Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe From India: Final Results of Expedited Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Order, 5466-5467 [2022-01957]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 21 / Tuesday, February 1, 2022 / Notices
Dated: January 26, 2022.
Lisa W. Wang,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
VII. Recommendation
Appendix—List of Topics Discussed in
the Issues and Decision Memorandum
[FR Doc. 2022–01959 Filed 1–31–22; 8:45 am]
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order Information
IV. Subsidies Valuation
V. Analysis of Programs
VI. Analysis of Comments
Comment 1: Whether Commerce Correctly
Calculated SRF’s Benefits Received for
the Special Economic Zones (SEZ)
Comment 2: Whether Commerce Used the
Correct Denominator to Calculate
Benefits for the SEZ Program
International Trade Administration
Antidumping or Countervailing Duty
Order, Finding, or Suspended
Investigation; Advance Notification of
Sunset Review
and the International Trade Commission
automatically initiate and conduct
reviews to determine whether
revocation of a countervailing or
antidumping duty order or termination
of an investigation suspended under
section 704 or 734 of the Act would be
likely to lead to continuation or
recurrence of dumping or a
countervailable subsidy (as the case may
be) and of material injury.
Upcoming Sunset Reviews for March
Every five years, pursuant to the Tariff
Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), the
Department of Commerce (Commerce)
Pursuant to section 751(c) of the Act,
the following Sunset Reviews are
scheduled for initiation in March 2022
and will appear in that month’s Notice
of Initiation of Five-Year Sunset Reviews
(Sunset Reviews).
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
Department contact
Antidumping Duty Proceedings
Aluminum Extrusions from China, A–570–967 (2nd Review) ......................................................................
Pure Magnesium from China, A–570–832 (5th Review) ..............................................................................
R–134 from China, A–570–044 (1st Review) ...............................................................................................
Stainless Sheet and Strip from China, A–570–042 (1st Review) ................................................................
Phosphorous Copper from South Korea, A–580–085 (1st Review) ............................................................
Jacky Arrowsmith, (202) 482–5255.
Mary Kolberg, (202) 482–1785.
Mary Kolberg, (202) 482–1785.
Jacky Arrowsmith, (202) 482–5255.
Mary Kolberg, (202) 482–1785.
Countervailing Duty Proceedings
Aluminum Extrusions from China, C–570–968 (2nd Review) ......................................................................
Stainless Sheet and Strip from China, C–570–043 (1st Review) ................................................................
Jacky Arrowsmith, (202) 482–5255.
Jacky Arrowsmith, (202) 482–5255.
tkelley on DSK125TN23PROD with NOTICE
Suspended Investigations
No Sunset Review of suspended
investigations is scheduled for initiation
in March 2022.
Commerce’s procedures for the
conduct of Sunset Reviews are set forth
in 19 CFR 351.218. The Notice of
Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset) Review
provides further information regarding
what is required of all parties to
participate in Sunset Review.
Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.103(c),
Commerce will maintain and make
available a service list for these
proceedings. To facilitate the timely
preparation of the service list(s), it is
requested that those seeking recognition
as interested parties to a proceeding
contact Commerce in writing within 10
days of the publication of the Notice of
Please note that if Commerce receives
a Notice of Intent to Participate from a
member of the domestic industry within
15 days of the date of initiation, the
review will continue.
Thereafter, any interested party
wishing to participate in the Sunset
Review must provide substantive
comments in response to the notice of
initiation no later than 30 days after the
date of initiation. Note that Commerce
has modified certain of its requirements
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for serving documents containing
business proprietary information, until
further notice.1
This notice is not required by statute
but is published as a service to the
international trading community.
Dated: January 18, 2022.
James Maeder,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Operations.
[FR Doc. 2022–02014 Filed 1–31–22; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
revocation of the antidumping duty
(AD) order on welded stainless pressure
pipe (WSPP) from India would be likely
to lead to continuation or recurrence of
dumping at the levels indicated in the
‘‘Final Results of Review’’ section of this
Applicable February 1, 2022.
Conniff, AD/CVD Operations, Office III,
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–1009.
Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe From
India: Final Results of Expedited
Sunset Review of the Antidumping
Duty Order
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: As a result of this expedited
sunset review, the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) finds that
1 See Temporary Rule Modifying AD/CVD Service
Requirements Due to COVID–19; Extension of
Effective Period, 85 FR 41363 (July 10, 2020).
PO 00000
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On October 1, 2021, Commerce
published the notice of initiation of the
sunset review of the AD order 1 on
WSPP from India, pursuant to section
751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (the Act).2 On October 15,
2021, Commerce received a notice of
intent to participate from the domestic
1 See Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe from India:
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Order, 81 FR
81062 (November 17, 2016) (Order).
2 See Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset) Review, 86
FR 54423 (October 1, 2021).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 21 / Tuesday, February 1, 2022 / Notices
producers 3 in the underlying
investigation, within the deadline
specified in 19 CFR 351.218(d)(1)(i).4
The domestic producers claimed
domestic interested party status under
section 771(9)(C) of the Act, as
manufacturers of domestic like product
in the United States.5 On October 29,
2021, the domestic producers submitted
a timely substantive response within the
30-day deadline specified in 19 CFR
351.218(d)(3)(i).6 Commerce did not
receive a substantive response from any
other interested parties with respect to
the Order covered by this sunset review,
nor was a hearing requested. On
November 30, 2021, Commerce notified
the U.S. International Trade
Commission that it did not receive an
adequate substantive response from
respondent interested parties.7 As a
result, pursuant to section 751(c)(3)(B)
of the Act and 19 CFR
351.218(e)(1)(ii)(C)(2), Commerce is
conducting an expedited (120-day)
sunset review of the Order.
Final Results of Sunset Review
Pursuant to sections 751(c) and 752(c)
of the Act, Commerce determines that
revocation of the Order would be likely
to lead to continuation or recurrence of
dumping, and that the magnitude of the
dumping margins likely to prevail
would be weighted-average margins of
up to 12.66 percent.
International Trade Administration
Scope of the Order
Notification to Interested Parties
The product covered by the Order is
welded stainless pressure pipe from
India. For a full description of the
scope, see the Issues and Decision
We are issuing and publishing these
final results in accordance with sections
751(c), 752(c), and 777(i)(1) of the Act,
and 19 CFR 351.221(c)(5)(ii).
Analysis of Comments Received
All issues raised in this sunset review
are addressed in the Issues and Decision
Memorandum, including the likelihood
of continuation or recurrence of
dumping and the magnitude of the
margins of dumping likely to prevail if
the Order were revoked. A list of topics
discussed in the Issues and Decision
Memorandum is included as an
appendix to this notice. The Issues and
Decision Memorandum is a public
document and is on file electronically
via Enforcement and Compliance’s
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Centralized Electronic Service System
(ACCESS). ACCESS is available to
registered users at https://
access.trade.gov. A complete version of
the Issues and Decision Memorandum
can be accessed directly at https://
ListLayout.aspx. A list of the issues
discussed in the decision memorandum
is attached as an appendix to this
tkelley on DSK125TN23PROD with NOTICE
3 The Domestic Producers are Bristol Metals, LLC,
Felker Brothers Corporation, and Primus Pipe &
Tube, Inc. (collectively, domestic producers).
4 See Domestic Producers’ Letter, ‘‘Notice of
Intent to Participate in the First Five-Year Review
of the Antidumping Duty Order on Welded
Stainless Pressure Pipe from India,’’ dated October
15, 2021.
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Administrative Protective Order
This notice serves as the only
reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective order (APO) of
their responsibility concerning the
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a). Timely
notification of the destruction of APO
materials or conversion to judicial
protective orders is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and terms of an APO is a violation
which is subject to sanction.
Dated: January 26, 2022.
Lisa W. Wang,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Appendix—List of Topics Discussed in
the Issues and Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order
IV. History of the Order
V. Legal Framework
VI. Discussion of the Issues
1. Likelihood of Continuation or
Recurrence of Dumping
2. Magnitude of the Margins Likely to
VII. Final Results of Sunset Review
VIII. Recommendation
[FR Doc. 2022–01957 Filed 1–31–22; 8:45 am]
Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset)
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Tariff
Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), the
Department of Commerce (Commerce) is
automatically initiating the five-year
reviews (Sunset Reviews) of the
antidumping duty and countervailing
duty (AD/CVD) order(s) and suspended
investigation(s) listed below. The
International Trade Commission (the
ITC) is publishing concurrently with
this notice its notice of Institution of
Five-Year Reviews which covers the
same order(s) and suspended
DATES: Applicable February 1, 2022.
Commerce official identified in the
Initiation of Review section below at
AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and
Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230. For
information from the ITC, contact Mary
Messer, Office of Investigations, U.S.
International Trade Commission at (202)
Commerce’s procedures for the
conduct of Sunset Reviews are set forth
in its Procedures for Conducting FiveYear (Sunset) Reviews of Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Orders, 63 FR
13516 (March 20, 1998) and 70 FR
62061 (October 28, 2005). Guidance on
methodological or analytical issues
relevant to Commerce’s conduct of
Sunset Reviews is set forth in
Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation
of the Weighted-Average Dumping
Margin and Assessment Rate in Certain
Antidumping Duty Proceedings; Final
Modification, 77 FR 8101 (February 14,
Initiation of Review
In accordance with section 751(c) of
the Act and 19 CFR 351.218(c), we are
initiating the Sunset Reviews of the
5 Id.
at 2.
Domestic Producers’ Letter, ‘‘Welded
Stainless Pressure Pipe from India, First Review:
Domestic Producers’ Substantive Response to
Notice of Initiation,’’ dated October 29, 2021.
7 See Commerce’s Letter, ‘‘Sunset Reviews
Initiated on October 1, 2021,’’ dated November 30,
6 See
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
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8 See Memorandum, ‘‘Issues and Decision
Memorandum for the Final Results of Expedited
First Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Order
on Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe from India,’’
dated concurrently with, and hereby adopted by,
this notice.
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 21 (Tuesday, February 1, 2022)]
[Pages 5466-5467]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2022-01957]
International Trade Administration
Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe From India: Final Results of
Expedited Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Order
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: As a result of this expedited sunset review, the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) finds that revocation of the antidumping duty (AD)
order on welded stainless pressure pipe (WSPP) from India would be
likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping at the levels
indicated in the ``Final Results of Review'' section of this notice.
DATES: Applicable February 1, 2022.
Office III, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-1009.
On October 1, 2021, Commerce published the notice of initiation of
the sunset review of the AD order \1\ on WSPP from India, pursuant to
section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act).\2\ On
October 15, 2021, Commerce received a notice of intent to participate
from the domestic
[[Page 5467]]
producers \3\ in the underlying investigation, within the deadline
specified in 19 CFR 351.218(d)(1)(i).\4\ The domestic producers claimed
domestic interested party status under section 771(9)(C) of the Act, as
manufacturers of domestic like product in the United States.\5\ On
October 29, 2021, the domestic producers submitted a timely substantive
response within the 30-day deadline specified in 19 CFR
351.218(d)(3)(i).\6\ Commerce did not receive a substantive response
from any other interested parties with respect to the Order covered by
this sunset review, nor was a hearing requested. On November 30, 2021,
Commerce notified the U.S. International Trade Commission that it did
not receive an adequate substantive response from respondent interested
parties.\7\ As a result, pursuant to section 751(c)(3)(B) of the Act
and 19 CFR 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(C)(2), Commerce is conducting an expedited
(120-day) sunset review of the Order.
\1\ See Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe from India: Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Order, 81 FR 81062 (November 17, 2016)
\2\ See Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset) Review, 86 FR 54423
(October 1, 2021).
\3\ The Domestic Producers are Bristol Metals, LLC, Felker
Brothers Corporation, and Primus Pipe & Tube, Inc. (collectively,
domestic producers).
\4\ See Domestic Producers' Letter, ``Notice of Intent to
Participate in the First Five-Year Review of the Antidumping Duty
Order on Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe from India,'' dated October
15, 2021.
\5\ Id. at 2.
\6\ See Domestic Producers' Letter, ``Welded Stainless Pressure
Pipe from India, First Review: Domestic Producers' Substantive
Response to Notice of Initiation,'' dated October 29, 2021.
\7\ See Commerce's Letter, ``Sunset Reviews Initiated on October
1, 2021,'' dated November 30, 2021.
Scope of the Order
The product covered by the Order is welded stainless pressure pipe
from India. For a full description of the scope, see the Issues and
Decision Memorandum.\8\
\8\ See Memorandum, ``Issues and Decision Memorandum for the
Final Results of Expedited First Sunset Review of the Antidumping
Duty Order on Welded Stainless Pressure Pipe from India,'' dated
concurrently with, and hereby adopted by, this notice.
Analysis of Comments Received
All issues raised in this sunset review are addressed in the Issues
and Decision Memorandum, including the likelihood of continuation or
recurrence of dumping and the magnitude of the margins of dumping
likely to prevail if the Order were revoked. A list of topics discussed
in the Issues and Decision Memorandum is included as an appendix to
this notice. The Issues and Decision Memorandum is a public document
and is on file electronically via Enforcement and Compliance's
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic Service
System (ACCESS). ACCESS is available to registered users at https://access.trade.gov. A complete version of the Issues and Decision
Memorandum can be accessed directly at https://access.trade.gov/public/FRNotices/ListLayout.aspx. A list of the issues discussed in the
decision memorandum is attached as an appendix to this notice.
Final Results of Sunset Review
Pursuant to sections 751(c) and 752(c) of the Act, Commerce
determines that revocation of the Order would be likely to lead to
continuation or recurrence of dumping, and that the magnitude of the
dumping margins likely to prevail would be weighted-average margins of
up to 12.66 percent.
Administrative Protective Order
This notice serves as the only reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility
concerning the destruction of proprietary information disclosed under
APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a). Timely notification of the
destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective
orders is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and
terms of an APO is a violation which is subject to sanction.
Notification to Interested Parties
We are issuing and publishing these final results in accordance
with sections 751(c), 752(c), and 777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19 CFR
Dated: January 26, 2022.
Lisa W. Wang,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Appendix--List of Topics Discussed in the Issues and Decision
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order
IV. History of the Order
V. Legal Framework
VI. Discussion of the Issues
1. Likelihood of Continuation or Recurrence of Dumping
2. Magnitude of the Margins Likely to Prevail
VII. Final Results of Sunset Review
VIII. Recommendation
[FR Doc. 2022-01957 Filed 1-31-22; 8:45 am]