Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX Emerald, LLC; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend Its Fee Schedule To Establish Market Data Fees, 11033-11040 [2021-03549]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Phlx–2021–08 and should
be submitted on or before March 16,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
J. Matthew DeLesDernier,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2021–03544 Filed 2–22–21; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–91145; File No. SR–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX
Emerald, LLC; Notice of Filing and
Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed
Rule Change To Amend Its Fee
Schedule To Establish Market Data
February 17, 2021.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on February
4, 2021, MIAX Emerald, LLC (‘‘MIAX
Emerald’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
change as described in Items I, II, and
III below, which Items have been
prepared by the Exchange. The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change from interested persons.
7 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
1 15
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I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange is filing a proposal to
amend the MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule
(the ‘‘Fee Schedule’’) to establish market
data fees.
The text of the proposed rule change
is available on the Exchange’s website at, at MIAX’s principal
office, and at the Commission’s Public
Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for
the proposed rule change and discussed
any comments it received on the
proposed rule change. The text of these
statements may be examined at the
places specified in Item IV below. The
Exchange has prepared summaries, set
forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
The Exchange proposes to amend the
Fee Schedule to establish market data
fees. MIAX Emerald commenced
operations as a national securities
exchange registered under Section 6 of
the Act 3 on March 1, 2019.4 The
Exchange adopted its transaction fees
and certain of its non-transaction fees in
its filing SR–EMERALD–2019–15.5 In
that filing, the Exchange expressly
waived, among others, market data fees
to provide an incentive to prospective
market participants to become
Members 6 of the Exchange. At that
time, the Exchange waived market data
fees for the Waiver Period 7 and stated
3 15
U.S.C. 78f.
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 84891
(December 20, 2018), 83 FR 67421 (December 28,
2018) (File No. 10–233) (order approving
application of MIAX Emerald, LLC for registration
as a national securities exchange).
5 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 85393
(March 21, 2019), 84 FR 11599 (March 27, 2019)
(SR–EMERALD–2019–15) (Notice of Filing and
Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change
To Establish the MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule).
6 ‘‘Member’’ means an individual or organization
approved to exercise the trading rights associated
with a Trading Permit. Members are deemed
‘‘members’’ under the Exchange Act. See Exchange
Rule 100 and the Definitions Section of the Fee
7 ‘‘Waiver Period’’ means, for each applicable fee,
the period of time from the initial effective date of
4 See
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that it would provide notice to market
participants when the Exchange
intended to terminate the Waiver
On September 15, 2020, the Exchange
issued a Regulatory Circular which
announced, among other things, that the
Exchange would be ending the Waiver
Period for market data fees, beginning
October 1, 2020.8
On October 1, 2020, the Exchange
filed its proposal to assess fees for its
market data products, MIAX Emerald
Top of Market (‘‘ToM’’), Administrative
Information Subscriber (‘‘AIS’’) feed,
and MIAX Order Feed (‘‘MOR’’).9 On
October 14, 2020, the Exchange
withdrew the First Proposed Rule
Change and refiled its proposal in order
to provide more description regarding
the difference in pricing for internal
distributors and external distributors.10
On November 25, 2020, the Exchange
withdrew the Second Proposed Rule
Change 11 and refiled its proposal to
assess fees for its ToM, AIS and MOR
products in order to provide additional
information.12 On January 22, 2021, the
Exchange withdrew the Third Proposed
Rule Change 13 and refiled its proposal
in order to provide a cost-based
justification for its market data fees.14
On February 4, 2021, the Exchange
withdrew the Fourth Proposed Rule
Change and refiled this proposal.
A more detailed description of the
ToM, AIS and MOR products can be
the MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule until such time
that the Exchange has an effective fee filing
establishing the applicable fee. The Exchange will
issue a Regulatory Circular announcing the
establishment of an applicable fee that was subject
to a Waiver Period at least fifteen (15) days prior
to the termination of the Waiver Period and
effective date of any such applicable fee. See the
Definitions Section of the Fee Schedule.
8 See MIAX Emerald Regulatory Circular 2020–41
available at
9 See SR–EMERALD–2020–10 (the ‘‘First
Proposed Rule Change’’).
10 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 90274
(October 27, 2020), 85 FR 69371 (November 2, 2020)
(SR–EMERALD–2020–13) (Notice of Filing and
Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change
To Amend Its Fee Schedule To Establish Market
Data Fees) (the ‘‘Second Proposed Rule Change’’).
11 See Comment Letter from Joseph W. Ferraro III,
SVP, Deputy General Counsel, the Exchange, dated
November 20, 2020, notifying the Commission that
the Exchange will withdraw the Second Proposed
Rule Change.
12 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 90612
(December 9, 2020), 85 FR 81242 (December 15,
2020) (SR–EMERALD–2020–16) (the ‘‘Third
Proposed Rule Change’’).
13 See Comment Letter from Joseph W. Ferraro III,
SVP, Deputy General Counsel, the Exchange, dated
January 19, 2021, notifying the Commission that the
Exchange will withdraw the Third Proposed Rule
14 See SR–EMERALD–2021–04 (the ‘‘Fourth
Proposed Rule Change’’).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
found in the Exchange’s previously filed
Market Data Product filings.15 The
Exchange notes that it will not be
assessing fees for Complex Top of
Market (‘‘cToM’’) 16 data at this time.
To summarize, ToM provides market
participants with a direct data feed that
includes the Exchange’s best bid and
offer, with aggregate size, and last sale
information, based on displayable order
and quoting interest on the Exchange.
The ToM data feed includes data that is
identical to the data sent to the
processor for the Options Price
Reporting Authority (‘‘OPRA’’). ToM
also contains a feature that provides the
number of Priority Customer 17 contracts
that are included in the size associated
with the Exchange’s best bid and offer.
AIS provides market participants with
a direct data feed that allows subscribers
to receive real-time updates of products
traded on MIAX Emerald, trading status
for MIAX Emerald and products traded
on MIAX Emerald, and liquidity seeking
event notifications. The AIS market data
feed includes opening imbalance
condition information, opening routing
information, expanded quote range
information, post-halt notifications, and
liquidity refresh condition information.
AIS real-time messages are disseminated
over multicast to achieve a fair delivery
mechanism. AIS notifications provide
current electronic system status
allowing subscribers to take necessary
actions immediately.
MOR provides market participants
with a direct data feed that allows
15 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 85207
(February 27, 2019), 84 FR 7963 (March 5, 2019)
(SR–EMERALD–2019–09) (Notice of Filing and
Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change
to Establish MIAX Emerald Top of Market (‘‘ToM’’)
Data Feed, MIAX Emerald Complex Top of Market
(‘‘cToM’’) Data Feed, MIAX Emerald Administrative
Information Subscriber (‘‘AIS’’) Data Feed, and
MIAX Emerald Order Feed (‘‘MOR’’)).
16 cToM provides subscribers with the same
information as the ToM market data product as it
relates to the strategy book, i.e., the Exchange’s best
bid and offer for a complex strategy, with aggregate
size, based on displayable order and quoting
interest in the complex strategy on the Exchange.
cToM also provides subscribers with the
identification of the complex strategies currently
trading on MIAX Emerald; complex strategy last
sale information; and the status of securities
underlying the complex strategy (e.g., halted, open,
or resumed). cToM is distinct from ToM, and
anyone wishing to receive cToM data must
subscribe to cToM regardless of whether they are
a current ToM subscriber. ToM subscribers are not
required to subscribe to cToM, and cToM
subscribers are not required to subscribe to ToM.
See id.
17 The term ‘‘Priority Customer’’ means a person
or entity that (i) is not a broker or dealer in
securities, and (ii) does not place more than 390
orders in listed options per day on average during
a calendar month for its own beneficial account(s).
The number of orders shall be counted in
accordance with Interpretation and Policy .01 to
Exchange Rule 100. See Exchange Rule 100.
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subscribers to receive real-time updates
of options orders, products traded on
MIAX Emerald, MIAX Emerald Options
System status, and MIAX Emerald
Options Underlying trading status.
Subscribers to the data feed will get a
list of all options symbols and strategies
that will be traded and sourced on that
feed at the start of every session.
The Exchange proposes to charge
monthly fees to Distributors (defined
below) of the ToM, AIS, and MOR
market data products. MIAX Emerald
will assess market data fees applicable
to the market data products on Internal
and External Distributors in each month
the Distributor is credentialed to use the
applicable market data product in the
production environment. A
‘‘Distributor’’ of MIAX Emerald data is
any entity that receives a feed or file of
data either directly from MIAX Emerald
or indirectly through another entity and
then distributes it either internally
(within that entity) or externally
(outside that entity). All Distributors are
required to execute a MIAX Emerald
Distributor Agreement. Market data fees
for ToM, AIS, and MOR will be reduced
for new Distributors for the first month
during which they subscribe to the
applicable market data product, based
on the number of trading days that have
been held during the month prior to the
date on which they have been
credentialed to use the applicable
market data product in the production
environment. Such new Distributors
will be assessed a pro-rata percentage of
the fees described above, which is the
percentage of the number of trading
days remaining in the affected calendar
month as of the date on which they have
been credentialed to use the applicable
market data product in the production
environment, divided by the total
number of trading days in the affected
calendar month.
Specifically, the Exchange proposes to
assess Internal Distributors $1,250 per
month and External Distributors $1,750
per month for the ToM market data feed.
The Exchange proposes to assess
Internal Distributors $1,250 per month
and External Distributors $1,750 per
month for the AIS market data feed. The
Exchange proposes to assess Internal
Distributors $3,000 per month and
External Distributors $3,500 per month
for the MOR market data feed. The
Exchange notes that its data feed prices
are generally lower than other options
exchanges’ data feed prices for their
comparable data feed products.18
MIAX Emerald believes that
exchanges, in setting fees of all types,
should meet very high standards of
transparency to demonstrate why each
new fee or fee increase meets the
requirements of the Act that fees be
reasonable, equitably allocated, not
unfairly discriminatory, and not create
an undue burden on competition among
members and markets. MIAX Emerald
believes this high standard is especially
important when an exchange sets
certain non-transaction fees, including
market data fees. The Exchange believes
that it is important to demonstrate that
these fees are based on its costs to
provide these products and reasonable
business needs. Accordingly, the
Exchange believes the proposed fees
will allow the Exchange to offset
expense the Exchange has and will
incur, and that the Exchange is
providing sufficient transparency (as
described below) into how the Exchange
determined to charge such fees.
Accordingly, the Exchange is providing
an analysis of its revenues, costs, and
profitability associated with the
proposed fees. This analysis includes
information regarding its methodology
for determining the costs and revenues
associated with the proposed fees.
In order to determine the Exchange’s
costs associated with providing the
proposed fees, the Exchange conducted
an extensive cost review in which the
Exchange analyzed every expense item
in the Exchange’s general expense
ledger to determine whether each such
expense relates to the proposed fees,
and, if such expense did so relate, what
portion (or percentage) of such expense
actually supports the services included
in the proposed fees. The sum of all
such portions of expenses represents the
total cost of the Exchange to provide the
proposed fees. For the avoidance of
doubt, no expense amount was allocated
twice. The Exchange is also providing
detailed information regarding the
Exchange’s cost allocation
methodology—namely, information that
explains the Exchange’s rationale for
determining that it was reasonable to
allocate certain expenses described in
this filing towards the total cost to the
Exchange to provide the proposed fees.
In order to determine the Exchange’s
projected revenues associated with
providing the proposed fees, the
Exchange analyzed the number of
Members and non-Members currently
utilizing the Exchange’s services
associated with the proposed fees, and,
utilizing a recent monthly billing cycle
representative of 2020 monthly revenue,
18 See Nasdaq PHLX LLC Pricing Schedule,
Options 7, Section 10, Proprietary Data Feed Fees;
Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc. Fee Schedule, Market
Data Fees; Cboe Data Services, LLC, Fee Schedule.
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
extrapolated annualized revenue on a
going-forward basis. The Exchange does
not believe it is appropriate to factor
into its analysis future revenue growth
or decline into its projections for
purposes of these calculations, given the
uncertainty of such projections due to
the continually changing market data
needs of market participants, market
participant consolidation, etc.
Additionally, the Exchange similarly
does not factor into its analysis future
cost growth or decline.
The Exchange is presenting its
revenue and expense associated with
the proposed fees in this filing in a
manner that is consistent with how the
Exchange presents its revenue and
expense in its Audited Unconsolidated
Financial Statements. The Exchange’s
most recent Audited Unconsolidated
Financial Statement is for 2019.
However, since the revenue and
expense associated with the proposed
fees were not in place in 2019 or for the
first three quarters of 2020, the
Exchange believes its 2019 Audited
Unconsolidated Financial Statement is
not useful for analyzing the
reasonableness of the total annual
revenue and costs associated with the
proposed fees. Accordingly, the
Exchange believes it is more appropriate
to analyze the proposed fees utilizing its
2020 revenue and costs, as described
herein, which utilize the same
presentation methodology as set forth in
the Exchange’s previously-issued
Audited Unconsolidated Financial
Statements. Based on this analysis, the
Exchange believes that the proposed
fees are fair and reasonable because they
will not result in excessive pricing or
supra-competitive profit when
comparing the Exchange’s total annual
expense associated with providing the
services associated with the proposed
fees versus the total projected annual
revenue the Exchange will collect for
providing those services.
On March 29, 2019, the Commission
issued its Order Disapproving Proposed
Rule Changes to Amend the Fee
Schedule on the BOX Market LLC
Options Facility to Establish BOX
Connectivity Fees for Participants and
Non-Participants Who Connect to the
BOX Network (the ‘‘BOX Order’’).19 On
May 21, 2019, the Commission issued
the Staff Guidance on SRO Rule Filings
Relating to Fees.20 Accordingly, the
19 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 85459
(March 29, 2019), 84 FR 13363 (April 4, 2019) (SR–
BOX–2018–24, SR–BOX–2018–37, and SR–BOX–
20 See Staff Guidance on SRO Rule Filings
Relating to Fees (May 21, 2019), at https://
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Exchange believes that the proposed
fees are consistent with the Act because
they (i) are reasonable, equitably
allocated, not unfairly discriminatory,
and not an undue burden on
competition; (ii) comply with the BOX
Order and the Guidance; (iii) are
supported by evidence (including
comprehensive revenue and cost data
and analysis) that they are fair and
reasonable because they do not result in
excessive pricing or supra-competitive
profit; and (iv) utilize a cost-based
justification framework. Accordingly,
the Exchange believes that the
Commission should find that the
proposed fees are consistent with the
The proposed rule change is
immediately effective upon filing with
the Commission pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A) of the Act.
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes that its
proposal to amend its Fee Schedule is
consistent with Section 6(b) of the Act 21
in general, and furthers the objectives of
Section 6(b)(4) of the Act 22 in
particular, in that it is an equitable
allocation of reasonable dues, fees and
other charges among its members and
issuers and other persons using its
facilities. The Exchange also believes
the proposal furthers the objectives of
Section 6(b)(5) of the Act in that it is
designed to promote just and equitable
principles of trade, to remove
impediments to and perfect the
mechanism of a free and open market
and a national market system, and, in
general to protect investors and the
public interest and is not designed to
permit unfair discrimination between
customers, issuers, brokers and dealers.
Separately, the Exchange is not aware
of any reason why market participants
could not simply drop their market data
subscriptions to an exchange (or not
subscribe to market data feeds of an
exchange) if an exchange were to
establish prices for its market data fees
that, in the determination of such
market participant, did not make
business or economic sense for such
market participant. No options market
participant is required by rule or
regulation to subscribe to market data
feeds of an options exchange. As
evidence of the fact that market
participants can and do unsubscribe
from an exchange’s market data feeds
based on pricing, the Exchange notes
that, since it issued its notice for the
(the ‘‘Guidance’’).
21 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
22 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5).
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proposed fees, one Member terminated
its market data feed subscriptions as a
result of the proposed fees. Accordingly,
this example shows that if an exchange
sets too high of a fee for its market data
products, market participants can
choose to not purchase market data or
simply unsubscribe from an exchange’s
market data feeds.
The Exchange believes that its
proposal is consistent with Section
6(b)(4) of the Act because the proposed
fees will not result in excessive or
supra-competitive profit. The costs
associated with providing market data
to Exchange Members and nonMembers, as well as the general
expansion of a state-of-the-art
infrastructure, are extensive, have
increased year-over-year, and are
projected to increase year-over-year in
the future. In particular, the Exchange
has experienced a material increase in
its costs in 2020, in connection with a
project to make its network environment
more transparent and deterministic,
based on customer demand. This project
will allow the Exchange to enhance its
network architecture with the intent of
ensuring a best-in-class, transparent and
deterministic trading system while
maintaining its industry leading latency
and throughput capabilities. In order to
provide this greater amount of
transparency and higher determinism,
MIAX Emerald has made significant
capital expenditures (‘‘CapEx’’),
incurred increased ongoing operational
expenditures (‘‘OpEx’’), and undertaken
additional engineering research and
development (‘‘R&D’’) in the following
areas: (i) Implementing an improved
network design to ensure the minimum
latency between multicast market data
signals disseminated by the Exchange
across the extranet switches, improving
the unicast jitter profile to reduce the
occurrence of message sequence
inversions from Members to the
Exchange quoting gateway processors,
and introducing a new optical fiber
network infrastructure that ensures the
optical fiber path for participants within
extremely tight tolerances; (ii)
introducing a re-architected and
engineered participant quoting gateway
that ensures the delivery of messages to
the match engine with absolute
determinism, eliminating the message
processing inversions that can occur
with messages received nanoseconds
apart; and (iii) designing an improved
monitoring platform to better measure
the performance of the network and
systems at extremely tight tolerances
and to provide Members with reporting
on the performance of their systems.
The CapEx associated with only phase
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
1 of this project in 2020 was
approximately $1.85 million. This
expense does not include the significant
increase in employee time and other
resources necessary to maintain and
service this network, which expense is
captured in the operating expense
discussed below. This project, which
results in a material increase in expense
of the Exchange, is, among other things,
intended to enhance the overall trading
experience at the Exchange, making it a
venue that market participants want to
access, thereby creating greater value in
the Exchange’s market data products.
The Exchange believes that it is
reasonable, equitable and not unfairly
discriminatory to assess internal
distributors fees that are less than the
fees assessed for external distributors for
subscriptions to the Exchange’s ToM,
AIS and MOR data feeds because
internal distributors have limited,
restricted usage rights to the market
data, as compared to external
distributors which have more expansive
usage rights. All Members and nonMembers that determine to receive any
market data feed of the Exchange (or its
affiliates, MIAX and MIAX PEARL),
must first execute, among other things,
the MIAX Exchange Group Exchange
Data Agreement (the ‘‘Exchange Data
Agreement’’).23 Pursuant to the
Exchange Data Agreement, Internal
Distributors are restricted to the
‘‘internal use’’ of any market data they
receive. This means that Internal
Distributors may only distribute the
Exchange’s market data to the
recipient’s officers and employees and
its affiliates.24 External Distributors may
distribute the Exchange’s market data to
persons who are not officers, employees
or affiliates of the external distributor,25
and may charge their own fees for the
distribution of such market data.
Accordingly, the Exchange believes it is
fair, reasonable and not unfairly
discriminatory to assess External
Distributors a higher fee for the
Exchange’s market data products as
External Distributors have greater usage
rights to commercialize such market
data. It also costs the Exchange more to
support External Distributors versus
internal distributors, as External
Distributors have reporting and
monitoring obligations that Internal
Distributors do not have, thus requiring
additional time and effort of Exchange
staff. The Exchange believes the
23 See Exchange Data Agreement, available at
24 See id.
25 See id.
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proposed fees are a reasonable
allocation of its costs and expenses
among its Members and other persons
using its facilities since it is recovering
the costs associated with distributing
such data. Access to the Exchange is
provided on fair and non-discriminatory
terms. The Exchange believes the
proposed fees are equitable and not
unfairly discriminatory because the fee
level results in a reasonable and
equitable allocation of fees amongst
users for similar services. Moreover, the
decision as to whether or not to
purchase market data is entirely
optional to all users. Potential
purchasers are not required to purchase
the market data, and the Exchange is not
required to make the market data
available. Purchasers may request the
data at any time or may decline to
purchase such data. The allocation of
fees among users is fair and reasonable
because, if the market deems the
proposed fees to be unfair or
inequitable, firms can diminish or
discontinue their use of this data.
The Exchange only has four primary
sources of revenue: Transaction fees,
access fees, regulatory fees, and market
data fees. Accordingly, the Exchange
must cover all of its expenses from these
four primary sources of revenue.
The Exchange believes that the
proposed fees are fair and reasonable
because they will not result in excessive
pricing or supra-competitive profit,
when comparing the total annual
expense that the Exchange projects to
incur in connection with providing
these products versus the total annual
revenue that the Exchange projects to
collect in connection with the proposed
market data fees. For 2020,26 the total
annual expense for providing the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees for MIAX Emerald is
projected to be approximately
$1,040,064. The $1,040,064 in projected
total annual expense is comprised of the
following, all of which are directly
related to providing the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees: (1) Third-party expense, relating to
fees paid by MIAX Emerald to thirdparties for certain products and services;
and (2) internal expense, relating to the
internal costs of MIAX Emerald to
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees.
The Exchange notes that the MIAX
Emerald architecture takes advantage of
an advance in design to eliminate the
need for a market data distribution
gateway layer. The computation and
dissemination via an application
26 The Exchange has not yet finalized its 2020
year end results.
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program interface (‘‘API’’) is done solely
within the match engine environment
and is then delivered via the Member
and non-Member connectivity
infrastructure. This architecture delivers
a market data distribution system that is
more efficient both in cost and
performance. Earlier implementations
like those implemented for the
Exchange’s affiliates, Miami
International Securities Exchange, LLC
(‘‘MIAX PEARL’’), require an additional
server hardware level and network
infrastructure making them more
expensive to deploy, operate and
maintain. All capital and operational
expenses to support market data
generation are a percentage of the total
cost to support the MIAX Emerald
match engines (both in capital and
operational expense). The Exchange
believes that 10% of the functionality
and support infrastructure is required to
support the computation and
dissemination of market data at the
match engine layer, which serves as the
basis for its cost allocation for market
data products. Approximately 10% of
the Exchange staff are required to
support market data and fall under two
categories: (1) The technical
development, maintenance, operation
and administration of market data
computation and delivery; and (2) nontechnical administration including
managing market data agreements and
the auditing and tracking of member
and non-member market data usage.
As noted above, the Exchange
believes it is more appropriate to
analyze the proposed fees utilizing its
2020 revenue and costs, which utilize
the same presentation methodology as
set forth in the Exchange’s previouslyissued Audited Unconsolidated
Financial Statements.27 The $1,040,064
in projected total annual expense is
directly related to providing the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees, and not any other
product or service offered by the
Exchange. No expense amount was
allocated twice.
As discussed, the Exchange
conducted an extensive cost review in
27 For example, the Exchange previously noted
that all third-party expense described in its prior fee
filing was contained in the information technology
and communication costs line item under the
section titled ‘‘Operating Expenses Incurred
Directly or Allocated From Parent,’’ in the
Exchange’s 2019 Form 1 Amendment containing its
financial statements for 2018. See Securities
Exchange Act Release No. 87877 (December 31,
2019), 85 FR 738 (January 7, 2020) (SR–EMERALD–
2019–39). Accordingly, the third-part expense
described in this filing is attributed to the same line
item for the Exchange’s 2020 Form 1 Amendment,
which will be filed in 2021.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
which the Exchange analyzed every
expense item in the Exchange’s general
expense ledger (this includes over 150
separate and distinct expense items) to
determine whether each such expense
relates to providing the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees, and, if such expense did so relate,
what portion (or percentage) of such
expense actually supports those
products, and thus bears a relationship
that is, ‘‘in nature and closeness,’’
directly related to those products. The
sum of all such portions of expenses
represents the total cost of the Exchange
to provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees.
For 2020, total third-party expense,
relating to fees paid by MIAX Emerald
to third-parties for certain products and
services for the Exchange to be able to
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, is
projected to be $19,105. This includes,
but is not limited to, a portion of the
fees paid to: (1) Equinix, for data center
services, for the primary, secondary, and
disaster recovery locations of the MIAX
Emerald trading system infrastructure;
(2) Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. (‘‘Zayo’’)
for network services (fiber and
bandwidth products and services)
linking MIAX Emerald’s office locations
in Princeton, NJ and Miami, FL to all
data center locations; (3) Secure
Financial Transaction Infrastructure
(‘‘SFTI’’),28 which supports connectivity
and feeds for the entire U.S. options
industry; (4) various other services
providers (including Thompson Reuters,
NYSE, Nasdaq, and Internap), which
provide content, connectivity services,
and infrastructure services for critical
components of options connectivity and
network services; and (5) various other
hardware and software providers
(including Dell and Cisco, which
support the production environment in
which Members connect to the network
to trade, receive market data, etc.).
For clarity, only a portion of all fees
paid to such third-parties is included in
the third-party expense herein, and no
expense amount is allocated twice.
Accordingly, MIAX Emerald does not
allocate its entire information
technology and communication costs to
28 In fact, on October 22, 2019, the Exchange was
notified by SFTI that it is again raising its fees
charged to the Exchange by approximately 11%,
without having to show that such fee change
complies with the Act by being reasonable,
equitably allocated, and not unfairly
discriminatory. It is unfathomable to the Exchange
that, given the critical nature of the infrastructure
services provided by SFTI, that its fees are not
required to be rule-filed with the Commission
pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Act and Rule
19b–4 thereunder. See 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1) and 17
CFR 240.19b–4, respectively.
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providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable
to allocate such third-party expense
described above towards the total cost to
the Exchange to provide the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees. In particular, the Exchange
believes it is reasonable to allocate the
identified portion of the Equinix
expense because Equinix operates the
data centers (primary, secondary, and
disaster recovery) that host the
Exchange’s network infrastructure. This
includes, among other things, the
necessary storage space, which
continues to expand and increase in
cost, power to operate the network
infrastructure, and cooling apparatuses
to ensure the Exchange’s network
infrastructure maintains stability.
Without these services from Equinix,
the Exchange would not be able to
operate and support the network and
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees to its
Members and their customers. The
Exchange did not allocate all of the
Equinix expense toward the cost of
providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, only
that portion which the Exchange
identified as being specifically mapped
to providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees,
approximately 1% of the total Equinix
expense. The Exchange believes this
allocation is reasonable because it
represents the Exchange’s actual cost to
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, and
not any other product or service, as
supported by its cost review.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable
to allocate the identified portion of the
Zayo expense because Zayo provides
the internet, fiber and bandwidth
connections with respect to the
network, linking MIAX Emerald with its
affiliates, MIAX and MIAX PEARL, as
well as the data center and disaster
recovery locations. As such, all of the
trade data, including the billions of
messages each day per exchange, flow
through Zayo’s infrastructure over the
Exchange’s network. Without these
services from Zayo, the Exchange would
not be able to operate and support the
network and provide the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees. The Exchange did not allocate all
of the Zayo expense toward the cost of
providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, only
the portion which the Exchange
identified as being specifically mapped
to providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees,
approximately 1% of the total Zayo
PO 00000
Frm 00119
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
expense. The Exchange believes this
allocation is reasonable because it
represents the Exchange’s actual cost to
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, and
not any other product or service, as
supported by its cost review.
The Exchange did not allocate any
expense associated with the proposed
fees towards SFTI and various other
service providers’ (including Thompson
Reuters, NYSE, Nasdaq, and Internap)
because, as described above, the MIAX
Emerald architecture takes advantage of
an advance in design to eliminate the
need for a market data distribution
gateway layer. The computation and
dissemination via an API is done solely
within the match engine environment
and is then delivered via the member
and non-member connectivity
infrastructure. This architecture delivers
a market data system that is more
efficient both in cost and performance.
Accordingly, the Exchange determined
not to allocate any expense associated
with SFTI and various other service
The Exchange believes it is reasonable
to allocate the identified portion of the
other hardware and software provider
expense because this includes costs for
dedicated hardware licenses for
switches and servers, as well as
dedicated software licenses for security
monitoring and reporting across the
network. Without this hardware and
software, the Exchange would not be
able to operate and support the network
and provide the market data products.
The Exchange did not allocate all of the
hardware and software provider
expense toward the cost of providing
the market data products associated
with the proposed fees, only the
portions which the Exchange identified
as being specifically mapped to
providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees,
approximately 1% of the total hardware
and software provider expense. The
Exchange believes this allocation is
reasonable because it represents the
Exchange’s actual cost to provide the
market data products associated with
the proposed fees.
For 2020, total projected internal
expense, relating to the internal costs of
MIAX Emerald to provide the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees, is projected to be
$1,020,959. This includes, but is not
limited to, costs associated with: (1)
Employee compensation and benefits
for full-time employees that support the
market data products associated with
the proposed fees, including staff in
network operations, trading operations,
development, system operations,
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
business, as well as staff in general
corporate departments (such as legal,
regulatory, and finance) that support
those employees and functions
(including an increase as a result of the
higher determinism project); (2)
depreciation and amortization of
hardware and software used to provide
the market data products associated
with the proposed fees, including
equipment, servers, cabling, purchased
software and internally developed
software used in the production
environment to support the network for
trading; and (3) occupancy costs for
leased office space for staff that provide
the market data products associated
with the proposed fees. The breakdown
of these costs is more fully-described
below. For clarity, only a portion of all
such internal expenses are included in
the internal expense herein, and no
expense amount is allocated twice.
Accordingly, MIAX Emerald does not
allocate its entire costs contained in
those items to the market data products
associated with the proposed fees.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable
to allocate such internal expense
described above towards the total cost to
the Exchange to provide the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees. In particular, MIAX Emerald’s
employee compensation and benefits
expense relating to providing the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees is projected to be
$935,400, which is only a portion of the
$9,354,009 total projected expense for
employee compensation and benefits.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable
to allocate the identified portion of such
expense because this includes the time
spent by employees of several
departments, including Technology,
Back Office, Systems Operations,
Networking, Business Strategy
Development (who create the business
requirement documents that the
Technology staff use to develop market
data products and enhancements),
Trade Operations, Finance (who provide
billing and accounting services relating
to the market data products), and Legal
(who provide legal services relating to
the market data products, such as rule
filings and various license agreements
and other contracts). As part of the
extensive cost review conducted by the
Exchange, the Exchange reviewed the
amount of time spent by each employee
on matters relating to the provision of
the market data products associated
with the proposed fees. Without these
employees, the Exchange would not be
able to provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees to its
Members and their customers. The
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Exchange did not allocate all of the
employee compensation and benefits
expense toward the cost of the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees, only the portions which
the Exchange identified as being
specifically mapped to providing the
market data products associated with
the proposed fees, approximately 10%
of the total employee compensation and
benefits expense. The Exchange believes
this allocation is reasonable because it
represents the Exchange’s actual cost to
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, and
not any other service, as supported by
its cost review.
MIAX Emerald’s depreciation and
amortization expense relating to
providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees is
projected to be $38,125, which is only
a portion of the $3,812,590 total
projected expense for depreciation and
amortization. The Exchange believes it
is reasonable to allocate the identified
portion of such expense because such
expense includes the actual cost of the
computer equipment, such as dedicated
servers, computers, laptops, monitors,
information security appliances and
storage, and network switching
infrastructure equipment, including
switches and taps that were purchased
to operate and support the network and
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees.
Without this equipment, the Exchange
would not be able to operate the
network and provide the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees to its Members and their customers.
The Exchange did not allocate all of the
depreciation and amortization expense
toward the cost of providing the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees, only the portion which
the Exchange identified as being
specifically mapped to providing the
market data products associated with
the proposed fees, approximately 1% of
the total depreciation and amortization
expense, as these access services would
not be possible without relying on such.
The Exchange believes this allocation is
reasonable because it represents the
Exchange’s actual cost to provide the
market data products associated with
the proposed fees, and not any other
product or service, as supported by its
cost review.
MIAX Emerald’s occupancy expense
relating to providing the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees is projected to be $47,432, which is
only a portion of the $474,323 total
projected expense for occupancy. The
Exchange believes it is reasonable to
allocate the identified portion of such
PO 00000
Frm 00120
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
expense because such expense
represents the portion of the Exchange’s
cost to rent and maintain a physical
location for the Exchange’s staff who
operate and support the market data
products, including providing the
services associated with the proposed
fees. This amount consists primarily of
rent for the Exchange’s Princeton, NJ
office, as well as various related costs,
such as physical security, property
management fees, property taxes, and
utilities. The Exchange operates its
Network Operations Center (‘‘NOC’’)
and Security Operations Center (‘‘SOC’’)
from its Princeton, New Jersey office
location. A centralized office space is
required to house the staff that operate
and support the market data products.
The Exchange currently has
approximately 150 employees.
Approximately two-thirds of the
Exchange’s staff are in the Technology
department, and the majority of those
staff have some role in the operation
and performance of the network that
supports the provision of the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees. Without this office space,
the Exchange would not be able to
operate and support the network and
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees to its
Members and their customers.
Accordingly, the Exchange believes it is
reasonable to allocate the identified
portion of its occupancy expense
because such amount represents the
Exchange’s actual cost to house the
equipment and personnel who operate
and support the Exchange’s network
infrastructure and the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees. The Exchange did not allocate all
of the occupancy expense toward the
cost of providing the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees, only the portion which the
Exchange identified as being
specifically mapped to operating and
supporting the market data products,
approximately 10% of the total
occupancy expense. The Exchange
believes this allocation is reasonable
because it represents the Exchange’s
cost to provide the services associated
with the proposed fees, and not any
other service, as supported by its cost
Accordingly, based on the facts and
circumstances presented, the Exchange
believes that its provision of the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees will not result in
excessive pricing or supra-competitive
profit. To illustrate, on a going-forward,
fully-annualized basis, the Exchange
projects that its annualized revenue for
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees would
be approximately $648,000 per annum,
based on a recent billing cycle. The
Exchange projects that its annualized
expense for providing the market data
products associated with the proposed
fees would be approximately $1,040,064
per annum. Accordingly, on a fullyannualized basis, the Exchange believes
its total projected revenue for providing
the market data products associated
with the proposed fees will not result in
excessive pricing or supra-competitive
profit; rather, it will result in a net loss
to the Exchange of approximately
($392,064) per year ($648,000
¥$1,040,064 = ¥$392,064).
For the avoidance of doubt, none of
the expenses included herein relating to
the market data products associated
with the proposed fees relate to the
provision of any other services offered
by MIAX Emerald. Stated differently, no
expense amount of the Exchange is
allocated twice. The Exchange notes
that, with respect to the MIAX Emerald
expenses included herein, those
expenses only cover the MIAX Emerald
market; expenses associated with the
Exchange’s affiliate exchanges, MIAX
and MIAX PEARL, are accounted for
separately and are not included within
the scope of this filing. Stated
differently, no expense amount of the
Exchange is also allocated to MIAX or
The Exchange believes it is
reasonable, equitable and not unfairly
discriminatory to allocate the respective
percentages of each expense category
described above towards the total cost to
the Exchange of providing the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees because the Exchange
performed a line-by-line item analysis of
all the expenses of the Exchange, and
has determined the expenses that
directly relate to providing the market
data products associated with the
proposed fees. Further, the Exchange
notes that, without the specific thirdparty and internal items listed above,
the Exchange would not be able to
provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees to its
Members and their customers. Each of
these expense items, including physical
hardware, software, employee
compensation and benefits, occupancy
costs, and the depreciation and
amortization of equipment, have been
identified through a line-by-line item
analysis to be integral to providing these
market data products. The proposed fees
are intended to recover the Exchange’s
costs of providing market data to
Exchange Members and their customers.
Accordingly, the Exchange believes that
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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the proposed fees are fair and
reasonable because they do not result in
excessive pricing or supra-competitive
profit, when comparing the actual costs
to the Exchange versus the projected
annual revenue from the proposed fees.
Further, the Exchange no longer
believes it is necessary to waive these
fees to attract market participants to
MIAX Emerald since this market is now
established and MIAX Emerald no
longer needs to rely on such waivers to
attract market participants. The
Exchange believes that the proposal is
equitable and not unfairly
discriminatory because the elimination
of the fee waiver for the proposed fees
will uniformly apply to all market
participants of the Exchange. The
Exchange also notes that the Exchange’s
affiliate, MIAX, charges similar market
data fees.29
The Exchange also points out that it
is not seeking to recoup any of its past
costs associated with the provision of
any market data fees during the Waiver
Period. The Exchange currently has 13
subscriptions for its ToM data product;
11 subscriptions for its AIS data
product; and 8 subscriptions for its
MOR data product. All of these
subscribers have not paid any market
data fees during the Waiver Period.
Further, the majority of firms that are
subscribers of the Exchange’s affiliate
options exchanges, MIAX and MIAX
PEARL, also received free market data
during similar Waiver Periods for the
MIAX and MIAX PEARL market data
fees. Accordingly, the Exchange (and
MIAX and MIAX PEARL) have assumed
100% of the costs associated with
providing market data for the majority
of subscribers of the Exchange, MIAX,
and MIAX PEARL during their
respective Waiver Periods. Accordingly,
the Exchange believes that it is
reasonable, equitable, and not unfairly
discriminatory to now adopt market
data fees that are reasonably related to
(and designed to recover) the
Exchange’s cost associated with the
provision of such market data.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that
the proposed rule change will impose
any burden on competition not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act.
Intra-Market Competition
The Exchange believes that the
proposed fees do not put any market
participants at a relative disadvantage
compared to other market participants.
As noted above, the proposed fee
schedule would apply to all subscribers
of the ToM, AIS and MOR data feeds,
and customers may choose whether to
subscribe to any or all of the feeds. The
Exchange also believes that the
proposed fees neither favor nor penalize
one or more categories of market
participants in a manner that would
impose an undue market on
competition. Further, the Exchange’s
proposed market data fee levels, as
described herein, are comparable to fee
levels charged by other options
exchanges for the same or similar
services, including those fees assessed
by the Exchange’s affiliate, MIAX.30
The Exchange believes that the
proposed market data fees do not place
certain market participants at a relative
disadvantage to other market
participants because the fees do not
apply unequally to different size market
participants, but instead would allow
the Exchange charge for the time and
resource necessary for providing market
data to the market participants that
request such data. Accordingly, the
Exchange believes that the proposed
market data fees do not favor certain
categories of market participants in a
manner that would impose a burden on
Inter-Market Competition
The Exchange believes the proposed
fees do not place an undue burden on
competition on other SROs that is not
necessary or appropriate. The Exchange
notes that its data feed prices are
generally lower than other options
exchanges’ data feed prices for their
comparable data feed products.31 The
Exchange notes that it has far less
Members as compared to the much
greater number of members at other
options exchanges resulting in fewer
market data subscribers. The Exchange
is also unaware of any assertion that its
proposed market data fees would
somehow unduly impair its competition
with other options exchanges. To the
contrary, if the proposed market data
fees are deemed too high by market
participants, they can simply
discontinue their market data
subscriptions with the Exchange, as one
such Member has already done (as
described above).
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
Written comments were neither
solicited nor received.
30 See
29 See
PO 00000
MIAX Fee Schedule, Section 6(a)–(c).
Frm 00121
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
31 See
supra note 18.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become
effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act,32 and Rule
19b–4(f)(2) 33 thereunder. At any time
within 60 days of the filing of the
proposed rule change, the Commission
summarily may temporarily suspend
such rule change if it appears to the
Commission that such action is
necessary or appropriate in the public
interest, for the protection of investors,
or otherwise in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act. If the Commission
takes such action, the Commission shall
institute proceedings to determine
whether the proposed rule should be
approved or disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
EMERALD–2021–05 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–EMERALD–2021–05. This
file number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
internet website (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–EMERALD–2021–05, and
should be submitted on or before March
16, 2021.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
J. Matthew DeLesDernier,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2021–03549 Filed 2–22–21; 8:45 am]
[Release Nos. 33–10927, 34–91150; File No.
D Send paper statements to Vanessa
A. Countryman, Secretary, Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street
NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File No.
265–28. This file number should be
included on the subject line if email is
used. To help us process and review
your statement more efficiently, please
use only one method.
Statements also will be available for
website viewing and printing in the
Commission’s Public Reference Room,
100 F Street NE, Room 1503,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. All statements
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly.
Securities and Exchange
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
The Securities and Exchange
Commission Investor Advisory
Committee, established pursuant to
Section 911 of the Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act of 2010, is providing notice that it
will hold a public meeting. The public
is invited to submit written statements
to the Committee.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Thursday, March 11, 2021 from 10:00
a.m. until 4:00 p.m. (ET). Written
statements should be received on or
before March 10, 2021.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be
conducted by remote means and/or at
the Commission’s headquarters, 100 F
St. NE, Washington, DC 20549. The
meeting will be webcast on the
Commission’s website at
Written statements may be submitted by
any of the following methods:
meeting will be open to the public,
except during that portion of the
meeting reserved for an administrative
work session during lunch. Persons
needing special accommodations to take
part because of a disability should
notify the contact person listed in the
section above entitled FOR FURTHER
the meeting includes: Welcome remarks;
approval of previous meeting minutes; a
follow-on panel discussion regarding
self-directed individual retirement
accounts (IRAs); a panel discussion
regarding special purpose acquisition
companies (SPACs); a discussion of a
recommendation regarding minority and
underserved inclusion; a discussion of a
recommendation regarding credit rating
agencies; subcommittee reports; and a
non-public administrative session.
Electronic Statements
D Use the Commission’s internet
submission form (
rules/other.shtml); or
Dated: February 17, 2021.
Vanessa A. Countryman,
[FR Doc. 2021–03563 Filed 2–22–21; 8:45 am]
U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).
33 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(2).
18:36 Feb 22, 2021
Paper Statements
Marc Oorloff Sharma, Chief Counsel,
Office of the Investor Advocate, at (202)
551–3302, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549.
Investor Advisory Committee Meeting
32 15
VerDate Sep<11>2014
D Send an email message to Please include File
No. 265–28 on the subject line; or
34 17
Jkt 253001
PO 00000
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 34 (Tuesday, February 23, 2021)]
[Pages 11033-11040]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-03549]
[Release No. 34-91145; File No. SR-EMERALD-2021-05]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX Emerald, LLC; Notice of
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To Amend
Its Fee Schedule To Establish Market Data Fees
February 17, 2021.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that
on February 4, 2021, MIAX Emerald, LLC (``MIAX Emerald'' or
``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II,
and III below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The
Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the
proposed rule change from interested persons.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance
of the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange is filing a proposal to amend the MIAX Emerald Fee
Schedule (the ``Fee Schedule'') to establish market data fees.
The text of the proposed rule change is available on the Exchange's
website at, at MIAX's
principal office, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in
sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
1. Purpose
The Exchange proposes to amend the Fee Schedule to establish market
data fees. MIAX Emerald commenced operations as a national securities
exchange registered under Section 6 of the Act \3\ on March 1, 2019.\4\
The Exchange adopted its transaction fees and certain of its non-
transaction fees in its filing SR-EMERALD-2019-15.\5\ In that filing,
the Exchange expressly waived, among others, market data fees to
provide an incentive to prospective market participants to become
Members \6\ of the Exchange. At that time, the Exchange waived market
data fees for the Waiver Period \7\ and stated that it would provide
notice to market participants when the Exchange intended to terminate
the Waiver Period.
\3\ 15 U.S.C. 78f.
\4\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 84891 (December 20,
2018), 83 FR 67421 (December 28, 2018) (File No. 10-233) (order
approving application of MIAX Emerald, LLC for registration as a
national securities exchange).
\5\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 85393 (March 21,
2019), 84 FR 11599 (March 27, 2019) (SR-EMERALD-2019-15) (Notice of
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To
Establish the MIAX Emerald Fee Schedule).
\6\ ``Member'' means an individual or organization approved to
exercise the trading rights associated with a Trading Permit.
Members are deemed ``members'' under the Exchange Act. See Exchange
Rule 100 and the Definitions Section of the Fee Schedule.
\7\ ``Waiver Period'' means, for each applicable fee, the period
of time from the initial effective date of the MIAX Emerald Fee
Schedule until such time that the Exchange has an effective fee
filing establishing the applicable fee. The Exchange will issue a
Regulatory Circular announcing the establishment of an applicable
fee that was subject to a Waiver Period at least fifteen (15) days
prior to the termination of the Waiver Period and effective date of
any such applicable fee. See the Definitions Section of the Fee
On September 15, 2020, the Exchange issued a Regulatory Circular
which announced, among other things, that the Exchange would be ending
the Waiver Period for market data fees, beginning October 1, 2020.\8\
\8\ See MIAX Emerald Regulatory Circular 2020-41 available at
On October 1, 2020, the Exchange filed its proposal to assess fees
for its market data products, MIAX Emerald Top of Market (``ToM''),
Administrative Information Subscriber (``AIS'') feed, and MIAX Order
Feed (``MOR'').\9\ On October 14, 2020, the Exchange withdrew the First
Proposed Rule Change and refiled its proposal in order to provide more
description regarding the difference in pricing for internal
distributors and external distributors.\10\
\9\ See SR-EMERALD-2020-10 (the ``First Proposed Rule Change'').
\10\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 90274 (October 27,
2020), 85 FR 69371 (November 2, 2020) (SR-EMERALD-2020-13) (Notice
of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change To
Amend Its Fee Schedule To Establish Market Data Fees) (the ``Second
Proposed Rule Change'').
On November 25, 2020, the Exchange withdrew the Second Proposed
Rule Change \11\ and refiled its proposal to assess fees for its ToM,
AIS and MOR products in order to provide additional information.\12\ On
January 22, 2021, the Exchange withdrew the Third Proposed Rule Change
\13\ and refiled its proposal in order to provide a cost-based
justification for its market data fees.\14\ On February 4, 2021, the
Exchange withdrew the Fourth Proposed Rule Change and refiled this
\11\ See Comment Letter from Joseph W. Ferraro III, SVP, Deputy
General Counsel, the Exchange, dated November 20, 2020, notifying
the Commission that the Exchange will withdraw the Second Proposed
Rule Change.
\12\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 90612 (December 9,
2020), 85 FR 81242 (December 15, 2020) (SR-EMERALD-2020-16) (the
``Third Proposed Rule Change'').
\13\ See Comment Letter from Joseph W. Ferraro III, SVP, Deputy
General Counsel, the Exchange, dated January 19, 2021, notifying the
Commission that the Exchange will withdraw the Third Proposed Rule
\14\ See SR-EMERALD-2021-04 (the ``Fourth Proposed Rule
A more detailed description of the ToM, AIS and MOR products can be
[[Page 11034]]
found in the Exchange's previously filed Market Data Product
filings.\15\ The Exchange notes that it will not be assessing fees for
Complex Top of Market (``cToM'') \16\ data at this time.
\15\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 85207 (February 27,
2019), 84 FR 7963 (March 5, 2019) (SR-EMERALD-2019-09) (Notice of
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change to
Establish MIAX Emerald Top of Market (``ToM'') Data Feed, MIAX
Emerald Complex Top of Market (``cToM'') Data Feed, MIAX Emerald
Administrative Information Subscriber (``AIS'') Data Feed, and MIAX
Emerald Order Feed (``MOR'')).
\16\ cToM provides subscribers with the same information as the
ToM market data product as it relates to the strategy book, i.e.,
the Exchange's best bid and offer for a complex strategy, with
aggregate size, based on displayable order and quoting interest in
the complex strategy on the Exchange. cToM also provides subscribers
with the identification of the complex strategies currently trading
on MIAX Emerald; complex strategy last sale information; and the
status of securities underlying the complex strategy (e.g., halted,
open, or resumed). cToM is distinct from ToM, and anyone wishing to
receive cToM data must subscribe to cToM regardless of whether they
are a current ToM subscriber. ToM subscribers are not required to
subscribe to cToM, and cToM subscribers are not required to
subscribe to ToM. See id.
To summarize, ToM provides market participants with a direct data
feed that includes the Exchange's best bid and offer, with aggregate
size, and last sale information, based on displayable order and quoting
interest on the Exchange. The ToM data feed includes data that is
identical to the data sent to the processor for the Options Price
Reporting Authority (``OPRA''). ToM also contains a feature that
provides the number of Priority Customer \17\ contracts that are
included in the size associated with the Exchange's best bid and offer.
\17\ The term ``Priority Customer'' means a person or entity
that (i) is not a broker or dealer in securities, and (ii) does not
place more than 390 orders in listed options per day on average
during a calendar month for its own beneficial account(s). The
number of orders shall be counted in accordance with Interpretation
and Policy .01 to Exchange Rule 100. See Exchange Rule 100.
AIS provides market participants with a direct data feed that
allows subscribers to receive real-time updates of products traded on
MIAX Emerald, trading status for MIAX Emerald and products traded on
MIAX Emerald, and liquidity seeking event notifications. The AIS market
data feed includes opening imbalance condition information, opening
routing information, expanded quote range information, post-halt
notifications, and liquidity refresh condition information. AIS real-
time messages are disseminated over multicast to achieve a fair
delivery mechanism. AIS notifications provide current electronic system
status allowing subscribers to take necessary actions immediately.
MOR provides market participants with a direct data feed that
allows subscribers to receive real-time updates of options orders,
products traded on MIAX Emerald, MIAX Emerald Options System status,
and MIAX Emerald Options Underlying trading status. Subscribers to the
data feed will get a list of all options symbols and strategies that
will be traded and sourced on that feed at the start of every session.
The Exchange proposes to charge monthly fees to Distributors
(defined below) of the ToM, AIS, and MOR market data products. MIAX
Emerald will assess market data fees applicable to the market data
products on Internal and External Distributors in each month the
Distributor is credentialed to use the applicable market data product
in the production environment. A ``Distributor'' of MIAX Emerald data
is any entity that receives a feed or file of data either directly from
MIAX Emerald or indirectly through another entity and then distributes
it either internally (within that entity) or externally (outside that
entity). All Distributors are required to execute a MIAX Emerald
Distributor Agreement. Market data fees for ToM, AIS, and MOR will be
reduced for new Distributors for the first month during which they
subscribe to the applicable market data product, based on the number of
trading days that have been held during the month prior to the date on
which they have been credentialed to use the applicable market data
product in the production environment. Such new Distributors will be
assessed a pro-rata percentage of the fees described above, which is
the percentage of the number of trading days remaining in the affected
calendar month as of the date on which they have been credentialed to
use the applicable market data product in the production environment,
divided by the total number of trading days in the affected calendar
Specifically, the Exchange proposes to assess Internal Distributors
$1,250 per month and External Distributors $1,750 per month for the ToM
market data feed. The Exchange proposes to assess Internal Distributors
$1,250 per month and External Distributors $1,750 per month for the AIS
market data feed. The Exchange proposes to assess Internal Distributors
$3,000 per month and External Distributors $3,500 per month for the MOR
market data feed. The Exchange notes that its data feed prices are
generally lower than other options exchanges' data feed prices for
their comparable data feed products.\18\
\18\ See Nasdaq PHLX LLC Pricing Schedule, Options 7, Section
10, Proprietary Data Feed Fees; Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc. Fee
Schedule, Market Data Fees; Cboe Data Services, LLC, Fee Schedule.
* * * * *
MIAX Emerald believes that exchanges, in setting fees of all types,
should meet very high standards of transparency to demonstrate why each
new fee or fee increase meets the requirements of the Act that fees be
reasonable, equitably allocated, not unfairly discriminatory, and not
create an undue burden on competition among members and markets. MIAX
Emerald believes this high standard is especially important when an
exchange sets certain non-transaction fees, including market data fees.
The Exchange believes that it is important to demonstrate that these
fees are based on its costs to provide these products and reasonable
business needs. Accordingly, the Exchange believes the proposed fees
will allow the Exchange to offset expense the Exchange has and will
incur, and that the Exchange is providing sufficient transparency (as
described below) into how the Exchange determined to charge such fees.
Accordingly, the Exchange is providing an analysis of its revenues,
costs, and profitability associated with the proposed fees. This
analysis includes information regarding its methodology for determining
the costs and revenues associated with the proposed fees.
In order to determine the Exchange's costs associated with
providing the proposed fees, the Exchange conducted an extensive cost
review in which the Exchange analyzed every expense item in the
Exchange's general expense ledger to determine whether each such
expense relates to the proposed fees, and, if such expense did so
relate, what portion (or percentage) of such expense actually supports
the services included in the proposed fees. The sum of all such
portions of expenses represents the total cost of the Exchange to
provide the proposed fees. For the avoidance of doubt, no expense
amount was allocated twice. The Exchange is also providing detailed
information regarding the Exchange's cost allocation methodology--
namely, information that explains the Exchange's rationale for
determining that it was reasonable to allocate certain expenses
described in this filing towards the total cost to the Exchange to
provide the proposed fees.
In order to determine the Exchange's projected revenues associated
with providing the proposed fees, the Exchange analyzed the number of
Members and non-Members currently utilizing the Exchange's services
associated with the proposed fees, and, utilizing a recent monthly
billing cycle representative of 2020 monthly revenue,
[[Page 11035]]
extrapolated annualized revenue on a going-forward basis. The Exchange
does not believe it is appropriate to factor into its analysis future
revenue growth or decline into its projections for purposes of these
calculations, given the uncertainty of such projections due to the
continually changing market data needs of market participants, market
participant consolidation, etc. Additionally, the Exchange similarly
does not factor into its analysis future cost growth or decline.
The Exchange is presenting its revenue and expense associated with
the proposed fees in this filing in a manner that is consistent with
how the Exchange presents its revenue and expense in its Audited
Unconsolidated Financial Statements. The Exchange's most recent Audited
Unconsolidated Financial Statement is for 2019. However, since the
revenue and expense associated with the proposed fees were not in place
in 2019 or for the first three quarters of 2020, the Exchange believes
its 2019 Audited Unconsolidated Financial Statement is not useful for
analyzing the reasonableness of the total annual revenue and costs
associated with the proposed fees. Accordingly, the Exchange believes
it is more appropriate to analyze the proposed fees utilizing its 2020
revenue and costs, as described herein, which utilize the same
presentation methodology as set forth in the Exchange's previously-
issued Audited Unconsolidated Financial Statements. Based on this
analysis, the Exchange believes that the proposed fees are fair and
reasonable because they will not result in excessive pricing or supra-
competitive profit when comparing the Exchange's total annual expense
associated with providing the services associated with the proposed
fees versus the total projected annual revenue the Exchange will
collect for providing those services.
* * * * *
On March 29, 2019, the Commission issued its Order Disapproving
Proposed Rule Changes to Amend the Fee Schedule on the BOX Market LLC
Options Facility to Establish BOX Connectivity Fees for Participants
and Non-Participants Who Connect to the BOX Network (the ``BOX
Order'').\19\ On May 21, 2019, the Commission issued the Staff Guidance
on SRO Rule Filings Relating to Fees.\20\ Accordingly, the Exchange
believes that the proposed fees are consistent with the Act because
they (i) are reasonable, equitably allocated, not unfairly
discriminatory, and not an undue burden on competition; (ii) comply
with the BOX Order and the Guidance; (iii) are supported by evidence
(including comprehensive revenue and cost data and analysis) that they
are fair and reasonable because they do not result in excessive pricing
or supra-competitive profit; and (iv) utilize a cost-based
justification framework. Accordingly, the Exchange believes that the
Commission should find that the proposed fees are consistent with the
\19\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 85459 (March 29,
2019), 84 FR 13363 (April 4, 2019) (SR-BOX-2018-24, SR-BOX-2018-37,
and SR-BOX-2019-04).
\20\ See Staff Guidance on SRO Rule Filings Relating to Fees
(May 21, 2019), at (the ``Guidance'').
The proposed rule change is immediately effective upon filing with
the Commission pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act.
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes that its proposal to amend its Fee Schedule
is consistent with Section 6(b) of the Act \21\ in general, and
furthers the objectives of Section 6(b)(4) of the Act \22\ in
particular, in that it is an equitable allocation of reasonable dues,
fees and other charges among its members and issuers and other persons
using its facilities. The Exchange also believes the proposal furthers
the objectives of Section 6(b)(5) of the Act in that it is designed to
promote just and equitable principles of trade, to remove impediments
to and perfect the mechanism of a free and open market and a national
market system, and, in general to protect investors and the public
interest and is not designed to permit unfair discrimination between
customers, issuers, brokers and dealers.
\21\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
\22\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5).
Separately, the Exchange is not aware of any reason why market
participants could not simply drop their market data subscriptions to
an exchange (or not subscribe to market data feeds of an exchange) if
an exchange were to establish prices for its market data fees that, in
the determination of such market participant, did not make business or
economic sense for such market participant. No options market
participant is required by rule or regulation to subscribe to market
data feeds of an options exchange. As evidence of the fact that market
participants can and do unsubscribe from an exchange's market data
feeds based on pricing, the Exchange notes that, since it issued its
notice for the proposed fees, one Member terminated its market data
feed subscriptions as a result of the proposed fees. Accordingly, this
example shows that if an exchange sets too high of a fee for its market
data products, market participants can choose to not purchase market
data or simply unsubscribe from an exchange's market data feeds.
The Exchange believes that its proposal is consistent with Section
6(b)(4) of the Act because the proposed fees will not result in
excessive or supra-competitive profit. The costs associated with
providing market data to Exchange Members and non-Members, as well as
the general expansion of a state-of-the-art infrastructure, are
extensive, have increased year-over-year, and are projected to increase
year-over-year in the future. In particular, the Exchange has
experienced a material increase in its costs in 2020, in connection
with a project to make its network environment more transparent and
deterministic, based on customer demand. This project will allow the
Exchange to enhance its network architecture with the intent of
ensuring a best-in-class, transparent and deterministic trading system
while maintaining its industry leading latency and throughput
capabilities. In order to provide this greater amount of transparency
and higher determinism, MIAX Emerald has made significant capital
expenditures (``CapEx''), incurred increased ongoing operational
expenditures (``OpEx''), and undertaken additional engineering research
and development (``R&D'') in the following areas: (i) Implementing an
improved network design to ensure the minimum latency between multicast
market data signals disseminated by the Exchange across the extranet
switches, improving the unicast jitter profile to reduce the occurrence
of message sequence inversions from Members to the Exchange quoting
gateway processors, and introducing a new optical fiber network
infrastructure that ensures the optical fiber path for participants
within extremely tight tolerances; (ii) introducing a re-architected
and engineered participant quoting gateway that ensures the delivery of
messages to the match engine with absolute determinism, eliminating the
message processing inversions that can occur with messages received
nanoseconds apart; and (iii) designing an improved monitoring platform
to better measure the performance of the network and systems at
extremely tight tolerances and to provide Members with reporting on the
performance of their systems. The CapEx associated with only phase
[[Page 11036]]
1 of this project in 2020 was approximately $1.85 million. This expense
does not include the significant increase in employee time and other
resources necessary to maintain and service this network, which expense
is captured in the operating expense discussed below. This project,
which results in a material increase in expense of the Exchange, is,
among other things, intended to enhance the overall trading experience
at the Exchange, making it a venue that market participants want to
access, thereby creating greater value in the Exchange's market data
The Exchange believes that it is reasonable, equitable and not
unfairly discriminatory to assess internal distributors fees that are
less than the fees assessed for external distributors for subscriptions
to the Exchange's ToM, AIS and MOR data feeds because internal
distributors have limited, restricted usage rights to the market data,
as compared to external distributors which have more expansive usage
rights. All Members and non-Members that determine to receive any
market data feed of the Exchange (or its affiliates, MIAX and MIAX
PEARL), must first execute, among other things, the MIAX Exchange Group
Exchange Data Agreement (the ``Exchange Data Agreement'').\23\ Pursuant
to the Exchange Data Agreement, Internal Distributors are restricted to
the ``internal use'' of any market data they receive. This means that
Internal Distributors may only distribute the Exchange's market data to
the recipient's officers and employees and its affiliates.\24\ External
Distributors may distribute the Exchange's market data to persons who
are not officers, employees or affiliates of the external
distributor,\25\ and may charge their own fees for the distribution of
such market data. Accordingly, the Exchange believes it is fair,
reasonable and not unfairly discriminatory to assess External
Distributors a higher fee for the Exchange's market data products as
External Distributors have greater usage rights to commercialize such
market data. It also costs the Exchange more to support External
Distributors versus internal distributors, as External Distributors
have reporting and monitoring obligations that Internal Distributors do
not have, thus requiring additional time and effort of Exchange staff.
The Exchange believes the proposed fees are a reasonable allocation of
its costs and expenses among its Members and other persons using its
facilities since it is recovering the costs associated with
distributing such data. Access to the Exchange is provided on fair and
non-discriminatory terms. The Exchange believes the proposed fees are
equitable and not unfairly discriminatory because the fee level results
in a reasonable and equitable allocation of fees amongst users for
similar services. Moreover, the decision as to whether or not to
purchase market data is entirely optional to all users. Potential
purchasers are not required to purchase the market data, and the
Exchange is not required to make the market data available. Purchasers
may request the data at any time or may decline to purchase such data.
The allocation of fees among users is fair and reasonable because, if
the market deems the proposed fees to be unfair or inequitable, firms
can diminish or discontinue their use of this data.
\23\ See Exchange Data Agreement, available at
\24\ See id.
\25\ See id.
The Exchange only has four primary sources of revenue: Transaction
fees, access fees, regulatory fees, and market data fees. Accordingly,
the Exchange must cover all of its expenses from these four primary
sources of revenue.
The Exchange believes that the proposed fees are fair and
reasonable because they will not result in excessive pricing or supra-
competitive profit, when comparing the total annual expense that the
Exchange projects to incur in connection with providing these products
versus the total annual revenue that the Exchange projects to collect
in connection with the proposed market data fees. For 2020,\26\ the
total annual expense for providing the market data products associated
with the proposed fees for MIAX Emerald is projected to be
approximately $1,040,064. The $1,040,064 in projected total annual
expense is comprised of the following, all of which are directly
related to providing the market data products associated with the
proposed fees: (1) Third-party expense, relating to fees paid by MIAX
Emerald to third-parties for certain products and services; and (2)
internal expense, relating to the internal costs of MIAX Emerald to
provide the market data products associated with the proposed fees.
\26\ The Exchange has not yet finalized its 2020 year end
The Exchange notes that the MIAX Emerald architecture takes
advantage of an advance in design to eliminate the need for a market
data distribution gateway layer. The computation and dissemination via
an application program interface (``API'') is done solely within the
match engine environment and is then delivered via the Member and non-
Member connectivity infrastructure. This architecture delivers a market
data distribution system that is more efficient both in cost and
performance. Earlier implementations like those implemented for the
Exchange's affiliates, Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC
(``MIAX'') and MIAX PEARL, LLC (``MIAX PEARL''), require an additional
server hardware level and network infrastructure making them more
expensive to deploy, operate and maintain. All capital and operational
expenses to support market data generation are a percentage of the
total cost to support the MIAX Emerald match engines (both in capital
and operational expense). The Exchange believes that 10% of the
functionality and support infrastructure is required to support the
computation and dissemination of market data at the match engine layer,
which serves as the basis for its cost allocation for market data
products. Approximately 10% of the Exchange staff are required to
support market data and fall under two categories: (1) The technical
development, maintenance, operation and administration of market data
computation and delivery; and (2) non-technical administration
including managing market data agreements and the auditing and tracking
of member and non-member market data usage.
As noted above, the Exchange believes it is more appropriate to
analyze the proposed fees utilizing its 2020 revenue and costs, which
utilize the same presentation methodology as set forth in the
Exchange's previously-issued Audited Unconsolidated Financial
Statements.\27\ The $1,040,064 in projected total annual expense is
directly related to providing the market data products associated with
the proposed fees, and not any other product or service offered by the
Exchange. No expense amount was allocated twice.
\27\ For example, the Exchange previously noted that all third-
party expense described in its prior fee filing was contained in the
information technology and communication costs line item under the
section titled ``Operating Expenses Incurred Directly or Allocated
From Parent,'' in the Exchange's 2019 Form 1 Amendment containing
its financial statements for 2018. See Securities Exchange Act
Release No. 87877 (December 31, 2019), 85 FR 738 (January 7, 2020)
(SR-EMERALD-2019-39). Accordingly, the third-part expense described
in this filing is attributed to the same line item for the
Exchange's 2020 Form 1 Amendment, which will be filed in 2021.
As discussed, the Exchange conducted an extensive cost review in
[[Page 11037]]
which the Exchange analyzed every expense item in the Exchange's
general expense ledger (this includes over 150 separate and distinct
expense items) to determine whether each such expense relates to
providing the market data products associated with the proposed fees,
and, if such expense did so relate, what portion (or percentage) of
such expense actually supports those products, and thus bears a
relationship that is, ``in nature and closeness,'' directly related to
those products. The sum of all such portions of expenses represents the
total cost of the Exchange to provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees.
For 2020, total third-party expense, relating to fees paid by MIAX
Emerald to third-parties for certain products and services for the
Exchange to be able to provide the market data products associated with
the proposed fees, is projected to be $19,105. This includes, but is
not limited to, a portion of the fees paid to: (1) Equinix, for data
center services, for the primary, secondary, and disaster recovery
locations of the MIAX Emerald trading system infrastructure; (2) Zayo
Group Holdings, Inc. (``Zayo'') for network services (fiber and
bandwidth products and services) linking MIAX Emerald's office
locations in Princeton, NJ and Miami, FL to all data center locations;
(3) Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (``SFTI''),\28\ which
supports connectivity and feeds for the entire U.S. options industry;
(4) various other services providers (including Thompson Reuters, NYSE,
Nasdaq, and Internap), which provide content, connectivity services,
and infrastructure services for critical components of options
connectivity and network services; and (5) various other hardware and
software providers (including Dell and Cisco, which support the
production environment in which Members connect to the network to
trade, receive market data, etc.).
\28\ In fact, on October 22, 2019, the Exchange was notified by
SFTI that it is again raising its fees charged to the Exchange by
approximately 11%, without having to show that such fee change
complies with the Act by being reasonable, equitably allocated, and
not unfairly discriminatory. It is unfathomable to the Exchange
that, given the critical nature of the infrastructure services
provided by SFTI, that its fees are not required to be rule-filed
with the Commission pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Act and Rule
19b-4 thereunder. See 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1) and 17 CFR 240.19b-4,
For clarity, only a portion of all fees paid to such third-parties
is included in the third-party expense herein, and no expense amount is
allocated twice. Accordingly, MIAX Emerald does not allocate its entire
information technology and communication costs to providing the market
data products associated with the proposed fees.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable to allocate such third-party
expense described above towards the total cost to the Exchange to
provide the market data products associated with the proposed fees. In
particular, the Exchange believes it is reasonable to allocate the
identified portion of the Equinix expense because Equinix operates the
data centers (primary, secondary, and disaster recovery) that host the
Exchange's network infrastructure. This includes, among other things,
the necessary storage space, which continues to expand and increase in
cost, power to operate the network infrastructure, and cooling
apparatuses to ensure the Exchange's network infrastructure maintains
stability. Without these services from Equinix, the Exchange would not
be able to operate and support the network and provide the market data
products associated with the proposed fees to its Members and their
customers. The Exchange did not allocate all of the Equinix expense
toward the cost of providing the market data products associated with
the proposed fees, only that portion which the Exchange identified as
being specifically mapped to providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, approximately 1% of the total
Equinix expense. The Exchange believes this allocation is reasonable
because it represents the Exchange's actual cost to provide the market
data products associated with the proposed fees, and not any other
product or service, as supported by its cost review.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable to allocate the identified
portion of the Zayo expense because Zayo provides the internet, fiber
and bandwidth connections with respect to the network, linking MIAX
Emerald with its affiliates, MIAX and MIAX PEARL, as well as the data
center and disaster recovery locations. As such, all of the trade data,
including the billions of messages each day per exchange, flow through
Zayo's infrastructure over the Exchange's network. Without these
services from Zayo, the Exchange would not be able to operate and
support the network and provide the market data products associated
with the proposed fees. The Exchange did not allocate all of the Zayo
expense toward the cost of providing the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, only the portion which the Exchange
identified as being specifically mapped to providing the market data
products associated with the proposed fees, approximately 1% of the
total Zayo expense. The Exchange believes this allocation is reasonable
because it represents the Exchange's actual cost to provide the market
data products associated with the proposed fees, and not any other
product or service, as supported by its cost review.
The Exchange did not allocate any expense associated with the
proposed fees towards SFTI and various other service providers'
(including Thompson Reuters, NYSE, Nasdaq, and Internap) because, as
described above, the MIAX Emerald architecture takes advantage of an
advance in design to eliminate the need for a market data distribution
gateway layer. The computation and dissemination via an API is done
solely within the match engine environment and is then delivered via
the member and non-member connectivity infrastructure. This
architecture delivers a market data system that is more efficient both
in cost and performance. Accordingly, the Exchange determined not to
allocate any expense associated with SFTI and various other service
The Exchange believes it is reasonable to allocate the identified
portion of the other hardware and software provider expense because
this includes costs for dedicated hardware licenses for switches and
servers, as well as dedicated software licenses for security monitoring
and reporting across the network. Without this hardware and software,
the Exchange would not be able to operate and support the network and
provide the market data products. The Exchange did not allocate all of
the hardware and software provider expense toward the cost of providing
the market data products associated with the proposed fees, only the
portions which the Exchange identified as being specifically mapped to
providing the market data products associated with the proposed fees,
approximately 1% of the total hardware and software provider expense.
The Exchange believes this allocation is reasonable because it
represents the Exchange's actual cost to provide the market data
products associated with the proposed fees.
For 2020, total projected internal expense, relating to the
internal costs of MIAX Emerald to provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, is projected to be $1,020,959. This
includes, but is not limited to, costs associated with: (1) Employee
compensation and benefits for full-time employees that support the
market data products associated with the proposed fees, including staff
in network operations, trading operations, development, system
[[Page 11038]]
business, as well as staff in general corporate departments (such as
legal, regulatory, and finance) that support those employees and
functions (including an increase as a result of the higher determinism
project); (2) depreciation and amortization of hardware and software
used to provide the market data products associated with the proposed
fees, including equipment, servers, cabling, purchased software and
internally developed software used in the production environment to
support the network for trading; and (3) occupancy costs for leased
office space for staff that provide the market data products associated
with the proposed fees. The breakdown of these costs is more fully-
described below. For clarity, only a portion of all such internal
expenses are included in the internal expense herein, and no expense
amount is allocated twice. Accordingly, MIAX Emerald does not allocate
its entire costs contained in those items to the market data products
associated with the proposed fees.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable to allocate such internal
expense described above towards the total cost to the Exchange to
provide the market data products associated with the proposed fees. In
particular, MIAX Emerald's employee compensation and benefits expense
relating to providing the market data products associated with the
proposed fees is projected to be $935,400, which is only a portion of
the $9,354,009 total projected expense for employee compensation and
benefits. The Exchange believes it is reasonable to allocate the
identified portion of such expense because this includes the time spent
by employees of several departments, including Technology, Back Office,
Systems Operations, Networking, Business Strategy Development (who
create the business requirement documents that the Technology staff use
to develop market data products and enhancements), Trade Operations,
Finance (who provide billing and accounting services relating to the
market data products), and Legal (who provide legal services relating
to the market data products, such as rule filings and various license
agreements and other contracts). As part of the extensive cost review
conducted by the Exchange, the Exchange reviewed the amount of time
spent by each employee on matters relating to the provision of the
market data products associated with the proposed fees. Without these
employees, the Exchange would not be able to provide the market data
products associated with the proposed fees to its Members and their
customers. The Exchange did not allocate all of the employee
compensation and benefits expense toward the cost of the market data
products associated with the proposed fees, only the portions which the
Exchange identified as being specifically mapped to providing the
market data products associated with the proposed fees, approximately
10% of the total employee compensation and benefits expense. The
Exchange believes this allocation is reasonable because it represents
the Exchange's actual cost to provide the market data products
associated with the proposed fees, and not any other service, as
supported by its cost review.
MIAX Emerald's depreciation and amortization expense relating to
providing the market data products associated with the proposed fees is
projected to be $38,125, which is only a portion of the $3,812,590
total projected expense for depreciation and amortization. The Exchange
believes it is reasonable to allocate the identified portion of such
expense because such expense includes the actual cost of the computer
equipment, such as dedicated servers, computers, laptops, monitors,
information security appliances and storage, and network switching
infrastructure equipment, including switches and taps that were
purchased to operate and support the network and provide the market
data products associated with the proposed fees. Without this
equipment, the Exchange would not be able to operate the network and
provide the market data products associated with the proposed fees to
its Members and their customers. The Exchange did not allocate all of
the depreciation and amortization expense toward the cost of providing
the market data products associated with the proposed fees, only the
portion which the Exchange identified as being specifically mapped to
providing the market data products associated with the proposed fees,
approximately 1% of the total depreciation and amortization expense, as
these access services would not be possible without relying on such.
The Exchange believes this allocation is reasonable because it
represents the Exchange's actual cost to provide the market data
products associated with the proposed fees, and not any other product
or service, as supported by its cost review.
MIAX Emerald's occupancy expense relating to providing the market
data products associated with the proposed fees is projected to be
$47,432, which is only a portion of the $474,323 total projected
expense for occupancy. The Exchange believes it is reasonable to
allocate the identified portion of such expense because such expense
represents the portion of the Exchange's cost to rent and maintain a
physical location for the Exchange's staff who operate and support the
market data products, including providing the services associated with
the proposed fees. This amount consists primarily of rent for the
Exchange's Princeton, NJ office, as well as various related costs, such
as physical security, property management fees, property taxes, and
utilities. The Exchange operates its Network Operations Center
(``NOC'') and Security Operations Center (``SOC'') from its Princeton,
New Jersey office location. A centralized office space is required to
house the staff that operate and support the market data products. The
Exchange currently has approximately 150 employees. Approximately two-
thirds of the Exchange's staff are in the Technology department, and
the majority of those staff have some role in the operation and
performance of the network that supports the provision of the market
data products associated with the proposed fees. Without this office
space, the Exchange would not be able to operate and support the
network and provide the market data products associated with the
proposed fees to its Members and their customers. Accordingly, the
Exchange believes it is reasonable to allocate the identified portion
of its occupancy expense because such amount represents the Exchange's
actual cost to house the equipment and personnel who operate and
support the Exchange's network infrastructure and the market data
products associated with the proposed fees. The Exchange did not
allocate all of the occupancy expense toward the cost of providing the
market data products associated with the proposed fees, only the
portion which the Exchange identified as being specifically mapped to
operating and supporting the market data products, approximately 10% of
the total occupancy expense. The Exchange believes this allocation is
reasonable because it represents the Exchange's cost to provide the
services associated with the proposed fees, and not any other service,
as supported by its cost review.
Accordingly, based on the facts and circumstances presented, the
Exchange believes that its provision of the market data products
associated with the proposed fees will not result in excessive pricing
or supra-competitive profit. To illustrate, on a going-forward, fully-
annualized basis, the Exchange projects that its annualized revenue for
[[Page 11039]]
providing the market data products associated with the proposed fees
would be approximately $648,000 per annum, based on a recent billing
cycle. The Exchange projects that its annualized expense for providing
the market data products associated with the proposed fees would be
approximately $1,040,064 per annum. Accordingly, on a fully-annualized
basis, the Exchange believes its total projected revenue for providing
the market data products associated with the proposed fees will not
result in excessive pricing or supra-competitive profit; rather, it
will result in a net loss to the Exchange of approximately ($392,064)
per year ($648,000 -$1,040,064 = -$392,064).
For the avoidance of doubt, none of the expenses included herein
relating to the market data products associated with the proposed fees
relate to the provision of any other services offered by MIAX Emerald.
Stated differently, no expense amount of the Exchange is allocated
twice. The Exchange notes that, with respect to the MIAX Emerald
expenses included herein, those expenses only cover the MIAX Emerald
market; expenses associated with the Exchange's affiliate exchanges,
MIAX and MIAX PEARL, are accounted for separately and are not included
within the scope of this filing. Stated differently, no expense amount
of the Exchange is also allocated to MIAX or MIAX PEARL.
The Exchange believes it is reasonable, equitable and not unfairly
discriminatory to allocate the respective percentages of each expense
category described above towards the total cost to the Exchange of
providing the market data products associated with the proposed fees
because the Exchange performed a line-by-line item analysis of all the
expenses of the Exchange, and has determined the expenses that directly
relate to providing the market data products associated with the
proposed fees. Further, the Exchange notes that, without the specific
third-party and internal items listed above, the Exchange would not be
able to provide the market data products associated with the proposed
fees to its Members and their customers. Each of these expense items,
including physical hardware, software, employee compensation and
benefits, occupancy costs, and the depreciation and amortization of
equipment, have been identified through a line-by-line item analysis to
be integral to providing these market data products. The proposed fees
are intended to recover the Exchange's costs of providing market data
to Exchange Members and their customers. Accordingly, the Exchange
believes that the proposed fees are fair and reasonable because they do
not result in excessive pricing or supra-competitive profit, when
comparing the actual costs to the Exchange versus the projected annual
revenue from the proposed fees.
Further, the Exchange no longer believes it is necessary to waive
these fees to attract market participants to MIAX Emerald since this
market is now established and MIAX Emerald no longer needs to rely on
such waivers to attract market participants. The Exchange believes that
the proposal is equitable and not unfairly discriminatory because the
elimination of the fee waiver for the proposed fees will uniformly
apply to all market participants of the Exchange. The Exchange also
notes that the Exchange's affiliate, MIAX, charges similar market data
\29\ See MIAX Fee Schedule, Section 6(a)-(c).
The Exchange also points out that it is not seeking to recoup any
of its past costs associated with the provision of any market data fees
during the Waiver Period. The Exchange currently has 13 subscriptions
for its ToM data product; 11 subscriptions for its AIS data product;
and 8 subscriptions for its MOR data product. All of these subscribers
have not paid any market data fees during the Waiver Period. Further,
the majority of firms that are subscribers of the Exchange's affiliate
options exchanges, MIAX and MIAX PEARL, also received free market data
during similar Waiver Periods for the MIAX and MIAX PEARL market data
fees. Accordingly, the Exchange (and MIAX and MIAX PEARL) have assumed
100% of the costs associated with providing market data for the
majority of subscribers of the Exchange, MIAX, and MIAX PEARL during
their respective Waiver Periods. Accordingly, the Exchange believes
that it is reasonable, equitable, and not unfairly discriminatory to
now adopt market data fees that are reasonably related to (and designed
to recover) the Exchange's cost associated with the provision of such
market data.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that the proposed rule change will
impose any burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in
furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
Intra-Market Competition
The Exchange believes that the proposed fees do not put any market
participants at a relative disadvantage compared to other market
participants. As noted above, the proposed fee schedule would apply to
all subscribers of the ToM, AIS and MOR data feeds, and customers may
choose whether to subscribe to any or all of the feeds. The Exchange
also believes that the proposed fees neither favor nor penalize one or
more categories of market participants in a manner that would impose an
undue market on competition. Further, the Exchange's proposed market
data fee levels, as described herein, are comparable to fee levels
charged by other options exchanges for the same or similar services,
including those fees assessed by the Exchange's affiliate, MIAX.\30\
\30\ See id.
The Exchange believes that the proposed market data fees do not
place certain market participants at a relative disadvantage to other
market participants because the fees do not apply unequally to
different size market participants, but instead would allow the
Exchange charge for the time and resource necessary for providing
market data to the market participants that request such data.
Accordingly, the Exchange believes that the proposed market data fees
do not favor certain categories of market participants in a manner that
would impose a burden on competition.
Inter-Market Competition
The Exchange believes the proposed fees do not place an undue
burden on competition on other SROs that is not necessary or
appropriate. The Exchange notes that its data feed prices are generally
lower than other options exchanges' data feed prices for their
comparable data feed products.\31\ The Exchange notes that it has far
less Members as compared to the much greater number of members at other
options exchanges resulting in fewer market data subscribers. The
Exchange is also unaware of any assertion that its proposed market data
fees would somehow unduly impair its competition with other options
exchanges. To the contrary, if the proposed market data fees are deemed
too high by market participants, they can simply discontinue their
market data subscriptions with the Exchange, as one such Member has
already done (as described above).
\31\ See supra note 18.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others
Written comments were neither solicited nor received.
[[Page 11040]]
III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act,\32\ and Rule 19b-4(f)(2) \33\ thereunder.
At any time within 60 days of the filing of the proposed rule change,
the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend such rule change if it
appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or appropriate
in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or otherwise
in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. If the Commission takes such
action, the Commission shall institute proceedings to determine whether
the proposed rule should be approved or disapproved.
\32\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).
\33\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(2).
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
Use the Commission's internet comment form (; or
Send an email to [email protected]. Please include
File Number SR-EMERALD-2021-05 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.
All submissions should refer to File Number SR-EMERALD-2021-05. This
file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To
help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently,
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on
the Commission's internet website (
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
20549, on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection
and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying
information from comment submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR-EMERALD-2021-05, and should be submitted
on or before March 16, 2021.
For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets,
pursuant to delegated authority.\34\
\34\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
J. Matthew DeLesDernier,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2021-03549 Filed 2-22-21; 8:45 am]