Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products From the People's Republic of China: Amended Final Antidumping Duty Determination and Antidumping Duty Order, 9486-9489 [2021-03151]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 16, 2021 / Notices
All wood mouldings and millwork
products are included within the scope even
if they are trimmed; cut-to-size; notched;
punched; drilled; or have undergone other
forms of minor processing.
Subject merchandise also includes wood
mouldings and millwork products that have
been further processed in a third country,
including but not limited to trimming,
cutting, notching, punching, drilling, coating,
or any other processing that would not
otherwise remove the merchandise from the
scope of this order if performed in the
country of manufacture of the in-scope
Excluded from the scope of this order are
countertop/butcherblocks imported as a full
countertop/butcherblock panel, exterior
fencing, exterior decking and exterior siding
products (including solid wood siding, nonwood siding (e.g., composite or cement), and
shingles) that are not LVL or finger jointed;
finished and unfinished doors; flooring; parts
of stair steps (including newel posts,
balusters, easing, gooseneck, risers, treads,
rail fittings and stair stringers); picture frame
components three feet and under in
individual lengths; and lumber whether
solid, finger-jointed, or edge-glued. To be
excluded from the scope, finger-jointed or
edge-glued lumber must have a nominal
thickness of 1.5 inches or greater and a
certification stamp from an American
Lumber Standard Committee-certified
grading agency. The exclusion for lumber
whether solid, finger-jointed, or edge-glued
does not apply to screen/’’surfaced on 4
sides’’ (S4S) and/or ‘‘surface 1 side, 2 edges’’
(SlS2E) stock (also called boards) that are
finger-jointed and/or edge-glued, or to fingerjointed and/or edge-glued moulding or
millwork blanks (whether or not resawn).
Accordingly, S4S and S1S2E stock/boards
that are not finger-jointed or edge-glued are
excluded from the scope of this order.
Excluded from the scope of this order are
all products covered by the scope of the
countervailing duty order on Hardwood
Plywood from the People’s Republic of China.
See Certain Hardwood Plywood Products
from the People’s Republic of China:
Countervailing Duty Order, 83 FR 513
(January 4, 2018).
Excluded from the scope of this order are
all products covered by the scope of the
countervailing duty order on Multilayered
Wood Flooring from the People’s Republic of
China. See Multilayered Wood Flooring from
the People’s Republic of China:
Countervailing Duty Order, 76 FR 76693
(December 8, 2011).
Excluded from the scope of this order are
all products covered by the scope of the
countervailing duty order on Wooden
Cabinets and Vanities from the People’s
Republic of China. See Wooden Cabinets and
Vanities and Components Thereof from the
People’s Republic of China: Countervailing
Duty Order, 85 FR 22134 (April 21, 2020).
Imports of wood mouldings and millwork
products are primarily entered under the
following Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS) numbers:
4409.10.4010, 4409.10.4090, 4409.10.4500,
4409.10.5000, 4409.22.4000,
4409.22.5000,4409.29.4100, and
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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4409.29.5100. Imports of wood mouldings
and millwork products may also enter under
HTSUS numbers:
4409.10.6000,4409.10.6500, 4409.22.6000,
4409.22.6500, 4409.29.6100, 4409.29.6600,
4418.20.4000, 4418.20.8030, 4418.20.8060,
4418.99.9095 and 4421.99.9780. While the
HTSUS subheadings are provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the
written description of the scope of the order
is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2021–03150 Filed 2–12–21; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Wood Mouldings and Millwork
Products From the People’s Republic
of China: Amended Final Antidumping
Duty Determination and Antidumping
Duty Order
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final
determinations by the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) and the
International Trade Commission (ITC),
Commerce is issuing an antidumping
duty order on wood mouldings and
millwork products (millwork products)
from the People’s Republic of China
(China). In addition, Commerce is
amending its final affirmative
Applicable February 16, 2021.
Brian Smith or Samuel Glickstein, AD/
CVD Operations, Enforcement and
Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone:
(202) 482–1766 or (202) 482–5307,
Final Determination’’ section of this
notice for further discussion. On
February 10, 2021, the ITC notified
Commerce of its final determination,
pursuant to section 735(d) of the Tariff
Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), that
an industry in the United States is
materially injured within the meaning
of section 735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act by
reason of LTFV imports of millwork
products from China.3
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order
are millwork products from China. For
a complete description of the scope of
this order, see the appendix to this
Amendment to Final Determination
A ministerial error is defined as an
error in addition, subtraction, or other
arithmetic function, clerical error
resulting from inaccurate copying,
duplication, or the like, and any other
similar type of unintentional error
which the Secretary considers
ministerial.4 Pursuant to section 735(e)
of the Act and 19 CFR 351.224(e) and
(f), Commerce is amending the Final
Determination to reflect the correction
of a ministerial error in the final
estimated weighted-average dumping
margin calculated for Fujian Yinfeng
Imp & Exp Trading Co., Ltd./Fujian
Province Youxi City Mangrove Wood
Machining Co., Ltd. (Yinfeng/
Mangrove).5 In addition, because
Yinfeng/Mangrove’s estimated
weighted-average dumping margin is
the basis for the estimated weightedaverage dumping margins for 42 nonselected separate rate companies, and its
highest transaction margin is the basis
for the estimated weighted-average
dumping margin determined for the
China-wide entity, we are also revising
the estimated weighted-average
dumping margins for the separate rate
companies and the China-wide entity
rate in the Final Determination.6
Antidumping Duty Order
On February 10, 2021, in accordance
On January 4, 2021, Commerce
with section 735(d) of the Act, the ITC
published its affirmative Final
Determination in the less-than-fair-value notified Commerce of its final
determination in this investigation, in
(LTFV) investigation of millwork
products from China.1 On January 5,
3 See ITC Notification Letter, Investigations, Inv.
2021, Commerce received a ministerial
Nos. 701–TA–636 and 731–TA–1470 (Final)
error allegation with respect to its Final
(February 10, 2021) (ITC Notification Letter).
Determination.2 See the ‘‘Amendment to
4 See section 735(e) of the Act; see also 19 CFR
1 See
Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products
from the People’s Republic of China: Final
Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 86
FR 63 (January 4, 2021) (Final Determination).
2 See Coalition of American Millwork Producers’
Letter, ‘‘Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products
from the People’s Republic of China: Ministerial
Error Comments,’’ dated January 5, 2021.
PO 00000
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5 See Memorandum, ‘‘Final Determination of
Sales at Less-Than-Fair-Value: Wood Mouldings
and Millwork Products from the People’s Republic
of China: Ministerial Error Allegations,’’ dated
January 11, 2021 (Ministerial Error Memorandum).
6 See infra, section on ‘‘Estimated WeightedAverage Dumping Margins’’; see also Ministerial
Error Memorandum.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 16, 2021 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
which it found that an industry in the
United States is materially injured by
reason of imports of millwork products
from China.7 In accordance with section
735(c)(2) of the Act, Commerce is
issuing this antidumping duty order.
Because the ITC determined that
imports of millwork products from
China are materially injuring a U.S.
industry, unliquidated entries of such
merchandise from China, entered or
withdrawn from warehouse for
consumption, are subject to the
assessment of antidumping duties.
Therefore, in accordance with section
736(a)(1) of the Act, Commerce will
direct U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) to assess, upon further
instruction by Commerce, antidumping
duties equal to the amount by which the
normal value of the merchandise
exceeds the export price (or constructed
export price) of the merchandise, for all
relevant entries of millwork products
from China. With the exception of
entries occurring after the expiration of
the provisional measures period and
before publication of the ITC’s final
affirmative injury determinations, as
further described below, antidumping
duties will be assessed on unliquidated
entries of millwork products from China
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption, on or after August 12,
2020, the date of publication of the
Preliminary Determination.8
Continuation of Suspension of
Except as noted in the ‘‘Provisional
Measures’’ section of this notice, in
accordance with section 735(c)(1)(B) of
the Act, Commerce will instruct CBP to
continue to suspend liquidation on all
relevant entries of millwork products
from China. These instructions
suspending liquidation will remain in
effect until further notice.
Commerce will also instruct CBP to
require cash deposits equal to the
estimated weighted-average dumping
margins indicated in the table below,
adjusted by the export subsidy offset.
Given that the provisional measures
period has expired, as explained below,
effective on the date of publication in
the Federal Register of the notice of the
ITC’s final affirmative injury
determination, CBP must require, at the
same time as importers would deposit
estimated normal customs duties on this
merchandise, a cash deposit equal to the
rates noted below.9
The China-wide entity rate applies to
all exporter-producer combinations not
specifically listed.
Provisional Measures
Section 733(d) of the Act states that
suspension of liquidation pursuant to an
affirmative preliminary determination
may not remain in effect for more than
four months, except where exporters
representing a significant proportion of
exports of the subject merchandise
request that Commerce extend the four-
month period to no more than six
months. At the request of exporters that
account for a significant proportion of
millwork products from China,
Commerce extended the four-month
period to six months in this
investigation. Commerce published the
Preliminary Determination in this
investigation on August 12, 2020.10
The extended provisional measures
period, beginning on the date of
publication of the Preliminary
Determination, ended on February 8,
2021. Therefore, in accordance with
section 733(d) of the Act and our
practice,11 Commerce will instruct CBP
to terminate the suspension of
liquidation and to liquidate, without
regard to antidumping duties,
unliquidated entries of millwork
products from China entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for
consumption after February 8, 2021, the
final day on which the provisional
measures were in effect, until and
through the day preceding the date of
publication of the ITC’s final affirmative
injury determination in the Federal
Register. Suspension of liquidation and
the collection of cash deposits will
resume on the date of publication of the
ITC’s final determination in the Federal
Estimated Weighted-Average Dumping
The estimated weighted-average
dumping margins are as follows:
Fujian Yinfeng Imp & Exp Trading Co., Ltd./Fujian
Province Youxi City Mangrove Wood Machining
Co., Ltd.
Anji Golden Elephant Bamboo Wooden Industry Co.,
Anji Huaxin Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd .........
Cao County Hengda Wood Products Co., Ltd .............
Evermark (Yantai) Co., Ltd ...........................................
Fujian Hongjia Craft Products Co., Ltd ........................
Fujian Jinquan Trade Co., Ltd ......................................
Fujian Yinfeng Imp & Exp Trading Co., Ltd./Fujian
Province Youxi City Mangrove Wood Machining
Co., Ltd.
Anji Golden Elephant Bamboo Wooden Industry Co.,
Anji Huaxin Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd .........
Cao County Hengda Wood Products Co., Ltd .............
Evermark (Yantai) Co., Ltd ...........................................
Fujian Hongjia Craft Products Co., Ltd ........................
Fujian Province Youxi County Baiyuan Wood Machining Co., Ltd.
Fujian Nanping Yuanqiao Wood Industry Co., Ltd ......
Fujian Province Youxi County Chang Sheng Wood
Machining Co., Ltd.
Fujian Sanming City Donglai Wood Co., Ltd ...............
Fujian Shunchang Shengsheng Wood Industry Limited Company.
Fujian Wangbin Decorative Material Co., Ltd ..............
Fujian Nanping Yuanqiao Wood Industry Co., Ltd ......
Fujian Province Youxi County Chang Sheng Wood
Machining Co., Ltd.
Fujian Sanming City Donglai Wood Co., Ltd ...............
Fujian Shunchang Shengsheng Wood Industry Limited Company.
Fujian Wangbin Decorative Material Co., Ltd ..............
7 See
ITC Notification Letter.
Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products
from the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary
Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than
Fair Value, Postponement of Final Determination,
and Extension of Provisional Measures, 85 FR
8 See
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:04 Feb 12, 2021
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48669 (August 12, 2020) (Preliminary
9 See section 736(a)(3) of the Act.
10 See Preliminary Determination.
11 See, e.g., Certain Corrosion-Resistant Steel
Products from India, Italy, the People’s Republic of
PO 00000
Frm 00011
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Cash deposit
rate (adjusted
for subsidy
China, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan:
Amended Final Affirmative Antidumping
Determination for India and Taiwan, and
Antidumping Duty Orders, 81 FR 48390, 48392
(July 25, 2016).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 16, 2021 / Notices
Fujian Youxi Best Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd .....................
Fujian Zhangping Kimura Forestry Products Co., Ltd
Heze Huasheng Wooden Co., Ltd ...............................
Huaan Longda Wood Industry Co., Ltd .......................
Jiangsu Chen Sheng Forestry Development Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Wenfeng Wood Co., Ltd .................................
Lanzhou Xinyoulian Industrial Co., Ltd ........................
Lianyungang Tianke New Energy Technology Co., Ltd
Longquan Jiefeng Trade Co., Ltd ................................
Nanping Huatai Wood & Bamboo Co., Ltd ..................
Nanping Qiangmei Import & Export Co., Ltd ...............
Oppein Home Group Inc ..............................................
Putian Yihong Wood Industry Co., Ltd .........................
Qimen Jianxing Bamboo and Wood Goods Co., Ltd ...
Qingdao Sanhe Dacheng International Trade Co., Ltd
Rizhao Duli Trade Co., Ltd ...........................................
Rizhao Guantong Woodworking Co., Ltd .....................
Fujian Ruisen International Industrial Co., Ltd .............
Fujian Zhangping Kimura Forestry Products Co., Ltd
Heze Huasheng Wooden Co., Ltd ...............................
Huaan Longda Wood Industry Co., Ltd .......................
Jiangsu Chen Sheng Forestry Development Co., Ltd
Jiangsu Wenfeng Wood Co., Ltd .................................
Lanzhou Xinyoulian Industrial Co., Ltd ........................
Lianyungang Tianke New Energy Technology Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Senya Board Industry Co., Ltd ......................
Nanping Huatai Wood & Bamboo Co., Ltd ..................
Pucheng County Qiangmei Wood Company, Ltd ........
Oppein Home Group Inc ..............................................
Putian Yihong Wood Industry Co., Ltd .........................
Qimen Jianxing Bamboo and Wood Goods Co., Ltd ...
Yongan Tenlong Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd
Rizhao Jiayue Industry & Trading Co., Ltd ..................
Shouguang Luli Wood Industry Co., Ltd./Rizhao Forest International Trading Co., Ltd./Xiamen Oubai Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.
Sanming Shitong Wood Industry Co., Ltd ....................
Shandong Jicheng Decorative Material Co., Ltd .........
Shaxian Hengtong Wood Industry Co., Ltd .................
Shaxian Shiyiwood, Ltd ................................................
Shuyang Zhongding Decoration Materials Co., Ltd .....
Suqian Sulu Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd ............
The Ancientree Cabinet Co., Ltd ..................................
Zhangzhou City Jinxi Building Material Co., Ltd ..........
Pucheng County Qiangmei Wood Company, Ltd./
Lianyungang Tianke New Energy Technology Co.,
Ltd./Fujian Sanming City Donglai Wood Co., Ltd./
Zhangzhou Fukangyuan Industry and Trade Co.,
Xuzhou Hexi Wood Co., Ltd .........................................
Zhangping San Chuan Industrial & Trade Co., Ltd .....
Zhangzhou Green Wood Industry and Trade Co., Ltd
Zhangzhou Wangjiamei Industry and Trade Co., Ltd ..
Zhangzhou Yihong Industrial Co., Ltd ..........................
Sanming Lingtong Trading Co., Ltd .............................
Shandong Miting Household Co., Ltd ..........................
Shaxian Hengtong Wood Industry Co., Ltd .................
Shaxian Shiyiwood, Ltd ................................................
Shuyang Kevin International Co., Ltd ..........................
Suqian Sulu Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd ............
The Ancientree Cabinet Co., Ltd ..................................
Xiamen Jinxi Building Material Co., Ltd .......................
Xuzhou Goodwill Resource Co., Ltd ............................
Xuzhou Hexi Wood Co., Ltd .........................................
Zhangping San Chuan Industrial & Trade Co., Ltd .....
Zhangzhou Green Wood Industry and Trade Co., Ltd
Zhangzhou Wangjiamei Industry and Trade Co., Ltd ..
Zhangzhou Yihong Industrial Co., Ltd ..........................
China-Wide Entity .........................................................
Notification to Interested Parties
This notice constitutes the
antidumping duty order with respect to
millwork products from China pursuant
to section 736(a) of the Act. Interested
parties can find a list of antidumping
duty orders currently in effect at https://
This amended final determination
and antidumping duty order are
published in accordance with sections
735(e) and 736(a) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.224(e) and 19 CFR 351.211(b).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Dated: February 10, 2021.
Christian Marsh,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement
and Compliance.
Appendix—Scope of the Order
The merchandise subject to this order
consists of wood mouldings and millwork
products that are made of wood (regardless
of wood species), bamboo, laminated veneer
lumber (LVL), or of wood and composite
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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materials (where the composite materials
make up less than 50 percent of the total
merchandise), and which are continuously
shaped wood or finger-jointed or edge-glued
moulding or millwork blanks (whether or not
resawn). The merchandise subject to this
order can be continuously shaped along any
of its edges, ends, or faces.
The percentage of composite materials
contained in a wood moulding or millwork
product is measured by length, except when
the composite material is a coating or
cladding. Wood mouldings and millwork
products that are coated or clad, even along
their entire length, with a composite
material, but that are otherwise comprised of
wood, LVL, or wood and composite materials
(where the non-coating composite materials
make up 50 percent or less of the total
merchandise) are covered by the scope.
The merchandise subject to this order
consists of wood, LVL, bamboo, or a
combination of wood and composite
materials that is continuously shaped
throughout its length (with the exception of
any endwork/dados), profiled wood having a
repetitive design in relief, similar milled
wood architectural accessories, such as
rosettes and plinth blocks, and finger-jointed
PO 00000
Frm 00012
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Cash deposit
rate (adjusted
for subsidy
or edge-glued moulding or millwork blanks
(whether or not resawn). The scope includes
continuously shaped wood in the forms of
dowels, building components such as interior
paneling and jamb parts, and door
components such as rails, stiles, interior and
exterior door frames or jambs (including
split, flat, stop applied, single- or doublerabbeted), frame or jamb kits, and packaged
door frame trim or casing sets, whether or not
the door components are imported as part of
a door kit or set.
The covered products may be solid wood,
laminated, finger-jointed, edge-glued, faceglued, or otherwise joined in the production
or remanufacturing process and are covered
by the scope whether imported raw, coated
(e.g., gesso, polymer, or plastic), primed,
painted, stained, wrapped (paper or vinyl
overlay), any combination of the
aforementioned surface coatings, treated, or
which incorporate rot-resistant elements
(whether wood or composite). The covered
products are covered by the scope whether or
not any surface coating(s) or covers obscure
the grain, textures, or markings of the wood,
whether or not they are ready for use or
require final machining (e.g., endwork/dado,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 29 / Tuesday, February 16, 2021 / Notices
hinge/strike machining, weatherstrip or
application thereof, mitre) or packaging.
All wood mouldings and millwork
products are included within the scope even
if they are trimmed; cut-to-size; notched;
punched; drilled; or have undergone other
forms of minor processing.
Subject merchandise also includes wood
mouldings and millwork products that have
been further processed in a third country,
including but not limited to trimming,
cutting, notching, punching, drilling, coating,
or any other processing that would not
otherwise remove the merchandise from the
scope of this order if performed in the
country of manufacture of the in-scope
Excluded from the scope of this order are
countertop/butcherblocks imported as a full
countertop/butcherblock panel, exterior
fencing, exterior decking and exterior siding
products (including solid wood siding, nonwood siding (e.g., composite or cement), and
shingles) that are not LVL or finger jointed;
finished and unfinished doors; flooring; parts
of stair steps (including newel posts,
balusters, easing, gooseneck, risers, treads,
rail fittings and stair stringers); picture frame
components three feet and under in
individual lengths; and lumber whether
solid, finger-jointed, or edge-glued. To be
excluded from the scope, finger-jointed or
edge-glued lumber must have a nominal
thickness of 1.5 inches or greater and a
certification stamp from an American
Lumber Standard Committee-certified
grading agency. The exclusion for lumber
whether solid, finger-jointed, or edge-glued
does not apply to screen/’’surfaced on 4
sides’’ (S4S) and/or ‘‘surface 1 side, 2 edges’’
(SlS2E) stock (also called boards) that are
finger-jointed and/or edge-glued, or to fingerjointed and/or edge-glued moulding or
millwork blanks (whether or not resawn).
Accordingly, S4S and S1S2E stock/boards
that are not finger-jointed or edge glued are
excluded from the scope of this order.
Excluded from the scope of this order are
all products covered by the scope of the
antidumping duty order on Hardwood
Plywood from the People’s Republic of China.
See Certain Hardwood Plywood Products
from the People’s Republic of China:
Amended Final Determination of Sales at
Less Than Fair Value, and Antidumping Duty
Order, 83 FR 504 (January 4, 2018).
Excluded from the scope of this order are
all products covered by the scope of the
antidumping duty order on Multilayered
Wood Flooring from the People’s Republic of
China. See Multilayered Wood Flooring from
the People’s Republic of China: Amended
Final Determination of Sales at Less Than
Fair Value and Antidumping Duty Order, 76
FR 76690 (December 8, 2011).
Excluded from the scope of this order are
all products covered by the scope of the
antidumping duty order on Wooden Cabinets
and Vanities from the People’s Republic of
China. See Wooden Cabinets and Vanities
and Components Thereof from the People’s
Republic of China: Antidumping Duty Order,
85 FR 22126 (April 21, 2020).
Excluded from the scope of this order are
all products covered by the scope of the
antidumping duty order on Wooden Bedroom
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 253001
Furniture from the People’s Republic of
China. See Notice of Amended Final
Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair
Value and Antidumping Duty Order: Wooden
Bedroom Furniture from the People’s
Republic of China, 70 FR 329 (January 4,
Imports of wood mouldings and millwork
products are primarily entered under the
following Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS) numbers:
4409.10.4010, 4409.10.4090, 4409.10.4500,
4409.10.5000, 4409.22.4000,
4409.22.5000,4409.29.4100, and
4409.29.5100. Imports of wood mouldings
and millwork products may also enter under
HTSUS numbers:
4409.10.6000,4409.10.6500, 4409.22.6000,
4409.22.6500, 4409.29.6100, 4409.29.6600,
4418.20.4000, 4418.20.8030, 4418.20.8060,
4418.99.9095 and 4421.99.9780. While the
HTSUS subheadings are provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the
written description of the scope of the order
is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2021–03151 Filed 2–12–21; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XA872]
Endangered and Threatened Species;
Take of Abalone
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; receipt of application to
renew one scientific research permit.
Notice is hereby given that
NMFS has received a request to renew
an existing scientific research permit
relating to black abalone. The proposed
work is intended to increase knowledge
of species listed under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA) and to help guide
management, conservation, and
recovery efforts. The application may be
viewed online at: https://
DATES: Comments or requests for a
public hearing on the application must
be received at the provided email
address (see ADDRESSES) no later than 5
p.m. Pacific standard time on March 18,
ADDRESSES: Because all West Coast
NMFS offices are currently closed, all
written comments on the application
should be submitted by email to
nmfs.wcr-apps@noaa.gov. Please
include the permit number (19571–2R)
in the subject line of the email.
PO 00000
Frm 00013
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Susan Wang, Long Beach, CA (email:
Susan.Wang@noaa.gov). Permit
application instructions are available
from the address above, or online at
Species Covered in This Notice
The following listed species are
covered in this notice:
Endangered black abalone (Haliotis
Permit 19571–2R
The NMFS Southwest Fisheries
Science Center in La Jolla, California,
has requested to renew for five years a
research permit that currently allows
them to hold, breed, and conduct lab
studies on captive black abalone. Under
the permit, researchers would continue
to maintain healthy populations of black
abalone in captive facilities throughout
California and test broodstock
conditioning and spawning methods at
the NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science
The main purpose of the proposed
research is to support recovery efforts by
developing reliable spawning
techniques to consistently produce high
quality juvenile black abalone. The
proposed research would examine:
(1) Broodstock conditioning under
different temperatures, diets, and
photoperiod regimes;
(2) Broodstock conditioning using
hormones and simulated seasonal tidal
(3) Spawning induction using
dessication, thermal shock, hydrogen
peroxide treatments, hormones, and
seasonal tidal cycles; and
(4) Growth and survival of captivelyproduced juveniles under different
temperatures and diets.
Activities would include captive
holding, breeding, rearing, grow-out, lab
experiments, epipodial tissue sampling,
observation, and transport of black
abalone. Black abalone are currently
held at the Southwest Fisheries Science
Center (SWFSC), the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Shellfish Health Laboratory, and the
Monterey Bay Aquarium. The captive
animals include pre-listed abalone that
have been in captivity since before black
abalone were listed as endangered
under the ESA. Some of these were
confiscated in law enforcement cases
and some were collected as part of
emergency response activities.
Additional wild origin black abalone
may be obtained through future
confiscations and emergency response
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 29 (Tuesday, February 16, 2021)]
[Pages 9486-9489]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-03151]
International Trade Administration
Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products From the People's Republic
of China: Amended Final Antidumping Duty Determination and Antidumping
Duty Order
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC),
Commerce is issuing an antidumping duty order on wood mouldings and
millwork products (millwork products) from the People's Republic of
China (China). In addition, Commerce is amending its final affirmative
DATES: Applicable February 16, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Smith or Samuel Glickstein, AD/
CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-1766 or (202) 482-5307,
On January 4, 2021, Commerce published its affirmative Final
Determination in the less-than-fair-value (LTFV) investigation of
millwork products from China.\1\ On January 5, 2021, Commerce received
a ministerial error allegation with respect to its Final
Determination.\2\ See the ``Amendment to Final Determination'' section
of this notice for further discussion. On February 10, 2021, the ITC
notified Commerce of its final determination, pursuant to section
735(d) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), that an
industry in the United States is materially injured within the meaning
of section 735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act by reason of LTFV imports of
millwork products from China.\3\
\1\ See Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products from the People's
Republic of China: Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair
Value, 86 FR 63 (January 4, 2021) (Final Determination).
\2\ See Coalition of American Millwork Producers' Letter, ``Wood
Mouldings and Millwork Products from the People's Republic of China:
Ministerial Error Comments,'' dated January 5, 2021.
\3\ See ITC Notification Letter, Investigations, Inv. Nos. 701-
TA-636 and 731-TA-1470 (Final) (February 10, 2021) (ITC Notification
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order are millwork products from
China. For a complete description of the scope of this order, see the
appendix to this notice.
Amendment to Final Determination
A ministerial error is defined as an error in addition,
subtraction, or other arithmetic function, clerical error resulting
from inaccurate copying, duplication, or the like, and any other
similar type of unintentional error which the Secretary considers
ministerial.\4\ Pursuant to section 735(e) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.224(e) and (f), Commerce is amending the Final Determination to
reflect the correction of a ministerial error in the final estimated
weighted-average dumping margin calculated for Fujian Yinfeng Imp & Exp
Trading Co., Ltd./Fujian Province Youxi City Mangrove Wood Machining
Co., Ltd. (Yinfeng/Mangrove).\5\ In addition, because Yinfeng/
Mangrove's estimated weighted-average dumping margin is the basis for
the estimated weighted-average dumping margins for 42 non-selected
separate rate companies, and its highest transaction margin is the
basis for the estimated weighted-average dumping margin determined for
the China-wide entity, we are also revising the estimated weighted-
average dumping margins for the separate rate companies and the China-
wide entity rate in the Final Determination.\6\
\4\ See section 735(e) of the Act; see also 19 CFR 351.224(f).
\5\ See Memorandum, ``Final Determination of Sales at Less-Than-
Fair-Value: Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products from the People's
Republic of China: Ministerial Error Allegations,'' dated January
11, 2021 (Ministerial Error Memorandum).
\6\ See infra, section on ``Estimated Weighted-Average Dumping
Margins''; see also Ministerial Error Memorandum.
Antidumping Duty Order
On February 10, 2021, in accordance with section 735(d) of the Act,
the ITC notified Commerce of its final determination in this
investigation, in
[[Page 9487]]
which it found that an industry in the United States is materially
injured by reason of imports of millwork products from China.\7\ In
accordance with section 735(c)(2) of the Act, Commerce is issuing this
antidumping duty order. Because the ITC determined that imports of
millwork products from China are materially injuring a U.S. industry,
unliquidated entries of such merchandise from China, entered or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, are subject to the assessment
of antidumping duties.
\7\ See ITC Notification Letter.
Therefore, in accordance with section 736(a)(1) of the Act,
Commerce will direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to
assess, upon further instruction by Commerce, antidumping duties equal
to the amount by which the normal value of the merchandise exceeds the
export price (or constructed export price) of the merchandise, for all
relevant entries of millwork products from China. With the exception of
entries occurring after the expiration of the provisional measures
period and before publication of the ITC's final affirmative injury
determinations, as further described below, antidumping duties will be
assessed on unliquidated entries of millwork products from China
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption, on or after
August 12, 2020, the date of publication of the Preliminary
\8\ See Wood Mouldings and Millwork Products from the People's
Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at
Less Than Fair Value, Postponement of Final Determination, and
Extension of Provisional Measures, 85 FR 48669 (August 12, 2020)
(Preliminary Determination).
Continuation of Suspension of Liquidation
Except as noted in the ``Provisional Measures'' section of this
notice, in accordance with section 735(c)(1)(B) of the Act, Commerce
will instruct CBP to continue to suspend liquidation on all relevant
entries of millwork products from China. These instructions suspending
liquidation will remain in effect until further notice.
Commerce will also instruct CBP to require cash deposits equal to
the estimated weighted-average dumping margins indicated in the table
below, adjusted by the export subsidy offset. Given that the
provisional measures period has expired, as explained below, effective
on the date of publication in the Federal Register of the notice of the
ITC's final affirmative injury determination, CBP must require, at the
same time as importers would deposit estimated normal customs duties on
this merchandise, a cash deposit equal to the rates noted below.\9\
\9\ See section 736(a)(3) of the Act.
The China-wide entity rate applies to all exporter-producer
combinations not specifically listed.
Provisional Measures
Section 733(d) of the Act states that suspension of liquidation
pursuant to an affirmative preliminary determination may not remain in
effect for more than four months, except where exporters representing a
significant proportion of exports of the subject merchandise request
that Commerce extend the four-month period to no more than six months.
At the request of exporters that account for a significant proportion
of millwork products from China, Commerce extended the four-month
period to six months in this investigation. Commerce published the
Preliminary Determination in this investigation on August 12, 2020.\10\
\10\ See Preliminary Determination.
The extended provisional measures period, beginning on the date of
publication of the Preliminary Determination, ended on February 8,
2021. Therefore, in accordance with section 733(d) of the Act and our
practice,\11\ Commerce will instruct CBP to terminate the suspension of
liquidation and to liquidate, without regard to antidumping duties,
unliquidated entries of millwork products from China entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption after February 8, 2021, the
final day on which the provisional measures were in effect, until and
through the day preceding the date of publication of the ITC's final
affirmative injury determination in the Federal Register. Suspension of
liquidation and the collection of cash deposits will resume on the date
of publication of the ITC's final determination in the Federal
\11\ See, e.g., Certain Corrosion-Resistant Steel Products from
India, Italy, the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea
and Taiwan: Amended Final Affirmative Antidumping Determination for
India and Taiwan, and Antidumping Duty Orders, 81 FR 48390, 48392
(July 25, 2016).
Estimated Weighted-Average Dumping Margins
The estimated weighted-average dumping margins are as follows:
Estimated Cash deposit
weighted- rate (adjusted
Exporter Producer average for subsidy
dumping margin offsets)
(percent) (percent)
Fujian Yinfeng Imp & Exp Trading Co., Ltd./ Fujian Yinfeng Imp & Exp Trading 45.49 34.76
Fujian Province Youxi City Mangrove Wood Co., Ltd./Fujian Province Youxi
Machining Co., Ltd. City Mangrove Wood Machining
Co., Ltd.
Anji Golden Elephant Bamboo Wooden Industry Anji Golden Elephant Bamboo 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd. Wooden Industry Co., Ltd.
Anji Huaxin Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd... Anji Huaxin Bamboo & Wood 45.49 34.76
Products Co., Ltd.
Cao County Hengda Wood Products Co., Ltd...... Cao County Hengda Wood Products 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Evermark (Yantai) Co., Ltd.................... Evermark (Yantai) Co., Ltd...... 45.49 34.76
Fujian Hongjia Craft Products Co., Ltd........ Fujian Hongjia Craft Products 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Fujian Jinquan Trade Co., Ltd................. Fujian Province Youxi County 45.49 34.76
Baiyuan Wood Machining Co., Ltd.
Fujian Nanping Yuanqiao Wood Industry Co., Ltd Fujian Nanping Yuanqiao Wood 45.49 34.76
Industry Co., Ltd.
Fujian Province Youxi County Chang Sheng Wood Fujian Province Youxi County 45.49 34.76
Machining Co., Ltd. Chang Sheng Wood Machining Co.,
Fujian Sanming City Donglai Wood Co., Ltd..... Fujian Sanming City Donglai Wood 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Fujian Shunchang Shengsheng Wood Industry Fujian Shunchang Shengsheng Wood 45.49 34.76
Limited Company. Industry Limited Company.
Fujian Wangbin Decorative Material Co., Ltd... Fujian Wangbin Decorative 45.49 34.76
Material Co., Ltd.
[[Page 9488]]
Fujian Youxi Best Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd...... Fujian Ruisen International 45.49 34.76
Industrial Co., Ltd.
Fujian Zhangping Kimura Forestry Products Co., Fujian Zhangping Kimura Forestry 45.49 34.76
Ltd. Products Co., Ltd.
Heze Huasheng Wooden Co., Ltd................. Heze Huasheng Wooden Co., Ltd... 45.49 34.76
Huaan Longda Wood Industry Co., Ltd........... Huaan Longda Wood Industry Co., 45.49 34.76
Jiangsu Chen Sheng Forestry Development Co., Jiangsu Chen Sheng Forestry 45.49 34.76
Ltd. Development Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Wenfeng Wood Co., Ltd................. Jiangsu Wenfeng Wood Co., Ltd... 45.49 34.76
Lanzhou Xinyoulian Industrial Co., Ltd........ Lanzhou Xinyoulian Industrial 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Lianyungang Tianke New Energy Technology Co., Lianyungang Tianke New Energy 45.49 34.76
Ltd. Technology Co., Ltd.
Longquan Jiefeng Trade Co., Ltd............... Zhejiang Senya Board Industry 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Nanping Huatai Wood & Bamboo Co., Ltd......... Nanping Huatai Wood & Bamboo 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Nanping Qiangmei Import & Export Co., Ltd..... Pucheng County Qiangmei Wood 45.49 34.76
Company, Ltd.
Oppein Home Group Inc......................... Oppein Home Group Inc........... 45.49 34.76
Putian Yihong Wood Industry Co., Ltd.......... Putian Yihong Wood Industry Co., 45.49 34.76
Qimen Jianxing Bamboo and Wood Goods Co., Ltd. Qimen Jianxing Bamboo and Wood 45.49 34.76
Goods Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Sanhe Dacheng International Trade Co., Yongan Tenlong Bamboo & Wood 45.49 34.76
Ltd. Products Co., Ltd.
Rizhao Duli Trade Co., Ltd.................... Rizhao Jiayue Industry & Trading 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Rizhao Guantong Woodworking Co., Ltd.......... Shouguang Luli Wood Industry 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd./Rizhao Forest
International Trading Co., Ltd./
Xiamen Oubai Industry & Trade
Co., Ltd.
Sanming Lingtong Trading Co., Ltd............. Sanming Shitong Wood Industry 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Shandong Miting Household Co., Ltd............ Shandong Jicheng Decorative 45.49 34.76
Material Co., Ltd.
Shaxian Hengtong Wood Industry Co., Ltd....... Shaxian Hengtong Wood Industry 45.49 34.76
Co., Ltd.
Shaxian Shiyiwood, Ltd........................ Shaxian Shiyiwood, Ltd.......... 45.49 34.76
Shuyang Kevin International Co., Ltd.......... Shuyang Zhongding Decoration 45.49 34.76
Materials Co., Ltd.
Suqian Sulu Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd.. Suqian Sulu Import & Export 45.49 34.76
Trading Co., Ltd.
The Ancientree Cabinet Co., Ltd............... The Ancientree Cabinet Co., Ltd. 45.49 34.76
Xiamen Jinxi Building Material Co., Ltd....... Zhangzhou City Jinxi Building 45.49 34.76
Material Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Goodwill Resource Co., Ltd............. Pucheng County Qiangmei Wood 45.49 34.76
Company, Ltd./Lianyungang
Tianke New Energy Technology
Co., Ltd./Fujian Sanming City
Donglai Wood Co., Ltd./
Zhangzhou Fukangyuan Industry
and Trade Co., Ltd.
Xuzhou Hexi Wood Co., Ltd..................... Xuzhou Hexi Wood Co., Ltd....... 45.49 34.76
Zhangping San Chuan Industrial & Trade Co., Zhangping San Chuan Industrial & 45.49 34.76
Ltd. Trade Co., Ltd.
Zhangzhou Green Wood Industry and Trade Co., Zhangzhou Green Wood Industry 45.49 34.76
Ltd. and Trade Co., Ltd.
Zhangzhou Wangjiamei Industry and Trade Co., Zhangzhou Wangjiamei Industry 45.49 34.76
Ltd. and Trade Co., Ltd.
Zhangzhou Yihong Industrial Co., Ltd.......... Zhangzhou Yihong Industrial Co., 45.49 34.76
China-Wide Entity............................. ................................ 231.60 220.87
Notification to Interested Parties
This notice constitutes the antidumping duty order with respect to
millwork products from China pursuant to section 736(a) of the Act.
Interested parties can find a list of antidumping duty orders currently
in effect at https://enforcement.trade.gov/stats/iastats1.html.
This amended final determination and antidumping duty order are
published in accordance with sections 735(e) and 736(a) of the Act and
19 CFR 351.224(e) and 19 CFR 351.211(b).
Dated: February 10, 2021.
Christian Marsh,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Appendix--Scope of the Order
The merchandise subject to this order consists of wood mouldings
and millwork products that are made of wood (regardless of wood
species), bamboo, laminated veneer lumber (LVL), or of wood and
composite materials (where the composite materials make up less than
50 percent of the total merchandise), and which are continuously
shaped wood or finger-jointed or edge-glued moulding or millwork
blanks (whether or not resawn). The merchandise subject to this
order can be continuously shaped along any of its edges, ends, or
The percentage of composite materials contained in a wood
moulding or millwork product is measured by length, except when the
composite material is a coating or cladding. Wood mouldings and
millwork products that are coated or clad, even along their entire
length, with a composite material, but that are otherwise comprised
of wood, LVL, or wood and composite materials (where the non-coating
composite materials make up 50 percent or less of the total
merchandise) are covered by the scope.
The merchandise subject to this order consists of wood, LVL,
bamboo, or a combination of wood and composite materials that is
continuously shaped throughout its length (with the exception of any
endwork/dados), profiled wood having a repetitive design in relief,
similar milled wood architectural accessories, such as rosettes and
plinth blocks, and finger-jointed or edge-glued moulding or millwork
blanks (whether or not resawn). The scope includes continuously
shaped wood in the forms of dowels, building components such as
interior paneling and jamb parts, and door components such as rails,
stiles, interior and exterior door frames or jambs (including split,
flat, stop applied, single- or double-rabbeted), frame or jamb kits,
and packaged door frame trim or casing sets, whether or not the door
components are imported as part of a door kit or set.
The covered products may be solid wood, laminated, finger-
jointed, edge-glued, face-glued, or otherwise joined in the
production or remanufacturing process and are covered by the scope
whether imported raw, coated (e.g., gesso, polymer, or plastic),
primed, painted, stained, wrapped (paper or vinyl overlay), any
combination of the aforementioned surface coatings, treated, or
which incorporate rot-resistant elements (whether wood or
composite). The covered products are covered by the scope whether or
not any surface coating(s) or covers obscure the grain, textures, or
markings of the wood, whether or not they are ready for use or
require final machining (e.g., endwork/dado,
[[Page 9489]]
hinge/strike machining, weatherstrip or application thereof, mitre)
or packaging.
All wood mouldings and millwork products are included within the
scope even if they are trimmed; cut-to-size; notched; punched;
drilled; or have undergone other forms of minor processing.
Subject merchandise also includes wood mouldings and millwork
products that have been further processed in a third country,
including but not limited to trimming, cutting, notching, punching,
drilling, coating, or any other processing that would not otherwise
remove the merchandise from the scope of this order if performed in
the country of manufacture of the in-scope product.
Excluded from the scope of this order are countertop/
butcherblocks imported as a full countertop/butcherblock panel,
exterior fencing, exterior decking and exterior siding products
(including solid wood siding, non-wood siding (e.g., composite or
cement), and shingles) that are not LVL or finger jointed; finished
and unfinished doors; flooring; parts of stair steps (including
newel posts, balusters, easing, gooseneck, risers, treads, rail
fittings and stair stringers); picture frame components three feet
and under in individual lengths; and lumber whether solid, finger-
jointed, or edge-glued. To be excluded from the scope, finger-
jointed or edge-glued lumber must have a nominal thickness of 1.5
inches or greater and a certification stamp from an American Lumber
Standard Committee-certified grading agency. The exclusion for
lumber whether solid, finger-jointed, or edge-glued does not apply
to screen/''surfaced on 4 sides'' (S4S) and/or ``surface 1 side, 2
edges'' (SlS2E) stock (also called boards) that are finger-jointed
and/or edge-glued, or to finger-jointed and/or edge-glued moulding
or millwork blanks (whether or not resawn). Accordingly, S4S and
S1S2E stock/boards that are not finger-jointed or edge glued are
excluded from the scope of this order.
Excluded from the scope of this order are all products covered
by the scope of the antidumping duty order on Hardwood Plywood from
the People's Republic of China. See Certain Hardwood Plywood
Products from the People's Republic of China: Amended Final
Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, and Antidumping Duty
Order, 83 FR 504 (January 4, 2018).
Excluded from the scope of this order are all products covered
by the scope of the antidumping duty order on Multilayered Wood
Flooring from the People's Republic of China. See Multilayered Wood
Flooring from the People's Republic of China: Amended Final
Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Antidumping Duty
Order, 76 FR 76690 (December 8, 2011).
Excluded from the scope of this order are all products covered
by the scope of the antidumping duty order on Wooden Cabinets and
Vanities from the People's Republic of China. See Wooden Cabinets
and Vanities and Components Thereof from the People's Republic of
China: Antidumping Duty Order, 85 FR 22126 (April 21, 2020).
Excluded from the scope of this order are all products covered
by the scope of the antidumping duty order on Wooden Bedroom
Furniture from the People's Republic of China. See Notice of Amended
Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Antidumping
Duty Order: Wooden Bedroom Furniture from the People's Republic of
China, 70 FR 329 (January 4, 2005).
Imports of wood mouldings and millwork products are primarily
entered under the following Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United
States (HTSUS) numbers: 4409.10.4010, 4409.10.4090, 4409.10.4500,
4409.10.5000, 4409.22.4000, 4409.22.5000,4409.29.4100, and
4409.29.5100. Imports of wood mouldings and millwork products may
also enter under HTSUS numbers: 4409.10.6000,4409.10.6500,
4409.22.6000, 4409.22.6500, 4409.29.6100, 4409.29.6600,
4418.20.4000, 4418.20.8030, 4418.20.8060, 4418.99.9095 and
4421.99.9780. While the HTSUS subheadings are provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the
scope of the order is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2021-03151 Filed 2-12-21; 8:45 am]