Guidance Regarding Department of Education Grants and Executive Order 13798, 61736-61739 [2020-21648]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 190 / Wednesday, September 30, 2020 / Notices
cc: John B. Daukas, Principal Deputy
Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights
Division, U.S. Department of Justice
Reed D. Rubinstein, Principal Deputy
General Counsel delegated the Authority
and Duties of the General Counsel
Paul R. Moore, Chief Investigative Counsel
Kevin D. Slupe, Special Counsel Chancellor
Jim Malatras
The State University of New York
[FR Doc. 2020–21649 Filed 9–29–20; 8:45 am]
Guidance Regarding Department of
Education Grants and Executive Order
Office of the General Counsel,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice.
The Department publishes
this guidance, dated August 7, 2020,
pursuant to a memorandum from the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) directing all grant administering
agencies to publish policies detailing
how they will administer Federal Grants
in compliance with Executive Order
13798, titled ‘‘Promoting Free Speech
and Religious Liberty,’’ the Attorney
General’s October 6, 2017 Memorandum
on Federal Law Protections for Religious
Liberty, and OMB’s Memorandum.
Patrick Shaheen, U.S. Department of
Education, Office of the General
Counsel, 400 Maryland Avenue SW,
Room 6E300, Washington, DC 20202.
Telephone: (202) 453–6339. Email:
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay
Service, toll free, at 1–800–877–8339.
Department issues this guidance to
comply with the law and to protect
religious liberty in the administration of
its grant programs. The guidance details
the ways in which the Department’s
specific regulations protect the religious
freedoms of institutions and individuals
and introduces a process by which both
faith-based organizations and
individuals can inform the Department
of a burden or potential burden on
religious exercise under the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). The
guidance is in the Appendix of this
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Reed D. Rubinstein,
Principal Deputy General Counsel delegated
the authority to perform the functions and
duties of the General Counsel.
Appendix—Guidance Regarding
Department of Education Grants and
Executive Order 13798
I. Purpose and Background
On May 4, 2017, the President signed
Executive Order 13798, titled ‘‘Promoting
Free Speech and Religious Liberty.’’ * 1 This
decree, among other things, directed the
Attorney General to provide guidance to
Federal agencies on the requirements of
Federal laws and policies protecting religious
liberty. Accordingly, on October 6, 2017, the
Attorney General issued a memorandum
advising agencies on such laws and policies,
including how they apply to the awarding of
grants (Attorney General Memorandum).2
Subsequently, the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) issued its own guidance on
January 16, 2020 (OMB Memorandum),
directing all grant administering agencies
‘‘within 120 days of the date of this
Memorandum . . . [to] publish policies
detailing how they will administer Federal
grants in compliance with E.O. 13798, the
Attorney General’s memorandum, and this
Memorandum.’’ 3
* Other than statutory and regulatory
requirements included in the document, the
contents of this guidance do not have the force and
effect of law and are not meant to bind the public.
This document is intended only to provide clarity
to the public regarding existing requirements under
the law or agency policies.
1 Exec. Order No. 13798, 82 FR 21675 (May 4,
2 Jeff Sessions, Federal Law Protections for
Religious Liberty, Memorandum for All Executive
Departments and Agencies (Oct. 6, 2017), https://
3 Office of Mgmt. & Budget, Exec. Office of the
President, M–20–09, Guidance Regarding Federal
Grants and Executive Order 13798 (January 16,
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The OMB Memorandum and the Attorney
General’s Memorandum remind agencies that
religious organizations are entitled to
compete on equal footing with secular
organizations for Federal financial assistance,
as clarified most recently by the Supreme
Court of the United States in Espinoza v.
Montana Department of Revenue 4 and
Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v.
Comer.5 In particular, rules or grant terms
that ‘‘expressly discriminate[] against
otherwise eligible recipients by disqualifying
them from a public benefit solely because of
their religious character’’ violate the Free
Exercise Clause, unless the government can
prove that such rules or terms are the least
restrictive means of achieving a compelling
government interest.6 This is
unconstitutional because it forces a religious
institution to choose between ‘‘participat[ing]
in an otherwise available benefit program or
remain[ing] a religious institution.’’ 7 As a
result, Department grants must be available
to all qualified organizations, regardless of
their religious or non-religious character, and
to all eligible individuals, regardless of their
Furthermore, all agency actions—
including, but not limited to, agency rules
and grant terms—that impose a substantial
burden on an organization or individual’s
exercise of religion violate the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) 8 if they do
not survive strict scrutiny.9 RFRA thus must
inform all agency rulemaking.10
The Department of Education (ED or
Department) issues this guidance to comply
with the law and to protect religious liberty
in the administration of its grant programs.
The sections that follow detail the ways in
which the Department’s specific
regulations 11 protect the religious freedoms
of institutions and individuals, the process
by which both faith-based organizations and
individuals can inform the Department of a
burden or potential burden on religious
exercise under RFRA, and the role within the
Department that the Center for Faith and
Opportunity Initiatives plays as a resource on
issues of religious liberty.
II. Equal Treatment of Religious
Organizations and Students in Department
of Education Programs
a. Equal Participation of Religious
The Free Exercise Clause, Supreme Court
jurisprudence, and Federal grant regulations
4 Espinoza v. Mont. Dep’t of Revenue, No. 18–
1195 (U.S. June 30, 2020).
5 Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v.
Comer, 137 S. Ct. 2012 (2017).
6 Id. at 2021.
7 Id. at 2021–22.
8 42 U.S.C. 2000bb, et. seq.
9 Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter & Paul
Home v. Pennsylvania, No. 19–431, slip op. at 7
(U.S. July 8, 2020).
10 See id. at 21–22.
11 Note that amendments to the regulations at 34
CFR parts 75, 76, 106, 606, 607, 608, and 609, as
well as 2 CFR part 3474 have been proposed, as
announced in the notice of proposed rulemaking
issued by the Office of the Secretary. See 85 FR
3190 (January 17, 2020).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 190 / Wednesday, September 30, 2020 / Notices
prohibiting discrimination 12 require that
religious organizations be equally eligible to
participate in ED-administered programs as
their secular counterparts.
i. Grant Applications and Awards
Under Department regulations, faith-based
organizations are eligible to apply for and
receive both direct grants and subgrants
under a Department program on the same
basis as any other organization, with respect
to programs for which such other
organizations are eligible.13 Faith-based
organizations are further eligible, on the same
basis as any other organization, to contract
with grantees and subgrantees, including
States, with respect to contracts for which
such other organizations are eligible.14 The
Department, its grantees, and their
subgrantees—including States and local units
of government—must not discriminate
against an organization on the basis of the
organization’s religious character or
Furthermore, decisions about awards of
Federal financial assistance must be free from
political interference, or even the appearance
of such interference.16 Award decisions must
be made on the basis of merit, not on the
basis of the organization’s religion, religious
belief, or the lack thereof.17 ED must ensure
that decisions are made fairly based on the
substance of the proposals.
The following are some examples of the
ways in which the Department administers
its grant programs in accordance with these
• Organizations that apply for and are
qualified to become service providers under
the Department’s Upward Bound program, or
any other Department program, must not be
excluded from recognition as an available
provider on account of their religious
character or affiliation and must be included
on provider lists furnished to participants.
• The Department may not prevent
pervasively sectarian institutions of higher
education from serving as fiscal agents in the
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for
Undergraduate Programs program (GEAR
UP), which is reflected in the Department’s
recently promulgated Faith-Based
Institutions and TEACH Grants Final Rule
and is a change from prior regulations.18
• The Department is working towards
publishing a final rule regarding the equal
participation of faith-based organizations in
Department programs and activities that
ensures, among other things, that faith-based
social service providers are treated the same
12 2 CFR 200.300 (explaining that the Department
must ensure that it expends Federal funds ‘‘in full
accordance with U.S. statutory and public policy
requirements,’’ including prohibiting
13 34 CFR 75.52(a)(1); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(1).
14 2 CFR 3474.15(b)(1).
15 34 CFR 75.52(a)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(2); 2 CFR
16 Id.
17 34 CFR 75.52(a)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(2).
18 84 FR 67787 (proposed Dec. 11, 2019) (codified
at 34 CFR 694.10). The Department notes that the
unofficial version of this rule was released on July
1, 2020, but the final rule will not go into effect
until July 1, 2021.
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as their secular counterparts and that
religious student organizations on college
campuses are treated the same as their
secular counterparts.19
ii. Ongoing Operations
Religious organizations receiving Federal
financial assistance under a Department
program must comply with program-specific
legislation and regulations, but may continue
to carry out their missions and maintain their
religious character. This autonomy includes,
among other things, the right to use the
organizations’ facilities to provide EDsupported services without removing or
altering religious art, icons, scriptures, or
other religious symbols, the right to select
board members and otherwise govern
themselves according to their religious
character, and the right to include religious
references in their mission statements and
other chartering or governing documents.20
At the same time, direct Federal financial
assistance may not be used for worship,
religious instruction, or proselytization.21
Attendance or participation in any explicitly
religious activities by beneficiaries of the
programs and services supported by the grant
or subgrant must be voluntary.22
This limit on explicitly religious activities,
however, does not apply to a faith-based
organization that provides services to a
beneficiary under a program supported only
by indirect Federal financial assistance.23
Indirect financial assistance means that the
choice of a service provider under a program
of the Department is placed in the hands of
the beneficiary, and the cost of that service
is paid through a voucher, certificate, or
other similar means of government-funded
iii. The Impact of Blaine Amendments
Even when no Federal regulation or grant
term penalizes or disqualifies grant
applicants from participation based on their
religious character, some States or grantees
may still be engaging in this type of
unconstitutional conduct pursuant to socalled Blaine Amendments or other ‘‘no aid’’
clauses in a State constitution. These are
provisions that go beyond the U.S.
Constitution and prevent State taxpayers
from providing any aid to religious
organizations. Blaine Amendments are
named after the proponent of a failed
constitutional amendment proposing the
same restrictions to the U.S. Constitution.
This proposal sprung from prejudice against
Roman Catholics, and such provisions have
since been condemned by the Supreme Court
as rooted in bigotry:
Finally, hostility to aid to pervasively
sectarian schools has a shameful pedigree
that we do not hesitate to disavow. Cf.
Chicago v. Morales, 527 U.S. 41, 53–54, n. 20,
119 S. Ct. 1849, 144 L.Ed.2d 67 (1999)
(plurality opinion). Although the dissent
professes concern for ‘‘the implied exclusion
19 85
FR 3190 (January 17, 2020) (proposed rule).
CFR 3474.15(e)(2)(iii)–(v).
21 34 CFR 75.532; 34 CFR 76.532.
22 34 CFR 75.52(c)(1); 34 CFR 76.52(c)(1).
23 34 CFR 75.52(c)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(c)(2); 2 CFR
24 34 CFR 75.52(c)(3)(ii); 34 CFR 76.52(c)(3)(ii).
20 2
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of the less favored,’’ post, at 2572, the
exclusion of pervasively sectarian schools
from government-aid programs is just that,
particularly given the history of such
exclusion. Opposition to aid to ‘‘sectarian’’
schools acquired prominence in the 1870’s
with Congress’ consideration (and near
passage) of the Blaine Amendment, which
would have amended the [U.S.] Constitution
to bar any aid to sectarian institutions.
Consideration of the amendment arose at a
time of pervasive hostility to the Catholic
Church and to Catholics in general, and it
was an open secret that ‘‘sectarian’’ was code
for ‘‘Catholic.’’ See generally Green,
The Blaine Amendment Reconsidered, 36
a.m. J. Legal Hist. 38 (1992). Notwithstanding
its history, of course, ‘‘sectarian’’ could, on
its face, describe the school of any religious
sect, but the Court eliminated this possibility
of confusion when, in Hunt v. McNair, 413
U.S., at 743, 93 S. Ct. 2868, it coined the term
‘‘pervasively sectarian’’—a term which, at
that time, could be applied almost
exclusively to Catholic parochial schools and
which even today’s dissent exemplifies
chiefly by reference to such schools. See
post, at 2582, 2592–2593 (opinion of
In short, nothing in the Establishment
Clause requires the exclusion of pervasively
sectarian schools from otherwise permissible
aid programs, and other doctrines of this
Court bar it. This doctrine, born of bigotry,
should be buried now.25
Accordingly, the Supreme Court has
repeatedly struck down the application of
Blaine Amendments to religious educational
programs as violative of the Free Exercise
Clause.26 Most recently, in Espinoza v.
Montana Department of Revenue, the
Supreme Court found that the Free Exercise
Clause prohibited the application of a State
Blaine Amendment that ‘‘bar[red] religious
schools from public benefits solely because
of the religious character of the schools.’’ 27
The Court explained that the State was
punishing the free exercise of religion ‘‘by
disqualifying the religious from government
aid[.]’’ 28 The no-aid provision did not
survive strict scrutiny because, among other
reasons, ‘‘[a] State’s interest ‘in achieving
greater separation of church and State than
is already ensured under the Establishment
Clause . . . is limited by the Free Exercise
Clause.’ ’’ 29
A State’s application of its Blaine
Amendment to prevent religious educational
institutions and faith-based organizations
from participating in Department programs
violates the Free Exercise Clause, the
precedents the Supreme Court established in
Trinity Lutheran and Espinoza, and
Department regulations regarding
discrimination. Consequently, States that use
Blaine Amendments as a basis to deny faithbased organizations contracts or grants under
Department regulations will be in violation of
25 Mitchell
v. Helms, 530 U.S. 793, 828–29 (2000).
e.g., Trinity Lutheran, 137 S. Ct. at 2021.
27 Espinoza, slip op. at 9.
28 Id. at 11.
29 Espinoza, slip op. at 18 (quoting Trinity
Lutheran, 137 S. Ct. at 2024 (quoting Widmar v.
Vincent, 454 U.S. 263, 276 (1981))).
26 See,
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 190 / Wednesday, September 30, 2020 / Notices
Department regulations against
discrimination on the basis of an
organization’s religious character or
The Department will take all appropriate
action, in a manner consistent with
applicable law, to ensure that States refrain
from this kind of discriminatory conduct in
the administration of Federal grants. Such
action may include, but is not limited to,
utilizing the risk mitigation provisions set
forth in 2 CFR 200.207 and the enforcement
provisions set forth in 2 CFR 200.338, as
b. Equal Treatment of Students, Borrowers,
and Beneficiaries
Students and/or borrowers seeking to
participate in Department loan programs and
beneficiaries seeking to participate in
Department social service programs may not
be penalized or singled out for disadvantages
on the basis of religion.
i. Loan Programs
The Department must administer its loan
programs without burdening otherwise
eligible individuals because of their
membership in religious orders, their
employment at faith-based organizations, or
their status as full-time volunteers at
organizations engaging in inherently
religious activities. For example:
• Members of religious orders pursuing a
course of study in an institution of higher
education are eligible for certain Federal
loans on the same basis as other eligible
• Borrowers who serve as full-time
volunteers in tax-exempt organizations and
engage in inherently religious activities are
eligible to defer repayment of certain Federal
loans on the same basis as other eligible
• Borrowers who voluntarily choose to
work for non-profit employers that engage in
inherently religious activities are eligible for
the public service loan forgiveness program
on the same basis as other eligible
ii. Social Service Programs
An organization that contracts with a
grantee or subgrantee, including a State, may
not discriminate against a beneficiary or
prospective beneficiary in the provision of
program goods or services on the basis of
religion or religious belief, a refusal to hold
a religious belief, or refusal to attend or
30 34
CFR 75.52(a)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(2); 2 CFR
3474.15(b)(2); 2 CFR 200.300.
31 34 CFR 674.9(c); 34 CFR 675.9(c); 34 CFR
676.9(c); 34 CFR 682.301(a); 34 CFR 690.75; 34 CFR
685.200(a); 34 CFR 690.75. The Department notes
that the unofficial version of this rule was released
on July 1, 2020, but the final rule will not go into
effect until July 1, 2021.
32 34 CFR 674.35(c); 34 CFR 674.36(c); 34 CFR
682.210(m). The Department notes that the
unofficial version of this rule was released on July
1, 2020, but the final rule will not go into effect
until July 1, 2021.
33 34 CFR 685.219(b). The Department notes that
the unofficial version of this rule was released on
July 1, 2020, but the final rule will not go into effect
until July 1, 2021.
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participate in a religious practice.34 However,
an organization that participates in a program
funded by indirect financial assistance need
not modify its program activities to
accommodate a beneficiary who chooses to
expend the indirect aid on the organization’s
c. Application to State and Local Funds
If a State, grantee, or subgrantee
contributes its own funds in excess of those
funds required by a matching or grant
agreement to supplement Federally funded
activities, the State or subgrantee has the
option to segregate those additional funds or
commingle them with the funds required by
the matching requirements or grant
agreement.36 However, if the additional
funds are commingled, the Department’s
regulations and policies regarding religious
liberty apply to all of the commingled
III. The Effect of the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act on Recipients of ED
Financial Assistance
a. Background
‘‘RFRA ‘provide[s] very broad protection
for religious liberty.’ ’’ 38 In 1993, Congress
enacted RFRA in response to the Supreme
Court’s decision in Employment Division,
Department of Human Resources of Oregon
v. Smith.39 Smith held that a religion-neutral
and generally applicable law need not be
justified by a compelling governmental
interest, even if such law incidentally affects
religious practice.40 Congress sought to undo
the damage to religious liberty resulting from
Smith and ensure that the government
satisfies an ‘‘exceptionally demanding’’ 41
standard before substantially burdening
religious exercise. Under RFRA,
‘‘[g]overnment shall not substantially burden
a person’s exercise of religion even if the
burden results from a rule of general
applicability,’’ 42 unless the Government
‘‘demonstrates that application of the burden
to the [organization] — (1) is in furtherance
of a compelling governmental interest; and
(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering
that compelling governmental interest.’’ 43
RFRA thus mandates strict scrutiny of any
Federal law that substantially burdens the
exercise of religion, even if the burden is
incidental to the application of a religionneutral rule.
Congress expressly applied RFRA to all
Federal law, statutory or otherwise, whether
adopted before or after its enactment.44 RFRA
34 2 CFR 3474.15(f); 34 CFR 75.52(e); 34 CFR
35 2 CFR 3474.15(f).
36 34 CFR 75.52(f); 34 CFR 76.52(f).
37 Id.
38 Little Sisters, slip op. at 19 (quoting Burwell v.
Hobby Lobby Stores, 573 U.S. 682, 693 (2014)).
39 494 U.S. 872 (1990).
40 Id. at 878–79.
41 Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. at 728.
42 42 U.S.C. 2000bb–1(a).
43 Id. § 2000bb–1(b).
44 See id. § 2000bb–3(a) (RFRA applies ‘‘to all
Federal law, and the implementation of that law,
whether statutory or otherwise, and whether
adopted before or after November 16, 1993.’’ 42
U.S.C. 2000bb–3(a)(2000)). The only exception that
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therefore applies to all laws governing ED
programs, including but not limited to nondiscrimination laws 45 such as Title IX of the
Education Amendments Act of 1972,46 the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA), Title I of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA),
and the Higher Education Act (HEA).47 RFRA
further applies to all actions by ED, including
rulemaking, adjudication, or other
enforcement actions, and grant or contract
distribution and administration.48
Under RFRA, the term ‘‘exercise of
religion’’ does not require that a burdened
religious practice be compelled by, or central
to, an organization’s system of religious belief
to be protected.49 Relatedly, RFRA does not
permit the government to assess the
reasonableness of a religious belief, including
the adherent’s assessment of the religious
connection between a belief asserted and
what the government forbids, requires, or
A law substantially burdens religious
exercise under RFRA if it ‘‘bans an aspect of
the adherent’s religious observance or
practice, compels an act inconsistent with
that observance or practice, or substantially
pressures the adherent to modify such
observance or practice.’’ 51 However, where a
law enforced by ED infringes on a religious
practice that an organization itself regards as
unimportant or inconsequential, no
substantial burden has been imposed for
purposes of RFRA.52 Regarding the strict
scrutiny standard, ‘‘broadly formulated
interests justifying the general applicability
of government mandates’’ are insufficient to
constitute compelling government interests
under RFRA.53
The Supreme Court recently reinforced the
Federal government’s obligation to
accommodate religion under RFRA in Little
Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter & Paul Home
v. Pennsylvania.54 There, the Court upheld as
a permissible accommodation of religion
certain Federal agency rules promulgating
exemptions for religious entities, relieving
them of requirements that would violate their
sincerely held religious beliefs.55 The Court
exists is for statutes that explicitly exclude the
application of RFRA. Id. § 2000bb–3(b).
45 The Supreme Court recognized in Bostock v.
Clayton County that ‘‘[b]ecause RFRA operates as a
kind of super statute displacing the normal
operation of other federal laws, it might supersede
[nondiscrimination statutes] in appropriate cases.’’
No. 17–1618, slip op. at 32 (U.S. June 15, 2020).
46 Title IX also includes an exemption for
educational institutions that are controlled by a
religious organization to the extent that application
of Title IX would be inconsistent with the religious
tenets of the organization. 20 U.S.C. 1681(a)(3); 34
CFR 106.12.
47 See 34 § 76.102 for a more comprehensive list
of Department programs and their authorizing
48 Attorney General Memorandum at 3 (citing
Sherbert v. Verner, 374 U.S. 398, 405–06 (1963)).
49 See 42 U.S.C. 2000bb–2(4).
50 Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. at 724.
51 Attorney General Memorandum at 5a.
52 Attorney General Memorandum at 5a.
53 Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente
Uniao do Vegetal, 546 U.S. 418, 431 (2006).
54 No. 19–431 (U.S. July 8, 2020).
55 Little Sisters, slip op. at 26.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 190 / Wednesday, September 30, 2020 / Notices
explained that when Supreme Court
precedent, other lawsuits, and/or public
comments under the Administrative
Procedure Act’s rulemaking process make it
clear that RFRA is implicated, it is
incumbent upon Federal agencies to ‘‘look to
RFRA’s requirements . . . when formulating
their [regulations]’’ or else ‘‘they would
certainly be susceptible to claims that the
rules were arbitrary and capricious for failing
to consider an important aspect of the
problem.’’ 56 The Department remains
committed to following this mandate and has
instituted the foregoing RFRA information
process to further protect the religious
liberties of institutions and individuals
participating in ED programs.
b. Department RFRA Information Submission
RFRA protects the free exercise of religion
by individuals and by organizations,57
including institutions of higher education.
Any person may have a private right of action
under RFRA based on a burden to religious
exercise, and may inform the Department of
that fact.
Informing the Department of a burden
imposed on a person’s exercise of religion, or
choosing not to do so, has no impact on the
ability of that individual or organization to
bring an independent lawsuit against the
Department under RFRA. For example,
electing not to inform the Department does
not constitute a failure to exhaust
administrative remedies nor does it bar a
person from bringing a RFRA action.58
Who may submit information about a
RFRA burden?
You may inform the Department of a
burden or potential burden under RFRA on
behalf of yourself, another person, or an
What information should I include in my
Your submission should include the
following information:
• Filer name
• Filer address
• Filer email address
• Filer phone number
• Burdened person name (if different from
• Burdened person address (if complainant
is an organization)
• The following statement, followed by the
signature of the burdened person or the
signature of the burdened person’s parent
or legal guardian in appropriate
circumstances: ‘‘I give the Department of
Education my consent to reveal my
identity (and that of my minor child/ward
on whose behalf the submission is filed) to
others to further the Department’s
investigation and enforcement
activities.’’ 59
56 Id.
at 22.
57 Attorney
General Memorandum at 4.
U.S.C. 2000bb, et. seq.
59 Information submitted to the Department is
treated confidentially and is protected under the
provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974. Names or
other identifying information about individuals are
disclosed when, among other reasons, it is
necessary for the investigation of possible
discrimination. When disclosure of the identity of
58 42
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• Description of religious exercise at issue
• Explanation of whether religious exercise
stems from sincerely held religious belief
• Description of Department program at issue
• Description of how the Department has
substantially burdened or could
substantially burden religious exercise
(please be as specific as possible)
• Description of how any other entity or
individual has substantially burdened or
could substantially burden religious
exercise in the use of Department funds
• The date(s) of any alleged violation, and
whether it is ongoing
• Any additional information that might help
the Department when reviewing the
How do I submit my information?
Submit your information by any of the
following methods:
• Email your submission to
Please note that communication by
unencrypted email presents a risk that
personally identifiable information contained
in such an email may be intercepted by
unauthorized third parties.
• Mail or fax your submission to our office
at the address below. Please note that it will
take longer to process your submission if
submitted by mail or fax.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of the
General Counsel, 400 Maryland Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20202–1500, Fax: (202) 245–
What happens next?
After you submit your information, it will
be forwarded to the Department’s Office of
the General Counsel (OGC) and the
Department’s Center for Faith and
Opportunity Initiatives. OGC, in consultation
with other Department offices or Federal
agencies when appropriate, will review your
information and determine whether further
investigation is warranted. Within 30
calendar days of the Department’s receipt of
your submission, the Department will
apprise you in writing of any additional
actions the Department will take with respect
to your submission. Courses of action may
include actions such as the following:
following up for more information from you
or from third parties, directing you to another
organization for further help, or initiating
existing remedies for noncompliance against
a grant recipient including a State, as
outlined in Title 34 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Subpart G of Part 75 and
Subpart I of Part 76.
the burdened person is necessary in order to
address the information submitted, OGC will
require written consent before proceeding. A person
submitting information on behalf of another
burdened person is responsible for securing any
necessary written consent from that individual,
including when a parent files for a student over the
age of 18. Where the person is a minor (under the
age of 18) or a legally incompetent adult, this
statement must be signed by that person’s parent or
legal guardian. Parental or legal guardian consent
may not be required for persons under the age of
18 if they are emancipated under State law and are
therefore considered to have obtained majority.
Proof of emancipation or incompetence must be
provided under such circumstances.
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 9990
IV. Grant Applicants and the Center for
Faith and Opportunity Initiatives
On May 3, 2018, the President signed
Executive Order 13831,60 titled
‘‘Establishment of a White House Faith and
Opportunity Initiative,’’ creating an office in
the White House to ensure that faith-based
and community organizations are included in
policymaking at the Federal level. The
President recognized the essential
contributions of faith-based and community
organizations and encouraged them to be
active partners in policy creation and
implementation. The President also required
any Federal agency that did not already have
a Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives
(CFOI) to designate a Liaison for Faith and
Opportunity Initiatives.
The Department houses its own CFOI,
which collaborates with faith and community
leaders to maximize participation of religious
organizations in Department programs while
eliminating barriers in the grantmaking or
regulatory process to safeguard religious
A significant component of CFOI’s role is
communication and outreach. Outreach to
stakeholders and faith and community
leaders at the Federal, State, and local level
is designed to communicate Department
actions in a timely manner. CFOI has also
hosted webinars providing assistance to
foster and homeless students with the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA), resources for citizens re-entering
society from the prison system as they
navigate career, technical, and
apprenticeship opportunities, and
information for community- and faith-based
organizations on applying for Department
CFOI staff appreciate hearing from
stakeholders and are honored to share their
concerns and feedback with key leaders
within the Department. CFOI also
coordinates with its counterparts at the
White House and across the Federal
government as appropriate.
Additionally, CFOI provides
recommendations to the Department on
education programs and policies in which
faith-based and community organizations
may partner and/or deliver more effective
solutions without discrimination or unduly
burdensome involvement by the Federal
government. CFOI is committed to ensuring
that faith-based organizations in States with
discriminatory Blaine Amendments remain
eligible for ED grants, in light of the Supreme
Court’s ruling in Espinoza.
Finally, the Department emphasizes that
CFOI does not make funding decisions; these
decisions are made through procedures
established by each Department grant
[FR Doc. 2020–21648 Filed 9–29–20; 8:45 am]
60 Exec. Order No. 13831, 83 FR 20715 (May 3,
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 190 (Wednesday, September 30, 2020)]
[Pages 61736-61739]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-21648]
Guidance Regarding Department of Education Grants and Executive
Order 13798
AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel, Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department publishes this guidance, dated August 7, 2020,
pursuant to a memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
directing all grant administering agencies to publish policies
detailing how they will administer Federal Grants in compliance with
Executive Order 13798, titled ``Promoting Free Speech and Religious
Liberty,'' the Attorney General's October 6, 2017 Memorandum on Federal
Law Protections for Religious Liberty, and OMB's Memorandum.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrick Shaheen, U.S. Department of
Education, Office of the General Counsel, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Room
6E300, Washington, DC 20202. Telephone: (202) 453-6339. Email:
[email protected].
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service, toll free, at 1-800-
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department issues this guidance to
comply with the law and to protect religious liberty in the
administration of its grant programs. The guidance details the ways in
which the Department's specific regulations protect the religious
freedoms of institutions and individuals and introduces a process by
which both faith-based organizations and individuals can inform the
Department of a burden or potential burden on religious exercise under
the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). The guidance is in the
Appendix of this notice.
Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this
document in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print,
audiotape, or compact disc) on request to the person listed under FOR
Electronic Access to This Document: The official version of this
document is the document published in the Federal Register. You may
access the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of
Federal Regulations at At this site you can view this
document, as well as all other documents of this Department published
in the Federal Register, in text or Portable Document Format (PDF). To
use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at
the site.
You may also access documents of the Department published in the
Federal Register by using the article search feature at Specifically, through the advanced search
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published
by the Department.
Reed D. Rubinstein,
Principal Deputy General Counsel delegated the authority to perform the
functions and duties of the General Counsel.
Appendix--Guidance Regarding Department of Education Grants and
Executive Order 13798
I. Purpose and Background
On May 4, 2017, the President signed Executive Order 13798,
titled ``Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty.'' \*\ \1\ This
decree, among other things, directed the Attorney General to provide
guidance to Federal agencies on the requirements of Federal laws and
policies protecting religious liberty. Accordingly, on October 6,
2017, the Attorney General issued a memorandum advising agencies on
such laws and policies, including how they apply to the awarding of
grants (Attorney General Memorandum).\2\ Subsequently, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) issued its own guidance on January 16,
2020 (OMB Memorandum), directing all grant administering agencies
``within 120 days of the date of this Memorandum . . . [to] publish
policies detailing how they will administer Federal grants in
compliance with E.O. 13798, the Attorney General's memorandum, and
this Memorandum.'' \3\
\*\ Other than statutory and regulatory requirements included in
the document, the contents of this guidance do not have the force
and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public. This
document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding
existing requirements under the law or agency policies.
\1\ Exec. Order No. 13798, 82 FR 21675 (May 4, 2017).
\2\ Jeff Sessions, Federal Law Protections for Religious
Liberty, Memorandum for All Executive Departments and Agencies (Oct.
6, 2017),
\3\ Office of Mgmt. & Budget, Exec. Office of the President, M-
20-09, Guidance Regarding Federal Grants and Executive Order 13798
(January 16, 2020),
The OMB Memorandum and the Attorney General's Memorandum remind
agencies that religious organizations are entitled to compete on
equal footing with secular organizations for Federal financial
assistance, as clarified most recently by the Supreme Court of the
United States in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue \4\ and
Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer.\5\ In
particular, rules or grant terms that ``expressly discriminate[]
against otherwise eligible recipients by disqualifying them from a
public benefit solely because of their religious character'' violate
the Free Exercise Clause, unless the government can prove that such
rules or terms are the least restrictive means of achieving a
compelling government interest.\6\ This is unconstitutional because
it forces a religious institution to choose between
``participat[ing] in an otherwise available benefit program or
remain[ing] a religious institution.'' \7\ As a result, Department
grants must be available to all qualified organizations, regardless
of their religious or non-religious character, and to all eligible
individuals, regardless of their religion.
\4\ Espinoza v. Mont. Dep't of Revenue, No. 18-1195 (U.S. June
30, 2020).
\5\ Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer, 137 S.
Ct. 2012 (2017).
\6\ Id. at 2021.
\7\ Id. at 2021-22.
Furthermore, all agency actions--including, but not limited to,
agency rules and grant terms--that impose a substantial burden on an
organization or individual's exercise of religion violate the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) \8\ if they do not survive
strict scrutiny.\9\ RFRA thus must inform all agency rulemaking.\10\
\8\ 42 U.S.C. 2000bb, et. seq.
\9\ Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter & Paul Home v.
Pennsylvania, No. 19-431, slip op. at 7 (U.S. July 8, 2020).
\10\ See id. at 21-22.
The Department of Education (ED or Department) issues this
guidance to comply with the law and to protect religious liberty in
the administration of its grant programs. The sections that follow
detail the ways in which the Department's specific regulations \11\
protect the religious freedoms of institutions and individuals, the
process by which both faith-based organizations and individuals can
inform the Department of a burden or potential burden on religious
exercise under RFRA, and the role within the Department that the
Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives plays as a resource on
issues of religious liberty.
\11\ Note that amendments to the regulations at 34 CFR parts 75,
76, 106, 606, 607, 608, and 609, as well as 2 CFR part 3474 have
been proposed, as announced in the notice of proposed rulemaking
issued by the Office of the Secretary. See 85 FR 3190 (January 17,
II. Equal Treatment of Religious Organizations and Students in
Department of Education Programs
a. Equal Participation of Religious Organizations
The Free Exercise Clause, Supreme Court jurisprudence, and
Federal grant regulations
[[Page 61737]]
prohibiting discrimination \12\ require that religious organizations
be equally eligible to participate in ED-administered programs as
their secular counterparts.
\12\ 2 CFR 200.300 (explaining that the Department must ensure
that it expends Federal funds ``in full accordance with U.S.
statutory and public policy requirements,'' including prohibiting
i. Grant Applications and Awards
Under Department regulations, faith-based organizations are
eligible to apply for and receive both direct grants and subgrants
under a Department program on the same basis as any other
organization, with respect to programs for which such other
organizations are eligible.\13\ Faith-based organizations are
further eligible, on the same basis as any other organization, to
contract with grantees and subgrantees, including States, with
respect to contracts for which such other organizations are
eligible.\14\ The Department, its grantees, and their subgrantees--
including States and local units of government--must not
discriminate against an organization on the basis of the
organization's religious character or affiliation.\15\
\13\ 34 CFR 75.52(a)(1); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(1).
\14\ 2 CFR 3474.15(b)(1).
\15\ 34 CFR 75.52(a)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(2); 2 CFR
Furthermore, decisions about awards of Federal financial
assistance must be free from political interference, or even the
appearance of such interference.\16\ Award decisions must be made on
the basis of merit, not on the basis of the organization's religion,
religious belief, or the lack thereof.\17\ ED must ensure that
decisions are made fairly based on the substance of the proposals.
\16\ Id.
\17\ 34 CFR 75.52(a)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(2).
The following are some examples of the ways in which the
Department administers its grant programs in accordance with these
Organizations that apply for and are qualified to
become service providers under the Department's Upward Bound
program, or any other Department program, must not be excluded from
recognition as an available provider on account of their religious
character or affiliation and must be included on provider lists
furnished to participants.
The Department may not prevent pervasively sectarian
institutions of higher education from serving as fiscal agents in
the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
program (GEAR UP), which is reflected in the Department's recently
promulgated Faith-Based Institutions and TEACH Grants Final Rule and
is a change from prior regulations.\18\
\18\ 84 FR 67787 (proposed Dec. 11, 2019) (codified at 34 CFR
694.10). The Department notes that the unofficial version of this
rule was released on July 1, 2020, but the final rule will not go
into effect until July 1, 2021.
The Department is working towards publishing a final
rule regarding the equal participation of faith-based organizations
in Department programs and activities that ensures, among other
things, that faith-based social service providers are treated the
same as their secular counterparts and that religious student
organizations on college campuses are treated the same as their
secular counterparts.\19\
\19\ 85 FR 3190 (January 17, 2020) (proposed rule).
ii. Ongoing Operations
Religious organizations receiving Federal financial assistance
under a Department program must comply with program-specific
legislation and regulations, but may continue to carry out their
missions and maintain their religious character. This autonomy
includes, among other things, the right to use the organizations'
facilities to provide ED-supported services without removing or
altering religious art, icons, scriptures, or other religious
symbols, the right to select board members and otherwise govern
themselves according to their religious character, and the right to
include religious references in their mission statements and other
chartering or governing documents.\20\
\20\ 2 CFR 3474.15(e)(2)(iii)-(v).
At the same time, direct Federal financial assistance may not be
used for worship, religious instruction, or proselytization.\21\
Attendance or participation in any explicitly religious activities
by beneficiaries of the programs and services supported by the grant
or subgrant must be voluntary.\22\
\21\ 34 CFR 75.532; 34 CFR 76.532.
\22\ 34 CFR 75.52(c)(1); 34 CFR 76.52(c)(1).
This limit on explicitly religious activities, however, does not
apply to a faith-based organization that provides services to a
beneficiary under a program supported only by indirect Federal
financial assistance.\23\ Indirect financial assistance means that
the choice of a service provider under a program of the Department
is placed in the hands of the beneficiary, and the cost of that
service is paid through a voucher, certificate, or other similar
means of government-funded payment.\24\
\23\ 34 CFR 75.52(c)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(c)(2); 2 CFR
\24\ 34 CFR 75.52(c)(3)(ii); 34 CFR 76.52(c)(3)(ii).
iii. The Impact of Blaine Amendments
Even when no Federal regulation or grant term penalizes or
disqualifies grant applicants from participation based on their
religious character, some States or grantees may still be engaging
in this type of unconstitutional conduct pursuant to so-called
Blaine Amendments or other ``no aid'' clauses in a State
constitution. These are provisions that go beyond the U.S.
Constitution and prevent State taxpayers from providing any aid to
religious organizations. Blaine Amendments are named after the
proponent of a failed constitutional amendment proposing the same
restrictions to the U.S. Constitution. This proposal sprung from
prejudice against Roman Catholics, and such provisions have since
been condemned by the Supreme Court as rooted in bigotry:
Finally, hostility to aid to pervasively sectarian schools has a
shameful pedigree that we do not hesitate to disavow. Cf. Chicago v.
Morales, 527 U.S. 41, 53-54, n. 20, 119 S. Ct. 1849, 144 L.Ed.2d 67
(1999) (plurality opinion). Although the dissent professes concern
for ``the implied exclusion of the less favored,'' post, at 2572,
the exclusion of pervasively sectarian schools from government-aid
programs is just that, particularly given the history of such
exclusion. Opposition to aid to ``sectarian'' schools acquired
prominence in the 1870's with Congress' consideration (and near
passage) of the Blaine Amendment, which would have amended the
[U.S.] Constitution to bar any aid to sectarian institutions.
Consideration of the amendment arose at a time of pervasive
hostility to the Catholic Church and to Catholics in general, and it
was an open secret that ``sectarian'' was code for ``Catholic.'' See
generally Green,
The Blaine Amendment Reconsidered, 36 a.m. J. Legal Hist. 38
(1992). Notwithstanding its history, of course, ``sectarian'' could,
on its face, describe the school of any religious sect, but the
Court eliminated this possibility of confusion when, in Hunt v.
McNair, 413 U.S., at 743, 93 S. Ct. 2868, it coined the term
``pervasively sectarian''--a term which, at that time, could be
applied almost exclusively to Catholic parochial schools and which
even today's dissent exemplifies chiefly by reference to such
schools. See post, at 2582, 2592-2593 (opinion of SOUTER, J.).
In short, nothing in the Establishment Clause requires the
exclusion of pervasively sectarian schools from otherwise
permissible aid programs, and other doctrines of this Court bar it.
This doctrine, born of bigotry, should be buried now.\25\
\25\ Mitchell v. Helms, 530 U.S. 793, 828-29 (2000).
Accordingly, the Supreme Court has repeatedly struck down the
application of Blaine Amendments to religious educational programs
as violative of the Free Exercise Clause.\26\ Most recently, in
Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the Supreme Court found
that the Free Exercise Clause prohibited the application of a State
Blaine Amendment that ``bar[red] religious schools from public
benefits solely because of the religious character of the schools.''
\27\ The Court explained that the State was punishing the free
exercise of religion ``by disqualifying the religious from
government aid[.]'' \28\ The no-aid provision did not survive strict
scrutiny because, among other reasons, ``[a] State's interest `in
achieving greater separation of church and State than is already
ensured under the Establishment Clause . . . is limited by the Free
Exercise Clause.' '' \29\
\26\ See, e.g., Trinity Lutheran, 137 S. Ct. at 2021.
\27\ Espinoza, slip op. at 9.
\28\ Id. at 11.
\29\ Espinoza, slip op. at 18 (quoting Trinity Lutheran, 137 S.
Ct. at 2024 (quoting Widmar v. Vincent, 454 U.S. 263, 276 (1981))).
A State's application of its Blaine Amendment to prevent
religious educational institutions and faith-based organizations
from participating in Department programs violates the Free Exercise
Clause, the precedents the Supreme Court established in Trinity
Lutheran and Espinoza, and Department regulations regarding
discrimination. Consequently, States that use Blaine Amendments as a
basis to deny faith-based organizations contracts or grants under
Department regulations will be in violation of
[[Page 61738]]
Department regulations against discrimination on the basis of an
organization's religious character or affiliation.\30\
\30\ 34 CFR 75.52(a)(2); 34 CFR 76.52(a)(2); 2 CFR
3474.15(b)(2); 2 CFR 200.300.
The Department will take all appropriate action, in a manner
consistent with applicable law, to ensure that States refrain from
this kind of discriminatory conduct in the administration of Federal
grants. Such action may include, but is not limited to, utilizing
the risk mitigation provisions set forth in 2 CFR 200.207 and the
enforcement provisions set forth in 2 CFR 200.338, as appropriate.
b. Equal Treatment of Students, Borrowers, and Beneficiaries
Students and/or borrowers seeking to participate in Department
loan programs and beneficiaries seeking to participate in Department
social service programs may not be penalized or singled out for
disadvantages on the basis of religion.
i. Loan Programs
The Department must administer its loan programs without
burdening otherwise eligible individuals because of their membership
in religious orders, their employment at faith-based organizations,
or their status as full-time volunteers at organizations engaging in
inherently religious activities. For example:
Members of religious orders pursuing a course of study
in an institution of higher education are eligible for certain
Federal loans on the same basis as other eligible individuals.\31\
\31\ 34 CFR 674.9(c); 34 CFR 675.9(c); 34 CFR 676.9(c); 34 CFR
682.301(a); 34 CFR 690.75; 34 CFR 685.200(a); 34 CFR 690.75. The
Department notes that the unofficial version of this rule was
released on July 1, 2020, but the final rule will not go into effect
until July 1, 2021.
Borrowers who serve as full-time volunteers in tax-
exempt organizations and engage in inherently religious activities
are eligible to defer repayment of certain Federal loans on the same
basis as other eligible individuals.\32\
\32\ 34 CFR 674.35(c); 34 CFR 674.36(c); 34 CFR 682.210(m). The
Department notes that the unofficial version of this rule was
released on July 1, 2020, but the final rule will not go into effect
until July 1, 2021.
Borrowers who voluntarily choose to work for non-profit
employers that engage in inherently religious activities are
eligible for the public service loan forgiveness program on the same
basis as other eligible individuals.\33\
\33\ 34 CFR 685.219(b). The Department notes that the unofficial
version of this rule was released on July 1, 2020, but the final
rule will not go into effect until July 1, 2021.
ii. Social Service Programs
An organization that contracts with a grantee or subgrantee,
including a State, may not discriminate against a beneficiary or
prospective beneficiary in the provision of program goods or
services on the basis of religion or religious belief, a refusal to
hold a religious belief, or refusal to attend or participate in a
religious practice.\34\ However, an organization that participates
in a program funded by indirect financial assistance need not modify
its program activities to accommodate a beneficiary who chooses to
expend the indirect aid on the organization's program.\35\
\34\ 2 CFR 3474.15(f); 34 CFR 75.52(e); 34 CFR 76.52(e).
\35\ 2 CFR 3474.15(f).
c. Application to State and Local Funds
If a State, grantee, or subgrantee contributes its own funds in
excess of those funds required by a matching or grant agreement to
supplement Federally funded activities, the State or subgrantee has
the option to segregate those additional funds or commingle them
with the funds required by the matching requirements or grant
agreement.\36\ However, if the additional funds are commingled, the
Department's regulations and policies regarding religious liberty
apply to all of the commingled funds.\37\
\36\ 34 CFR 75.52(f); 34 CFR 76.52(f).
\37\ Id.
III. The Effect of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act on Recipients
of ED Financial Assistance
a. Background
``RFRA `provide[s] very broad protection for religious liberty.'
'' \38\ In 1993, Congress enacted RFRA in response to the Supreme
Court's decision in Employment Division, Department of Human
Resources of Oregon v. Smith.\39\ Smith held that a religion-neutral
and generally applicable law need not be justified by a compelling
governmental interest, even if such law incidentally affects
religious practice.\40\ Congress sought to undo the damage to
religious liberty resulting from Smith and ensure that the
government satisfies an ``exceptionally demanding'' \41\ standard
before substantially burdening religious exercise. Under RFRA,
``[g]overnment shall not substantially burden a person's exercise of
religion even if the burden results from a rule of general
applicability,'' \42\ unless the Government ``demonstrates that
application of the burden to the [organization] -- (1) is in
furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the
least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental
interest.'' \43\ RFRA thus mandates strict scrutiny of any Federal
law that substantially burdens the exercise of religion, even if the
burden is incidental to the application of a religion-neutral rule.
\38\ Little Sisters, slip op. at 19 (quoting Burwell v. Hobby
Lobby Stores, 573 U.S. 682, 693 (2014)).
\39\ 494 U.S. 872 (1990).
\40\ Id. at 878-79.
\41\ Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. at 728.
\42\ 42 U.S.C. 2000bb-1(a).
\43\ Id. Sec. 2000bb-1(b).
Congress expressly applied RFRA to all Federal law, statutory or
otherwise, whether adopted before or after its enactment.\44\ RFRA
therefore applies to all laws governing ED programs, including but
not limited to non-discrimination laws \45\ such as Title IX of the
Education Amendments Act of 1972,\46\ the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA), Title I of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), and the Higher Education Act
(HEA).\47\ RFRA further applies to all actions by ED, including
rulemaking, adjudication, or other enforcement actions, and grant or
contract distribution and administration.\48\
\44\ See id. Sec. 2000bb-3(a) (RFRA applies ``to all Federal
law, and the implementation of that law, whether statutory or
otherwise, and whether adopted before or after November 16, 1993.''
42 U.S.C. 2000bb-3(a)(2000)). The only exception that exists is for
statutes that explicitly exclude the application of RFRA. Id. Sec.
\45\ The Supreme Court recognized in Bostock v. Clayton County
that ``[b]ecause RFRA operates as a kind of super statute displacing
the normal operation of other federal laws, it might supersede
[nondiscrimination statutes] in appropriate cases.'' No. 17-1618,
slip op. at 32 (U.S. June 15, 2020).
\46\ Title IX also includes an exemption for educational
institutions that are controlled by a religious organization to the
extent that application of Title IX would be inconsistent with the
religious tenets of the organization. 20 U.S.C. 1681(a)(3); 34 CFR
\47\ See 34 Sec. 76.102 for a more comprehensive list of
Department programs and their authorizing statutes.
\48\ Attorney General Memorandum at 3 (citing Sherbert v.
Verner, 374 U.S. 398, 405-06 (1963)).
Under RFRA, the term ``exercise of religion'' does not require
that a burdened religious practice be compelled by, or central to,
an organization's system of religious belief to be protected.\49\
Relatedly, RFRA does not permit the government to assess the
reasonableness of a religious belief, including the adherent's
assessment of the religious connection between a belief asserted and
what the government forbids, requires, or prevents.\50\
\49\ See 42 U.S.C. 2000bb-2(4).
\50\ Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. at 724.
A law substantially burdens religious exercise under RFRA if it
``bans an aspect of the adherent's religious observance or practice,
compels an act inconsistent with that observance or practice, or
substantially pressures the adherent to modify such observance or
practice.'' \51\ However, where a law enforced by ED infringes on a
religious practice that an organization itself regards as
unimportant or inconsequential, no substantial burden has been
imposed for purposes of RFRA.\52\ Regarding the strict scrutiny
standard, ``broadly formulated interests justifying the general
applicability of government mandates'' are insufficient to
constitute compelling government interests under RFRA.\53\
\51\ Attorney General Memorandum at 5a.
\52\ Attorney General Memorandum at 5a.
\53\ Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal,
546 U.S. 418, 431 (2006).
The Supreme Court recently reinforced the Federal government's
obligation to accommodate religion under RFRA in Little Sisters of
the Poor Saints Peter & Paul Home v. Pennsylvania.\54\ There, the
Court upheld as a permissible accommodation of religion certain
Federal agency rules promulgating exemptions for religious entities,
relieving them of requirements that would violate their sincerely
held religious beliefs.\55\ The Court
[[Page 61739]]
explained that when Supreme Court precedent, other lawsuits, and/or
public comments under the Administrative Procedure Act's rulemaking
process make it clear that RFRA is implicated, it is incumbent upon
Federal agencies to ``look to RFRA's requirements . . . when
formulating their [regulations]'' or else ``they would certainly be
susceptible to claims that the rules were arbitrary and capricious
for failing to consider an important aspect of the problem.'' \56\
The Department remains committed to following this mandate and has
instituted the foregoing RFRA information process to further protect
the religious liberties of institutions and individuals
participating in ED programs.
\54\ No. 19-431 (U.S. July 8, 2020).
\55\ Little Sisters, slip op. at 26.
\56\ Id. at 22.
b. Department RFRA Information Submission Process
RFRA protects the free exercise of religion by individuals and
by organizations,\57\ including institutions of higher education.
Any person may have a private right of action under RFRA based on a
burden to religious exercise, and may inform the Department of that
\57\ Attorney General Memorandum at 4.
Informing the Department of a burden imposed on a person's
exercise of religion, or choosing not to do so, has no impact on the
ability of that individual or organization to bring an independent
lawsuit against the Department under RFRA. For example, electing not
to inform the Department does not constitute a failure to exhaust
administrative remedies nor does it bar a person from bringing a
RFRA action.\58\
\58\ 42 U.S.C. 2000bb, et. seq.
Who may submit information about a RFRA burden?
You may inform the Department of a burden or potential burden
under RFRA on behalf of yourself, another person, or an
What information should I include in my submission?
Your submission should include the following information:
Filer name
Filer address
Filer email address
Filer phone number
Burdened person name (if different from filer)
Burdened person address (if complainant is an organization)
The following statement, followed by the signature of the
burdened person or the signature of the burdened person's parent or
legal guardian in appropriate circumstances: ``I give the Department
of Education my consent to reveal my identity (and that of my minor
child/ward on whose behalf the submission is filed) to others to
further the Department's investigation and enforcement activities.''
\59\ Information submitted to the Department is treated
confidentially and is protected under the provisions of the Privacy
Act of 1974. Names or other identifying information about
individuals are disclosed when, among other reasons, it is necessary
for the investigation of possible discrimination. When disclosure of
the identity of the burdened person is necessary in order to address
the information submitted, OGC will require written consent before
proceeding. A person submitting information on behalf of another
burdened person is responsible for securing any necessary written
consent from that individual, including when a parent files for a
student over the age of 18. Where the person is a minor (under the
age of 18) or a legally incompetent adult, this statement must be
signed by that person's parent or legal guardian. Parental or legal
guardian consent may not be required for persons under the age of 18
if they are emancipated under State law and are therefore considered
to have obtained majority. Proof of emancipation or incompetence
must be provided under such circumstances.
Description of religious exercise at issue
Explanation of whether religious exercise stems from
sincerely held religious belief
Description of Department program at issue
Description of how the Department has substantially
burdened or could substantially burden religious exercise (please be
as specific as possible)
Description of how any other entity or individual has
substantially burdened or could substantially burden religious
exercise in the use of Department funds
The date(s) of any alleged violation, and whether it is
Any additional information that might help the Department
when reviewing the submission
How do I submit my information?
Submit your information by any of the following methods:
Email your submission to [email protected]. Please note that
communication by unencrypted email presents a risk that personally
identifiable information contained in such an email may be
intercepted by unauthorized third parties.
Mail or fax your submission to our office at the
address below. Please note that it will take longer to process your
submission if submitted by mail or fax.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of the General Counsel, 400
Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202-1500, Fax: (202) 245-7047.
What happens next?
After you submit your information, it will be forwarded to the
Department's Office of the General Counsel (OGC) and the
Department's Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives. OGC, in
consultation with other Department offices or Federal agencies when
appropriate, will review your information and determine whether
further investigation is warranted. Within 30 calendar days of the
Department's receipt of your submission, the Department will apprise
you in writing of any additional actions the Department will take
with respect to your submission. Courses of action may include
actions such as the following: following up for more information
from you or from third parties, directing you to another
organization for further help, or initiating existing remedies for
noncompliance against a grant recipient including a State, as
outlined in Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart G
of Part 75 and Subpart I of Part 76.
IV. Grant Applicants and the Center for Faith and Opportunity
On May 3, 2018, the President signed Executive Order 13831,\60\
titled ``Establishment of a White House Faith and Opportunity
Initiative,'' creating an office in the White House to ensure that
faith-based and community organizations are included in policymaking
at the Federal level. The President recognized the essential
contributions of faith-based and community organizations and
encouraged them to be active partners in policy creation and
implementation. The President also required any Federal agency that
did not already have a Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives
(CFOI) to designate a Liaison for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives.
\60\ Exec. Order No. 13831, 83 FR 20715 (May 3, 2018).
The Department houses its own CFOI, which collaborates with
faith and community leaders to maximize participation of religious
organizations in Department programs while eliminating barriers in
the grantmaking or regulatory process to safeguard religious
A significant component of CFOI's role is communication and
outreach. Outreach to stakeholders and faith and community leaders
at the Federal, State, and local level is designed to communicate
Department actions in a timely manner. CFOI has also hosted webinars
providing assistance to foster and homeless students with the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), resources for citizens
re-entering society from the prison system as they navigate career,
technical, and apprenticeship opportunities, and information for
community- and faith-based organizations on applying for Department
CFOI staff appreciate hearing from stakeholders and are honored
to share their concerns and feedback with key leaders within the
Department. CFOI also coordinates with its counterparts at the White
House and across the Federal government as appropriate.
Additionally, CFOI provides recommendations to the Department on
education programs and policies in which faith-based and community
organizations may partner and/or deliver more effective solutions
without discrimination or unduly burdensome involvement by the
Federal government. CFOI is committed to ensuring that faith-based
organizations in States with discriminatory Blaine Amendments remain
eligible for ED grants, in light of the Supreme Court's ruling in
Finally, the Department emphasizes that CFOI does not make
funding decisions; these decisions are made through procedures
established by each Department grant program.
[FR Doc. 2020-21648 Filed 9-29-20; 8:45 am]