Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 28284-28285 [2018-12984]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 117 / Monday, June 18, 2018 / Notices
deem fee levels at a particular venue to
be excessive or rebate opportunities
available at other venues to be more
favorable. In such an environment, the
Exchange must continually adjust its
fees and rebates to remain competitive
with other exchanges and with
alternative trading systems that have
been exempted from compliance with
the statutory standards applicable to
exchanges. Because competitors are free
to modify their own fees and credits in
response, and because market
participants may readily adjust their
order routing practices, the Exchange
believes that the degree to which fee
changes in this market may impose any
burden on competition is extremely
limited. As a result of all of these
considerations, the Exchange does not
believe that the proposed changes will
impair the ability of ETP Holders or
competing order execution venues to
maintain their competitive standing in
the financial markets.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were solicited
or received with respect to the proposed
rule change.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change is effective
upon filing pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A) 8 of the Act and
subparagraph (f)(2) of Rule 19b–4 9
thereunder, because it establishes a due,
fee, or other charge imposed by the
At any time within 60 days of the
filing of such proposed rule change, the
Commission summarily may
temporarily suspend such rule change if
it appears to the Commission that such
action is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest, for the protection of
investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act. If the
Commission takes such action, the
Commission shall institute proceedings
under Section 19(b)(2)(B) 10 of the Act to
determine whether the proposed rule
change should be approved or
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
NYSEArca–2018–41 on the subject line.
Upon Written Request Copies Available
From: Securities and Exchange
Commission, Office of FOIA Services,
100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street
NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSEArca–2018–41. This
file number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
internet website (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549 on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSEArca–2018–41, and
should be submitted on or before July 9,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018–12934 Filed 6–15–18; 8:45 am]
8 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).
CFR 240.19b–4(f)(2).
10 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).
9 17
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:00 Jun 15, 2018
11 17
Jkt 244001
PO 00000
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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Rule 15Ga–2 and Form ABS–15G, SEC File
No. 270–620, OMB Control No. 3235–
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Securities
and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) has submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget this
request for extension of the previously
approved collection of information
discussed below.
Rule 15Ga–2 and Form ABS–15G (17
CFR 249.1400) is used for reports of
information required under Rule 15Ga–
1 and Rule 15Ga–2 (17 CFR 240.15Ga–
1) (17 CFR 240.15Ga–2) of the Exchange
Act of 1934 (‘‘Exchange Act’’). Exchange
Act Rule 15Ga–1 requires asset-backed
securitizers to provide disclosure
regarding fulfilled an unfulfilled
repurchase requests with respect to
asset-backed securities. The purpose of
the information collected on Form ABS–
15G is to implement the disclosure
requirements of Section 943 of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act to provide
information regarding the use of
representations and warranties in the
asset-backed securities markets. Rule
15Ga–1 had a one-time reporting
requirement that expired on February
14, 2012. We estimate that
approximately 1,343 securitizers will
file Form ABS–15G annually at
estimated (19.307 hours) burden hours
per response. In addition, we estimate
that 75% of the 19.307 hours per
response (14.48 hours) is carried
internally by the securitizers for a total
annual reporting burden of 19,447 hours
(14.48 hours per response × 1,343
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
control number.
The public may view the background
documentation for this information
collection at the following website, Comments should be
directed to: (i) Desk Officer for the
Securities and Exchange Commission,
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 117 / Monday, June 18, 2018 / Notices
Budget, Room 10102, New Executive
Office Building, Washington, DC 20503,
or by sending an email to: Shagufta_; and (ii) Pamela
Dyson, Director/Chief Information
Officer, Securities and Exchange
Commission, c/o Candace Kenner, 100 F
Street NE, Washington, DC 20549 or
send an email to: PRA_Mailbox@ Comments must be submitted to
OMB within 30 days of this notice.
Dated: June 3, 2018.
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[Release No. 34–83419; File No. SR–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; MIAX
PEARL, LLC; Notice of Filing and
Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed
Rule Change To Amend the MIAX
PEARL Fee Schedule
June 12, 2018.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section
19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4
thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that
on May 31, 2018, MIAX PEARL, LLC
(‘‘MIAX PEARL’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed
with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’) a
proposed rule change as described in
Items I, II, and III below, which Items
have been prepared by the Exchange.
The Commission is publishing this
notice to solicit comments on the
proposed rule change from interested
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange is filing a proposal to
amend the MIAX PEARL Fee Schedule
(the ‘‘Fee Schedule’’).
The text of the proposed rule change
is available on the Exchange’s website at at MIAX PEARL’s principal
office, and at the Commission’s Public
Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for
2 17
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:00 Jun 15, 2018
Jkt 244001
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
executed by the Member 5 on MIAX
PEARL in the relevant, respective origin
type (not including Excluded
Contracts) 6 expressed as a percentage of
TCV.7 In addition, the per contract
transaction rebates and fees are applied
retroactively to all eligible volume for
that origin type once the respective
threshold tier (‘‘Tier’’) has been reached
by the Member. The Exchange
aggregates the volume of Members and
their Affiliates.8 Members that place
resting liquidity, i.e., orders resting on
1. Purpose
[FR Doc. 2018–12984 Filed 6–15–18; 8:45 am]
1 15
the proposed rule change and discussed
any comments it received on the
proposed rule change. The text of these
statements may be examined at the
places specified in Item IV below. The
Exchange has prepared summaries, set
forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
the most significant aspects of such
The Exchange proposes to amend the
Add/Remove Tiered Rebates/Fees set
forth in Section 1(a) of the Fee Schedule
to (i) modify the volume thresholds
applicable to transactions for (A)
Priority Customers,3 (B) MIAX PEARL
Market Makers,4 and (C) Non-Priority
Customers, Firms, Broker-Dealers and
Non-MIAX PEARL Market Makers
(collectively herein ‘‘Professional
Members’’); (ii) add a new Tier 6 and
corresponding rebates and fees
applicable to transactions for Priority
Customers and Professional Members;
(iii) decrease Maker (as defined below)
rebates in certain Tiers (as defined
below) for options transactions in Penny
classes (as defined below) and NonPenny classes (as defined below) for
Priority Customers and Professional
Members; (iv) increase Taker (as defined
below) fees in all Tiers for options
transactions in Penny Classes for
Priority Customers, and increase the
Taker fees in Tier 2 applicable to
options transactions in Penny and NonPenny classes for Professional Members;
(v) provide alternative Maker rebates for
options transactions in all classes for
Professional Members, provided that the
Member meets certain volume criteria;
and (vi) create new tiered fee structures
for Taker fees in the symbols SPY, QQQ,
IWM and VXX for Priority Customers.
The Exchange also proposes to make
certain non-substantive, technical
corrections to the Fee Schedule, as
described below.
The Exchange currently assesses
transaction rebates and fees to all
market participants which are based
upon the total monthly volume
3 ‘‘Priority Customer’’ means a person or entity
that (i) is not a broker or dealer in securities, and
(ii) does not place more than 390 orders in listed
options per day on average during a calendar month
for its own beneficial account(s). See Exchange Rule
100, including Interpretations and Policies .01.
4 ‘‘Market Maker’’ means a Member registered
with the Exchange for the purpose of making
markets in options contracts traded on the
Exchange. See the Definitions Section of the Fee
Schedule and Exchange Rule 100.
PO 00000
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5 ‘‘Member’’ means an individual or organization
that is registered with the Exchange pursuant to
Chapter II of the Exchange Rules for purposes of
trading on the Exchange as an ‘‘Electronic Exchange
Member’’ or ‘‘Market Maker.’’ Members are deemed
‘‘members’’ under the Exchange Act. See the
Definitions Section of the Fee Schedule and
Exchange Rule 100.
6 ‘‘Excluded Contracts’’ means any contracts
routed to an away market for execution. See the
Definitions Section of the Fee Schedule.
7 ‘‘TCV’’ means total consolidated volume
calculated as the total national volume in those
classes listed on MIAX PEARL for the month for
which the fees apply, excluding consolidated
volume executed during the period time in which
the Exchange experiences an ‘‘Exchange System
Disruption’’ (solely in the option classes of the
affected Matching Engine (as defined below)). The
term Exchange System Disruption, which is defined
in the Definitions section of the Fee Schedule,
means an outage of a Matching Engine or collective
Matching Engines for a period of two consecutive
hours or more, during trading hours. The term
Matching Engine, which is also defined in the
Definitions section of the Fee Schedule, is a part of
the MIAX PEARL electronic system that processes
options orders and trades on a symbol-by-symbol
basis. Some Matching Engines will process option
classes with multiple root symbols, and other
Matching Engines may be dedicated to one single
option root symbol (for example, options on SPY
may be processed by one single Matching Engine
that is dedicated only to SPY). A particular root
symbol may only be assigned to a single designated
Matching Engine. A particular root symbol may not
be assigned to multiple Matching Engines. The
Exchange believes that it is reasonable and
appropriate to select two consecutive hours as the
amount of time necessary to constitute an Exchange
System Disruption, as two hours equates to
approximately 1.4% of available trading time per
month. The Exchange notes that the term
‘‘Exchange System Disruption’’ and its meaning
have no applicability outside of the Fee Schedule,
as it is used solely for purposes of calculating
volume for the threshold tiers in the Fee Schedule.
See the Definitions Section of the Fee Schedule.
8 ‘‘Affiliate’’ means (i) an affiliate of a Member of
at least 75% common ownership between the firms
as reflected on each firm’s Form BD, Schedule A,
or (ii) the Appointed Market Maker of an Appointed
EEM (or, conversely, the Appointed EEM of an
Appointed Market Maker). An ‘‘Appointed Market
Maker’’ is a MIAX PEARL Market Maker (who does
not otherwise have a corporate affiliation based
upon common ownership with an EEM) that has
been appointed by an EEM and an ‘‘Appointed
EEM’’ is an EEM (who does not otherwise have a
corporate affiliation based upon common
ownership with a MIAX PEARL Market Maker) that
has been appointed by a MIAX PEARL Market
Maker, pursuant to the process described in the Fee
Schedule. See the Definitions Section of the Fee
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 117 (Monday, June 18, 2018)]
[Pages 28284-28285]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-12984]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Upon Written Request Copies Available From: Securities and Exchange
Commission, Office of FOIA Services, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
Rule 15Ga-2 and Form ABS-15G, SEC File No. 270-620, OMB Control
No. 3235-0675
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the Securities and Exchange
Commission (``Commission'') has submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget this request for extension of the previously approved
collection of information discussed below.
Rule 15Ga-2 and Form ABS-15G (17 CFR 249.1400) is used for reports
of information required under Rule 15Ga-1 and Rule 15Ga-2 (17 CFR
240.15Ga-1) (17 CFR 240.15Ga-2) of the Exchange Act of 1934 (``Exchange
Act''). Exchange Act Rule 15Ga-1 requires asset-backed securitizers to
provide disclosure regarding fulfilled an unfulfilled repurchase
requests with respect to asset-backed securities. The purpose of the
information collected on Form ABS-15G is to implement the disclosure
requirements of Section 943 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act to provide information regarding the use of
representations and warranties in the asset-backed securities markets.
Rule 15Ga-1 had a one-time reporting requirement that expired on
February 14, 2012. We estimate that approximately 1,343 securitizers
will file Form ABS-15G annually at estimated (19.307 hours) burden
hours per response. In addition, we estimate that 75% of the 19.307
hours per response (14.48 hours) is carried internally by the
securitizers for a total annual reporting burden of 19,447 hours (14.48
hours per response x 1,343 responses).
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid control number.
The public may view the background documentation for this
information collection at the following website,
Comments should be directed to: (i) Desk Officer for the Securities and
Exchange Commission, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and
[[Page 28285]]
Budget, Room 10102, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC
20503, or by sending an email to: [email protected]; and (ii)
Pamela Dyson, Director/Chief Information Officer, Securities and
Exchange Commission, c/o Candace Kenner, 100 F Street NE, Washington,
DC 20549 or send an email to: [email protected]. Comments must be
submitted to OMB within 30 days of this notice.
Dated: June 3, 2018.
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2018-12984 Filed 6-15-18; 8:45 am]