Precidian ETFs Trust, et al.; Notice of Application, 14690-14698 [2019-07207]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
or crossed markets,32 and such repricing
impacts the execution price of a QCC
Order. Repricing does not expand how
QCC Orders are handled by the System.
The Exchange’s proposal would add
transparency to its rules with respect to
how QCC Orders are handled when
there are re-priced orders on the order
book which are available at a price
better than the displayed PBBO and
NBBO. The Exchange uniformly
reprices orders within the System.
Specifying the term ‘‘public customer’’
in place of the term ‘‘customer’’ within
the rule text will make clear the
meaning of that term.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
The Exchange has not solicited, and
does not intend to solicit, comments on
this proposed rule change. The
Exchange has not received any
unsolicited written comments from
members or other interested parties.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Because the foregoing proposed rule
change does not: (i) Significantly affect
the protection of investors or the public
interest; (ii) impose any significant
burden on competition; and (iii) become
operative for 30 days from the date on
which it was filed, or such shorter time
as the Commission may designate, it has
become effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(iii) of the Act 33 and
subparagraph (f)(6) of Rule 19b–4
At any time within 60 days of the
filing of the proposed rule change, the
Commission summarily may
temporarily suspend such rule change if
it appears to the Commission that such
action is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest, for the protection of
investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act. If the
Commission takes such action, the
Commission shall institute proceedings
to determine whether the proposed rule
should be approved or disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
amozie on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES
32 See
note 23 above.
33 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(iii).
34 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(6). In addition, Rule 19b–
4(f)(6) requires a self-regulatory organization to give
the Commission written notice of its intent to file
the proposed rule change at least five business days
prior to the date of filing of the proposed rule
change, or such shorter time as designated by the
Commission. The Exchange has satisfied this
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arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
Phlx–2019–07 on the subject line.
Precidian ETFs Trust, et al.; Notice of
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Phlx–2019–07. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
internet website (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549 on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Phlx–2019–07, and should
be submitted on or before May 2, 2019.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2019–07147 Filed 4–10–19; 8:45 am]
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[Investment Company Act Release No.
33440; 812–14405]
April 8, 2019.
Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’).
ACTION: Notice of an application for
exemptive relief.
request an order under section 6(c) of
the Investment Company Act of 1940
(‘‘Act’’) for an exemption from sections
2(a)(32), 5(a)(1), and 22(d) of the Act
and rule 22c–1 under the Act, under
sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act for an
exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and
17(a)(2) of the Act, and under section
12(d)(1)(J) of the Act for an exemption
from sections 12(d)(1)(A) and
12(d)(1)(B) of the Act. If granted, the
requested order would permit registered
open-end investment companies that are
exchange-traded funds (each, an ‘‘ETF’’)
and are actively managed to operate
without being subject to the current
daily portfolio transparency condition
in actively managed ETF orders.
APPLICANTS: Precidian Funds LLC (the
‘‘Initial Adviser’’); Precidian ETFs Trust
and Precidian ETF Trust II (each, a
‘‘Trust’’ and, together the ‘‘Trusts’’); and
Foreside Fund Services, LLC.
FILING DATES: The application was filed
on December 22, 2014, and amended on
August 11, 2015, September 21, 2015,
May 3, 2017, October 2, 2017, December
4, 2017, May 30, 2018, and April 4,
An order granting the requested relief
will be issued unless the Commission
orders a hearing. Interested persons may
request a hearing by writing to the
Commission’s Secretary and serving
Applicants with a copy of the request,
personally or by mail. Hearing requests
should be received by the Commission
by 5:30 p.m. on May 3, 2019, and
should be accompanied by proof of
service on Applicants, in the form of an
affidavit, or for lawyers, a certificate of
service. Pursuant to rule 0–5 under the
Act, hearing requests should state the
nature of the writer’s interest, any facts
bearing upon the desirability of a
hearing on the matter, the reason for the
request, and the issues contested.
Persons who wish to be notified of a
hearing may request notification by
writing to the Commission’s Secretary.
ADDRESSES: Secretary, Securities and
Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE,
amozie on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
Washington, DC 20549–1090;
Applicants: Precidian ETFs Trust,
Precidian ETF Trust II and Precidian
Funds LLC, 350 Main St., Suite 9,
Bedminster, NJ 07921, and Foreside
Fund Services, LLC, Three Canal Plaza,
Suite 100, Portland, ME 04101.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: KayMario Vobis, Senior Counsel; Deepak T.
Pai, Senior Counsel; Andrea
Ottomanelli Magovern, Branch Chief, at
(202) 551–6821 (Division of Investment
Management, Chief Counsel’s Office).
following is a summary of the
application. The complete application
may be obtained via the Commission’s
website by searching for the file
number, or for an applicant using the
Company name box, at https:// or by
calling (202) 551–8090.
management investment companies and
unit investment trusts outside of the
same group of investment companies as
the ActiveShares ETFs (‘‘Acquiring
Funds’’) to acquire Shares of the
ActiveShares ETFs.
2. Section 6(c) allows the Commission
to exempt any person, security, or
transaction, or any class thereof, only ‘‘if
and to the extent that such exemption
is necessary or appropriate in the public
interest and consistent with the
protection of investors and the purposes
fairly intended by the policy and
provisions of [the Act].’’ As discussed
below, the Commission believes that
ActiveShares ETFs meet the standard
for exemptive relief under section 6(c)
of the Act.2 Accordingly, the
Commission intends to grant the
requested relief.
I. Introduction
1. Applicants seek to introduce a
novel type of actively managed ETF that
would not be required to disclose its
portfolio holdings on a daily basis (each,
an ‘‘ActiveShares ETF’’). Due to their
characteristics, ETFs (including those
proposed by Applicants) are only
permitted to operate in reliance on
Commission exemptive relief from
certain provisions of the Act and rules
thereunder.1 Accordingly, Applicants
seek an order: Under section 6(c) of the
Act for an exemption from sections
2(a)(32), 5(a)(1) and 22(d) of the Act and
rule 22c–1 thereunder; under sections
6(c) and 17(b) of the Act granting an
exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and
17(a)(2) of the Act; and under section
12(d)(1)(J) for an exemption from
sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the Act.
The requested order would permit: (a)
ActiveShares ETFs to issue shares
(‘‘Shares’’) redeemable in large
aggregations only (‘‘creation units’’); (b)
secondary market transactions in Shares
to occur at negotiated market prices
rather than at net asset value (‘‘NAV’’);
(c) certain affiliated persons of an
ActiveShares ETF to deposit securities
into, and receive securities from, the
ActiveShares ETF in connection with
the purchase and redemption of creation
units; and (d) certain registered
A. Open-End Investment Companies
and Net Asset Value
1 The Commission first granted exemptive relief
to operate ETFs in the early 1990s when the first
index-based ETFs were developed. See SPDR Trust
Series I, Investment Company Act Release Nos.
18959 (Sept. 17, 1992) (notice) and 19055 (Oct. 26,
1992) (order). See generally Exchange Traded
Funds, Investment Company Act Release No. 33140
(Jun. 28, 2018) (‘‘ETF Rule Proposing Release’’), at
section I. The Commission has also granted ETFs
exemptive relief from Sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B)
of the Act. See generally Fund of Funds
Arrangements, Investment Company Act Release
No. 33329 (Dec. 19, 2018).
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II. Background
3. The Act defines an investment
company as an ‘‘issuer’’ of ‘‘any
security’’ which ‘‘is or holds itself out
as being engaged primarily . . . in the
business of investing . . . in
securities.’’ 3 Shares in an investment
company represent proportionate
interests in its investment portfolio, and
their value fluctuates in relation to the
changes in the value of that portfolio.
4. The most common form of
investment company, the ‘‘open-end’’
investment company or mutual fund, is
required by law to redeem its securities
on demand at a price approximating the
securities’ proportionate share of the
fund’s NAV at the time of redemption.4
These funds also continuously issue and
sell new shares, thereby replenishing
their investment capital.
5. Because open-end investment
companies are required by law to
redeem their shares based on investors’
demands, shares of the funds have
historically not traded on exchanges or
in other secondary markets.5
B. Exemptions Under the Act for
Actively Managed ETFs
6. ETFs, including those proposed by
Applicants, are a type of open-end fund.
But unlike traditional open-end funds,
2 See infra section IV for a discussion of all the
relief requested by Applicants, including relief
under sections 17(b) and 12(d)(1)(J) of the Act.
3 15 U.S.C. 80a–3(a); 80a–3(a)(1).
4 See section 22(d) and rule 22c–1; see also infra
section IV.A (discussing section 22(d) and rule 22c–
5 This stems from section 22(d) of the Act, which
in effect fixes the prices at which redeemable
securities, including open-end shares, are sold. The
result is a system that precludes dealers from
making a secondary market in open-end shares.
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ETFs are made available to investors
primarily through secondary market
transactions on exchanges.
7. In order for this to take place, ETFs
require various exemptions from the
provisions of the Act and the rules
thereunder. Critically, in granting such
exemptions to date, the Commission has
required that a mechanism exist to
ensure that ETF shares would trade at
a price that is at or close to the NAV per
share of the ETF.6
8. Such a mechanism is essential for
ETFs to operate because ETFs do not
sell or redeem their individual shares at
NAV per share as required by the Act.
Instead, large broker-dealers that have
contractual arrangements with an ETF
(each, an ‘‘Authorized Participant’’)
purchase and redeem ETF shares
directly from the ETF, but only in large
blocks called ‘‘creation units.’’
Traditionally, an Authorized Participant
that purchases a creation unit of ETF
shares first deposits with the ETF a
‘‘basket’’ of securities and other assets
(e.g., cash) identified by the ETF that
day, and then receives the creation unit
of ETF shares in return for those assets.
The basket is generally representative of
the ETF’s portfolio and is equal in value
to the aggregate NAV of ETF shares in
the creation unit. After purchasing a
creation unit, the Authorized
Participant may sell the component ETF
shares in secondary market transactions.
Investors then purchase individual
shares in the secondary market. The
redemption process is the reverse of the
purchase process: The Authorized
Participant acquires a creation unit of
ETF shares and redeems it for a basket
of securities and other assets.
9. The combination of the creation
and redemption process with the
secondary market trading in ETF shares
provides arbitrage opportunities that are
designed to help keep the market price
of ETF shares at or close to the NAV per
share of the ETF.7 For example, if ETF
shares begin trading on national
securities exchanges at a ‘‘discount’’ (a
price below the estimated intraday NAV
per share of the ETF), an Authorized
Participant can purchase ETF shares in
secondary market transactions and, after
accumulating enough shares to
comprise a creation unit, redeem them
from the ETF in exchange for the more
valuable securities and other assets in
the ETF’s redemption basket. In
addition to purchasing ETF shares,
6 This has been a required representation in all
ETF orders since the Commission issued the first
order. See supra note 1.
7 See Investment Company Institute, 2018
Investment Company Fact Book (2018) (‘‘ICI Fact
Book’’), at 93; ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra
note 1, at note 28 and accompanying text.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
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Authorized Participants also are likely
to hedge their intraday risk. Thus, for
example, when ETF shares are trading at
a discount to the estimated intraday
NAV per share of the ETF, an
Authorized Participant may also
simultaneously short the securities in
the ETF’s redemption basket. At the end
of the day, the Authorized Participant
will return the creation unit of ETF
shares to the ETF in exchange for the
ETF’s basket assets, and use such assets
to cover its short positions. Those
purchases reduce the supply of ETF
shares in the market, and thus tend to
drive up the market price of the shares
to a level closer to the NAV per share
of the ETF.8
10. Conversely, if the market price for
ETF shares reflects a ‘‘premium’’ (a
price above the estimated intraday NAV
per share of the ETF), an Authorized
Participant can deposit a basket of
securities and other assets in exchange
for the more valuable creation unit of
ETF shares, and then sell the individual
shares in the market to realize its profit.9
An Authorized Participant also is likely
to hedge its intraday risk when ETF
shares are trading at a premium. Thus,
for example, when the shares of an ETF
are trading at a premium, an Authorized
Participant may buy the securities in the
ETF’s purchase basket in the secondary
market and sell short the ETF shares. At
the end of the day, the Authorized
Participant will deposit the basket assets
in exchange for a creation unit of ETF
shares, which it will then use to cover
its short positions. The Authorized
Participant will receive a profit from
having paid less for the ETF shares than
it received for the assets in the purchase
basket. These transactions would
increase the supply of ETF shares in the
secondary market, and thus tend to
drive down the price of ETF shares to
a level closer to the NAV per share of
the ETF.
11. Market participants can also
engage in arbitrage activity without
using the creation or redemption
processes described above. For example,
if a market participant believes that an
ETF is overvalued relative to its
8 The Authorized Participant’s purchase of the
ETF shares in the secondary market, combined with
the sale of the redemption basket securities, may
also create upward pressure on the price of ETF
shares and/or downward pressure on the price of
redemption basket securities, driving the market
price of ETF shares and the value of the ETF’s
portfolio holdings closer together.
9 The Authorized Participant’s purchase of the
basket assets, combined with the sale of ETF shares,
may also create downward pressure on the price of
ETF shares, upward pressure on the price of
purchase basket securities, or both, bringing the
market price of ETF shares and the value of the
ETF’s portfolio holdings closer together.
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underlying or reference assets (i.e.,
trading at a premium), the market
participant may sell ETF shares short
and buy the underlying or reference
assets, wait for the trading prices to
move toward parity, and then close out
the positions in both the ETF shares and
the underlying or reference assets to
realize a profit from the relative
movement of their trading prices.
Similarly, a market participant could
buy ETF shares and sell the underlying
or reference assets short in an attempt
to profit when an ETF’s shares are
trading at a discount to the ETF’s
underlying or reference assets. As
discussed above, this type of trading of
an ETF’s shares and the ETF’s
underlying or reference assets may bring
the prices of the ETF’s shares and its
portfolio assets closer together through
market pressure.
12. In assessing whether to grant
exemptive relief to actively managed
ETFs in the past, the Commission has
required a mechanism that would keep
the market prices of ETF shares at or
close to the NAV per share of the ETF.
To date, this mechanism has been
dependent on daily portfolio
transparency.10 This transparency
provides market participants with an
important tool to value the ETF
portfolio on an intraday basis, which, in
turn, enables market participants to
effectively assess whether an arbitrage
opportunity exists. It is the exercise of
such arbitrage opportunities that keeps
the market price of ETF shares at or
close to the NAV per share of the ETF.
This close tie between market price and
NAV per share of the ETF is the
foundation for why the prices at which
retail investors buy and sell ETF shares
are similar to the prices at which
Authorized Participants are able to buy
and redeem shares directly from the
ETF at NAV. In granting relief from
section 22(d) of the Act and rule 22c–
1 under the Act, the Commission relies
on this close tie between what retail
investors pay and what Authorized
Participants pay to make the finding
that the ETF’s shareholders are being
treated equitably when buying and
selling shares.11 The Commission
therefore has granted such exemptive
relief to date only to those actively
10 The condition for daily portfolio transparency
has consistently been one of the conditions to the
exemptive relief issued to actively managed ETFs
by the Commission. See PowerShares Capital
Management LLC, et al., Investment Company Act
Release Nos. 28140 (Feb. 1, 2008) (notice) and
28171 (Feb. 27, 2008) (order). See also, generally,
ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra note 1, at
section II.C.4.
11 See supra note 3 and accompanying text.
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managed ETFs that have provided daily
transparency of their portfolio holdings.
C. Prior Commission Action
13. The Applicants requested the
same relief in a prior application based
on a different proposal for ETFs that
would not disclose their portfolio
holdings on a daily basis.12 In 2014, the
Commission issued a notice
preliminarily taking the position that
the prior proposal did not provide an
adequate substitute for full portfolio
transparency in facilitating effective
arbitrage.13 The Commission stated that
prospectus disclosure, quarterly
portfolio holdings disclosure and the
proposed indicative intraday value did
not provide sufficient information to
allow market makers to effectively
assess whether real-time arbitrage
opportunities in ETF shares exist. In
particular, the Commission stated that
an ETF’s typical intraday indicative
value, which is calculated every 15
seconds, is not reliable as the primary
pricing signal for an ETF’s portfolio,
especially during stressed or volatile
market conditions, because: (i) It
provides stale data, given the 15-second
intervals; (ii) it is not subject to
meaningful standards, given that there
are no uniform methodology
requirements for its calculation and no
one takes responsibility for its accuracy;
and (iii) it is of limited value for asset
classes that cannot be easily and
accurately priced.14
III. The Application
A. The Applicants
14. The Trusts are each a statutory
trust organized under the laws of
Delaware and registered under the Act
as an open-end management investment
company with multiple series. The
Initial Adviser, a limited liability
corporation organized under the laws of
Delaware, is registered as an investment
adviser under the Investment Advisers
Act of 1940 (‘‘Advisers Act’’) and would
serve as the investment adviser to the
initial ActiveShares ETFs. Foreside
Fund Services, LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company, is a registered brokerdealer under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (‘‘Exchange
12 See Precidian ETFs Trust, et al., File No. 812–
14116, Second Amendment, filed July 23, 2013 (the
prior application also included a request for relief
from section 22(e) of the Act).
13 Precidian ETFs Trust, et al., Investment
Company Act Release No. 31300 (October 21, 2014).
14 Id. at section IV.A. See also, ETF Rule
Proposing Release, supra note 1, at section II.C.3.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
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B. Applicants’ Proposal
15. Applicants seek exemptive relief
under section 6(c) to allow them to
introduce several actively-managed
ActiveShares ETFs that would not
disclose their portfolio holdings on a
daily basis.15 Applicants maintain that
operating the same ETFs as fullytransparent actively-managed ETFs
would make the ETFs susceptible to
‘‘front running’’ and ‘‘free riding’’ by
other investors and/or managers, which
can harm, and result in substantial costs
to, the ETFs and their shareholders.16
16. Applicants assert that the
ActiveShares ETFs would allow
investors to access active investment
strategies offered by certain investment
advisers that are currently only
available via mutual funds, while also
taking advantage of the traditional
benefits of ETFs (i.e., tax efficiency,
lower cash drag and lower operational
expenses) and without raising investor
protection concerns that are not
otherwise addressed by the terms and
conditions of the requested relief.
17. Applicants state that the relief in
the Application is similar to the relief
granted in exemptive orders issued to
existing actively managed ETFs, except
for certain differences permitting the
ActiveShares ETFs to operate on a nontransparent basis. These material
differences are discussed below.
a. AP Representatives. To protect the
identity and weightings of their
portfolio holdings, the ActiveShares
ETFs would sell and redeem their
Shares in creation units to Authorized
Participants only through an
unaffiliated broker-dealer acting on an
agency basis (‘‘AP Representative’’).17
Applicants state that each day, an
15 Applicants request that the order apply to the
series of the Trusts identified and described in the
Application as well as to additional series of the
Trusts and any other open-end management
investment company or series thereof that seek to
rely on the relief requested in the Application, each
of which will operate as an actively-managed ETF.
Any ActiveShares ETF will: (a) Be advised by the
Initial Adviser or an entity controlling, controlled
by, or under common control with the Initial
Adviser (each such entity and any successor thereto
is included in the term ‘‘Adviser’’); and (b) comply
with the terms and conditions of the application.
The Adviser may retain one or more sub-advisers
(each a ‘‘Sub-Adviser’’) for the ActiveShares ETFs.
Any Sub-Adviser will be registered under the
Advisers Act. For purposes of the requested Order,
the term ‘‘successor’’ is limited to an entity that
results from a reorganization into another
jurisdiction or a change in the type of business
16 See Application at 6.
17 The AP Representative will have entered into
an agreement with the Authorized Participants and
the ActiveShares ETF. See Application at 5. No AP
Representative would be an ‘‘affiliated person’’ (as
defined in section 2(a)(3) of the Act) of the
ActiveShares ETF, the ActiveShares ETF’s Adviser,
or the ActiveShares ETF’s Authorized Participants.
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ActiveShares ETF would disclose to the
AP Representative the basket of
securities that the ActiveShares ETF
would exchange for its Shares. In the
case of creations, an Authorized
Participant would deliver to the AP
Representative the cash necessary to
purchase the basket of securities to be
exchanged for the Shares of the
ActiveShares ETF. In the case of
redemptions, the ActiveShares ETF
would deliver a basket of securities to
the AP Representative, who, in turn,
would sell them in exchange for cash on
behalf of the Authorized Participant.
The AP Representative would know, but
keep confidential, the identity and
weightings of the basket securities it
exchanges for the Shares on behalf of
the Authorized Participants.18
Applicants assert that an Authorized
Participant would be able to effectively
close a long (or short) position in a
creation unit of Shares as soon as it
enters an order to redeem (or create) the
Shares and the AP Representative
acquires or sells the basket securities to
be exchanged with the ActiveShares
ETF at the end of the day.19
b. Verified Intraday Indicative Value
and ETF portfolio holdings. To facilitate
arbitrage, each ActiveShares ETF would
disseminate a ‘‘verified intraday
indicative value,’’ or ‘‘VIIV,’’ reflecting
the value of its portfolio holdings,
calculated every second during the
trading day, rather than every 15
seconds like existing ETFs.20 Applicants
18 The ActiveShares ETFs will sell and redeem
Shares in creation units and generally on an in-kind
basis. Each AP Representative will be contractually
restricted from disclosing the portfolio information
of an ActiveShares ETF and will undertake to use
the information only to execute creations and
redemptions for the ActiveShares ETF. The
ActiveShares ETFs will also obtain representations
from the AP Representatives as to the
confidentiality of the portfolio information, the
effectiveness of information barriers, and the
adequacy of insider trading policies and
procedures. In addition, section 15(g) of the
Exchange Act will require an AP Representative, as
a registered broker, to establish, maintain, and
enforce written policies and procedures reasonably
designed to prevent the misuse of material,
nonpublic information by the AP Representative or
any person associated with the AP Representative.
See Application at note 21.
19 See Application at page 18. Except where
purchases or redemptions will include cash under
certain limited circumstances, the names and
quantities of basket securities will correspond pro
rata to the portfolio holdings used to calculate an
ActiveShares ETF’s NAV for that day. See
Application at 13–14. As market participants will
be able to effectively close positions in Shares
intraday, they will be able to keep any risk
associated with their positions in Shares to a
minimum. See infra notes 27–31 and accompanying
20 For purposes of the VIIV, all portfolio securities
will be valued at the mid-point between the current
national best bid and national best offer as
disseminated by the Consolidated Quotation
System or UTP Plan Securities Information
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have addressed the concerns noted by
the Commission in 2014 21 with respect
to reliance on the typical 15-second
intraday indicative value for arbitrage
purposes, by creating a VIIV that: (i)
Would be calculated and disseminated
every second; 22 and (ii) has precise and
uniform parameters for calculation
across all ActiveShares ETFs, including
that the ActiveShares ETFs and their
Adviser take responsibility for its
calculation.23 To further facilitate
arbitrage and address those concerns,
each ActiveShares ETF also will only
invest in certain securities that trade on
a U.S. exchange, contemporaneously
with the ETF’s Shares.24 Because the
securities are exchange traded,
Applicants assert that the AP
Representative would be able to
promptly buy or sell the basket
securities that it exchanges with the
ActiveShares ETF on behalf of an
Authorized Participant upon receiving
an order to enter into a creation or
redemption transaction. The portfolio
Processor (‘‘National Best Bid and Offer’’). See
Application at 23.
21 See supra note 13 and accompanying text.
22 In particular, Applicants assert that such a
relatively high frequency disclosure of the VIIV
would permit market participants to assess whether
an ActiveShares ETF is trading at a premium or
discount to NAV and therefore provide a level of
current information that will facilitate intraday
arbitrage. See Application at 27.
23 See Application at 22–23 and 28. In particular,
Applicants assert that each ActiveShares ETF
would employ a primary and a secondary
calculation engine to provide two independently
calculated sources of intraday indicative values.
Each ActiveShares ETF would also employ a
pricing verification agent to continuously compare
the two data streams from the calculation engines
on a real time basis. Each ActiveShares ETF would
adopt procedures governing the calculation and
dissemination of the VIIV and its Adviser would
bear responsibility for the oversight of that process.
Each Adviser would also, as part of that oversight
process, periodically, but no less than annually,
review the VIIV Procedures. Any changes to the
procedures would be submitted to the ActiveShares
ETF’s board of directors for review. Id.
24 Each ActiveShares ETF would invest only in
ETFs and exchange-traded notes, common stocks,
preferred stocks, American depositary receipts, real
estate investment trusts, commodity pools, metals
trusts, currency trusts and futures. All of these
instruments will trade on an U.S. exchange
contemporaneously with the Shares. The reference
assets of the exchange-traded futures in which an
ActiveShares ETF may invest would be assets that
the ActiveShares ETF could invest in directly, or in
the case of an index future, based on an index of
a type of asset that the ActiveShares ETF could
invest in directly. An ActiveShares ETF may also
invest in cash and cash equivalents. No
ActiveShares ETF would buy securities that are
illiquid investments (as defined in rule 22e–4(a)(8)
under the Act) at the time of purchase, borrow for
investment purposes or hold short positions. See
Application at 8. An ActiveShares ETF may,
however, hold an illiquid investment if it becomes
illiquid after purchase. See Application at 28; see
also rule 22e–4 under the Act (requiring, among
other things, that a fund develop a plan to decrease
its illiquid investments should they exceed 15% of
the fund’s net assets).
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
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holdings’ secondary market, moreover,
would provide reliable price inputs for
the VIIV calculation.25
c. Arbitrage transactions in the
ActiveShares ETFs. Applicants assert
that an accurate VIIV on a per-second
basis (together with prospectus and
quarterly portfolio disclosure),26 and the
ability to create and redeem ETF Shares
in exchange for a basket that is a pro
rata slice of the ActiveShares ETF’s
portfolio holdings, is sufficient to
facilitate effective arbitrage.27 Market
participants would be able to identify
potential arbitrage opportunities when
an ActiveShares ETF’s VIIV and
secondary market price diverge and
could then take advantage of those
opportunities by entering into arbitrage
transactions. For example, similar to
traditional ETFs, if an ActiveShares
ETF’s Shares begin trading at a
discount, an Authorized Participant can
purchase the Shares in secondary
market transactions and, after
accumulating enough Shares to
comprise a creation unit, redeem them
from the ActiveShares ETF (through an
AP Representative) in exchange for the
more valuable securities in the ETF’s
redemption basket.28 The purchases of
the ActiveShares ETF’s Shares would
reduce the supply of the Shares in the
market, and thus tend to drive up the
Shares’ market price to a level closer to
the ETF’s NAV.29 Alternatively, if an
ActiveShares ETF’s Shares are trading at
a premium, the transactions in the
arbitrage process would be reversed.30
Applicants further state that, like with
25 To the extent a portfolio holding does not have
a readily available market quotation, the
ActiveShares ETF would make public the identity
of the holding and its weight in the VIIV, thus
making the holding fully transparent. See
Application at 24 and 28. In addition, at any time
that portfolio holdings representing 10% or more of
an ActiveShares ETF’s portfolio become subject to
a trading halt or otherwise do not have readily
available market quotations, Applicants would
request that the exchange halt the ETF’s trading.
See Application at 29.
26 Like all other registered management
investment companies, the ActiveShares ETFs
would also disclose their investment strategy in
their prospectus and publicly disclose portfolio
holdings information on a quarterly basis, with a
60-day lag. See rule 30e–1; rule 30d–1; and rule
30b1–5 under the Act.
27 See Application at 29.
28 Applicants note that since the size of the
creation and redemption baskets will be relatively
small, normally between $100,000 and $300,000,
positions in ETF Shares can be closed throughout
the day, resulting in minimal risk for a market
participant. See Application at 17. See also supra
paragraph 17.a.
29 The purchase of the ETF Shares in the
secondary market, combined with the sale of the
redemption basket securities, may also drive the
market price of ETF Shares and the value of the
ActiveShares ETF’s portfolio holdings closer
together. See supra section II.B herein.
30 See supra section II.B herein.
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traditional ETFs, market participants
will also be able to engage in arbitrage
without necessarily using the creation
or redemption processes.31 For example,
if a market participant believes that an
ActiveShares ETF is trading at a
discount, the market participant may
buy ETF Shares and take a short
position in instruments whose returns
the market participant believes are
correlated to those of the ETF Shares.
The market participant would wait for
the trading prices to move toward
parity, and then close out the positions
in both the ETF Shares and those
instruments, to realize a profit from the
relative movement of their trading
prices.32 As a result, Applicants expect
that ETF Shares will trade at a market
price at or close to the NAV per Share.33
d. Protective conditions. Because the
ActiveShares ETFs and the alternative
arbitrage mechanism will be new to the
market, Applicants have agreed to
comply with certain conditions in
addition to those included in prior ETF
exemptive orders. First, the
ActiveShares ETFs will provide certain
public disclosures to explain to
investors how they differ from
traditional ETFs and inform investors
that the ActiveShares ETFs’ bid-ask
spreads and premiums/discounts may
be larger than those for traditional ETFs
due to the lack of transparency, thus
making trading in the ActiveShares
ETFs’ Shares more expensive. The
ActiveShares ETFs will also disclose
that market participants may attempt to
reverse engineer an ActiveShares ETF’s
trading strategy, which, if successful,
could increase opportunities for trading
practices that may disadvantage the
ActiveShares ETF and its
shareholders.34 In addition, each
ActiveShares ETF will include a legend
(the ‘‘Legend’’) in a prominent location
on the outside cover page of its
prospectus, as well as on its website and
any marketing materials, that will
highlight for investors the differences
between the ActiveShares ETFs and
fully transparent actively managed ETFs
and the above costs and risk.35 Unless
otherwise requested by the staff of the
31 See
supra section II.B herein.
any time during trading hours, a market
participant has the ability to eliminate all risk by
closing its positions, including positions in the
Shares, by placing a creation or redemption order,
where the AP Representative would buy or sell on
behalf of the market participant the basket
securities to be exchanged with the ActiveShares
ETF at the end of the day. See Application at 18;
supra note 18 and accompanying text.
33 See Application at 5.
34 See Application at 21.
35 See Application at 20–21.
32 At
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Commission, the Legend will read as
This ETF is different from traditional
Traditional ETFs tell the public what
assets they hold each day. This ETF will
not. This may create additional risks for
your investment. For example:
• You may have to pay more money
to trade the ETF’s shares. This ETF will
provide less information to traders, who
tend to charge more for trades when
they have less information.
• The price you pay to buy ETF
shares on an exchange may not match
the value of the ETF’s portfolio. The
same is true when you sell shares. These
price differences may be greater for this
ETF compared to other ETFs because it
provides less information to traders.
• These additional risks may be even
greater in bad or uncertain market
The differences between this ETF and
other ETFs may also have advantages.
By keeping certain information about
the ETF secret, this ETF may face less
risk that other traders can predict or
copy its investment strategy. This may
improve the ETF’s performance. If other
traders are able to copy or predict the
ETF’s investment strategy, however, this
may hurt the ETF’s performance.
For additional information regarding
the unique attributes and risks of the
ETF, see section [ ] below.
18. Second, Applicants will comply
with the requirements of Regulation Fair
Disclosure (‘‘Reg. FD’’) as if it applied to
them, thus prohibiting the ActiveShares
ETF’s selective disclosure of any
material nonpublic information.36
Because the ActiveShares ETFs will not
publicly disclose their portfolio
holdings daily, the selective disclosure
of material nonpublic information,
including information other than
portfolio information, would be more
likely to provide an unfair advantage to
the recipient than in other ETFs.
19. Third, the ActiveShares ETFs and
their Adviser will take remedial actions
as necessary if the ActiveShares ETFs
36 See 17 CFR 243. ETFs are not otherwise subject
to Reg. FD. The federal securities laws and an
investment adviser’s fiduciary duties permit the
disclosure of an ETF’s nonpublic portfolio
information to selected third parties only when the
ETF has legitimate business purposes for doing so
and the recipients are subject to a duty of
confidentiality, including a duty not to trade on the
nonpublic information. See ETF Rule Proposing
Release, supra note 1, at text accompanying notes
225–226. Reg. FD’s Rule 100(b)(2)(iii) exempts from
Reg. FD certain communications made in
connection with a securities offering registered
under the Securities Act. Applicants would not rely
on this exemption; as the ActiveShares ETFs will
be continuously offered, this exemption would
likely make the condition requiring Applicants to
comply with Reg. FD meaningless.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
do not function as anticipated. Prior to
launch, the ActiveShares ETFs will
establish certain thresholds for their
levels of premiums/discounts and
spreads, so that, upon an ActiveShares
ETF’s crossing a threshold, the Adviser
will promptly call a meeting of the
ActiveShares ETF’s board of directors,
and will present the board with
recommendations for appropriate
remedial measures.37 The board would
then consider the continuing viability of
the ActiveShares ETF, whether
shareholders are being harmed, and
what, if any, action would be
appropriate.38 In addition, Applicants
have agreed to provide to Commission
staff on a periodic basis certain metrics
and other such information as the staff
may request in order to facilitate the
staff’s ongoing monitoring of the
ActiveShares ETFs.39
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IV. Requested Exemptive Relief
20. Applicants request an order under
section 6(c) of the Act for an exemption
from sections 2(a)(32), 5(a)(1), and 22(d)
of the Act and rule 22c–1 under the Act,
under sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act
for an exemption from sections 17(a)(1)
and 17(a)(2) of the Act, and under
section 12(d)(1)(J) of the Act for an
exemption from sections 12(d)(1)(A) and
(B) of the Act.
21. Applicants’ request for relief is
novel only under section 22(d) and rule
22c–1 due to the proposed alternative
arbitrage mechanism. In all other
respects, Applicants are seeking relief
that the Commission has previously
granted to existing ETFs.40 As discussed
above, the requested relief would be
available to any open-end investment
37 See Application at 25. For the first three years
after launch of an ActiveShares ETF, its board
would promptly meet if, for 30 or more days in any
quarter or 15 days in a row, the absolute difference
between either the market closing price or Bid/Ask
Price, on one hand, and NAV, on the other, exceeds
1%, or the bid/ask spread exceeds 1%. An
ActiveShares ETF may adopt additional or lower
(i.e., less than 1%) thresholds to the extent
approved by the ETF’s board.
38 For at least three years after launch of each
ActiveShares ETF, the Board will also undertake
these considerations on an annual basis, regardless
of whether the ActiveShares ETF’s preset
thresholds have been crossed. Potential actions may
include, but are not limited to, changing lead
market makers, listing the ActiveShares ETF on a
different exchange, changing the size of creations
units, changing the ActiveShares ETF’s investment
objective or strategy, and liquidating the
ActiveShares ETF. See Application at 25.
39 See Application at 45, condition 7.
40 Applicants are not seeking the customary relief
from section 22(e) of the Act, which permits ETFs
that invest in foreign instruments to delay the
satisfaction of in-kind redemption requests beyond
seven days. See generally ETF Rule Proposing
Release, supra note 1, at section II.B.4. Given that
the ActiveShares ETFs will not invest in foreign
markets, the relief is not necessary.
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company that is an actively-managed
ETF operating in compliance with the
terms and conditions of the order and
that is advised by an Adviser.41
22. Section 6(c) of the Act provides
that the Commission may exempt any
person, security or transaction, or any
class of persons, securities or
transactions, from any provisions of the
Act, if and to the extent that such
exemption is necessary or appropriate
in the public interest and consistent
with the protection of investors and the
purposes fairly intended by the policy
and provisions of the Act. Section 17(b)
of the Act authorizes the Commission to
exempt a proposed transaction from
section 17(a) of the Act if evidence
establishes that the terms of the
transaction, including the consideration
to be paid or received, are reasonable
and fair and do not involve
overreaching on the part of any person
concerned, and the proposed
transaction is consistent with the
policies of the registered investment
company and the general purposes of
the Act. Section 12(d)(1)(J) of the Act
provides that the Commission may
exempt any person, security, or
transaction, or any class or classes of
persons, securities or transactions, from
any provision of section 12(d)(1) if the
exemption is consistent with the public
interest and the protection of investors.
A. Novel Relief Under Section 22(d) and
Rule 22c–1
23. Section 22(d) of the Act, among
other things, prohibits a dealer from
selling a redeemable security that is
currently being offered to the public by
or through a principal underwriter other
than at a current public offering price
described in the fund’s prospectus. Rule
22c–1 under the Act requires open-end
funds, their principal underwriters, and
dealers in fund shares (and certain
others) to sell and redeem fund shares
at a price based on the current NAV
41 Applicants anticipate that the Initial Adviser or
an affiliate thereof would enter into license
agreements with other registered investment
advisers advising an open-end management
investment company that intends to launch new
series operating as the Applicants’ ETFs (such
licensed adviser and trust together, the ‘‘Future
Applicants’’). Applicants further expect that Future
Applicants would apply for a separate exemptive
order that incorporates by reference all the terms
and conditions of the requested order and any
amendments thereto. See Application at 6. See also
in re Eaton Vance Management, et al., File No. 812–
14139, Fourth Amendment, filed Sept. 25, 2014;
Investment Company Act Rel. No. 31333 (Nov. 6,
2014) (notice), Investment Company Act Rel. No.
31361 (Dec. 2, 2014) (order). See also, e.g., in re
American Beacon Nextshares Trust, et al., File No.
812–14417, First Amendment, filed Feb. 23, 2015;
Investment Company Act Rel. No. 31498 (Mar. 6,
2015) (notice); Investment Company Act Rel. No.
31542 (Apr. 1, 2015) (order).
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next computed after receipt of an order
to buy or redeem.
24. Together, section 22(d) and rule
22c–1 are designed to: (i) Prevent
dilution caused by certain riskless
trading practices of principal
underwriters and dealers; (ii) prevent
unjust discrimination or preferential
treatment among investors purchasing
and redeeming fund shares; and (iii)
preserve an orderly distribution of
investment company shares.42
25. Applicants believe that none of
these concerns will be raised by
permitting Shares to trade in the
secondary market at negotiated prices.
Applicants state that secondary market
trading in Shares does not involve the
ActiveShares ETFs as parties and cannot
result in dilution of an investment in
Shares, and to the extent different prices
for Shares exist during a given trading
day, or from day to day, such variances
occur as a result of third-party market
forces, such as supply and demand.
Therefore, Applicants assert that
secondary market transactions in Shares
will not lead to discrimination or
preferential treatment among
purchasers. Finally, Applicants contend
that the proposed distribution system
will be orderly because anyone will be
able to sell or acquire Shares on an
exchange and arbitrage activity should
ensure that secondary market
transactions occur at prices at or close
to the ActiveShares ETF’s NAV.
26. In considering relief from section
22(d) and rule 22c–1 for ETFs, the
Commission has focused on whether the
ETFs’ arbitrage mechanism addresses
the concerns underlying those
provisions. As noted earlier, the
Commission has only granted relief
from section 22(d) and rule 22c–1 to
actively managed ETFs that provide
daily transparency of their portfolio
holdings.43 The Commission believes
that the alternative arbitrage mechanism
proposed by Applicants can also work
in an efficient manner to maintain an
ActiveShares ETF’s secondary market
prices close to its NAV.44 The
Commission recognizes, however, that
the lack of full transparency may cause
the ActiveShares ETFs to trade with
spreads and premiums/discounts that
are larger than those of comparable,
42 See ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra note 1,
at text accompanying note 111.
43 An effective arbitrage mechanism that
maintains a close tie between market price and
NAV is the foundation for why the prices at which
retail investors buy and sell ETF shares are similar
to the price at which Authorized Participants are
able to buy and redeem shares directly from the
ETF at NAV. See discussion following supra note
9; see also ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra note
1, at section II.B.2.
44 See supra section III.B.c.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
ETFs. Applicants also seek relief from
the prohibitions on affiliated
transactions in section 17(a) to permit
an ActiveShares ETF to sell its Shares
to and redeem its Shares from an
Acquiring Fund, and to engage in the
accompanying in-kind transactions with
the Acquiring Fund.47 The purchase of
creation units by an Acquiring Fund
directly from an ActiveShares ETF will
be accomplished in accordance with the
B. Other Relief
policies of the Acquiring Fund and will
27. The additional exemptive relief
be based on the NAVs of the
Applicants seek is relief routinely
ActiveShares ETFs.
granted to ETFs, and does not raise
30. Section 12(d)(1) of the Act. Third,
novel issues on account of the lack of
Applicants request an exemption to
daily portfolio transparency.
permit Acquiring Funds to acquire ETF
28. Sections 5(a)(1) and 2(a)(32) of the Shares beyond the limits of section
Act. First, because the Shares will not be 12(d)(1)(A) of the Act and permit the
individually redeemable, Applicants
ActiveShares ETFs, and any principal
request an exemption from section
underwriter for the ActiveShares ETFs,
5(a)(1) and section 2(a)(32) of the Act
and/or any broker or dealer registered
that would permit the ActiveShares
under the Exchange Act, to sell ETF
ETFs to register as open-end
Shares to Acquiring Funds beyond the
management investment companies and limits of section 12(d)(1)(B) of the Act.
issue Shares that are redeemable in
The application’s terms and conditions
creation units only.
are designed to, among other things,
29. Sections 17(a)(1) and (2) of the
help prevent any potential (i) undue
Act. Second, Applicants request an
influence over an ETF through control
exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and
or voting power, or in connection with
17(a)(2) of the Act to permit persons that certain services, transactions, and
are affiliated persons, or second-tier
underwritings, (ii) excessive layering of
affiliates, of the ActiveShares ETFs,
fees, and (iii) overly complex fund
solely by virtue of certain ownership
structures, which are the concerns
interests, to effectuate purchases and
underlying the limits in sections
redemptions in-kind. The deposit
12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the Act.
procedures for in-kind purchases of
C. Consideration of Possible Concerns
creation units and the redemption
Relating to the Requested Relief
procedures for in-kind redemptions of
creation units will be the same for all
31. As part of our review, we have
purchases and redemptions and basket
considered possible concerns regarding
securities will be valued in the same
the requested relief, including, among
manner as those portfolio securities
others, concerns related to the proposed
currently held by the ActiveShares
arbitrage mechanism, and the risk of
selective disclosure and reverse
45 While the VIIV will provide an approximate
engineering, as discussed below. We
value of an ActiveShares ETF’s portfolio holdings,
believe, however, that the Applicants’
market participants will only be able to estimate,
proposed terms and conditions
not to observe, the spreads at which those holdings
trade, given that the VIIV would be based on the
sufficiently address such concerns.
mid-point between the current National Best Bid
32. Proposed Arbitrage Mechanism.
and Offer. See supra note 19. For the same reason,
possible concern is that the
market participants also will not know the exact
proposed arbitrage mechanism may not
price at which the AP Representative buys or sells
the ActiveShares ETF’s portfolio holdings as part of
facilitate effective arbitrage, which
a creation or redemption transaction with the
could result in significant deviations
ActiveShares ETF. To account for the lack of this
between the market price and NAV per
information, market participants may require wider
share of an ActiveShares ETF. We
spreads than for other ETFs when they trade the
ActiveShares ETF Shares.
believe that the proposed arbitrage
46 Investors will have the information necessary
mechanism can work in an efficient
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fully transparent ETFs.45 Nonetheless,
as long as arbitrage continues to keep
the ActiveShares ETF’s secondary
market price and NAV close, and does
so efficiently so that spreads remain
narrow, the Commission believes that
investors would benefit from the
opportunity to invest in active strategies
through a vehicle that offers the
traditional benefits of ETFs.46
to compare the costs associated with investing in
the ActiveShares ETFs with the costs of investing
in other ETFs and mutual funds. See Item 3 of Form
N–1A; condition 2. Cf. ETF Rule Proposing Release,
supra note 1, at text following note 130 (noting that
for fully transparent ETFs, ‘‘under certain
circumstances, including during periods of market
stress, the arbitrage mechanism may work less
effectively for a period of time,’’ but that ‘‘on
balance, . . . investors are more likely to weigh the
potential benefits of ETFs (e.g., low cost and
intraday trading) against any potential for market
price deviations when deciding whether to utilize
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47 The requested relief would apply to direct sales
of shares in creation units by an ActiveShares ETF
to an Acquiring Fund and redemptions of those
shares. Applicants, moreover, are not seeking relief
from section 17(a) for, and the requested relief will
not apply to, transactions where an ActiveShares
ETF could be deemed an affiliated person, or a
second-tier affiliate, of an Acquiring Fund because
an Adviser or an entity controlling, controlled by
or under common control with an Adviser provides
investment advisory services to that Acquiring
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manner to maintain an ActiveShares
ETF’s secondary market prices close to
its NAV while providing investors with
the opportunity to invest in active
strategies through a vehicle that offers
the traditional benefits of ETFs.48 In
addition, to the extent that the
ActiveShares ETFs do not function as
anticipated, Applicants have
undertaken to take remedial actions as
33. Selective Disclosure. Another
possible concern is that the proposed
AP Representative structure could
create informational asymmetries that
raise legal and policy concerns
regarding selective disclosure of
material non-public information. As
discussed above, to address this concern
Applicants have undertaken to
implement a number of safeguards,
including a condition requiring
Applicants to comply with Reg. FD as
if it applied to ETFs.50
34. Reverse Engineering. A third
possible concern is that other market
participants may be able to reverse
engineer an ActiveShares ETF’s
portfolio holdings and use such
information to the disadvantage of the
ActiveShares ETF, Authorized
Participants and shareholders.
Applicants have represented that they
will operate the ActiveShares ETFs in a
manner designed to minimize the risk of
reverse engineering and the Commission
anticipates that the ActiveShares ETFs
will have the ability to minimize such
risk.51 Indeed, we note that the
Applicants have a significant incentive
to minimize this risk, considering that
the purpose of their proposed arbitrage
48 See
supra paragraphs 17.c. and 26.
supra paragraph 19.
50 See supra paragraph 18. In addition, the AP
Representative would contractually agree to use the
identity and weighting of the securities in the
creation basket for no purpose other than executing
creations and redemptions for an ActiveShares ETF,
and to maintain such identities and weightings
confidential. See Application at 10. Further, the AP
Representative, as a broker registered under the
Exchange Act, is required to establish, maintain,
and enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to prevent the misuse of
material, nonpublic information by the AP
Representative or any person associated with the
AP Representative. See Application at note 21.
51 Our Division of Economic Research and
Analysis (‘‘DERA’’) conducted an analysis of
whether the ActiveShares ETFs’ portfolios could be
reverse engineered, finding that the answer depends
on the specifics of each ActiveShares ETF,
including the size of the ActiveShares ETF’s
universe of potential portfolio selections. See
Memorandum from DERA, Inferring NonTransparent ETF Portfolio Holdings (Nov. 16, 2017),
available at
510.pdf. The ActiveShares ETFs would disclose this
risk to investors, even though Applicants believe
that such reverse engineering would be ‘‘highly
unlikely.’’ See Application at 24 and supra note 34
and accompanying text.
49 See
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
mechanism is to facilitate the operation
of ETFs that limit the ETFs’
susceptibility to predatory trading
practices, like ‘‘front running’’ and ‘‘free
V. Applicants’ Conditions 52
Applicants agree that any order of the
Commission granting the requested ETF
relief will be subject to the following
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A. ETF Relief
1. As long as an ETF operates in
reliance on the requested order, the
Shares of such ETF will be listed on an
2. The website for the Trust, which
will be publicly accessible at no charge,
will contain, on a per Share basis for
each ETF, the prior business day’s NAV
and market closing price or Bid/Ask
Price of the Shares, a calculation of the
premium or discount of the market
closing price or Bid/Ask Price against
such NAV, and any other information
regarding premiums and discounts as
may be required for other ETFs
registered under the Act. The website
will also disclose the median bid-ask
spread for each ETF’s most recent fiscal
year based on the National Best Bid and
Offer at the time of calculation of NAV
(or such other spread measurement as
may be required for other ETFs
registered under the Act).
3. Each ETF will include the Legend
in a prominent location on the outside
cover page of its prospectus, as well as
on its website and any marketing
4. No Adviser or Sub-Adviser, directly
or indirectly, will cause any Authorized
Participant (or any investor on whose
behalf an Authorized Participant may
transact with the ETF) to acquire any
deposit instrument for an ETF through
a transaction in which the ETF could
not engage directly.
5. On each Business day the VIIV for
an ETF on a per-Share basis will be
provided to the market in one second
intervals during regular trading hours.
6. Each ETF will maintain and
preserve, for a period of not less than
five years, in an easily accessible place,
all written agreements (or copies
thereof) between (i) the ETF and each
AP Representative related to the AP
Representative’s role as such and (ii) an
Authorized Participant and the ETF or
one of its service providers that allows
the Authorized Participant to place
52 Unless the context otherwise requires,
references to ‘‘ETFs’’ in the conditions below refer
to ActiveShares ETFs. Capitalized terms not
otherwise defined herein shall have the same
meaning as in the Application.
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orders for the purchase or redemption of
creation units.
7. Each ETF will provide Commission
staff with periodic reports (for which
confidential treatment may be
requested) containing such information
as the Commission staff may request.
8. Each ETF and each person acting
on behalf of an ETF will comply with
and agree to be subject to the
requirements of Regulation Fair
Disclosure as if it applied to them
(except that the exemptions provided in
Rule 100(b)(2)(iii) therein shall not
9. The requested relief to permit ETF
operations will expire on the effective
date of any Commission rule under the
Act that provides relief permitting the
operation of actively managed funds
that create and redeem their Shares
exclusively through an AP
Representative or similar agent without
daily public basket or portfolio
B. Section 12(d)(1) Relief
10. The members of the Acquiring
Fund’s Advisory Group will not control
(individually or in the aggregate) an ETF
within the meaning of section 2(a)(9) of
the Act. The members of the Acquiring
Fund’s Sub-Advisory Group will not
control (individually or in the aggregate)
an ETF within the meaning of section
2(a)(9) of the Act. If, as a result of a
decrease in the outstanding voting
securities of an ETF, an Acquiring
Fund’s Advisory Group or the Acquiring
Fund’s Sub-Advisory Group, each in the
aggregate, becomes a holder of more
than 25% of the outstanding voting
securities of an ETF, it will vote its
Shares of the ETF in the same
proportion as the vote of all other
holders of the ETF’s Shares. This
condition does not apply to the
Acquiring Fund’s Sub-Advisory Group
with respect to an ETF for which the
Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser or a
person controlling, controlled by or
under common control with the
Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser acts as the
investment adviser within the meaning
of section 2(a)(20)(A) of the Act.
11. No Acquiring Fund or Acquiring
Fund Affiliate will cause any existing or
potential investment by the Acquiring
Fund in an ETF to influence the terms
of any services or transactions between
the Acquiring Fund or Acquiring Fund
Affiliate and the ETF or ETF Affiliate.
12. The board of directors or trustees
of an Acquiring Management Company,
including a majority of the Independent
Trustees, will adopt procedures
reasonably designed to assure that the
Acquiring Fund Adviser and any
Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser are
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conducting the investment program of
the Acquiring Management Company
without taking into account any
consideration received by the Acquiring
Management Company or an Acquiring
Fund Affiliate from an ETF or a Fund
Affiliate in connection with any services
or transactions.
13. Once an investment by an
Acquiring Fund in the securities of an
ETF exceeds the limit in section
12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, the Board,
including a majority of the Independent
Trustees, will determine that any
consideration paid by an ETF to an
Acquiring Fund or an Acquiring Fund
Affiliate in connection with any services
or transactions: (i) Is fair and reasonable
in relation to the nature and quality of
the services and benefits received by the
ETF; (ii) is within the range of
consideration that the ETF would be
required to pay to another unaffiliated
entity in connection with the same
services or transactions; and (iii) does
not involve overreaching on the part of
any person concerned. This condition
does not apply with respect to any
services or transactions between an ETF
and its Adviser, or any person
controlling, controlled by or under
common control with such Adviser.
14. An Acquiring Fund Adviser, or a
trustee or Sponsor of an Acquiring
Trust, as applicable, will waive fees
otherwise payable to it by the Acquiring
Fund in an amount at least equal to any
compensation (including any fees
received pursuant to any plan adopted
by an ETF pursuant to rule 12b–1 under
the Act) received from an ETF by the
Acquiring Fund Adviser, or trustee or
Sponsor of an Acquiring Trust, or an
affiliated person of the Acquiring Fund
Adviser, or trustee or Sponsor of the
Acquiring Trust, other than any
advisory fees paid to the Acquiring
Fund Adviser, or trustee or Sponsor of
an Acquiring Trust, or its affiliated
person by the ETF, in connection with
the investment by the Acquiring Fund
in the ETF. Any Acquiring Fund SubAdviser will waive fees otherwise
payable to the Acquiring Fund SubAdviser, directly or indirectly, by the
Acquiring Management Company in an
amount at least equal to any
compensation received from an ETF by
the Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser, or an
affiliated person of the Acquiring Fund
Sub-Adviser, other than any advisory
fees paid to the Acquiring Fund SubAdviser or its affiliated person by the
ETF, in connection with the investment
by the Acquiring Management Company
in the ETF made at the direction of the
Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser. In the
event that the Acquiring Fund SubAdviser waives fees, the benefit of the
amozie on DSK9F9SC42PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 70 / Thursday, April 11, 2019 / Notices
waiver will be passed through to the
Acquiring Management Company.
15. No Acquiring Fund or Acquiring
Fund Affiliate (except to the extent it is
acting in its capacity as an investment
adviser to an ETF) will cause an ETF to
purchase a security in an Affiliated
16. The Board of an ETF, including a
majority of the Independent Trustees,
will adopt procedures reasonably
designed to monitor any purchases of
securities by an ETF in an Affiliated
Underwriting, once an investment by an
Acquiring Fund in the securities of the
ETF exceeds the limit of section
12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, including any
purchases made directly from an
Underwriting Affiliate. The Board will
review these purchases periodically, but
no less frequently than annually, to
determine whether the purchases were
influenced by the investment by the
Acquiring Fund in an ETF. The Board
will consider, among other things: (i)
Whether the purchases were consistent
with the investment objectives and
policies of the ETF; (ii) how the
performance of securities purchased in
an Affiliated Underwriting compares to
the performance of comparable
securities purchased during a
comparable period of time in
underwritings other than Affiliated
Underwritings or to a benchmark such
as a comparable market index; and (iii)
whether the amount of securities
purchased by the ETF in Affiliated
Underwritings and the amount
purchased directly from an
Underwriting Affiliate have changed
significantly from prior years. The
Board will take any appropriate actions
based on its review, including, if
appropriate, the institution of
procedures designed to ensure that
purchases of securities in Affiliated
Underwritings are in the best interest of
shareholders of the ETF.
17. Each ETF will maintain and
preserve permanently in an easily
accessible place a written copy of the
procedures described in the preceding
condition, and any modifications to
such procedures, and will maintain and
preserve for a period of not less than six
years from the end of the fiscal year in
which any purchase in an Affiliated
Underwriting occurred, the first two
years in an easily accessible place, a
written record of each purchase of
securities in Affiliated Underwritings
once an investment by an Acquiring
Fund in the securities of the ETF
exceeds the limit of section
12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, setting forth
from whom the securities were
acquired, the identity of the
underwriting syndicate’s members, the
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terms of the purchase, and the
information or materials upon which
the Board’s determinations were made.
18. Before investing in an ETF in
excess of the limits in section
12(d)(1)(A), an Acquiring Fund will
execute an Acquiring Fund Agreement
with the ETF stating that their
respective boards of directors or trustees
and their investment advisers, or trustee
and Sponsor, as applicable, understand
the terms and conditions of the order,
and agree to fulfill their responsibilities
under the order. At the time of its
investment in shares of an ETF in excess
of the limit in section 12(d)(1)(A)(i), an
Acquiring Fund will notify the ETF of
the investment. At such time, the
Acquiring Fund will also transmit to the
ETF a list of the names of each
Acquiring Fund Affiliate and
Underwriting Affiliate. The Acquiring
Fund will notify the ETF of any changes
to the list as soon as reasonably
practicable after a change occurs. The
ETF and the Acquiring Fund will
maintain and preserve a copy of the
order, the Acquiring Fund Agreement,
and the list with any updated
information for the duration of the
investment and for a period of not less
than six years thereafter, the first two
years in an easily accessible place.
19. Before approving any advisory
contract under section 15 of the Act, the
board of directors or trustees of each
Acquiring Management Company,
including a majority of the Independent
Trustees, will find that the advisory fees
charged under such contract are based
on services provided that will be in
addition to, rather than duplicative of,
the services provided under the
advisory contract(s) of any ETF in
which the Acquiring Management
Company may invest. These findings
and their basis will be recorded fully in
the minute books of the appropriate
Acquiring Management Company.
20. Any sales charges (other than
customary brokerage fees) and/or
service fees charged with respect to
shares of an Acquiring Fund will not
exceed the limits applicable to a fund of
funds as set forth in FINRA Rule 2341.
21. No ETF will acquire securities of
any other investment company or
company relying on section 3(c)(1) or
3(c)(7) of the Act in excess of the limits
contained in section 12(d)(1)(A) of the
Act, except to the extent an ETF
acquires securities of another
investment company pursuant to
exemptive relief from the Commission
permitting the ETF to acquire securities
of one or more investment companies
for short-term cash management
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By the Commission,
Jill M. Peterson,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2019–07207 Filed 4–10–19; 8:45 am]
[Release No. IA–5219]
Notice of Intention To Cancel
Registration Pursuant to Section
203(h) of the Investment Advisers Act
of 1940
April 5, 2019.
Notice is given that the Securities and
Exchange Commission (the
‘‘Commission’’) intends to issue an
order, pursuant to Section 203(h) of the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the
‘‘Act’’), cancelling the registration of
NeoCap, LLC [File No. 801–110419],
hereinafter referred to as the
‘‘registrant’’. Section 203(h) provides, in
pertinent part, that if the Commission
finds that any person registered under
Section 203, or who has pending an
application for registration filed under
that section, is no longer in existence, is
not engaged in business as an
investment adviser, or is prohibited
from registering as an investment
adviser under section 203A, the
Commission shall, by order, cancel the
registration of such person.
The registrant indicated on its most
recent Form ADV filing that it is a large
advisory firm that has regulatory assets
under management of $100 million or
more.1 The Commission believes, based
on the facts it has, that the registrant did
not at the time of the Form ADV filing,
and does not currently, maintain the
required assets under management to
remain registered with the Commission,
nor does it appear eligible to register
pursuant to any other provision of the
Advisers Act. In addition, the registrant
has not filed an annual updating
amendment for fiscal years 2017 and
2018, and appears to be no longer in
business as an investment adviser.
Accordingly, the Commission believes
that reasonable grounds exist for a
finding that this registrant is no longer
in existence, are not engaged in business
as an investment adviser, or is
prohibited from registering as an
investment adviser under section 203A,
and that its registration should be
cancelled pursuant to section 203(h) of
the Act.
1 Section 203A of the Act generally prohibits an
investment adviser from registering with the
Commission unless it meets certain requirements.
See Advisers Act section 203A(a); 17 CFR
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 70 (Thursday, April 11, 2019)]
[Pages 14690-14698]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-07207]
[Investment Company Act Release No. 33440; 812-14405]
Precidian ETFs Trust, et al.; Notice of Application
April 8, 2019.
AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'').
ACTION: Notice of an application for exemptive relief.
Summary of Application: Applicants request an order under section 6(c)
of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (``Act'') for an exemption from
sections 2(a)(32), 5(a)(1), and 22(d) of the Act and rule 22c-1 under
the Act, under sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act for an exemption from
sections 17(a)(1) and 17(a)(2) of the Act, and under section
12(d)(1)(J) of the Act for an exemption from sections 12(d)(1)(A) and
12(d)(1)(B) of the Act. If granted, the requested order would permit
registered open-end investment companies that are exchange-traded funds
(each, an ``ETF'') and are actively managed to operate without being
subject to the current daily portfolio transparency condition in
actively managed ETF orders.
Applicants: Precidian Funds LLC (the ``Initial Adviser''); Precidian
ETFs Trust and Precidian ETF Trust II (each, a ``Trust'' and, together
the ``Trusts''); and Foreside Fund Services, LLC.
Filing Dates: The application was filed on December 22, 2014, and
amended on August 11, 2015, September 21, 2015, May 3, 2017, October 2,
2017, December 4, 2017, May 30, 2018, and April 4, 2019.
Hearing or Notification of Hearing: An order granting the requested
relief will be issued unless the Commission orders a hearing.
Interested persons may request a hearing by writing to the Commission's
Secretary and serving Applicants with a copy of the request, personally
or by mail. Hearing requests should be received by the Commission by
5:30 p.m. on May 3, 2019, and should be accompanied by proof of service
on Applicants, in the form of an affidavit, or for lawyers, a
certificate of service. Pursuant to rule 0-5 under the Act, hearing
requests should state the nature of the writer's interest, any facts
bearing upon the desirability of a hearing on the matter, the reason
for the request, and the issues contested. Persons who wish to be
notified of a hearing may request notification by writing to the
Commission's Secretary.
ADDRESSES: Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street
[[Page 14691]]
Washington, DC 20549-1090; Applicants: Precidian ETFs Trust, Precidian
ETF Trust II and Precidian Funds LLC, 350 Main St., Suite 9,
Bedminster, NJ 07921, and Foreside Fund Services, LLC, Three Canal
Plaza, Suite 100, Portland, ME 04101.
Deepak T. Pai, Senior Counsel; Andrea Ottomanelli Magovern, Branch
Chief, at (202) 551-6821 (Division of Investment Management, Chief
Counsel's Office).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the
application. The complete application may be obtained via the
Commission's website by searching for the file number, or for an
applicant using the Company name box, at or by calling (202) 551-8090.
I. Introduction
1. Applicants seek to introduce a novel type of actively managed
ETF that would not be required to disclose its portfolio holdings on a
daily basis (each, an ``ActiveShares ETF''). Due to their
characteristics, ETFs (including those proposed by Applicants) are only
permitted to operate in reliance on Commission exemptive relief from
certain provisions of the Act and rules thereunder.\1\ Accordingly,
Applicants seek an order: Under section 6(c) of the Act for an
exemption from sections 2(a)(32), 5(a)(1) and 22(d) of the Act and rule
22c-1 thereunder; under sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act granting an
exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and 17(a)(2) of the Act; and under
section 12(d)(1)(J) for an exemption from sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B)
of the Act. The requested order would permit: (a) ActiveShares ETFs to
issue shares (``Shares'') redeemable in large aggregations only
(``creation units''); (b) secondary market transactions in Shares to
occur at negotiated market prices rather than at net asset value
(``NAV''); (c) certain affiliated persons of an ActiveShares ETF to
deposit securities into, and receive securities from, the ActiveShares
ETF in connection with the purchase and redemption of creation units;
and (d) certain registered management investment companies and unit
investment trusts outside of the same group of investment companies as
the ActiveShares ETFs (``Acquiring Funds'') to acquire Shares of the
ActiveShares ETFs.
\1\ The Commission first granted exemptive relief to operate
ETFs in the early 1990s when the first index-based ETFs were
developed. See SPDR Trust Series I, Investment Company Act Release
Nos. 18959 (Sept. 17, 1992) (notice) and 19055 (Oct. 26, 1992)
(order). See generally Exchange Traded Funds, Investment Company Act
Release No. 33140 (Jun. 28, 2018) (``ETF Rule Proposing Release''),
at section I. The Commission has also granted ETFs exemptive relief
from Sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the Act. See generally Fund of
Funds Arrangements, Investment Company Act Release No. 33329 (Dec.
19, 2018).
2. Section 6(c) allows the Commission to exempt any person,
security, or transaction, or any class thereof, only ``if and to the
extent that such exemption is necessary or appropriate in the public
interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the
purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of [the Act].''
As discussed below, the Commission believes that ActiveShares ETFs meet
the standard for exemptive relief under section 6(c) of the Act.\2\
Accordingly, the Commission intends to grant the requested relief.
\2\ See infra section IV for a discussion of all the relief
requested by Applicants, including relief under sections 17(b) and
12(d)(1)(J) of the Act.
II. Background
A. Open-End Investment Companies and Net Asset Value
3. The Act defines an investment company as an ``issuer'' of ``any
security'' which ``is or holds itself out as being engaged primarily .
. . in the business of investing . . . in securities.'' \3\ Shares in
an investment company represent proportionate interests in its
investment portfolio, and their value fluctuates in relation to the
changes in the value of that portfolio.
\3\ 15 U.S.C. 80a-3(a); 80a-3(a)(1).
4. The most common form of investment company, the ``open-end''
investment company or mutual fund, is required by law to redeem its
securities on demand at a price approximating the securities'
proportionate share of the fund's NAV at the time of redemption.\4\
These funds also continuously issue and sell new shares, thereby
replenishing their investment capital.
\4\ See section 22(d) and rule 22c-1; see also infra section
IV.A (discussing section 22(d) and rule 22c-1).
5. Because open-end investment companies are required by law to
redeem their shares based on investors' demands, shares of the funds
have historically not traded on exchanges or in other secondary
\5\ This stems from section 22(d) of the Act, which in effect
fixes the prices at which redeemable securities, including open-end
shares, are sold. The result is a system that precludes dealers from
making a secondary market in open-end shares.
B. Exemptions Under the Act for Actively Managed ETFs
6. ETFs, including those proposed by Applicants, are a type of
open-end fund. But unlike traditional open-end funds, ETFs are made
available to investors primarily through secondary market transactions
on exchanges.
7. In order for this to take place, ETFs require various exemptions
from the provisions of the Act and the rules thereunder. Critically, in
granting such exemptions to date, the Commission has required that a
mechanism exist to ensure that ETF shares would trade at a price that
is at or close to the NAV per share of the ETF.\6\
\6\ This has been a required representation in all ETF orders
since the Commission issued the first order. See supra note 1.
8. Such a mechanism is essential for ETFs to operate because ETFs
do not sell or redeem their individual shares at NAV per share as
required by the Act. Instead, large broker-dealers that have
contractual arrangements with an ETF (each, an ``Authorized
Participant'') purchase and redeem ETF shares directly from the ETF,
but only in large blocks called ``creation units.'' Traditionally, an
Authorized Participant that purchases a creation unit of ETF shares
first deposits with the ETF a ``basket'' of securities and other assets
(e.g., cash) identified by the ETF that day, and then receives the
creation unit of ETF shares in return for those assets. The basket is
generally representative of the ETF's portfolio and is equal in value
to the aggregate NAV of ETF shares in the creation unit. After
purchasing a creation unit, the Authorized Participant may sell the
component ETF shares in secondary market transactions. Investors then
purchase individual shares in the secondary market. The redemption
process is the reverse of the purchase process: The Authorized
Participant acquires a creation unit of ETF shares and redeems it for a
basket of securities and other assets.
9. The combination of the creation and redemption process with the
secondary market trading in ETF shares provides arbitrage opportunities
that are designed to help keep the market price of ETF shares at or
close to the NAV per share of the ETF.\7\ For example, if ETF shares
begin trading on national securities exchanges at a ``discount'' (a
price below the estimated intraday NAV per share of the ETF), an
Authorized Participant can purchase ETF shares in secondary market
transactions and, after accumulating enough shares to comprise a
creation unit, redeem them from the ETF in exchange for the more
valuable securities and other assets in the ETF's redemption basket. In
addition to purchasing ETF shares,
[[Page 14692]]
Authorized Participants also are likely to hedge their intraday risk.
Thus, for example, when ETF shares are trading at a discount to the
estimated intraday NAV per share of the ETF, an Authorized Participant
may also simultaneously short the securities in the ETF's redemption
basket. At the end of the day, the Authorized Participant will return
the creation unit of ETF shares to the ETF in exchange for the ETF's
basket assets, and use such assets to cover its short positions. Those
purchases reduce the supply of ETF shares in the market, and thus tend
to drive up the market price of the shares to a level closer to the NAV
per share of the ETF.\8\
\7\ See Investment Company Institute, 2018 Investment Company
Fact Book (2018) (``ICI Fact Book''), at 93; ETF Rule Proposing
Release, supra note 1, at note 28 and accompanying text.
\8\ The Authorized Participant's purchase of the ETF shares in
the secondary market, combined with the sale of the redemption
basket securities, may also create upward pressure on the price of
ETF shares and/or downward pressure on the price of redemption
basket securities, driving the market price of ETF shares and the
value of the ETF's portfolio holdings closer together.
10. Conversely, if the market price for ETF shares reflects a
``premium'' (a price above the estimated intraday NAV per share of the
ETF), an Authorized Participant can deposit a basket of securities and
other assets in exchange for the more valuable creation unit of ETF
shares, and then sell the individual shares in the market to realize
its profit.\9\ An Authorized Participant also is likely to hedge its
intraday risk when ETF shares are trading at a premium. Thus, for
example, when the shares of an ETF are trading at a premium, an
Authorized Participant may buy the securities in the ETF's purchase
basket in the secondary market and sell short the ETF shares. At the
end of the day, the Authorized Participant will deposit the basket
assets in exchange for a creation unit of ETF shares, which it will
then use to cover its short positions. The Authorized Participant will
receive a profit from having paid less for the ETF shares than it
received for the assets in the purchase basket. These transactions
would increase the supply of ETF shares in the secondary market, and
thus tend to drive down the price of ETF shares to a level closer to
the NAV per share of the ETF.
\9\ The Authorized Participant's purchase of the basket assets,
combined with the sale of ETF shares, may also create downward
pressure on the price of ETF shares, upward pressure on the price of
purchase basket securities, or both, bringing the market price of
ETF shares and the value of the ETF's portfolio holdings closer
11. Market participants can also engage in arbitrage activity
without using the creation or redemption processes described above. For
example, if a market participant believes that an ETF is overvalued
relative to its underlying or reference assets (i.e., trading at a
premium), the market participant may sell ETF shares short and buy the
underlying or reference assets, wait for the trading prices to move
toward parity, and then close out the positions in both the ETF shares
and the underlying or reference assets to realize a profit from the
relative movement of their trading prices. Similarly, a market
participant could buy ETF shares and sell the underlying or reference
assets short in an attempt to profit when an ETF's shares are trading
at a discount to the ETF's underlying or reference assets. As discussed
above, this type of trading of an ETF's shares and the ETF's underlying
or reference assets may bring the prices of the ETF's shares and its
portfolio assets closer together through market pressure.
12. In assessing whether to grant exemptive relief to actively
managed ETFs in the past, the Commission has required a mechanism that
would keep the market prices of ETF shares at or close to the NAV per
share of the ETF. To date, this mechanism has been dependent on daily
portfolio transparency.\10\ This transparency provides market
participants with an important tool to value the ETF portfolio on an
intraday basis, which, in turn, enables market participants to
effectively assess whether an arbitrage opportunity exists. It is the
exercise of such arbitrage opportunities that keeps the market price of
ETF shares at or close to the NAV per share of the ETF. This close tie
between market price and NAV per share of the ETF is the foundation for
why the prices at which retail investors buy and sell ETF shares are
similar to the prices at which Authorized Participants are able to buy
and redeem shares directly from the ETF at NAV. In granting relief from
section 22(d) of the Act and rule 22c-1 under the Act, the Commission
relies on this close tie between what retail investors pay and what
Authorized Participants pay to make the finding that the ETF's
shareholders are being treated equitably when buying and selling
shares.\11\ The Commission therefore has granted such exemptive relief
to date only to those actively managed ETFs that have provided daily
transparency of their portfolio holdings.
\10\ The condition for daily portfolio transparency has
consistently been one of the conditions to the exemptive relief
issued to actively managed ETFs by the Commission. See PowerShares
Capital Management LLC, et al., Investment Company Act Release Nos.
28140 (Feb. 1, 2008) (notice) and 28171 (Feb. 27, 2008) (order). See
also, generally, ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra note 1, at
section II.C.4.
\11\ See supra note 3 and accompanying text.
C. Prior Commission Action
13. The Applicants requested the same relief in a prior application
based on a different proposal for ETFs that would not disclose their
portfolio holdings on a daily basis.\12\ In 2014, the Commission issued
a notice preliminarily taking the position that the prior proposal did
not provide an adequate substitute for full portfolio transparency in
facilitating effective arbitrage.\13\ The Commission stated that
prospectus disclosure, quarterly portfolio holdings disclosure and the
proposed indicative intraday value did not provide sufficient
information to allow market makers to effectively assess whether real-
time arbitrage opportunities in ETF shares exist. In particular, the
Commission stated that an ETF's typical intraday indicative value,
which is calculated every 15 seconds, is not reliable as the primary
pricing signal for an ETF's portfolio, especially during stressed or
volatile market conditions, because: (i) It provides stale data, given
the 15-second intervals; (ii) it is not subject to meaningful
standards, given that there are no uniform methodology requirements for
its calculation and no one takes responsibility for its accuracy; and
(iii) it is of limited value for asset classes that cannot be easily
and accurately priced.\14\
\12\ See Precidian ETFs Trust, et al., File No. 812-14116,
Second Amendment, filed July 23, 2013 (the prior application also
included a request for relief from section 22(e) of the Act).
\13\ Precidian ETFs Trust, et al., Investment Company Act
Release No. 31300 (October 21, 2014).
\14\ Id. at section IV.A. See also, ETF Rule Proposing Release,
supra note 1, at section II.C.3.
III. The Application
A. The Applicants
14. The Trusts are each a statutory trust organized under the laws
of Delaware and registered under the Act as an open-end management
investment company with multiple series. The Initial Adviser, a limited
liability corporation organized under the laws of Delaware, is
registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act
of 1940 (``Advisers Act'') and would serve as the investment adviser to
the initial ActiveShares ETFs. Foreside Fund Services, LLC, a Delaware
limited liability company, is a registered broker-dealer under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (``Exchange Act'').
[[Page 14693]]
B. Applicants' Proposal
15. Applicants seek exemptive relief under section 6(c) to allow
them to introduce several actively-managed ActiveShares ETFs that would
not disclose their portfolio holdings on a daily basis.\15\ Applicants
maintain that operating the same ETFs as fully-transparent actively-
managed ETFs would make the ETFs susceptible to ``front running'' and
``free riding'' by other investors and/or managers, which can harm, and
result in substantial costs to, the ETFs and their shareholders.\16\
\15\ Applicants request that the order apply to the series of
the Trusts identified and described in the Application as well as to
additional series of the Trusts and any other open-end management
investment company or series thereof that seek to rely on the relief
requested in the Application, each of which will operate as an
actively-managed ETF. Any ActiveShares ETF will: (a) Be advised by
the Initial Adviser or an entity controlling, controlled by, or
under common control with the Initial Adviser (each such entity and
any successor thereto is included in the term ``Adviser''); and (b)
comply with the terms and conditions of the application. The Adviser
may retain one or more sub-advisers (each a ``Sub-Adviser'') for the
ActiveShares ETFs. Any Sub-Adviser will be registered under the
Advisers Act. For purposes of the requested Order, the term
``successor'' is limited to an entity that results from a
reorganization into another jurisdiction or a change in the type of
business organization.
\16\ See Application at 6.
16. Applicants assert that the ActiveShares ETFs would allow
investors to access active investment strategies offered by certain
investment advisers that are currently only available via mutual funds,
while also taking advantage of the traditional benefits of ETFs (i.e.,
tax efficiency, lower cash drag and lower operational expenses) and
without raising investor protection concerns that are not otherwise
addressed by the terms and conditions of the requested relief.
17. Applicants state that the relief in the Application is similar
to the relief granted in exemptive orders issued to existing actively
managed ETFs, except for certain differences permitting the
ActiveShares ETFs to operate on a non-transparent basis. These material
differences are discussed below.
a. AP Representatives. To protect the identity and weightings of
their portfolio holdings, the ActiveShares ETFs would sell and redeem
their Shares in creation units to Authorized Participants only through
an unaffiliated broker-dealer acting on an agency basis (``AP
Representative'').\17\ Applicants state that each day, an ActiveShares
ETF would disclose to the AP Representative the basket of securities
that the ActiveShares ETF would exchange for its Shares. In the case of
creations, an Authorized Participant would deliver to the AP
Representative the cash necessary to purchase the basket of securities
to be exchanged for the Shares of the ActiveShares ETF. In the case of
redemptions, the ActiveShares ETF would deliver a basket of securities
to the AP Representative, who, in turn, would sell them in exchange for
cash on behalf of the Authorized Participant. The AP Representative
would know, but keep confidential, the identity and weightings of the
basket securities it exchanges for the Shares on behalf of the
Authorized Participants.\18\ Applicants assert that an Authorized
Participant would be able to effectively close a long (or short)
position in a creation unit of Shares as soon as it enters an order to
redeem (or create) the Shares and the AP Representative acquires or
sells the basket securities to be exchanged with the ActiveShares ETF
at the end of the day.\19\
\17\ The AP Representative will have entered into an agreement
with the Authorized Participants and the ActiveShares ETF. See
Application at 5. No AP Representative would be an ``affiliated
person'' (as defined in section 2(a)(3) of the Act) of the
ActiveShares ETF, the ActiveShares ETF's Adviser, or the
ActiveShares ETF's Authorized Participants.
\18\ The ActiveShares ETFs will sell and redeem Shares in
creation units and generally on an in-kind basis. Each AP
Representative will be contractually restricted from disclosing the
portfolio information of an ActiveShares ETF and will undertake to
use the information only to execute creations and redemptions for
the ActiveShares ETF. The ActiveShares ETFs will also obtain
representations from the AP Representatives as to the
confidentiality of the portfolio information, the effectiveness of
information barriers, and the adequacy of insider trading policies
and procedures. In addition, section 15(g) of the Exchange Act will
require an AP Representative, as a registered broker, to establish,
maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably
designed to prevent the misuse of material, nonpublic information by
the AP Representative or any person associated with the AP
Representative. See Application at note 21.
\19\ See Application at page 18. Except where purchases or
redemptions will include cash under certain limited circumstances,
the names and quantities of basket securities will correspond pro
rata to the portfolio holdings used to calculate an ActiveShares
ETF's NAV for that day. See Application at 13-14. As market
participants will be able to effectively close positions in Shares
intraday, they will be able to keep any risk associated with their
positions in Shares to a minimum. See infra notes 27-31 and
accompanying discussion.
b. Verified Intraday Indicative Value and ETF portfolio holdings.
To facilitate arbitrage, each ActiveShares ETF would disseminate a
``verified intraday indicative value,'' or ``VIIV,'' reflecting the
value of its portfolio holdings, calculated every second during the
trading day, rather than every 15 seconds like existing ETFs.\20\
Applicants have addressed the concerns noted by the Commission in 2014
\21\ with respect to reliance on the typical 15-second intraday
indicative value for arbitrage purposes, by creating a VIIV that: (i)
Would be calculated and disseminated every second; \22\ and (ii) has
precise and uniform parameters for calculation across all ActiveShares
ETFs, including that the ActiveShares ETFs and their Adviser take
responsibility for its calculation.\23\ To further facilitate arbitrage
and address those concerns, each ActiveShares ETF also will only invest
in certain securities that trade on a U.S. exchange, contemporaneously
with the ETF's Shares.\24\ Because the securities are exchange traded,
Applicants assert that the AP Representative would be able to promptly
buy or sell the basket securities that it exchanges with the
ActiveShares ETF on behalf of an Authorized Participant upon receiving
an order to enter into a creation or redemption transaction. The
[[Page 14694]]
holdings' secondary market, moreover, would provide reliable price
inputs for the VIIV calculation.\25\
\20\ For purposes of the VIIV, all portfolio securities will be
valued at the mid-point between the current national best bid and
national best offer as disseminated by the Consolidated Quotation
System or UTP Plan Securities Information Processor (``National Best
Bid and Offer''). See Application at 23.
\21\ See supra note 13 and accompanying text.
\22\ In particular, Applicants assert that such a relatively
high frequency disclosure of the VIIV would permit market
participants to assess whether an ActiveShares ETF is trading at a
premium or discount to NAV and therefore provide a level of current
information that will facilitate intraday arbitrage. See Application
at 27.
\23\ See Application at 22-23 and 28. In particular, Applicants
assert that each ActiveShares ETF would employ a primary and a
secondary calculation engine to provide two independently calculated
sources of intraday indicative values. Each ActiveShares ETF would
also employ a pricing verification agent to continuously compare the
two data streams from the calculation engines on a real time basis.
Each ActiveShares ETF would adopt procedures governing the
calculation and dissemination of the VIIV and its Adviser would bear
responsibility for the oversight of that process. Each Adviser would
also, as part of that oversight process, periodically, but no less
than annually, review the VIIV Procedures. Any changes to the
procedures would be submitted to the ActiveShares ETF's board of
directors for review. Id.
\24\ Each ActiveShares ETF would invest only in ETFs and
exchange-traded notes, common stocks, preferred stocks, American
depositary receipts, real estate investment trusts, commodity pools,
metals trusts, currency trusts and futures. All of these instruments
will trade on an U.S. exchange contemporaneously with the Shares.
The reference assets of the exchange-traded futures in which an
ActiveShares ETF may invest would be assets that the ActiveShares
ETF could invest in directly, or in the case of an index future,
based on an index of a type of asset that the ActiveShares ETF could
invest in directly. An ActiveShares ETF may also invest in cash and
cash equivalents. No ActiveShares ETF would buy securities that are
illiquid investments (as defined in rule 22e-4(a)(8) under the Act)
at the time of purchase, borrow for investment purposes or hold
short positions. See Application at 8. An ActiveShares ETF may,
however, hold an illiquid investment if it becomes illiquid after
purchase. See Application at 28; see also rule 22e-4 under the Act
(requiring, among other things, that a fund develop a plan to
decrease its illiquid investments should they exceed 15% of the
fund's net assets).
\25\ To the extent a portfolio holding does not have a readily
available market quotation, the ActiveShares ETF would make public
the identity of the holding and its weight in the VIIV, thus making
the holding fully transparent. See Application at 24 and 28. In
addition, at any time that portfolio holdings representing 10% or
more of an ActiveShares ETF's portfolio become subject to a trading
halt or otherwise do not have readily available market quotations,
Applicants would request that the exchange halt the ETF's trading.
See Application at 29.
c. Arbitrage transactions in the ActiveShares ETFs. Applicants
assert that an accurate VIIV on a per-second basis (together with
prospectus and quarterly portfolio disclosure),\26\ and the ability to
create and redeem ETF Shares in exchange for a basket that is a pro
rata slice of the ActiveShares ETF's portfolio holdings, is sufficient
to facilitate effective arbitrage.\27\ Market participants would be
able to identify potential arbitrage opportunities when an ActiveShares
ETF's VIIV and secondary market price diverge and could then take
advantage of those opportunities by entering into arbitrage
transactions. For example, similar to traditional ETFs, if an
ActiveShares ETF's Shares begin trading at a discount, an Authorized
Participant can purchase the Shares in secondary market transactions
and, after accumulating enough Shares to comprise a creation unit,
redeem them from the ActiveShares ETF (through an AP Representative) in
exchange for the more valuable securities in the ETF's redemption
basket.\28\ The purchases of the ActiveShares ETF's Shares would reduce
the supply of the Shares in the market, and thus tend to drive up the
Shares' market price to a level closer to the ETF's NAV.\29\
Alternatively, if an ActiveShares ETF's Shares are trading at a
premium, the transactions in the arbitrage process would be
reversed.\30\ Applicants further state that, like with traditional
ETFs, market participants will also be able to engage in arbitrage
without necessarily using the creation or redemption processes.\31\ For
example, if a market participant believes that an ActiveShares ETF is
trading at a discount, the market participant may buy ETF Shares and
take a short position in instruments whose returns the market
participant believes are correlated to those of the ETF Shares. The
market participant would wait for the trading prices to move toward
parity, and then close out the positions in both the ETF Shares and
those instruments, to realize a profit from the relative movement of
their trading prices.\32\ As a result, Applicants expect that ETF
Shares will trade at a market price at or close to the NAV per
\26\ Like all other registered management investment companies,
the ActiveShares ETFs would also disclose their investment strategy
in their prospectus and publicly disclose portfolio holdings
information on a quarterly basis, with a 60-day lag. See rule 30e-1;
rule 30d-1; and rule 30b1-5 under the Act.
\27\ See Application at 29.
\28\ Applicants note that since the size of the creation and
redemption baskets will be relatively small, normally between
$100,000 and $300,000, positions in ETF Shares can be closed
throughout the day, resulting in minimal risk for a market
participant. See Application at 17. See also supra paragraph 17.a.
\29\ The purchase of the ETF Shares in the secondary market,
combined with the sale of the redemption basket securities, may also
drive the market price of ETF Shares and the value of the
ActiveShares ETF's portfolio holdings closer together. See supra
section II.B herein.
\30\ See supra section II.B herein.
\31\ See supra section II.B herein.
\32\ At any time during trading hours, a market participant has
the ability to eliminate all risk by closing its positions,
including positions in the Shares, by placing a creation or
redemption order, where the AP Representative would buy or sell on
behalf of the market participant the basket securities to be
exchanged with the ActiveShares ETF at the end of the day. See
Application at 18; supra note 18 and accompanying text.
\33\ See Application at 5.
d. Protective conditions. Because the ActiveShares ETFs and the
alternative arbitrage mechanism will be new to the market, Applicants
have agreed to comply with certain conditions in addition to those
included in prior ETF exemptive orders. First, the ActiveShares ETFs
will provide certain public disclosures to explain to investors how
they differ from traditional ETFs and inform investors that the
ActiveShares ETFs' bid-ask spreads and premiums/discounts may be larger
than those for traditional ETFs due to the lack of transparency, thus
making trading in the ActiveShares ETFs' Shares more expensive. The
ActiveShares ETFs will also disclose that market participants may
attempt to reverse engineer an ActiveShares ETF's trading strategy,
which, if successful, could increase opportunities for trading
practices that may disadvantage the ActiveShares ETF and its
shareholders.\34\ In addition, each ActiveShares ETF will include a
legend (the ``Legend'') in a prominent location on the outside cover
page of its prospectus, as well as on its website and any marketing
materials, that will highlight for investors the differences between
the ActiveShares ETFs and fully transparent actively managed ETFs and
the above costs and risk.\35\ Unless otherwise requested by the staff
of the Commission, the Legend will read as follows:
\34\ See Application at 21.
\35\ See Application at 20-21.
This ETF is different from traditional ETFs.
Traditional ETFs tell the public what assets they hold each day.
This ETF will not. This may create additional risks for your
investment. For example:
You may have to pay more money to trade the ETF's shares.
This ETF will provide less information to traders, who tend to charge
more for trades when they have less information.
The price you pay to buy ETF shares on an exchange may not
match the value of the ETF's portfolio. The same is true when you sell
shares. These price differences may be greater for this ETF compared to
other ETFs because it provides less information to traders.
These additional risks may be even greater in bad or
uncertain market conditions.
The differences between this ETF and other ETFs may also have
advantages. By keeping certain information about the ETF secret, this
ETF may face less risk that other traders can predict or copy its
investment strategy. This may improve the ETF's performance. If other
traders are able to copy or predict the ETF's investment strategy,
however, this may hurt the ETF's performance.
For additional information regarding the unique attributes and
risks of the ETF, see section [ ] below.
18. Second, Applicants will comply with the requirements of
Regulation Fair Disclosure (``Reg. FD'') as if it applied to them, thus
prohibiting the ActiveShares ETF's selective disclosure of any material
nonpublic information.\36\ Because the ActiveShares ETFs will not
publicly disclose their portfolio holdings daily, the selective
disclosure of material nonpublic information, including information
other than portfolio information, would be more likely to provide an
unfair advantage to the recipient than in other ETFs.
\36\ See 17 CFR 243. ETFs are not otherwise subject to Reg. FD.
The federal securities laws and an investment adviser's fiduciary
duties permit the disclosure of an ETF's nonpublic portfolio
information to selected third parties only when the ETF has
legitimate business purposes for doing so and the recipients are
subject to a duty of confidentiality, including a duty not to trade
on the nonpublic information. See ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra
note 1, at text accompanying notes 225-226. Reg. FD's Rule
100(b)(2)(iii) exempts from Reg. FD certain communications made in
connection with a securities offering registered under the
Securities Act. Applicants would not rely on this exemption; as the
ActiveShares ETFs will be continuously offered, this exemption would
likely make the condition requiring Applicants to comply with Reg.
FD meaningless.
19. Third, the ActiveShares ETFs and their Adviser will take
remedial actions as necessary if the ActiveShares ETFs
[[Page 14695]]
do not function as anticipated. Prior to launch, the ActiveShares ETFs
will establish certain thresholds for their levels of premiums/
discounts and spreads, so that, upon an ActiveShares ETF's crossing a
threshold, the Adviser will promptly call a meeting of the ActiveShares
ETF's board of directors, and will present the board with
recommendations for appropriate remedial measures.\37\ The board would
then consider the continuing viability of the ActiveShares ETF, whether
shareholders are being harmed, and what, if any, action would be
appropriate.\38\ In addition, Applicants have agreed to provide to
Commission staff on a periodic basis certain metrics and other such
information as the staff may request in order to facilitate the staff's
ongoing monitoring of the ActiveShares ETFs.\39\
\37\ See Application at 25. For the first three years after
launch of an ActiveShares ETF, its board would promptly meet if, for
30 or more days in any quarter or 15 days in a row, the absolute
difference between either the market closing price or Bid/Ask Price,
on one hand, and NAV, on the other, exceeds 1%, or the bid/ask
spread exceeds 1%. An ActiveShares ETF may adopt additional or lower
(i.e., less than 1%) thresholds to the extent approved by the ETF's
\38\ For at least three years after launch of each ActiveShares
ETF, the Board will also undertake these considerations on an annual
basis, regardless of whether the ActiveShares ETF's preset
thresholds have been crossed. Potential actions may include, but are
not limited to, changing lead market makers, listing the
ActiveShares ETF on a different exchange, changing the size of
creations units, changing the ActiveShares ETF's investment
objective or strategy, and liquidating the ActiveShares ETF. See
Application at 25.
\39\ See Application at 45, condition 7.
IV. Requested Exemptive Relief
20. Applicants request an order under section 6(c) of the Act for
an exemption from sections 2(a)(32), 5(a)(1), and 22(d) of the Act and
rule 22c-1 under the Act, under sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act for
an exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and 17(a)(2) of the Act, and under
section 12(d)(1)(J) of the Act for an exemption from sections
12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the Act.
21. Applicants' request for relief is novel only under section
22(d) and rule 22c-1 due to the proposed alternative arbitrage
mechanism. In all other respects, Applicants are seeking relief that
the Commission has previously granted to existing ETFs.\40\ As
discussed above, the requested relief would be available to any open-
end investment company that is an actively-managed ETF operating in
compliance with the terms and conditions of the order and that is
advised by an Adviser.\41\
\40\ Applicants are not seeking the customary relief from
section 22(e) of the Act, which permits ETFs that invest in foreign
instruments to delay the satisfaction of in-kind redemption requests
beyond seven days. See generally ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra
note 1, at section II.B.4. Given that the ActiveShares ETFs will not
invest in foreign markets, the relief is not necessary.
\41\ Applicants anticipate that the Initial Adviser or an
affiliate thereof would enter into license agreements with other
registered investment advisers advising an open-end management
investment company that intends to launch new series operating as
the Applicants' ETFs (such licensed adviser and trust together, the
``Future Applicants''). Applicants further expect that Future
Applicants would apply for a separate exemptive order that
incorporates by reference all the terms and conditions of the
requested order and any amendments thereto. See Application at 6.
See also in re Eaton Vance Management, et al., File No. 812-14139,
Fourth Amendment, filed Sept. 25, 2014; Investment Company Act Rel.
No. 31333 (Nov. 6, 2014) (notice), Investment Company Act Rel. No.
31361 (Dec. 2, 2014) (order). See also, e.g., in re American Beacon
Nextshares Trust, et al., File No. 812-14417, First Amendment, filed
Feb. 23, 2015; Investment Company Act Rel. No. 31498 (Mar. 6, 2015)
(notice); Investment Company Act Rel. No. 31542 (Apr. 1, 2015)
22. Section 6(c) of the Act provides that the Commission may exempt
any person, security or transaction, or any class of persons,
securities or transactions, from any provisions of the Act, if and to
the extent that such exemption is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the
purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the Act.
Section 17(b) of the Act authorizes the Commission to exempt a proposed
transaction from section 17(a) of the Act if evidence establishes that
the terms of the transaction, including the consideration to be paid or
received, are reasonable and fair and do not involve overreaching on
the part of any person concerned, and the proposed transaction is
consistent with the policies of the registered investment company and
the general purposes of the Act. Section 12(d)(1)(J) of the Act
provides that the Commission may exempt any person, security, or
transaction, or any class or classes of persons, securities or
transactions, from any provision of section 12(d)(1) if the exemption
is consistent with the public interest and the protection of investors.
A. Novel Relief Under Section 22(d) and Rule 22c-1
23. Section 22(d) of the Act, among other things, prohibits a
dealer from selling a redeemable security that is currently being
offered to the public by or through a principal underwriter other than
at a current public offering price described in the fund's prospectus.
Rule 22c-1 under the Act requires open-end funds, their principal
underwriters, and dealers in fund shares (and certain others) to sell
and redeem fund shares at a price based on the current NAV next
computed after receipt of an order to buy or redeem.
24. Together, section 22(d) and rule 22c-1 are designed to: (i)
Prevent dilution caused by certain riskless trading practices of
principal underwriters and dealers; (ii) prevent unjust discrimination
or preferential treatment among investors purchasing and redeeming fund
shares; and (iii) preserve an orderly distribution of investment
company shares.\42\
\42\ See ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra note 1, at text
accompanying note 111.
25. Applicants believe that none of these concerns will be raised
by permitting Shares to trade in the secondary market at negotiated
prices. Applicants state that secondary market trading in Shares does
not involve the ActiveShares ETFs as parties and cannot result in
dilution of an investment in Shares, and to the extent different prices
for Shares exist during a given trading day, or from day to day, such
variances occur as a result of third-party market forces, such as
supply and demand. Therefore, Applicants assert that secondary market
transactions in Shares will not lead to discrimination or preferential
treatment among purchasers. Finally, Applicants contend that the
proposed distribution system will be orderly because anyone will be
able to sell or acquire Shares on an exchange and arbitrage activity
should ensure that secondary market transactions occur at prices at or
close to the ActiveShares ETF's NAV.
26. In considering relief from section 22(d) and rule 22c-1 for
ETFs, the Commission has focused on whether the ETFs' arbitrage
mechanism addresses the concerns underlying those provisions. As noted
earlier, the Commission has only granted relief from section 22(d) and
rule 22c-1 to actively managed ETFs that provide daily transparency of
their portfolio holdings.\43\ The Commission believes that the
alternative arbitrage mechanism proposed by Applicants can also work in
an efficient manner to maintain an ActiveShares ETF's secondary market
prices close to its NAV.\44\ The Commission recognizes, however, that
the lack of full transparency may cause the ActiveShares ETFs to trade
with spreads and premiums/discounts that are larger than those of
[[Page 14696]]
fully transparent ETFs.\45\ Nonetheless, as long as arbitrage continues
to keep the ActiveShares ETF's secondary market price and NAV close,
and does so efficiently so that spreads remain narrow, the Commission
believes that investors would benefit from the opportunity to invest in
active strategies through a vehicle that offers the traditional
benefits of ETFs.\46\
\43\ An effective arbitrage mechanism that maintains a close tie
between market price and NAV is the foundation for why the prices at
which retail investors buy and sell ETF shares are similar to the
price at which Authorized Participants are able to buy and redeem
shares directly from the ETF at NAV. See discussion following supra
note 9; see also ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra note 1, at
section II.B.2.
\44\ See supra section III.B.c.
\45\ While the VIIV will provide an approximate value of an
ActiveShares ETF's portfolio holdings, market participants will only
be able to estimate, not to observe, the spreads at which those
holdings trade, given that the VIIV would be based on the mid-point
between the current National Best Bid and Offer. See supra note 19.
For the same reason, market participants also will not know the
exact price at which the AP Representative buys or sells the
ActiveShares ETF's portfolio holdings as part of a creation or
redemption transaction with the ActiveShares ETF. To account for the
lack of this information, market participants may require wider
spreads than for other ETFs when they trade the ActiveShares ETF
\46\ Investors will have the information necessary to compare
the costs associated with investing in the ActiveShares ETFs with
the costs of investing in other ETFs and mutual funds. See Item 3 of
Form N-1A; condition 2. Cf. ETF Rule Proposing Release, supra note
1, at text following note 130 (noting that for fully transparent
ETFs, ``under certain circumstances, including during periods of
market stress, the arbitrage mechanism may work less effectively for
a period of time,'' but that ``on balance, . . . investors are more
likely to weigh the potential benefits of ETFs (e.g., low cost and
intraday trading) against any potential for market price deviations
when deciding whether to utilize ETFs.''
B. Other Relief
27. The additional exemptive relief Applicants seek is relief
routinely granted to ETFs, and does not raise novel issues on account
of the lack of daily portfolio transparency.
28. Sections 5(a)(1) and 2(a)(32) of the Act. First, because the
Shares will not be individually redeemable, Applicants request an
exemption from section 5(a)(1) and section 2(a)(32) of the Act that
would permit the ActiveShares ETFs to register as open-end management
investment companies and issue Shares that are redeemable in creation
units only.
29. Sections 17(a)(1) and (2) of the Act. Second, Applicants
request an exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and 17(a)(2) of the Act to
permit persons that are affiliated persons, or second-tier affiliates,
of the ActiveShares ETFs, solely by virtue of certain ownership
interests, to effectuate purchases and redemptions in-kind. The deposit
procedures for in-kind purchases of creation units and the redemption
procedures for in-kind redemptions of creation units will be the same
for all purchases and redemptions and basket securities will be valued
in the same manner as those portfolio securities currently held by the
ActiveShares ETFs. Applicants also seek relief from the prohibitions on
affiliated transactions in section 17(a) to permit an ActiveShares ETF
to sell its Shares to and redeem its Shares from an Acquiring Fund, and
to engage in the accompanying in-kind transactions with the Acquiring
Fund.\47\ The purchase of creation units by an Acquiring Fund directly
from an ActiveShares ETF will be accomplished in accordance with the
policies of the Acquiring Fund and will be based on the NAVs of the
ActiveShares ETFs.
\47\ The requested relief would apply to direct sales of shares
in creation units by an ActiveShares ETF to an Acquiring Fund and
redemptions of those shares. Applicants, moreover, are not seeking
relief from section 17(a) for, and the requested relief will not
apply to, transactions where an ActiveShares ETF could be deemed an
affiliated person, or a second-tier affiliate, of an Acquiring Fund
because an Adviser or an entity controlling, controlled by or under
common control with an Adviser provides investment advisory services
to that Acquiring Fund.
30. Section 12(d)(1) of the Act. Third, Applicants request an
exemption to permit Acquiring Funds to acquire ETF Shares beyond the
limits of section 12(d)(1)(A) of the Act and permit the ActiveShares
ETFs, and any principal underwriter for the ActiveShares ETFs, and/or
any broker or dealer registered under the Exchange Act, to sell ETF
Shares to Acquiring Funds beyond the limits of section 12(d)(1)(B) of
the Act. The application's terms and conditions are designed to, among
other things, help prevent any potential (i) undue influence over an
ETF through control or voting power, or in connection with certain
services, transactions, and underwritings, (ii) excessive layering of
fees, and (iii) overly complex fund structures, which are the concerns
underlying the limits in sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the Act.
C. Consideration of Possible Concerns Relating to the Requested Relief
31. As part of our review, we have considered possible concerns
regarding the requested relief, including, among others, concerns
related to the proposed arbitrage mechanism, and the risk of selective
disclosure and reverse engineering, as discussed below. We believe,
however, that the Applicants' proposed terms and conditions
sufficiently address such concerns.
32. Proposed Arbitrage Mechanism. One possible concern is that the
proposed arbitrage mechanism may not facilitate effective arbitrage,
which could result in significant deviations between the market price
and NAV per share of an ActiveShares ETF. We believe that the proposed
arbitrage mechanism can work in an efficient manner to maintain an
ActiveShares ETF's secondary market prices close to its NAV while
providing investors with the opportunity to invest in active strategies
through a vehicle that offers the traditional benefits of ETFs.\48\ In
addition, to the extent that the ActiveShares ETFs do not function as
anticipated, Applicants have undertaken to take remedial actions as
\48\ See supra paragraphs 17.c. and 26.
\49\ See supra paragraph 19.
33. Selective Disclosure. Another possible concern is that the
proposed AP Representative structure could create informational
asymmetries that raise legal and policy concerns regarding selective
disclosure of material non-public information. As discussed above, to
address this concern Applicants have undertaken to implement a number
of safeguards, including a condition requiring Applicants to comply
with Reg. FD as if it applied to ETFs.\50\
\50\ See supra paragraph 18. In addition, the AP Representative
would contractually agree to use the identity and weighting of the
securities in the creation basket for no purpose other than
executing creations and redemptions for an ActiveShares ETF, and to
maintain such identities and weightings confidential. See
Application at 10. Further, the AP Representative, as a broker
registered under the Exchange Act, is required to establish,
maintain, and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably
designed to prevent the misuse of material, nonpublic information by
the AP Representative or any person associated with the AP
Representative. See Application at note 21.
34. Reverse Engineering. A third possible concern is that other
market participants may be able to reverse engineer an ActiveShares
ETF's portfolio holdings and use such information to the disadvantage
of the ActiveShares ETF, Authorized Participants and shareholders.
Applicants have represented that they will operate the ActiveShares
ETFs in a manner designed to minimize the risk of reverse engineering
and the Commission anticipates that the ActiveShares ETFs will have the
ability to minimize such risk.\51\ Indeed, we note that the Applicants
have a significant incentive to minimize this risk, considering that
the purpose of their proposed arbitrage
[[Page 14697]]
mechanism is to facilitate the operation of ETFs that limit the ETFs'
susceptibility to predatory trading practices, like ``front running''
and ``free riding.''
\51\ Our Division of Economic Research and Analysis (``DERA'')
conducted an analysis of whether the ActiveShares ETFs' portfolios
could be reverse engineered, finding that the answer depends on the
specifics of each ActiveShares ETF, including the size of the
ActiveShares ETF's universe of potential portfolio selections. See
Memorandum from DERA, Inferring Non-Transparent ETF Portfolio
Holdings (Nov. 16, 2017), available at The
ActiveShares ETFs would disclose this risk to investors, even though
Applicants believe that such reverse engineering would be ``highly
unlikely.'' See Application at 24 and supra note 34 and accompanying
V. Applicants' Conditions 52
\52\ Unless the context otherwise requires, references to
``ETFs'' in the conditions below refer to ActiveShares ETFs.
Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same
meaning as in the Application.
Applicants agree that any order of the Commission granting the
requested ETF relief will be subject to the following conditions:
A. ETF Relief
1. As long as an ETF operates in reliance on the requested order,
the Shares of such ETF will be listed on an exchange.
2. The website for the Trust, which will be publicly accessible at
no charge, will contain, on a per Share basis for each ETF, the prior
business day's NAV and market closing price or Bid/Ask Price of the
Shares, a calculation of the premium or discount of the market closing
price or Bid/Ask Price against such NAV, and any other information
regarding premiums and discounts as may be required for other ETFs
registered under the Act. The website will also disclose the median
bid-ask spread for each ETF's most recent fiscal year based on the
National Best Bid and Offer at the time of calculation of NAV (or such
other spread measurement as may be required for other ETFs registered
under the Act).
3. Each ETF will include the Legend in a prominent location on the
outside cover page of its prospectus, as well as on its website and any
marketing materials.
4. No Adviser or Sub-Adviser, directly or indirectly, will cause
any Authorized Participant (or any investor on whose behalf an
Authorized Participant may transact with the ETF) to acquire any
deposit instrument for an ETF through a transaction in which the ETF
could not engage directly.
5. On each Business day the VIIV for an ETF on a per-Share basis
will be provided to the market in one second intervals during regular
trading hours.
6. Each ETF will maintain and preserve, for a period of not less
than five years, in an easily accessible place, all written agreements
(or copies thereof) between (i) the ETF and each AP Representative
related to the AP Representative's role as such and (ii) an Authorized
Participant and the ETF or one of its service providers that allows the
Authorized Participant to place orders for the purchase or redemption
of creation units.
7. Each ETF will provide Commission staff with periodic reports
(for which confidential treatment may be requested) containing such
information as the Commission staff may request.
8. Each ETF and each person acting on behalf of an ETF will comply
with and agree to be subject to the requirements of Regulation Fair
Disclosure as if it applied to them (except that the exemptions
provided in Rule 100(b)(2)(iii) therein shall not apply).
9. The requested relief to permit ETF operations will expire on the
effective date of any Commission rule under the Act that provides
relief permitting the operation of actively managed funds that create
and redeem their Shares exclusively through an AP Representative or
similar agent without daily public basket or portfolio disclosure.
B. Section 12(d)(1) Relief
10. The members of the Acquiring Fund's Advisory Group will not
control (individually or in the aggregate) an ETF within the meaning of
section 2(a)(9) of the Act. The members of the Acquiring Fund's Sub-
Advisory Group will not control (individually or in the aggregate) an
ETF within the meaning of section 2(a)(9) of the Act. If, as a result
of a decrease in the outstanding voting securities of an ETF, an
Acquiring Fund's Advisory Group or the Acquiring Fund's Sub-Advisory
Group, each in the aggregate, becomes a holder of more than 25% of the
outstanding voting securities of an ETF, it will vote its Shares of the
ETF in the same proportion as the vote of all other holders of the
ETF's Shares. This condition does not apply to the Acquiring Fund's
Sub-Advisory Group with respect to an ETF for which the Acquiring Fund
Sub-Adviser or a person controlling, controlled by or under common
control with the Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser acts as the investment
adviser within the meaning of section 2(a)(20)(A) of the Act.
11. No Acquiring Fund or Acquiring Fund Affiliate will cause any
existing or potential investment by the Acquiring Fund in an ETF to
influence the terms of any services or transactions between the
Acquiring Fund or Acquiring Fund Affiliate and the ETF or ETF
12. The board of directors or trustees of an Acquiring Management
Company, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, will adopt
procedures reasonably designed to assure that the Acquiring Fund
Adviser and any Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser are conducting the
investment program of the Acquiring Management Company without taking
into account any consideration received by the Acquiring Management
Company or an Acquiring Fund Affiliate from an ETF or a Fund Affiliate
in connection with any services or transactions.
13. Once an investment by an Acquiring Fund in the securities of an
ETF exceeds the limit in section 12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, the Board,
including a majority of the Independent Trustees, will determine that
any consideration paid by an ETF to an Acquiring Fund or an Acquiring
Fund Affiliate in connection with any services or transactions: (i) Is
fair and reasonable in relation to the nature and quality of the
services and benefits received by the ETF; (ii) is within the range of
consideration that the ETF would be required to pay to another
unaffiliated entity in connection with the same services or
transactions; and (iii) does not involve overreaching on the part of
any person concerned. This condition does not apply with respect to any
services or transactions between an ETF and its Adviser, or any person
controlling, controlled by or under common control with such Adviser.
14. An Acquiring Fund Adviser, or a trustee or Sponsor of an
Acquiring Trust, as applicable, will waive fees otherwise payable to it
by the Acquiring Fund in an amount at least equal to any compensation
(including any fees received pursuant to any plan adopted by an ETF
pursuant to rule 12b-1 under the Act) received from an ETF by the
Acquiring Fund Adviser, or trustee or Sponsor of an Acquiring Trust, or
an affiliated person of the Acquiring Fund Adviser, or trustee or
Sponsor of the Acquiring Trust, other than any advisory fees paid to
the Acquiring Fund Adviser, or trustee or Sponsor of an Acquiring
Trust, or its affiliated person by the ETF, in connection with the
investment by the Acquiring Fund in the ETF. Any Acquiring Fund Sub-
Adviser will waive fees otherwise payable to the Acquiring Fund Sub-
Adviser, directly or indirectly, by the Acquiring Management Company in
an amount at least equal to any compensation received from an ETF by
the Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser, or an affiliated person of the
Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser, other than any advisory fees paid to the
Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser or its affiliated person by the ETF, in
connection with the investment by the Acquiring Management Company in
the ETF made at the direction of the Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser. In the
event that the Acquiring Fund Sub-Adviser waives fees, the benefit of
[[Page 14698]]
waiver will be passed through to the Acquiring Management Company.
15. No Acquiring Fund or Acquiring Fund Affiliate (except to the
extent it is acting in its capacity as an investment adviser to an ETF)
will cause an ETF to purchase a security in an Affiliated Underwriting.
16. The Board of an ETF, including a majority of the Independent
Trustees, will adopt procedures reasonably designed to monitor any
purchases of securities by an ETF in an Affiliated Underwriting, once
an investment by an Acquiring Fund in the securities of the ETF exceeds
the limit of section 12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, including any purchases
made directly from an Underwriting Affiliate. The Board will review
these purchases periodically, but no less frequently than annually, to
determine whether the purchases were influenced by the investment by
the Acquiring Fund in an ETF. The Board will consider, among other
things: (i) Whether the purchases were consistent with the investment
objectives and policies of the ETF; (ii) how the performance of
securities purchased in an Affiliated Underwriting compares to the
performance of comparable securities purchased during a comparable
period of time in underwritings other than Affiliated Underwritings or
to a benchmark such as a comparable market index; and (iii) whether the
amount of securities purchased by the ETF in Affiliated Underwritings
and the amount purchased directly from an Underwriting Affiliate have
changed significantly from prior years. The Board will take any
appropriate actions based on its review, including, if appropriate, the
institution of procedures designed to ensure that purchases of
securities in Affiliated Underwritings are in the best interest of
shareholders of the ETF.
17. Each ETF will maintain and preserve permanently in an easily
accessible place a written copy of the procedures described in the
preceding condition, and any modifications to such procedures, and will
maintain and preserve for a period of not less than six years from the
end of the fiscal year in which any purchase in an Affiliated
Underwriting occurred, the first two years in an easily accessible
place, a written record of each purchase of securities in Affiliated
Underwritings once an investment by an Acquiring Fund in the securities
of the ETF exceeds the limit of section 12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act,
setting forth from whom the securities were acquired, the identity of
the underwriting syndicate's members, the terms of the purchase, and
the information or materials upon which the Board's determinations were
18. Before investing in an ETF in excess of the limits in section
12(d)(1)(A), an Acquiring Fund will execute an Acquiring Fund Agreement
with the ETF stating that their respective boards of directors or
trustees and their investment advisers, or trustee and Sponsor, as
applicable, understand the terms and conditions of the order, and agree
to fulfill their responsibilities under the order. At the time of its
investment in shares of an ETF in excess of the limit in section
12(d)(1)(A)(i), an Acquiring Fund will notify the ETF of the
investment. At such time, the Acquiring Fund will also transmit to the
ETF a list of the names of each Acquiring Fund Affiliate and
Underwriting Affiliate. The Acquiring Fund will notify the ETF of any
changes to the list as soon as reasonably practicable after a change
occurs. The ETF and the Acquiring Fund will maintain and preserve a
copy of the order, the Acquiring Fund Agreement, and the list with any
updated information for the duration of the investment and for a period
of not less than six years thereafter, the first two years in an easily
accessible place.
19. Before approving any advisory contract under section 15 of the
Act, the board of directors or trustees of each Acquiring Management
Company, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, will find
that the advisory fees charged under such contract are based on
services provided that will be in addition to, rather than duplicative
of, the services provided under the advisory contract(s) of any ETF in
which the Acquiring Management Company may invest. These findings and
their basis will be recorded fully in the minute books of the
appropriate Acquiring Management Company.
20. Any sales charges (other than customary brokerage fees) and/or
service fees charged with respect to shares of an Acquiring Fund will
not exceed the limits applicable to a fund of funds as set forth in
FINRA Rule 2341.
21. No ETF will acquire securities of any other investment company
or company relying on section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of the Act in excess
of the limits contained in section 12(d)(1)(A) of the Act, except to
the extent an ETF acquires securities of another investment company
pursuant to exemptive relief from the Commission permitting the ETF to
acquire securities of one or more investment companies for short-term
cash management purposes.
By the Commission,
Jill M. Peterson,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2019-07207 Filed 4-10-19; 8:45 am]