Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Lower Fees and Administrative Costs for Distributors of Nasdaq Basic, Nasdaq Last Sale, NLS Plus and the Nasdaq Depth-of-Book Products Through a Consolidated Enterprise License, 38428-38434 [2018-16720]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 151 / Monday, August 6, 2018 / Notices
will be posted without change. Persons
submitting comments are cautioned that
we do not redact or edit personal
identifying information from comment
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR–FICC–
2017–805 and should be submitted on
or before August 21, 2018.
By the Commission.
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–16707 Filed 8–3–18; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–83751; File No. SR–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; The
Nasdaq Stock Market LLC; Notice of
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of
Proposed Rule Change To Lower Fees
and Administrative Costs for
Distributors of Nasdaq Basic, Nasdaq
Last Sale, NLS Plus and the Nasdaq
Depth-of-Book Products Through a
Consolidated Enterprise License
July 31, 2018.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on July 17,
2018, The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC
(‘‘Nasdaq’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission
(‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’) the proposed
rule change as described in Items I, II,
and III, below, which Items have been
prepared by the Exchange. The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change from interested persons.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange proposes to lower fees
and administrative costs for Distributors
of Nasdaq Basic, Nasdaq Last Sale
(‘‘NLS’’), NLS Plus and the Nasdaq
Depth-of-Book products (TotalView and
Level 2) by introducing a consolidated
enterprise license for the Display Usage
of all five products. This market data
enterprise license will allow
Distributors who are broker-dealers or
Investment Advisers to disseminate
these products to a wide audience for a
monthly fee of $600,000, with the
opportunity to lower that fee further to
1 15
2 17
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
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$500,000 per month if the Distributor
contracts for twelve months of the
service in advance. The proposed
enterprise license will be introduced
through an amendment to Rule 3 7032,
which is currently reserved. The
proposal is described in further detail
This amendment is immediately
effective upon filing.4
The text of the proposed rule change
is available on the Exchange’s website at, at the
principal office of the Exchange, and at
the Commission’s Public Reference
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for
the proposed rule change and discussed
any comments it received on the
proposed rule change. The text of these
statements may be examined at the
places specified in Item IV below. The
Exchange has prepared summaries, set
forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
The Exchange proposes to lower fees
and administrative costs for
Distributors 5 of Nasdaq Basic, NLS,
NLS Plus and the Nasdaq Depth-of-Book
products (TotalView and Level 2) by
introducing a consolidated enterprise
license for the Display Usage 6 of all five
3 References to rules are to Nasdaq rules, unless
otherwise noted.
4 This proposed change was initially filed on July
3, 2018, and became immediately effective on that
date. See SR–NASDAQ–2018–055, available at A firm eligible to
purchase the proposed license may purchase it for
the month of July, effective on July 3, 2018, and the
monthly fee for the license will be prorated for the
period July 3 through July 31, 2018. Any fees owed
by the purchaser of the enterprise license for the
use of Nasdaq Basic, NLS, NLS Plus and the Nasdaq
Depth-of-Book products on July 1 and July 2, 2018,
will also be prorated accordingly.
5 ‘‘Distributor’’ will be defined in proposed Rule
7032(c)(3) by reference to Rules 7023(a)(4),
7039(f)(3), and 7047(d)(1) to reflect the current
definitions of that term as set forth in each of these
rules. Those definitions will continue to apply to
each product, respectively. At a later date, Nasdaq
will submit an additional proposed rule change to
consolidate generally-applicable definitions and
move these definitions to a new rule that will apply
to all market data fee rules in the 7000 series.
6 ‘‘Display Usage’’ will be defined in Rule
7032(c)(2) by reference to Rules 7023(a)(2),
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products. This license will allow
Distributors who are broker-dealers or
Investment Advisers 7 to disseminate
these products to a wide audience for a
monthly fee of $600,000, with the
opportunity to lower that fee further to
$500,000 per month if they contract for
twelve months of service in advance. No
fees will increase as a result of this
license. As discussed below, this fee
reduction responds to competitive
pressures exerted by other exchanges
that sell market data.
Current Enterprise License Fees
The Exchange currently offers
enterprise licenses for Depth-of-Book
products and Nasdaq Basic. There is no
enterprise license for the distribution of
NLS to the general investing public, but
there is a cap of $41,500 per month on
such fees, and NLS may also be
distributed under one of the enterprise
licenses for Nasdaq Basic.8
Depth-of-Book Products
Nasdaq offers two Depth-of-Book
products, TotalView and Level 2.9
TotalView, Nasdaq’s premier Depth-ofBook product, provides complete, realtime depth data for Nasdaq and non7039(f)(2), and 7047(d)(2), to reflect the current
definitions of that term as set forth in each of these
rules. Those definitions will continue to apply to
each product, respectively.
7 ‘‘Investment Adviser’’ will be defined in
proposed Rule 7032(c)(4) by reference to Section
202(a)(11) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940,
as ‘‘any person who, for compensation, engages in
the business of advising others, either directly or
through publications or writings, as to the value of
securities or as to the advisability of investing in,
purchasing, or selling securities, or who, for
compensation and as part of a regular business,
issues or promulgates analyses or reports
concerning securities . . . .’’
8 See Rule 7048(b)(5) (providing that a brokerdealer that purchases this enterprise license will
also have the right to distribute NLS data to an
unlimited number of Professional and NonProfessional Subscribers who are natural persons
and with whom the broker-dealer has a brokerage
relationship). In addition, there is an enterprise
license for specialized usage of NLS at Rule
7039(c)(3), but specialized usage is not relevant to
this proposal, which focuses on distribution to the
general investing public and the professionals
servicing retail investors through brokerage or retail
advisory accounts.
9 See Rule 7023(a)(1). The Exchange proposes to
incorporate the definition of Depth-of-Book data
currently set forth at Rule 7023(a)(1) by reference
at proposed Rule 7032(c)(1). Rule 7023(a)(1) defines
Depth-of-Book as ‘‘data feeds containing price
quotations at more than one price level’’; the Depthof-Book data feeds are Nasdaq Level 2, which
means ‘‘with respect to stocks listed on Nasdaq, the
best-priced orders or quotes from each Nasdaq
member displayed in the Nasdaq Market Center,’’
and Nasdaq TotalView, which means ‘‘with respect
to stocks listed on Nasdaq and on an exchange other
than Nasdaq, all orders and quotes from all Nasdaq
members displayed in the Nasdaq Market Center as
well as the aggregate size of such orders and quotes
at each price level in the execution functionality of
the Nasdaq Market Center.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 151 / Monday, August 6, 2018 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Nasdaq-listed securities, including all
orders and quotes from all Nasdaq
members displayed in the Nasdaq
Market Center, the aggregate size of such
orders and quotes, and Net Order
Imbalance Information, which supplies
data on the daily auctions that take
place at the open and close of the
market, as well as in the context of an
IPO or after a halt.10 Nasdaq Level 2,
which will be retired as a separate
product after transition to TotalView is
complete for all Distributors,11 provides
the best-priced orders from each Nasdaq
member on the Nasdaq Market Center
for Nasdaq-listed securities.
The Exchange offers three enterprise
licenses for its Depth-of-Book products.
The first allows a Distributor that is also
a broker-dealer to pay a monthly fee of
$25,000, plus $9 per month for each
Non-Professional Subscriber and $60
per month for each Professional
Subscriber, for the right to distribute
Nasdaq TotalView internally for Display
Usage or externally to Non-Professional
Subscribers with whom the firm has a
brokerage relationship.12
The second allows a Distributor that
is also a broker-dealer to pay a monthly
fee of $100,000, plus $9 per month for
each Non-Professional Subscriber and
$60 per month for each Professional
Subscriber, for the right to distribute
TotalView for Display Usage internally,
or externally to both Professional and
Non-Professional Subscribers with
whom the firm has a brokerage
The third allows a Distributor that is
also a broker-dealer to pay a monthly fee
of $500,000 to provide Nasdaq Level 2
or Nasdaq TotalView for Display Usage
by Non-Professional Subscribers with
whom the firm has a brokerage
relationship, with no additional per
Subscriber fees, albeit with Distributor
10 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79863
(January 23, 2017), 82 FR 8632 (January 27, 2017)
(SR–NASDAQ–2017–004). Net Order Imbalance
Information refers to data relating to buy and sell
interest at the open and close of the trading day,
in the context of an Initial Public Offering, and after
a trading halt. See Securities Exchange Act Release
No. 80891 (June 8, 2017), 82 FR 27318 (June 14,
2017) (SR–NASDAQ–2017–054).
11 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79863
(January 23, 2017) 82 FR 8632 (January 27, 2017)
(SR–NASDAQ–2017–004) (explaining that Level 2
will be retired as a separate product).
12 See Rule 7023(c)(1).
13 See Rule 7023(c)(2). Note that the $100,000
license at paragraph (c)(2) allows for external
distribution to both Professional and NonProfessional Subscribers with whom the firm has a
brokerage relationship, while the $25,000 license at
paragraph (c)(1) is limited to Non-Professional
14 See Rule 7023(c)(3).
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Nasdaq Basic
Nasdaq Basic is a real-time market
data product that offers best bid and
offer and last sale information for all
U.S. exchange-listed securities from the
Nasdaq Market Center and the FINRA/
Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility
(‘‘TRF’’).15 It is comprised of three
components, which may be purchased
individually or in combination: (i)
Nasdaq Basic for Nasdaq, which
contains the best bid and offer on the
Nasdaq Market Center and last sale
transaction reports for Nasdaq and the
FINRA/Nasdaq TRF for Nasdaq-listed
stocks; (ii) Nasdaq Basic for NYSE,
which covers NYSE-listed stocks, and
(iii) Nasdaq Basic for NYSE American
(formerly NYSE MKT), which provides
data on stocks listed on NYSE American
and other listing venues whose quotes
and trade reports are disseminated on
Tape B. Nasdaq Basic provides
customers with: (i) Nasdaq Basic Quotes
(‘‘QBBO’’), the best bid and offer and
associated size available in the Nasdaq
Market Center, as well as last sale
transaction reports; (ii) Nasdaq opening
and closing prices, as well as IPO and
trading halt cross prices; and (iii)
general Exchange information,
including systems status reports, trading
halt information, and a stock directory.
The Exchange offers two enterprise
licenses for Nasdaq Basic. The first is
aimed primarily at internal distribution
for professionals, allowing the
dissemination of Nasdaq Basic or
Derived Data therefrom for a fee of
$365,000 per month, provided that if the
broker-dealer obtains the license for
usage of Nasdaq Basic provided by an
External Distributor that controls
display of the product, the fee will be
$365,000 per month for up to 16,000
internal Professional Subscribers, plus
$2 for each additional internal
Professional Subscriber over 16,000.16
This license includes access to NLS for
the Distributor’s own securities and
those of up to ten of its competitors or
15 The Exchange proposes to use the same
definition for ‘‘Nasdaq Basic’’ currently set forth in
Rule 7047(a), incorporated by reference in proposed
Rule 7032(c)(5). Rule 7047(a) defines Nasdaq Basic
as ‘‘proprietary data feeds containing real-time
market information from the Nasdaq Market Center
and the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility
(‘TRF’). (1) ‘Nasdaq Basic for Nasdaq’ shall contain
Nasdaq’s best bid and offer and last sale for Nasdaqlisted stocks from Nasdaq and the FINRA/Nasdaq
TRF; and (2) ‘Nasdaq Basic for NYSE’ shall contain
Nasdaq’s best bid and offer and last sale for NYSElisted stocks from Nasdaq and the FINRA/Nasdaq
TRF. (3) ‘Nasdaq Basic for NYSE MKT’ shall
contain Nasdaq’s best bid and offer and last sale for
stocks listed on NYSE MKT and other Tape B
listing venues from Nasdaq and the FINRA/Nasdaq
16 See Rule 7047(b)(4).
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peers for Display Usage on the brokerdealer’s internal website.17
The second is directed primarily at
external distribution to investors with
brokerage relationships. Nasdaq Basic or
Derived Data therefrom, as well as NLS,
may be distributed to an unlimited
number of Professional and NonProfessional Subscribers who are
natural persons and who have a
brokerage relationship with the brokerdealer for a monthly fee of $100,000.18
Information also may be distributed to
4,500 internal Professional Subscribers,
provided that the information may only
be used to support brokerage services,19
and any internal electronic system used
to distribute such information must be
approved by Nasdaq.20 The license does
not cover the Distributor fee for Nasdaq
Basic,21 and is subject to reporting
requirements regarding the number of
Professional and Non-Professional
NLS is composed of two proprietary
data feeds containing real-time last sale
information for trades executed on the
Nasdaq exchange or reported to the
FINRA/Nasdaq TRF: (i) NLS for Nasdaq,
which contains transaction reports for
Nasdaq-listed stocks, and (ii) NLS for
NYSE/NYSE American, which contains
transaction reports for NYSE-listed
stocks and stocks listed on NYSE
American and other Tape B listing
NLS is designed to enable market data
Distributors to provide access to
Exchange information to millions of
individual investors through website
17 Distributor fees at Rule 7047(c)(1) are excluded
from this license.
18 See Rule 7047(b)(5).
19 Such information may not be used in support
of proprietary trading, surveillance activities, or
other functions solely for the benefit of the brokerdealer. Also, a Professional Subscriber who obtains
Nasdaq Basic through his or her own brokerage
relationship with the broker-dealer may not use that
data within the scope of any professional
engagement or registration. See Rule 7047(b)(5).
20 A separate enterprise license is required for
each discrete electronic system that is approved by
Nasdaq and used by the broker-dealer. See Rule
21 See Rule 7047(c)(1).
22 The Exchange proposes to use the definition for
‘‘NLS’’ currently set forth at Rule 7039(a),
incorporated by reference in proposed Rule
7032(c)(6). Rule 7039(a) defines NLS as ‘‘two
proprietary data feeds containing real-time last sale
information for trades executed on Nasdaq or
reported to the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting
Facility. ‘Nasdaq Last Sale for Nasdaq’ contains all
such transaction reports for Nasdaq-listed stocks,
and ‘Nasdaq Last Sale for NYSE/NYSE American’
contains all such transaction reports for NYSElisted stocks and stocks listed on NYSE American
and other Tape B listing venues.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 151 / Monday, August 6, 2018 / Notices
distribution.23 This design is reflected
in the pricing schedule, in which one
set of prices is dedicated to distribution
to the general investing public, and
another for specialized usage by
Professionals, or usage that otherwise
does not fit within the models for
distribution to the general investing
There is no enterprise license for
distribution to the general investing
public, but such dissemination is
subject to a fee cap of $41,500 per
month.25 Distributors under the
specialized fee schedule, however, may
purchase an enterprise license for a
monthly fee of $365,000 per month,26
which is patterned after a similar
enterprise license for Nasdaq Basic.27
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
NLS Plus
NLS Plus provides last sale
information and consolidated volume
data for the Nasdaq Stock Market,
Nasdaq BX, Nasdaq PSX and the
FINRA/Nasdaq TRF, and cumulative
volume for real-time trading activity
across all U.S. exchanges.28 It may be
purchased by itself or in combination
with Nasdaq Basic. NLS Plus provides
customers with Trade Price, Trade Size,
Sale Condition Modifiers, Cumulative
Consolidated Market Volume, End of
Day Trade Summary, Adjusted Closing
Price, IPO information, Bloomberg ID,
and regulatory information such as
Market Wide Circuit Breaker, Regulation
SHO Short Sale Price Test Restricted
Indicator, Trading Action, and Symbol
Fees for NLS Plus are based on the
fees for its underlying components, as
well as a Distributor fee,29 a data
23 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 57965
(June 16, 2008), 73 FR 35178 (June 20, 2008) (SR–
NASDAQ–2006–060) (approving SR–NASDAQ–
2006–060, as amended by Amendment Nos. 1 and
2, to implement NLS on a pilot basis).
24 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82723
(February 15, 2018), 83 FR 7812 (February 22, 2018)
(SR–NASDAQ–2018–010) (describing the NLS fee
25 See Rule 7039(b)(4) (identifying the fee cap);
Rule 7039(b)(1)–(3) (identifying fees for the Per
User, Per Query and Per Device fee models).
26 See Rule 7039(c)(3).
27 See Rule 7047(b)(4) (setting forth an enterprise
license for Nasdaq Basic for $365,000 per month).
28 The Exchange proposes that ‘‘NLS Plus’’ in
proposed Rule 7032 have the same meaning as
currently set forth at Rule 7039(e), to be
incorporated by reference in proposed Rule
7032(c)(7). Rule 7039(e) defines NLS Plus in part as
‘‘a comprehensive data feed produced by Nasdaq
Information LLC. It provides last sale data as well
as consolidated volume of Nasdaq U.S. equity
markets (The Nasdaq Stock Market (‘Nasdaq’),
Nasdaq BX (‘BX’), and Nasdaq PSX (‘PSX’)) and the
FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility (‘TRF’).
Nasdaq Last Sale Plus also reflects cumulative
volume real-time trading activity across all U.S.
exchanges for Tape C securities. . . . ’’
29 See Rule 7039(d).
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consolidation fee of $350 per month,
and administrative fees for Nasdaq, BX,
and PSX data feeds as set forth in their
respective rule books.30 There is no
enterprise license for NLS Plus, but the
distribution fees for the general
investing public are capped at $41,500,
under the same cap that applies to NLS.
Proposed Market Data Enterprise
The Exchange proposes to introduce a
market data enterprise license that will
reduce Exchange fees and
administrative costs for Distributors 31
that disseminate Nasdaq Basic, NLS,
NLS Plus, TotalView and Level 2.
Distributors that are broker-dealers or
Investment Advisers 32 will be able to
distribute information for Display Usage
for all five products to an unlimited
number of recipients for a monthly fee
of $600,000, with an opportunity to
lower that fee to $500,000 per month if
they contract for twelve months of
service in advance. Depth-of-Book
information and Nasdaq Basic may be
distributed pursuant to this market data
enterprise license only for display usage
and in the context of a brokerage
relationship with a broker-dealer or an
engagement with an Investment
Adviser, and the Exchange must preapprove any such platform to ensure
that it is reasonably designed to meet
this and other requirements identified
in the text of the proposed rule. NLS
and NLS Plus will be available for
unlimited external distribution through
one of the mechanisms available for
distribution to the general investing
public, which the Exchange expects to
be the most efficient method for
reaching the general investing public.
Purchase of the enterprise license will
eliminate per-Subscriber fees for Depthof-Book data,33 user fees for Nasdaq
Basic,34 distribution fees for the general
investing public for NLS,35 and
30 See Nasdaq Rule 7035; BX Rule 7035; and Phlx
Pricing Schedule § VIII. All administrative fees are
charged on a per Distributor, rather than a per
product, basis. Currently, there are no user or
Distributor fees applicable to BX Last Sale or PSX
Last Sale. However, if BX or Phlx were to adopt
user fees for these products in the future, the fees
would also apply to persons receiving these
products by means of NLS Plus.
31 As noted above, ‘‘Distributor’’ will be defined
in proposed Rule 7032(c)(3) by reference to Rules
7023(a)(4), 7039(f)(3), and 7047(d)(1) to reflect the
current definitions of that term as set forth in each
of these rules. Those definitions will continue to
apply to each product, respectively. See n.5.
32 ‘‘Investment Adviser’’ shall have the same
meaning in proposed Rule 7032 as set forth in
Section 202(a)(11) of the Investment Advisers Act
of 1940, incorporated by reference at proposed Rule
7032(c)(4). See n.7.
33 See Rule 7023(b).
34 See Rule 7047(b).
35 See Rule 7039(b).
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incremental NLS Plus fees,36 whether
such fees are paid directly to the
Exchange or indirectly through another
Distributor.37 This enterprise license
will offer a new fee option for
Distributors of multiple market data
products. No fee will increase as a result
of this proposal.
Distributors that intend to purchase
the market data enterprise license for at
least twelve months may elect to
purchase this product in advance for a
monthly fee of $500,000. This feature is
intended to simplify cost projections
and budgeting for both Distributors and
the Exchange. Distributors that elect not
to purchase this particular feature will
nevertheless be able to obtain all of the
market data information offered by the
product by paying the standard fee of
$600,000 per month. Distributors that
elect to pay the monthly fee will be able
to switch to the annual fee at any time,
and those that elect to purchase the
annual contract would be able to change
to the monthly contract, with notice, at
the end of the twelve month period.
The Exchange believes that the
proposed market data enterprise license
will reduce exchange fees, lower
administrative costs for Distributors,
and help expand the availability of
market information to investors, and
thereby increase participation in
financial markets.
Reduce Exchange Fees: The proposed
market data enterprise license will
lower fees by consolidating the features
of three existing enterprise licenses at a
lower cost, and with an expanded
scope. The three current enterprise
licenses that offer some, but not all,38 of
the features of the proposed license are:
(i) The $500,000 per month enterprise
license for Depth-of-Book; 39 (ii) the
36 See
Rule 7039(e).
Distributor may receive Information subject
to the proposed enterprise license either directly
from the Exchange or indirectly through another
Distributor. To the degree that any Distributor pays
to the Exchange Subscriber fees for Depth-of-Book
data at Rule 7023(b), User Fees for Nasdaq Basic at
Rule 7047(b), Distribution Model fees for the
General Investing Public for NLS at Rule 7039(b),
and NLS Plus fees at Rule 7039(e) on behalf of the
purchaser of the proposed market data enterprise
license, those fees paid to the Exchange shall
reduce the applicable monthly enterprise license
fee owed by the amount paid.
38 While the scope of each of the three current
enterprise licenses is not identical to the proposed
license, the Exchange believes that this comparison
is a good approximation for the cost reduction
generated by the proposal.
39 The two other enterprise licenses for Depth-ofBook, the $25,000 enterprise license for distribution
of TotalView, see Rule 7023(c)(1), and the $100,000
license for the right to distribute TotalView for
certain Subscribers internally and externally, see
Rule 7023(c)(2), are not comparable to the proposed
license in that these two current licenses include
substantial per Subscriber fees, while the proposed
license does not.
37 A
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 151 / Monday, August 6, 2018 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
$365,000 per month license for internal
distribution of Nasdaq Basic; and (iii)
the $100,000 per month license for
external distribution of Nasdaq Basic.
As explained above, the $500,000
enterprise license for Depth-of-Book
products allows a Distributor that is also
a broker-dealer to distribute Nasdaq
Level 2 or TotalView for Display Usage
by Non-Professional Subscribers with
whom the firm has a brokerage
relationship.40 This Depth-of-Book fee is
nearly equal to the proposed market
data enterprise license fee without a
twelve month commitment—and
exactly the same as the proposed fee for
Distributors that contract for twelve
months of service—yet without the
inclusion of Nasdaq Basic, NLS and
NLS Plus.
To distribute Nasdaq Basic and NLS
using currently available enterprise
licenses, a Distributor would be
required to purchase two enterprise
licenses for Nasdaq Basic—the $365,000
per month license for internal
distribution and the $100,000 per month
license for external distribution—in
addition to the $500,000 enterprise
license for Depth-of-Book products.
The $365,000 per month enterprise
license for Nasdaq Basic, aimed
primarily at internal distribution for
professionals, allows the dissemination
of Nasdaq Basic for $365,000 per month,
provided that if the broker-dealer
obtains the license with respect to usage
of Nasdaq Basic provided by an External
Distributor that controls display of the
product, the fee will be $365,000 per
month for up to 16,000 internal
Professional Subscribers plus $2 for
each additional internal Professional
Subscriber over 16,000.41
The $100,000 per month enterprise
license allows the distribution of
Nasdaq Basic and NLS to an unlimited
number of Professional and NonProfessional Subscribers who are
natural persons in the context of a
brokerage relationship.42 Nasdaq Basic
may also be distributed to up to and
including 4,500 internal Professional
Subscribers employed by the brokerdealer in support of brokerage services
to investors on an approved platform.43
Even with the purchase of these two
additional licenses, the Distributor
would also be required to pay any
40 See
Rule 7023(c)(3).
Rule 7047(b)(4).
42 See Rule 7047(b)(5). Note that Nasdaq Basic can
be distributed to customers under this license on a
password-protected website, but Nasdaq Basic
would not be available for open distribution.
43 A separate enterprise license is required for
each discrete electronic system that is approved by
Nasdaq and used by the broker-dealer. See Rule
41 See
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additional fees for NLS Plus.44 The
proposed fees for the market data
enterprise license, which would provide
the same data 45 as the $365,000 per
month enterprise license for Nasdaq
Basic designed for internal use, the
$100,000 per month enterprise license
for Nasdaq Basic designed for external
use, the $500,000 enterprise license for
Depth-of-Book products, and applicable
fees for NLS and NLS Plus, are
substantially less than the sum of the
currently available enterprise licenses.
Savings for the Distributor could be over
$4 million per year as a result.
Lower Administrative Costs: The
proposed market data enterprise license
reduces administrative costs for
Distributors by eliminating monthly and
yearly reporting of Professional and
Non-Professional Subscribers, a
requirement that may be costly to
administer. The market data enterprise
license will have no requirement that
the Distributor count and report
individual Professionals and NonProfessionals on a monthly basis, but
rather would simply require the
Distributor to obtain approval for the
platform used to disseminate such
information as reasonably designed to
ensure consistency with the proposed
Increase Availability of Market Data
for the Retail Investor: The proposed
license is designed to make an array of
market data products more easily
accessible to the retail investor. Brokerdealers and Investment Advisers (which
did not previously have access to any of
the underlying enterprise licenses)
would be able to share information from
TotalView, Level 2, Nasdaq Basic, NLS
and NLS Plus with their customers,
without regard to current distinctions
between fees for Professional and NonProfessional users, creating a seamless
experience in which the firm and its
customers can share market data
information. Because the cost to the
Distributor of adding another customer
would be zero, the proposed enterprise
license will create an incentive to
distribute the data widely to investors.
In summary, the proposed market
data enterprise license will: (i) Offer
44 See Nasdaq Rule 7035; BX Rule 7035; and Phlx
Pricing Schedule § VIII. All administrative fees are
charged on a per Distributor, rather than a per
product, basis. Currently, there are no user or
Distributor fees applicable to BX Last Sale or PSX
Last Sale. However, if BX or Phlx were to adopt
user fees for these products in the future, the fees
would also apply to persons receiving these
products by means of NLS Plus.
45 The underlying content for each product (i.e.,
Nasdaq Basic and Nasdaq Depth-of-Book data) is
identical under each license, although the
restrictions on each license are somewhat different,
as described in the rule book.
PO 00000
Frm 00159
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Distributors a new, lower-fee option for
Distributors of TotalView, Level 2,
Nasdaq Basic, NLS and NLS Plus; (ii)
reduce administrative costs by lowering
reporting requirements for Professional
and Non-Professional Subscribers; and
(iii) provide a mechanism to render
market data more readily accessible to
retail investors by reducing the cost of
distribution to new investors.46
This proposal demonstrates the
effectiveness of the competitive market
in maintaining low costs, enhancing the
customer experience, and encouraging
the dissemination of market data to the
general investing public. As set forth in
greater detail below, the Commission
granted Self-Regulatory Organizations
(‘‘SROs’’) and broker-dealers increased
authority and flexibility to offer new
and unique market data to the public
when it adopted Regulation NMS. It was
believed that this authority would
expand the amount of data available to
consumers, and also spur innovation
and competition in the provision of
market data. This market data enterprise
license demonstrates the benefits of
competition. A number of other SROs
offer enterprise licenses for their market
data products,47 but this multi-product
enterprise license is an innovation for
the Exchange—and indeed all SROs—
that demonstrates the power of the
competitive market to spur innovation
and change.
The proposed enterprise license is
optional in that Nasdaq is not required
to offer it and Distributors are not
required to purchase it. Firms can
discontinue its use at any time and for
any reason, and may decide to purchase
Nasdaq market data products
individually or substitute Nasdaq
products with competing products from
other exchanges.
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes that its
proposal is consistent with Section 6(b)
of the Act,48 in general, and furthers the
objectives of Sections 6(b)(4) and 6(b)(5)
of the Act,49 in particular, in that it
provides for the equitable allocation of
reasonable dues, fees and other charges
among members and issuers and other
persons using any facility, and is not
designed to permit unfair
46 The proposed enterprise license will be
introduced through an amendment to Rule 7032,
which is currently reserved. Removal of the
reserved Rule will have no impact on any market
data fee or product.
47 See, e.g., Enterprise Fee for the Cboe Equities
One Feed, available at
48 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
49 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5).
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 151 / Monday, August 6, 2018 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
discrimination between customers,
issuers, brokers, or dealers.
As described above, the proposed
market data enterprise license will
lower fees, reduce administrative costs,
and expand the availability of market
data to retail investors, which may lead
to increased participation in financial
markets. Distributors that are brokerdealers or Investment Advisers will be
able to disseminate TotalView, Level 2,
Nasdaq Basic, NLS and NLS Plus to an
unlimited audience for display in the
context of the brokerage or advisory
relationship for a monthly fee of
$600,000, or $500,000 per month for
Distributors that contract with the
Exchange in advance for twelve months
of service.
The proposal will lower fees for
Distributors able to reach the largest
audiences of retail investors. Discounts
for broader dissemination of market data
information have routinely been
adopted by exchanges and permitted by
the Commission as equitable allocations
of reasonable dues, fees and other
charges.50 Moreover, the specific feature
of the proposal that will allow
Distributors to lower fees to $500,000
for a twelve month contract is also an
equitable allocation because all
Distributors will have the same option
of choosing between the stability of a
fixed, lower rate, and the more flexible
option of maintaining the ability to
change market data products after a
month of service. Distributors will be
free to move from the monthly to the
annual rate at any time, or from the
annual to a monthly fee, with notice, at
the expiration of the twelve month
The existence of this proposal
demonstrates the existence of an
effective, competitive market because
this proposal resulted from a need to
generate innovative approaches in
response to competition from other
exchanges that offer enterprise licenses
for market data.51 As the Commission
has recognized, ‘‘[i]f competitive forces
are operative, the self-interest of the
exchanges themselves will work
powerfully to constrain unreasonable or
unfair behavior,’’ 52 and ‘‘the existence
of significant competition provides a
substantial basis for finding that the
terms of an exchange’s fee proposal are
equitable, fair, reasonable, and not
unreasonably or unfairly
discriminatory.’’ 53 The proposed
enterprise license will be subject to
significant competition from other
exchanges because each Distributor will
have the ability to accept or reject the
license depending on whether it will or
will not lower its fees, and because
other exchanges will be able to offer
their own competitive responses. As the
Commission has held in the past, the
presence of competition provides a
substantial basis for a finding that the
proposal will be an equitable allocation
of reasonable dues, fees and other
Furthermore, the proposed enterprise
license will not unfairly discriminate
between customers, issuers, brokers or
dealers. The Act does not prohibit all
distinctions among customers, but only
discrimination that is unfair, and it is
not unfair discrimination to charge
those Distributors that are able to reach
the largest audiences of retail investors
a lower fee for incremental investors in
order to encourage the widespread
distribution of market data. This
principle has been repeatedly endorsed
by the Commission, as evidenced by the
approval of enterprise licenses for
Depth-of-Book products and Nasdaq
Basic discussed above. Moreover, the
proposed enterprise license will be
subject to significant competition, and
that competition will ensure that there
is no unfair discrimination. Each
Distributor will be able to accept or
reject the license depending on whether
it will or will not lower costs for that
particular Distributor, and, if the license
is not sufficiently competitive, the
Exchange may lose market share.
In adopting Regulation NMS, the
Commission granted SROs and brokerdealers increased authority and
flexibility to offer new and unique
market data to the public. It was
believed that this authority would
expand the amount of data available to
consumers, and also spur innovation
and competition for the provision of
market data. The Commission
concluded that Regulation NMS—by
deregulating the market in proprietary
data—would itself further the Act’s
goals of facilitating efficiency and
50 For example, the Commission has permitted
pricing discounts for market data under Nasdaq
Rules 7023(c) and 7047(b). See also Securities
Exchange Act Release No. 82182 (November 30,
2017), 82 FR 57627 (December 6, 2017) (SR–NYSE–
2017–60) (changing an enterprise fee for NYSE BBO
and NYSE Trades).
51 See n. 47.
52 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 59039
(December 2, 2008), 73 FR 74770 (December 9,
2008) (SR–NYSEArca–2006–21).
[E]fficiency is promoted when brokerdealers who do not need the data beyond the
prices, sizes, market center identifications of
the NBBO and consolidated last sale
information are not required to receive (and
pay for) such data. The Commission also
believes that efficiency is promoted when
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54 Id.
Frm 00160
The Commission was speaking to the
question of whether broker-dealers
should be subject to a regulatory
requirement to purchase data, such as
Depth-of-Book data, that is in excess of
the data provided through the
consolidated tape feeds, and the
Commission concluded that the choice
should be left to them. Accordingly,
Regulation NMS removed unnecessary
regulatory restrictions on the ability of
exchanges to sell their own data,
thereby advancing the goals of the Act
and the principles reflected in its
legislative history. If the free market
should determine whether proprietary
data is sold to broker-dealers at all, it
follows that the price at which such
data is sold should be set by the market
as well.
The proposed enterprise license will
compete with other enterprise licenses
of the Exchange, underlying fee
schedules promulgated by the
Exchange, and enterprise licenses and
fee structures implemented by other
exchanges. As such, it is a voluntary
product for which market participants
can readily find substitutes.
Accordingly, Nasdaq is constrained
from introducing a fee that would be
inequitable or unfairly discriminatory.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that
the proposed rule change will impose
any burden on competition not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act. This
proposal will: (i) Offer Distributors a
new, lower fee option for TotalView,
Level 2, Nasdaq Basic, NLS and NLS
Plus; (ii) save administrative costs for
Distributors by lowering reporting
requirements for Professional and NonProfessional Subscribers; and (iii)
establish a mechanism to render market
data more readily accessible to retail
investors, thereby encouraging broader
dissemination of information. It will not
impose a burden on competition not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act, but rather
will enhance competition by
introducing an innovative fee structure
for market data, lowering prices and
enhancing competition.
The market for data products is
extremely competitive and firms may
freely choose alternative venues and
55 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51808
(June 9, 2005), 70 FR 37496 (June 29, 2005)
(‘‘Regulation NMS Adopting Release’’).
53 Id.
PO 00000
broker-dealers may choose to receive (and
pay for) additional market data based on their
own internal analysis of the need for such
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 151 / Monday, August 6, 2018 / Notices
data vendors based on the aggregate fees
assessed, the data offered, and the value
provided. Numerous exchanges compete
with each other for listings, trades, and
market data itself, providing virtually
limitless opportunities for entrepreneurs
who wish to produce and distribute
their own market data. This proprietary
data is produced by each individual
exchange, as well as other entities, in a
vigorously competitive market.
Transaction execution and proprietary
data products are complementary in that
market data is both an input and a
byproduct of the execution service. In
fact, market data and trade execution are
a paradigmatic example of joint
products with joint costs. The decision
whether and on which platform to post
an order will depend on the attributes
of the platform where the order can be
posted, including the execution fees,
data quality and price, and distribution
of its data products. Without trade
executions, exchange data products
cannot exist. Moreover, data products
are valuable to many end users only
insofar as they provide information that
end users expect will assist them or
their customers in making trading
The costs of producing market data
include not only the costs of the data
distribution infrastructure, but also the
costs of designing, maintaining, and
operating the exchange’s transaction
execution platform, the cost of
implementing cybersecurity to protect
the data from external threats and the
cost of regulating the exchange to ensure
its fair operation and maintain investor
confidence. The total return that a
trading platform earns reflects the
revenues it receives from both products
and the joint costs it incurs.
Moreover, the operation of the
Exchange is characterized by high fixed
costs and low marginal costs. This cost
structure is common in content and
content distribution industries such as
software, where developing new
software typically requires a large initial
investment (and continuing large
investments to upgrade the software),
but once the software is developed, the
incremental cost of providing that
software to an additional user is
typically small, or even zero (e.g., if the
software can be downloaded over the
internet after being purchased).56
In Nasdaq’s case, it is costly to build
and maintain a trading platform, but the
incremental cost of trading each
additional share on an existing platform,
56 See William J. Baumol and Daniel G. Swanson,
‘‘The New Economy and Ubiquitous Competitive
Price Discrimination: Identifying Defensible Criteria
of Market Power,’’ Antitrust Law Journal, Vol. 70,
No. 3 (2003).
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or distributing an additional instance of
data, is very low. Market information
and executions are each produced
jointly (in the sense that the activities of
trading and placing orders are the
source of the information that is
distributed) and each are subject to
significant scale economies. In such
cases, marginal cost pricing is not
feasible because if all sales were priced
at the margin, Nasdaq would be unable
to defray its platform costs of providing
the joint products. Similarly, data
products cannot make use of trade
reports from the TRF without the raw
material of the trade reports themselves,
and therefore necessitate the costs of
operating, regulating,57 and maintaining
a trade reporting system, costs that must
be covered through the fees charged for
use of the facility and sales of associated
An exchange’s broker-dealer
customers view the costs of transaction
executions and of data as a unified cost
of doing business with the exchange. A
broker-dealer will disfavor a particular
exchange if the expected revenues from
executing trades on the exchange do not
exceed net transaction execution costs
and the cost of data that the brokerdealer chooses to buy to support its
trading decisions (or those of its
customers). The choice of data products
is, in turn, a product of the value of the
products in making profitable trading
decisions. If the cost of the product
exceeds its expected value, the brokerdealer will choose not to buy it.
Moreover, as a broker-dealer chooses to
direct fewer orders to a particular
exchange, the value of the product to
that broker-dealer decreases, for two
reasons. First, the product will contain
less information, because executions of
the broker-dealer’s trading activity will
not be reflected in it. Second, and
perhaps more important, the product
will be less valuable to that brokerdealer because it does not provide
information about the venue to which it
is directing its orders. Data from the
competing venue to which the brokerdealer is directing more orders will
become correspondingly more valuable.
Similarly, vendors provide price
discipline for proprietary data products
because they control the primary means
of access to end users. Vendors impose
price restraints based upon their
business models. For example, vendors
that assess a surcharge on data they sell
may refuse to offer proprietary products
that end users will not purchase in
sufficient numbers. Internet portals
57 It should be noted that the costs of operating
the FINRA/Nasdaq TRF borne by Nasdaq include
regulatory charges paid by Nasdaq to FINRA.
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
impose a discipline by providing only
data that will enable them to attract
‘‘eyeballs’’ that contribute to their
advertising revenue. Retail brokerdealers offer their retail customers
proprietary data only if it promotes
trading and generates sufficient
commission revenue. Although the
business models may differ, these
vendors’ pricing discipline is the same:
They can simply refuse to purchase any
proprietary data product that fails to
provide sufficient value. Exchanges,
TRFs, and other producers of
proprietary data products must
understand and respond to these
varying business models and pricing
disciplines in order to market
proprietary data products successfully.
Moreover, Nasdaq believes that market
data products can enhance order flow to
Nasdaq by providing more widespread
distribution of information about
transactions in real time, thereby
encouraging wider participation in the
market by investors with access to the
internet or television. Conversely, the
value of such products to Distributors
and investors decreases if order flow
falls, because the products contain less
Competition among trading platforms
can be expected to constrain the
aggregate return each platform earns
from the sale of its joint products, but
different platforms may choose from a
range of possible, and equally
reasonable, pricing strategies as the
means of recovering total costs. Nasdaq
pays rebates to attract orders, charges
relatively low prices for market
information and charges relatively high
prices for accessing posted liquidity.
Other platforms may choose a strategy
of paying lower liquidity rebates to
attract orders, setting relatively low
prices for accessing posted liquidity,
and setting relatively high prices for
market information. Still others may
provide most data free of charge and
rely exclusively on transaction fees to
recover their costs. Finally, some
platforms may incentivize use by
providing opportunities for equity
ownership, which may allow them to
charge lower direct fees for executions
and data.
In this environment, there is no
economic basis for regulating maximum
prices for one of the joint products in an
industry in which suppliers face
competitive constraints with regard to
the joint offering. Such regulation is
unnecessary because an ‘‘excessive’’
price for one of the joint products will
ultimately have to be reflected in lower
prices for other products sold by the
firm, or otherwise the firm will
experience a loss in the volume of its
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 151 / Monday, August 6, 2018 / Notices
sales that will be adverse to its overall
profitability. In other words, an increase
in the price of data will ultimately have
to be accompanied by a decrease in the
cost of executions, or the volume of both
data and executions will fall.58
Moreover, the level of competition
and contestability in the market is
evident in the numerous alternative
venues that compete for order flow,
including SRO markets, internalizing
broker-dealers and various forms of
alternative trading systems (‘‘ATSs’’),
including dark pools and electronic
communication networks (‘‘ECNs’’).
Each SRO market competes to produce
transaction reports via trade executions,
and two FINRA-regulated TRFs compete
to attract internalized transaction
reports. It is common for broker-dealers
to further exploit this competition by
sending their order flow and transaction
reports to multiple markets, rather than
providing them all to a single market.
Competitive markets for order flow,
executions, and transaction reports
provide pricing discipline for the inputs
of proprietary data products. The large
number of SROs, TRFs, broker-dealers,
and ATSs that currently produce
proprietary data or are currently capable
of producing it provides further pricing
discipline for proprietary data products.
Each SRO, TRF, ATS, and broker-dealer
is currently permitted to produce
proprietary data products, and many
currently do or have announced plans to
do so, including Nasdaq, NYSE, NYSE
American, NYSE Arca, IEX, and BATS/
Direct Edge.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were either
solicited or received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become
effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act.59
At any time within 60 days of the
filing of the proposed rule change, the
Commission summarily may
temporarily suspend such rule change if
it appears to the Commission that such
action is: (i) Necessary or appropriate in
the public interest; (ii) for the protection
of investors; or (iii) otherwise in
furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
58 Cf. Ohio v. American Express, No. 16–1454 (S.
Ct. June 25, 2018),
opinions/17pdf/16-1454_5h26.pdf (recognizing the
need to analyze both sides of a two sided platform
market in order to determine its competitiveness).
59 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).
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If the Commission takes such action, the
Commission shall institute proceedings
to determine whether the proposed rule
should be approved or disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
NASDAQ–2018–058 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NASDAQ–2018–058. This
file number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
internet website (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549 on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NASDAQ–2018–058 and
Frm 00162
Fmt 4703
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–16720 Filed 8–3–18; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–83753; File No. SR–FINRA–
Electronic Comments
PO 00000
should be submitted on or before
August 27, 2018.
Sfmt 4703
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, Inc.; Order Granting
Approval of a Proposed Rule Change
To Amend FINRA Rule 6433 To Adopt
the OTC Quotation Tier Pilot as
July 31, 2018.
I. Introduction
On April 20, 2018, Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’)
filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’), pursuant
to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule
19b–4 thereunder,2 a proposed rule
change to amend FINRA Rule 6433 to
adopt as permanent the minimum
quotation sizes that are applicable to
quotations in over-the-counter (‘‘OTC’’)
equity securities and that were
implemented on a pilot basis. The
proposed rule change was published for
comment in the Federal Register on
May 7, 2018.3 The Commission received
one comment letter on the proposed
rule change.4 On June 13, 2018,
pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,5
the Commission designated a longer
period within which to approve the
proposed rule change, disapprove the
proposed rule change, or institute
proceedings to determine whether to
disapprove the proposed rule change.6
In a letter dated July 5, 2018, FINRA
responded to the comment letter.7
60 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83129
(April 30, 2018), 83 FR 20131 (‘‘Notice’’).
4 See Letter from Eugene P. Torpey, Chief
Compliance Officer, Vandham Securities Corp.,
dated May 10, 2018. Comments on the proposed
rule change are available at
5 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
6 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 83422,
83 FR 28483 (June 19, 2018).
7 See Letter from Racquel L. Russell, Associate
General Counsel, FINRA, to Brent J. Fields,
Secretary, Commission (‘‘FINRA Letter’’). The
1 15
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 151 (Monday, August 6, 2018)]
[Pages 38428-38434]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-16720]
[Release No. 34-83751; File No. SR-NASDAQ-2018-058]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC;
Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To
Lower Fees and Administrative Costs for Distributors of Nasdaq Basic,
Nasdaq Last Sale, NLS Plus and the Nasdaq Depth-of-Book Products
Through a Consolidated Enterprise License
July 31, 2018.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that
on July 17, 2018, The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (``Nasdaq'' or
``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(``SEC'' or ``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in
Items I, II, and III, below, which Items have been prepared by the
Exchange. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments
on the proposed rule change from interested persons.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance
of the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange proposes to lower fees and administrative costs for
Distributors of Nasdaq Basic, Nasdaq Last Sale (``NLS''), NLS Plus and
the Nasdaq Depth-of-Book products (TotalView and Level 2) by
introducing a consolidated enterprise license for the Display Usage of
all five products. This market data enterprise license will allow
Distributors who are broker-dealers or Investment Advisers to
disseminate these products to a wide audience for a monthly fee of
$600,000, with the opportunity to lower that fee further to $500,000
per month if the Distributor contracts for twelve months of the service
in advance. The proposed enterprise license will be introduced through
an amendment to Rule \3\ 7032, which is currently reserved. The
proposal is described in further detail below.
\3\ References to rules are to Nasdaq rules, unless otherwise
This amendment is immediately effective upon filing.\4\
\4\ This proposed change was initially filed on July 3, 2018,
and became immediately effective on that date. See SR-NASDAQ-2018-
055, available at A firm eligible
to purchase the proposed license may purchase it for the month of
July, effective on July 3, 2018, and the monthly fee for the license
will be prorated for the period July 3 through July 31, 2018. Any
fees owed by the purchaser of the enterprise license for the use of
Nasdaq Basic, NLS, NLS Plus and the Nasdaq Depth-of-Book products on
July 1 and July 2, 2018, will also be prorated accordingly.
The text of the proposed rule change is available on the Exchange's
website at, at the principal office of
the Exchange, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in
sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
1. Purpose
The Exchange proposes to lower fees and administrative costs for
Distributors \5\ of Nasdaq Basic, NLS, NLS Plus and the Nasdaq Depth-
of-Book products (TotalView and Level 2) by introducing a consolidated
enterprise license for the Display Usage \6\ of all five products. This
license will allow Distributors who are broker-dealers or Investment
Advisers \7\ to disseminate these products to a wide audience for a
monthly fee of $600,000, with the opportunity to lower that fee further
to $500,000 per month if they contract for twelve months of service in
advance. No fees will increase as a result of this license. As
discussed below, this fee reduction responds to competitive pressures
exerted by other exchanges that sell market data.
\5\ ``Distributor'' will be defined in proposed Rule 7032(c)(3)
by reference to Rules 7023(a)(4), 7039(f)(3), and 7047(d)(1) to
reflect the current definitions of that term as set forth in each of
these rules. Those definitions will continue to apply to each
product, respectively. At a later date, Nasdaq will submit an
additional proposed rule change to consolidate generally-applicable
definitions and move these definitions to a new rule that will apply
to all market data fee rules in the 7000 series.
\6\ ``Display Usage'' will be defined in Rule 7032(c)(2) by
reference to Rules 7023(a)(2), 7039(f)(2), and 7047(d)(2), to
reflect the current definitions of that term as set forth in each of
these rules. Those definitions will continue to apply to each
product, respectively.
\7\ ``Investment Adviser'' will be defined in proposed Rule
7032(c)(4) by reference to Section 202(a)(11) of the Investment
Advisers Act of 1940, as ``any person who, for compensation, engages
in the business of advising others, either directly or through
publications or writings, as to the value of securities or as to the
advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities, or
who, for compensation and as part of a regular business, issues or
promulgates analyses or reports concerning securities . . . .''
Current Enterprise License Fees
The Exchange currently offers enterprise licenses for Depth-of-Book
products and Nasdaq Basic. There is no enterprise license for the
distribution of NLS to the general investing public, but there is a cap
of $41,500 per month on such fees, and NLS may also be distributed
under one of the enterprise licenses for Nasdaq Basic.\8\
\8\ See Rule 7048(b)(5) (providing that a broker-dealer that
purchases this enterprise license will also have the right to
distribute NLS data to an unlimited number of Professional and Non-
Professional Subscribers who are natural persons and with whom the
broker-dealer has a brokerage relationship). In addition, there is
an enterprise license for specialized usage of NLS at Rule
7039(c)(3), but specialized usage is not relevant to this proposal,
which focuses on distribution to the general investing public and
the professionals servicing retail investors through brokerage or
retail advisory accounts.
Depth-of-Book Products
Nasdaq offers two Depth-of-Book products, TotalView and Level 2.\9\
TotalView, Nasdaq's premier Depth-of-Book product, provides complete,
real-time depth data for Nasdaq and non-
[[Page 38429]]
Nasdaq-listed securities, including all orders and quotes from all
Nasdaq members displayed in the Nasdaq Market Center, the aggregate
size of such orders and quotes, and Net Order Imbalance Information,
which supplies data on the daily auctions that take place at the open
and close of the market, as well as in the context of an IPO or after a
halt.\10\ Nasdaq Level 2, which will be retired as a separate product
after transition to TotalView is complete for all Distributors,\11\
provides the best-priced orders from each Nasdaq member on the Nasdaq
Market Center for Nasdaq-listed securities.
\9\ See Rule 7023(a)(1). The Exchange proposes to incorporate
the definition of Depth-of-Book data currently set forth at Rule
7023(a)(1) by reference at proposed Rule 7032(c)(1). Rule 7023(a)(1)
defines Depth-of-Book as ``data feeds containing price quotations at
more than one price level''; the Depth-of-Book data feeds are Nasdaq
Level 2, which means ``with respect to stocks listed on Nasdaq, the
best-priced orders or quotes from each Nasdaq member displayed in
the Nasdaq Market Center,'' and Nasdaq TotalView, which means ``with
respect to stocks listed on Nasdaq and on an exchange other than
Nasdaq, all orders and quotes from all Nasdaq members displayed in
the Nasdaq Market Center as well as the aggregate size of such
orders and quotes at each price level in the execution functionality
of the Nasdaq Market Center.''
\10\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79863 (January 23,
2017), 82 FR 8632 (January 27, 2017) (SR-NASDAQ-2017-004). Net Order
Imbalance Information refers to data relating to buy and sell
interest at the open and close of the trading day, in the context of
an Initial Public Offering, and after a trading halt. See Securities
Exchange Act Release No. 80891 (June 8, 2017), 82 FR 27318 (June 14,
2017) (SR-NASDAQ-2017-054).
\11\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 79863 (January 23,
2017) 82 FR 8632 (January 27, 2017) (SR-NASDAQ-2017-004) (explaining
that Level 2 will be retired as a separate product).
The Exchange offers three enterprise licenses for its Depth-of-Book
products. The first allows a Distributor that is also a broker-dealer
to pay a monthly fee of $25,000, plus $9 per month for each Non-
Professional Subscriber and $60 per month for each Professional
Subscriber, for the right to distribute Nasdaq TotalView internally for
Display Usage or externally to Non-Professional Subscribers with whom
the firm has a brokerage relationship.\12\
\12\ See Rule 7023(c)(1).
The second allows a Distributor that is also a broker-dealer to pay
a monthly fee of $100,000, plus $9 per month for each Non-Professional
Subscriber and $60 per month for each Professional Subscriber, for the
right to distribute TotalView for Display Usage internally, or
externally to both Professional and Non-Professional Subscribers with
whom the firm has a brokerage relationship.\13\
\13\ See Rule 7023(c)(2). Note that the $100,000 license at
paragraph (c)(2) allows for external distribution to both
Professional and Non-Professional Subscribers with whom the firm has
a brokerage relationship, while the $25,000 license at paragraph
(c)(1) is limited to Non-Professional Subscribers.
The third allows a Distributor that is also a broker-dealer to pay
a monthly fee of $500,000 to provide Nasdaq Level 2 or Nasdaq TotalView
for Display Usage by Non-Professional Subscribers with whom the firm
has a brokerage relationship, with no additional per Subscriber fees,
albeit with Distributor fees.\14\
\14\ See Rule 7023(c)(3).
Nasdaq Basic
Nasdaq Basic is a real-time market data product that offers best
bid and offer and last sale information for all U.S. exchange-listed
securities from the Nasdaq Market Center and the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade
Reporting Facility (``TRF'').\15\ It is comprised of three components,
which may be purchased individually or in combination: (i) Nasdaq Basic
for Nasdaq, which contains the best bid and offer on the Nasdaq Market
Center and last sale transaction reports for Nasdaq and the FINRA/
Nasdaq TRF for Nasdaq-listed stocks; (ii) Nasdaq Basic for NYSE, which
covers NYSE-listed stocks, and (iii) Nasdaq Basic for NYSE American
(formerly NYSE MKT), which provides data on stocks listed on NYSE
American and other listing venues whose quotes and trade reports are
disseminated on Tape B. Nasdaq Basic provides customers with: (i)
Nasdaq Basic Quotes (``QBBO''), the best bid and offer and associated
size available in the Nasdaq Market Center, as well as last sale
transaction reports; (ii) Nasdaq opening and closing prices, as well as
IPO and trading halt cross prices; and (iii) general Exchange
information, including systems status reports, trading halt
information, and a stock directory.
\15\ The Exchange proposes to use the same definition for
``Nasdaq Basic'' currently set forth in Rule 7047(a), incorporated
by reference in proposed Rule 7032(c)(5). Rule 7047(a) defines
Nasdaq Basic as ``proprietary data feeds containing real-time market
information from the Nasdaq Market Center and the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade
Reporting Facility (`TRF'). (1) `Nasdaq Basic for Nasdaq' shall
contain Nasdaq's best bid and offer and last sale for Nasdaq-listed
stocks from Nasdaq and the FINRA/Nasdaq TRF; and (2) `Nasdaq Basic
for NYSE' shall contain Nasdaq's best bid and offer and last sale
for NYSE-listed stocks from Nasdaq and the FINRA/Nasdaq TRF. (3)
`Nasdaq Basic for NYSE MKT' shall contain Nasdaq's best bid and
offer and last sale for stocks listed on NYSE MKT and other Tape B
listing venues from Nasdaq and the FINRA/Nasdaq TRF.''
The Exchange offers two enterprise licenses for Nasdaq Basic. The
first is aimed primarily at internal distribution for professionals,
allowing the dissemination of Nasdaq Basic or Derived Data therefrom
for a fee of $365,000 per month, provided that if the broker-dealer
obtains the license for usage of Nasdaq Basic provided by an External
Distributor that controls display of the product, the fee will be
$365,000 per month for up to 16,000 internal Professional Subscribers,
plus $2 for each additional internal Professional Subscriber over
16,000.\16\ This license includes access to NLS for the Distributor's
own securities and those of up to ten of its competitors or peers for
Display Usage on the broker-dealer's internal website.\17\
\16\ See Rule 7047(b)(4).
\17\ Distributor fees at Rule 7047(c)(1) are excluded from this
The second is directed primarily at external distribution to
investors with brokerage relationships. Nasdaq Basic or Derived Data
therefrom, as well as NLS, may be distributed to an unlimited number of
Professional and Non-Professional Subscribers who are natural persons
and who have a brokerage relationship with the broker-dealer for a
monthly fee of $100,000.\18\ Information also may be distributed to
4,500 internal Professional Subscribers, provided that the information
may only be used to support brokerage services,\19\ and any internal
electronic system used to distribute such information must be approved
by Nasdaq.\20\ The license does not cover the Distributor fee for
Nasdaq Basic,\21\ and is subject to reporting requirements regarding
the number of Professional and Non-Professional Subscribers.
\18\ See Rule 7047(b)(5).
\19\ Such information may not be used in support of proprietary
trading, surveillance activities, or other functions solely for the
benefit of the broker-dealer. Also, a Professional Subscriber who
obtains Nasdaq Basic through his or her own brokerage relationship
with the broker-dealer may not use that data within the scope of any
professional engagement or registration. See Rule 7047(b)(5).
\20\ A separate enterprise license is required for each discrete
electronic system that is approved by Nasdaq and used by the broker-
dealer. See Rule 7047(b)(5).
\21\ See Rule 7047(c)(1).
NLS is composed of two proprietary data feeds containing real-time
last sale information for trades executed on the Nasdaq exchange or
reported to the FINRA/Nasdaq TRF: (i) NLS for Nasdaq, which contains
transaction reports for Nasdaq-listed stocks, and (ii) NLS for NYSE/
NYSE American, which contains transaction reports for NYSE-listed
stocks and stocks listed on NYSE American and other Tape B listing
\22\ The Exchange proposes to use the definition for ``NLS''
currently set forth at Rule 7039(a), incorporated by reference in
proposed Rule 7032(c)(6). Rule 7039(a) defines NLS as ``two
proprietary data feeds containing real-time last sale information
for trades executed on Nasdaq or reported to the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade
Reporting Facility. `Nasdaq Last Sale for Nasdaq' contains all such
transaction reports for Nasdaq-listed stocks, and `Nasdaq Last Sale
for NYSE/NYSE American' contains all such transaction reports for
NYSE-listed stocks and stocks listed on NYSE American and other Tape
B listing venues.''
NLS is designed to enable market data Distributors to provide
access to Exchange information to millions of individual investors
through website
[[Page 38430]]
distribution.\23\ This design is reflected in the pricing schedule, in
which one set of prices is dedicated to distribution to the general
investing public, and another for specialized usage by Professionals,
or usage that otherwise does not fit within the models for distribution
to the general investing public.\24\
\23\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 57965 (June 16,
2008), 73 FR 35178 (June 20, 2008) (SR-NASDAQ-2006-060) (approving
SR-NASDAQ-2006-060, as amended by Amendment Nos. 1 and 2, to
implement NLS on a pilot basis).
\24\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82723 (February 15,
2018), 83 FR 7812 (February 22, 2018) (SR-NASDAQ-2018-010)
(describing the NLS fee schedules).
There is no enterprise license for distribution to the general
investing public, but such dissemination is subject to a fee cap of
$41,500 per month.\25\ Distributors under the specialized fee schedule,
however, may purchase an enterprise license for a monthly fee of
$365,000 per month,\26\ which is patterned after a similar enterprise
license for Nasdaq Basic.\27\
\25\ See Rule 7039(b)(4) (identifying the fee cap); Rule
7039(b)(1)-(3) (identifying fees for the Per User, Per Query and Per
Device fee models).
\26\ See Rule 7039(c)(3).
\27\ See Rule 7047(b)(4) (setting forth an enterprise license
for Nasdaq Basic for $365,000 per month).
NLS Plus
NLS Plus provides last sale information and consolidated volume
data for the Nasdaq Stock Market, Nasdaq BX, Nasdaq PSX and the FINRA/
Nasdaq TRF, and cumulative volume for real-time trading activity across
all U.S. exchanges.\28\ It may be purchased by itself or in combination
with Nasdaq Basic. NLS Plus provides customers with Trade Price, Trade
Size, Sale Condition Modifiers, Cumulative Consolidated Market Volume,
End of Day Trade Summary, Adjusted Closing Price, IPO information,
Bloomberg ID, and regulatory information such as Market Wide Circuit
Breaker, Regulation SHO Short Sale Price Test Restricted Indicator,
Trading Action, and Symbol Directory.
\28\ The Exchange proposes that ``NLS Plus'' in proposed Rule
7032 have the same meaning as currently set forth at Rule 7039(e),
to be incorporated by reference in proposed Rule 7032(c)(7). Rule
7039(e) defines NLS Plus in part as ``a comprehensive data feed
produced by Nasdaq Information LLC. It provides last sale data as
well as consolidated volume of Nasdaq U.S. equity markets (The
Nasdaq Stock Market (`Nasdaq'), Nasdaq BX (`BX'), and Nasdaq PSX
(`PSX')) and the FINRA/Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility (`TRF').
Nasdaq Last Sale Plus also reflects cumulative volume real-time
trading activity across all U.S. exchanges for Tape C securities. .
. . ''
Fees for NLS Plus are based on the fees for its underlying
components, as well as a Distributor fee,\29\ a data consolidation fee
of $350 per month, and administrative fees for Nasdaq, BX, and PSX data
feeds as set forth in their respective rule books.\30\ There is no
enterprise license for NLS Plus, but the distribution fees for the
general investing public are capped at $41,500, under the same cap that
applies to NLS.
\29\ See Rule 7039(d).
\30\ See Nasdaq Rule 7035; BX Rule 7035; and Phlx Pricing
Schedule Sec. VIII. All administrative fees are charged on a per
Distributor, rather than a per product, basis. Currently, there are
no user or Distributor fees applicable to BX Last Sale or PSX Last
Sale. However, if BX or Phlx were to adopt user fees for these
products in the future, the fees would also apply to persons
receiving these products by means of NLS Plus.
Proposed Market Data Enterprise License
The Exchange proposes to introduce a market data enterprise license
that will reduce Exchange fees and administrative costs for
Distributors \31\ that disseminate Nasdaq Basic, NLS, NLS Plus,
TotalView and Level 2. Distributors that are broker-dealers or
Investment Advisers \32\ will be able to distribute information for
Display Usage for all five products to an unlimited number of
recipients for a monthly fee of $600,000, with an opportunity to lower
that fee to $500,000 per month if they contract for twelve months of
service in advance. Depth-of-Book information and Nasdaq Basic may be
distributed pursuant to this market data enterprise license only for
display usage and in the context of a brokerage relationship with a
broker-dealer or an engagement with an Investment Adviser, and the
Exchange must pre-approve any such platform to ensure that it is
reasonably designed to meet this and other requirements identified in
the text of the proposed rule. NLS and NLS Plus will be available for
unlimited external distribution through one of the mechanisms available
for distribution to the general investing public, which the Exchange
expects to be the most efficient method for reaching the general
investing public. Purchase of the enterprise license will eliminate
per-Subscriber fees for Depth-of-Book data,\33\ user fees for Nasdaq
Basic,\34\ distribution fees for the general investing public for
NLS,\35\ and incremental NLS Plus fees,\36\ whether such fees are paid
directly to the Exchange or indirectly through another Distributor.\37\
This enterprise license will offer a new fee option for Distributors of
multiple market data products. No fee will increase as a result of this
\31\ As noted above, ``Distributor'' will be defined in proposed
Rule 7032(c)(3) by reference to Rules 7023(a)(4), 7039(f)(3), and
7047(d)(1) to reflect the current definitions of that term as set
forth in each of these rules. Those definitions will continue to
apply to each product, respectively. See n.5.
\32\ ``Investment Adviser'' shall have the same meaning in
proposed Rule 7032 as set forth in Section 202(a)(11) of the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, incorporated by reference at
proposed Rule 7032(c)(4). See n.7.
\33\ See Rule 7023(b).
\34\ See Rule 7047(b).
\35\ See Rule 7039(b).
\36\ See Rule 7039(e).
\37\ A Distributor may receive Information subject to the
proposed enterprise license either directly from the Exchange or
indirectly through another Distributor. To the degree that any
Distributor pays to the Exchange Subscriber fees for Depth-of-Book
data at Rule 7023(b), User Fees for Nasdaq Basic at Rule 7047(b),
Distribution Model fees for the General Investing Public for NLS at
Rule 7039(b), and NLS Plus fees at Rule 7039(e) on behalf of the
purchaser of the proposed market data enterprise license, those fees
paid to the Exchange shall reduce the applicable monthly enterprise
license fee owed by the amount paid.
Distributors that intend to purchase the market data enterprise
license for at least twelve months may elect to purchase this product
in advance for a monthly fee of $500,000. This feature is intended to
simplify cost projections and budgeting for both Distributors and the
Exchange. Distributors that elect not to purchase this particular
feature will nevertheless be able to obtain all of the market data
information offered by the product by paying the standard fee of
$600,000 per month. Distributors that elect to pay the monthly fee will
be able to switch to the annual fee at any time, and those that elect
to purchase the annual contract would be able to change to the monthly
contract, with notice, at the end of the twelve month period.
The Exchange believes that the proposed market data enterprise
license will reduce exchange fees, lower administrative costs for
Distributors, and help expand the availability of market information to
investors, and thereby increase participation in financial markets.
Reduce Exchange Fees: The proposed market data enterprise license
will lower fees by consolidating the features of three existing
enterprise licenses at a lower cost, and with an expanded scope. The
three current enterprise licenses that offer some, but not all,\38\ of
the features of the proposed license are: (i) The $500,000 per month
enterprise license for Depth-of-Book; \39\ (ii) the
[[Page 38431]]
$365,000 per month license for internal distribution of Nasdaq Basic;
and (iii) the $100,000 per month license for external distribution of
Nasdaq Basic.
\38\ While the scope of each of the three current enterprise
licenses is not identical to the proposed license, the Exchange
believes that this comparison is a good approximation for the cost
reduction generated by the proposal.
\39\ The two other enterprise licenses for Depth-of-Book, the
$25,000 enterprise license for distribution of TotalView, see Rule
7023(c)(1), and the $100,000 license for the right to distribute
TotalView for certain Subscribers internally and externally, see
Rule 7023(c)(2), are not comparable to the proposed license in that
these two current licenses include substantial per Subscriber fees,
while the proposed license does not.
As explained above, the $500,000 enterprise license for Depth-of-
Book products allows a Distributor that is also a broker-dealer to
distribute Nasdaq Level 2 or TotalView for Display Usage by Non-
Professional Subscribers with whom the firm has a brokerage
relationship.\40\ This Depth-of-Book fee is nearly equal to the
proposed market data enterprise license fee without a twelve month
commitment--and exactly the same as the proposed fee for Distributors
that contract for twelve months of service--yet without the inclusion
of Nasdaq Basic, NLS and NLS Plus.
\40\ See Rule 7023(c)(3).
To distribute Nasdaq Basic and NLS using currently available
enterprise licenses, a Distributor would be required to purchase two
enterprise licenses for Nasdaq Basic--the $365,000 per month license
for internal distribution and the $100,000 per month license for
external distribution--in addition to the $500,000 enterprise license
for Depth-of-Book products.
The $365,000 per month enterprise license for Nasdaq Basic, aimed
primarily at internal distribution for professionals, allows the
dissemination of Nasdaq Basic for $365,000 per month, provided that if
the broker-dealer obtains the license with respect to usage of Nasdaq
Basic provided by an External Distributor that controls display of the
product, the fee will be $365,000 per month for up to 16,000 internal
Professional Subscribers plus $2 for each additional internal
Professional Subscriber over 16,000.\41\
\41\ See Rule 7047(b)(4).
The $100,000 per month enterprise license allows the distribution
of Nasdaq Basic and NLS to an unlimited number of Professional and Non-
Professional Subscribers who are natural persons in the context of a
brokerage relationship.\42\ Nasdaq Basic may also be distributed to up
to and including 4,500 internal Professional Subscribers employed by
the broker-dealer in support of brokerage services to investors on an
approved platform.\43\ Even with the purchase of these two additional
licenses, the Distributor would also be required to pay any additional
fees for NLS Plus.\44\ The proposed fees for the market data enterprise
license, which would provide the same data \45\ as the $365,000 per
month enterprise license for Nasdaq Basic designed for internal use,
the $100,000 per month enterprise license for Nasdaq Basic designed for
external use, the $500,000 enterprise license for Depth-of-Book
products, and applicable fees for NLS and NLS Plus, are substantially
less than the sum of the currently available enterprise licenses.
Savings for the Distributor could be over $4 million per year as a
\42\ See Rule 7047(b)(5). Note that Nasdaq Basic can be
distributed to customers under this license on a password-protected
website, but Nasdaq Basic would not be available for open
\43\ A separate enterprise license is required for each discrete
electronic system that is approved by Nasdaq and used by the broker-
dealer. See Rule 7047(b)(5).
\44\ See Nasdaq Rule 7035; BX Rule 7035; and Phlx Pricing
Schedule Sec. VIII. All administrative fees are charged on a per
Distributor, rather than a per product, basis. Currently, there are
no user or Distributor fees applicable to BX Last Sale or PSX Last
Sale. However, if BX or Phlx were to adopt user fees for these
products in the future, the fees would also apply to persons
receiving these products by means of NLS Plus.
\45\ The underlying content for each product (i.e., Nasdaq Basic
and Nasdaq Depth-of-Book data) is identical under each license,
although the restrictions on each license are somewhat different, as
described in the rule book.
Lower Administrative Costs: The proposed market data enterprise
license reduces administrative costs for Distributors by eliminating
monthly and yearly reporting of Professional and Non-Professional
Subscribers, a requirement that may be costly to administer. The market
data enterprise license will have no requirement that the Distributor
count and report individual Professionals and Non-Professionals on a
monthly basis, but rather would simply require the Distributor to
obtain approval for the platform used to disseminate such information
as reasonably designed to ensure consistency with the proposed Rule.
Increase Availability of Market Data for the Retail Investor: The
proposed license is designed to make an array of market data products
more easily accessible to the retail investor. Broker-dealers and
Investment Advisers (which did not previously have access to any of the
underlying enterprise licenses) would be able to share information from
TotalView, Level 2, Nasdaq Basic, NLS and NLS Plus with their
customers, without regard to current distinctions between fees for
Professional and Non-Professional users, creating a seamless experience
in which the firm and its customers can share market data information.
Because the cost to the Distributor of adding another customer would be
zero, the proposed enterprise license will create an incentive to
distribute the data widely to investors.
In summary, the proposed market data enterprise license will: (i)
Offer Distributors a new, lower-fee option for Distributors of
TotalView, Level 2, Nasdaq Basic, NLS and NLS Plus; (ii) reduce
administrative costs by lowering reporting requirements for
Professional and Non-Professional Subscribers; and (iii) provide a
mechanism to render market data more readily accessible to retail
investors by reducing the cost of distribution to new investors.\46\
\46\ The proposed enterprise license will be introduced through
an amendment to Rule 7032, which is currently reserved. Removal of
the reserved Rule will have no impact on any market data fee or
This proposal demonstrates the effectiveness of the competitive
market in maintaining low costs, enhancing the customer experience, and
encouraging the dissemination of market data to the general investing
public. As set forth in greater detail below, the Commission granted
Self-Regulatory Organizations (``SROs'') and broker-dealers increased
authority and flexibility to offer new and unique market data to the
public when it adopted Regulation NMS. It was believed that this
authority would expand the amount of data available to consumers, and
also spur innovation and competition in the provision of market data.
This market data enterprise license demonstrates the benefits of
competition. A number of other SROs offer enterprise licenses for their
market data products,\47\ but this multi-product enterprise license is
an innovation for the Exchange--and indeed all SROs--that demonstrates
the power of the competitive market to spur innovation and change.
\47\ See, e.g., Enterprise Fee for the Cboe Equities One Feed,
available at
The proposed enterprise license is optional in that Nasdaq is not
required to offer it and Distributors are not required to purchase it.
Firms can discontinue its use at any time and for any reason, and may
decide to purchase Nasdaq market data products individually or
substitute Nasdaq products with competing products from other
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes that its proposal is consistent with Section
6(b) of the Act,\48\ in general, and furthers the objectives of
Sections 6(b)(4) and 6(b)(5) of the Act,\49\ in particular, in that it
provides for the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees and
other charges among members and issuers and other persons using any
facility, and is not designed to permit unfair
[[Page 38432]]
discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers.
\48\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
\49\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4) and (5).
As described above, the proposed market data enterprise license
will lower fees, reduce administrative costs, and expand the
availability of market data to retail investors, which may lead to
increased participation in financial markets. Distributors that are
broker-dealers or Investment Advisers will be able to disseminate
TotalView, Level 2, Nasdaq Basic, NLS and NLS Plus to an unlimited
audience for display in the context of the brokerage or advisory
relationship for a monthly fee of $600,000, or $500,000 per month for
Distributors that contract with the Exchange in advance for twelve
months of service.
The proposal will lower fees for Distributors able to reach the
largest audiences of retail investors. Discounts for broader
dissemination of market data information have routinely been adopted by
exchanges and permitted by the Commission as equitable allocations of
reasonable dues, fees and other charges.\50\ Moreover, the specific
feature of the proposal that will allow Distributors to lower fees to
$500,000 for a twelve month contract is also an equitable allocation
because all Distributors will have the same option of choosing between
the stability of a fixed, lower rate, and the more flexible option of
maintaining the ability to change market data products after a month of
service. Distributors will be free to move from the monthly to the
annual rate at any time, or from the annual to a monthly fee, with
notice, at the expiration of the twelve month period.
\50\ For example, the Commission has permitted pricing discounts
for market data under Nasdaq Rules 7023(c) and 7047(b). See also
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 82182 (November 30, 2017), 82 FR
57627 (December 6, 2017) (SR-NYSE-2017-60) (changing an enterprise
fee for NYSE BBO and NYSE Trades).
The existence of this proposal demonstrates the existence of an
effective, competitive market because this proposal resulted from a
need to generate innovative approaches in response to competition from
other exchanges that offer enterprise licenses for market data.\51\ As
the Commission has recognized, ``[i]f competitive forces are operative,
the self-interest of the exchanges themselves will work powerfully to
constrain unreasonable or unfair behavior,'' \52\ and ``the existence
of significant competition provides a substantial basis for finding
that the terms of an exchange's fee proposal are equitable, fair,
reasonable, and not unreasonably or unfairly discriminatory.'' \53\ The
proposed enterprise license will be subject to significant competition
from other exchanges because each Distributor will have the ability to
accept or reject the license depending on whether it will or will not
lower its fees, and because other exchanges will be able to offer their
own competitive responses. As the Commission has held in the past, the
presence of competition provides a substantial basis for a finding that
the proposal will be an equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees
and other charges.\54\
\51\ See n. 47.
\52\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 59039 (December 2,
2008), 73 FR 74770 (December 9, 2008) (SR-NYSEArca-2006-21).
\53\ Id.
\54\ Id.
Furthermore, the proposed enterprise license will not unfairly
discriminate between customers, issuers, brokers or dealers. The Act
does not prohibit all distinctions among customers, but only
discrimination that is unfair, and it is not unfair discrimination to
charge those Distributors that are able to reach the largest audiences
of retail investors a lower fee for incremental investors in order to
encourage the widespread distribution of market data. This principle
has been repeatedly endorsed by the Commission, as evidenced by the
approval of enterprise licenses for Depth-of-Book products and Nasdaq
Basic discussed above. Moreover, the proposed enterprise license will
be subject to significant competition, and that competition will ensure
that there is no unfair discrimination. Each Distributor will be able
to accept or reject the license depending on whether it will or will
not lower costs for that particular Distributor, and, if the license is
not sufficiently competitive, the Exchange may lose market share.
In adopting Regulation NMS, the Commission granted SROs and broker-
dealers increased authority and flexibility to offer new and unique
market data to the public. It was believed that this authority would
expand the amount of data available to consumers, and also spur
innovation and competition for the provision of market data. The
Commission concluded that Regulation NMS--by deregulating the market in
proprietary data--would itself further the Act's goals of facilitating
efficiency and competition:
[E]fficiency is promoted when broker-dealers who do not need the
data beyond the prices, sizes, market center identifications of the
NBBO and consolidated last sale information are not required to
receive (and pay for) such data. The Commission also believes that
efficiency is promoted when broker-dealers may choose to receive
(and pay for) additional market data based on their own internal
analysis of the need for such data.\55\
\55\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51808 (June 9,
2005), 70 FR 37496 (June 29, 2005) (``Regulation NMS Adopting
The Commission was speaking to the question of whether broker-
dealers should be subject to a regulatory requirement to purchase data,
such as Depth-of-Book data, that is in excess of the data provided
through the consolidated tape feeds, and the Commission concluded that
the choice should be left to them. Accordingly, Regulation NMS removed
unnecessary regulatory restrictions on the ability of exchanges to sell
their own data, thereby advancing the goals of the Act and the
principles reflected in its legislative history. If the free market
should determine whether proprietary data is sold to broker-dealers at
all, it follows that the price at which such data is sold should be set
by the market as well.
The proposed enterprise license will compete with other enterprise
licenses of the Exchange, underlying fee schedules promulgated by the
Exchange, and enterprise licenses and fee structures implemented by
other exchanges. As such, it is a voluntary product for which market
participants can readily find substitutes. Accordingly, Nasdaq is
constrained from introducing a fee that would be inequitable or
unfairly discriminatory.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that the proposed rule change will
impose any burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in
furtherance of the purposes of the Act. This proposal will: (i) Offer
Distributors a new, lower fee option for TotalView, Level 2, Nasdaq
Basic, NLS and NLS Plus; (ii) save administrative costs for
Distributors by lowering reporting requirements for Professional and
Non-Professional Subscribers; and (iii) establish a mechanism to render
market data more readily accessible to retail investors, thereby
encouraging broader dissemination of information. It will not impose a
burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act, but rather will enhance competition by
introducing an innovative fee structure for market data, lowering
prices and enhancing competition.
The market for data products is extremely competitive and firms may
freely choose alternative venues and
[[Page 38433]]
data vendors based on the aggregate fees assessed, the data offered,
and the value provided. Numerous exchanges compete with each other for
listings, trades, and market data itself, providing virtually limitless
opportunities for entrepreneurs who wish to produce and distribute
their own market data. This proprietary data is produced by each
individual exchange, as well as other entities, in a vigorously
competitive market.
Transaction execution and proprietary data products are
complementary in that market data is both an input and a byproduct of
the execution service. In fact, market data and trade execution are a
paradigmatic example of joint products with joint costs. The decision
whether and on which platform to post an order will depend on the
attributes of the platform where the order can be posted, including the
execution fees, data quality and price, and distribution of its data
products. Without trade executions, exchange data products cannot
exist. Moreover, data products are valuable to many end users only
insofar as they provide information that end users expect will assist
them or their customers in making trading decisions.
The costs of producing market data include not only the costs of
the data distribution infrastructure, but also the costs of designing,
maintaining, and operating the exchange's transaction execution
platform, the cost of implementing cybersecurity to protect the data
from external threats and the cost of regulating the exchange to ensure
its fair operation and maintain investor confidence. The total return
that a trading platform earns reflects the revenues it receives from
both products and the joint costs it incurs.
Moreover, the operation of the Exchange is characterized by high
fixed costs and low marginal costs. This cost structure is common in
content and content distribution industries such as software, where
developing new software typically requires a large initial investment
(and continuing large investments to upgrade the software), but once
the software is developed, the incremental cost of providing that
software to an additional user is typically small, or even zero (e.g.,
if the software can be downloaded over the internet after being
\56\ See William J. Baumol and Daniel G. Swanson, ``The New
Economy and Ubiquitous Competitive Price Discrimination: Identifying
Defensible Criteria of Market Power,'' Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.
70, No. 3 (2003).
In Nasdaq's case, it is costly to build and maintain a trading
platform, but the incremental cost of trading each additional share on
an existing platform, or distributing an additional instance of data,
is very low. Market information and executions are each produced
jointly (in the sense that the activities of trading and placing orders
are the source of the information that is distributed) and each are
subject to significant scale economies. In such cases, marginal cost
pricing is not feasible because if all sales were priced at the margin,
Nasdaq would be unable to defray its platform costs of providing the
joint products. Similarly, data products cannot make use of trade
reports from the TRF without the raw material of the trade reports
themselves, and therefore necessitate the costs of operating,
regulating,\57\ and maintaining a trade reporting system, costs that
must be covered through the fees charged for use of the facility and
sales of associated data.
\57\ It should be noted that the costs of operating the FINRA/
Nasdaq TRF borne by Nasdaq include regulatory charges paid by Nasdaq
An exchange's broker-dealer customers view the costs of transaction
executions and of data as a unified cost of doing business with the
exchange. A broker-dealer will disfavor a particular exchange if the
expected revenues from executing trades on the exchange do not exceed
net transaction execution costs and the cost of data that the broker-
dealer chooses to buy to support its trading decisions (or those of its
customers). The choice of data products is, in turn, a product of the
value of the products in making profitable trading decisions. If the
cost of the product exceeds its expected value, the broker-dealer will
choose not to buy it. Moreover, as a broker-dealer chooses to direct
fewer orders to a particular exchange, the value of the product to that
broker-dealer decreases, for two reasons. First, the product will
contain less information, because executions of the broker-dealer's
trading activity will not be reflected in it. Second, and perhaps more
important, the product will be less valuable to that broker-dealer
because it does not provide information about the venue to which it is
directing its orders. Data from the competing venue to which the
broker-dealer is directing more orders will become correspondingly more
Similarly, vendors provide price discipline for proprietary data
products because they control the primary means of access to end users.
Vendors impose price restraints based upon their business models. For
example, vendors that assess a surcharge on data they sell may refuse
to offer proprietary products that end users will not purchase in
sufficient numbers. Internet portals impose a discipline by providing
only data that will enable them to attract ``eyeballs'' that contribute
to their advertising revenue. Retail broker-dealers offer their retail
customers proprietary data only if it promotes trading and generates
sufficient commission revenue. Although the business models may differ,
these vendors' pricing discipline is the same: They can simply refuse
to purchase any proprietary data product that fails to provide
sufficient value. Exchanges, TRFs, and other producers of proprietary
data products must understand and respond to these varying business
models and pricing disciplines in order to market proprietary data
products successfully. Moreover, Nasdaq believes that market data
products can enhance order flow to Nasdaq by providing more widespread
distribution of information about transactions in real time, thereby
encouraging wider participation in the market by investors with access
to the internet or television. Conversely, the value of such products
to Distributors and investors decreases if order flow falls, because
the products contain less content.
Competition among trading platforms can be expected to constrain
the aggregate return each platform earns from the sale of its joint
products, but different platforms may choose from a range of possible,
and equally reasonable, pricing strategies as the means of recovering
total costs. Nasdaq pays rebates to attract orders, charges relatively
low prices for market information and charges relatively high prices
for accessing posted liquidity. Other platforms may choose a strategy
of paying lower liquidity rebates to attract orders, setting relatively
low prices for accessing posted liquidity, and setting relatively high
prices for market information. Still others may provide most data free
of charge and rely exclusively on transaction fees to recover their
costs. Finally, some platforms may incentivize use by providing
opportunities for equity ownership, which may allow them to charge
lower direct fees for executions and data.
In this environment, there is no economic basis for regulating
maximum prices for one of the joint products in an industry in which
suppliers face competitive constraints with regard to the joint
offering. Such regulation is unnecessary because an ``excessive'' price
for one of the joint products will ultimately have to be reflected in
lower prices for other products sold by the firm, or otherwise the firm
will experience a loss in the volume of its
[[Page 38434]]
sales that will be adverse to its overall profitability. In other
words, an increase in the price of data will ultimately have to be
accompanied by a decrease in the cost of executions, or the volume of
both data and executions will fall.\58\
\58\ Cf. Ohio v. American Express, No. 16-1454 (S. Ct. June 25,
(recognizing the need to analyze both sides of a two sided platform
market in order to determine its competitiveness).
Moreover, the level of competition and contestability in the market
is evident in the numerous alternative venues that compete for order
flow, including SRO markets, internalizing broker-dealers and various
forms of alternative trading systems (``ATSs''), including dark pools
and electronic communication networks (``ECNs''). Each SRO market
competes to produce transaction reports via trade executions, and two
FINRA-regulated TRFs compete to attract internalized transaction
reports. It is common for broker-dealers to further exploit this
competition by sending their order flow and transaction reports to
multiple markets, rather than providing them all to a single market.
Competitive markets for order flow, executions, and transaction reports
provide pricing discipline for the inputs of proprietary data products.
The large number of SROs, TRFs, broker-dealers, and ATSs that currently
produce proprietary data or are currently capable of producing it
provides further pricing discipline for proprietary data products. Each
SRO, TRF, ATS, and broker-dealer is currently permitted to produce
proprietary data products, and many currently do or have announced
plans to do so, including Nasdaq, NYSE, NYSE American, NYSE Arca, IEX,
and BATS/Direct Edge.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were either solicited or received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act.\59\
\59\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).
At any time within 60 days of the filing of the proposed rule
change, the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend such rule
change if it appears to the Commission that such action is: (i)
Necessary or appropriate in the public interest; (ii) for the
protection of investors; or (iii) otherwise in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act. If the Commission takes such action, the
Commission shall institute proceedings to determine whether the
proposed rule should be approved or disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
Use the Commission's internet comment form (; or
Send an email to [email protected]. Please include
File Number SR-NASDAQ-2018-058 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-1090.
All submissions should refer to File Number SR-NASDAQ-2018-058. This
file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To
help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently,
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on
the Commission's internet website (
Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written
statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with
the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed
rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection
and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change. Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit personal identifying
information from comment submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR-NASDAQ-2018-058 and should be submitted
on or before August 27, 2018.
\60\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets,
pursuant to delegated authority.\60\
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-16720 Filed 8-3-18; 8:45 am]