Request for Information on Proposed Transfer of Ticket to Work Program From the Social Security Administration to the U.S. Department of Labor, 61032-61034 [2020-21533]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 189 / Tuesday, September 29, 2020 / Notices
project remains open, and Advanced
Media Workflow Association, Inc.
intends to file additional written
notifications disclosing all changes in
On March 28, 2000, Advanced Media
Workflow Association, Inc. filed its
original notification pursuant to Section
6(a) of the Act. The Department of
Justice published a notice in the Federal
Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the
Act on June 29, 2000 (65 FR 40127).
The last notification was filed with
the Department on June 25, 2020. A
notice was published in the Federal
Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the
Act on July 16, 2020 (85 FR 43261).
Suzanne Morris,
Chief, Premerger and Division Statistics,
Antitrust Division.
[FR Doc. 2020–21489 Filed 9–28–20; 8:45 am]
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—MLCommons Association
Notice is hereby given that, on
September 15, 2020 pursuant to Section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’),
MLCommons Association filed written
notifications simultaneously with the
Attorney General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing (1) the identities
of the parties to MLCommons
Association and (2) the nature and
objectives of MLCommons Association.
The notifications were filed for the
purpose of invoking the Act’s provisions
limiting the recovery of antitrust
plaintiffs to actual damages under
specified circumstances.
Pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Act,
the identities of the members of
MLCommons Association are the
following companies: Advanced Micro
Devices, Inc., Markham, CANADA;
Alibaba(China) Co., Ltd., Zhejiang
CHINA; dividiti Limited, Cambridge,
UNITED KINGDOM; Arm Limited & Its
Subsidiaries, Austin, TX; Baidu USA
LLC, Sunnyvale, CA; Cognitiviti Pty
Ltd., West End, AUSTRALIA; Cerebras
Systems, Los Altos, CA; Centaur
Technology, Inc., Austin, TX; Cisco
Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA; Cody
Coleman(individual member), Stanford,
CA; Real World Insights, LLC, San
Francisco, CA; Dell Inc., Round Rock,
TX; d-matrix Corp., Santa Clara, CA;
Facebook, Menlo Park, CA;
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:14 Sep 28, 2020
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Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal,
CANADA; Fujitsu Ltd, Kanagawa,
JAPAN; FuriosaAI, Inc., Seoul, SOUTH
KOREA; University of Toronto, Toronto,
CANADA; Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN; Gigabyte Technology
Co., LTD., New Taipei, TAIWAN;
Google LLC, Mountain View, CA; Grai
Matter Labs, San Jose, CA; Graphcore
Limited, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM;
Groq Inc., Mountain View, CA;
Guangdong OPPO Mobile
Telecommunications Corp., Ltd,
OF CHINA; Hewlett Packard Enterprise,
Grenoble, FRANCE; Horizon Robotics
Inc., Cupertino, CA; Inspur, Beijing,
Corporation, Santa Clara, CA;
KOREA; KALRAY, Montbonnot,
FRANCE; MediaTek, Hsinchu,
TAIWAN; Microsoft, Redmond, WA;, Cambridge, UNITED
KINGDOM; Nettrix Information Industry
Co., Ltd., Beijing, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC
OF CHINA; NVIDIA Corporation, San
Jose, CA; Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.,
San Diego, CA; Red Hat, Inc., Raleigh,
NC; SambaNova Systems, Palo Alto, CA;
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, Gyeonggido, SOUTH KOREA; Advantage
Engineering, Austin, TX; Shanghai
Enflame Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai,
Syntiant Corp., Irvine, CA; Tenstorrent
Inc., Toronto, CANADA; Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA; and Xilinx,
San Jose, CA. The general areas of
MLCommons Association’s planned
activity are to advance the scientific
field of machine learning and increase
the positive impact of machine learning
and artificial intelligence on society, to
engage in or sponsor collaborative
research and development in
connection with the measurement and
validation of machine learning, to
publish the results of the collaborative
research and development projects of
the Joint Venture and to provide other
resources to the scientific community
and the public at large with respect to
machine learning, and to undertake
those other activities which the Board of
Directors may from time to time
Membership in MLCommons
Association remains open and
MLCommons Association intends to file
additional written notifications
disclosing all changes in membership.
Suzanne Morris,
Chief, Premerger and Division Statistics
Antitrust Division.
[FR Doc. 2020–21488 Filed 9–28–20; 8:45 am]
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Office of Disability Employment Policy
[Agency Docket Number: DOL–2020–0006]
RIN 1230–ZA00
Request for Information on Proposed
Transfer of Ticket to Work Program
From the Social Security
Administration to the U.S. Department
of Labor
Office of Disability
Employment Policy, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Request for information.
The Social Security
Administration’s (SSA) Ticket to Work
and Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket
program) is intended to assist adult
disability beneficiaries in becoming
employed, yet relatively few disability
beneficiaries have successfully
participated in the program. In order to
strengthen the Ticket program, the
President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
includes a legislative proposal to
improve program structure and
coordination and transfer
administration of the program to the
Department of Labor (DOL), in order to
better integrate the program into the
public workforce system and better
serve disability beneficiaries who want
to work. This request for information
(RFI) seeks public input regarding how
the proposed changes to the Ticket
program would impact disability
beneficiaries who want to work and the
systems that currently serve their
employment and related needs, and to
identify critical considerations for
designing and implementing an
improved program.
DATES: Comments must be received by
November 13, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
via the internet. Please visit the Federal
eRulemaking portal at https:// Use the ‘‘Search’’
function to find docket number DOL–
2020–0006. The system will issue a
tracking number to confirm your
submission. You will not be able to
view your comment immediately
because we must post each comment
manually. It may take up to a week for
your comment to be viewable.
Caution: In your comments, you
should be careful to include only the
information that you wish to make
publicly available. We strongly urge you
not to include in your comments any
personal information, such as Social
Security numbers or medical
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 189 / Tuesday, September 29, 2020 / Notices
Jennifer Sheehy, Deputy Assistant
Secretary, Office of Disability
Employment Policy, U.S. Department of
Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW,
S–1303, Washington, DC 20210, (202)
693–7880, or visit
(TTY), for information about this notice.
In order to streamline and strengthen
employment services for Social Security
Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries
and Supplemental Security Income
(SSI) recipients seeking employment,
the President’s Budget for Fiscal Year
2021 includes a legislative proposal to
transfer the Ticket program to DOL
given its capacity to promote innovative
workforce development and disability
employment. Better integrating services
for SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients
into the core workforce system should
result in a more effective and efficient
system to support them in achieving
and sustaining employment. A key
challenge in transferring the program to
DOL will be to reduce program
complexity and overall administrative
burden, rather than to simply recreate
complexity or transfer the burden to
other entities. Given the complexity of
the current program and the significance
of the proposed changes, public input is
necessary to help ensure the success of
the reformed program.
This RFI offers interested parties—
including state and local governments,
nonprofit and community-based
organizations, philanthropic
organizations, research experts,
employers, health care providers,
private disability insurance providers,
vocational rehabilitation specialists, and
members of the public—the opportunity
to inform the development of a
redesigned Ticket program aimed at
increasing the employment and labor
force participation of SSDI beneficiaries
and SSI recipients.
Further Information
SSA’s Ticket program is intended to
assist adult disability beneficiaries in
achieving and sustaining employment.1
Under the Ticket program, SSA notifies
beneficiaries of their eligibility to
participate in the program, which
allows them to obtain services from
SSA-approved public or private
providers, referred to as Employment
1 The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives
Improvement Act of 1999. Public Law 106–170,
101, 113 Stat. 1860, 1863–73 (codified as amended
at 42 U.S.C. 1320b–19).
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18:14 Sep 28, 2020
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Networks (EN), or from traditional state
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies.
The Ticket program has helped
thousands of disability beneficiaries
return to work since it was established
in 1999. Yet, despite the availability of
the program, significant numbers of
beneficiaries have not achieved levels of
sustained employment that result in
economic self-sufficiency and reduced
reliance on disability benefits. Despite
improvements over the years, the Ticket
program faces fundamental challenges
in attempting to meet its objectives.
First, the program falls outside SSA’s
core mission of administering the Old
Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
(OASDI) and the SSI programs. Second,
the program duplicates administrative
structures and services where robust
state and local workforce systems
already exist. Finally, while the program
is designed to promote beneficiary
choice in accessing employment
services and to incentivize providers by
paying for successful individual
outcomes, these features entail
significant administrative burden for
beneficiaries and service providers.
As designed, the Ticket program is
largely separate from the broader
workforce system. In contrast to when
the program was created, the workforce
system now provides similar services
and is directed by the Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act
(WIOA) to prioritize services for
recipients of public assistance and lowincome individuals, including persons
with disabilities, and to ensure
accessibility for all persons. In addition,
the milestone/outcome payment
structure currently used in the Ticket
program is complicated and delays
reimbursement to service providers for
many months, which may limit provider
The rationale for transferring the
Ticket program to DOL is to create a
more integrated, effective, and efficient
system for supporting disability
beneficiaries in obtaining and sustaining
employment. The ultimate goals of
program redesign include the following:
• Increasing the number of disability
beneficiaries who participate in the
program, succeed in employment, and
achieve economic mobility, while
decreasing reliance on disability
benefits and other forms of public
• Improving the experience of
individual program participants;
• Reducing program fragmentation
and duplication;
• Establishing national uniformity in
essential program features while
allowing opportunity for local
PO 00000
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• Restructuring funding mechanisms
and performance metrics to align with
• Providing financial incentives to
states in order to reward performance;
• Better integrating services for
disability beneficiaries into the broader
workforce system; and
• Leveraging DOL’s expertise and
capacity in promoting innovative
workforce development and
employment of persons with
Although DOL and SSA have
attempted to increase workforce system
participation in the Ticket program, the
workforce system historically has not
served large numbers of SSA
beneficiaries.2 In order to drive changes
on the scale necessary to improve
economic mobility for disability
beneficiaries, the President’s Budget
proposes to significantly reform the
Ticket program through transferring
administration of the program and
redesigning key elements. Specifically,
the proposal is to transfer the
administration of the Ticket program to
DOL’s Employment and Training
Administration (ETA). This would
empower ETA’s American Job Center
(AJC) network to provide Ticket services
in concert with other workforce
programs. It would also simplify Ticket
program rules, including the payment
model used to pay ENs and other
providers for services, in order to
improve the structure and outcomes
through a performance-based funding
allocation. Program redesign would
include aligning Ticket performance
measures with WIOA core performance
measures, improving the capacity of
state public workforce systems to serve
persons with disabilities, and changing
the payment structure from individual
vouchers to one in which states receive
base administrative funding based on a
formula and additional payments that
reflect level of performance. State and
2 After several years of sharing information on the
Ticket program with the workforce system, the
commitment to increase the number of workforce
ENs resulted in multiple Training and Employment
Notices (TENs), beginning in 2012 with TEN 14–12,
Receiving Ticket to Work Payment as an
Employment Network, which explained the
Payment Agreement process. This was updated in
2014 as TEN 02–14, Receiving Ticket to Work
Payment as an Employment Network, which
explained a new process for public workforce
entities to become ENs. In 2018, DOL published
TEN 16–18, New Administrative Processes for
Public Workforce Employment Networks under the
Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work
Program, to support DOL’s goal of expanding the
capacity of the American Job Center network to
serve persons receiving disability benefits. The
2018 TEN notified the workforce system regarding
the Ticket program’s new administrative processes
for public workforce ENs and alternative EN
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 189 / Tuesday, September 29, 2020 / Notices
local workforce entities would receive
funding and technical assistance from
ETA in order to better serve disability
beneficiaries, with a portion of Ticket
funding reserved for rewarding strong
performance and program innovation.
States and localities would be allowed
greater flexibility in tailoring services to
fit local circumstances. The redesigned
program would retain key features of the
current program, such as benefits
counseling and suspension of SSA
medical Continuing Disability Reviews
(CDRs) while program participants
pursue employment.3
In close coordination with SSA and
ETA, DOL’s Office of Disability
Employment Policy (ODEP) will provide
policy analysis and guidance to support
the transfer and improvement of the
Request for Information
Through this RFI, we are soliciting
feedback from interested and affected
parties on the potential benefits and
challenges in transferring the Ticket
program to DOL and serving program
participants through the public
workforce systems, in order to enable
them to increase employment and
earnings and maximize self-sufficiency.
We are also interested in evidence
supporting or challenging the
assumptions underlying this proposal.
Responses to this RFI will inform
decisions regarding the development,
design, and implementation of the
redesigned program. As such, responses
supported by substantial evidence and
careful reasoning will be afforded
greatest weight. This RFI notice is for
internal planning purposes only and
should not be construed as a solicitation
or as an obligation on the part of DOL
or any participating federal agencies.
We ask respondents to address the
following questions in the context of the
preceding discussion in this document.
Respondents do not need to address
every question and should focus on
those that relate to their expertise or
perspective. To the extent possible,
please clearly indicate the question(s)
addressed in your response. We ask that
each respondent include the name and
street address of his or her institution or
affiliation, if any, and the name, title,
street address, email address, and
telephone number of a contact person
for his or her institution or affiliation, if
3 Medical CDRs are periodic reviews of an
individual’s medical impairment(s) to determine
continuing eligibility for SSI and/or SSDI.
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Workforce System Capacity
1. How might state workforce systems
use new Ticket program funding to
increase capacity to effectively serve
SSA disability beneficiaries, given that
the number of SSA disability
beneficiaries who will seek services in
a particular locality is unknown?
2. How might state workforce systems
integrate the provision of the Ticket
program with other existing WIOA
services? What opportunities and
challenges will arise in doing so?
3. How could DOL’s ETA help
prepare state workforce systems for a
potentially significant increase in SSA
disability beneficiaries seeking services?
4. What ongoing federal support
would be most helpful to state
workforce systems as they administer
the Ticket program?
5. How could state workforce systems
provide quality remote services, when
necessary, to serve SSA disability
beneficiaries regionally or nationwide?
6. What are key considerations in
transferring SSA’s Work Incentives
Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
services to state workforce agencies?
Participant Experience and Outcomes
7. What specific program changes
could improve experiences and
outcomes for persons accessing the
redesigned Ticket program services
through the workforce system?
8. What is the capacity of the
workforce system to effectively serve
young adults or transition-age youth
(i.e., ages 14–18) under a redesigned
Ticket program? What capacity and
coordination issues would arise in
serving transition-age youth?
Employment Networks and Vocational
9. What lessons can be taken from
current EN models (e.g., communitybased, nonprofit, workforce ENs) or
collaborative AJC program models that
can inform the new Ticket program?
10. How can VR entities partner with
state workforce systems to support SSA
disability beneficiaries in the redesigned
Ticket program?
Funding Structure, Performance Metrics
and Performance-Based Payments
11. What payment structures and
which WIOA performance indicators (if
any) would encourage state workforce
systems to provide robust employment
and training services to persons with
disabilities, leading to job placement
and ongoing support to ensure job
12. Which of the WIOA performance
indicators (if any) could serve as
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potential interim measures to trigger
partial performance-based payments?
13. What are appropriate intervals
(medium- and long-term) for
performance-based payments?
14. How would workforce entities and
DOL track and measure program
success? Would workforce entities
require access to new administrative
data sources?
15. What challenges within the
current Ticket program would
potentially remain in a redesigned
program administered by state
workforce entities, and what could DOL
do to address or mitigate them?
16. What strengths of the current
Ticket program contribute to the success
of individual Ticket holders, and how
could these be preserved in the
redesigned program?
17. Are there current or recent state
examples of integrated systems that
offer lessons for successful
implementation of the redesigned Ticket
18. What are the implications of the
current COVID–19 pandemic for
redesigning the Ticket program at this
time, such as employer demand,
workforce system capacity, and remote
19. Are there additional
considerations in transferring the Ticket
program from SSA to DOL?
Signed at Washington, DC, this __th day of
September, 2020.
Jennifer Sheehy,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Disability
Employment Policy.
[FR Doc. 2020–21533 Filed 9–28–20; 8:45 am]
Copyright Office
[Docket No. 2020–9]
Sovereign Immunity Study: Notice and
Request for Public Comment
U.S. Copyright Office, Library
of Congress.
ACTION: Notice of inquiry; extension of
comment period.
The U.S. Copyright Office is
extending the deadline for the
submission of reply comments and
empirical research studies in response
to the June 3 and June 24, 2020, notices
regarding its state sovereign immunity
policy study.
DATES: Written reply comments and
empirical research studies in response
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 189 (Tuesday, September 29, 2020)]
[Pages 61032-61034]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-21533]
Office of Disability Employment Policy
[Agency Docket Number: DOL-2020-0006]
RIN 1230-ZA00
Request for Information on Proposed Transfer of Ticket to Work
Program From the Social Security Administration to the U.S. Department
of Labor
AGENCY: Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: The Social Security Administration's (SSA) Ticket to Work and
Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket program) is intended to assist adult
disability beneficiaries in becoming employed, yet relatively few
disability beneficiaries have successfully participated in the program.
In order to strengthen the Ticket program, the President's Budget for
Fiscal Year 2021 includes a legislative proposal to improve program
structure and coordination and transfer administration of the program
to the Department of Labor (DOL), in order to better integrate the
program into the public workforce system and better serve disability
beneficiaries who want to work. This request for information (RFI)
seeks public input regarding how the proposed changes to the Ticket
program would impact disability beneficiaries who want to work and the
systems that currently serve their employment and related needs, and to
identify critical considerations for designing and implementing an
improved program.
DATES: Comments must be received by November 13, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments via the internet. Please visit the
Federal eRulemaking portal at Use the
``Search'' function to find docket number DOL-2020-0006. The system
will issue a tracking number to confirm your submission. You will not
be able to view your comment immediately because we must post each
comment manually. It may take up to a week for your comment to be
Caution: In your comments, you should be careful to include only
the information that you wish to make publicly available. We strongly
urge you not to include in your comments any personal information, such
as Social Security numbers or medical information.
[[Page 61033]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jennifer Sheehy, Deputy Assistant
Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of
Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, S-1303, Washington, DC 20210, (202)
693-7880, or visit (TTY), for information about this notice.
In order to streamline and strengthen employment services for
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries and
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients seeking employment, the
President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 includes a legislative proposal
to transfer the Ticket program to DOL given its capacity to promote
innovative workforce development and disability employment. Better
integrating services for SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients into the
core workforce system should result in a more effective and efficient
system to support them in achieving and sustaining employment. A key
challenge in transferring the program to DOL will be to reduce program
complexity and overall administrative burden, rather than to simply
recreate complexity or transfer the burden to other entities. Given the
complexity of the current program and the significance of the proposed
changes, public input is necessary to help ensure the success of the
reformed program.
This RFI offers interested parties--including state and local
governments, nonprofit and community-based organizations, philanthropic
organizations, research experts, employers, health care providers,
private disability insurance providers, vocational rehabilitation
specialists, and members of the public--the opportunity to inform the
development of a redesigned Ticket program aimed at increasing the
employment and labor force participation of SSDI beneficiaries and SSI
Further Information
SSA's Ticket program is intended to assist adult disability
beneficiaries in achieving and sustaining employment.\1\ Under the
Ticket program, SSA notifies beneficiaries of their eligibility to
participate in the program, which allows them to obtain services from
SSA-approved public or private providers, referred to as Employment
Networks (EN), or from traditional state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
\1\ The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of
1999. Public Law 106-170, 101, 113 Stat. 1860, 1863-73 (codified as
amended at 42 U.S.C. 1320b-19).
The Ticket program has helped thousands of disability beneficiaries
return to work since it was established in 1999. Yet, despite the
availability of the program, significant numbers of beneficiaries have
not achieved levels of sustained employment that result in economic
self-sufficiency and reduced reliance on disability benefits. Despite
improvements over the years, the Ticket program faces fundamental
challenges in attempting to meet its objectives. First, the program
falls outside SSA's core mission of administering the Old Age,
Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) and the SSI programs.
Second, the program duplicates administrative structures and services
where robust state and local workforce systems already exist. Finally,
while the program is designed to promote beneficiary choice in
accessing employment services and to incentivize providers by paying
for successful individual outcomes, these features entail significant
administrative burden for beneficiaries and service providers.
As designed, the Ticket program is largely separate from the
broader workforce system. In contrast to when the program was created,
the workforce system now provides similar services and is directed by
the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to prioritize
services for recipients of public assistance and low-income
individuals, including persons with disabilities, and to ensure
accessibility for all persons. In addition, the milestone/outcome
payment structure currently used in the Ticket program is complicated
and delays reimbursement to service providers for many months, which
may limit provider participation.
The rationale for transferring the Ticket program to DOL is to
create a more integrated, effective, and efficient system for
supporting disability beneficiaries in obtaining and sustaining
employment. The ultimate goals of program redesign include the
Increasing the number of disability beneficiaries who
participate in the program, succeed in employment, and achieve economic
mobility, while decreasing reliance on disability benefits and other
forms of public assistance;
Improving the experience of individual program
Reducing program fragmentation and duplication;
Establishing national uniformity in essential program
features while allowing opportunity for local innovation;
Restructuring funding mechanisms and performance metrics
to align with WIOA;
Providing financial incentives to states in order to
reward performance;
Better integrating services for disability beneficiaries
into the broader workforce system; and
Leveraging DOL's expertise and capacity in promoting
innovative workforce development and employment of persons with
Although DOL and SSA have attempted to increase workforce system
participation in the Ticket program, the workforce system historically
has not served large numbers of SSA beneficiaries.\2\ In order to drive
changes on the scale necessary to improve economic mobility for
disability beneficiaries, the President's Budget proposes to
significantly reform the Ticket program through transferring
administration of the program and redesigning key elements.
Specifically, the proposal is to transfer the administration of the
Ticket program to DOL's Employment and Training Administration (ETA).
This would empower ETA's American Job Center (AJC) network to provide
Ticket services in concert with other workforce programs. It would also
simplify Ticket program rules, including the payment model used to pay
ENs and other providers for services, in order to improve the structure
and outcomes through a performance-based funding allocation. Program
redesign would include aligning Ticket performance measures with WIOA
core performance measures, improving the capacity of state public
workforce systems to serve persons with disabilities, and changing the
payment structure from individual vouchers to one in which states
receive base administrative funding based on a formula and additional
payments that reflect level of performance. State and
[[Page 61034]]
local workforce entities would receive funding and technical assistance
from ETA in order to better serve disability beneficiaries, with a
portion of Ticket funding reserved for rewarding strong performance and
program innovation. States and localities would be allowed greater
flexibility in tailoring services to fit local circumstances. The
redesigned program would retain key features of the current program,
such as benefits counseling and suspension of SSA medical Continuing
Disability Reviews (CDRs) while program participants pursue
\2\ After several years of sharing information on the Ticket
program with the workforce system, the commitment to increase the
number of workforce ENs resulted in multiple Training and Employment
Notices (TENs), beginning in 2012 with TEN 14-12, Receiving Ticket
to Work Payment as an Employment Network, which explained the
Payment Agreement process. This was updated in 2014 as TEN 02-14,
Receiving Ticket to Work Payment as an Employment Network, which
explained a new process for public workforce entities to become ENs.
In 2018, DOL published TEN 16-18, New Administrative Processes for
Public Workforce Employment Networks under the Social Security
Administration's Ticket to Work Program, to support DOL's goal of
expanding the capacity of the American Job Center network to serve
persons receiving disability benefits. The 2018 TEN notified the
workforce system regarding the Ticket program's new administrative
processes for public workforce ENs and alternative EN models.
\3\ Medical CDRs are periodic reviews of an individual's medical
impairment(s) to determine continuing eligibility for SSI and/or
In close coordination with SSA and ETA, DOL's Office of Disability
Employment Policy (ODEP) will provide policy analysis and guidance to
support the transfer and improvement of the program.
Request for Information
Through this RFI, we are soliciting feedback from interested and
affected parties on the potential benefits and challenges in
transferring the Ticket program to DOL and serving program participants
through the public workforce systems, in order to enable them to
increase employment and earnings and maximize self-sufficiency. We are
also interested in evidence supporting or challenging the assumptions
underlying this proposal. Responses to this RFI will inform decisions
regarding the development, design, and implementation of the redesigned
program. As such, responses supported by substantial evidence and
careful reasoning will be afforded greatest weight. This RFI notice is
for internal planning purposes only and should not be construed as a
solicitation or as an obligation on the part of DOL or any
participating federal agencies.
We ask respondents to address the following questions in the
context of the preceding discussion in this document. Respondents do
not need to address every question and should focus on those that
relate to their expertise or perspective. To the extent possible,
please clearly indicate the question(s) addressed in your response. We
ask that each respondent include the name and street address of his or
her institution or affiliation, if any, and the name, title, street
address, email address, and telephone number of a contact person for
his or her institution or affiliation, if any.
Workforce System Capacity
1. How might state workforce systems use new Ticket program funding
to increase capacity to effectively serve SSA disability beneficiaries,
given that the number of SSA disability beneficiaries who will seek
services in a particular locality is unknown?
2. How might state workforce systems integrate the provision of the
Ticket program with other existing WIOA services? What opportunities
and challenges will arise in doing so?
3. How could DOL's ETA help prepare state workforce systems for a
potentially significant increase in SSA disability beneficiaries
seeking services?
4. What ongoing federal support would be most helpful to state
workforce systems as they administer the Ticket program?
5. How could state workforce systems provide quality remote
services, when necessary, to serve SSA disability beneficiaries
regionally or nationwide?
6. What are key considerations in transferring SSA's Work
Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) services to state workforce
Participant Experience and Outcomes
7. What specific program changes could improve experiences and
outcomes for persons accessing the redesigned Ticket program services
through the workforce system?
8. What is the capacity of the workforce system to effectively
serve young adults or transition-age youth (i.e., ages 14-18) under a
redesigned Ticket program? What capacity and coordination issues would
arise in serving transition-age youth?
Employment Networks and Vocational Rehabilitation
9. What lessons can be taken from current EN models (e.g.,
community-based, nonprofit, workforce ENs) or collaborative AJC program
models that can inform the new Ticket program?
10. How can VR entities partner with state workforce systems to
support SSA disability beneficiaries in the redesigned Ticket program?
Funding Structure, Performance Metrics and Performance-Based Payments
11. What payment structures and which WIOA performance indicators
(if any) would encourage state workforce systems to provide robust
employment and training services to persons with disabilities, leading
to job placement and ongoing support to ensure job retention?
12. Which of the WIOA performance indicators (if any) could serve
as potential interim measures to trigger partial performance-based
13. What are appropriate intervals (medium- and long-term) for
performance-based payments?
14. How would workforce entities and DOL track and measure program
success? Would workforce entities require access to new administrative
data sources?
15. What challenges within the current Ticket program would
potentially remain in a redesigned program administered by state
workforce entities, and what could DOL do to address or mitigate them?
16. What strengths of the current Ticket program contribute to the
success of individual Ticket holders, and how could these be preserved
in the redesigned program?
17. Are there current or recent state examples of integrated
systems that offer lessons for successful implementation of the
redesigned Ticket program?
18. What are the implications of the current COVID-19 pandemic for
redesigning the Ticket program at this time, such as employer demand,
workforce system capacity, and remote services?
19. Are there additional considerations in transferring the Ticket
program from SSA to DOL?
Signed at Washington, DC, this __th day of September, 2020.
Jennifer Sheehy,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy.
[FR Doc. 2020-21533 Filed 9-28-20; 8:45 am]