Artificial Intelligence Standards, 18490-18492 [2019-08818]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 84 / Wednesday, May 1, 2019 / Notices
the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement
and Compliance.
Commerce determines that the
following estimated countervailable
subsidy rates exist:
The subsidy rate calculations in the
Preliminary Determination were based
on AFA.10 As noted above, there are no
changes to the calculations. Thus, no
additional disclosure is necessary for
this final determination.
Suspension of Liquidation
As a result of our Preliminary
Determination, and pursuant to sections
703(d)(1)(B) and (2) of the Act, we
instructed U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) to suspend liquidation
of all entries of glycine from China that
were entered, or withdrawn from
warehouse, for consumption, on or after
September 4, 2018, the date of
publication of the Preliminary
Determination in the Federal Register.11
Additionally, in accordance with
section 703(d) of the Act, we issued
instructions to CBP to discontinue the
suspension of liquidation for CVD
purposes for subject merchandise
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption on or after January 2,
If the U.S. International Trade
Commission (the ITC) issues a final
affirmative injury determination, we
will issue a countervailing duty (CVD)
order, will reinstate the suspension of
liquidation under section 706(a) of the
Act, and will require a cash deposit of
estimated CVDs for such entries of
subject merchandise in the amounts
indicated above. If the ITC determines
that material injury, or threat of material
injury, does not exist, this proceeding
will be terminated, and all estimated
duties deposited or securities posted as
a result of the suspension of liquidation
will be refunded or canceled.
jbell on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
International Trade Commission
In accordance with section 705(d) of
the Act, we will notify the ITC of our
determination. In addition, we are
making available to the ITC all nonprivileged and non-proprietary
information related to this investigation.
We will allow the ITC access to all
privileged and business proprietary
information in our files, provided the
ITC confirms that it will not disclose
such information, either publicly or
under an administrative protective order
(APO), without the written consent of
Notification Regarding Administrative
Protective Orders
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to APOs of their
responsibility concerning the
disposition of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely
written notification of the return or
destruction of APO materials or
conversion to judicial protective order,
is hereby requested. Failure to comply
with the regulations and the terms of an
APO is a sanctionable violation.
Notification to Interested Parties
This determination is issued and
published pursuant to sections 705(d)
and 777(i) of the Act.
Dated: April 24, 2019.
Jeffrey I. Kessler,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Scope of the Investigation
The merchandise covered by this
investigation is glycine at any purity level or
grade. This includes glycine of all purity
levels, which covers all forms of crude or
technical glycine including, but not limited
to, sodium glycinate, glycine slurry and any
other forms of amino acetic acid or glycine.
Subject merchandise also includes glycine
and precursors of dried crystalline glycine
that are processed in a third country,
including, but not limited to, refining or any
other processing that would not otherwise
remove the merchandise from the scope of
this investigation if performed in the country
of manufacture of the in-scope glycine or
precursors of dried crystalline glycine.
Glycine has the Chemical Abstracts Service
(CAS) registry number of 56–40–6. Glycine
and glycine slurry are classified under
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United
States (HTSUS) subheading 2922.49.43.00.
Sodium glycinate is classified in the HTSUS
under 2922.49.80.00. While the HTSUS
subheadings and CAS registry number are
provided for convenience and customs
purposes, the written description of the
scope of this investigation is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2019–08826 Filed 4–30–19; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Standards and
[Docket Number: [190312229–9229–01]]
Artificial Intelligence Standards
10 See
Preliminary Decision Memorandum at
Appendix—‘‘AFA Rate Calculation.’’
11 See Preliminary Determination, 83 FR at
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National Institute of Standards
and Technology, U.S. Department of
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Notice; Request for Information
The February 11, 2019,
Executive Order on Maintaining
American Leadership in Artificial
Intelligence (AI) directs the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) to create a plan for Federal
engagement in the development of
technical standards and related tools in
support of reliable, robust, and
trustworthy systems that use AI
technologies (Plan). This notice requests
information to help NIST understand
the current state, plans, challenges, and
opportunities regarding the
development and availability of AI
technical standards and related tools, as
well as priority areas for federal
involvement in AI standards-related
activities. To assist in developing the
Plan, NIST will consult with Federal
agencies, the private sector, academia,
non-governmental entities, and other
stakeholders with interest in and
expertise relating to AI.
Comments in response to this
notice must be received May 31, 2019.
Written comments in
response to this RFI may be submitted
by mail to AI-Standards, National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2000,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899. Online
submissions in electronic form may be
sent to
Submissions may be in any of the
following formats: HTML, ASCII, Word,
RTF, or PDF. Please cite ‘‘RFI:
Developing a Federal AI Standards
Engagement Plan’’ in all
correspondence. All relevant comments
received by the deadline will be posted
at and without change or
redaction, so commenters should not
include information they do not wish to
be posted (e.g., personal or confidential
business information). Comments that
contain profanity, vulgarity, threats, or
other inappropriate language or content
will not be posted or considered.
questions about this RFI contact: Elham
Tabassi, NIST, MS 8900, 100 Bureau
Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899,
telephone (301) 975–5292, email Please direct
media inquiries to NIST’s Public Affairs
Office at (301) 975–NIST.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 84 / Wednesday, May 1, 2019 / Notices
jbell on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
Genesis of the Plan for Federal
Engagement in Artificial Intelligence
The Executive Order (E.O.) on AI 1
states that ‘‘[c]ontinued American
leadership in AI is of paramount
importance to maintaining the economic
and national security of the United
States and to shaping the global
evolution of AI in a manner consistent
with our Nation’s values, policies, and
priorities.’’ Accordingly, Section 1 of
the E.O. calls for a coordinated Federal
Government strategy, the American AI
Initiative, and notes that the U.S. must
drive development of appropriate AI
technical standards in order to enable
the creation of new AI-related industries
and the adoption of AI by today’s
industries. This can be achieved
through the work and partnership of
industry, academia, and government.
Section 1(d) of the E.O. states that the
U.S. must foster public trust and
confidence in AI technologies and
protect civil liberties, privacy, and
American values in their application in
order to fully realize the potential of AI
technologies for the American people.
Section 2(d) of the E.O. directs
Federal agencies to ensure that technical
standards minimize vulnerability to
attacks from malicious actors and reflect
Federal priorities for innovation, public
trust, and public confidence, and to
develop international standards to
promote and protect those priorities.
Section 6(d) of the E.O. directs the
Secretary of Commerce, acting through
the Director of NIST, to issue a Plan for
Federal engagement in the development
of technical standards and related tools
in support of reliable, robust, and
trustworthy systems that use AI
technologies. It further directs NIST to
lead the development of the Plan with
participation from relevant agencies, as
determined by the Secretary of
Approach for Developing This Plan
NIST will develop the Plan in a
manner that fulfills the objectives of the
E.O. and is consistent with relevant
provisions of the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) Circular A–119,
‘‘Federal Participation in the
Development and Use of Voluntary
Consensus Standards and in Conformity
Assessment Activities,’’ and NIST’s
mission to promote U.S. innovation and
industrial competitiveness. NIST has a
special interest in advancing the
development and use of standards relied
upon by all sectors of the economy and
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society, recognizing that the vast
majority of standards are developed
through a voluntary process led by the
private sector.
NIST will be informed through an
open process that will include this RFI
and other opportunities, such as a
public workshop, to provide input.
NIST expects to develop a draft Plan on
which it will seek comment from the
public and Federal agencies.
Information about this effort, including
ways to provide input, and future steps,
will be available at https://
Goals of This Request for Information
Timely and fit-for-purpose AI
technical standards—whether
developed by national or international
organizations—will play a crucial role
in the development and deployment of
AI technologies, and will be essential in
building trust and confidence about AI
technologies and for achieving
economies of scale.
NIST seeks to understand the:
• Current status and plans regarding
the availability, use, and development
of AI technical standards and tools in
support of reliable, robust, and
trustworthy systems that use AI
• Needs and challenges regarding the
existence, availability, use, and
development of AI standards and tools;
• The current and potential future
role of Federal agencies regarding the
existence, availability, use, and
development of AI technical standards
and tools in order to meet the nation’s
For purposes of this Plan,2 AI
technologies and systems are considered
2 This RFI is intended to be broadly directed to
any and all technologies that might be considered
AI by the US Government and other interested
parties. AI systems have been defined in different
ways, and this RFI is directed to any information
that might fall within any of these definitions. See,
for example, section 238(g) of the John S. McCain
National Defense Authorization Act, 2019 (Pub. L.
115–232), in which AI is defined to include the
(1) Any artificial system that performs tasks
under varying and unpredictable circumstances
without significant human oversight, or that can
learn from experience and improve performance
when exposed to data sets;
(2) An artificial system developed in computer
software, physical hardware, or other context that
solves tasks requiring human-like perception,
cognition, planning, learning, communication, or
physical action;
(3) An artificial system designed to think or act
like a human, including cognitive architectures and
neural networks;
(4) A set of techniques, including machine
learning, that is designed to approximate a
cognitive task; and
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to be comprised of software and/or
hardware that can learn to solve
complex problems, make predictions or
solve tasks that require human-like
sensing (such as vision, speech, and
touch), perception, cognition, planning,
learning, communication, or physical
action. Examples are wide-ranging and
expanding rapidly. They include, but
are not limited to, AI assistants,
computer vision systems, automated
vehicles, unmanned aerial systems,
voicemail transcriptions, advanced
game-playing software, facial
recognition systems as well as
application of AI in both Information
Technology (IT) and Operational
Technology (OT).
Responding to This Request for
The scope of this RFI includes AI
technical standards and related tools
regardless of origin or use.3
Respondents may define ‘‘standards’’ as
they desire, indicating clearly what they
mean when using the term. AI technical
standards and related tools should
include those necessary or helpful to
reduce barriers to the safe testing and
deployment of AI and to support
reliable, robust, and trustworthy
systems that use AI technologies.
Respondents may define tools as
broadly or as narrowly as they wish.
They should indicate clearly what they
mean when using specific terms (e.g.,
practices, datasets, guidelines). An
illustrative, non-exclusive list of
standards-related tools includes:
• Test tools (e.g., executable test
code) for conformance testing,
performance testing, stress testing,
interoperability testing, and other
• Use cases;
• Reference data and datasets;
• Reference implementations; and
• Training programs.
Where this RFI uses the term
‘‘organizations,’’ it refers to private,
public, and non-profit bodies, and
(5) An artificial system designed to act rationally,
including an intelligent software agent or embodied
robot that achieves goals using perception,
planning, reasoning, learning, communicating,
decision making, and acting.
3 OMB Circular A–119 defines standards broadly
to include: (1) Common and repeated use of rules,
conditions, guidelines or characteristics for
products or related processes and production
methods, and related management systems
practices; and (2) The definition of terms;
classification of components; delineation of
procedures; specification of dimensions, materials,
performance, designs, or operations; measurement
of quality and quantity in describing materials,
processes, products, systems, services, or practices;
test methods and sampling procedures; or
descriptions of fit and measurements of size or
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 84 / Wednesday, May 1, 2019 / Notices
jbell on DSK30RV082PROD with NOTICES
includes both national and international
organizations. If desired, commenters
may provide information about: The
type, size, and location of their
organization(s); and whether their
organization develops AI technology
and related tools; uses or potentially
uses AI technology and related tools;
and/or participates in the development
of AI standards or related tools.
Provision of such information is
optional and will not affect NIST’s full
consideration of the comment.
Comments containing references—
including specific standards and related
tools—studies, research, and other
empirical data that are not widely
published (e.g., available on the
internet) should include paper or
electronic copies of those materials,
unless they are restricted due to
copyright or are otherwise proprietary.
In those cases, NIST encourages
respondents to provide clear
descriptions and designations of those
references. Do not include in comments
or otherwise submit any information
deemed to be proprietary, private, or in
any way confidential, as all comments
relevant to this RFI topic area that are
received by the deadline will be made
available publicly at https:// and
The following list of topics covers the
major areas about which NIST seeks
information. This list is not intended to
limit the topics that may be addressed
by respondents, who may provide
information about any topic which
would inform the development of the
Plan. Possible topics, subdivided by
area, are:
AI Technical Standards and Related
Tools Development: Status and Plans
1. AI technical standards and tools
that have been developed, and the
developing organization, including the
aspects of AI these standards and tools
address, and whether they address
sector-specific needs or are cross-sector
in nature;
2. Reliable sources of information
about the availability and use of AI
technical standards and tools;
3. The needs for AI technical
standards and related tools. How those
needs should be determined, and
challenges in identifying and
developing those standards and tools;
4. AI technical standards and related
tools that are being developed, and the
developing organization, including the
aspects of AI these standards and tools
address, and whether they address
sector-specific needs or are cross sector
in nature;
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5. Any supporting roadmaps or
similar documents about plans for
developing AI technical standards and
6. Whether the need for AI technical
standards and related tools is being met
in a timely way by organizations; and
7. Whether sector-specific AI
technical standards needs are being
addressed by sector-specific
organizations, or whether those who
need AI standards will rely on crosssector standards which are intended to
be useful across multiple sectors.
8. Technical standards and guidance
that are needed to establish and advance
trustworthy aspects (e.g., accuracy,
transparency, security, privacy, and
robustness) of AI technologies.
Defining and Achieving U.S. AI
Technical Standards Leadership
9. The urgency of the U.S. need for AI
technical standards and related tools,
and what U.S. effectiveness and
leadership in AI technical standards
development should look like;
10. Where the U.S. currently is
effective and/or leads in AI technical
standards development, and where it is
11. Specific opportunities for, and
challenges to, U.S. effectiveness and
leadership in standardization related to
AI technologies; and
12. How the U.S. can achieve and
maintain effectiveness and leadership in
AI technical standards development.
Prioritizing Federal Government
Engagement in AI Standardization
13. The unique needs of the Federal
government and individual agencies for
AI technical standards and related tools,
and whether they are important for
broader portions of the U.S. economy
and society, or strictly for Federal
14. The type and degree of Federal
agencies’ current and needed
involvement in AI technical standards
to address the needs of the Federal
15. How the Federal government
should prioritize its engagement in the
development of AI technical standards
and tools that have broad, cross-sectoral
application versus sector- or
application-specific standards and tools;
16. The adequacy of the Federal
government’s current approach for
government engagement in standards
development,4 which emphasizes
4 See the National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act,
standardsgov/national-technology-transfer-andadvancement-act-1995, and OMB Circular A–119,
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private sector leadership, and, more
specifically, the appropriate role and
activities for the Federal government to
ensure the desired and timely
development of AI standards for Federal
and non-governmental uses;
17. Examples of Federal involvement
in the standards arena (e.g., via its role
in communications, participation, and
use) that could serve as models for the
Plan, and why they are appropriate
approaches; and
18. What actions, if any, the Federal
government should take to help ensure
that desired AI technical standards are
useful and incorporated into practice.
Kevin A. Kimball,
Chief of Staff.
[FR Doc. 2019–08818 Filed 4–30–19; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Standards and
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Analysis of
Exoskeleton-Use for Enhancing
Human Performance Data Collection
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before July 1, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
1401 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
internet at
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Elizabeth Reinhart, NIST
Management and Organization Office,
100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD
20899; 301–975–8707;
I. Abstract
Exoskeletons—sometimes called
wearable robots—are a very rapidly
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 84 (Wednesday, May 1, 2019)]
[Pages 18490-18492]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-08818]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
[Docket Number: [190312229-9229-01]]
Artificial Intelligence Standards
AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department
of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; Request for Information (RFI).
SUMMARY: The February 11, 2019, Executive Order on Maintaining American
Leadership in Artificial Intelligence (AI) directs the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create a plan for
Federal engagement in the development of technical standards and
related tools in support of reliable, robust, and trustworthy systems
that use AI technologies (Plan). This notice requests information to
help NIST understand the current state, plans, challenges, and
opportunities regarding the development and availability of AI
technical standards and related tools, as well as priority areas for
federal involvement in AI standards-related activities. To assist in
developing the Plan, NIST will consult with Federal agencies, the
private sector, academia, non-governmental entities, and other
stakeholders with interest in and expertise relating to AI.
DATES: Comments in response to this notice must be received May 31,
ADDRESSES: Written comments in response to this RFI may be submitted by
mail to AI-Standards, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2000, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. Online submissions
in electronic form may be sent to [email protected]. Submissions
may be in any of the following formats: HTML, ASCII, Word, RTF, or PDF.
Please cite ``RFI: Developing a Federal AI Standards Engagement Plan''
in all correspondence. All relevant comments received by the deadline
will be posted at and without change or redaction, so
commenters should not include information they do not wish to be posted
(e.g., personal or confidential business information). Comments that
contain profanity, vulgarity, threats, or other inappropriate language
or content will not be posted or considered.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions about this RFI contact:
Elham Tabassi, NIST, MS 8900, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899,
telephone (301) 975-5292, email [email protected]. Please direct
media inquiries to NIST's Public Affairs Office at (301) 975-NIST.
[[Page 18491]]
Genesis of the Plan for Federal Engagement in Artificial Intelligence
The Executive Order (E.O.) on AI \1\ states that ``[c]ontinued
American leadership in AI is of paramount importance to maintaining the
economic and national security of the United States and to shaping the
global evolution of AI in a manner consistent with our Nation's values,
policies, and priorities.'' Accordingly, Section 1 of the E.O. calls
for a coordinated Federal Government strategy, the American AI
Initiative, and notes that the U.S. must drive development of
appropriate AI technical standards in order to enable the creation of
new AI-related industries and the adoption of AI by today's industries.
This can be achieved through the work and partnership of industry,
academia, and government.
Section 1(d) of the E.O. states that the U.S. must foster public
trust and confidence in AI technologies and protect civil liberties,
privacy, and American values in their application in order to fully
realize the potential of AI technologies for the American people.
Section 2(d) of the E.O. directs Federal agencies to ensure that
technical standards minimize vulnerability to attacks from malicious
actors and reflect Federal priorities for innovation, public trust, and
public confidence, and to develop international standards to promote
and protect those priorities.
Section 6(d) of the E.O. directs the Secretary of Commerce, acting
through the Director of NIST, to issue a Plan for Federal engagement in
the development of technical standards and related tools in support of
reliable, robust, and trustworthy systems that use AI technologies. It
further directs NIST to lead the development of the Plan with
participation from relevant agencies, as determined by the Secretary of
Approach for Developing This Plan
NIST will develop the Plan in a manner that fulfills the objectives
of the E.O. and is consistent with relevant provisions of the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119, ``Federal Participation in
the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in
Conformity Assessment Activities,'' and NIST's mission to promote U.S.
innovation and industrial competitiveness. NIST has a special interest
in advancing the development and use of standards relied upon by all
sectors of the economy and society, recognizing that the vast majority
of standards are developed through a voluntary process led by the
private sector.
NIST will be informed through an open process that will include
this RFI and other opportunities, such as a public workshop, to provide
input. NIST expects to develop a draft Plan on which it will seek
comment from the public and Federal agencies. Information about this
effort, including ways to provide input, and future steps, will be
available at
Goals of This Request for Information
Timely and fit-for-purpose AI technical standards--whether
developed by national or international organizations--will play a
crucial role in the development and deployment of AI technologies, and
will be essential in building trust and confidence about AI
technologies and for achieving economies of scale.
NIST seeks to understand the:
Current status and plans regarding the availability, use,
and development of AI technical standards and tools in support of
reliable, robust, and trustworthy systems that use AI technologies;
Needs and challenges regarding the existence,
availability, use, and development of AI standards and tools; and
The current and potential future role of Federal agencies
regarding the existence, availability, use, and development of AI
technical standards and tools in order to meet the nation's needs.
For purposes of this Plan,\2\ AI technologies and systems are
considered to be comprised of software and/or hardware that can learn
to solve complex problems, make predictions or solve tasks that require
human-like sensing (such as vision, speech, and touch), perception,
cognition, planning, learning, communication, or physical action.
Examples are wide-ranging and expanding rapidly. They include, but are
not limited to, AI assistants, computer vision systems, automated
vehicles, unmanned aerial systems, voicemail transcriptions, advanced
game-playing software, facial recognition systems as well as
application of AI in both Information Technology (IT) and Operational
Technology (OT).
\2\ This RFI is intended to be broadly directed to any and all
technologies that might be considered AI by the US Government and
other interested parties. AI systems have been defined in different
ways, and this RFI is directed to any information that might fall
within any of these definitions. See, for example, section 238(g) of
the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act, 2019 (Pub. L.
115-232), in which AI is defined to include the following:
(1) Any artificial system that performs tasks under varying and
unpredictable circumstances without significant human oversight, or
that can learn from experience and improve performance when exposed
to data sets;
(2) An artificial system developed in computer software,
physical hardware, or other context that solves tasks requiring
human-like perception, cognition, planning, learning, communication,
or physical action;
(3) An artificial system designed to think or act like a human,
including cognitive architectures and neural networks;
(4) A set of techniques, including machine learning, that is
designed to approximate a cognitive task; and
(5) An artificial system designed to act rationally, including
an intelligent software agent or embodied robot that achieves goals
using perception, planning, reasoning, learning, communicating,
decision making, and acting.
Responding to This Request for Information
The scope of this RFI includes AI technical standards and related
tools regardless of origin or use.\3\ Respondents may define
``standards'' as they desire, indicating clearly what they mean when
using the term. AI technical standards and related tools should include
those necessary or helpful to reduce barriers to the safe testing and
deployment of AI and to support reliable, robust, and trustworthy
systems that use AI technologies.
\3\ OMB Circular A-119 defines standards broadly to include: (1)
Common and repeated use of rules, conditions, guidelines or
characteristics for products or related processes and production
methods, and related management systems practices; and (2) The
definition of terms; classification of components; delineation of
procedures; specification of dimensions, materials, performance,
designs, or operations; measurement of quality and quantity in
describing materials, processes, products, systems, services, or
practices; test methods and sampling procedures; or descriptions of
fit and measurements of size or strength.
Respondents may define tools as broadly or as narrowly as they
wish. They should indicate clearly what they mean when using specific
terms (e.g., practices, datasets, guidelines). An illustrative, non-
exclusive list of standards-related tools includes:
Test tools (e.g., executable test code) for conformance
testing, performance testing, stress testing, interoperability testing,
and other purposes;
Use cases;
Reference data and datasets;
Reference implementations; and
Training programs.
Where this RFI uses the term ``organizations,'' it refers to
private, public, and non-profit bodies, and
[[Page 18492]]
includes both national and international organizations. If desired,
commenters may provide information about: The type, size, and location
of their organization(s); and whether their organization develops AI
technology and related tools; uses or potentially uses AI technology
and related tools; and/or participates in the development of AI
standards or related tools. Provision of such information is optional
and will not affect NIST's full consideration of the comment.
Comments containing references--including specific standards and
related tools--studies, research, and other empirical data that are not
widely published (e.g., available on the internet) should include paper
or electronic copies of those materials, unless they are restricted due
to copyright or are otherwise proprietary. In those cases, NIST
encourages respondents to provide clear descriptions and designations
of those references. Do not include in comments or otherwise submit any
information deemed to be proprietary, private, or in any way
confidential, as all comments relevant to this RFI topic area that are
received by the deadline will be made available publicly at and
The following list of topics covers the major areas about which
NIST seeks information. This list is not intended to limit the topics
that may be addressed by respondents, who may provide information about
any topic which would inform the development of the Plan. Possible
topics, subdivided by area, are:
AI Technical Standards and Related Tools Development: Status and Plans
1. AI technical standards and tools that have been developed, and
the developing organization, including the aspects of AI these
standards and tools address, and whether they address sector-specific
needs or are cross-sector in nature;
2. Reliable sources of information about the availability and use
of AI technical standards and tools;
3. The needs for AI technical standards and related tools. How
those needs should be determined, and challenges in identifying and
developing those standards and tools;
4. AI technical standards and related tools that are being
developed, and the developing organization, including the aspects of AI
these standards and tools address, and whether they address sector-
specific needs or are cross sector in nature;
5. Any supporting roadmaps or similar documents about plans for
developing AI technical standards and tools;
6. Whether the need for AI technical standards and related tools is
being met in a timely way by organizations; and
7. Whether sector-specific AI technical standards needs are being
addressed by sector-specific organizations, or whether those who need
AI standards will rely on cross-sector standards which are intended to
be useful across multiple sectors.
8. Technical standards and guidance that are needed to establish
and advance trustworthy aspects (e.g., accuracy, transparency,
security, privacy, and robustness) of AI technologies.
Defining and Achieving U.S. AI Technical Standards Leadership
9. The urgency of the U.S. need for AI technical standards and
related tools, and what U.S. effectiveness and leadership in AI
technical standards development should look like;
10. Where the U.S. currently is effective and/or leads in AI
technical standards development, and where it is lagging;
11. Specific opportunities for, and challenges to, U.S.
effectiveness and leadership in standardization related to AI
technologies; and
12. How the U.S. can achieve and maintain effectiveness and
leadership in AI technical standards development.
Prioritizing Federal Government Engagement in AI Standardization
13. The unique needs of the Federal government and individual
agencies for AI technical standards and related tools, and whether they
are important for broader portions of the U.S. economy and society, or
strictly for Federal applications;
14. The type and degree of Federal agencies' current and needed
involvement in AI technical standards to address the needs of the
Federal government;
15. How the Federal government should prioritize its engagement in
the development of AI technical standards and tools that have broad,
cross-sectoral application versus sector- or application-specific
standards and tools;
16. The adequacy of the Federal government's current approach for
government engagement in standards development,\4\ which emphasizes
private sector leadership, and, more specifically, the appropriate role
and activities for the Federal government to ensure the desired and
timely development of AI standards for Federal and non-governmental
\4\ See the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act,, and OMB Circular A-119,
17. Examples of Federal involvement in the standards arena (e.g.,
via its role in communications, participation, and use) that could
serve as models for the Plan, and why they are appropriate approaches;
18. What actions, if any, the Federal government should take to
help ensure that desired AI technical standards are useful and
incorporated into practice.
Kevin A. Kimball,
Chief of Staff.
[FR Doc. 2019-08818 Filed 4-30-19; 8:45 am]