Steel Racks From the People's Republic of China: Amended Preliminary Countervailing Duty Determination, 16640-16641 [2019-08004]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 77 / Monday, April 22, 2019 / Notices
Amended Scope of the Investigation
IV. Public Comment
V. Next Steps
VI. Adjournment
Dated: April 17, 2019.
Brian Walch,
Director, Communications and Public
[FR Doc. 2019–08049 Filed 4–19–19; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Steel Racks From the People’s
Republic of China: Amended
Preliminary Countervailing Duty
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Commerce) is amending the scope of
the countervailing duty (CVD)
investigation of steel racks from China
to conform with the scope published in
the preliminary determination of the
companion antidumping duty (AD)
investigation of steel racks from China.
The period of investigation is January 1,
2017, through December 31, 2017.
DATES: Applicable April 22, 2019.
Lovely, AD/CVD Operations, Office IV,
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–1593.
amozie on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES
Commerce published its CVD
Preliminary Determination on December
3, 2018.1 On March 4, 2019, Commerce
published its AD Preliminary
Determination within which we
amended the scope of the investigation
to exclude certain products, based upon
comments received from interested
1 See Certain Steel Racks from the People’s
Republic of China: Preliminary Affirmative
Countervailing Duty Determination, and Alignment
of Final Determination with Final Antidumping
Duty Determination, 83 FR 62297 (December 3,
2018) (CVD Preliminary Determination).
2 See Steel Racks and Parts Thereof from the
People’s Republic of China: Preliminary
Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 84
FR 7326 (March 4, 2019) (AD Preliminary
Determination) and accompanying Preliminary
Decision Memorandum. See also, Memorandum
‘‘Steel Racks from the People’s Republic of China:
Preliminary Scope Decision,’’ dated February 25,
2019, which was placed on the record of both the
AD and CVD investigations.
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The product covered by this
investigation is steel racks from China.
We are amending the scope of the CVD
investigation to conform with the scope
of the companion AD investigation,
including the exclusions of: (1) Decks,
i.e., shelving that sits on or fits into the
horizontal supports to provide the
horizontal storage surface of the steel
racks; (2) wire shelving units, i.e., units
made from wire that incorporate both a
wire deck and wire horizontal supports
(taking the place of the horizontal beams
and braces) into a single piece with
tubular collars that slide over the posts
and onto plastic sleeves snapped on the
posts to create a finished unit; (3) pins,
nuts, bolts, washers, and clips used as
connecting devices; and (4) non-steel
components. These exclusions were first
enumerated in the AD Preliminary
Determination. For a complete
description of the amended scope of this
investigation, see Appendix I.
Suspension of Liquidation
We have not revised the estimated
cash deposit rates published in the CVD
Preliminary Determination. In
accordance with section 703(d)(1)(B)
and (d)(2) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (the Act), we will direct U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to
continue to suspend liquidation of
entries of subject merchandise as
described in the amended scope of the
investigation, entered, or withdrawn
from warehouse, for consumption on or
after the date of publication of this
notice in the Federal Register, and to
continue to require a cash deposit,
pursuant to 19 CFR 351.205(d).
Additionally, because certain products
are now excluded from the scope of the
investigation, Commerce will instruct
CBP to terminate suspension of
liquidation of those excluded products,
and to refund any cash deposits
previously posted with respect to them.
In accordance with section 703(f) of
the Act, Commerce will notify the
International Trade Commission of its
amended determination. This
determination is issued and published
pursuant to sections 703(f) and 777(i) of
the Act and 19 CFR 351.205(c).
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Dated: March 29, 2019.
Gary Taverman,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Operations,
performing the non-exclusive functions and
duties of the Assistant Secretary for
Enforcement and Compliance.
Appendix I
Amended Scope of the Investigation
The merchandise covered by this
investigation is steel racks and parts thereof,
assembled, to any extent, or unassembled,
including but not limited to, vertical
components (e.g., uprights, posts, or
columns), horizontal or diagonal components
(e.g., arms or beams), braces, frames, locking
devices (e.g., end plates and beam
connectors), and accessories (including, but
not limited to, rails, skid channels, skid rails,
drum/coil beds, fork clearance bars, pallet
supports, row spacers, and wall ties).
Subject steel racks and parts thereof are
made of steel, including, but not limited to,
cold and/or hot-formed steel, regardless of
the type of steel used to produce the
components and may, or may not, include
locking tabs, slots, or bolted, clamped, or
welded connections. Subject steel racks have
the following physical characteristics:
(1) Each steel vertical and horizontal load
bearing member (e.g., arms, beams, posts, and
columns) is composed of steel that is at least
0.044 inches thick;
(2) Each steel vertical and horizontal load
bearing member (e.g., arms, beams, posts, and
columns) is composed of steel that has a
yield strength equal to or greater than 36,000
pounds per square inch;
(3) The width of each steel vertical load
bearing member (e.g., posts and columns)
exceeds two inches; and
(4) The overall depth of each steel rollformed horizontal load bearing member (e.g.,
beams) exceeds two inches.
In the case of steel horizontal load bearing
members other than roll-formed (e.g.,
structural beams, Z-beams, or cantilever
arms), only the criteria in subparagraphs (1)
and (2) apply to these horizontal load bearing
members. The depth limitation in
subparagraph (4) does not apply to steel
horizontal load bearing members that are not
Steel rack components can be assembled
into structures of various dimensions and
configurations by welding, bolting, clipping,
or with the use of devices such as clips, end
plates, and beam connectors, including, but
not limited to the following configurations:
(1) Racks with upright frames perpendicular
to the aisles that are independently
adjustable, with positive-locking beams
parallel to the aisle spanning the upright
frames with braces; and (2) cantilever racks
with vertical components parallel to the aisle
and cantilever beams or arms connected to
the vertical components perpendicular to the
aisle. Steel racks may be referred to as pallet
racks, storage racks, stacker racks, retail
racks, pick modules, selective racks, or
cantilever racks and may incorporate moving
components and be referred to as pallet-flow
racks, carton-flow racks, push-back racks,
movable-shelf racks, drive-in racks, and
amozie on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 77 / Monday, April 22, 2019 / Notices
drive-through racks. While steel racks may be
made to ANSI MH16.l or ANSI MH16.3
standards, all steel racks and parts thereof
meeting the description set out herein are
covered by the scope of this investigation,
whether or not produced according to a
particular standard.
The scope includes all steel racks and parts
thereof meeting the description above,
regardless of
(1) other dimensions, weight, or load
(2) vertical components or frame type
(including structural, roll-form, or other);
(3) horizontal support or beam/brace type
(including but not limited to structural, rollform, slotted, unslotted, Z-beam, C-beam, Lbeam, step beam, and cantilever beam);
(4) number of supports;
(5) number of levels;
(6) surface coating, if any (including but
not limited to paint, epoxy, powder coating,
zinc, or other metallic coatings);
(7) rack shape (including but not limited to
rectangular, square, corner, and cantilever);
(8) the method by which the vertical and
horizontal supports connect (including but
not limited to locking tabs or slots, bolting,
clamping, and welding); and
(9) whether or not the steel rack has
moving components (including but not
limited to rails, wheels, rollers, tracks,
channels, carts, and conveyors).
Subject merchandise includes merchandise
matching the above description that has been
finished or packaged in a third country.
Finishing includes, but is not limited to,
coating, painting, or assembly, including
attaching the merchandise to another
product, or any other finishing or assembly
operation that would not remove the
merchandise from the scope of the
investigation if performed in the country of
manufacture of the steel racks and parts
thereof. Packaging includes packaging the
merchandise with or without another
product or any other packaging operation
that would not remove the merchandise from
the scope of the investigation if performed in
the country of manufacture of the steel racks
and parts thereof.
Steel racks and parts thereof are included
in the scope of this investigation whether or
not imported attached to, or included with,
other parts or accessories such as wire
decking, nuts, and bolts. If steel racks and
parts thereof are imported attached to, or
included with, such non-subject
merchandise, only the steel racks and parts
thereof are included in the scope.
The scope of this investigation does not
cover: (1) Decks, i.e., shelving that sits on or
fits into the horizontal supports to provide
the horizontal storage surface of the steel
racks; (2) wire shelving units, i.e., units made
from wire that incorporate both a wire deck
and wire horizontal supports (taking the
place of the horizontal beams and braces)
into a single piece with tubular collars that
slide over the posts and onto plastic sleeves
snapped on the posts to create a finished
unit; (3) pins, nuts, bolts, washers, and clips
used as connecting devices; and (4) non-steel
Specifically excluded from the scope of
this investigation are any products covered
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by Commerce’s existing antidumping and
countervailing duty orders on boltless steel
shelving units prepackaged for sale from the
People’s Republic of China. See Boltless Steel
Shelving Units Prepackaged for Sale From
the People’s Republic of China: Antidumping
Duty Order, 80 FR 63,741 (October 21, 2017);
Boltless Steel Shelving Units Prepackaged for
Sale From the People’s Republic of China:
Amended Final Affirmative Countervailing
Duty Determination and Countervailing Duty
Order, 80 FR 63,745 (October 21, 2017).
Also excluded from the scope of this
investigation are bulk-packed parts or
components of boltless steel shelving units
that were specifically excluded from the
scope of the Boltless Steel Shelving Orders
because such bulk-packed parts or
components do not contain the steel vertical
supports (i.e., uprights and posts) and steel
horizontal supports (i.e., beams, braces)
packaged together for assembly into a
completed boltless steel shelving unit.
Such excluded components of boltless
steel shelving are defined as:
(1) Boltless horizontal supports (beams,
braces) that have each of the following
characteristics: (a) A length of 95 inches or
less, (b) made from steel that has a thickness
of 0.068 inches or less, and (c) a weight
capacity that does not exceed 2500 lbs per
pair of beams for beams that are 78″ or
shorter, a weight capacity that does not
exceed 2200 lbs per pair of beams for beams
that are over 78″ long but not longer than 90″,
and/or a weight capacity that does not exceed
1800 lbs per pair of beams for beams that are
longer than 90″;
(2) shelf supports that mate with the
aforementioned horizontal supports; and
(3) boltless vertical supports (upright
welded frames and posts) that have each of
the following characteristics: (a) A length of
95 inches or less, (b) with no face that
exceeds 2.90 inches wide, and (c) made from
steel that has a thickness of 0.065 inches or
Excluded from the scope of this
investigation are: (1) Wall-mounted shelving
and racks, defined as shelving and racks that
suspend all of the load from the wall, and do
not stand on, or transfer load to, the floor; (2)
ceiling-mounted shelving and racks, defined
as shelving and racks that suspend all of the
load from the ceiling and do not stand on,
or transfer load to, the floor; and (3) wall/
ceiling mounted shelving and racks, defined
as shelving and racks that suspend the load
from the ceiling and the wall and do not
stand on, or transfer load to, the floor. The
addition of a wall or ceiling bracket or other
device to attach otherwise subject
merchandise to a wall or ceiling does not
meet the terms of this exclusion.
Also excluded from the scope of this
investigation is scaffolding that complies
with ANSI/ASSE A10.8—2011—Scaffolding
Safety Requirements, CAN/CSA S269.2–M87
(Reaffirmed 2003)—Access Scaffolding for
Construction Purposes, and/or Occupational
Safety and Health Administration regulations
at 29 CFR part 1926 subpart L—Scaffolds.
Also excluded from the scope of this
investigation are tubular racks such as
garment racks and drying racks, i.e., racks in
which the load bearing vertical and
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horizontal steel members consist solely of: (1)
Round tubes that are no more than two
inches in diameter; (2) round rods that are no
more than two inches in diameter; (3) other
tubular shapes that have both an overall
height of no more than two inches and an
overall width of no more than two inches;
and/or (4) wire.
Also excluded from the scope of this
investigation are portable tier racks. Portable
tier racks must meet each of the following
criteria to qualify for this exclusion:
(1) They are freestanding, portable
assemblies with a fully welded base and four
freely inserted and easily removable corner
(2) They are assembled without the use of
bolts, braces, anchors, brackets, clips,
attachments, or connectors;
(3) One assembly may be stacked on top of
another without applying any additional load
to the product being stored on each assembly,
but individual portable tier racks are not
securely attached to one another to provide
interaction or interdependence; and
(4) The assemblies have no mechanism
(e.g., a welded foot plate with bolt holes) for
anchoring the assembly to the ground.
Also excluded from the scope of this
investigation are accessories that are
independently bolted to the floor and not
attached to the rack system itself, i.e., column
protectors, corner guards, bollards, and end
row and end of aisle protectors.
Merchandise covered by this investigation
is currently classified in the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)
under the following subheadings:
7326.90.8688, 9403.20.0080, and
9403.90.8041. Subject merchandise may also
enter under subheadings 7308.90.3000,
7308.90.6000, 7308.90.9590, and
9403.20.0090. The HTSUS subheadings are
provided for convenience and U.S. Customs
purposes only. The written description of the
scope is dispositive.
[FR Doc. 2019–08004 Filed 4–19–19; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Notice of Charter Renewal of the U.S.
Investment Advisory Council and
Soliciting Nominations for Members
International Trade
Administration, Global Markets, U.S.
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of charter renewal of the
U.S. Investment Advisory Council and
soliciting nominations for members.
On April 6, 2018, the
Department of Commerce Acting Chief
Financial Officer and Assistant
Secretary for Administration renewed
the charter for the United States
Investment Advisory Council (Council)
ending April 5, 2020. The Council is a
federal advisory committee under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act.
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 77 (Monday, April 22, 2019)]
[Pages 16640-16641]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-08004]
International Trade Administration
Steel Racks From the People's Republic of China: Amended
Preliminary Countervailing Duty Determination
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is amending the scope of
the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of steel racks from China
to conform with the scope published in the preliminary determination of
the companion antidumping duty (AD) investigation of steel racks from
China. The period of investigation is January 1, 2017, through December
31, 2017.
DATES: Applicable April 22, 2019.
IV, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-1593.
Commerce published its CVD Preliminary Determination on December 3,
2018.\1\ On March 4, 2019, Commerce published its AD Preliminary
Determination within which we amended the scope of the investigation to
exclude certain products, based upon comments received from interested
\1\ See Certain Steel Racks from the People's Republic of China:
Preliminary Affirmative Countervailing Duty Determination, and
Alignment of Final Determination with Final Antidumping Duty
Determination, 83 FR 62297 (December 3, 2018) (CVD Preliminary
\2\ See Steel Racks and Parts Thereof from the People's Republic
of China: Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair
Value, 84 FR 7326 (March 4, 2019) (AD Preliminary Determination) and
accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum. See also, Memorandum
``Steel Racks from the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Scope
Decision,'' dated February 25, 2019, which was placed on the record
of both the AD and CVD investigations.
Amended Scope of the Investigation
The product covered by this investigation is steel racks from
China. We are amending the scope of the CVD investigation to conform
with the scope of the companion AD investigation, including the
exclusions of: (1) Decks, i.e., shelving that sits on or fits into the
horizontal supports to provide the horizontal storage surface of the
steel racks; (2) wire shelving units, i.e., units made from wire that
incorporate both a wire deck and wire horizontal supports (taking the
place of the horizontal beams and braces) into a single piece with
tubular collars that slide over the posts and onto plastic sleeves
snapped on the posts to create a finished unit; (3) pins, nuts, bolts,
washers, and clips used as connecting devices; and (4) non-steel
components. These exclusions were first enumerated in the AD
Preliminary Determination. For a complete description of the amended
scope of this investigation, see Appendix I.
Suspension of Liquidation
We have not revised the estimated cash deposit rates published in
the CVD Preliminary Determination. In accordance with section
703(d)(1)(B) and (d)(2) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the
Act), we will direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to
continue to suspend liquidation of entries of subject merchandise as
described in the amended scope of the investigation, entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of
publication of this notice in the Federal Register, and to continue to
require a cash deposit, pursuant to 19 CFR 351.205(d). Additionally,
because certain products are now excluded from the scope of the
investigation, Commerce will instruct CBP to terminate suspension of
liquidation of those excluded products, and to refund any cash deposits
previously posted with respect to them.
In accordance with section 703(f) of the Act, Commerce will notify
the International Trade Commission of its amended determination. This
determination is issued and published pursuant to sections 703(f) and
777(i) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.205(c).
Dated: March 29, 2019.
Gary Taverman,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Operations, performing the non-exclusive functions and duties of the
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Appendix I
Amended Scope of the Investigation
The merchandise covered by this investigation is steel racks and
parts thereof, assembled, to any extent, or unassembled, including
but not limited to, vertical components (e.g., uprights, posts, or
columns), horizontal or diagonal components (e.g., arms or beams),
braces, frames, locking devices (e.g., end plates and beam
connectors), and accessories (including, but not limited to, rails,
skid channels, skid rails, drum/coil beds, fork clearance bars,
pallet supports, row spacers, and wall ties).
Subject steel racks and parts thereof are made of steel,
including, but not limited to, cold and/or hot-formed steel,
regardless of the type of steel used to produce the components and
may, or may not, include locking tabs, slots, or bolted, clamped, or
welded connections. Subject steel racks have the following physical
(1) Each steel vertical and horizontal load bearing member
(e.g., arms, beams, posts, and columns) is composed of steel that is
at least 0.044 inches thick;
(2) Each steel vertical and horizontal load bearing member
(e.g., arms, beams, posts, and columns) is composed of steel that
has a yield strength equal to or greater than 36,000 pounds per
square inch;
(3) The width of each steel vertical load bearing member (e.g.,
posts and columns) exceeds two inches; and
(4) The overall depth of each steel roll-formed horizontal load
bearing member (e.g., beams) exceeds two inches.
In the case of steel horizontal load bearing members other than
roll-formed (e.g., structural beams, Z-beams, or cantilever arms),
only the criteria in subparagraphs (1) and (2) apply to these
horizontal load bearing members. The depth limitation in
subparagraph (4) does not apply to steel horizontal load bearing
members that are not roll-formed.
Steel rack components can be assembled into structures of
various dimensions and configurations by welding, bolting, clipping,
or with the use of devices such as clips, end plates, and beam
connectors, including, but not limited to the following
configurations: (1) Racks with upright frames perpendicular to the
aisles that are independently adjustable, with positive-locking
beams parallel to the aisle spanning the upright frames with braces;
and (2) cantilever racks with vertical components parallel to the
aisle and cantilever beams or arms connected to the vertical
components perpendicular to the aisle. Steel racks may be referred
to as pallet racks, storage racks, stacker racks, retail racks, pick
modules, selective racks, or cantilever racks and may incorporate
moving components and be referred to as pallet-flow racks, carton-
flow racks, push-back racks, movable-shelf racks, drive-in racks,
[[Page 16641]]
drive-through racks. While steel racks may be made to ANSI MH16.l or
ANSI MH16.3 standards, all steel racks and parts thereof meeting the
description set out herein are covered by the scope of this
investigation, whether or not produced according to a particular
The scope includes all steel racks and parts thereof meeting the
description above, regardless of
(1) other dimensions, weight, or load rating;
(2) vertical components or frame type (including structural,
roll-form, or other);
(3) horizontal support or beam/brace type (including but not
limited to structural, roll-form, slotted, unslotted, Z-beam, C-
beam, L-beam, step beam, and cantilever beam);
(4) number of supports;
(5) number of levels;
(6) surface coating, if any (including but not limited to paint,
epoxy, powder coating, zinc, or other metallic coatings);
(7) rack shape (including but not limited to rectangular,
square, corner, and cantilever);
(8) the method by which the vertical and horizontal supports
connect (including but not limited to locking tabs or slots,
bolting, clamping, and welding); and
(9) whether or not the steel rack has moving components
(including but not limited to rails, wheels, rollers, tracks,
channels, carts, and conveyors).
Subject merchandise includes merchandise matching the above
description that has been finished or packaged in a third country.
Finishing includes, but is not limited to, coating, painting, or
assembly, including attaching the merchandise to another product, or
any other finishing or assembly operation that would not remove the
merchandise from the scope of the investigation if performed in the
country of manufacture of the steel racks and parts thereof.
Packaging includes packaging the merchandise with or without another
product or any other packaging operation that would not remove the
merchandise from the scope of the investigation if performed in the
country of manufacture of the steel racks and parts thereof.
Steel racks and parts thereof are included in the scope of this
investigation whether or not imported attached to, or included with,
other parts or accessories such as wire decking, nuts, and bolts. If
steel racks and parts thereof are imported attached to, or included
with, such non-subject merchandise, only the steel racks and parts
thereof are included in the scope.
The scope of this investigation does not cover: (1) Decks, i.e.,
shelving that sits on or fits into the horizontal supports to
provide the horizontal storage surface of the steel racks; (2) wire
shelving units, i.e., units made from wire that incorporate both a
wire deck and wire horizontal supports (taking the place of the
horizontal beams and braces) into a single piece with tubular
collars that slide over the posts and onto plastic sleeves snapped
on the posts to create a finished unit; (3) pins, nuts, bolts,
washers, and clips used as connecting devices; and (4) non-steel
Specifically excluded from the scope of this investigation are
any products covered by Commerce's existing antidumping and
countervailing duty orders on boltless steel shelving units
prepackaged for sale from the People's Republic of China. See
Boltless Steel Shelving Units Prepackaged for Sale From the People's
Republic of China: Antidumping Duty Order, 80 FR 63,741 (October 21,
2017); Boltless Steel Shelving Units Prepackaged for Sale From the
People's Republic of China: Amended Final Affirmative Countervailing
Duty Determination and Countervailing Duty Order, 80 FR 63,745
(October 21, 2017).
Also excluded from the scope of this investigation are bulk-
packed parts or components of boltless steel shelving units that
were specifically excluded from the scope of the Boltless Steel
Shelving Orders because such bulk-packed parts or components do not
contain the steel vertical supports (i.e., uprights and posts) and
steel horizontal supports (i.e., beams, braces) packaged together
for assembly into a completed boltless steel shelving unit.
Such excluded components of boltless steel shelving are defined
(1) Boltless horizontal supports (beams, braces) that have each
of the following characteristics: (a) A length of 95 inches or less,
(b) made from steel that has a thickness of 0.068 inches or less,
and (c) a weight capacity that does not exceed 2500 lbs per pair of
beams for beams that are 78'' or shorter, a weight capacity that
does not exceed 2200 lbs per pair of beams for beams that are over
78'' long but not longer than 90'', and/or a weight capacity that
does not exceed 1800 lbs per pair of beams for beams that are longer
than 90'';
(2) shelf supports that mate with the aforementioned horizontal
supports; and
(3) boltless vertical supports (upright welded frames and posts)
that have each of the following characteristics: (a) A length of 95
inches or less, (b) with no face that exceeds 2.90 inches wide, and
(c) made from steel that has a thickness of 0.065 inches or less.
Excluded from the scope of this investigation are: (1) Wall-
mounted shelving and racks, defined as shelving and racks that
suspend all of the load from the wall, and do not stand on, or
transfer load to, the floor; (2) ceiling-mounted shelving and racks,
defined as shelving and racks that suspend all of the load from the
ceiling and do not stand on, or transfer load to, the floor; and (3)
wall/ceiling mounted shelving and racks, defined as shelving and
racks that suspend the load from the ceiling and the wall and do not
stand on, or transfer load to, the floor. The addition of a wall or
ceiling bracket or other device to attach otherwise subject
merchandise to a wall or ceiling does not meet the terms of this
Also excluded from the scope of this investigation is
scaffolding that complies with ANSI/ASSE A10.8--2011--Scaffolding
Safety Requirements, CAN/CSA S269.2-M87 (Reaffirmed 2003)--Access
Scaffolding for Construction Purposes, and/or Occupational Safety
and Health Administration regulations at 29 CFR part 1926 subpart
Also excluded from the scope of this investigation are tubular
racks such as garment racks and drying racks, i.e., racks in which
the load bearing vertical and horizontal steel members consist
solely of: (1) Round tubes that are no more than two inches in
diameter; (2) round rods that are no more than two inches in
diameter; (3) other tubular shapes that have both an overall height
of no more than two inches and an overall width of no more than two
inches; and/or (4) wire.
Also excluded from the scope of this investigation are portable
tier racks. Portable tier racks must meet each of the following
criteria to qualify for this exclusion:
(1) They are freestanding, portable assemblies with a fully
welded base and four freely inserted and easily removable corner
(2) They are assembled without the use of bolts, braces,
anchors, brackets, clips, attachments, or connectors;
(3) One assembly may be stacked on top of another without
applying any additional load to the product being stored on each
assembly, but individual portable tier racks are not securely
attached to one another to provide interaction or interdependence;
(4) The assemblies have no mechanism (e.g., a welded foot plate
with bolt holes) for anchoring the assembly to the ground.
Also excluded from the scope of this investigation are
accessories that are independently bolted to the floor and not
attached to the rack system itself, i.e., column protectors, corner
guards, bollards, and end row and end of aisle protectors.
Merchandise covered by this investigation is currently
classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
(HTSUS) under the following subheadings: 7326.90.8688, 9403.20.0080,
and 9403.90.8041. Subject merchandise may also enter under
subheadings 7308.90.3000, 7308.90.6000, 7308.90.9590, and
9403.20.0090. The HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and
U.S. Customs purposes only. The written description of the scope is
[FR Doc. 2019-08004 Filed 4-19-19; 8:45 am]