could fund the
entire amount of any similar real-life
scenarios. By contrast, projected
Guaranty Substitution Payments,
defined below, identified during the
study ranged from approximately $419
million to over $6 billion, also as
discussed in more detail below.
The second primary problem relates
to the significant operational
complexities if settlement occurs
outside of NSCC. More specifically,
netting through NSCC reduces the
volume and value of settlement
obligations. For example, in 2022 it is
estimated that netting through NSCC’s
continuous net settlement (‘‘CNS’’)
accounting system 8 reduced the value
of CNS settlement obligations by
approximately 98% or $510 trillion
from $519 trillion to $9 trillion. If
settlement occurred outside of NSCC, on
a broker-to-broker basis between OCC
Clearing Members, for example, shares
would not be netted and Clearing
Members would have to coordinate
directly with each other to settle the
relevant transactions. The operational
complexities and uncertainty associated
with alternate means of settlement
would impact every market participant
involved in a settlement of OCC-related
To address these problems, the
Clearing Agencies are proposing certain
changes as part of Phase 1 to amend and
restate the Existing Accord and make
8 See Rule 11 (CNS System) and Procedure VII
(CNS Accounting Operation) of the NSCC Rules.
See NSCC’s Rules, available at https://
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related changes to their respective rules
that would allow OCC to elect to make
a cash payment (the ‘‘Guaranty
Substitution Payment’’ or ‘‘GSP’’) to
NSCC following the default of a
Common Member 9 that would cause
NSCC to guarantee settlement of that
Common Member’s transactions and,
therefore, cause those transactions to be
settled through processing by NSCC. In
connection with this proposal, OCC also
would enhance its daily liquidity stress
testing processes and procedures to
account for the possibility of OCC
making such a payment to NSCC in the
event of a Common Member default. By
making these enhancements to its stress
testing, OCC could include the liquid
resources necessary to make the
payment in its resource planning. The
Clearing Agencies believe that by NSCC
accepting such a payment from OCC,
the operational efficiencies and reduced
costs related to the settlement of
transactions through NSCC would limit
market disruption following a Common
Member default because settlement
through NSCC following such a default
would be less operationally complex
and would be expected to require less
liquidity and other collateral from
market participants than the processes
available to OCC for closing out
positions. Additionally, proposed
enhancements by OCC to its liquidity
stress testing would add assurances that
OCC could make such a payment in the
event of a Common Member default.
The Clearing Agencies believe that their
respective clearing members and all
other participants in the markets for
which OCC provides clearance and
settlement would benefit from OCC’s
ability to choose to make a cash
payment to effect settlement through the
facilities of NSCC. This change would
provide more certainty around certain
default scenarios and would blunt the
financial and operational burdens
market participants could experience in
the case of most clearing member
Finally, the Clearing Agencies are also
proposing certain changes as part of
Phase 2 that, if approved, would not be
implemented until after the Commission
shortens the standardized settlement
cycle under Exchange Act Rule 15c6–
9 A firm that is both an OCC Clearing Member and
an NSCC Member or is an OCC Clearing Member
that has designated an NSCC Member to act on its
behalf is referred to herein as a ‘‘Common
Member.’’ The term ‘‘Clearing Member’’ as used
herein has the meaning provided in OCC’s By-Laws.
See OCC’s By-Laws, supra, note 4. The term
‘‘Member’’ as used herein has the meaning provided
in NSCC’s Rules. See NSCC’s Rules, supra note 8.
10 OCC provided its analysis of the financial
impact of alternate means of settlement as
confidential Exhibit 3A to this filing.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
1(a) from two days after the traded date
(‘‘T+2’’) to one day after the trade date
(‘‘T+1’’), which currently is set for May
28, 2024. The Phase 2 changes would
address the operational realities
concerning the Accord that will result
from the Commission’s adoption and
implementation of a new standard
settlement cycle of T+1 pursuant to Rule
15c6–1(a) under the Act. The Phase 2
changes generally are designed to allow
OCC to provide certain assurances with
respect to OCC’s ability to make a GSP
in the event of a Common Member
default to NSCC that would permit
NSCC to begin processing Common
Members’ E&A/Delivery Transactions in
a shortened settlement cycle prior to
Guaranty Substitution occurring by
introducing new or amended terms and
setting out the processes associated
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
OCC acts as a central counterparty
clearing agency for U.S.-listed options
and futures on a number of underlying
financial assets including common
stocks, currencies, and stock indices. In
connection with these services, OCC
provides the OCC Guaranty pursuant to
its By-Laws and Rules. NSCC acts as a
central counterparty clearing agency for
certain equity securities, corporate and
municipal debt, exchange traded funds
and unit investment trusts that are
eligible for its services. Eligible trading
activity may be processed through
NSCC’s CNS system 11 or through its
Balance Order Accounting system,12
where all eligible compared and
recorded transactions for a particular
settlement date are netted by issue into
one net long (buy), net short (sell) or flat
position. As a result, for each day with
activity, each Member has a single
deliver or receive obligation for each
issue in which it has activity at NSCC.
In connection with these services, NSCC
also provides the NSCC Guaranty
pursuant to Addendum K of the NSCC
OCC’s Rules provide that delivery of,
and payment for, securities underlying
certain exercised stock options and
matured single stock futures that are
physically settled are generally effected
through the facilities of NSCC and are
not settled through OCC’s facilities.13
OCC and NSCC executed the Existing
11 See Rule 11 (CNS System) and Procedure VII
(CNS Accounting Operation) of the NSCC Rules,
supra note 8.
12 See Rule 8 (Balance Order and Foreign Security
Systems) and Procedure V (Balance Order
Accounting Operation) of the NSCC Rules, supra
note 8.
13 See Chapter IX of OCC’s Rules (Delivery of
Underlying Securities and Payment), supra note 4.
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Accord to facilitate, via NSCC’s systems,
the physical settlement of securities
arising out of options and futures
cleared by OCC. OCC Clearing Members
that clear and settle physically settled
options and futures transactions through
OCC also are required under OCC’s
Rules 14 to be Members of NSCC or to
have appointed or nominated a Member
of NSCC to act on its behalf. As noted
above, these firms are referred to as
‘‘Common Members’’ in the Existing
Summary of the Existing Accord
The Existing Accord governs the
transfer between OCC and NSCC of
responsibility for settlement obligations
that involve a delivery and receipt of
stock in the settlement of physically
settled options and futures that are
cleared and settled by OCC and for
which the underlying securities are
eligible for clearing through the
facilities of NSCC (‘‘E&A/Delivery
Transactions’’). It also establishes the
time when OCC’s settlement guarantee
(the ‘‘OCC Guaranty’’) ends and NSCC’s
settlement guarantee (the ‘‘NSCC
Guaranty’’) 15 begins with respect to
E&A/Delivery Transactions. However, in
the case of a Common Member default 16
NSCC can reject these settlement
obligations, in which case the
settlement guaranty would not transfer
from OCC to NSCC and OCC would not
have a right to settle the transactions
through the facilities of NSCC. Instead,
OCC would have to engage in
alternative methods of settlement that
have the potential to create significant
liquidity and collateral requirements for
both OCC and its non-defaulting
Clearing Members.17 More specifically,
this could involve broker-to-broker
settlement between OCC Clearing
Members.18 This settlement method is
14 See
OCC Rule 901, supra note 4.
Addendum K and Procedure III of the
NSCC Rules, supra note 8.
16 A Common Member that has been suspended
by OCC or for which NSCC has ceased to act is
referred to as a ‘‘Mutually Suspended Member’’.
17 For example, OCC evaluated certain Clearing
Member default scenarios in which OCC assumed
that NSCC would not accept the settlement
obligations under the Existing Accord, including
the default of a large Clearing Member coinciding
with a monthly options expiration. OCC has
estimated that in such a Clearing Member default
scenario, the aggregate liquidity burden on OCC in
connection with obligations having to be settled on
a gross broker-to-broker basis could reach a
significantly high level. For example, in January
2022, the largest gross broker-to-broker settlement
amount in the case of a larger Clearing Member
default would have resulted in liquidity needs of
approximately $384,635,833,942. OCC provided the
data and analysis as confidential Exhibit 3A to this
18 In broker-to-broker settlement, Clearing
Member parties are responsible for coordinating
15 See
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operationally complex because it
requires bilateral coordination directly
between numerous Clearing Members
rather than relying on NSCC to facilitate
multilateral netting to settle the relevant
settlement obligations. As described
above, it also potentially could result in
significant liquidity and collateral
requirements for both OCC and its nondefaulting Clearing Members because
the transactions would not be netted
through the facilities of NSCC.
Alternatively, where NSCC accepts the
E&A/Delivery Transactions from OCC,
the OCC Guaranty ends and the NSCC
Guaranty takes effect. The transactions
are then netted through NSCC’s systems,
which allows settlement obligations for
the same settlement date to be netted
into a single deliver or receive
obligation. This netting reduces the
costs associated with securities transfers
by reducing the number of securities
movements required for settlement and
further reduces operational and market
risk. The benefits of such netting by
NSCC may be significant with respect to
the large volumes of E&A/Delivery
Transactions processed during monthly
options expiry periods.
Pursuant to the Existing Accord, on
each trading day NSCC delivers to OCC
a file that identifies the securities,
including stocks, exchange-traded funds
and exchange-traded notes, that are
eligible (1) to settle through NSCC and
(2) to be delivered in settlement of (i)
exercises and assignments of stock
options cleared and settled by OCC or
(ii) delivery obligations from maturing
stock futures cleared and settled by
OCC. OCC, in turn, delivers to NSCC a
file identifying securities to be
delivered, or received, for physical
settlement in connection with OCC
After NSCC receives the list of eligible
transactions from OCC and NSCC has
received all required deposits to the
NSCC Clearing Fund from all Common
Members taking into consideration
amounts required to physically settle
the OCC transactions, the OCC Guaranty
would end and the NSCC Guaranty
settlement—delivery and payment—among
themselves on a transaction-by-transaction basis.
Once transactions settle, the parties also have an
obligation to affirmatively notify OCC so that OCC
can close out the transactions. If either one of or
both of the parties do not notify OCC, the
transaction would remain open on OCC’s books
indefinitely until the time both parties have
provided notice of settlement to OCC.
19 Each day that both OCC and NSCC are open for
accepting trades for clearing is referred to as an
‘‘Activity Date’’ in the Existing Accord. Securities
eligible for settlement at NSCC are referred to
collectively as ‘‘Eligible Securities’’ in the Existing
Accord. Eligible securities are settled at NSCC
through NSCC’s CNS Accounting Operation or
NSCC’s Balance Order Accounting Operation.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
would begin with respect to physical
settlement of the eligible OCC-related
transactions.20 At this point, NSCC is
solely responsible for settling the
Each day, NSCC is required to
promptly notify OCC at the time the
NSCC Guaranty takes effect. If NSCC
rejects OCC’s transactions due to an
improper submission 22 or if NSCC
‘‘ceases to act’’ for a Common
Member,23 NSCC’s Guaranty would not
take effect for the affected transactions
pursuant to the NSCC Rules.
NSCC is required to promptly notify
OCC if it ceases to act for a Common
Member. Upon receiving such a notice,
OCC would not continue to submit to
NSCC any further unsettled transactions
that involve such Common Member,
unless authorized representatives of
both OCC and NSCC otherwise consent.
OCC would, however, deliver to NSCC
a reversal file containing a list of all
transactions that OCC already submitted
to NSCC and that involve such Common
Member. The NSCC Guaranty ordinarily
would not take effect with respect to
transactions for a Common Member for
which NSCC has ceased to act, unless
both Clearing Agencies agree otherwise.
As such, NSCC does not have any
existing contractual obligation to
guarantee such Common Member’s
transactions. To the extent the NSCC
Guaranty does not take effect, OCC’s
Guaranty would continue to apply, and,
as described above, OCC would remain
responsible for effecting the settlement
of such Common Member’s transactions
pursuant to OCC’s By-Laws and Rules.
As noted above, the Existing Accord
does provide that the Clearing Agencies
20 The term ‘‘NSCC Clearing Fund’’ as used herein
has the same meaning as the term ‘‘Clearing Fund’’
as provided in the NSCC Rules. Procedure XV of
the NSCC Rules provides that all NSCC Clearing
Fund requirements and other deposits must be
made within one hour of demand, unless NSCC
determines otherwise, supra note 8.
21 This is referred to in the Existing Accord as the
‘‘Guaranty Substitution Time,’’ and the process of
the substitution of the NSCC Guaranty for the OCC
Guaranty with respect to E&A/Delivery
Transactions is referred to as ‘‘Guaranty
22 Guaranty Substitution by NSCC (discussed
further below) does not occur with respect to an
E&A/Delivery Transaction that is not submitted to
NSCC in the proper format or that involves a
security that is not identified as an Eligible Security
on the then-current NSCC Eligibility Master File.
23 Under NSCC’s Rules, a default would generally
be referred to as a ‘‘cease to act’’ and could
encompass a number of circumstances, such as an
NSCC Member’s failure to make a Required Fund
Deposit in a timely fashion. See NSCC Rule 46
(Restrictions on Access to Services), supra note 8.
An NSCC Member for which it has ceased to act is
referred to in the Existing Accord as a ‘‘Defaulting
NSCC Member.’’ Transactions associated with a
Defaulting NSCC Member are referred to as
‘‘Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions’’ in the
Existing Accord.
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may agree to permit additional
transactions for a Common Member
default (‘‘Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions’’) to be processed by NSCC
while subject to the NSCC Guaranty.
This optional feature, however, creates
uncertainty for the Clearing Agencies
and market participants about how
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions
may be processed following a Common
Member default, and also does not
provide NSCC with the ability to collect
collateral from OCC that it may need to
close out these additional transactions.
While the optional feature would
remain in the agreement as part of this
proposal, the proposed changes to the
Existing Accord, as described below,
could significantly reduce the
likelihood that it would be utilized.
Proposed Phase 1 Changes
The proposed changes to the Existing
Accord would permit OCC to make a
cash payment, referred to as the
‘‘Guaranty Substitution Payment’’ or
‘‘GSP,’’ to NSCC. This cash payment
could occur on either or both of the day
that the Common Member becomes a
Mutually Suspended Member and on
the next business day. Upon NSCC’s
receipt of the Guaranty Substitution
Payment from OCC, the NSCC Guaranty
would take effect for the Common
Member’s transactions, and they would
be accepted by NSCC for clearance and
settlement.24 OCC could use all Clearing
Member contributions to the OCC
Clearing Fund 25 and certain Margin
Assets 26 of a defaulted Clearing
Member to pay the GSP, as described in
more detail below.
NSCC would calculate the Guaranty
Substitution Payment as the sum of the
Mutually Suspended Member’s unpaid
required deposit to the NSCC Clearing
Fund (‘‘Required Fund Deposit’’) 27 and
the unpaid Supplemental Liquidity
Deposit 28 obligation that is attributable
to E&A/Delivery Transactions. The
proposed changes to the Existing
24 Acceptance of such transactions by NSCC
would be subject to NSCC’s standard validation
criteria for incoming trades. See NSCC Rule 7,
supra note 8.
25 The term ‘‘OCC Clearing Fund’’ as used herein
has the same meaning as the term ‘‘Clearing Fund’’
in OCC’s By-Laws, supra note 4.
26 The term ‘‘Margin Assets’’ as used herein has
the same meaning as provided in OCC’s By-Laws,
supra note 4.
27 The Required Fund Deposit is calculated
pursuant to Rule 4 (Clearing Fund) and Procedure
XV (Clearing Fund Formula and Other Matters) of
the NSCC Rules, see supra note 8.
28 Under the NSCC Rules, NSCC collects
additional cash deposits from those Members who
would generate the largest settlement debits in
stressed market conditions, referred to as
‘‘Supplemental Liquidity Deposits’’ or ‘‘SLD.’’ See
Rule 4A of the NSCC Rules, supra note 8.
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Accord define how NSCC would
calculate the Guaranty Substitution
More specifically, NSCC would first
determine how much of the member’s
unpaid Clearing Fund requirement
would be included in the GSP. NSCC
would look at the day-over-day change
in gross market value of the Mutually
Suspended Member’s positions as well
as day-over-day change in the member’s
NSCC Clearing Fund requirements.
Based on such changes, NSCC would
identify how much of the change in the
Clearing Fund requirement was
attributable to E&A/Delivery
Transactions coming from OCC. If 100
percent of the day-over-day change in
the NSCC Clearing Fund requirement is
attributable to activity coming from
OCC, then the GSP would include 100
percent of the member’s NSCC Clearing
Fund requirement. If less than 100
percent of the change is attributable to
activity coming from OCC, then the GSP
would include that percent of the
member’s unpaid NSCC Clearing Fund
requirement attributable to activity
coming from OCC. NSCC would then
determine the portion of the member’s
unpaid SLD obligation that is
attributable to E&A/Delivery
Transactions. As noted above, the GSP
would be the sum of these two amounts.
A member’s NSCC Clearing Fund
requirement and SLD obligation at
NSCC are designed to address the credit
and liquidity risks that a member poses
to NSCC. The GSP calculation is
intended to assess how much of a
member’s obligations arise out of
activity coming from OCC so that the
amount paid by OCC is commensurate
with the risk to NSCC of guarantying
such activity.
To permit OCC to anticipate the
potential resources it would need to pay
the GSP for a Mutually Suspended
Member, each business day, NSCC
would provide OCC with (1) Required
Fund Deposit and Supplemental
Liquidity Deposit obligations, as
calculated pursuant to the NSCC Rules,
and (2) the gross market value of the
E&A/Delivery Transactions and the
gross market value of total Net Unsettled
Positions (as such term is defined in the
NSCC Rules). On options expiry days
that fall on a Friday, NSCC would also
provide OCC with information regarding
liquidity needs and resources, and any
intraday SLD requirements of Common
Members. Such information would be
delivered pursuant to the ongoing
information sharing obligations under
the Existing Accord (as proposed to be
amended) and the Service Level
Agreement (‘‘SLA’’) to which both
NSCC and OCC are a party pursuant to
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
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Section 2 of the Existing Accord.29 The
SLA addresses specifics regarding the
time, form, and manner of various
required notifications and actions
described in the Accord and also
includes information applicable under
the Accord.
NSCC and OCC believe the proposed
calculation of the Required Fund
Deposit portion of the GSP is
appropriate because it is designed to
provide a reasonable proxy for the
impact of the Mutually Suspended
Member’s E&A/Delivery Transactions
on its Required Fund Deposit. While
impact study data did show that the
proposed calculation could result in a
GSP that overestimates or
underestimates the Required Fund
Deposit attributable to the Mutually
Suspended Member’s E&A/Delivery
Transactions,30 current technology
constraints prohibit NSCC from
performing a precise calculation of the
GSP on a daily basis for every Common
Implementing the ability for OCC to
make the GSP and cause the E&A/
Delivery Transactions to be cleared and
settled through NSCC would promote
the ability of OCC and NSCC to be
efficient and effective in meeting the
requirements of the markets they serve.
This is because data demonstrates that
the expected size of the GSP would be
smaller than the amount of cash that
would otherwise be needed by OCC and
its Clearing Members to facilitate
settlement outside of NSCC. More
specifically, based on a historical study
of alternate means of settlement
available to OCC from September 2021
through September 2022, in the event
that NSCC did not accept E&A/Delivery
Transactions, the worst-case scenario
peak liquidity need OCC identified was
$384,635,833,942 for settlement to occur
on a gross broker-to-broker basis. OCC
29 OCC provided a draft of the revised SLA to the
Commission as confidential Exhibit 3C to this
30 The impact study was conducted at the
Commission’s request to cover a three-day period
and reviewed the ten Common Members with the
largest Required Fund Deposits attributable to the
Mutually Suspended Member’s E&A/Delivery
Transactions. Over the 30 instances in the study,
approximately 15 instances resulted in an
underestimate of the Required Fund Deposit by an
average of approximately $112,900,926, four
instances where the proxy calculation was the same
as the Required Fund Deposit, and eleven instances
of an overestimate of the Required Fund Deposit by
an average of approximately $59,654,583. See
confidential Exhibit 3D to this filing for additional
detail related to the referenced study.
31 OCC and NSCC agreed that performing the
necessary technology build during Phase 1 would
delay the implementation of Phase 1 of this
proposal. NSCC will incorporate those technology
updates in connection with Phase 2 of this
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estimates that the corresponding GSP in
this scenario would have been
$863,619,056. OCC also analyzed
several other large liquidity demand
amounts that were identified during the
study if OCC effected settlement on a
gross broker-to-broker basis.32 These
liquidity demand amounts and the
largest liquidity demand amount OCC
observed of $384,635,833,942
substantially exceed the amount of
liquid resources currently available to
OCC.33 By contrast, projected GSPs
identified during the study ranged from
$419,297,734 to $6,281,228,428. For
each of these projected GSP amounts,
OCC observed that the Margin Assets
and OCC Clearing Fund contributions
that would have been required of
Clearing Members in these scenarios
would have been sufficient to satisfy the
amount of the projected GSPs.
To help address the current
technology constraint that prohibits
NSCC from performing a precise
calculation of the GSP on a daily basis
for every Common Member, proposed
Section 6(b)(i) of the Existing Accord
and related Section 7(d) of the SLA
would provide that with respect to a
Mutually Suspended Member, either
NSCC or OCC may require that the
Required Fund Deposit portion of the
GSP be re-calculated by calculating the
Required Fund Deposit for the Mutually
Suspended Member both before and
after the delivery of the E&A/Delivery
Transactions and utilize the precise
amount that is attributable to that
activity in the final GSP. If such a
recalculation is required, the result
would replace the Required Fund
Deposit component of the GSP that was
initially calculated. The SLD component
of the GSP would be unchanged by such
As the above demonstrates, the GSP is
intended to address the significant
collateral and liquidity requirements
that could be required of OCC Clearing
Members in the event of a Common
Member default.
Allowing OCC to make a GSP
payment also is intended to allow for
settlement processing to take place
through the facilities of NSCC to retain
operational efficiencies associated with
the settlement process. Alternative
settlement means such as broker-tobroker settlement add operational
burdens because transactions would
32 See confidential Exhibit 3A to this filing for
additional detail related to the referenced study.
33 As of September 30, 2023, OCC held
approximately $12.37 billion in qualifying liquid
resources. See OCC Quantitative Disclosure, July–
September 2023, available at https://
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need to be settled individually on oneoff bases. In contrast, NSCC’s netting
reduces the volume and value of
settlement obligations that would need
to be closed out in the market.34
Because the clearance and settlement of
obligations through NSCC’s facilities
following a Common Member default,
including netting of E&A/Delivery
Transactions with a Common Member’s
positions at NSCC, would avoid these
potentially significant operational
burdens for OCC and its Clearing
Members, OCC and NSCC believe that
the proposed changes would limit
market disruption relating to a Common
Member default. NSCC netting
significantly reduces the total number of
obligations that require the exchange of
money for settlement. Allowing more
activity to be processed through NSCC’s
netting systems would minimize risk
associated with the close out of those
transactions following the default of a
Common Member.
Amending the Existing Accord to
define the terms and conditions under
which Guaranty Substitution may occur,
at OCC’s election, with respect to
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions
after a Common Member becomes a
Mutually Suspended Member would
also provide more certainty to both the
Clearing Agencies and market
participants generally about how a
Mutually Suspended Member’s
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions
may be processed.
NSCC and OCC have agreed it is
appropriate to limit the availability of
the proposed provision to the day of the
Common Member default and the next
business day because, based on
historical simulations of cease to act
events involving Common Members,
most activity of a Mutually Suspended
Member is closed out on those days.35
Furthermore, the benefits of netting
through NSCC’s systems would be
reduced for any activity submitted to
NSCC after that time.
To implement the proposed Phase 1
changes to the Existing Accord, OCC
and NSCC propose to make the
following changes.
34 CNS reduces the value of obligations that
require financial settlement by approximately 98%,
where, for example $519 trillion in trades could be
netted down to approximately $9 trillion in net
35 OCC provided data regarding such events in
confidential Exhibit 3B to this filing. The
information contained therein includes the
assumptions and timelines leading up to the
declaration of a default for a Common Member and
the anticipated timing of OCC’s payment of the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
Section 1—Definitions
First, new definitions would be
added, and existing definitions would
be amended in Section 1, which is the
Definitions section.
The new defined terms would be as
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• The term ‘‘Close Out Transaction’’ would
be defined to mean ‘‘the liquidation,
termination or acceleration of one or more
exercised or matured Stock Options 36 or
Stock Futures 37 contracts, securities
contracts, commodity contracts, forward
contracts, repurchase agreements, swap
agreements, master netting agreements or
similar agreements of a Mutually Suspended
Member pursuant to OCC Rules 901, 1006
and 1101 through 1111 (including but not
limited to Rules 1104 and 1107) and/or NSCC
Rule 18.’’ This proposed definition would
make it clear that the payment of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment and NSCC’s
subsequent acceptance of Defaulted NSCC
Member Transactions for clearance and
settlement are intended to fall within the
‘‘safe harbors’’ provided in the Bankruptcy
Code,38 the Securities Investor Protection
Act,39 and other similar laws.
• The term ‘‘Guaranty Substitution
Payment’’ would be defined to mean ‘‘an
amount calculated by NSCC in accordance
with the calculations set forth in Appendix
A [to the Existing Accord (as proposed to be
amended)], to include two components: (i) a
portion of the Mutually Suspended Member’s
Required Fund Deposit deficit to NSCC at the
time of the cease to act; and (ii) a portion of
the Mutually Suspended Member’s unpaid
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit obligation at
the time of the cease to act.’’
• The term ‘‘Mutually Suspended
Member’’ would mean ‘‘any OCC
Participating Member 40 that has been
suspended by OCC that is also an NSCC
Participating Member 41 for which NSCC has
ceased to act.’’
36 The term ‘‘Stock Options’’ is defined in the
Existing Accord within the definition of ‘‘Eligible
Securities’’ and refers to options issued by OCC.
37 The term ‘‘Stock Futures’’ is defined in the
Existing Accord within the definition of ‘‘Eligible
Securities’’ and refers to stock futures contracts
cleared by OCC.
38 11 U.S.C. 101 et seq., including sections
362(b)(6), (7), (17), (25) and (27) (exceptions to the
automatic stay), sections 546(e)–(g) and (j)
(limitations on avoiding powers), and sections 555–
556 and 559–562 (contractual right to liquidate,
terminate or accelerate certain contracts).
39 15 U.S.C. 78aaa–lll, including section
78eee(b)(2)(C) (exceptions to the stay).
40 The term ‘‘OCC Participating Member’’ is
defined in the Existing Accord to mean ‘‘(i) a
Common Member; (ii) an OCC Clearing Member
that is an ‘Appointing Clearing Member’ (as defined
in Article I of OCC’s By-Laws) and has appointed
an Appointed Clearing Member that is an NSCC
Member to effect settlement of E&A/Delivery
Transactions through NSCC on the Appointing
Clearing Member’s behalf; (iii) an OCC Clearing
Member that is an Appointed Clearing Member; or
(iv) a Canadian Clearing Member.’’ No changes are
proposed to this definition.
41 The term ‘‘NSCC Participating Member’’ is
defined in the Existing Accord to mean ‘‘(i) a
Common Member; (ii) an NSCC Member that is an
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• The term ‘‘Required Fund Deposit’’
would have the meaning ‘‘provided in Rule
4 of NSCC’s Rules and Procedures (or any
replacement or substitute rule), the version of
which, with respect to any transaction or
obligation incurred that is the subject of this
Agreement, is in effect at the time of such
transaction or incurrence of obligation.’’
• The term ‘‘Supplemental Liquidity
Deposit’’ would have the meaning ‘‘provided
in Rule 4A of NSCC’s Rules and Procedures
(or any replacement or substitute rule), the
version of which, with respect to any
transaction or obligation incurred that is the
subject of this Agreement, is in effect at the
time of such transaction or incurrence of
The defined terms that would be
amended in Section 1 of the Existing
Accord are as follows.
• The definition for the term ‘‘E&A/
Delivery Transaction’’ generally
contemplates a transaction that involves a
delivery and receipt of stock in the
settlement of physically settled options and
futures that are cleared and settled by OCC
and for which the underlying securities are
eligible for clearing through the facilities of
NSCC. The definition would be amended to
make clear that it would apply in respect of
a ‘‘Close Out Transaction’’ of a ‘‘Mutually
Suspended Member’’ as those terms are
proposed to be defined (described above).
• The definition for the term ‘‘Eligible
Securities’’ generally contemplates the
securities that are eligible to be used for
physical settlement under the Existing
Accord. The term would be modified to
clarify that this may include, for example,
equities, exchange-traded funds and
exchange-traded notes that are underlying
securities for options issued by OCC.
Section 6—Default by an NSCC
Participating Member or OCC
Participating Member
Section 6 of the Existing Accord
provides that NSCC is required to
provide certain notice to OCC in
circumstances in which NSCC has
ceased to act for a Common Member.
Currently, Section 6(a)(ii) of the Existing
Accord also requires NSCC to notify
OCC if a Common Member has failed to
satisfy its Clearing Fund obligations to
NSCC, but for which NSCC has not yet
ceased to act. In practice, this provision
would trigger a number of obligations
(described below) when a Common
Member fails to satisfy its NSCC
Clearing Fund obligations for any
reason, including those due to an
operational delay. Therefore, OCC and
NSCC are proposing to remove the
notification requirement under Section
6(a)(ii) from the Existing Accord. Under
‘Appointed Clearing Member’ (as defined in Article
I of OCC’s By-Laws); or (iii) [Canadian Depository
for Securities Limited or ‘‘CDS’’]. For the avoidance
of doubt, the Clearing Agencies agree that CDS is
an NSCC Member for purposes of this Agreement.’’
No changes are proposed to this definition.
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Section 7(d) of the Existing Accord,
NSCC and OCC are required to provide
each other with general surveillance
information regarding Common
Members, which includes information
regarding any Common Member that is
considered by the other party to be in
distress. Therefore, if a Common
Member has failed to satisfy its NSCC
Clearing Fund obligations and NSCC
believes this failure is due to, for
example, financial distress and not, for
example, due to a known operational
delay, and NSCC has not yet ceased to
act for that Common Member, such
notification to OCC would still occur
but would be done pursuant to Section
7(d) of the Existing Accord (as proposed
to be amended), and not Section 6(a)(ii).
Notifications under Section 6 of the
Existing Accord (as proposed to be
amended) would be limited to instances
when NSCC has actually ceased to act
for a Common Member pursuant to the
NSCC Rules.42
Following notice by NSCC that it has
ceased to act for a Common Member,
OCC is obligated in turn to deliver to
NSCC a list of all E&A/Delivery
Transactions (excluding certain
transactions for which Guaranty
Substitution does not occur) involving
the Common Member.43 This provision
would be amended to clarify that it
applies in respect of such E&A/Delivery
Transactions for the Common Member
for which the NSCC Guaranty has not
yet attached—meaning that Guaranty
Substitution has not yet occurred.
As described above in the summary of
the Existing Accord, where NSCC has
ceased to act for a Common Member, the
Existing Accord refers to the Common
Member as the Defaulting NSCC
Member and also refers to the relevant
E&A/Delivery Transactions in
connection with that Defaulting NSCC
Member for which a Guaranty
Substitution has not yet occurred as
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions.
If the Defaulting NSCC Member is also
suspended by OCC, it would be covered
by the proposed definition that is
described above for a Mutually
Suspended Member. For such a
Mutually Suspended Member, the
proposed changes in Section 6(b) would
provide that NSCC, by a time agreed
upon by the parties, would provide OCC
with the amount of the Guaranty
Substitution Payment as calculated by
NSCC and related documentation
42 See Rule 46 (Restrictions on Access to Services)
of the NSCC Rules, supra note 8.
43 The section of the Existing Accord that
addresses circumstances in which NSCC ceases to
act and/or an NSCC Member defaults is currently
part of Section 6(a). It would be re-designated as
Section 6(b) for organizational purposes.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
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regarding the calculation. The Guaranty
Substitution Payment would be
calculated pursuant to NSCC’s Rules as
that portion of the unmet Required
Fund Deposit 44 and Supplemental
Liquidity Deposit 45 obligations of the
Mutually Suspended Member
attributable to the Defaulted NSCC
Member Transactions. By a time agreed
upon by the parties,46 OCC would then
be required to either notify NSCC of its
intent to make the full amount of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
or notify NSCC that it will not make the
Guaranty Substitution Payment. If OCC
makes the full amount of the Guaranty
Substitution Payment, NSCC’s guaranty
would take effect at the time of NSCC’s
receipt of that payment and the OCC
Guaranty would end.
The proposed changes would further
provide that if OCC does not suspend
the Common Member (such that the
Common Member would therefore not
meet the proposed definition of a
Mutually Suspended Member) or if OCC
elects to not make the full amount of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment to
NSCC, then all of the Defaulted NSCC
Member Transactions would be exited
from NSCC’s CNS Accounting
Operation and/or NSCC’s Balance Order
Accounting Operation, as applicable,
and Guaranty Substitution would not
occur in respect thereof. Therefore,
NSCC would continue to have no
obligation to guarantee or settle the
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions,
and the OCC Guaranty would continue
to apply to them pursuant to OCC’s ByLaws and Rules.47
Proposed changes to the Existing
Accord would also address the
application of any Guaranty
Substitution Payment by NSCC.
Specifically, new Section 6(d) would
provide that any Guaranty Substitution
Payment made by OCC may be used by
NSCC to satisfy any liability or
obligation of the Mutually Suspended
Clearing Member to NSCC on account of
transactions involving the Mutually
Suspended Clearing Member for which
44 The Required Fund Deposit is calculated
pursuant to Rule 4 (Clearing Fund) and Procedure
XV (Clearing Fund Formula and Other Matters) of
the NSCC Rules, see supra note 8.
45 The Supplemental Liquidity Deposit is
calculated pursuant to Rule 4A (Supplemental
Liquidity Deposits) of the NSCC Rules, see supra
note 8.
46 The time by which OCC would be required to
notify NSCC of its intent would be defined in the
Service Level Agreement. As of the time of this
filing, the parties intend to set that time as one hour
after OCC’s receipt of the calculated Guaranty
Substitution Payment from NSCC.
47 Under the current and proposed terms of the
Existing Accord, NSCC would be permitted to
voluntarily guaranty and settle the Defaulted NSCC
Member Transactions.
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the NSCC Guaranty applies and to the
extent that any amount of assets
otherwise held by NSCC for the account
of the Mutually Suspended Member
(including any Required Fund Deposit
or Supplemental Liquidity Deposit) are
insufficient to satisfy its obligations
related to transactions for which the
NSCC Guaranty applies. Proposed
changes to Section 6(d) would further
provide for the return to OCC of any
unused portion of the GSP. With regard
to the portion of the Guaranty
Substitution Payment that corresponds
to a member’s Supplemental Liquidity
Deposit obligation, NSCC must return
any unused amount to OCC within
fourteen (14) days following the
conclusion of NSCC’s settlement, closeout and/or liquidation. With regard to
the portion of the Guaranty Substitution
Payment that corresponds to a Required
Fund Deposit, NSCC must return any
unused amount to OCC under terms
agreed to by the parties.48
Other Proposed Changes as Part of
Phase 1
Certain other technical changes are
also proposed to the Existing Accord to
conform it to the proposed changes
described above. For example, the
preamble and the ‘‘whereas’’ clauses in
the Preliminary Statement would be
amended to clarify that the agreement is
an amended and restated agreement and
to summarize that the agreement would
be modified to contemplate the
Guaranty Substitution Payment
structure. Section 1(c), which addresses
the terms in the Existing Accord that are
defined by reference to NSCC’s Rules
and Procedures and OCC’s By-Laws and
Rules would be modified to state that
such terms would have the meaning
then in effect at the time of any
transaction or obligation that is covered
by the agreement rather than stating that
such terms have the meaning given to
them as of the effective date of the
agreement. This change is proposed to
help ensure that the meaning of such
terms in the agreement will not become
inconsistent with the meaning in the
NSCC Rules and/or OCC By-Laws and
Rules, as they may be modified through
proposed rule changes with the
Technical changes would be made to
Sections 3(d) and (e) of the Existing
Accord to provide that those provisions
would not apply in the event new
Section 6(b) described above, is
48 Such amounts would be returned to OCC as
appropriate and in accordance with a Netting
Contract and Limited Cross-Guaranty, by and
among The Depository Trust Company, Fixed
Income Clearing Corporation, NSCC and OCC,
dated as of January 1, 2003, as amended.
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triggered. Section 3(d) generally
provides that OCC will no longer submit
E&A/Delivery Transactions to NSCC
involving a suspended OCC
Participating Member.49 Similarly,
Section 3(e) generally provides that OCC
will no longer submit E&A/Delivery
Transactions to NSCC involving an
NSCC Participating Member 50 for
which NSCC has ceased to act. A
proposed change would also be made to
Section 5 of the Existing Accord to
modify a reference to Section 5 of
Article VI of OCC’s By-Laws to instead
provide that the updated cross-reference
should be to Chapter IV of OCC’s Rules.
Section 5 would also be amended to
clarify that Guaranty Substitution
occurs when NSCC has received both
the Required Fund Deposit and
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit, as
calculated by NSCC in its sole
discretion, from Common Members. The
addition of the collection of the
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit to the
definition of the Guaranty Substitution
Time in this Section 5 would reflect
OCC and NSCC’s agreement that both
amounts are components of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment (as
described above) and would make this
definition consistent with that
In Section 7 of the Existing Accord,
proposed changes would be made to
provide that NSCC would provide to
OCC information regarding a Common
Member’s Required Fund Deposit and
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit
obligations, to include the
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit
obligation in this notice requirement,
and additionally that NSCC would
provide OCC with information regarding
the potential Guaranty Substitution
Payment for the Common Member. On
an options expiration date that is a
Friday, NSCC would, by close of
business on that day, also provide to
OCC information regarding the intra-day
liquidity requirement, intra-day
liquidity resources and intra-day calls
for a Common Member that is subject to
a Supplemental Liquidity Deposit at
Finally, Section 14 of the Existing
Accord would be modernized to provide
that notices between the parties would
be provided by email rather than by
hand, overnight delivery service or firstclass mail.
49 See supra note 40 defining OCC Participating
50 See supra note 41 defining NSCC Participating
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
Proposed Changes to OCC By-Laws and
Rules as Part of Phase 1
General Description
OCC is also proposing certain changes
to its By-Laws and Rules that are
designed to complement the proposed
changes described above regarding the
Existing Accord. These proposed
changes to the By-Laws and Rules are
described below, and they generally
cover the following four areas. First, the
proposed changes would define
Guaranty Substitution Payment. Second,
the proposed changes would describe
the circumstances under which OCC
could make a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC. Third, the proposed
changes would specify what financial
resources could be used by OCC to make
the Guaranty Substitution Payment.51
Fourth, the proposed changes to OCC’s
Comprehensive Stress Testing and
Clearing Fund Methodology, and
Liquidity Risk Management Description
would outline enhanced stress testing
incorporating the GSP and OCC’s ability
to call for additional resources from
Clearing Members. OCC also is
proposing changes to OCC’s Liquidity
Risk Management Framework to
account for OCC’s ability to make the
Article I—Definitions
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
OCC proposes to add ‘‘Guaranty
Substitution Payment’’ as a new defined
term under Article I of OCC’s By-Laws,
which is the Definitions section. The
term ‘‘Guaranty Substitution Payment’’
would be defined to mean: ‘‘a payment
that may be made by [OCC] to [NSCC]
under the terms of an agreement
between them, as described in Rule 901,
so that [NSCC] will not reject settlement
obligations for CCC-eligible 52 securities
that are directed by [OCC] for settlement
through the facilities of [NSCC] on
account of a Clearing Member that has
been suspended, as described in Rule
1102, and for which [NSCC] has ceased
to act.’’
51 OCC would be permitted to borrow from the
Clearing Fund and margin of a suspended Clearing
Member, over which OCC has a general lien, where
that Clearing Member is a Mutually Suspended
Member. The change would merely expand the
circumstances under which OCC’s current By-Laws
and Rules permit OCC to borrow Clearing Fund and
margin. The change would not affect the treatment
of such borrowing under OCC’s default waterfall
that determines how OCC allocates losses against
available financial resources. The Mutually
Suspended Member’s margin and Clearing Fund
collateral would remain first in line to absorb
52 The term ‘‘CCC-Eligible’’ as used herein has the
meaning provided in OCC’s By-Laws, supra note 4.
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Chapter IX—Delivery of Underlying
Securities and Payment
Certain changes are also proposed to
Chapter IX of OCC’s Rules. OCC
proposes to add parenthetical language
to the Introduction section of Chapter IX
of OCC’s Rules. It would specify that a
Guaranty Substitution Payment could be
made by OCC to NSCC in connection
with OCC’s general policy that to the
extent a security to be delivered and
received is CCC-eligible, OCC will direct
the delivery and payment obligations to
be settled through the facilities of NSCC
where the obligations are physicallysettled and arise out of the exercise of
stock option contracts or the maturity of
stock futures contracts.
Next, OCC proposes to delete certain
provisions from Rule 901(b) regarding
when a Guaranty Substitution occurs.
Specifically, Rule 901(b) currently
provides that unless otherwise agreed
between OCC and NSCC, a Guaranty
Substitution with respect to settlement
obligations for CCC-eligible securities
that settle ‘‘regular way’’ under NSCC’s
Rules and Procedures will occur if: (i)
the applicable settlement obligations are
reported to and are not rejected by
NSCC; (ii) NSCC has not notified OCC
that it has ceased to act for the relevant
Clearing Member or Appointed Clearing
Member; and (iii) the NSCC Clearing
Fund requirements of the relevant
Clearing Member or Appointed Clearing
Member owing to NSCC, as determined
in accordance with NSCC’s Rules and
Procedures, are received by NSCC.
These considerations regarding when a
Guaranty Substitution occurs are
addressed under the terms of the
Existing Accord, and they would
continue to be relevant considerations
regarding when a Guaranty Substitution
occurs under the changes that OCC and
NSCC are proposing to the Existing
Accord. However, because additional
considerations would be added to the
Guaranty Substitution process in
connection with the proposed ability for
OCC in certain circumstances to make a
Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
and also to eliminate the potential for a
description of the Guaranty Substitution
process in OCC’s Rules to become
inconsistent with the process that OCC
and NSCC have agreed to in the Existing
Accord, as it would be amended, OCC
is proposing to delete the discussion of
these considerations in Rule 901(b) in
favor of instead simply cross referencing
the terms of the agreement.53
53 For purposes of the proposed rule change
process under Exchange Act Section 19(b), the
agreement is treated as a rule of a clearing agency
under Exchange Act Section 3(a)(27) and therefore
any proposed changes to it by OCC are subject to
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In addition, OCC proposes to add a
new paragraph to the end of Rule 901(b)
to provide that pursuant to the proposed
changes to the Existing Accord, OCC
would be permitted to make a Guaranty
Substitution Payment to NSCC. The
proposed changes would also describe
the circumstances in which OCC may
make a Guaranty Substitution Payment
in connection with settlement
obligations of a suspended Clearing
Member, and that the amount of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment under
the terms of the Existing Accord, as
amended, would be the amount
required by NSCC to satisfy its deficit(s)
regarding such Clearing Member’s
‘‘Required Fund Deposit’’ and
‘‘Supplemental Liquidity Deposit’’ as
those terms are defined in NSCC’s Rules
and Procedures.54 The changes would
provide that any amount of a Guaranty
Substitution Payment that NSCC does
not use pursuant to its Rules and
Procedures would subsequently be
returned to OCC under such terms and
within such times as are agreed by OCC
and NSCC. OCC believes that it is useful
to include this description of the
proposed process for the Guaranty
Substitution Payment and the
circumstances in which it may be made
so that a user of OCC’s publicly
available By-Laws and Rules would
have sufficient information to
understand the existence of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment
mechanism, the general circumstances
in which it may be made and the role
that a Guaranty Substitution Payment
would play in causing NSCC to accept
obligations for CCC-eligible securities
for clearance and settlement.
Chapters X and XI—Clearing Fund
Contributions and Suspension of a
Clearing Member
As generally described above, the
proposed changes would also provide
that OCC would be permitted to borrow
from the OCC Clearing Fund, and also
against certain Margin Assets, of a
Clearing Member that has been
suspended by OCC where that Clearing
Member is a Mutually Suspended
Member. To implement these changes,
OCC is proposing the following
amendments to OCC Rule 1006 and
Rule 1104.
the related rule change process and public notice
and comment. OCC therefore believes that
addressing the terms in the agreement and crossreferencing the agreement in OCC Rule 901 would
not deprive the Commission or the public of notice
regarding any future proposed changes.
54 See NSCC Rules 4 (defining ‘‘Required Fund
Deposit’’) and 4A (defining ‘‘Supplemental
Liquidity Deposit’’), supra note 8.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
OCC Rule 1006 addresses the purpose
and permitted uses of the OCC Clearing
Fund. OCC proposes to make
amendments to paragraphs (a) and (f) to
permit OCC to utilize assets in the
Clearing Fund as a liquidity resource in
connection with making a Guaranty
Substitution Payment. Currently, OCC
Rule 1006(a) states the conditions for
use of the OCC Clearing Fund. These
provide that the OCC Clearing Fund
may be used for borrowings pursuant to
OCC Rule 1006(f) or to make good losses
or expenses suffered by OCC including:
(i) as a result of the failure of any
Clearing Member to discharge duly any
obligation on or arising from any
confirmed trade accepted by OCC, (ii) as
a result of the failure of any Clearing
Member (including any Appointed
Clearing Member) or of CDS (Canada’s
national securities depository) to
perform its obligations under any
contract or obligation issued,
undertaken, or guaranteed by OCC or in
respect of which OCC is otherwise
liable, (iii) as a result of the failure of
any Clearing Member to perform any of
its obligations to OCC in respect of the
stock loan and borrow positions of such
Clearing Member, (iv) in connection
with any liquidation of a Clearing
Member’s open positions, (v) in
connection with protective transactions
effected for the account of OCC
pursuant to Chapter XI of OCC’s Rules
(delivery of underlying securities and
payment), (vi) as a result of the failure
of any Clearing Member to make any
other required payment or render any
other required performance or (vii) as a
result of the failure of any bank,
securities or commodities clearing
organization, or investment
counterparty, to perform its obligations
to OCC for certain specified reasons.55
OCC proposes to renumber clauses
(iii) through (vii) in paragraph (a) as (iv)
through (viii), and to insert as new
clause (iii) a provision that the OCC
Clearing Fund may be used ‘‘regarding
any Guaranty Substitution Payment that
[OCC] may make to [NSCC] under an
agreement between them, as described
in [OCC] Rule 901, so that [NSCC] will
not reject settlement obligations for
CCC-eligible securities involving a
Clearing Member for which [NSCC] has
ceased to act and that [OCC] directs to
[NSCC] for settlement through its
facilities.’’ 56 OCC also proposes to add
parenthetical language to paragraphs
(f)(1)(A) and (f)(2)(A)(ii) to further
clarify that contributions to the OCC
Clearing Fund may be borrowed by OCC
for use in connection with making a
Guaranty Substitution Payment to
NSCC. Any borrowing from the OCC
Clearing Fund by OCC to make a
Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
would be subject to the existing terms
of OCC Rule 1006(f)(3) that provide that
irrespective of how any such borrowings
from the OCC Clearing Fund are applied
by OCC, the borrowing for a period not
to exceed thirty (30) days will not be
deemed to result in charges against the
OCC Clearing Fund under OCC’s default
waterfall for allocating actual losses. For
purposes of determining whether a loss
resulting from a Guaranty Substitution
Payment has occurred, OCC Rule
1006(f)(3) would be amended to provide
that the Guaranty Substitution Payment
is deemed to be repaid by OCC at such
time as under the Accord that it is
NSCC’s obligation to return any portion
of the Guaranty Substitution Payment
that NSCC does not use pursuant to its
rules. If, subsequent to the borrowing,
OCC determines that the borrowing
represents an actual loss or all or any
part of the borrowing remains
outstanding after thirty (30) days (or on
the first Business Day thereafter if the
thirtieth calendar day is not a Business
Day) then the amount of OCC Clearing
Fund assets used in the outstanding
borrowing would be an actual loss that
OCC would be required to immediately
allocate under its By-Laws and Rules.57
As noted above, losses resulting from
the borrowing of Clearing Fund or
Margin Assets as a liquidity resource to
facilitate OCC making a Guaranty
Substitution Payment would be
allocated in the same sequence as any
other losses charged to the default
Consistent with these changes to
permit OCC to use the OCC Clearing
Fund as a borrowing resource to make
a Guaranty Substitution Payment to
NSCC, OCC is also proposing similar
changes to OCC Rule 1104 that would
permit OCC to borrow certain Margin
Assets of a Clearing Member that has
been suspended by OCC where that
Clearing Member is a Mutually
55 The terms ‘‘Clearing Member’’ and ‘‘Appointed
Clearing Member’’ as used herein have the
meanings provided in OCC’s By-Laws, supra note
56 In connection with these amendments, the
reference in Rule 1006(b) to ‘‘clauses (i) through (vi)
of paragraph (a)’’ would be changed to ‘‘clauses (i)
through (vii) of paragraph (a).’’
57 If the defaulting OCC Clearing Member’s
Margin Assets and OCC Clearing Fund contribution
were insufficient to cover the associated losses,
OCC would next look to certain OCC financial
resources that are available for that purpose (e.g.,
OCC’s corporate contribution and Clearing Fund
contributions of non-defaulting OCC Clearing
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Suspended Member and OCC has a
general lien 58 over the Margin Assets.
Specifically, OCC proposes to add a
new paragraph (g) to OCC Rule 1104
that would provide that OCC may use
specified Margin Assets of a suspended
Clearing Member as a borrowing in
order to use such borrowed Margin
Assets to make a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC. OCC would be
permitted to use Margin Assets from the
following accounts of a suspended
Common Member: firm lien account and
firm non-lien account; separate MarketMaker’s account; combined MarketMaker’s account; and JBO Participants’
account.59 OCC is not proposing at this
time to have authority to borrow Margin
Assets from other types of accounts over
which OCC has a restricted lien 60 and
for which the Margin Assets are security
for the particular restricted lien
accounts because of additional
complexity that OCC believes would be
associated with tracking NSCC’s use of
Margin Assets associated with those
accounts and also due to certain
regulatory requirements under
Commission Rule 15c3–3 that apply to
broker-dealer Clearing Members and
prohibit the use of customer property of
the broker-dealer to support noncustomer activities.61
As with the terms that currently apply
to any borrowing from the OCC Clearing
Fund pursuant to OCC Rule 1006(f),
new paragraph (g) in OCC Rule 1104
would further provide that Margin
Assets borrowed by OCC to make a
Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
58 Article I, Section 1.G.(1) of OCC’s By-Laws
states that the ‘‘term ‘general lien’ means a security
interest of [OCC] in all or specified assets in a
Clearing Member account as security for all of the
Clearing Member’s obligations to [OCC] regardless
of the source or nature of such obligations.’’ See
OCC By-Laws, supra note 4.
59 The Clearing Member accounts referenced
herein are described in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c)
and (h) of Article VI, Section 3 of OCC’s By-Laws.
See OCC’s By-Laws, supra note 4.
60 Article I, Section 1.R.(8) of OCC’s By-Laws
states that the ‘‘term ‘restricted lien’ means a
security interest of [OCC] in specified assets
(including any proceeds thereof) in an account of
a Clearing Member with [OCC] as security for the
Clearing Member’s obligations to [OCC] arising from
such account or, to the extent so provided in the
By-Laws or Rules, a specified group of accounts that
includes such account including, without
limitation, obligations in respect of all confirmed
trades effected through such account or group of
accounts, and exercise notices assigned to such
account or group of accounts.’’ See OCC’s By-Laws,
supra note 4.
61 For example, under the broker-dealer customer
reserve account formula to SEC Rule 15c3–3 the
broker-dealer takes a debit in the formula under
Item 13 for margin that is ‘‘required and on deposit
with OCC for all option contracts written or
purchased in customer accounts.’’ This means that
such margin in turn can be used by the brokerdealer Clearing Member as Margin Assets to support
the securities customers’ account at OCC.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
would not be deemed to be charges
against the margin assets for the relevant
account(s) for up to thirty (30) days;
however, if all or a part of such
borrowing were to be determined by
OCC, in its discretion, to represent an
actual loss, or if all or a part of the
borrowing were to remain outstanding
after such thirty (30)-day period, OCC
would consider the amount of margin
assets used to support OCC’s obligations
under the outstanding borrowing or
transaction as an actual loss and
immediately allocate the loss in
accordance with OCC’s By-Laws and
OCC anticipates that in a scenario in
which it would be permitted make a
Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
under the proposed changes to the
Existing Accord and OCC’s By-Laws and
Rules, OCC would generally expect to
borrow from the Clearing Fund as a
primary liquidity resource. OCC could
also borrow Margin Assets of the
suspended Clearing Member that is a
Common Member under the proposed
terms described above. OCC is not
proposing changes that would require a
specific borrowing sequence because
OCC believes that it is more appropriate
to preserve flexibility to borrow from
the available OCC Clearing Fund or
Margin Assets as OCC determines
appropriate under the circumstances.
In addition, OCC proposes to specify
in OCC Rule 1107(a)(1) that exercised
option contracts and matured,
physically-settled stock futures to which
the suspended Clearing Member is a
party may be settled in accordance with
the terms of any agreement between
OCC and NSCC governing the
settlement of exercised option contracts
and matured, physically-settled stock
futures of a suspended Clearing
Member. In such an event, settlement
will be governed by and subject to the
agreement between OCC and NSCC and
the rules of NSCC.
The purpose of the proposed changes
to create the Guaranty Substitution
Payment mechanism is to provide OCC
and NSCC with an additional default
management tool to help manage
liquidity and settlement risks that OCC
believes would be presented to each
covered clearing agency in connection
with a Mutually Suspended Member.
OCC believes that having the ability to
make a Guaranty Substitution Payment
to NSCC in regard to any unmet
Required Fund Deposit or Supplemental
Liquidity Deposit obligations of a
Mutually Suspended Member would
promote prompt and accurate clearance
and settlement in the national system
for the settlement of securities
transactions by causing NSCC to
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guarantee certain securities settlement
obligations that result from exercised
options and matured futures contracts
that are cleared and settled by OCC. In
the following ways, OCC believes that
this would be beneficial to and
protective of OCC, NSCC, their
participants, and the markets they serve.
First, OCC’s ability to make the
Guaranty Substitution Payment would
ensure that the relevant securities
settlement obligations would be
accepted by NSCC for clearance and
settlement and therefore the size of the
related settlement obligations could be
decreased from netting through NSCC’s
CNS Accounting Operation and/or
NSCC’s Balance Order Accounting
Operation. Second, this outcome would
avoid a scenario in which OCC’s
Guaranty would continue to apply and
the settlement obligations would be
settled on a broker-to-broker basis
between OCC Clearing Members
pursuant to the applicable provisions in
Chapter IX of OCC’s Rules. As noted
above, OCC believes that such a brokerto-broker settlement scenario could
result in substantial collateral and
liquidity requirements for OCC Clearing
Members. OCC believes that these
potential collateral and liquidity
consequences would be due to the lost
benefit of netting of the settlement
obligations through NSCC’s facilities
and also due to the short time (i.e., the
T+2 standard settlement cycle) between
a rejection by NSCC of the settlement
obligations for clearing and the
associated settlement date on which
settlement would be otherwise required
to be made bilaterally by OCC Clearing
Members. This scenario also raises the
potential for procyclical liquidity
demands on OCC Clearing Members and
participants during stressed market
conditions. Third, OCC will plan to size
its liquidity resource requirements to
reasonable expectations with a high
probability of making a Guaranty
Substitution Payment in order to
facilitate the settlement of a Mutually
Suspended Member’s obligations
through NSCC. Accounting for net
liquidity demands from a Mutually
Suspended Member’s settlement
obligations at the central counterpartylevel enhances liquidity in the financial
system and promotes the efficient use of
capital by reducing the demand for
liquidity associated with gross
settlement of obligations and enabling
the application of resources at both
clearing agencies to satisfy the
Member’s obligation. Fourth, OCC
believes that the potential for the size of
the settlement obligations to be
comparatively larger than the Guaranty
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Substitution Payment coupled with the
short time remaining to settlement
could also increase the risk of default by
the affected OCC Clearing Members at a
time when a Common Member has
already been suspended. Therefore,
OCC believes that the proposed changes
to implement the ability for OCC to
make a Guaranty Substitution Payment
to NSCC would allow OCC to avoid
these risks by causing NSCC to accept
the relevant obligations arising from
exercised options and matured futures
cleared and settled by OCC, as it
ordinarily would, and guarantee their
settlement, upon OCC making a
Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
in accordance with the revised Accord.
Proposed Changes to Comprehensive
Stress Testing & Clearing Fund
Methodology, and Liquidity Risk
Management Description and Liquidity
Risk Management Framework as Part of
Phase 1
Comprehensive Stress Testing &
Clearing Fund Methodology, and
Liquidity Risk Management Description
OCC proposes to revise the OCC
Comprehensive Stress Testing &
Clearing Fund Methodology, and
Liquidity Risk Management Description
to include the GSP in its liquidity risk
management practices. Overall, the
proposed changes would reflect that the
GSP functions as an additional liquidity
demand type at the Clearing Member
Organization (‘‘CMO’’) Group level.62
OCC would include additional
specifics to address the potential
increased demand that the inclusion of
the GSP may cause in its liquidity risk
management practices in the Liquidity
Risk Management section of the
Comprehensive Stress Testing &
Clearing Fund Methodology, and
Liquidity Risk Management Description.
Specifically, OCC proposes to amend
the Liquidity Demand for Positions
Rejected by NSCC subsection, which
describes the Existing Accord, including
the scenario in which NSCC could
choose not to guaranty certain securities
settlement obligations arising out of
transactions cleared by OCC. This
subsection would be retitled as the
Liquidity Demand Associated with
NSCC Performance of Physical
Settlement Activities subsection to more
clearly describe its content and
incorporate the GSP, as further detailed
below. Consistent with the changes to
the Existing Accord described above,
OCC proposes to clarify that the Accord
allows NSCC to reject such obligations
if OCC elects to not make a GSP.
62 A Clearing Member Group is composed of a set
of affiliated OCC Clearing Members.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
OCC proposes a new subsection, titled
the Liquidity Demand GSP, to describe
the GSP, which NSCC would calculate
as defined in the proposed amendments
to the Existing Accord. OCC would
describe a GSP as a firm specific
liquidity demand (i.e., the amount of
cash OCC needs to pay NSCC on behalf
of the defaulting Common Member).
OCC would describe the components of
the GSP under the Accord. OCC would
explain how it accounts for the liquidity
demand associated with a potential
GSP. Specifically, OCC would apply an
amount to account for a potential GSP
obligation for every day on which
option expirations occur. This amount
would be based on peak GSP amounts
from the prior 12 months in a given
expiration category for the specific CMO
Group for each forecasted liquidity
demand calculation. OCC will use a
one-year lookback time period to
determine the appropriate GSP amount
to apply. The one-year lookback allows
for the best like-to-like application of a
historical GSP as there is a cyclical
nature to option standard expirations
with quarterly (i.e., March, June,
September, and December) and January
generally being more impactful than
non-quarterly expirations. The one-year
lookback also allows behavior changes
of a Clearing Member to be recognized
within an annual cycle. OCC proposes
to utilize a historical GSP based on
current system capabilities and data that
will be supplied by NSCC.
OCC would use the total amount of
Clearing Fund and SLD deficits at NSCC
in its calculation to account for its
obligation. However, in the event of a
default, OCC would be responsible for a
proportionate share of both NSCC
Clearing Fund deficits (which are
analogous to OCC margin deficits) and
SLDs that are attributable to OCC E&A
activity transmitted to NSCC for
settlement, whereas NSCC will be
responsible for the portion of the
Clearing Fund and SLD deficits
associated with activity that NSCC
clears that is not transmitted by OCC.
The amount of notional activity sent
by OCC to NSCC informs the likelihood
of a GSP. Namely, the potential amount
of NSCC Clearing Fund and SLD deficits
that are allocable to OCC increases as
the amount of activity OCC sends to
NSCC increases. Since not all types of
expirations are the same with respect to
the notional amount of activity sent by
OCC to NSCC, OCC proposes to use five
separate categories of expirations with
potentially different GSP amounts to
apply. Each day on which expirations
occur would fall into one of five
categories as follows:
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• Standard Monthly Expiration: typically
the third Friday of each month from the
previous twelve months;
• Non-Standard Monthly Expiration
Fridays (‘‘End of Week Expirations’’): the last
business day of every week, typically a
Friday, excluding the third Friday of each
month from the previous twelve months;
• End of Month Expirations: the last
trading day of every month from the previous
twelve months;
• Expirations falling on Bank Holidays
where Markets Are Open (‘‘Bank Holiday
Expirations’’): days where banks are closed
but the markets are open from the previous
twelve months; 63
• Remaining Expiration Days (‘‘Daily
Expirations’’): All other days with an
expiration from the previous twelve months
that do not fall into any of the categories
above (typically most Mondays through
Thursdays) from the previous twelve months.
OCC believes these five categories are
appropriate after an analysis of notional
activity sent to NSCC by OCC.64 More
specifically, the standard Friday
monthly expiration far exceeds the
needs associated with any other
category.65 The remaining categories are
intended to capture like time periods
that will appropriately account for the
OCC would apply the peak GSP
amounts from the prior twelve months
in a given expiration category for the
specific CMO Group for each forecasted
liquidity demand calculation by adding
the GSP amounts to the CMO Group’s
other forecasted liquidity demands for
the relevant expiration day.66 If a
Clearing Member defaults, OCC may
63 The Bank Holiday category recognizes that for
Veterans Day and Columbus Day, the equity and
equity derivative markets are open for trading, but
the banking system is closed for the day. Since the
banking system is closed while the aforementioned
markets are open, settlement at NSCC encompasses
two days of equity trading and equity derivative
E&A activity. As OCC is using NSCC deficit
numbers without regard for allocation, there is a
possibility of a significant outlying GSP
requirement due to the settlement of two days of
activity simultaneously. Prudence dictates retaining
the capability to risk manage a day with such
disparate characteristics differently. Additional
supporting data in support of the creation of the
Bank Holiday Expiration category is included as
confidential Exhibit 3E to this filing.
64 OCC provided its analysis of notional activity
sent to NSCC by OCC in support of the creation of
the five categories as confidential Exhibit 3E to this
filing. This Exhibit 3E sets forth data related to
OCC’s liquidity stress testing, including Available
Liquidity Resources, Minimum Cash Requirement
thresholds, and/or liquidity breaches, for
Sufficiency and Adequacy scenarios with and
without the inclusion of the GSP.
65 For example, the average notional transfer for
Remaining Expiration Days is approximately 10%
the size of Standard Expiration.
66 As an example, if the applicable GSP is $100
and the (current) stressed liquidity demand is $150
for a Clearing Member Group, the result after the
application of the GSP for that Clearing Member
Group would be a combined liquidity requirement
of $250 versus $150 currently.
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have to pay a GSP to NSCC on two
successive days to facilitate the closeout of the defaulted Clearing Member’s
positions. To account for this possibility
in its liquidity risk management
process, OCC contemplates the payment
of a GSP on expirations that result in
settlements on the first and second days
of the default management process. As
described above, this GSP amount may
serve to only increase liquidity
Furthermore, as stated in the new
Liquidity Demand GSP subsection, OCC
would apply a floor to certain
expirations. At a minimum, the GSPs
applied to the End of Week, End of
Month, and Bank Holiday Expirations
will be no lower than the peak of the
Daily Expirations category. If a GSP
pertaining to the End of Week, End of
Month, and Bank Holiday Expiration
category is higher than the peak of the
Daily Expirations category, then OCC
will apply that higher GSP. Standard
Monthly Expirations will be floored by
End of Week, End of Month, and Daily
Expirations. If a GSP pertaining to any
of these categories is higher than the
Standard Monthly Expiration category,
then OCC will apply that higher GSP.
OCC would set out formulas
representing the floors for the Standard
Monthly, End of Week, End of Month,
and Bank Holiday Expirations. Finally,
OCC also proposes a minor change to
clarify that it would attempt to effect
alternative settlement if OCC elected not
to make a GSP.68
Liquidity Risk Management Framework
OCC proposes changes to the
Liquidity Risk Management Framework
to incorporate the GSP. In the Liquidity
Risk Identification section, OCC would
specify that, in the situation where a
member defaults immediately
preceding, or during the expiration, of
physically-settled E&A activity, OCC
may elect to make a GSP to NSCC to
compel NSCC to accept and process the
E&A activity. If OCC elects to not make
a GSP, OCC would complete settlement
of the defaulted Clearing Member’s E&A
transactions through its current process.
Relatedly, OCC would include a minor
clarification to a footnote in this section
to note that NSCC is not acting on behalf
of a defaulting Clearing Member ‘‘in this
67 OCC provided its analysis of the impact of the
GSP, including with respect to calls for collateral
and liquidity demands as confidential Exhibit 3E to
this filing.
68 This clarification would maintain OCC’s
current process for settling transactions not
processed through NSCC and does not represent the
adoption of a new process or settlement method.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
Proposed Phase 2 Changes
On February 15, 2023, the
Commission adopted amendments to
Rule 15c6–1(a) under the Act 69 to
shorten the standard settlement cycle
for most broker-dealer transactions in
securities from T+2 to T+1. In doing so,
the Commission stated that a shorter
settlement cycle ‘‘can promote investor
protection, reduce risk, and increase
operational and capital efficiency.’’ 70
Moreover, the Commission stated that
delaying the move to a shorter
settlement cycle would ‘‘allow undue
risk to continue to exist in the U.S.
clearance and settlement system’’ 71 and
that it ‘‘believes that the May 28, 2024,
compliance date will help ensure that
market participants have sufficient time
to implement the changes necessary to
reduce risk, such as risks associated
with the potential for increases in
settlement fails.’’ 72 The Phase 2 changes
proposed herein serve those risk
reduction objectives related to securities
settlements by endeavoring to limit
market disruption following a Common
Member default. The proposed changes
would allow OCC to provide certain
assurances with respect to its ability to
make a GSP in the event of a Common
Member default to NSCC in a shortened
settlement cycle, which would permit
NSCC to begin processing E&A/Delivery
Transactions prior to Guaranty
Substitution occurring. This, in turn,
would promote settlement through
NSCC that is less operationally complex
and would be expected to require less
collateral and liquidity from market
participants than if OCC engaged in the
alternative settlement processes
discussed above.
To address the operational realities
concerning the Accord that will result
from the Commission’s adoption and
implementation of a new standard
settlement cycle of T+1 pursuant to Rule
15c6–1(a) under the Act, OCC and
NSCC are proposing Phase 2 changes to
further modify the Accord after the T+1
settlement cycle becomes effective. As
described in greater detail below, the
Phase 2 changes would allow the GSP
and other changes that are part of the
Phase 1 changes to continue to function
appropriately and efficiently in the new
T+1 settlement environment. Because of
the phased approach, a separate markup is provided in confidential Exhibit
5C to this filing of the Phase 2 changes
against the Accord as modified through
the Phase 1 changes.
69 17
CFR 240.15c6–1.
70 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 96930
(Feb. 15, 2023), 88 FR 13872, 13873 (Mar. 6, 2023).
71 Id. at 13881.
72 Id. at 13917.
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As described in more detail below,
shortening the settlement cycle to T+1
will require NSCC to process stock
settlement obligations arising from E&A
Delivery Transactions one day earlier,
i.e., on the day after the trade date, than
is currently the case. Moving processing
times ahead by a full day will require
processing to occur before the guaranty
transfers from OCC to NSCC.73 In this
new T+1 processing environment, the
Phase 2 changes would limit market
disruption following a Common
Member default because the Phase 2
changes would allow OCC to provide
certain assurances with respect to its
ability to make a GSP in the event of a
Common Member default to NSCC that
would permit NSCC to begin processing
the defaulting Common Member’s E&A/
Delivery Transactions prior to Guaranty
Substitution occurring. This, in turn,
will promote settlement through NSCC
that is less operationally complex and
would be expected to require less
collateral and liquidity from market
participants than if OCC engaged in
alternative settlement processes. The
specific changes included in Phase 2 are
described below. The changes would
facilitate the continued ability of the
GSP to function in an environment with
a shorter settlement cycle. These
changes are generally designed to allow
OCC to provide certain assurances with
respect to its ability to make a GSP in
the event of a Common Member default
to NSCC that would permit NSCC to
begin processing E&A/Delivery
Transactions prior to Guaranty
Substitution occurring by introducing
new or amended terms and setting out
the processes associated therewith. All
of the descriptions below explain the
changes to the Accord as they would be
made after the Accord has already been
modified through prior implementation
of the proposed Phase 1 changes.
Section 1—Definitions
First, new definitions would be
added, and existing definitions would
be amended or removed in Section 1.
The new defined terms would be as
• The term ‘‘GSP Monitoring Data’’ would
be defined to mean a set of margin and
liquidity-related data points provided by
NSCC on each Activity Date prior to the
submission of E&A/Delivery Transactions by
OCC to be used for informational purposes at
73 Given the reduction in the settlement cycle and
existing processes that must be completed for
settlement, it is OCC’s understanding that the NSCC
would not be able to safely compress its processing
times further to allow processing to occur after the
guaranty transfers from OCC to NSCC. OCC
provided proposed processing timelines in
confidential Exhibit 3G to this filing.
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• The term ‘‘Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment’’ would be defined to mean an
amount calculated by NSCC for each
Settlement Date in accordance with
Appendix A to the Accord, to include two
components: (i) a portion of the NSCC
Participating Member’s 74 Required Fund
Deposit deficit to NSCC calculated as a
difference between the Required Fund
Deposit deficit calculated on the NSCC
Participating Member’s entire portfolio and
the Required Fund Deposit deficit calculated
on the NSCC Participating Member’s
portfolio prior to submission of the E&A/
Delivery Transactions; and (ii) the portion of
the NSCC Participating Member’s unpaid
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit obligation
attributable to the additional activity to be
• The term ‘‘Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment’’ would be defined to
mean the largest Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment for an NSCC Participating Member
and its affiliates that are also NSCC
Participating Members over the 12 months
immediately preceding the Activity Date, to
include two components: (i) the Required
Fund Deposit deficits associated with E&A/
Delivery Transactions based on peak
historical observations of the largest NSCC
Participating Member and its affiliates that
are also NSCC Participating Members; and
(ii) the Supplemental Liquidity Deposit
obligations associated with E&A/Delivery
Transactions based on peak historical
observations as calculated in accordance
with applicable NSCC or OCC Rules and
• The term ‘‘Qualifying Liquid Resources’’
would be defined to have the meaning
provided by Rule 17Ad–22(a)(14) of the
Exchange Act, 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(a)(14), or
any successor Rule under the Exchange Act.
• The term ‘‘Settlement Date’’ would be
defined to mean the date on which an E&A/
Delivery Transaction is designated to be
settled through payment for, and delivery of,
the Eligible Securities underlying the
exercised Stock Option 75 or matured Stock
Future,76 as the case may be.
• The term ‘‘Weekday Expiration’’ would
be defined to mean any expiration for which
the options expiration date occurs on a date
other than a Friday or for which the
Settlement Date is any date other than the
first business date following a weekend.
• The term ‘‘Weekend Expiration’’ would
be defined to mean any expiration for which
the options expiration date occurs on a
Friday or for which the Settlement Date is the
first business date following a weekend.
The defined term that would be
removed in Section 1 is as follows.
• ‘‘Guaranty Substitution Payment,’’
which would be replaced by the new defined
terms ‘‘Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment’’ and ‘‘Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment.’’
The defined terms that would be
amended in Section 1 are as follows.
74 See
supra note 41.
supra note 36.
76 See supra note 37.
75 See
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
• The definition for the term ‘‘Eligible
Securities’’ generally contemplates the
securities that are eligible to be used for
physical settlement under the Existing
Accord. In Phase 2, the term will be modified
to exclude any transactions settled through
NSCC’s Balance Order System and any
security undergoing a voluntary corporate
action that is being supported by NSCC’s
CNS system. This is because the processing
of E&A/Delivery Transactions and potential
reversals of such transactions under the
Phase 2 changes would not be feasible under
the anticipated operation of NSCC’s CNS and
Balance Order Accounting Operations under
the shortened T+1 settlement cycle.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Section 3—Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment
A new Section 3 would be added to
describe the process by which OCC
would send to NSCC evidence of
sufficient funds to cover the Historical
Peak Guaranty Substitution Payment. In
particular, Section 3(a) would provide
that on each Activity Date, at or before
a time agreed upon by the Clearing
Agencies (which may be modified on
any given Activity Date with the
consent of an authorized representative
of OCC), NSCC will communicate to
OCC the amount of the Historical Peak
Guaranty Substitution Payment amount
and the GSP Monitoring Data, which are
to be used for informational purposes at
OCC. The Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment would reflect the
largest GSP of the NSCC Participating
Member and its affiliates over the prior
twelve months and would be calculated
based on the sum of the Required Fund
Deposit deficits and Supplemental
Liquidity Deposit associated with E&A/
Delivery Transactions. Section 3(b)
would provide that OCC would then
submit to NSCC an acknowledgement of
the Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment amount and
evidence that OCC has sufficient cash
resources in the OCC Clearing Fund to
cover the Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment.
Section 3(c) would provide that if
OCC does not provide NSCC with
evidence within the designated time
period that it has sufficient cash
resources in the OCC Clearing Fund to
cover the Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment on the Activity
Date, OCC will immediately contact
NSCC to escalate discussions to discuss
potential exposures and determine,
among other things, whether OCC has
other qualifying liquidity resources
available to satisfy such amount.
As described above, the Historical
Peak Guaranty Substitution Payment is
designed to serve as a reasonable proxy
for the largest potential Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment. Its purpose is to
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allow OCC to provide evidence that it
likely will be able to satisfy the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment in the
event of a Common Member default,
which will provide NSCC with
reasonable assurances such that NSCC
can begin processing E&A/Delivery
Transactions upon receipt and prior to
the Guaranty Substitution occurring,
which will minimize the probability of
reversals in a default event in light of
the shortened settlement cycle. The
Historical Peak Guaranty Substitution
Payment amount also will provide OCC
with information that will allow OCC to
include the amount of a potential GSP
in its liquidity resource planning.
Section 6—Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment; OCC’s Commitment
A new Section 6 would be added to
provide the process by which NSCC
would communicate the amount of, and
OCC would commit to pay, the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment. In
particular, Section 6(a) would provide
that on each Settlement Date (or each
Saturday for Weekend Expirations), by
no later than the time(s) agreed upon by
NSCC and OCC, NSCC will
communicate to OCC the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment for each Common
Member calculated by NSCC. NSCC
would make such calculation according
to a calculation methodology described
in a new Appendix A to the Accord.
This calculation would represent the
sum of the Required Fund Deposit 77
and the Supplemental Liquidity
Deposit 78 for the Common Member. As
with the Phase 1 Accord, payment of the
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment
would be contingent on the mutual
suspension of the Common Member and
payment of the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment would continue to
be the means by which Guaranty
Substitution may occur.
Section 6(b) would provide that,
following NSCC’s communication of the
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment for
each Common Member to OCC, and by
no later than the agreed upon time, OCC
must either (i) commit to NSCC that it
will pay the Final Guaranty Substitution
77 The Required Fund Deposit is the portion of
the defaulted Common Member’s Required Fund
Deposit deficit to NSCC, calculated as a difference
between the Required Fund Deposit deficit
calculated on the entire portfolio and the Required
Fund Deposit deficit calculated on the Common
Member’s portfolio prior to the submission of E&A/
Delivery Transactions. The Phase 2 changes would
refine the existing calculation methodology for the
Required Fund Deposit in order to provide for a
more accurate amount.
78 If NSCC calculates a liquidity shortfall with
respect to a defaulted Common Member, the
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit is the portion of
that shortfall that is attributable to the additional
activity to be guaranteed.
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Payment in the event of a mutual
suspension of a Common Member,79 or
(ii) notify NSCC that it will not have
sufficient cash resources to pay the
largest Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment calculated for every Common
Member. Section 6(b)(i) would further
provide that for Weekday Expirations,
OCC’s submission of E&A/Delivery
Transactions to NSCC would constitute
OCC’s commitment to pay the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment on the
Settlement Date in the event of a mutual
suspension of a Common Member.
Section 6(c) would provide that if
OCC notifies NSCC that it will not have
sufficient cash resources to pay the
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment,
NSCC may, in its sole discretion (i)
reject or reverse all E&A/Delivery
Transactions, or (ii) voluntarily accept
E&A/Delivery Transactions subject to
certain terms and conditions mutually
agreed upon by NSCC and OCC.80
Section 6(c) would also provide that any
necessary reversals of E&A/Delivery
Transactions shall be delivered by
NSCC to OCC at such time and in such
form as the Clearing Agencies agree.
Section 6(d) would provide that if, at
any time after OCC has acknowledged
the Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment in accordance
with proposed Section 3(b) of the
Accord or committed to pay the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment in
accordance with proposed Section 6(b)
of the Accord, OCC has a reasonable
basis to believe it will be unable to pay
the Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment, OCC will immediately notify
Section 8—Default by an NSCC
Participating Member or OCC
Participating Member
Section 6(b)(i), which would be
renumbered as Section 8(b)(i), would be
amended to reflect the modified use of
the Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment in the event of a mutual
suspension of a Common Member.
Section 8(b)(i) would also be revised to
remove the ability for OCC or NSCC to
require that the Guaranty Substitution
Payment be re-calculated in accordance
79 If OCC does not have sufficient cash to pay the
Final GSP, then it must confirm for NSCC the
availability of other qualifying liquid resources and
the expected timeline for converting such resources
to cash.
80 Such terms and conditions may include, but
would not be limited to, OCC’s agreement to (i) pay
NSCC available cash resources in partial
satisfaction of the Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment; (ii) collect or otherwise source additional
resources that would constitute NSCC Qualifying
Liquid Resources to pay the full Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment amount; and/or (iii)
reimburse NSCC for any losses associated with
closing out such E&A/Delivery Transactions.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
with an alternative methodology. This
will not be necessary under the
calculation methodology used in the
Phase 2 changes because the proposed
methodology would result in a more
accurate calculation. Section 8(b)(i)
would further amend the Accord by
providing NSCC with discretion to
voluntarily accept Defaulted NSCC
Member Transactions and assume the
guaranty for such transactions, subject
to certain terms and conditions
mutually agreed upon by NSCC and
OCC. The only remaining change to the
Guaranty Substitution process from its
operation under the Accord would be
the shortened time duration under
which OCC would elect (by way of its
commitment) to make the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment and the
timing under which the Guaranty
Substitution will be processed in order
to function in a T+1 environment.
In particular, Section 8(b)(i) would
provide that, with respect to a Mutually
Suspended Member, if OCC has
committed to make the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment, it will make such
cash payment in full by no later than the
agreed upon time(s). Upon NSCC’s
receipt of the full amount of the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment, NSCC’s
Guaranty would attach (and OCC’s
Guaranty will no longer apply) to the
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions.
NSCC would have no obligation to
accept a Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment and attach the NSCC Guaranty
to any Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions for more than the Activity
Date on which it has ceased to act for
that Mutually Suspended Member and
one subsequent Activity Date. If NSCC
does not receive the full amount of the
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment in
cash by the agreed upon time, the
Guaranty Substitution Time would not
occur with respect to the Defaulted
NSCC Member Transactions and Section
8(b)(ii), described below, would apply.
NSCC would, however, have discretion
to voluntarily accept Defaulted NSCC
Member Transactions and assume the
guaranty for such transactions, subject
to certain terms and conditions
mutually agreed upon by NSCC and
Section 6(b)(ii), which would be
renumbered as Section 8(b)(ii), would
also be amended to reflect the modified
use of the Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment in the event OCC continues to
perform or does not make the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment. In
particular, Section 8(b)(ii) would add an
additional criterion of OCC not
satisfying any alternative agreed upon
terms for Guaranty Substitution to
reflect this as an additional option
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under the Phase 2 changes. As
amended, Section 8(b)(ii) would provide
that if OCC does not suspend an OCC
Participating Member for which NSCC
has ceased to act, OCC does not commit
to make the Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment, NSCC does not receive the full
amount of the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment in cash by the
agreed upon time, or OCC does not
satisfy any alternative agreed upon
terms for Guaranty Substitution,
Guaranty Substitution with respect to
all Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions for that Activity Date will
not occur, all Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions for that Activity Date will
be reversed and exited from NSCC’s
CNS accounting system, and NSCC will
have no obligation to guaranty or settle
such Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions. NSCC may, however,
exercise its discretion to voluntarily
accept the Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions, and assume the guaranty
for such transactions, subject to certain
agreed upon terms and conditions.
Section 8(b) would also be modified
to provide for escalated discussion
between the Clearing Agencies in the
event of an intraday NSCC Cease to Act
and/or NSCC Participating Member
Default, particularly to confirm that
OCC has sufficient qualifying liquid
resources to pay the projected Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment for the
Defaulting NSCC Member’s projected
E&A/Delivery Transactions based on
information provided in GSP
Monitoring Data for such Defaulting
NSCC Member.
Conforming changes would also be
made to Section 8(d) to reflect the use
of the new defined term ‘‘Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment.’’
Other Proposed Changes as Part of
Phase 2
Certain other technical changes are
also proposed as part of the Phase 2
changes, including to conform the
Accord to the proposed changes
described above. For example, Section
9(c) would be revised regarding
information sharing to reflect the
introduction of the Historical Peak and
Final Guaranty Substitution Payments
and the GSP Monitoring Data; Section
4(c)(ix) would be conformed to reflect
the addition of ‘‘Settlement Date’’ as a
defined term in Section 1; various
sections would be renumbered and
internal cross-references would be
adjusted to reflect the addition of new
sections proposed herein; correct
current references throughout the
Accord to ‘‘NSCC Rules and
Procedures’’ would be changed to
simply read ‘‘the NSCC Rules;’’ and
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various non-substantive textual changes
would be made to increase clarity.
Section 4(a) would also be modified
to reflect that the Eligibility Master Files
referenced in that paragraph, which
identify Eligible Securities to OCC, are
described in the SLA between OCC and
NSCC. Section 9(b) would be modified
to include OCC’s available liquidity
resources, including Clearing Fund cash
balances in the information OCC
provides to NSCC, and to specify that
information will be provided on each
Activity Date at an agreed upon time
and in an agreed upon form by the
Clearing Agencies. Finally, Section
16(b) would be modified to provide the
correct current delivery address
information for NSCC.
The Phase 2 changes would also
include an Appendix A that would
describe in detail the calculation
methodology for the Guaranty
Substitution Payment. This would
provide the detailed technical
calculation to determine each of the
Mutually Suspended Member’s
Required Fund Deposit deficit and
liquidity shortfall to NSCC. The full text
of Appendix A is filed confidentially
with the Commission as Exhibit 5 to this
Phase 2 Guaranty Substitution Process
As described above, the Phase 2
changes would modify the Guaranty
Substitution process to reflect the
shortened time duration under which
the Guaranty Substitution will be
processed in order to function in a T+1
environment. Below is a description of
how that process would operate. The
actual process would be implemented
pursuant to a modified SLA between the
Clearing Agencies.81 All times provided
below are in Eastern Time and represent
the latest time by which the specified
action must occur, unless otherwise
agreed by the Clearing Agencies.
Weekend Expirations: On Friday (the
Activity Date), NSCC would provide
OCC with the Historical Peak GSP
amount by 8:00 a.m. By 5:00 p.m. on
Friday, OCC must acknowledge the
Historical Peak GSP and provide
evidence of OCC’s Clearing Fund cash
resources sufficient to cover that
amount, following which NSCC would
provide the Eligibility Master File by
5:45 p.m. By 1:00 a.m. on Saturday,
OCC would then provide NSCC with the
E&A/Delivery Transactions file and by
8:00 a.m. NSCC would provide OCC
with the Final GSP, which OCC must
81 OCC provided a draft of the SLA illustrating
such changes to the Commission as confidential
Exhibit 3F to this filing.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
clearance and settlement in a T+1
environment. However, the ultimate use
of the GSP, its purpose, and its
substantive import would remain
consistent with the Phase 1 changes.
commit to pay by 9:00 a.m. in the event
of a mutual suspension of a Common
Member.82 By 8:00 a.m. Monday (the
Settlement Date), if a cease to act is
declared over the weekend (or the later
of 10:00 a.m. or one hour after the cease
to act is declared if declared on
Monday), OCC must pay the Final GSP
if there has been a mutual suspension of
a Common Member. Finally, by 1:00
p.m. on Monday, OCC must provide
reversals for the defaulted member’s
E&A/Delivery Transactions if OCC has
not satisfied (or will not satisfy) the
Final GSP.
Weekday Expirations: On the Activity
Date, NSCC would provide OCC with
the Historical Peak GSP amount by 8:00
a.m. By 5:00 p.m. on the Activity Date,
OCC must acknowledge the Historical
Peak GSP and provide evidence of its
cash resources in the OCC Clearing
Fund sufficient to cover that amount,
following which NSCC would provide
the Eligibility Master File by 5:45 p.m.
By 1:00 a.m. on the Settlement Date (the
day after the Activity Date in the T+1
environment), OCC would then provide
NSCC with the E&A/Delivery
Transactions file, which also constitutes
OCC’s commitment to pay the Final
GSP. By 8:00 a.m. NSCC would provide
OCC with the Final GSP. By the later of
10:00 a.m. on the Settlement Date or one
hour after a cease to act is declared,
OCC must pay the Final GSP if there has
been a mutual suspension of a Common
Member. Finally, by 1:00 p.m. on the
Settlement Date, OCC must provide
reversals for the defaulted member’s
E&A/Delivery Transactions if OCC has
not satisfied (or will not satisfy) the
Final GSP.
For both Weekend Expirations and
Weekday Expirations, Guaranty
Substitution will take place only after
the Common Members meet their start
of day margin funding requirements at
NSCC, if any. In a Common Member
default event, the Guaranty Substitution
will take place when OCC pays the
Final GSP to NSCC.
The Clearing Agencies note that the
Phase 2 changes described above are
designed to change the process by
which the GSP is implemented such
that the use of the GSP as a mechanism
to facilitate the acceptance of settlement
obligations by NSCC can continue to
operate within the condensed timing for
Proposed Liquidity Risk Management
Framework Changes
OCC proposes changes to the
Liquidity Risk Management Framework
to incorporate the Phase 2 changes into
its liquidity risk management practices.
In the Contingency Funding Plan
section, OCC would specify that it
endeavors to maintain sufficient cash
resources to cover its projected
settlement demands. Projected
settlement demands may include
settlements associated with option
exercise & assignment activity that
create obligations for OCC under the
Accord (e.g., Final GSP, Historical Peak
GSP). Final and Historical Peak GSP
would be defined in the Definitions
section. OCC proposes a footnote
referencing the proposed Phase 1
changes to the Comprehensive Stress
Testing & Clearing Fund Methodology,
and Liquidity Risk Management
Description with respect to the Final
GSP. Namely, to account for the
liquidity demand associated with the
potential payment of a Final GSP, OCC
would include the peak amount of the
entire actual NSCC Required Fund
Deposit deficits and SLD start-of-day
obligations, without regard to allocation
between NSCC and OCC, specific to
each CMO Group for the relevant type
of expiration on a rolling twelve-month
lookback. Moreover, OCC may require
the deposit of cash by a Clearing
Member pursuant to its current Rules if
projected settlement demands exceed
OCC liquidity resources available to
make settlement in the event of a
Clearing Member default.
OCC also proposes related and
clarifying changes in the document. For
example, OCC would include a minor
clarifying change to the Liquidity Risk
Identification section to define GSP as a
firm-specific liquidity demand. OCC
would also amend the Stress Testing
and Liquidity Resource Sizing section to
incorporate information pertaining to
GSP obligations into the annual analysis
presented to the Board on projected
liquidity demands that OCC may face
under a variety of scenarios.
82 If OCC does not have sufficient cash resources
to pay the Final GSP and the Clearing Agencies are
unable to reach an agreement on additional terms
for NSCC to accept E&A/Delivery Transactions,
OCC must submit a reversal file by 12:30 a.m. on
Monday so that NSCC can remove the E&A/Delivery
Transactions from CNS prior to the start of NSCC’s
overnight processing. See confidential Exhibit 3H to
this filing for additional details on action deadlines
and processing times.
Proposed By-Law Changes
OCC proposes to update its By-Laws
to conform with the revised Accord.
OCC proposes to remove a reference to
Balance Order Accounting Operation to
align with the exclusion of transactions
settled through NSCC’s Balance Order
System under the amended definition of
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Eligible Securities in the Phase 2
Implementation Framework
The proposed Phase 1 and Phase 2
changes will be implemented as follows:
• Phase 1: Within 120 days after the date
OCC and NSCC receive all necessary
regulatory approvals for these proposed
changes to the Accord, OCC will implement
all Phase 1 changes. OCC would announce
the implementation date by an Information
Memorandum posted to its public website at
least seven days prior to implementation.
• Phase 2: On the compliance date with
respect to the final T+1 amendments to
Exchange Act Rule 15c6–1(a) established by
the SEC, OCC will implement all Phase 2
changes, keep in place any applicable Phase
1 changes that carry over to Phase 2, and
decommission all Phase 1 changes that do
not apply to Phase 2.83
(2) Statutory Basis
OCC believes the proposed changes
are consistent with the requirements of
the Act and the rules and regulations
thereunder applicable to a registered
clearing agency. In particular, OCC
believes the proposed changes are
consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of
the Act.84 Section 17A(b)(3)(F) 85 of the
Act requires, among other things, that
the rules of a clearing agency be
designed to promote the prompt and
accurate clearance and settlement of
securities transactions and, in general,
to protect investors and the public
interest. As described above in the
Phase 1 changes, OCC believes that
modifying its stress testing procedures
to enhance its ability to call for
additional liquidity resources and
having the ability to make a Guaranty
Substitution Payment to NSCC with
respect to any unmet obligations of a
Mutually Suspended Member would
promote prompt and accurate clearance
and settlement because it would ensure
that NSCC accepts the relevant
securities settlement obligations for
clearance and settlement and therefore
the size of the related settlement
obligations for both the Mutually
Suspended Member and its assigned
delivery counterparties could be
decreased from netting through NSCC’s
CNS Accounting Operation and/or
NSCC’s Balance Order Accounting
Operation. This would also avoid a
scenario in which OCC’s Guaranty
would continue to apply and the
settlement obligations would be settled
83 If, due to the timing of regulatory approval, the
implementation dates for Phase 1 and Phase 2
overlap, OCC would implement only the Phase 2
changes and Phase 1 changes that carry over to
Phase 2.
84 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
85 15 U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
on a broker-to-broker basis between
OCC Clearing Members, which OCC
believes could result in substantial
collateral and liquidity requirements for
OCC Clearing Members and that, in
turn, could also increase a risk of
default by the affected OCC Clearing
Members at a time when a Common
Member has already been suspended.
The Phase 2 changes are also consistent
with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) 86 of the Act
and would promote the prompt and
accurate clearance and settlement of
securities transactions and protect
investors and the public interest
because, as described above, they would
facilitate implementation of the new
settlement cycle and support the
Commission’s stated goal of
implementing necessary risk reducing
changes in connection with the move to
T+1 settlement, currently set for May
28, 2024. The Phase 2 changes would
further enable OCC to provide certain
assurances that would permit NSCC to
begin processing E&A/Delivery
Transactions prior to Guaranty
Substitution occurring—thereby
promoting the continued effectiveness
of the Guaranty Substitution process in
an environment with a shorter
settlement cycle. For these reasons, OCC
believes that the proposed changes
would be beneficial to and protective of
OCC, NSCC, their participants, and the
markets that they serve and that the
proposed changes are therefore
designed, in general, to protect investors
and the public interest.
OCC believes that the proposed
changes are also consistent with the SEC
rules that apply to OCC as a covered
clearing agency.87 In particular, SEC
Rule 17Ad–22(e)(20) requires OCC to
establish, implement, maintain and
enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to identify, monitor
and manage risks related to any link that
OCC establishes with one or more other
clearing agencies, financial market
utilities, or trading markets.88 As
described in OCC’s publicly available
disclosure framework for financial
market infrastructures,89 the Existing
Accord between OCC and NSCC is one
such link. As described above, OCC
believes (i) the proposed modifications
to OCC’s stress testing procedures that
are designed to enhance its ability to
call for additional liquidity resources,
and (ii) that implementation of the
86 15
U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
CFR 240.17Ad–22(a)(5).
88 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(20).
89 See The Options Clearing Corporation
Disclosure Framework for Financial Market
Infrastructures, pg. 105, (2023), available at https://
87 17
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ability for OCC to make a Guaranty
Substitution Payment to NSCC in the
relevant circumstances involving a
Mutually Suspended Member would
help manage the risks presented to OCC
and its Clearing Members by the
settlement link with NSCC because the
Guaranty Substitution Payment would
ensure that the relevant securities
settlement obligations would be
accepted by NSCC for clearance and
settlement and therefore the size of the
related settlement obligations could be
decreased from netting through NSCC’s
CNS Accounting Operation and/or
NSCC’s Balance Order Accounting
For this same reason, OCC also
believes that the proposed changes are
consistent with the requirements of SEC
Rules 17Ad–22(e)(3) and (7).90 SEC Rule
17Ad–22(e)(3) requires OCC to
establish, implement, maintain and
enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to maintain a
sound risk management framework for
comprehensively managing, among
other things, liquidity, credit and other
risks that arise in or are borne by OCC.91
SEC Rule 17Ad–22(e)(7) requires OCC,
in relevant part, to establish, implement,
maintain and enforce written policies
and procedures reasonably designed to
effectively measure, monitor and
manage the liquidity risk that arises in
or is borne by OCC and to, among other
things, address foreseeable liquidity
shortfalls that would not be covered by
OCC’s liquid resources.92 As noted,
OCC believes the proposed stress testing
enhancements and the ability to make a
Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
would allow OCC to better manage
liquidity and credit risks related to the
settlement link with NSCC by ensuring
that the relevant securities settlement
obligations would be accepted by NSCC
for clearance and settlement. It would
avoid a scenario in which OCC’s
Guaranty would continue to apply and
the settlement obligations would be
settled on a broker-to-broker basis
between OCC Clearing Members, which
OCC believes could result in substantial
collateral and liquidity requirements for
OCC Clearing Members that, in turn,
could also increase a risk of default by
the affected OCC Clearing Members,
particularly in circumstances where the
prior suspension of a Mutually
Suspended Member relates to broader
stress in the financial system. Moreover,
the incorporation of the Guaranty
Substitution Payment into OCC’s
liquidity risk management practices
90 17
CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(3), (7).
CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(3).
92 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(e)(7).
would enhance OCC’s ability to
maintain additional liquidity resources
to effect the settlement of exercise and
assignment activity in the event of a
Common Member default, and therefore,
potentially increasing the promotion of
market stability. Regarding the Phase 2
changes, OCC believes that the
continued ability in a T+1 environment
to make a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC would allow OCC to
better manage liquidity and credit risks
related to the settlement link with NSCC
by ensuring that the relevant securities
settlement obligations would be
accepted by NSCC for clearance and
(B) Clearing Agency’s Statement on
Burden on Competition
Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act 93
requires that the rules of a clearing
agency not impose any burden on
competition not necessary or
appropriate in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act. OCC does not
believe that the proposal would impose
any burden on competition. The Phase
1 changes would implement changes
that would permit OCC in certain
circumstances to make a Guaranty
Substitution Payment to NSCC so that
the NSCC Guaranty would take effect for
the Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions and the OCC Guaranty
would end. The Phase 2 changes would
further implement changes that would
allow OCC to provide certain assurances
to NSCC prior to the default of a
Common Member that would enable
NSCC to begin processing E&A/Delivery
Transactions before the NSCC central
counterparty trade guaranty attaches.
The proposed changes would not inhibit
access to OCC’s services in any way,
apply to all Clearing Members and do
not disadvantage or favor any particular
user in relationship to another user.
Accordingly, OCC does not believe that
the proposed rule change would have
any impact or impose a burden on
(C) Clearing Agency’s Statement on
Comments on the Proposed Rule
Change Received From Members,
Participants or Others
Written comments were not and are
not intended to be solicited with respect
to the proposed rule change, and none
have been received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Within 45 days of the date of
publication of the notice in the Federal
91 17
PO 00000
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93 15
U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(I).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 20 / Tuesday, January 30, 2024 / Notices
Register or within such longer period
up to 90 days (i) as the Commission may
designate if it finds such longer period
to be appropriate and publishes its
reasons for so finding or (ii) as to which
the self-regulatory organization
consents, the Commission will:
(A) by order approve or disapprove
such proposed rule change, or
(B) institute proceedings to determine
whether the proposed rule change
should be disapproved.
The proposal shall not take effect
until all regulatory actions required
with respect to the proposal are
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Do not include personal identifiable
information in submissions; you should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. We may
redact in part or withhold entirely from
publication submitted material that is
obscene or subject to copyright
protection. All submissions should refer
to file number SR–OCC–2023–007 and
should be submitted on or before
February 14, 2024.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Sherry R. Haywood,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–01751 Filed 1–29–24; 8:45 am]
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include file number SR–
OCC–2023–007 on the subject line.
Federal Aviation Administration
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to file
number SR–OCC–2023–007. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
internet website (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of 10
a.m. and 3 p.m. Copies of such filing
also will be available for inspection and
copying at the principal office of OCC
and on OCC’s website at https://
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:23 Jan 29, 2024
Jkt 262001
[Docket No.: FAA–2023–0987; Summary
Notice No. 2024–06]
Petition for Exemption; Summary of
Petition Received; Verge, Inc. dba
Verge Aero
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice.
This notice contains a
summary of a petition seeking relief
from specified requirements of title 14
of the Code of Federal Regulations. The
purpose of this notice is to improve the
public’s awareness of, and participation
in, the FAA’s exemption process.
Neither publication of this notice nor
the inclusion nor omission of
information in the summary is intended
to affect the legal status of the petition
or its final disposition.
DATES: Comments on this petition must
identify the petition docket number and
must be received on or before February
20, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
by docket number FAA–2023–0987
using any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to and follow
the online instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
• Mail: Send comments to Docket
Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West
Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC
94 17
PO 00000
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
Frm 00136
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Take
comments to Docket Operations in
Room W12–140 of the West Building
Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590–
0001, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
• Fax: Fax comments to Docket
Operations at (202) 493–2251.
Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
553(c), DOT solicits comments from the
public to better inform its rulemaking
process. DOT posts these comments,
without edit, including any personal
information the commenter provides, to, as
described in the system of records
notice (DOT/ALL–14 FDMS), which can
be reviewed at
Docket: Background documents or
comments received may be read at at any time.
Follow the online instructions for
accessing the docket or go to the Docket
Operations in Room W12–140 of the
West Building Ground Floor at 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
20590–0001, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
Acharya, AIR–626C, Federal Aviation
Administration, at (316) 946–4192 or by
email at
This notice is published pursuant to
14 CFR 11.85.
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 24,
Daniel J. Commins,
Manager, Integration and Performance
Branch, Policy and Standards Division,
Aircraft Certification Service.
Summary of Petition for Exemption
Docket No.: FAA–2023–0987.
Petitioner: Verge, Inc. dba Verge Aero.
Section(s) of 14 CFR Affected:
§ 89.515.
Description of Relief Sought: The
petitioner seeks relief from the remote
identification design and production
requirements under 14 CFR 89.515 for
the production of an uncrewed aircraft
(UA) without design or production
approval for light show events. If
granted, the requested relief would
allow Verge Aero to produce drones to
be used exclusively for drone show
operations without the UA complying
with the minimum performance
requirements for standard remote
identification UA established in
§ 89.310. In lieu of complying with 14
CFR 89.515, the petitioner proposes to
use a ground-based WiFi router network
to broadcast identifying information for
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 20 (Tuesday, January 30, 2024)]
[Pages 5974-5990]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-01751]
[Release No. 34-99426; File No. SR-OCC-2023-007]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Options Clearing Corporation;
Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 2 to Proposed Rule Change by The
Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Modifications to the Amended
and Restated Stock Options and Futures Settlement Agreement Between the
Options Clearing Corporation and the National Securities Clearing
January 24, 2024.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(``Exchange Act'' or ``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice
is hereby given that on January 23, 2024, The Options Clearing
Corporation (``OCC'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(``SEC'' or ``Commission'') this amendment (``Amendment No. 2'') to the
proposed rule change as described in Items I, II, and III below, which
Items have been prepared primarily by OCC. The Commission is publishing
this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from
interested persons.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
I. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the
Proposed Rule Change
This Amendment No. 2 to the proposed rule change SR-OCC-2023-007
would (1) modify the Amended and Restated Stock Options and Futures
Settlement Agreement dated August 5, 2017 between OCC and National
Securities Clearing Corporation (``NSCC,'' and together with OCC, the
``Clearing Agencies'') (``Existing Accord'') \3\ to permit OCC to elect
to make a cash payment to NSCC following the default of a common
clearing participant that would cause NSCC's central counterparty trade
guaranty to attach to certain obligations of that participant and to
make certain related revisions to OCC By-Laws, OCC Rules,\4\ OCC's
Comprehensive Stress Testing & Clearing Fund Methodology, and Liquidity
Risk Management Description and OCC's Liquidity Risk Management
Framework (``Phase 1'') and (2) to improve information sharing between
the Clearing Agencies to facilitate the upcoming transition to a T+1
standard securities settlement cycle and allow OCC, after the
compliance date under amended Exchange Act Rule 15c6-1(a), to provide
certain assurances to NSCC prior to the default of a common clearing
participant that would enable NSCC to begin processing E&A/Delivery
Transactions (defined below) before the central counterparty trade
guaranty attaches to certain obligations of that participant (``Phase
2'').\5\ This Amendment No. 2 would amend and replace the Initial
Filing and Amendment No. 1 in their entirety.
\3\ The Existing Accord was previously approved by the
Commission. See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 81266, 81260
(July 31, 2017) (File Nos. SR-NSCC-2017-007; SR-OCC-2017-013), 82 FR
36484 (Aug. 4, 2017).
\4\ OCC By-Laws are available at and OCC
Rules are available at
\5\ OCC initially filed a proposed rule change concerning the
proposed Phase 1 changes on August 10, 2023. See Securities Exchange
Act Release No. 98215 (Aug. 24, 2023), 88 FR 59976 (Aug. 30, 2023)
(File No. SR-OCC-2023-007) (``Initial Filing''). OCC subsequently
submitted a partial amendment to clarify the proposed implementation
plan for the Initial Filing. See Securities Exchange Act Release No.
98932 (Nov. 14, 2023), 88 FR 80781 (Nov. 20, 2023) (File No. SR-OCC-
2023-007) (``Amendment No. 1''). NSCC also has filed a proposed rule
change with the Commission in connection with this proposal. See
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 98213 (Aug. 24, 2023), 88 FR
59968 (Aug. 30, 2023) (File No. SR-NSCC-2023-007); Securities
Exchange Act Release No. 98930 (Nov. 14, 2023), 88 FR 80790 (Nov.
20, 2023) (Partial Amendment No. 1 to File No. SR-NSCC-2023-007).
The proposed changes are included in Exhibits 5A and 5B and
confidential Exhibits 5C, 5D, and 5E of Amendment No. 2 to File No. SR-
OCC-2023-007. Material proposed to be added is underlined and material
proposed to be deleted is marked in strikethrough text.
II. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis
for, the Proposed Rule Change
In its filing with the Commission, OCC included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in
Item IV below. OCC has prepared summaries, set forth in sections (A),
(B), and (C) below, of the most significant aspects of these
(A) Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis
for, the Proposed Rule Change
(1) Purpose
Executive Summary
NSCC is a clearing agency that provides clearing, settlement, risk
management, and central counterparty services for trades involving
[[Page 5975]]
securities. OCC is the sole clearing agency for standardized equity
options listed on national securities exchanges registered with the
Commission, including options that contemplate the physical delivery of
equities cleared by NSCC in exchange for cash (``physically settled''
options).\6\ OCC also clears certain futures contracts that, at
maturity, require the delivery of equity securities cleared by NSCC in
exchange for cash. As a result, the exercise/assignment of certain
options or maturation of certain futures cleared by OCC effectively
results in stock settlement obligations. NSCC and OCC maintain a legal
agreement, generally referred to by the parties as the ``Accord''
agreement, that governs the processing of such physically settled
options and futures cleared by OCC that result in settlement
obligations in underlying equity securities to be cleared by NSCC
(i.e., the Existing Accord). The Existing Accord establishes terms
under which NSCC accepts for clearing certain securities transactions
that result from the exercise and assignment of relevant options
contracts and the maturity of futures contracts that are cleared and
settled by OCC.\7\ It also establishes the time when OCC's settlement
guaranty in respect of those transactions ends and NSCC's settlement
guaranty begins.
\6\ The term ``physically-settled'' as used throughout the OCC
Rules refers to cleared contracts that settle into their underlying
interest (i.e., options or futures contracts that are not cash-
settled). When a contract settles into its underlying interest,
shares of stock are sent, i.e., delivered, to contract holders who
have the right to receive the shares from contract holders who are
obligated to deliver the shares at the time of exercise/assignment
in the case of an option and maturity in the case of a future.
\7\ Under the Existing Accord, such options and futures are
defined as ``E&A/Delivery Transactions,'' which refers to ``Exercise
& Assignment Delivery Transactions.''
The Existing Accord allows for a scenario in which NSCC could
choose not to guarantee the settlement of such securities arising out
of E&A/Delivery Transactions. Specifically, NSCC is not obligated to
guarantee settlement until its member has met its collateral
requirements at NSCC. If NSCC chooses not to guarantee settlement, OCC
would engage in an alternate method of settlement outside of NSCC. This
scenario presents two primary problems. First, the cash required for
OCC and its Clearing Members in certain market conditions to facilitate
settlement outside of NSCC could be significantly more than the amount
required if NSCC were to guarantee the relevant transactions. This is
because settlement of the transactions in the underlying equity
securities outside of NSCC would mean that they would no longer receive
the benefit of netting through the facilities of NSCC. In such a
scenario, the additional collateral required from Clearing Members to
support OCC's continuing settlement guarantee would also have to be
sufficiently liquid to properly manage the risks associated with those
transactions being due on the second business day following the option
exercise or the relevant futures contract maturity date. Based on an
analysis of scenarios using historical data where it was assumed that
OCC could not settle transactions through the facilities of NSCC, the
worst-case outcome resulted in extreme liquidity demands of over $300
billion for OCC to effect settlement via an alternative method, e.g.,
by way of gross broker-to-broker settlement, as discussed in more
detail below. OCC Clearing Members, by way of their contributions to
the OCC Clearing Fund, would bear the brunt of this demand.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that OCC Clearing Members could fund
the entire amount of any similar real-life scenarios. By contrast,
projected Guaranty Substitution Payments, defined below, identified
during the study ranged from approximately $419 million to over $6
billion, also as discussed in more detail below.
The second primary problem relates to the significant operational
complexities if settlement occurs outside of NSCC. More specifically,
netting through NSCC reduces the volume and value of settlement
obligations. For example, in 2022 it is estimated that netting through
NSCC's continuous net settlement (``CNS'') accounting system \8\
reduced the value of CNS settlement obligations by approximately 98% or
$510 trillion from $519 trillion to $9 trillion. If settlement occurred
outside of NSCC, on a broker-to-broker basis between OCC Clearing
Members, for example, shares would not be netted and Clearing Members
would have to coordinate directly with each other to settle the
relevant transactions. The operational complexities and uncertainty
associated with alternate means of settlement would impact every market
participant involved in a settlement of OCC-related transactions.
\8\ See Rule 11 (CNS System) and Procedure VII (CNS Accounting
Operation) of the NSCC Rules. See NSCC's Rules, available at
To address these problems, the Clearing Agencies are proposing
certain changes as part of Phase 1 to amend and restate the Existing
Accord and make related changes to their respective rules that would
allow OCC to elect to make a cash payment (the ``Guaranty Substitution
Payment'' or ``GSP'') to NSCC following the default of a Common Member
\9\ that would cause NSCC to guarantee settlement of that Common
Member's transactions and, therefore, cause those transactions to be
settled through processing by NSCC. In connection with this proposal,
OCC also would enhance its daily liquidity stress testing processes and
procedures to account for the possibility of OCC making such a payment
to NSCC in the event of a Common Member default. By making these
enhancements to its stress testing, OCC could include the liquid
resources necessary to make the payment in its resource planning. The
Clearing Agencies believe that by NSCC accepting such a payment from
OCC, the operational efficiencies and reduced costs related to the
settlement of transactions through NSCC would limit market disruption
following a Common Member default because settlement through NSCC
following such a default would be less operationally complex and would
be expected to require less liquidity and other collateral from market
participants than the processes available to OCC for closing out
positions. Additionally, proposed enhancements by OCC to its liquidity
stress testing would add assurances that OCC could make such a payment
in the event of a Common Member default. The Clearing Agencies believe
that their respective clearing members and all other participants in
the markets for which OCC provides clearance and settlement would
benefit from OCC's ability to choose to make a cash payment to effect
settlement through the facilities of NSCC. This change would provide
more certainty around certain default scenarios and would blunt the
financial and operational burdens market participants could experience
in the case of most clearing member defaults.\10\
\9\ A firm that is both an OCC Clearing Member and an NSCC
Member or is an OCC Clearing Member that has designated an NSCC
Member to act on its behalf is referred to herein as a ``Common
Member.'' The term ``Clearing Member'' as used herein has the
meaning provided in OCC's By-Laws. See OCC's By-Laws, supra, note 4.
The term ``Member'' as used herein has the meaning provided in
NSCC's Rules. See NSCC's Rules, supra note 8.
\10\ OCC provided its analysis of the financial impact of
alternate means of settlement as confidential Exhibit 3A to this
Finally, the Clearing Agencies are also proposing certain changes
as part of Phase 2 that, if approved, would not be implemented until
after the Commission shortens the standardized settlement cycle under
Exchange Act Rule 15c6-
[[Page 5976]]
1(a) from two days after the traded date (``T+2'') to one day after the
trade date (``T+1''), which currently is set for May 28, 2024. The
Phase 2 changes would address the operational realities concerning the
Accord that will result from the Commission's adoption and
implementation of a new standard settlement cycle of T+1 pursuant to
Rule 15c6-1(a) under the Act. The Phase 2 changes generally are
designed to allow OCC to provide certain assurances with respect to
OCC's ability to make a GSP in the event of a Common Member default to
NSCC that would permit NSCC to begin processing Common Members' E&A/
Delivery Transactions in a shortened settlement cycle prior to Guaranty
Substitution occurring by introducing new or amended terms and setting
out the processes associated therewith.
OCC acts as a central counterparty clearing agency for U.S.-listed
options and futures on a number of underlying financial assets
including common stocks, currencies, and stock indices. In connection
with these services, OCC provides the OCC Guaranty pursuant to its By-
Laws and Rules. NSCC acts as a central counterparty clearing agency for
certain equity securities, corporate and municipal debt, exchange
traded funds and unit investment trusts that are eligible for its
services. Eligible trading activity may be processed through NSCC's CNS
system \11\ or through its Balance Order Accounting system,\12\ where
all eligible compared and recorded transactions for a particular
settlement date are netted by issue into one net long (buy), net short
(sell) or flat position. As a result, for each day with activity, each
Member has a single deliver or receive obligation for each issue in
which it has activity at NSCC. In connection with these services, NSCC
also provides the NSCC Guaranty pursuant to Addendum K of the NSCC
\11\ See Rule 11 (CNS System) and Procedure VII (CNS Accounting
Operation) of the NSCC Rules, supra note 8.
\12\ See Rule 8 (Balance Order and Foreign Security Systems) and
Procedure V (Balance Order Accounting Operation) of the NSCC Rules,
supra note 8.
OCC's Rules provide that delivery of, and payment for, securities
underlying certain exercised stock options and matured single stock
futures that are physically settled are generally effected through the
facilities of NSCC and are not settled through OCC's facilities.\13\
OCC and NSCC executed the Existing Accord to facilitate, via NSCC's
systems, the physical settlement of securities arising out of options
and futures cleared by OCC. OCC Clearing Members that clear and settle
physically settled options and futures transactions through OCC also
are required under OCC's Rules \14\ to be Members of NSCC or to have
appointed or nominated a Member of NSCC to act on its behalf. As noted
above, these firms are referred to as ``Common Members'' in the
Existing Accord.
\13\ See Chapter IX of OCC's Rules (Delivery of Underlying
Securities and Payment), supra note 4.
\14\ See OCC Rule 901, supra note 4.
Summary of the Existing Accord
The Existing Accord governs the transfer between OCC and NSCC of
responsibility for settlement obligations that involve a delivery and
receipt of stock in the settlement of physically settled options and
futures that are cleared and settled by OCC and for which the
underlying securities are eligible for clearing through the facilities
of NSCC (``E&A/Delivery Transactions''). It also establishes the time
when OCC's settlement guarantee (the ``OCC Guaranty'') ends and NSCC's
settlement guarantee (the ``NSCC Guaranty'') \15\ begins with respect
to E&A/Delivery Transactions. However, in the case of a Common Member
default \16\ NSCC can reject these settlement obligations, in which
case the settlement guaranty would not transfer from OCC to NSCC and
OCC would not have a right to settle the transactions through the
facilities of NSCC. Instead, OCC would have to engage in alternative
methods of settlement that have the potential to create significant
liquidity and collateral requirements for both OCC and its non-
defaulting Clearing Members.\17\ More specifically, this could involve
broker-to-broker settlement between OCC Clearing Members.\18\ This
settlement method is operationally complex because it requires
bilateral coordination directly between numerous Clearing Members
rather than relying on NSCC to facilitate multilateral netting to
settle the relevant settlement obligations. As described above, it also
potentially could result in significant liquidity and collateral
requirements for both OCC and its non-defaulting Clearing Members
because the transactions would not be netted through the facilities of
NSCC. Alternatively, where NSCC accepts the E&A/Delivery Transactions
from OCC, the OCC Guaranty ends and the NSCC Guaranty takes effect. The
transactions are then netted through NSCC's systems, which allows
settlement obligations for the same settlement date to be netted into a
single deliver or receive obligation. This netting reduces the costs
associated with securities transfers by reducing the number of
securities movements required for settlement and further reduces
operational and market risk. The benefits of such netting by NSCC may
be significant with respect to the large volumes of E&A/Delivery
Transactions processed during monthly options expiry periods.
\15\ See Addendum K and Procedure III of the NSCC Rules, supra
note 8.
\16\ A Common Member that has been suspended by OCC or for which
NSCC has ceased to act is referred to as a ``Mutually Suspended
\17\ For example, OCC evaluated certain Clearing Member default
scenarios in which OCC assumed that NSCC would not accept the
settlement obligations under the Existing Accord, including the
default of a large Clearing Member coinciding with a monthly options
expiration. OCC has estimated that in such a Clearing Member default
scenario, the aggregate liquidity burden on OCC in connection with
obligations having to be settled on a gross broker-to-broker basis
could reach a significantly high level. For example, in January
2022, the largest gross broker-to-broker settlement amount in the
case of a larger Clearing Member default would have resulted in
liquidity needs of approximately $384,635,833,942. OCC provided the
data and analysis as confidential Exhibit 3A to this filing.
\18\ In broker-to-broker settlement, Clearing Member parties are
responsible for coordinating settlement--delivery and payment--among
themselves on a transaction-by-transaction basis. Once transactions
settle, the parties also have an obligation to affirmatively notify
OCC so that OCC can close out the transactions. If either one of or
both of the parties do not notify OCC, the transaction would remain
open on OCC's books indefinitely until the time both parties have
provided notice of settlement to OCC.
Pursuant to the Existing Accord, on each trading day NSCC delivers
to OCC a file that identifies the securities, including stocks,
exchange-traded funds and exchange-traded notes, that are eligible (1)
to settle through NSCC and (2) to be delivered in settlement of (i)
exercises and assignments of stock options cleared and settled by OCC
or (ii) delivery obligations from maturing stock futures cleared and
settled by OCC. OCC, in turn, delivers to NSCC a file identifying
securities to be delivered, or received, for physical settlement in
connection with OCC transactions.\19\
\19\ Each day that both OCC and NSCC are open for accepting
trades for clearing is referred to as an ``Activity Date'' in the
Existing Accord. Securities eligible for settlement at NSCC are
referred to collectively as ``Eligible Securities'' in the Existing
Accord. Eligible securities are settled at NSCC through NSCC's CNS
Accounting Operation or NSCC's Balance Order Accounting Operation.
After NSCC receives the list of eligible transactions from OCC and
NSCC has received all required deposits to the NSCC Clearing Fund from
all Common Members taking into consideration amounts required to
physically settle the OCC transactions, the OCC Guaranty would end and
the NSCC Guaranty
[[Page 5977]]
would begin with respect to physical settlement of the eligible OCC-
related transactions.\20\ At this point, NSCC is solely responsible for
settling the transactions.\21\
\20\ The term ``NSCC Clearing Fund'' as used herein has the same
meaning as the term ``Clearing Fund'' as provided in the NSCC Rules.
Procedure XV of the NSCC Rules provides that all NSCC Clearing Fund
requirements and other deposits must be made within one hour of
demand, unless NSCC determines otherwise, supra note 8.
\21\ This is referred to in the Existing Accord as the
``Guaranty Substitution Time,'' and the process of the substitution
of the NSCC Guaranty for the OCC Guaranty with respect to E&A/
Delivery Transactions is referred to as ``Guaranty Substitution.''
Each day, NSCC is required to promptly notify OCC at the time the
NSCC Guaranty takes effect. If NSCC rejects OCC's transactions due to
an improper submission \22\ or if NSCC ``ceases to act'' for a Common
Member,\23\ NSCC's Guaranty would not take effect for the affected
transactions pursuant to the NSCC Rules.
\22\ Guaranty Substitution by NSCC (discussed further below)
does not occur with respect to an E&A/Delivery Transaction that is
not submitted to NSCC in the proper format or that involves a
security that is not identified as an Eligible Security on the then-
current NSCC Eligibility Master File.
\23\ Under NSCC's Rules, a default would generally be referred
to as a ``cease to act'' and could encompass a number of
circumstances, such as an NSCC Member's failure to make a Required
Fund Deposit in a timely fashion. See NSCC Rule 46 (Restrictions on
Access to Services), supra note 8. An NSCC Member for which it has
ceased to act is referred to in the Existing Accord as a
``Defaulting NSCC Member.'' Transactions associated with a
Defaulting NSCC Member are referred to as ``Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions'' in the Existing Accord.
NSCC is required to promptly notify OCC if it ceases to act for a
Common Member. Upon receiving such a notice, OCC would not continue to
submit to NSCC any further unsettled transactions that involve such
Common Member, unless authorized representatives of both OCC and NSCC
otherwise consent. OCC would, however, deliver to NSCC a reversal file
containing a list of all transactions that OCC already submitted to
NSCC and that involve such Common Member. The NSCC Guaranty ordinarily
would not take effect with respect to transactions for a Common Member
for which NSCC has ceased to act, unless both Clearing Agencies agree
otherwise. As such, NSCC does not have any existing contractual
obligation to guarantee such Common Member's transactions. To the
extent the NSCC Guaranty does not take effect, OCC's Guaranty would
continue to apply, and, as described above, OCC would remain
responsible for effecting the settlement of such Common Member's
transactions pursuant to OCC's By-Laws and Rules.
As noted above, the Existing Accord does provide that the Clearing
Agencies may agree to permit additional transactions for a Common
Member default (``Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions'') to be processed
by NSCC while subject to the NSCC Guaranty. This optional feature,
however, creates uncertainty for the Clearing Agencies and market
participants about how Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions may be
processed following a Common Member default, and also does not provide
NSCC with the ability to collect collateral from OCC that it may need
to close out these additional transactions. While the optional feature
would remain in the agreement as part of this proposal, the proposed
changes to the Existing Accord, as described below, could significantly
reduce the likelihood that it would be utilized.
Proposed Phase 1 Changes
The proposed changes to the Existing Accord would permit OCC to
make a cash payment, referred to as the ``Guaranty Substitution
Payment'' or ``GSP,'' to NSCC. This cash payment could occur on either
or both of the day that the Common Member becomes a Mutually Suspended
Member and on the next business day. Upon NSCC's receipt of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment from OCC, the NSCC Guaranty would take
effect for the Common Member's transactions, and they would be accepted
by NSCC for clearance and settlement.\24\ OCC could use all Clearing
Member contributions to the OCC Clearing Fund \25\ and certain Margin
Assets \26\ of a defaulted Clearing Member to pay the GSP, as described
in more detail below.
\24\ Acceptance of such transactions by NSCC would be subject to
NSCC's standard validation criteria for incoming trades. See NSCC
Rule 7, supra note 8.
\25\ The term ``OCC Clearing Fund'' as used herein has the same
meaning as the term ``Clearing Fund'' in OCC's By-Laws, supra note
\26\ The term ``Margin Assets'' as used herein has the same
meaning as provided in OCC's By-Laws, supra note 4.
NSCC would calculate the Guaranty Substitution Payment as the sum
of the Mutually Suspended Member's unpaid required deposit to the NSCC
Clearing Fund (``Required Fund Deposit'') \27\ and the unpaid
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit \28\ obligation that is attributable to
E&A/Delivery Transactions. The proposed changes to the Existing Accord
define how NSCC would calculate the Guaranty Substitution Payment.
\27\ The Required Fund Deposit is calculated pursuant to Rule 4
(Clearing Fund) and Procedure XV (Clearing Fund Formula and Other
Matters) of the NSCC Rules, see supra note 8.
\28\ Under the NSCC Rules, NSCC collects additional cash
deposits from those Members who would generate the largest
settlement debits in stressed market conditions, referred to as
``Supplemental Liquidity Deposits'' or ``SLD.'' See Rule 4A of the
NSCC Rules, supra note 8.
More specifically, NSCC would first determine how much of the
member's unpaid Clearing Fund requirement would be included in the GSP.
NSCC would look at the day-over-day change in gross market value of the
Mutually Suspended Member's positions as well as day-over-day change in
the member's NSCC Clearing Fund requirements. Based on such changes,
NSCC would identify how much of the change in the Clearing Fund
requirement was attributable to E&A/Delivery Transactions coming from
OCC. If 100 percent of the day-over-day change in the NSCC Clearing
Fund requirement is attributable to activity coming from OCC, then the
GSP would include 100 percent of the member's NSCC Clearing Fund
requirement. If less than 100 percent of the change is attributable to
activity coming from OCC, then the GSP would include that percent of
the member's unpaid NSCC Clearing Fund requirement attributable to
activity coming from OCC. NSCC would then determine the portion of the
member's unpaid SLD obligation that is attributable to E&A/Delivery
Transactions. As noted above, the GSP would be the sum of these two
amounts. A member's NSCC Clearing Fund requirement and SLD obligation
at NSCC are designed to address the credit and liquidity risks that a
member poses to NSCC. The GSP calculation is intended to assess how
much of a member's obligations arise out of activity coming from OCC so
that the amount paid by OCC is commensurate with the risk to NSCC of
guarantying such activity.
To permit OCC to anticipate the potential resources it would need
to pay the GSP for a Mutually Suspended Member, each business day, NSCC
would provide OCC with (1) Required Fund Deposit and Supplemental
Liquidity Deposit obligations, as calculated pursuant to the NSCC
Rules, and (2) the gross market value of the E&A/Delivery Transactions
and the gross market value of total Net Unsettled Positions (as such
term is defined in the NSCC Rules). On options expiry days that fall on
a Friday, NSCC would also provide OCC with information regarding
liquidity needs and resources, and any intraday SLD requirements of
Common Members. Such information would be delivered pursuant to the
ongoing information sharing obligations under the Existing Accord (as
proposed to be amended) and the Service Level Agreement (``SLA'') to
which both NSCC and OCC are a party pursuant to
[[Page 5978]]
Section 2 of the Existing Accord.\29\ The SLA addresses specifics
regarding the time, form, and manner of various required notifications
and actions described in the Accord and also includes information
applicable under the Accord.
\29\ OCC provided a draft of the revised SLA to the Commission
as confidential Exhibit 3C to this filing.
NSCC and OCC believe the proposed calculation of the Required Fund
Deposit portion of the GSP is appropriate because it is designed to
provide a reasonable proxy for the impact of the Mutually Suspended
Member's E&A/Delivery Transactions on its Required Fund Deposit. While
impact study data did show that the proposed calculation could result
in a GSP that overestimates or underestimates the Required Fund Deposit
attributable to the Mutually Suspended Member's E&A/Delivery
Transactions,\30\ current technology constraints prohibit NSCC from
performing a precise calculation of the GSP on a daily basis for every
Common Member.\31\
\30\ The impact study was conducted at the Commission's request
to cover a three-day period and reviewed the ten Common Members with
the largest Required Fund Deposits attributable to the Mutually
Suspended Member's E&A/Delivery Transactions. Over the 30 instances
in the study, approximately 15 instances resulted in an
underestimate of the Required Fund Deposit by an average of
approximately $112,900,926, four instances where the proxy
calculation was the same as the Required Fund Deposit, and eleven
instances of an overestimate of the Required Fund Deposit by an
average of approximately $59,654,583. See confidential Exhibit 3D to
this filing for additional detail related to the referenced study.
\31\ OCC and NSCC agreed that performing the necessary
technology build during Phase 1 would delay the implementation of
Phase 1 of this proposal. NSCC will incorporate those technology
updates in connection with Phase 2 of this proposal.
Implementing the ability for OCC to make the GSP and cause the E&A/
Delivery Transactions to be cleared and settled through NSCC would
promote the ability of OCC and NSCC to be efficient and effective in
meeting the requirements of the markets they serve. This is because
data demonstrates that the expected size of the GSP would be smaller
than the amount of cash that would otherwise be needed by OCC and its
Clearing Members to facilitate settlement outside of NSCC. More
specifically, based on a historical study of alternate means of
settlement available to OCC from September 2021 through September 2022,
in the event that NSCC did not accept E&A/Delivery Transactions, the
worst-case scenario peak liquidity need OCC identified was
$384,635,833,942 for settlement to occur on a gross broker-to-broker
basis. OCC estimates that the corresponding GSP in this scenario would
have been $863,619,056. OCC also analyzed several other large liquidity
demand amounts that were identified during the study if OCC effected
settlement on a gross broker-to-broker basis.\32\ These liquidity
demand amounts and the largest liquidity demand amount OCC observed of
$384,635,833,942 substantially exceed the amount of liquid resources
currently available to OCC.\33\ By contrast, projected GSPs identified
during the study ranged from $419,297,734 to $6,281,228,428. For each
of these projected GSP amounts, OCC observed that the Margin Assets and
OCC Clearing Fund contributions that would have been required of
Clearing Members in these scenarios would have been sufficient to
satisfy the amount of the projected GSPs.
\32\ See confidential Exhibit 3A to this filing for additional
detail related to the referenced study.
\33\ As of September 30, 2023, OCC held approximately $12.37
billion in qualifying liquid resources. See OCC Quantitative
Disclosure, July-September 2023, available at
To help address the current technology constraint that prohibits
NSCC from performing a precise calculation of the GSP on a daily basis
for every Common Member, proposed Section 6(b)(i) of the Existing
Accord and related Section 7(d) of the SLA would provide that with
respect to a Mutually Suspended Member, either NSCC or OCC may require
that the Required Fund Deposit portion of the GSP be re-calculated by
calculating the Required Fund Deposit for the Mutually Suspended Member
both before and after the delivery of the E&A/Delivery Transactions and
utilize the precise amount that is attributable to that activity in the
final GSP. If such a recalculation is required, the result would
replace the Required Fund Deposit component of the GSP that was
initially calculated. The SLD component of the GSP would be unchanged
by such recalculation.
As the above demonstrates, the GSP is intended to address the
significant collateral and liquidity requirements that could be
required of OCC Clearing Members in the event of a Common Member
Allowing OCC to make a GSP payment also is intended to allow for
settlement processing to take place through the facilities of NSCC to
retain operational efficiencies associated with the settlement process.
Alternative settlement means such as broker-to-broker settlement add
operational burdens because transactions would need to be settled
individually on one-off bases. In contrast, NSCC's netting reduces the
volume and value of settlement obligations that would need to be closed
out in the market.\34\ Because the clearance and settlement of
obligations through NSCC's facilities following a Common Member
default, including netting of E&A/Delivery Transactions with a Common
Member's positions at NSCC, would avoid these potentially significant
operational burdens for OCC and its Clearing Members, OCC and NSCC
believe that the proposed changes would limit market disruption
relating to a Common Member default. NSCC netting significantly reduces
the total number of obligations that require the exchange of money for
settlement. Allowing more activity to be processed through NSCC's
netting systems would minimize risk associated with the close out of
those transactions following the default of a Common Member.
\34\ CNS reduces the value of obligations that require financial
settlement by approximately 98%, where, for example $519 trillion in
trades could be netted down to approximately $9 trillion in net
Amending the Existing Accord to define the terms and conditions
under which Guaranty Substitution may occur, at OCC's election, with
respect to Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions after a Common Member
becomes a Mutually Suspended Member would also provide more certainty
to both the Clearing Agencies and market participants generally about
how a Mutually Suspended Member's Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions
may be processed.
NSCC and OCC have agreed it is appropriate to limit the
availability of the proposed provision to the day of the Common Member
default and the next business day because, based on historical
simulations of cease to act events involving Common Members, most
activity of a Mutually Suspended Member is closed out on those
days.\35\ Furthermore, the benefits of netting through NSCC's systems
would be reduced for any activity submitted to NSCC after that time.
\35\ OCC provided data regarding such events in confidential
Exhibit 3B to this filing. The information contained therein
includes the assumptions and timelines leading up to the declaration
of a default for a Common Member and the anticipated timing of OCC's
payment of the GSP.
To implement the proposed Phase 1 changes to the Existing Accord,
OCC and NSCC propose to make the following changes.
[[Page 5979]]
Section 1--Definitions
First, new definitions would be added, and existing definitions
would be amended in Section 1, which is the Definitions section.
The new defined terms would be as follows.
The term ``Close Out Transaction'' would be defined to
mean ``the liquidation, termination or acceleration of one or more
exercised or matured Stock Options \36\ or Stock Futures \37\
contracts, securities contracts, commodity contracts, forward
contracts, repurchase agreements, swap agreements, master netting
agreements or similar agreements of a Mutually Suspended Member
pursuant to OCC Rules 901, 1006 and 1101 through 1111 (including but
not limited to Rules 1104 and 1107) and/or NSCC Rule 18.'' This
proposed definition would make it clear that the payment of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment and NSCC's subsequent acceptance of
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions for clearance and settlement are
intended to fall within the ``safe harbors'' provided in the
Bankruptcy Code,\38\ the Securities Investor Protection Act,\39\ and
other similar laws.
\36\ The term ``Stock Options'' is defined in the Existing
Accord within the definition of ``Eligible Securities'' and refers
to options issued by OCC.
\37\ The term ``Stock Futures'' is defined in the Existing
Accord within the definition of ``Eligible Securities'' and refers
to stock futures contracts cleared by OCC.
\38\ 11 U.S.C. 101 et seq., including sections 362(b)(6), (7),
(17), (25) and (27) (exceptions to the automatic stay), sections
546(e)-(g) and (j) (limitations on avoiding powers), and sections
555-556 and 559-562 (contractual right to liquidate, terminate or
accelerate certain contracts).
\39\ 15 U.S.C. 78aaa-lll, including section 78eee(b)(2)(C)
(exceptions to the stay).
The term ``Guaranty Substitution Payment'' would be
defined to mean ``an amount calculated by NSCC in accordance with
the calculations set forth in Appendix A [to the Existing Accord (as
proposed to be amended)], to include two components: (i) a portion
of the Mutually Suspended Member's Required Fund Deposit deficit to
NSCC at the time of the cease to act; and (ii) a portion of the
Mutually Suspended Member's unpaid Supplemental Liquidity Deposit
obligation at the time of the cease to act.''
The term ``Mutually Suspended Member'' would mean ``any
OCC Participating Member \40\ that has been suspended by OCC that is
also an NSCC Participating Member \41\ for which NSCC has ceased to
\40\ The term ``OCC Participating Member'' is defined in the
Existing Accord to mean ``(i) a Common Member; (ii) an OCC Clearing
Member that is an `Appointing Clearing Member' (as defined in
Article I of OCC's By-Laws) and has appointed an Appointed Clearing
Member that is an NSCC Member to effect settlement of E&A/Delivery
Transactions through NSCC on the Appointing Clearing Member's
behalf; (iii) an OCC Clearing Member that is an Appointed Clearing
Member; or (iv) a Canadian Clearing Member.'' No changes are
proposed to this definition.
\41\ The term ``NSCC Participating Member'' is defined in the
Existing Accord to mean ``(i) a Common Member; (ii) an NSCC Member
that is an `Appointed Clearing Member' (as defined in Article I of
OCC's By-Laws); or (iii) [Canadian Depository for Securities Limited
or ``CDS'']. For the avoidance of doubt, the Clearing Agencies agree
that CDS is an NSCC Member for purposes of this Agreement.'' No
changes are proposed to this definition.
The term ``Required Fund Deposit'' would have the
meaning ``provided in Rule 4 of NSCC's Rules and Procedures (or any
replacement or substitute rule), the version of which, with respect
to any transaction or obligation incurred that is the subject of
this Agreement, is in effect at the time of such transaction or
incurrence of obligation.''
The term ``Supplemental Liquidity Deposit'' would have
the meaning ``provided in Rule 4A of NSCC's Rules and Procedures (or
any replacement or substitute rule), the version of which, with
respect to any transaction or obligation incurred that is the
subject of this Agreement, is in effect at the time of such
transaction or incurrence of obligation.''
The defined terms that would be amended in Section 1 of the
Existing Accord are as follows.
The definition for the term ``E&A/Delivery
Transaction'' generally contemplates a transaction that involves a
delivery and receipt of stock in the settlement of physically
settled options and futures that are cleared and settled by OCC and
for which the underlying securities are eligible for clearing
through the facilities of NSCC. The definition would be amended to
make clear that it would apply in respect of a ``Close Out
Transaction'' of a ``Mutually Suspended Member'' as those terms are
proposed to be defined (described above).
The definition for the term ``Eligible Securities''
generally contemplates the securities that are eligible to be used
for physical settlement under the Existing Accord. The term would be
modified to clarify that this may include, for example, equities,
exchange-traded funds and exchange-traded notes that are underlying
securities for options issued by OCC.
Section 6--Default by an NSCC Participating Member or OCC Participating
Section 6 of the Existing Accord provides that NSCC is required to
provide certain notice to OCC in circumstances in which NSCC has ceased
to act for a Common Member. Currently, Section 6(a)(ii) of the Existing
Accord also requires NSCC to notify OCC if a Common Member has failed
to satisfy its Clearing Fund obligations to NSCC, but for which NSCC
has not yet ceased to act. In practice, this provision would trigger a
number of obligations (described below) when a Common Member fails to
satisfy its NSCC Clearing Fund obligations for any reason, including
those due to an operational delay. Therefore, OCC and NSCC are
proposing to remove the notification requirement under Section 6(a)(ii)
from the Existing Accord. Under Section 7(d) of the Existing Accord,
NSCC and OCC are required to provide each other with general
surveillance information regarding Common Members, which includes
information regarding any Common Member that is considered by the other
party to be in distress. Therefore, if a Common Member has failed to
satisfy its NSCC Clearing Fund obligations and NSCC believes this
failure is due to, for example, financial distress and not, for
example, due to a known operational delay, and NSCC has not yet ceased
to act for that Common Member, such notification to OCC would still
occur but would be done pursuant to Section 7(d) of the Existing Accord
(as proposed to be amended), and not Section 6(a)(ii). Notifications
under Section 6 of the Existing Accord (as proposed to be amended)
would be limited to instances when NSCC has actually ceased to act for
a Common Member pursuant to the NSCC Rules.\42\
\42\ See Rule 46 (Restrictions on Access to Services) of the
NSCC Rules, supra note 8.
Following notice by NSCC that it has ceased to act for a Common
Member, OCC is obligated in turn to deliver to NSCC a list of all E&A/
Delivery Transactions (excluding certain transactions for which
Guaranty Substitution does not occur) involving the Common Member.\43\
This provision would be amended to clarify that it applies in respect
of such E&A/Delivery Transactions for the Common Member for which the
NSCC Guaranty has not yet attached--meaning that Guaranty Substitution
has not yet occurred.
\43\ The section of the Existing Accord that addresses
circumstances in which NSCC ceases to act and/or an NSCC Member
defaults is currently part of Section 6(a). It would be re-
designated as Section 6(b) for organizational purposes.
As described above in the summary of the Existing Accord, where
NSCC has ceased to act for a Common Member, the Existing Accord refers
to the Common Member as the Defaulting NSCC Member and also refers to
the relevant E&A/Delivery Transactions in connection with that
Defaulting NSCC Member for which a Guaranty Substitution has not yet
occurred as Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions.
If the Defaulting NSCC Member is also suspended by OCC, it would be
covered by the proposed definition that is described above for a
Mutually Suspended Member. For such a Mutually Suspended Member, the
proposed changes in Section 6(b) would provide that NSCC, by a time
agreed upon by the parties, would provide OCC with the amount of the
Guaranty Substitution Payment as calculated by NSCC and related
[[Page 5980]]
regarding the calculation. The Guaranty Substitution Payment would be
calculated pursuant to NSCC's Rules as that portion of the unmet
Required Fund Deposit \44\ and Supplemental Liquidity Deposit \45\
obligations of the Mutually Suspended Member attributable to the
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions. By a time agreed upon by the
parties,\46\ OCC would then be required to either notify NSCC of its
intent to make the full amount of the Guaranty Substitution Payment to
NSCC or notify NSCC that it will not make the Guaranty Substitution
Payment. If OCC makes the full amount of the Guaranty Substitution
Payment, NSCC's guaranty would take effect at the time of NSCC's
receipt of that payment and the OCC Guaranty would end.
\44\ The Required Fund Deposit is calculated pursuant to Rule 4
(Clearing Fund) and Procedure XV (Clearing Fund Formula and Other
Matters) of the NSCC Rules, see supra note 8.
\45\ The Supplemental Liquidity Deposit is calculated pursuant
to Rule 4A (Supplemental Liquidity Deposits) of the NSCC Rules, see
supra note 8.
\46\ The time by which OCC would be required to notify NSCC of
its intent would be defined in the Service Level Agreement. As of
the time of this filing, the parties intend to set that time as one
hour after OCC's receipt of the calculated Guaranty Substitution
Payment from NSCC.
The proposed changes would further provide that if OCC does not
suspend the Common Member (such that the Common Member would therefore
not meet the proposed definition of a Mutually Suspended Member) or if
OCC elects to not make the full amount of the Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC, then all of the Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions
would be exited from NSCC's CNS Accounting Operation and/or NSCC's
Balance Order Accounting Operation, as applicable, and Guaranty
Substitution would not occur in respect thereof. Therefore, NSCC would
continue to have no obligation to guarantee or settle the Defaulted
NSCC Member Transactions, and the OCC Guaranty would continue to apply
to them pursuant to OCC's By-Laws and Rules.\47\
\47\ Under the current and proposed terms of the Existing
Accord, NSCC would be permitted to voluntarily guaranty and settle
the Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions.
Proposed changes to the Existing Accord would also address the
application of any Guaranty Substitution Payment by NSCC. Specifically,
new Section 6(d) would provide that any Guaranty Substitution Payment
made by OCC may be used by NSCC to satisfy any liability or obligation
of the Mutually Suspended Clearing Member to NSCC on account of
transactions involving the Mutually Suspended Clearing Member for which
the NSCC Guaranty applies and to the extent that any amount of assets
otherwise held by NSCC for the account of the Mutually Suspended Member
(including any Required Fund Deposit or Supplemental Liquidity Deposit)
are insufficient to satisfy its obligations related to transactions for
which the NSCC Guaranty applies. Proposed changes to Section 6(d) would
further provide for the return to OCC of any unused portion of the GSP.
With regard to the portion of the Guaranty Substitution Payment that
corresponds to a member's Supplemental Liquidity Deposit obligation,
NSCC must return any unused amount to OCC within fourteen (14) days
following the conclusion of NSCC's settlement, close-out and/or
liquidation. With regard to the portion of the Guaranty Substitution
Payment that corresponds to a Required Fund Deposit, NSCC must return
any unused amount to OCC under terms agreed to by the parties.\48\
\48\ Such amounts would be returned to OCC as appropriate and in
accordance with a Netting Contract and Limited Cross-Guaranty, by
and among The Depository Trust Company, Fixed Income Clearing
Corporation, NSCC and OCC, dated as of January 1, 2003, as amended.
Other Proposed Changes as Part of Phase 1
Certain other technical changes are also proposed to the Existing
Accord to conform it to the proposed changes described above. For
example, the preamble and the ``whereas'' clauses in the Preliminary
Statement would be amended to clarify that the agreement is an amended
and restated agreement and to summarize that the agreement would be
modified to contemplate the Guaranty Substitution Payment structure.
Section 1(c), which addresses the terms in the Existing Accord that are
defined by reference to NSCC's Rules and Procedures and OCC's By-Laws
and Rules would be modified to state that such terms would have the
meaning then in effect at the time of any transaction or obligation
that is covered by the agreement rather than stating that such terms
have the meaning given to them as of the effective date of the
agreement. This change is proposed to help ensure that the meaning of
such terms in the agreement will not become inconsistent with the
meaning in the NSCC Rules and/or OCC By-Laws and Rules, as they may be
modified through proposed rule changes with the Commission.
Technical changes would be made to Sections 3(d) and (e) of the
Existing Accord to provide that those provisions would not apply in the
event new Section 6(b) described above, is triggered. Section 3(d)
generally provides that OCC will no longer submit E&A/Delivery
Transactions to NSCC involving a suspended OCC Participating
Member.\49\ Similarly, Section 3(e) generally provides that OCC will no
longer submit E&A/Delivery Transactions to NSCC involving an NSCC
Participating Member \50\ for which NSCC has ceased to act. A proposed
change would also be made to Section 5 of the Existing Accord to modify
a reference to Section 5 of Article VI of OCC's By-Laws to instead
provide that the updated cross-reference should be to Chapter IV of
OCC's Rules.
\49\ See supra note 40 defining OCC Participating Member.
\50\ See supra note 41 defining NSCC Participating Member.
Section 5 would also be amended to clarify that Guaranty
Substitution occurs when NSCC has received both the Required Fund
Deposit and Supplemental Liquidity Deposit, as calculated by NSCC in
its sole discretion, from Common Members. The addition of the
collection of the Supplemental Liquidity Deposit to the definition of
the Guaranty Substitution Time in this Section 5 would reflect OCC and
NSCC's agreement that both amounts are components of the Guaranty
Substitution Payment (as described above) and would make this
definition consistent with that agreement.
In Section 7 of the Existing Accord, proposed changes would be made
to provide that NSCC would provide to OCC information regarding a
Common Member's Required Fund Deposit and Supplemental Liquidity
Deposit obligations, to include the Supplemental Liquidity Deposit
obligation in this notice requirement, and additionally that NSCC would
provide OCC with information regarding the potential Guaranty
Substitution Payment for the Common Member. On an options expiration
date that is a Friday, NSCC would, by close of business on that day,
also provide to OCC information regarding the intra-day liquidity
requirement, intra-day liquidity resources and intra-day calls for a
Common Member that is subject to a Supplemental Liquidity Deposit at
Finally, Section 14 of the Existing Accord would be modernized to
provide that notices between the parties would be provided by email
rather than by hand, overnight delivery service or first-class mail.
[[Page 5981]]
Proposed Changes to OCC By-Laws and Rules as Part of Phase 1
General Description
OCC is also proposing certain changes to its By-Laws and Rules that
are designed to complement the proposed changes described above
regarding the Existing Accord. These proposed changes to the By-Laws
and Rules are described below, and they generally cover the following
four areas. First, the proposed changes would define Guaranty
Substitution Payment. Second, the proposed changes would describe the
circumstances under which OCC could make a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC. Third, the proposed changes would specify what
financial resources could be used by OCC to make the Guaranty
Substitution Payment.\51\ Fourth, the proposed changes to OCC's
Comprehensive Stress Testing and Clearing Fund Methodology, and
Liquidity Risk Management Description would outline enhanced stress
testing incorporating the GSP and OCC's ability to call for additional
resources from Clearing Members. OCC also is proposing changes to OCC's
Liquidity Risk Management Framework to account for OCC's ability to
make the GSP.
\51\ OCC would be permitted to borrow from the Clearing Fund and
margin of a suspended Clearing Member, over which OCC has a general
lien, where that Clearing Member is a Mutually Suspended Member. The
change would merely expand the circumstances under which OCC's
current By-Laws and Rules permit OCC to borrow Clearing Fund and
margin. The change would not affect the treatment of such borrowing
under OCC's default waterfall that determines how OCC allocates
losses against available financial resources. The Mutually Suspended
Member's margin and Clearing Fund collateral would remain first in
line to absorb losses.
Article I--Definitions
OCC proposes to add ``Guaranty Substitution Payment'' as a new
defined term under Article I of OCC's By-Laws, which is the Definitions
section. The term ``Guaranty Substitution Payment'' would be defined to
mean: ``a payment that may be made by [OCC] to [NSCC] under the terms
of an agreement between them, as described in Rule 901, so that [NSCC]
will not reject settlement obligations for CCC-eligible \52\ securities
that are directed by [OCC] for settlement through the facilities of
[NSCC] on account of a Clearing Member that has been suspended, as
described in Rule 1102, and for which [NSCC] has ceased to act.''
\52\ The term ``CCC-Eligible'' as used herein has the meaning
provided in OCC's By-Laws, supra note 4.
Chapter IX--Delivery of Underlying Securities and Payment
Certain changes are also proposed to Chapter IX of OCC's Rules. OCC
proposes to add parenthetical language to the Introduction section of
Chapter IX of OCC's Rules. It would specify that a Guaranty
Substitution Payment could be made by OCC to NSCC in connection with
OCC's general policy that to the extent a security to be delivered and
received is CCC-eligible, OCC will direct the delivery and payment
obligations to be settled through the facilities of NSCC where the
obligations are physically-settled and arise out of the exercise of
stock option contracts or the maturity of stock futures contracts.
Next, OCC proposes to delete certain provisions from Rule 901(b)
regarding when a Guaranty Substitution occurs. Specifically, Rule
901(b) currently provides that unless otherwise agreed between OCC and
NSCC, a Guaranty Substitution with respect to settlement obligations
for CCC-eligible securities that settle ``regular way'' under NSCC's
Rules and Procedures will occur if: (i) the applicable settlement
obligations are reported to and are not rejected by NSCC; (ii) NSCC has
not notified OCC that it has ceased to act for the relevant Clearing
Member or Appointed Clearing Member; and (iii) the NSCC Clearing Fund
requirements of the relevant Clearing Member or Appointed Clearing
Member owing to NSCC, as determined in accordance with NSCC's Rules and
Procedures, are received by NSCC. These considerations regarding when a
Guaranty Substitution occurs are addressed under the terms of the
Existing Accord, and they would continue to be relevant considerations
regarding when a Guaranty Substitution occurs under the changes that
OCC and NSCC are proposing to the Existing Accord. However, because
additional considerations would be added to the Guaranty Substitution
process in connection with the proposed ability for OCC in certain
circumstances to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC and also
to eliminate the potential for a description of the Guaranty
Substitution process in OCC's Rules to become inconsistent with the
process that OCC and NSCC have agreed to in the Existing Accord, as it
would be amended, OCC is proposing to delete the discussion of these
considerations in Rule 901(b) in favor of instead simply cross
referencing the terms of the agreement.\53\
\53\ For purposes of the proposed rule change process under
Exchange Act Section 19(b), the agreement is treated as a rule of a
clearing agency under Exchange Act Section 3(a)(27) and therefore
any proposed changes to it by OCC are subject to the related rule
change process and public notice and comment. OCC therefore believes
that addressing the terms in the agreement and cross-referencing the
agreement in OCC Rule 901 would not deprive the Commission or the
public of notice regarding any future proposed changes.
In addition, OCC proposes to add a new paragraph to the end of Rule
901(b) to provide that pursuant to the proposed changes to the Existing
Accord, OCC would be permitted to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment
to NSCC. The proposed changes would also describe the circumstances in
which OCC may make a Guaranty Substitution Payment in connection with
settlement obligations of a suspended Clearing Member, and that the
amount of the Guaranty Substitution Payment under the terms of the
Existing Accord, as amended, would be the amount required by NSCC to
satisfy its deficit(s) regarding such Clearing Member's ``Required Fund
Deposit'' and ``Supplemental Liquidity Deposit'' as those terms are
defined in NSCC's Rules and Procedures.\54\ The changes would provide
that any amount of a Guaranty Substitution Payment that NSCC does not
use pursuant to its Rules and Procedures would subsequently be returned
to OCC under such terms and within such times as are agreed by OCC and
NSCC. OCC believes that it is useful to include this description of the
proposed process for the Guaranty Substitution Payment and the
circumstances in which it may be made so that a user of OCC's publicly
available By-Laws and Rules would have sufficient information to
understand the existence of the Guaranty Substitution Payment
mechanism, the general circumstances in which it may be made and the
role that a Guaranty Substitution Payment would play in causing NSCC to
accept obligations for CCC-eligible securities for clearance and
\54\ See NSCC Rules 4 (defining ``Required Fund Deposit'') and
4A (defining ``Supplemental Liquidity Deposit''), supra note 8.
Chapters X and XI--Clearing Fund Contributions and Suspension of a
Clearing Member
As generally described above, the proposed changes would also
provide that OCC would be permitted to borrow from the OCC Clearing
Fund, and also against certain Margin Assets, of a Clearing Member that
has been suspended by OCC where that Clearing Member is a Mutually
Suspended Member. To implement these changes, OCC is proposing the
following amendments to OCC Rule 1006 and Rule 1104.
[[Page 5982]]
OCC Rule 1006 addresses the purpose and permitted uses of the OCC
Clearing Fund. OCC proposes to make amendments to paragraphs (a) and
(f) to permit OCC to utilize assets in the Clearing Fund as a liquidity
resource in connection with making a Guaranty Substitution Payment.
Currently, OCC Rule 1006(a) states the conditions for use of the OCC
Clearing Fund. These provide that the OCC Clearing Fund may be used for
borrowings pursuant to OCC Rule 1006(f) or to make good losses or
expenses suffered by OCC including: (i) as a result of the failure of
any Clearing Member to discharge duly any obligation on or arising from
any confirmed trade accepted by OCC, (ii) as a result of the failure of
any Clearing Member (including any Appointed Clearing Member) or of CDS
(Canada's national securities depository) to perform its obligations
under any contract or obligation issued, undertaken, or guaranteed by
OCC or in respect of which OCC is otherwise liable, (iii) as a result
of the failure of any Clearing Member to perform any of its obligations
to OCC in respect of the stock loan and borrow positions of such
Clearing Member, (iv) in connection with any liquidation of a Clearing
Member's open positions, (v) in connection with protective transactions
effected for the account of OCC pursuant to Chapter XI of OCC's Rules
(delivery of underlying securities and payment), (vi) as a result of
the failure of any Clearing Member to make any other required payment
or render any other required performance or (vii) as a result of the
failure of any bank, securities or commodities clearing organization,
or investment counterparty, to perform its obligations to OCC for
certain specified reasons.\55\
\55\ The terms ``Clearing Member'' and ``Appointed Clearing
Member'' as used herein have the meanings provided in OCC's By-Laws,
supra note 4.
OCC proposes to renumber clauses (iii) through (vii) in paragraph
(a) as (iv) through (viii), and to insert as new clause (iii) a
provision that the OCC Clearing Fund may be used ``regarding any
Guaranty Substitution Payment that [OCC] may make to [NSCC] under an
agreement between them, as described in [OCC] Rule 901, so that [NSCC]
will not reject settlement obligations for CCC-eligible securities
involving a Clearing Member for which [NSCC] has ceased to act and that
[OCC] directs to [NSCC] for settlement through its facilities.'' \56\
OCC also proposes to add parenthetical language to paragraphs (f)(1)(A)
and (f)(2)(A)(ii) to further clarify that contributions to the OCC
Clearing Fund may be borrowed by OCC for use in connection with making
a Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC. Any borrowing from the OCC
Clearing Fund by OCC to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
would be subject to the existing terms of OCC Rule 1006(f)(3) that
provide that irrespective of how any such borrowings from the OCC
Clearing Fund are applied by OCC, the borrowing for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days will not be deemed to result in charges against
the OCC Clearing Fund under OCC's default waterfall for allocating
actual losses. For purposes of determining whether a loss resulting
from a Guaranty Substitution Payment has occurred, OCC Rule 1006(f)(3)
would be amended to provide that the Guaranty Substitution Payment is
deemed to be repaid by OCC at such time as under the Accord that it is
NSCC's obligation to return any portion of the Guaranty Substitution
Payment that NSCC does not use pursuant to its rules. If, subsequent to
the borrowing, OCC determines that the borrowing represents an actual
loss or all or any part of the borrowing remains outstanding after
thirty (30) days (or on the first Business Day thereafter if the
thirtieth calendar day is not a Business Day) then the amount of OCC
Clearing Fund assets used in the outstanding borrowing would be an
actual loss that OCC would be required to immediately allocate under
its By-Laws and Rules.\57\ As noted above, losses resulting from the
borrowing of Clearing Fund or Margin Assets as a liquidity resource to
facilitate OCC making a Guaranty Substitution Payment would be
allocated in the same sequence as any other losses charged to the
default waterfall.
\56\ In connection with these amendments, the reference in Rule
1006(b) to ``clauses (i) through (vi) of paragraph (a)'' would be
changed to ``clauses (i) through (vii) of paragraph (a).''
\57\ If the defaulting OCC Clearing Member's Margin Assets and
OCC Clearing Fund contribution were insufficient to cover the
associated losses, OCC would next look to certain OCC financial
resources that are available for that purpose (e.g., OCC's corporate
contribution and Clearing Fund contributions of non-defaulting OCC
Clearing Members).
Consistent with these changes to permit OCC to use the OCC Clearing
Fund as a borrowing resource to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment to
NSCC, OCC is also proposing similar changes to OCC Rule 1104 that would
permit OCC to borrow certain Margin Assets of a Clearing Member that
has been suspended by OCC where that Clearing Member is a Mutually
Suspended Member and OCC has a general lien \58\ over the Margin
\58\ Article I, Section 1.G.(1) of OCC's By-Laws states that the
``term `general lien' means a security interest of [OCC] in all or
specified assets in a Clearing Member account as security for all of
the Clearing Member's obligations to [OCC] regardless of the source
or nature of such obligations.'' See OCC By-Laws, supra note 4.
Specifically, OCC proposes to add a new paragraph (g) to OCC Rule
1104 that would provide that OCC may use specified Margin Assets of a
suspended Clearing Member as a borrowing in order to use such borrowed
Margin Assets to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC. OCC
would be permitted to use Margin Assets from the following accounts of
a suspended Common Member: firm lien account and firm non-lien account;
separate Market-Maker's account; combined Market-Maker's account; and
JBO Participants' account.\59\ OCC is not proposing at this time to
have authority to borrow Margin Assets from other types of accounts
over which OCC has a restricted lien \60\ and for which the Margin
Assets are security for the particular restricted lien accounts because
of additional complexity that OCC believes would be associated with
tracking NSCC's use of Margin Assets associated with those accounts and
also due to certain regulatory requirements under Commission Rule 15c3-
3 that apply to broker-dealer Clearing Members and prohibit the use of
customer property of the broker-dealer to support non-customer
\59\ The Clearing Member accounts referenced herein are
described in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (h) of Article VI,
Section 3 of OCC's By-Laws. See OCC's By-Laws, supra note 4.
\60\ Article I, Section 1.R.(8) of OCC's By-Laws states that the
``term `restricted lien' means a security interest of [OCC] in
specified assets (including any proceeds thereof) in an account of a
Clearing Member with [OCC] as security for the Clearing Member's
obligations to [OCC] arising from such account or, to the extent so
provided in the By-Laws or Rules, a specified group of accounts that
includes such account including, without limitation, obligations in
respect of all confirmed trades effected through such account or
group of accounts, and exercise notices assigned to such account or
group of accounts.'' See OCC's By-Laws, supra note 4.
\61\ For example, under the broker-dealer customer reserve
account formula to SEC Rule 15c3-3 the broker-dealer takes a debit
in the formula under Item 13 for margin that is ``required and on
deposit with OCC for all option contracts written or purchased in
customer accounts.'' This means that such margin in turn can be used
by the broker-dealer Clearing Member as Margin Assets to support the
securities customers' account at OCC.
As with the terms that currently apply to any borrowing from the
OCC Clearing Fund pursuant to OCC Rule 1006(f), new paragraph (g) in
OCC Rule 1104 would further provide that Margin Assets borrowed by OCC
to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
[[Page 5983]]
would not be deemed to be charges against the margin assets for the
relevant account(s) for up to thirty (30) days; however, if all or a
part of such borrowing were to be determined by OCC, in its discretion,
to represent an actual loss, or if all or a part of the borrowing were
to remain outstanding after such thirty (30)-day period, OCC would
consider the amount of margin assets used to support OCC's obligations
under the outstanding borrowing or transaction as an actual loss and
immediately allocate the loss in accordance with OCC's By-Laws and
OCC anticipates that in a scenario in which it would be permitted
make a Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC under the proposed changes
to the Existing Accord and OCC's By-Laws and Rules, OCC would generally
expect to borrow from the Clearing Fund as a primary liquidity
resource. OCC could also borrow Margin Assets of the suspended Clearing
Member that is a Common Member under the proposed terms described
above. OCC is not proposing changes that would require a specific
borrowing sequence because OCC believes that it is more appropriate to
preserve flexibility to borrow from the available OCC Clearing Fund or
Margin Assets as OCC determines appropriate under the circumstances.
In addition, OCC proposes to specify in OCC Rule 1107(a)(1) that
exercised option contracts and matured, physically-settled stock
futures to which the suspended Clearing Member is a party may be
settled in accordance with the terms of any agreement between OCC and
NSCC governing the settlement of exercised option contracts and
matured, physically-settled stock futures of a suspended Clearing
Member. In such an event, settlement will be governed by and subject to
the agreement between OCC and NSCC and the rules of NSCC.
The purpose of the proposed changes to create the Guaranty
Substitution Payment mechanism is to provide OCC and NSCC with an
additional default management tool to help manage liquidity and
settlement risks that OCC believes would be presented to each covered
clearing agency in connection with a Mutually Suspended Member. OCC
believes that having the ability to make a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC in regard to any unmet Required Fund Deposit or
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit obligations of a Mutually Suspended
Member would promote prompt and accurate clearance and settlement in
the national system for the settlement of securities transactions by
causing NSCC to guarantee certain securities settlement obligations
that result from exercised options and matured futures contracts that
are cleared and settled by OCC. In the following ways, OCC believes
that this would be beneficial to and protective of OCC, NSCC, their
participants, and the markets they serve.
First, OCC's ability to make the Guaranty Substitution Payment
would ensure that the relevant securities settlement obligations would
be accepted by NSCC for clearance and settlement and therefore the size
of the related settlement obligations could be decreased from netting
through NSCC's CNS Accounting Operation and/or NSCC's Balance Order
Accounting Operation. Second, this outcome would avoid a scenario in
which OCC's Guaranty would continue to apply and the settlement
obligations would be settled on a broker-to-broker basis between OCC
Clearing Members pursuant to the applicable provisions in Chapter IX of
OCC's Rules. As noted above, OCC believes that such a broker-to-broker
settlement scenario could result in substantial collateral and
liquidity requirements for OCC Clearing Members. OCC believes that
these potential collateral and liquidity consequences would be due to
the lost benefit of netting of the settlement obligations through
NSCC's facilities and also due to the short time (i.e., the T+2
standard settlement cycle) between a rejection by NSCC of the
settlement obligations for clearing and the associated settlement date
on which settlement would be otherwise required to be made bilaterally
by OCC Clearing Members. This scenario also raises the potential for
procyclical liquidity demands on OCC Clearing Members and participants
during stressed market conditions. Third, OCC will plan to size its
liquidity resource requirements to reasonable expectations with a high
probability of making a Guaranty Substitution Payment in order to
facilitate the settlement of a Mutually Suspended Member's obligations
through NSCC. Accounting for net liquidity demands from a Mutually
Suspended Member's settlement obligations at the central counterparty-
level enhances liquidity in the financial system and promotes the
efficient use of capital by reducing the demand for liquidity
associated with gross settlement of obligations and enabling the
application of resources at both clearing agencies to satisfy the
Member's obligation. Fourth, OCC believes that the potential for the
size of the settlement obligations to be comparatively larger than the
Guaranty Substitution Payment coupled with the short time remaining to
settlement could also increase the risk of default by the affected OCC
Clearing Members at a time when a Common Member has already been
suspended. Therefore, OCC believes that the proposed changes to
implement the ability for OCC to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment
to NSCC would allow OCC to avoid these risks by causing NSCC to accept
the relevant obligations arising from exercised options and matured
futures cleared and settled by OCC, as it ordinarily would, and
guarantee their settlement, upon OCC making a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC in accordance with the revised Accord.
Proposed Changes to Comprehensive Stress Testing & Clearing Fund
Methodology, and Liquidity Risk Management Description and Liquidity
Risk Management Framework as Part of Phase 1
Comprehensive Stress Testing & Clearing Fund Methodology, and Liquidity
Risk Management Description
OCC proposes to revise the OCC Comprehensive Stress Testing &
Clearing Fund Methodology, and Liquidity Risk Management Description to
include the GSP in its liquidity risk management practices. Overall,
the proposed changes would reflect that the GSP functions as an
additional liquidity demand type at the Clearing Member Organization
(``CMO'') Group level.\62\
\62\ A Clearing Member Group is composed of a set of affiliated
OCC Clearing Members.
OCC would include additional specifics to address the potential
increased demand that the inclusion of the GSP may cause in its
liquidity risk management practices in the Liquidity Risk Management
section of the Comprehensive Stress Testing & Clearing Fund
Methodology, and Liquidity Risk Management Description. Specifically,
OCC proposes to amend the Liquidity Demand for Positions Rejected by
NSCC subsection, which describes the Existing Accord, including the
scenario in which NSCC could choose not to guaranty certain securities
settlement obligations arising out of transactions cleared by OCC. This
subsection would be retitled as the Liquidity Demand Associated with
NSCC Performance of Physical Settlement Activities subsection to more
clearly describe its content and incorporate the GSP, as further
detailed below. Consistent with the changes to the Existing Accord
described above, OCC proposes to clarify that the Accord allows NSCC to
reject such obligations if OCC elects to not make a GSP.
[[Page 5984]]
OCC proposes a new subsection, titled the Liquidity Demand GSP, to
describe the GSP, which NSCC would calculate as defined in the proposed
amendments to the Existing Accord. OCC would describe a GSP as a firm
specific liquidity demand (i.e., the amount of cash OCC needs to pay
NSCC on behalf of the defaulting Common Member). OCC would describe the
components of the GSP under the Accord. OCC would explain how it
accounts for the liquidity demand associated with a potential GSP.
Specifically, OCC would apply an amount to account for a potential GSP
obligation for every day on which option expirations occur. This amount
would be based on peak GSP amounts from the prior 12 months in a given
expiration category for the specific CMO Group for each forecasted
liquidity demand calculation. OCC will use a one-year lookback time
period to determine the appropriate GSP amount to apply. The one-year
lookback allows for the best like-to-like application of a historical
GSP as there is a cyclical nature to option standard expirations with
quarterly (i.e., March, June, September, and December) and January
generally being more impactful than non-quarterly expirations. The one-
year lookback also allows behavior changes of a Clearing Member to be
recognized within an annual cycle. OCC proposes to utilize a historical
GSP based on current system capabilities and data that will be supplied
by NSCC.
OCC would use the total amount of Clearing Fund and SLD deficits at
NSCC in its calculation to account for its obligation. However, in the
event of a default, OCC would be responsible for a proportionate share
of both NSCC Clearing Fund deficits (which are analogous to OCC margin
deficits) and SLDs that are attributable to OCC E&A activity
transmitted to NSCC for settlement, whereas NSCC will be responsible
for the portion of the Clearing Fund and SLD deficits associated with
activity that NSCC clears that is not transmitted by OCC.
The amount of notional activity sent by OCC to NSCC informs the
likelihood of a GSP. Namely, the potential amount of NSCC Clearing Fund
and SLD deficits that are allocable to OCC increases as the amount of
activity OCC sends to NSCC increases. Since not all types of
expirations are the same with respect to the notional amount of
activity sent by OCC to NSCC, OCC proposes to use five separate
categories of expirations with potentially different GSP amounts to
apply. Each day on which expirations occur would fall into one of five
categories as follows:
Standard Monthly Expiration: typically the third Friday
of each month from the previous twelve months;
Non-Standard Monthly Expiration Fridays (``End of Week
Expirations''): the last business day of every week, typically a
Friday, excluding the third Friday of each month from the previous
twelve months;
End of Month Expirations: the last trading day of every
month from the previous twelve months;
Expirations falling on Bank Holidays where Markets Are
Open (``Bank Holiday Expirations''): days where banks are closed but
the markets are open from the previous twelve months; \63\
\63\ The Bank Holiday category recognizes that for Veterans Day
and Columbus Day, the equity and equity derivative markets are open
for trading, but the banking system is closed for the day. Since the
banking system is closed while the aforementioned markets are open,
settlement at NSCC encompasses two days of equity trading and equity
derivative E&A activity. As OCC is using NSCC deficit numbers
without regard for allocation, there is a possibility of a
significant outlying GSP requirement due to the settlement of two
days of activity simultaneously. Prudence dictates retaining the
capability to risk manage a day with such disparate characteristics
differently. Additional supporting data in support of the creation
of the Bank Holiday Expiration category is included as confidential
Exhibit 3E to this filing.
Remaining Expiration Days (``Daily Expirations''): All
other days with an expiration from the previous twelve months that
do not fall into any of the categories above (typically most Mondays
through Thursdays) from the previous twelve months.
OCC believes these five categories are appropriate after an
analysis of notional activity sent to NSCC by OCC.\64\ More
specifically, the standard Friday monthly expiration far exceeds the
needs associated with any other category.\65\ The remaining categories
are intended to capture like time periods that will appropriately
account for the GSP.
\64\ OCC provided its analysis of notional activity sent to NSCC
by OCC in support of the creation of the five categories as
confidential Exhibit 3E to this filing. This Exhibit 3E sets forth
data related to OCC's liquidity stress testing, including Available
Liquidity Resources, Minimum Cash Requirement thresholds, and/or
liquidity breaches, for Sufficiency and Adequacy scenarios with and
without the inclusion of the GSP.
\65\ For example, the average notional transfer for Remaining
Expiration Days is approximately 10% the size of Standard
OCC would apply the peak GSP amounts from the prior twelve months
in a given expiration category for the specific CMO Group for each
forecasted liquidity demand calculation by adding the GSP amounts to
the CMO Group's other forecasted liquidity demands for the relevant
expiration day.\66\ If a Clearing Member defaults, OCC may have to pay
a GSP to NSCC on two successive days to facilitate the close-out of the
defaulted Clearing Member's positions. To account for this possibility
in its liquidity risk management process, OCC contemplates the payment
of a GSP on expirations that result in settlements on the first and
second days of the default management process. As described above, this
GSP amount may serve to only increase liquidity demands.\67\
\66\ As an example, if the applicable GSP is $100 and the
(current) stressed liquidity demand is $150 for a Clearing Member
Group, the result after the application of the GSP for that Clearing
Member Group would be a combined liquidity requirement of $250
versus $150 currently.
\67\ OCC provided its analysis of the impact of the GSP,
including with respect to calls for collateral and liquidity demands
as confidential Exhibit 3E to this filing.
Furthermore, as stated in the new Liquidity Demand GSP subsection,
OCC would apply a floor to certain expirations. At a minimum, the GSPs
applied to the End of Week, End of Month, and Bank Holiday Expirations
will be no lower than the peak of the Daily Expirations category. If a
GSP pertaining to the End of Week, End of Month, and Bank Holiday
Expiration category is higher than the peak of the Daily Expirations
category, then OCC will apply that higher GSP. Standard Monthly
Expirations will be floored by End of Week, End of Month, and Daily
Expirations. If a GSP pertaining to any of these categories is higher
than the Standard Monthly Expiration category, then OCC will apply that
higher GSP. OCC would set out formulas representing the floors for the
Standard Monthly, End of Week, End of Month, and Bank Holiday
Expirations. Finally, OCC also proposes a minor change to clarify that
it would attempt to effect alternative settlement if OCC elected not to
make a GSP.\68\
\68\ This clarification would maintain OCC's current process for
settling transactions not processed through NSCC and does not
represent the adoption of a new process or settlement method.
Liquidity Risk Management Framework
OCC proposes changes to the Liquidity Risk Management Framework to
incorporate the GSP. In the Liquidity Risk Identification section, OCC
would specify that, in the situation where a member defaults
immediately preceding, or during the expiration, of physically-settled
E&A activity, OCC may elect to make a GSP to NSCC to compel NSCC to
accept and process the E&A activity. If OCC elects to not make a GSP,
OCC would complete settlement of the defaulted Clearing Member's E&A
transactions through its current process. Relatedly, OCC would include
a minor clarification to a footnote in this section to note that NSCC
is not acting on behalf of a defaulting Clearing Member ``in this
[[Page 5985]]
Proposed Phase 2 Changes
On February 15, 2023, the Commission adopted amendments to Rule
15c6-1(a) under the Act \69\ to shorten the standard settlement cycle
for most broker-dealer transactions in securities from T+2 to T+1. In
doing so, the Commission stated that a shorter settlement cycle ``can
promote investor protection, reduce risk, and increase operational and
capital efficiency.'' \70\ Moreover, the Commission stated that
delaying the move to a shorter settlement cycle would ``allow undue
risk to continue to exist in the U.S. clearance and settlement system''
\71\ and that it ``believes that the May 28, 2024, compliance date will
help ensure that market participants have sufficient time to implement
the changes necessary to reduce risk, such as risks associated with the
potential for increases in settlement fails.'' \72\ The Phase 2 changes
proposed herein serve those risk reduction objectives related to
securities settlements by endeavoring to limit market disruption
following a Common Member default. The proposed changes would allow OCC
to provide certain assurances with respect to its ability to make a GSP
in the event of a Common Member default to NSCC in a shortened
settlement cycle, which would permit NSCC to begin processing E&A/
Delivery Transactions prior to Guaranty Substitution occurring. This,
in turn, would promote settlement through NSCC that is less
operationally complex and would be expected to require less collateral
and liquidity from market participants than if OCC engaged in the
alternative settlement processes discussed above.
\69\ 17 CFR 240.15c6-1.
\70\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 96930 (Feb. 15, 2023),
88 FR 13872, 13873 (Mar. 6, 2023).
\71\ Id. at 13881.
\72\ Id. at 13917.
To address the operational realities concerning the Accord that
will result from the Commission's adoption and implementation of a new
standard settlement cycle of T+1 pursuant to Rule 15c6-1(a) under the
Act, OCC and NSCC are proposing Phase 2 changes to further modify the
Accord after the T+1 settlement cycle becomes effective. As described
in greater detail below, the Phase 2 changes would allow the GSP and
other changes that are part of the Phase 1 changes to continue to
function appropriately and efficiently in the new T+1 settlement
environment. Because of the phased approach, a separate mark-up is
provided in confidential Exhibit 5C to this filing of the Phase 2
changes against the Accord as modified through the Phase 1 changes.
As described in more detail below, shortening the settlement cycle
to T+1 will require NSCC to process stock settlement obligations
arising from E&A Delivery Transactions one day earlier, i.e., on the
day after the trade date, than is currently the case. Moving processing
times ahead by a full day will require processing to occur before the
guaranty transfers from OCC to NSCC.\73\ In this new T+1 processing
environment, the Phase 2 changes would limit market disruption
following a Common Member default because the Phase 2 changes would
allow OCC to provide certain assurances with respect to its ability to
make a GSP in the event of a Common Member default to NSCC that would
permit NSCC to begin processing the defaulting Common Member's E&A/
Delivery Transactions prior to Guaranty Substitution occurring. This,
in turn, will promote settlement through NSCC that is less
operationally complex and would be expected to require less collateral
and liquidity from market participants than if OCC engaged in
alternative settlement processes. The specific changes included in
Phase 2 are described below. The changes would facilitate the continued
ability of the GSP to function in an environment with a shorter
settlement cycle. These changes are generally designed to allow OCC to
provide certain assurances with respect to its ability to make a GSP in
the event of a Common Member default to NSCC that would permit NSCC to
begin processing E&A/Delivery Transactions prior to Guaranty
Substitution occurring by introducing new or amended terms and setting
out the processes associated therewith. All of the descriptions below
explain the changes to the Accord as they would be made after the
Accord has already been modified through prior implementation of the
proposed Phase 1 changes.
\73\ Given the reduction in the settlement cycle and existing
processes that must be completed for settlement, it is OCC's
understanding that the NSCC would not be able to safely compress its
processing times further to allow processing to occur after the
guaranty transfers from OCC to NSCC. OCC provided proposed
processing timelines in confidential Exhibit 3G to this filing.
Section 1--Definitions
First, new definitions would be added, and existing definitions
would be amended or removed in Section 1.
The new defined terms would be as follows.
The term ``GSP Monitoring Data'' would be defined to
mean a set of margin and liquidity-related data points provided by
NSCC on each Activity Date prior to the submission of E&A/Delivery
Transactions by OCC to be used for informational purposes at OCC and
The term ``Final Guaranty Substitution Payment'' would
be defined to mean an amount calculated by NSCC for each Settlement
Date in accordance with Appendix A to the Accord, to include two
components: (i) a portion of the NSCC Participating Member's \74\
Required Fund Deposit deficit to NSCC calculated as a difference
between the Required Fund Deposit deficit calculated on the NSCC
Participating Member's entire portfolio and the Required Fund
Deposit deficit calculated on the NSCC Participating Member's
portfolio prior to submission of the E&A/Delivery Transactions; and
(ii) the portion of the NSCC Participating Member's unpaid
Supplemental Liquidity Deposit obligation attributable to the
additional activity to be guaranteed.
\74\ See supra note 41.
The term ``Historical Peak Guaranty Substitution
Payment'' would be defined to mean the largest Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment for an NSCC Participating Member and its
affiliates that are also NSCC Participating Members over the 12
months immediately preceding the Activity Date, to include two
components: (i) the Required Fund Deposit deficits associated with
E&A/Delivery Transactions based on peak historical observations of
the largest NSCC Participating Member and its affiliates that are
also NSCC Participating Members; and (ii) the Supplemental Liquidity
Deposit obligations associated with E&A/Delivery Transactions based
on peak historical observations as calculated in accordance with
applicable NSCC or OCC Rules and procedures.
The term ``Qualifying Liquid Resources'' would be
defined to have the meaning provided by Rule 17Ad-22(a)(14) of the
Exchange Act, 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(a)(14), or any successor Rule under
the Exchange Act.
The term ``Settlement Date'' would be defined to mean
the date on which an E&A/Delivery Transaction is designated to be
settled through payment for, and delivery of, the Eligible
Securities underlying the exercised Stock Option \75\ or matured
Stock Future,\76\ as the case may be.
\75\ See supra note 36.
\76\ See supra note 37.
The term ``Weekday Expiration'' would be defined to
mean any expiration for which the options expiration date occurs on
a date other than a Friday or for which the Settlement Date is any
date other than the first business date following a weekend.
The term ``Weekend Expiration'' would be defined to
mean any expiration for which the options expiration date occurs on
a Friday or for which the Settlement Date is the first business date
following a weekend.
The defined term that would be removed in Section 1 is as follows.
``Guaranty Substitution Payment,'' which would be
replaced by the new defined terms ``Final Guaranty Substitution
Payment'' and ``Historical Peak Guaranty Substitution Payment.''
The defined terms that would be amended in Section 1 are as
[[Page 5986]]
The definition for the term ``Eligible Securities''
generally contemplates the securities that are eligible to be used
for physical settlement under the Existing Accord. In Phase 2, the
term will be modified to exclude any transactions settled through
NSCC's Balance Order System and any security undergoing a voluntary
corporate action that is being supported by NSCC's CNS system. This
is because the processing of E&A/Delivery Transactions and potential
reversals of such transactions under the Phase 2 changes would not
be feasible under the anticipated operation of NSCC's CNS and
Balance Order Accounting Operations under the shortened T+1
settlement cycle.
Section 3--Historical Peak Guaranty Substitution Payment
A new Section 3 would be added to describe the process by which OCC
would send to NSCC evidence of sufficient funds to cover the Historical
Peak Guaranty Substitution Payment. In particular, Section 3(a) would
provide that on each Activity Date, at or before a time agreed upon by
the Clearing Agencies (which may be modified on any given Activity Date
with the consent of an authorized representative of OCC), NSCC will
communicate to OCC the amount of the Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment amount and the GSP Monitoring Data, which are to
be used for informational purposes at OCC. The Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment would reflect the largest GSP of the NSCC
Participating Member and its affiliates over the prior twelve months
and would be calculated based on the sum of the Required Fund Deposit
deficits and Supplemental Liquidity Deposit associated with E&A/
Delivery Transactions. Section 3(b) would provide that OCC would then
submit to NSCC an acknowledgement of the Historical Peak Guaranty
Substitution Payment amount and evidence that OCC has sufficient cash
resources in the OCC Clearing Fund to cover the Historical Peak
Guaranty Substitution Payment.
Section 3(c) would provide that if OCC does not provide NSCC with
evidence within the designated time period that it has sufficient cash
resources in the OCC Clearing Fund to cover the Historical Peak
Guaranty Substitution Payment on the Activity Date, OCC will
immediately contact NSCC to escalate discussions to discuss potential
exposures and determine, among other things, whether OCC has other
qualifying liquidity resources available to satisfy such amount.
As described above, the Historical Peak Guaranty Substitution
Payment is designed to serve as a reasonable proxy for the largest
potential Final Guaranty Substitution Payment. Its purpose is to allow
OCC to provide evidence that it likely will be able to satisfy the
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment in the event of a Common Member
default, which will provide NSCC with reasonable assurances such that
NSCC can begin processing E&A/Delivery Transactions upon receipt and
prior to the Guaranty Substitution occurring, which will minimize the
probability of reversals in a default event in light of the shortened
settlement cycle. The Historical Peak Guaranty Substitution Payment
amount also will provide OCC with information that will allow OCC to
include the amount of a potential GSP in its liquidity resource
Section 6--Final Guaranty Substitution Payment; OCC's Commitment
A new Section 6 would be added to provide the process by which NSCC
would communicate the amount of, and OCC would commit to pay, the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment. In particular, Section 6(a) would
provide that on each Settlement Date (or each Saturday for Weekend
Expirations), by no later than the time(s) agreed upon by NSCC and OCC,
NSCC will communicate to OCC the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment
for each Common Member calculated by NSCC. NSCC would make such
calculation according to a calculation methodology described in a new
Appendix A to the Accord. This calculation would represent the sum of
the Required Fund Deposit \77\ and the Supplemental Liquidity Deposit
\78\ for the Common Member. As with the Phase 1 Accord, payment of the
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment would be contingent on the mutual
suspension of the Common Member and payment of the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment would continue to be the means by which Guaranty
Substitution may occur.
\77\ The Required Fund Deposit is the portion of the defaulted
Common Member's Required Fund Deposit deficit to NSCC, calculated as
a difference between the Required Fund Deposit deficit calculated on
the entire portfolio and the Required Fund Deposit deficit
calculated on the Common Member's portfolio prior to the submission
of E&A/Delivery Transactions. The Phase 2 changes would refine the
existing calculation methodology for the Required Fund Deposit in
order to provide for a more accurate amount.
\78\ If NSCC calculates a liquidity shortfall with respect to a
defaulted Common Member, the Supplemental Liquidity Deposit is the
portion of that shortfall that is attributable to the additional
activity to be guaranteed.
Section 6(b) would provide that, following NSCC's communication of
the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment for each Common Member to OCC,
and by no later than the agreed upon time, OCC must either (i) commit
to NSCC that it will pay the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment in the
event of a mutual suspension of a Common Member,\79\ or (ii) notify
NSCC that it will not have sufficient cash resources to pay the largest
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment calculated for every Common Member.
Section 6(b)(i) would further provide that for Weekday Expirations,
OCC's submission of E&A/Delivery Transactions to NSCC would constitute
OCC's commitment to pay the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment on the
Settlement Date in the event of a mutual suspension of a Common Member.
\79\ If OCC does not have sufficient cash to pay the Final GSP,
then it must confirm for NSCC the availability of other qualifying
liquid resources and the expected timeline for converting such
resources to cash.
Section 6(c) would provide that if OCC notifies NSCC that it will
not have sufficient cash resources to pay the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment, NSCC may, in its sole discretion (i) reject or
reverse all E&A/Delivery Transactions, or (ii) voluntarily accept E&A/
Delivery Transactions subject to certain terms and conditions mutually
agreed upon by NSCC and OCC.\80\ Section 6(c) would also provide that
any necessary reversals of E&A/Delivery Transactions shall be delivered
by NSCC to OCC at such time and in such form as the Clearing Agencies
\80\ Such terms and conditions may include, but would not be
limited to, OCC's agreement to (i) pay NSCC available cash resources
in partial satisfaction of the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment;
(ii) collect or otherwise source additional resources that would
constitute NSCC Qualifying Liquid Resources to pay the full Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment amount; and/or (iii) reimburse NSCC
for any losses associated with closing out such E&A/Delivery
Section 6(d) would provide that if, at any time after OCC has
acknowledged the Historical Peak Guaranty Substitution Payment in
accordance with proposed Section 3(b) of the Accord or committed to pay
the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment in accordance with proposed
Section 6(b) of the Accord, OCC has a reasonable basis to believe it
will be unable to pay the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment, OCC will
immediately notify NSCC.
Section 8--Default by an NSCC Participating Member or OCC Participating
Section 6(b)(i), which would be renumbered as Section 8(b)(i),
would be amended to reflect the modified use of the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment in the event of a mutual suspension of a Common
Member. Section 8(b)(i) would also be revised to remove the ability for
OCC or NSCC to require that the Guaranty Substitution Payment be re-
calculated in accordance
[[Page 5987]]
with an alternative methodology. This will not be necessary under the
calculation methodology used in the Phase 2 changes because the
proposed methodology would result in a more accurate calculation.
Section 8(b)(i) would further amend the Accord by providing NSCC with
discretion to voluntarily accept Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions and
assume the guaranty for such transactions, subject to certain terms and
conditions mutually agreed upon by NSCC and OCC. The only remaining
change to the Guaranty Substitution process from its operation under
the Accord would be the shortened time duration under which OCC would
elect (by way of its commitment) to make the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment and the timing under which the Guaranty
Substitution will be processed in order to function in a T+1
In particular, Section 8(b)(i) would provide that, with respect to
a Mutually Suspended Member, if OCC has committed to make the Final
Guaranty Substitution Payment, it will make such cash payment in full
by no later than the agreed upon time(s). Upon NSCC's receipt of the
full amount of the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment, NSCC's Guaranty
would attach (and OCC's Guaranty will no longer apply) to the Defaulted
NSCC Member Transactions. NSCC would have no obligation to accept a
Final Guaranty Substitution Payment and attach the NSCC Guaranty to any
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions for more than the Activity Date on
which it has ceased to act for that Mutually Suspended Member and one
subsequent Activity Date. If NSCC does not receive the full amount of
the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment in cash by the agreed upon
time, the Guaranty Substitution Time would not occur with respect to
the Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions and Section 8(b)(ii), described
below, would apply. NSCC would, however, have discretion to voluntarily
accept Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions and assume the guaranty for
such transactions, subject to certain terms and conditions mutually
agreed upon by NSCC and OCC.
Section 6(b)(ii), which would be renumbered as Section 8(b)(ii),
would also be amended to reflect the modified use of the Final Guaranty
Substitution Payment in the event OCC continues to perform or does not
make the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment. In particular, Section
8(b)(ii) would add an additional criterion of OCC not satisfying any
alternative agreed upon terms for Guaranty Substitution to reflect this
as an additional option under the Phase 2 changes. As amended, Section
8(b)(ii) would provide that if OCC does not suspend an OCC
Participating Member for which NSCC has ceased to act, OCC does not
commit to make the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment, NSCC does not
receive the full amount of the Final Guaranty Substitution Payment in
cash by the agreed upon time, or OCC does not satisfy any alternative
agreed upon terms for Guaranty Substitution, Guaranty Substitution with
respect to all Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions for that Activity
Date will not occur, all Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions for that
Activity Date will be reversed and exited from NSCC's CNS accounting
system, and NSCC will have no obligation to guaranty or settle such
Defaulted NSCC Member Transactions. NSCC may, however, exercise its
discretion to voluntarily accept the Defaulted NSCC Member
Transactions, and assume the guaranty for such transactions, subject to
certain agreed upon terms and conditions.
Section 8(b) would also be modified to provide for escalated
discussion between the Clearing Agencies in the event of an intraday
NSCC Cease to Act and/or NSCC Participating Member Default,
particularly to confirm that OCC has sufficient qualifying liquid
resources to pay the projected Final Guaranty Substitution Payment for
the Defaulting NSCC Member's projected E&A/Delivery Transactions based
on information provided in GSP Monitoring Data for such Defaulting NSCC
Conforming changes would also be made to Section 8(d) to reflect
the use of the new defined term ``Final Guaranty Substitution
Other Proposed Changes as Part of Phase 2
Certain other technical changes are also proposed as part of the
Phase 2 changes, including to conform the Accord to the proposed
changes described above. For example, Section 9(c) would be revised
regarding information sharing to reflect the introduction of the
Historical Peak and Final Guaranty Substitution Payments and the GSP
Monitoring Data; Section 4(c)(ix) would be conformed to reflect the
addition of ``Settlement Date'' as a defined term in Section 1; various
sections would be renumbered and internal cross-references would be
adjusted to reflect the addition of new sections proposed herein;
correct current references throughout the Accord to ``NSCC Rules and
Procedures'' would be changed to simply read ``the NSCC Rules;'' and
various non-substantive textual changes would be made to increase
Section 4(a) would also be modified to reflect that the Eligibility
Master Files referenced in that paragraph, which identify Eligible
Securities to OCC, are described in the SLA between OCC and NSCC.
Section 9(b) would be modified to include OCC's available liquidity
resources, including Clearing Fund cash balances in the information OCC
provides to NSCC, and to specify that information will be provided on
each Activity Date at an agreed upon time and in an agreed upon form by
the Clearing Agencies. Finally, Section 16(b) would be modified to
provide the correct current delivery address information for NSCC.
The Phase 2 changes would also include an Appendix A that would
describe in detail the calculation methodology for the Guaranty
Substitution Payment. This would provide the detailed technical
calculation to determine each of the Mutually Suspended Member's
Required Fund Deposit deficit and liquidity shortfall to NSCC. The full
text of Appendix A is filed confidentially with the Commission as
Exhibit 5 to this filing.
Phase 2 Guaranty Substitution Process Changes
As described above, the Phase 2 changes would modify the Guaranty
Substitution process to reflect the shortened time duration under which
the Guaranty Substitution will be processed in order to function in a
T+1 environment. Below is a description of how that process would
operate. The actual process would be implemented pursuant to a modified
SLA between the Clearing Agencies.\81\ All times provided below are in
Eastern Time and represent the latest time by which the specified
action must occur, unless otherwise agreed by the Clearing Agencies.
\81\ OCC provided a draft of the SLA illustrating such changes
to the Commission as confidential Exhibit 3F to this filing.
Weekend Expirations: On Friday (the Activity Date), NSCC would
provide OCC with the Historical Peak GSP amount by 8:00 a.m. By 5:00
p.m. on Friday, OCC must acknowledge the Historical Peak GSP and
provide evidence of OCC's Clearing Fund cash resources sufficient to
cover that amount, following which NSCC would provide the Eligibility
Master File by 5:45 p.m. By 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, OCC would then
provide NSCC with the E&A/Delivery Transactions file and by 8:00 a.m.
NSCC would provide OCC with the Final GSP, which OCC must
[[Page 5988]]
commit to pay by 9:00 a.m. in the event of a mutual suspension of a
Common Member.\82\ By 8:00 a.m. Monday (the Settlement Date), if a
cease to act is declared over the weekend (or the later of 10:00 a.m.
or one hour after the cease to act is declared if declared on Monday),
OCC must pay the Final GSP if there has been a mutual suspension of a
Common Member. Finally, by 1:00 p.m. on Monday, OCC must provide
reversals for the defaulted member's E&A/Delivery Transactions if OCC
has not satisfied (or will not satisfy) the Final GSP.
\82\ If OCC does not have sufficient cash resources to pay the
Final GSP and the Clearing Agencies are unable to reach an agreement
on additional terms for NSCC to accept E&A/Delivery Transactions,
OCC must submit a reversal file by 12:30 a.m. on Monday so that NSCC
can remove the E&A/Delivery Transactions from CNS prior to the start
of NSCC's overnight processing. See confidential Exhibit 3H to this
filing for additional details on action deadlines and processing
Weekday Expirations: On the Activity Date, NSCC would provide OCC
with the Historical Peak GSP amount by 8:00 a.m. By 5:00 p.m. on the
Activity Date, OCC must acknowledge the Historical Peak GSP and provide
evidence of its cash resources in the OCC Clearing Fund sufficient to
cover that amount, following which NSCC would provide the Eligibility
Master File by 5:45 p.m. By 1:00 a.m. on the Settlement Date (the day
after the Activity Date in the T+1 environment), OCC would then provide
NSCC with the E&A/Delivery Transactions file, which also constitutes
OCC's commitment to pay the Final GSP. By 8:00 a.m. NSCC would provide
OCC with the Final GSP. By the later of 10:00 a.m. on the Settlement
Date or one hour after a cease to act is declared, OCC must pay the
Final GSP if there has been a mutual suspension of a Common Member.
Finally, by 1:00 p.m. on the Settlement Date, OCC must provide
reversals for the defaulted member's E&A/Delivery Transactions if OCC
has not satisfied (or will not satisfy) the Final GSP.
For both Weekend Expirations and Weekday Expirations, Guaranty
Substitution will take place only after the Common Members meet their
start of day margin funding requirements at NSCC, if any. In a Common
Member default event, the Guaranty Substitution will take place when
OCC pays the Final GSP to NSCC.
The Clearing Agencies note that the Phase 2 changes described above
are designed to change the process by which the GSP is implemented such
that the use of the GSP as a mechanism to facilitate the acceptance of
settlement obligations by NSCC can continue to operate within the
condensed timing for clearance and settlement in a T+1 environment.
However, the ultimate use of the GSP, its purpose, and its substantive
import would remain consistent with the Phase 1 changes.
Proposed Liquidity Risk Management Framework Changes
OCC proposes changes to the Liquidity Risk Management Framework to
incorporate the Phase 2 changes into its liquidity risk management
practices. In the Contingency Funding Plan section, OCC would specify
that it endeavors to maintain sufficient cash resources to cover its
projected settlement demands. Projected settlement demands may include
settlements associated with option exercise & assignment activity that
create obligations for OCC under the Accord (e.g., Final GSP,
Historical Peak GSP). Final and Historical Peak GSP would be defined in
the Definitions section. OCC proposes a footnote referencing the
proposed Phase 1 changes to the Comprehensive Stress Testing & Clearing
Fund Methodology, and Liquidity Risk Management Description with
respect to the Final GSP. Namely, to account for the liquidity demand
associated with the potential payment of a Final GSP, OCC would include
the peak amount of the entire actual NSCC Required Fund Deposit
deficits and SLD start-of-day obligations, without regard to allocation
between NSCC and OCC, specific to each CMO Group for the relevant type
of expiration on a rolling twelve-month lookback. Moreover, OCC may
require the deposit of cash by a Clearing Member pursuant to its
current Rules if projected settlement demands exceed OCC liquidity
resources available to make settlement in the event of a Clearing
Member default.
OCC also proposes related and clarifying changes in the document.
For example, OCC would include a minor clarifying change to the
Liquidity Risk Identification section to define GSP as a firm-specific
liquidity demand. OCC would also amend the Stress Testing and Liquidity
Resource Sizing section to incorporate information pertaining to GSP
obligations into the annual analysis presented to the Board on
projected liquidity demands that OCC may face under a variety of
Proposed By-Law Changes
OCC proposes to update its By-Laws to conform with the revised
Accord. OCC proposes to remove a reference to Balance Order Accounting
Operation to align with the exclusion of transactions settled through
NSCC's Balance Order System under the amended definition of Eligible
Securities in the Phase 2 Accord.
Implementation Framework
The proposed Phase 1 and Phase 2 changes will be implemented as
Phase 1: Within 120 days after the date OCC and NSCC
receive all necessary regulatory approvals for these proposed
changes to the Accord, OCC will implement all Phase 1 changes. OCC
would announce the implementation date by an Information Memorandum
posted to its public website at least seven days prior to
Phase 2: On the compliance date with respect to the
final T+1 amendments to Exchange Act Rule 15c6-1(a) established by
the SEC, OCC will implement all Phase 2 changes, keep in place any
applicable Phase 1 changes that carry over to Phase 2, and
decommission all Phase 1 changes that do not apply to Phase 2.\83\
\83\ If, due to the timing of regulatory approval, the
implementation dates for Phase 1 and Phase 2 overlap, OCC would
implement only the Phase 2 changes and Phase 1 changes that carry
over to Phase 2.
(2) Statutory Basis
OCC believes the proposed changes are consistent with the
requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder
applicable to a registered clearing agency. In particular, OCC believes
the proposed changes are consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the
Act.\84\ Section 17A(b)(3)(F) \85\ of the Act requires, among other
things, that the rules of a clearing agency be designed to promote the
prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions
and, in general, to protect investors and the public interest. As
described above in the Phase 1 changes, OCC believes that modifying its
stress testing procedures to enhance its ability to call for additional
liquidity resources and having the ability to make a Guaranty
Substitution Payment to NSCC with respect to any unmet obligations of a
Mutually Suspended Member would promote prompt and accurate clearance
and settlement because it would ensure that NSCC accepts the relevant
securities settlement obligations for clearance and settlement and
therefore the size of the related settlement obligations for both the
Mutually Suspended Member and its assigned delivery counterparties
could be decreased from netting through NSCC's CNS Accounting Operation
and/or NSCC's Balance Order Accounting Operation. This would also avoid
a scenario in which OCC's Guaranty would continue to apply and the
settlement obligations would be settled
[[Page 5989]]
on a broker-to-broker basis between OCC Clearing Members, which OCC
believes could result in substantial collateral and liquidity
requirements for OCC Clearing Members and that, in turn, could also
increase a risk of default by the affected OCC Clearing Members at a
time when a Common Member has already been suspended. The Phase 2
changes are also consistent with Section 17A(b)(3)(F) \86\ of the Act
and would promote the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of
securities transactions and protect investors and the public interest
because, as described above, they would facilitate implementation of
the new settlement cycle and support the Commission's stated goal of
implementing necessary risk reducing changes in connection with the
move to T+1 settlement, currently set for May 28, 2024. The Phase 2
changes would further enable OCC to provide certain assurances that
would permit NSCC to begin processing E&A/Delivery Transactions prior
to Guaranty Substitution occurring--thereby promoting the continued
effectiveness of the Guaranty Substitution process in an environment
with a shorter settlement cycle. For these reasons, OCC believes that
the proposed changes would be beneficial to and protective of OCC,
NSCC, their participants, and the markets that they serve and that the
proposed changes are therefore designed, in general, to protect
investors and the public interest.
\84\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
\85\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
\86\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
OCC believes that the proposed changes are also consistent with the
SEC rules that apply to OCC as a covered clearing agency.\87\ In
particular, SEC Rule 17Ad-22(e)(20) requires OCC to establish,
implement, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to identify, monitor and manage risks related to
any link that OCC establishes with one or more other clearing agencies,
financial market utilities, or trading markets.\88\ As described in
OCC's publicly available disclosure framework for financial market
infrastructures,\89\ the Existing Accord between OCC and NSCC is one
such link. As described above, OCC believes (i) the proposed
modifications to OCC's stress testing procedures that are designed to
enhance its ability to call for additional liquidity resources, and
(ii) that implementation of the ability for OCC to make a Guaranty
Substitution Payment to NSCC in the relevant circumstances involving a
Mutually Suspended Member would help manage the risks presented to OCC
and its Clearing Members by the settlement link with NSCC because the
Guaranty Substitution Payment would ensure that the relevant securities
settlement obligations would be accepted by NSCC for clearance and
settlement and therefore the size of the related settlement obligations
could be decreased from netting through NSCC's CNS Accounting Operation
and/or NSCC's Balance Order Accounting Operation.
\87\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(a)(5).
\88\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(20).
\89\ See The Options Clearing Corporation Disclosure Framework
for Financial Market Infrastructures, pg. 105, (2023), available at
For this same reason, OCC also believes that the proposed changes
are consistent with the requirements of SEC Rules 17Ad-22(e)(3) and
(7).\90\ SEC Rule 17Ad-22(e)(3) requires OCC to establish, implement,
maintain and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably
designed to maintain a sound risk management framework for
comprehensively managing, among other things, liquidity, credit and
other risks that arise in or are borne by OCC.\91\ SEC Rule 17Ad-
22(e)(7) requires OCC, in relevant part, to establish, implement,
maintain and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably
designed to effectively measure, monitor and manage the liquidity risk
that arises in or is borne by OCC and to, among other things, address
foreseeable liquidity shortfalls that would not be covered by OCC's
liquid resources.\92\ As noted, OCC believes the proposed stress
testing enhancements and the ability to make a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC would allow OCC to better manage liquidity and credit
risks related to the settlement link with NSCC by ensuring that the
relevant securities settlement obligations would be accepted by NSCC
for clearance and settlement. It would avoid a scenario in which OCC's
Guaranty would continue to apply and the settlement obligations would
be settled on a broker-to-broker basis between OCC Clearing Members,
which OCC believes could result in substantial collateral and liquidity
requirements for OCC Clearing Members that, in turn, could also
increase a risk of default by the affected OCC Clearing Members,
particularly in circumstances where the prior suspension of a Mutually
Suspended Member relates to broader stress in the financial system.
Moreover, the incorporation of the Guaranty Substitution Payment into
OCC's liquidity risk management practices would enhance OCC's ability
to maintain additional liquidity resources to effect the settlement of
exercise and assignment activity in the event of a Common Member
default, and therefore, potentially increasing the promotion of market
stability. Regarding the Phase 2 changes, OCC believes that the
continued ability in a T+1 environment to make a Guaranty Substitution
Payment to NSCC would allow OCC to better manage liquidity and credit
risks related to the settlement link with NSCC by ensuring that the
relevant securities settlement obligations would be accepted by NSCC
for clearance and settlement.
\90\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(3), (7).
\91\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(3).
\92\ 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(e)(7).
(B) Clearing Agency's Statement on Burden on Competition
Section 17A(b)(3)(I) of the Act \93\ requires that the rules of a
clearing agency not impose any burden on competition not necessary or
appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. OCC does not
believe that the proposal would impose any burden on competition. The
Phase 1 changes would implement changes that would permit OCC in
certain circumstances to make a Guaranty Substitution Payment to NSCC
so that the NSCC Guaranty would take effect for the Defaulted NSCC
Member Transactions and the OCC Guaranty would end. The Phase 2 changes
would further implement changes that would allow OCC to provide certain
assurances to NSCC prior to the default of a Common Member that would
enable NSCC to begin processing E&A/Delivery Transactions before the
NSCC central counterparty trade guaranty attaches. The proposed changes
would not inhibit access to OCC's services in any way, apply to all
Clearing Members and do not disadvantage or favor any particular user
in relationship to another user. Accordingly, OCC does not believe that
the proposed rule change would have any impact or impose a burden on
\93\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(I).
(C) Clearing Agency's Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change
Received From Members, Participants or Others
Written comments were not and are not intended to be solicited with
respect to the proposed rule change, and none have been received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Within 45 days of the date of publication of the notice in the
[[Page 5990]]
Register or within such longer period up to 90 days (i) as the
Commission may designate if it finds such longer period to be
appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to
which the self-regulatory organization consents, the Commission will:
(A) by order approve or disapprove such proposed rule change, or
(B) institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule
change should be disapproved.
The proposal shall not take effect until all regulatory actions
required with respect to the proposal are completed.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
Use the Commission's internet comment form (; or
Send an email to [email protected]. Please include
file number SR-OCC-2023-007 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.
All submissions should refer to file number SR-OCC-2023-007. This file
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently,
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on
the Commission's internet website (
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
20549, on official business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3
p.m. Copies of such filing also will be available for inspection and
copying at the principal office of OCC and on OCC's website at
Do not include personal identifiable information in submissions;
you should submit only information that you wish to make available
publicly. We may redact in part or withhold entirely from publication
submitted material that is obscene or subject to copyright protection.
All submissions should refer to file number SR-OCC-2023-007 and should
be submitted on or before February 14, 2024.
For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets,
pursuant to delegated authority.\94\
\94\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
Sherry R. Haywood,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-01751 Filed 1-29-24; 8:45 am]