Certain Aluminum Foil From the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Turkey: Countervailing Duty Orders, 62782-62784 [2021-24858]

Download as PDF 62782 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 216 / Friday, November 12, 2021 / Notices 5. Jiangsu High Hope Arser Co., Ltd.10 6. Jiangsu Sunwell Cabinetry Co., Ltd. 7. Jiangsu Top Point International Co., Ltd. 8. Jiaxing Gsun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. 9. Lianyungang Yuantai International Trade Co., Ltd. 10. Linyi Bomei Furniture Co., Ltd. 11. Linyi City Dongfang Jinxin Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. (a/k/a Linyi City Dongfang Jinxjin Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.) 12. Linyi Dahua Wood Co., Ltd. 13. Linyi Hengsheng Wood Industry Co., Ltd. 14. Linyi Linhai Wood Co., Ltd. 15. Linyi Mingzhu Wood Co., Ltd. 16. Pingyi Jinniu Wood Co., Ltd. 17. Qingdao Good Faith Import and Export Co., Ltd. 18. SAICG International Trading Co., Ltd. 19. Shandong Dongfang Bayley Wood Co., Ltd. 20. Shandong Jinhua International Trading Co., Ltd. 21. Shandong Jinluda International Trade Co., Ltd. 22. Shandong Senmanqi Import & Export Co., Ltd. 23. Shandong Shengdi International Trading Co., Ltd. 24. Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd. 25. Suzhou Fengshuwan Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd. a/k/a Suzhou Fengshuwan I&E Trade Co., Ltd. 26. Win Faith Trading Limited 27. Xuzhou Amish Import & Export Co., Ltd. 28. Xuzhou Andefu Wood Co., Ltd. 29. Xuzhou Constant Forest Industry Co., Ltd. 30. Xuzhou DNT Commercial Co., Ltd. 31. Xuzhou Longyuan Wood Industry Co., Ltd. 32. XuZhou PinLin International Trade Co., Ltd. 33. Xuzhou Shengping Imp and Exp Co., Ltd. 34. Yishui Zelin Wood Made Co., Ltd. Appendix II List of Topics Discussed in the Issues and Decision Memorandum I. Summary II. Background III. Scope of the Order IV. Discussion of the Issue Comment 1: Correct Liquidation Instructions for POR Entries V. Recommendation lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 10 This company previously had a separate rate but did not file a no shipment certification or request a separate rate. Jkt 256001 [C–523–816, C–489–845] Certain Aluminum Foil From the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Turkey: Countervailing Duty Orders Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC), Commerce is issuing the countervailing duty orders on certain aluminum foil (aluminum foil) from the Sultanate of Oman (Oman) and the Republic of Turkey (Turkey). DATES: Applicable November 12, 2021. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Conniff at (202) 482–1009 (Oman); and Whitley Herndon or Eliza Siordia at (202) 482–6274 or (202) 482–3878, respectively (Turkey), AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: AGENCY: Background In accordance with section 705(d) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), on September 23, 2021, Commerce published its affirmative final determinations that countervailable subsidies are being provided to producers and exporters of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey.1 On November 5, 2021, the ITC notified Commerce of its affirmative final determinations that an industry in the United States is materially injured within the meaning of section 705(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, by reason of subsidized imports of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey.2 The products covered by these orders are aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey. For a complete description of the scope of these orders, see the appendix to this notice. BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P 17:42 Nov 10, 2021 International Trade Administration Scope of the Orders [FR Doc. 2021–24705 Filed 11–10–21; 8:45 am] VerDate Sep<11>2014 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1 See Certain Aluminum Foil from the Sultanate of Oman: Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, 86 FR 52888 (September 23, 2021); and Certain Aluminum Foil from the Republic of Turkey: Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, 86 FR 52884 (September 23, 2021). 2 See ITC Notification Letter, Investigation Nos Inv. No. 701–TA–658–659 and 731–TA–1538–1542 (Final), dated November 5, 2021. PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Countervailing Duty Orders On November 5, 2021, in accordance with sections 705(b)(1)(A)(i) and 705(d) of the Act, the ITC notified Commerce of its final determinations in these investigations, in which it found that an industry in the United States is materially injured by reason of subsidized imports of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey.3 Therefore, in accordance with section 705(c)(2) of the Act, Commerce is issuing these countervailing duty orders. Because the ITC determined that imports of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey are materially injuring a U.S. industry, unliquidated entries of such merchandise from Oman and Turkey, entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, are subject to the assessment of countervailing duties. Therefore, in accordance with section 706(a) of the Act, Commerce will direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to assess, upon further instruction by Commerce, countervailing duties for all relevant entries of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey. With the exception of entries occurring after the expiration of the provisional measures period and before the publication of the ITC’s final affirmative injury determinations, as further described below, countervailing duties will be assessed on unliquidated entries of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after March 5, 2021, the date of publication of the Preliminary Determinations.4 Suspension of Liquidation and Cash Deposits In accordance with section 706 of the Act, Commerce will instruct CBP to reinstitute the suspension of liquidation of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey, effective on the date of publication of the ITC’s final affirmative injury determination in the Federal Register, and to assess, upon further instruction by Commerce, pursuant to section 706(a)(1) of the Act, countervailing duties for each entry of the subject merchandise in an amount based on the net countervailable subsidy rates below. On or after the date of publication of the ITC’s final injury 3 Id. 4 See Certain Aluminum Foil from the Sultanate of Oman: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and Alignment of Final Determination with Final Antidumping Duty Determination, 86 FR 12913 (March 5, 2021); and Certain Aluminum Foil from the Republic of Turkey: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, and Alignment of Final Determination with Final Antidumping Duty Determination, 86 FR 12911 (March 5, 2021) (collectively, Preliminary Determinations). E:\FR\FM\12NON1.SGM 12NON1 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 216 / Friday, November 12, 2021 / Notices Federal Register.6 On September 27, 2021, Commerce also published the notice titled ‘‘Scope Ruling Application; Annual Inquiry Service List; and Informational Sessions’’ in the Federal Register.7 The Final Rule and Procedural Guidance provide that Commerce will maintain an annual inquiry service list for each order or suspended investigation, and any interested party submitting a scope ruling application or request for Subsidy circumvention inquiry shall serve a Producer/exporter rate copy of the application or request on the (percent) persons on the annual inquiry service list for that order, as well as any Oman companion order covering the same Oman Aluminium Rolling Commerchandise from the same country of pany LLC ................................. 1.93 origin.8 All Others .................................... 1.93 In accordance with the Procedural Guidance, for orders published in the Turkey Federal Register after November 4, 2021, Commerce will create an annual Assan Aluminyum Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S 5 ............................ 2.60 inquiry service list segment in All Others .................................... 2.60 Commerce’s online e-filing and document management system, Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Provisional Measures Electronic Service System (ACCESS), Section 703(d) of the Act states that available at https://access.trade.gov, instructions issued pursuant to an within five business days of publication affirmative preliminary determination of the notice of the order. Each annual may not remain in effect for more than inquiry service list will be saved in four months. In the underlying ACCESS, under each case number, and investigations, Commerce published the under a specific segment type called Preliminary Determinations on March 5, ‘‘AISL-Annual Inquiry Service List.’’ 9 2021. Therefore, the four-month period Interested parties who wish to be beginning on the date of the publication added to the annual inquiry service list of the Preliminary Determinations for an order must submit an entry of ended on July 2, 2021. appearance to the annual inquiry In accordance with section 703(d) of service list segment for the order in the Act, we instructed CBP to terminate ACCESS within 30 days after the date of the suspension of liquidation and to publication of the order. For ease of liquidate, without regard to administration, Commerce requests that countervailing duties, unliquidated law firms with more than one attorney entries of aluminum foil from Oman and representing interested parties in an Turkey entered, or withdrawn from order designate a lead attorney to be warehouse, for consumption after July 2, included on the annual inquiry service 2021, the final day on which the list. Commerce will finalize the annual provisional measures were in effect, inquiry service list within five business until and through the day preceding the days thereafter. As mentioned in the date of publication of the ITC’s final injury determination in the Federal 6 See Regulations to Improve Administration and Register. Suspension of liquidation will Enforcement of Antidumping and Countervailing resume on the date of publication of the Duty Laws, 86 FR 52300 (September 20, 2021) Rule). ITC’s final determination in the Federal (Final 7 See Scope Ruling Application; Annual Inquiry Register. Service List; and Informational Sessions, 86 FR determination in the Federal Register, CBP must require, at the same time as importers would deposit estimated normal customs duties on this merchandise, a cash deposit equal to the rates listed in the table below. These instructions suspending liquidation will remain in effect until further notice. The all-others rate applies to all producers or exporters not specifically listed, as appropriate. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Establishment of the Annual Inquiry Service Lists On September 20, 2021, Commerce published the final rule titled ‘‘Regulations to Improve Administration and Enforcement of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws’’ in the 5 Commerce has found Kibar Dis Ticaret A.S., Kibar Holding, and Ispak Esnek Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. to be cross-owned with Assan Aluminyum Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:42 Nov 10, 2021 Jkt 256001 53205 (September 27, 2021) (Procedural Guidance). 8 Id. 9 This segment will be combined with the ACCESS Segment Specific Information (SSI) field which will display the month in which the notice of the order or suspended investigation was published in the Federal Register, also known as the anniversary month. For example, for an order under case number A–000–000 that was published in the Federal Register in January, the relevant segment and SSI combination will appear in ACCESS as ‘‘AISL-January Anniversary.’’ Note that there will be only one annual inquiry service list segment per case number, and the anniversary month will be pre-populated in ACCESS. PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 62783 Procedural Guidance, the new annual inquiry service list will be in place until the following year, when the Opportunity Notice for the anniversary month of the order is published. Commerce may update an annual inquiry service list at any time as needed based on interested parties’ amendments to their entries of appearance to remove or otherwise modify their list of members and representatives, or to update contact information. Any changes or announcements pertaining to these procedures will be posted to the ACCESS website at https:// access.trade.gov. Special Instructions for Petitioners and Foreign Governments In the Final Rule, Commerce stated that, ‘‘after an initial request and placement on the annual inquiry service list, both petitioners and foreign governments will automatically be placed on the annual inquiry service list in the years that follow.’’ 10 Accordingly, as stated above, the petitioners and foreign governments should submit their initial entry of appearance after publication of this notice in order to appear in the first annual inquiry service list for those orders for which they qualify as an interested party. Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.225(n)(3), the petitioners and foreign governments will not need to resubmit their entries of appearance each year to continue to be included on the annual inquiry service list. However, the petitioners and foreign governments are responsible for making amendments to their entries of appearance during the annual update to the annual inquiry service list in accordance with the procedures described above. Notification to Interested Parties This notice constitutes the countervailing duty orders with respect to aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey pursuant to section 706(a) of the Act. Interested parties can find a list of countervailing duty orders currently in effect at https://enforcement.trade.gov/ stats/iastats1.html. These orders are issued and published in accordance with section 706(a) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.211(b). 10 See E:\FR\FM\12NON1.SGM Final Rule, 86 FR at 52335. 12NON1 62784 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 216 / Friday, November 12, 2021 / Notices Dated: November 8, 2021. Ryan Majerus, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Negotiations, Performing the Non-Exclusive Functions and Duties of The Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance. Appendix Scope of the Orders The merchandise covered by these orders is aluminum foil having a thickness of 0.2 mm or less, in reels exceeding 25 pounds, regardless of width. Aluminum foil is made from an aluminum alloy that contains more than 92 percent aluminum. Aluminum foil may be made to ASTM specification ASTM B479, but can also be made to other specifications. Regardless of specification, however, all aluminum foil meeting the scope description is included in the scope, including aluminum foil to which lubricant has been applied to one or both sides of the foil. Excluded from the scope of these orders is aluminum foil that is backed with paper, paperboard, plastics, or similar backing materials on one side or both sides of the aluminum foil, as well as etched capacitor foil and aluminum foil that is cut to shape. Where the nominal and actual measurements vary, a product is within the scope if application of either the nominal or actual measurement would place it within the scope based on the definitions set forth above. The products under these orders are currently classifiable under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheadings 7607.11.3000, 7607.11.6090, 7607.11.9030, 7607.11.9060, 7607.11.9090, and 7607.19.6000. Further, merchandise that falls within the scope of these proceedings may also be entered into the United States under HTSUS subheadings 7606.11.3060, 7606.11.6000, 7606.12.3045, 7606.12.3055, 7606.12.3091, 7606.12.3096, 7606.12.6000, 7606.91.3095, 7606.91.6095, 7606.92.3035, and 7606.92.6095. Although the HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the scope of these orders is dispositive. [FR Doc. 2021–24858 Filed 11–10–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A–412–824] lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Certain Cold-Rolled Steel Flat Products From the United Kingdom: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2019–2020 Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that the sole producer or exporter subject to this review made sales of subject AGENCY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:42 Nov 10, 2021 Jkt 256001 merchandise in the United States at less than normal value during the period of review (POR), September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2020. DATES: Applicable November 12, 2021. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Claudia Cott, AD/CVD Operations, Office I, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–4270. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background On July 8, 2021, Commerce published the Preliminary Results of the 2019– 2020 administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain coldrolled steel flat products (cold-rolled steel) from the United Kingdom.1 This administrative review covers one producer or exporter of the subject merchandise, Liberty Performance Steels, Ltd. (Liberty). We invited parties to comment on the Preliminary Results.2 No party submitted comments. On August 9, 2021, AK Steel Corporation (AK Steel, a domestic producer and one of the companies which comprised the original petitioner group) requested that a hearing be held in this review, pursuant to 19 CFR 351.310(c). On September 15, 2021, AK Steel withdrew its request.3 Commerce conducted this review in accordance with sections 751(a)(1)(B) and (2) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act). Scope of the Order The products covered by this Order 4 are certain cold-rolled (cold-reduced), flat-rolled steel products, whether or not annealed, painted, varnished, or coated with plastics or other non-metallic substances. The products covered do not include those that are clad, plated, or coated with metal. The products covered include coils that have a width or other lateral measurement (‘‘width’’) of 12.7 mm or greater, regardless of form 1 See Certain Cold-Rolled Steel Flat Products from the United Kingdom: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2019– 2020, 86 FR 36095 (July 8, 2021) (Preliminary Results). 2 Id. 3 See AK Steel’s Letters, ‘‘Cold-Rolled Steel Flat Products from the United Kingdom/Petitioner’s Request for a Hearing,’’ dated August 9, 2021; and ‘‘Cold-Rolled Steel Flat Products from the United Kingdom/Petitioner’s Withdrawal of Its Hearing Request,’’ dated September 15, 2021. 4 See Certain Cold-Rolled Steel Flat Products from Brazil, India, the Republic of Korea, and the United Kingdom: Amended Final Affirmative Antidumping Determinations for Brazil and the United Kingdom and Antidumping Duty Orders, 81 FR 64432 (September 20, 2016) (Order). PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 of coil (e.g., in successively superimposed layers, spirally oscillating, etc.). The products covered also include products not in coils (e.g., in straight lengths) of a thickness less than 4.75 mm and a width that is 12.7 mm or greater and that measures at least 10 times the thickness. The products covered also include products not in coils (e.g., in straight lengths) of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more and a width exceeding 150 mm and measuring at least twice the thickness. The products described above may be rectangular, square, circular, or other shape and include products of either rectangular or non-rectangular crosssection where such cross-section is achieved subsequent to the rolling process, i.e., products which have been ‘‘worked after rolling’’ (e.g., products which have been beveled or rounded at the edges). For purposes of the width and thickness requirements referenced above: (1) Where the nominal and actual measurements vary, a product is within the scope if application of either the nominal or actual measurement would place it within the scope based on the definitions set forth above, and (2) where the width and thickness vary for a specific product (e.g., the thickness of certain products with nonrectangular cross-section, the width of certain products with non-rectangular shape, etc.), the measurement at its greatest width or thickness applies. Steel products included in the scope of this Order are products in which: (1) Iron predominates, by weight, over each of the other contained elements; (2) the carbon content is 2 percent or less, by weight; and (3) none of the elements listed below exceeds the quantity, by weight, respectively indicated: • 2.50 percent of manganese, or • 3.30 percent of silicon, or • 1.50 percent of copper, or • 1.50 percent of aluminum, or • 1.25 percent of chromium, or • 0.30 percent of cobalt, or • 0.40 percent of lead, or • 2.00 percent of nickel, or • 0.30 percent of tungsten (also called wolfram), or • 0.80 percent of molybdenum, or • 0.10 percent of niobium (also called columbium), or • 0.30 percent of vanadium, or • 0.30 percent of zirconium. Unless specifically excluded, products are included in this scope regardless of levels of boron and titanium. For example, specifically included in this scope are vacuum degassed, fully stabilized (commonly referred to as interstitial-free (IF)) steels, high strength E:\FR\FM\12NON1.SGM 12NON1


[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 216 (Friday, November 12, 2021)]
[Pages 62782-62784]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-24858]



International Trade Administration

[C-523-816, C-489-845]

Certain Aluminum Foil From the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic 
of Turkey: Countervailing Duty Orders

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of 
Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC), 
Commerce is issuing the countervailing duty orders on certain aluminum 
foil (aluminum foil) from the Sultanate of Oman (Oman) and the Republic 
of Turkey (Turkey).

DATES: Applicable November 12, 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Conniff at (202) 482-1009 (Oman); 
and Whitley Herndon or Eliza Siordia at (202) 482-6274 or (202) 482-
3878, respectively (Turkey), AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and 
Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of 
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230.



    In accordance with section 705(d) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as 
amended (the Act), on September 23, 2021, Commerce published its 
affirmative final determinations that countervailable subsidies are 
being provided to producers and exporters of aluminum foil from Oman 
and Turkey.\1\ On November 5, 2021, the ITC notified Commerce of its 
affirmative final determinations that an industry in the United States 
is materially injured within the meaning of section 705(b)(1)(A)(i) of 
the Act, by reason of subsidized imports of aluminum foil from Oman and 

    \1\ See Certain Aluminum Foil from the Sultanate of Oman: Final 
Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, 86 FR 52888 
(September 23, 2021); and Certain Aluminum Foil from the Republic of 
Turkey: Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, 86 FR 
52884 (September 23, 2021).
    \2\ See ITC Notification Letter, Investigation Nos Inv. No. 701-
TA-658-659 and 731-TA-1538-1542 (Final), dated November 5, 2021.

Scope of the Orders

    The products covered by these orders are aluminum foil from Oman 
and Turkey. For a complete description of the scope of these orders, 
see the appendix to this notice.

Countervailing Duty Orders

    On November 5, 2021, in accordance with sections 705(b)(1)(A)(i) 
and 705(d) of the Act, the ITC notified Commerce of its final 
determinations in these investigations, in which it found that an 
industry in the United States is materially injured by reason of 
subsidized imports of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey.\3\ Therefore, 
in accordance with section 705(c)(2) of the Act, Commerce is issuing 
these countervailing duty orders. Because the ITC determined that 
imports of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey are materially injuring a 
U.S. industry, unliquidated entries of such merchandise from Oman and 
Turkey, entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, are 
subject to the assessment of countervailing duties.

    \3\ Id.

    Therefore, in accordance with section 706(a) of the Act, Commerce 
will direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to assess, upon 
further instruction by Commerce, countervailing duties for all relevant 
entries of aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey. With the exception of 
entries occurring after the expiration of the provisional measures 
period and before the publication of the ITC's final affirmative injury 
determinations, as further described below, countervailing duties will 
be assessed on unliquidated entries of aluminum foil from Oman and 
Turkey entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or 
after March 5, 2021, the date of publication of the Preliminary 

    \4\ See Certain Aluminum Foil from the Sultanate of Oman: 
Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and 
Alignment of Final Determination with Final Antidumping Duty 
Determination, 86 FR 12913 (March 5, 2021); and Certain Aluminum 
Foil from the Republic of Turkey: Preliminary Affirmative 
Countervailing Duty Determination, and Alignment of Final 
Determination with Final Antidumping Duty Determination, 86 FR 12911 
(March 5, 2021) (collectively, Preliminary Determinations).

Suspension of Liquidation and Cash Deposits

    In accordance with section 706 of the Act, Commerce will instruct 
CBP to reinstitute the suspension of liquidation of aluminum foil from 
Oman and Turkey, effective on the date of publication of the ITC's 
final affirmative injury determination in the Federal Register, and to 
assess, upon further instruction by Commerce, pursuant to section 
706(a)(1) of the Act, countervailing duties for each entry of the 
subject merchandise in an amount based on the net countervailable 
subsidy rates below. On or after the date of publication of the ITC's 
final injury

[[Page 62783]]

determination in the Federal Register, CBP must require, at the same 
time as importers would deposit estimated normal customs duties on this 
merchandise, a cash deposit equal to the rates listed in the table 
below. These instructions suspending liquidation will remain in effect 
until further notice. The all-others rate applies to all producers or 
exporters not specifically listed, as appropriate.

    \5\ Commerce has found Kibar Dis Ticaret A.S., Kibar Holding, 
and Ispak Esnek Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. to be cross-owned with Assan 
Aluminyum Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.

                      Producer/exporter                          rate
Oman Aluminium Rolling Company LLC..........................        1.93
All Others..................................................        1.93
Assan Aluminyum Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S \5\...................        2.60
All Others..................................................        2.60

Provisional Measures

    Section 703(d) of the Act states that instructions issued pursuant 
to an affirmative preliminary determination may not remain in effect 
for more than four months. In the underlying investigations, Commerce 
published the Preliminary Determinations on March 5, 2021. Therefore, 
the four-month period beginning on the date of the publication of the 
Preliminary Determinations ended on July 2, 2021.
    In accordance with section 703(d) of the Act, we instructed CBP to 
terminate the suspension of liquidation and to liquidate, without 
regard to countervailing duties, unliquidated entries of aluminum foil 
from Oman and Turkey entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for 
consumption after July 2, 2021, the final day on which the provisional 
measures were in effect, until and through the day preceding the date 
of publication of the ITC's final injury determination in the Federal 
Register. Suspension of liquidation will resume on the date of 
publication of the ITC's final determination in the Federal Register.

Establishment of the Annual Inquiry Service Lists

    On September 20, 2021, Commerce published the final rule titled 
``Regulations to Improve Administration and Enforcement of Antidumping 
and Countervailing Duty Laws'' in the Federal Register.\6\ On September 
27, 2021, Commerce also published the notice titled ``Scope Ruling 
Application; Annual Inquiry Service List; and Informational Sessions'' 
in the Federal Register.\7\ The Final Rule and Procedural Guidance 
provide that Commerce will maintain an annual inquiry service list for 
each order or suspended investigation, and any interested party 
submitting a scope ruling application or request for circumvention 
inquiry shall serve a copy of the application or request on the persons 
on the annual inquiry service list for that order, as well as any 
companion order covering the same merchandise from the same country of 

    \6\ See Regulations to Improve Administration and Enforcement of 
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws, 86 FR 52300 (September 20, 
2021) (Final Rule).
    \7\ See Scope Ruling Application; Annual Inquiry Service List; 
and Informational Sessions, 86 FR 53205 (September 27, 2021) 
(Procedural Guidance).
    \8\ Id.

    In accordance with the Procedural Guidance, for orders published in 
the Federal Register after November 4, 2021, Commerce will create an 
annual inquiry service list segment in Commerce's online e-filing and 
document management system, Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
Electronic Service System (ACCESS), available at https://access.trade.gov, within five business days of publication of the 
notice of the order. Each annual inquiry service list will be saved in 
ACCESS, under each case number, and under a specific segment type 
called ``AISL-Annual Inquiry Service List.'' \9\

    \9\ This segment will be combined with the ACCESS Segment 
Specific Information (SSI) field which will display the month in 
which the notice of the order or suspended investigation was 
published in the Federal Register, also known as the anniversary 
month. For example, for an order under case number A-000-000 that 
was published in the Federal Register in January, the relevant 
segment and SSI combination will appear in ACCESS as ``AISL-January 
Anniversary.'' Note that there will be only one annual inquiry 
service list segment per case number, and the anniversary month will 
be pre-populated in ACCESS.

    Interested parties who wish to be added to the annual inquiry 
service list for an order must submit an entry of appearance to the 
annual inquiry service list segment for the order in ACCESS within 30 
days after the date of publication of the order. For ease of 
administration, Commerce requests that law firms with more than one 
attorney representing interested parties in an order designate a lead 
attorney to be included on the annual inquiry service list. Commerce 
will finalize the annual inquiry service list within five business days 
thereafter. As mentioned in the Procedural Guidance, the new annual 
inquiry service list will be in place until the following year, when 
the Opportunity Notice for the anniversary month of the order is 
    Commerce may update an annual inquiry service list at any time as 
needed based on interested parties' amendments to their entries of 
appearance to remove or otherwise modify their list of members and 
representatives, or to update contact information. Any changes or 
announcements pertaining to these procedures will be posted to the 
ACCESS website at https://access.trade.gov.

Special Instructions for Petitioners and Foreign Governments

    In the Final Rule, Commerce stated that, ``after an initial request 
and placement on the annual inquiry service list, both petitioners and 
foreign governments will automatically be placed on the annual inquiry 
service list in the years that follow.'' \10\ Accordingly, as stated 
above, the petitioners and foreign governments should submit their 
initial entry of appearance after publication of this notice in order 
to appear in the first annual inquiry service list for those orders for 
which they qualify as an interested party. Pursuant to 19 CFR 
351.225(n)(3), the petitioners and foreign governments will not need to 
resubmit their entries of appearance each year to continue to be 
included on the annual inquiry service list. However, the petitioners 
and foreign governments are responsible for making amendments to their 
entries of appearance during the annual update to the annual inquiry 
service list in accordance with the procedures described above.

    \10\ See Final Rule, 86 FR at 52335.

Notification to Interested Parties

    This notice constitutes the countervailing duty orders with respect 
to aluminum foil from Oman and Turkey pursuant to section 706(a) of the 
Act. Interested parties can find a list of countervailing duty orders 
currently in effect at https://enforcement.trade.gov/stats/iastats1.html.
    These orders are issued and published in accordance with section 
706(a) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.211(b).

[[Page 62784]]

    Dated: November 8, 2021.
Ryan Majerus,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Negotiations, Performing the 
Non-Exclusive Functions and Duties of The Assistant Secretary for 
Enforcement and Compliance.


Scope of the Orders

    The merchandise covered by these orders is aluminum foil having 
a thickness of 0.2 mm or less, in reels exceeding 25 pounds, 
regardless of width. Aluminum foil is made from an aluminum alloy 
that contains more than 92 percent aluminum. Aluminum foil may be 
made to ASTM specification ASTM B479, but can also be made to other 
specifications. Regardless of specification, however, all aluminum 
foil meeting the scope description is included in the scope, 
including aluminum foil to which lubricant has been applied to one 
or both sides of the foil.
    Excluded from the scope of these orders is aluminum foil that is 
backed with paper, paperboard, plastics, or similar backing 
materials on one side or both sides of the aluminum foil, as well as 
etched capacitor foil and aluminum foil that is cut to shape. Where 
the nominal and actual measurements vary, a product is within the 
scope if application of either the nominal or actual measurement 
would place it within the scope based on the definitions set forth 
above. The products under these orders are currently classifiable 
under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) 
subheadings 7607.11.3000, 7607.11.6090, 7607.11.9030, 7607.11.9060, 
7607.11.9090, and 7607.19.6000.
    Further, merchandise that falls within the scope of these 
proceedings may also be entered into the United States under HTSUS 
subheadings 7606.11.3060, 7606.11.6000, 7606.12.3045, 7606.12.3055, 
7606.12.3091, 7606.12.3096, 7606.12.6000, 7606.91.3095, 
7606.91.6095, 7606.92.3035, and 7606.92.6095. Although the HTSUS 
subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes, the 
written description of the scope of these orders is dispositive.

[FR Doc. 2021-24858 Filed 11-10-21; 8:45 am]
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