Federal Records Management: Digitizing Permanent Records and Reviewing Records Schedules, 77095-77108 [2020-26239]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and
have made a preliminary determination
that this action is one of a category of
actions that do not individually or
cumulatively have a significant effect on
the human environment. This proposed
rule involves a safety zone during shipto-ship LNG transfer operations lasting
approximately 24 hours that would
prohibit entry within 100 yards of the
proposed location of the transfer
operations. Normally such actions are
categorically excluded from further
review under paragraph L60(a) of
Appendix A, Table 1 of DHS Instruction
Manual 023–01–001–01, Rev. 1. A
preliminary Record of Environmental
Consideration supporting this
determination is available in the docket.
For instructions on locating the docket,
see the ADDRESSES section of this
preamble. We seek any comments or
information that may lead to the
discovery of a significant environmental
impact from this proposed rule.
G. Protest Activities
The Coast Guard respects the First
Amendment rights of protesters.
Protesters are asked to call or email the
person listed in the FOR FURTHER
coordinate protest activities so that your
message can be received without
jeopardizing the safety or security of
people, places, or vessels.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
V. Public Participation and Request for
We view public participation as
essential to effective rulemaking, and
will consider all comments and material
received during the comment period.
Your comment can help shape the
outcome of this rulemaking. If you
submit a comment, please include the
docket number for this rulemaking,
indicate the specific section of this
document to which each comment
applies, and provide a reason for each
suggestion or recommendation.
We encourage you to submit
comments through the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at https://
www.regulations.gov. If your material
cannot be submitted using https://
www.regulations.gov, call or email the
CONTACT section of this document for
alternate instructions.
We accept anonymous comments. All
comments received will be posted
without change to https://
www.regulations.gov and will include
any personal information you have
provided. For more about privacy and
submissions in response to this
document, see DHS’s eRulemaking
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System of Records notice (85 FR 14226,
March 11, 2020).
Documents mentioned in this NPRM
as being available in the docket, and all
public comments, will be in our online
docket at https://www.regulations.gov
and can be viewed by following that
website’s instructions. Additionally, if
you go to the online docket and sign up
for email alerts, you will be notified
when comments are posted or a final
rule is published.
List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165
Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation
(water), Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Security measures,
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Coast Guard is proposing
to amend 33 CFR part 165 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 165
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 70034, 70051; 33 CFR
1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5;
Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.
2. Add § 165.788 to read as follows:
safety zone can be contacted on VHF–
FM channels 16 and 22A.
(4) Coast Guard Sector San Juan will,
when necessary and practicable, notify
the maritime community of periods
during which the safety zones will be in
effect by providing advance notice of
scheduled ship-to-ship liquefied natural
gas transfer operations of liquefied gas
carriers via a Marine Broadcast Notice to
(5) All persons and vessels must
comply with the instructions of onscene patrol personnel. On-scene patrol
personnel include commissioned,
warrant, or petty officers of the U.S.
Coast Guard. Coast Guard Auxiliary and
local or state officials may be present to
inform vessel operators of the
requirements of this section, and other
applicable laws.
Dated: November 3, 2020.
G.H. Magee,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port San Juan.
[FR Doc. 2020–24821 Filed 11–30–20; 8:45 am]
§ 165.788 Safety Zone; Bahia de San Juan,
Ponce, Puerto Rico.
36 CFR Parts 1224, 1225, and 1236
(a) Regulated area. A safety zone is
established in the following area: The
waters around liquefied gas carriers
conducting ship-to-ship liquefied
natural gas transfer operations in an area
100-yards around each vessel in the
approximate position 17°54′20″ N,
066°35′6″ W. All coordinates are North
American Datum 1983.
(b) Regulations. (1) No person or
vessel may enter, transit or remain in
the safety zone unless authorized by the
Captain of the Port, San Juan, Puerto
Rico, or a designated Coast Guard
commissioned, warrant, or petty officer.
Those in the safety zone must comply
with all lawful orders or directions
given to them by the COTP or the
designated Coast Guard commissioned,
warrant, or petty officer.
(2) Vessels encountering emergencies,
which require transit through the safety
zone, should contact the Coast Guard
patrol craft or Duty Officer on VHF
Channel 16. In the event of an
emergency, the Coast Guard patrol craft
may authorize a vessel to transit through
the safety zone with a Coast Guard
designated escort.
(3) The Captain of the Port and the
Duty Officer at Sector San Juan, Puerto
Rico, can be contacted at telephone
number 787–289–2041. The Coast
Guard Patrol Commander enforcing the
[FDMS No. NARA–20–0006; NARA–2021–
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RIN 3095–AB99
Federal Records Management:
Digitizing Permanent Records and
Reviewing Records Schedules
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
We are proposing to amend
our electronic records management
regulations to add a subpart containing
standards for digitizing permanent
Federal records so that agencies may
dispose of the original source records,
where appropriate and in accordance
with the Federal Records Act
amendments of 2014. We are also
making a minor revision to our records
schedule review provisions to establish
a requirement for agencies to review,
every five years, all records schedules
that are ten years old and older, based
on the date the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA)
approved the schedule.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
February 1, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by RIN 3095–AB99, by either
of the following methods:
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the site’s
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail (for paper, flash drive, or CD–
ROM submissions. Include RIN 3095–
AB99 on the submission): We normally
accept mail submissions, but due to the
current COVID–19 pandemic, we do not
have usual staff presence at the building
and mail is likely to be delayed
significantly past the comment period. If
you wish to submit comments by cannot
do so through the eRulemaking portal,
please contact us at the number below
so we can work with you to make
alternate arrangements.
Instructions: All submissions must
include NARA’s name and the
regulatory information number for this
rulemaking (RIN 3095–AB99). We may
publish any comments we receive
without changes, including any
personal information you include.
Kimberly Keravuori, by email at
regulation_comments@nara.gov, or by
telephone at 301.837.3151. Contact
rmstandards@nara.gov with any
questions on records management and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
We propose to amend 36 CFR part
1224, Records Disposition Programs,
and 36 CFR part 1225, Scheduling
Records, to set a timeframe for required
review of existing records schedules.
The current regulations state that
schedules should be reviewed
‘‘regularly.’’ This rulemaking clarifies
the word ‘‘regularly’’ by establishing a
timeframe for those recurring reviews.
This is based upon investigation that
determined that many schedules have
not been being kept up to date or
revised when needed. We propose
revising the regulations to require that
every five years agencies must review
records schedules that are ten years old
or older, based on the date NARA
approved the schedule.
In addition, we propose to amend 36
CFR part 1236, Electronic Records
Management, to add a new subpart
establishing standards for digitizing
permanent paper and photographic
records, including paper and
photographs contained in mixed-media
records. In 2014, the Federal Records
Act at 44 U.S.C. 3302 was amended by
Public Law 113–187 to require NARA to
issue standards for reproducing records
digitally ‘with a view to the disposal of
the original records.’ The amendment
applies to both temporary and
permanent records.
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This rulemaking covers only
permanent records of the kinds listed
above. We previously amended 36 CFR
part 1236 to add standards for digitizing
temporary records, which constitute the
majority of Federal records (RIN 3095–
AB98, 84 FR 14265 (April 10, 2019),
effective May 10, 2019). We plan to
issue additional digitizing requirements
for other specific media types in future
revisions to the rule. In the interim,
agencies should contact rmstandards@
nara.gov about digitizing other types of
permanent records.
Permanent records are approved by
the Archivist of the United States as
having sufficient historical or other
value that warrants continuing to
preserve them beyond the time agencies
need the records for administrative,
legal, or fiscal purposes. Agencies retain
permanent records for administrative,
legal, or fiscal purposes for a specific
period of time. At the end of the
scheduled retention period, they then
transfer permanent records to the legal
custody of the National Archives.
These digitizing standards for
permanent records ensure that agencies
can continue to use digital versions for
the same business purposes as the
original records, and that the digital
records will be appropriate for
preserving in NARA’s archival holdings.
We intend the regulation to be neutral
about who performs the digitizing
activities for the agency, whether a
parent agency, a component agency, a
vendor or other similar entity acting on
the agency’s behalf.
This proposed rulemaking defines the
requirements for digitizing as a records
management activity, drawing from
principles within the Federal Agencies
Digital Guidelines Initiatives (FADGI),
Technical Guidelines for Digitizing
Cultural Heritage Materials Creation of
Raster Image Files (2016), and from
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) Technical
Specifications (TS) and Technical
Reports (TR); specifically ISO/TR
13028:2010, Information and
guidelines for digitizing records. It also
provides agencies with guidance
necessary to proceed with projects for
digitizing and disposing of original
source permanent records. These
technical digitizing standards apply to
both unclassified and classified national
security records. However, this
rulemaking does not address other
standards specific to classified
information, such as classified-specific
metadata or acquiring secure
equipment. These subjects do not fall
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under our records management
authority and are outside the scope of
this regulation.
The standards in this proposed
rulemaking apply retroactively to
digitized permanent records that have
not been transferred to the National
Archives. If agencies determine their
previously digitized records are not in
compliance with these standards, redigitizing may be necessary. Redigitizing the records will allow
agencies to use the GRS as the authority
to destroy the original paper source
records and transfer the new digitized
records to NARA. However, if agencies’
previously digitized records can’t meet
the requirements in this proposed
regulation, they also have other options:
(1) Send the paper versions of the
permanent records for storage to
NARA’s Federal records centers by
December 31, 2022; (2) work with us to
develop an agency-specific records
schedule that addresses the previously
digitized records, providing authority to
transfer the electronic records to NARA
and destroy the original source records
(this option is available if NARA
determines the previously digitized
records are acceptable permanent
records, even if the scanned versions
were digitized to standards that differ
from the ones in this regulation); or (3)
request an exception as part of the
agency’s strategic response to meeting
the OMB/NARA Memorandum M–19–
21 goals (see NARA Bulletin 2020–01,
Guidance on OMB/NARA Memorandum
Transition to Electronic Records (M–19–
21) at https://www.archives.gov/recordsmgmt/bulletins/2020/2020-01 for details
on agency strategic response
requirements and exceptions). Some
agencies might find a combination of
these options will be needed to address
any issues with previously scanned
paper records.
While this rulemaking is proposed
and under development, we recommend
that agencies discuss digitization
projects with their general counsel and
agency records officer before disposing
of original permanent records. Agencies
should also continue to follow the
process in the General Records
Schedule, 36 CFR 1225.24, and NARA
Bulletin 2010–04, Guidance Concerning
Notifications for Previously Scheduled
Permanent Records (https://
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Regulatory Analysis
Review Under Executive Order 12866,
Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR
51735 (September 30, 1993), and
Executive Order 13563, Improving
Regulation and Regulation Review, 76
FR 23821 (January 18, 2011)
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) has reviewed this rulemaking
and determined it is not ‘‘significant’’
under section 3(f) of Executive Order
12866. It is not significant because it
applies only to Federal agencies,
updates the regulations due to a
statutory requirement, to incorporate
technological developments, and to
account for increased rapidity in
changing technology and agency
practices, and is not establishing a new
program. Although the proposed
revisions change and add new
requirements for agencies, the
requirements are necessary to keep the
existing regulations up-to-date, comply
with the statute, and ensure agencies are
preserving records for the United States.
Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.)
This review requires an agency to
prepare an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis and publish it when the agency
publishes the proposed rule. This
requirement does not apply if the
agency certifies that the rulemaking will
not, if promulgated, have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities (5 U.S.C. 603).
We certify, after review and analysis,
that this rulemaking will not have a
significant adverse economic impact on
small entities.
Review Under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
This rulemaking does not impose
additional information collection
requirements subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act on the public.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
Review Under Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, 64 FR 43,255 (August 4,
Review under Executive Order 13132
requires that agencies review
regulations for Federalism effects on the
institutional interest of states and local
governments, and, if the effects are
sufficiently substantial, prepare a
Federal assessment to assist senior
policy makers. This rulemaking will not
have any effects on state and local
governments within the meaning of the
Executive Order. Therefore, no
Federalism assessment is required.
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Review Under Executive Order 13771,
Reducing Regulation and Controlling
Regulatory Costs, 82 FR 9339 (February
3, 2017)
Review under E.O. 13771 seeks to
reduce Federal regulations that impose
private expenditures in order to comply
with them, and to control those costs in
any such regulations. OMB has
reviewed this rulemaking and
determined that it is exempt from E.O.
13771 requirements. This rulemaking is
exempt because it applies only to
Federal agencies, involves agency
organization, management, or
personnel, modifies an existing rule,
and does not involve regulatory costs
subject to the Executive Order.
Review Under the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act (Sec. 202, Pub. L. 104–4; 2
U.S.C. 1532)
Review under the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act requires that
agencies determine whether any Federal
mandate in the rulemaking may result
in state, local, and tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or the private sector,
expending $100 million in any one year.
NARA certifies that this rulemaking
does not contain a Federal mandate that
may result in such an expenditure, and
this rulemaking is therefore not subject
to this requirement.
List of Subjects
36 CFR Parts 1224 and 1225
§ 1224.10 What must agencies do to
implement an effective records disposition
(c) * * * Every five years, agencies
must review all records schedules that
are ten years old and older, based on the
date NARA approved the schedule. See
§ 1225.22 of this subchapter.
3. The authority citation for part 1225
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2111, 2904, 2905,
3102, and Chapter 33.
4. Amend § 1225.22 by:
a. Revising the section heading and
the introductory text; and
■ b. In paragraph (a), by removing the
words ‘‘an SF 115’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘a new records
The revisions read as follows:
§ 1225.22 When must agencies reschedule
or review their records schedules?
Agencies should review their records
schedules on a regular basis to
determine if they remain accurate. Every
five years, agencies must review all
records schedules that are ten years old
and older, based on the date NARA
approved the schedule. Agencies must
submit a new records schedule to NARA
in the following situations:
Archives and records, Recordkeeping,
Records disposition, Records
management, Records schedules,
Scheduling records.
36 CFR Part 1236
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2904, 3101, 3102,
3105, 3301, 3302, and 3312.
Archives and records, Digitization,
Digitized records, Digitizing, Electronic
mail, Electronic records, Metadata,
Permanent records, Recordkeeping,
Records management, Quality
assurance, Quality control, Quality
management, Temporary records.
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, NARA proposes to amend 36
CFR parts 1224, 1225, and 1236 as
1. The authority citation for part 1224
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2111, 2904, 3102, and
2. In § 1224.10, in paragraph (c), add
two sentences at the end to read as
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5. The authority citation for part 1236
continues to read as follows:
6. In § 1236.2, revise the section
heading, and in paragraph (b) add
definitions in alphabetical order for
‘‘Administrative metadata’’,
‘‘Checksum’’, ‘‘Descriptive metadata’’,
‘‘Embedded metadata’’, ‘‘Intellectual
control’’, ‘‘Media’’, ‘‘Mixed-media files’’,
‘‘Physical control’’, ‘‘Quality assurance
(QA)’’, ‘‘Quality control (QC)’’, ‘‘Quality
management (QM)’’, and ‘‘Technical
metadata’’ to read as follows:
§ 1236.2
Definitions that apply to this part.
(b) * * *
Administrative metadata are elements
of information used to manage records
and relate them to one another.
Administrative metadata elements
describe how a record was created, any
access and use restrictions that apply to
it, information about the record series to
which it belongs, and the disposition
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
schedule that identifies its retention
Checksum is a function that takes an
input string, which can be of any length,
and generates an output of fixed length.
The output, or hash, is used to
authenticate information, such as
whether a file has been corrupted or
modified. The values returned by a hash
function are called hash values, hash
codes, digests, or simply hashes.
Descriptive metadata are elements of
information that describe the records or
set of records itself. They apply to both
the original source records and any
versions produced through digitization.
Descriptive metadata elements for
individual source records include such
elements as the title of a record, a
description of its contents, its creator,
and the date it was created. These
elements support searching for and
discovering records.
Embedded metadata are textual
components that exist alongside the
content (usually binary data) within the
file. Embedded metadata may be used to
make self-describing digital files that
contain specified administrative, rights,
and technical metadata and can be
appropriately managed outside of a
recordkeeping system.
Intellectual control is having the
information necessary to identify and
understand the content and context of
the records. This includes knowing the
disposition schedule under which the
records fall, the date range when the
records were created, and any access or
use restrictions that apply to the
Media are the physical forms on
which records are stored, such as paper,
photographs, compact discs, DVDs,
analog tapes, flash drives, local hard
drives, or servers.
Mixed-media files include records in
different forms of media. A file, when
used in the phrase ‘‘mixed-media file,’’
is a group of records—regardless of
location and type of media—that belong
together or relate to a topic, such as a
case file. For example, a mixed-media
case file could be a box with paper
notes, audio recordings of interviews,
and a CD of photographs, along with
physical evidence stored separately in
an evidence locker. Records in a file
may be in more than one media type
due to changes in how agencies create,
maintain, and use records, shifts in
technology, and the topic or activity
Physical control is having the
information necessary to physically
manage the records. This includes
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knowing where the records are housed,
whether any records that fall within the
project’s scope are missing or stored
separately, and the records’ physical
form (such as media types, the records’
dimensions, and the smallest level of
detail used to convey information).
Quality assurance (QA) are the
proactive quality management (QM)
activities focused on preventing defects
by ensuring that a particular product or
service achieves certain requirements or
specifications. A QA program is heavily
dependent on quality control (QC) data
to search for patterns and trends. QA
activities also include controlled
experiments, design reviews, and
system tests. QA programs can improve
quality through creating plans and
policies or creating and conducting
Quality control (QC) are activities that
examine products through inspection or
testing to determine if they meet their
specifications. The purpose is to detect
defects (deviations from predetermined
requirements) in products or processes.
Quality management (QM) are the
overall management functions and
underlying activities that determine
quality policies, objectives, and
responsibilities, and implement them
through planning, control, assurance,
and improvement methods within the
quality system.
Technical metadata are elements of
information that describe processes
used to create electronic files, and
parameters that aid a system in
rendering the files properly. Technical
metadata may include elements such as
a file’s byte size, file format and version,
color encoding, and the type of
equipment used to make the file (camera
name, scanner manufacturer, etc).
■ 7. Add subpart E to read as follows:
Subpart E—Digitizing Permanent Federal
1236.40 Scope of this subpart.
1236.41 Definitions for this subpart.
1236.42 General requirements.
1236.44 Preparing records for digitization.
1236.46 Project management and
documentation requirements.
1236.48 File format requirements.
1236.50 Digitization requirements for
permanent paper and photographic print
1236.52 Digitization requirements for
permanent mixed-media files.
1236.54 Metadata requirements.
1236.56 Quality control (QC) inspection
1236.58 Validating digitized records and
disposition instructions.
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Subpart E—Digitizing Permanent
Federal Records
§ 1236.40
Scope of this subpart.
(a) This subpart covers the standards
and procedures you (an agency,
employee, or agents acting on the
agency’s behalf, such as contractors)
must apply when digitizing permanent
paper records using reflective
digitization techniques. Such records
include most paper-based documents
regardless of size, such as modern office
paper, maps, posters, manuscripts,
graphic-arts prints (lithographs, intaglio,
etc.), drawings, bound volumes, and
photographic prints. This subpart also
covers any records that may be
incorporated into mixed-media records.
(b) This subpart does not cover
standards and procedures you must
apply when digitizing permanent
records using transmissive digitization
techniques. Such records include
photographic negatives, transparencies,
aerial film, roll film, and micrographic
and radiographic materials. In addition,
this subpart does not cover records on
dynamic media, such as motion picture
and audio-visual records, videotapes,
and audio cassette tapes.
(c) For guidance on digitizing out-ofscope media types or non-paper-based
portions of mixed-media records, such
as dynamic media, x-rays, negative or
positive film, or other special media
types, please contact the Records
Management Policy and Standards
Team by email at rmstandards@
nara.gov or by phone at 301.837.1948.
(d) This subpart also does not cover
standards and procedures for optical
character recognition (OCR) technology.
You may perform OCR during
digitization to meet agency business
needs and transfer the resulting files to
NARA, but this subpart does not require
(e) This subpart does not address
other applicable laws and regulations
governing documents and electronic
files, including, but not limited to,
proper handling of classified or
controlled unclassified information and
compliance with 36 CFR part 1194
(which establishes requirements for
compliance with section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act). You should work
with your legal counsel and other
officials to ensure compliance with
these and other applicable
(f) This subpart also does not address
other business needs or legal constraints
that may make it necessary for an
agency to retain original source records
for a period of time after digitizing. You
should work with your agency legal
counsel to determine whether such
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
retention might be necessary because it
relates to rights and interests, appeal
rights, benefits, national security,
litigation holds, or other similar reasons.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
§ 1236.41
Definitions for this subpart.
In addition to the definitions
contained in § 1236.2 and 36 CFR part
1220, the following definitions apply to
this subpart:
Batch is a group of files that are
created under the same conditions or
are related intellectually or physically.
During digitization, batches represent
groups of records that are digitized and
undergo QC inspection processes
Color encoding accuracy is measured
in DICE by computing the color
difference (DE2000) between the digital
imaging results of the standard target
patches and their pre-measured color
values. By imaging the DICE target and
evaluating through the DICE software,
variances from known values can be
determined, which is a good indicator of
how accurately the system is recording
color. DICE measures the average
deviation of all color patches measured
(the mean).
Color channel misregistration
measures the spread of red, green, and
blue light in terms of pixel
misregistration. This parameter is used
to evaluate lens performance. The
vernacular term for this is called color
Color management is using software,
hardware, and procedures to measure
and control color in an imaging system,
including capture and display devices.
Digital Image Conformance
Evaluation (DICE) is the measurement
and monitoring component of the
Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines
Initiative (FADGI) Conformance
Program. DICE consists of ISOcompliant reference targets and analysis
software for testing and monitoring
digitization programs to ensure they
meet FADGI technical parameters. You
can access DICE online at https://
Digitization project is any action an
agency (including an agent acting on the
agency’s behalf, such as a contractor)
takes to digitize permanent records. For
example, a digitization project can range
from a one-time digitization effort to a
multi-year digitization process; can
involve digitizing a single document
into an electronic records management
system or digitizing boxes of records
from storage facilities; or can include
digitizing active records as part of an
ongoing business process or digitizing
inactive records for better access.
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Digitized record is an electronic
record created by converting paper or
other media formats to a digital form
that is of sufficient authenticity,
reliability, usability, and integrity to
serve in place of the original source
Dynamic range is the ratio between
the smallest and largest possible values
of a changeable quantity, frequently
encountered in imaging or recorded
sound. Dynamic range is another way of
stating the maximum signal-to-noise
Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines
Initiative (FADGI) is a collaborative
effort by Federal agencies to articulate
Technical Guidelines that form the basis
for many of the digitization technical
parameters in this Part, which equate to
the FADGI three-star level. You can
access FADGI online at https://
Image quality measures a digital
image’s overall accuracy in faithfully
reproducing an original. A digital image
created to a high degree of accuracy
meets or exceeds objective performance
attributes (such as level of detail, tonal
and color fidelity, and correct
exposure), and has minimal defects
(such as noise, compression artifacts, or
Lightness non-uniformity measures
how evenly a lens records the lighting
of neutral reference targets from center
to edge and between points within the
Mass digitization is the large-scale
scanning of source records using
scanners capable of high-volume
throughput. Mass digitization
approaches are appropriate for paper
records of uniform size and type that
can be digitized without being damaged
by the equipment, and in which there is
no information requiring higher
specifications to ensure accurate capture
(such as fine detail or precise color
Modulation transfer function (MTF)/
spatial frequency response (SFR). MTF
is the modulation ratio between the
output image and the ideal image. SFR
measures the imaging system’s ability to
maintain contrast between increasingly
smaller image details. Using these two
functions, a system can make an
accurate determination of resolution
related to sampling frequency.
Noise is an undesirable image
artifact(s) in a digitized record that is
not part of the original source material.
Raster image is a digitally encoded
representation of a subject’s tonal and
brightness information into a bitmap.
Data from digital cameras and scanning
devices record light characteristics as
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numerical values into a grid, or raster,
of picture elements (pixels). Raster data
differs from vector data, in which
geometrical points, lines, curves, and
shapes are based upon mathematical
equations, thus creating an image
without specific data-to-pixel mapping.
Reference target is a chart of test
patterns with known values used to
evaluate the performance of an imaging
Reflective digitization is a process in
which an imaging system captures
reflected light off of scanned objects
such as bound volumes, loose pages,
cartographic materials, illustrations,
posters, photographic prints, or
Reproduction scale accuracy
measures the relationship between the
physical size of the original object and
the size in pixels per inch (ppi) of that
object in the digital image.
Resolution is the level of spatial detail
an imaging system can resolve in an
Sampling frequency measures the
imaging spatial resolution and is
computed as the physical pixel count or
pixels per unit of measurement, such as
pixels per inch (ppi). This parameter
provides information about the size of
the original and the data needed to
determine the level of detail recorded in
the file. (See also modulation transfer
function (MTF)/spatial frequency
response (SFR) above.)
Sharpening artificially enhances
details to create the illusion of greater
definition. Image quality testing using
the SFR quantifies the level of
sharpening introduced by imaging
systems or applied by users in postprocessing actions.
Source record or original source
record is the record from which a
digitized version or digitized record is
Spatial resolution determines the
amount (quantity, ppi, megapixels, etc.)
of data in a raster image file in terms of
the number of picture elements or pixels
per unit of measurement, but it does not
define or guarantee the quality of the
information. Spatial resolution defines
how finely or widely spaced the
individual pixels are from each other.
The actual rendition of fine detail is
more dependent on the spatial
frequency response (SFR) of the scanner
or digital camera.
Tone response or opto-electronic
conversion function (OECF) is a measure
of how accurately the digital imaging
system converts light levels into digital
Transmissive digitization is a process
in which the system transmits light
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
through a photographic slide or
White balance error measures the
digital file’s color neutrality. When the
balance is neutral, a white patch in the
reference target should be recorded as
even values across red, green, and blue
channels, with a value approaching the
limit of the file format to define white.
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§ 1236.42
General requirements.
(a) Purpose and objectives. This
subpart establishes processes and
requirements to ensure that agencies:
(1) Identify the scope of each
digitization project;
(2) Account for all records included in
the scope of the digitization project
regardless of their media type;
(3) Produce complete and accurate
digitized records that can be used for all
the same purposes as the originals; and
(4) Validate that the resulting
digitized records meet the standards
required in § 1236.58 for replacing
permanent Federal records.
(b) Records management
requirements. You must comply with
existing records management
requirements identified in 36 CFR part
1222 and other subparts of this part.
You must also place digitized records in
a system that can successfully produce
and manage the records over time and
must ensure you have intellectual and
physical control over source records
sufficient to support digitization.
Having and maintaining an appropriate
level of intellectual and physical control
over source records is critical to a
digitization project’s success, regardless
of whether the agency, or an agent
acting on the agency’s behalf (such as a
contractor), performs the digitization
(1) You must establish and document
all the elements of intellectual control.
See definition at § 1236.2.
(2) You must also establish and
document all the elements of physical
control. See definition at § 1236.2. For
more information on documenting the
smallest level of detail, see
§ 1236.50(c)(2).
(i) Understanding the physical
properties of source records is necessary
to properly identify a project’s scope
and acquire appropriate equipment.
(ii) Non-standard media, such as postit notes, envelopes, or onion-skin paper,
may require special handling and
equipment. Using improper equipment
may result in damage to original
(iii) You must also document any
records that you cannot digitize
according to the standards in this
(iv) For more information about
selecting equipment and about records
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that need special handling, please
contact the Records Management Policy
and Standards Team by email at
rmstandards@nara,gov or by phone at
(3) Before starting a digitization
project, you must have intellectual and
physical control over the original
records that will be included in the
project. In addition, you must create an
inventory of records you will digitize,
ensure that the proposed series are
complete, document any missing
records or gaps in coverage as described
in § 1236.46, document any restrictions
relating to the source records that will
also apply to digitized records, and note
them as metadata as required in
§ 1236.54. You will need to maintain
intellectual and physical control over
the records throughout the project.
(4) You must also document the
contents of any electronic or analog
storage media, such as CDs, DVDs, or
magnetic tapes, you discover when
preparing records for digitization.
(i) Determine whether any files on the
storage media are records. If the files are
non-records, you may dispose of them.
(ii) If the files are records and are part
of the same records series you are
digitizing, handle them as described in
§ 1236.52.
(iii) If the files are records but not part
of the record series you are digitizing,
locate their disposition schedule and
migrate them to an electronic
information system that complies with
the requirements in §§ 1236.10 through
(c) Quality management (QM)
requirements. To be successful at
digitizing permanent records, you need
to minimize errors throughout the
project, beginning as early in the
digitization process as possible. You
must therefore develop a quality
management (QM) plan that ensures the
project meets the quality assurance (QA)
objectives and quality control (QC)
inspections procedures in §§ 1236.42
through 1236.56. This includes defining
requirements, implementing a testing
and analysis process, performing
corrective measures, and verifying that
products conform to the requirements.
The plan must document QC procedures
and image and metadata quality
inspection processes necessary to
identify and correct deviations
throughout all phases of the project.
(d) Image quality requirements and
QA. The project must meet the image
quality performance parameters, such as
resolution, tone, and color accuracy,
defined in § 1236.2 and specified in
§ 1236.50.
(1) To determine whether equipment
meets the image quality requirements,
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you must scan a reference target with
the device and measure the results with
analytical software to determine how
well the digital imaging equipment’s
optical resolution, sensor size, and
signal processing perform against the
performance evaluation technical
parameters in § 1236.50(c). Results that
fall within the performance metric
value’s tolerance range confirm the
equipment meets the requirements.
Equipment specifications, such as
scanner ppi settings or camera sensor
megapixels, are theoretical resolution
claims and do not ensure digital image
(2) To ensure image quality of digital
files you create during the project, you
must also monitor the digitization
workflow by digitizing reference targets
and analyzing the results against the
technical parameters in § 1236.50(c).
When all the measurements fall within
the technical parameters’ performance
metric value tolerance range, the digital
files meet the image quality objectives.
This image QC process is a major
component of your project’s QA
(3) Your agency must use image QA
processes to:
(i) Determine whether equipment
performance meets specifications before
you select the equipment;
(ii) Evaluate internal or external
vendor imaging systems against image
(iii) Monitor device performance
during digitization; and
(iv) Verify that resulting digital files
meet project specifications.
(e) Image QC standards. You must
have an image quality testing and
analysis process that ensures the
resulting digitized records conform to
the requirements in § 1236.50. You
should adopt methods consistent with
the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines
Initiative (FADGI) Digital Image
Conformance Evaluation (DICE)
program (see § 1236.41 for a description
of DICE) to ensure you meet digitization
image quality parameters, but you do
not have to use DICE to do so. Any
method that ensures you meet the image
quality parameters in § 1236.50 is
(1) The DICE program, or other
automated QC tools you select, should
work in concert with manual inspection
(2) If you do not adopt DICE, you
must document the image quality
measurement and monitoring
procedures and reference targets you
use instead, and how you verify quality
(3) FADGI also describes many
recommended best practices which you
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
may use to supplement, but not
supersede, applicable regulations and
NARA implementing guidance.
(f) Image quality parameters. Section
1236.50 outlines the set of performance
parameters you must use. These
parameters equate to FADGI three-star
aimpoints and tolerance ranges. The
FADGI Guidelines incorporate image
quality specifications, testing
methodology, and analyses that are
compliant with ISO/TS 19264–1:2017
(Photography—Archiving systems—
Image quality analysis—Part 1:
Reflective originals) for digitizing
cultural heritage materials. We are not
incorporating the FADGI Guidelines in
their entirety because they include
general digitization practices outside the
scope of this subpart. However, you may
find it helpful when implementing this
subpart to consider FADGI discussions,
analyses, and papers related to the
technical digitization parameters,
especially if you are digitizing special or
sensitive materials.
(g) Inspection of digitized files. You
must inspect the resulting digitized files
to check that they meet the digital file,
image quality, and metadata
specifications. Sections 1236.48 through
1236.56 describe digital file quality
criteria your agency must inspect
through a combination of automated
and manual methods outlined in
§ 1236.56 to verify compliance with
these digital imaging specifications.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
§ 1236.44 Preparing records for
(a) A successful digitization project
relies on maintaining source records in
their original order throughout the
process, capturing all the information
and characteristics of the source
material, and performing visual and
automated QC inspections at multiple
stages during a project to ensure the
resulting digital record is complete.
(b) Image quality and QC, described in
§ 1236.42, are only two of the
components of digitizing as a records
management activity. In addition, you
(1) Account for all records included in
the project’s scope prior to digitization.
You should note any missing records or
records being retained in their original
form in the details section of the
Electronic Records Archives (ERA)
Transfer Request (TR) instrument and
include scans of any charge-out
documentation so that skipped or
missing records can be inter-filed if they
are transferred at a later date;
(2) Survey source records for items
that require special handling and select
equipment that safely digitizes the
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originals without damaging them during
the scanning process;
(3) Capture all information in records
or files, regardless of the original media
(4) Accurately capture administrative,
descriptive, and technical metadata
specified in § 1236.54, including access
and use restrictions metadata;
(5) Determine and apply an
appropriate method for associating
digitized records with each other, when
relevant (such as when digitizing each
page of a paper document separately, or
each document in a paper file folder
separately). Acceptable methods include
associating individual image files in a
folder structure matching the original
paper folder structure or utilizing file
formats with support for multi-page files
such as PDF or TIFF; and
(6) Ensure that each individual file is
usable and that you will be able to
locate, retrieve, present, and interpret it
over time.
(c) You must also take steps to
maintain intellectual and physical
control of source records pursuant to 36
CFR 1222.34. In this regard, for each
record series or file unit you plan to
digitize, you must:
(1) Document the age, media types,
dimensions, required level of detail, and
condition of source records prior to
digitization; and
(2) Institute procedures and controls
(i) Ensure you can locate, access, and
digitize source records with appropriate
safeguards against loss and damage;
(ii) Restrict and log access to records
while they are being digitized to
minimize the risk of unauthorized
additions, deletions, or alterations; and
(iii) Ensure that staff appropriately
digitize all records or, if you keep some
records in their original format,
maintain the association between the
digitized and original records using the
relationship metadata elements in
§ 1236.54(c). You should note any
records that you do not digitize in the
details section of the Electronic Records
Archives (ERA) Transfer Request (TR)
and include scans of any charge-out
documentation so that skipped or
missing records can be inter-filed if they
are transferred at a later date.
§ 1236.46 Project management and
documentation requirements.
(a) You must ensure that any projects
to digitize records meet the parameters
in this subpart, and the records are
complete, unaltered, and meet all QA
(b) Accordingly, you must have the
following documents when digitizing
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permanent records and retain them in
association with the digitized records,
as specified in § 1236.58(f):
(1) A defined project plan that
identifies the:
(i) Record series or file units you will
digitize (note any missing records in the
details section of the ERA TR and
provide scans, as outlined in
§ 1236.44(b)(1));
(ii) Estimated volume and media
types of the original source records;
(iii) Image quality parameters you
must meet to capture the appropriate
level of detail present in the original in
order to interpret the information in the
records—including resolution,1 color,
and tonal fidelity. See § 1236.50(c) for
the minimum requirements for image
quality parameters. The color mode
must be either color or grayscale; we do
not accept bi-tonal mode for permanent
records. You must digitize in color
when the original source documents
have color present;
(iv) Estimated date range of the source
records; and
(v) Estimated storage requirements for
the records once digitized (which may
affect project decisions, such as
compression and file format);
(2) Applicable NARA-approved
records schedule(s);
(3) Any related finding aids, indexes,
inventories, logs, registers, or metadata
the agency uses to manage the records;
(4) QM plans describing QA
objectives that achieve the requirements
in §§ 1236.48 through 1236.54;
(5) QC procedures to identify and
correct errors during digitization in
accordance with the requirements in
§ 1236.56;
(6) QC reports identifying detected
errors and remediation steps in
accordance with the requirements in
§ 1236.56.
§ 1236.48
File format requirements.
(a) You must digitize, encode, retain,
and transfer most paper-based
documents in one of the following file
formats, either uncompressed or using
one of the specified lossless
compression codecs:
1 Higher spatial resolution provides more pixels,
and generally will render finer detail of the original
in the digital image, but not always. The actual
rendition of fine detail is more dependent on the
spatial frequency response (SFR) of the scanner or
digital camera, the image processing applied, and
the characteristics of the item being scanned.
Adjusting resolution settings to capture the
appropriate level of detail in the original source
records provides appropriate resolution.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Format name and version
Acceptable lossless compression codecs
TIFF 6.0 ....................................................................................................
JPEG2000 part 1 ......................................................................................
Portable network graphics 1.2 (PNG) .......................................................
PDF/A–1 ....................................................................................................
PDF/A–2 ....................................................................................................
Uncompressed, LZW compression.
JPEG 2000 part 1 core coding system lossless compression.
DEFLATE, JPEG 2000 part 1 core coding system lossless compression.
(b) You must digitize, encode, retain,
and transfer photographic print records
in one of the following file formats,
either uncompressed or with one of the
specified lossless compression codecs:
Format name and version
Acceptable compression codecs
TIFF 6.0 ....................................................................................................
JPEG2000 part 1 ......................................................................................
Portable network graphics 1.2 (PNG) .......................................................
(c) You must transfer metadata
specified in § 1236.54 table 1 to
paragraph (c)(1), table 2 to paragraph
(c)(2), and table 3 to paragraph (d) in
comma separated values (CSV) format.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
§ 1236.50 Digitization requirements for
permanent paper and photographic print
(a) Equipment requirements. The
equipment you use to digitize Federal
records must be appropriate for the
media type, capable of achieving
documented project objectives, and
meet the parameters specified in
paragraph (c) of this section for paper
records in good physical condition that
are suitable for mass digitization or
paragraph (d) of this section for
photographic print records and paper
records that require higher resolution or
color accuracy or that can’t physically
be digitized by mass digitization.
(1) The specifications in paragraph (c)
of this section are applicable for paper
records that are suitable for mass
digitization using high-volume
scanners. To be suitable for this set of
standards, the records must be in good
physical condition, with well-defined
printed type (such as typeset, typed,
laser-printed, etc.), and have moderate
to high contrast between the ink of the
text and the paper background.
(2) The specifications in paragraph (d)
of this section are applicable for
photographic prints and paper records
that are old, brittle, or folded, or that
could be damaged by high-speed
equipment. For records in poor physical
condition, agencies must use equipment
that does not result in further damage.
For records with poor legibility or
diffuse characters (such as carbon
copies, Thermofax/Verifax, etc.),
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Uncompressed, LZW.
JPEG 2000 part 1 core coding system lossless compression.
handwritten annotations or other
markings, low inherent contrast,
staining, fading, halftone illustrations,
or photographs, digitization equipment
or record staging must be capable of
capturing record content, including all
text, any embossed seals, or other
details that can’t be digitized by mass
(3) For records where the smallest
significant detail in a record is 1.0 mm
or smaller, such as aerial photographs
and topographic maps (which require a
high degree of enlargement and
precision regarding the dimensional
accuracy of the scans when compared to
textual documents or other types of
photographs), you must use table 2 to
paragraph (d) of this section, but you
must set the resolution so that the MTF
and SFR performance of the scanner
exceeds the tolerance ranges in table 2.
For many imaging devices, increasing
the ppi settings may not increase the
actual level of resolution or capture the
desired detail. The equipment you
select for digitizing records with fine
detail must be capable of meeting the
higher quality parameters.
(4) For records that can’t be captured
to the specifications in paragraph (c) or
(d) of this section, such as records
containing a high degree of fine detail
or need for color accuracy, you must
contact NARA.
(b) Implementation requirements. You
(1) Implement an image quality
analysis process and use device-level
reference targets to verify that
digitization devices conform to imaging
parameters in this subpart;
(2) Replace reference targets as they
fade, or accumulate dirt, scratches, and
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other surface marks that reduce their
(3) Regularly test equipment to ensure
scanners and digital cameras/copy
systems are performing optimally.
(i) You must scan a reference target
containing a grayscale, color chart, and
accurate dimensional scale at the
beginning of each workday; and
(ii) Perform additional tests when you
detect problems;
(4) Test equipment with the specific
software/device driver combination(s)
you use, and re-test after every software
(5) Ensure that equipment operation,
settings, and image processing actions
remain consistent for the entire batch
and are applied to all images in the
(6) Encode original image files using
a compression type, and in a format,
specified in § 1236.48, and with the
resolution, color mode, bit depth, and
color space specified in table 1 to
paragraph (c) of this section;
(7) You must not reformat, use a lossy
compression codec, or interpolate
(upsample) files to meet the standards
in this subpart; and
(c) Digitizing requirements for mass
digitization of paper records in good
physical condition. For these records,
produce image files (as described in
table 1 to paragraph (c)) at 300 ppi sized
to the original document.
(1) Records suitable for the
specifications in table 1 are paper
records with well-defined printed type
(such as typeset, typed, laser-printed,
etc.), and with moderate to high contrast
between the ink of the text and the
paper background.
(i) Performance metric values for the
tone response (OECF) (Lightness, L*)
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
conform to the FADGI category for
Federal textual records; and
(ii) These values are appropriate when
original source records do not have
visible content that is recorded in the
same tone densities as the two darkest
patches (L*20 and L*21) of the DICE
(2) The specifications in table 1 are
not appropriate for records that include
fine detail, require a high degree of color
accuracy, or have other unique
characteristics that cannot be captured
using the specifications in this table, or
that cannot safely undergo high-volume
digitization because they are fragile,
would be damaged, or have other
physical conditions that do not lend
themselves to high-volume or mass
(3) You must digitize in an RGB color
mode when the original source paper
records have color present. You may
digitize non-photographic print paper
records in grayscale mode if there is no
color present.
(4) At a minimum, you must digitize
the paper records covered by this
paragraph to the following parameters:
Digital file specifications 1
Color mode 2 .............................................................................................
Bit depth ....................................................................................................
Working color space .................................................................................
Sampling Frequency 4 ...............................................................................
Performance evaluation technical parameters
RGB color or grayscale.3
8- or 16-bit.
gray gamma 2.2, AdobeRGB1998, sRGB, ProPhoto, ECIRGBv2.
≥300 ppi.
Performance metric values
Difference from aim
(applies to 20≤ L* ≤100)
¥5≤ L* ≤5.
¥4≤ a*b* ≤4.
≤0.50 pixel.
sampling efficiency ≥80% and SFR response at half sampling frequency ≤0.3.
50% of half sampling frequency: [35%,75%].
<+/¥2% of aim.
Tone response (OECF) (Lightness, L*) ....................................................
White balance error (a*b*) (applies only to nominal gray patches) .........
Non-uniformity (Lightness, L*) ..................................................................
Color encoding accuracy (mean DE2000) 5 ..............................................
Color channel misregistration ...................................................................
MTF10 (10% SFR) ....................................................................................
MTF50 (50% SFR) ....................................................................................
Reproduction scale accuracy ....................................................................
Sharpening (maximum SFR) ....................................................................
[Noise] DL* standard deviation .................................................................
1 Count
values are expressed as 8-bit equivalents.
digitize in color when the original source paper records have color present.
3 We do not accept permanent records digitized in bi-tonal (black and white) mode.
4 The sampling frequency and the image dimensions determine the total number of pixels in the image, but do not determine the actual level of
detail captured by an image system. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is the scientific method to evaluate the spatial resolution performance of an imaging system. The MTF concept is an objective method to determine spatial resolution that is more accurate, compared to subjective methods such as dots-per-inch (dpi) or visual observation bar target readings. Resolution is a measure of how well spatial details are preserved in an imaging system by evaluating a range of measurements and quantifying them in a functional curve MTF plot.
5 DE2000 is the specific formula used to calculate color difference for this metric.
2 Must
(d) Digitizing requirements for
photographic prints, and paper records
not suitable for mass digitization. For
these records, produce image files (as
described in table 2 to paragraph (d)) at
400 ppi sized to the original document.
You may need to apply higher
resolution for some photographic prints
to capture fine detail.
(1) The photographic print
specifications also apply to
manuscripts, illustrations, or graphics,
as well as documents with poor
legibility or diffuse characters, such as
carbon copies, Thermofax, etc.
(2) You must digitize photographic
prints (and items outlined in paragraph
(d)(1) of this section), including
monochrome and black and white
originals, using RGB color mode (which
captures nuances in black, gray, sepia,
etc, as well as color contained in the
original). Paper records may be digitized
in grayscale mode if there is no color
present; if color is present, you must
digitize them using RGB color mode.
(3) At a minimum, you must digitize
all the records covered by this
paragraph to the following parameters:
Digital file specifications 1
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
mode 2
Bit depth ....................................................................................................
Color space ...............................................................................................
Sampling frequency 4 ................................................................................
Performance evaluation technical parameter
Tone response (OECF) (Lightness, L*) ....................................................
White balance error (a*b*) ........................................................................
Non-uniformity (Lightness, L*) ..................................................................
Color accuracy (mean DE2000) 5 ..............................................................
Color channel misregistration ...................................................................
MTF10 (10% SFR) ....................................................................................
MTF50 (50% SFR) ....................................................................................
Reproduction scale accuracy ....................................................................
Sharpening (maximum SFR) ....................................................................
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PO 00000
Frm 00090
Fmt 4702
RGB color or
Gray gamma 2.2, AdobeRGB1998, ProPhoto, ECIRGBv2.
≥ 400 ppi minimum.
Performance metric values
±5-count levels ≤4.
±4-count levels ≤4.
<0.50 pixel.
sampling efficiency >80% and SFR response at half sampling frequency <0.3.
50% of half sampling frequency: [35%,75%].
<+/¥2% of aim.
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
TABLE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (d)—Continued
Digital file specifications 1
Noise .........................................................................................................
[Noise] DL* standard deviation .................................................................
<4-count levels.
1 Count
values are expressed as 8-bit equivalents.
digitize photographic prints, manuscripts, etc., in color, even when originals are in black and white or monochrome. Must digitize other
paper documents in color when the original source paper records have color present; otherwise, may digitize such paper records in grayscale.
3 We do not accept permanent records digitized in bi-tonal (black and white) mode.
4 The sampling frequency and the image dimensions determine the total number of pixels in the image, but do not determine the actual level of
detail captured by an image system. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is the scientific method to evaluate the spatial resolution performance of an imaging system. The MTF concept is an objective method to determine spatial resolution that is more accurate, compared to subjective methods such as dots-per-inch (dpi) or visual observation bar target readings. Resolution is a measure of how well spatial details are preserved in an imaging system by evaluating a range of measurements and quantifying them in a functional curve MTF plot.
5 DE2000 is the specific formula used to calculate color difference for this metric.
2 Must
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§ 1236.52 Digitization requirements for
permanent mixed-media files.
(a) Related records may be managed
together but stored on more than one
media type. For example, a ‘‘case file’’
may include paper records, on-line
electronic records, and electronic
records on storage media such as
magnetic tapes or other optical media.
This reflects the way agencies create,
maintain, and use these records; these
are mixed-media files.
(b) When digitizing files that fall
within the scope of this subpart (see
§ 1236.40) but are part of a mixed-media
file, you must:
(1) Assess any electronic records in
the mixed-media file to determine if
they are digitized copies of paper
(i) If they are not digitized versions of
paper records, ensure the electronic
records remain associated with the rest
of the records in the original mixedmedia file.
(ii) If they are digitized versions of
paper records, determine whether they
meet the digitization standards in this
subpart. If so, ensure they remain
associated with the rest of the records in
the original mixed-media file. If not, redigitize the original paper records to the
standards of this subpart.
(2) Digitize any paper records and
photographic prints in the mixed-media
file according to standards in
§ 1236.50(c) and (d);
(c) You should contact the Records
Management Policy and Standards
Team at rmstandards@nara.gov for
guidance on what to do with types of
media in a mixed-media file that are
outside the scope of this subpart, such
as dynamic media, x-rays, negative or
positive film, or other special media
§ 1236.54
Metadata requirements.
(a) General. Whether embedded into
image files or captured in a record-
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keeping system, metadata provides
information explaining what each
record contains, when and why it was
created, what media it was recorded on,
original dimensions, and whether any
restrictions govern its use. Metadata also
describes the digitization process and
the technical attributes of the resulting
electronic records. It is important to
capture this information about original
source records and about the
intervening digitization steps because
we will not have the original source
records or other project documentation
to use when maintaining the digitized
versions as archival records in the
(1) You should consider business and
legal needs when developing the project
plan and how your agency will capture
the metadata.
(2) Depending on your agency’s
existing record-keeping practices and
level of intellectual control, you may
use information from the record series,
file unit, or project level as the source
for administrative and descriptive
metadata fields. If the components of a
record have not been individually
indexed with unique descriptions, you
may apply the series or file unit level
descriptions to all of the image files
within that grouping. If the components
of the record do not have individual
titles, you must apply the item Record
IDs instead.
(3) If you provide other metadata
elements in addition to the metadata
requirements in this subpart, we will
accept that metadata as part of the
transfer process.
(4) ‘‘Mandatory if applicable’’
instructions in the tables in this section
mean that you must provide the
metadata if the agency captures the
metadata as part of its business
processes. You do not have to create
‘‘mandatory if applicable’’ metadata as
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an extra step to transfer records to
(b) Overall requirements. You must:
(1) Capture the metadata specified by
paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this
section at the file or item level as part
of the digitization project;
(2) When digitization and image
processing are complete and when
agencies determine that records are no
longer in active use and no longer
subject to changes that would alter a
checksum, you must generate
checksums and record them as technical
metadata in a record-keeping system for
each image file, and use them to
monitor electronic records for
corruption or alteration;
(3) Create file names and record IDs
that are unique to each file (although
you must capture other metadata at the
file or item level, some might be
common to multiple files or items, but
not these two elements);
(4) Embed the metadata specified by
paragraph (c) of this section in each
image file, capture and maintain it in a
record-keeping system, associate it with
the records it describes, and keep it
consistent and accurate in both places;
(5) Ensure that scanning equipment
embeds the system-generated technical
metadata specified by paragraph (e) of
this section in each image file and that
image processing does not alter or delete
(6) Transfer metadata specified by
paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section to
NARA in CSV format; and
(7) Retain documentation and
information described in 36 CFR
1222.28 and associate it with the
digitized records.
(c) Administrative metadata. (1)
Capture in a record-keeping system and
embed in each image file the following
administrative metadata:
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Metadata label
Identifier: File Name .....................................
Identifier: Record ID .....................................
The complete name of the computer file, including its extension
The unique identifier assigned by an agency or a records management system. § 1236.20(b)(1) requires that agencies assign unique identifiers to each record.
The number assigned to the disposition schedule item to which
the record belongs.
A related record that is either physically or logically required in
order to form a complete record. Mixed-media files that contain records on multiple media types should use this element
to identify all components.
A related record or file in which the described record is physically or logically included. Records that are components of
mixed media files should use this element to indicate their
Identifier: Disposition Schedule Item # ........
Relation: Has Part ........................................
Relation: Is Part Of ......................................
(2) Capture in a record-keeping
system and embed in each file any of
the following access and use restrictions
Requirement level
Mandatory if a record includes
multiple parts, such as the
component parts of a case
file or mixed-media file.
Mandatory if file is a component
of a multi-part record.
metadata inherited from the original
source records:
Metadata label
Access Restrictions
Use Restrictions .......
Rights: Rights Holder
Required fields
Access Restriction
Specific Access Restriction.
Indicate whether or not there are access restrictions on the
Specific access restrictions on the record, based on national
security considerations (e.g., CNSI, CUI), donor restrictions,
court orders, and other statutory or regulatory provisions, including Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Indicate whether or not there are use restrictions on the record
The type of use restrictions on the record, based on copyright,
trademark, service mark, donor, or statutory provisions, including Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
A person or organization owning or managing intellectual property rights relating to the record.
Mandatory if use restriction exists.
Use Restriction Status.
Specific Use Restriction.
(d) Descriptive metadata. Capture the
following descriptive metadata from
source records at the lowest level
needed to support access and
preservation and to maintain contextual
information. Depending on your
agency’s existing record-keeping
practices and level of intellectual
control, you may use information from
the record series, file unit, or project
level as the source for administrative
and descriptive metadata fields. If the
components of a record have not been
individually indexed with unique
descriptions, you may apply the series
or file unit level descriptions to all of
Requirement level
Mandatory if access restriction
Mandatory if there is a rights
the image files within that grouping. If
the components of the record do not
have individual titles, you must apply
the item Record IDs instead. Retain the
metadata in a record-keeping system for
each image file:
Metadata label
Title ..............................................................
A name given to the original record. If a name does not exist,
the mandatory metadata element Identifier: Record ID serves
as the title for the record.
A narrative description of the content of the record, including abstracts for document.
The agent (person, agency, other organization, etc) primarily responsible for creating the original record.
The date or date range indicating when the original record met
the definition of a Federal record.
The medium of the original source record scanned to create a
digital still image.
The dimensions of the original source record (including unit of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
Description ...................................................
Creator .........................................................
Date: Creation Date .....................................
Source Type .................................................
Source Dimensions ......................................
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Requirement level
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
(e) Technical metadata. (1) Technical
metadata is the metadata the scanning
equipment generates during the
digitization process.
(2) Embed image files with the
following technical metadata describing
the digitization process and the
resulting electronic records, and ensure
that image processing does not delete or
alter it:
Metadata label
File Size ...................................................
Format Name and Version .......................
Image Width .............................................
The size in bytes of the image file .......................................................
The format name or description of the file format ................................
The width of the digital image, i.e., horizontal or X dimension, in
The height of the digital image, i.e., vertical or Y dimension, in pixels
The well-defined name of the International Color Consortium (ICC)
profile used.
The Date or Date Time the digital image was created ........................
The manufacturer and model of the scanner used to create the
The name and version of the software the scanner uses to create
the image.
The manufacturer and model of the digital camera used to create the
The number of color components per pixel ..........................................
Image Height ............................................
Color Space .............................................
Date and Time Created ...........................
Scanner Make and Model ........................
Scanning Software Name and Version ....
Digital Camera Make and Model .............
Samples Per Pixel ....................................
(3) When digitization and image
processing are complete and when you
determine that the records are no longer
in active use and no longer subject to
Requirement level
changes that would alter a checksum,
you must generate checksums, record
them as technical metadata in a recordkeeping system for each image file, and
Mandatory if using a scanner.
Mandatory if using scanning
Mandatory if using a digital
use them to monitor electronic records
for corruption or alteration:
Fixity metadata label
Message Digest Algorithm ...........................
The specific algorithm used to construct the message digest for
the digital object or bitstream.
The output of Message Digest Algorithm .....................................
Message Digest (checksum) .......................
(f) Transfer metadata. (1) When you
transfer digitized records to NARA’s
legal and physical custody, you must
also transfer the associated metadata
Requirement level
specified by paragraphs (c), (d), and (e)
of this section.
(2) In addition, you will need to enter
the following separate metadata into the
Electronic Records Archive (ERA) when
you create the Transfer Request (TR) to
begin transferring the records:
Metadata label
Required fields
Transfer Title ............
Transfer Title ...........
Dates ........................
Inclusive Start Date
The name assigned to the collection, set or series of records
you are transferring to NARA.
The beginning date on which the record group, collection, series, or set you are transferring to NARA was created, maintained, or accumulated by the creator.
The last date on which the record group, collection, series, or
set you are transferring to NARA was created, maintained, or
accumulated by the creator.
The name of the organization responsible for creating, accumulating, or maintaining the collection, series, or set when in
working (primary) use.
The unique number assigned to a record group .........................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS10
Inclusive End Date ..
Creating Organization.
Creating Organization.
Record Group Number.
General Records
Parent Record
Group Number.
General Records
Access Restrictions
Access Restriction
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Requirement level
The general form of the records set, series, or collection you
are transferring, such as: architectural and engineering drawings, artifacts, data files, maps and charts, moving images,
photographs and other graphic materials, sound recordings,
textual records, or web pages.
Indicate whether or not there are access restrictions on the set,
collection, or series of records you are transferring to NARA.
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
TABLE 6 TO PARAGRAPH (f)(2)—Continued
Metadata label
Use Restrictions .......
Record Schedule
Required fields
Specific Access Restriction.
Specific access restrictions on the set, collection, or series of
records, based on national security considerations (e.g.,
CNSI, CUI), donor restrictions, court orders, and other statutory or regulatory provisions, including Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions.
Indicate whether or not there are use restrictions on the set,
collection, or series of records you are transferring to NARA.
The type of use restrictions on the set, collection, or series of
records, based on copyright, trademark, service mark, donor,
or statutory provisions, including Privacy Act and Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) exemptions.
The number NARA assigned to the record schedule that applies to all the records in the collection, series, or set you are
Use Restriction Status.
Specific Use Restriction.
Records Schedule
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§ 1236.56 Quality control (QC) inspection
(a) You must design a QC plan to
document and correct errors due to
malfunctioning or improperly
configured digitization equipment,
improper software application settings,
incorrect metadata capture, or human
error. You should perform QC
inspections of files for compliance with
all parameters and criteria identified for
QA in parts §§ 1236.48 through 1236.54.
(b) You must select equipment that
meets or exceeds identified parameters.
To determine that digitization devices
are capable of meeting imaging
parameters, you must conduct an image
quality analysis process and use devicelevel reference targets.
(c) QC procedures must verify that
digital image files:
(1) Meet file format requirements
specified in § 1236.48,
(2) Comply with the file attribute and
technical evaluation parameter
tolerance ranges specified in § 1236.50,
(3) Meet the metadata requirements
specified in § 1236.54.
(d) You must inspect a random
sample of either ten images or 10% of
each batch of digital images, whichever
is larger, for the following
(1) File quality: You can open and
view the files; they are well-formed
according to the specified file format in
§ 1236.48; they have the correct pixel
dimensions; they are encoded with the
correct color mode, bit depth, color
profile, and, if compressed, they are
compressed as specified in § 1236.50.
You may verify file quality using
automated techniques.
(2) Image quality: Ensure that digital
files meet image quality parameters
(spatial resolution, image tone,
brightness, contrast, and color accuracy)
specified in § 1236.50; that the files
have no clipping (missing detail lost in
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highlights or shadows), channel
misregistration, or quantization errors;
and that the informational content of the
record is not compromised by excessive
image artifacts (dust, Newton’s rings,
missing pixels, scan lines, drop-outs,
flare, or over-sharpening).
(i) You should inspect image quality
attributes on a color-managed computer.
(ii) Perform a visual review to assure
images are accurate and consistent.
Verify the files are not dimensionally
distorted, have correct orientation
(portrait/vertical, landscape/horizontal,
horizontally or vertically flipped), and
informational content is not cropped.
(iii) Conduct visual evaluation of
images at 100% magnification on a
color-managed computer monitor.
(iv) In addition to conducting visual
inspections, you may also verify digital
file specifications using automated
(v) Conduct manual QC inspections to
evaluate subjective factors, such as
appearance or legibility.
(3) Metadata quality: Ensure that files
are named according to project
specifications, that correct
administrative, descriptive, and
technical metadata are captured in a
record-keeping system, and correct
metadata elements are embedded in file
(i) You must conduct manual QC
inspections to evaluate the accuracy of
(ii) You may also evaluate the
accuracy of metadata using automated
techniques, if applicable.
(4) If you detect errors during
inspection, perform the following steps
to ensure that the specifications and
requirements in §§ 1236.41 through
1236.56 have been met:
(i) If 1% or more of examined records
fail to meet any of the criteria in this
subpart, determine the source and scope
of any errors, correct or re-digitize
affected records, and conduct additional
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Requirement level
Mandatory if access restriction
Mandatory if access restriction
inspections of 10% random samples
until you achieve a 100% success rate
for the sample set;
(ii) If less than 1% of examined
records fail to meet any of the criteria
in this subpart, determine the source
and scope of any errors and correct or
re-digitize the affected records.
(e) You must conduct a QC inspection
for completeness. You must:
(1) Employ automated and visual
inspection processes to verify record
(2) Visually compare source records
with their digitized versions to verify
that 100% of the source materials have
been captured and accounted for, and
that the digitized records are in the
same order as the original;
(3) Verify that all records have been
accounted for by referring to box lists,
folder title lists, or other inventories;
(4) Verify that all sources of record
information have been digitized by
examining records for related envelopes,
notes, or other forms of media. If
another form of media is present that
cannot be digitized, associate it with the
digitized records using the Relation
metadata elements in 1236.54(c); and
(5) Identify and document any
missing pages or images (and you will
note this information in the Details
section of the ERA Transfer Request
(TR) when transferring the records).
§ 1236.58 Validating digitized records and
disposition instructions.
(a) When you complete a digitization
project, you must validate that the
digitized versions meet the standards in
§§ 1236.41 through 1236.56.
(b) The validation should be
conducted by separate staff,
independent from the staff that
performed the digitization QC
inspections described in § 1236.56.
(c) To conduct the validation, you
must verify that:
(1) All records identified in the
project’s scope have either been
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 231 / Tuesday, December 1, 2020 / Proposed Rules
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digitized or were originally identified in
project documentation as missing or
incomplete records (and you will note
this information in the Details section of
the ERA Transfer Request (TR) when
transferring the records);
(2) All required metadata is accurate,
complete, and correctly labeled;
(3) All image technical attributes
specified in § 1236.50 have been met;
(4) All image files are legible and the
smallest level of detail necessary to
understand and use the records has
been captured;
(5) Mixed-media files are digitized
appropriately for the material type, or if
mixed-media components are retained
in their original format, they are
associated with digitized components
through metadata, per the requirements
specified in § 1236.54; and
(6) Project documentation has been
created according to § 1236.46.
(d) After validating, you must
determine whether or not the agency
has any reasons for retaining the
original source records for a period of
time once digitized. See § 1236.40(f).
(e) After validating, you may dispose
of the original source records pursuant
to a NARA-approved records schedule
that addresses disposition after
(f) Agencies cannot use the GRS to
dispose of original source records if the
digitized records do not meet the
requirements in this subpart. In such
cases, agencies should contact the
Records Management Policy and
Standards Team at rmstandards@
nara.gov to determine what steps they
must take to be able to transfer the
records to the National Archives.
(g) Agencies must retain the project
documentation described in § 1236.46
until the National Archives confirms
receipt of the records and legal custody
of the records has been transferred.
(h) Agencies must transfer the
administrative, technical, and
descriptive metadata captured during
the digitization project, as defined in
§ 1236.54, with the digitized records.
David S. Ferriero,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2020–26239 Filed 11–30–20; 8:45 am]
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Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2019–0019;
FF09E21000 FXES11110900000 212]
RIN 1018–BD29
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Endangered Species
Status for the Peppered Chub and
Designation of Critical Habitat
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Proposed rule.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce a
12-month finding on a petition to list
the peppered chub (Macrhybopsis
tetranema) as endangered or threatened
under the Endangered Species Act of
1973, as amended (Act). The peppered
chub is a freshwater fish historically
found in Colorado, Kansas, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, and is
now extirpated in all but approximately
6 percent of its historical range. After
review of the best available scientific
and commercial information, we find
that listing the peppered chub is
warranted due to a dramatic reduction
in the species’ range (a loss of all but
one population) and the low resiliency
level of the remaining population. The
primary stressors affecting the peppered
chub are habitat fragmentation and
degradation resulting from several
sources, as discussed in this document
and its supporting materials. Because
we have found the species is at risk of
extinction, we propose to list the
peppered chub as an endangered
species under the Act. If we finalize this
rule as proposed, it would add this
species to the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and extend the
Act’s protections to the species. We also
propose to designate critical habitat for
the peppered chub under the Act. The
proposed critical habitat designation
includes approximately 1,068 river
miles (1,719 river kilometers) in four
units in Kansas, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, and Texas. We announce the
availability of a draft economic analysis
of the proposed critical habitat
We will accept comments
received or postmarked on or before
February 1, 2021. Comments submitted
electronically using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES,
below) must be received by 11:59 p.m.
Eastern Time on the closing date. We
must receive requests for public
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
hearings, in writing, at the address
CONTACT by January 15, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by one of the following methods:
(1) Electronically: Go to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,
enter FWS–R2–ES–2019–0019, which is
the docket number for this rulemaking.
Then, click on the Search button. On the
resulting page, in the Search panel on
the left side of the screen, under the
Document Type heading, check the
Proposed Rule box to locate this
document. You may submit a comment
by clicking on ‘‘Comment Now!’’
(2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail
to: Public Comments Processing, Attn:
FWS–R2–ES–2019–0019, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, MS: PRB/3W, 5275
Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–
We request that you send comments
only by the methods described above.
We will post all comments on https://
www.regulations.gov. This generally
means that we will post any personal
information you provide us (see Public
Comments, below, for more
Debra Bills, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Arlington
Ecological Services Field Office, 2005
Northeast Green Oaks Boulevard, Suite
140, Arlington, TX 76006; telephone
817–277–1100. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Relay
Service at 800–877–8339.
Executive Summary
Why we need to publish a rule. Under
the Act, if we determine that a species
may be an endangered or threatened
species throughout all or a significant
portion of its range, we are required to
promptly publish a proposal in the
Federal Register and make a
determination on our proposal within 1
year. To the maximum extent prudent
and determinable, we must designate
critical habitat for any species that we
determine to be an endangered or
threatened species under the Act.
Listing a species as an endangered or
threatened species and designation of
critical habitat can only be completed
by issuing a rule.
What this document does. We
propose to list the peppered chub as an
endangered species under the Act, and
we propose the designation of critical
habitat for the species.
The basis for our action. Under the
Act, we may determine that a species is
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 231 (Tuesday, December 1, 2020)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 77095-77108]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-26239]
36 CFR Parts 1224, 1225, and 1236
[FDMS No. NARA-20-0006; NARA-2021-001]
RIN 3095-AB99
Federal Records Management: Digitizing Permanent Records and
Reviewing Records Schedules
AGENCY: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: We are proposing to amend our electronic records management
regulations to add a subpart containing standards for digitizing
permanent Federal records so that agencies may dispose of the original
source records, where appropriate and in accordance with the Federal
Records Act amendments of 2014. We are also making a minor revision to
our records schedule review provisions to establish a requirement for
agencies to review, every five years, all records schedules that are
ten years old and older, based on the date the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) approved the schedule.
DATES: Submit comments on or before February 1, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by RIN 3095-AB99, by
either of the following methods:
[[Page 77096]]
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov.
Follow the site's instructions for submitting comments.
Mail (for paper, flash drive, or CD-ROM submissions.
Include RIN 3095-AB99 on the submission): We normally accept mail
submissions, but due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we do not have
usual staff presence at the building and mail is likely to be delayed
significantly past the comment period. If you wish to submit comments
by cannot do so through the eRulemaking portal, please contact us at
the number below so we can work with you to make alternate
Instructions: All submissions must include NARA's name and the
regulatory information number for this rulemaking (RIN 3095-AB99). We
may publish any comments we receive without changes, including any
personal information you include.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kimberly Keravuori, by email at
[email protected], or by telephone at 301.837.3151. Contact
[email protected] with any questions on records management and
We propose to amend 36 CFR part 1224, Records Disposition Programs,
and 36 CFR part 1225, Scheduling Records, to set a timeframe for
required review of existing records schedules. The current regulations
state that schedules should be reviewed ``regularly.'' This rulemaking
clarifies the word ``regularly'' by establishing a timeframe for those
recurring reviews. This is based upon investigation that determined
that many schedules have not been being kept up to date or revised when
needed. We propose revising the regulations to require that every five
years agencies must review records schedules that are ten years old or
older, based on the date NARA approved the schedule.
In addition, we propose to amend 36 CFR part 1236, Electronic
Records Management, to add a new subpart establishing standards for
digitizing permanent paper and photographic records, including paper
and photographs contained in mixed-media records. In 2014, the Federal
Records Act at 44 U.S.C. 3302 was amended by Public Law 113-187 to
require NARA to issue standards for reproducing records digitally `with
a view to the disposal of the original records.' The amendment applies
to both temporary and permanent records.
This rulemaking covers only permanent records of the kinds listed
above. We previously amended 36 CFR part 1236 to add standards for
digitizing temporary records, which constitute the majority of Federal
records (RIN 3095-AB98, 84 FR 14265 (April 10, 2019), effective May 10,
2019). We plan to issue additional digitizing requirements for other
specific media types in future revisions to the rule. In the interim,
agencies should contact [email protected] about digitizing other
types of permanent records.
Permanent records are approved by the Archivist of the United
States as having sufficient historical or other value that warrants
continuing to preserve them beyond the time agencies need the records
for administrative, legal, or fiscal purposes. Agencies retain
permanent records for administrative, legal, or fiscal purposes for a
specific period of time. At the end of the scheduled retention period,
they then transfer permanent records to the legal custody of the
National Archives.
These digitizing standards for permanent records ensure that
agencies can continue to use digital versions for the same business
purposes as the original records, and that the digital records will be
appropriate for preserving in NARA's archival holdings. We intend the
regulation to be neutral about who performs the digitizing activities
for the agency, whether a parent agency, a component agency, a vendor
or other similar entity acting on the agency's behalf.
This proposed rulemaking defines the requirements for digitizing as
a records management activity, drawing from principles within the
Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiatives (FADGI), Technical
Guidelines for Digitizing Cultural Heritage Materials Creation of
Raster Image Files (2016), and from International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) Technical Specifications (TS) and Technical
Reports (TR); specifically ISO/TR 13028:2010, Information and
documentation--Implementation guidelines for digitizing records. It
also provides agencies with guidance necessary to proceed with projects
for digitizing and disposing of original source permanent records.
These technical digitizing standards apply to both unclassified and
classified national security records. However, this rulemaking does not
address other standards specific to classified information, such as
classified-specific metadata or acquiring secure equipment. These
subjects do not fall under our records management authority and are
outside the scope of this regulation.
The standards in this proposed rulemaking apply retroactively to
digitized permanent records that have not been transferred to the
National Archives. If agencies determine their previously digitized
records are not in compliance with these standards, re-digitizing may
be necessary. Re-digitizing the records will allow agencies to use the
GRS as the authority to destroy the original paper source records and
transfer the new digitized records to NARA. However, if agencies'
previously digitized records can't meet the requirements in this
proposed regulation, they also have other options: (1) Send the paper
versions of the permanent records for storage to NARA's Federal records
centers by December 31, 2022; (2) work with us to develop an agency-
specific records schedule that addresses the previously digitized
records, providing authority to transfer the electronic records to NARA
and destroy the original source records (this option is available if
NARA determines the previously digitized records are acceptable
permanent records, even if the scanned versions were digitized to
standards that differ from the ones in this regulation); or (3) request
an exception as part of the agency's strategic response to meeting the
OMB/NARA Memorandum M-19-21 goals (see NARA Bulletin 2020-01, Guidance
on OMB/NARA Memorandum Transition to Electronic Records (M-19-21) at
https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/bulletins/2020/2020-01 for
details on agency strategic response requirements and exceptions). Some
agencies might find a combination of these options will be needed to
address any issues with previously scanned paper records.
While this rulemaking is proposed and under development, we
recommend that agencies discuss digitization projects with their
general counsel and agency records officer before disposing of original
permanent records. Agencies should also continue to follow the process
in the General Records Schedule, 36 CFR 1225.24, and NARA Bulletin
2010-04, Guidance Concerning Notifications for Previously Scheduled
Permanent Records (https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/bulletins/2010/2010-04.html).
[[Page 77097]]
Regulatory Analysis
Review Under Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58
FR 51735 (September 30, 1993), and Executive Order 13563, Improving
Regulation and Regulation Review, 76 FR 23821 (January 18, 2011)
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has reviewed this
rulemaking and determined it is not ``significant'' under section 3(f)
of Executive Order 12866. It is not significant because it applies only
to Federal agencies, updates the regulations due to a statutory
requirement, to incorporate technological developments, and to account
for increased rapidity in changing technology and agency practices, and
is not establishing a new program. Although the proposed revisions
change and add new requirements for agencies, the requirements are
necessary to keep the existing regulations up-to-date, comply with the
statute, and ensure agencies are preserving records for the United
Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.)
This review requires an agency to prepare an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis and publish it when the agency publishes the
proposed rule. This requirement does not apply if the agency certifies
that the rulemaking will not, if promulgated, have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities (5 U.S.C.
603). We certify, after review and analysis, that this rulemaking will
not have a significant adverse economic impact on small entities.
Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
This rulemaking does not impose additional information collection
requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act on the public.
Review Under Executive Order 13132, Federalism, 64 FR 43,255 (August 4,
Review under Executive Order 13132 requires that agencies review
regulations for Federalism effects on the institutional interest of
states and local governments, and, if the effects are sufficiently
substantial, prepare a Federal assessment to assist senior policy
makers. This rulemaking will not have any effects on state and local
governments within the meaning of the Executive Order. Therefore, no
Federalism assessment is required.
Review Under Executive Order 13771, Reducing Regulation and Controlling
Regulatory Costs, 82 FR 9339 (February 3, 2017)
Review under E.O. 13771 seeks to reduce Federal regulations that
impose private expenditures in order to comply with them, and to
control those costs in any such regulations. OMB has reviewed this
rulemaking and determined that it is exempt from E.O. 13771
requirements. This rulemaking is exempt because it applies only to
Federal agencies, involves agency organization, management, or
personnel, modifies an existing rule, and does not involve regulatory
costs subject to the Executive Order.
Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Sec. 202, Pub. L. 104-4;
2 U.S.C. 1532)
Review under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act requires that
agencies determine whether any Federal mandate in the rulemaking may
result in state, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or
the private sector, expending $100 million in any one year. NARA
certifies that this rulemaking does not contain a Federal mandate that
may result in such an expenditure, and this rulemaking is therefore not
subject to this requirement.
List of Subjects
36 CFR Parts 1224 and 1225
Archives and records, Recordkeeping, Records disposition, Records
management, Records schedules, Scheduling records.
36 CFR Part 1236
Archives and records, Digitization, Digitized records, Digitizing,
Electronic mail, Electronic records, Metadata, Permanent records,
Recordkeeping, Records management, Quality assurance, Quality control,
Quality management, Temporary records.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, NARA proposes to amend
36 CFR parts 1224, 1225, and 1236 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1224 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2111, 2904, 3102, and 3301.
2. In Sec. 1224.10, in paragraph (c), add two sentences at the end to
read as follows:
Sec. 1224.10 What must agencies do to implement an effective records
disposition program?
* * * * *
(c) * * * Every five years, agencies must review all records
schedules that are ten years old and older, based on the date NARA
approved the schedule. See Sec. 1225.22 of this subchapter.
* * * * *
3. The authority citation for part 1225 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2111, 2904, 2905, 3102, and Chapter 33.
4. Amend Sec. 1225.22 by:
a. Revising the section heading and the introductory text; and
b. In paragraph (a), by removing the words ``an SF 115'' and adding in
their place the words ``a new records schedule''.
The revisions read as follows:
Sec. 1225.22 When must agencies reschedule or review their records
Agencies should review their records schedules on a regular basis
to determine if they remain accurate. Every five years, agencies must
review all records schedules that are ten years old and older, based on
the date NARA approved the schedule. Agencies must submit a new records
schedule to NARA in the following situations:
* * * * *
5. The authority citation for part 1236 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2904, 3101, 3102, 3105, 3301, 3302, and
6. In Sec. 1236.2, revise the section heading, and in paragraph (b)
add definitions in alphabetical order for ``Administrative metadata'',
``Checksum'', ``Descriptive metadata'', ``Embedded metadata'',
``Intellectual control'', ``Media'', ``Mixed-media files'', ``Physical
control'', ``Quality assurance (QA)'', ``Quality control (QC)'',
``Quality management (QM)'', and ``Technical metadata'' to read as
Sec. 1236.2 Definitions that apply to this part.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
Administrative metadata are elements of information used to manage
records and relate them to one another. Administrative metadata
elements describe how a record was created, any access and use
restrictions that apply to it, information about the record series to
which it belongs, and the disposition
[[Page 77098]]
schedule that identifies its retention period.
Checksum is a function that takes an input string, which can be of
any length, and generates an output of fixed length. The output, or
hash, is used to authenticate information, such as whether a file has
been corrupted or modified. The values returned by a hash function are
called hash values, hash codes, digests, or simply hashes.
Descriptive metadata are elements of information that describe the
records or set of records itself. They apply to both the original
source records and any versions produced through digitization.
Descriptive metadata elements for individual source records include
such elements as the title of a record, a description of its contents,
its creator, and the date it was created. These elements support
searching for and discovering records.
* * * * *
Embedded metadata are textual components that exist alongside the
content (usually binary data) within the file. Embedded metadata may be
used to make self-describing digital files that contain specified
administrative, rights, and technical metadata and can be appropriately
managed outside of a recordkeeping system.
Intellectual control is having the information necessary to
identify and understand the content and context of the records. This
includes knowing the disposition schedule under which the records fall,
the date range when the records were created, and any access or use
restrictions that apply to the records.
Media are the physical forms on which records are stored, such as
paper, photographs, compact discs, DVDs, analog tapes, flash drives,
local hard drives, or servers.
* * * * *
Mixed-media files include records in different forms of media. A
file, when used in the phrase ``mixed-media file,'' is a group of
records--regardless of location and type of media--that belong together
or relate to a topic, such as a case file. For example, a mixed-media
case file could be a box with paper notes, audio recordings of
interviews, and a CD of photographs, along with physical evidence
stored separately in an evidence locker. Records in a file may be in
more than one media type due to changes in how agencies create,
maintain, and use records, shifts in technology, and the topic or
activity involved.
Physical control is having the information necessary to physically
manage the records. This includes knowing where the records are housed,
whether any records that fall within the project's scope are missing or
stored separately, and the records' physical form (such as media types,
the records' dimensions, and the smallest level of detail used to
convey information).
Quality assurance (QA) are the proactive quality management (QM)
activities focused on preventing defects by ensuring that a particular
product or service achieves certain requirements or specifications. A
QA program is heavily dependent on quality control (QC) data to search
for patterns and trends. QA activities also include controlled
experiments, design reviews, and system tests. QA programs can improve
quality through creating plans and policies or creating and conducting
Quality control (QC) are activities that examine products through
inspection or testing to determine if they meet their specifications.
The purpose is to detect defects (deviations from predetermined
requirements) in products or processes.
Quality management (QM) are the overall management functions and
underlying activities that determine quality policies, objectives, and
responsibilities, and implement them through planning, control,
assurance, and improvement methods within the quality system.
Technical metadata are elements of information that describe
processes used to create electronic files, and parameters that aid a
system in rendering the files properly. Technical metadata may include
elements such as a file's byte size, file format and version, color
encoding, and the type of equipment used to make the file (camera name,
scanner manufacturer, etc).
* * * * *
7. Add subpart E to read as follows:
Subpart E--Digitizing Permanent Federal Records
1236.40 Scope of this subpart.
1236.41 Definitions for this subpart.
1236.42 General requirements.
1236.44 Preparing records for digitization.
1236.46 Project management and documentation requirements.
1236.48 File format requirements.
1236.50 Digitization requirements for permanent paper and
photographic print records.
1236.52 Digitization requirements for permanent mixed-media files.
1236.54 Metadata requirements.
1236.56 Quality control (QC) inspection requirements.
1236.58 Validating digitized records and disposition instructions.
Subpart E--Digitizing Permanent Federal Records
Sec. 1236.40 Scope of this subpart.
(a) This subpart covers the standards and procedures you (an
agency, employee, or agents acting on the agency's behalf, such as
contractors) must apply when digitizing permanent paper records using
reflective digitization techniques. Such records include most paper-
based documents regardless of size, such as modern office paper, maps,
posters, manuscripts, graphic-arts prints (lithographs, intaglio,
etc.), drawings, bound volumes, and photographic prints. This subpart
also covers any records that may be incorporated into mixed-media
(b) This subpart does not cover standards and procedures you must
apply when digitizing permanent records using transmissive digitization
techniques. Such records include photographic negatives,
transparencies, aerial film, roll film, and micrographic and
radiographic materials. In addition, this subpart does not cover
records on dynamic media, such as motion picture and audio-visual
records, videotapes, and audio cassette tapes.
(c) For guidance on digitizing out-of-scope media types or non-
paper-based portions of mixed-media records, such as dynamic media, x-
rays, negative or positive film, or other special media types, please
contact the Records Management Policy and Standards Team by email at
[email protected] or by phone at 301.837.1948.
(d) This subpart also does not cover standards and procedures for
optical character recognition (OCR) technology. You may perform OCR
during digitization to meet agency business needs and transfer the
resulting files to NARA, but this subpart does not require OCR.
(e) This subpart does not address other applicable laws and
regulations governing documents and electronic files, including, but
not limited to, proper handling of classified or controlled
unclassified information and compliance with 36 CFR part 1194 (which
establishes requirements for compliance with section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act). You should work with your legal counsel and other
officials to ensure compliance with these and other applicable
(f) This subpart also does not address other business needs or
legal constraints that may make it necessary for an agency to retain
original source records for a period of time after digitizing. You
should work with your agency legal counsel to determine whether such
[[Page 77099]]
retention might be necessary because it relates to rights and
interests, appeal rights, benefits, national security, litigation
holds, or other similar reasons.
Sec. 1236.41 Definitions for this subpart.
In addition to the definitions contained in Sec. 1236.2 and 36 CFR
part 1220, the following definitions apply to this subpart:
Batch is a group of files that are created under the same
conditions or are related intellectually or physically. During
digitization, batches represent groups of records that are digitized
and undergo QC inspection processes together.
Color encoding accuracy is measured in DICE by computing the color
difference ([Delta]E2000) between the digital imaging results of the
standard target patches and their pre-measured color values. By imaging
the DICE target and evaluating through the DICE software, variances
from known values can be determined, which is a good indicator of how
accurately the system is recording color. DICE measures the average
deviation of all color patches measured (the mean).
Color channel misregistration measures the spread of red, green,
and blue light in terms of pixel misregistration. This parameter is
used to evaluate lens performance. The vernacular term for this is
called color fringing.
Color management is using software, hardware, and procedures to
measure and control color in an imaging system, including capture and
display devices.
Digital Image Conformance Evaluation (DICE) is the measurement and
monitoring component of the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines
Initiative (FADGI) Conformance Program. DICE consists of ISO-compliant
reference targets and analysis software for testing and monitoring
digitization programs to ensure they meet FADGI technical parameters.
You can access DICE online at https://www.digitizationguidelines.gov/guidelines/digitize-OpenDice.html.
Digitization project is any action an agency (including an agent
acting on the agency's behalf, such as a contractor) takes to digitize
permanent records. For example, a digitization project can range from a
one-time digitization effort to a multi-year digitization process; can
involve digitizing a single document into an electronic records
management system or digitizing boxes of records from storage
facilities; or can include digitizing active records as part of an
ongoing business process or digitizing inactive records for better
Digitized record is an electronic record created by converting
paper or other media formats to a digital form that is of sufficient
authenticity, reliability, usability, and integrity to serve in place
of the original source record.
Dynamic range is the ratio between the smallest and largest
possible values of a changeable quantity, frequently encountered in
imaging or recorded sound. Dynamic range is another way of stating the
maximum signal-to-noise ratio.
Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) is a
collaborative effort by Federal agencies to articulate Technical
Guidelines that form the basis for many of the digitization technical
parameters in this Part, which equate to the FADGI three-star level.
You can access FADGI online at https://www.digitizationguidelines.gov/guidelines/digitize-technical.html.
Image quality measures a digital image's overall accuracy in
faithfully reproducing an original. A digital image created to a high
degree of accuracy meets or exceeds objective performance attributes
(such as level of detail, tonal and color fidelity, and correct
exposure), and has minimal defects (such as noise, compression
artifacts, or distortion).
Lightness non-uniformity measures how evenly a lens records the
lighting of neutral reference targets from center to edge and between
points within the image.
Mass digitization is the large-scale scanning of source records
using scanners capable of high-volume throughput. Mass digitization
approaches are appropriate for paper records of uniform size and type
that can be digitized without being damaged by the equipment, and in
which there is no information requiring higher specifications to ensure
accurate capture (such as fine detail or precise color accuracy).
Modulation transfer function (MTF)/spatial frequency response
(SFR). MTF is the modulation ratio between the output image and the
ideal image. SFR measures the imaging system's ability to maintain
contrast between increasingly smaller image details. Using these two
functions, a system can make an accurate determination of resolution
related to sampling frequency.
Noise is an undesirable image artifact(s) in a digitized record
that is not part of the original source material.
Raster image is a digitally encoded representation of a subject's
tonal and brightness information into a bitmap. Data from digital
cameras and scanning devices record light characteristics as numerical
values into a grid, or raster, of picture elements (pixels). Raster
data differs from vector data, in which geometrical points, lines,
curves, and shapes are based upon mathematical equations, thus creating
an image without specific data-to-pixel mapping.
Reference target is a chart of test patterns with known values used
to evaluate the performance of an imaging system.
Reflective digitization is a process in which an imaging system
captures reflected light off of scanned objects such as bound volumes,
loose pages, cartographic materials, illustrations, posters,
photographic prints, or newsprint.
Reproduction scale accuracy measures the relationship between the
physical size of the original object and the size in pixels per inch
(ppi) of that object in the digital image.
Resolution is the level of spatial detail an imaging system can
resolve in an image.
Sampling frequency measures the imaging spatial resolution and is
computed as the physical pixel count or pixels per unit of measurement,
such as pixels per inch (ppi). This parameter provides information
about the size of the original and the data needed to determine the
level of detail recorded in the file. (See also modulation transfer
function (MTF)/spatial frequency response (SFR) above.)
Sharpening artificially enhances details to create the illusion of
greater definition. Image quality testing using the SFR quantifies the
level of sharpening introduced by imaging systems or applied by users
in post-processing actions.
Source record or original source record is the record from which a
digitized version or digitized record is created.
Spatial resolution determines the amount (quantity, ppi,
megapixels, etc.) of data in a raster image file in terms of the number
of picture elements or pixels per unit of measurement, but it does not
define or guarantee the quality of the information. Spatial resolution
defines how finely or widely spaced the individual pixels are from each
other. The actual rendition of fine detail is more dependent on the
spatial frequency response (SFR) of the scanner or digital camera.
Tone response or opto-electronic conversion function (OECF) is a
measure of how accurately the digital imaging system converts light
levels into digital pixels.
Transmissive digitization is a process in which the system
transmits light
[[Page 77100]]
through a photographic slide or negative.
White balance error measures the digital file's color neutrality.
When the balance is neutral, a white patch in the reference target
should be recorded as even values across red, green, and blue channels,
with a value approaching the limit of the file format to define white.
Sec. 1236.42 General requirements.
(a) Purpose and objectives. This subpart establishes processes and
requirements to ensure that agencies:
(1) Identify the scope of each digitization project;
(2) Account for all records included in the scope of the
digitization project regardless of their media type;
(3) Produce complete and accurate digitized records that can be
used for all the same purposes as the originals; and
(4) Validate that the resulting digitized records meet the
standards required in Sec. 1236.58 for replacing permanent Federal
(b) Records management requirements. You must comply with existing
records management requirements identified in 36 CFR part 1222 and
other subparts of this part. You must also place digitized records in a
system that can successfully produce and manage the records over time
and must ensure you have intellectual and physical control over source
records sufficient to support digitization. Having and maintaining an
appropriate level of intellectual and physical control over source
records is critical to a digitization project's success, regardless of
whether the agency, or an agent acting on the agency's behalf (such as
a contractor), performs the digitization activities.
(1) You must establish and document all the elements of
intellectual control. See definition at Sec. 1236.2.
(2) You must also establish and document all the elements of
physical control. See definition at Sec. 1236.2. For more information
on documenting the smallest level of detail, see Sec. 1236.50(c)(2).
(i) Understanding the physical properties of source records is
necessary to properly identify a project's scope and acquire
appropriate equipment.
(ii) Non-standard media, such as post-it notes, envelopes, or
onion-skin paper, may require special handling and equipment. Using
improper equipment may result in damage to original records.
(iii) You must also document any records that you cannot digitize
according to the standards in this subpart.
(iv) For more information about selecting equipment and about
records that need special handling, please contact the Records
Management Policy and Standards Team by email at [email protected],gov
or by phone at 301.837.1948.
(3) Before starting a digitization project, you must have
intellectual and physical control over the original records that will
be included in the project. In addition, you must create an inventory
of records you will digitize, ensure that the proposed series are
complete, document any missing records or gaps in coverage as described
in Sec. 1236.46, document any restrictions relating to the source
records that will also apply to digitized records, and note them as
metadata as required in Sec. 1236.54. You will need to maintain
intellectual and physical control over the records throughout the
(4) You must also document the contents of any electronic or analog
storage media, such as CDs, DVDs, or magnetic tapes, you discover when
preparing records for digitization.
(i) Determine whether any files on the storage media are records.
If the files are non-records, you may dispose of them.
(ii) If the files are records and are part of the same records
series you are digitizing, handle them as described in Sec. 1236.52.
(iii) If the files are records but not part of the record series
you are digitizing, locate their disposition schedule and migrate them
to an electronic information system that complies with the requirements
in Sec. Sec. 1236.10 through 1236.14.
(c) Quality management (QM) requirements. To be successful at
digitizing permanent records, you need to minimize errors throughout
the project, beginning as early in the digitization process as
possible. You must therefore develop a quality management (QM) plan
that ensures the project meets the quality assurance (QA) objectives
and quality control (QC) inspections procedures in Sec. Sec. 1236.42
through 1236.56. This includes defining requirements, implementing a
testing and analysis process, performing corrective measures, and
verifying that products conform to the requirements. The plan must
document QC procedures and image and metadata quality inspection
processes necessary to identify and correct deviations throughout all
phases of the project.
(d) Image quality requirements and QA. The project must meet the
image quality performance parameters, such as resolution, tone, and
color accuracy, defined in Sec. 1236.2 and specified in Sec. 1236.50.
(1) To determine whether equipment meets the image quality
requirements, you must scan a reference target with the device and
measure the results with analytical software to determine how well the
digital imaging equipment's optical resolution, sensor size, and signal
processing perform against the performance evaluation technical
parameters in Sec. 1236.50(c). Results that fall within the
performance metric value's tolerance range confirm the equipment meets
the requirements. Equipment specifications, such as scanner ppi
settings or camera sensor megapixels, are theoretical resolution claims
and do not ensure digital image quality.
(2) To ensure image quality of digital files you create during the
project, you must also monitor the digitization workflow by digitizing
reference targets and analyzing the results against the technical
parameters in Sec. 1236.50(c). When all the measurements fall within
the technical parameters' performance metric value tolerance range, the
digital files meet the image quality objectives. This image QC process
is a major component of your project's QA program.
(3) Your agency must use image QA processes to:
(i) Determine whether equipment performance meets specifications
before you select the equipment;
(ii) Evaluate internal or external vendor imaging systems against
image specifications;
(iii) Monitor device performance during digitization; and
(iv) Verify that resulting digital files meet project
(e) Image QC standards. You must have an image quality testing and
analysis process that ensures the resulting digitized records conform
to the requirements in Sec. 1236.50. You should adopt methods
consistent with the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative
(FADGI) Digital Image Conformance Evaluation (DICE) program (see Sec.
1236.41 for a description of DICE) to ensure you meet digitization
image quality parameters, but you do not have to use DICE to do so. Any
method that ensures you meet the image quality parameters in Sec.
1236.50 is acceptable.
(1) The DICE program, or other automated QC tools you select,
should work in concert with manual inspection practices.
(2) If you do not adopt DICE, you must document the image quality
measurement and monitoring procedures and reference targets you use
instead, and how you verify quality conformance.
(3) FADGI also describes many recommended best practices which you
[[Page 77101]]
may use to supplement, but not supersede, applicable regulations and
NARA implementing guidance.
(f) Image quality parameters. Section 1236.50 outlines the set of
performance parameters you must use. These parameters equate to FADGI
three-star aimpoints and tolerance ranges. The FADGI Guidelines
incorporate image quality specifications, testing methodology, and
analyses that are compliant with ISO/TS 19264-1:2017 (Photography--
Archiving systems--Image quality analysis--Part 1: Reflective
originals) for digitizing cultural heritage materials. We are not
incorporating the FADGI Guidelines in their entirety because they
include general digitization practices outside the scope of this
subpart. However, you may find it helpful when implementing this
subpart to consider FADGI discussions, analyses, and papers related to
the technical digitization parameters, especially if you are digitizing
special or sensitive materials.
(g) Inspection of digitized files. You must inspect the resulting
digitized files to check that they meet the digital file, image
quality, and metadata specifications. Sections 1236.48 through 1236.56
describe digital file quality criteria your agency must inspect through
a combination of automated and manual methods outlined in Sec. 1236.56
to verify compliance with these digital imaging specifications.
Sec. 1236.44 Preparing records for digitization.
(a) A successful digitization project relies on maintaining source
records in their original order throughout the process, capturing all
the information and characteristics of the source material, and
performing visual and automated QC inspections at multiple stages
during a project to ensure the resulting digital record is complete.
(b) Image quality and QC, described in Sec. 1236.42, are only two
of the components of digitizing as a records management activity. In
addition, you must:
(1) Account for all records included in the project's scope prior
to digitization. You should note any missing records or records being
retained in their original form in the details section of the
Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Transfer Request (TR) instrument and
include scans of any charge-out documentation so that skipped or
missing records can be inter-filed if they are transferred at a later
(2) Survey source records for items that require special handling
and select equipment that safely digitizes the originals without
damaging them during the scanning process;
(3) Capture all information in records or files, regardless of the
original media type;
(4) Accurately capture administrative, descriptive, and technical
metadata specified in Sec. 1236.54, including access and use
restrictions metadata;
(5) Determine and apply an appropriate method for associating
digitized records with each other, when relevant (such as when
digitizing each page of a paper document separately, or each document
in a paper file folder separately). Acceptable methods include
associating individual image files in a folder structure matching the
original paper folder structure or utilizing file formats with support
for multi-page files such as PDF or TIFF; and
(6) Ensure that each individual file is usable and that you will be
able to locate, retrieve, present, and interpret it over time.
(c) You must also take steps to maintain intellectual and physical
control of source records pursuant to 36 CFR 1222.34. In this regard,
for each record series or file unit you plan to digitize, you must:
(1) Document the age, media types, dimensions, required level of
detail, and condition of source records prior to digitization; and
(2) Institute procedures and controls that:
(i) Ensure you can locate, access, and digitize source records with
appropriate safeguards against loss and damage;
(ii) Restrict and log access to records while they are being
digitized to minimize the risk of unauthorized additions, deletions, or
alterations; and
(iii) Ensure that staff appropriately digitize all records or, if
you keep some records in their original format, maintain the
association between the digitized and original records using the
relationship metadata elements in Sec. 1236.54(c). You should note any
records that you do not digitize in the details section of the
Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Transfer Request (TR) and include
scans of any charge-out documentation so that skipped or missing
records can be inter-filed if they are transferred at a later date.
Sec. 1236.46 Project management and documentation requirements.
(a) You must ensure that any projects to digitize records meet the
parameters in this subpart, and the records are complete, unaltered,
and meet all QA criteria.
(b) Accordingly, you must have the following documents when
digitizing permanent records and retain them in association with the
digitized records, as specified in Sec. 1236.58(f):
(1) A defined project plan that identifies the:
(i) Record series or file units you will digitize (note any missing
records in the details section of the ERA TR and provide scans, as
outlined in Sec. 1236.44(b)(1));
(ii) Estimated volume and media types of the original source
(iii) Image quality parameters you must meet to capture the
appropriate level of detail present in the original in order to
interpret the information in the records--including resolution,\1\
color, and tonal fidelity. See Sec. 1236.50(c) for the minimum
requirements for image quality parameters. The color mode must be
either color or grayscale; we do not accept bi-tonal mode for permanent
records. You must digitize in color when the original source documents
have color present;
\1\ Higher spatial resolution provides more pixels, and
generally will render finer detail of the original in the digital
image, but not always. The actual rendition of fine detail is more
dependent on the spatial frequency response (SFR) of the scanner or
digital camera, the image processing applied, and the
characteristics of the item being scanned. Adjusting resolution
settings to capture the appropriate level of detail in the original
source records provides appropriate resolution.
(iv) Estimated date range of the source records; and
(v) Estimated storage requirements for the records once digitized
(which may affect project decisions, such as compression and file
(2) Applicable NARA-approved records schedule(s);
(3) Any related finding aids, indexes, inventories, logs,
registers, or metadata the agency uses to manage the records;
(4) QM plans describing QA objectives that achieve the requirements
in Sec. Sec. 1236.48 through 1236.54;
(5) QC procedures to identify and correct errors during
digitization in accordance with the requirements in Sec. 1236.56;
(6) QC reports identifying detected errors and remediation steps in
accordance with the requirements in Sec. 1236.56.
Sec. 1236.48 File format requirements.
(a) You must digitize, encode, retain, and transfer most paper-
based documents in one of the following file formats, either
uncompressed or using one of the specified lossless compression codecs:
[[Page 77102]]
Table 1 to Paragraph (a)
Acceptable lossless compression
Format name and version codecs
TIFF 6.0........................... Uncompressed, LZW compression.
JPEG2000 part 1.................... JPEG 2000 part 1 core coding system
lossless compression.
Portable network graphics 1.2 (PNG) DEFLATE (ZIP).
PDF/A-1............................ DEFLATE (ZIP).
PDF/A-2............................ DEFLATE, JPEG 2000 part 1 core
coding system lossless
(b) You must digitize, encode, retain, and transfer photographic
print records in one of the following file formats, either uncompressed
or with one of the specified lossless compression codecs:
Table 2 to Paragraph (b)
Format name and version Acceptable compression codecs
TIFF 6.0........................... Uncompressed, LZW.
JPEG2000 part 1.................... JPEG 2000 part 1 core coding system
lossless compression.
Portable network graphics 1.2 (PNG) DEFLATE.
(c) You must transfer metadata specified in Sec. 1236.54 table 1
to paragraph (c)(1), table 2 to paragraph (c)(2), and table 3 to
paragraph (d) in comma separated values (CSV) format.
Sec. 1236.50 Digitization requirements for permanent paper and
photographic print records.
(a) Equipment requirements. The equipment you use to digitize
Federal records must be appropriate for the media type, capable of
achieving documented project objectives, and meet the parameters
specified in paragraph (c) of this section for paper records in good
physical condition that are suitable for mass digitization or paragraph
(d) of this section for photographic print records and paper records
that require higher resolution or color accuracy or that can't
physically be digitized by mass digitization.
(1) The specifications in paragraph (c) of this section are
applicable for paper records that are suitable for mass digitization
using high-volume scanners. To be suitable for this set of standards,
the records must be in good physical condition, with well-defined
printed type (such as typeset, typed, laser-printed, etc.), and have
moderate to high contrast between the ink of the text and the paper
(2) The specifications in paragraph (d) of this section are
applicable for photographic prints and paper records that are old,
brittle, or folded, or that could be damaged by high-speed equipment.
For records in poor physical condition, agencies must use equipment
that does not result in further damage. For records with poor
legibility or diffuse characters (such as carbon copies, Thermofax/
Verifax, etc.), handwritten annotations or other markings, low inherent
contrast, staining, fading, halftone illustrations, or photographs,
digitization equipment or record staging must be capable of capturing
record content, including all text, any embossed seals, or other
details that can't be digitized by mass digitization.
(3) For records where the smallest significant detail in a record
is 1.0 mm or smaller, such as aerial photographs and topographic maps
(which require a high degree of enlargement and precision regarding the
dimensional accuracy of the scans when compared to textual documents or
other types of photographs), you must use table 2 to paragraph (d) of
this section, but you must set the resolution so that the MTF and SFR
performance of the scanner exceeds the tolerance ranges in table 2. For
many imaging devices, increasing the ppi settings may not increase the
actual level of resolution or capture the desired detail. The equipment
you select for digitizing records with fine detail must be capable of
meeting the higher quality parameters.
(4) For records that can't be captured to the specifications in
paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, such as records containing a high
degree of fine detail or need for color accuracy, you must contact
(b) Implementation requirements. You must:
(1) Implement an image quality analysis process and use device-
level reference targets to verify that digitization devices conform to
imaging parameters in this subpart;
(2) Replace reference targets as they fade, or accumulate dirt,
scratches, and other surface marks that reduce their usability;
(3) Regularly test equipment to ensure scanners and digital
cameras/copy systems are performing optimally.
(i) You must scan a reference target containing a grayscale, color
chart, and accurate dimensional scale at the beginning of each workday;
(ii) Perform additional tests when you detect problems;
(4) Test equipment with the specific software/device driver
combination(s) you use, and re-test after every software update;
(5) Ensure that equipment operation, settings, and image processing
actions remain consistent for the entire batch and are applied to all
images in the batch;
(6) Encode original image files using a compression type, and in a
format, specified in Sec. 1236.48, and with the resolution, color
mode, bit depth, and color space specified in table 1 to paragraph (c)
of this section;
(7) You must not reformat, use a lossy compression codec, or
interpolate (upsample) files to meet the standards in this subpart; and
(c) Digitizing requirements for mass digitization of paper records
in good physical condition. For these records, produce image files (as
described in table 1 to paragraph (c)) at 300 ppi sized to the original
(1) Records suitable for the specifications in table 1 are paper
records with well-defined printed type (such as typeset, typed, laser-
printed, etc.), and with moderate to high contrast between the ink of
the text and the paper background.
(i) Performance metric values for the tone response (OECF)
(Lightness, L*)
[[Page 77103]]
conform to the FADGI category for Federal textual records; and
(ii) These values are appropriate when original source records do
not have visible content that is recorded in the same tone densities as
the two darkest patches (L*20 and L*21) of the DICE target.
(2) The specifications in table 1 are not appropriate for records
that include fine detail, require a high degree of color accuracy, or
have other unique characteristics that cannot be captured using the
specifications in this table, or that cannot safely undergo high-volume
digitization because they are fragile, would be damaged, or have other
physical conditions that do not lend themselves to high-volume or mass
(3) You must digitize in an RGB color mode when the original source
paper records have color present. You may digitize non-photographic
print paper records in grayscale mode if there is no color present.
(4) At a minimum, you must digitize the paper records covered by
this paragraph to the following parameters:
Table 1 to Paragraph (c)
Digital file specifications \1\ Attributes
Color mode \2\..................... RGB color or grayscale.\3\
Bit depth.......................... 8- or 16-bit.
Working color space................ gray gamma 2.2, AdobeRGB1998, sRGB,
ProPhoto, ECIRGBv2.
Sampling Frequency \4\............. >=300 ppi.
Performance evaluation technical Performance metric values
parameters Difference from aim
(applies to 20<= L* <=100)
Tone response (OECF) (Lightness, -5<= L* <=5.
White balance error (a*b*) (applies -4<= a*b* <=4.
only to nominal gray patches).
Non-uniformity (Lightness, L*)..... <=3%.
Color encoding accuracy (mean <=5.
[Delta]E2000) \5\.
Color channel misregistration...... <=0.50 pixel.
MTF10 (10% SFR).................... sampling efficiency >=80% and SFR
response at half sampling
frequency <=0.3.
MTF50 (50% SFR).................... 50% of half sampling frequency:
Reproduction scale accuracy........ <+/-2% of aim.
Sharpening (maximum SFR)........... <=1.1.
[Noise] [Delta]L* standard <=2.
\1\ Count values are expressed as 8-bit equivalents.
\2\ Must digitize in color when the original source paper records have
color present.
\3\ We do not accept permanent records digitized in bi-tonal (black and
white) mode.
\4\ The sampling frequency and the image dimensions determine the total
number of pixels in the image, but do not determine the actual level
of detail captured by an image system. The Modulation Transfer
Function (MTF) is the scientific method to evaluate the spatial
resolution performance of an imaging system. The MTF concept is an
objective method to determine spatial resolution that is more
accurate, compared to subjective methods such as dots-per-inch (dpi)
or visual observation bar target readings. Resolution is a measure of
how well spatial details are preserved in an imaging system by
evaluating a range of measurements and quantifying them in a
functional curve MTF plot.
\5\ [Delta]E2000 is the specific formula used to calculate color
difference for this metric.
(d) Digitizing requirements for photographic prints, and paper
records not suitable for mass digitization. For these records, produce
image files (as described in table 2 to paragraph (d)) at 400 ppi sized
to the original document. You may need to apply higher resolution for
some photographic prints to capture fine detail.
(1) The photographic print specifications also apply to
manuscripts, illustrations, or graphics, as well as documents with poor
legibility or diffuse characters, such as carbon copies, Thermofax,
(2) You must digitize photographic prints (and items outlined in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section), including monochrome and black and
white originals, using RGB color mode (which captures nuances in black,
gray, sepia, etc, as well as color contained in the original). Paper
records may be digitized in grayscale mode if there is no color
present; if color is present, you must digitize them using RGB color
(3) At a minimum, you must digitize all the records covered by this
paragraph to the following parameters:
Table 2 to Paragraph (d)
Digital file specifications \1\ Attributes
Color mode \2\..................... RGB color or grayscale.\3\
Bit depth.......................... 24-bit.
Color space........................ Gray gamma 2.2, AdobeRGB1998,
ProPhoto, ECIRGBv2.
Sampling frequency \4\............. >= 400 ppi minimum.
Performance evaluation technical Performance metric values
Tone response (OECF) (Lightness, 5-count levels <=4.
White balance error (a*b*)......... 4-count levels <=4.
Non-uniformity (Lightness, L*)..... <3%.
Color accuracy (mean [Delta]E2000) <4.
Color channel misregistration...... <0.50 pixel.
MTF10 (10% SFR).................... sampling efficiency >80% and SFR
response at half sampling
frequency <0.3.
MTF50 (50% SFR).................... 50% of half sampling frequency:
Reproduction scale accuracy........ <+/-2% of aim.
Sharpening (maximum SFR)........... <1.1.
[[Page 77104]]
Noise.............................. <4-count levels.
[Noise] [Delta]L* standard <2.
\1\ Count values are expressed as 8-bit equivalents.
\2\ Must digitize photographic prints, manuscripts, etc., in color, even
when originals are in black and white or monochrome. Must digitize
other paper documents in color when the original source paper records
have color present; otherwise, may digitize such paper records in
\3\ We do not accept permanent records digitized in bi-tonal (black and
white) mode.
\4\ The sampling frequency and the image dimensions determine the total
number of pixels in the image, but do not determine the actual level
of detail captured by an image system. The Modulation Transfer
Function (MTF) is the scientific method to evaluate the spatial
resolution performance of an imaging system. The MTF concept is an
objective method to determine spatial resolution that is more
accurate, compared to subjective methods such as dots-per-inch (dpi)
or visual observation bar target readings. Resolution is a measure of
how well spatial details are preserved in an imaging system by
evaluating a range of measurements and quantifying them in a
functional curve MTF plot.
\5\ [Delta]E2000 is the specific formula used to calculate color
difference for this metric.
Sec. 1236.52 Digitization requirements for permanent mixed-media
(a) Related records may be managed together but stored on more than
one media type. For example, a ``case file'' may include paper records,
on-line electronic records, and electronic records on storage media
such as magnetic tapes or other optical media. This reflects the way
agencies create, maintain, and use these records; these are mixed-media
(b) When digitizing files that fall within the scope of this
subpart (see Sec. 1236.40) but are part of a mixed-media file, you
(1) Assess any electronic records in the mixed-media file to
determine if they are digitized copies of paper records.
(i) If they are not digitized versions of paper records, ensure the
electronic records remain associated with the rest of the records in
the original mixed-media file.
(ii) If they are digitized versions of paper records, determine
whether they meet the digitization standards in this subpart. If so,
ensure they remain associated with the rest of the records in the
original mixed-media file. If not, re-digitize the original paper
records to the standards of this subpart.
(2) Digitize any paper records and photographic prints in the
mixed-media file according to standards in Sec. 1236.50(c) and (d);
(c) You should contact the Records Management Policy and Standards
Team at [email protected] for guidance on what to do with types of
media in a mixed-media file that are outside the scope of this subpart,
such as dynamic media, x-rays, negative or positive film, or other
special media types.
Sec. 1236.54 Metadata requirements.
(a) General. Whether embedded into image files or captured in a
record-keeping system, metadata provides information explaining what
each record contains, when and why it was created, what media it was
recorded on, original dimensions, and whether any restrictions govern
its use. Metadata also describes the digitization process and the
technical attributes of the resulting electronic records. It is
important to capture this information about original source records and
about the intervening digitization steps because we will not have the
original source records or other project documentation to use when
maintaining the digitized versions as archival records in the future.
(1) You should consider business and legal needs when developing
the project plan and how your agency will capture the metadata.
(2) Depending on your agency's existing record-keeping practices
and level of intellectual control, you may use information from the
record series, file unit, or project level as the source for
administrative and descriptive metadata fields. If the components of a
record have not been individually indexed with unique descriptions, you
may apply the series or file unit level descriptions to all of the
image files within that grouping. If the components of the record do
not have individual titles, you must apply the item Record IDs instead.
(3) If you provide other metadata elements in addition to the
metadata requirements in this subpart, we will accept that metadata as
part of the transfer process.
(4) ``Mandatory if applicable'' instructions in the tables in this
section mean that you must provide the metadata if the agency captures
the metadata as part of its business processes. You do not have to
create ``mandatory if applicable'' metadata as an extra step to
transfer records to NARA.
(b) Overall requirements. You must:
(1) Capture the metadata specified by paragraphs (c), (d), and (e)
of this section at the file or item level as part of the digitization
(2) When digitization and image processing are complete and when
agencies determine that records are no longer in active use and no
longer subject to changes that would alter a checksum, you must
generate checksums and record them as technical metadata in a record-
keeping system for each image file, and use them to monitor electronic
records for corruption or alteration;
(3) Create file names and record IDs that are unique to each file
(although you must capture other metadata at the file or item level,
some might be common to multiple files or items, but not these two
(4) Embed the metadata specified by paragraph (c) of this section
in each image file, capture and maintain it in a record-keeping system,
associate it with the records it describes, and keep it consistent and
accurate in both places;
(5) Ensure that scanning equipment embeds the system-generated
technical metadata specified by paragraph (e) of this section in each
image file and that image processing does not alter or delete it;
(6) Transfer metadata specified by paragraphs (c) and (d) of this
section to NARA in CSV format; and
(7) Retain documentation and information described in 36 CFR
1222.28 and associate it with the digitized records.
(c) Administrative metadata. (1) Capture in a record-keeping system
and embed in each image file the following administrative metadata:
[[Page 77105]]
Table 1 to Paragraph (c)(1)
Metadata label Description Requirement level
Identifier: File Name................... The complete name of the computer file, Mandatory.
including its extension.
Identifier: Record ID................... The unique identifier assigned by an Mandatory.
agency or a records management system.
Sec. 1236.20(b)(1) requires that
agencies assign unique identifiers to
each record.
Identifier: Disposition Schedule Item #. The number assigned to the disposition Mandatory.
schedule item to which the record belongs.
Relation: Has Part...................... A related record that is either physically Mandatory if a record
or logically required in order to form a includes multiple parts,
complete record. Mixed-media files that such as the component
contain records on multiple media types parts of a case file or
should use this element to identify all mixed-media file.
Relation: Is Part Of.................... A related record or file in which the Mandatory if file is a
described record is physically or component of a multi-part
logically included. Records that are record.
components of mixed media files should
use this element to indicate their status.
(2) Capture in a record-keeping system and embed in each file any
of the following access and use restrictions metadata inherited from
the original source records:
Table 2 to Paragraph (c)(2)
Metadata label Required fields Description Requirement level
Access Restrictions.............. Access Restriction Indicate whether or not there are Mandatory.
Status. access restrictions on the record.
Specific Access Specific access restrictions on Mandatory if access
Restriction. the record, based on national restriction
security considerations (e.g., exists.
CNSI, CUI), donor restrictions,
court orders, and other statutory
or regulatory provisions,
including Privacy Act and Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA)
Use Restrictions................. Use Restriction Indicate whether or not there are Mandatory.
Status. use restrictions on the record.
Specific Use The type of use restrictions on Mandatory if use
Restriction. the record, based on copyright, restriction
trademark, service mark, donor, exists.
or statutory provisions,
including Privacy Act and Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA)
Rights: Rights Holder............ .................... A person or organization owning or Mandatory if there
managing intellectual property is a rights
rights relating to the record. holder.
(d) Descriptive metadata. Capture the following descriptive
metadata from source records at the lowest level needed to support
access and preservation and to maintain contextual information.
Depending on your agency's existing record-keeping practices and level
of intellectual control, you may use information from the record
series, file unit, or project level as the source for administrative
and descriptive metadata fields. If the components of a record have not
been individually indexed with unique descriptions, you may apply the
series or file unit level descriptions to all of the image files within
that grouping. If the components of the record do not have individual
titles, you must apply the item Record IDs instead. Retain the metadata
in a record-keeping system for each image file:
Table 3 to Paragraph (d)
Metadata label Description Requirement level
Title................................... A name given to the original record. If a Mandatory.
name does not exist, the mandatory
metadata element Identifier: Record ID
serves as the title for the record.
Description............................. A narrative description of the content of Mandatory.
the record, including abstracts for
Creator................................. The agent (person, agency, other Mandatory.
organization, etc) primarily responsible
for creating the original record.
Date: Creation Date..................... The date or date range indicating when the Mandatory.
original record met the definition of a
Federal record.
Source Type............................. The medium of the original source record Mandatory.
scanned to create a digital still image.
Source Dimensions....................... The dimensions of the original source Mandatory.
record (including unit of measure).
[[Page 77106]]
(e) Technical metadata. (1) Technical metadata is the metadata the
scanning equipment generates during the digitization process.
(2) Embed image files with the following technical metadata
describing the digitization process and the resulting electronic
records, and ensure that image processing does not delete or alter it:
Table 4 to Paragraph (e)(2)
Metadata label Definition Requirement level
File Size............................. The size in bytes of the image file.......... Mandatory.
Format Name and Version............... The format name or description of the file Mandatory.
Image Width........................... The width of the digital image, i.e., Mandatory.
horizontal or X dimension, in pixels.
Image Height.......................... The height of the digital image, i.e., Mandatory.
vertical or Y dimension, in pixels.
Color Space........................... The well-defined name of the International Mandatory.
Color Consortium (ICC) profile used.
Date and Time Created................. The Date or Date Time the digital image was Mandatory.
Scanner Make and Model................ The manufacturer and model of the scanner Mandatory if using a
used to create the image. scanner.
Scanning Software Name and Version.... The name and version of the software the Mandatory if using
scanner uses to create the image. scanning software.
Digital Camera Make and Model......... The manufacturer and model of the digital Mandatory if using a
camera used to create the image. digital camera.
Samples Per Pixel..................... The number of color components per pixel..... Mandatory.
(3) When digitization and image processing are complete and when
you determine that the records are no longer in active use and no
longer subject to changes that would alter a checksum, you must
generate checksums, record them as technical metadata in a record-
keeping system for each image file, and use them to monitor electronic
records for corruption or alteration:
Table 5 to Paragraph (e)(3)
Fixity metadata label Description Requirement level
Message Digest Algorithm................ The specific algorithm used to construct Mandatory.
the message digest for the digital object
or bitstream.
Message Digest (checksum)............... The output of Message Digest Algorithm.... Mandatory.
(f) Transfer metadata. (1) When you transfer digitized records to
NARA's legal and physical custody, you must also transfer the
associated metadata specified by paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this
(2) In addition, you will need to enter the following separate
metadata into the Electronic Records Archive (ERA) when you create the
Transfer Request (TR) to begin transferring the records:
Table 6 to Paragraph (f)(2)
Metadata label Required fields Description Requirement level
Transfer Title................... Transfer Title...... The name assigned to the Mandatory.
collection, set or series of
records you are transferring to
Dates............................ Inclusive Start Date The beginning date on which the Mandatory.
record group, collection, series,
or set you are transferring to
NARA was created, maintained, or
accumulated by the creator.
Inclusive End Date.. The last date on which the record Mandatory.
group, collection, series, or set
you are transferring to NARA was
created, maintained, or
accumulated by the creator.
Creating Organization............ Creating The name of the organization Mandatory.
Organization. responsible for creating,
accumulating, or maintaining the
collection, series, or set when
in working (primary) use.
Record Group Number.............. Parent Record Group The unique number assigned to a Mandatory.
Number. record group.
General Records Type............. General Records Type The general form of the records Mandatory.
set, series, or collection you
are transferring, such as:
architectural and engineering
drawings, artifacts, data files,
maps and charts, moving images,
photographs and other graphic
materials, sound recordings,
textual records, or web pages.
Access Restrictions.............. Access Restriction Indicate whether or not there are Mandatory.
Status. access restrictions on the set,
collection, or series of records
you are transferring to NARA.
[[Page 77107]]
Specific Access Specific access restrictions on Mandatory if access
Restriction. the set, collection, or series of restriction
records, based on national exists.
security considerations (e.g.,
CNSI, CUI), donor restrictions,
court orders, and other statutory
or regulatory provisions,
including Privacy Act and Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA)
Use Restrictions................. Use Restriction Indicate whether or not there are Mandatory.
Status. use restrictions on the set,
collection, or series of records
you are transferring to NARA.
Specific Use The type of use restrictions on Mandatory if access
Restriction. the set, collection, or series of restriction
records, based on copyright, exists.
trademark, service mark, donor,
or statutory provisions,
including Privacy Act and Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA)
Record Schedule Number........... Records Schedule The number NARA assigned to the Mandatory.
Number. record schedule that applies to
all the records in the
collection, series, or set you
are transferring.
Sec. 1236.56 Quality control (QC) inspection requirements.
(a) You must design a QC plan to document and correct errors due to
malfunctioning or improperly configured digitization equipment,
improper software application settings, incorrect metadata capture, or
human error. You should perform QC inspections of files for compliance
with all parameters and criteria identified for QA in parts Sec. Sec.
1236.48 through 1236.54.
(b) You must select equipment that meets or exceeds identified
parameters. To determine that digitization devices are capable of
meeting imaging parameters, you must conduct an image quality analysis
process and use device-level reference targets.
(c) QC procedures must verify that digital image files:
(1) Meet file format requirements specified in Sec. 1236.48,
(2) Comply with the file attribute and technical evaluation
parameter tolerance ranges specified in Sec. 1236.50, and
(3) Meet the metadata requirements specified in Sec. 1236.54.
(d) You must inspect a random sample of either ten images or 10% of
each batch of digital images, whichever is larger, for the following
(1) File quality: You can open and view the files; they are well-
formed according to the specified file format in Sec. 1236.48; they
have the correct pixel dimensions; they are encoded with the correct
color mode, bit depth, color profile, and, if compressed, they are
compressed as specified in Sec. 1236.50. You may verify file quality
using automated techniques.
(2) Image quality: Ensure that digital files meet image quality
parameters (spatial resolution, image tone, brightness, contrast, and
color accuracy) specified in Sec. 1236.50; that the files have no
clipping (missing detail lost in highlights or shadows), channel
misregistration, or quantization errors; and that the informational
content of the record is not compromised by excessive image artifacts
(dust, Newton's rings, missing pixels, scan lines, drop-outs, flare, or
(i) You should inspect image quality attributes on a color-managed
(ii) Perform a visual review to assure images are accurate and
consistent. Verify the files are not dimensionally distorted, have
correct orientation (portrait/vertical, landscape/horizontal,
horizontally or vertically flipped), and informational content is not
(iii) Conduct visual evaluation of images at 100% magnification on
a color-managed computer monitor.
(iv) In addition to conducting visual inspections, you may also
verify digital file specifications using automated techniques.
(v) Conduct manual QC inspections to evaluate subjective factors,
such as appearance or legibility.
(3) Metadata quality: Ensure that files are named according to
project specifications, that correct administrative, descriptive, and
technical metadata are captured in a record-keeping system, and correct
metadata elements are embedded in file headers.
(i) You must conduct manual QC inspections to evaluate the accuracy
of metadata.
(ii) You may also evaluate the accuracy of metadata using automated
techniques, if applicable.
(4) If you detect errors during inspection, perform the following
steps to ensure that the specifications and requirements in Sec. Sec.
1236.41 through 1236.56 have been met:
(i) If 1% or more of examined records fail to meet any of the
criteria in this subpart, determine the source and scope of any errors,
correct or re-digitize affected records, and conduct additional
inspections of 10% random samples until you achieve a 100% success rate
for the sample set;
(ii) If less than 1% of examined records fail to meet any of the
criteria in this subpart, determine the source and scope of any errors
and correct or re-digitize the affected records.
(e) You must conduct a QC inspection for completeness. You must:
(1) Employ automated and visual inspection processes to verify
record completeness;
(2) Visually compare source records with their digitized versions
to verify that 100% of the source materials have been captured and
accounted for, and that the digitized records are in the same order as
the original;
(3) Verify that all records have been accounted for by referring to
box lists, folder title lists, or other inventories;
(4) Verify that all sources of record information have been
digitized by examining records for related envelopes, notes, or other
forms of media. If another form of media is present that cannot be
digitized, associate it with the digitized records using the Relation
metadata elements in 1236.54(c); and
(5) Identify and document any missing pages or images (and you will
note this information in the Details section of the ERA Transfer
Request (TR) when transferring the records).
Sec. 1236.58 Validating digitized records and disposition
(a) When you complete a digitization project, you must validate
that the digitized versions meet the standards in Sec. Sec. 1236.41
through 1236.56.
(b) The validation should be conducted by separate staff,
independent from the staff that performed the digitization QC
inspections described in Sec. 1236.56.
(c) To conduct the validation, you must verify that:
(1) All records identified in the project's scope have either been
[[Page 77108]]
digitized or were originally identified in project documentation as
missing or incomplete records (and you will note this information in
the Details section of the ERA Transfer Request (TR) when transferring
the records);
(2) All required metadata is accurate, complete, and correctly
(3) All image technical attributes specified in Sec. 1236.50 have
been met;
(4) All image files are legible and the smallest level of detail
necessary to understand and use the records has been captured;
(5) Mixed-media files are digitized appropriately for the material
type, or if mixed-media components are retained in their original
format, they are associated with digitized components through metadata,
per the requirements specified in Sec. 1236.54; and
(6) Project documentation has been created according to Sec.
(d) After validating, you must determine whether or not the agency
has any reasons for retaining the original source records for a period
of time once digitized. See Sec. 1236.40(f).
(e) After validating, you may dispose of the original source
records pursuant to a NARA-approved records schedule that addresses
disposition after digitization.
(f) Agencies cannot use the GRS to dispose of original source
records if the digitized records do not meet the requirements in this
subpart. In such cases, agencies should contact the Records Management
Policy and Standards Team at [email protected] to determine what
steps they must take to be able to transfer the records to the National
(g) Agencies must retain the project documentation described in
Sec. 1236.46 until the National Archives confirms receipt of the
records and legal custody of the records has been transferred.
(h) Agencies must transfer the administrative, technical, and
descriptive metadata captured during the digitization project, as
defined in Sec. 1236.54, with the digitized records.
David S. Ferriero,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2020-26239 Filed 11-30-20; 8:45 am]