Magnesium Metal From the People's Republic of China: Continuation of Antidumping Duty Order, 67439-67440 [2021-25770]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 225 / Friday, November 26, 2021 / Notices
production facilities,11 suppliers,12 or
customer base.13 Based on these facts,
which are explained in greater detail in
the accompanying Preliminary Decision
Memorandum, we preliminarily
determine that SVBR and SVEX are the
successors-in-interest to IP and IPEX,
respectively, for purposes of the Order,
and, thus, Sylvamo is the successor-ininterest to International Paper.
Should our final results of review
remain unchanged from these
preliminary results of review, we will
instruct U.S. Customs and Border
Protection to apply International Paper’s
cash deposit rate to Sylvamo.
Public Comment
Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.310(c), any
interested party may request a hearing
within 14 days of publication of this
notice.14 In accordance with 19 CFR
351.309(c)(1)(ii), interested parties may
submit case briefs not later than 14 days
after the date of publication of this
notice.15 Rebuttal briefs, limited to
issues raised in case briefs, may be filed
not later than seven days after the due
date for case briefs, in accordance with
19 CFR 351.309(d).16 Parties who
submit case briefs or rebuttal briefs in
this CCR are requested to submit with
each argument: (1) A statement of the
issues; (2) a brief summary of the
arguments; and (3) a table of
Hearing requests should contain the
following information: (1) The party’s
name, address, and telephone number;
(2) the number of participants; and (3)
a list of the issues to be discussed. Oral
presentations at the hearing will be
limited to issues raised in the briefs. If
a request for a hearing is made,
Commerce intends to hold the hearing
at a time and date to be determined.
Parties should confirm the date and the
time of the hearing two days before the
scheduled date.
All submissions must be filed
electronically using Enforcement and
Compliance’s Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Centralized
Electronic Service System (ACCESS),
and must also be served on interested
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
11 Id.
at Attachment 11.
12 Id. at Attachment 16.
13 Id. at Attachment 14.
14 Commerce is exercising its discretion under 19
CFR 351.310(c) to alter the time limit for requesting
a hearing.
15 Commerce is exercising its discretion under 19
CFR 351.309(c)(1)(ii) to alter the time limit for the
filing of case briefs.
16 See Temporary Rule Modifying AD/CVD
Service Requirements Due to COVID–19, 85 FR
17006, 17007 (March 26, 2020).
17 See 19 CFR 351.309(c)(2).
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parties.18 An electronically-filed
document must be received successfully
in its entirely by ACCESS by 5:00 p.m.
Eastern Time (ET) on the due date.19
Note that Commerce has temporarily
modified certain requirements for
serving documents containing business
proprietary information, until further
Consistent with 19 CFR 351.216(e),
we intend to issue the final results of
this CCR no later than 270 days after the
date on which this reviews was
initiated, or within 45 days of
publication of these preliminary results,
if all parties agree to the preliminary
Notification to Interested Parties
We are issuing and publishing this
initiation and preliminary results notice
in accordance with section 751(b)(1)
and 777(i)(1) of the Act, and 19 CFR
351.216(b) and 351.221(c)(3).
Dated: November 19, 2021.
Ryan Majerus,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and
Negotiations, performing the non-exclusive
functions and duties of the Assistant
Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Scope of the Order
IV. Successor-in-Interest Determination
V. Recommendation
[FR Doc. 2021–25781 Filed 11–24–21; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Magnesium Metal From the People’s
Republic of China: Continuation of
Antidumping Duty Order
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: As a result of the
determinations by the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) and the
International Trade Commission (ITC)
that revocation of the antidumping duty
(AD) order on magnesium metal from
the People’s Republic of China (China)
would likely lead to a continuation or
18 ACCESS is available to registered users at
19 See 19 CFR 351.303(b).
20 See Temporary Rule Modifying AD/CVD
Service Requirements Due to Covid–19; Extension of
Effective Period, 85 FR 41363 (July 10, 2020).
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recurrence of dumping and material
injury to an industry in the United
States, Commerce is publishing a notice
of continuation of this AD order.
DATES: Applicable November 26, 2021.
Deborah Cohen, AD/CVD Operations,
Office III, Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–4521.
On April 15, 2005, Commerce
published the AD order on magnesium
metal from China.1 On June 1, 2021,
Commerce initiated,2 and the ITC
instituted,3 the third sunset review of
the Order, pursuant to section 751(c) of
the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the
Act). As a result of its review,
Commerce determined that revocation
of the Order would likely lead to
continuation or recurrence of dumping
and, therefore, notified the ITC of the
magnitude of the margins likely to
prevail should the Order be revoked.4
On November 17, 2021, the ITC
published notice of its determination,
pursuant to section 751(c) of the Act,
that revocation of the Order would be
likely to lead to continuation or
recurrence of material injury to an
industry in the United States within a
reasonably foreseeable time.5
Scope of the Order
The product covered by the Order is
magnesium metal from China, which
includes primary and secondary alloy
magnesium metal, regardless of
chemistry, raw material source, form,
shape, or size. Magnesium is a metal or
alloy containing by weight primarily the
element magnesium. Primary
magnesium is produced by
decomposing raw materials into
magnesium metal. Secondary
magnesium is produced by recycling
magnesium-based scrap into magnesium
metal. The magnesium covered by the
Order includes blends of primary and
secondary magnesium. The subject
merchandise includes the following
1 See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order:
Magnesium Metal from the People’s Republic of
China, 70 FR 19928 (April 15, 2005) (Order).
2 See Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset) Review, 86
FR 29239 (June 1, 2021).
3 See Magnesium from China; Institution of a
Five-Year Review, 86 FR 29280 (June 1, 2021).
4 See Magnesium Metal from the People’s
Republic of China: Final Results of the Expedited
Third Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty
Order, 86 FR 51654 (September 16, 2021).
5 See Alloy Magnesium from China, (Investigation
No. 731–TA–1071), 86 FR 64230, (November 17,
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 225 / Friday, November 26, 2021 / Notices
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
alloy magnesium metal products made
from primary and/or secondary
magnesium including, without
limitation, magnesium cast into ingots,
slabs, rounds, billets, and other shapes;
magnesium ground, chipped, crushed,
or machined into rasping, granules,
turnings, chips, powder, briquettes, and
other shapes; and products that contain
50 percent or greater, but less than 99.8
percent, magnesium, by weight, and that
have been entered into the United States
as conforming to an ‘‘ASTM
Specification for Magnesium Alloy’’ 6
and are thus outside the scope of the
existing antidumping orders on
magnesium from China (generally
referred to as ‘‘alloy’’ magnesium).
The scope of the Order excludes: (1)
All forms of pure magnesium, including
chemical combinations of magnesium
and other material(s) in which the pure
magnesium content is 50 percent or
greater, but less than 99.8 percent, by
weight, that do not conform to an
‘‘ASTM Specification for Magnesium
Alloy;’’ 7 (2) magnesium that is in liquid
or molten form; and (3) mixtures
containing 90 percent or less
magnesium in granular or powder form
by weight and one or more of certain
non-magnesium granular materials to
make magnesium-based reagent
mixtures, including lime, calcium
metal, calcium silicon, calcium carbide,
calcium carbonate, carbon, slag
coagulants, fluorspar, nephaline syenite,
feldspar, alumina (Al203), calcium
aluminate, soda ash, hydrocarbons,
graphite, coke, silicon, rare earth
metals/mischmetal, cryolite, silica/fly
ash, magnesium oxide, periclase,
ferroalloys, dolomite lime, and
colemanite.8 The merchandise subject to
6 The meaning of this term is the same as that
used by the American Society for Testing and
Materials in its Annual Book for ASTM Standards:
Volume 01.02 Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys.
7 The material is already covered by existing
antidumping orders. See Notice of Antidumping
Duty Orders: Pure Magnesium from the People’s
Republic of China, the Russian Federation and
Ukraine; Notice of Amended Final Determination of
Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Antidumping Duty
Investigation of Pure Magnesium from the Russian
Federation, 60 FR 25691 (May 12, 1995); and
Antidumping Duty Order: Pure Magnesium in
Granular Form from the People’s Republic of China,
66 FR 57936 (November 19, 2001).
8 This third exclusion for magnesium-based
reagent mixtures is based on the exclusion for
reagent mixtures in the 2000–2001 investigations of
magnesium from China, Israel, and Russia. See
Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair
Value: Pure Magnesium in Granular Form from the
People’s Republic of China, 66 FR 49345
(September 27, 2001); see also Final Determination
of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Pure Magnesium
from Israel, 66 FR 49349 (September 27, 2001); and
Final Determination of Sales at Not Less Than Fair
Value: Pure Magnesium from the Russian
Federation, 66 FR 49347 (September 27, 2001).
These mixtures are not magnesium alloys, because
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this order is classifiable under items
8104.19.00, and 8104.30.00 of the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS). Although the
HTSUS items are provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the
written description of the merchandise
is dispositive.
Continuation of the Order
As a result of the determinations by
Commerce and the ITC that revocation
of the Order would likely lead to a
continuation or recurrence of dumping
as well as material injury to an industry
in the United States, pursuant to section
751(d)(2) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.218(a), Commerce hereby orders the
continuation of the Order. U.S. Customs
and Border Protection will continue to
collect AD cash deposits at the rates in
effect at the time of entry for all imports
of subject merchandise. The effective
date of the continuation of the Order
will be the date of publication in the
Federal Register of this notice of
continuation. Pursuant to section
751(c)(2) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.218(c)(2), Commerce intends to
initiate the next five-year review of the
Order no later than 30 days prior to the
fifth anniversary of the effective date of
Administrative Protective Order
This notice also serves as the only
reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective order (APO) of
their responsibility concerning the
return/destruction, or conversion to
judicial protective order of proprietary
information disclosed under APO in
accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3).
Failure to comply is a violation of the
APO which may be subject to sanctions.
Notification to Interested Parties
This five-year sunset review and this
notice are in accordance with section
751(c) and 751(d)(2) of the Act and
published pursuant to section 777(i)(1)
of the Act and 19 CFR 351.218(f)(4).
Dated: November 19, 2021.
Ryan Majerus,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and
Negotiations, performing the non-exclusive
functions and duties of the Assistant
Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2021–25770 Filed 11–24–21; 8:45 am]
they are not combined in liquid form and cast into
the same ingot.
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International Trade Administration
Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp
From India: Final Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review; 2019–2020
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Commerce) determines that producers
and/or exporters of certain frozen
warmwater shrimp (shrimp) from India
made sales at less than normal value
during the period of review (POR)
February 1, 2019, through January 31,
Applicable November 26, 2021.
Adam Simons, AD/CVD Operations,
Office II, Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–6172.
This administrative review covers 154
producers and/or exporters of the
subject merchandise. Commerce
selected two mandatory respondents for
individual examination: H.N. Indigos
Private Limited (HN Indigos) and RSA
Marines. The producers/exporters not
selected for individual examination are
listed in the ‘‘Final Results of the
Review’’ section of this notice.
On June 25, 2021, Commerce
published the Preliminary Results.1 On
August 2, 2021, we received case briefs
from HN Indigos and RSA Marines. On
August 9, 2021, we received rebuttal
briefs from the petitioner 2 and the
American Shrimp Processors
Association. On October 14, 2021, we
postponed the final results to no later
than November 19, 2021.3 For a
complete discussion of the events that
occurred since the Preliminary Results,
see the Issues and Decision
1 See Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review; 2019–2020, 86 FR 33658
(June 25, 2021) (Preliminary Results), and
accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum
2 The petitioner is the Ad Hoc Shrimp Trade
Action Committee.
3 See Memorandum, ‘‘Extension of Deadline for
Final Results of the 2019–2020 Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review,’’ dated October 14, 2021.
4 See Memorandum, ‘‘Issues and Decision
Memorandum for the Final Results of the 2019–
2020 Antidumping Duty Administrative Review of
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 225 (Friday, November 26, 2021)]
[Pages 67439-67440]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-25770]
International Trade Administration
Magnesium Metal From the People's Republic of China: Continuation
of Antidumping Duty Order
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: As a result of the determinations by the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC) that
revocation of the antidumping duty (AD) order on magnesium metal from
the People's Republic of China (China) would likely lead to a
continuation or recurrence of dumping and material injury to an
industry in the United States, Commerce is publishing a notice of
continuation of this AD order.
DATES: Applicable November 26, 2021.
Office III, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-4521.
On April 15, 2005, Commerce published the AD order on magnesium
metal from China.\1\ On June 1, 2021, Commerce initiated,\2\ and the
ITC instituted,\3\ the third sunset review of the Order, pursuant to
section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). As a
result of its review, Commerce determined that revocation of the Order
would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and,
therefore, notified the ITC of the magnitude of the margins likely to
prevail should the Order be revoked.\4\
\1\ See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Magnesium Metal from
the People's Republic of China, 70 FR 19928 (April 15, 2005)
\2\ See Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset) Review, 86 FR 29239
(June 1, 2021).
\3\ See Magnesium from China; Institution of a Five-Year Review,
86 FR 29280 (June 1, 2021).
\4\ See Magnesium Metal from the People's Republic of China:
Final Results of the Expedited Third Sunset Review of the
Antidumping Duty Order, 86 FR 51654 (September 16, 2021).
On November 17, 2021, the ITC published notice of its
determination, pursuant to section 751(c) of the Act, that revocation
of the Order would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of
material injury to an industry in the United States within a reasonably
foreseeable time.\5\
\5\ See Alloy Magnesium from China, (Investigation No. 731-TA-
1071), 86 FR 64230, (November 17, 2021).
Scope of the Order
The product covered by the Order is magnesium metal from China,
which includes primary and secondary alloy magnesium metal, regardless
of chemistry, raw material source, form, shape, or size. Magnesium is a
metal or alloy containing by weight primarily the element magnesium.
Primary magnesium is produced by decomposing raw materials into
magnesium metal. Secondary magnesium is produced by recycling
magnesium-based scrap into magnesium metal. The magnesium covered by
the Order includes blends of primary and secondary magnesium. The
subject merchandise includes the following
[[Page 67440]]
alloy magnesium metal products made from primary and/or secondary
magnesium including, without limitation, magnesium cast into ingots,
slabs, rounds, billets, and other shapes; magnesium ground, chipped,
crushed, or machined into rasping, granules, turnings, chips, powder,
briquettes, and other shapes; and products that contain 50 percent or
greater, but less than 99.8 percent, magnesium, by weight, and that
have been entered into the United States as conforming to an ``ASTM
Specification for Magnesium Alloy'' \6\ and are thus outside the scope
of the existing antidumping orders on magnesium from China (generally
referred to as ``alloy'' magnesium).
\6\ The meaning of this term is the same as that used by the
American Society for Testing and Materials in its Annual Book for
ASTM Standards: Volume 01.02 Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys.
The scope of the Order excludes: (1) All forms of pure magnesium,
including chemical combinations of magnesium and other material(s) in
which the pure magnesium content is 50 percent or greater, but less
than 99.8 percent, by weight, that do not conform to an ``ASTM
Specification for Magnesium Alloy;'' \7\ (2) magnesium that is in
liquid or molten form; and (3) mixtures containing 90 percent or less
magnesium in granular or powder form by weight and one or more of
certain non-magnesium granular materials to make magnesium-based
reagent mixtures, including lime, calcium metal, calcium silicon,
calcium carbide, calcium carbonate, carbon, slag coagulants, fluorspar,
nephaline syenite, feldspar, alumina (Al203), calcium aluminate, soda
ash, hydrocarbons, graphite, coke, silicon, rare earth metals/
mischmetal, cryolite, silica/fly ash, magnesium oxide, periclase,
ferroalloys, dolomite lime, and colemanite.\8\ The merchandise subject
to this order is classifiable under items 8104.19.00, and 8104.30.00 of
the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). Although
the HTSUS items are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the
written description of the merchandise is dispositive.
\7\ The material is already covered by existing antidumping
orders. See Notice of Antidumping Duty Orders: Pure Magnesium from
the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation and Ukraine;
Notice of Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair
Value: Antidumping Duty Investigation of Pure Magnesium from the
Russian Federation, 60 FR 25691 (May 12, 1995); and Antidumping Duty
Order: Pure Magnesium in Granular Form from the People's Republic of
China, 66 FR 57936 (November 19, 2001).
\8\ This third exclusion for magnesium-based reagent mixtures is
based on the exclusion for reagent mixtures in the 2000-2001
investigations of magnesium from China, Israel, and Russia. See
Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Pure Magnesium
in Granular Form from the People's Republic of China, 66 FR 49345
(September 27, 2001); see also Final Determination of Sales at Less
Than Fair Value: Pure Magnesium from Israel, 66 FR 49349 (September
27, 2001); and Final Determination of Sales at Not Less Than Fair
Value: Pure Magnesium from the Russian Federation, 66 FR 49347
(September 27, 2001). These mixtures are not magnesium alloys,
because they are not combined in liquid form and cast into the same
Continuation of the Order
As a result of the determinations by Commerce and the ITC that
revocation of the Order would likely lead to a continuation or
recurrence of dumping as well as material injury to an industry in the
United States, pursuant to section 751(d)(2) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.218(a), Commerce hereby orders the continuation of the Order. U.S.
Customs and Border Protection will continue to collect AD cash deposits
at the rates in effect at the time of entry for all imports of subject
merchandise. The effective date of the continuation of the Order will
be the date of publication in the Federal Register of this notice of
continuation. Pursuant to section 751(c)(2) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.218(c)(2), Commerce intends to initiate the next five-year review
of the Order no later than 30 days prior to the fifth anniversary of
the effective date of continuation.
Administrative Protective Order
This notice also serves as the only reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility
concerning the return/destruction, or conversion to judicial protective
order of proprietary information disclosed under APO in accordance with
19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Failure to comply is a violation of the APO which
may be subject to sanctions.
Notification to Interested Parties
This five-year sunset review and this notice are in accordance with
section 751(c) and 751(d)(2) of the Act and published pursuant to
section 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.218(f)(4).
Dated: November 19, 2021.
Ryan Majerus,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Negotiations, performing the
non-exclusive functions and duties of the Assistant Secretary for
Enforcement and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2021-25770 Filed 11-24-21; 8:45 am]