Joint Industry Plan; Notice of Filing of the Forty-Seventh Amendment to the Joint Self-Regulatory Organization Plan Governing the Collection, Consolidation and Dissemination of Quotation and Transaction Information for Nasdaq-Listed Securities Traded on Exchanges on an Unlisted Trading Privileges Basis, 2212-2218 [2020-00358]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
dispute the requirement to provide in its
10. Do commenters believe that
certain confidential information may
become less sensitive if it is
anonymized and aggregated? If so, do
commenters believe that certain types of
restricted or highly confidential
information could be anonymized and
aggregated to the point where it could
be classified as public? What
methodology for anonymizing
confidential information would
commenters suggest, and should the
methodology be standardized such that
the Administrator, Processor, and
auditor all follow a consistent practice
for anonymizing such information? Do
commenters believe that certain
information is so sensitive, whether
anonymized or not, that it should never
be shared outside of the Operating
Committee or outside of the
11. Do commenters believe that the
scope of the proposed Amendments are
sufficiently comprehensive to cover all
parties that might have access to
confidential information, or should the
scope be broadened to apply to
additional classes of persons? For
example, should outsourced service
providers (including, but not limited to,
firms and persons that provide audit
services, accounting services, or legal
services to the Plans, the Administrator,
or the Processor) be subject to additional
restrictions, particularly if they are
directly or indirectly affiliated with a
Participant, the Administrator, the
Processor, or any entity that offers
separately proprietary data products to
a substantially similar customer base,
i.e., customers or potential customers of
the SIPs? If so, should the Plans
explicitly preclude themselves from
engaging with an Administrator,
Processor, auditor, or any agents or third
parties thereof, unless the entity
establishes, maintains, and enforces
policies and procedures to safeguard
confidential and proprietary
information and to prevent its direct or
indirect misuse? If so, should the
Operating Committee review those
policies and procedures and/or should
they be made public (i.e., provided on
the Plans’ website)? For example, if the
Administrator oversees a Plan’s audit
function (directly or through an agent or
third party) but also is affiliated with an
entity that sells proprietary data
products to SIP customers, do
commenters believe that potential
conflicts of interest should preclude the
Administrator from independently
determining its own confidential
information policies as they apply to the
audit function? Or, should such policies
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be subject to review and approval by the
Operating Committee, and be posted
publicly, to help ensure their adequacy
and completeness?
12. Do commenters believe that
Advisory Committee members need
access to sensitive information of
substantial commercial and competitive
value in order to perform their duties?
Do commenters believe that the
Advisory Committee members need
access to underlying information relied
on by the Participants when making
decisions on funding of and
improvements for the SIPs?
13. Do commenters believe the
proposed remedy in the event that a
Covered Person discloses ‘‘Highly
Confidential Information’’ in a manner
inconsistent with the proposed policy is
sufficient, or should any other
consequences of such disclosure be
14. Similarly, do commenters believe
the Amendments would sufficiently
deter unauthorized disclosure of
‘‘Confidential Information’’ by a
Covered Person without authorization
by the Operating Committee? Do
commenters believe appropriate
remedies for Participants and Advisors
should differ, or should potential
remedies for Participants that disclose
confidential information also include
the possibility of removal of that
Participant from the Operating
Comments may be submitted by any
of the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
CTA/CQ–2019–04 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F. Street NE
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–CTA/CQ–2019–04. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
website (
sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all
written statements with respect to the
proposed Amendments that are filed
with the Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed Amendments between the
Commission and any person, other than
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those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for website
viewing and printing at the principal
office of the Plans. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–CTA/CQ–2019–04 and
should be submitted on or before
February 4, 2020.
By the Commission.
Vanessa A. Countryman,
[FR Doc. 2020–00359 Filed 1–13–20; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–87910; File No. S7–24–89]
Joint Industry Plan; Notice of Filing of
the Forty-Seventh Amendment to the
Joint Self-Regulatory Organization
Plan Governing the Collection,
Consolidation and Dissemination of
Quotation and Transaction Information
for Nasdaq-Listed Securities Traded on
Exchanges on an Unlisted Trading
Privileges Basis
January 8, 2020.
Pursuant to Section 11A of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 608 of Regulation
National Market System (‘‘NMS’’)
thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that
on November 25, 2019,3 the
Participants 4 in the Joint Self1 15
U.S.C. 78k–1(a)(3).
CFR 242.608.
3 See Letter from Robert Books, Chairman,
Operating Committee, Nasdaq/UTP Plan, to Vanessa
Countryman, Secretary, Commission, dated
November 19, 2019 (‘‘Transmittal Letter’’).
4 The Participants are the national securities
association and national securities exchanges that
submit trades and quotes to the Plan and include:
Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc., Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc.,
Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc., Cboe EDGX Exchange,
Inc., Cboe Exchange, Inc., Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority, Inc., The Investors’ Exchange
LLC, Long-Term Stock Exchange, Inc., Nasdaq BX,
Inc., Nasdaq ISE, LLC, Nasdaq PHLX, Inc., The
Nasdaq Stock Market LLC, New York Stock
Exchange LLC, NYSE American LLC, NYSE Arca,
Inc., NYSE Chicago, Inc., and NYSE National, Inc.
2 17
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
Regulatory Organization Plan Governing
the Collection, Consolidation and
Dissemination of Quotation and
Transaction Information for NasdaqListed Securities Traded on Exchanges
on an Unlisted Trading Privileges Basis
(‘‘Nasdaq/UTP Plan’’ or ‘‘Plan’’) filed
with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
a proposal to amend the Nasdaq/UTP
Plan.5 The amendment represents the
Forty-Seventh Amendment to the Plan
(‘‘Amendment’’). As described in the
Amendment, the Participants propose to
adopt a confidentiality policy to provide
guidelines for the Operating Committee
and the Advisory Committee of the
Plan, and all subcommittees thereof,
regarding the confidentiality of any data
or information generated, accessed, or
transmitted to the Operating Committee,
as well as discussions occurring at a
meeting of the Operating Committee or
any subcommittee. According to the
Participants, the confidentiality policy
is designed broadly (i) to protect against
any potential misuse of confidential
information, which includes, but is not
limited to, protecting confidential
information obtained or generated by
the Administrator and Processor in
connection with the operation of the
Plan as well as (ii) to allow the
Operating Committee to disclose
confidential information to the Advisory
Committee to obtain its input without
concern that such confidential
information may be shared beyond the
Advisory Committee. The Participants
believe that the proposed Amendment
will allow for more sharing of
information with the Advisory
Committee regarding the operation of
the Plan and elicit more input by the
Advisory Committee on Plan matters
that might otherwise be deemed
The proposed Amendment has been
filed by the Participants pursuant to
Rule 608(b)(2) under Regulation NMS.7
The Commission is publishing this
notice to solicit comments from
interested persons on the proposed
The Commission notes that,
contemporaneously with the issuance of
this notice, it has issued a notice of
proposed order (‘‘Governance Notice’’) 8
soliciting public comment on a
proposed order that would direct the
national securities exchanges and the
Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, Inc. (collectively, ‘‘SROs’’) to
act jointly in developing and filing with
the Commission a proposed new single
national market system plan, which will
replace the existing national market
system plans that govern the public
dissemination of real-time, consolidated
equity market data for national market
system stocks (‘‘Equity Data Plans’’).
The Commission stated in the
Governance Notice its view that, among
other concerns,
(each a ‘‘Participant’’ and collectively, the
‘‘Participants’’). Participants also are members of
the Plan’s Operating Committees. Other parties
include the ‘‘Processor,’’ who is charged with
collecting, processing and preparing for distribution
or publication all Plan information. The
‘‘Administrator’’ is charged with administering the
Plan to include data feed approval, customer
communications, contract management, and related
functions. ‘‘Advisory Committee members’’ are
individuals who represent particular types of
financial services firms or actors in the securities
market, and who were selected by Plan participants
to be on the Advisory Committee A list of the
Processor, Administrator, and Advisory Committee
members is available at
5 The Plan governs the collection, processing, and
dissemination on a consolidated basis of quotation
information and transaction reports in Eligible
Securities for its Participants. This consolidated
information informs investors of the current
quotation and recent trade prices of Nasdaq
securities. It enables investors to ascertain from one
data source the current prices in all the markets
trading Nasdaq securities. The Plan serves as the
required transaction reporting plan for its
Participants, which is a prerequisite for their
trading Eligible Securities. See Securities Exchange
Act Release No. 55647 (April 19, 2007), 72 FR
20891 (April 26, 2007).
The Governance Notice solicits public
comment on a proposed order that
would direct the SROs to include
provisions in the New Data Plan (as
defined in the Governance Notice)
addressing several issues arising from
the current governance structure of the
Plan, and discusses the Commission’s
view that the new data plan should
include provisions regarding the
treatment of confidential information.
In addition, contemporaneously with
the publication of notice of the
Amendment set forth below, the
Commission also is publishing a
separate proposed amendment from the
Plan concerning a conflicts of interest
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[i]n the operation of the Equity Data Plans,
Participants and Participant representatives
have been privy to confidential and
proprietary information of substantial
commercial or competitive value, including,
among other things, information about core
data usage, the [securities information
processors’ or] SIPs’ customer lists, financial
information, and subscriber audit results.
However, the terms of the Equity Data Plans
do not address commercial use of
confidential or proprietary information by
the Participants.9
6 See
7 17
Transmittal Letter at 1.
CFR 242.608(b)(2).
8 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 87906
(January 8, 2020).
9 Id.
PO 00000
at A–67 (footnotes omitted).
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I. Text of the Amendment
Set forth below is the entirety of the
Amendment submission that the
Participants filed with the Commission,
which includes a statement of the
purpose and summary of the
Amendment, along with the information
required by Rules 608(a) and 601(a)
under the Act.10
A. Purpose of the Amendment
1. Background
Under the provisions of the Plan, the
Advisory Committee has the right to
attend all meetings of the Operating
Committee and receive any information
concerning Plan matters distributed to
the Operating Committee. The Advisory
Committee also can attend meetings of
most subcommittees. The Operating
Committee, however, may meet in
Executive Session without the Advisory
Committee to discuss items that require
confidential treatment, as determined by
majority vote of the Operating
Committee. Last year, the Participants
adopted an Executive Session Policy,
which provides a specified list of topics
that are appropriate for Executive
Session. Those topics include:
• Fees that require discussion of
confidential financial information;
• subscriber audit findings;
• discussions that require the
disclosure of Material Non-Public
• financial reports containing
confidential financial information;
• the portion of a discussion or
evaluation of administrator and
processor performance that includes
confidential, non-public information;
• contract negotiations, awards, and
revocations that contain non-public
• Advisory Committee member
• litigation matters; and
• confidential, non-public
discussions with the SEC.
The Participants currently use
Executive Sessions sparingly to discuss
confidential information. When used,
the Executive Session usually lasts less
than thirty minutes and is used to
discuss a limited set of topics, often
consisting of a single, discrete topic.
Although the Executive Session is
sparingly used, the Participants are now
seeking additional ways to include the
Advisory Committee in more
discussions and to share additional
confidential information with the
Advisory Committee.
Therefore, the Participants are
proposing a confidentiality policy to
10 See
17 CFR 242.608(a)(4) and (a)(5).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
allow the Operating Committee to share
confidential information with the
Advisory Committee without concern
that such information would be more
broadly disseminated. By sharing
information that would in the ordinary
course be considered appropriate for
confidential treatment, the Participants
believe that the Advisory Committee
will be able to provide more informed
advice and recommendations with
respect to the operation and governance
of the Plan. Further, the confidentiality
policy is designed to protect against any
potential misuse of confidential
information by: (1) Restricting the use
and dissemination of customer-related
information; (2) requiring the
Administrator and Processor to
maintain confidential information
policies that will be reviewed by the
Operating Committee at least every two
years; (3) permitting disclosure of
confidential information by a
representative of a Participant to other
employees or agents of the Participant
or its affiliates only as needed to
perform that representative’s function
on behalf of the Participant; and (4)
setting clear procedures regarding the
treatment of various forms of
confidential information.
The Participants discussed this
proposal extensively with the Advisory
Committee and this proposal reflects
input and comments from the members
of the Advisory Committee.
2. Proposed Confidentiality Policy
In an effort to expand the information
that the Operating Committee may
provide to the Advisory Committee, and
also to provide guidelines about what
information can and cannot be shared
outside the meetings of the Operating
Committee, the Participants are
proposing to adopt a confidentiality
The proposed confidentiality policy
would apply to all representatives of the
Participants, Pending Participants, the
UTP Administrator and Processor, and
the Advisory Committee. Additionally,
it would apply to agents of the
Operating Committee, including, but not
limited to, attorneys, advisors,
accountants, contractors or
subcontractors (‘‘Agents’’), as well as
any third parties invited to attend
meetings of the Operating Committee or
Plan subcommittees. These persons are
collectively defined in the
confidentiality policy as ‘‘Covered
Persons.’’ 11
The proposed confidentiality policy
creates three categories of confidential
11 Covered Persons would not include staff of the
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information: (1) Restricted Information;
(2) Highly Confidential Information; and
(3) Confidential Information. Restricted
Information is defined as (i) highly
sensitive customer-specific financial
information, (ii) customer-specific audit
information, (iii) other customer
financial information, and (iv) Personal
Identifiable Information. Highly
Confidential Information is defined as
(i) any data or information shared in an
Executive Session or that would
otherwise qualify for confidential
treatment pursuant to the Plan’s
Executive Session Policy; 12 and (ii) any
other highly sensitive Participantspecific, customer-specific, individualspecific, or otherwise sensitive
information relating to the Operating
Committee, Participants, or customers
that is not otherwise Restricted
Information. Highly Confidential
Information includes: A Participant’s
contract negotiations with the Processor
or Administrator; personnel matters;
information concerning the intellectual
property of Participants or customers;
and any document subject to the
Attorney-Client Privilege or Work
Product Doctrine. Finally, Confidential
Information is defined as (i) any nonpublic data or information designated as
Confidential by a majority vote of the
Operating Committee; (ii) any document
generated by a Participant or Advisor
and designated by that Participant or
Advisor as Confidential; (iii) the
minutes of the Operating Committee or
any subcommittee thereof unless
approved by the Operating Committee
for release to the public; and (iv) the
individual views and statements of
Covered Persons and SEC staff disclosed
during a meeting of the Operating
Committee or any subcommittees
The confidentiality policy outlines
the procedures with respect to
identifying documents as Restricted,
Highly Confidential, or Confidential as
well as the procedures regarding how to
treat documents and information in
each category. With respect to general
procedures, the confidentiality policy
places the obligation on the
Administrator and the Processor to be
the custodian of all documents and to
12 Although Highly Confidential Information
includes data or information shared in an Executive
Session, the Participants plan on including more
information in General Session rather than
Executive Session. The proposed confidentiality
policy allows the Participants to share more
sensitive information with the Advisory Committee
without concerns that such information would be
more broadly disseminated. Therefore, the
Participants intend to share additional information,
previously designated for Executive Session, with
the Advisory Committee, including confidential
financial information.
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maintain the classification of such
documents. The Administrator will
ensure that all documents are properly
labeled with the appropriate category.
The Administrator may, under
delegated authority, designate
documents as Restricted, Highly
Confidential, or Confidential, which
will be determinative unless altered by
a majority vote of the Operating
Committee. Finally, all contracts
between the Operating Committee and
its Agents will require the Operating
Committee information to be treated as
Confidential Information that may not
be disclosed to third parties, except as
necessary to effect the terms of the
contract or as required by law.
3. Procedures Governing Restricted
With respect to Restricted
Information, the proposed
confidentiality policy provides that
such information will be kept in
confidence by the Administrator and
Processor and will not be disclosed to
the Operating Committee or any
subcommittee thereof, or during
Executive Session, or the Advisory
Committee, except in the following
1. If an Administrator determines that
it is appropriate to share a customer’s
financial information with the
Operating Committee or a subcommittee
thereof, the Administrator will first
anonymize the information by redacting
the customer’s name and any other
information that may lead to the
identification of the customer.
2. The Administrator may disclose the
identity of a customer that is the subject
of the Restricted Information in
Executive Session only if the
Administrator determines in good faith
that it is necessary to disclose the
customer’s identity in order to obtain
input or feedback from the Operating
Committee or a subcommittee thereof
about a matter of importance to the
Plan. In such an event, the
Administrator will change the
designation of the information at issue
from ‘‘Restricted Information’’ to
‘‘Highly Confidential Information.’’
3. The Administrator may share
Restricted Information related to any
willful, reckless, or grossly negligent
conduct by a customer discovered by
the Administrator with the UTP
Administrator or with the SEC, as
appropriate, upon majority vote of the
Operating Committee in Executive
Session, provided that, in any report by
the Administrator during Executive
Session related to such disclosure, the
Administrator anonymizes the
information related to the wrongdoing
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
by removing the names of the party or
parties involved, as well as any other
information that may lead to the
identification of such party or parties.
The Participants believe that the
procedures governing Restricted
Information will ensure the protection
of customer identities and customerrelated information, and such
information will be disclosed only when
necessary to conduct Plan-related
4. Procedures Governing Highly
Confidential Information
With respect to Highly Confidential
Information, the proposed
confidentiality policy provides that
such information may be disclosed only
in Executive Session of the Operating
Committee or to the Legal
Subcommittee. Highly Confidential
Information may also be disclosed to
SEC staff, unless it is protected by the
Attorney-Client Privilege or the Work
Product Doctrine. Any disclosure of
Highly Confidential Information to SEC
staff will be accompanied by a FOIA
Confidential Treatment Request. The
confidentiality policy does not permit
any other disclosure of Highly
Confidential Information.
In addition, a Covered Person that is
a representative of a Participant may
disclose Highly Confidential
Information to other employees or
agents of the Participant or its affiliates
only as needed for such Covered Person
to perform his or her function on behalf
of the Participant, as reasonably
determined by the Covered Person. A
copy of the confidentiality policy will
be made available to recipients of such
information who are employees or
agents of a Participant or its affiliates
that are not Covered Persons, who will
be required to abide by the
confidentiality policy.
Further, because of the heightened
concerns regarding the disclosure of
Highly Confidential Information, in the
event a Covered Person is determined
by a majority vote of the Operating
Committee to have disclosed Highly
Confidential Information, the Operating
Committee will determine the
appropriate remedy for the breach based
on the facts and circumstances of the
event. For the representatives of a
Participant, appropriate remedies
include a letter of complaint submitted
to the SEC, which may be made public
by the Operating Committee. For a
member of the Advisory Committee,
appropriate remedies include removal
of that member from the Advisory
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5. Procedures Governing Confidential
Under the proposed confidentiality
policy, Confidential Information may be
disclosed to the Operating Committee,
any subcommittee thereof, and the
Advisory Committee. A Covered Person
may not disclose Confidential
Information to any individual that is not
either a Covered Person or a member of
the SEC staff, except with authorization
of the Operating Committee, or as may
be otherwise required by law. The
Operating Committee or a subcommittee
thereof may authorize the disclosure of
Confidential Information by an
affirmative vote of the number of
members that represent a majority of the
total number of members of the
Operating Committee or subcommittee.
However, with respect to Confidential
Information that is generated by a
Participant or member of the Advisory
Committee, the Operating Committee
may authorize its disclosure only with
the consent of such Participant or
member of the Advisory Committee.
In order to elicit industry feedback,
members of the Advisory Committee
may be authorized by the Operating
Committee to disclose particular
Confidential Information to enable them
to consult with third-party industry
representatives or technical experts,
provided that the member of the
Advisory Committee takes any steps
requested by the Operating Committee
to prevent further dissemination of that
Confidential Information, including
providing the individuals consulted
with a copy of the confidentiality policy
and requesting that person to maintain
the confidentiality of such information
in a manner consistent with the
confidentiality policy.
A Covered Person that is a
representative of a Participant may
disclose Confidential Information to
other employees or agents of the
Participant or its affiliates only as
needed for such Covered Person to
perform his or her function on behalf of
the Participant, as reasonably
determined by the Covered Person. A
copy of the confidentiality policy will
be made available to recipients of such
information who are employees or
agents of a Participant or its affiliates
that are not Covered Persons, who will
be required to abide by the
confidentiality policy.
A Covered Person may disclose his or
her own individual views and
statements that may otherwise be
considered Confidential Information
without obtaining authorization of the
Operating Committee provided that the
Covered Person is not disclosing the
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views or statements of any other
Covered Person or Participant that are
considered Confidential Information.
Finally, a Covered Person that
discloses Confidential Information
without the authorization of the
Operating Committee will report such
disclosure to the Chair of the Operating
Committee. Such unauthorized
disclosure of Confidential Information
will be recorded in the minutes of the
meeting of the Operating Committee and
will contain: (a) The name(s) of the
person(s) who disclosed such
Confidential Information, and (b) a
description of the Confidential
Information disclosed. The name(s) of
the person(s) who disclosed such
Confidential Information will also be
recorded in any publicly available
summaries of Operating Committee
B. Governing or Constituent Documents
Not applicable.
C. Implementation of Amendment
Each of the Participants has approved
the amendment in accordance with
Section IV.C of the UTP Plan. The
Participants also received and
incorporated feedback from the
Advisory Committee in preparing the
confidentiality policy.
D. Development and Implementation
Not applicable.
E. Analysis of Impact on Competition
The Participants believe that the
proposed amendment does not impose
any burden on competition that is not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act.
The Participants believe that the
proposed confidentiality policy will
provide enhanced disclosure to the
Advisory Committee regarding matters
that the Participants consider
confidential information. Currently, the
Plan allows information to be discussed
in Executive Session when the
Operating Committee determines that an
item of Plan business requires
confidential treatment. Despite the
confidential nature of the information,
the Participants believe that inclusion of
the Advisory Committee in certain
discussions that involve confidential
information would be beneficial for the
operation and governance of the Plan.
The confidentiality policy allows
such information to be more freely
shared with the Advisory Committee
without concerns that the confidential
information will be disseminated more
broadly. Additionally, the
confidentiality policy provides guidance
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
to the representatives of Participants on
how to treat confidential information
that they obtained through the course of
participating on the Operating
Committee, thereby reducing confusion
among the representatives of the
Participants. Finally, by requiring
Agents of the Operating Committee to
adhere to the confidentiality policy, the
confidentiality policy will ensure that
such Agents will be subject to the same
requirements as the Operating
Committee when handling confidential
Additionally, the proposed
confidentiality policy will protect
customer-specific information in the
possession of the Administrator and
Processor. The procedures surrounding
the use of Restricted Information will
help to ensure that the dissemination of
Restricted Information is limited to
instances when necessary for the
operation of the Plan. Further, the
confidentiality policy requires the
Administrator and Processor to establish
written confidential information
policies that provide for the protection
of information under their control.
Therefore, the confidentiality policy is
designed to protect confidential
information obtained or generated by
the Administrator and Processor in
connection with the operation of the
Finally, as noted above, the proposal
was vetted With the Advisory
Committee to include its input into a
policy that would enhance the amount
of information available to the Advisory
F. Written Understanding or Agreement
Relating to Interpretation of, or
Participating in Plan
Not applicable.
G. Approval by Sponsors in Accordance
With Plan
Section IV.C.1 of the UTP Plan require
the Participants to unanimously
approve the amendment proposed
herein. They have so approved it.
H. Description of Operation of Facility
Contemplated by the Proposed
Not applicable.
I. Terms and Conditions of Access
Not applicable.
J. Method of Determination and
Imposition and Amount of, Fees and
Not applicable.
K. Method and Frequency of Processor
Not applicable.
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L. Dispute Resolution
Not applicable.
II. Regulation NMS Rule 601(a)
A. Equity Securities for Which
Transaction Reports Shall be Required
by the Plan
Not applicable.
B. Reporting Requirements
Not applicable.
C. Manner of Collecting, Processing,
Sequencing, Making Available and
Disseminating Last Sale Information
Not applicable.
D. Manner of Consolidation
Not applicable.
E. Standards and Methods Ensuring
Promptness, Accuracy and
Completeness of Transaction Reports
Not applicable.
F. Rules and Procedures Addressed to
Fraudulent or Manipulative
Not applicable.
G. Terms of Access to Transaction
Not applicable.
H. Identification of Marketplace of
Not applicable.
III. Solicitation of Comments
The Commission seeks comments on
the Amendment. Interested persons are
invited to submit written data, views,
and comments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the Amendment is
consistent with the Act and the rules
thereunder. Among other things, the
Commission asks commenters to
consider whether the Amendment to the
current Plan addresses the concerns
outlined in the Governance Notice or
whether they should be further
enhanced regarding the identification
and protection of confidential
information. Accordingly, the
Commission requests comments on
matters including, but not limited to,
the following:
1. Do commenters believe that
Participants involved in the operation or
governance of each Plan have, by
consequence of their position, access to
information of substantial commercial
and competitive value? If so, do
commenters believe that certain of that
information, including customerspecific financial information,
customer-specific audit information,
personally identifiable information, and
information concerning the intellectual
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property of Participants or customers, is
highly sensitive to such a degree that its
possession and use should be more
tightly controlled? Please explain. For
example, should the Amendment
require logs and written attestations
when a Covered Person shares Highly
Confidential Information with other
employees or agents of the Participant
or its affiliates? Do commenters believe
the Amendment should specifically
address commercial use of information
that is of substantial competitive value?
2. Do commenters believe that
Participants’ representatives should be
subject to restrictions and/or
information barriers as part of the
confidentiality policy to address their
direct or indirect involvement in the
development or sale of proprietary data
products to SIP customers? For
example, do commenters believe that
Participants’ access to a list of the
Processor’s customers as well as
information on those customers’ data
usage and fees paid to the Plan has
competitive implications? Do
commenters believe that the Plan
should require recusal in certain
circumstances (e.g., during Executive
Sessions or Operating Committee
meetings) because the potential for
misuse of competitively sensitive
confidential information is too great? If
so, what should those circumstances be?
Do commenters believe that any
Participant or Advisory Committee
member that is directly involved in the
management, sale, or development of
similar proprietary market data products
that may be sold to customers of the
SIPs should have access to any customer
information from the SIPs? Do
commenters believe that Operating
Committee members, as well as the
Administrator, Processor, and auditor
should be prohibited, unless otherwise
required by law, from sharing
confidential information with
individuals that are not involved with
the operation of the Plan and
individuals employed by or affiliated
with the same entity if such individuals
are involved in the management, sale, or
development of proprietary data
products that are offered separately to a
substantially similar customer base, i.e.,
customers or potential customer of the
SIPs? Would these concerns also be
present for the sale of related data
products that are supplemental to SIP
3. Do commenters believe that the
Plan should require all Participants and
other Covered Persons to establish,
maintain, and enforce policies and
procedures to safeguard confidential
and proprietary information received
via their participation in the Plan and to
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
prevent its misuse by such Participants
or entities controlling, controlled by, or
under common control with such
Participants? If so, do commenters
believe the proposed Amendment
sufficiently achieves that goal?
4. Do commenters believe the
proposed guidelines and procedures for
identifying and categorizing types of
confidential information, including for
providing increasing degrees of
protection for more sensitive types of
confidential information, provide
sufficient detail and a sufficiently
comprehensive process and procedures
to identify, classify, and subsequently
protect confidential information? Or do
commenters believe that further efforts
are necessary to identify, categorize, and
protect confidential information and/or
information of substantial competitive
or commercial value? Do commenters
believe that a need may arise for
information or data that are not initially
categorized as confidential to be
categorized as such at a later point in
time and, if so, what should the process
be for doing so? For example, should the
Operating Committee be able to classify
or de-classify material as appropriate
based on a majority vote?
5. Do commenters believe that the
Administrator and Processor should be
solely responsible for classifying
material according to the proposed
standards? Or do commenters believe
the decisions of the Administrator and
Processor should be subject to review,
for example upon the request of a
member of the Operating Committee?
Do commenters believe that potential
conflicts of interest should preclude the
Administrator and Processor from solely
and independently making
classification determinations in those
circumstances when entities with which
they are directly or indirectly affiliated
separately offer proprietary data
products to a substantially similar
customer base, i.e., customers or
potential customers of the SIPs?
6. Do commenters believe that certain
information or data generated, accessed,
transmitted to, or discussed by the
Operating Committee, such as
information regarding contract
negotiations with a potential new
Processor, Administrator, auditor, or
other third party service provider,
should be designated as confidential
and, if so, what level of confidentiality
should such information be afforded?
7. Do commenters believe that
information shared in Executive
Sessions should be classified as Highly
Confidential simply by virtue of it
having been shared in an Executive
Session, or should such information be
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classified based solely on its content
and competitive sensitivity?
8. Do commenters believe that
information that is not classified at
some level of confidentiality should be
considered public and may be shared
freely outside of the Operating
Committee? What specific information
do commenters believe should be
considered public and shared outside of
the Operating Committee?
9. Do commenters believe that the
proposed guidelines and procedures
setting forth the circumstances in which
disclosure of confidential information
may be authorized are sufficiently clear
and comprehensive? Do commenters
believe that the proposed provisions
allowing Participants to disclose
confidential and highly confidential
information to other employees or
agents of the Participant or its affiliates
as needed as they reasonably determine
is appropriate? Or do commenters
believe that, if a Participant is either
employed by or affiliated with an entity
that offers proprietary data products that
are offered for sale to a substantially
similar customer base (i.e., customer or
potential customers of the SIPs), that
Participant should be required to
develop policies and procedures that
govern the sharing of confidential
information? Do commenters believe
such policies and procedures should be
reviewed by the Operating Committee
and Advisors and made publicly
available via the Plan’s website? Do
commenters believe that the potential
conflicts of interest involved and the
difficulty of mitigating the potential
harm and potential burdens on
competition are so great that
Participants should be explicitly
prohibited from disclosing restricted
and confidential information at all or
only if authorized to do so on a case-bycase basis from the Operating
Committee, unless such disclosure is
otherwise required by law? If disclosure
is required by law, should the Covered
Person be required to first notify the
Operating Committee (e.g., to provide
the Operating Committee with an
opportunity to redact information if
permitted by applicable law or to
dispute the requirement to provide in its
10. Do commenters believe that
certain confidential information may
become less sensitive if it is
anonymized and aggregated? If so, do
commenters believe that certain types of
restricted or highly confidential
information could be anonymized and
aggregated to the point where it could
be classified as public? What
methodology for anonymizing
confidential information would
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commenters suggest, and should the
methodology be standardized such that
the Administrator, Processor, and
auditor all follow a consistent practice
for anonymizing such information? Do
commenters believe that certain
information is so sensitive, whether
anonymized or not, that it should never
be shared outside of the Operating
Committee or outside of the
11. Do commenters believe that the
scope of the proposed Amendment is
sufficiently comprehensive to cover all
parties that might have access to
confidential information, or should the
scope be broadened to apply to
additional classes of persons? For
example, should outsourced service
providers (including, but not limited to,
firms and persons that provide audit
services, accounting services, or legal
services to the Plan, the Administrator,
or the Processor) be subject to additional
restrictions, particularly if they are
directly or indirectly affiliated with a
Participant, the Administrator, the
Processor, or any entity that offers
separately proprietary data products to
a substantially similar customer base,
i.e., customers or potential customers of
the SIPs? If so, should the Plan
explicitly preclude itself from engaging
with an Administrator, Processor,
auditor, or any agents or third parties
thereof, unless the entity establishes,
maintains, and enforces policies and
procedures to safeguard confidential
and proprietary information and to
prevent its direct or indirect misuse? If
so, should the Operating Committee
review those policies and procedures
and/or should they be made public (i.e.,
provided on the Plan’s website)? For
example, if the Administrator oversees a
Plan’s audit function (directly or
through an agent or third party) but also
is affiliated with an entity that sells
proprietary data products to SIP
customers, do commenters believe that
potential conflicts of interest should
preclude the Administrator from
independently determining its own
confidential information policies as they
apply to the audit function? Or, should
such policies be subject to review and
approval by the Operating Committee,
and be posted publicly, to help ensure
their adequacy and completeness?
12. Do commenters believe that
Advisory Committee members need
access to sensitive information of
substantial commercial and competitive
value in order to perform their duties?
Do commenters believe that the
Advisory Committee members need
access to underlying information relied
on by the Participants when making
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
decisions on funding of and
improvements for the SIPs?
13. Do commenters believe the
proposed remedy in the event that a
Covered Person discloses ‘‘Highly
Confidential Information’’ in a manner
inconsistent with the proposed policy is
sufficient, or should any other
consequences of such disclosure be
14. Similarly, do commenters believe
the Amendment would sufficiently
deter unauthorized disclosure of
‘‘Confidential Information’’ by a
Covered Person without authorization
by the Operating Committee? Do
commenters believe appropriate
remedies for Participants and Advisors
should differ, or should potential
remedies for Participants that disclose
confidential information also include
the possibility of removal of that
Participant from the Operating
Comments may be submitted by any
of the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number S7–
24–89 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number S7–24–89. This file number
should be included on the subject line
if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
website (
sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all
written statements with respect to the
proposed Amendment that are filed
with the Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed Amendment between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for website
viewing and printing at the principal
office of the Plan. All comments
received will be posted without change.
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Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number S7–24–89 and should be
submitted on or before February 4, 2020.
By the Commission.
Vanessa A. Countryman,
[FR Doc. 2020–00358 Filed 1–13–20; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–87918/January 9, 2020]
Order Making Fiscal Year 2020 Annual
Adjustments to Transaction Fee Rates
I. Background
Section 31 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 (‘‘Exchange Act’’) requires
each national securities exchange and
national securities association to pay
transaction fees to the Commission.1
Specifically, Section 31(b) requires each
national securities exchange to pay to
the Commission fees based on the
aggregate dollar amount of sales of
certain securities (‘‘covered sales’’)
transacted on the exchange.2 Section
31(c) requires each national securities
association to pay to the Commission
fees based on the aggregate dollar
amount of covered sales transacted by or
through any member of the association
other than on an exchange.3
Section 31 of the Exchange Act
requires the Commission to annually
adjust the fee rates applicable under
Sections 31(b) and (c) to a uniform
adjusted rate.4 Specifically, the
Commission must adjust the fee rates to
a uniform adjusted rate that is
reasonably likely to produce aggregate
fee collections (including assessments
on security futures transactions) equal
to the regular appropriation to the
Commission for the applicable fiscal
1 15
U.S.C. 78ee.
U.S.C. 78ee(b).
3 15 U.S.C. 78ee(c).
4 In some circumstances, the SEC also must make
a mid-year adjustment to the fee rates applicable
under Sections 31(b) and (c).
5 15 U.S.C. 78ee(j)(1) (the Commission must
adjust the rates under Sections 31(b) and (c) to a
‘‘uniform adjusted rate that, when applied to the
baseline estimate of the aggregate dollar amount of
sales for such fiscal year, is reasonably likely to
produce aggregate fee collections under [Section 31]
(including assessments collected under [Section
31(d)]) that are equal to the regular appropriation
to the Commission by Congress for such fiscal
2 15
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The Commission is required to
publish notice of the new fee rates
under Section 31 not later than 30 days
after the date on which an Act making
a regular appropriation for the
applicable fiscal year is enacted.6 On
December 20, 2019, the President signed
into law the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2020, which
includes total appropriations of
$1,825,525,000 to the SEC for fiscal year
II. Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Adjustment
to the Fee Rate
The new fee rate is determined by (1)
subtracting the sum of fees estimated to
be collected prior to the effective date of
the new fee rate 7 and estimated
assessments on security futures
transactions to be collected under
Section 31(d) of the Exchange Act for all
of fiscal year 2020 8 from an amount
equal to the regular appropriation to the
Commission for fiscal year 2020, and (2)
dividing by the estimated aggregate
dollar amount of covered sales for the
remainder of the fiscal year following
the effective date of the new fee rate.9
As noted above, the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2020, includes total
appropriations of $1,825,525,000 to the
Commission for fiscal year 2020.10 The
Commission estimates that it will
collect $798,679,778 in fees for the
period prior to the effective date of the
new fee rate and $26,122 in assessments
6 15
U.S.C. 78ee(g).
sum of fees to be collected prior to the
effective date of the new fee rate is determined by
applying the current fee rate to the dollar amount
of covered sales prior to the effective date of the
new fee rate. The exchanges and FINRA have
provided data on the dollar amount of covered sales
through November, 2019. To calculate the dollar
amount of covered sales from December, 2019 to the
effective date of the new fee rate, the Commission
is using a new methodology described further in
this order and also in Appendix A of this order.
8 Although the Commission is using a new
methodology to calculate the baseline estimate of
the aggregate dollar amount of covered sales, the
Commission is using the same methodology it has
used previously to estimate assessments on security
futures transactions to be collected in fiscal year
2020. An explanation of the methodology appears
in Appendix A.
9 To estimate the aggregate dollar amount of
covered sales for the remainder of fiscal year 2020
following the effective date of the new fee rate, the
Commission is using the new methodology
referenced above and further described in
Appendix A of this order.
10 The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020
includes an appropriation of $1,815,000,000 for
necessary expenses for the Commission and an
appropriation of $10,525,000 for costs associated
with relocation under a replacement lease for the
Commission’s New York regional office facilities.
The act provides that ‘‘for purposes of calculating
the fee rate under section 31(j) of the [Exchange
Act] for fiscal year 2020, all amounts appropriated
[to the Commission in the act] shall be deemed to
be the regular appropriation to the Commission for
fiscal year 2020.’’
7 The
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 9 (Tuesday, January 14, 2020)]
[Pages 2212-2218]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-00358]
[Release No. 34-87910; File No. S7-24-89]
Joint Industry Plan; Notice of Filing of the Forty-Seventh
Amendment to the Joint Self-Regulatory Organization Plan Governing the
Collection, Consolidation and Dissemination of Quotation and
Transaction Information for Nasdaq-Listed Securities Traded on
Exchanges on an Unlisted Trading Privileges Basis
January 8, 2020.
Pursuant to Section 11A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(``Act'') \1\ and Rule 608 of Regulation National Market System
(``NMS'') thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that on November 25,
2019,\3\ the Participants \4\ in the Joint Self-
[[Page 2213]]
Regulatory Organization Plan Governing the Collection, Consolidation
and Dissemination of Quotation and Transaction Information for Nasdaq-
Listed Securities Traded on Exchanges on an Unlisted Trading Privileges
Basis (``Nasdaq/UTP Plan'' or ``Plan'') filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (``SEC'' or ``Commission'') a proposal to amend the
Nasdaq/UTP Plan.\5\ The amendment represents the Forty-Seventh
Amendment to the Plan (``Amendment''). As described in the Amendment,
the Participants propose to adopt a confidentiality policy to provide
guidelines for the Operating Committee and the Advisory Committee of
the Plan, and all subcommittees thereof, regarding the confidentiality
of any data or information generated, accessed, or transmitted to the
Operating Committee, as well as discussions occurring at a meeting of
the Operating Committee or any subcommittee. According to the
Participants, the confidentiality policy is designed broadly (i) to
protect against any potential misuse of confidential information, which
includes, but is not limited to, protecting confidential information
obtained or generated by the Administrator and Processor in connection
with the operation of the Plan as well as (ii) to allow the Operating
Committee to disclose confidential information to the Advisory
Committee to obtain its input without concern that such confidential
information may be shared beyond the Advisory Committee. The
Participants believe that the proposed Amendment will allow for more
sharing of information with the Advisory Committee regarding the
operation of the Plan and elicit more input by the Advisory Committee
on Plan matters that might otherwise be deemed confidential.\6\
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78k-1(a)(3).
\2\ 17 CFR 242.608.
\3\ See Letter from Robert Books, Chairman, Operating Committee,
Nasdaq/UTP Plan, to Vanessa Countryman, Secretary, Commission, dated
November 19, 2019 (``Transmittal Letter'').
\4\ The Participants are the national securities association and
national securities exchanges that submit trades and quotes to the
Plan and include: Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc., Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc.,
Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc., Cboe EDGX Exchange, Inc., Cboe Exchange,
Inc., Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., The Investors'
Exchange LLC, Long-Term Stock Exchange, Inc., Nasdaq BX, Inc.,
Nasdaq ISE, LLC, Nasdaq PHLX, Inc., The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC, New
York Stock Exchange LLC, NYSE American LLC, NYSE Arca, Inc., NYSE
Chicago, Inc., and NYSE National, Inc. (each a ``Participant'' and
collectively, the ``Participants''). Participants also are members
of the Plan's Operating Committees. Other parties include the
``Processor,'' who is charged with collecting, processing and
preparing for distribution or publication all Plan information. The
``Administrator'' is charged with administering the Plan to include
data feed approval, customer communications, contract management,
and related functions. ``Advisory Committee members'' are
individuals who represent particular types of financial services
firms or actors in the securities market, and who were selected by
Plan participants to be on the Advisory Committee A list of the
Processor, Administrator, and Advisory Committee members is
available at
\5\ The Plan governs the collection, processing, and
dissemination on a consolidated basis of quotation information and
transaction reports in Eligible Securities for its Participants.
This consolidated information informs investors of the current
quotation and recent trade prices of Nasdaq securities. It enables
investors to ascertain from one data source the current prices in
all the markets trading Nasdaq securities. The Plan serves as the
required transaction reporting plan for its Participants, which is a
prerequisite for their trading Eligible Securities. See Securities
Exchange Act Release No. 55647 (April 19, 2007), 72 FR 20891 (April
26, 2007).
\6\ See Transmittal Letter at 1.
The proposed Amendment has been filed by the Participants pursuant
to Rule 608(b)(2) under Regulation NMS.\7\ The Commission is publishing
this notice to solicit comments from interested persons on the proposed
\7\ 17 CFR 242.608(b)(2).
The Commission notes that, contemporaneously with the issuance of
this notice, it has issued a notice of proposed order (``Governance
Notice'') \8\ soliciting public comment on a proposed order that would
direct the national securities exchanges and the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority, Inc. (collectively, ``SROs'') to act jointly in
developing and filing with the Commission a proposed new single
national market system plan, which will replace the existing national
market system plans that govern the public dissemination of real-time,
consolidated equity market data for national market system stocks
(``Equity Data Plans''). The Commission stated in the Governance Notice
its view that, among other concerns,
\8\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 87906 (January 8,
[i]n the operation of the Equity Data Plans, Participants and
Participant representatives have been privy to confidential and
proprietary information of substantial commercial or competitive
value, including, among other things, information about core data
usage, the [securities information processors' or] SIPs' customer
lists, financial information, and subscriber audit results. However,
the terms of the Equity Data Plans do not address commercial use of
confidential or proprietary information by the Participants.\9\
\9\ Id. at A-67 (footnotes omitted).
The Governance Notice solicits public comment on a proposed order
that would direct the SROs to include provisions in the New Data Plan
(as defined in the Governance Notice) addressing several issues arising
from the current governance structure of the Plan, and discusses the
Commission's view that the new data plan should include provisions
regarding the treatment of confidential information.
In addition, contemporaneously with the publication of notice of
the Amendment set forth below, the Commission also is publishing a
separate proposed amendment from the Plan concerning a conflicts of
interest policy.
I. Text of the Amendment
Set forth below is the entirety of the Amendment submission that
the Participants filed with the Commission, which includes a statement
of the purpose and summary of the Amendment, along with the information
required by Rules 608(a) and 601(a) under the Act.\10\
\10\ See 17 CFR 242.608(a)(4) and (a)(5).
A. Purpose of the Amendment
1. Background
Under the provisions of the Plan, the Advisory Committee has the
right to attend all meetings of the Operating Committee and receive any
information concerning Plan matters distributed to the Operating
Committee. The Advisory Committee also can attend meetings of most
subcommittees. The Operating Committee, however, may meet in Executive
Session without the Advisory Committee to discuss items that require
confidential treatment, as determined by majority vote of the Operating
Committee. Last year, the Participants adopted an Executive Session
Policy, which provides a specified list of topics that are appropriate
for Executive Session. Those topics include:
Fees that require discussion of confidential financial
subscriber audit findings;
discussions that require the disclosure of Material Non-
Public Information;
financial reports containing confidential financial
the portion of a discussion or evaluation of administrator
and processor performance that includes confidential, non-public
contract negotiations, awards, and revocations that
contain non-public information;
Advisory Committee member selection;
litigation matters; and
confidential, non-public discussions with the SEC.
The Participants currently use Executive Sessions sparingly to
discuss confidential information. When used, the Executive Session
usually lasts less than thirty minutes and is used to discuss a limited
set of topics, often consisting of a single, discrete topic. Although
the Executive Session is sparingly used, the Participants are now
seeking additional ways to include the Advisory Committee in more
discussions and to share additional confidential information with the
Advisory Committee.
Therefore, the Participants are proposing a confidentiality policy
[[Page 2214]]
allow the Operating Committee to share confidential information with
the Advisory Committee without concern that such information would be
more broadly disseminated. By sharing information that would in the
ordinary course be considered appropriate for confidential treatment,
the Participants believe that the Advisory Committee will be able to
provide more informed advice and recommendations with respect to the
operation and governance of the Plan. Further, the confidentiality
policy is designed to protect against any potential misuse of
confidential information by: (1) Restricting the use and dissemination
of customer-related information; (2) requiring the Administrator and
Processor to maintain confidential information policies that will be
reviewed by the Operating Committee at least every two years; (3)
permitting disclosure of confidential information by a representative
of a Participant to other employees or agents of the Participant or its
affiliates only as needed to perform that representative's function on
behalf of the Participant; and (4) setting clear procedures regarding
the treatment of various forms of confidential information.
The Participants discussed this proposal extensively with the
Advisory Committee and this proposal reflects input and comments from
the members of the Advisory Committee.
2. Proposed Confidentiality Policy
In an effort to expand the information that the Operating Committee
may provide to the Advisory Committee, and also to provide guidelines
about what information can and cannot be shared outside the meetings of
the Operating Committee, the Participants are proposing to adopt a
confidentiality policy.
The proposed confidentiality policy would apply to all
representatives of the Participants, Pending Participants, the UTP
Administrator and Processor, and the Advisory Committee. Additionally,
it would apply to agents of the Operating Committee, including, but not
limited to, attorneys, advisors, accountants, contractors or
subcontractors (``Agents''), as well as any third parties invited to
attend meetings of the Operating Committee or Plan subcommittees. These
persons are collectively defined in the confidentiality policy as
``Covered Persons.'' \11\
\11\ Covered Persons would not include staff of the Commission.
The proposed confidentiality policy creates three categories of
confidential information: (1) Restricted Information; (2) Highly
Confidential Information; and (3) Confidential Information. Restricted
Information is defined as (i) highly sensitive customer-specific
financial information, (ii) customer-specific audit information, (iii)
other customer financial information, and (iv) Personal Identifiable
Information. Highly Confidential Information is defined as (i) any data
or information shared in an Executive Session or that would otherwise
qualify for confidential treatment pursuant to the Plan's Executive
Session Policy; \12\ and (ii) any other highly sensitive Participant-
specific, customer-specific, individual-specific, or otherwise
sensitive information relating to the Operating Committee,
Participants, or customers that is not otherwise Restricted
Information. Highly Confidential Information includes: A Participant's
contract negotiations with the Processor or Administrator; personnel
matters; information concerning the intellectual property of
Participants or customers; and any document subject to the Attorney-
Client Privilege or Work Product Doctrine. Finally, Confidential
Information is defined as (i) any non-public data or information
designated as Confidential by a majority vote of the Operating
Committee; (ii) any document generated by a Participant or Advisor and
designated by that Participant or Advisor as Confidential; (iii) the
minutes of the Operating Committee or any subcommittee thereof unless
approved by the Operating Committee for release to the public; and (iv)
the individual views and statements of Covered Persons and SEC staff
disclosed during a meeting of the Operating Committee or any
subcommittees thereunder.
\12\ Although Highly Confidential Information includes data or
information shared in an Executive Session, the Participants plan on
including more information in General Session rather than Executive
Session. The proposed confidentiality policy allows the Participants
to share more sensitive information with the Advisory Committee
without concerns that such information would be more broadly
disseminated. Therefore, the Participants intend to share additional
information, previously designated for Executive Session, with the
Advisory Committee, including confidential financial information.
The confidentiality policy outlines the procedures with respect to
identifying documents as Restricted, Highly Confidential, or
Confidential as well as the procedures regarding how to treat documents
and information in each category. With respect to general procedures,
the confidentiality policy places the obligation on the Administrator
and the Processor to be the custodian of all documents and to maintain
the classification of such documents. The Administrator will ensure
that all documents are properly labeled with the appropriate category.
The Administrator may, under delegated authority, designate documents
as Restricted, Highly Confidential, or Confidential, which will be
determinative unless altered by a majority vote of the Operating
Committee. Finally, all contracts between the Operating Committee and
its Agents will require the Operating Committee information to be
treated as Confidential Information that may not be disclosed to third
parties, except as necessary to effect the terms of the contract or as
required by law.
3. Procedures Governing Restricted Information
With respect to Restricted Information, the proposed
confidentiality policy provides that such information will be kept in
confidence by the Administrator and Processor and will not be disclosed
to the Operating Committee or any subcommittee thereof, or during
Executive Session, or the Advisory Committee, except in the following
1. If an Administrator determines that it is appropriate to share a
customer's financial information with the Operating Committee or a
subcommittee thereof, the Administrator will first anonymize the
information by redacting the customer's name and any other information
that may lead to the identification of the customer.
2. The Administrator may disclose the identity of a customer that
is the subject of the Restricted Information in Executive Session only
if the Administrator determines in good faith that it is necessary to
disclose the customer's identity in order to obtain input or feedback
from the Operating Committee or a subcommittee thereof about a matter
of importance to the Plan. In such an event, the Administrator will
change the designation of the information at issue from ``Restricted
Information'' to ``Highly Confidential Information.''
3. The Administrator may share Restricted Information related to
any willful, reckless, or grossly negligent conduct by a customer
discovered by the Administrator with the UTP Administrator or with the
SEC, as appropriate, upon majority vote of the Operating Committee in
Executive Session, provided that, in any report by the Administrator
during Executive Session related to such disclosure, the Administrator
anonymizes the information related to the wrongdoing
[[Page 2215]]
by removing the names of the party or parties involved, as well as any
other information that may lead to the identification of such party or
The Participants believe that the procedures governing Restricted
Information will ensure the protection of customer identities and
customer-related information, and such information will be disclosed
only when necessary to conduct Plan-related business.
4. Procedures Governing Highly Confidential Information
With respect to Highly Confidential Information, the proposed
confidentiality policy provides that such information may be disclosed
only in Executive Session of the Operating Committee or to the Legal
Subcommittee. Highly Confidential Information may also be disclosed to
SEC staff, unless it is protected by the Attorney-Client Privilege or
the Work Product Doctrine. Any disclosure of Highly Confidential
Information to SEC staff will be accompanied by a FOIA Confidential
Treatment Request. The confidentiality policy does not permit any other
disclosure of Highly Confidential Information.
In addition, a Covered Person that is a representative of a
Participant may disclose Highly Confidential Information to other
employees or agents of the Participant or its affiliates only as needed
for such Covered Person to perform his or her function on behalf of the
Participant, as reasonably determined by the Covered Person. A copy of
the confidentiality policy will be made available to recipients of such
information who are employees or agents of a Participant or its
affiliates that are not Covered Persons, who will be required to abide
by the confidentiality policy.
Further, because of the heightened concerns regarding the
disclosure of Highly Confidential Information, in the event a Covered
Person is determined by a majority vote of the Operating Committee to
have disclosed Highly Confidential Information, the Operating Committee
will determine the appropriate remedy for the breach based on the facts
and circumstances of the event. For the representatives of a
Participant, appropriate remedies include a letter of complaint
submitted to the SEC, which may be made public by the Operating
Committee. For a member of the Advisory Committee, appropriate remedies
include removal of that member from the Advisory Committee.
5. Procedures Governing Confidential Information
Under the proposed confidentiality policy, Confidential Information
may be disclosed to the Operating Committee, any subcommittee thereof,
and the Advisory Committee. A Covered Person may not disclose
Confidential Information to any individual that is not either a Covered
Person or a member of the SEC staff, except with authorization of the
Operating Committee, or as may be otherwise required by law. The
Operating Committee or a subcommittee thereof may authorize the
disclosure of Confidential Information by an affirmative vote of the
number of members that represent a majority of the total number of
members of the Operating Committee or subcommittee. However, with
respect to Confidential Information that is generated by a Participant
or member of the Advisory Committee, the Operating Committee may
authorize its disclosure only with the consent of such Participant or
member of the Advisory Committee.
In order to elicit industry feedback, members of the Advisory
Committee may be authorized by the Operating Committee to disclose
particular Confidential Information to enable them to consult with
third-party industry representatives or technical experts, provided
that the member of the Advisory Committee takes any steps requested by
the Operating Committee to prevent further dissemination of that
Confidential Information, including providing the individuals consulted
with a copy of the confidentiality policy and requesting that person to
maintain the confidentiality of such information in a manner consistent
with the confidentiality policy.
A Covered Person that is a representative of a Participant may
disclose Confidential Information to other employees or agents of the
Participant or its affiliates only as needed for such Covered Person to
perform his or her function on behalf of the Participant, as reasonably
determined by the Covered Person. A copy of the confidentiality policy
will be made available to recipients of such information who are
employees or agents of a Participant or its affiliates that are not
Covered Persons, who will be required to abide by the confidentiality
A Covered Person may disclose his or her own individual views and
statements that may otherwise be considered Confidential Information
without obtaining authorization of the Operating Committee provided
that the Covered Person is not disclosing the views or statements of
any other Covered Person or Participant that are considered
Confidential Information.
Finally, a Covered Person that discloses Confidential Information
without the authorization of the Operating Committee will report such
disclosure to the Chair of the Operating Committee. Such unauthorized
disclosure of Confidential Information will be recorded in the minutes
of the meeting of the Operating Committee and will contain: (a) The
name(s) of the person(s) who disclosed such Confidential Information,
and (b) a description of the Confidential Information disclosed. The
name(s) of the person(s) who disclosed such Confidential Information
will also be recorded in any publicly available summaries of Operating
Committee minutes.
B. Governing or Constituent Documents
Not applicable.
C. Implementation of Amendment
Each of the Participants has approved the amendment in accordance
with Section IV.C of the UTP Plan. The Participants also received and
incorporated feedback from the Advisory Committee in preparing the
confidentiality policy.
D. Development and Implementation Phases
Not applicable.
E. Analysis of Impact on Competition
The Participants believe that the proposed amendment does not
impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or appropriate
in furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
The Participants believe that the proposed confidentiality policy
will provide enhanced disclosure to the Advisory Committee regarding
matters that the Participants consider confidential information.
Currently, the Plan allows information to be discussed in Executive
Session when the Operating Committee determines that an item of Plan
business requires confidential treatment. Despite the confidential
nature of the information, the Participants believe that inclusion of
the Advisory Committee in certain discussions that involve confidential
information would be beneficial for the operation and governance of the
The confidentiality policy allows such information to be more
freely shared with the Advisory Committee without concerns that the
confidential information will be disseminated more broadly.
Additionally, the confidentiality policy provides guidance
[[Page 2216]]
to the representatives of Participants on how to treat confidential
information that they obtained through the course of participating on
the Operating Committee, thereby reducing confusion among the
representatives of the Participants. Finally, by requiring Agents of
the Operating Committee to adhere to the confidentiality policy, the
confidentiality policy will ensure that such Agents will be subject to
the same requirements as the Operating Committee when handling
confidential information.
Additionally, the proposed confidentiality policy will protect
customer-specific information in the possession of the Administrator
and Processor. The procedures surrounding the use of Restricted
Information will help to ensure that the dissemination of Restricted
Information is limited to instances when necessary for the operation of
the Plan. Further, the confidentiality policy requires the
Administrator and Processor to establish written confidential
information policies that provide for the protection of information
under their control. Therefore, the confidentiality policy is designed
to protect confidential information obtained or generated by the
Administrator and Processor in connection with the operation of the
Finally, as noted above, the proposal was vetted With the Advisory
Committee to include its input into a policy that would enhance the
amount of information available to the Advisory Committee.
F. Written Understanding or Agreement Relating to Interpretation of, or
Participating in Plan
Not applicable.
G. Approval by Sponsors in Accordance With Plan
Section IV.C.1 of the UTP Plan require the Participants to
unanimously approve the amendment proposed herein. They have so
approved it.
H. Description of Operation of Facility Contemplated by the Proposed
Not applicable.
I. Terms and Conditions of Access
Not applicable.
J. Method of Determination and Imposition and Amount of, Fees and
Not applicable.
K. Method and Frequency of Processor Evaluation
Not applicable.
L. Dispute Resolution
Not applicable.
II. Regulation NMS Rule 601(a)
A. Equity Securities for Which Transaction Reports Shall be Required by
the Plan
Not applicable.
B. Reporting Requirements
Not applicable.
C. Manner of Collecting, Processing, Sequencing, Making Available and
Disseminating Last Sale Information
Not applicable.
D. Manner of Consolidation
Not applicable.
E. Standards and Methods Ensuring Promptness, Accuracy and Completeness
of Transaction Reports
Not applicable.
F. Rules and Procedures Addressed to Fraudulent or Manipulative
Not applicable.
G. Terms of Access to Transaction Reports
Not applicable.
H. Identification of Marketplace of Execution
Not applicable.
III. Solicitation of Comments
The Commission seeks comments on the Amendment. Interested persons
are invited to submit written data, views, and comments concerning the
foregoing, including whether the Amendment is consistent with the Act
and the rules thereunder. Among other things, the Commission asks
commenters to consider whether the Amendment to the current Plan
addresses the concerns outlined in the Governance Notice or whether
they should be further enhanced regarding the identification and
protection of confidential information. Accordingly, the Commission
requests comments on matters including, but not limited to, the
1. Do commenters believe that Participants involved in the
operation or governance of each Plan have, by consequence of their
position, access to information of substantial commercial and
competitive value? If so, do commenters believe that certain of that
information, including customer-specific financial information,
customer-specific audit information, personally identifiable
information, and information concerning the intellectual property of
Participants or customers, is highly sensitive to such a degree that
its possession and use should be more tightly controlled? Please
explain. For example, should the Amendment require logs and written
attestations when a Covered Person shares Highly Confidential
Information with other employees or agents of the Participant or its
affiliates? Do commenters believe the Amendment should specifically
address commercial use of information that is of substantial
competitive value?
2. Do commenters believe that Participants' representatives should
be subject to restrictions and/or information barriers as part of the
confidentiality policy to address their direct or indirect involvement
in the development or sale of proprietary data products to SIP
customers? For example, do commenters believe that Participants' access
to a list of the Processor's customers as well as information on those
customers' data usage and fees paid to the Plan has competitive
implications? Do commenters believe that the Plan should require
recusal in certain circumstances (e.g., during Executive Sessions or
Operating Committee meetings) because the potential for misuse of
competitively sensitive confidential information is too great? If so,
what should those circumstances be? Do commenters believe that any
Participant or Advisory Committee member that is directly involved in
the management, sale, or development of similar proprietary market data
products that may be sold to customers of the SIPs should have access
to any customer information from the SIPs? Do commenters believe that
Operating Committee members, as well as the Administrator, Processor,
and auditor should be prohibited, unless otherwise required by law,
from sharing confidential information with individuals that are not
involved with the operation of the Plan and individuals employed by or
affiliated with the same entity if such individuals are involved in the
management, sale, or development of proprietary data products that are
offered separately to a substantially similar customer base, i.e.,
customers or potential customer of the SIPs? Would these concerns also
be present for the sale of related data products that are supplemental
to SIP data?
3. Do commenters believe that the Plan should require all
Participants and other Covered Persons to establish, maintain, and
enforce policies and procedures to safeguard confidential and
proprietary information received via their participation in the Plan
and to
[[Page 2217]]
prevent its misuse by such Participants or entities controlling,
controlled by, or under common control with such Participants? If so,
do commenters believe the proposed Amendment sufficiently achieves that
4. Do commenters believe the proposed guidelines and procedures for
identifying and categorizing types of confidential information,
including for providing increasing degrees of protection for more
sensitive types of confidential information, provide sufficient detail
and a sufficiently comprehensive process and procedures to identify,
classify, and subsequently protect confidential information? Or do
commenters believe that further efforts are necessary to identify,
categorize, and protect confidential information and/or information of
substantial competitive or commercial value? Do commenters believe that
a need may arise for information or data that are not initially
categorized as confidential to be categorized as such at a later point
in time and, if so, what should the process be for doing so? For
example, should the Operating Committee be able to classify or de-
classify material as appropriate based on a majority vote?
5. Do commenters believe that the Administrator and Processor
should be solely responsible for classifying material according to the
proposed standards? Or do commenters believe the decisions of the
Administrator and Processor should be subject to review, for example
upon the request of a member of the Operating Committee? Do commenters
believe that potential conflicts of interest should preclude the
Administrator and Processor from solely and independently making
classification determinations in those circumstances when entities with
which they are directly or indirectly affiliated separately offer
proprietary data products to a substantially similar customer base,
i.e., customers or potential customers of the SIPs?
6. Do commenters believe that certain information or data
generated, accessed, transmitted to, or discussed by the Operating
Committee, such as information regarding contract negotiations with a
potential new Processor, Administrator, auditor, or other third party
service provider, should be designated as confidential and, if so, what
level of confidentiality should such information be afforded?
7. Do commenters believe that information shared in Executive
Sessions should be classified as Highly Confidential simply by virtue
of it having been shared in an Executive Session, or should such
information be classified based solely on its content and competitive
8. Do commenters believe that information that is not classified at
some level of confidentiality should be considered public and may be
shared freely outside of the Operating Committee? What specific
information do commenters believe should be considered public and
shared outside of the Operating Committee?
9. Do commenters believe that the proposed guidelines and
procedures setting forth the circumstances in which disclosure of
confidential information may be authorized are sufficiently clear and
comprehensive? Do commenters believe that the proposed provisions
allowing Participants to disclose confidential and highly confidential
information to other employees or agents of the Participant or its
affiliates as needed as they reasonably determine is appropriate? Or do
commenters believe that, if a Participant is either employed by or
affiliated with an entity that offers proprietary data products that
are offered for sale to a substantially similar customer base (i.e.,
customer or potential customers of the SIPs), that Participant should
be required to develop policies and procedures that govern the sharing
of confidential information? Do commenters believe such policies and
procedures should be reviewed by the Operating Committee and Advisors
and made publicly available via the Plan's website? Do commenters
believe that the potential conflicts of interest involved and the
difficulty of mitigating the potential harm and potential burdens on
competition are so great that Participants should be explicitly
prohibited from disclosing restricted and confidential information at
all or only if authorized to do so on a case-by-case basis from the
Operating Committee, unless such disclosure is otherwise required by
law? If disclosure is required by law, should the Covered Person be
required to first notify the Operating Committee (e.g., to provide the
Operating Committee with an opportunity to redact information if
permitted by applicable law or to dispute the requirement to provide in
its entirety)?
10. Do commenters believe that certain confidential information may
become less sensitive if it is anonymized and aggregated? If so, do
commenters believe that certain types of restricted or highly
confidential information could be anonymized and aggregated to the
point where it could be classified as public? What methodology for
anonymizing confidential information would commenters suggest, and
should the methodology be standardized such that the Administrator,
Processor, and auditor all follow a consistent practice for anonymizing
such information? Do commenters believe that certain information is so
sensitive, whether anonymized or not, that it should never be shared
outside of the Operating Committee or outside of the Administrator?
11. Do commenters believe that the scope of the proposed Amendment
is sufficiently comprehensive to cover all parties that might have
access to confidential information, or should the scope be broadened to
apply to additional classes of persons? For example, should outsourced
service providers (including, but not limited to, firms and persons
that provide audit services, accounting services, or legal services to
the Plan, the Administrator, or the Processor) be subject to additional
restrictions, particularly if they are directly or indirectly
affiliated with a Participant, the Administrator, the Processor, or any
entity that offers separately proprietary data products to a
substantially similar customer base, i.e., customers or potential
customers of the SIPs? If so, should the Plan explicitly preclude
itself from engaging with an Administrator, Processor, auditor, or any
agents or third parties thereof, unless the entity establishes,
maintains, and enforces policies and procedures to safeguard
confidential and proprietary information and to prevent its direct or
indirect misuse? If so, should the Operating Committee review those
policies and procedures and/or should they be made public (i.e.,
provided on the Plan's website)? For example, if the Administrator
oversees a Plan's audit function (directly or through an agent or third
party) but also is affiliated with an entity that sells proprietary
data products to SIP customers, do commenters believe that potential
conflicts of interest should preclude the Administrator from
independently determining its own confidential information policies as
they apply to the audit function? Or, should such policies be subject
to review and approval by the Operating Committee, and be posted
publicly, to help ensure their adequacy and completeness?
12. Do commenters believe that Advisory Committee members need
access to sensitive information of substantial commercial and
competitive value in order to perform their duties? Do commenters
believe that the Advisory Committee members need access to underlying
information relied on by the Participants when making
[[Page 2218]]
decisions on funding of and improvements for the SIPs?
13. Do commenters believe the proposed remedy in the event that a
Covered Person discloses ``Highly Confidential Information'' in a
manner inconsistent with the proposed policy is sufficient, or should
any other consequences of such disclosure be provided?
14. Similarly, do commenters believe the Amendment would
sufficiently deter unauthorized disclosure of ``Confidential
Information'' by a Covered Person without authorization by the
Operating Committee? Do commenters believe appropriate remedies for
Participants and Advisors should differ, or should potential remedies
for Participants that disclose confidential information also include
the possibility of removal of that Participant from the Operating
Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:
Electronic Comments
Use the Commission's internet comment form (; or
Send an email to [email protected]. Please include
File Number S7-24-89 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.
All submissions should refer to File Number S7-24-89. This file number
should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please
use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the
Commission's website ( Copies of
the submission, all written statements with respect to the proposed
Amendment that are filed with the Commission, and all written
communications relating to the proposed Amendment between the
Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from
the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and printing in the Commission's Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00p.m. Copies of
the filing also will be available for website viewing and printing at
the principal office of the Plan. All comments received will be posted
without change. Persons submitting comments are cautioned that we do
not redact or edit personal identifying information from comment
submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions should refer to File Number S7-24-
89 and should be submitted on or before February 4, 2020.
By the Commission.
Vanessa A. Countryman,
[FR Doc. 2020-00358 Filed 1-13-20; 8:45 am]