Records Management; General Records Schedule (GRS); GRS Transmittal 29, 60630-60631 [2017-27462]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 244 / Thursday, December 21, 2017 / Notices
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
and also the agency’s estimates
associated with the annual burden cost
incurred by respondents and the
government cost associated with this
collection of information;
• enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
III. Current Actions
Agency: DOL–ETA.
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Attestation for Employers
Seeking to Employ H–2B Nonimmigrant
Workers Under Section 543 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017
Public Law 115–31 (May 5, 2017).
Form: Form ETA–9142–B–CAA.
OMB Number: 1205–0530.
Affected Public: Private Sector
(businesses or other for-profits and notfor-profit institutions) and State, Local,
and Tribal Governments.
Total Annual Respondents: 2,298.
Annual Frequency: 1.
Total Annual Responses: 2,298.
Average Time per Response: 1 hour.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 2,298 hours.
Total Annual Burden Cost for
Respondents: $104,674.00.
Comments submitted in response to
this comment request will be
summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval of the ICR;
they will also become a matter of public
record. Commenters are encouraged not
to disclose private and/or sensitive
information (e.g., Social Security
Numbers or confidential business
Rosemary Lahasky,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment
and Training Administration, Department of
[FR Doc. 2017–27529 Filed 12–20–17; 8:45 am]
Records Management; General
Records Schedule (GRS); GRS
Transmittal 29
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Notice of new General Records
Schedule (GRS) Transmittal 29.
NARA is issuing a new set of
General Records Schedules (GRS) via
GRS Transmittal 29. The GRS provides
mandatory disposition instructions for
administrative records common to
several or all Federal agencies.
Transmittal 29 announces changes we
have made to the GRS since we
published Transmittal 28 in July. We are
concurrently disseminating Transmittal
29 (the memo and the accompanying
records schedules and documents)
directly to each agency’s records
management official and have also
posted it on NARA’s website.
DATES: This transmittal is effective
December 21, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You can find this
transmittal on NARA’s website at https://
grs-trs29.pdf. You can download the
complete current GRS, in PDF format,
from NARA’s website at https://
more information about this notice or to
obtain paper copies of the GRS, contact
Kimberly Keravuori, External Policy
Program Manager, by email at or by
telephone at 301–837–3151.
Writing and maintaining the GRS is
the GRS Team’s responsibility. This
team is part of Records Management
Services in the National Records
Management Program, Office of the
Chief Records Officer at NARA. You
may contact NARA’s GRS Team with
general questions about the GRS at
Your agency’s records officer may
contact the NARA appraiser or records
analyst with whom your agency
normally works for support in carrying
out this transmittal and the revised
portions of the GRS. You may access a
list of the appraisal and scheduling
work group and regional contacts on our
website at
Transmittal 29 announces changes to
the General Records Schedules (GRS)
made since NARA published GRS
Transmittal 28 in July 2017. The GRS
provide mandatory disposition
instructions for records common to
several or all Federal agencies. With
Transmittal 29, we come to the end of
our five-year plan to completely rewrite
the GRS dating from the 1940s and
updated piecemeal over the succeeding
decades. All the old items are now
superseded or, in some case, rescinded.
Transmittal 29 includes only
schedules newly issued or updated
since the last transmittal and those
schedules’ associated new-to-old
crosswalks and FAQs. This means that
many current GRS schedules are not
included in this Transmittal.
You can find all schedules (in Word,
PDF, and CSV formats), crosswalks and
FAQs for all schedules, and FAQs about
the whole GRS at https://
grs.html. At the same location, you can
also find the entire GRS (just
schedules—no crosswalks or FAQs) in a
single document.
What changes does this transmittal
make to the GRS?
GRS Transmittal 29 publishes five
new schedules:
Budgeting Records ............................................................................................................................................
Employee Health and Safety Records ..............................................................................................................
Agency Accountability Records .......................................................................................................................
Information Technology Records .....................................................................................................................
Rulemaking Records .........................................................................................................................................
This transmittal also publishes two
GRS 2.1
GRS 5.2
Employee Acquisition Records: Updated item (see question 3).
Transitory and Intermediary Records: Updated FAQs (see question 4).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:57 Dec 20, 2017
Jkt 244001
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 244 / Thursday, December 21, 2017 / Notices
What changes did we make to GRS 2.1?
We expanded items 050 and 051 to
include mandatory job applicant drug
testing records.
What changes did you make to the GRS
5.2 FAQs?
We added new questions 7 and 8 in
response to questions raised by users.
We also corrected a typo. ‘‘May not be
destroyed until 90 days after submission
of a notification to NARA’’ in question
12 (question 10 in the earlier version)
now reads ‘‘may not be destroyed until
60 days after submission of a
notification to NARA.’’
What GRS items does GRS Transmittal
29 rescind?
Many old GRS items are superseded
by new GRS items. A few old items,
however, have outlived their usefulness
and cannot be crosswalked to new
items. The table below lists old items
rescinded by GRS Transmittal 29.
1 ...........
21a1 ....
1 ...........
22 ........
Employee Medical Folders: Transferred
Employee Health Statistics ....................
3 ...........
17 ........
16 .........
5 ..........
16 .........
11 ........
Information Resources
Triennial Review Files.
16 .........
14f2 .....
Management Control Records—Review
files—Copies maintained by other offices as internal reviews.
Was simply a filing/handling instruction and never had an associated disposition
authority. The instruction is now a Note appended to GRS 2.7, item 060.
Both the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration confirmed these agency reports are no longer collected.
The Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization program terminated in 2015.
The records are no longer being created.
Item authorized periodic disposal of system data after long-term records were
downloaded and safeguarded. Such data is now covered under 5.1, item 020.
Item was added to the GRS in 1987 to comply with regulations issued in response to the Brooks Act of 1985. The Information Technology Management
Reform Act of 1996 repealed this authority, ending the reviews.
Item described non-record reference copies, which do not need to be scheduled.
Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Files.
Project Control Files ..............................
NARA’s website at https://
How do I cite new GRS items?
When you send records to an FRC for
storage, you should cite the records’
legal authority—the ‘‘DAA’’ number—in
the ‘‘Disposition Authority’’ column of
the table. For informational purposes,
please include schedule and item
number. For example, ‘‘DAA–GRS–
2013–0001–0004 (GRS 4.3, item 020).’’
daltland on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Rescinded items are shown in context
of their schedules in the old-to-new
Whom do I contact for further
Do I have to take any action to
implement these GRS changes?
NARA regulations (36 CFR
1226.12(a)) require agencies to
disseminate GRS changes within six
months of receipt.
Per 36 CFR 1227.12(a)(1), you must
follow GRS dispositions that state they
must be followed without exception.
Per 36 CFR 1227.12(a)(3), if you have
an existing schedule that differs from a
new GRS item that does not require
being followed without exception, and
you wish to continue using your agencyspecific authority rather than the GRS
authority, you must notify NARA within
120 days of the date of this transmittal.
If you do not have an already existing
agency-specific authority but wish to
apply a retention period that differs
from that specified in the GRS, you
must submit a records schedule to
NARA for approval via the Electronic
Records Archives.
How do I get copies of the new GRS?
You can download the complete
current GRS, in PDF format, from
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:57 Dec 20, 2017
Jkt 244001
Writing and maintaining the GRS is
the responsibility of the GRS Team. You
may contact the team with general
questions about the GRS at GRS_Team@ This team is part of Records
Management Services in the National
Records Management Program of the
Office of the Chief Records Officer at
Your agency’s records officer may
contact the NARA appraiser or records
analyst with whom your agency
normally works for support in carrying
out this transmittal. A list of the
appraisal and scheduling work group
and regional contacts is on the NARA
website at
David S. Ferriero,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2017–27462 Filed 12–20–17; 8:45 am]
RIN 3145–AA58
Notice on Penalty Inflation
Adjustments for Civil Monetary
PO 00000
National Science Foundation.
Frm 00054
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Notice announcing updated
penalty inflation adjustments for civil
monetary penalties for 2018.
The National Science
Foundation (NSF or Foundation) is
providing notice of its adjusted
maximum civil monetary penalties,
effective January 15, 2018. These
adjustments are required by the Federal
Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act
Improvements Act of 2015.
Bijan Gilanshah, Assistant General
Counsel, Office of the General Counsel,
National Science Foundation, 2415
Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA
22314. Telephone: 703–292–5055.
27, 2016, NSF published an interim
final rule amending its regulations to
adjust, for inflation, the maximum civil
monetary penalties that may be imposed
for violations of the Antarctic
Conservation Act of 1978 (ACA), as
amended, 16 U.S.C. 2401 et seq., and
the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act
of 1986 (PFCRA), 31 U.S.C. 3801, et seq.
These adjustments are required by the
2015 Act. The 2015 Act also requires
agencies to make subsequent annual
adjustments for inflation. Pursuant to
OMB guidance dated December 15,
2017, the cost-of-living adjustment
multiplier for 2018 is 1.02041.
Accordingly, the 2018 annual inflation
adjustments for the maximum penalties
under the ACA are $16,853 ($16,516 ×
1.02041) for violations and $28,520
($27,950 × 1.02041) for knowing
violations of the ACA. Finally, the 2018
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 244 (Thursday, December 21, 2017)]
[Pages 60630-60631]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-27462]
Records Management; General Records Schedule (GRS); GRS
Transmittal 29
AGENCY: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Notice of new General Records Schedule (GRS) Transmittal 29.
SUMMARY: NARA is issuing a new set of General Records Schedules (GRS)
via GRS Transmittal 29. The GRS provides mandatory disposition
instructions for administrative records common to several or all
Federal agencies. Transmittal 29 announces changes we have made to the
GRS since we published Transmittal 28 in July. We are concurrently
disseminating Transmittal 29 (the memo and the accompanying records
schedules and documents) directly to each agency's records management
official and have also posted it on NARA's website.
DATES: This transmittal is effective December 21, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You can find this transmittal on NARA's website at You can download the
complete current GRS, in PDF format, from NARA's website at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For more information about this notice
or to obtain paper copies of the GRS, contact Kimberly Keravuori,
External Policy Program Manager, by email at
[email protected] or by telephone at 301-837-3151.
Writing and maintaining the GRS is the GRS Team's responsibility.
This team is part of Records Management Services in the National
Records Management Program, Office of the Chief Records Officer at
NARA. You may contact NARA's GRS Team with general questions about the
GRS at [email protected].
Your agency's records officer may contact the NARA appraiser or
records analyst with whom your agency normally works for support in
carrying out this transmittal and the revised portions of the GRS. You
may access a list of the appraisal and scheduling work group and
regional contacts on our website at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: GRS Transmittal 29 announces changes to the
General Records Schedules (GRS) made since NARA published GRS
Transmittal 28 in July 2017. The GRS provide mandatory disposition
instructions for records common to several or all Federal agencies.
With Transmittal 29, we come to the end of our five-year plan to
completely rewrite the GRS dating from the 1940s and updated piecemeal
over the succeeding decades. All the old items are now superseded or,
in some case, rescinded.
Transmittal 29 includes only schedules newly issued or updated
since the last transmittal and those schedules' associated new-to-old
crosswalks and FAQs. This means that many current GRS schedules are not
included in this Transmittal.
You can find all schedules (in Word, PDF, and CSV formats),
crosswalks and FAQs for all schedules, and FAQs about the whole GRS at At the same location,
you can also find the entire GRS (just schedules--no crosswalks or
FAQs) in a single document.
What changes does this transmittal make to the GRS?
GRS Transmittal 29 publishes five new schedules:
GRS 1.3 Budgeting Records............... DAA-GRS-2015-0006
GRS 2.7 Employee Health and Safety DAA-GRS-2017-0010
GRS 5.7 Agency Accountability Records... DAA-GRS-2017-0008
GRS 6.3 Information Technology Records.. DAA-GRS-2017-0009
GRS 6.6 Rulemaking Records.............. DAA-GRS-2017-0012
This transmittal also publishes two updates:
GRS 2.1 Employee Acquisition Records: ..............................
Updated item (see question 3).
GRS 5.2 Transitory and Intermediary ..............................
Records: Updated FAQs (see question 4).
[[Page 60631]]
What changes did we make to GRS 2.1?
We expanded items 050 and 051 to include mandatory job applicant
drug testing records.
What changes did you make to the GRS 5.2 FAQs?
We added new questions 7 and 8 in response to questions raised by
users. We also corrected a typo. ``May not be destroyed until 90 days
after submission of a notification to NARA'' in question 12 (question
10 in the earlier version) now reads ``may not be destroyed until 60
days after submission of a notification to NARA.''
What GRS items does GRS Transmittal 29 rescind?
Many old GRS items are superseded by new GRS items. A few old
items, however, have outlived their usefulness and cannot be
crosswalked to new items. The table below lists old items rescinded by
GRS Transmittal 29.
GRS Item Title Reason
1............ 21a1......... Employee Medical Was simply a filing/
Folders: handling instruction
Transferred and never had an
employees. associated
authority. The
instruction is now a
Note appended to GRS
2.7, item 060.
1............ 22........... Employee Health Both the Bureau of
Statistics. Labor Statistics and
the Occupational
Safety and Health
confirmed these
agency reports are no
longer collected.
3............ 17........... Small and The Small and
Disadvantaged Disadvantaged
Business Business Utilization
Utilization Files. program terminated in
2015. The records are
no longer being
16........... 5............ Project Control Item authorized
Files. periodic disposal of
system data after
long-term records
were downloaded and
safeguarded. Such
data is now covered
under 5.1, item 020.
16........... 11........... Information Item was added to the
Resources GRS in 1987 to comply
Management with regulations
Triennial Review issued in response to
Files. the Brooks Act of
1985. The Information
Technology Management
Reform Act of 1996
repealed this
authority, ending the
16........... 14f2......... Management Control Item described non-
Records--Review record reference
files--Copies copies, which do not
maintained by need to be scheduled.
other offices as
internal reviews.
Rescinded items are shown in context of their schedules in the old-
to-new crosswalk.
How do I cite new GRS items?
When you send records to an FRC for storage, you should cite the
records' legal authority--the ``DAA'' number--in the ``Disposition
Authority'' column of the table. For informational purposes, please
include schedule and item number. For example, ``DAA-GRS-2013-0001-0004
(GRS 4.3, item 020).''
Do I have to take any action to implement these GRS changes?
NARA regulations (36 CFR 1226.12(a)) require agencies to
disseminate GRS changes within six months of receipt.
Per 36 CFR 1227.12(a)(1), you must follow GRS dispositions that
state they must be followed without exception.
Per 36 CFR 1227.12(a)(3), if you have an existing schedule that
differs from a new GRS item that does not require being followed
without exception, and you wish to continue using your agency-specific
authority rather than the GRS authority, you must notify NARA within
120 days of the date of this transmittal.
If you do not have an already existing agency-specific authority
but wish to apply a retention period that differs from that specified
in the GRS, you must submit a records schedule to NARA for approval via
the Electronic Records Archives.
How do I get copies of the new GRS?
You can download the complete current GRS, in PDF format, from
NARA's website at
Whom do I contact for further information?
Writing and maintaining the GRS is the responsibility of the GRS
Team. You may contact the team with general questions about the GRS at
[email protected]. This team is part of Records Management Services in
the National Records Management Program of the Office of the Chief
Records Officer at NARA.
Your agency's records officer may contact the NARA appraiser or
records analyst with whom your agency normally works for support in
carrying out this transmittal. A list of the appraisal and scheduling
work group and regional contacts is on the NARA website at
David S. Ferriero,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2017-27462 Filed 12-20-17; 8:45 am]