Notice of Decision on Applicationfor Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments; Rice University, et al., 61138-61139 [2021-24184]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 212 / Friday, November 5, 2021 / Notices
Appendix II
List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
Decision Memorandum
I. Summary
II. Background
III. Period of Investigation
IV. Scope Comments
V. Discussion of the Methodology
VI. Currency Conversion
VII. Adjustment to Cash Deposit Rate for
Export Subsidies
VIII. Recommendation
[FR Doc. 2021–24226 Filed 11–4–21; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
Notice of Decision on Applicationfor
Duty-Free Entry of Scientific
Instruments; Rice University, et al.
This is a decision pursuant to Section
6(c) of the Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Materials Importation Act of
1966 (Pub. L. 89–651, as amended by
Pub. L. 106–36; 80 Stat. 897; 15 CFR
part 301). On September 28, 2021,the
Department of Commerce published a
notice in the Federal Register
requesting public comment on whether
instruments of equivalent scientific
value, for the purposes for which the
instruments identified in the docket(s)
below are intended to be used, are being
manufactured in the United States. See
Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of
Scientific Instruments, 86 FR 53634
–35,September 28, 2021 (Notice). We
received no public comments.
Docket Number: 21–001. Applicant:
Rice University, 6100 Main Street,
Houston, TX 77005. Instrument:
LightCrafter 4500 EVM. Manufacturer:
Digi-Key Electronics, China. Intended
Use: The LightCrafter 4500 will be used
in an ongoing research study to develop
a compact optical mapping scope that
uses Digital Light Processing (DLP)
technology to capture white light and
auto-fluorescence images and actively
project onto the oral mucosa a map
highlighting areas at high risk for oral
dysplasia and cancer, based on: Loss of
collagen fluorescence (a signal of
invasion & metastasis) and alterations in
epithelial NAD(P)H and FAD
fluorescence (a signal of de-regulated
cellular energetics). With this device,
we will design and assemble an optical
system that allows for wide field
imaging of the oral cavity, where the
LightCrafter 4500 is aligned with the
camera such that any area that can be
imaged can also be projected upon. We
will develop tracking algorithms to
adjust the projected map as needed to
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ensure accurate positioning despite
patient movement. The objective is to
develop an optical imaging system that
will detect high-risk areas of the oral
mucosa and project high-risk maps onto
the oral mucosa to guide clinicians on
where to take a biopsy.
Docket Number: 21–002. Applicant:
Drexel University, 3401 Market Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104. Instrument:
Light Microscope with motorized stage,
attached camera and image—capturing
hardware and software. Manufacturer:
Info in Images Ltd., United Kingdom.
Intended Use: To develop a novel
research tool for scientists studying
microscopic algae and to facilitate
access to the holdings of the Diatom
Herbarium at the Academy of Natural
Sciences of Drexel University, a nonprofit public museum with a mission of
research in environmental conservation
and public education. This customized
automated microscope side-scanning
system will be used to create highresolution images of microscopic
organisms on permanent slides that
could be viewed and studied online
using a virtual microscopy application.
Digital images of the slides, containing
millions of individual specimens of
microorganisms and representing
snapshots of their assemblages, will be
served online to support research
programs focused on environmental
change and its effects on aquatic biota.
The applications based on images
acquired with this slide-scanning
system will be used to increase the
efficiency of water quality and
ecosystem health monitoring in rivers,
lakes, and coastal areas of the ocean.
Docket Number: 21–003. Applicant:
UChicago Argonne LLC, Operator of
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700
South Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439–
4873. Instrument: A:VC 19 Photon
Extraction Vacuum Chambers.
Manufacturer: Strumenti Scientific
CINEL S.R.L., Italy. Intended Use: These
components are required to complete
the assembly of the Advanced Photon
Source upgrade storage ring vacuum
system. The APS–U storage ring vacuum
system is approximately 1.1-km in
circumference and will store the
electron and photon beams in an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) environment. The
materials/phenomena that are studied
vary widely from material properties
analysis, protein mapping for
pharmaceutical companies, X-ray
imaging and chemical composition
determination, to name a few. These
components will be used exclusively for
scientific research for a minimum of 5
years at Argonne National Laboratory.
The properties of the materials studied
PO 00000
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include but are not limited to grain
structure, grain boundary and
interstitial defects, and morphology.
These properties are not only studied at
ambient environments but also under
high pressure, temperature, stress and
strain. The objective is to further the
understanding of different materials and
material properties.
Docket Number: 21–004. Applicant:
William Marsh Rice University, 6100
Main Street, Houston, TX 77005.
Instrument: Angle-Resolved
Photoemission Spectroscopy System.
Manufacturer: Fermion Instruments,
China. Intended Use: The technique of
angle-resolved photoemission
spectroscopy is a very specialized
technique used to directly image the
electronic structure of synthesized
single crystalline materials or thin film
materials. This technique is mainly used
to study fundamental physical and
electrical properties of materials, how
electrons interact with each other
leading to the insulating, metallic, or
superconducting properties of materials
for fundamental research. The
measurement of electronic structure will
provide important information on the
fundamental physical origin of why a
material is a good conductor or insulator
or a superconductor. This will be
beneficial towards new physics theories
about solid state materials for academic
Docket Number: 21–005. Applicant:
UChicago Argonne LLC, Operator of
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700
South Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439–
4873. Instrument: POLAR Vertical
Double Crystal Monochromator.
Manufacturer: Strumenti Scientific
CINEL, S.R.L., Italy. Intended Use: The
instrument will be used as a
monochromator for the Polar beamline
at the Advanced Photon Source
upgrade. The Polar beamline makes use
of polarized synchrotron radiation to
investigate magnetic properties of
materials using a variety of
spectroscopic and scattering methods.
Materials investigated are scientific
samples especially grown to answer
specific scientific questions and to
study basic magnetic and electric
material properties. The device will be
used exclusively for scientific research
for a minimum of 5 years at Argonne
National Laboratory. The objective is to
further the understanding of material
properties and to be able to tailor
material properties to achieve specific
magnetic and electron behavior.
Docket Number: 21–006. Applicant:
Rutgers, The State University, 65
Davidson Road, Piscataway, NJ 00854.
Instrument: SIPAT Crystal Grower JGD–
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 212 / Friday, November 5, 2021 / Notices
500–1 System. Manufacturer: Sipat Co.,
Ltd., Canada. Intended Use:The
instruments will only be used for the
study and basic understanding of the
physical properties of oxide and/or
metallic materials, various physical
phenomena based on strongly correlated
materials such as high temperature
superconductors, Topological
insulators, or Multiferroics. The growth
of new materials will be conducted
which have unique electric and
magnetic properties using purchased
crystal grower. To identify grown
materials, we will employ x-ray
diffraction and Laue. The high-quality
crystals will be further investigated with
a physical property measurement
system and Magnetic property
measurement system to obtain its
electric and magnetic properties in
varying conditions of temperature,
electric and magnetic fields.
Docket Number: 21–007. Applicant:
Oregon State University, 100 Wiegand
Hall, 3051 SW Campus Way, Corvallis,
OR 97331. Instrument: Radio Frequency
Heating System. Manufacturer:
EQUIP CO., LTD., China.Intended Use:
The instrument will be used for
studying the phenomena of radio
frequency (FR) drying of food materials
and understanding the effectiveness in
comparison with conventional hot-air
drying method. The objectives to be
studied: (a) To investigate drying
efficiency of radio frequency at various
operation conditions and compare with
conventional hot-air drying to reduce
drying time/cost and improve product
quality, (b) to evaluate radio frequency
heating for other application in food
processing, such as pasteurization,
deshelling and roasting of nuts, and
drying food processing byproducts.
Analytical techniques will be used to
obtain quantitative data from the
experiments and analyzed statistically
to draw valuable conclusions.
Docket Number: 21–008. Applicant:
University of North Dakota, 266 Upson
Hall II, 243 Centennial Drive, Grand
Forks, ND 58202–8359. Instrument:
Laser metal deposition system.
Manufacturer: InssTek, South Korea.
Intended Use: Materials to be used are
elemental pure metal powders or
alloyed metal powders, the research
goal will be in-situ alloying of multiple
different types of elemental powders (up
to six) in the laser melting pool. The
primary interest of materials is Inconel
625 alloy, which will be built using the
in-situ alloying of commercially pure
elemental powders, they are Cr, Mo, Nb,
Fe, and Ni powders, and have the
diameter ranging from 45 um to 150 um.
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After material is prepared, the energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
will be used to analyze the chemical
composition and elemental distribution,
and the electron backscatter diffraction
(EBSD) will be applied to observe the
crystal orientation and grain structure.
The objective is to broaden the material
availability for AM and to explore its
full potential.
Docket Number: 21–009. Applicant:
Yale University, BCT326, 15 Prospect
Street, New Haven, CT 06511.
Instrument: 1.25W@4K G–M Cryocooler.
Manufacturer: CSIC PRIDE (NANJING)
China. Intended Use: The instrument
will be used to research on
superconducting films synthesized in
our lab. These phenomena can only be
brought to life when cooled to cryogenic
temperatures created with liquid
helium. The transition temperature (Tc)
and magnetic susceptibility of our
superconductor samples from the
resistive normal state to the zeroresistance superconducting states will
be measured. The instrument would
slowly cool the sample to low
temperature (4 K = ¥269° C) and
measure its resistance and magnetic
susceptibility at the same time to find
the transition temperature Tc. This
cryocooler will help to cool our sample
from room temperature to 4 K, which is
269 °C below the freezing point in a
controlled way. The cooling power
required here is essential to ensure that
we can reach and maintain at 4 K
temperature. The small formfactor and
vacuum-compatible design is also
required for compatibility reasons.
Dated: November 1, 2021.
Richard Herring,
Director, Subsidies Enforcement, Enforcement
and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2021–24184 Filed 11–4–21; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Certain Steel Nails From Taiwan: Final
Determination of No Shipments in the
Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review; 2019–2020
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Commerce) determines that Create
Trading Co., Ltd. (Create Trading), the
sole company under review, made no
shipments of certain steel nails from
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Taiwan during the period of review
(POR), July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020.
DATES: Applicable November 5, 2021.
Irene Gorelik, AD/CVD Operations,
Office VIII, Enforcement and
Compliance, International Trade
Administration, Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone:
(202) 482–6905.
Commerce published the Preliminary
Determination of the administrative
review of certain steel nails from
Taiwan on June 9, 2021.1 The review
covers one company, Create Trading
Co., Ltd., which filed a statement of no
Scope of the Order 3
The merchandise covered by this
Order is certain steel nails from Taiwan.
The certain steel nails subject to the
Order are currently classifiable under
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS) subheadings
7317.00.55.02, 7317.00.55.03,
7317.00.55.05, 7317.00.55.07,
7317.00.55.08, 7317.00.55.11,
7317.00.55.18, 7317.00.55.19,
7317.00.55.20, 7317.00.55.30,
7317.00.55.40, 7317.00.55.50,
7317.00.55.60, 7317.00.55.70,
7317.00.55.80, 7317.00.55.90,
7317.00.65.30, 7317.00.65.60 and
7317.00.75.00. Certain steel nails subject
to this Order also may be classified
under HTSUS subheadings
7907.00.60.00, 8206.00.00.00 or other
HTSUS subheadings. While the HTSUS
subheadings are provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the
written description of the scope of this
Order is dispositive. For a complete
description of the scope of the Order,
see the Issues and Decision
1 See Certain Steel Nails from Taiwan:
Preliminary Determination of No Shipments in the
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2019–
2020, 86 FR 30590 (June 9, 2021) (Preliminary
2 See Create Trading’s Letter, ‘‘Statement of No
Sales to the United States,’’ dated September 21,
2020. Specifically, Create Trading certified that all
of its exports of subject merchandise were produced
by unaffiliated producers that had knowledge of
final destination to the United States at the time of
sale to Create Trading, and thus, Create Trading
certified that it has no reviewable sales for this
3 See Certain Steel Nails from the Republic of
Korea, Malaysia, the Sultanate of Oman, Taiwan,
and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam:
Antidumping Duty Orders, 80 FR 39994 (July 13,
2015) (Order).
4 See Memorandum, ‘‘Issues and Decision
Memorandum for the Final Determination of No
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 212 (Friday, November 5, 2021)]
[Pages 61138-61139]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-24184]
International Trade Administration
Notice of Decision on Applicationfor Duty-Free Entry of
Scientific Instruments; Rice University, et al.
This is a decision pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Materials Importation Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89-
651, as amended by Pub. L. 106-36; 80 Stat. 897; 15 CFR part 301). On
September 28, 2021,the Department of Commerce published a notice in the
Federal Register requesting public comment on whether instruments of
equivalent scientific value, for the purposes for which the instruments
identified in the docket(s) below are intended to be used, are being
manufactured in the United States. See Application(s) for Duty-Free
Entry of Scientific Instruments, 86 FR 53634 -35,September 28, 2021
(Notice). We received no public comments.
Docket Number: 21-001. Applicant: Rice University, 6100 Main
Street, Houston, TX 77005. Instrument: LightCrafter 4500 EVM.
Manufacturer: Digi-Key Electronics, China. Intended Use: The
LightCrafter 4500 will be used in an ongoing research study to develop
a compact optical mapping scope that uses Digital Light Processing
(DLP) technology to capture white light and auto-fluorescence images
and actively project onto the oral mucosa a map highlighting areas at
high risk for oral dysplasia and cancer, based on: Loss of collagen
fluorescence (a signal of invasion & metastasis) and alterations in
epithelial NAD(P)H and FAD fluorescence (a signal of de-regulated
cellular energetics). With this device, we will design and assemble an
optical system that allows for wide field imaging of the oral cavity,
where the LightCrafter 4500 is aligned with the camera such that any
area that can be imaged can also be projected upon. We will develop
tracking algorithms to adjust the projected map as needed to ensure
accurate positioning despite patient movement. The objective is to
develop an optical imaging system that will detect high-risk areas of
the oral mucosa and project high-risk maps onto the oral mucosa to
guide clinicians on where to take a biopsy.
Docket Number: 21-002. Applicant: Drexel University, 3401 Market
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Instrument: Light Microscope with
motorized stage, attached camera and image--capturing hardware and
software. Manufacturer: Info in Images Ltd., United Kingdom. Intended
Use: To develop a novel research tool for scientists studying
microscopic algae and to facilitate access to the holdings of the
Diatom Herbarium at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel
University, a non-profit public museum with a mission of research in
environmental conservation and public education. This customized
automated microscope side-scanning system will be used to create high-
resolution images of microscopic organisms on permanent slides that
could be viewed and studied online using a virtual microscopy
application. Digital images of the slides, containing millions of
individual specimens of microorganisms and representing snapshots of
their assemblages, will be served online to support research programs
focused on environmental change and its effects on aquatic biota. The
applications based on images acquired with this slide-scanning system
will be used to increase the efficiency of water quality and ecosystem
health monitoring in rivers, lakes, and coastal areas of the ocean.
Docket Number: 21-003. Applicant: UChicago Argonne LLC, Operator of
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439-
4873. Instrument: A:VC 19 Photon Extraction Vacuum Chambers.
Manufacturer: Strumenti Scientific CINEL S.R.L., Italy. Intended Use:
These components are required to complete the assembly of the Advanced
Photon Source upgrade storage ring vacuum system. The APS-U storage
ring vacuum system is approximately 1.1-km in circumference and will
store the electron and photon beams in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV)
environment. The materials/phenomena that are studied vary widely from
material properties analysis, protein mapping for pharmaceutical
companies, X-ray imaging and chemical composition determination, to
name a few. These components will be used exclusively for scientific
research for a minimum of 5 years at Argonne National Laboratory. The
properties of the materials studied include but are not limited to
grain structure, grain boundary and interstitial defects, and
morphology. These properties are not only studied at ambient
environments but also under high pressure, temperature, stress and
strain. The objective is to further the understanding of different
materials and material properties.
Docket Number: 21-004. Applicant: William Marsh Rice University,
6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005. Instrument: Angle-Resolved
Photoemission Spectroscopy System. Manufacturer: Fermion Instruments,
China. Intended Use: The technique of angle-resolved photoemission
spectroscopy is a very specialized technique used to directly image the
electronic structure of synthesized single crystalline materials or
thin film materials. This technique is mainly used to study fundamental
physical and electrical properties of materials, how electrons interact
with each other leading to the insulating, metallic, or superconducting
properties of materials for fundamental research. The measurement of
electronic structure will provide important information on the
fundamental physical origin of why a material is a good conductor or
insulator or a superconductor. This will be beneficial towards new
physics theories about solid state materials for academic purposes.
Docket Number: 21-005. Applicant: UChicago Argonne LLC, Operator of
Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439-
4873. Instrument: POLAR Vertical Double Crystal Monochromator.
Manufacturer: Strumenti Scientific CINEL, S.R.L., Italy. Intended Use:
The instrument will be used as a monochromator for the Polar beamline
at the Advanced Photon Source upgrade. The Polar beamline makes use of
polarized synchrotron radiation to investigate magnetic properties of
materials using a variety of spectroscopic and scattering methods.
Materials investigated are scientific samples especially grown to
answer specific scientific questions and to study basic magnetic and
electric material properties. The device will be used exclusively for
scientific research for a minimum of 5 years at Argonne National
Laboratory. The objective is to further the understanding of material
properties and to be able to tailor material properties to achieve
specific magnetic and electron behavior.
Docket Number: 21-006. Applicant: Rutgers, The State University, 65
Davidson Road, Piscataway, NJ 00854. Instrument: SIPAT Crystal Grower
[[Page 61139]]
500-1 System. Manufacturer: Sipat Co., Ltd., Canada. Intended Use:The
instruments will only be used for the study and basic understanding of
the physical properties of oxide and/or metallic materials, various
physical phenomena based on strongly correlated materials such as high
temperature superconductors, Topological insulators, or Multiferroics.
The growth of new materials will be conducted which have unique
electric and magnetic properties using purchased crystal grower. To
identify grown materials, we will employ x-ray diffraction and Laue.
The high-quality crystals will be further investigated with a physical
property measurement system and Magnetic property measurement system to
obtain its electric and magnetic properties in varying conditions of
temperature, electric and magnetic fields.
Docket Number: 21-007. Applicant: Oregon State University, 100
Wiegand Hall, 3051 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331. Instrument:
Radio Frequency Heating System. Manufacturer: FOSHAN JIYAN HIGH
FREQUENCY EQUIP CO., LTD., China.Intended Use: The instrument will be
used for studying the phenomena of radio frequency (FR) drying of food
materials and understanding the effectiveness in comparison with
conventional hot-air drying method. The objectives to be studied: (a)
To investigate drying efficiency of radio frequency at various
operation conditions and compare with conventional hot-air drying to
reduce drying time/cost and improve product quality, (b) to evaluate
radio frequency heating for other application in food processing, such
as pasteurization, deshelling and roasting of nuts, and drying food
processing byproducts. Analytical techniques will be used to obtain
quantitative data from the experiments and analyzed statistically to
draw valuable conclusions.
Docket Number: 21-008. Applicant: University of North Dakota, 266
Upson Hall II, 243 Centennial Drive, Grand Forks, ND 58202-8359.
Instrument: Laser metal deposition system. Manufacturer: InssTek, South
Korea. Intended Use: Materials to be used are elemental pure metal
powders or alloyed metal powders, the research goal will be in-situ
alloying of multiple different types of elemental powders (up to six)
in the laser melting pool. The primary interest of materials is Inconel
625 alloy, which will be built using the in-situ alloying of
commercially pure elemental powders, they are Cr, Mo, Nb, Fe, and Ni
powders, and have the diameter ranging from 45 um to 150 um. After
material is prepared, the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
will be used to analyze the chemical composition and elemental
distribution, and the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) will be
applied to observe the crystal orientation and grain structure. The
objective is to broaden the material availability for AM and to explore
its full potential.
Docket Number: 21-009. Applicant: Yale University, BCT326, 15
Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511. Instrument: [email protected] G-M
CO., China. Intended Use: The instrument will be used to research on
superconducting films synthesized in our lab. These phenomena can only
be brought to life when cooled to cryogenic temperatures created with
liquid helium. The transition temperature (Tc) and magnetic
susceptibility of our superconductor samples from the resistive normal
state to the zero-resistance superconducting states will be measured.
The instrument would slowly cool the sample to low temperature (4 K = -
269[deg] C) and measure its resistance and magnetic susceptibility at
the same time to find the transition temperature Tc. This cryocooler
will help to cool our sample from room temperature to 4 K, which is 269
[deg]C below the freezing point in a controlled way. The cooling power
required here is essential to ensure that we can reach and maintain at
4 K temperature. The small formfactor and vacuum-compatible design is
also required for compatibility reasons.
Dated: November 1, 2021.
Richard Herring,
Director, Subsidies Enforcement, Enforcement and Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2021-24184 Filed 11-4-21; 8:45 am]