Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Slings Standard, 31422-31423 [2018-14438]
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amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Notices
providing access to these records to
affected workers and their authorized
representatives. Occupational Safety
and Health Act of 1970 sections 2(b)(9),
6, and 8(c) authorize this information
collection. See 29 U.S.C. 651(b)(9), 655,
and 657(c).
This information collection is subject
to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
of information, and the public is
generally not required to respond to an
information collection, unless it is
approved by the OMB under the PRA
and displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information that does not
display a valid Control Number. See 5
CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The DOL
obtains OMB approval for this
information collection under Control
Number 1218–0179.
The DOL seeks to extend PRA
authorization for this information
collection for three (3) more years,
without any change to existing
requirements. The DOL notes that
existing information collection
requirements submitted to the OMB
receive a month-to-month extension
while they undergo review. For
additional substantive information
about this ICR, see the related notice
published in the Federal Register on
March 19, 2018 (83 FR 12032).
Interested parties are encouraged to
send comments to the OMB, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs at
the address shown in the ADDRESSES
section within thirty (30) days of
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register. In order to help ensure
appropriate consideration, comments
should mention OMB Control Number
1218–0179. The OMB is particularly
interested in comments that:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Agency: DOL–OSHA.
Title of Collection: Methylene
Chloride Standard.
OMB Control Number: 1218–0179.
Affected Public: Private Sector—
businesses or other for-profits.
Total Estimated Number of
Respondents: 80,571.
Total Estimated Number of
Responses: 218,652.
Total Estimated Annual Time Burden:
56,276 hours.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
Burden: $18,417,454.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D).
Michel Smyth,
Departmental Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018–14437 Filed 7–3–18; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request; Slings
Notice of availability; request
for comments.
The Department of Labor
(DOL) is submitting the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) sponsored information
collection request (ICR) titled, ‘‘Slings
Standard,’’ to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review and
approval for continued use, without
change, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). Public comments on the ICR are
DATES: The OMB will consider all
written comments that agency receives
on or before August 6, 2018.
ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with
applicable supporting documentation;
including a description of the likely
respondents, proposed frequency of
response, and estimated total burden
may be obtained free of charge from the website at https://
ICR?ref_nbr=201802-1218-004 or by
contacting Michel Smyth by telephone
at 202–693–4129, TTY 202–693–8064,
(these are not toll-free numbers) or by
email at
Submit comments about this request
by mail to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk
Officer for DOL–OSHA, Office of
PO 00000
Frm 00064
Fmt 4703
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Management and Budget, Room 10235,
725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503; by Fax: 202–395–5806 (this is
not a toll-free number); or by email:
Commenters are encouraged, but not
required, to send a courtesy copy of any
comments by mail or courier to the U.S.
Department of Labor—OASAM, Office
of the Chief Information Officer, Attn:
Departmental Information Compliance
Management Program, Room N1301,
200 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20210; or by email:
Michel Smyth by telephone at 202–693–
4129, TTY 202–693–8064, (these are not
toll-free numbers) or by email at DOL_
seeks to extend PRA authority for the
Slings Standard information collection
requirements codified in regulations 29
CFR 1910.184. The Standard specifies
several information collection
requirements, depending on the type of
sling. The purpose of each requirement
is to prevent workers from using
defective or deteriorated slings, thereby
reducing the risk of death or serious
injury caused by sling failure during
material handling. Information on the
identification tags, markings, and
codings assists the employer in
determining whether the sling can be
used for the lifting task. Sling
inspections enable early detection of
faulty slings. Inspection and repair
records provide the employer with
information about when the last
inspection was done and about the type
of repairs made. This information
provides some assurance about the
condition of the slings. These records
also provide the most efficient means
for an OSHA compliance officer to
determine whether an Occupational
Safety and Health Act (OSH Act)
covered employer is complying with the
Standard. Proof-testing certificates give
employers, workers, and OSHA
compliance officers assurance that the
slings are safe to use. The certificates
also provide the compliance officers
with an efficient means to assess
employer compliance with the
Standard. OSH Act sections 2(b)(9), 6,
and 8(c) authorize this information
collection. See 651(b)(9), 655, and
This information collection is subject
to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
of information, and the public is
generally not required to respond to an
information collection, unless it is
approved by the OMB under the PRA
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 129 / Thursday, July 5, 2018 / Notices
and displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information that does not
display a valid Control Number. See 5
CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The DOL
obtains OMB approval for this
information collection under Control
Number 1218–0223.
The DOL seeks to extend PRA
authorization for this information
collection for three (3) more years,
without any change to existing
requirements. The DOL notes that
existing information collection
requirements submitted to the OMB
receive a month-to-month extension
while they undergo review. For
additional substantive information
about this ICR, see the related notice
published in the Federal Register on
January 17, 2018 (83 FR 2466).
Interested parties are encouraged to
send comments to the OMB, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs at
the address shown in the ADDRESSES
section within thirty (30) days of
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register. In order to help ensure
appropriate consideration, comments
should mention OMB Control Number
1218–0223. The OMB is particularly
interested in comments that:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Agency: DOL–OSHA.
Title of Collection: Slings Standard.
OMB Control Number: 1218–0223.
Affected Public: Private Sector—
businesses or other for-profits.
Total Estimated Number of
Respondents: 314,914.
Total Estimated Number of
Responses: 314,913.
Total Estimated Annual Time Burden:
25,914 hours.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:43 Jul 03, 2018
Jkt 244001
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
Burden: $0.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D).
200 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20210; or by email:
Michel Smyth,
Departmental Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018–14438 Filed 7–3–18; 8:45 am]
Michel Smyth by telephone at 202–693–
4129, TTY 202–693–8064, (these are not
toll-free numbers) or by email at DOL_
This ICR
seeks to extend PRA authority for the
Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating
Work Platforms Standard information
collection. This collection requires an
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970 (OSHA Act) covered employer,
subject to the Standard, to obtain a
written certification of any field
modification made to aerial lifts. Such
a certification must be prepared in
writing either by the manufacturer of
the aerial lift or by a nationally
recognized laboratory. This certification
is to attest to the safety of the lift after
modifications. OSH Act sections 2(b)(9),
6, and 8(c) authorize this information
collection. See 29 U.S.C. 651(b)(9), 655,
and 657(c).
This information collection is subject
to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
of information, and the public is
generally not required to respond to an
information collection, unless it is
approved by the OMB under the PRA
and displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information that does not
display a valid Control Number. See 5
CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The DOL
obtains OMB approval for this
information collection under Control
Number 1218–0230.
The DOL seeks to extend PRA
authorization for this information
collection for three (3) more years,
without any change to existing
requirements. The DOL notes that
existing information collection
requirements submitted to the OMB
receive a month-to-month extension
while they undergo review. For
additional substantive information
about this ICR, see the related notice
published in the Federal Register on
February 20, 2018 (83 FR 7235).
Interested parties are encouraged to
send comments to the OMB, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs at
the address shown in the ADDRESSES
section within thirty (30) days of
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register. In order to help ensure
appropriate consideration, comments
should mention OMB Control Number
Office of the Secretary
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request; VehicleMounted Elevating and Rotating Work
Platforms Standard
Notice of availability; request
for comments.
The Department of Labor
(DOL) is submitting the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) sponsored information
collection request (ICR) titled, ‘‘VehicleMounted Elevating and Rotating Work
Platforms Standard,’’ to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval for continued use,
without change, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). Public comments on the ICR are
DATES: The OMB will consider all
written comments that agency receives
on or before August 6, 2018.
ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with
applicable supporting documentation;
including a description of the likely
respondents, proposed frequency of
response, and estimated total burden
may be obtained free of charge from the website at https://
or by contacting Michel Smyth by
telephone at 202–693–4129, TTY 202–
693–8064, (these are not toll-free
numbers) or by email at DOL_PRA_
Submit comments about this request
by mail to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk
Officer for DOL–OSHA, Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10235,
725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503; by Fax: 202–395–5806 (this is
not a toll-free number); or by email:
Commenters are encouraged, but not
required, to send a courtesy copy of any
comments by mail or courier to the U.S.
Department of Labor-OASAM, Office of
the Chief Information Officer, Attn:
Departmental Information Compliance
Management Program, Room N1301,
PO 00000
Frm 00065
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[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 129 (Thursday, July 5, 2018)]
[Pages 31422-31423]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-14438]
Office of the Secretary
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request; Slings Standard
ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sponsored information
collection request (ICR) titled, ``Slings Standard,'' to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval for continued use,
without change, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). Public comments on the ICR are invited.
DATES: The OMB will consider all written comments that agency receives
on or before August 6, 2018.
ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with applicable supporting documentation;
including a description of the likely respondents, proposed frequency
of response, and estimated total burden may be obtained free of charge
from the website at or by contacting Michel Smyth by
telephone at 202-693-4129, TTY 202-693-8064, (these are not toll-free
numbers) or by email at [email protected].
Submit comments about this request by mail to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk Officer for DOL-
OSHA, Office of Management and Budget, Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20503; by Fax: 202-395-5806 (this is not a toll-free
number); or by email: [email protected]. Commenters are
encouraged, but not required, to send a courtesy copy of any comments
by mail or courier to the U.S. Department of Labor--OASAM, Office of
the Chief Information Officer, Attn: Departmental Information
Compliance Management Program, Room N1301, 200 Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20210; or by email: [email protected].
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michel Smyth by telephone at 202-693-
4129, TTY 202-693-8064, (these are not toll-free numbers) or by email
at [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This ICR seeks to extend PRA authority for
the Slings Standard information collection requirements codified in
regulations 29 CFR 1910.184. The Standard specifies several information
collection requirements, depending on the type of sling. The purpose of
each requirement is to prevent workers from using defective or
deteriorated slings, thereby reducing the risk of death or serious
injury caused by sling failure during material handling. Information on
the identification tags, markings, and codings assists the employer in
determining whether the sling can be used for the lifting task. Sling
inspections enable early detection of faulty slings. Inspection and
repair records provide the employer with information about when the
last inspection was done and about the type of repairs made. This
information provides some assurance about the condition of the slings.
These records also provide the most efficient means for an OSHA
compliance officer to determine whether an Occupational Safety and
Health Act (OSH Act) covered employer is complying with the Standard.
Proof-testing certificates give employers, workers, and OSHA compliance
officers assurance that the slings are safe to use. The certificates
also provide the compliance officers with an efficient means to assess
employer compliance with the Standard. OSH Act sections 2(b)(9), 6, and
8(c) authorize this information collection. See 651(b)(9), 655, and
This information collection is subject to the PRA. A Federal agency
generally cannot conduct or sponsor a collection of information, and
the public is generally not required to respond to an information
collection, unless it is approved by the OMB under the PRA
[[Page 31423]]
and displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. In addition,
notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no person shall generally
be subject to penalty for failing to comply with a collection of
information that does not display a valid Control Number. See 5 CFR
1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The DOL obtains OMB approval for this information
collection under Control Number 1218-0223.
The DOL seeks to extend PRA authorization for this information
collection for three (3) more years, without any change to existing
requirements. The DOL notes that existing information collection
requirements submitted to the OMB receive a month-to-month extension
while they undergo review. For additional substantive information about
this ICR, see the related notice published in the Federal Register on
January 17, 2018 (83 FR 2466).
Interested parties are encouraged to send comments to the OMB,
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the address shown in
the ADDRESSES section within thirty (30) days of publication of this
notice in the Federal Register. In order to help ensure appropriate
consideration, comments should mention OMB Control Number 1218-0223.
The OMB is particularly interested in comments that:
Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency,
including whether the information will have practical utility;
Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
Minimize the burden of the collection of information on
those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
Agency: DOL-OSHA.
Title of Collection: Slings Standard.
OMB Control Number: 1218-0223.
Affected Public: Private Sector--businesses or other for-profits.
Total Estimated Number of Respondents: 314,914.
Total Estimated Number of Responses: 314,913.
Total Estimated Annual Time Burden: 25,914 hours.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs Burden: $0.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D).
Michel Smyth,
Departmental Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018-14438 Filed 7-3-18; 8:45 am]