Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Request for Comment; Drivers' Knowledge/Correct Use of New Technology Features in Passenger Vehicles, 66217-66220 [2022-23842]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 211 / Wednesday, November 2, 2022 / Notices
National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA–2022–0063]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Request for Comment;
Drivers’ Knowledge/Correct Use of
New Technology Features in
Passenger Vehicles
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for
comments on a request for approval of
a new information collection.
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), this notice announces that the
Information Collection Request (ICR)
abstracted below will be submitted to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval. The ICR
describes the nature of the information
collection and its expected burden. This
ICR is for a new collection of
information for which NHTSA intends
to seek OMB approval for a one-time
voluntary experiment on drivers’
understanding of and behaviors using
vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise
control and lane centering technologies.
A Federal Register notice with a 60-day
comment period soliciting comments on
the following information collection
was published on July 20, 2022 (86 FR
43374–76). NHTSA received comments
from two organizations, which we
address below.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before December 2, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection, including
suggestions for reducing burden, should
be submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget at
To find this particular information
collection, select ‘‘Currently under
Review—Open for Public Comment’’ or
use the search function.
additional information or access to
background documents, contact Kathy
Sifrit, Ph.D., Office of Behavioral Safety
Research (NPD–320), (202) 366–9982,
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, W46–472, U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
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Under the
PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), a Federal
agency must receive approval from the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) before it collects certain
information from the public and a
person is not required to respond to a
collection of information by a Federal
agency unless the collection displays a
valid OMB control number. In
compliance with these requirements,
this notice announces that the following
information collection request will be
submitted OMB.
Title: Drivers’ Knowledge/Correct Use
of New Technology Features in
Passenger Vehicles.
OMB Control Number: New.
Form Numbers: NHTSA Forms 1627,
1628, 1629, and 1630.
Type of Request: Approval of a new
information collection.
Type of Review Requested: Regular.
Length of Approval Requested: Three
years from date of approval.
Summary of the Collection of
Information: The National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
of the U.S. Department of
Transportation is seeking approval for a
one-time voluntary information
collection from 180 of licensed drivers
of various ages for a research study of
drivers’ interactions with Level 2 (L2)
systems that can provide longitudinal
(adaptive cruise control) and lateral
(lane centering) control of the vehicle.
NHTSA expects to provide screening
questionnaires to 1,000 potential
participants to determine their
eligibility for the study. Recruiting
participants for the study has an
estimated burden of 250 hours for the
screening questions. An estimated 200
potential participants will be eligible
and interested. This group will receive
the consent form with an estimated
burden of 150 hours for reviewing and
completing the form. An estimated 180
participants are expected to consent and
enroll in the study. Participants’
naturalistic driving data will be
collected using a data acquisition
system (DAS) installed in studyprovided vehicles. The DAS includes
video cameras and sensors; data also
will be collected from the vehicle.
Naturalistic driving data will be
collected for two weeks with the L2
systems in this study unavailable to the
drivers to provide a baseline measure of
participants’ driving habits, followed by
four weeks driving with the systems
available to measure changes in driving
patterns as well as safety-related
behaviors such as distracted driving and
seat belt use. While the naturalistic data
collection does not create a burden to
participants, study tasks above and
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beyond the driving they would normally
complete include a 15-minute
enrollment procedure, a one-hour
vehicle familiarization briefing, a twohour training about the L2 systems, two
two-hour planned drives (one at the
beginning and one at the end of the
study), five 30-minute planned drives
(during the study), a five-minute
usability questionnaire, and a 30-minute
final debriefing. As such, the
naturalistic study has an expected
burden of 1,860 hours. In addition, half
the participants will complete a 15minute questionnaire that measures
knowledge and opinions before
exposure to the L2 systems and the
other half will complete after exposure
with an estimated burden of 45 hours.
The total expected burden for this
collection is 2,305 hours. NHTSA will
use the information to produce a
technical report containing summary
statistics and tables. No identifying
information or individual responses will
be reported. The technical report will be
made available to a variety of audiences
interested in improving highway safety
through the agency website and the
National Transportation Library. This
project involves approval by an
institutional review board, which the
contractor will obtain before contacting
potential participants. This collection
will inform the development of
behavioral safety countermeasures,
particularly in the areas of
communications and training, intended
to improve drivers’ ability to use L2
systems safely.
Description of the Need for the
Information and Proposed Use of the
Information: NHTSA’s mission is to
save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce
traffic-related health care and other
economic costs. To further this mission,
NHTSA conducts research as a
foundation for the development of
motor vehicle standards and traffic
safety programs. Older adults comprise
an increasing proportion of the driving
population. Driving supports older
adults’ access to the goods and services
they need and enhances their ability to
take part in community and family
activities that support quality of life.
Vehicles equipped with L2 systems can
reduce the cognitive load imposed by
driving, which may make them
appealing to older drivers who may find
driving cognitively taxing, and to
younger adults who may find the
systems useful when navigating through
heavy traffic or during long trips.
However, drivers must understand what
they can and cannot expect from L2
systems to use them safely and
effectively. An increasing proportion of
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 211 / Wednesday, November 2, 2022 / Notices
passenger vehicles are equipped with L2
systems which, under appropriate
conditions, keep the vehicle centered in
the lane and manage the vehicle’s
acceleration/braking to stay an
appropriate distance from the vehicle
ahead while maintaining driving speed.
Research regarding driver
understanding of L2 systems has been
mixed. NHTSA is concerned that
drivers may over-rely on L2 systems,
and engage risky behaviors such as
driving while distracted, drowsy, or
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
NHTSA desires to learn more about how
older and young adult drivers use these
systems to better target behavioral
countermeasures such as
communications and training to ensure
that drivers use the systems safely.
60-Day Notice: A Federal Register
notice with a 60-day comment period
soliciting public comments on the
following information collection was
published on July 20, 2022. Two
organizations submitted comments: The
Alliance for Automotive Innovation (the
Alliance) and the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT). The Alliance
was generally supportive of the agency’s
efforts to evaluate how Level 2 (L2)
systems that can provide longitudinal
and lateral control of the vehicle are
being used by consumers in the field
and noted the importance of research in
ensuring a data-driven approach to
policy. They recommended some
changes in project design to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected. TxDOT also
expressed support for the project and
noted that the findings will help State
departments of transportation to
communicate and educate the public on
how to safely use L2 systems. They also
asked some questions about the study
design. We appreciate the comments
from Alliance and TxDOT and thank
them for thoughtfully considering the
proposed collection.
The Alliance provided comments
about several aspects of the study
design. The first topic involved how the
study familiarizes participants with the
L2 systems. We agree that is important
to ensure that participants understand
the L2 systems and that the
familiarization should include
information from the manufacturer.
However, the Alliance indicated that the
amount of time planned for
familiarizing participants with the study
vehicles and the two technologies is far
more than is provided to car buyers
under real world conditions. While we
recognize that this protocol provides
substantially more information and
training than people typically receive or
seek when buying a new vehicle, the
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study does not aim to replicate the level
of familiarization car buyers receive
from a dealership. The amount of time
in this study is intended to familiarize
participants with the L2 systems to
minimize drivers’ errors due to
misunderstanding of the systems’
capabilities and limitations that could
arise if they use the systems without
understanding and operating them
appropriately. While the data collection
plan (and the burden calculation)
includes up to 120 minutes to provide
adequate time to familiarize each
participant with the vehicle, including
the L2 systems, we expect the average
time will be closer to 90 minutes.
During this time participants will watch
a video about the L2 systems, and a
researcher will go over all the L2-related
materials in the owner’s manual,
including warnings, and explain when
the system will not work. A researcher
will then sit in the vehicle with the
participant and review the systems
including the location of buttons and
warnings. A researcher will then
demonstrate the systems on the roadway
including examples and discussions of
situations when the systems may not
work, and finally the participant will
practice with the systems on roadways
until the participant and the researcher
are confident about basic system
operation. The researchers are not
training participants to any performance
or proficiency level beyond basic
understanding and operation to
minimize potential errors in data
collection. The Alliance also noted the
importance of correctly classifying risky
behaviors. The protocol described above
helps minimize misclassification of
driver actions that stem from
misunderstanding of system capabilities
as opposed to intentional risky
behavior. The Alliance also
recommended that NHTSA consider
examining various levels of training,
which would likely involve varying the
length of the familiarization and the
burden per participant. We agree that a
study of the effects of various levels of
training would be useful in developing
educational materials for drivers.
However, we also believe such a design
would require a much larger study with
significantly more participants than this
proposed study and should build upon
this proposed collection. NHTSA will
make decisions about future research
based on the findings of this study and
other ongoing research.
The second topic focused on the
choice of technologies. The Alliance
noted that some L2 systems are limited
to adaptive cruise control and lane
keeping assist while others monitor
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driver state and support hands-free
driving. They recommended that
NHTSA include a variety of makes and
models in the study to create more
variation in the types of technologies.
Since the behavioral safety research
questions in this proposed study do not
involve system comparisons or aim to
examine system design, NHTSA plans
to retain the design decision to use one
vehicle to control for differences in
technologies. This study design
intentionally recruits participants who
vary in age and sex while it aims to
control for the type of system, and it is
different from a design where one
would include various makes and
models with different designs and try to
control for differences among
participants. Varying both participant
groups and systems would require a
much larger study to have sufficient
statistical power. This project’s focus is
drivers’ behaviors while using the
system. While we acknowledge the
growing variety of L2 systems, we
selected adaptive cruise control and
lane centering for this study because
they are widely available to consumers
and are designed to provide similar
types of driver support. We
acknowledge, however, that restricting
the study to a particular model requires
careful selection. The goal is to select a
‘‘typical’’ or ‘‘common’’ vehicle and
system and to avoid highly unusual or
novel interfaces. With this goal in mind,
we will select a study vehicle that
provides adaptive cruise control and
lane centering and is moderately priced.
As such, we believe that the basic
principles underlying these two systems
are sufficiently similar across platforms
that lessons learned about behaviors
under one would generalize to others.
Another topic involved how the study
classifies behaviors as ‘‘safety related’’
in the context of systems that allow
hands-free operation under some
conditions as well as strategies for reengaging the driver. The L2 system for
this study will not support hands-free
driving, and participants will be advised
to keep their hands on the wheel and to
continually monitor traffic. Instances of
a participant’s eyes off road longer than
2 seconds or hands off the wheel will be
coded as safety related (risky)
behaviors.1 The Alliance further
suggested that the study should evaluate
differences in strategies for re-engaging
drivers based on the number of
warnings and warning types as well as
1 See ‘‘Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver Distraction
Guidelines for Portable and Aftermarket Devices,’’
81 FR 87656 (December 5, 2016). https://
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 211 / Wednesday, November 2, 2022 / Notices
other factors that may impact drivers’
responses to warnings or potential
misuses. Addressing these research
questions would require variation in
system design and inclusion of vehicles
that support some hands-free operation.
As discussed above, these questions are
beyond the scope of the project and
would require a much larger study.
Another topic raised by the Alliance
expressed concern about varying levels
of driving experience, especially among
the youngest age group, and suggested
that we gather information on prior
driving histories and experiences with
systems in their personal vehicles. We
agree that participants with varying
levels of driving experience and
experience with L2 systems could
complicate the study and analysis. The
proposed study design addresses this
issue through the questions in the
Screening Questionnaire (Form 1627).
To qualify for the study, a person must
have a valid driver’s license and have
been fully licensed for at least two
years. The focus of this study is on
drivers with little or no experience with
L2 systems, so the Screening
Questionnaire helps remove
participants with experience driving a
vehicle that comes with an L2 system.
Further, participants cannot have used
any adaptive cruise control, lane
keeping assist, or lane centering systems
five or more times. These screening
requirements should ensure that
participants have adequate driving
experience and similar levels of L2
The Alliance’s final topic involved
the knowledge and opinion
questionnaire (Form 1629). The Alliance
recommended increasing the burden by
administering the questionnaire to all
participants before and after exposure to
provide insights to inform
communications with the public. We
believe administering the questionnaire
before and after L2 exposure to all
participants risks carryover effects as
completing the pre-exposure
questionnaire would make it more likely
for participants to note and remember
the ‘‘right’’ responses during
familiarization. This effect could
undermine the validity of the post-
exposure responses as a measure of
what drivers learned through the course
of the study.
TxDOT offered two comments
regarding the design of the proposed
study. The first comment noted that the
proposed study involves three age
groups (18 to 25, 35 to 55, and 70 and
older), and they asked why it excluded
drivers between the ages of 26 and 34
and 56 to 69. Recruiting in specific age
groups and excluding others is a
common method for comparing the
effects of age because it allows
substantive comparisons across age
groups without potentially comparing
participants whose age is only different
by one year. Further, given that age is
an important explanatory variable in
this study, these age groups provide
substantive differences across groups
and could add to the statistical power to
find an effect of age. Finally, TxDOT
noted that the proposed study design of
four weeks of observation may be too
little time to measure changes in driving
patterns as well as safety-related
behaviors and that we should consider
increasing the burden to collect more
valid data over a longer period. While
we agree that this proposed study is a
relatively limited amount of time to
collect observation data, this project
focuses on drivers’ behaviors during
their first weeks using the systems as
they become familiar with them. We
believe the proposed length of time is
sufficient given the findings from this
study will inform development of
behavioral safety countermeasures,
particularly in the areas of
communications and training, to
improve drivers’ ability to use L2
systems safely. Additionally, drivers are
most likely to seek such information
when they first begin using, or even
before using, L2 systems.
Affected Public: Study volunteers in
the Blacksburg, VA, area. The study
plans to recruit participants with little
to no experience driving a vehicle with
L2 systems. Of the 180 selected drivers,
60 will be age 70 and older, 60 will be
between the ages of 35 and 55, and 60
will be between ages 18 and 25. Equal
numbers of males and females will be
recruited within each age group.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
The study anticipates screening 1,000
potential participants to obtain 180
drivers who meet study inclusion
criteria. NHTSA expects to provide
screening questionnaires to 1,000
potential participants to determine their
eligibility for the study. Based upon
previous research experience in the
study area, an estimated 200 potential
participants (20% of those who respond
to screener questions) will be eligible
and interested. An estimated 180
participants (90% of those who receive
the consent form) are expected to
consent and enroll in the study.
Frequency: This study is a one-time
information collection, and there will be
no recurrence.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 2,305.
The annual estimated burden is 2,305
hours. This estimate includes 250 hours
for 1,000 potential participants to
complete the initial screening and 150
hours for 200 potential participants to
review and complete the consent form.
The burden estimate also includes 1,860
hours for the 180 consented and
enrolled participants to complete all
study tasks above and beyond the
driving they would normally complete
during the naturalistic driving
observation periods. The study tasks
include a 15-minute process for study
enrollment, a 1-hour vehicle
familiarization briefing, a 2-hour
training about the L2 systems, two 2hour planned drives (one at the
beginning and one at the end of the
study), five 30-minute planned drivers
(during the study), a five-minute
usability questionnaire, and a 30-minute
final debriefing. In addition, half the
participants will complete a 15-minute
questionnaire that measures knowledge
and opinions before exposure to L2
systems and the other half will complete
the questionnaire after exposure with an
estimated burden of 45 hours. The total
burden is the sum of the burden across
screening, consenting, and completing
the study for a total estimate of 2,305
hours. The details are presented in
Table 1 below.
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Screening Questionnaire .......................................................................
Informed Consent Briefing .....................................................................
Knowledge & Opinion Questionnaire ....................................................
Naturalistic Study ...................................................................................
Enrollment ..............................................................................................
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minutes per
burden hours
per form
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 211 / Wednesday, November 2, 2022 / Notices
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Total .................
burden hours
per form
Vehicle Familiarization ...........................................................................
Baseline Planned Drive .........................................................................
L2 System Familiarization .....................................................................
Five Weekly Planned Drives .................................................................
Post-Study Planned Drive .....................................................................
Usability Questionnaire ..........................................................................
Debriefing ...............................................................................................
Estimated Total Annual Burden Cost:
NHTSA estimates the only cost burdens
to respondents beyond the time spent
on data collection activities are costs
related to drives above and beyond their
normal driving required by the study,
which impose additional fuel costs.
These cost burdens are expected to be
offset by the monetary compensation
that will be provided to all research
participants. Participants will receive
$100 after completion of the first
session, $150 after completion of the
baseline naturalistic driving, and $200
upon completion of the study. This
compensation offsets both the
participants time as well as the
additional fuel costs, and the amount is
in line with past similar efforts given
the activities it requires of participants.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspects of this
information collection, including (a)
whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as
amended; 49 CFR 1.49; and DOT Order
Nanda Narayanan Srinivasan,
Associate Administrator, Research and
Program Development.
[FR Doc. 2022–23842 Filed 11–1–22; 8:45 am]
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16:38 Nov 01, 2022
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Office of Investment Security
Notice of Availability of Committee on
Foreign Investment in the United
States Enforcement and Penalty
Office of Investment Security,
Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
By this Notice, the
Department of the Treasury (Treasury
Department), announces the availability
of the Committee on Foreign Investment
in the United States (CFIUS)
Enforcement and Penalty Guidelines.
These guidelines provide the public
with a summary of CFIUS’s practice
regarding penalties and other remedies
for violations of section 721 of the
Defense Production Act of 1950 as
amended (Section 721), the regulations
promulgated thereunder, or mitigation
agreements, conditions, or orders
pursuant thereto (Violations).
ADDRESSES: The CFIUS Enforcement
and Penalty Guidelines text is available
on the CFIUS section of the Treasury
Department’s website at https://
David Shogren, Acting Director for
Monitoring and Enforcement, Office of
Investment Security; Jesse J. Sucher,
Deputy Director for Monitoring and
Enforcement, Office of Investment
Security, (202) 622–1860.
721 (codified at 50 U.S.C. 4565)
authorizes CFIUS to impose monetary
penalties and seek other remedies for
Violations. See, e.g., Section 721(h), (l).
The Treasury Department has issued
final rules implementing this authority.
E.g., 31 CFR 800.901, 800.902, 801.409,
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802.901, and 802.902. The CFIUS
Enforcement and Penalty Guidelines
provide the public with CFIUS’s
practice regarding penalties and other
remedies for Violations.
The CFIUS Enforcement and Penalty
Guidelines are not binding on CFIUS or
the public. These guidelines are not
intended to, do not, and may not be
relied upon to create any right or
benefit, substantive or procedural,
enforceable at law by any party in any
administrative, civil, or criminal matter.
They may be updated as circumstances
require. To the extent of any
inconsistency between Section 721 or
the regulations at chapter VIII of title 31
of the Code of Federal Regulations, on
the one hand, and the CFIUS
Enforcement and Penalty Guidelines, on
the other, Section 721 and the
regulations prevail.
The text of the CFIUS Enforcement
Guidelines is available in its entirety on
the CFIUS section of the Treasury
Department’s website at https://
Paul M. Rosen,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for
Investment Security.
[FR Doc. 2022–23803 Filed 11–1–22; 8:45 am]
Advisory Committee on Homeless
Veterans; Notice of Meeting
The Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) gives notice under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C., app.
2., that the virtual meeting of the
Advisory Committee on Homeless
Veterans will be held on December 13,
2022. The meeting session will begin
and end at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. eastern
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 211 (Wednesday, November 2, 2022)]
[Pages 66217-66220]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-23842]
[[Page 66217]]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
[Docket No. NHTSA-2022-0063]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the
Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Request for
Comment; Drivers' Knowledge/Correct Use of New Technology Features in
Passenger Vehicles
AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for comments on a request for approval of a
new information collection.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA),
this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR)
abstracted below will be submitted to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The ICR describes the nature of
the information collection and its expected burden. This ICR is for a
new collection of information for which NHTSA intends to seek OMB
approval for a one-time voluntary experiment on drivers' understanding
of and behaviors using vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control
and lane centering technologies. A Federal Register notice with a 60-
day comment period soliciting comments on the following information
collection was published on July 20, 2022 (86 FR 43374-76). NHTSA
received comments from two organizations, which we address below.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before December 2, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for the proposed
information collection, including suggestions for reducing burden,
should be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget at To find this particular information
collection, select ``Currently under Review--Open for Public Comment''
or use the search function.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information or access
to background documents, contact Kathy Sifrit, Ph.D., Office of
Behavioral Safety Research (NPD-320), (202) 366-9982, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, W46-472, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), a
Federal agency must receive approval from the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) before it collects certain information from the public and
a person is not required to respond to a collection of information by a
Federal agency unless the collection displays a valid OMB control
number. In compliance with these requirements, this notice announces
that the following information collection request will be submitted
Title: Drivers' Knowledge/Correct Use of New Technology Features in
Passenger Vehicles.
OMB Control Number: New.
Form Numbers: NHTSA Forms 1627, 1628, 1629, and 1630.
Type of Request: Approval of a new information collection.
Type of Review Requested: Regular.
Length of Approval Requested: Three years from date of approval.
Summary of the Collection of Information: The National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the U.S. Department of
Transportation is seeking approval for a one-time voluntary information
collection from 180 of licensed drivers of various ages for a research
study of drivers' interactions with Level 2 (L2) systems that can
provide longitudinal (adaptive cruise control) and lateral (lane
centering) control of the vehicle. NHTSA expects to provide screening
questionnaires to 1,000 potential participants to determine their
eligibility for the study. Recruiting participants for the study has an
estimated burden of 250 hours for the screening questions. An estimated
200 potential participants will be eligible and interested. This group
will receive the consent form with an estimated burden of 150 hours for
reviewing and completing the form. An estimated 180 participants are
expected to consent and enroll in the study. Participants' naturalistic
driving data will be collected using a data acquisition system (DAS)
installed in study-provided vehicles. The DAS includes video cameras
and sensors; data also will be collected from the vehicle. Naturalistic
driving data will be collected for two weeks with the L2 systems in
this study unavailable to the drivers to provide a baseline measure of
participants' driving habits, followed by four weeks driving with the
systems available to measure changes in driving patterns as well as
safety-related behaviors such as distracted driving and seat belt use.
While the naturalistic data collection does not create a burden to
participants, study tasks above and beyond the driving they would
normally complete include a 15-minute enrollment procedure, a one-hour
vehicle familiarization briefing, a two-hour training about the L2
systems, two two-hour planned drives (one at the beginning and one at
the end of the study), five 30-minute planned drives (during the
study), a five-minute usability questionnaire, and a 30-minute final
debriefing. As such, the naturalistic study has an expected burden of
1,860 hours. In addition, half the participants will complete a 15-
minute questionnaire that measures knowledge and opinions before
exposure to the L2 systems and the other half will complete after
exposure with an estimated burden of 45 hours. The total expected
burden for this collection is 2,305 hours. NHTSA will use the
information to produce a technical report containing summary statistics
and tables. No identifying information or individual responses will be
reported. The technical report will be made available to a variety of
audiences interested in improving highway safety through the agency
website and the National Transportation Library. This project involves
approval by an institutional review board, which the contractor will
obtain before contacting potential participants. This collection will
inform the development of behavioral safety countermeasures,
particularly in the areas of communications and training, intended to
improve drivers' ability to use L2 systems safely.
Description of the Need for the Information and Proposed Use of the
Information: NHTSA's mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and
reduce traffic-related health care and other economic costs. To further
this mission, NHTSA conducts research as a foundation for the
development of motor vehicle standards and traffic safety programs.
Older adults comprise an increasing proportion of the driving
population. Driving supports older adults' access to the goods and
services they need and enhances their ability to take part in community
and family activities that support quality of life. Vehicles equipped
with L2 systems can reduce the cognitive load imposed by driving, which
may make them appealing to older drivers who may find driving
cognitively taxing, and to younger adults who may find the systems
useful when navigating through heavy traffic or during long trips.
However, drivers must understand what they can and cannot expect from
L2 systems to use them safely and effectively. An increasing proportion
[[Page 66218]]
passenger vehicles are equipped with L2 systems which, under
appropriate conditions, keep the vehicle centered in the lane and
manage the vehicle's acceleration/braking to stay an appropriate
distance from the vehicle ahead while maintaining driving speed.
Research regarding driver understanding of L2 systems has been mixed.
NHTSA is concerned that drivers may over-rely on L2 systems, and engage
risky behaviors such as driving while distracted, drowsy, or under the
influence of alcohol or drugs. NHTSA desires to learn more about how
older and young adult drivers use these systems to better target
behavioral countermeasures such as communications and training to
ensure that drivers use the systems safely.
60-Day Notice: A Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment
period soliciting public comments on the following information
collection was published on July 20, 2022. Two organizations submitted
comments: The Alliance for Automotive Innovation (the Alliance) and the
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The Alliance was generally
supportive of the agency's efforts to evaluate how Level 2 (L2) systems
that can provide longitudinal and lateral control of the vehicle are
being used by consumers in the field and noted the importance of
research in ensuring a data-driven approach to policy. They recommended
some changes in project design to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be collected. TxDOT also expressed
support for the project and noted that the findings will help State
departments of transportation to communicate and educate the public on
how to safely use L2 systems. They also asked some questions about the
study design. We appreciate the comments from Alliance and TxDOT and
thank them for thoughtfully considering the proposed collection.
The Alliance provided comments about several aspects of the study
design. The first topic involved how the study familiarizes
participants with the L2 systems. We agree that is important to ensure
that participants understand the L2 systems and that the
familiarization should include information from the manufacturer.
However, the Alliance indicated that the amount of time planned for
familiarizing participants with the study vehicles and the two
technologies is far more than is provided to car buyers under real
world conditions. While we recognize that this protocol provides
substantially more information and training than people typically
receive or seek when buying a new vehicle, the study does not aim to
replicate the level of familiarization car buyers receive from a
dealership. The amount of time in this study is intended to familiarize
participants with the L2 systems to minimize drivers' errors due to
misunderstanding of the systems' capabilities and limitations that
could arise if they use the systems without understanding and operating
them appropriately. While the data collection plan (and the burden
calculation) includes up to 120 minutes to provide adequate time to
familiarize each participant with the vehicle, including the L2
systems, we expect the average time will be closer to 90 minutes.
During this time participants will watch a video about the L2 systems,
and a researcher will go over all the L2-related materials in the
owner's manual, including warnings, and explain when the system will
not work. A researcher will then sit in the vehicle with the
participant and review the systems including the location of buttons
and warnings. A researcher will then demonstrate the systems on the
roadway including examples and discussions of situations when the
systems may not work, and finally the participant will practice with
the systems on roadways until the participant and the researcher are
confident about basic system operation. The researchers are not
training participants to any performance or proficiency level beyond
basic understanding and operation to minimize potential errors in data
collection. The Alliance also noted the importance of correctly
classifying risky behaviors. The protocol described above helps
minimize misclassification of driver actions that stem from
misunderstanding of system capabilities as opposed to intentional risky
behavior. The Alliance also recommended that NHTSA consider examining
various levels of training, which would likely involve varying the
length of the familiarization and the burden per participant. We agree
that a study of the effects of various levels of training would be
useful in developing educational materials for drivers. However, we
also believe such a design would require a much larger study with
significantly more participants than this proposed study and should
build upon this proposed collection. NHTSA will make decisions about
future research based on the findings of this study and other ongoing
The second topic focused on the choice of technologies. The
Alliance noted that some L2 systems are limited to adaptive cruise
control and lane keeping assist while others monitor driver state and
support hands-free driving. They recommended that NHTSA include a
variety of makes and models in the study to create more variation in
the types of technologies. Since the behavioral safety research
questions in this proposed study do not involve system comparisons or
aim to examine system design, NHTSA plans to retain the design decision
to use one vehicle to control for differences in technologies. This
study design intentionally recruits participants who vary in age and
sex while it aims to control for the type of system, and it is
different from a design where one would include various makes and
models with different designs and try to control for differences among
participants. Varying both participant groups and systems would require
a much larger study to have sufficient statistical power. This
project's focus is drivers' behaviors while using the system. While we
acknowledge the growing variety of L2 systems, we selected adaptive
cruise control and lane centering for this study because they are
widely available to consumers and are designed to provide similar types
of driver support. We acknowledge, however, that restricting the study
to a particular model requires careful selection. The goal is to select
a ``typical'' or ``common'' vehicle and system and to avoid highly
unusual or novel interfaces. With this goal in mind, we will select a
study vehicle that provides adaptive cruise control and lane centering
and is moderately priced. As such, we believe that the basic principles
underlying these two systems are sufficiently similar across platforms
that lessons learned about behaviors under one would generalize to
Another topic involved how the study classifies behaviors as
``safety related'' in the context of systems that allow hands-free
operation under some conditions as well as strategies for re-engaging
the driver. The L2 system for this study will not support hands-free
driving, and participants will be advised to keep their hands on the
wheel and to continually monitor traffic. Instances of a participant's
eyes off road longer than 2 seconds or hands off the wheel will be
coded as safety related (risky) behaviors.\1\ The Alliance further
suggested that the study should evaluate differences in strategies for
re-engaging drivers based on the number of warnings and warning types
as well as
[[Page 66219]]
other factors that may impact drivers' responses to warnings or
potential misuses. Addressing these research questions would require
variation in system design and inclusion of vehicles that support some
hands-free operation. As discussed above, these questions are beyond
the scope of the project and would require a much larger study.
\1\ See ``Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver Distraction Guidelines for
Portable and Aftermarket Devices,'' 81 FR 87656 (December 5, 2016).
Another topic raised by the Alliance expressed concern about
varying levels of driving experience, especially among the youngest age
group, and suggested that we gather information on prior driving
histories and experiences with systems in their personal vehicles. We
agree that participants with varying levels of driving experience and
experience with L2 systems could complicate the study and analysis. The
proposed study design addresses this issue through the questions in the
Screening Questionnaire (Form 1627). To qualify for the study, a person
must have a valid driver's license and have been fully licensed for at
least two years. The focus of this study is on drivers with little or
no experience with L2 systems, so the Screening Questionnaire helps
remove participants with experience driving a vehicle that comes with
an L2 system. Further, participants cannot have used any adaptive
cruise control, lane keeping assist, or lane centering systems five or
more times. These screening requirements should ensure that
participants have adequate driving experience and similar levels of L2
The Alliance's final topic involved the knowledge and opinion
questionnaire (Form 1629). The Alliance recommended increasing the
burden by administering the questionnaire to all participants before
and after exposure to provide insights to inform communications with
the public. We believe administering the questionnaire before and after
L2 exposure to all participants risks carryover effects as completing
the pre-exposure questionnaire would make it more likely for
participants to note and remember the ``right'' responses during
familiarization. This effect could undermine the validity of the post-
exposure responses as a measure of what drivers learned through the
course of the study.
TxDOT offered two comments regarding the design of the proposed
study. The first comment noted that the proposed study involves three
age groups (18 to 25, 35 to 55, and 70 and older), and they asked why
it excluded drivers between the ages of 26 and 34 and 56 to 69.
Recruiting in specific age groups and excluding others is a common
method for comparing the effects of age because it allows substantive
comparisons across age groups without potentially comparing
participants whose age is only different by one year. Further, given
that age is an important explanatory variable in this study, these age
groups provide substantive differences across groups and could add to
the statistical power to find an effect of age. Finally, TxDOT noted
that the proposed study design of four weeks of observation may be too
little time to measure changes in driving patterns as well as safety-
related behaviors and that we should consider increasing the burden to
collect more valid data over a longer period. While we agree that this
proposed study is a relatively limited amount of time to collect
observation data, this project focuses on drivers' behaviors during
their first weeks using the systems as they become familiar with them.
We believe the proposed length of time is sufficient given the findings
from this study will inform development of behavioral safety
countermeasures, particularly in the areas of communications and
training, to improve drivers' ability to use L2 systems safely.
Additionally, drivers are most likely to seek such information when
they first begin using, or even before using, L2 systems.
Affected Public: Study volunteers in the Blacksburg, VA, area. The
study plans to recruit participants with little to no experience
driving a vehicle with L2 systems. Of the 180 selected drivers, 60 will
be age 70 and older, 60 will be between the ages of 35 and 55, and 60
will be between ages 18 and 25. Equal numbers of males and females will
be recruited within each age group.
Estimated Number of Respondents: The study anticipates screening
1,000 potential participants to obtain 180 drivers who meet study
inclusion criteria. NHTSA expects to provide screening questionnaires
to 1,000 potential participants to determine their eligibility for the
study. Based upon previous research experience in the study area, an
estimated 200 potential participants (20% of those who respond to
screener questions) will be eligible and interested. An estimated 180
participants (90% of those who receive the consent form) are expected
to consent and enroll in the study.
Frequency: This study is a one-time information collection, and
there will be no recurrence.
Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 2,305.
The annual estimated burden is 2,305 hours. This estimate includes
250 hours for 1,000 potential participants to complete the initial
screening and 150 hours for 200 potential participants to review and
complete the consent form. The burden estimate also includes 1,860
hours for the 180 consented and enrolled participants to complete all
study tasks above and beyond the driving they would normally complete
during the naturalistic driving observation periods. The study tasks
include a 15-minute process for study enrollment, a 1-hour vehicle
familiarization briefing, a 2-hour training about the L2 systems, two
2-hour planned drives (one at the beginning and one at the end of the
study), five 30-minute planned drivers (during the study), a five-
minute usability questionnaire, and a 30-minute final debriefing. In
addition, half the participants will complete a 15-minute questionnaire
that measures knowledge and opinions before exposure to L2 systems and
the other half will complete the questionnaire after exposure with an
estimated burden of 45 hours. The total burden is the sum of the burden
across screening, consenting, and completing the study for a total
estimate of 2,305 hours. The details are presented in Table 1 below.
Table 1--Estimated Burden Hours by Form
Estimated estimated
Form Description Participants minutes per burden hours
participant per form
Form 1627.......................... Screening Questionnaire.... 1,000 15 250
Form 1628.......................... Informed Consent Briefing.. 200 45 150
Form 1629.......................... Knowledge & Opinion 180 15 45
Form 1630.......................... Naturalistic Study......... 180 620 1,860
Enrollment................. .............. 15 ..............
[[Page 66220]]
Vehicle Familiarization.... .............. 60 ..............
Baseline Planned Drive..... .............. 120 ..............
L2 System Familiarization.. .............. 120 ..............
Five Weekly Planned Drives. .............. 150 ..............
Post-Study Planned Drive... .............. 120 ..............
Usability Questionnaire.... .............. 5 ..............
Debriefing................. .............. 30 ..............
Total.......................... ........................... .............. .............. 2,305
Estimated Total Annual Burden Cost: NHTSA estimates the only cost
burdens to respondents beyond the time spent on data collection
activities are costs related to drives above and beyond their normal
driving required by the study, which impose additional fuel costs.
These cost burdens are expected to be offset by the monetary
compensation that will be provided to all research participants.
Participants will receive $100 after completion of the first session,
$150 after completion of the baseline naturalistic driving, and $200
upon completion of the study. This compensation offsets both the
participants time as well as the additional fuel costs, and the amount
is in line with past similar efforts given the activities it requires
of participants.
Public Comments Invited: You are asked to comment on any aspects of
this information collection, including (a) whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of
the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected;
and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on
respondents, including the use of appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms
of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. Chapter
35, as amended; 49 CFR 1.49; and DOT Order 1351.29.
Nanda Narayanan Srinivasan,
Associate Administrator, Research and Program Development.
[FR Doc. 2022-23842 Filed 11-1-22; 8:45 am]