Non-Oriented Electrical Steel From China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Sweden, and Taiwan, 81486-81487 [2020-27592]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 242 / Wednesday, December 16, 2020 / Notices
Notice of availability.
In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended, and the Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act of 2017, which requires the
Secretary of the Interior, acting through
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM),
to establish and administer a
competitive oil and gas program for the
leasing, development, production, and
transportation of oil and gas in and from
the Coastal Plain area within the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), the
BLM, Arctic District Office, has
prepared an Environmental Assessment
(EA) and Draft Finding of No New
Significant Impact (FONNSI) for
proposed 3-dimensional seismic
exploration in the Coastal Plain of the
DATES: The BLM will accept comments
concerning the adequacy of the analysis
of the EA and the preliminary
conclusions made in the Draft FONNSI.
All comments must be received by
December 30, 2020. Reviewers are
encouraged to provide their comments
in such a manner that they are useful to
the agency’s analysis. Therefore,
comments should clearly articulate the
reviewer’s concerns and contentions.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments at the
BLM ePlanning website (https://
project/2003258/510), or by mail or in
person at the BLM Arctic District Office,
Attn: Coastal Plain Seismic EA, 222
University Avenue, Fairbanks, Alaska
99709. Comments not transmitted in
accordance with these instructions may
not be considered.
Sarah LaMarr, Project Lead; by
telephone, 907–474–2334; by email,; or by mail, at the
address in the ADDRESSES section.
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Relay
Service (FRS) at 1–800–877–8339 to
contact the above individual during
normal business hours. The FRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
to leave a message or question with the
above individual. You will receive a
reply during normal business hours.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017,
Section 20001 of Public Law 115–97
(Dec. 22, 2017), requires the Secretary of
the Interior, acting through the BLM, to
establish and administer a competitive
oil and gas program for the leasing,
development, production, and
transportation of oil and gas in and out
of the Coastal Plain area within the
ANWR. Kaktovik In˜upiat Corporation
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:32 Dec 15, 2020
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(KIC) has requested authorization to
conduct 3-dimensional seismic
exploration on the eastern side of the
Coastal Plain during the 2020/2021
winter season starting in January 2021,
to acquire high-quality, high-resolution
seismic data.
Seismic exploration would occur on
approximately 352,400 acres around the
community of Kaktovik, to include
92,000 acres of Kaktovik In˜upiat
Corporation lands and approximately
260,400 acres of federally managed
lands. Seismic exploration generates
acoustic waves that are picked up by
sensors as the waves travel through and
bounce off subsurface formations. From
this information, images can be created
that show subsurface structure and
formations including those areas of
potential hydrocarbons.
Comments received in response to
this notice, including names and
addresses of those who comment, will
be part of the public record for this
proposed action.
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6.
Chad B. Padgett,
State Director.
[FR Doc. 2020–27683 Filed 12–15–20; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Vineyard Wind LLC’s Proposed Wind
Energy Facility Offshore
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, Department of the
ACTION: Notice.
The preparation of an
Environment Impact Statement (EIS) for
the Construction and Operations Plan
(COP) submitted by Vineyard Wind LLC
(Vineyard Wind) concerning the
construction and operation of an 800
megawatt wind energy facility offshore
Massachusetts (Vineyard Wind 1
Project) is no longer necessary and the
process is hereby terminated.
DATES: This termination takes effect
further information, please contact:
Michelle Morin, BOEM Office of
Renewable Energy Programs, 45600
Woodland Road, Sterling, Virginia
20166, (703) 787–1722 or
December 2017, Vineyard Wind
submitted to BOEM a COP for the
PO 00000
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Vineyard Wind 1 Project. On December
7, 2018, BOEM published a Draft EIS for
the proposed Project. On June 12, 2020,
BOEM published a Supplement to the
Draft EIS in response to comments from
the public and stakeholders requesting
an expanded cumulative analysis and
an analysis of fishing data previously
unavailable to BOEM. A Final EIS was
scheduled to be published in the
Federal Register on December 11, 2020.
However, by way of a letter dated
December 1, 2020, Vineyard Wind
withdrew the COP ‘‘from further review
and decision-making by BOEM pursuant
to 30 CFR 585.628’’ to conduct
additional technical and logistical
reviews associated with the inclusion of
the General Electric Haliade-X wind
turbine generator into the final project
design. Vineyard Wind’s December 1,
2020, letter for withdrawal of its COP
was made ‘‘effectively immediately.’’
Since the COP has been withdrawn from
review and decision-making, there is no
longer a proposal for a major federal
action awaiting technical and
environmental review, nor is there a
decision pending before BOEM. See 42
U.S.C. 4332; 40 CFR 1500.1; 1508.1(q),
(x). Thus, in light of Vineyard Wind’s
letter dated December 1, 2020, this
notice advises the public that the
preparation and completion of an EIS is
no longer necessary, and the process is
hereby terminated.
Authority: This Notice was prepared
under National Environmental Policy
Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.), and published in accordance with
Council on Environmental Quality
regulations (40 CFR parts 1500–1508),
including sections 1503.1 and 1506.6.
William Yancey Brown,
Chief Environmental Officer, Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management.
[FR Doc. 2020–27701 Filed 12–15–20; 8:45 am]
[Investigation Nos. 701–TA–506 and 508
and 731–TA–1238–1243 (Review)]
Non-Oriented Electrical Steel From
China, Germany, Japan, Korea,
Sweden, and Taiwan
On the basis of the record 1 developed
in the subject five-year reviews, the
United States International Trade
Commission (‘‘Commission’’)
1 The record is defined in § 207.2(f) of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19
CFR 207.2(f)).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 242 / Wednesday, December 16, 2020 / Notices
determines, pursuant to the Tariff Act of
1930 (‘‘the Act’’), that revocation of the
countervailing duty orders on nonoriented electrical steel from China and
Taiwan and the antidumping duty
orders on non-oriented electrical steel
from China, Germany, Japan, Korea,
Sweden, and Taiwan would be likely to
lead to continuation or recurrence of
material injury to an industry in the
United States within a reasonably
foreseeable time.
The Commission instituted these
reviews on November 1, 2019 (84 FR
58743) and determined on February 4,
2020 that it would conduct full reviews
(85 FR 8325, February 13, 2020). Notice
of the scheduling of the Commission’s
reviews and of a public hearing to be
held in connection therewith was given
by posting copies of the notice in the
Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission,
Washington, DC, and by publishing the
notice in the Federal Register on June
2, 2020 (85 FR 33711). In light of the
restrictions on access to the Commission
building due to the COVID–19
pandemic, the Commission conducted
its hearing through written testimony
and video conference on October 8,
2020. All persons who requested the
opportunity were permitted to
The Commission made these
determinations pursuant to section
751(c) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)). It
completed and filed its determinations
in these reviews on December 10, 2020.
The views of the Commission are
contained in USITC Publication 5140
(December 2020), entitled Non-Oriented
Electrical Steel from China, Germany,
Japan, Korea, Sweden, and Taiwan:
Investigation Nos. 701–TA–506 and 508
and 731–TA–1238–1243 (Review).
By order of the Commission.
Issued: December 10, 2020.
Lisa Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2020–27592 Filed 12–15–20; 8:45 am]
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
[Investigation Nos. 701–TA–653 and 731–
TA–1527 (Final)]
Standard Steel Welded Wire Mesh
From Mexico; Scheduling of the Final
Phase of Countervailing Duty and AntiDumping Duty Investigations
United States International
Trade Commission.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:32 Dec 15, 2020
Jkt 253001
The Commission hereby gives
notice of the scheduling of the final
phase of antidumping and
countervailing duty investigation Nos.
701–TA–653 and 731–TA–1527 (Final)
pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (‘‘the
Act’’) to determine whether an industry
in the United States is materially
injured or threatened with material
injury, or the establishment of an
industry in the United States is
materially retarded, by reason of
imports of standard steel welded wire
mesh from Mexico, provided for in
subheadings 7314.20.00 and 7314.39.00
of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of
the United States, preliminarily
determined by the Department of
Commerce (‘‘Commerce’’) to be
subsidized. A determination from
Commerce with respect to sales at lessthan-fair-value is pending.
December 3, 2020.
Duffy ((202) 708–2579), Office of
Investigations, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20436. Hearingimpaired persons can obtain
information on this matter by contacting
the Commission’s TDD terminal on 202–
205–1810. Persons with mobility
impairments who will need special
assistance in gaining access to the
Commission should contact the Office
of the Secretary at 202–205–2000.
General information concerning the
Commission may also be obtained by
accessing its internet server (https:// The public record for
these investigations may be viewed on
the Commission’s electronic docket
(EDIS) at
Scope.—For purposes of these
investigations, Commerce has defined
the subject merchandise as covering
uncoated standard welded steel
reinforcement wire mesh (wire mesh)
produced from smooth or deformed
wire. Subject wire mesh is produced in
square and rectangular grids of
uniformly spaced steel wires that are
welded at all intersections. Sizes are
specified by combining the spacing of
the wires in inches or millimeters and
the wire cross-sectional area in
hundredths of square inch or
millimeters squared. Subject wire mesh
may be packaged and sold in rolls or in
Subject wire mesh is currently
produced to ASTM specification A1064/
A1064M, which covers carbon-steel
wire and welded wire reinforcement,
PO 00000
Frm 00046
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smooth and deformed, for concrete in
the following seven styles:
1. 6x6 W1.4/W1.4 or D1.4/D1.4
2. 6x6 W2.1/W2.1 or D2.1/D2.1
3. 6x6 W2.9/W2.9 or D2.9/D2.9
4. 6x6 W4/W4 or D4/D4
5. 6x12 W4/W4 or D4/D4
6. 4x4 W2.9/W2.9 or D2.9/D2.9
7. 4x4 W4/W4 or D4/D4
Commerce’s written description of the
scope is dispositive and appears in full
in Appendix I of Standard Steel Welded
Wire Mesh From Mexico: Preliminary
Affirmative Countervailing Duty
Determination (85 FR 78124, December
3, 2020).
Background.—The final phase of
these investigations is being scheduled
pursuant to sections 705(b) and 731(b)
of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.
1671d(b) and 1673d(b)), as a result of
affirmative preliminary determinations
by Commerce that certain benefits
which constitute subsidies within the
meaning of § 703 of the Act (19 U.S.C.
1671b) are being provided to
manufacturers, producers, or exporters
in Mexico of standard steel welded wire
mesh, and that such products are being
sold in the United States at less than fair
value within the meaning of § 733 of the
Act (19 U.S.C. 1673b). The
investigations were requested in a
petition filed on June 30, 2020, by
Insteel Industries Inc., Mount Airy,
North Carolina; Mid South Wire
Company, Nashville, Tennessee;
National Wire LLC, Conroe, Texas;
Oklahoma Steel & Wire Co., Madill,
Oklahoma; and Wire Mesh Corp.,
Houston, Texas.
For further information concerning
the conduct of this phase of the
investigations, hearing procedures, and
rules of general application, consult the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure, part 201, subparts A and B
(19 CFR part 201), and part 207,
subparts A and C (19 CFR part 207).
Participation in the investigations and
public service list.—Persons, including
industrial users of the subject
merchandise and, if the merchandise is
sold at the retail level, representative
consumer organizations, wishing to
participate in the final phase of these
investigations as parties must file an
entry of appearance with the Secretary
to the Commission, as provided in
§ 201.11 of the Commission’s rules, no
later than 21 days prior to the hearing
date specified in this notice. A party
that filed a notice of appearance during
the preliminary phase of the
investigations need not file an
additional notice of appearance during
this final phase. The Secretary will
maintain a public service list containing
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 242 (Wednesday, December 16, 2020)]
[Pages 81486-81487]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-27592]
[Investigation Nos. 701-TA-506 and 508 and 731-TA-1238-1243 (Review)]
Non-Oriented Electrical Steel From China, Germany, Japan, Korea,
Sweden, and Taiwan
On the basis of the record \1\ developed in the subject five-year
reviews, the United States International Trade Commission
[[Page 81487]]
determines, pursuant to the Tariff Act of 1930 (``the Act''), that
revocation of the countervailing duty orders on non-oriented electrical
steel from China and Taiwan and the antidumping duty orders on non-
oriented electrical steel from China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Sweden,
and Taiwan would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of
material injury to an industry in the United States within a reasonably
foreseeable time.
\1\ The record is defined in Sec. 207.2(f) of the Commission's
Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 207.2(f)).
The Commission instituted these reviews on November 1, 2019 (84 FR
58743) and determined on February 4, 2020 that it would conduct full
reviews (85 FR 8325, February 13, 2020). Notice of the scheduling of
the Commission's reviews and of a public hearing to be held in
connection therewith was given by posting copies of the notice in the
Office of the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission,
Washington, DC, and by publishing the notice in the Federal Register on
June 2, 2020 (85 FR 33711). In light of the restrictions on access to
the Commission building due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission
conducted its hearing through written testimony and video conference on
October 8, 2020. All persons who requested the opportunity were
permitted to participate.
The Commission made these determinations pursuant to section 751(c)
of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(c)). It completed and filed its
determinations in these reviews on December 10, 2020. The views of the
Commission are contained in USITC Publication 5140 (December 2020),
entitled Non-Oriented Electrical Steel from China, Germany, Japan,
Korea, Sweden, and Taiwan: Investigation Nos. 701-TA-506 and 508 and
731-TA-1238-1243 (Review).
By order of the Commission.
Issued: December 10, 2020.
Lisa Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2020-27592 Filed 12-15-20; 8:45 am]