Mattresses From the People's Republic of China: Countervailing Duty Order, 26463-26465 [2021-10237]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 92 / Friday, May 14, 2021 / Notices
Turkey, and Vietnam entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for
consumption after May 1, 2021, the final
day on which the provisional measures
were in effect, through the day
preceding the date of publication of the
ITC’s final affirmative injury
determinations in the Federal Register.
Suspension of liquidation will resume
on the date of publication of the ITC’s
final affirmative injury determinations
in the Federal Register.
Notification to Interested Parties
This notice constitutes the
antidumping duty orders with respect to
mattresses from Cambodia, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey, and
Vietnam pursuant to section 736(a) of
the Act. Interested parties can find a list
of antidumping duty orders currently in
effect at
These orders are published in
accordance with section and 736(a) of
the Act and 19 CFR 351.211(b).
Dated: May 10, 2021.
Christian Marsh,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement
and Compliance.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Scope of the Orders
The products covered by these orders are
all types of youth and adult mattresses. The
term ‘‘mattress’’ denotes an assembly of
materials that at a minimum includes a
‘‘core,’’ which provides the main support
system of the mattress, and may consist of
innersprings, foam, other resilient filling, or
a combination of these materials. Mattresses
may also contain: (1) ‘‘Upholstery,’’ the
material between the core and the top panel
of the ticking on a single-sided mattress; or
between the core and the top and bottom
panel of the ticking on a double-sided
mattress; and/or (2) ‘‘ticking,’’ the outermost
layer of fabric or other material (e.g., vinyl)
that encloses the core and any upholstery,
also known as a cover.
The scope of these orders is restricted to
only ‘‘adult mattresses’’ and ‘‘youth
mattresses.’’ ‘‘Adult mattresses’’ are
frequently described as ‘‘twin,’’ ‘‘extra-long
twin,’’ ‘‘full,’’ ‘‘queen,’’ ‘‘king,’’ or ‘‘California
king’’ mattresses. ‘‘Youth mattresses’’ are
typically described as ‘‘crib,’’ ‘‘toddler,’’ or
‘‘youth’’ mattresses. All adult and youth
mattresses are included regardless of size and
size description.
The scope encompasses all types of
‘‘innerspring mattresses,’’ ‘‘non-innerspring
mattresses,’’ and ‘‘hybrid mattresses.’’
‘‘Innerspring mattresses’’ contain
innersprings, a series of metal springs joined
together in sizes that correspond to the
dimensions of mattresses. Mattresses that
contain innersprings are referred to as
‘‘innerspring mattresses’’ or ‘‘hybrid
mattresses.’’ ‘‘Hybrid mattresses’’ contain two
or more support systems as the core, such as
layers of both memory foam and innerspring
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:58 May 13, 2021
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‘‘Non-innerspring mattresses’’ are those
that do not contain any innerspring units.
They are generally produced from foams
(e.g., polyurethane, memory (viscoelastic),
latex foam, gel-infused viscoelastic (gel
foam), thermobonded polyester,
polyethylene) or other resilient filling.
Mattresses covered by the scope of these
orders may be imported independently, as
part of furniture or furniture mechanisms
(e.g., convertible sofa bed mattresses, sofa
bed mattresses imported with sofa bed
mechanisms, corner group mattresses, daybed mattresses, roll-away bed mattresses,
high risers, trundle bed mattresses, crib
mattresses), or as part of a set in combination
with a ‘‘mattress foundation.’’ ‘‘Mattress
foundations’’ are any base or support for a
mattress. Mattress foundations are commonly
referred to as ‘‘foundations,’’ ‘‘boxsprings,’’
‘‘platforms,’’ and/or ‘‘bases.’’ Bases can be
static, foldable, or adjustable. Only the
mattress is covered by the scope if imported
as part of furniture, with furniture
mechanisms, or as part of a set in
combination with a mattress foundation.
Excluded from the scope of these orders
are ‘‘futon’’ mattresses. A ‘‘futon’’ is a bi-fold
frame made of wood, metal, or plastic
material, or any combination thereof, that
functions as both seating furniture (such as
a couch, love seat, or sofa) and a bed. A
‘‘futon mattress’’ is a tufted mattress, where
the top covering is secured to the bottom
with thread that goes completely through the
mattress from the top through to the bottom,
and it does not contain innersprings or foam.
A futon mattress is both the bed and seating
surface for the futon.
Also excluded from the scope are airbeds
(including inflatable mattresses) and
waterbeds, which consist of air- or liquidfilled bladders as the core or main support
system of the mattress.
Also excluded is certain multifunctional
furniture that is convertible from seating to
sleeping, regardless of filler material or
components, where that filler material or
components are upholstered, integrated into
the design and construction of, and
inseparable from, the furniture framing, and
the outermost layer of the multifunctional
furniture converts into the sleeping surface.
Such furniture may, and without limitation,
be commonly referred to as ‘‘convertible
sofas,’’ ‘‘sofabeds,’’ ‘‘sofa chaise sleepers,’’
‘‘futons,’’ ‘‘ottoman sleepers’’ or a like
Also excluded from the scope of these
orders are any products covered by the
existing antidumping duty orders on
uncovered innerspring units from China or
Vietnam. See Uncovered Innerspring Units
from the People’s Republic of China: Notice
of Antidumping Duty Order, 74 FR 7661
(February 19, 2009); Antidumping Duty
Order: Uncovered Innerspring Units from the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 73 FR 75391
(December 11, 2008).
Also excluded from the scope of these
orders are bassinet pads with a nominal
length of less than 39 inches, a nominal
width less than 25 inches, and a nominal
depth of less than 2 inches.
Additionally, also excluded from the scope
of these orders are ‘‘mattress toppers.’’ A
PO 00000
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‘‘mattress topper’’ is a removable bedding
accessory that supplements a mattress by
providing an additional layer that is placed
on top of a mattress. Excluded mattress
toppers have a height of four inches or less.
The products subject to these orders are
currently properly classifiable under HTSUS
subheadings: 9404.21.0010, 9404.21.0013,
9404.29.1005, 9404.29.1013, 9404.29.9085,
and 9404.29.9087. Products subject to these
orders may also enter under HTSUS
subheadings: 9404.21.0095, 9404.29.1095,
9404.29.9095, 9401.40.0000, and
9401.90.5081. Although the HTSUS
subheadings are provided for convenience
and customs purposes, the written
description of the merchandise subject to
these orders is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2021–10238 Filed 5–13–21; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Mattresses From the People’s Republic
of China: Countervailing Duty Order
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final
determinations by the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) and the
International Trade Commission (ITC),
Commerce is issuing a countervailing
duty (CVD) order on mattresses from the
People’s Republic of China (China).
DATES: Applicable May 14, 2021.
Theodore Pearson or Mary Kolberg, AD/
CVD Operations, Office I, Enforcement
and Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone:
(202) 482–2631 or (202) 482–1785,
On March 25, 2021, Commerce
published its affirmative final
determination in the countervailing
duty investigation of mattresses from
China.1 On May 10, 2021, the ITC
notified Commerce of its affirmative
final determination that pursuant to
sections 705(b)(1)(A)(i) and 705(d) of the
Act, that an industry in the United
States is materially injured by reason of
1 See Mattresses from the People’s Republic of
China; Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty
Determination, 86 FR 15910 (March 25, 2021) (Final
Determination), and accompanying Issues and
Decision Memorandum.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 92 / Friday, May 14, 2021 / Notices
subsidized imports of subject
merchandise from China.2
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order
are mattresses from China. For a
complete description of the scope of this
order, see the appendix to this notice.
Countervailing Duty Order
As stated above, on May 10, 2021, in
accordance with section 705(d) of the
Act, the ITC notified Commerce of its
final determination that an industry in
the United States is materially injured
within the meaning of section
705(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act by reason of
subsidized imports of mattresses from
China.3 Therefore, in accordance with
section 705(c)(2) of the Act, Commerce
is issuing this CVD order. Therefore, in
accordance with section 706(a) of the
Act, Commerce will direct U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (CBP) to assess,
upon further instruction by Commerce,
countervailing duties for all relevant
entries of mattresses from China which
are entered, or withdrawn from
warehouse, for consumption on or after
September 11, 2020, the date of
publication of the Preliminary
Determination,4 but will not include
entries occurring after the expiration of
the provisional measures period and
before the publication of the ITC’s final
injury determination under section
705(b) of the Act, as further described in
the ‘‘Provisional Measures’’ section of
this notice.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Continuation of Suspension of
Liquidation and Cash Deposits
Except as noted in the ‘‘Provisional
Measures’’ section of this notice, in
accordance with section 706(a)(1) of the
Act, Commerce will instruct CBP to
continue to suspend liquidation on all
relevant entries of mattresses from
China. These instructions suspending
liquidation will remain in effect until
further notice.
Commerce will also instruct CBP to
require cash deposits equal to the net
countervailable subsidy rates indicated
in the table below. Accordingly,
effective on the date of publication in
the Federal Register of the notice of the
ITC’s final affirmative injury
determination, CBP must require, at the
2 See ITC’s Letter, ‘‘Notification of ITC Final
Determination,’’ dated May 10, 2021 (ITC
Notification Letter).
3 See ITC Notification Letter.
4 See Mattresses from the People’s Republic of
China: Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty
Determination, and Alignment of Final
Determination with Final Antidumping Duty
Determination, 85 FR 56216 (September 11, 2020)
(Preliminary Determination), and accompanying
Preliminary Decision Memorandum.
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19:58 May 13, 2021
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same time as importers would deposit
estimated normal customs duties on
subject merchandise, a cash deposit
equal to the rates listed in the table
Kewei Furniture Co Ltd ..............
Zinus Xiamen ..............................
Ningbo Megafeat Bedding Co.,
Ltd./Megafeat Bedding Co Ltd
Healthcare Co. Ltd .....................
All Others ....................................
Provisional Measures
Section 703(d) of the Act states that
the suspension of liquidation pursuant
to an affirmative preliminary
determination may not remain in effect
for more than four months. Commerce
published the Preliminary
Determination on September 11, 2020.6
The provisional measures period,
beginning on the date of publication of
the Preliminary Determination, ended
on January 8, 2021. Therefore, in
accordance with section 703(d) of the
Act, Commerce will instruct CBP to
terminate the suspension of liquidation
and to liquidate, without regard to
countervailing duties, unliquidated
entries of mattresses from China
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption after January 8, 2021,
the final day on which the provisional
measures were in effect, until and
through the day preceding the date of
publication of the ITC’s final affirmative
injury determination in the Federal
Register. Suspension of liquidation and
the collection of cash deposits will
resume on the date of publication of the
ITC’s final injury determination in the
Federal Register.
Notification to Interested Parties
This notice constitutes the CVD order
with respect to mattresses from China
pursuant to section 706(a) of the Act.
Interested parties can find a list of CVD
orders currently in effect at https://
This order is issued and published in
accordance with section 706(a) of the
Act and 19 CFR 351.211(b).
5 See
6 See
PO 00000
section 706(a)(3) of the Act.
Preliminary Determination.
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Dated: May 10, 2021.
Christian Marsh,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement
and Compliance.
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order are all
types of youth and adult mattresses. The term
‘‘mattress’’ denotes an assembly of materials
that at a minimum includes a ‘‘core,’’ which
provides the main support system of the
mattress, and may consist of innersprings,
foam, other resilient filling, or a combination
of these materials. Mattresses may also
contain: (1) ‘‘Upholstery,’’ the material
between the core and the top panel of the
ticking on a single-sided mattress; or between
the core and the top and bottom panel of the
ticking on a double-sided mattress; and/or (2)
‘‘ticking,’’ the outermost layer of fabric or
other material (e.g., vinyl) that encloses the
core and any upholstery, also known as a
The scope of this order is restricted to only
‘‘adult mattresses’’ and ‘‘youth mattresses.’’
‘‘Adult mattresses’’ are frequently described
as ‘‘twin,’’ ‘‘extra-long twin,’’ ‘‘full,’’
‘‘queen,’’ ‘‘king,’’ or ‘‘California king’’
mattresses. ‘‘Youth mattresses’’ are typically
described as ‘‘crib,’’ ‘‘toddler,’’ or ‘‘youth’’
mattresses. All adult and youth mattresses
are included regardless of size and size
The scope encompasses all types of
‘‘innerspring mattresses,’’ ‘‘non-innerspring
mattresses,’’ and ‘‘hybrid mattresses.’’
‘‘Innerspring mattresses’’ contain
innersprings, a series of metal springs joined
together in sizes that correspond to the
dimensions of mattresses. Mattresses that
contain innersprings are referred to as
‘‘innerspring mattresses’’ or ‘‘hybrid
mattresses.’’ ‘‘Hybrid mattresses’’ contain two
or more support systems as the core, such as
layers of both memory foam and innerspring
‘‘Non-innerspring mattresses’’ are those
that do not contain any innerspring units.
They are generally produced from foams
(e.g., polyurethane, memory (viscoelastic),
latex foam, gel-infused viscoelastic (gel
foam), thermobonded polyester,
polyethylene) or other resilient filling.
Mattresses covered by the scope of this
order may be imported independently, as
part of furniture or furniture mechanisms
(e.g., convertible sofa bed mattresses, sofa
bed mattresses imported with sofa bed
mechanisms, corner group mattresses, daybed mattresses, roll-away bed mattresses,
high risers, trundle bed mattresses, crib
mattresses), or as part of a set in combination
with a ‘‘mattress foundation.’’ ‘‘Mattress
foundations’’ are any base or support for a
mattress. Mattress foundations are commonly
referred to as ‘‘foundations,’’ ‘‘boxsprings,’’
‘‘platforms,’’ and/or ‘‘bases.’’ Bases can be
static, foldable, or adjustable. Only the
mattress is covered by the scope if imported
as part of furniture, with furniture
mechanisms, or as part of a set, in
combination with a mattress foundation.
Excluded from the scope of this order are
‘‘futon’’ mattresses. A ‘‘futon’’ is a bi-fold
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 92 / Friday, May 14, 2021 / Notices
frame made of wood, metal, or plastic
material, or any combination thereof, that
functions as both seating furniture (such as
a couch, love seat, or sofa) and a bed. A
‘‘futon mattress’’ is a tufted mattress, where
the top covering is secured to the bottom
with thread that goes completely through the
mattress from the top through to the bottom,
and it does not contain innersprings or foam.
A futon mattress is both the bed and seating
surface for the futon.
Also excluded from the scope are airbeds
(including inflatable mattresses) and
waterbeds, which consist of air- or liquidfilled bladders as the core or main support
system of the mattress.
Also excluded is certain multifunctional
furniture that is convertible from seating to
sleeping, regardless of filler material or
components, where that filler material or
components are upholstered, integrated into
the design and construction of, and
inseparable from, the furniture framing, and
the outermost layer of the multifunctional
furniture converts into the sleeping surface.
Such furniture may, and without limitation,
be commonly referred to as ‘‘convertible
sofas,’’ ‘‘sofa beds,’’ ‘‘sofa chaise sleepers,’’
‘‘futons,’’ ‘‘ottoman sleepers’’ or a like
Also excluded from the scope of this order
are any products covered by the existing
antidumping duty orders on uncovered
innerspring units from China or Vietnam. See
Uncovered Innerspring Units from the
People’s Republic of China: Notice of
Antidumping Duty Order, 74 FR 7661
(February 19, 2009); Antidumping Duty
Order: Uncovered Innerspring Units from the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 73 FR 75391
(December 11, 2008).
Also excluded from the scope of this order
are bassinet pads with a nominal length of
less than 39 inches, a nominal width less
than 25 inches, and a nominal depth of less
than 2 inches.
Additionally, also excluded from the scope
of this order are ‘‘mattress toppers.’’ A
‘‘mattress topper’’ is a removable bedding
accessory that supplements a mattress by
providing an additional layer that is placed
on top of a mattress. Excluded mattress
toppers have a height of four inches or less.
The products subject to this order are
currently properly classifiable under HTSUS
subheadings: 9404.21.0010, 9404.21.0013,
9404.29.1005, 9404.29.1013, 9404.29.9085,
and 9404.29.9087. Products subject to this
order may also enter under HTSUS
subheadings: 9404.21.0095, 9404.29.1095,
9404.29.9095, 9401.40.0000, and
9401.90.5081. Although the HTSUS
subheadings are provided for convenience
and customs purposes, the written
description of the merchandise subject to this
order is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2021–10237 Filed 5–13–21; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:58 May 13, 2021
Jkt 253001
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XB074]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Marine Site
Characterization Surveys Off of New
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; issuance of an Incidental
Harassment Authorization.
In accordance with the
regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as
amended, notification is hereby given
that NMFS has issued an incidental
harassment authorization (IHA) to
Ocean Wind, LLC (Ocean Wind) to
incidentally harass, by Level B
harassment only, marine mammals
during marine site characterization
surveys off of New Jersey in the area of
Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands
for Renewable Energy Development on
the Outer Continental Shelf Lease Areas
OCS–A 0498 and OCS–A 0532 (Lease
Area) and potential export cable routes
to landfall locations in New Jersey.
DATES: This Authorization is effective
for a period of one year, from May 10,
2021 through May 9, 2022.
Laws, Office of Protected Resources,
NMFS, (301) 427–8401. Electronic
copies of the application and supporting
documents, as well as a list of the
references cited in this document, may
be obtained online at:
incidental-take-authorization-oceanwind-llc-marine-site-characterizationsurveys-new-jersey. In case of problems
accessing these documents, please call
the contact listed above.
The MMPA prohibits the ‘‘take’’ of
marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and
(D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et
seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce
(as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon
request, the incidental, but not
intentional, taking of small numbers of
marine mammals by U.S. citizens who
engage in a specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings
are made and either regulations are
PO 00000
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issued or, if the taking is limited to
harassment, a notice of a proposed
incidental take authorization may be
provided to the public for review.
Authorization for incidental takings
shall be granted if NMFS finds that the
taking will have a negligible impact on
the species or stock(s) and will not have
an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for
taking for subsistence uses (where
relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe
the permissible methods of taking and
other ‘‘means of effecting the least
practicable adverse impact’’ on the
affected species or stocks and their
habitat, paying particular attention to
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
similar significance, and on the
availability of the species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses
(referred to in shorthand as
‘‘mitigation’’); and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of the takings are set forth.
The definitions of all applicable MMPA
statutory terms cited above are included
in the relevant sections below.
Summary of Request
On December 11, 2020, NMFS
received a request from Ocean Wind for
an IHA to take marine mammals
incidental to marine site
characterization surveys off of New
Jersey in the Lease Area and potential
export cable routes (ECRs) to landfall
locations in New Jersey. Following
NMFS review of the draft application, a
revised version was submitted on
February 23, 2021. That revised version
was deemed adequate and complete on
March 9, 2020. Ocean Wind’s request is
for take of 16 species of marine
mammals, by Level B harassment only.
Neither Ocean Wind nor NMFS expects
serious injury or mortality to result from
this activity and, therefore, an IHA is
NMFS previously issued an IHA to
Ocean Wind for similar work in the
same geographic area on June 8, 2017
(82 FR 31562; July 7, 2017) with
effective dates from June 8, 2017,
through June 7, 2018. Ocean Wind
complied with all the requirements (e.g.,
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting) of
the previous IHA.
Description of Proposed Activity
As part of its overall marine site
characterization survey operations,
Ocean Wind plans to conduct highresolution geophysical (HRG) surveys in
the Lease Area and along potential ECRs
to landfall locations in New Jersey.
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 92 (Friday, May 14, 2021)]
[Pages 26463-26465]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-10237]
International Trade Administration
Mattresses From the People's Republic of China: Countervailing
Duty Order
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC),
Commerce is issuing a countervailing duty (CVD) order on mattresses
from the People's Republic of China (China).
DATES: Applicable May 14, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Theodore Pearson or Mary Kolberg, AD/
CVD Operations, Office I, Enforcement and Compliance, International
Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-2631 or (202)
482-1785, respectively.
On March 25, 2021, Commerce published its affirmative final
determination in the countervailing duty investigation of mattresses
from China.\1\ On May 10, 2021, the ITC notified Commerce of its
affirmative final determination that pursuant to sections
705(b)(1)(A)(i) and 705(d) of the Act, that an industry in the United
States is materially injured by reason of
[[Page 26464]]
subsidized imports of subject merchandise from China.\2\
\1\ See Mattresses from the People's Republic of China; Final
Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, 86 FR 15910 (March
25, 2021) (Final Determination), and accompanying Issues and
Decision Memorandum.
\2\ See ITC's Letter, ``Notification of ITC Final
Determination,'' dated May 10, 2021 (ITC Notification Letter).
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order are mattresses from China. For a
complete description of the scope of this order, see the appendix to
this notice.
Countervailing Duty Order
As stated above, on May 10, 2021, in accordance with section 705(d)
of the Act, the ITC notified Commerce of its final determination that
an industry in the United States is materially injured within the
meaning of section 705(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act by reason of subsidized
imports of mattresses from China.\3\ Therefore, in accordance with
section 705(c)(2) of the Act, Commerce is issuing this CVD order.
Therefore, in accordance with section 706(a) of the Act, Commerce will
direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to assess, upon further
instruction by Commerce, countervailing duties for all relevant entries
of mattresses from China which are entered, or withdrawn from
warehouse, for consumption on or after September 11, 2020, the date of
publication of the Preliminary Determination,\4\ but will not include
entries occurring after the expiration of the provisional measures
period and before the publication of the ITC's final injury
determination under section 705(b) of the Act, as further described in
the ``Provisional Measures'' section of this notice.
\3\ See ITC Notification Letter.
\4\ See Mattresses from the People's Republic of China:
Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, and
Alignment of Final Determination with Final Antidumping Duty
Determination, 85 FR 56216 (September 11, 2020) (Preliminary
Determination), and accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum.
Continuation of Suspension of Liquidation and Cash Deposits
Except as noted in the ``Provisional Measures'' section of this
notice, in accordance with section 706(a)(1) of the Act, Commerce will
instruct CBP to continue to suspend liquidation on all relevant entries
of mattresses from China. These instructions suspending liquidation
will remain in effect until further notice.
Commerce will also instruct CBP to require cash deposits equal to
the net countervailable subsidy rates indicated in the table below.
Accordingly, effective on the date of publication in the Federal
Register of the notice of the ITC's final affirmative injury
determination, CBP must require, at the same time as importers would
deposit estimated normal customs duties on subject merchandise, a cash
deposit equal to the rates listed in the table below.\5\
\5\ See section 706(a)(3) of the Act.
Company rate
Kewei Furniture Co Ltd...................................... 97.78
Zinus Xiamen................................................ 97.78
Ningbo Megafeat Bedding Co., Ltd./Megafeat Bedding Co Ltd... 97.78
Healthcare Co. Ltd.......................................... 97.78
All Others.................................................. 97.78
Provisional Measures
Section 703(d) of the Act states that the suspension of liquidation
pursuant to an affirmative preliminary determination may not remain in
effect for more than four months. Commerce published the Preliminary
Determination on September 11, 2020.\6\
\6\ See Preliminary Determination.
The provisional measures period, beginning on the date of
publication of the Preliminary Determination, ended on January 8, 2021.
Therefore, in accordance with section 703(d) of the Act, Commerce will
instruct CBP to terminate the suspension of liquidation and to
liquidate, without regard to countervailing duties, unliquidated
entries of mattresses from China entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption after January 8, 2021, the final day on which the
provisional measures were in effect, until and through the day
preceding the date of publication of the ITC's final affirmative injury
determination in the Federal Register. Suspension of liquidation and
the collection of cash deposits will resume on the date of publication
of the ITC's final injury determination in the Federal Register.
Notification to Interested Parties
This notice constitutes the CVD order with respect to mattresses
from China pursuant to section 706(a) of the Act. Interested parties
can find a list of CVD orders currently in effect at
This order is issued and published in accordance with section
706(a) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.211(b).
Dated: May 10, 2021.
Christian Marsh,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order are all types of youth and
adult mattresses. The term ``mattress'' denotes an assembly of
materials that at a minimum includes a ``core,'' which provides the
main support system of the mattress, and may consist of
innersprings, foam, other resilient filling, or a combination of
these materials. Mattresses may also contain: (1) ``Upholstery,''
the material between the core and the top panel of the ticking on a
single-sided mattress; or between the core and the top and bottom
panel of the ticking on a double-sided mattress; and/or (2)
``ticking,'' the outermost layer of fabric or other material (e.g.,
vinyl) that encloses the core and any upholstery, also known as a
The scope of this order is restricted to only ``adult
mattresses'' and ``youth mattresses.'' ``Adult mattresses'' are
frequently described as ``twin,'' ``extra-long twin,'' ``full,''
``queen,'' ``king,'' or ``California king'' mattresses. ``Youth
mattresses'' are typically described as ``crib,'' ``toddler,'' or
``youth'' mattresses. All adult and youth mattresses are included
regardless of size and size description.
The scope encompasses all types of ``innerspring mattresses,''
``non-innerspring mattresses,'' and ``hybrid mattresses.''
``Innerspring mattresses'' contain innersprings, a series of metal
springs joined together in sizes that correspond to the dimensions
of mattresses. Mattresses that contain innersprings are referred to
as ``innerspring mattresses'' or ``hybrid mattresses.'' ``Hybrid
mattresses'' contain two or more support systems as the core, such
as layers of both memory foam and innerspring units.
``Non-innerspring mattresses'' are those that do not contain any
innerspring units. They are generally produced from foams (e.g.,
polyurethane, memory (viscoelastic), latex foam, gel-infused
viscoelastic (gel foam), thermobonded polyester, polyethylene) or
other resilient filling.
Mattresses covered by the scope of this order may be imported
independently, as part of furniture or furniture mechanisms (e.g.,
convertible sofa bed mattresses, sofa bed mattresses imported with
sofa bed mechanisms, corner group mattresses, day-bed mattresses,
roll-away bed mattresses, high risers, trundle bed mattresses, crib
mattresses), or as part of a set in combination with a ``mattress
foundation.'' ``Mattress foundations'' are any base or support for a
mattress. Mattress foundations are commonly referred to as
``foundations,'' ``boxsprings,'' ``platforms,'' and/or ``bases.''
Bases can be static, foldable, or adjustable. Only the mattress is
covered by the scope if imported as part of furniture, with
furniture mechanisms, or as part of a set, in combination with a
mattress foundation.
Excluded from the scope of this order are ``futon'' mattresses.
A ``futon'' is a bi-fold
[[Page 26465]]
frame made of wood, metal, or plastic material, or any combination
thereof, that functions as both seating furniture (such as a couch,
love seat, or sofa) and a bed. A ``futon mattress'' is a tufted
mattress, where the top covering is secured to the bottom with
thread that goes completely through the mattress from the top
through to the bottom, and it does not contain innersprings or foam.
A futon mattress is both the bed and seating surface for the futon.
Also excluded from the scope are airbeds (including inflatable
mattresses) and waterbeds, which consist of air- or liquid-filled
bladders as the core or main support system of the mattress.
Also excluded is certain multifunctional furniture that is
convertible from seating to sleeping, regardless of filler material
or components, where that filler material or components are
upholstered, integrated into the design and construction of, and
inseparable from, the furniture framing, and the outermost layer of
the multifunctional furniture converts into the sleeping surface.
Such furniture may, and without limitation, be commonly referred to
as ``convertible sofas,'' ``sofa beds,'' ``sofa chaise sleepers,''
``futons,'' ``ottoman sleepers'' or a like description.
Also excluded from the scope of this order are any products
covered by the existing antidumping duty orders on uncovered
innerspring units from China or Vietnam. See Uncovered Innerspring
Units from the People's Republic of China: Notice of Antidumping
Duty Order, 74 FR 7661 (February 19, 2009); Antidumping Duty Order:
Uncovered Innerspring Units from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,
73 FR 75391 (December 11, 2008).
Also excluded from the scope of this order are bassinet pads
with a nominal length of less than 39 inches, a nominal width less
than 25 inches, and a nominal depth of less than 2 inches.
Additionally, also excluded from the scope of this order are
``mattress toppers.'' A ``mattress topper'' is a removable bedding
accessory that supplements a mattress by providing an additional
layer that is placed on top of a mattress. Excluded mattress toppers
have a height of four inches or less.
The products subject to this order are currently properly
classifiable under HTSUS subheadings: 9404.21.0010, 9404.21.0013,
9404.29.1005, 9404.29.1013, 9404.29.9085, and 9404.29.9087. Products
subject to this order may also enter under HTSUS subheadings:
9404.21.0095, 9404.29.1095, 9404.29.9095, 9401.40.0000, and
9401.90.5081. Although the HTSUS subheadings are provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the
merchandise subject to this order is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2021-10237 Filed 5-13-21; 8:45 am]