Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final Determination of No Shipments; 2019-2020, 15912-15915 [2022-05859]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 54 / Monday, March 21, 2022 / Notices
may submit written statements at any
time before or after the meeting.
However, to facilitate distribution of
public presentation materials to
Committee members, the Committee
suggests that presenters forward the
public presentation materials prior to
the meeting to Ms. Springer via email.
The Assistant Secretary for
Administration, with the concurrence of
the delegate of the General Counsel,
formally determined on February 1,
2022, pursuant to Section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App. 10(d)), that the
portion of the meeting dealing with predecisional changes to the Commerce
Control List and the U.S. export control
policies shall be exempt from the
provisions relating to public meetings
found in 5 U.S.C. App. 10(a)(1) and
10(a)(3). The remaining portions of the
meeting will be open to the public.
For more information, please contact
Yvette Springer via email.
Yvette Springer,
Committee Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2022–05856 Filed 3–18–22; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Final
Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review and Final
Determination of No Shipments; 2019–
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Commerce) determines that NTSF
Seafoods Joint Stock Company (NTSF),
an exporter of certain frozen fish fillets
(fish fillets) from the Socialist Republic
of Vietnam (Vietnam), did not sell
subject merchandise in the United
States at prices below normal value
during the period of review (POR)
August 1, 2019, through July 31, 2020.
Commerce also determines that it is
appropriate to apply facts available,
with adverse inferences (AFA), to East
Sea Seafoods Joint Stock Company
(ESS), an exporter of fish fillets from
Vietnam. Further, Commerce
determines that one additional
company, Green Farms Seafood Joint
Stock Company (Green Farms), is
eligible for separate rate status, 32
companies did not establish eligibility
for a separate rate and are part of the
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Vietnam-wide entity, and 15 companies
had no shipments during the POR.
DATES: Applicable March 21, 2022.
Javier Barrientos or Christopher
Maciuba, AD/CVD Operations, Office V,
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–2243
and (202) 482–0413, respectively.
On September 10, 2021, Commerce
published the preliminary results of this
administrative review and invited
interested parties to comment.1 On
November 16, 2021, Green Farms, the
petitioners,2 and Colorado Boxed Beef
Company (CBBC) 3 submitted case
briefs.4 On November 29, 2021, the
petitioners, CBBC, Nam Viet
Corporation (NAVICO) 5 and NTSF
submitted rebuttal briefs.6
On December 22, 2021, we extended
the deadline for issuance of these final
results to March 9, 2022.7 In February
2022, we requested that the petitioners
refile a submission made prior to the
Preliminary Results after revising their
bracketing of certain information
designated as business proprietary
information, and we permitted
1 See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam: Preliminary Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review,
Preliminary Determination of No Shipments, and
Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review; 2019–2020, 86 FR 50698
(September 10, 2021) (Preliminary Results), and
accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum.
2 The petitioners are the Catfish Farmers of
America and individual U.S. catfish processors:
America’s Catch, Inc., Alabama Catfish, LLC d/b/a
Harvest Select Catfish, Inc.; Consolidated Catfish
Companies, LLC d/b/a Country Select Catfish; Delta
Pride Catfish, Inc.; Guidry’s Catfish, Inc.; Heartland
Catfish Company, Magnolia Processing, Inc. d/b/a
Pride of the Pond; and Simmons Farm Raised
Catfish, Inc. (collectively, the petitioners).
3 CBBC is a domestic wholesaler of fish fillets.
4 See Green Farm’s Letter, ‘‘AR17 Case Brief on
Behalf of Green Farms Seafood Joint Stock
Company,’’ dated November 16, 2021; Petitioners’
Letter, ‘‘Case Brief of the Catfish Farmers of
America, et al.,’’ dated November 16, 2021; and
CBBC’s Letter, ‘‘AR17 Case Brief on behalf of
Colorado Boxed Beef Company,’’ dated November
16, 2021.
5 NAVICO is an exporter of fish fillets from
6 See NAVICO’s Letter, ‘‘Rebuttal Brief of Nam
Viet Corporation,’’ dated November 29, 2021; see
also CBBC’s Letter, ‘‘Colorado Boxed Beef Company
Rebuttal to CFA’s Case Brief,’’ dated November 29,
2021; NTSF’s Letter, ‘‘Rebuttal Brief,’’ dated
November 29, 2021; and Petitioners’ Letter,
‘‘Rebuttal Brief of the Catfish Farmers of America,
et al.,’’ dated November 29, 2021.
7 See Memorandum, ‘‘Extension of Deadline for
Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review,’’ dated December 22, 2021.
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interested parties to comment on the
newly public information.8 On February
15, 2022, we held a public hearing.9
Scope of the Order 10
The products covered by the Order
are frozen fish fillets, including regular,
shank, and strip fillets and portions
thereof, whether or not breaded or
marinated, of the species Pangasius
Bocourti, Pangasius Hypophthalmus
(also known as Pangasius Pangasius)
and Pangasius Micronemus. For a
complete description of the scope of this
order, see the Issues and Decision
Analysis of Comments Received
We addressed all issues raised in the
case and rebuttal briefs filed by
interested parties in the Issues and
Decision Memorandum. Attached to this
notice, in Appendix I, is a list of the
issues which parties raised. The Issues
and Decision Memorandum is a public
document and is on file electronically
via Enforcement and Compliance’s
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Centralized Electronic Service System
(ACCESS). ACCESS is available to
registered users at https://
access.trade.gov. In addition, a complete
version of the Issues and Decision
Memorandum can be accessed directly
at https://access.trade.gov/public/
Final Determination of No Shipments
In the Preliminary Results, Commerce
preliminarily determined that 15
companies had no shipments of subject
merchandise during the POR.12
Following the publication of the
Preliminary Results, we received no
comments from interested parties
regarding 14 of these companies, nor
8 See Memorandum, ‘‘Refiled Submission—
Rebuttal Factual Information,’’ dated February 2,
2022; see also CBBC’s Letter, ‘‘Colorado Boxed Beef
Company Response to Petitioners’ Revised Double
Bracket Submission,’’ dated February 7, 2022;
NAVICO’s Letter, ‘‘Rebuttal Comments on
Previously Double Bracketed Submission,’’ dated
February 7, 2022; Petitioners’ Letter, ‘‘Reply to
Navico’s and CBBC’s February 7, 2022, Rebuttal
Comments,’’ dated February 10, 2022; and CBBC’s
Letter, ‘‘CBBC Comments on Navico’s Double
Bracket Comments,’’ dated February 10, 2022.
9 See Transcript, ‘‘United States of America,
Department of Commerce, Enforcement and
Compliance: Public Hearing in the Matter of: the
Administrative Review of the Antidumping Order
on Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam,’’ dated February 15, 2022.
10 See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain
Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam, 68 FR 47909 (August 12, 2003) (Order).
11 See Memorandum, ‘‘Issues and Decision
Memorandum for the Final Results of Antidumping
Duty Administrative Review; 2019–2020,’’ dated
concurrently with, and hereby adopted by, this
notice (Issues and Decision Memorandum), at 3.
12 See Preliminary Results, 86 FR at 50699.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 54 / Monday, March 21, 2022 / Notices
has any party submitted record evidence
which would call our preliminary no
shipment determination into question
for these companies. Therefore, for these
final results, we find that these 14
companies had no shipments during the
POR. For a list of the companies for
which we made a no-shipment
determination in these final results, see
Appendix II.
With respect to the remaining
company, NAVICO, we received
comments from interested parties
requesting that Commerce reevaluate
our no-shipment determination.
However, for the reasons explained in
the Issues and Decision Memorandum,
Commerce also continues to find that
NAVICO had no shipments during the
Consistent with our practice, we will
issue appropriate instructions to
Customs and Border Protection (CBP).14
Separate Rates
We continue to find that the nonindividually-examined exporter Green
Farms and individually-examined
respondents ESS and NTSF have
demonstrated eligibility for separate
rates.15 As noted below, we have
assigned Green Farms the average of the
rates established for ESS and NTSF,
consistent with our practice in
administrative reviews and section
735(c)(5)(B) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (the Act).16
Vietnam-Wide Entity
In the Preliminary Results, Commerce
found that certain additional companies
for which a review was requested did
not establish eligibility for a separate
rate.17 We have received no information
since the issuance of the Preliminary
Results that provides a basis for
reconsidering this preliminary finding.
Therefore, Commerce continues to find
that these companies are part of the
Vietnam-wide entity.18
Use of Adverse Facts Available
Pursuant to sections 776(a) and (b) of
the Act, Commerce has assigned ESS a
dumping margin of $3.87 per kilogram
based on AFA. ESS ceased participating
in this review and did not provide
information requested by Commerce;
accordingly, we find that necessary
information is not available on the
record, ESS failed to provide the
requested information in the form and
manner requested and significantly
impeded the proceeding, pursuant to
section 776(a) of the Act. Additionally,
we find that ESS had necessary
information in its possession and
elected not to submit the information
and, thus, ESS did not act to the best of
its ability in responding to Commerce’s
information request by the applicable
deadline, pursuant to section 776(b) of
the Act. For further information, see
Comment 6 in the Issues and Decision
Changes Since the Preliminary Results
We made no changes from the
Preliminary Results.
Final Results of Administrative Review
The weighted-average dumping
margins for the final results of this
administrative review are as follows:
Weighted- average
dumping margin
(dollars per kilogram)
NTSF Seafoods Joint Stock Company ................................................................................................................................
East Sea Seafoods Joint Stock Company ..........................................................................................................................
Review-Specific Rate Applicable to the Following Company: 19
Green Farms Seafood Joint Stock Company ..............................................................................................................
* 3.87
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* This rate was determined wholly under section 776 of the Act.
Assessment Rates
Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(C) of the
Act, and 19 CFR 351.212(b), Commerce
has determined, and CBP shall assess,
antidumping duties on all appropriate
entries of subject merchandise in
accordance with the final results of this
review. Commerce intends to issue
appropriate assessment instructions to
CBP no earlier than 35 days after the
date of publication of the final results of
this review in the Federal Register. If a
timely summons is filed at the U.S.
Court of International Trade, the
assessment instructions will direct CBP
not to liquidate relevant entries until the
time for parties to file a request for a
statutory injunction has expired (i.e.,
within 90 days of publication).
For NTSF, we will instruct CBP to
liquidate the appropriate entries
without regard to antidumping duties.
Pursuant to Commerce’s assessment
practice, for entries of NTSF’s
merchandise that were not reported in
the U.S. sales data submitted by NTSF
during this review, Commerce will
instruct CBP to liquidate such entries at
the Vietnam-wide entity rate.
Because Commerce determined ESS’s
margin on the basis of AFA in the final
results of this review, Commerce will
instruct, and CBP shall assess,
antidumping duties on all appropriate
entries of subject merchandise at the
rate of $3.87 per kilogram. Because we
assigned a rate of $1.94 per kilogram to
Green Farms in the final results of this
review, we will instruct, and CBP shall
assess, antidumping duties on all
appropriate entries of subject
merchandise at the rate of $1.94 per
Where we determined that an
exporter under review had no
shipments of the subject merchandise to
the United States during the POR, any
suspended entries that entered during
the POR under that exporter’s CBP case
number will be liquidated at a rate of
$2.39 per kilogram, the rate for the
Vietnam-wide entity, consistent with
Commerce’s assessment practice.20
Likewise, for companies that were
found to be ineligible for a separate rate,
we will instruct CBP to liquidate entries
of subject merchandise exported by
such companies at a rate of $2.39 per
kilogram, the rate for the Vietnam-wide
13 See Issues and Decision Memorandum at
Comment 9.
14 See Non-Market Economy Antidumping
Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76
FR 65694 (October 24, 2011).
15 See Issues and Decision Memorandum at
Comments 6 and 7.
16 Id. at Comment 8.
17 See Preliminary Results, 86 FR at 50699.
18 See Appendix III.
19 This rate is based on an average of the rates
assigned to ESS and NTSF, pursuant to section
735(c)(5)(B) of the Act.
20 See Non-Market Economy Antidumping
Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76
FR 65694 (October 24, 2011).
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Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit
requirements will be effective upon
publication of the final results of this
administrative review for all shipments
of subject merchandise entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for
consumption on or after the publication
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 54 / Monday, March 21, 2022 / Notices
date, as provided for by section
751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For the
companies listed above, the cash
deposit rate will be equal to the
dumping margin established in the final
results of this review (except, if the rate
is zero or de minimis, then the cash
deposit rate will be zero); (2) for
previously examined Vietnamese and
non-Vietnamese exporters not listed
above that maintain separate rates based
on a prior completed segment of this
proceeding, the cash deposit rate will
continue to be the existing exporterspecific cash deposit rate; (3) for all
Vietnamese exporters of subject
merchandise that have not been found
to be entitled to a separate rate, the cash
deposit rate will be that for the Vietnamwide entity (i.e., $2.39 per kilogram);
and (4) for all non-Vietnamese exporters
of subject merchandise which have not
received their own rate, the cash deposit
rate will be the rate applicable to the
Vietnamese exporter that supplied that
non-Vietnamese exporter. These deposit
requirements, when imposed, shall
remain in effect until further notice.
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a final
reminder to importers of their
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)
to file a certificate regarding the
reimbursement of antidumping duties
prior to liquidation of the relevant
entries during this POR. Failure to
comply with this requirement could
result in Commerce’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of doubled antidumping duties.
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Administrative Protective Order
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the return or
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which
continues to govern business
proprietary information in this segment
of the proceeding. Timely written
notification of the return or destruction
of APO materials, or conversion to
judicial protective order, is hereby
requested. Failure to comply with the
regulations and terms of an APO is a
violation which is subject to sanction.
Notification to Interested Parties
We are issuing and publishing these
final results of administrative review in
accordance with sections 751(a)(l) and
777(i) of the Act.
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Dated: March 9, 2022.
Lisa W. Wang,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Appendix I
List of Topics Discussed in the Issues and
Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order
IV. Separate Rates
V. Discussion of the Issues
Comment 1: Colorado Boxed Beef
Company (CBBC)’s Standing to Request
a Review
Comment 2: Whether to Calculate a Margin
for NTSF Seafoods Joint Stock Company
Comment 3: Unit for NTSF’s Reported
Fingerling Consumption
Comment 4: Whether to Grant NTSF’s
Dead Fish and Fish Fat By-Product
Comment 5: Whether to Rely on NTSF’s
Reported Water Allocation Methodology
Comment 6: Whether to Apply Adverse
Facts Available (AFA) to East Sea
Seafoods (ESS)
Comment 7: Separate-Rate Status for Green
Farms Seafood (Green Farms)
Comment 8: Selection of a Separate Rate
Comment 9: Nam Viet Corporation
(NAVICO) and Its Affiliation with
Company X
Comment 10: Selection of Surrogate
VI. Recommendation
Appendix II
Companies With No Shipments During the
1. Ben Tre Forestry and Aquaproduct ImportExport Joint Stock Company (aka
Faquimex, or Ben Tre)
2. C.P. Vietnam Corporation
3. Cafatex Corporation (aka Cafatex)
4. Cantho Import-Export Seafood Joint Stock
Company (aka CASEAMEX, Cantho
Import Export Seafood Joint Stock
Company, Cantho Import-Export Joint
Stock Company, Can Tho Import Export
Seafood Joint Stock Company, Can Tho
Import-Export Seafood Joint Stock
Company, or Can Tho Import-Export
Joint Stock Company)
5. Colorado Boxed Beef Company (aka CBBC)
6. Dai Thanh Seafoods Company Limited
7. The Great Fish Company LLC
8. Hai Huong Seafood Joint Stock Company
(aka HHFish, HH Fish, or Hai Huong
9. Hung Vuong Group 21
10. Nam Viet Corporation (aka NAVICO)
21 Hung Vuong Group is a single entity comprised
of the following individual companies: (1) An Giang
Fisheries Import and Export Joint Stock Company;
(2) Asia Pangasius Company Limited; (3) Hung
Vuong Ben Tre Seafood Processing Company
Limited; (4) Europe Joint Stock Company; (5) Hung
Vuong-Sa Dec Co., Ltd.; (6) Hung Vuong-Vinh Long
Co. Ltd.; (7) Hung Vuong Corporation; and (8) Hung
Vuong Mascato Company Limited.
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11. PREFCO Distribution LLC
12. QMC Foods, Inc.
13. Riptide Foods
14. QVD Food Company Ltd. (aka QVD, QVD
Food Co., Ltd., or QVD Aquaculture) 22
15. Vinh Quang Fisheries Corporation (aka
Vinh Quang, Vinh Quang Fisheries
Corp., Vinh Quang Fisheries Joint Stock
Company, or Vinh Quang Fisheries Co.,
Appendix III
Vietnam-Wide Entity
1. Anchor Seafood Corp.
2. An Phat Import-Export Seafood Co., Ltd.
(aka An Phat Seafood Co. Ltd. or An Phat
Seafood Co., Ltd.)
3. Anvifish Joint Stock Company (aka
Anvifish, Anvifish JSC, or Anvifish Co.,
4. Basa Joint Stock Company (aka BASACO)
5. Binh Dinh Import Export Company (aka
Binh Dinh)
6. Cadovimex II Seafood Import-Export and
Processing Joint Stock Company (aka
Cadovimex II)
7. Can Tho Animal Fishery Products
Processing Export Enterprise
8. Cuu Long Fish Import-Export Corporation
(aka CL Panga Fish)
9. Cuu Long Fish Joint Stock Company (aka
CL-Fish, CL-FISH CORP, or Cuu Long
Fish Joint Stock Company)
10. GF Seafood Corp.
11. Go Dang An Hiep One Member Limited
12. Go Dang Ben Tre One Member Limited
Liability Company
13. Hoa Phat Seafood Import-Export and
Processing J.S.C. (aka HOPAFISH, Hoa
Phat Seafood Import-Export and
Processing Joint Stock Company, Hoa
Phat Seafood Import-Export and
Processing JSC)
14. Hoang Long Seafood Processing Company
Limited (aka HLS)
15. Indian Ocean One Member Company
Limited (aka Indian Ocean Co., Ltd.)
16. Lian Heng Investment Co., Ltd. (aka Lian
Heng or Lian Heng Investment)
17. Lian Heng Trading Co., Ltd. (aka Lian
Heng or Lian Heng Trading)
18. Nam Phuong Seafood Co., Ltd. (aka Nam
Phuong, or NAFISHCO)
19. New Food Import, Inc.
20. NTACO Corporation (aka NTACO)
21. Seafood Joint Stock Company No. 4 (aka
22. Seafood Joint Stock Company No. 4
Branch Dongtam Fisheries Processing
Company (aka DOTASEAFOODCO or
Seafood Joint Stock Company No. 4—
Branch Dong Tam Fisheries Processing
23. Southern Fishery Industries Company,
Ltd. (aka South Vina)
24. Thanh Hung Co., Ltd. (aka Thanh Hung
Frozen Seafood Processing Import Export
Co., Ltd.)
25. Thien Ma Seafood Co., Ltd (aka
26. Thuan An Production Trading and
22 QVD is a single entity that also includes QVD
Dong Thap Food Co., Ltd. and Thuan Hung Co.,
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 54 / Monday, March 21, 2022 / Notices
Service Co., Ltd. (aka TAFISHCO)
27. To Chau Joint Stock Company (aka
Joint Stock Company)
28. Viet Hai Seafood Company Limited (aka
Viet Hai)
29. Viet Phu Foods and Fish Corporation (aka
30. Viet Phu Foods & Fish Co., Ltd.
31. Vietnam Seaproducts Joint Stock
Company (aka Seaprodex or Vietnam
Seafood Corporation—Joint Stock
32. Vinh Long Import-Export Company (aka
Vinh Long)
[FR Doc. 2022–05859 Filed 3–18–22; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
[A–570–943, C–570–944]
Oil Country Tubular Goods From the
People’s Republic of China: Final
Results of Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Changed
Circumstances Reviews
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: On February 14, 2022, the
Department of Commerce (Commerce)
published the initiation and preliminary
results of the changed circumstances
reviews of the antidumping and
countervailing duty orders on oil
country tubular goods (OCTG) from the
People’s Republic of China (China). For
these final results, Commerce continues
to find that HLDS (B) Steel Sdn Bhd
(HLDS (B)) and HLD Clark Steel Pipe
Co., Inc. (HLD Clark) (collectively, HLD
companies) are eligible to participate in
a certification process because the HLD
companies have demonstrated that they
can identify OCTG that they produced
in either Brunei or the Philippines using
non-Chinese hot-rolled steel.
DATES: Applicable March 21, 2022.
Yang Jin Chun, AD/CVD Operations,
Office VI, Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–5760.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
On November 26, 2021, Commerce
found that imports of welded OCTG
completed in Brunei or the Philippines
using inputs manufactured in China are
circumventing the antidumping and
countervailing duty orders on OCTG
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from China.1 In the Final
Determinations, Commerce found that
welded OCTG ‘‘assembled or completed
in Brunei or the Philippines using nonChinese inputs is not subject to these
circumvention inquiries,’’ but because
the HLD companies were ‘‘unable to
track welded OCTG to the country of
origin of inputs used in the production
of welded OCTG,’’ Commerce decided
not to ‘‘implement a certification
process for welded OCTG already
suspended,’’ and required ‘‘cash
deposits on all entries of welded OCTG
produced in either Brunei or the
Philippines.’’ 2 However, Commerce
indicated that ‘‘producers and/or
exporters in Brunei or the Philippines
may request reconsideration of our
denial of the certification process in a
future segment of the proceeding, i.e., a
changed circumstances review or
administrative review.’’ 3
On December 23, 2021, the HLD
companies submitted changed
circumstances review requests, in which
they claimed that they are able to
identify and segregate welded OCTG
made using non-Chinese hot-rolled steel
by either HLDS (B) in Brunei or HLD
Clark in the Philippines and then
subsequently exported from either
Brunei or the Philippines to the United
States.4 The HLD companies request
that Commerce find them eligible for
certification of these welded OCTG as
non-subject merchandise. In response to
Commerce’s requests for additional
information, the HLD companies
submitted their supplemental responses
on January 18, 2022,5 and January 24,
Commerce preliminarily determined
‘‘that the HLD companies are now able
to identify and effectively segregate
welded OCTG produced by either HLDS
(B) in Brunei or HLD Clark in the
Philippines using non-Chinese hot1 See Oil Country Tubular Goods from the
People’s Republic of China: Final Affirmative
Determinations of Circumvention, 86 FR 67443
(November 26, 2021) (Final Determinations); see
also Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods from the
People’s Republic of China: Amended Final
Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and
Antidumping Duty Order, 75 FR 28551 (May 21,
2010); and Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods from
the People’s Republic of China: Amended Final
Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and
Countervailing Duty Order, 75 FR 3203 (January 20,
2 See Final Determinations, 86 FR at 67444.
3 Id.
4 See HLD Companies’ Letters, ‘‘Request for
Changed Circumstances Review,’’ dated December
23, 2021; and ‘‘First Supplemental Questionnaire
Response,’’ dated January 18, 2022 (First
Supplemental Response).
5 See First Supplemental Response.
6 See HLD Companies’ Letter, ‘‘Second
Supplemental Questionnaire Response,’’ dated
January 24, 2022.
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rolled steel from other OCTG produced
at their facilities.’’ 7
No party commented on the Initiation
and Preliminary Results regarding
Commerce’s analysis of the HLD
companies’ practices to track the
country of origin of the hot-rolled steel
they used to produce OCTG which are
exported to the United States, the
sufficiency of the certification process,
or the certification language.
Scope of the Orders
The scope of these orders consists of
certain OCTG, which are hollow steel
products of circular cross-section,
including oil well casing and tubing, of
iron (other than cast iron) or steel (both
carbon and alloy), whether seamless or
welded, regardless of end finish (e.g.,
whether or not plain end, threaded, or
threaded and coupled) whether or not
conforming to American Petroleum
Institute (API) or non-API
specifications, whether finished
(including limited service OCTG
products) or unfinished (including
green tubes and limited service OCTG
products), whether or not thread
protectors are attached. The scope of the
orders also covers OCTG coupling stock.
Excluded from the scope of the orders
are casing or tubing containing 10.5
percent or more by weight of chromium;
drill pipe; unattached couplings; and
unattached thread protectors.
The merchandise covered by the
orders is currently classified in the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS) under item
numbers: 7304.29.10.10, 7304.29.10.20,
7304.29.10.30, 7304.29.10.40,
7304.29.10.50, 7304.29.10.60,
7304.29.10.80, 7304.29.20.10,
7304.29.20.20, 7304.29.20.30,
7304.29.20.40, 7304.29.20.50,
7304.29.20.60, 7304.29.20.80,
7304.29.31.10, 7304.29.31.20,
7304.29.31.30, 7304.29.31.40,
7304.29.31.50, 7304.29.31.60,
7304.29.31.80, 7304.29.41.10,
7304.29.41.20, 7304.29.41.30,
7304.29.41.40, 7304.29.41.50,
7304.29.41.60, 7304.29.41.80,
7304.29.50.15, 7304.29.50.30,
7304.29.50.45, 7304.29.50.60,
7304.29.50.75, 7304.29.61.15,
7304.29.61.30, 7304.29.61.45,
7304.29.61.60, 7304.29.61.75,
7305.20.20.00, 7305.20.40.00,
7305.20.60.00, 7305.20.80.00,
7306.29.10.30, 7306.29.10.90,
7306.29.20.00, 7306.29.31.00,
7 See Oil Country Tubular Goods from the
People’s Republic of China: Initiation and
Preliminary Results of Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Changed Circumstances
Reviews, 87 FR 8230, 8231 (February 14, 2022)
(Initiation and Preliminary Results).
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 54 (Monday, March 21, 2022)]
[Pages 15912-15915]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2022-05859]
International Trade Administration
Certain Frozen Fish Fillets From the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and
Final Determination of No Shipments; 2019-2020
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that NTSF
Seafoods Joint Stock Company (NTSF), an exporter of certain frozen fish
fillets (fish fillets) from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
(Vietnam), did not sell subject merchandise in the United States at
prices below normal value during the period of review (POR) August 1,
2019, through July 31, 2020. Commerce also determines that it is
appropriate to apply facts available, with adverse inferences (AFA), to
East Sea Seafoods Joint Stock Company (ESS), an exporter of fish
fillets from Vietnam. Further, Commerce determines that one additional
company, Green Farms Seafood Joint Stock Company (Green Farms), is
eligible for separate rate status, 32 companies did not establish
eligibility for a separate rate and are part of the Vietnam-wide
entity, and 15 companies had no shipments during the POR.
DATES: Applicable March 21, 2022.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Javier Barrientos or Christopher
Maciuba, AD/CVD Operations, Office V, Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-2243
and (202) 482-0413, respectively.
On September 10, 2021, Commerce published the preliminary results
of this administrative review and invited interested parties to
comment.\1\ On November 16, 2021, Green Farms, the petitioners,\2\ and
Colorado Boxed Beef Company (CBBC) \3\ submitted case briefs.\4\ On
November 29, 2021, the petitioners, CBBC, Nam Viet Corporation (NAVICO)
\5\ and NTSF submitted rebuttal briefs.\6\
\1\ See Certain Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic
of Vietnam: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review, Preliminary Determination of No Shipments, and Partial
Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2019-2020, 86
FR 50698 (September 10, 2021) (Preliminary Results), and
accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum.
\2\ The petitioners are the Catfish Farmers of America and
individual U.S. catfish processors: America's Catch, Inc., Alabama
Catfish, LLC d/b/a Harvest Select Catfish, Inc.; Consolidated
Catfish Companies, LLC d/b/a Country Select Catfish; Delta Pride
Catfish, Inc.; Guidry's Catfish, Inc.; Heartland Catfish Company,
Magnolia Processing, Inc. d/b/a Pride of the Pond; and Simmons Farm
Raised Catfish, Inc. (collectively, the petitioners).
\3\ CBBC is a domestic wholesaler of fish fillets.
\4\ See Green Farm's Letter, ``AR17 Case Brief on Behalf of
Green Farms Seafood Joint Stock Company,'' dated November 16, 2021;
Petitioners' Letter, ``Case Brief of the Catfish Farmers of America,
et al.,'' dated November 16, 2021; and CBBC's Letter, ``AR17 Case
Brief on behalf of Colorado Boxed Beef Company,'' dated November 16,
\5\ NAVICO is an exporter of fish fillets from Vietnam.
\6\ See NAVICO's Letter, ``Rebuttal Brief of Nam Viet
Corporation,'' dated November 29, 2021; see also CBBC's Letter,
``Colorado Boxed Beef Company Rebuttal to CFA's Case Brief,'' dated
November 29, 2021; NTSF's Letter, ``Rebuttal Brief,'' dated November
29, 2021; and Petitioners' Letter, ``Rebuttal Brief of the Catfish
Farmers of America, et al.,'' dated November 29, 2021.
On December 22, 2021, we extended the deadline for issuance of
these final results to March 9, 2022.\7\ In February 2022, we requested
that the petitioners refile a submission made prior to the Preliminary
Results after revising their bracketing of certain information
designated as business proprietary information, and we permitted
interested parties to comment on the newly public information.\8\ On
February 15, 2022, we held a public hearing.\9\
\7\ See Memorandum, ``Extension of Deadline for Final Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review,'' dated December 22, 2021.
\8\ See Memorandum, ``Refiled Submission--Rebuttal Factual
Information,'' dated February 2, 2022; see also CBBC's Letter,
``Colorado Boxed Beef Company Response to Petitioners' Revised
Double Bracket Submission,'' dated February 7, 2022; NAVICO's
Letter, ``Rebuttal Comments on Previously Double Bracketed
Submission,'' dated February 7, 2022; Petitioners' Letter, ``Reply
to Navico's and CBBC's February 7, 2022, Rebuttal Comments,'' dated
February 10, 2022; and CBBC's Letter, ``CBBC Comments on Navico's
Double Bracket Comments,'' dated February 10, 2022.
\9\ See Transcript, ``United States of America, Department of
Commerce, Enforcement and Compliance: Public Hearing in the Matter
of: the Administrative Review of the Antidumping Order on Certain
Frozen Fish Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,'' dated
February 15, 2022.
Scope of the Order 10
\10\ See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Certain Frozen Fish
Fillets from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 68 FR 47909 (August
12, 2003) (Order).
The products covered by the Order are frozen fish fillets,
including regular, shank, and strip fillets and portions thereof,
whether or not breaded or marinated, of the species Pangasius Bocourti,
Pangasius Hypophthalmus (also known as Pangasius Pangasius) and
Pangasius Micronemus. For a complete description of the scope of this
order, see the Issues and Decision Memorandum.\11\
\11\ See Memorandum, ``Issues and Decision Memorandum for the
Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2019-
2020,'' dated concurrently with, and hereby adopted by, this notice
(Issues and Decision Memorandum), at 3.
Analysis of Comments Received
We addressed all issues raised in the case and rebuttal briefs
filed by interested parties in the Issues and Decision Memorandum.
Attached to this notice, in Appendix I, is a list of the issues which
parties raised. The Issues and Decision Memorandum is a public document
and is on file electronically via Enforcement and Compliance's
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic Service
System (ACCESS). ACCESS is available to registered users at https://access.trade.gov. In addition, a complete version of the Issues and
Decision Memorandum can be accessed directly at https://access.trade.gov/public/FRNoticesListLayout.aspx.
Final Determination of No Shipments
In the Preliminary Results, Commerce preliminarily determined that
15 companies had no shipments of subject merchandise during the
POR.\12\ Following the publication of the Preliminary Results, we
received no comments from interested parties regarding 14 of these
companies, nor
[[Page 15913]]
has any party submitted record evidence which would call our
preliminary no shipment determination into question for these
companies. Therefore, for these final results, we find that these 14
companies had no shipments during the POR. For a list of the companies
for which we made a no-shipment determination in these final results,
see Appendix II.
\12\ See Preliminary Results, 86 FR at 50699.
With respect to the remaining company, NAVICO, we received comments
from interested parties requesting that Commerce reevaluate our no-
shipment determination. However, for the reasons explained in the
Issues and Decision Memorandum, Commerce also continues to find that
NAVICO had no shipments during the POR.\13\
\13\ See Issues and Decision Memorandum at Comment 9.
Consistent with our practice, we will issue appropriate
instructions to Customs and Border Protection (CBP).\14\
\14\ See Non-Market Economy Antidumping Proceedings: Assessment
of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694 (October 24, 2011).
Separate Rates
We continue to find that the non-individually-examined exporter
Green Farms and individually-examined respondents ESS and NTSF have
demonstrated eligibility for separate rates.\15\ As noted below, we
have assigned Green Farms the average of the rates established for ESS
and NTSF, consistent with our practice in administrative reviews and
section 735(c)(5)(B) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the
\15\ See Issues and Decision Memorandum at Comments 6 and 7.
\16\ Id. at Comment 8.
Vietnam-Wide Entity
In the Preliminary Results, Commerce found that certain additional
companies for which a review was requested did not establish
eligibility for a separate rate.\17\ We have received no information
since the issuance of the Preliminary Results that provides a basis for
reconsidering this preliminary finding. Therefore, Commerce continues
to find that these companies are part of the Vietnam-wide entity.\18\
\17\ See Preliminary Results, 86 FR at 50699.
\18\ See Appendix III.
Use of Adverse Facts Available
Pursuant to sections 776(a) and (b) of the Act, Commerce has
assigned ESS a dumping margin of $3.87 per kilogram based on AFA. ESS
ceased participating in this review and did not provide information
requested by Commerce; accordingly, we find that necessary information
is not available on the record, ESS failed to provide the requested
information in the form and manner requested and significantly impeded
the proceeding, pursuant to section 776(a) of the Act. Additionally, we
find that ESS had necessary information in its possession and elected
not to submit the information and, thus, ESS did not act to the best of
its ability in responding to Commerce's information request by the
applicable deadline, pursuant to section 776(b) of the Act. For further
information, see Comment 6 in the Issues and Decision Memorandum.
Changes Since the Preliminary Results
We made no changes from the Preliminary Results.
Final Results of Administrative Review
The weighted-average dumping margins for the final results of this
administrative review are as follows:
Weighted- average
Exporter dumping margin
(dollars per kilogram)
NTSF Seafoods Joint Stock Company.............. 0.00
East Sea Seafoods Joint Stock Company.......... * 3.87
Review-Specific Rate Applicable to the
Following Company: \19\
Green Farms Seafood Joint Stock Company.... 1.94
* This rate was determined wholly under section 776 of the Act.
Assessment Rates
\19\ This rate is based on an average of the rates assigned to
ESS and NTSF, pursuant to section 735(c)(5)(B) of the Act.
Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act, and 19 CFR 351.212(b),
Commerce has determined, and CBP shall assess, antidumping duties on
all appropriate entries of subject merchandise in accordance with the
final results of this review. Commerce intends to issue appropriate
assessment instructions to CBP no earlier than 35 days after the date
of publication of the final results of this review in the Federal
Register. If a timely summons is filed at the U.S. Court of
International Trade, the assessment instructions will direct CBP not to
liquidate relevant entries until the time for parties to file a request
for a statutory injunction has expired (i.e., within 90 days of
For NTSF, we will instruct CBP to liquidate the appropriate entries
without regard to antidumping duties. Pursuant to Commerce's assessment
practice, for entries of NTSF's merchandise that were not reported in
the U.S. sales data submitted by NTSF during this review, Commerce will
instruct CBP to liquidate such entries at the Vietnam-wide entity rate.
Because Commerce determined ESS's margin on the basis of AFA in the
final results of this review, Commerce will instruct, and CBP shall
assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries of subject
merchandise at the rate of $3.87 per kilogram. Because we assigned a
rate of $1.94 per kilogram to Green Farms in the final results of this
review, we will instruct, and CBP shall assess, antidumping duties on
all appropriate entries of subject merchandise at the rate of $1.94 per
Where we determined that an exporter under review had no shipments
of the subject merchandise to the United States during the POR, any
suspended entries that entered during the POR under that exporter's CBP
case number will be liquidated at a rate of $2.39 per kilogram, the
rate for the Vietnam-wide entity, consistent with Commerce's assessment
practice.\20\ Likewise, for companies that were found to be ineligible
for a separate rate, we will instruct CBP to liquidate entries of
subject merchandise exported by such companies at a rate of $2.39 per
kilogram, the rate for the Vietnam-wide entity.
\20\ See Non-Market Economy Antidumping Proceedings: Assessment
of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694 (October 24, 2011).
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit requirements will be effective upon
publication of the final results of this administrative review for all
shipments of subject merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption on or after the publication
[[Page 15914]]
date, as provided for by section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For the
companies listed above, the cash deposit rate will be equal to the
dumping margin established in the final results of this review (except,
if the rate is zero or de minimis, then the cash deposit rate will be
zero); (2) for previously examined Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese
exporters not listed above that maintain separate rates based on a
prior completed segment of this proceeding, the cash deposit rate will
continue to be the existing exporter-specific cash deposit rate; (3)
for all Vietnamese exporters of subject merchandise that have not been
found to be entitled to a separate rate, the cash deposit rate will be
that for the Vietnam-wide entity (i.e., $2.39 per kilogram); and (4)
for all non-Vietnamese exporters of subject merchandise which have not
received their own rate, the cash deposit rate will be the rate
applicable to the Vietnamese exporter that supplied that non-Vietnamese
exporter. These deposit requirements, when imposed, shall remain in
effect until further notice.
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a final reminder to importers of their
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f) to file a certificate regarding
the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation of the
relevant entries during this POR. Failure to comply with this
requirement could result in Commerce's presumption that reimbursement
of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent assessment of doubled
antidumping duties.
Administrative Protective Order
This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility
concerning the return or destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which
continues to govern business proprietary information in this segment of
the proceeding. Timely written notification of the return or
destruction of APO materials, or conversion to judicial protective
order, is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and
terms of an APO is a violation which is subject to sanction.
Notification to Interested Parties
We are issuing and publishing these final results of administrative
review in accordance with sections 751(a)(l) and 777(i) of the Act.
Dated: March 9, 2022.
Lisa W. Wang,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Appendix I
List of Topics Discussed in the Issues and Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order
IV. Separate Rates
V. Discussion of the Issues
Comment 1: Colorado Boxed Beef Company (CBBC)'s Standing to
Request a Review
Comment 2: Whether to Calculate a Margin for NTSF Seafoods Joint
Stock Company (NTSF)
Comment 3: Unit for NTSF's Reported Fingerling Consumption
Comment 4: Whether to Grant NTSF's Dead Fish and Fish Fat By-
Product Offsets
Comment 5: Whether to Rely on NTSF's Reported Water Allocation
Comment 6: Whether to Apply Adverse Facts Available (AFA) to
East Sea Seafoods (ESS)
Comment 7: Separate-Rate Status for Green Farms Seafood (Green
Comment 8: Selection of a Separate Rate
Comment 9: Nam Viet Corporation (NAVICO) and Its Affiliation
with Company X
Comment 10: Selection of Surrogate Country
VI. Recommendation
Appendix II
Companies With No Shipments During the POR
1. Ben Tre Forestry and Aquaproduct Import-Export Joint Stock
Company (aka Faquimex, or Ben Tre)
2. C.P. Vietnam Corporation
3. Cafatex Corporation (aka Cafatex)
4. Cantho Import-Export Seafood Joint Stock Company (aka CASEAMEX,
Cantho Import Export Seafood Joint Stock Company, Cantho Import-
Export Joint Stock Company, Can Tho Import Export Seafood Joint
Stock Company, Can Tho Import-Export Seafood Joint Stock Company, or
Can Tho Import-Export Joint Stock Company)
5. Colorado Boxed Beef Company (aka CBBC)
6. Dai Thanh Seafoods Company Limited (aka DATHACO)
7. The Great Fish Company LLC
8. Hai Huong Seafood Joint Stock Company (aka HHFish, HH Fish, or
Hai Huong Seafood)
9. Hung Vuong Group \21\
\21\ Hung Vuong Group is a single entity comprised of the
following individual companies: (1) An Giang Fisheries Import and
Export Joint Stock Company; (2) Asia Pangasius Company Limited; (3)
Hung Vuong Ben Tre Seafood Processing Company Limited; (4) Europe
Joint Stock Company; (5) Hung Vuong-Sa Dec Co., Ltd.; (6) Hung
Vuong-Vinh Long Co. Ltd.; (7) Hung Vuong Corporation; and (8) Hung
Vuong Mascato Company Limited.
10. Nam Viet Corporation (aka NAVICO)
11. PREFCO Distribution LLC
12. QMC Foods, Inc.
13. Riptide Foods
14. QVD Food Company Ltd. (aka QVD, QVD Food Co., Ltd., or QVD
Aquaculture) \22\
\22\ QVD is a single entity that also includes QVD Dong Thap
Food Co., Ltd. and Thuan Hung Co., Ltd.
15. Vinh Quang Fisheries Corporation (aka Vinh Quang, Vinh Quang
Fisheries Corp., Vinh Quang Fisheries Joint Stock Company, or Vinh
Quang Fisheries Co., Ltd.)
Appendix III
Vietnam-Wide Entity
1. Anchor Seafood Corp.
2. An Phat Import-Export Seafood Co., Ltd. (aka An Phat Seafood Co.
Ltd. or An Phat Seafood Co., Ltd.)
3. Anvifish Joint Stock Company (aka Anvifish, Anvifish JSC, or
Anvifish Co., Ltd.)
4. Basa Joint Stock Company (aka BASACO)
5. Binh Dinh Import Export Company (aka Binh Dinh)
6. Cadovimex II Seafood Import-Export and Processing Joint Stock
Company (aka Cadovimex II)
7. Can Tho Animal Fishery Products Processing Export Enterprise
8. Cuu Long Fish Import-Export Corporation (aka CL Panga Fish)
9. Cuu Long Fish Joint Stock Company (aka CL-Fish, CL-FISH CORP, or
Cuu Long Fish Joint Stock Company)
10. GF Seafood Corp.
11. Go Dang An Hiep One Member Limited Company
12. Go Dang Ben Tre One Member Limited Liability Company
13. Hoa Phat Seafood Import-Export and Processing J.S.C. (aka
HOPAFISH, Hoa Phat Seafood Import-Export and Processing Joint Stock
Company, Hoa Phat Seafood Import-Export and Processing JSC)
14. Hoang Long Seafood Processing Company Limited (aka HLS)
15. Indian Ocean One Member Company Limited (aka Indian Ocean Co.,
16. Lian Heng Investment Co., Ltd. (aka Lian Heng or Lian Heng
17. Lian Heng Trading Co., Ltd. (aka Lian Heng or Lian Heng Trading)
18. Nam Phuong Seafood Co., Ltd. (aka Nam Phuong, or NAFISHCO)
19. New Food Import, Inc.
20. NTACO Corporation (aka NTACO)
21. Seafood Joint Stock Company No. 4 (aka SEAPRIEXCO No. 4)
22. Seafood Joint Stock Company No. 4 Branch Dongtam Fisheries
Processing Company (aka DOTASEAFOODCO or Seafood Joint Stock Company
No. 4--Branch Dong Tam Fisheries Processing Company)
23. Southern Fishery Industries Company, Ltd. (aka South Vina)
24. Thanh Hung Co., Ltd. (aka Thanh Hung Frozen Seafood Processing
Import Export Co., Ltd.)
25. Thien Ma Seafood Co., Ltd (aka THIMACO)
26. Thuan An Production Trading and
[[Page 15915]]
Service Co., Ltd. (aka TAFISHCO)
27. To Chau Joint Stock Company (aka TOCHAU, TOCHAU JSC, or TOCHAU
Joint Stock Company)
28. Viet Hai Seafood Company Limited (aka Viet Hai)
29. Viet Phu Foods and Fish Corporation (aka Vietphu)
30. Viet Phu Foods & Fish Co., Ltd.
31. Vietnam Seaproducts Joint Stock Company (aka Seaprodex or
Vietnam Seafood Corporation--Joint Stock Company)
32. Vinh Long Import-Export Company (aka Vinh Long)
[FR Doc. 2022-05859 Filed 3-18-22; 8:45 am]