Glycine From Thailand: Antidumping Duty Order, 55912-55913 [2019-22764]

Download as PDF 55912 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2019 / Notices dividing the amount of dumping for reviewed sales to the importer by the total sales quantity associated with those transactions. Where an importerspecific ad valorem assessment rate is not zero or de minimis, Commerce will instruct CBP to collect the appropriate duties at the time of liquidation. Where either the respondent’s weighted average dumping margin is zero or de minimis, or an importer-specific ad valorem assessment rate is zero or de minimis, Commerce will instruct CBP to liquidate appropriate entries without regard to antidumping duties.19 Pursuant to Commerce practice, for entries that were not reported in the U.S. sales database submitted by an exporter individually examined during this review, Commerce will instruct CBP to liquidate such entries at the rate for the China-wide entity.20 Additionally, if Commerce determines that an exporter under review had no shipments of the subject merchandise, any suspended entries that entered under that exporter’s CBP case number will be liquidated at the rate for the China-wide entity. For the companies for which this review is rescinded, antidumping duties will be assessed at rates equal to the cash deposit of estimated antidumping duties required at the time of entry, or withdrawal from warehouse, for consumption, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.212(c)(l)(i). Commerce intends to issue appropriate assessment instructions with respect to the companies for which this review is rescinded to CBP 15 days after the publication of this notice. In accordance with section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act, the final results of this review shall be the basis for the assessment of antidumping duties on POR entries, and for future deposits of estimated antidumping duties, where applicable. Cash Deposit Requirements Commerce will instruct CBP to require a cash deposit for antidumping duties equal to the weighted-average amount by which NV exceeds U.S. price. The following cash deposit requirements will be effective upon publication of the final results of this administrative review for shipments of the subject merchandise from China entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the publication date of this notice, as provided by section 751(a)(2)(C) of the 19 See Final Modification, 77 FR at 8103. Non-Market Economy Antidumping Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694 (October 24, 2011), for a full discussion of this practice. 20 See VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:37 Oct 17, 2019 Jkt 250001 Act: (1) For the exporters listed above, the cash deposit rate will be equal to the weighted-average dumping margin established in the final results of this review (except that, if the rate is de minimis (i.e., less than 0.5 percent), then the cash deposit rate will be zero for that exporter); (2) for previously investigated or reviewed China and nonChina exporters not listed above that have separate rates, the cash deposit rate will continue to be the exporter-specific rate published for the most recently completed segment of this proceeding; (3) for all China exporters of subject merchandise which have not been found to be entitled to a separate rate, the cash deposit rate will be the rate for the China-wide entity (i.e., 76.46 percent); 21 and (4) for all non-China exporters of subject merchandise that have not received their own rate, the cash deposit rate will be the rate applicable to the China exporter that supplied that non-China exporter. These deposit requirements, when imposed, shall remain in effect until further notice. Notification to Importers This notice also serves as a preliminary reminder to importers of their responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties and/or countervailing duties prior to liquidation of the relevant entries during this POR. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in Commerce’s presumption that reimbursement of antidumping duties and/or countervailing duties has occurred, and the subsequent assessment of double antidumping duties and/or an increase in the amount of antidumping duties by the amount of the countervailing duties. These preliminary results are issued and published in accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.213 and 351.221(b)(4). Dated: October 10, 2019. Jeffrey I. Kessler, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance. Appendix I List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum I. Summary II. Background III. Partial Rescission of Administrative Review IV. Scope of the Order V. Discussion of the Methodology 21 See PO 00000 AD Order, 80 FR at 47904. Frm 00011 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 VI. Recommendation Appendix II List of Companies Not Receiving Separate Rate Status 1. Pirelli Tyre Co., Ltd. 2. Qingdao Odyking Tyre Co., Ltd. 3. Tianjin Wanda Tyre Group Co., Ltd. [FR Doc. 2019–22762 Filed 10–17–19; 8:45 a.m.] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A–549–837] Glycine From Thailand: Antidumping Duty Order Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC), Commerce is issuing an antidumping duty order on glycine from Thailand. DATES: Applicable October 18, 2019. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Smith at (202) 482–1766 or Jesus Saenz at (202) 482–8184, AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: AGENCY: Background On August 5, 2019, Commerce published its affirmative final determination in the less-than-fair-value (LTFV) investigation of glycine from Thailand.1 On October 8, 2019, the ITC notified Commerce of its final affirmative determination, pursuant to section 735(d) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), that an industry in the United States is materially injured within the meaning of section 735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act by reason of LTFV imports of glycine from Thailand.2 Further, the ITC determined that critical circumstances do not exist with respect to LTFV imports of glycine from Thailand. 1 See Glycine from Thailand: Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Final Affirmative Determination of Critical Circumstances in Part, 84 FR 37998 (August 5, 2019) (Final Determination). 2 See ITC Notification Letter to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance, referencing ITC Investigation No. 731– TA–1415 (October 8, 2019) (ITC Notification). E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2019 / Notices Scope of the Order The product covered by this order is glycine from Thailand. For a complete description of the scope of this order, see the Appendix to this notice. Antidumping Duty Order On October 8, 2019, in accordance with sections 735(b)(1)(A)(i) and 735(d) of the Act, the ITC notified Commerce of its final determination in this investigation, in which it found that an industry in the United States is materially injured by reason of imports of glycine from Thailand.3 As a result, and in accordance with sections 735(c)(2) and 736 of the Act, Commerce is issuing and publishing this antidumping duty order. Because the ITC determined that imports of glycine from Thailand are materially injuring a U.S. industry, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to assess antidumping duties on the subject merchandise from Thailand. As a result of the ITC Notification, in accordance with section 736(a) of the Act, Commerce will direct CBP to assess, upon further instruction by Commerce, antidumping duties equal to the amount by which the normal value of the merchandise exceeds the export price (or constructed export price) of the merchandise, for all relevant entries of glycine from Thailand. Antidumping duties will be assessed on unliquidated entries of glycine from Thailand entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after August 5, 2019, the date of publication of the Final Determination.4 Continuation of Suspension of Liquidation In accordance with section 735(c)(1)(B) and (C) and section 736 of the Act, Commerce will instruct CBP to continue to suspend liquidation on all relevant entries of glycine from Thailand. We intend to instruct CBP to require, at the same time as importers would normally deposit estimated import duties on this merchandise, cash deposits of estimated antidumping duties for each entry of subject merchandise equal to the rates noted below. The all-others rate applies to all other producers or exporters not specifically listed. These instructions suspending liquidation will remain in effect until further notice. Critical Circumstances The ITC found no critical circumstances on LTFV imports of glycine from Thailand. Accordingly, we 3 Id. 4 See Final Determination. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:37 Oct 17, 2019 Jkt 250001 will instruct CBP to lift suspension and to refund all cash deposits made to secure the payment of estimated antidumping duties with respect to entries of glycine from Thailand entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after May 7, 2019 (i.e., 90 days prior to the date of publication of the Final Determination), but before August 5, 2019 (i.e., the date of publication of the Final Determination). Estimated Weighted-Average Dumping Margins The estimated weighted-average antidumping duty margins are as follows: Estimated weightedaverage dumping margin (percent) Exporter or producer Newtrend Food Ingredient (Thailand) Co., Ltd .............................................. All Others .............................................. 227.17 201.59 Notifications to Interested Parties This notice constitutes the antidumping duty order with respect to glycine from Thailand pursuant to section 736(a) of the Act. Interested parties can find a list of antidumping duty orders currently in effect at https:// iastatsl.html. This order is published in accordance with section 736(a) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.211(b). Dated: October 10, 2019. Jeffrey I. Kessler, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance. Appendix Scope of the Order The merchandise covered by this order is glycine at any purity level or grade. This includes glycine of all purity levels, which covers all forms of crude or technical glycine including, but not limited to, sodium glycinate, glycine slurry and any other forms of amino acetic acid or glycine. Subject merchandise also includes glycine and precursors of dried crystalline glycine that are processed in a third country, including, but not limited to, refining or any other processing that would not otherwise remove the merchandise from the scope of this order if performed in the country of manufacture of the in-scope glycine or precursors of dried crystalline glycine. Glycine has the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number of 56–40–6. Glycine and glycine slurry are classified under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheading 2922.49.43.00. Sodium glycinate is classified in the HTSUS under 2922.49.80.00. While the HTSUS subheadings and CAS registry number are provided for convenience and PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 55913 customs purposes, the written description of the scope of this order is dispositive. [FR Doc. 2019–22764 Filed 10–17–19; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C–570–017] Certain Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires From the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review and Rescission, in Part, 2017 Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that certain producers and exporters of passenger vehicle and light truck tires (passenger tires) from the People’s Republic of China (China) received countervailable subsidies during the period of review (POR) January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. DATES: Applicable October 18, 2019. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Andrew Huston, AD/CVD Operations, Office VII, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–4261. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: AGENCY: Background On August 10, 2015, Commerce issued a countervailing duty (CVD) order on passenger tires from China.1 Several interested parties requested that Commerce conduct an administrative review of the CVD Order, and on October 4, 2018, Commerce published in the Federal Register a notice of initiation of an administrative review of the CVD Order for 46 producers/ exporters for the POR.2 Commerce exercised its discretion to toll all deadlines affected by the partial federal government closure from December 22, 2018 through the resumption of operations on January 29, 2019.3 1 See Certain Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires from the People’s Republic of China: Amended Final Affirmative Antidumping Duty Determination and Antidumping Duty Order; and Amended Final Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination and Countervailing Duty Order, 80 FR 47902 (August 10, 2015) (CVD Order). 2 See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, 83 FR 50077 (October 4, 2018) (Initiation Notice). 3 See Memorandum to the Record from Gary Taverman, Deputy Assistant Secretary for E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM Continued 18OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 202 (Friday, October 18, 2019)]
[Pages 55912-55913]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-22764]



International Trade Administration


Glycine From Thailand: Antidumping Duty Order

AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

SUMMARY: Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of 
Commerce (Commerce) and the International Trade Commission (ITC), 
Commerce is issuing an antidumping duty order on glycine from Thailand.

DATES: Applicable October 18, 2019.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Smith at (202) 482-1766 or Jesus 
Saenz at (202) 482-8184, AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, 
International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230.



    On August 5, 2019, Commerce published its affirmative final 
determination in the less-than-fair-value (LTFV) investigation of 
glycine from Thailand.\1\ On October 8, 2019, the ITC notified Commerce 
of its final affirmative determination, pursuant to section 735(d) of 
the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), that an industry in the 
United States is materially injured within the meaning of section 
735(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act by reason of LTFV imports of glycine from 
Thailand.\2\ Further, the ITC determined that critical circumstances do 
not exist with respect to LTFV imports of glycine from Thailand.

    \1\ See Glycine from Thailand: Final Determination of Sales at 
Less Than Fair Value and Final Affirmative Determination of Critical 
Circumstances in Part, 84 FR 37998 (August 5, 2019) (Final 
    \2\ See ITC Notification Letter to the Deputy Assistant 
Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance, referencing ITC 
Investigation No. 731-TA-1415 (October 8, 2019) (ITC Notification).


[[Page 55913]]

Scope of the Order

    The product covered by this order is glycine from Thailand. For a 
complete description of the scope of this order, see the Appendix to 
this notice.

Antidumping Duty Order

    On October 8, 2019, in accordance with sections 735(b)(1)(A)(i) and 
735(d) of the Act, the ITC notified Commerce of its final determination 
in this investigation, in which it found that an industry in the United 
States is materially injured by reason of imports of glycine from 
Thailand.\3\ As a result, and in accordance with sections 735(c)(2) and 
736 of the Act, Commerce is issuing and publishing this antidumping 
duty order. Because the ITC determined that imports of glycine from 
Thailand are materially injuring a U.S. industry, Commerce will 
instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to assess antidumping 
duties on the subject merchandise from Thailand.

    \3\ Id.

    As a result of the ITC Notification, in accordance with section 
736(a) of the Act, Commerce will direct CBP to assess, upon further 
instruction by Commerce, antidumping duties equal to the amount by 
which the normal value of the merchandise exceeds the export price (or 
constructed export price) of the merchandise, for all relevant entries 
of glycine from Thailand. Antidumping duties will be assessed on 
unliquidated entries of glycine from Thailand entered, or withdrawn 
from warehouse, for consumption on or after August 5, 2019, the date of 
publication of the Final Determination.\4\

    \4\ See Final Determination.

Continuation of Suspension of Liquidation

    In accordance with section 735(c)(1)(B) and (C) and section 736 of 
the Act, Commerce will instruct CBP to continue to suspend liquidation 
on all relevant entries of glycine from Thailand. We intend to instruct 
CBP to require, at the same time as importers would normally deposit 
estimated import duties on this merchandise, cash deposits of estimated 
antidumping duties for each entry of subject merchandise equal to the 
rates noted below. The all-others rate applies to all other producers 
or exporters not specifically listed. These instructions suspending 
liquidation will remain in effect until further notice.

Critical Circumstances

    The ITC found no critical circumstances on LTFV imports of glycine 
from Thailand. Accordingly, we will instruct CBP to lift suspension and 
to refund all cash deposits made to secure the payment of estimated 
antidumping duties with respect to entries of glycine from Thailand 
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after May 
7, 2019 (i.e., 90 days prior to the date of publication of the Final 
Determination), but before August 5, 2019 (i.e., the date of 
publication of the Final Determination).

Estimated Weighted-Average Dumping Margins

    The estimated weighted-average antidumping duty margins are as 

                    Exporter or producer                        dumping
Newtrend Food Ingredient (Thailand) Co., Ltd................      227.17
All Others..................................................      201.59

Notifications to Interested Parties

    This notice constitutes the antidumping duty order with respect to 
glycine from Thailand pursuant to section 736(a) of the Act. Interested 
parties can find a list of antidumping duty orders currently in effect 
    This order is published in accordance with section 736(a) of the 
Act and 19 CFR 351.211(b).

    Dated: October 10, 2019.
Jeffrey I. Kessler,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.


Scope of the Order

    The merchandise covered by this order is glycine at any purity 
level or grade. This includes glycine of all purity levels, which 
covers all forms of crude or technical glycine including, but not 
limited to, sodium glycinate, glycine slurry and any other forms of 
amino acetic acid or glycine. Subject merchandise also includes 
glycine and precursors of dried crystalline glycine that are 
processed in a third country, including, but not limited to, 
refining or any other processing that would not otherwise remove the 
merchandise from the scope of this order if performed in the country 
of manufacture of the in-scope glycine or precursors of dried 
crystalline glycine. Glycine has the Chemical Abstracts Service 
(CAS) registry number of 56-40-6. Glycine and glycine slurry are 
classified under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States 
(HTSUS) subheading 2922.49.43.00. Sodium glycinate is classified in 
the HTSUS under 2922.49.80.00. While the HTSUS subheadings and CAS 
registry number are provided for convenience and customs purposes, 
the written description of the scope of this order is dispositive.

[FR Doc. 2019-22764 Filed 10-17-19; 8:45 am]
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